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Dudley Mays Hughes Collection

Dudley Mays Hughes Collection

Descriptive Summary

Title: Dudley Mays Hughes Collection
Creator: Hughes, Dudley Mays, 1848-1927.
Inclusive Dates: 1847-1976
Language(s): English
Extent: 64 box(es) (26.75 linear feet) including 572 photographs
Collection Number: RBRL060DMH
Repository: Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
Abstract: The collection consists of personal, political, and business papers of the Hughes family from 1806 to 1971. The collection provides insight into agricultural practices, Georgia society and politics, national politics, white and black relations in the South, women in the South, and economic and educational concerns of Americans during that time. The collection also includes farm journals (circa 1840s-1900s), printed materials, scrapbooks, speeches, and a book of freedman's accounts.

Collection Description

Biographical Note

Dudley M. Hughes (1848-1927), son of Daniel Greenwood and Mary Henrietta Moore Hughes, was born in Jeffersonville, Twiggs County, Georgia on 10 October. Educated at Oakland Academy and the University of Georgia he abandoned his education in 1869 to manage his father's plantation near Danville. On 25 November 1873, Hughes married Mary Frances Dennard. The marriage produced three children: Daniel Greenwood Hughes, Hugh Lawson Dennard Hughes, and Henrietta Louise Hughes.

A prominent Georgia agriculturist, Hughes created a large farming complex known as Magnolia Plantation and headed or became involved in numerous agribusiness enterprises including Magnolia Orchard and the Georgia Fruit Land Company. Often known as "Colonel" by family and associates, Hughes served as president of the Georgia State Agricultural Society from 1904 to 1906. He also played an important role in establishing the School of Agriculture at the University of Georgia, where he served as a trustee. A man with a wide variety of interests, Hughes became one of the original incorporators of the Macon, Dublin, and Savannah Railroad in 1885 and served as its president until 1891. Hughes's efforts received much public attention in Georgia, and Governor Joe Terrell appointed him Commissioner General of Georgia to the St. Louis World's Fair of 1904.

Active in politics, Hughes served as a Georgia State Senator from 1882 to 1883 and in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1909 to 1917. Hughes began campaigning in 1904 for the 1906 election against the incumbent, Elijah B. Lewis. After a long and bitter campaign, Lewis won, but left many of his opponents and constituents unhappy with his election tactics and congressional record. Hughes challenged Lewis again in 1908 and defeated him. Hughes represented the Third Congressional District (Ben Hill, Crawford, Crisp, Dooly, Houston, Lee, Macon, Pulaski, Schley, Stewart, Sumter, Taylor, Twiggs, Webster, and Wilcox counties) from 1909 to 1912. When the state legislature reapportioned the congressional districts in 1912, Hughes was transferred to the Twelfth District (Dodge, Emmanual, Houston, Johnson, Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, Toombs, Twiggs, and Wilcox counties) until his defeat in 1918.

While in Congress, Hughes served on several committees, especially the Committee on the Military, the Committee on Agriculture, and the Committee on Education which he chaired from 1913 to 1916. With Georgia Senator Hoke Smith, Hughes was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913 to a special commission charged with examining the question of federal aid for vocational education. The majority of the commission's findings were later incorporated into a bill championed by Hughes and Smith. Passed in January of 1917, the Smith-Hughes Act provided for federal funding equal to state funding for the purpose of training teachers and maintaining schools for secondary vocational education.

After leaving Congress, Hughes pursued his agricultural interests full-time until his death in Macon, Bibb County, Georgia on 20 January 1927. Hughes was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Perry, Houston County, Georgia.

Scope and Content

Dudley M. Hughes (1848-1927), a prominent Georgia agriculturist, he created a large farming complex known as Magnolia Plantation and headed or became involved in numerous agribusiness enterprises including Magnolia Orchard and the Georgia Fruit Land Company. Dudley Hughes became one of the original incorporators of the Macon, Dublin, and Savannah Railroad and briefly served as its president. He believed that Georgia and all American farmers should devote more attention to the study of agriculture and spent much of his time and energy encouraging them to gain more knowledge of that occupation. He urged his fellow farmers to approach agriculture as a science and corresponded with the State Entomologist as well as numerous agricultural organizations to discuss problems or new improvements in farming. Mr. Hughes, often known as "Colonel" by family and associates, also served as president of the Georgia State Agricultural Society from 1904 to 1906. He played an important role in establishing the School of Agriculture at the University of Georgia, where he served as a trustee. Dudley Hughes's efforts received much public attention in Georgia, and Governor Joe Terrell appointed him Commissioner General of Georgia to the St. Louis World's Fair of 1904. There Mr. Hughes sought to present the state as an active and prosperous region in agriculture and industry.

As a prominent Georgian, Dudley Hughes's name often appeared in state politics. Much of his early political correspondence consisted of letters to friends, relatives, and business associates concerning state legislative issues and appointments. He was also involved in the affairs of several Georgia colleges where he served as trustee, including the University of Georgia and the Georgia Normal Institute in Macon. Dudley Hughes served a brief term as state senator from 1898 to 1899, but only a few papers exist from that period. The collection includes correspondence with Georgia governors Joseph M. Terrell, Hoke Smith, Joseph M. Brown, Hugh M. Dorsey, and Thomas W. Hardwick. Several of his associates attempted to have Mr. Hughes run for governor during the early 1900s, and a few of these letters are interspersed in the Georgia political papers.

The bulk of Hughes's political experience came when he decided to run as a representative of the Third District to the United States Congress. He began campaigning in 1904 for the 1906 election against the incumbent, Elijah B. Lewis. After a long and bitter campaign, Lewis won, but left many of his opponents and constituents unhappy with his election tactics and congressional record. Hughes challenged Lewis again in 1908 and defeated him. Most of the campaign material in the Hughes papers concerns these two elections. A few files cover the campaigns of 1910-1916 and the reapportionment issue which switched Mr. Hughes from the Third to the Twelfth District in 1912. Also of note is the correspondence of the entire Hughes family to aid Dudley Hughes. Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. served as manager of the 1908 campaign and his papers provide additional insight into the race. The researcher should look at the political correspondence of Dan Hughes, Jr., for he often answered letters in place of his father.

In congress, Dudley Hughes served on several committees, especially the Military Committee, the Committee of Agriculture, and the Educational Committee which he chaired from 1913 to 1916. He continued to advocate the concerns of the farming community and his legislative correspondence on agriculture ranges from detailed analysis of specific problems, the Good Roads movement, farming practices, and anti-gambling bills to more mundane constituent requests for seeds and fish stock. Dudley Hughes also dealt with numerous applications for political patronage, most notably military and naval scholarships, the appointment of a U. S. marshal, census enumerator, guano inspector, and postal positions. Interspersed among the papers of Dudley Hughes are those of his family. The most numerous of these are the political (see above) and business papers of his eldest son, Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. Also noteworthy are the letters of Mary D. Hughes who worked with her husband to provide religious and secular education to girls as well as to boys. Mary Hughes took a strong stand on the importance of self-sufficiency for women, although her papers do not suggest that she joined the growing feminist movement in the country. The letters of the Hughes's only daughter, Hennilou, provide a glimpse of a young girl growing up at the turn of the century in middle Georgia and in Washington, D.C. Hugh L. D. Hughes became an important merchant in Danville, Georgia (the homeplace of the Hughes family) and served in numerous civic and business capacities. He worked as a staff member for Governors Candler and Terrell and became a state senator for the 21st District in 1925. H. L. D. Hughes continued his father's educational interests and served as Trustee of Middle College of Cochran and of Georgia State College in Athens, Georgia. While his papers are not as numerous as those of other family members, they are worth consideration for his business and educational interests.

Organization and Arrangement

The collection is divided into eight series: I. Personal, II. Political, III. Business and Finance, IV. Printed Materials, V. Volumes and Scrapbooks, VI. Speeches, VII. Photographs, and VIII. Artifacts.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Many of the letters and documents are brittle and have deteriorated with age, therefore the researcher should take special care with these materials.

Preferred Citation

Dudley Mays Hughes Collection, Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, Georgia, 30602-1641.

Processing Notes

The most fragile items have been photocopied.

User Restrictions

Library acts as "fair use" reproduction agent.

Copyright Information

Before material from collections at the Richard B. Russell Library may be quoted in print, or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, in any publication, permission must be obtained from (1) the owner of the physical property, and (2) the holder of the copyright. It is the particular responsibility of the researcher to obtain both sets of permissions. Persons wishing to quote from materials in the Russell Library collection should consult the Director. Reproduction of any item must contain a complete citation to the original.

