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21 Title:   Athens Model Cities Program  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Athens Model Cities Program (Athens, Ga.)  
  Dates:   1968-1973  
The collection consists of correspondence, policy board minutes, by-laws, surveys, plans, evaluations and projects connected with the Athens Model Cities Program from 1968-1973.
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...Physical Environment Projects...
...project. 6. Physical environment projects. 7. Miscellaneous...
  Identifier:   ms879  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
22 Title:   Eric Johnson Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Johnson, Eric, 1953-  
  Dates:   1979-2012  
Eric Johnson served as State Senator from Georgia's 1st district (1994-2009). The papers document his legislative activities and political campaigns.
8 hits    
...Energy and the Environment]...
...requests, healthcare, the environment, and legislation. View...
  Identifier:   RBRL245EJ  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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23 Title:   Frederick C. Marland Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Marland, Frederick C. , 1933-  
  Dates:   1930s-2000s  
Frederick C. Marland is a retired professor from the University of Georgia Marine Science Institute located in Sapelo Island, Georgia. He worked closely with Reid Harris and other Georgia legislators to write the technical portions of the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act of 1970, and later the Shore Act of 1979. These papers consist of his collected ecological research, material on marine development, promotional information about coastal areas, and a large collection of annotated maps.
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...Coastal Canals can Damage the Environment...
...Handbook: Building in the Coastal Environment...
...The Southern River Swamp - A Multiple-Use Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL430  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
24 Title:   Max Cleland Papers, Series I. Constituent Services  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cleland, Max, 1942-2021  
  Dates:   1997-2002  
Cleland represented Georgia in the U.S. Senate (1997-2002), with previous service as a Georgia state senator, head of the Veterans Administration, and Georgia Secretary of State. Series I. Constituent Services contains correspondence between Max Cleland and his constituents about the wide variety of issues that concerned them.
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...G7-703 Superfund [Environment]...
...G7-706 Cumberland [Environment]...
...G7-733 S.104 [Environment]...
  Identifier:   RBRL157MC_I  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
25 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series II, Subseries B: Legislative Assistants' Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1973-1994  
J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series II, Subseries B: Legislative Assistants' Files document the ten legislative assistants in his Washington, D.C., office. Legislative research and bill files may contain any of the following: background materials about legislative issues, staffer notes, drafts and final copies of bills, "Dear Colleague" letters to/from other members of Congress, Rowland's statements made on the House floor, news clippings, background memoranda from staff to Rowland, hearing statements by Rowland and others, and correspondence from lobbyists. Legislative mail contains letters to Rowland from constituents about legislation and copies of Rowland's responses. Mail files also include responses to constituents' telephone calls or visits to district offices and inquiries received at Rowland's Washington, D.C., office. Topics in the mail files usually reflect the staffer's assigned legislative topics. Speeches and statements files contain speeches and statements Rowland made on the House floor or in his district. See Series IV. Press and Series I. Administrative for additional speeches and statements. The Legislative Series' main strength is health care legislation and related committee work (e.g., Energy and Commerce Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee, National Commission on AIDS, National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality, Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families), and to a lesser extent the topics of transportation (Public Works and Transportation Committee), agriculture, education, defense, the environment, and foreign affairs.
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...Infrastructure and Environment]...
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_II_B  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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26 Title:   George W. (Buddy) Darden Papers, Series I: Constituent Services  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Darden, George, 1943-  
  Dates:   1979-1995  
George (Buddy) Darden served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1983 to 1995. Series I: Constituent Services contains correspondence from Darden's constituents and his responses, as well as results from a survey he sent constituents about health care reform and office materials for keeping track of constituent mail.
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...A.EV [Environment]...
...E.Ev [Environment]...
...J.EV [Environment]...
  Identifier:   RBRL079GWD_I  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
27 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series IV: Press  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1973-1994  
The Press Series documents Rowland's activities, his legislative priorities, and issues affecting the Eighth District. Of particular interest are the Health Issues clippings, which cover many of Rowland's major initiatives, such as funding for AIDS research, and the Campaign clippings, which cover Rowland's and his opponents' campaign activities and positions on various issues. Also included is correspondence sent to Rowland from constituents and from colleagues and various organizations. The latter are mostly form letters inviting Rowland to events or announcing upcoming meetings.
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...1994), Health and the Environment subcommittee, Commerce,...
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_IV  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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28 Title:   Eugene Odum collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Odum, Eugene Pleasants, 1913-2002  
  Dates:   1930-2002  
The collection consists of essays, reviews, commentaries, journal papers and books by Eugene Odum. Among the books included are: Crisis of Survival, H. H. Brimley, Ecology (2nd ed.), Basic Ecology, Birds of Georgia, and several translations of Fundamental Ecology and Ecology.
