241 |
Title: |
John Leonard Pilcher Papers, Series XI: Artifacts and Memorabilia
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Pilcher, John Leonard, 1898-1981. |
Dates: |
1941-1976 |
Contents: |
The artifacts and memorabilia document the career of John L. Picher and include plaques, certificates, commissions, newspaper
articles, drawings, and a Somerville political cartoon.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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242 |
Title: |
John W. Davis: Collection Summary
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1936-1975 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis was a lawyer and judge who served in the U.S. House from 1961 to 1974, including service on the House Administration
Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Science and Astronautics Committee. Davis's papers document his political
career and includes correspondence, legislative files, speech and press files, and campaign materials.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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243 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series I: Speech/Press Files
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1955-1974 |
Contents: |
The John Davis Papers, Series I. Speech/Press Files consists of clippings; grant files; insertions in the Congressional Record;
newsletters; radio scripts and tapes; press releases; and speeches, addresses and statements by Davis on various topics. Some
of the topics include: techonology, fire research and safety, Interstate 75, Daylight Savings Time, Coosa-Alabama River System,
Watergate and Nixon, National Science Foundation, Lockheed, and Vietnam.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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244 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series II: Political Campaigns
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1954-1974 |
Contents: |
The John Davis Papers, Series II: Political Campaigns contains clippings, campaign files, and memorabilia documenting Davis'
campaigns from 1954 to 1974.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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245 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series III: Personal
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1961-1974 |
Contents: |
The John Davis Papers, Series III: Personal contains correspondence, invitations, thank you letters and other personal material.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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246 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series IV: Intra-Office
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1954-1976 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series IV: Intra-Office files contains nine appointment books which record the hourly appointments (9:00-6:00)
of Davis' Committee and Club meetings and his speaking engagements for 1961 to 1965 and 1970 to 1974. There are also two guests
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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247 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series V: Legislative
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1961-1975 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series V: Legislative is arranged by Congress and contains legislative material and correspondence for
the 91st, 92nd, and 93rd Congresses (1979-1974). It contains Davis Bills from 1961 to 1974. Each Congress is arranged by House
Committee followed by Davis's Committees (ones he served on) and Subcommittee followed by Davis's bills. Topics include Watergate,
NASA, the National Science Foundation, fire research and training, metric hearings, energy, and the Panama Canal.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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248 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series VI: General File
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1941, 1958-1974 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series VI: General File contains a variety of material and correspondence, reports, press releases,
and grants especially in the early years. The General File, as well as, Legislative, reflect the increasing sophistication
of Davis' filing system. In the years 1961 to 1968 (87th - 89th Congresses) General Correspondence-Subject Files includes
legislative correspondence. The 1969 and 1970 material is filed together, as was 1971 and 1972. However, 1973 and 1974 were
both filed separately (with the exception of the federal agencies and county files which were maintained together). Topics
include roads and interstates (I-75), water resource management (Carters Dam and Coosa River), Lockheed Corporation, rural
electrification, busing for integration and civil rights, county grants, housing, Medicare, and science and technology.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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249 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XI: Rivers, Harbors, and Watersheds
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1963-1970 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XI: Rivers, Harbors, and Watersheds files contain correspondence, clippings, news releases, and
Department of Agriculture reports on the federal watershed projects in the Seventh District. The file was maintained separately
in Davis' office and therefore was kept as a distinct series, although the file is small and somewhat similar to folders found
in Series VI. General File. The series is arranged alphabetically by name of project, then chronologically within each category.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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250 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XII: Seventh District Federal Funding
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1972-1974 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XII: Seventh District Federal Funding files contain incoming and outgoing correspondence, notices,
and lists of contacts regarding federal funding (from landfills to ballet projects) that Davis helped to obtain for the counties
in his district from 1972 to 1974. These files represent a more complete set of records than is found in the "grants" portion
of Series I. Speech-Press.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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251 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XIII: Office Administration
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1970-1972 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XIII. Office Administration files contain items Davis distributed to constituents, colleagues
and friends. Also included are a few sheets of office stationery.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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252 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XIV: Technology Assessment
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1970-1976 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XIV: Technology Assessment files contain documents that relate both to Davis's position on the
Technology Assessment Board, while still in Congress, and his position in the Office of Technology Assessment, after leaving
office in 1975. The series is arranged chronologically, latest date first.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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253 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XV: Scrapbooks
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1960-1970 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XV: Scrapbooks contains two scrapbooks. They are filled with news clippings and photographs which
detail Davis's political life in the 1960s. One book deals with the 1960 election exclusively, while the other deals with
various events in the 1960s.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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254 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XVI: Artifacts and Memorabilia
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1936, 1969-1974 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XVI: Artifacts and Memorabilia include campaign buttons, name tags, printing plates, license
plates, and plaques.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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255 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XVII: Photographs
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1960-1974 |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XVII: Photographs consist of images of John W. Davis focusing primarily on his political career.
The photographs contain images of Davis as a young man, lawyer, jurist, and politician. Contents of this series range from
photographs of Davis at fundraisers, formal dinners, and at work on various congressional duties.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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256 |
Title: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XVIII. Audiovisual Materials
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Davis, John W., 1916-1992 |
Dates: |
1950s-1970s |
Contents: |
John W. Davis Papers, Series XVIII. Audiovisual Materials includes one 16mm film, one phonodisc, 91 audiocassettes, 335 quarter-inch
open reel audio tapes, and five two-inch video tapes, documenting campaign ads, speeches, press appearances, and policy-related
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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257 |
Title: |
Joseph C. Frierson, Jr. Collection of William J. Thompson Sketches
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Thompson, William J. |
Dates: |
1975 |
Contents: |
The Joseph C. Frierson, Jr. Collection of William J. Thompson Sketches is comprised of three framed sketches of Senator Richard
B. Russell, Jr. The sketches were originally done by William J. Thompson in preparation to sculpt the bronze statue of Russell
for the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol. The sketches were originally hung in the Athens office of Joseph C. Frierson
before coming to the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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258 |
Title: |
Joseph M. Terrell Papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Terrell, Joseph Meriweather, 1861-1912. |
Dates: |
1882-1912 |
Contents: |
The Joseph M. Terrell papers reflect Terrell's political career at the state and, to a lesser extent, national levels. The
majority of the collection consists of scrapbooks and photographs.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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259 |
Title: |
Josephine Mellichamp Georgiana Research Papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Mellichamp, Josephine, 1923-1988. |
Dates: |
1963-1988 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of clippings, printed material, manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and ephemera documenting
a broad range of events, activities, people, and places in the state of Georgia from the earliest American Indian settlements
through the early 1980s and, specifically, the history of senators in Georgia through the late 1970s. Drafts and research
materials for Josephine Mellichamp's book, Senators from Georgia, provide an abundance of information on the careers of Georgia
senators. The drafts of "Georgia Heritage" contained in these papers may be the only extant copies of the manuscript since
the material was never published. The collection also contains a small collection of printed works.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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260 |
Title: |
Julius Bishop Papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Bishop, Julius, Mayor, 1915-2008 |
Dates: |
1963-2005 |
Contents: |
The Julius Bishop artifact collection consists of memorabilia collected by Bishop as mayor of Athens and as member of the
various committees and boards which he served on. The collection consists of a program, a photograph, certificates, resolutions,
appointments, and commissions which were presented to Bishop during his years of public service.
Identifier: |
Repository: |
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies |
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