Finding Aid Publication

Finding aid prepared on: 2000.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Agricultural industries -- Georgia
Agriculture -- Societies, etc -- Georgia
Baptists -- Georgia.
Georgia -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950.
Georgia -- Social life and customs -- 1865-1950.
Georgia -- Social life and customs -- 1951-
Hughes, Daniel G. (Daniel Greenwood)
Hughes, Henrietta Louise.
Hughes, Hugh Lawson Dennard.
Hughes, Mary D. (Mary Frances Dennard)
Immigrants -- Employment -- United States -- 1900-1950.
Journals (periodicals)
Legislators -- United States.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904 : Saint Louis, Mo.)
Plantations -- Georgia.
Race relations -- United States.
Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act of 1917.
Southern States -- Race relations.
Twiggs County (Ga.)
Universities and colleges -- Georgia.
Vocational education -- United States
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924.
Women -- Georgia -- Societies and clubs.
Women's Missionary Union

Related Collections in this Repository

Thomas W. Hardwick Papers

Lamartine G. Hardman Collection

William J. Harris Papers

Richard B. Russell, Sr. Papers

Richard B. Russell, Jr. Collection

Hugh Peterson, Sr. Papers

Hoke Smith Papers

Joseph M. Terrell Papers

Related Collections in Other Repositories

Macon, Dublin, and Savannah Railroad Records, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia

Charles R. Crisp Papers, Georgia Southwestern University

Thomas Watson Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


I. Personal

9 box(es)
(5.5 linear feet)
This series consists mainly of correspondence and documents relating to the family of Dudley Mays Hughes. It is divided into two subseries: A. Correspondence and B. General.

A. Correspondence

Most of the letters in this subseries pertain to Dudley Mays Hughes, his wife, Mary Frances Dennard Hughes, and their three children, Daniel Greenwood Hughes, Jr. Hugh Lawson Dennard Hughes, and Henrietta Louise Hughes. A few letters extend back to the early 1800s and are included in the file entitled "Old Family Letters."
The correspondence reveals a close family, one which shared all of life's joys, experiences, and sorrows. The researcher can understand how the Hughes family loved, interacted, and occasionally disagreed. Dudley Hughes and his wife retained a powerful influence on their children, but allowed each child to grow into an independent individual with his/her own interests and contributions to the family, community, and state.In addition to family affairs, the Correspondence subseries reveals other concerns of the Hughes family including the domestic and public activities of Mary Dennard Hughes and her daughter, Hennilou. The family belonged to the Southern Baptist Denomination and played a prominent role in the development of education and missions interests in their local church. The papers also contain information about the secular education of young girls and boys in nineteenth-century Georgia as well as the South. Both Dudley and Mary Hughes gave advice about their farming methods in numerous letters to their children. Race and class relations of the period, as well as social, political, and economic events in Georgia and the nation are depicted. The Hughes family also noted their impressions of new ideas, inventions, and amusements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: the typewriter, the first automobiles, and moving pictures. Notable items concerning family events include:
a) Letters/documents relating to the education of the Hughes family. Dudley M. Hughes matriculated as a member of the 1871 class at the University of Georgia, but left in 1870. Mary D. Hughes attended school in Petapso, Maryland, Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. graduated from the University of Georgia, and Hennilou attended the Lucy Cobb Institute in Athens, Georgia.
b) Descriptions of Hennilou's trip to Europe in 1900, and her trip to the Midwest and Northwest in 1915, as well as a voyage taken by Dudley and Mary Hughes aboard the S.S. Panama to Europe in 1913.
c) Social life in middle Georgia, ca. 1870-1925 and in Washington, D. C. 1909-1917 - includes a personal letter to President Woodrow Wilson, Aug. 14, 1914.
d) Georgia politics c 1880s-early 1920s.
e) The twenty-fifth and fiftieth anniversaries of Dudley and Mary Hughes.
f) Letters from black servants to family members. (See particularly the correspondence of Henrietta L. Hughes). Also D.M. Hughes December 1904 correspondence to "Uncle Peter", a black minister.
g) Activities in the Southern Baptist denomination; both Dudley and Mary Hughes were involved in starting local Sunday Schools in their church (Mount Zion). Mary and Hennilou Hughes were active in the Women's Missionary Union.
h) Descriptions of the St. Louis World's Fair, 1904
i) The illness and sudden death of Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. in 1916.
j) Dedication of the Hughes Chapel, honorary FHA membership for Hennilou and Agnes Hughes (wife of Hugh L. Dennard Hughes) in 1967, and efforts to preserve Magnolia Plantation in 1962.
Dudley Hughes often corresponded with family members about various business and financial endeavors. He left the operation of his farming interests to his sons while serving in congress, and several letters give advice to them as well as to his wife. Mr. Hughes also advised his children about their own business interests. One letter from Mary D. Hughes to Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. expresses her opinions concerning work relations with black farm laborers. The Correspondence subseries also contains much reference to political affairs. Dudley Hughes's congressional campaigns are discussed in letters to all his family members. Of note are the issues of Georgia politics and political leaders from 1890 to 1925, such as Hoke Smith, Tom Watson, E. B. Lewis, and Congressman Charles Crisp. A few personal references to and from Richard B. Russell, Sr. can be found in this series. (see M. D. Hughes papers). Dudley Hughes also maintained a heavy correspondence while he served as Georgia Commissioner to the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, and many of his letters describe events at the Fair. When Hughes served in congress, he wrote to his family and friends about issues and life in Washington, D. C. When his family visited, they also sent descriptive letters back home. Notable items relating to the nation's capitol include: Democratic and Republican activities; Hughes's descriptions and opinions of President William H. Taft and Booker T. Washington (For the latter, see Box 2, Folder 5); Pencil drawing and description of Admiral Togo of Japan in 1911 (See Box 3, Folder 6); The Wilson inaugurations of 1913 and 1917; Issues confronting Congress 1909-1917: agriculture, prohibition, vocational education, the coming of World War I, and political patronage.Letters in this subseries are grouped according to the author of the correspondence and his/her main recipient. Folders entitled "General Correspondence" include letters from a variety of friends and relatives too scattered for an individual listing. The papers in each folder are arranged chronologically, beginning with the most recent date.

1. Dudley Mays Hughes
I.1 1General - Church Activities, 1904, 1908, 1913
I.1 2General Correspondence, 1882-1907
I.1 3General Correspondence, 1908
I.1 4General Correspondence, 1909-1925
I.1 5General - Education (Attendance at University of Georgia), 1868-1869
I.1 6Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Daniel Greenwood, Sr., 1903, 1905
I.1 7Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Daniel Greenwood, Jr., 1901-1911
I.1 8Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1898-1900
I.1 9Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1902-1905
I.1 10Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1908-1911
I.1 11Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1912-1915
I.1 12Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1916-1917
I.1 13Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Hugh L. Dennard, 1886-1916
I.1 14Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1883-1890
I.1 15Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1902-1910
I.2 1Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1911-1915
I.2 2Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1916 May-July
I.2 3Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1916-1926 August

2. Dudley Mays Hughes and Mary Dennard
I.2 4General Correspondence, 1898-1917
I.2 5General Correspondence - Fiftieth Anniversary, 1923-1924
I.2 6Family Correspondence - to Hughes Children, 1909 February-1910 January
I.2 7Family Correspondence - to Hughes Children, 1910 February
I.2 8Family Correspondence - to Hughes Children, 1910 March
I.2 9Family Correspondence - to Hughes Children, 1910 April-December
I.2 10Family Correspondence - to Hughes Children, 1911-1912
I.3 1Family Correspondence - to Hughes Children, 1913 February-September
I.3 2Family Correspondence - to Hughes Children, 1914-1917
I.3 3Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1900, 1910
I.3 4Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1911 March-July
I.3 5Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1911 August
I.3 6Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1912 May-June
I.3 7Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1912 June-September
I.3 8Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1913 June
I.3 9Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1913 July
I.3 10Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1913 August
I.3 11Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1913 September-December
I.4 1Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1914-1915
I.4 2Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1916
I.4 3Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1917-1925

3. Mary Dennard Hughes
I.4 4General Correspondence - Friends and Relatives, 1886, 1903-1920
I.4 5General Correspondence - Friends and Relatives, 1922-1929
I.4 6General Correspondence - Friends and Relatives, 1931-1952
I.4 7General Correspondence - Friends and Relatives, 1953-1954
I.4 8General Correspondence - Friends and Relatives, undated
I.4 9Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1910 June 19
I.4 10Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Dudley M., 1913, undated
I.4 11Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1902-1916

4. Daniel Greenwood Hughes, Jr.
I.4 12General Correspondence, 1900-1902, 1909, 1916
I.4 13Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou), 1900-1913
I.4 14Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1893 August 19

5. Henrietta Louise (Hennilou) Hughes
I.5 1General Correspondence - Church Activities, 1953-1961
I.5 2General Correspondence, 1900-1917
I.5 3General Correspondence, 1922-1972
I.5 4General Correspondence, undated
I.5 5Family Correspondence - to parents, 1900
I.5 6Family Correspondence - to parents, 1902-1916, 1928
I.5 7Family Correspondence - to Hughes, Mary Dennard (cards), undated
I.5 8Family Correspondence - to brothers (Daniel and Dennard Hughes), 1904-1913

6. Hugh L. Dennard Hughes
I.5 9General Correspondence, 1909-1943
I.5 10Family Correspondence - to Hughes family, 1901-1941
I.5 11Hughes, Daniel Greenwood, Sr., 1905-1906
I.5 12Hughes, Henrietta Louise (Hennilou) and Agnes Hughes(wife of H.L.D. Hughes) FHA (Future Homemakers of America) Honorary Membership, 1967
I.5 13Miscellaneous Correspondence of Friends and Relatives, 1904-1972
I.5 14Old Family Letters, 1844-1897

