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21 Title:   Rotary Club of Athens Records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Athens Rotary Club (Athens, Ga.)  
  Dates:   1927-2019  
The Rotary Club of Athens, Georgia was officially chartered by Rotary International on March 12, 1920. The records in this collection consist of administrative records, membership records, publications, district and international records, photographs, audiovisual recordings, artifacts, and other records documenting the organization's administrative, membership, programming, and philanthropic activities in Athens-Clarke County and its relationship with Georgia's Rotary districts and the broader Rotary International community between 1927 and 2017.
  Identifier:   RBRL406  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
22 Title:   Athletic Association records, Series 2: Scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. Athletic Association  
  Dates:   1892-1991  
The scrapbooks series consists of 45 scrapbooks capturing nearly a century of UGA athetlic history. These collections of clippings, photographs, tickets, and souvenirs were created by athletes and fans alike. Football is the most widely represented sport in the collection, but baseball, basketball, and swimming are also featured, and the 1940s-1960s is the most heavily documented time period.
  Identifier:   UA0055_2  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
23 Title:   Marguerite Tillman Thomas collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Thomas, Marguerite Tillman  
  Dates:   1938-1969  
The collection consists of scrapbook pages created by Marguerite Tillman Thomas during her time at the University of Georgia. These pages feature photographs of prominent UGA buildings and structures, including Old College, New College, the Chapel, Peabody Hall, the library (currently the Administration Building), and Sanford Stadium. The scrapbook of Thomas's niece, Carol Bland Dolson, includes clippings covering the Lucy Cobb Institute centennial, a 16th annual G-Day program, theatre programs and ticket tubs, and photographs of campus gatherings. The collection also includes two of Maguerite's cooking course notebooks from the University of Georgia dating from 1932-1933. Other portions of the collection relate to Thomas's service in the U.S. Naval Reserve. Materials include Navy correspondence, memos, pamphlets, clippings, photographs, and navy caps.
  Identifier:   UA15-012  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
24 Title:   Georgia banking scrapbook  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1839  
A bound volume that contains manuscript notes and is also a scrapbook with various articles and pertinent data pasted in. This work is given the fully descriptive title (in manuscript) of "Charters and Amendatory Acts of Georgia Banks, Insurance and Trust Companies, also the General Banking Law, and Acts regulating the Intercourse between Banks and Brokers. Laws, concerning mismanagement and Insolvency of Banks, and in reference to Bills of Exchange, Notarial Certificates, Mortgages, etc. 1839." Included is information on the Commercial Bank of Macon, Insurance Bank of Columbus, Bank of Hawkinsville, Farmers Bank of Chattahoochie, Mechanics Bank of Augusta and numerous other Augusta banks, Bank of the State of Georgia, Bank of Darien, Planters Bank Savannah, Bank of Milledgeville, Bank of Brunswick, Ocmulgee Bank, Bank of St. Marys, several railroad and banking companies, and insurance and trust companies.
  Identifier:   ms1236  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
25 Title:   Daughters of the American Revolution, Henry Walton Chapter (Madison, Ga.) records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Daughters of the American Revolution. Henry Walton Chapter (Madison, Ga.)  
  Dates:   1902-2022  
The collection consists of material facilitating the operation of the Henry Walton Chapter (Madison, Ga.) of the Daughters of the American Revolution as well as documentation of activities and programming. Included are meeting minutes, administrative papers and correspondence, newspaper clippings, and some printed programs, yearbooks, and rituals.
  Identifier:   ms1676  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
26 Title:   Mildred Lewis Rutherford scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rutherford, Mildred Lewis, 1852-1928  
  Dates:   [circa 1858-1930]  
The collection consists of scrapbooks of Mildred Lewis Rutherford from ca. 1858-1930. Two scrapbooks (1858-1908 and 1896-1901) pertain to the Lucy Cobb Institute and contain clippings, programs, printed material, handbooks, correspondence, and copies of the MESSENGER, a publication of the Institute. The other scrapbooks contain mainly clippings documenting current events in Georgia including information on the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs.
  Identifier:   ms1686  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
27 Title:   Hankinson family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hankinson family  
  Dates:   1824-1903  
The collection consists of papers of the family of Stephen Hankinson and Mary C. Speights from 1824-1903. Papers include a marriage bond between Hankinson and Speights, the will of Hankinson, papers concerning the ownership of people who were enslaved, and correspondence to Lee Starke Schieffelin and Corneille S. Schieffelin. The collection also includes a copy of The language of flowers, "property of Marie Essie Hankinson," an autograph book presented to Marie Essie Hankinson, and two scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings with poems and concerning current events.
  Identifier:   ms196  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
28 Title:   Garden Club of Georgia records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Garden Club of Georgia  
  Dates:   1930-1985  
The collection consists of correspondence, guest books, annual district reports, photographs, minutes, scrapbooks, receipts and bills, programs, and booklets produced by the Garden Club. The materials document the activities of the Garden Club of Georgia as well as local garden clubs throughout Georgia and on the national level. Some topics include landscape design schools, flower shows, blue star memorial highway markers, and garden therapy.
  Identifier:   ms2285  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
29 Title:   National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, Athens Chapter Town Committee records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Athens Chapter  
  Dates:   1904-2011  
This collection contains lineage papers and membership applications for various chapters of Colonial Dames. Also, there is a scrapbook containing the pictorial history of Athens from 1800 to 1942.
