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1 Title:   Black & White Cosmetics printing plates  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Black & White Cosmetics (Firm)  
  Dates:   1880-1930  
The collection consists of two small copper advertising plates from Black & White Cosmetics.
  Identifier:   ms2799  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
2 Title:   Geological map of England, Wales, and part of Scotland, showing also the inland navigation, with the railroads & principal roads  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   J. & C. Walker (Firm)  
  Dates:   1838  
note "Metalliferous tracts of England and Scotland" contributed by Fredk. Burr; Kress Lib. Pioneer period of English railroads, p. 44; Publication: [London] : J. & C. Walker, 9 Castle St. Holborn
  Identifier:   hmap1838w3  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
3 Title:   Gloucestershire map  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   J. & C. Walker (Firm)  
  Dates:   circa 1835-1845  
note Insets: Sutton, Shenningon.; Charts: Places of Election, Reference to the Hundreds; Publication: London : Longman, Rees, Orme, and Co. Paternoster Row; Prime meridian Greenwich; includes places of election, polling places, reference to the hundreds
  Identifier:   hmap1836g45  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
4 Title:   John Wanamaker Department Store letter to Miss Wallace  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   John Wanamaker (Firm)  
  Dates:   1893 June 6  
The collection consists of one handwritten letter: dated Philadelphia, June 6, 1893, to "Miss Wallace," from the John Wanamaker Department Store, regarding silk fabrics that are available.
  Identifier:   ms1698  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
5 Title:   Maclure, Mcdonald, & Macgregor's large scale military map of the seat of war in Italy  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Maclure & Macdonald (Firm)  
  Dates:   1859  
note This map is traced from the Austrian & Scandinavian government maps; Publication: London : Edward Standford; Lithrs. by Steam Power; 37 Walbrook, London & at Liverpool Manchester & Glasgow; inset Skeleton map of Part of Italy &c.
  Identifier:   hmap1859m3  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
6 Title:   Mappa Geographica Complectens I. Indiae Occidentalis Partem Mediam Circum Isthmum Panamensem  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Homann Erben (Firm)  
  Dates:   1740  
note Relief shown pictorially; Central map has title: Carte des isles de l'Amerique et de plusieurs pays de terre ferme situes au devant de ces isles & autour du Golfe de Mexique / dresse sur un grand nombre de cartes particuliéres ... par le sr. d'Anville, géographe ordre. du roi, mars 1731; Surrounding maps have titles: Delineatio munimenti et portus S. Augustini -- technographia urbis San-Domingo -- Urbs capitalis regni mexicani dicta Mexico -- Delineatio portus mexicani Vera Cruz -- [Isthmus of Panama]; Large central map shows southern United States, Mexico, Central America, northern South America, and West Indies. Surrounding maps show the Isthmus of Panama, Saint Augustine, Fla., San Domingo (present-day Haiti), Mexico City, and Vera Cruz, Mexico; From: Homann heirs. Atlas geographicus maior...Nurnberg, 1759-1781; Phillips Atlases, 622; Phillips, Lowery Collection, 360; Publication: [Nuremberg : Homann Heirs], 1740
  Identifier:   hmap1740h62  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
7 Title:   Spartan Radiocasting collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Spartan Communications (Firm)  
  Dates:   1952-1981  
This collection contains photographs of WSPA TV studios in various stages, a script from a 25th anniversary program, and some station ephemera.
  Identifier:   ms4564  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
8 Title:   University of Georgia Commemorative plates  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Vernon Kilns (Firm)  
  Dates:   1995  
The collection consists of two round plates, both cream colored printed on sepia with production information on verso. They are: 1) Athens scenes - Moina Michael is at the top, then clockwise: UGA Chapel, Arch, 1850 engraving, old college, double barreled cannon, Lucy Cobb Institute. In the middle is the tree that owns itself. Plate was made by WA Capps, jewelers by Vernon Kilns, USA, 1st ed. and 2) 1850 campus view of the University of Georgia made by Wedgwood of Etruria & Barlaston, made in England. Engraved by Wedgwood Studios.
  Identifier:   ms2931  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
9 Title:   War map of the northern & southern states of North America  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Maclure & Macdonald (Firm)  
  Dates:   1861  
note "Printed for the Manchest Examiner and Times by Maclure, Macdonald, & Macgregor's lithographic steam machines"; Publication: s.l. : Maclure, Macdonald, Macgregor
  Identifier:   hmap1861m3  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
10 Title:   Washington Street, Atlanta, Ga. stereograph  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm)  
  Dates:   circa 1875  
The collection consists of one stereograph published by E. & H. T. Anthony & Company. The two photographs are of Washington Street, looking south from Hunter Street, featuring the Second Presbyterian [foreground] and Second Baptist [background] Churches. The title of the stereograph is VIEWS IN ATLANTA, GA., Washington St.—2d Presbyterian and 2d Baptist Churches, and it is no. 9941 in a series. POPULAR SERIES and AMERICAN VIEWS is printed on the flip side of the stereograph.
  Identifier:   ms1476  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
11 Title:   W.F. Taylor and Southern Film contract  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Southern Film (Firm)  
  Dates:   1908 November 4  
The collection consists of one contract between W.F. Taylor and Southern Film for the exhibition of films at the Crystal Theater in Athens, Georgia, and the Fairyland Theater in Georgia. Signed November 4, 1908, contract terms are for 12 reels per week at the cost of $70 per week.
  Identifier:   ms3463  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
12 Title:   R. A. F. No one to love and Waltz  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   R. A. F.  
  Dates:   1867, undated  
The collection consists of two scores: "Why no one to love, a favorite air arranged with variations by R. A. F.," undated; "Waltz composed by R. A. F., August 1867." Page [4] of Waltz contains handwritten words beginning "Dear Jesus, let nothing unholy remain, Apply thine own blood and extract every stain ..."
  Identifier:   ms1240  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
13 Title:   Faculty minutes and records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. Faculty  
  Dates:   1822-1967  
This collection includes minutes, reports and support documents dating from 1822 to 1967. The faculty minutes for 1846 to 1850 and 1890 to 1902 are missing and may have been destroyed in the Library fire of 1904. In addition, the collection is missing the minutes from 1934 through 1944 but does include the ones from 1945 through 1957. There are also a few minutes from 1958 to 1967. The faculty records relate to matters regarding curriculum, self-governance, administration functions and student discipline. They date from 1894 through 1909.
  Identifier:   UA0149  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
14 Title:   Mandeville archeological site interim report  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. Faculty  
  Dates:   1959-1961  
The collection consists of an unpublished report on the archeological exploration of the Mandeville Farm, Ft. Gaines, Georgia site during the years 1960 and 1961. The study is a continuation of one done for the National Park Service in 1959 and 1960 and is the result of additional work done by the University of Georgia Laboratory of Archeology, employing laboratory funds or volunteer labor. The 110-page report, by A. R. Kelly, Edward McMichael, and James Keller, includes a bibliography and an additional 13 pages of diagrams of the Mandeville site. There are also 49 photographs of the actual digging and the artifacts and implements unearthed.
  Identifier:   ms983  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
15 Title:   A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Faden, William, 1749-1836  
  Dates:   1776  
note Inset: Plan of the platform in Sulivans Fort, by Lt. Colonel Thos. James of the Rl. Rt. of Artillery; Depths shown by soundings; British squadron represented pictorially; "Engraved and Published according to Act of Parliament by Wm. Faden, Corner of St. Martins Lane, Charing Cross"; Publication: London : Wm. Faden
  Identifier:   hmap1776f3  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
16 Title:   Plan of the siege of Savannah : with the joint attack of the French and Americans on the 9th October 1779  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Faden, William, 1749-1836  
  Dates:   1784  
note This Revolutionary War battle plan depicts the failed American and French attack on the British held city of Savannah. Shown are the battle lines, camps, gun emplacements and topography around the city. A numbered and lettered key identifies the various positions and commanders of the various forces. The reference key includes 14 notes and 9 epaulments. Relief shown by hachures.; "References" - two columns along lower border.; In: Faden's Atlas of Battles of the American Revolution...London, 1793; Phillips, Atlases, 1337, no. 3; Publication: London : Printed for Wm. Faden
  Identifier:   hmap1779p4  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
17 Title:   The United States of North America : with the British & Spanish territories according to the treaty map  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Faden, William, 1749-1836  
  Dates:   1783  
note Relief shown pictorially; Includes notes and cartouche; Column of text pasted on right border: Observations. References. Comparative Extent; Title from cartouche, bottom right; Cf. Col. Dudley A. Mills in the United Empire, the Royal Colonial Institute Journal. London: Pitman &; Sons, Vol. II, N.S. October, 1911, pp. 683-712, map reproduced on p. 712.; DeRenne, 1223.; Publication: [London : s.n.]
  Identifier:   hmap1783u5  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
18 Title:   The United States of North America: with the British territories and those of Spain  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Faden, William, 1749-1836  
  Dates:   1809  
note Map part colored; Title cartouche; Publication: [London] : W. Faden, Charing Cross
  Identifier:   hmap1809f3  
  Repository:   Hargrett Map Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
19 Title:   Tift family research files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Fair, John D.  
  Dates:   20th Century  
This collection contains notes, correspondence, and copies of documents relating to the Tift family in Georgia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms4075  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
20 Title:   S/Sgt. James Edwin Williams papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Fairman, Ray  
  Dates:   1943-2014  
This collection contains correpondence, photographs, printed material and US Army documents mostly concerning James Williams' time while serving and upon his discharge. Also included are some papers regarding his decorations and recognition for his service that his son J. Craig Williams worked to establish.
  Identifier:   ms4454  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
21 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 1: Administrative Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1980s-2010s  
The Administrative Files series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame collection primarily consists of the records created and used in the managing and operating of the institution. These include founding documents, a file of artist information, planning documentation for exhibits, a photograph file, and records on sponsorship.
  Identifier:   ms3837_1  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
22 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 2: Posters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1930s-2000s  
The posters series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame collection consists of several hundred wall posters, flyers, album flats, and promotional displays for a wide range of artists. The majority of posters feature individual artists and groups, promoting their albums and tours. Some publicize festivals and other special events that included many artists, such as Athfest, the Atlanta International Pop Festival, and the Blind Willie McTell Blues Fesitval.
  Identifier:   ms3837_2  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
23 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 3: Ephemera  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1950s-2000s  
The ephemera series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame collection consists of mostly printed material and souvenir items associated with Georgia artists, record companies, and events. Such items include concert tickets, backstage passes, concert tour booklets, buttons, pins, iron-on patches, event programs, and stickers.
  Identifier:   ms3837_3  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
24 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 4: Artists' Business Records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1930s-2000s  
The Artists' Business Records series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection encompasses the correspondence, contracts, office files, and related papers associated with music industry figures in Georgia. A significant portion of the collection pertains the work of Jarvis Felton, producer for Elvis Presley from 1966-1977. Most of Felton's records document recording sessions and tours throughout the 1970s. Another large portion of the collection relates to comedian and singer Elsie Griner, Jr. of Nashville, Georgia, better known as "Miss Peaches."
  Identifier:   ms3837_4  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
25 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 5: Periodicals  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1900-2010  
The periodicals series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame collections consists of magazines, newspapers, and tearsheets associated with music figures from Georgia. These include articles from the national music press and from city newspapers, as well as advertisements from a wide variety of sources.
  Identifier:   ms3837_5  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
26 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 6: Sheet Music  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1881-1987  
The sheet music series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection contains over one thousand pieces of sheet music published over the course of about one hundred years. Much of the music was composed or famously performed by Georgians, while some pieces were published by a Georgia company or have some other connection to the state. Significant names include Buddy Buie, Joe South, Felice and Boudleaux Bryant, McHenry Boatwright, and gospel songwriter Lee Roy Abernathy, among others
  Identifier:   ms3837_6  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
27 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 8: Artifacts  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1950-2011  
The artifacts series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame collection consists of awards presented to Georgia music figures, textiles and clothing items, as well as various three-dimensional objects associated with musicians, producers, and others associated with the music history of Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms3837_8  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
28 Title:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame Collection, Series 9: Instruments  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia Music Hall of Fame  
  Dates:   1920s-2000s  
The instruments series of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame collection consists of musical instruments owned and played by a wide range of Georgia musicians. Guitars, violins, and other stringed instruments dominate the collection, but brass, drums, and keyboard instruments are also included.
  Identifier:   ms3837_9  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
29 Title:   Accessories collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1810-2019  
The accessories collection is comprised of purses, belts, gloves, fans, umbrellas, jewelry, buckles, glasses, scarves, handkerchiefs, and hair pins and combs.
  Identifier:   HCTC021  
  Repository:   Historic Clothing and Textile Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
30 Title:   Adams, Breedlove, Davis, Estes, McDonald, Verner families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Adams family  
  Dates:   1819-2013  
This collection includes photographs, correspondence, farm records, legal documents, and ephemera of the Adams, Breedlove, Davies, Estes, McDonald and Verner families.
  Identifier:   RBRL545  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
31 Title:   Akehurst - Lines family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lines family  
  Dates:   1850-1914  
The collection consists of correspondence and diaries of the Akehurst and Lines families from 1850-1914. The bulk of the correspondence contains letters between Jennie Akehurst, a teacher at Covington, Georgia and Sylvanus Lines of Fayetteville Georgia during their courtship (1857-1860) and married life (1861-1874). Topics discussed include family matters, life in Georgia, and news of relatives. Another portion of the correspondence consists of letters to and from Daisy Lines while teaching in Irvington, Georgia (1882-1898). Includes drafts of letters to and letters from Jerome Reneau, writing from Greene County, Alabama and Texas; correspondence to Jennie Lines; and correspondence from Daisy's aunt Anna Marie Akehurst Barham. Topics discussed include Reneau and Daisy's friendship, Reneau's farming in Alabama, social events, Daisy's teaching, and family news. The diaries were written by Jennie Akehurst Lines (1859-1861 and 1861-1871) and Anna Maria Akehurst Barham (1861-1871). Jennie's diary entries prior to 1861 mainly concern financial hardships and personal matters. Beginning in 1860, entries discuss the political climate, the 1860 election, abolitionists, and slavery. For 1861-1866, the diary contains information on Georgia's succession from the union, social life and living conditions during the Civil War, problems with slaves, and freedmen. Entries for 1866-1871 again mainly focus on personal matters. The Barham diary contains entries pertaining to the Female Orphans' Asylum (Macon, Ga.), where she was matron, the South's reaction to the Battle of Bull Run, economic and living conditions in Georgia during the Civil War, problems with Confederate currency, cotton planting both during and after the war, and problems hiring and supervising freedmen.
  Identifier:   ms73  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
32 Title:   Albert Rhyne-Alexander collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Alexander family  
  Dates:   1700-1899, 1995  
The collection consists of Alexander family reunion, Cataloochee Ranch, Maggie Valley, N. C., May 11-14, 1995, a booklet of the descendants of Hooper and Mary Amelia Hutchins Alexander, along with a pamphlet and a sheet containing a schedule of events for the Alexander family reunion held in 1995. The collection also includes a daguerreotype of Wallace MacFarland, circa 1846; silver coin ladle, circa 1700; and the Word family tree, tracing linage back to 1632.
  Identifier:   ms3094  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
33 Title:   Ames family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ames family  
  Dates:   1872, 1875, 1905  
The collection consists of correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler Ames in Roswell, Georgia to their daughter Sarah in Chicopee, Massachusetts during 1872. Correspondence regards weather, travel, family matters, and James Ames' health, and family business. Two letters regarding the mineral corundum are written to Ames from Mark Cooper. The collection also includes correspondence from Papa Ames to Nellie dated 1875, and correspondence from Charles Bass to Sarah regarding the death of Albert C. Woodworth in 1905.
  Identifier:   ms3038  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
34 Title:   Ancestors of T. H. Cook (photocopies)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cook family  
  Dates:   circa 1950  
The collection consists of papers (photocopies) concerning the family of Thomas Hugh Cook: a narrative providing a descriptive and genealogical view; family pictures.
  Identifier:   ms1697  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
35 Title:   Andrew J. Taft family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Taft family  
  Dates:   1862-1902  
The collection consists of letters written by Andrew J. Taft to his family in Whitehall, New York while he was a soldier. His regiment was first to enter Atlanta, and Taft describes fortifications around the city, the houses with bullet holes, and foraging expeditions after the battle. Letters discuss details of battles, officers, fellow soldiers, and camp life. Also included in the collection are a carte de visite of Andrew Taft in his uniform, his watch fob, and 2 ribbons from the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR).
