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41 Title:   United Daughters of the Confederacy, Laura Rutherford Chapter 88 (Athens, Ga.) records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   United Daughters of the Confederacy. Laura Rutherford Chapter No. 88 (Athens, Ga.)  
  Dates:   1895-2001  
The collection consists of records of the Laura Rutherford Chapter (Athens, Ga.) of the United Daughters of the Confederacy from 1895-1948. Includes scrapbooks (1928-1958, with gaps), writings and speeches of Mildred Lewis Rutherford, Cross of Honor applications and recipients, a dues ledger (1921-1926), and a few minutes (1913-1929, 1934-1936). The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, brochures, programs, and memorabilia relating to the activities of the organization and the Civil War.
  Identifier:   ms1561  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
42 Title:   Margaret Elizabeth LaBoon family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   LaBoon, Margaret Elizabeth, 1897-1976  
  Dates:   1822-1990  
This collection consists of genealogical records and research, scrapbooks, diaries, personal writings, published materials, financial papers, maps, and photographs. Margaret Elizabeth LaBoon made scrapbooks out of correspondence she received from family and friends, as well as newspaper clippings about Athens and Monroe, Georgia and the people she knew from these areas. The correspondence hails from Margaret Elizabeth LaBoon's vast collection and focuses on what her family sent her. The scrapbooks contain either cards (for weddings, wellness, or gratitude) or newsclippings regarding individuals in Georgia that LaBoon recognized, particularly in the "People I Know" section of the collection. Diaries in the collection are written by several men in the LaBoon family. The two diaries of James Franklin LaBoon cover his service in France during World War I. The two ledgers of William Lafayette LaBoon are part diary and part memoir, as he related his past and present experiences. The 1899-1933 ledger includes genealogy, estate records for Peter LaBoon and Joseph Allen LaBoon, and handwritten copies of the family's legal documents and letters. The 1934-1937 ledger is mainly a diary, with some pages devoted to Byrum family genealogy and personal opinions on politics and government. In 1941, George Mason LaBoon copied portions of this ledger into a more legible form within the same book. The numerous diaries of George Mason LaBoon, from 1910-1929, detail his work on the family farm, including tasks like plowing, planting, hog killing, cutting timber, hunting, and feeding livestock. He notes the routines in his daily life, such as his reading and meals, as well as social events and church activities. Financial papers include ledgers (1836-1907) from the blacksmith shop of Mason C. LaBoon and later Joseph T. LaBoon in Walton County (Ga.). Families represented in this collection include the Laboon, Foster, Fielding, Byrum, and Bradbury families.
  Identifier:   ms3712  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
43 Title:   Smithgall family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Smithgall, Charles A.  
  Dates:   1906-2008  
This collection contains family photographs and correspondence, radio broadcasting scripts and fan mail, family files regarding charitable activities, real estate, and fruit farming. It also includes scrapbooks and school ephemera, plats, plans and topographic maps of various properties and buildings.
  Identifier:   ms4462  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
44 Title:   Brown and Latimer families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Latimer, Asbury Churchwell, 1851-1908  
  Dates:   1792-1971  
This collection contains photographs, correspondence, scrapbooks, and artifacts of the Brown and Latimer families. It includes other related families including the Heard, Cuthbert, Watson, Patten, Dean, and Young families.
  Identifier:   ms4481  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
45 Title:   Ladies Garden Club records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ladies Garden Club (Athens, Ga.)  
  Dates:   1894-2020  
The collection consists of records of the Ladies Garden Club (Athens, Ga.) from 1894-1973. The records include correspondence, pamphlets, programs, clippings, certificates, publicity material, scrapbooks, minutes (1947-1948), membership lists (1960-1962), premium lists of vegetables and flowers (1894-1912), photographs, and a notebook (1989-1991) with correspondence, minutes, reports, and memoranda. The scrapbooks (1932-1992, with gaps) contain clippings, photographs, correspondence, and programs. The materials document the various activities of the club including the Founders Memorial Garden, cemetery projects, markers, and flower shows. The collection also contains programs, member lists, yearbooks (1930-1936), minutes (1934-1938) of the Garden Club of Georgia, a state-wide organization which coordinates the interests of the various garden clubs in Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms901  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
46 Title:   Adams, Breedlove, Davis, Estes, McDonald, Verner families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Adams family  
  Dates:   1819-2013  
This collection includes photographs, correspondence, farm records, legal documents, and ephemera of the Adams, Breedlove, Davies, Estes, McDonald and Verner families.