B. General

Material in this subseries includes items related to people and events described in the correspondence of the Hughes family. These files are listed alphabetically. Items of note include: information about Charity Bryant, a black child Hennilou Hughes took under her care in 1919; Hughes family genealogy; keepsake booklet of Mary D. Hughes; short stories by Hennilou Hughes.
I.6 1Bryant, Charity, 1919, undated
I.6 2 Dennard, Capt. Hugh L. Dennard-Memorandum, undated
I.6 3Genealogy - Hughes Family, undated
I.6 4Hughes, Dudley M. - Mt. Zion Baptist Church - Memorial Resolution, 1927
I.6 5Hughes Family - Autobiographical and Biographical Accounts, undated
I.6 6Hughes, Henrietta L. - Manuscript Writings A, undated
I.6 7Hughes, Henrietta L. - Manuscript Writings B, undated
I.6 8Hughes, Henrietta L. - Manuscript Writings C, undated
I.6 9Hughes, Henrietta L. - Manuscript Writings D, undated
I.6 10Hughes, Henrietta L. - Mercer University Material, 1957-1963
I.6 11Hughes, Henrietta L. - WMU (Women's Missionary Union) Southern Baptist Convention, 1956 July 3
I.6 12Hughes, Mary D. - Keepsake Booklet of Opportunities, undated
I.6 13Hughes, Mary D. - Religious: Prov. 31:10-28, (The "Virtuous Woman"), undated
I.6 14Medical, 1826, undated
I.6 15Miscellaneous, 1897-1914
I.6 16Notebook, undated
I.7Personal [correspondence, clippings, and invitations]
I.8Personal [correspondence, clippings, and invitations]
I.9Personal [correspondence]

II. Political

17 box(es)
(7.75 linear feet)
The Political Series traces the activities of the Hughes family in local, state, and national politics. It is divided into four subseries: Education, Georgia, Congressional, and Hughes family.

A. Education

Dudley M. Hughes often received appointments to boards of various schools, colleges and institutions of higher learning in Georgia. He served as Trustee of the Danville, Georgia school, the State Normal Institute of Georgia at Milledgeville, the Georgia State College for Women, the University of Georgia, and the State College of Agriculture. The Education subseries includes correspondence concerning scholarships, positions in Georgia schools, and general information about the above institutions. As Trustee of the University of Georgia, Mr. Hughes played an important role in establishing the State Agricultural College. Much of his University correspondence includes letters to Chancellor Benjamin Hill, a search for Hill's successor, and a search for Dean and faculty for the Agricultural College. A few files concern vocational education, but relate more to the development of vocational education after the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917.
The other members of the Hughes family also became involved in educational concerns. Daniel Greenwood Hughes, Sr. built the Crosland Academy in Danville, Georgia, Mary Dennard Hughes served as a Visitor to Lucy Cobb Institute of Athens, Georgia. Of interest are materials from Mercer University which belonged to Hennilou Hughes, a letter about possible faculty position for Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. at the Agriculture College in 1908, and the work of H.L. Dennard Hughes with general education for children.
II.1 1Georgia Citizen's Education Movement, [circa post-1921]
II.1 2Hughes, Daniel Greenwood, Jr., 1908, 1911
II.1 3Hughes, Dudley M. - General Correspondence, 1909-1912
II.1 4Hughes, Dudley M. - Illiteracy in Georgia, 1907
II.1 5Hughes, Dudley M. - Job Applications (Educational positions), 1903-1917
II.1 6Hughes, Dudley M. - Normal Schools, 1902-1909
II.1 7Hughes, Dudley M. - University of Georgia, 1902-1925
II.1 8Hughes, Dudley M. - University of Georgia-Agricultural College, 1901-1925
II.1 9Hughes, Hugh L. Dennard - Correspondence-Principals of Danville, Ga School, 1909
II.1 10Vocational Education - Congress, 1912-1916
II.1 11Vocational Education - Danville, Ga, 1924, 1940-1941
II.1 12Vocational Education - Hughes, Dudley M. - Appointments, Honors, and Memorials, 1917, 1927-1969
II.1 13Vocational Education - National Society for Vocational Education - Minutes, 1920
II.1 14Vocational Education - State Vocational Director Letter, 1941

B. Georgia

This subseries contains information about Georgia politics and elections ca. 1890-1925. A few items pertain to the one term Dudley Hughes served in the State Senate, including one 1898 voting list and including attempts to persuade Dudley Hughes to run for governor. Three files entitled "State Appointments and Elections" contain a number of interesting letters from friends and acquaintances of Mr. Hughes urging his support for their placement in office. Included in these files are references to current elections (of note is a poem about Joseph M. Brown, 1908). There are also letters about the political career and influence of Richard B. Russell, Sr., attempts to persuade Mr. Hughes to campaign for governor, and his considerations to run for congress before 1905. The State Legislature papers reveal issues under debate in the Georgia General Assembly. Of note is the "Judicial" file which contains a report of the Committee on Legal Education and Administration to the Bar in which Richard B. Russell, Sr. served as one of its members.
A large number of materials deal with Mr. Hughes's service as Commissioner General to the St. Louis World's Fair. Appointed in 1903, Hughes worked with co-members of the Georgia Commission for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (Glascock Barrett, O. B. Stevens, W. S. Yeates, Governor Joseph Terrell and Hugh V. Washington) to acquire donations and exhibit items for the Georgia display.

1. State Offices
II.2 1County Board of Agriculture - Dan G. Hughes Jr. Bill to Create, 1909-1910
II.2 2County/State Appointments and Elections, 1894-1905
II.2 3County/State Appointments and Elections, 1904, 1906-1909
II.2 4County/State Appointments and Elections, 1911-1912, 1917
II.2 5County/State Appointments and Elections, 1919
II.2 6St. Louis World's Fair - Commissioner General Correspondence, 1903
II.2 7St. Louis World's Fair - Commissioner General Correspondence, 1904 January-February
II.2 8St. Louis World's Fair - Commissioner General Correspondence, 1904 March-May
II.2 9St. Louis World's Fair - Commissioner General Correspondence, 1904 June-August
II.2 10St. Louis World's Fair - Commissioner General Correspondence, 1904 September-December
II.2 11St. Louis World's Fair - Commissioner General Correspondence, 1905
II.2 12St. Louis World's Fair - Financial Expenditures, 1904-1905
II.2 13St. Louis World's Fair - Job Applications, 1903
II.2 14St. Louis World's Fair - Job Applications, 1904
II.2 15World War I, 1917-1918

2. State Legislature
II.3 1Agriculture, 1903
II.3 2Bird Protection, 1903
II.3 3Board of Health, 1903 March-April
II.3 4County Lines (Wilkinson County), 1809, 1908
II.3 5Entomology, State Board of, 1903-1908
II.3 6Judicial, 1901-1908
II.3 7Miscellaneous, 1903-circa 1919
II.3 8Pensions, 1903 August 24
II.3 9Secret Societies [anti-secret order bill], 1908
II.3 10State Senate Voting Record, 1882-1883
II.3 11Vocational Education Board, 1917