  Identifier:   ms3162  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
36 Title:   Andrews family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Andrews family  
  Dates:   1980s  
The collection consists of negatives and prints (from negatives) of Andrews family members. The prints are undated (a few contain date original photograph was taken), and contain brief typewritten annotations. The collection also includes a photocopy of a genealogical chart of the Andrews family, beginning with the death of James Andrews, Essex County, Virginia, died 1684.
  Identifier:   ms1708  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
37 Title:   Annie R. Disosway family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Disosway family  
  Dates:   1822-1940  
The collection consists of papers of Annie Disosway, her relatives and descendants. Correspondence is addressed to Annie in New York City; and Kingsland Coffyn in Maine, New Hamphsire, and New York City. A letter to Annie Disosway from "R." in Olney, Maryland, describes in detail the Confederate troops coming to the family home. Diaries kept by Annie Disosway describe her move to New York, attendance at female seminary, and her family; contain her thoughts on the American Civil War; and describe her brother's enlistment in the First New York Mounted Rifles, his serious illness, and her travels to the camp of the Lincoln Cavalry (Camp Meigs) to care for him. A third diary kept by Annie contains reminiscences of past Christmas seasons. A fourth diary kept by Louise Disosway describes various family matters. Further writings include a school composition book of Winnona Adams, a handwritten newsletter edited by Louise Adams, and lessons and lecture notes written by Annie Disosway Adams regarding mental healing, the Iliad, French history, and her husband's death. The collection also includes wills of Achsah Wilkins, Cornelius Ryerss Disosway, and Israel Disosway; and the Commission of Cornelius R. Disosway, Chaplain of 10th Regiment.
  Identifier:   ms3184  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
38 Title:   Ansley family letters to Walls family  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ansley family  
  Dates:   1867 August 18  
The collection consists of two letters between J. R. and Gilly Ansley, written from Garden Valley, Texas and O. and Elizabeth Walls of Thomaston, Georgia. The letters discuss family illness, the growing of crops, and the heat of mid-day.
  Identifier:   ms1449  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
39 Title:   Arabella Clark Cleveland collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dent family  
  Dates:   1912-1973  
The collection consists of letters to Arabella Cleveland from the Dent family and a few other friends, although the majority of the letters are from Ophelia. After their father's death, Miriam and Ophelia operated a dairy on the plantation, and the letters describe daily life on the plantation including weather, the Hofwyl dairy, food, flowers, servants, family dogs and poignant letters about their deaths, social events, travel, antiques, sewing and clothes. Ophelia often visited the Belins at their home Evermay (Washington, DC) and the DuPonts at their estate Longwood (Kennett Square, PA). The Dents were friends with the Haynes family at Ashantilly, the Huston family at Butler Plantation and the Phillips family in Savannah.
  Identifier:   ms3407  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
40 Title:   Ashantilly Press papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Haynes family  
  Dates:   1742-2001  
Correspondence forms the largest portion of the collection: letters among Haynes family members, letters between the Haynes family and their friends, and business letters of the Haynes family. The business correspondence is mainly with William G. Haynes, Jr. concerning his Ashantilly Press and his environmental interests. Most of the publications by Ashantilly Press are represented in the collection either by unbound copies, manuscript proofs, printing expenses, or illustrations. Subjects include Ida Hilton Public Library in Darien where Frances and Natalie worked, Pape School in Savannah where Anne Lee worked as an art teacher, Florida State University where Frances worked as a librarian, First Presbyterian Church where the family attended and Bill printed the bulletins, Hofwyl-Broadfield plantation where the Dent family (friends of the Haynes') lived, other private presses, historic sites and houses in the Darien area, and the Altamaha River and its preservation.
  Identifier:   ms3395  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
41 Title:   Atkins family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Atkins family  
  Dates:   1912-1946  
This collection contains correspondence and writings, photographs and newspaper clippings chiefly by and about Florence Ewell Atkins, her speeches, and her work with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
  Identifier:   ms4258  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
42 Title:   Austin family war letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Austin family  
  Dates:   1864, 1944-1945  
The collection consists of a letter dated Covington, from E.C. Wellborn regarding the war, on the reverse side of the letter, her husband writes back from Petersburg, Virginia regarding family, and soldiers. Also included is a postcard from Sgt. Jim Austin, B Battery, 14th Field Artillery Battalion, and a microfilm copy of a V-mail Christmas card from Sgt. James E. Austin to Elizabeth Moseley.
  Identifier:   ms2252  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
43 Title:   Baber-Blackshear family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Baber-Blackshear family  
  Dates:   1796-1939  
The collection consists of the papers of the Baber, Blackshear, and Baber-Blackshear families from 1796-1939 and includes correspondence, journals, ledgers, news clippings, invitations, programs, speeches, and newspapers. The early part of the collection relates to Dr. Ambrose Baber and contains information on the 1802 William Hunter-David Mitchell duel (Savannah, Ga.); Baber's term as Charge'd Affaires to Sardinia, including correspondence from John MacPherson Berrien (1842-1844); and the establishment of the Montpelier Institute in Monroe County, Georgia. The bulk of the collection falls after 1846. It contains correspondence and journals of George Francis Burleigh Baber during his naval service on the John Adams, Germantown, Dale, and Porpoise. Also included is Civil War correspondence consisting of letters from Joseph William Blackshear of Jackson's Artillery from Camp Brown, St. Simons Island, Georgia, as well as George Dunbar Sweet Smith, who served in South Carolina and Virginia. The remainder of the collection consists of personal correspondence between Marion and William Blackshear; their children Ella, Paul, Birdie, and Minnie Baber-Blackshear; relatives; and friends.
  Identifier:   ms11  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
44 Title:   Bailey family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bailey family  
  Dates:   1918-1919  
The collection consists of two letters: dated Sunday, 1918, "Dear May," signed "Cicero B.," regarding a soldier's death due to a bad storm, military training and military life; dated France, June 12, 1919, signed "David W. Bailey," regarding Cicero, postcard books David sent, and weather.
  Identifier:   ms2694  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
45 Title:   Banks family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Banks family  
  Dates:   1818-1923  
The collection consists of papers of the Banks family of Elbert and Muscogee Counties, Georgia from 1818-1923. The collection minutely includes indentures and legal documents, but it consists mainly of correspondence between family members. Early letters are addressed to John Banks and concern business activities. Most of the Civil War correspondence is addressed to either Sarah Lucy or John Banks and primarily includes letters from Willis Dunston and Daniel Watkins with a few from George Young and Richard Eugene; all part of the 39th Alabama Infantry Regiment. The letters describe battles and fighting at Falls Church, Virginia; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Lookout Mountain, Tybee Island, and the retreat from Atlanta, Georgia. Other topics discussed include troop movements, marches, causalities, problems with deserters, and the lack of supplies. Some letters also discuss farm management during the war, financial problems, and cotton sales. After the death of Willis Dunston, Daniel Watkins, and Richard Eugene in 1864 the correspondence (1864-1865) consists of letters of condolence to John Banks. Later correspondence (1870-1923 with gaps) contains letters to E.A. (Elbert Augustine) Banks in New York City, mainly from G.J. (Gideon James) Peacock concerning family news, cotton sales, farm management, and land sales in Georgia. Other correspondents include Edward Sims Banks and Susan Martha Banks.
  Identifier:   ms1571  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
46 Title:   Banks family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Banks family  
  Dates:   1818-1923  
The collection consists of family correspondence, indentures and legal documents. Some of the Civil War letters describe battles and fighting at Falls Church, Virginia; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Lookout Mountain, Tybee Island, and the retreat from Atlanta, Georgia. Later correspondence contains letters concerning family news, cotton sales, farm management, and land sales in Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms2343  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
47 Title:   Barker family Bible record  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Barker family  
  Dates:   1812-1931  
The collection consists of a Bible record of the Barker familycontaining lists of marriages, births, and deaths. Also included is a letter written to Howell Cobb from Thomas Cobb regarding genealogy of the Barker family.
  Identifier:   ms2050  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
48 Title:   Barrow family genealogy  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Barrow family  
  Dates:   20th century  
The collection consists of miscellaneous genealogical information of the Barrow families of Louisiana, Kentucky, and Georgia. Included are genealogical charts, information reprinted from Bible records, and photocopies of letters and lineage charts.
  Identifier:   ms684  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
49 Title:   Barrow family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Barrow family  
  Dates:   1784-1874  
The collection consists of two letters from David C. Barrow to his sister Patience P. Barrow in Milledgeville, Georgia (1832, 1835). Also included are land surveys from Washington County, Georgia (1784-1785), an indenture between Benjamin Catching, Sr. and Benjamin Catching, Jr. (1797), indenture between Benjamin Catching and James Barrow (1805), and an indenture between James Barrow, Baldwin Fluker and Martin Kendrick.
  Identifier:   ms1369  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
50 Title:   Bass / Linton / Lipscomb / Wyche family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bass family  
  Dates:   1820-1939  
The collection consists of papers of the Bass, Linton, Lipscomb, and Wyche families. The papers include correspondence, photographs, autograph books, lecture notes, remedy book, sermons, plantation account books, a scrapbook, and a diary. Also included are lecture notes, sermons, and a scrapbook of Rev. Andrew A. Lipscomb of Athens, Georgia; a diary of Frank A. Lipscomb from his European trip; plantation account books of Moses Wadell Linton for Lintondale Plantation in Thomas County, Georgia; correspondence from Rev. Charles L. Bass to his mother while he served in London, England and Paris, France during World War I; and a remedy book of Thomas C. Wyche containing recipes for inks, soap, dyes, tonics, and food.
  Identifier:   ms2225  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
51 Title:   Battle family papers (Marion County, Ga.)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Battle family  
  Dates:   1818-1878  
The collection consists of documents related to the Battle family (Marion County, Georgia) including a promise of payments, a list containing names of enslaved people, the will of Joseph J. Battle of Marion County, and two indentures.
  Identifier:   ms2677  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
52 Title:   Beaty family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Beatty family  
  Dates:   circa 1950-1998  
The collection consists of family correspondence, pictures, scrapbooks, receipts, genealogical information as well as business documents, clippings, and publications.
  Identifier:   ms2006  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
53 Title:   Berckmans family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Berckmans family  
  Dates:   1840-1852  
The collection consists of items belonging to the Berckmans family of Augusta, Georgia: a passport of Louis Mathieu Edward Berckmans (1840); volume containing water color landscape drawings and plant descriptions of a model farm and estate (1846); journal of Prosper Berckmans, titled Voyage en Amerique, 1850, describing the life and customs in the various sections of America visited by Berckmans.
  Identifier:   ms122  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
54 Title:   Bernard collection of indentures and scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bernard family  
  Dates:   1848-1887, after 1890  
The collection consists of six indentures, one map, and two scrapbooks previously owned by Miss. Margurite Bernard of Washington, Georgia. The indentures are from 1848-1887, and concern property on Waddell Street, in Athens, Georgia; and the map is of land belonging to Mary E. Bernard, located on the south side of Waddel Street. Scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, obituaries, and poetry, mostly pertaining to Athens, Georgia and the University of Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms150  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
55 Title:   Berrien family genealogy  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Berrien family  
  Dates:   after 1900  
The collection consists of a document (containing 3 leaves) that traces the genealogy of Louise Berrien Seabrook back to Cornelis Jansen Berrien. The document is undated, and the earlliest and latest dates mentioned are 1663 and 1772. Included in the genealogy is John MacPherson Berrien of Savannah, Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms1494  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
56 Title:   B.F.A. Saylor family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Saylor family  
  Dates:   1878-1930  
The collection consists of the papers of B.F.A. Saylor and family from 1878-1930. The papers consist primarily of correspondence relating to Saylor's involvement in the creation and promotion of various businesses including the Dixie Bauxite Company, Rome Petroleum and Iron Company, Standard Turpentine and Wood Pulp Company, and the Gulf States Portland Cement Company. Other family members represented in the collection include his wife, Adelaide Baltzelle Saylor and their children Harry, Preston, and Blanche.
  Identifier:   ms63  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
57 Title:   Bower family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bower family  
  Dates:   1872-1906, bulk 1893-1894  
The collection consists of the 377 items of personal and business correspondence of the Bower family of Bainbridge, Georgia from 1872-1906. The bulk of the correspondence relates to Byron Beaufort Bower, Jr.'s student years at the University of Georgia in Athens (1893-1894) and detail his activities, expenses, and membership in Kappa Alpha fraternity. Contains newspaper accounts and correspondence between Byron's father Judge Bower and Chancellor Boggs regarding Byron's two week suspension for violating the rules of the Lucy Cobb Institute. Also includes correspondence from Byron's sister Evergiline while a student at the Lucy Cobb Institute and from his brothers Gordon (1897) and Lucien (1901) while at the University of Georgia. Other correspondents include Judge Bower's brother, E.E. Bower; sister, Ceneilla Alexander; and business associate J.L. Hand.
  Identifier:   ms14  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
58 Title:   Branch family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Branch family  
  Dates:   1830-1961  
The collection consists of the papers of the Branch family of Savannah, Georgia from 1830-1961. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence between Charlotte Sawyer Branch and her sons John L., Sanford W., and Hamilton McDevil Branch, who served mainly in the 8th Georgia Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. The letters describe the 1st Battle of Bull Run, the death of John, the subsequent capture of Sanford (who had stayed with his dying brother), the Seven Days Battle, the 2nd Battle of Bull Run, and the Battle of Gettysburg, where Sanford was wounded and captured again. Hamilton transferred to the 54th Georgia Infantry Regiment and writes about the regiment's involvement in the Atlanta Campaign, particularly the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. He also writes from Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee while serving with Nathan Bedford Forrest.
  Identifier:   ms25  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
59 Title:   Branch family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Branch family  
  Dates:   1836-1986  
The collection consists of material relating to the Branch Family of Oconee County, Georgia and date from around 1836-1986. Papers relating to Vivian B. Phillips and her husband includes personal correspondence and farm business papers of her parents. Also included are church records, legal documents, photographs, scrapbooks, and other miscellaneous items. Of special note is a bill of sale of the property of William Scott Branch and includes a list of enslave people by name, purchaser, and price of each (See box 82, folder 2).
  Identifier:   ms2523  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
60 Title:   Brock family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brock family  
  Dates:   1921-1997  
This collection contains correspondence, photographs, and ephemera of the Brock family, as well as a few photographs of the Sutton family. Some of the Sutton family photographs are contemporary photographs of early to mid 20th century photographs. Much of the correspondence is comprised of letters to Macon and Florence Brock from Macon's mother and sisters Para and Bonnie. Other items relating to Para Lee Brock include some genealogical notes, research notes for an article on Robert E. Lee published in the 1965 "Georgia Review", and an extensive photograph album of the 1941 WATL Travel Scholarship Tour including some photographs of the 1942 tour, a 1941 trip to Mexico with friends, and a trip to the mountains of Northern Georgia with her sister Bonnie.
  Identifier:   ms4335  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
61 Title:   Brooks-Estes-Taylor papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brooks family  
  Dates:   1827-1954  
Brooks-Estes papers center around Walker Brooks, of Penfield, Ga., and his wife, Harriet (Estes) Brooks, including personal correspondence from family and friends, and business correspondence regarding Brooks's plantation in Barnwell County, South Carolina. Papers of John Taylor chiefly relate to his law practice in Summerville, Georgia, and includes Chattooga County, Ga., court documents and records, and printed material, chiefly relating to education and law.
  Identifier:   ms2533  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
62 Title:   Brown family collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown family  
  Dates:   1825-1922  
The collection consists of a miscellaneous grouping of papers of and concerning Joseph Emerson Brown, Joseph MacKay Brown, and John Burt from 1825-1922. Correspondence addressed to Joseph Emerson Brown concern Appointments, favors, petitions, and Elijah Brown. Postcards addressed to Joseph M. Brown are signed E.B. and L.B. Correspondence from and addressed to John Burt in Westminster, Maryland and Warwick, New York regard Assembly dates, annual reports, favors, receipts; and there are correspondence addressed to James Brady, Henry Kerr, Charles Brown, Mr. A. J. Burt, Stephen Burt, Hon. E. M. Stanton, and others. In addition, there are letters from Washington Allston and Jasper F. Cropsey, newspaper clippings, a scrapbook constructed by Joseph MacKay Brown, and poems (handwritten and clipped from newspapers).