  Identifier:   RBRL545  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
47 Title:   Georgia State Democratic Executive Committee Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia State Democratic Executive Committee  
  Dates:   1940-1954  
James S. Peters served as chairman to the Georgia State Democratic Executive Committee from 1940 to 1954. This collection is comprised of bound volumes that contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, proceedings, and membership lists reflecting the activities of the Georgia State Democratic Executive Committee from 1940 to 1954. It covers events such as the Stevenson and Sparkman Presidential Campaign of 1952, the 1948 Philadelphia and 1952 Chicago National Democratic Party Conventions, and the Georgia State Democratic Party Conventions.
  Identifier:   RBRL087GSDEC  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
48 Title:   Prince H. Preston, Jr. Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Preston, Prince H., Jr., 1908-1961.  
  Dates:   1946-1961  
The Prince Preston Papers span the dates of 1946-1961, covering his seven terms as the representative from the First District (Bryan, Burke, Bulloch, Candler, Chatham, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Jenkins, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Montgomery, Screven, Tattnall, Toombs, Treutlen, and Wheeler Counties) in the United States House of Representatives.
  Identifier:   RBRL170PP  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
49 Title:   WUOG records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   WUOG (Radio station : Athens, Ga.)  
  Dates:   1972-2016  
This collection includes items related to the University of Georgia student run radio station, WUOG and date from 1972 through 2016. The materials include scrapbooks (1982-1999), playlists (1989-2008), training materials (2000-2014) and various manuals (1988-2000s). Also included are disc jockey comment books (1987-1995), program guides (1973-2016), correspondence (1972-1997) and promotional material (1980s-2000s). Of particular interest is a Western Union telegram from 1972 announcing the approval to begin construction on a new FM broadcast studio-WUOG.
  Identifier:   UA16-016  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
50 Title:   George Foster Peabody Awards records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication  
  Dates:   1940-2011  
This collection consists of the paper documentation of the annual Peabody Awards from its inception in 1940 through the present. Primarily composed of the entry materials for thousands of radio and television shows to the awards, the collection also contains entry forms, digests and indexes of entries, elaborate containers that housed entries, program descriptions, Peabody award publications and brochures, business and office files, and correspondence.
  Identifier:   ms3000  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
51 Title:   Clarke County Board of Education papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Clarke County (Ga.). Board of Education  
  Dates:   1871-2019  
The collection consists of scrapbooks, minutes, financial records (including tax and payroll materials), and other printed material related to the activities of the Clarke County Board of Education and schools within Clarke County.
  Identifier:   ms3179  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
52 Title:   Lucy M. Stanton collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Stanton, Lucy M., 1875-1931  
  Dates:   1867-1997  
The collection consists of works of art and materials relating to Lucy May Stanton, Frances Forbes Heyn, and W. Stanton Forbes. Items includes scrapbooks, exhibition catalogs, photographs, calling cards and memorabilia relating to Lucy May Stanton's funeral, family expense records, sketchbooks, paint pots and paint brushes used by W. Stanton Forbes, ivory pieces, and an audiotape of Frances Forbes Heyn singing Gullah songs. There is also corespondence from Stanton, Heyn, and Forbes, and printed material concerning Lucy M. Stanton.
  Identifier:   ms3486  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
53 Title:   Marguerite Hodgson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hodgson, Marguerite Thomas, 1924-2010  
  Dates:   1829-2005  
The collection consists of biographical information, genealogy, correspondence, writings, financial papers, photographs, printed material, scrapbooks, artwork, and artifacts. In addition to the Hodgson family, Marguerite Hodgson did genealogy research on other branches of her family, including the White family of White Hall, Thomas family, Richards family, and Morton family.
  Identifier:   ms3737  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
54 Title:   Robert G. Stephens, Jr. family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Stephens family  
  Dates:   1783-1996  
This collection contains photographs, correspondence, scrapbooks, and genealogy research of the Stephens, Evans, Bryan, Avary, Carr and associated families. It also includes drafts and research of Robert G. Stephens writing, several clippings scrapbooks, house plans, and George Lippincott's genealogy research notebooks. General Clement A. Evans life is well documented in writing and research by several family members, as well as correspondence, photographs and scrapbooks. It also includes materials about various Confederate veteran groups and reunions.