C. Congressional

The bulk of the Political series comprises papers of Dudley M. Hughes's congressional elections and service as a Representative in the United States Congress from 1909 to 1919. This subseries is divided into 1) Campaigns; 2) Legislative files; 3) Political Appointments; and 4) Intra-Office Correspondence.
1. Campaigns
The Campaigns papers cover the seven congressional elections in which Dudley Hughes ran for office. Most of the material covers the 1906 and the 1908 campaigns when Mr. Hughes challenged the incumbent, Elijah Lewis. These were two difficult campaigns for Hughes. His papers demonstrate the political network he worked to develop and the tactics he and Congressman Lewis employed. (Of note is the change from delegate to a plurality vote which Lewis engineered at the Third District Congressional Convention, causing him to win the 1906 election. Only a few papers have been received covering the 1910-1919 elections. Many of the tactics and issues of the campaigns are covered in the Hughes Family section of this series and in the personal papers. Major issues of the campaigns include corruption of the ballots by use of money and liquor, white supremacy, agricultural concerns, trust regulation, tariff revisions, and internal improvements. Mr. Hughes received a great deal of help from his relatives. In 1906 Erwin Dennard, brother-in-law to Dudley Hughes served as campaign manager. His letters have been incorporated into the Dudley Hughes correspondence. In 1908 Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. served as manager, and his letters have been filed separately because of the bulk of his correspondence. D.G. Hughes, Jr. often answered letters originally written to Dudley Hughes and a close inspection of the two sections is strongly suggested. Of interest is a file of letters written by Mary D. Hughes to help build her husband's network of political support. Dudley M. Hughes represented the Third Congressional District (Ben Hill, Crawford, Crisp, Dooly, Houston, Lee, Macon, Pulaski, Schley, Stewart, Sumter, Taylor, Twiggs, Webster, and Wilcox counties) from 1909 to 1912. When the state legislature reapportioned the congressional districts in 1912, Mr. Hughes was transferred to the Twelfth District (Dodge, Emmanual, Houston, Johnson, Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, Toombs, Twiggs, and Wilcox counties) until his defeat in 1918. The Hughes campaign files as well as additional files about political party concerns cover Democratic and Republican activities in the state and nation. Of interest is: Democratic conventions of the Third Congressional District; Woodrow Wilson's 1912 victory; poem by H. Cecil Berrien entitled "The Advent of the Bull Moose" (see box 9, Folder 10); Two letters from Dudley Hughes to Woodrow Wilson, July 17 and 19, 1912, recommending his secretary, James L. Fort (a future Georgia Congressman - see box 9, Folder 10).
II.4 1Campaign Lists, 1905-1912
II.4 2Campaign Tours, circa 1905-1906
II.4 3Compendiums - Ben Hill County, 1908 April 16-1908 July 2
II.4 4Compendiums - Crawford County, 1908
II.4 5Compendiums - Crisp County, 1908
II.4 6Compendiums - Dooly County, 1908
II.4 7Compendiums - Houston County, 1908
II.4 8Compendiums - Lee County, 1908
II.4 9Compendiums - Macon County, 1908
II.4 10Compendiums - Miscellaneous, 1908
II.4 11Compendiums - Pulaski County, 1908
II.4 12Compendiums - Scheley County, 1908
II.4 13Compendiums - Stewart County, 1908
II.4 14Compendiums - Sumter County, 1908
II.4 15Compendiums - Taylor County, 1908
II.4 16Compendiums - Twiggs County, 1908
II.4 17Compendiums - Webster County, 1908
II.4 18Compendiums - Wilcox County, 1908
II.4 19Correspondence - Friends & Associates (about Dudley M. Hughes), 1905-1908
II.4 20Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel Greenwood Sr., 1906 August 4
II.4 21Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1905-1906
II.4 22Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1908 March
II.4 23Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1908 April 2-15
II.4 24Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1908 April 16-30
II.4 25Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1908 May 1-9
II.5 1Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G. Jr., 1908 May 11-30
II.5 2Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1908 June
II.5 3Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1908 September-October
II.5 4Correspondence - Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1912
II.5 5Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1905 January-September
II.5 6Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1905 October-November
II.5 7Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1905 December
II.5 8Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 January
II.5 9Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 February
II.5 10Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 March
II.5 11Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 April 2-10
II.5 12Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 April 11-30
II.5 13Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 May
II.5 14Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 June
II.6 1Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 July
II.6 2Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 August 1-15
II.6 3Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 August 17-25
II.6 4Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 August 26-31
II.6 5Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1906 September-December
II.6 6Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1907
II.6 7Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 January-February
II.6 8Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 March 1-10
II.6 9Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 March 11-15
II.6 10Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 March 16-20
II.6 11Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 March 21-30
II.6 12Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 March 31
II.6 13Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 April 1-5
II.6 14Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 April 6-10
II.7 1Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 April 11-15
II.7 2Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 April 16-19
II.7 3Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 April 20-25
II.7 4Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 April 26-30
II.7 5Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 May 1-5
II.7 6Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 May 16-31
II.7 7Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June
II.7 8Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June 1-3
II.7 9Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M. (folder 1 of 2), 1908 June 5
II.7 10Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M. (folder 2 of 2), 1908 June 5
II.7 11Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M. (folder 1 of 3), 1908 June 6
II.7 12Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M. (folder 2 of 3), 1908 June 6
II.7 13Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M. (folder 3 of 3), 1908 June 6
II.8 1Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June 7
II.8 2Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June 8
II.8 3Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June 9
II.8 4Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June 10-11
II.8 5Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June 12-20
II.8 6Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 June 21-30
II.8 7Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 July-August
II.8 8Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 September-December
II.8 9Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908
II.8 10Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1909
II.8 11Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1911 April-1912 June
II.8 12Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1912 July
II.8 13Correspondence - Hughes, Dudley M., 1912 August-November, 1914
II.9 1Correspondence - Hughes, Hugh L. D., 1906-1914
II.9 2Correspondence - Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1905-1908
II.9 3Correspondence - Lewis, Elijah B., 1908
II.9 4Correspondence - Secretary, 1905, January-May 1906
II.9 5Correspondence - Secretary, 1906 June-August 15
II.9 6Correspondence - Secretary, 1906 August 16-1912 November 20
II.9 7Finances, 1905-1912
II.9 8Finances - Political Expenses Private-L. C. Milly [Miller], 1905-1906
II.9 9Legal, 1908 May 27
II.9 10Platform - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908 or before
II.9 11Political Parties- Democrats, 1902-1912
II.9 12Political Parties- National Democratic Conventions, 1908, 1912
II.9 13Political Parties- Republican Party, circa 1910
II.9 14Propaganda - Hughes, Dudley M., 1908, 1909
II.9 15Third Congressional District Convention, 1906, 1908
2. Legislative
The legislative papers cover various topics pursued by Mr. Hughes or by his constituents. The two largest sections concern agricultural and military issues. The agricultural papers cover trade and farming interests, immigration, anti-gambling, rural farm and road demonstrations, soil surveys, and a large number of constituent requests for seeds, bulbs, fish, and general agricultural information. The military files include pension applications and correspondence concerning service records. Other legislative files include commerce, labor, post offices, and transportation.
II.10 1Afro-Americans, 1909-1912
II.10 2Agriculture, 1909-1910
II.10 3Agriculture, 1912 April-June
II.10 4Agriculture, 1912 July-October
II.10 5Agriculture, 1912 November-December
II.10 6Agriculture, 1913-1917
II.10 7Commerce and Labor, 1908-1913
II.10 8Education Committee, 1916 July 21
II.10 9Elections, 1908, 1912
II.10 10Financial, 1909-1913
II.10 11Judicial, 1909-1913
II.10 12Military, 1908-1910
II.10 13Military, 1911
Mapcase2Map of U.S. indicating sites and types of military posts [Removed from Military 1911], 1911
II.10 14Military, 1912 January
II.10 15Military, 1912 February-March
II.10 16Military, 1912 April-May
II.11 1Military, 1912 June-July
II.11 2Military, 1912 August
II.11 3Military, 1912 September-December
II.11 4Military, 1913
II.11 5Miscellaneous, 1909, 1911
II.11 6Native Americans - Alaska, 1912
II.11 7Parks and Memorials, 1909-1912
II.11 8Patents, 1909, 1912
II.11 9Post Offices, 1908-1911
II.11 10Post Offices, 1912
II.11 11Prohibition, 1912
II.11 12Taxation, 1917
II.11 13Transportation, 1909-1912
3. Political Appointments/Elections
As a congressman, Dudley Hughes had to tackle the large number of applicants who applied for various positions in government and for educational positions. Many of these were constituents and a number were general office seekers across the nation. Some of Mr. Hughes's political appointments concerned congressional approval of presidential appointments or those seeking office within the Congress. The largest section concerns post office positions. This was under the jurisdiction of Congress during the early twentieth century and often very political. Others appointment files concern military appointments for West Point and Annapolis, census enumerator, and U. S. Marshals. A few letters of note include: Dudley M. Hughes to President-elect Woodrow Wilson, Jan. 18, 1913. (Ser. II, Box 12, Folder 6); Dudley M. Hughes to Woodrow Wilson, August 6, 1912 (Ser. II, Box 12, Folder 10); Letters to and concerning Walter F. George, future Georgia senator (Ser. II, Box 12, Folder 15); Rebecca L. Felton letter to Hughes concerning political appointment for widow of former Confederate General Longstreet, Dec. 2, 1912 (Ser. II, Box 13, Folder 4).
II.12 1Agricultural, 1908-1913
II.12 2Cabinet Positions, 1912-1913
II.12 3Census Enumerator, 1908-1912
II.12 4Congressional, 1909-1913
II.12 5General, 1909-1912
II.12 6General, 1913-1919
II.12 7Judicial, 1909, 1912-1913, 1917
II.12 8Judicial - U. S. Marshall, 1912-1913
II.12 9Medical College, Atlanta, 1908-1910
II.12 10Medical College, Atlanta, 1911-1913
II.12 11Military (Army), 1908-1917
II.12 12Naval, 1909-1913
II.12 13Pension Bureau, 1912 August-November
II.12 14Post Offices, 1907-1909
II.12 15Post Offices, 1912 January-August
II.12 16Post Offices, 1912 September-October
II.13 1Post Offices, 1912 November 1-9
II.13 2Post Offices, 1912 November 15-19
II.13 3Post Offices, 1912 November 20-30
II.13 4Post Offices, 1912 December 1-10
II.13 5Post Offices, 1912 December 11-31
II.13 6Post Offices, 1913 January 1-13
II.13 7Post Offices, 1913 January 14-31
II.13 8Post Offices, 1915-1917
4. Intra-Office
These files include secretarial employment applications, secretarial correspondence, constituent requests not included in the legislative files, and general correspondence, and miscellaneous invitations not filed with legislative papers or printed materials.
II.14 1Correspondence - Constituents, 1909-1911
II.14 2Correspondence - Constituents, 1912
II.14 3Correspondence - Constituents, 1913-1918
II.14 4Correspondence - General, 1908-1909
II.14 5Correspondence - General, 1911-1919
II.14 6Correspondence - Invitations (Misc.), 1909-1915
II.14 7Correspondence - Secretarial and Assistants, 1909, 1913
II.14 8Job Applications - Secretaries, 1905-1912