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...Pricing the Natural Environment...
...The Macroscopic Organism and Its Environment...
...Optimum Population and Environment: A Georgian Microcosm...
  Identifier:   ms2476  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
29 Title:   Ed Jackson's Files on the Governor's Commission for Efficiency and Improvement in Government  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Governor's Commission for Efficiency and Improvement in Government  
  Dates:   1955-1990  
The Commission's papers span the dates of 1955–1973 and represent agency reports collected by the Commission as well as studies of the Commission's findings.
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...E. Natural Environment...
...Study: Natural Environment -- Recommendation Memos 5-A-1 –...
...Study: Natural Environment -- Recommendation Memos 5-A-2 –...
  Identifier:   RBRL019EJ  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
30 Title:   International Biological Program records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   U.S. International Biological Program  
  Dates:   1957-1977  
The International Biological Program collection covers the activities of the project from its inception in the mid-1960s through its demise in 1975. These activities are documented in correspondence, reports, proposals, newsletters and other sources regarding each of the six biomes that were studied. The project's ties to Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), as well as a number of American universities are well documented.
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...Conservation of Environments...
...UN Conference on the Human Environment, Pt. 1...
...UN Conference on the Human Environment, Pt. 2...
  Identifier:   UA97-046  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
31 Title:   Gilbert C. Fite collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1929-1983  
The collection consists the newspaper files of American Agriculture News, inventories of the Congressional Records Series of the University of Oklahoma, and Farmland Industries materials, including annual reports, copies of the minutes of board meetings, prospectuses for stock sales, special reports, correspondence, and notes.
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...Pollution, Environment...
  Identifier:   ms2461  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
32 Title:   Eugene Odum papers-Institute of Ecology  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Odum, Eugene Pleasants, 1913-2002  
  Dates:   1937-1990  
This collection consists of information on Dr. Odum's professional meetings and travel, manuscripts and published papers, graduate student records, Ecology Institute information, correspondence and building plans, records pertaining to L.R. Pomeroy, financial information, grant proposals, newsletters, surveys, and other miscellaneous information.
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...PYE - Protect Your Environment...
...Environment Science Center - UGA...
...Pollution and Environment - Ga. Tech. Seminar...
  Identifier:   UA97-045  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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33 Title:   Defenders of Wild Cumberland records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Wright, Hal  
  Dates:   1965-2010  
This collection contains research, litigation files, organizational correspondence and notes regarding cases and issues that effected wildlife, wilderness areas, and the environment of Cumberland Island. It includes subjects ranging from feral horses, hogs and deer to property issues with Plum Orchard and Greyfield Ltd., driving on the beach, permits, fire management, and National Seashore designation.
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...Environment - Gopher tortoises...
...Environment Wildlife - Feral hogs...
...Environment - Endangered species - Caretta Caretta recovery...
  Identifier:   ms4441  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
34 Title:   Institute of Ecology records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Institute of Ecology  
  Dates:   1970-1986  
The administrative subject and correspondence file contains comprehensive records from each of TIE's 4 basic divisions: Founders (1970-1980), has extensive correspondence related to the emergence of the Founders consortium as a distinct entity, its eventual attempts at restructuring, conference files, recruitment records, and a file sequence of member institutions; Board of Trustees (1971-1984) correspondence/subject file includes documents relative to Trustees' elections, annual meetings, and general administration; Assembly (1971-1983) records pertaine to recruitment, featuring file runs of both individual and institutional representative members; Office of the Executive Director (1967-1985) encompassing the most comprehensive administrative subject file in the collection, this subseries features the files of the last Executive Director of TIE, Ms. Josephine K. Doherty (these records are essentially in original provenance). Also included herein are materials on the Fifth Year Review Report, the Nuclear Winter Conference of 1985, financial records of TIE, and documents relating to the growth, development, and demise of TIE form 1967 to 1984. The research proposal and project files form the bulk of the record for TIE. During its fourteen years of research activity, TIE embraced projects of many sizes, from the small Dynamic Corporation (1982) to the comprehensive work undertaken by the Environmental Impact Assessment Program (1970-1977) or the Experimental Ecological Reserves Project (1972-1981). Many ecosystems were examined, from the Clifty Creek Power Plant to global consequences of nuclear war. Numerous funding agencies, both public and private, opened their resources to TIE, the research consortium best suited to addressing those often multi-disciplinary questions relating to policy making in the ecological sphere. The distilled essence of the research work of TIE can be found in the Publications File. The financial working papers of TIE has been designated transitory, because final record copy of TIE fiscal transactions exist either in the administrative subject files of the executive director or the individual project files in the research series. This series is largely composes of budget support and printing invoices. Initial discussion with the TIE representatives yielded a suggested retention time of two years from the corporate close of TIE activities; after that point, the records were to be destroyed. The Ancillary Records to the TIE Archive are comprised of correspondence, working papers, audio tapes, and addenda routed through Archives offices for response after cessation of TIE corporate activities on June 30, 1984. Included in this file are requests for jobs, solicitations, requests for publications, and correspondence between TIE representatives and Dr. John C. Edwards, TIE Archivist. The working papers consist of original monographs of Carol Ebel and E. Gilbert Head, working papers used in the processing and reorganization of the TIE papers, and in the preparation of the final inventory. Two sets of cassette audio tapes make up this subseries; Ecology Handbook Conference Tapes-Morgantown/Tulsa 1976 (12 tapes), and TIE History Interview Tapes 1984-1985 (14 tapes). Addenda will be appended to the TIE Archives as Ancillary Records. For additional TIE information, you are referred to the R.H. Goodwin Papers, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming. Materials in this collection include: Minutes of meetings, memoranda, correspondence and reports (1971-1978), Fifth Year Review Report, Trustees Handbook (1976), Financial Statements (1972-1977), fund raising correspondence (1976-1977), and foundation grant requests (1976-1977). Dr. Goodwin was treasurer of TIE from 1975-1977.