  Identifier:   ms1218  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
63 Title:   Brown family collection of University of Georgia memorabilia  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown family  
  Dates:   1878-1879, 1927  
The collection consists of a 1927 program from the University of Georgia Glee and Instrumental Club, a final exam in physics (1876), and a clipping of The Hell-bound train (Rev. J. N. Hunt, Street Evangelist). The collection also includes one letter dated Athens, Georgia, November 8, 1879, to "Lige," from a friend.
  Identifier:   ms2810  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
64 Title:   Brown family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown family  
  Dates:   1837-1930  
The collection consists of papers of the Brown family from 1837-1930 including the Joseph E. Brown papers (1843-1883), the Joseph M. Brown papers (1860-1930), and the Julius L. Brown papers. The collection also includes miscellaneous materials mainly relating to Cora Brown and Joseph Grisham and an autograph collection apparently collected by Julius L. Brown which he either collected or selected from the Brown family papers. In some cases, a particular person is represented by a single item, while there are fourteen letters of Alexander H. Stephens to Joseph E. Brown discussing Reconstruction politics.
  Identifier:   ms785  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
65 Title:   Brown-McNeill family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown family  
  Dates:   1859-1866  
The collection consists of correspondence of the Brown and McNeill families of Roberson County, North Carolina from 1859-1866. Letters discuss news of friends or family, crops, weather, family members fighting in the war, and information about those killed in the war. Letter mention the Kate McLaurin steamboat explosion (1860).
  Identifier:   ms2708  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
66 Title:   Butler family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Barrow family  
  Dates:   1820-1950  
The collection consists of papers of the Butler family of Madison, Morgan County, Georgia from ca. 1820-1950. Contains correspondence to various members of the Butler family including Col. D.E. Butler, Peter Walton Butler, and Bessie Butler. Correspondents of Bessie Butler include Benjamin W. Hunt of Eatonton, Joseph Jacobs of Atlanta, and J. Quinn West of Thomaston, Georgia, all which discuss family matters and Georgia politics. The collection also contains medical notes from college (1820s); an autograph album of Ginnie T. Walton (1849-1850); glass plate negatives of Thurlston, the Butler home in Madison (1880s); and a diary of Baptist minister Jesse Mercer describing a journey (March-June 1820) to Philadelphia to attend a Baptist convention.
  Identifier:   ms1639  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
67 Title:   Cadle family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cadle family  
  Dates:   1880-1970  
The collection consists of correspondence, documents, photos, UGA class notebooks, clippings and printed materials relating to the Cadle family of Emanuel County, Georgia. Genealogical information is included on the Everett, Burke, Brinson, Foy, Dasher, and Anderson families of Effingham, Screven, Richmond, Jefferson, Emanuel, and Houston counties. Varied papers and pictures are included concerning the Overstreet and Scott families of Emanuel County, and the Braun family of Cleveland, Ohio and Daytona Beach, Florida. Included are a letter and telegram from Ernest Neal, poet laureate of Georgia in the 1920s and 1930s. The collection also contains several metric survey plats, a metric deed and correspondence relating to them.
  Identifier:   ms2354  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
68 Title:   Cadle family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cadle family  
  Dates:   1880-1960  
The collection consists of papers, pictures and other items concerned with the Everett, Foy, Burkes, Parker, Martin and Cadle families of Effingham, Screven, Bulloch and Emanuel counties of Georgia. There are a good many pictures. Some of the pictures were done by Mr. Wilson of Savannah, Georgia. An interesting part of this collection is the number of naval letters and papers of William Eden Cadle during the second World War. Mr. Cadle was sworn in at Macon, Georgia, on 20 April 1942 and trained at Norfold, Virginia. Mr. Cadle left Guam in September of 1945 and was discharged 24 December 1945 at Jacksonville, Florida.
  Identifier:   ms1487  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
69 Title:   Callaway Family Association program  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Callaway family  
  Dates:   2015  
Consists of one program from the 40th annual meeting of the Callaway Family Association at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia in 2015.
  Identifier:   ms4133  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
70 Title:   Camak family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Camak family  
  Dates:   circa 1817-1947, bulk 1889-1920  
The collection consists of papers of the Camak family of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia from ca. 1817-1947. The papers consist primarily of correspondence and financial papers of James Camak, his wife Mary W. Camak, and their son Louis Camak. Most of the letters deal with family business matters and news of family or friends. Of particular interest are letters from sharecroppers on land owned by the Camak's and letters (1885-1901) between Mary Camak and Thomas W. Watson regarding personal business matters. The collection also contains a few items relating to James A. Camak, genealogical information on the Camak, Marshall, Wellborn, and allied families, and notebooks containing drafts of Mary Camak's correspondence (1896-1910).
  Identifier:   ms53  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
71 Title:   Camp and Keeler families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Keeler family  
  Dates:   1817-1967  
The collection consists of family correspondence, legal documents, ledgers, journals, scrapbooks, sheet music, broadsides, newspapers, musical manuscripts, postcards, photographs and other related printed ephemera. The documents relate to the families of George Hull Camp and George H. Keeler. Photographs include a record of Sarah Atwood Camp's travels via steamship; an album of albumen photographs of Florida, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Martinique, Antiqua, St. Thomas, Puerto Rico, and Cuba; and daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, cartes-de-visite, and tintypes of family members.
  Identifier:   ms3374  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
72 Title:   Captain William B. Haygood family Bible record  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Haygood family  
  Dates:   1824  
The collection consists of a Bible record of the Captain William B. Haygood, Sr. family. The record contains lists of marriages, births, and death from 1824-1941.
  Identifier:   ms2138  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
73 Title:   Carleton family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Carleton family  
  Dates:   1857-1865, after 1900  
The collection consists of papers of George Carleton, John Chapman, and Mary Carleton Chapman from 1857-1865. Confederate materials pertaining to John Chapman or George Carleton include receipts of corn and bacon for troops, impressment forms for wheat and rye, and a completed tax-in-kind form. Also included in the collection is a notice of George Carleton's graduation at Jefferson Medical College (1857), and a typescript of a poem about the South by Mary Carleton (undated).
  Identifier:   ms747  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
74 Title:   Carlisle Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1815-1971  
The collection consists of correspondence, clippings, photographs, receipts, family legal papers, radio scripts of Carlisle Cobb, and manuscripts of Carlisle Cobb and Mary McKinley Cobb. The correspondence contains letters between Howell Cobb, Mary McKinley Cobb, Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb, and members of the McKinley family. The bulk of the correspondence contains letters from Carlisle Cobb to his wife Kate Cobb; from Carlisle, Jr. to his wife Juliette Cobb from England, France, and Ireland while serving with the 6th and 28th Cavalry during World War II; and from Mary McKinley Cobb, while a student at Kansas State University, to Lee Trimble. Other correspondents include Sara Cobb Baxter, Howell E. Cobb, Zachariah Lamar Cobb, and Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb.
  Identifier:   ms2007  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
75 Title:   Carlton-Newton-Mell family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Newton family  
  Dates:   1814-1932  
The collection consists of the papers of the Carlton, Newton, and Mell families of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia from 1814-1932. Contains mainly correspondence of Henry Hull Carlton, Benjamin Mell, Edwin D. Newton, John Hamlin Newton, and other family members. Of particular interest are eleven letters from James Ryder Randall to Edwin D. Newton and Civil War letters (1861-1864) of Henry H. Carlton while serving in the Troup Artillery in Savannah, Georgia and Richmond, Virginia and letters (1861-1862) from Benjamin Mell while serving in Cobb's Legion near Richmond. Also includes land grants, account books, writings, and printed material. The collection contains some material relating to Thomas S. Mell, as treasurer of the Georgia State Teachers College (1927-1932) and general orders of the United Confederate Veterans.
  Identifier:   ms59  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
76 Title:   Chapin family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Chapin family  
  Dates:   1862-1870  
The collection consists of correspondence from 1862 to 1870 to Mrs. Joel (Amelia) Chapin of Enfield, Connecticut from friends of J. Leander Chapin regarding his imprisonment and death at Andersonville Prison, Georgia. The letters discuss the hiring of Amelia Johnson in Andersonville to care for the grave and erect a stone. Johnson's letters contain very descriptive comments about the cemetery and stockade. Also in the collection are three documents concerning death benefits paid to Mrs. Chapin for her son's military service. Letters from Leander's friends who describe his character and death are also included.
  Identifier:   ms2922  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
77 Title:   Chapman family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Chapman family  
  Dates:   1818-1926  
The collection consists of miscellaneous family materials including correspondence, legal records, financial records, indentures and plats of the Chapman family of Ludowici, Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms2397  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
78 Title:   Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jones family  
  Dates:   circa 1749-1930  
The collection consists of papers of the Rev. Charles Colcock Jones family of Liberty County, Georgia from ca. 1749-1909. The early letters (1850-1861) are between Charles Colcock Jones and Mary Jones in Liberty County, Georgia and their son, Charles Jr., while at school in Princeton and Harvard and later in Savannah (Ga.) where he set up his law practice. The letters discuss social and family life, plantation life, politics and government, religious philosophies, and events leading up to the Civil War. From 1861-1865, Charles Jr.'s letters chronicle his involvement as an officer in the Chatham Artillery stationed along the Georgia coast near Savannah, then Charleston and James Island (S.C.), and Jacksonville (Fla.). After the war, the personal correspondence is mainly between Charles Jr., his mother Mary Jones, his wife Eva Eve Jones, and his brother Joseph Jones. There is also a smattering of correspondence regarding his law practice. The collection also contains two volumes of letters Eva Eve Jones wrote to family describing her travels through Europe in 1879, manuscripts of Charles Jr.'s writings on Georgia history, Charles Jr.'s speeches including an 1861 speech to the Chatham Artillery, and addresses (1886-1892) he gave before the Confederate Survivors Association. Also included is a copy of the original manuscript for William Bartram's book Observations on the Creek and Cherokee Indians attributed to Ephraim G. Sqier (1821-1888). The manuscript contains tracings of Bartram's drawing of prehistoric mounds, Creek towns, and Cherokee and Creek structures not found in the published work.
  Identifier:   ms215  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
79 Title:   Cheney family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cheney family  
  Dates:   1887-1956  
The collection concerns the family of Maude and Frances Cheney, and contains letters dating from 1887 to 1956; postcards; newspaper clippings; handwritten copies of many Clarke County deeds; Christmas cards; envelopes; receipts; a complaint of police brutality; schoolwork; and autograph book; pictures; a scrapbook; and several miscellaneous items. Much of the material in this collection is primarily concerned with two civil Superior Court cases in which the Cheney sisters were involved.
  Identifier:   ms5  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
80 Title:   Children's clothing collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1840-1970  
No description available
  Identifier:   HCTC019  
  Repository:   Historic Clothing and Textile Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
81 Title:   Cobb, Erwin, and Lamar families collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lamar family  
  Dates:   1796-1929  
The collection consists of personal and business papers of the Cobb, Erwin, and Lamar families from 1796-1929. Early records deal mainly with the Zachariah Lamar family and include deeds, bonds, land grants, receipts, bills of sale describing enslaved persons, and correspondence. The period 1811-1928 covers the Lamar, Cobb, and Erwin families and contains correspondence, both business and personal; bills; receipts; invitations; legal papers; telegrams; tax notices; postcards; case books; letterbooks; scrapbooks; account books; photographs; and genealogical and biographical information pertaining to the Cobb, Erwin, and Lamar families. Also includes information on the law practice and legal firms of the Cobb and Erwin families. Of particular interest are Howell Cobb's order books for the 16th Georgia Infantry Regiment (Cobb's Brigade). The collection includes correspondence and material relating to the following family members: Zachariah Lamar, Howell Cobb, Mary Ann Lamar Cobb, John Addison Cobb, Sarah Robinson Rootes Cobb, Mary Ann Lamar Cobb Erwin, and Alexander S. Erwin.
  Identifier:   ms86  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
82 Title:   Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1837-1913  
The collection consists of business and personal papers of the Cobb family of Athens, Georgia from 1837-1913. Includes correspondence to Howell Cobb from Harry Lynden Flash, Herschel Vespasian Johnson, and John E. Ward; Cobb's parole; prison release; and a receipt from General Croxton to Mary Ann Cobb for use of the Cobb's Macon (Ga.) home by Federal troops. Contains correspondence to Howell Cobb, Jr., John A. Cobb, Sarah Spalding Cobb, Thomas R.R. Cobb, William McKinley Cobb, Carlisle Cobb, and Carolyn Cobb. Also includes papers of John Basil Lamar, Andrew A. Lipscomb, and William McKinley.
  Identifier:   ms1220  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
83 Title:   Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1859-1919  
The collection consists of papers of the Howell Cobb, Sr. and the Cobb family of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia. Consists primarily of correspondence to or from Howell Cobb, Sr. and concerns mainly news of family and friends, law cases, and a few references to Reconstruction politics. One letter, dated January 31, 1887 to Howell Cobb, Jr. from Burton Harrison, discusses exiled Southerners living in Europe, meeting Jefferson Davis, and the improbability of Davis being brought to trial.
  Identifier:   ms1480  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
84 Title:   Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1891-1957  
The collection consists of correspondence from and by the Cobb family from 1891-1957, printed material including clippings, pamphlets and brochures, photographs, and family business materials.
  Identifier:   ms2353  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
85 Title:   Cobb family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   circa 1860-1900  
The collection consists of photographs of members of the Cobb family, including Howell Cobb, Howell Cobb, Jr., T. R. R. Cobb, and Mary McKinley Cobb. Photographs of the McKinley family are also included in the collection.
  Identifier:   ms1437  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
86 Title:   Cobb-Newton-Jordan family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jordan family  
  Dates:   1727-1904  
The collection consists of papers regarding various related familes of Georgia from the nineteenth century, including the Cobbs, the Jordans, and the Newtons. It is primarily made up of correspondence that deals with family matters. Financial papers are also included, such as estate papers, slave bills of sale, and a land grant.
  Identifier:   ms3829  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
87 Title:   College of Family and Consumer Science records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1890s-2018  
The collection consists of annual reports and administrative files documenting the growth and development of the department; photographs; building construction and renovation files; material documenting the department's name change; material documenting American Home Economics Association reaccreditation and the Cooperative State Research Service review; and files related to the Georgia Home Demonstration Council, Georgia Extension Homemakers Council, and student clubs.
  Identifier:   UA06-174  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
88 Title:   Connally family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Connally family  
  Dates:   1857-1975  
Folder one contains correspondence from several different members of the Connally family, including Tom Connally, Delia Connally, and L. Allen Connally. Folder two contains correspondence from, to, or regarding Charles P. Connally. Folder three contains legal documents originating in Walker County, Georgia, such as a mortgage, warranty title deed, receipts of payment, a document showing the approval of a substitute to serve in the Confederate army for W.L. Connally in 1862, and a document showing the agreement of three men to pay W.L Connally $10,000 in 1866, although no reason is given. Folder four contains legal documents originating in Fulton County, such as a property title for Mrs. Mattie O. Davis, letters testamentary for Mrs. Mary Connally, last will and testament of W.L Connally, and quit-claim deed between Pauline Propst and Mrs. Tott S. Connally, and two documents pertaining to the last will and testament of Mrs. W.L Connally. Folder five contains newspapers clippings, most of which concern Charles P. Connally's promotion to police chief. Folder six contains photographs of multiple family members, most of which have been identified. Folders seven and eight contain photographs of women and men, most unidentified. Folder nine contains genealogical records and research done by members of the Connally family, such as marriage records, a brief biography of Elijah Lewis Connally, family histories, and poems and stories by T.S. Connally.
  Identifier:   ms4070  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
89 Title:   Correspondence between the Stephens brothers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Stephens family  
  Dates:   1830-1843  
The collection consists of seven letters between Alexander H. Stephens, Aaron G. Stephens, and John Lindsay Stephens dated 1830-1843. Letters discuss religion, education, business, family matters, and the early career of Alexander H. Stephens.
  Identifier:   ms2038  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
90 Title:   Coulter family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Coulter family  
  Dates:   1830-1990  
The collection consists of archives, letters, diaries, photographs, books, and printed materials relating to the Coulter family. Items concerning Eugene and Calvin Coulter, among others are included in this collection.
