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41 Title:   Lutian R. Wootton papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Wootton, Lutian R.  
  Dates:   1940s-1990s  
The material in this collection includes Lutian R. Wootton's correspondence with his colleagues at UGA and at other institutions (1940s-1980s) along with syllabi and teaching notes (1950s-1980s) that show what was expected from those in his classroom supervision courses. In addition, many of Wootton's research notes for his numerous articles, lectures and textbooks (1950s-1980s) are included. Of particular interest are his Trends studies and information pertaining to the Walker County Research Project. Lastly, material regarding his leadership within the Department of Curriculum and Supervision along with his interactions with other departments in the College of Education is found in the collection (1950s-1990s).
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...ECS 722 (environment types)...
...ECS 722 (helping learning environment)...
...ECS 722 (room environment reflects instructional program)...
  Identifier:   UA10-065  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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42 Title:   Charles F. Hatcher Collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hatcher, Charles F. (Charles Floyd), 1939-  
  Dates:   1981-1992  
The collection consists of congressional papers of Charles F. Hatcher from 1981-1992. Includes legislative files containing correspondence, clippings, reports, speeches, printed materials, newsletters, memoranda, voting records, and subject files relating to abortion, the Clarence Thomas nomination, national health care, the Persian Gulf War, wetlands, and the 1990 Farm Bill; press files containing clippings, press releases, speeches, and event files; constituent services containing correspondence documenting public interest on topics before Congress; and personal files containing correspondence, invitations, thank-yous, guest and appointment books.
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...Timber and environment (RCW)...
  Identifier:   RBRL044CFH  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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43 Title:   Williamson S. Stuckey Papers, Series IV: Office Administration  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Stuckey, Williamson Sylvester, 1935-  
  Dates:   1967-1975  
The Office Administration Series consists of agency, personnel, campaign, and political files, and projects Stuckey was involved with during his service in Congress. Included is correspondence, reports, printed materials, maps and legislative bills. This series provides insight into Stuckey's dealings with individuals, both colleagues and constituents, on various issues of the day. Topics include: Cumberland Island and the Okefenokee Swamp project; expanding Atlanta's airport to include international flights to Europe and the Pacific region; Corps of Engineers' work on the Satilla and Altamaha Rivers; Vietnam conflict and Lt. William Calley's case; and impeachment of President Richard Nixon.
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...HEW: Education-Environment Ecology...
...REAP [Rural Environment Assistance Program]...
...Agriculture: Environment and Consumer...
  Identifier:   RBRL210WSS_IV  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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44 Title:   C. Donald (Don) Johnson Papers, Record Group B: Congress  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Johnson, Clete Donald (Don), Jr., 1948-  
  Dates:   1973-2000  
C. Donald (Don) Johnson Papers, Record Group B: Congress includes constiuent services correspondence documenting a rich mix of issues from the early 1990s including Clinton's health care plan, proposed tax increases, the implementation of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" relating to the sexual orientation of military personnel, abortion legislation, gun control, and the federal budget. There are clippings and legislative files regarding Johnson and legislation on which he worked. Legislative topics include: banking, energy, the environment, housing, judicial issues, Urban Affairs, and Appropriations. The campaign series contains items pertaining to Johnson's two campaigns for congress including: correspondence, information about campaign events, campaign ephemera, and clippings. Also found here is material documenting the activities of Johnson's district office in Athens, Georgia.
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...Environment Curriculum...
...Technology] /TEA [Technology, Environment, and Aviation]...
  Identifier:   RBRL038CDJ_B  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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45 Title:   Max Cleland Papers, Series V. Atlanta District Office  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cleland, Max, 1942-2021  
  Dates:   1991-2004  
Cleland represented Georgia in the U.S. Senate (1997-2002), with previous service as a Georgia state senator, head of the Veterans Administration, and Georgia Secretary of State. Series V. Atlanta District Office includes correspondence with constituents, reports on the activities of district representatives, files on event planning and Cleland's travel schedule, office policies, project and research files, and the files of state director Bill Chapman.
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...Environment/Conservation Issues...
...Section 13. (H. ) Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL157MC_V  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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46 Title:   Dean Rusk Personal Papers, Series III: Law School Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rusk, Dean, 1909-1994  
  Dates:   1970-1986  
Dean Rusk Personal Papers, Series III: Law School Files contains course notes, clippings, articles, schedules and lists of students advised by Dean Rusk while he was a professor at the University of Georgia.