  Identifier:   ms4579  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
55 Title:   Joseph E. and Elizabeth Grisham Brown papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown, Elizabeth Grisham, 1826-1897  
  Dates:   1847-1951  
The collection consists of papers of the Joseph E. and Elizabeth Grisham Brown family of Cherokee County, Georgia from 1847-1951. The papers consists of correspondence, genealogical notes, photographs, and scrapbooks. The bulk of the correspondence (1866-1884), contains family letters to and from Joseph E. Brown; his wife, Elizabeth Grisham Brown; her parents Joseph Grisham and Mary L. Grisham; the Brown children, Mary V. Brown (Connally), Franklin Pierce Brown; and other relatives including uncle James Steele and cousin Mary E. Maxwell. The scrapbooks (46) contain a variety of materials including newsclippings and ephemera, some relating to Brown's political career, kept by various members of the Brown family.
  Identifier:   ms85  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
56 Title:   State Botanical Garden of Georgia records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   State Botanical Garden of Georgia  
  Dates:   1967-2010  
The records document the creation and administration of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia and include correspondence, reports, plans, marketing and publicity material, newsletters, information regarding plants, grant files, friends of the botanical garden files, and blueprints of some of the grounds and facilities. There are also correspondence files from directors Francis Johnstone, Michael Dirr, and Samuel Jones.
  Identifier:   UA92-157  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
57 Title:   Student Government Association (SGA) records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. Student Government Association  
  Dates:   1989-2010  
This collection consists primarily of papers and records of the University of Georgia's Student Government Association. These papers include meeting minutes, rules on governance, and correspondence. In addition, there are several scrapbooks containing photographs of the association's events from the early 2000's.
  Identifier:   UA10-039  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
58 Title:   Cheney family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cheney family  
  Dates:   1887-1956  
The collection concerns the family of Maude and Frances Cheney, and contains letters dating from 1887 to 1956; postcards; newspaper clippings; handwritten copies of many Clarke County deeds; Christmas cards; envelopes; receipts; a complaint of police brutality; schoolwork; and autograph book; pictures; a scrapbook; and several miscellaneous items. Much of the material in this collection is primarily concerned with two civil Superior Court cases in which the Cheney sisters were involved.
  Identifier:   ms5  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
59 Title:   Henry Rootes Jackson scrapbook  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jackson, Henry R. (Henry Rootes), 1820-1898  
  Dates:   circa 1860  
One scrapbook containing a number of pamphlets and clippings such as: Biographical Sketches of Hon. John C. Breckinbridge and General Joseph Lane (1860); Address of Hon. John C. Breckinridge preceding the Removal of the Senate from the old to the new chamber, January 4, 1859 (1860); Remarks of Hon. Joseph Lane, Dec. 19, 1859; The dividing line between federal and local authority (1859); Observations of territorial sovereignty (1860); Speech of Hon. J. P. Benjamin, May 22, 1860; Reply of Hon. Jefferson Davis to the speech of Senator Douglas, May 16-17, 1860 (1860); Speech of Hon. Robt. Toombs of Georgia, May 21, 1860; Speech of President Buchanan on the evening of Monday, July 9, 1860; Speech of Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, July 18, 1860; Speech of Hon. B. F. Hallett, June 25, 1860; Minority report of Mr. Stephen (1860).
  Identifier:   ms1313  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
60 Title:   Wymberley Wormsloe De Renne family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   De Renne, Wymberley Wormsloe, 1891-1966  
  Dates:   1880-1970  
The collection consists of the papers of Wymberley Wormsloe De Renne and the members of his family, especially Mrs. De Renne and their son Kentwyn. Materials that cover all family members include over seventy years of family correspondence and general materials such as clippings, accounts, invitations, and notebooks. Mrs. De Renne's materials are mainly administraive in nature and reflect her interests and can be found among the series for the Association of Georgia Artists and the Garden Club of Georgia. Kentwyn De Renne's materials include correspondence from the 1940s-1950s and miscellaneous materials. A large amount of material can be found in the financial materials section which has not described beyond year spans. Additionally there is a series for Inigo De Renne, and a small amount of images and miscellaneous relating to the family's activities.
  Identifier:   ms1788  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
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