  Identifier:   ms3303  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
91 Title:   Couper family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cooper family  
  Dates:   1775-1981  
The collection consists of Couper genealogical materials, mostly for John Couper, Sr., James Hamilton Couper and James Maxwell Couper with related families of Thiesen, Traylor, Stiles, and Wylly. There are photographs of individuals and houses, letters, and printed material.
  Identifier:   ms3072  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
92 Title:   Crawford family genealogy  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Crawford family  
  Dates:   circa 1950  
The collection consists of a typescript detailing the genealogy of the Crawford family. The emigrant ancestor was John Crawford (circa 1600-1676). Two of the prominent Georgia descendants are Wiliam Harris Crawford (1772-1834) and George Washington Crawford (1798-1872).
  Identifier:   ms1802  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
93 Title:   Cunyus family Bible record (photocopy)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cunyus family  
  Dates:   after 1978  
The collection consists of a photocopy of a title page and the family history of the Cunyus family Bible. It provides birth and death records for the Cunyus family, as well as births and deaths of slaves belonging to the family. The Bible was published in 1828, and dates of births and deaths are 1789-1909. A typescript is also included.
  Identifier:   ms1604  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
94 Title:   Cuthbert family genealogy  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cuthbert family  
  Dates:   early 20th century  
Four pages of miscellaneous genealogical information (primarily eighteenth century records) of the Cuthbert and Bryan families.
  Identifier:   ms1422  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
95 Title:   Daniell family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Daniell family  
  Dates:   1834-1877  
The collection consists of five documents: explanatory note regarding the Almanac Diary and List of Deaths in Clarke County; List of Deaths in Clarke County, Georgia, 1834-1877, by William B. Daniell; three separate copies of the Almanac Diary of Josiah Daniell, Christmas Day 1849, and New Year 's Day 1850-1855.
  Identifier:   ms462  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
96 Title:   Davenport family genealogy  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Davenport family  
  Dates:   circa 1941-1984  
The collection consists of papers tracing ancestry of the Davenport family back to the 1700s. Sources, mostly undated, include handwritten notes, correspondence, and pedigree charts; and allied families include Forrester, Rhymes, Shropshire, Shields, Watts, Herin, Edwards, and others.
  Identifier:   ms136  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
97 Title:   David Crenshaw Barrow Jr. family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Barrow family  
  Dates:   1822-1932  
The papers consist of diaries, business ledgers, photographs, schoolwork, personal and business correspondence, deeds, receipts, speeches, University of Georgia related information, maps, biographical information, obituary, and some family history.
  Identifier:   ms2764  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
98 Title:   David Crenshaw Barrow Sr. family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Barrow family  
  Dates:   1817-1915  
The collection consists of papers of the David Crenshaw Barrow Sr. family of Lexington, Oglethorpe County, Georgia from 1817-1915. The papers include mainly correspondence, financial records, and diaries. The earliest records consist mostly of receipts and accounts of David Crenshaw Barrow, Sr. and Middleton Pope. The bulk of the correspondence (1850-1883) is between Barrow and his children David Crenshaw Barrow, Jr.; Ella Patience Barrow (Spalding); James Barrow; Lucy M. Barrow (Cobb); Middleton Pope Barrow; and Thomas A. Barrow. Some of James Barrow's correspondence was written while a cadet at West Point and then later during the Civil War serving first in Cobb's Legion in Virginia and later in the 64th Georgia Infantry Regiment in Florida. There is also an interesting set of correspondence (ca. 1850-1868) to Barrow from overseers (enslavers) at his plantations in Oglethorpe and Decatur Counties, Georgia; letters relating to his investment in a Florida salt works during the Civil War; and letters from John H. Lumpkin and William McKinley regarding the secession of Georgia. The collection also includes diaries (1851-1852, 1856-1858, 1876, 1879) of David Crenshaw Barrow, Sr. mostly detailing farm and family life and diaries (1868, 1875) of Clara E. Barrow discussing school and social activities.
  Identifier:   ms69  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
99 Title:   Dawson family memorabilia  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dawson family  
  Dates:   circa 1800s  
The collection consists of a silver box marked "W.E. Terrell" that probably dates back to the 19th century.
  Identifier:   ms1345  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
100 Title:   De Renne collection of portraits and engravings  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   De Renne family  
  Dates:   1723-1909  
This collection consists of forty engravings, lithographs, photographs and other prints of images depicting individuals and locations central to Georgia history.
  Identifier:   ms3704  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
101 Title:   De Renne family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   De Renne family  
  Dates:   1770-1986  
The collection consists of papers of the De Renne family of Savannah, Georgia from 1770-1986. The papers include account books; correspondence, both business and personal; blueprints and maps of Wormsloe Plantation (Savannah, Ga.); a diary (1876) of Letitia De Renne documenting her daily activities; genealogical charts and materials relating to the Jones and allied families; scrapbooks; photographs; printed material; legal documents; receipts; collected historical documents and transcripts relating to Georgia history; wood blocks; and ephemera. The materials document the activities of the De Renne family and include information on the management and administration of Wormsloe Plantation; business ventures of the De Rennes; books and book collecting; and wine purchases including inventories. Correspondents include George Wymberley Jones De Renne, Wymberley Jones De Renne, Wymberley Wormsloe De Renne, Kentwyn De Renne, Augusta De Renne, Elfrida De Renne Barrow, and Charlton M. Theus.
  Identifier:   ms2819  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
102 Title:   De Renne family recipes and remedies  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   De Renne family  
  Dates:   1860-1949  
The collection consists of cooking and medicinal recipes spanning several generations of the DeRenne family. In addition to recipes for various dishes, there are numerous remedies and prescriptions for household time-savers and minor illnesses, as well as newspaper clippings covering the a broad range of topics.
  Identifier:   ms1120  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
103 Title:   Dean family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dean family  
  Dates:   circa 1900  
The collection consists of seven photographs of unidentified people, possibly the Dean family of West Virginia and Maryland. Included is a postcard postmarked July 1, 1908, addressed to Mrs. Dean, South Cumberland, Maryland, signed "M. C. H."
  Identifier:   ms1596  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
104 Title:   Dearing family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dearing family  
  Dates:   1836-1898  
The collection consists of deeds, indentures, bills, receipts, and letters pertaining to the Dearing family. Several documents concern the estate of William Dearing.
  Identifier:   ms742  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
105 Title:   Descendants of Vincent Meigs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mell family  
  Dates:   after 1900  
The collection consists of one mimeographed volume containing the genealogy of the Meigs family, beginning with Vincent Meigs, born in 1583, and including Josiah Meigs, born in 1727.
  Identifier:   ms685  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
106 Title:   Dewar family scrapbook  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dewar family  
  Dates:   1896-1917  
The collection consists of a scrapbook with newspaper clippings, letters, and memorabilia of Harry Dewar, Roger Dewar, the Blue Ridge Marble Company, and the town of Nelson, Georgia (Pickens County). The scrapbook also contains several photographs depicting sporting events, buildings, and men, women, children, and dogs.
  Identifier:   ms3136  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
107 Title:   Diamond family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Diamond family  
  Dates:   1831-1891  
The collection consists of correspondence of the Diamond family of DeKalb County, Georgia and Rusk or Grayson County, Texas from 1831-1891. Topics discussed include family members' migration to Texas, descriptions of life before and after the Civil War, an 1867 yellow fever epidemic in Texas and the resulting deaths of several family members, weather, crops, the health of family members, proposed visits between the families, and religion. The majority of the correspondence is written by Diamond family members living in either Henderson, Rusk County, Texas or Grayson County, Texas. Major correspondents include Catherine Diamond Crow; Amanda J. Diamond, wife of James J.; George Washington Diamond; and Lizzie Towles Diamond, wife of William Wingfield.
  Identifier:   ms641  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
108 Title:   Dicus family Bible record  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dicus family  
  Dates:   1828-1887  
The collection consists of genealogical records of the Dicus family as recorded in a family Bible.
  Identifier:   ms2049  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
109 Title:   Dixon family collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dixon family  
  Dates:   1861-2002  
Contains materials pertaining to the Dixon family from the Covington, Newton County area of Georgia. Notable items include a 1861 diploma pendant belonging to Miss M.J. Belcher from S.M.F. College, which would later go on to be known as Wesleyan College, genealogical research, several family photographs, and a postcard from a family member who attended the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis.
  Identifier:   ms4103  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
110 Title:   Dixon family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dixon family  
  Dates:   1848-1863  
The collection consists of papers relating to the Dixon family of Meriwether County, Georgia including correspondence of John L. Dixon at Collinsworth Institute, Joshua L. Render and his wife Mary Jane (Dixon) Render, and John Tillman Dixon. One letter mentions the Charleston Convention (1860). Of particular interest are three letters from John Tillman Dixon, serving with the 29th Georgia Infantry Regiment, to his sister Mary Jane, while stationed at Richmond during the Civil War. Includes an 1853 tax list that itemizes number of enslaved persons plus items of land, cattle, sheep, hogs, wagons, and carriage
  Identifier:   ms2739  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
111 Title:   Dozier and Tanner family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Tanner family  
  Dates:   1915-1961  
This collection contains correspondence to and from J.H. Dozier, Georgia State Tax Commissioner, business records and ephemera from the Dozier Lumber Company in Athens, Georgia, later sold and renamed Tanner Lumber Company. Also included are papers and correspondence regarding family real estate holdings Hutcheson Estates and Greenstate, Inc., J. Bryson Tanner Jr. school and U.S. Air Force ROTC papers, family clippings, and photographs of Frank Ritchie during his service in World War II.
  Identifier:   ms4552  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
112 Title:   Dugas du Vallon family document  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dugas family  
  Dates:   Unknown  
The collection consists of a detailed inventory of: land owned in Saint-Domingue (present day Haiti), family papers, a list of revenues, debts in Saint-Domingue and France, and a list of property and assets, including enslaved people owned by the family. Although the document is not dated, it is believed to have originated after 1807, the year that Louis Rene Adrien Dugas de Vallon died. The document is handwritten in French.
  Identifier:   ms4245  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
113 Title:   Dugas family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dugas family  
  Dates:   1800-1827  
The collection consists of handwritten letters and documents relating to the Dugas family, all in French. These papers describe the history of their emigration from Santo Domingo to the United States around 1800, and their lives in Augusta, Georgia and Maryland. Louis Alexander Dugas (LLB, University of Georgia) founded the Medical College of Georgia in 1832.
  Identifier:   ms2521  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
114 Title:   Dunaway family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dunaway family  
  Dates:   1889-1984  
The collection consists mainly of Nolee May Dunaway's papers, but there are also items belonging to her mother (May Launius Dunaway), her father (Reverend J.Y. Dunaway), and other family members. Included in the collection are correspondence, photographs, and tintypes, scrapbooks, clippings, business items, recital programs, commencement programs, diplomas, school papers, University of Georgia Music Department material, and church material.
  Identifier:   ms2416  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
115 Title:   DuPree family farm ledgers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dupree family  
  Dates:   1827-1928  
The collection consists of four ledgers the Dupree family kept of sharecroppers who worked their farmland in Griffin, Georgia, from 1827-1928. Records list names, time worked, lost time, money owed, and items sold. Ledgers also document McIntosh Education Union (also referred to as McIntosh Union no. 279, and McIntosh Farmers Education Union of America, no. 279) history. Information recorded includes elected officers, membership lists, dues collected, and expenses sent to treasurer.
  Identifier:   ms3240  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
116 Title:   Eberhart (Eberhardt) family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Eberhart family  
  Dates:   1852-1871  
The collection consists of correspondence between the brothers and sister, one photograph, probably of Jacob B. and wife Martha Goolsby Eberhart, most written during the Civil War, documenting their activities, troop news and related pain and suffering of the loss of three brothers. A few earlier letters from Texas tell of the living conditions in that area before the war.
  Identifier:   ms3264  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
117 Title:   Edna Ferguson Tate family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Tate family  
  Dates:   1758-1958, 1965-1969  
The collection consists of items concerning the Tate, Ferguson, and Byrd family history in Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia (Pickens and Gordon counties). Items include: manuscript and typescript chronologies of Edna Ferguson Tate's education, children's births and family activities (dating 1873-1929); Family history typescript (of Tate, Ferguson, and Byrd); Tate family in North Carolina by William Tate, Dean of Men.
  Identifier:   ms568  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
118 Title:   Edward D. Ball family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ball family  
  Dates:   1882-1976  
The collection consists of correspondence, genealogical information on the Ball, Barksdale, Shivers, and other allied families, clippings, printed material, photographs, typed manuscripts of Ball's AP articles, World War II ephemera, unclassified military documents, postcards, and two 16 mm motion pictures of the war. The correspondence contains letters from Edward Ball to Lucy Shivers Ball during his service as an AP war correspondent while in London, England; France; and Germany. The correspondence also contains letters of the Barksdale family, Lucy Shivers, and Milner Shivers discussing family matters, daily activities, and news of friends or relatives.
  Identifier:   ms2148  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
119 Title:   Edward D. Ball family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ball family  
  Dates:   1882-1976  
The collection includes correspondence, genealogy on the Ball, Barksdale, Shivers families, clippings, printed material, photographs, typed manuscripts of Ball's AP articles, and World War II documents and ephemera. Ball's letters describe problems with food, housing, and clothing; air raids and bomb attacks; other correspondents; Army camp life at the front; the destruction in France and Germany; the liberation of Paris; the black market; and post war living conditions.
  Identifier:   ms2336  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
120 Title:   Edwards family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Edwards family  
  Dates:   1851-1888  
The collection consists of correspondence, programs and other printed material, receipts, newspaper clippings, and broadsides. The correspondence is mainly business letters to Leroy Summerfield Edwards about his work. Much of the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia correspondence concerns the 1878 yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans and the request for aid by the Regiment of the Orlean Artillery. There are several family letters, some written to Edwards from his parents while he served in the Civil War (12th Virginia Infantry, Co. E), and one written by Edwards while he was a prisoner at Elmira (NY) Prison Camp. The other material in the collection relates to the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, YMCA, Civil War, Randolph-Macon College, Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Company, and politics.
  Identifier:   ms2938  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
121 Title:   Eleanor Tschudi papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Davis family  
  Dates:   1887-1896, circa 1900  
The collection consists of correspondence written to and by Eleanor B. Tshudi: Dated Beauvoir House, January 21, 1888, to Miss. Tschudi, from Varina Howell Davis, regarding a lock of Jefferson Davis' hair Miss Tschudi has requested; dated Lexington, South Carolina, January 20, 1896, "My dear Ellie," signed "E.V.B.", regarding weather, illnesses, people in Athens; undated, to Stern Brothers, signed E. B. Tschudi, ordering various items of clothing from catalog. Miscellaneous items included are a receipted bill to Miss E. B. Tschudi from the Decorative Art Society (dated March 7, 1890), pressed flower labeled "From Miss Winnie Davis, Nov. 1887," advertisement and brochure entitled The Churchman. Items related to Emmanuel Church Sunday School and Union Baptist Institute are now located in Vertical Files.
  Identifier:   ms567  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
122 Title:   Eliza Frances Bradley Kenney family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bradley family  
  Dates:   1853-1881  
The collection consists of correspondence, mainly addressed to Eliza Frances Bradley Kenney, from 1853-1881. Correspondents include John Robertson, Rusk County, Texas; Susan Bradley, Walton County, Georgia; James Bradley, Richmond, Virginia and Camp Cooper, Macon, Georgia; F.M. Bradley, Yorktown, Virginia; W.J. Hale, Camp Lamar, Yorktown; E.F. Kenney, Rusk County, Texas; Mary J. Phillips, Milton County, Georgia; Mary Jamerson, Milton County, Georgia; R.A. Bell, Forsyth County, Georgia; William Bell, Forsyth County, Georgia; and Mollie Bradley. Correspondence concerns health of family members, marriages, deaths, the war (fear of the ongoing fighting, firing in Atlanta, the Roswell Factory, hearing cannons in Ringgold and Tunnel Hill, prisoners), illnesses (including smallpox and measles), and crops (including cotton, wheat, and corn). The collection also includes a handwritten will and testament of John J.N. Kenney, an envelope postmarked 1881, family tree of Eliza Frances Bradley Kenney, and a page from the Kenney family bible.
  Identifier:   ms3343  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
123 Title:   Epps family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Epps family  
  Dates:   circa 1900  
The collection consists of photographs of the Epps and Huff families. Photographs are undated, and many family members are unidentified.