D. Hughes Family

This subseries includes letters concerning political matters that could not be filed in other sections. Many of the letters are general letters relating to the Hughes family, those written to or by Dudley Hughes or his sons, but without clear identification. Much of the correspondence is about political conditions and elections, judicial cases, and a 1904 letter from Dudley Hughes to Congressman Elijah Lewis about Rural Free Delivery Routes. The Catholic Issue file of Hugh L. D. Hughes concerns an earlier issue raised during one of his father's congressional campaigns.
II.15 1Correspondence, 1902-1925
II.15 2Hughes, Dudley M. Lists, undated
II.15 3Hughes, Henrietta-Welfare Report, 1936
II.15 4Hughes, Hugh L. Dennard-Catholic Issues, 1928
II.16Political and Legislative files [correspondence, clippings, and scrapbook]
II.17Political and Legislative files [invitations]

III. Business and Finance

12 box(es)
(5.5 linear feet)
This series contains letters and documents relating to the farming and business interests of the Hughes family. The Agricultural correspondence primarily includes material about the various agribusiness activities of Dudley Hughes and Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. The papers provides in-depth information about the farming and labor practices used by Mr. Hughes at the turn of the century. Daniel Hughes appears to have become more involved in the management of his fathers' farming interests as Mr. Hughes became increasingly involved with politics. Much of the correspondence sent to Dudley Hughes was often answered by his son, and a perusal through both sections is necessary. Dudley Hughes developed an extensive network of plantations in the state and became a business partner in several companies to sell Georgia produce. These included the Elsie and Magnolia Orchards, the Hughes Orchard Company, The Hughes Orchard & Nursery Company, and the Georgia Co-operative Fruit Land Company. He also helped organize the Macon, Dublin, and Savannah Railroad to facilitate the shipping of produce from his region of the state and briefly served as its president. Because of his farming interests, Dudley Hughes became an important member of several agricultural organizations. Of note are his work and offices held in the Georgia Fruit Growers Association, the Georgia Peach Growers Associations, The Farmers' National Congress, and the Georgia Agricultural Society. Dudley Hughes served as President of the State Agricultural Society during 1901-1906. Much of his correspondence in this series centers around the organization of the annual state fairs in conjunction with his work with the Agricultural Society. Daniel G. Hughes, Jr. also tried his hand in cotton and saw mill endeavors. His papers contain a valuable record of labor practices in the early 1900s, including the hiring of foreign immigrants. The Business and Finance Series also contains accounts and receipts of the Hughes which relate to the correspondence subseries. A number of legal records (including family land deeds of the early 1800s) are placed in the Legal Subseries.

A. Correspondence

III.1 5Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1902 January-March
III.1 6Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1902 April-May
III.1 7Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1902 June-August
III.1 8Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1902 September-December
III.1 9Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1903
III.1 10Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1904 January-March
III.1 11Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1904 April-July
III.1 12Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1904 August-October
III.2 1Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1904 November
III.2 2Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1904 Dececember
III.2 3Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1905-1912
III.2 4Hughes, Dudley M., 1883-1893
III.2 5Hughes, Dudley M., 1894
III.2 6Hughes, Dudley M., 1895-1896
III.2 7Hughes, D. M., 1897
III.2 8Hughes, D. M., 1898 January-May
III.2 9Hughes, D. M., 1898 June
III.2 10Hughes, D. M., 1898 July 2-15
III.3 1Hughes, D. M., 1898 July 16-23
III.3 2Hughes, D. M., 1898 July 25-30
III.3 3Hughes, D. M., 1898 August 1-10
III.3 4Hughes, D. M., 1898 August 11-31
III.3 5Hughes, D. M., 1898 September-December
III.3 6Hughes, D. M., 1899-1901
III.3 7Hughes, D. M., 1902 January-March
III.3 8Hughes, D. M., 1902 April-November
III.3 9Hughes, D. M., 1903
III.3 10Hughes, D. M., 1903 January-February
III.3 11Hughes, D. M., 1903 March
III.3 12Hughes, D. M., 1903 April-May
III.4 1Hughes, D. M., 1903 June
III.4 2Hughes, D. M., 1903 July
III.4 3Hughes, D. M., 1903 August
III.4 4Hughes, D. M., 1903 September
III.4 5Hughes, D. M., 1903 October-December
III.4 6Hughes, D. M., 1904 January-February
III.4 7Hughes, D. M., 1904 March-April
III.4 8Hughes, D. M., 1904 May-June
III.4 9Hughes, D. M., 1904 July-August
III.4 10Hughes, D. M., 1904 September-October
III.4 11Hughes, D. M. , 1904 November-December
III.5 1Hughes, D. M., , 1905 January-March
III.5 2Hughes, D. M., 1905 April-May
III.5 3Hughes, D. M., 1905 June-December
III.5 4Hughes, D. M., 1906-1907
III.5 5Hughes, D. M., 1908
III.5 6Hughes, D. M., 1909-1910
III.5 7Hughes, D. M., 1912-1913
III.5 8Hughes, D. M., 1916-1925
III.5 9Hughes Family, 1898-1907
III.5 10Hughes Family, 1908-1942
III.5 11Hughes Family, undated
III.6 1Hughes, Henrietta Louise, 1913-1916
III.6 2Hughes, Henrietta Louise, circa 1927-1929
III.6 3Hughes, Henrietta Louise, 1931-1968
III.6 4Hughes, Hugh L. Dennard, 1907-1909
III.6 5Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1908-1952

B. Accounts and Receipts

III.71Fort, James L., 1893
III.72Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1892, 1896-1898
III.73Hughes, Daniel G., Jr.- Fruit Shipments, circa 1898
III.74Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1899-1900
III.75Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1901
III.76Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1901 October-December
III.77Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1902 January-March
III.78Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1902 April-December
III.79Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1903
III.710Hughes, D. G., Jr. - Payrolls, 1903, 1904
III.711Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1904
III.712Hughes, D. G., Jr., 1905-1908
III.713Hughes, Dudley M., 1890-1897
III.714Hughes, Dudley M., 1898 January-June
III.715Hughes, Dudley M., 1898 July 1-21
III.81Hughes, Dudley M., 1898 July 22-30
III.82Hughes, Dudley M., 1898 August 1-10
III.83Hughes, Dudley M., 1898 August 11-15
III.84Hughes, Dudley M., 1898 August 16-31
III.85Hughes, Dudley M., 1998 September-December
III.86Hughes, Dudley M., 1899 January-June
III.87Hughes, Dudley M., 1899 July-December
III.88Hughes, Dudley M., 1901-1905
III.89Hughes, Dudley M., 1906-1909
III.810Hughes, Dudley M., 1911-1913
III.811Hughes, Dudley M., 1914-1920
III.812Hughes, Dudley M.- Account Book, 1920-1922
III.813Hughes, Dudley M., 1922-1926
III.814Hughes, Dudley M., undated
III.91Hughes Family, , 1898-1909
III.92Hughes Family, 1913-1954
III.93Hughes Family, undated
III.94Hughes, Mays, and Dennard Families, 1837-1872
III.95Hughes, Henrietta Louise, 1898-1913
III.96Hughes, Henrietta Louise, 1914
III.97Hughes, Henrietta Louise, 1915-1929
III.98Hughes, Henrietta Louise, 1931-1959
III.99Hughes, Hugh L. Dennard, 1897-1914
III.910Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1898-1939

C. Legal

III.101Dennard, Mays, and Other Families, 1806-1907, 1907
III.102Hughes, Daniel G., Jr., 1901-1923
III.103Hughes, Dudley M., 1879-1927
III.104Hughes, Dudley M.- Bungalow Specifications, undated
III.105Hughes Family Land Deeds and Plats, 1891-1946
III.106Hughes, Henrietta L., 1927-1957
III.107Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1921-1949
III.108Miscellaneous, 1904
III.11Business and finance [correspondence, ledgers, cancelled checks]
III.12Business and finance [ledgers and receipts]

IV. Printed Materials

7 box(es)
(3.25 linear feet)
This series contains programs, certificates, invitations (including those to the Wilson inauguration of 1913 and 1917), flyers, handouts, and brochures that relate to the political, social, and economic affairs of the Hughes family. A large subseries contains copies of news articles which provide important supplementary information to the events in Series I-III.