  Identifier:   ms3838  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
30 Title:   James U. Jackson collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1900-2001  
This collection contains information regarding the family of James U. Jackson including articles, photographs, newspaper clippings, and ephemera. Included are historic materials regarding the Hampton Terrace Hotel, North Augusta, South Carolina, and Roswell, Georgia. Also of interest is a scrapbook of clippings regarding the Chattanooga-Augusta-Charleston and Seaboard Railroads, and the Augusta-Aiken Electric Line.
  Identifier:   ms4031  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
31 Title:   Tipton and Little families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Tipton family  
  Dates:   1900-2000  
This collection contains family records, correspondence and photographs, scrapbooks, diaries and memoirs from the Tipton and Little familes, as well as military yearbooks, photographs and records of James Tipton.
  Identifier:   ms4473  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
32 Title:   YWCO papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Huff, Ginny  
  Dates:   1906-1978  
This collection includes organizational reports, minute books, church member and business listings, newspaper clippings, photographs, and yearbooks.
  Identifier:   ms4519  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
33 Title:   Moore and Allen families papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Allen family  
  Dates:   1786-2018  
This collection contains photographs, scrapbooks, correspondence and genealogy regarding the Moore and Allen families and includes the Shaw, Whitaker, Brantley, Micklejohn families as well. The major portion of the collection documents the Jere N. Moore family, his newspaper career as editor of the Union Recorder, and correpondence with his wife Sarah while serving in the U.S. Army during World War II.
  Identifier:   ms4533  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
34 Title:   Patrick Hues Mell, Jr. family scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mell family  
  Dates:   1857-1916  
The collection consists of eight scrapbooks of the Mell family from 1857-1916. Scrapbooks contain some memorabilia and correspondence between Mell family members, but mainly contains newspaper clippings relating to Patrick Hues Mell, Jr., and his father, Patrick Hues Mell. Clippings document Mell's involvement with the Georgia and Southern Baptist Conference and as Chancellor of the University of Georgia; and Mell, Jr.'s work at Alabama Polytech Institute (Auburn, Alabama); the United Confederate Veterans, Alabama Division; and the Baptist Church. The scrapbooks also contain clippings relating to Annie R. Mell's involvement in various patriotic societies, including The Daughters of the American Revolution; and clippings concerning other relatives in Athens, Clarke County, Georgia. The collection also includes Mell Jr's class lecture notes on philosophy while attending the University of Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms61  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
35 Title:   Ward Morehouse papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Morehouse, Ward, 1898-1966  
  Dates:   1879-1969  
The collection consists of papers of Ward Morehouse from 1879-1969 and includes photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, galley proofs, correspondence, posters, and manuscripts. Photographs are of stage and screen actors and actresses from the late 19th century to the 1950s. Clippings and scrapbooks pertain to Morehouse's columns, play and screen reviews, and theater openings.
  Identifier:   ms687  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
36 Title:   University Theatre scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. University Theatre  
  Dates:   1930-1957  
The collection consists of four scrapbooks containing clippings and playbills related to the theatrical productions at the University of Georgia from 1949 to 1953.
  Identifier:   UA0013  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
37 Title:   Richard B. Russell, Jr. Collection, Subgroup E, Series III: Scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1897-1971  
  Dates:   1930-1971  
Richard B. Russell, Jr. Collection, Subgroup E, Series III: Scrapbooks document Senator Russell's 1930 campaign for governor of Georgia; the thirty-eight years of his Senate career, 1933-1971; and posthumous stories. There is also an almost complete record of the entire Russell family, from weddings to deaths and even clips of nieces' and nephews' school honors. The scrapbooks were maintained by the office staff (several were compiled by family members) and include clippings from newspapers and magazines, including news and feature items, editorials, cartoons, photographs, and mementos. See also scrapbooks in the papers of Senator Russell's mother, Ina Dillard Russell, and his aunt, Addie Day Russell.
  Identifier:   RBRL001RBR_E_III  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
38 Title:   George L. Smith II Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Smith, George Leon, 1912-1973.  
  Dates:   1943-1974  
The George L. Smith II Papers span the dates 1943 to 1974, covering most of his twenty-nine year term as the representative from Emanuel County in the Georgia House of Representatives. The bulk of the papers represent Smith's second tenure as Speaker of the House of Representatives (1967-1973).
  Identifier:   RBRL078GLS  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
39 Title:   Willson Center for Humanities and Arts records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Craige, Betty Jean  
  Dates:   1987-2012  
This collection consists of materials generated by the Willson Center during the years 1987 to 2012. It has the Center's newsletters (1987-2012), publicity materials (1990s-2000s) and items associated with the International Symposia Series (1994-2006). There are articles and essays authored by former director Betty Jean Craige (1984-2010) and newspaper/magazine articles, etc. from 2001 covering the 40th anniversary of UGA's desegregation. In addition, there are items related to the Delta Prize for Global Understanding (1999-2012) and a scrapbook that features photographs and documents from events at the Willson Center during the years 1987 to 1999. There are also numerous DVDs, CDs and audio cassettes.
  Identifier:   UA0137  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
40 Title:   Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Georgia Beta Chapter records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Sigma Alpha Epsilon  
  Dates:   1935-2015  
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Georgia Beta Chapter records consists mostly of materials generated by the University of Georgia chapter. There are brochures, copies of the Georgia Beta Bulletin, history, correspondence and photographs. There is also information about the restoration work on the the Ross Crane House in 1984 and 2008. Additionally, The Book of the Eminent Treasurer (1951-1957) and a scrapbook from 1961-1962 can be found in this collection.
  Identifier:   UA16-001  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
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