  Identifier:   ms1573  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
124 Title:   Ethnographic collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences. Photographs  
  Dates:   1900-1999  
No description available
  Identifier:   HCTC020  
  Repository:   Historic Clothing and Textile Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
125 Title:   Family and Consumer Sciences records and student scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1869-2010  
The collection consists of materials from 1869-2010. There is information about both faculty and student organizations and activities. The material covers a wide range of formats such as correspondence, building plans, minutes, plaques and photographs.
  Identifier:   UA0054  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
126 Title:   Fannie and Cleveland Jackson papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jackson family  
  Dates:   1931-1970  
This collection contains family records, including correspondence, advertisements, financial documents and receipts, church minutes, a written sermon, and a camp flyer.
  Identifier:   ms4506  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
127 Title:   Farrell family letter  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Farrell family  
  Dates:   1895 March 30  
The collection consists of one letter: dated Hillsboro, "Dear Uncle Jimmie," the writer of the letter unidentified, regarding the Farrell last name. The writer expresses that the last name is really "O'Farrell," and wants the "O" added back to the name.
  Identifier:   ms1519  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
128 Title:   Felton family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Felton family  
  Dates:   1835-1930  
The collection consists of letters to and from Dr. and Mrs. Felton, accounts, programs, invitations, pictures, articles, speeches, sermons, etc. The collection also contains letters with autographs of U.S. Presidents Coolidge, Harding and McKinley, Georgians Thomas W. Hardwick, Joseph E. Brown, Robert Toombs, Tom Watson, James Longstreet, Benjamin Harvey Hill, John B. Gordon, and many others who were interested in politics in Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms82  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
129 Title:   Fitzgerald family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Fitzgerald family  
  Dates:   1869-1972  
The collection consists of letters David Benton Fizgerald wrote to his mother, sister (Polly Ann Fitzgerald), and brother (John E. Fitzgerald) while attending the University of Georgia. He writes to his mother about about his studies of natural philosphy and mechanics and states his interest in his siblings education. To his sister he describes the birth of the first camous literay serial/news organ at the University of Georgia, the "Georgian Collegian", and speaks of the presence of illness on campus in late February of 1870. He writes to his brother asking to resolve an issue regarding two books he mailed money for but never recieved. The collection also includes printed scans of the "History of Stewart County Georgia" and a compiled service record of Confederate soldiers who served in organizations from Georgia.
  Identifier:   UA08-042  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
130 Title:   Fontaine family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Fontaine family  
  Dates:   1822-1947  
The collection consists of correspondence, writings, business papers, and printed material. Most of the business correspondence concerns Stewart & Fontaine Co., merchants in Columbus, Georgia. The family and personal correspondence is from both the Shorter and Fontaine families. There is also some Civil war correspondence from Charles S. Shorter, George H. Shorter, and others who were probably their friends. The business paper include deeds, land grants and various accounts.
  Identifier:   ms3011  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
131 Title:   Footwear collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1880-2009  
Footwear collection, HCTC017, Anne Barge Historic Clothing and Textile Collection, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia.
  Identifier:   HCTC017  
  Repository:   Historic Clothing and Textile Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
132 Title:   Forbes family collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Forbes family  
  Dates:   1876-1970  
The collection consists of papers of the Forbes family from 1876-1970. Papers of Walter T. Forbes, Sr. concern his invention of a process for tanning leather, his formula for the treatment of Ramie fiber, and his job as a sales representative; and include correspondence, handwritten processes, newspaper articles, and Ramie fiber samples. Papers of Helen Forbes Ross include correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs pertaining to Ross' marriage, theatrical career and charitable work, most notably the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The collection also includes photographs and newspaper clippings of George Lester Forbes, Walter T. Forbes II, Walter T. Forbes III, and Chef Carson Gulley.
  Identifier:   ms640  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
133 Title:   Fountain family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Fountain family  
  Dates:   1820-1955  
This collection contains the papers of the Fountain and McCants families of Georgia. A large portion of the collection is comprised of the correspondence and financial records of Jonathan Jackson "Jack" McCants, Sr. (1845-1920) of Butler, Georgia. Also included are land deeds, titles, surveys, recipts, insurance policies, tax information, and printed material from the Fountain and McCants families, as well as a few letters from the McCrary family.
  Identifier:   ms4315  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
134 Title:   Franklin family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Franklin family  
  Dates:   1800-1969  
The collection consists of correspondence, including letters between Franklin and Sheriff F. M. Garner of Upson County. Garner was a relative, and they corresponded about Franklin's efforts to set up his practice. There is also genealogical information about the Franklin family and related families such as the Patrick, Pullin, Hiram, and Lawson families. Photographs of the Franklin family are included, 2 of which were taken by the Griffin photographers R. J. Deane and H. L. Deane.
  Identifier:   ms3371  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
135 Title:   Garebold family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Garebold family  
  Dates:   after 1859  
The collection consists of court documents from Clarke County Superior Court (1859) stating John A. Garebold's intentions of becoming a citizen of the state of Georgia. Also included in the collection are papers regarding Elizabeth Garebold: sketchbook, song lyrics, and manuscript sheet music.
  Identifier:   ms481  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
136 Title:   Garrison family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Garrison family  
  Dates:   1913-2005  
The collection consists of writings and photographs of Garrison family members, and a 1913 yearbook from Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia, titled The Ku Klux.
  Identifier:   ms3254  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
137 Title:   George A. Cunningham family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cunningham family  
  Dates:   1849-1874  
The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence between George A. Cunningham and his wife Mary (Mollie), documenting Cunningham's service with Company K of the 3rd Regiment Georgia State Reserves in South Carolina and Georgia including information on the battles at Broxton's Bridge and River's Bridge (S.C.), casualties, troop movements, and the evacuation of Savannah (Ga.). They also discuss his participation in the fighting in Macon, Camp Lawton, Milledgeville and Augusta and in South Carolina from Coosahatchee, Broxton's Bridge, all in the period of 1862 to 1865. There is discussion of health problems, money, the fighting, the supplies he sends to his family and what crops she should plant. Mollie's letters discuss activities of the Confederate Government, Union attacks on civilians, and Sherman's march through Georgia. The collection also contains a few letters from Mollie's brother J.M. Bullard discussing farming, family news, and disease. Eleven letters from 1874 are to George Ernest Cunningham while he was a student at the University of Georgia. Other items in the collection are photographs of Mary A. E. Johnson Cunningham and George Cunningham, reproduced from the included tin-type; a state of Georgia 25 cent note; a 33-page soft-bound book Address Delivered at the Unveiling of Confederate Monument, Thomaston, GA, May 1909 with Upson County rosters of soldiers. One item, a CSA circular was removed and catalogued as Confederate Imprint CR 1225.
  Identifier:   ms2679  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
138 Title:   George and Pansy Slappey collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Slappey family  
  Dates:   1940-1980  
The collection consists of published materials, correspondence and other writings related to the Slappey family.
  Identifier:   ms2284  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
139 Title:   George Augustus Gordon family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Gordon family  
  Dates:   1676-1895  
The collection consists of papers of George Augustus Gordon and the Gordon family from 1676-1895. Materials from the early years relate to Gordon's ancestors in Maine and New Hampshire and mainly contain receipts, tax records, and genealogical records. Materials concerning the United States Civil War consist of passes, orders, commissions, and a few letters relating to Gordon's duties as Assistant Quartermaster General of Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms1667  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
140 Title:   George Baber Atkinson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Atkinson family  
  Dates:   1851-1914  
The collection consists of the papers of George Baber Atkinson, his sister Fannie Atkinson, and the Atkinson family of Athens, Georgia from 1851-1914. It includes correspondence, deeds, articles, a bible, poems, essays, photographs, daguerreotypes, programs, scrapbooks, and indentures relating to ancestors of the Atkinsons. Articles and programs pertain to the Atlanta Medical College and the Winterville Academy (Winterville, Georgia). Most of the correspondence is to or from Fannie Atkinson. The collection provides a social history of Georgia for the time period.
  Identifier:   ms828  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
141 Title:   George E. Stone family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Stone family  
  Dates:   1929-1962  
This collection contains personal, estate, and business correspondence as well as legal documents and land records from Marianna and Blountstown, Florida and the surrounding counties primarily from the 1930s and 1940s. Of interest is correspondence regarding the preparations for building two Civilian Conservation Corps camps in the area in 1935.
  Identifier:   ms4120  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
142 Title:   George Horkan family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Horkan family  
  Dates:   1893-1908  
The collection consists of correspondence written to George A. Horkan from family members in Georgia, Texas, California, the Yukon, and Ireland, from 1893-1908. Correspondence from J.F. Horkan mainly describe Horkan's business dealings. Correspondence from William Horkan describe his business attempts and wanderings. Correspondence from P.D. Horkan, on P.D. Horkan and Co. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Augusta, Georgia letterhead, contain news of family and business matters. Correspondence from Horkan's mother, sister, and niece relay family news. The letter dated Swinford, December 30, 1896, "My dear son, George," signed "From your fond and dying mother, Margreat Horkan," was written from Margreat's deathbed, and includes a note from Horkan's sister, Mary.
  Identifier:   ms3190  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
143 Title:   Gibbs, Wynn/e, Allen, Fisher, and Parker family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Allen family  
  Dates:   1826-2014  
The family papers include genealogy research, correspondence, clippings, photographs, land grants, deeds, wills, diaries and printed material related to the Gibbs, Wynn/e, Allen, Burns, Chenault, Fisher, and Parker families between 1826-2014. The Wynne family name has several variations in spelling including Wynne, Wynn, and Winn. In his 1912 article about the Wynn family reunion, Gus Edwards spells the surname without a final "e." He goes on to write, "In the long ago the family name used to be spelled with a final 'e,' thus, Wynne, but in later years somehow or other the family began to write simply, W-y-n-n." The ancestors of Robert Adin Gibbs (1874-1944) and Theola Fisher Parker (1876-1951) encompass the five major family lines in this collection. The collection also includes an address book, family bible, account book, recipe, receipts, and Civil War-era letters by various family members including those between Eliza Jane Wynne (1837-1916) and her husband Charles Rollin Gibbs (1835-1903).
  Identifier:   ms3862  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
144 Title:   Gideon Denison family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Denison family  
  Dates:   1791-1802  
The collection consists of three letterbooks and one account book of the Denison family. The letterbook of Gideon Denison and his brother, Ezra Denison (1791-1792) contains letters regarding trade business with merchants in Augusta, Ga., Baltimore, Md., Charleston, S.C., London, England, and Philadelphia, Pa. Letters also concern cargo shipments, purchase of ships, and slave trade. The letterbook of Gideon Denison (1797-1799) contains letters describing his voyage to England, the sale of land in North Carolina and Tennessee, Indian treaties, and financial problems. Gideon Denison's account book (1796-1799) contains entries pertaining to the management of Gideon's farm in Havre de Grace, Maryland. Entries regard accounts for free and slave labor; purchases of livestock, slaves, food and clothing; and taxes. Henry Denison's letterbook (1801-1802) contains business letters relating to settling the estates of Ezra and Gideon, as well as personal family correspondence.
  Identifier:   ms2911  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
145 Title:   Gilbert family photograph collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Gilbert family  
  Dates:   1900-1999  
The collection consists of photographic prints collected by Arnold and Alvin Gilbert during the 1900s. Prints are 8x10, some signed by the photographer, and photographers include Ansel Adams, Paul Caponigro, Manuel Carrillo, Barbara Crane, Joseph Jachna, Kenneth Josephson, Claire Trotter, and Brett Weston.
  Identifier:   ms1733  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
146 Title:   Gordon-Erskine-LeConte family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   LeConte family  
  Dates:   1870-1917  
Two folders containing correspondence between the Gordon, Erskine, and LeConte families of Tennessee. Majority of the letters are between sisters Mary Gordon LeConte and Margaret Louisa Gordon Erskine. Margaret addresses Mary as "Mamie" and signs her letters as "your loving daughter," despite the fact that they are sisters. Other correspondence includes letters to George Washington Gordon, James Nisbet LeConte, Alexander O. Erskine, Bess Erskine, Albert Erskine, and Willie B. Gordon.
  Identifier:   ms4090  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
147 Title:   Grady Bible record  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Grady family  
  Dates:   1788-1902  
The collection consists of genealogical records of the Grady and Osborn families as found in a family Bible listing marriages, births, and deaths from 1788-1902.
  Identifier:   ms2048  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
148 Title:   Gray family Bible record (photocopies)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Gray family  
  Dates:   1775-1866, 1978  
The collection consists of two items: Bible record of George and Ann Gray, 1775-1862 (photocopies); explanatory letter regarding the Gray family history (photocopy), dated July 4, 1978.
  Identifier:   ms1435  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
149 Title:   Green family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Green family  
  Dates:   1860-1955  
The collection consists correspondence and genealogical materials related to the Green and allied families of Mell, Lanier, Lawson, Linton and Wyche. Much of the correspondence relates to Lucile Linton and Mell familiy members.
  Identifier:   ms2012  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
150 Title:   Grisham family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Grisham family  
  Dates:   1814, 1854  
The collection consists of two items: the Grisham family Bible; and a court document. The Bible contains records of John Grisham, 1715-1814, and continues through several generations, including Joseph Grisham, 1789-1857, who married Mary L. Steele, and had daughter Elizabeth, who married Joseph Emerson Brown. The mortgage deed is between Joseph S. Dial and Joseph E. Brown, of Cherokee County, Georgia, for three lots of land and 10 "negroes" ("Harriet about 44 years old, also...named Maria about twenty two years old and her two children Emila, a girl four years old, and James Al...boy about two years old. Also a negro woman name Aggy about twenty years old and her child a boy named S...about three years old, also a boy named Toby about fifteen years old, and Nathan, a boy about twelve years old...a boy about nine years old and..."
  Identifier:   ms3002  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
151 Title:   Gurr family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Gurr family  
  Dates:   1864-1921  
The collection consists of correspondence from Thomas J. Gurr to Sophronia Thompson (later Mrs. Thomas J. Gurr) from 1864-1866. Two of the letters were written while Thomas was serving in the 51st Georgia Infantry Regiment in Russellville, Tennessee and near Richmond, Virginia. Also included is a letter to Sophronia from her cousin (October 8, 1864), A. William Murray, of the 6th Georgia Infantry Regiment near Richmond, Virginia. Documents dated 1916-1921 include Gurr family genealogy.
  Identifier:   ms571  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
152 Title:   Habersham family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Habersham family  
  Dates:   1812-1862  
The collection consists of correspondence between members of the Richard Wylly Habersham family of Savannah and Clarkesville, Georgia, from 1812-1862. Correspondents include Barnard Elliott Habersham, Sarah Habersham, Catherine Habersham, Harriet E. Mathewes, Alexander Wylly Habersham, Francis Barnard Habersham, and C. Elliot. Of particular interest are letters written to Barnard Habersham from Richard Wylly Habersham regarding national affairs from 1840-1842. Correspondence also concerns family affairs, epidemics of cholera and yellow fever in Savannah, Georgia, and travels to Barbados and South America.
  Identifier:   ms36  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
153 Title:   Hammond family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hammond family  
  Dates:   1782-1921  
The collection consists of documents which deal mainly with land transactions relating to the Hammons / Hammonds and allied families of Walton, Wilkes and Oglethorpe County, Georgia. There is some Hammond and Ellsbury family genealogy. Some names involved include: Josiah Amerson, Isaiah C. Brand, W.K. Hammond, Moses Jernigan, Green H. Lirsey, Kinchin Rambo, and William Trammell.
  Identifier:   ms1523  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
154 Title:   Hankinson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hankinson family  
  Dates:   1824-1903  
The collection consists of papers of the family of Stephen Hankinson and Mary C. Speights from 1824-1903. Papers include a marriage bond between Hankinson and Speights, the will of Hankinson, papers concerning the ownership of people who were enslaved, and correspondence to Lee Starke Schieffelin and Corneille S. Schieffelin. The collection also includes a copy of The language of flowers, "property of Marie Essie Hankinson," an autograph book presented to Marie Essie Hankinson, and two scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings with poems and concerning current events.
  Identifier:   ms196  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
155 Title:   Hansell Baugh family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Baugh family  
  Dates:   1925-1967  
This collection consists of family and general correspondence, writings, materials from the Institute of General Semantics, financial papers, printed materials, and photographs from Hansell Baugh's professional and domestic life.