A. General

IV.1 1Agriculture, 1898-1940
IV.1 2Agriculture-Convention and Meetings, 1900-1904
IV.1 3Agriculture-Convention and Meetings [Report of the third annual session of the virginia state farmers' institute], 1906
IV.1 4Business and Finance, 1902-1946
IV.1 5Census Applications, 1909
IV.1 6Certificates, 1935, 1945
IV.1 7Commissioner General Calling Cards, circa 1904
IV.1 8Congress, 1911-1917
IV.1 9Congressional Club, 1912-1913
IV.1 10Education - Dudley M. Hughes - General, 1871-1951
IV.1 11Education - Mary Dennard Hughes, undated
IV.1 12Education - University of Georgia, 1902-1925
IV.1 13Education - Vocational, 1917, 1954
IV.1 14Education - Vocational- American Vocational Journal, 1954, 1955
IV.1 15Education- Vocational- What's New in Home Economics- "A Home Economics Dream Realized" (Mary D. Hughes), 1952
IV.1 16Elections, 1908-1912
IV.1 17Elections - Congressional (DMH), 1906, 1908, 1912
IV.2 1"Flashlights of Public Men" National Magazine, , August 1910
IV.2 2Foreign Affairs, 1906, 1916
IV.2 3Georgia, 1902-1912
IV.2 4Invitations, 1902-1915
IV.2 5Invitations, 1916
IV.2 6Invitations, 1917-1969
IV.2 7Invitations, undated
IV.2 8Invitations - Inauguration, 1913 March 4
IV.3 1Invitations - Inauguration (A), 1917 March 5
IV.3 2Invitations - Inauguration (B), 1917 March 5
IV.3 3Legislation - U.S. - Agriculture, circa 1910-1912
IV.3 4Legislation - U.S. - Congressional Campaigns, 1910-1912
IV.3 5Legislation - U.S. - Education Bills and Resolutions, 1911-1917
IV.3 6Legislation - U.S. - Education (Federal Motion Picture Commission), 1914, 1916
IV.3 7Legislation - U.S. - Education (Hearings on a National University), 1914
IV.3 8Legislation - U.S. - Education (Hearings on Illiteracy in U.S.), 1914
IV.3 9Legislation - U.S. - Education (Vocational Education), 1913-1917
IV.4 1Legislation - U.S. - Military Affairs, 1912
IV.4 2Legislation - U.S. - Miscellaneous, 1912
IV.4 3Legislation - U.S. - National Parks, 1908, 1912
IV.4 4Legislation - U.S. - Post Offices, 1912
IV.4 5Legislation - U.S. - Tariff/Taxation, 1892, 1911-1912
IV.4 6Miscellaneous, 1904-1950s
IV.4 7Programs, 1890-1969
IV.4 8Religion, 1912, 1971
IV.4 9Travel Souvenirs/pictures, 1891-1952
IV.4 10Wilson, Woodrow, 1912, 1915
IV.4 11World's Fair (A) - Chicago and St. Louis, 1893, 1903-1904
IV.4 12World's Fair (B) - Chicago and St. Louis, 1893, 1903-1904

B. Newspapers

IV.51Afro-Americans, 1901-1928
IV.52Agriculture - Cotton, circa 1902-1917
IV.53Agriculture - Future Farmers/Homemakers of America, 1940, 1967
IV.54Agriculture- General, 1898-1925
IV.55Agriculture- Georgia State Agricultural Society, 1901, 1903
IV.56Agriculture- State Fairs, 1903-1911
IV.57Amusements and Recreation, 1890s, 1906, 1940
IV.58Confederate Memorials, 1893-1912
IV.59Congress, 1902-1917
IV.510Congress - Georgia Delegation, 1909-1914
IV.511Congress - Hughes, Dudley M., 1909
IV.512Congress - Hughes, Dudley M., 1910
IV.513Congress - Hughes, Dudley M., 1911
IV.514Congress - Hughes, Dudley M., 1914, 1917
IV.515Education - General, 1893-1925
IV.516Education - University of Georgia, 1903, 1909, 1925
IV.517Education - Vocational, 1917-1953
IV.518Elections - Congressional (DMH), 1906 January-October
IV.519Elections - Congressional (DMH), [1906]
IV.520Elections - Congressional (DMH), 1908
IV.61Elections - Congressional (DMH), , 1909
IV.62Elections - Congressional (DMH), 1910-1916
IV.63Elections - Georgia, 1904-1917
IV.64Elections - National, 1909-1916
IV.65Elections - National - The Commoner v. 16, 1916 October 10
IV.66Famous People, 1915, 1917
IV.67Financial, 1906-1925
IV.68Georgia, 1903-1914
IV.69Georgia - Cities and Towns, 1891-1966
IV.610Georgia - Politics, 1903-1914
IV.611Hughes, Daniel G. Jr., 1910-1916, 1940
IV.612Hughes, Dudley M. - General, 1908-1914
IV.613Hughes, Dudley M. - Memorials, 1927-1967
IV.614Hughes Family, 1883-1959
IV.615Hughes, Mary Dennard, 1938-1954
IV.616International, 1904-1915
IV.617Judicial, 1903-1931
IV.618Literature, 1901-1960
IV.619Miscellaneous, 1889, 1911-1912
IV.620Presidents, 1901-1917
IV.621Prohibition, 1907-1917
IV.622Post Offices, 1906-1913
IV.623Religion - General, 1906-1910
IV.624Religion - Southern Baptists, 1903-1955
IV.71Stovall, Pleasant A., , circa 1912
IV.72South, 1898-1956
IV.73Trade/Commerce, 1914-1914
IV.74Transportation, 1903-1914
IV.75World's Fair - St. Louis Missouri, 1904

V. Volumes and Scrapbooks

9 box(es)
(3.25 linear feet)
This series includes a large number of farm journals kept by the Hughes family. They extend from the 1840 when Daniel G. Hughes, Sr. recorded his plantation work and into the early 1900's under Dudley Hughes and Daniel G. Hughes, Jr., who stressed the importance of record keeping. Of note is the D. G. Hughes Sr. book of freedmen's accounts from 1868 to 1869. This series includes a large number of farm journals kept by the Hughes family. They extend from the 1840 when Daniel G. Hughes, Sr. recorded his plantation work and into the early 1900's under Dudley Hughes and Daniel G. Hughes, Jr., who stressed the importance of record keeping. Of note is the D. G. Hughes Sr. book of freedmen's accounts from 1868 to 1869. Other items include scrapbooks (some are news articles and materials pasted over old account books), and a journal of a trip Dudley Hughes made to New York when a young man.

A. Business and Account Books

V.1 1Journal, [1906-1909]
V.1 2[Account Book], 1909
V.1 3Farm Diary Daily Record Book by Dan G. Hughes Danville, Georgia, 1913
V.1 4Farm Diary Daily Record Book by Dan G. Hughes Danville, Georgia, 1914
V.1 5[Journal/Account Book/Scrapbook], circa 1840-1848
V.2 1[Account Book], 1857-1869
V.2 2D. G. Hughes Book Account Against Freedmen for 1868, [1868-1869]
V.2 3Accounts of Negros due to D. G. Hughes, 1869 [1869-1870]
V.2 4D. G. Hughes, , [1869-1870]
V.2 5D. G. Hughes 1869/D.M. Hughes, 1869-1875
V.2 6[Account Book], 1869, 1875-1877
V.2 7Accounts Due D. G. Hughes of hands working on Allen Place, [1871-1873]
V.3 1D. G. Hughes Memorandum Book for 1872, [1872-1873]
V.3 2D. G. Hughes [Sr.] Acc. Book, 1873
V.3 3Minutes Savannah, Dublin and Western Short Line Railroad Company, [1885-1888]
V.3 4Excelsior Daily Journal for 1902, [1901-1902]
V.3 5Excelsior Journal for 1902, [1902, 1913, 1915]
V.4 1[Account Book], 1903
V.4 2[Account Book], 1904
V.4 3[Account Book], 1905
V.7Ledger, 1860-1861
V.8Hughes Orchard and Nursery Co.
V.8Hughes Farm Report
V.9Ledger [Insurance and Orchards]
V.9Account Book

B. Scrapbooks

V.4 4[Scrapbook/Account Book], circa 1861, 1871-1873
V.4 5Supplement, undated
V.4 6[Scrapbook], 1873-1968
V.4 7[Scrapbook: Duke Cigarettes Trade Cards], circa 1885
V.5 1Scrapbook, [1901-1903]
V.5 2[Scrapbook], 1902
V.5 3[Scrapbook] Agnes G. Hughes, [circa 1931, 1961]
V.7[Scrapbook] Dan Hughes, 1908-1910
V.9Scrapbook [Centenary of Mrs. Dudley Mays Hughes], 1954 March 31

C. Miscellaneous Volumes and Journals

V.6 1Geography Memory Book, [circa 1853]
V.6 2Notes of Col D. M. Hughes [diary trip from Georgia to New York], 1876
V.6 3Asheville, N. C. [photo views], circa 1887
V.6 4H. L. Hughes Memorandum - Danville, Georgia, [1915]
V.6 5Scrapbook [Georgia Future Homemakers of America], 1967 May 2
V.6 6[Notebook], undated

VI. Speeches

1 box(es)
(.5 linear feet)
This is a small collection, but it contains several speeches of Dudley M. Hughes made as President of the Georgia Agricultural Society and in Congress. A few speeches are by Daniel G. Hughes, Jr.
VI.1 1Agriculture, 1901-1910
VI.1 2Agriculture, 1911, 1915
VI.1 3Banking and Commerce, 1916
VI.1 4Campaigns - Congressional - Speeches, 1906, 1908
VI.1 5Campaigns - Georgia State Senate, 1882
VI.1 6Campaigns - Presidential Election, circa 1908
VI.1 7Campaigns - Third Congressional District Convention Acceptance Speeches, 1908-1910
VI.1 8Campaigns - Twelfth Congressional District Convention Acceptance Speech, 1912
VI.1 9Confederate Memorial (D. M. Hughes), circa 1924
VI.1 10Congressional - General (non Hughes), 1912, 1917
VI.1 11Crisp County Dedication, undated
VI.1 12Dedications for Dudley and Mary Dennard Hughes, 1952
VI.1 13Education in Georgia, undated
VI.1 14Education - Vocational, 1914-1940
VI.1 15Post Offices, 1912, 1914
VI.1 16Religion - Southern Baptists, undated
VI.1 17Tariffs and Taxes, 1909-1913
VI.1 18Transportation - Good Road, 1904
VI.1 19World's Fair, 1904