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...Law and Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL055DR_III  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
47 Title:   American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia Records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia  
  Dates:   1938-2014  
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Georgia is a nonprofit corporation founded in 1963 that is focused on protecting civil liberties in the state of Georgia. The records document their litigation and lobbying work, the subjects that they are concerned with, and their daily operations and include correspondence, case files, research files, and publications. Common subjects include the criminal justice system, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly, LGBT rights, open government, racial discrimination, and student and juvenile rights.
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...Hostile Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL025ACLU  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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48 Title:   Joel Giddens papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Giddens, Joel  
  Dates:   1906-1995  
This collection has materials from 1906 to 1995 with most dating from the 1930s through the mid-1980s. Documents found in the collection include Gidden's scholarly writings, information about his work with gunpowder during World War II and some of his professional correspondence. There are teaching and lecture materials created during the years 1946-1985 when he was an UGA professor. Gidden's collection also has an extensive reading file consisting of articles and notes that date from 1906 to 1995. In addition, there are plaques and certificates awarded to him during the 1950s, 1970s and 1980s.
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  Identifier:   UA0147  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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49 Title:   Annette Bowling Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bowling, Annette  
  Dates:   1996-2013  
Annette Bowling (1936-2016) served as the executive director of the Albany Advocacy Resource Center for over forty years. Her papers include materials related to her work advocating for people with disabilities, notably her service as chair of the Commissioner's Oversight Committee, which oversaw the closures of the Brook Run Center in 1997 and the Georgia Mental Health Institute (GMHI) in 1998.
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...Disability Advocacy in a Post-Olmstead Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL363  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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50 Title:   Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries Building records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. Richard B. Russell Special Collections Library Building  
  Dates:   2010-2012  
This collection consists of materials prepared for the Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries Building's January 28, 2010 groundbreaking ceremony, January 2012 grand opening and the February 17, 2012 dedication ceremony. Items found in the collection include ribbons, invitations, programs, text of speeches, Columns and PR materials.
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...history and its environment" [brochure], Jean Cleveland's...
...control to provide an ideal environment for preserving rare...
  Identifier:   UA12-026  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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51 Title:   George W. (Buddy) Darden Papers, Audiovisual Materials  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Darden, George, 1943-  
  Dates:   1984-2002  
George W. "Buddy" Darden, III, was born in Hancock County, Georgia, and served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the 7th District from 1983-1995. The George W. (Buddy) Darden Papers Audiovisual Materials contain recordings documenting Darden's career as a U.S. Congressman. Included are copies of radio and television spots for Darden's campaigns, recordings of House floor proceedings, and recordings of appearances by Darden on public programming.
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...Buddy Darden for Congress radio spot, "Environment"...
...Buddy Darden radio spots (Environment -- GOTV -- Leader --...
...Buddy Darden radio spots (Environment -- GOTV -- Leader --...
  Identifier:   RBRL079GWD_AV  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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52 Title:   James L. Pannell Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Pannell, James L.  
  Dates:   1985-1990s  
James L. Pannell served as a state representative from Georgia's 122nd District from 1985 to 1990. His papers include correspondence, bills and resolutions and legislative research files.
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...topics including abortion, environment, Leadership Georgia,...
  Identifier:   RBRL307JLP  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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53 Title:   National Press Photographers Association records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Gordon, James R. "Jim", 1933-2015  
  Dates:   1920-2019  
The collection consists of records from the offices of the National Press Photographers Association, correspondence among members, printed material produced by the NPPA and affiliates, other material including "Living History" interviews with veteran photojournalists, photographs, and awards submissions. Many boxes of slides came from individual photographers as well as group presentations such as the Pictures of the Year. The collection contains photographs and some personal papers from Joseph Costa, founder and first president of NPPA as well as executive editor of the organization's official magazine, National Press Photographer (later retitled News Photographer), from 1946 to 1966. In January of 2017, 30 boxes of material were added to the collection from the late James R. "Jim" Gordon, editor of News Photographer magazine from 1978 to 2003. These files include a broad range of subject files, photographs used in the magazine, and a number of miscellaneous files containing documents, photos, and other material. The James Gordon material has been minimally processed and described at the box level. The Hargrett Library also holds many issues of News Photographer magazine from 1947 to 1974.
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...Still Photojournalism – Environment...
...Still Photojournalism – Environment Story...
...Still Photojournalism – Environment." View an inventory of...