  Identifier:   ms3575  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
156 Title:   Harden-Pruitt family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Harden family  
  Dates:   1814-1960  
The collection consists of genealogy including photocopies of Bible records and a compilation of Harden descendants of William Harden (1720-1760). Letters are written by various people, including Marion Antoinette Harden, and are addressed to Dr. R. R. Harden, William Preston Harden, Willis N. Harden, and Mrs. Ada Harden. The collection also contains accounts, deeds, and photographs of family members.
  Identifier:   ms3573  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
157 Title:   Hardin and McPherson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hardin family  
  Dates:   1847-1947  
The collection consists primarily of correspondence, containing 87 letters exchanged by the Hardin and McPherson families over a one hundred year period. Topics include family members, health, marriage, births, deaths, and education. The collection also includes photographs and drawings of family members, the marriage certificate of James McPherson and Susan Hardin, and clippings.
  Identifier:   ms3875  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
158 Title:   Hargrett family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hargrett family  
  Dates:   1880-1840  
The collection consists of three photographs from the Hargrett family. One photograph features the Wesley Thomas Hargrett home in Tifton, Georgia. The other two photographs feature the father and mother of brothers David Medford and Felix Hargrett.
  Identifier:   ms3524  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
159 Title:   Hargrove family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hargrove family  
  Dates:   1866-1868, 1908  
The collection consists of correspondence from C. G. Hargrove, and C. S. Hargrove & Co., Sparta, Georgia, concerning family matters and some financial transactions. The collection also includes an oath of allegiance to the United States after the Civil War, a receipt from the United States Internal Revenue Service, poem regarding the death of an infant along with a note signed "Eliza," and a counter check.
  Identifier:   ms3502  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
160 Title:   Harrison-Condit family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Harrison family  
  Dates:   1799-1900  
The collection consists of correspondence, genealogies, and documents relating to the Harrison and Condit families of New Jersey. Papers include estate settlements, warranty deeds, bankruptcy discharges, debt bonds, mineral rights indentures, receipts for payment, and additional legal judgements from the county of Essex, New Jersey.
  Identifier:   ms3504  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
161 Title:   Harry Hodgson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hodgson family  
  Dates:   1900-1971  
This collection contains an obituary and a house resolution for Harry Hodgson, condolences and funeral acknowledgements for Harry's wife Marie (d. 1939), correspondence, genealogical information regarding the Hodgson and Gordon families, and printed articles.
  Identifier:   ms3750  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
162 Title:   Harry Scherman family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Scherman family  
  Dates:   1893-1972  
This collection includes correspondence, diaries, and photographs. The correspondence contains letters written by Harry, Louis, and William to their mother and sister while the boys were living at the Jewish Orphanage Home in Atlanta, Georgia. Other correspondence consists of letters between Harry Scherman and Bernardine Kielty both before and after their marriage discussing family news and Sherman's work with the J. Walter Thompson Company selling books and magazines to stores, letters from Rita regarding her writings, and letters written to Rita by the Scherman family. Diaries, written by Rita, detail her stay in England with her grandparents, memoir-style entries regarding her early life, and describing a trip to England. The collection also contains materials relating to "Educational Playthings", an educational toy and furniture company, founded by Rita Scherman Berman.
  Identifier:   ms2836  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
163 Title:   Hart family bible record (photocopy)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hart family  
  Dates:   circa 1980  
The collection consists of the Bible record of the William Odingselle Hart family.
  Identifier:   ms1812  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
164 Title:   Hatton-Lovejoy family memoirs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lovejoy family  
  Dates:   1833-1887  
The collection consists of the typed memoirs of the Hatton and Lovejoy families, titled Memoirs of My Mother and Her Family, and a carbon copy of these memoirs. The memoirs begin with the arrival of the Hatton family (compiler's great-grandfather) in Georgia on November 13, 1833, having moved family and slaves from the Newberry district, South Carolina, to Meriwether County, Georgia. Grandmother Mary Ann Hatton married Anderson Ray Lovejoy of Jasper County, Georgia, who became a licensed Methodist preacher in Meriwether County through the influence of distant kinsmen Lovick and George Foster Pierce. The family moved into Greenville, Georgia, from the county, then to Atlanta, Oxford, Clarkston, and Lovejoy's Crossing. There are many mentions of prominent people and events during the mid-nineteenth century. The memoirs conclude in 1887.
  Identifier:   ms1012  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
165 Title:   Haynes family Masonic aprons and cribbage board  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Haynes family  
  Dates:   1800-1950  
Collection includes three Masonic leather aprons and one wooden cribbage board from the Haynes family. These items were previously stored at the Ashantilly House. One of the three aprons is from South Carolina, indicated by a crescent moon on the front of the apron, and belonged to William Greaner Haynes Sr. The remaining aprons were obtained sometime after the family moved to Darien, Georgia in 1918. Aprons and cribbage board all include Freemason imagery of the All-Seeing Eye and the builders square and compass.
  Identifier:   ms4397  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
166 Title:   Henry B. Mitchell family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mitchell family  
  Dates:   1871-1960  
The collection consists of personal correspondence, bills, receipts, and reports relating to Mitchell's duties as a statistical correspondent for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture for Clarke County (Ga.), Mitchell's publication of various articles.
  Identifier:   ms2347  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
167 Title:   Henry family genealogy (photocopies)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Henry family  
  Dates:   20th century  
The collection consists of records (photocopies) and correspondence (photocopies) regarding genealogy of the William Henry family, 1740-1977.
  Identifier:   ms1699  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
168 Title:   Herschel Vespasian Johnson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Horne family  
  Dates:   1867-1976  
The collection consists of genealogies, biographical information, and photographs of the Herschel V. Johnson and Pearce Horne families from 1867-1976. Also included are correspondence between Pearce Horne, Tallulah Johnson Horne, Herschel V. Johnson, A.K. Horne, J.U. Horne, other family members and friends; and a lock of Herschel V. Johnson's hair.
  Identifier:   ms3365  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
169 Title:   Higgins and Wallace families Bible records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Higgins family  
  Dates:   1813-1941  
The collection consists of two Bible records of the Wallace and Higgins families. Records list marriages, births, and deaths from 1813-1941. Also included is a photocopy of a newspaper article concerning the death of W.P. Wallace, and a certificate for John M. Burch.
  Identifier:   ms2046  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
170 Title:   Hillyer family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hillyer family  
  Dates:   1805-1990  
The collection consists of the papers of the Hillyer family from 1805-1990 with the bulk between 1805-1874. Materials from the early years (1805-1819) pertain to Shaler Hillyer and consist of a letter and account book describing Petersburg, Elbert County, Georgia. The collection contains a memoir written by Junius Hillyer describing life on his family's plantation, slavery, the family's move to Athens, Georgia (1821), Junius' attendance at grammar school, descriptions of and activities at Franklin College (University of Georgia). Also includes photocopies of letters from William Dickerson and Peter Wellborn Martin, friends of the Hillyers; materials pertaining to the publication of THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUDGE JUNIUS HILLYER; and dedication of a marker at the Freeman Hillyer homeplace in Popular Grove, Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms76  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
171 Title:   Hinson family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hinson family  
  Dates:   circa 1900-1999  
The collection consists primarily of photographs of the Hinson family, as well as several related families and friends, including the Bulls, the Tarvers, the Wards, and the Watsons. Other materials include event programs, clippings, genealogy papers, and awards.
  Identifier:   ms3800  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
172 Title:   Historic hats collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1820-2010  
No description available
  Identifier:   HCTC015  
  Repository:   Historic Clothing and Textile Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
173 Title:   Hodgson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hodgson family  
  Dates:   1800-1990  
Collection includes a guest book for the Asbury and Sallie Paine Hodgson House in Dillard, Georgia, three photo album containing pictures of the family, their homes, and their vacations, one scrapbook by Lil Hodgson, loose photographs, and a photo album key. The photographs include images of Julie Hodgson McNeil and Sarah Ansley Paine. Also included is correspondence with Sallie P. Hodgson and Julie H. McNeil regarding finances. There are two letters to Fanny Paine concerning cotton confiscated in 1865.
  Identifier:   ms4378  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
174 Title:   Hollis Family Collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hollis Family  
  Dates:   1930s-1940s  
The Hollis Family Collection is comprised of three artifacts including one quilt, one cast iron stove, and one cast iron wash pot used by members of the Hollis family from the 1930s to the 1940s. The collection was donated by Carole and Gerald Hollis whose family's lived in Douglas County, Georgia during the 1930s and 1940s. The quilt, made partially from feed sacks in the 1930s, was donated to the Russell Library as part of the Rural Electrification Act Exhibit.
  Identifier:   RBRL104HFC  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
175 Title:   Hooper Ware family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hooper family  
  Dates:   1848-1916  
This collection includes correspondence between Edward A. O. Ware and his family while he was in medical school; letters between Sarah Jane Hooper Ware, her mother Jane Byrd Word Hooper, and other family members during the war and concerning the Ware's trek to Texas at the close of the Civil War; Sarah Jane Hooper's diploma from Cassville Female College; three photographs of Charles W. Hooper and his discharge from Georgia 8th Regiment; and two slave auction receipts issued to Edward A. O. Ware.
  Identifier:   ms3792  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
176 Title:   Horatio J. David family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   David family  
  Dates:   1852-1868, 1949  
The collection consists of correspondence from Horatio to his mother in 1864. He writes from "Camp 16th GA Regt." near "Gaines Farm," Petersburg, and near "Chesterfield Heights," Virginia; about his battles and wounds. Further letters are signed "S. B. David," and "Alice," and concern Dr. Bell's buggy, and the deaths of Simeon David and Daisie David. The collection also includes a newspaper article (preservation copy) regarding the Thirza David Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, family histories concerning Thirza Bowen David and her activities during the Civil War, and a bullet with a handwritten note that reads: "This is the bullet that caused the loss of H. J. David's eye in the War between the States, in the Battle of Front Royal on August 16, 1864."
  Identifier:   ms3127  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
177 Title:   Howard, Comer, and Randolph families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Howard family  
  Dates:   1850-1950  
The collection consists of nineteen cased images of various family members, one leather-bound, clasped album of photographs, 24 letters relating to the Howard-Comer-Randolph families, loose photographs of the Howard family, Comer family, Randolph family, and the Lyon-Devore-Boland and Whitehead families.
  Identifier:   ms3418  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
178 Title:   Howell Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1793-1932  
The collection consists of papers of Howell Cobb and the Cobb family from 1793 to 1932. The bulk of the collection is correspondence, mostly addressed to Howell Cobb, dating from 1839 to 1868. There is a large amount of correspondence between Howell Cobb, his wife Mary Ann Lamar, and her brother John B. Lamar. The letters discuss politics in both Georgia and the United States, the Confederate States of America including its formation and administration, and information on Cobb's business interests, especially his plantations. After Cobb's death in 1868, the remainder of the correspondence is between other family members including John A. Cobb, Howell Cobb, Jr., Alexander Erwin, and Mary Erwin discussing family and social news, business interests, and legal cases. While the correspondence primarily documents the Cobb, Lamar, Erwin, and Barrow faimilies, there is also a large amount of correspondence from the Jackson, Hull, Rootes, Lumpkin, King, Pope, Rutherford, Prince, and Nisbet families. The earliest material includes indentures and land grants (1793-1829) relating to Zachariah Lamar's business interests. The clippings do not focus on Howell Cobb, with the very rare exception. These seem to have been donated by family but are very general in nature. The journals and diaries are from family members and friends.
  Identifier:   ms1376  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
179 Title:   Howell Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1824-1888  
The collection consists of receipts of General Howell Cobb and correspondence of the Cobb family of Athens, Georgia, from 1824-1888. Several letters from Harry L. Flash to Howell Cobb pertain to the sale of the MACON TELEGRAPH. Two letters of particular interest: dated Richmond, July 24, 1861, "Dear Wife," signed "Howell Cobb," regarding battle and people killed in battle; dated Athens, June 15, 1861, "Dear Brother," signed "Thomas R. R. Cobb," regarding formation of a legion. Correspondence after 1868 mainly regards Mary Ann Cobb and social life in Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms1367  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
180 Title:   Howell Cobb family records (photocopy)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1800s  
The collection consists of photocopies of genealogical material from the family Bible of Howell Cobb and Martha Jaqueline Rootes.
  Identifier:   ms1675  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
181 Title:   Howell Cobb, Jr. family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb family  
  Dates:   1859-1940  
The collection consists of personal papers of Howell Cobb, Jr. and his family from 1859-1940. Comprised mainly of correspondence between Howell Cobb, Jr. and Mary McKinley Cobb, the collection also contains correspondence from J.D. Howell, Andrew A. Lipscomb, and Andrew J. Cobb. Also included in the collection are newspaper clippings (1904-1940), and miscellaneous papers relating to Howell Cobb Jr., including reports, wedding invitations, and certificates.
  Identifier:   ms1368  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
182 Title:   Hugh Lawson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown family  
  Dates:   1801-1974  
The collection consists of papers of Hugh Lawson and Lawson family descendants from 1801-1974. The papers include correspondence, indentures, and genealogical materials. Materials relating to Hugh Lawson include indentures (1801-1837, with gaps) and correspondence (1837-1895). The correspondence includes letters (1837-1857) from Lawson to his daughters Sarah Penelope and Martha J. while at school in Jeffersonville, Twiggs County, Georgia and later (1847-1857) to Sarah Penelope Oliver after her marriage. The letters discuss family activities, the girls schooling, and some farm news. Correspondence (1868-1871) relates to the Brown family and contains information on slave activities, schools, and family news. The bulk of the collection consists of genealogical materials of Mary C.R. Davis relating to the Lawson family.
  Identifier:   ms1213  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
183 Title:   Hughes Spalding family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Spalding family  
  Dates:   1870-1969  
The collection consists of papers of Hughes Spalding and the Spalding family of Atlanta, Georgia from 1870-1969. The personal series contains materials relating to Hughes Spalding and the Spalding family; while the business series contains information on the legal practices of the Spalding family and other business interests. The Catholic Church series contains materials detailing Spalding's activities with the church and allied organizations. The Financial Records series simply contain cancelled checks from 1928 to 1938. The Jack J. Spalding (Spalding's father) series includes correspondence (1933-1938), canceled checks, legal documents, and business papers (1870-1938) pertaining to Jack J. Spalding's legal career and the law firm of King and Spalding in Atlanta, Georgia. The Jack J. Spalding, Jr. (Spalding's brother) series includes correspondence (1943-1951) from Jack Jr. to Hughes Spalding, first from New York City, then Greenville, South Carolina, and typed carbon copies of Hughes' response. The letters primarily discuss family matters and personal interests. The series also contains financial materials and legal documents pertaining to the estate of Jack Jr.
  Identifier:   ms1413  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
184 Title:   Hull family wills  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hull family  
  Dates:   1870-1871  
The collection consists of typescripts of two wills: William H. Hull of Richmond County, Georgia, 1871; and Maria C. Hull of Clarke County, Georgia, 1870.
  Identifier:   ms522  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
185 Title:   Huysse van Kattendyke collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Huysse van Kattendyke family  
  Dates:   circa 1890-1905  
The collection consists of two wedding invitations and six death notices which relate to the Huysse van Kattendyke family. The wedding invitations are in French and the death notices are in Dutch.
  Identifier:   ms1316  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
186 Title:   Ira S. and Caroline Bell Caldwell papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Caldwell family  
  Dates:   1917-1949  
The collection consists of correspondence to Ira S. and Caroline Bell Caldwell from 1917-1949. Mainly contains correspondence from their son, Erskine Caldwell; with some from his wives, Helen Lannigan Caldwell, Margaret Bourke-White, and June Johnson Caldwell; and his children Janet, Pixy, and Dabney Caldwell. Erskine's letters chronicle his personal life and professional career: beginning as a college student; then while living in Mt. Vernon, Maine; traveling in Europe; living in Darien, Connecticut; working in Russia; and working in Hollywood, California. The collection also contains some correspondence relating to Ira S. Caldwell's work with the Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church, a typewritten manuscript by I.S. Caldwell, clippings, and a few photographs.
  Identifier:   ms1557  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
187 Title:   Jack Izlar, Sr. and Mary Jones Izlar papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Izlar family  
  Dates:   1929-2008  
The collection includes photographs of Jack Izlar, Sr., his fellow servicemen, and area locals during Izlar's U.S. Navy service in the Pacific Theater of World War II. It also includes a genealogy of the Jones family, a 1929 motor vehicle registration card issued to William William Jones, a handwritten letter from Izlar to his mother inscribed on a menu for the 1943 U.S. Naval Air Station Thanksgiving dinner, a newsletter from The Shoreliner announcing the end of the war, a photocopied announcement for the Jones-Knight wedding, and an official certificate of registration from the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation recognizing William William Jones' immigration to the United States from Wales.