VII. Photographs

4 box(es)
This series consists primarily of photographs of Hughes and his family. However, most of the people pictured in these images are not identified. Excluding the family photographs, this series holds images of various buildings and scenic locations Hughes may have traveled to such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Lake Mohawk, New York.
VII.1 DMH-PF-01 Dudley Hughes
VII.1 DMH-PF-02 Two men outside
VII.1 DMH-PF-03 Picture of House
VII.1 DMH-PF-04 Picture of mansion during winter snow
VII.1 DMH-PF-05 Grand Canyon- Henrietta
VII.1 DMH-PF-06 Woman Holding gun and man holding hands up
VII.1 DMH-PF-07 Dudley Hughes and woman outdoors
VII.1 DMH-PF-08 People riding horse
VII.1 DMH-PF-09 Henrietta and two friends in yard
VII.1 DMH-PF-10 Blurred picture of man and woman
VII.1 DMH-PF-11 Man standing in road
VII.1 DMH-PF-12 Two women on porch
VII.1 DMH-PF-13 Dirt road in woods
VII.1 DMH-PF-14 Daniel Hughes Jr. and friend
VII.1 DMH-PF-15 Dudley Hughes in Washington, D.C.
VII.1 DMH-PF-16 Two men working at desk
VII.1 DMH-PF-17 Daniel Hughes and [wife?] with Henrietta and male friend
VII.1 DMH-PF-18 Dudley Hughes and two men standing outside
VII.1 DMH-PF-19 Six women in field
VII.1 DMH-PF-20 Woman standing outside
VII.1 DMH-PF-21 Henrietta, Dudley and two other men seated in car
VII.1 DMH-PF-22 Group photo on wagon
VII.1 DMH-PF-23 Man in uniform and boy sitting on car
VII.1 DMH-PF-24 Family Photo
VII.1 DMH-PF-25 Children outside
VII.1 DMH-PF-26 Henrietta Hughes standing in front of front steps
VII.1 DMH-PF-27 Daniel Hughes, Jr. and [wife?]
VII.1 DMH-PF-28 Henrietta Hughes and woman outdoors
VII.1 DMH-PF-29 Henrietta Hughes on Horse
VII.1 DMH-PF-30 Mary Frances and Henrietta Hughes
VII.1 DMH-PF-31 Mary Frances Hughes standing outside
VII.1 DMH-PF-32 People getting on train
VII.1 DMH-PF-33 Dudley and woman outside
VII.1 DMH-PF-34 Daniel Hughes, Jr. holding small dog
VII.1 DMH-PF-35 Women in yard
VII.1 DMH-PF-36 Henrietta and male friend seated on fence
VII.1 DMH-PF-37 Woman in the woods
VII.1 DMH-PF-38 Henrietta and two women in woods
VII.1 DMH-PF-39 Two women with cat
VII.1 DMH-PF-40 Henrietta and two women with hats
VII.1 DMH-PF-41 Dudley's [granddaughter?] in costume
VII.1 DMH-PF-42 Group of people by the river
VII.1 DMH-PF-43 people on horses
VII.1 DMH-PF-44 Dudley and dog
VII.1 DMH-PF-45 Dudley, Daniel [Henrietta?] and Mary on steps
VII.1 DMH-PF-46 [Daniel?], Henrietta, and young lady
VII.1 DMH-PF-47 Group seated on mansion steps
VII.1 DMH-PF-48 Dudley standing with boy
VII.1 DMH-PF-49 Dudley and child feeding the dogs
VII.1 DMH-PF-50 Dudley and child on horse
VII.1 DMH-PF-51 Two children sitting on car
VII.1 DMH-PF-52 Children and nanny
VII.1 DMH-PF-53 Baby portrait of [Maslin Tilson?]
VII.1 DMH-PF-54 Children camping
VII.1 DMH-PF-55 Dudley Hughes and friends
VII.1 DMH-PF-56 3 children- 2 sitting in wring, 1 standing
VII.1 DMH-PF-57 3 children in front of tent
VII.1 DMH-PF-58 Portrait of little girl sitting
VII.1 DMH-PF-59 Portrait of little girl reading
VII.1 DMH-PF-60 Group photo taken at fair in Macon, GA, 1909 October
VII.1 DMH-PF-61 Group of committee members on steps
VII.1 DMH-PF-62 Group portrait of [Thorutare, Oglesby, Rieley] Hughes and Dougherty
VII.1 DMH-PF-63 Portrait of unknown woman
VII.1 DMH-PF-64 Class photo
VII.1 DMH-PF-65 Group photos of family
VII.1 DMH-PF-66 Dudley M. Hughes in office
VII.1 DMH-PF-67 "Riders", 1897 July
VII.1 DMH-PF-68 Portrait of officer
VII.1 DMH-PF-69 Portrait of Henrietta Hughes
VII.1 DMH-PF-70 Family photos of Dudley M. Hughes, Mary Frances Dennard Hughes, Henrietta, Daniel Jr., and Hugh
VII.1 DMH-PF-71 Dudley Hughes Nelson and mother
VII.1 DMH-PF-72 Portrait of little girl
VII.1 DMH-PF-73 Baby portrait of Stewart Colley, Jr.
VII.1 DMH-PF-74 River
VII.1 DMH-PF-75 Dudley Hughes on horse
VII.1 DMH-PF-76 Dudley Hughes and wife, Mary Frances
VII.1 DMH-PF-77 Dudley M. Hughes outside the White House
VII.1 DMH-PF-78 Dudley M. Hughes in yard
VII.1 DMH-PF-79 Dudley M. Hughes, Ady, and dog
VII.1 DMH-PF-80 "Little Boss"
VII.1 DMH-PF-81 Farm house
VII.1 DMH-PF-82 Portrait of Daniel Greenwood Hughes, Jr.
VII.1 DMH-PF-83 Group photo of 4 men, 4 dogs and 2 children
VII.1 DMH-PF-84 East Asia
VII.1 DMH-PF-85 Grand Canyon
VII.1 DMH-PF-86 Portrait of [Franklin Roosevelt?]
VII.1 DMH-PF-87 3 women on rocks
VII.1 DMH-PF-88 Hughes family in horse-drawn buggy
VII.1 DMH-PF-89 Mary Frances Hughes [?]
VII.1 DMH-PF-90 Various pictures of dogs
VII.1 DMH-PF-91 Henrietta Hughes [?] and dog
VII.1 DMH-PF-92 Mary Frances, and Dudley M. Hughes with Unidentified man
VII.1 DMH-PF-93 Hugh Hughes, wife? and friend
VII.1 DMH-PF-94 Three women outdoors
VII.1 DMH-PF-95 Hughes' grandchildren and woman
VII.1 DMH-PF-96 Hughes' grandson in yard
VII.1 DMH-PF-97 Mary Frances? and Dudley M. Hughes
VII.1 DMH-PF-98 Magnolia Cottage looking south
VII.1 DMH-PF-99 Inside of home
VII.1 DMH-PF-100 Parade in downtown streets
VII.1 DMH-PF-101 Henrietta, man and woman in yard
VII.1 DMH-PF-102 Family chopping wood in yard
VII.1 DMH-PF-103 Mary Frances in automobile and woman standing
VII.1 DMH-PF-104 Dudley M. Hughes in automobile
VII.1 DMH-PF-105 Henrietta, women and dog outside gazebo
VII.1 DMH-PF-106 Various pictures of people in wagons
VII.1 DMH-PF-107 Women and little boy in horse-drawn wagon
VII.1 DMH-PF-108 Henrietta and group in wagon
VII.1 DMH-PF-109 Group entertaining in parlor
VII.1 DMH-PF-110 Going to GA fair in Macon
VII.1 DMH-PF-111 Men and women on horses in front of rock
VII.1 DMH-PF-112 Photo of building
VII.1 DMH-PF-113 Golden Gate Bridge
VII.1 DMH-PF-114 Lake Mohawk, NY
VII.1 DMH-PF-115 Party of men and women at Tallulah Falls
VII.1 DMH-PF-116 Inside of log cabin
VII.1 DMH-PF-117 Henrietta seated on rock
VII.1 DMH-PF-118 Unidentifiable buildings
VII.1 DMH-PF-119 East Asian statue
VII.1 DMH-PF-120 Ship in ocean
VII.1 DMH-PF-121 White River
VII.1 DMH-PF-122 Homes
VII.1 DMH-PF-123 Monumental building
VII.1 DMH-PF-124 Home on the river
VII.1 DMH-PF-125 Busy city street
VII.1 DMH-PF-126 Front of home
VII.1 DMH-PF-127 Thomas Nelson [Cagris] home in Washington
VII.1 DMH-PF-128 Henrietta Hughes and five female companions on top of Chimney Rock, N.C.
VII.1 DMH-PF-129 Pigeons and people in San Diego
VII.1 DMH-PF-130 Postcard picture of suspension bridge over Capilano Canyon, N. Vancouver B.C.
VII.1 DMH-PF-131 Dudley M. Hughes standing on tree stump
VII.1 DMH-PF-132 Cayuga Park, NY
VII.1 DMH-PF-133 Woman outside tepee
VII.1 DMH-PF-134 "Queen and her maids of the Confederate Veterans' Reunion" postcard
VII.1 DMH-PF-135 Stone Mountain
VII.1 DMH-PF-136 East wing of White House
VII.1 DMH-PF-137 Homes at Mt. Vernon
VII.1 DMH-PF-138 Miss Hughes and Miss Moore at Lake Locuse
VII.1 DMH-PF-139 Washington's tomb at Mt. Vernon
VII.1 DMH-PF-140 Monument
VII.1 DMH-PF-141 Group photo on side of mountain
VII.1 DMH-PF-142 Aerial view of wood and river
VII.1 DMH-PF-143 Five women and one woman on mountain lookout
VII.1 DMH-PF-144 Scenic picture of mountains
VII.1 DMH-PF-145 Portrait of Edwin Booth
VII.1 DMH-PF-146 Portrait of Sara Bernhardt
VII.1 DMH-PF-147 Picture of Willie Ketchum and dog "Doc"
VII.1 DMH-PF-148 Portrait of young woman
VII.1 DMH-PF-149 Young boy in chair
VII.1 DMH-PF-150 Group seated on wagon
VII.1 DMH-PF-151 Pictures of Charity Bryant's children
VII.1 DMH-PF-152 Photo of Fannie Croker
VII.1 DMH-PF-153 Dudley M. Hughes and unidentified young boy
VII.1 DMH-PF-154 Hughes, Daniel G. Hughes, Dennard Hughes, and Henrietta Hughes standing together in yard
VII.1 DMH-PF-155 Dudley M. Hughes talking to young boy in front of the U.S. Capitol, 1913
VII.1 DMH-PF-156 Unidentifiable man on horse
VII.1 DMH-PF-157 Pictures from Mary L. Duggan, Perry, GA, 1938
VII.1 DMH-PF-158 Henrietta Hughes, Mrs. and Mr. Dennard Hughes and Mary Frances Hughes (seated) at 100 years of age
VII.1 DMH-PF-159 Henrietta Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Dennard Hughes in front of dedication marker
VII.1 DMH-PF-160 Mrs. Dennard Hughes and friend
VII.1 DMH-PF-161 Henrietta Hughes and friend
VII.1 DMH-PF-162 Woman with toy poodle
VII.1 DMH-PF-163 Trees
VII.1 DMH-PF-164 [Tobacco?]
VII.1 DMH-PF-165 Various pictures of cornfield
VII.1 DMH-PF-166 Cotton field pictures
VII.1 DMH-PF-167 Ranch pictures
VII.1 DMH-PF-168 Henrietta and man on horses
VII.1 DMH-PF-169 Various pictures of plows
VII.1 DMH-PF-170 Unidentified man and woman
VII.1 DMH-PF-171 Service hands on horse-drawn wagon
VII.1 DMH-PF-172 Dudley M. Hughes on horse
VII.1 DMH-PF-173 Various pictures of chickens, pigs and calves
VII.1 DMH-PF-174 Unidentified boy, Marjorie and calf named Polka Dot
VII.1 DMH-PF-175 Hughes' grandson with unidentified black children
VII.1 DMH-PF-176 Dudley Hughes' [mother?] and black child
VII.1 DMH-PF-177 Black nanny and white child
VII.1 DMH-PF-178 [Servants?]
VII.1 DMH-PF-179 Unidentified black children living in Hughes property
VII.1 DMH-PF-180 Lotttie (Henrietta's childhood nanny)
VII.1 DMH-PF-181 Man standing under fruit tree
VII.1 DMH-PF-182 Miscellaneous portraits and group pictures
VII.1 DMH-PF-183 Miscellaneous photos and negatives
VII.1 DMH-PF-184 Dudley M. Hughes' Pictures of Magnolia Plantation
VII.1 DMH-PF-185Hennilu's photo album of Grand Tour, 1900
VII.1 DMH-PF-186Dudley Hughes
VII.31Mary Frances Dennard Hughes 100th Birthday Celebration at Magnolia Plantation, 1954
VII.4Portrait of D. M. Hughes
VII.2Unprocessed photographs
VII.3Unprocessed photographs