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...Rocky Mountains Center of Environment...
...World Environment and Resources Council...
...Center for the Environment and Man...
  Identifier:   UA97-066  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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35 Title:   Anne L. Sweaney collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Sweaney, Anna L. (Anne Landoy)  
  Dates:   1907-2012  
The Anne L. Sweaney collection consists of materials from her career with the College of Family and Consumer Sciences' Home and Consumer Economics department. The collection has manuscripts that she wrote on topics ranging from low income housing to the quality of life for older adults. There are records of Sweaney's research including the SMART HOUSE studies (1988 through 1991) and her work on various Southern Regional Projects (1970s-1990s). Other documents relate to her teaching (1981-2012), serving as head of the HACE department (2004-2012) and as Interim Dean of FACS (2010-2011). Also included is information about conferences that she attended and presented at along with grants that went toward funding her numerous studies and research projects. In addition, there is material from her service on the Athletic Association's Board of Directors.
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...Children's environments"...
...Acceptability of alternative housing environments"...
...S-95 quality housing environment for low-imcome families...
  Identifier:   UA11-202  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
36 Title:   Ecological Society of America records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ecological Society of America  
  Dates:   1915-2015  
The collection consists of correspondence, reports, and research materials related to the activities of the Ecological Society of America. The records are primarily associated with 43 prominent members of ESA, including Stanley Auerbach, Frank Golley and others.
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...Environment and Man...
...Nobel Prize-Ecology, Environment...
...Health and Environment Course...
  Identifier:   UA97-061  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
37 Title:   Williamson S. Stuckey Papers, Series III: Legislative  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Stuckey, Williamson Sylvester, 1935-  
  Dates:   1967-1976  
Williamson S. Stuckey Papers, Series III: Legislative files relate to legislative issues and consist of constituent correspondence about various bills being considered. This series contains correspondence, reports, court transcripts, bills, and printed materials. Of interest are transcripts from the investigation of the Textile and Apparel Industries (332-5) in November 1967. Topics include Cumberland Island, amnesty for Vietnam draft dodgers and deserters, the equal rights amendment, American Bicentennial celebration, the Arab boycott, and gun control.
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...Agriculture-Environment and Consumer...
...Public Health and Environment...
...Interior and Insular Affairs-environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL210WSS_III  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
38 Title:   Southern Forest Institute papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1900  
Collection contains media, articles, and reading files from the Southern Forest Institute from the late 20th century.
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...Forest Management and Our Southern Environment"...
  Identifier:   ms3078  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
39 Title:   Institute of Ecology records, Richard Carpenter interview  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Carpenter, Richard  
  Dates:   1985 April 25  
Richard Carpenter discusses the Institute of Ecology, including its origins, its approaches to research, its relationship with colleges and universities, its structural and funding challenges, and its demise.
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...of their physical environment. Oral histories (document...
...organism in a living environment of other organisms, plants...
  Identifier:   UA97-066_0003-1  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
40 Title:   Richard B. Ray Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ray, Richard B.  
  Dates:   1972-1992  
Richard B. Ray represented the third district of Georgia in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1983 to 1993. His papers document his congressional service and include constituent mail, committee and legislation files, press files, office files, and photographs.
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...General Environment...
...Georgia Environment - Non Defense...
...Section 3: Environment...
  Identifier:   RBRL172RR  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
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