  Identifier:   ms3740  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
188 Title:   James D. Frederick family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Frederick family  
  Dates:   1844-1899, 1942  
The collection consists of papers of James Daniel Frederick and the Frederick family from 1844-1899, 1942. The bulk of the collection consists of diaries and account books of James D. Frederick. The diaries (1844-1856 and 1873-1899) contain entries describing Frederick's student life at the University of Georgia, a few minutes and the constitution of the Washingtonian Temperance Society of Franklin College, and entries pertaining to crop conditions, weather, and farming practices for Frederick's farm in Marshallville, Macon County, Georgia. Entries for the period 1873-1889 are sparse and usually are recorded once a year. The account books (1873, 1875-1878, 1880-1882, and 1888-1892) include occasional notes but mainly record items purchased for operating the farm. The collection also contains a diary (January - April 1882) of Eugene Frederick pertaining to the operation of his farm; a typescript of THE KEENE FAMILY containing photographs, genealogical charts, and clippings; and the original mockup for THE RUMPH-FREDERICK FAMILIES including correspondence, photographs, clippings, and genealogical charts. The genealogical material was collected by Louise Frederick Hays.
  Identifier:   ms79  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
189 Title:   James Glenn Faulk family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Faulk family  
  Dates:   1808-2016  
The Glenn Faulk family papers collection consists of legal documents, photographs, and genealogical history of the Faulk family of Twiggs County, Georgia. Included are land grants, deeds, farm ledgers, family history correspondence, Sunnyside Plantation history, and applications to the Daughters of the American Revolution and Huguenot Society.
  Identifier:   ms4027  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
190 Title:   Jewel family collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jewell family  
  Dates:   1804-1901  
The collection consists of various newspaper clippings, embroidery patterns, woven coverlet patterns, recipes, The Jewell Register (a book tracing Jewell lineage to 1522), two photographs, and two account books, from 1804-1901.
  Identifier:   ms1438  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
191 Title:   Jewel family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jewell family  
  Dates:   1862-1865  
This collection contains Civil War era correspondence between siblings James, William and Sallie and their spouses, cousins and parents. Some transcriptions are provided for James Jewel's letters.
  Identifier:   ms4508  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
192 Title:   John B. Bell family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bell family  
  Dates:   1864-1963  
The collection consists of papers of John B. Bell and the Bell and Bolling families of Stephens, Oglethorpe County, Georgia from 1864-1963. The papers include correspondence, bills, receipts, legal papers, bank statements and checks, printed material, and letters of dismission from various Baptist churches in Georgia. The correspondence is mainly personal between family members and friends but also includes letters pertaining to John B. Bell's law practice and business interests (1891-1920), the Georgia Baptist Convention, farming and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (1926-1945), and letters between Florence B. Hawkins and her son Walter H. Bolling during his army service in England during World War II. Correspondents include Nolda Bell, Edward H. Bell, Elizabeth C. Bell, Mollie S. Bell, and Joseph S. Bolling.
  Identifier:   ms740  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
193 Title:   John Clark family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Clark family  
  Dates:   1826-1862  
The collection consists of papers relating to the settlement of John Clark's estate and the activities of his heirs from 1826-1862. The papers include inventories of property, deeds, plat maps, correspondence, and copies of court records. The materials mainly document land transfers and land claims in Florida often with the St. Andrews & Chipola Canal & Railroad Company. Correspondents include Ann Clark Campbell, John W. Campbell, Richard H. Long, and Thomas Baltzell. The collection included a broadside, Pensacola Gazette Extra Saturday, BRO 1826 P4, which has been added to the broadside collection.
  Identifier:   ms547  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
194 Title:   John Goodman family papers (photocopies)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Goodman family  
  Dates:   1772-1909  
The collection consists of photocopies of three documents: Bible records from John Goodman's Bible (covers 1772-1823); article from the Atlanta Journal, dated August 28, 1909, titled Robert H. Goodman, pioneer, is dead; letter dated Atlanta, April 3d, 1873, "Dear Florrie," from "R.H. Goodman," regarding Goodman family history.
  Identifier:   ms2180  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
195 Title:   John M. Phillips family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Phillips family  
  Dates:   1857-1949  
The collection consists of photographs, correspondence, financial papers, diaries, deeds, genealogies, certificates, and other materials related to John M. Phillips, the Phillips family, the Acree family, and the Isbell family.
  Identifier:   ms3178  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
196 Title:   John Mason Giles family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Giles family  
  Dates:   1836-1892, 1965  
The collection consists of certificates, correspondence, commissions, and diplomas of John Mason Giles and his son, Andrew Samuel Giles, from 1836-1892.
  Identifier:   ms1486  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
197 Title:   John McIntosh Kell family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Kell family  
  Dates:   1784-1927  
The collection consists of papers of the John McIntosh Kell family and the DeVotie and d'Antignac family. Included is correspondence, post cards, diaries, farm account books, and photographs. Items of interest include a 1784 will of John Kell of Liberty County; a Franklin County jury list of 1836, and Confederate roll of Company K, 10th Georgia Regiment, Kershaw's Division.
  Identifier:   ms2323  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
198 Title:   John McIntosh Kell family scrapbook  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Kell family  
  Dates:   1860-1986  
The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, engravings, etchings, and photographs. Subjects include Confederate veterans, the Confederate Navy ships the Alabama and Sumter, as well as reunions. Also included are Sidney Lanier, the Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Division, churches in Georgia, and Kell family genealogy.
  Identifier:   ms2361  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
199 Title:   John R. Binion family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Binion family  
  Dates:   1861-1864  
The collection consists of letters between members of the Binion family of Hancock County, Georgia from 1861-1864. Correspondents include John R. Binion; his wife, Frances L. Butts; James F. Binion, serving with Company F of the 10th Georgia Infantry Regiment; and Elizabeth A. Jones. The women write about typhoid and how it was treated, the community scare when an Irishman led African Americans to kill whites, of making uniforms and sacks for soldiers, and crops. John R. Binion writes of camp life, from Camp Satilla near Savannah, and Governor Joseph Brown's calling up the militia in 1864.
  Identifier:   ms1646  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
200 Title:   Johnston family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Johnston family  
  Dates:   1836-1862  
The collection consists of papers of the Malcolm Johnston family. Included are correspondences; two small account books; and Certificate no. 2457, for the purchase of a tract of land in Montgomery, Alabama, by Arthur B. Davis of Muscogee, Georgia. The collection also includes documents concerning enslaved people owned by the Johnston family: bill of sales for a slave received by Richard Johnston; wills of Malcolm Johnston and E. L. Johnston; "List of property belonging to M. Johnston," listing 800 acres of land, and the name, sex, age, and monetary value of enslaved people.
  Identifier:   ms1629  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
201 Title:   Johnston family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Johnston family  
  Dates:   1860-1960  
The collection consists of correspondence, including correspondence between George Walton Williams in account with J. Lamb Johnston, Carolina Savings Bank, Williams family materials, account books, materials on the Nacoochee Valley Women's Club, Nacoochee Institute, news items, tax bills, Johnston family photographs with most people identified, photographs of gold mines in the area which include mining equipment, stages of mining and hydraulic mining, photographs of Nacoochee Valley and Holly Island. Also included in the collection is a box of oversized items which includes Margaret J. Paris' dependency application, small scrapbook with watercolors by M. Johnston, ice bag from Gainesville Ice and Fuel, issues of the Presbyterian College newspaper, and other assorted items.
  Identifier:   ms3234  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
202 Title:   Jordan family Bible record  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jordan family  
  Dates:   1794-1891  
The collection consists of four pages from the family record section of the Jordan family bible. These pages were removed from the bible, which was left by Mrs. Ilah Dunlap Jordan Little on instructions from the director of the Libraries, Mr. W. P. Kellam. The bible, itself, being in extremely poor condition, was not retained. These pages contain birth, death, and marriage records of the Jordan family. These were the only records in the bible.
  Identifier:   ms651  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
203 Title:   Joseph Emerson Brown Family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown family  
  Dates:   1829-1980  
This collection consists of materials documenting the family relations of noted Civil War Georgia Governor Joseph Emerson Brown. It includes genealogy materials that cover the 18th and 19th centuries, correspondence between family members of different generations, which discuss typical family business for the time, including typed transcripts of Joseph E. Brown's 1865 letter to Andrew Johnson requesting release from prison, as well as his sworn agreement not to bear arms against the United States government. also included are women's diaries, the bulk being the European travel journals of Sally Eugenia Brown, as well as family financial material such as account books and land documents, as well as stock certificates for a company named posthumously for Joseph E. Brown. The collectioin also contains printed matter, including clippings and a speech to the Georgia Assembly that son Joseph M. Brown gave as governor in 1912, and photographs of a few later relatives of the family.
  Identifier:   ms3630  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
204 Title:   Joseph Henry Lumpkin family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lumpkin family  
  Dates:   1821-1862  
The collection consists of correspondence between Callie Lumpkin King, Joseph Henry Lumpkin, and other members of the Lumpkin family. Among the correspondents are Marion L. Cobb, Porter King and James Lumpkin. Also included are clippings, receipts, and writings.
  Identifier:   ms3210  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
205 Title:   Joseph LeConte collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   LeConte family  
  Dates:   after 1840  
The collection consists of three items: a set of apothecary's scales and weights owned by Joseph LeConte; scrapbook containing obituraries of members of the LeConte family (1893-1912); copy of Henry William Herbert's "Frank Forester's Sporting Scences and Characters," inscribed on the fly leaf "To Willie LeConte from Sid [Sidney Lanier]."
  Identifier:   ms1618  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
206 Title:   Joshua Breyfogle family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Breyfogle family  
  Dates:   1860-1910  
The collection consists of two items relating to the Breyfogle family and their experiences fighting in the Civil War: a diary of M. J. Breyfogle from 1864, detailing marching in Scottsboro, Alabama, Dalton, Tunnel Hill, Lafayette, and Henry County, Georgia, describing weather, positions, battles, and skirmishes; a typescript copy of an original letter, dated March 27, 1903, written by J. D. Breyfogle to his sons, detailing battles in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia. The collection also includes a typed genealogy of the Breyfogle family, and six family photographs.
  Identifier:   ms3124  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
207 Title:   Judson Larrabee Hand family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hand family  
  Dates:   1867-1920  
The collection consists of correspondences of the Judson Larrabee Hand family from 1870-1898. Some of the correspondents include Judson Larrabee Hand, Columbus Washington Hand, Emma Hand, and Alice Hand. Correspondences are sent from Athens, Americus, Savannah, Bainbridge, Rocky Hills, and Atlanta, Georgia; and New York City. Two letters are written from Hand to his wife on Cunard Royal Mail Steamship, Aurania letterhead. The collection also contains writings, lecture notes, speeches concerning Phi Kappa Literary Society, a scrapbook-cum-themed-book concerning the college career of Judson Larrabee Hand; newspaper clippings announcing Hand marriages, senate events, and the Hand wine business; and family photographs.
  Identifier:   ms888  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
208 Title:   Jury Family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jury family  
  Dates:   1902-1945  
The collection consists of manuscript letters documenting much of the lives of Annis Cowl Jury and her husband, Frank T. Jury following their emigration from Great Britain to Stockton, California. Many letters that Annis wrote from England detail her own and her daughters' time abroad. Many letters from Mae and Ethel (daughters) add different stories from the perspective of American teenagers visiting their parents' old country.
  Identifier:   ms3185  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
209 Title:   Kell-Spalding papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Spalding family  
  Dates:   1886-1935  
The collection consists of reproductions of records from the Kell family Bible, listing births and deaths of family members from 1739-1917; and correspondence to Evelyn Spalding from family members. Correspondence regards visits, illnesses, and Charles Spalding's death. Also included are writings of Charles Spalding, foliage from the grave of Charles Spalding, and a photograph.
  Identifier:   ms795  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
210 Title:   Key family Civil War letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Key family  
  Dates:   1864  
The collection consists of correspondence from P. C. Key to his family in 1864. Correspondence details orders, cavalries, troop positions, and Key's health. Key writes from Atlanta, Georgia, near the Chattahoochee River, Milton County, Georgia, and Fulton County, Georgia. Excerpt from letter dated Georgia, Cobb County, July 2, 1864: "Yesterday we were entertained by marching backward and forward as a support for Armstrong's cavalry on Johnston's left wing."
  Identifier:   ms554  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
211 Title:   Knight family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Knight family  
  Dates:   1862-1892  
The collection consists of papers of the Knight family of Lowndes County, Georgia. The bulk of the collection contains correspondences from Jesse C. Knight to Mary A. Knight, from Richmond and Winchester, Virginia, and Chatham County, Georgia (1862-1863). Also included are correspondences from Mathew A. Knight, Thomas J. Knight, E. P. Davis and Solomon Walker. Correspondents write from locations near Orange Courthouse, Fredericks Hall and Guiney Station, Virginia, and Savannah, Georgia; about family matters, weather, rumors, and positions. The collection also includes military papers and passes of Jesse C. Knight, and handwritten papers regarding the Estate of L. J. Knight.
  Identifier:   ms528  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
212 Title:   Lamar family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lamar family  
  Dates:   1822 June 15, 1857 January 11  
The collection consists of two letters: dated Savannah, June 15, 1822, to "L. Lamar," signed "Carleton Lamar," regarding the cotton trade; dated Athens, January 11, 1857, signed "Mary Ann Lamar," regarding family matters.
  Identifier:   ms1508  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
213 Title:   Launius family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Launius family  
  Dates:   1803-1948  
The collection consists of obituaries, a family bible, plat for land in Morgan County, war ration book, two letters, and mourning card of T.P. Launius, from 1820-1932. Obituaries are for T. P. Launius, Mrs. Eliza Parker, Mrs. H. W. Smith, and Joseph T. Launius. The family bible contains marriages, births, and deaths of family members from 1803-1914.
  Identifier:   ms1678  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
214 Title:   LeConte Family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   LeConte family  
  Dates:   1857-1916  
Note This collection contains primarily the writings, in pamphlet form, of John and Joseph LeConte-Georgia scientists and educators.
  Identifier:   ms2085  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
215 Title:   Leonard family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Leonard family  
  Dates:   1849, 1862  
The collection consists of three documents related to the Leonard family of Talbot County, Georgia: one marriage record of Richard H. Leonard and Sarah J. Holmes, dated March 20, 1849; and two receipts from Wesleyan Female College for Laura E. Leonard, dated Oct. 7 and Mar. 17, 1862. The receipts were paid by Richard H. Leonard, executor of James P. Leonard.
  Identifier:   ms1815  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
216 Title:   Lester family records (photocopy)  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lester family  
  Dates:   circa 1980  
The collection consists of photocopies of genealogical materials related to the Lester and Daniell families who lived in the Bogart area of Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms1806  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
217 Title:   LeSueur genealogical papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   LeSueur family  
  Dates:   1990-2003, undated  
This collection contains the genealogical records for the LeSueur family of Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms4257  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
218 Title:   Linda Fox papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1948-2021  
The collection consists primarily of administrative correspondence, photographs, conference proceedings, annual reports, budgets, and similar records documenting Linda Fox's career as Dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Georgia over a ten-year period.
  Identifier:   UA22-001  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
219 Title:   Lindsey Durham family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Durham family  
  Dates:   1796-1919  
The collection consists of papers of the Lindsey Durham family from 1800-1919. The papers contain mainly correspondence of the Durham and Richardson families of Clarke County, Georgia. Records relating to the Durham family include correspondence to Dr. Lindsey Durham from several of his sons, including William Walker Durham, Henry Clay Durham, and Lindsey Durham, Jr. while attending medical school in Philadelphia; accounts of Dr. Samuel D. Durham (1859-1867); and medical school notes, lecture tickets, and some medical remedies and recipes. Materials relating to the Richardson family of Watkinsville, Georgia include letters from Edgar Richardson in Troup Artillery from Virginia and D.R. Richardson (unit unknown) from Virginia and North Carolina during the Civil War; letters (1847-1882) from James J. Richardson, to his mother, Letitia J. Richardson from Mexico and Texas; and letters from Edgar Richardson in Texas after the Civil War.