VIII. Artifacts

5 box(es)
This series consists primarily of printed memorabilia from events Dudley M. Hughes and his family members attended as well as memorabilia documenting the professional lives of Hughes and family members. Examples of materials included in this series are a certificate appointing Dudley M. diploma from the Lucy Cobb Institute in Athens, Georgia Hughes as a trustee of the Georgia State College of Agriculture, Hennie Lou Hughes' diploma from the Lucy Cobb Institute in Athens, Georgia, and a journal containing articles on cotton concerning legislation, prices, and grades.
VIII.4 DMH-ART-01 Reproduction of a Gordon Grant painting showing the USS frigate Constitution, "Old Ironsides," at sea, 1927. ( (23x19") )
VIII.4 DMH-ART-02 Piece of paper with the signature of "Col. D.M. Hughes Danville, Ga", undated. ( (18x14.75") )
VIII.4 DMH-ART-03 Poster of forty American heroes of the Spanish-American War, printed in 1898, 1898. ( (22x17") )
VIII.5 DMH-ART-04 Box with a dozen red jar rubbers for canning. The box cover features a bulldog surrounded by a jar rubber, undated. ( (3.25x3.25x1.5") )
VIII.5 DMH-ART-05 Gold bird feather, undated. ( (11") )
VIII.2 DMH-ART-06 Black-edged white cards with the name "Miss Hughes" in gothic letters. Enclosed in a 3.5"x2.5"x1" white box, undated. ( (2.75x2") )
VIII.1 DMH-ART-07 Medium bond paper with pink flowers and green leaves on the right-hand side. On the left is a handwritten poem, "Goodnight", undated. ( (8.25x12") )
VIII.4 DMH-ART-08 Newspaper-style sheet urging voters to reelect Dudley M. Hughes based upon his previous legislation and common man testimony, undated. ( (15x22") )
VIII.1 DMH-ART-09 Banquet menu with seating chart enclosed and a sheet with lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "My County 'Tis of Thee", undated
VIII.4 DMH-ART-10 Diploma from the Lucy Cobb Institute in Athens, Georgia, conferred upon Hennie Lou Hughes in June of 1900, 1900 June. ( (17x21") )
VIII.1 DMH-ART-11 Henry Lou Hughes' laurel crown removed from diploma frame, undated. ( (12" in diameter) )
VIII.3 DMH-ART-12 Booklet on World War I containing forty photographic reproductions of war scenes, eleven war maps, President Wilson's great message to Congress and his proclamation of war, undated. ( (10.5x14.75") )
VIII.3 DMH-ART-13 Dudley M. Hughes calendar with a picture of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1916-1917. ( (12.25x18") )
VIII.3 DMH-ART-14 Nineteen page journal contains articles on cotton concerning legislation, prices, grades, etc., 1907 January 31. ( (10x14.5") )
VIII.1 DMH-ART-15 Steel printing plate of Dan Hughes, picturing him standing amid scenes of farm life holding a ledger. Caption reads: "Asst. Commissioner of Agriculture, Dan Hughes", undated
VIII.3 DMH-ART-16 Document signed by the director of the Selective Service appointing H. L. D. Hughes to Board No. 1, 1940 October 25. ( (13x11") )
VIII.4 DMH-ART-17 Certificate appointing Dudley M. Hughes as a trustee of the Georgia State College of Agriculture, signed by Governor J. M. Terrell, 1906 August 30. ( (21x16") )
VIII.6 DMH-ART-18 Wooden box with a wooden top. "Hon. D.M. Hughes, Danville, Ga." is printed in black on the side of the box , undated.
VIII.3 DMH-ART-19 Certificate certifying Agnes Clifton Goss as a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1905 February 20. ( (17.5x14") )
Mapcase DMH-ART-20 Topographical map of the Panama Canal and surrounding area, 1912. ( (24x30") )
Mapcase DMH-ART-21 Image of the festival hall and east pavilion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition taken from the palace of electricity, 1904. ( (25x21") )
Mapcase DMH-ART-22 Image of Robert E. Lee and twenty-five Confederate generals by G.B. Matthews, 1907. ( (27x15.5") )
VIII.1Artifacts with separation sheets (pulled from collection for preservation)
VIII.1Unprocessed artifacts and memorabilia
VIII.2Calling cards
VIII.2World's Fair, St. Louis calling cards, 1904
VIII.3Artifacts with separation sheets (pulled from collection for preservation)
VIII.4Artifacts with separation sheets (pulled from collection for preservation)
VIII.5Miniature cotton bale
VIII.5Name stamps