  Identifier:   ms3953  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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54 Title:   Zell Miller Papers, Series IV. Governor of Georgia, Subseries C: Personal Assistants  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Miller, Zell Bryan, 1932-2018  
  Dates:   1961-1999  
The Zell Miller Papers document Miller's forty-five year career in Georgia politics, including his service as a U.S. Senator (2000-2005), Governor of Georgia (1991-1999), Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (1975-1991), Executive Director of the Georgia Democratic Party (1971-1973), member of the State Boards of Pardons and Paroles, Probation, and Children and Youth (1964-1973), Executive Secretary to Governor Lester Maddox (1969-1971), State Senator (1961-1965), and Mayor of Young Harris, Georgia (1959-1960). Series IV. Governor of Georgia, Subseries C. Personal Assistants includes the files of Keith Mason, Steve Wrigley, and Beverly Messer.
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...Research: Environment...
...Roy Barnes on Environment-Votes...
...Johnny Isakson on the Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL213ZM_IV_C  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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55 Title:   Paul Edmonston papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Edmonston, Paul, 1922-2011  
  Dates:   1949-1991  
Although this collection includes pre-UGA documents, most of the material documents Edmonston's contribution to the UGA Art Department and to the field of Art Education. Included are materials that show his participation in various conferences and committees and his involvement with the students and faculty of the UGA Art Department. Also found in this accession are materials relating to Apelles: The Georgia Art Journal.
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...Studio - Learning Environment: 8 Types - Lowery Burgess -...
...Human Being In His Environment" - Kenneth Mellanby - Cross...
...And Architectural Environment" - Cross Cultural - INSEA -...
  Identifier:   UA0058  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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56 Title:   Southeast ADA Center Resource Collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Southeast ADA Center  
  Dates:   1986-2011  
The Southeast ADA Center Resource Collection provides information, training, and guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act and disability access for business, government, and individuals at the local, state, and regional levels. The collection includes materials created and distributed by the center for education, instruction and compliance with the ADA.
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...for Accessibility Standards for Children's Environments...
...Disability Advocacy in a Post-Olmstead Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL377  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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57 Title:   John W. Davis Papers, Series V: Legislative  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Davis, John W., 1916-1992  
  Dates:   1961-1975  
John W. Davis Papers, Series V: Legislative is arranged by Congress and contains legislative material and correspondence for the 91st, 92nd, and 93rd Congresses (1979-1974). It contains Davis Bills from 1961 to 1974. Each Congress is arranged by House Committee followed by Davis's Committees (ones he served on) and Subcommittee followed by Davis's bills. Topics include Watergate, NASA, the National Science Foundation, fire research and training, metric hearings, energy, and the Panama Canal.
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...H.R. 164 Interstate Environment Compact...
...H.R. 5446 Interstate Environment Compacts...
...H.J. Res. 25 Joint Committee on Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL132JWD_V  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
58 Title:   Charles W. Norwood, Jr. Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Norwood, Charles W. (Charles Whitlow), 1941-2007  
  Dates:   1967-2009  
Charles W. Norwood, Jr. (1941-2007) represented Georgia's 9th and 10th Districts of in the U.S. House of Representative (1995-2007) and was previously a prominent dentist in Augusta, Georgia. His papers document his time in Congress and the legislation he supported through constituent services, legislative files, press materials, and personal and political files.
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...subjects include the environment, health care, and Norwood's...
  Identifier:   RBRL047CWN  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
59 Title:   Howard J. Wiarda and Iêda de Barros Siqueira Wiarda Collection: Howard J. Wiarda Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Howard J. Wiarda  
  Dates:   1928-2014  
Howard J. Wiarda is a scholar, consultant, think tanker, and political advisor in the fields of international relations, foreign policy, and comparative politics. His papers document his academic and political career, including his research, advising of government officials, and participation in Washington think tanks, and are predominantly composed of research files and writings.
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...Alternative Environments...
...Latin America Environment/ Ecology...
  Identifier:   RBRL276HJW  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
60 Title:   C. Donald (Don) Johnson Papers, Record Group A: State Senate Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Johnson, Clete Donald (Don), Jr., 1948-  
  Dates:   1987-1992  
Record Group A: State Senate Files were generated while Don Johnson served in the Georgia General Assembly as a Senator from 1987 to 1993. The General Files include materials that assisted Johnson with monitoring legislative issues, researching and writing legislation, developing legislative initiatives, as well as observing local issues. Included are files relating to the Intra County Telephone Toll Bill, Johnson's work on the Appropriations and Reapportionment Committees, the Export Study Commission, and the Hobbs Act. The Issue files contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, printed materials, reports, maps and bills. These were issues of particular interest to Johnson which included human resources, taxation and transportation. The Campaign series contains material relating to Johnson's campaign in 1987 to fill the seat of the late Parks Brown and his subsequent races in 1988, 1990, and 1992.
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  Identifier:   RBRL038CDJ_A  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
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