  Identifier:   ms757  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
220 Title:   Linton and Hull family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hull family  
  Dates:   1799, 1824-1873  
The collection consists of papers of the Linton and Hull families from 1799, 1824-1873. The bulk of the collection contains correspondence (1861-1864) from William Henry Waddell, stationed in Alabama and Georgia probably with the 9th Georgia Infantry, to his cousin, Julia Hull of Athens, Georgia in which Waddell discusses military officers, camp drills, living accommodations, his health, seeing sick and wounded Confederate soldiers, seeing Union prisoners of war, visiting relatives in Montgomery, Alabama, news from home, communication with John Linton, and his plans for teaching after the war. Two letters (1853, 1858) from John S. Linton to his wife Lucy Ann Hull Linton detail Linton's business in New York, buying machinery, opinions of Boston, Massachusetts, and visits with friends. Additional correspondence includes a letter (1848) to Howell Cobb from Asbury Hull in which Hull discusses candidates for president and suggests Zachary Taylor; a letter (1849) from George G. Hull to his sister in Athens, Georgia detailing poverty in Pennsylvania and how much better their slaves live; and a letter (1873) to John Linton from Alexander Stephens pertaining to attempts by Linton to recoup financial losses on cotton destroyed as enemy property. The collection contains a 1799 copy of a 1784 land grant, an 1826 land grant, and indenture documents dated 1824. Finally included are a note written by Miss Lucy Linton (undated), regarding Dr. John L. Linton's resignation, and three newspaper clippings and obituaries of John S. Linton.
  Identifier:   ms585  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
221 Title:   Lipscomb family letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lipscomb family  
  Dates:   1856-1893  
The collection consists of correspondence of the Lipscomb family from 1856-1893. Included is a letter from Andrew A. Lipscomb to his sister Molly at Tuskegee Female College, Alabama, regarding a family death; letter from Williams Rutherford to Alexander H. Stephens, regarding Rutherford's view of issuing bonds instead of treasury notes for the cotton loan; two letters from Frank A. Lipscomb to his "Auntie," dated Camp Chase, Ohio, regarding Lipscomb's time in jail; and three additions letters from Frank A. Lipscomb regarding his boat trip to Europe, travels through Germany and Italy, impressions of Europe, European opinions of Southerners, and his indecision regarding the future.
  Identifier:   ms371  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
222 Title:   Louise Carswell York family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   York family  
  Dates:   1915-2013  
Collection consists of family correspondence, photographs, genealogy, writings and memoirs of the York family. Also included is genealogy on the Polhills, Millers, and Guions.
  Identifier:   ms4464  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
223 Title:   MacMurphy family tree  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   MacMurphy family  
  Dates:   circa 1931  
The collection consists of a family tree tracing the lineage of Captain Daniel MacMurphy from 1737-1931.
  Identifier:   ms1800  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
224 Title:   Madame Sophie Sosnowski collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Sosnowski family  
  Dates:   after 1869  
The collection consists of papers of and relating to Madame Sophie Sosnowski, Callie Sosnowski, and the Home School, Athens, Georgia, from approximately 1869-1955. Included are concert programs of students of Madame S. Sosnowski, report cards of students of Home School, an address delivered before the Home School; newspaper articles (and reproductions) written about (and by) Madame S. Sosnowski, Callie Sosnowski, and the Home School; painting by Miss Callie Sosnowski; notebook containing notes, membership list, and meeting minutes of the Home School Club; and correspondences from Sophie Sosnowski, Callie Sosnowski, Ida Schaller Peacock, and Lucy Linton.
  Identifier:   ms623  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
225 Title:   Mangham family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mangham family  
  Dates:   1849-1888  
The collection consists of receipts and printed items, but the majority is correspondence. Of particular interest are letters written by Willoughby Hill Mangham while serving with Company I of the 11th Georgia Infantry Regiment to his father, John Grier Mangham. Written from Virginia, Mangham discusses the Battle of 1st Bull Run, fighting at Yorktown, troop movements, and the Emancipation Proclamation. Other correspondents include Solomon R. Mangham, John Mangham, and H.H. Hill whose letters discuss cotton sales, the attack on Harper's Ferry, and abolition.
  Identifier:   ms2132  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
226 Title:   Mankin family stories  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mankin family  
  Dates:   circa 1958  
The collection consists of four typescripts written by Lilla Mankin Hitchcock and Columbia J. Mankin, circa 1958. Dear Descendants, volumes 1-2, written by Columbia Mankin, recounts Mankin's life in the Missouri Ozarks. Dear Grandchildren, written by Lilla Mankin Hitchcock, concerns Hitchcock's years in Missouri and Athens, Georgia; and Joyce and the Little People, also by Hitchcock, is filled with the anecdotes of her children growing up in the Five-Points Area of Athens.
  Identifier:   ms1306  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
227 Title:   Mary Ellen Orme family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Orme family  
  Dates:   1898-1949  
The collection consists of one baby book for Mary Ellen Orme, one baby book for Anne Ashley Orme, and one photograph album from the wedding of Mary Ellen Orme. The baby book for Mary Ellen Orme includes autographs from her parents, her weight up to five years of age, gifts her parents received on her behalf, numerous photographs, newspaper clippings about Mary Ellen Orme in her childhood, a lock of her hair at age 2, and notes about her firsts (steps, words, outing, party, etc). The baby biographical record book for Anne Ashley Orme details many of the same things seen in Mary Ellen Orme's book - weight, naming, firsts. However, this book is from 1891, and Anne Ashley Orme was born May 5, 1892. There are many photographs and newspaper clippings about Anne Ashley Orme in her childhood. The album is about Mary Ellen Orme's marriage to Lieutenant Robert Irving Gresham (who was stationed at Miami Beach, Florida, in the United States Army Air Corps at the time) in 1942. Inside are newspaper clippings (announcements) and many photographs of the marriage. Also included in the scrapbook are World War II pamphlets (from 1944) and a citation for a bronze star to Robert Gresham. There are also more newspaper clippings and photographs from Mary Ellen's childhood.
  Identifier:   ms3353  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
228 Title:   Mary Nelson Ream collection of letters from Margaret Mitchell's family  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mitchell family  
  Dates:   1949-1952  
The collection consists of two personal letters to Mary Nelson Ream from Margaret Mitchell; and letters to Ream from Stephanie Mitchell and John Marsh regarding the death of Margaret Mitchell, and thanking Mary for what she has done for the family. Also included are newspaper articles regarding the funeral and death of Margaret Mitchell.
  Identifier:   ms1287  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
229 Title:   Mason family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mason family  
  Dates:   1800-1900  
The collection consists of photographs (snapshot, cabinet photographs, cartes-de-visite, tintypes) depicting mainly Mason family members. Two cabinet photographs portraying Blazing Star, City of Cheyenne, are also included. Most photographs are captioned and undated.
  Identifier:   ms2950  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
230 Title:   Maury family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Maury family  
  Dates:   1863-1872  
The collection consists of correspondence of the Maury family of Virginia from 1863-1872. Correspondence pertains to the Maury family's support of the Confederate cause during the Civil War and their subsequent voluntary exile to Mexico. The bulk of the letters detail the Maury's life in exile; the people, landscape, and culture of Mexico; and the court of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico.
  Identifier:   ms1168  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
231 Title:   McClatchey family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   McClatchey family  
  Dates:   1838-2005  
Marvin McClatchey Jr. (1916-2002), son of Marvin McClatchey (1886-1939) and Juliet Neel McClatchey (1885-1960), and Sally Bruce Blackford McClatchey (1922-2015) are the main focus of the genealogical compilation. Various research files trace the McClatchey line back to John McClatchey from Ireland in the mid-18th century, but original documents are not present until reaching files from the late 19th century. Family line connections are present in genealogy and research files, with some focused files on individuals. Correspondence focuses on Marvin and Juliet before switching to their children, particularly Marvin Jr., in the 1930s. Photographs show family lines in the late 19th century, continuing through to descendants in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
  Identifier:   ms3927  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
232 Title:   McCowen family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   McCowen family  
  Dates:   1861-1864  
The collection consists of five letters: one from B.B. McCowen regarding Fort Pickens and the Quitman Guard; one from E.C. Trammell regarding Trammell's health and feelings; one from D.G. McCowen regarding the death of Cicero; one from B.B. McCowen regarding McCowen's desire to be home; one from E.A. Whiteside regarding war news from newspapers, and opinions of General Johnston and General Hood. The collection also includes a poem written by E.A. Whiteside to her husband, and the obituary of Lieutenant B.B. McCowen.
  Identifier:   ms3398  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
233 Title:   McKnight family Bible records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   McKnight family  
  Dates:   1832-1960  
The collection consists of family records including marriages, births, and deaths of the McKnight and Rice families as found in a family Bible, and a memorial service program for Walter Scott McKnight, circa 1939.
  Identifier:   ms2047  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
234 Title:   Mdivani family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mdivani family  
  Dates:   1880s-2009  
The collection consists primarily of correspondence, financial papers, clippings, and photographs. The correspondence documents the written communication of the Mdivani siblings, spouses, and other relatives, as well as friends and acquaintances, and focuses on family, health, and social life, among other topics. The financial papers in the collection consist of legal documents about the estates of the deceased, communication with attorneys, banks, and retailers, inventories of assets, and receipts from large purchases. The clippings, which date largely from the 1930s, mainly cover weddings, divorces, and deaths in the Mdivani family, as well as their social lives, hobbies, and gossip surrounding their relationships. Photographs document the lives of all five Mdivani siblings and their many spouses and include images of childhood and family life, weddings, social events, travels, residences, hobbies, personal belongings, recreation, and the military career of General Zakhari Mdivani. The collection also includes the diaries of Dennis Conan Doyle and Anthony Harwood, scrapbooks, genealogy, and artifacts, such as Conan Doyle's racing trophy.
  Identifier:   ms3783  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
235 Title:   Meigs and Rodgers families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Meigs family  
  Dates:   1825-1866, 2001  
The collection consists of correspondence of the Meigs family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Rodgers family of Washington, D. C., dating 1825-1866. Correspondents include Charles C. Meigs, Mary Montgomery Meigs, Franklin B. Meigs, Montgomery C. Meigs, Louisa R. Meigs, Minerva Denison Rodgers, and Ann Minerva Rodgers. Correspondence mostly discusses family matters and social life. The collection also includes Alix Ross's thesis, May 2001, titled Life in the lines: uncovering a portrait of home and family life in the letters (1842-1853) of Louisa Rodgers Meigs.
  Identifier:   ms1777  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
236 Title:   Mell family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mell family  
  Dates:   1860-1930  
This collection contains family photographs, cabinet and calling cards, as well as a small amount of correspondence, writing, and legal documents.
  Identifier:   ms4449  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
237 Title:   Mell-Rutherford family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mell family  
  Dates:   1874-1930  
This collection contains correspondence, biographical material, clippings, and other papers relating to the Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms2480  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
238 Title:   Men's clothing collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. College of Family and Consumer Sciences  
  Dates:   1860-2010  
Men's clothing from 1860s-1910s including collars, shirts, jackets, pants, vests, suits, and swim suits.
  Identifier:   HCTC018  
  Repository:   Historic Clothing and Textile Collection  
  Similar Items:   Find
239 Title:   Milledge family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Milledge family  
  Dates:   1870-1895  
The collection consists of two items: partial letter dated Augusta, August 20, 1873, "Miss. Milledge," concerning a Milledge scholarship at the University of Georgia; five scrapbook pages containing poems, obituaries, and various articles cut out from newspapers, some articles written about or by Milledge family members.
  Identifier:   ms3549  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
240 Title:   Milligan family photographs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Milligan family  
  Dates:   1880-1959  
The collection consists of nine photographs (prints made in 1991) of the family of Melanie Garrish of Gainesville, Georgia. Included are photographs of her grandmother (Ruth Gertrude Butler Milligan), grandfather (Archie Lee Milligan), great-grandmother (Mary Magdalene Smith Butler), and great-grandparents (John Henry Milligan, Lucy Elvira Williams Milligan).
  Identifier:   ms2903  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
241 Title:   Mills B. Lane, Jr. family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lane family  
  Dates:   1916-1989  
The collection consists of papers of Mills B. Lane, Jr. Mills B. Lane, Sr. and the Mills family from 1916-1989. Materials (1916-1943) relating to Mills B. Lane, Sr. include incoming correspondence and carbon copies of Mills' outgoing letters, clippings, photographs, and legal documents. The materials document Mills' banking activities including his presidency of the Citizens and Southern National Bank (Savannah, Ga.) and tenure as chairman of the Board, as well as Mills' involvement with Georgia real estate sales, fertilizer and chemical companies, and his assistance to Georgia farmers through bank loans. Correspondents include Lane's brother Edward W. Lane and A.P. Brantley. The bulk of the collection (1931-1979) contains the correspondence of Mills Bee Lane, Jr. Includes letters (1931-1934) between Lane, Jr. and his parents, Lane, Sr. and Mary Comer Lane, while a student at Yale University; letters (1935-1945) between Lane, Jr. and Lane, Sr. discussing banking activities, finance, and farming; correspondence (1950-1974) between Lane, Jr. and his brother Edward C. Lane concerning finances and the management of Edward's farm in Valdosta (Ga.); and letters (1958-1973) between Lane, Jr. and Mills Lane concerning Mills' schooling at Middlesex School (Concord, Mass.) and Harvard University, Mills' activities with Beehive Press (Savannah, Ga.), and Mills' finances. The collection also contains correspondence pertaining to the resignation of Richard Kattel, the financial crisis of Citizens and Southern Bank (1978), and the establishment of the Mills Bee Lane Memorial Foundation (Savannah, Ga.).
  Identifier:   ms2737  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
242 Title:   Mixon family land transactions  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mixon family  
  Dates:   1785-1910  
The collection consists of papers concerning land transactions of the Mixon family of Burke County, Georgia from 1785-1910. The legal documents include plats, quitclaim deeds, conveyances, and warranty deeds. Also included are Appointments to administer and make an inventory of estates, and inventories and appraisements of estates of Mixon family members.
  Identifier:   ms1481  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
243 Title:   Molten family photograph album  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Molten family  
  Dates:   1860s-1880s  
The collection consists of a photograph album containing mostly portraits of the Molten family. The photographs are all albumen prints from the 1870s and 1880s except for one tintype from the 1860s. Reference material provided by the Molten descendants identify many of the portrait subjects and photographers, and it is noted that some of the unidentified portraits may be of the Brearley branch of the family. The photographers based in Philadelphia include Frederick Gutekunst, Broadbent & Phillips, Suddards & Fennemore, Taylor & Brown, James Cremer, O. Knipe, P. Edward Chillman & Co., Gilbert & Bacon, and Samuel McMullin. Other photographers, many of whom were based in New England but some were as distant as Australia, England, and Germany, include F. Baum, Rawson, J.A. Wins, H.G. Smith, G. & R. Lavis, Moses Bowness, Tuttle & Co., Hermann Witte, R. Dighton, W. L. (Washington Lafayette) Germon, and Harry Pointer.
  Identifier:   ms3976  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
244 Title:   Moore and Allen families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Allen family  
  Dates:   1786-2018  
This collection contains photographs, scrapbooks, correspondence and genealogy regarding the Moore and Allen families and includes the Shaw, Whitaker, Brantley, Micklejohn families as well. The major portion of the collection documents the Jere N. Moore family, his newspaper career as editor of the Union Recorder, and correpondence with his wife Sarah while serving in the U.S. Army during World War II.
  Identifier:   ms4533  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
245 Title:   Morton and Snelling family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Morton family  
  Dates:   1877-1939  
The collection consists of miscellaneous papers regarding the Morton and Snelling families from 1877-1939. Included are newspaper clippings, Sunday school cards, and two pages of family records listing births, marriages and deaths from 1860-1909.
  Identifier:   ms699  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
246 Title:   Moses L. Jones family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jones family  
  Dates:   1832-1995  
The collection consists of correspondence to Laura Clifford Jones from 1846-1867. Correspondents include Moses Liberty Jones, Leonora, and Raleigh Camp. Letters contain parental advice, social news, and news of family and the plantation. Additional papers include a copy of a letter from Raleigh to his son, biographical information from an unidentified source (photocopies), a copy of papers relating to Dr. Samuel J. Axson, and photocopies of estate papers of Moses L. Jones.
  Identifier:   ms3267  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library