Subgroup E. Related Materials Related Materials are items that by physical form are not part of the papers in the collection, but by content are related to the intellectual content of the papers. Any additional non-textual materials originally filed with papers were removed for preservation purposes and improved access. These materials include photographs, audiovisual items, scrapbooks, vertical files, memorabilia, and books; physical form determines arrangement and storage. Related Materials include items from Washington and Winder, and inventories indicate provenance.
AVA 01: Russell appreciation and fundraising dinner
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 01: Russell appreciation and fundraising dinner. Sound recording. Russell Appreciation (Fund Raising) Dinner at Athens Country Club prior to Democratic Convention in Chicago. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item UC_AVA 01 User copy
AVA 02: Russell campaign speech - Spokane, Washington
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 02: Russell campaign speech - Spokane, Washington. Sound recording. This was a campaign speech made on radio in Spokane, Washington. The date eon the reel, July 19, 1952, obviously is wrong as RBR at one point in the speech says "next month at the convention in Chicago." The June date shows up in Speech/Media. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item UC_AVA 02 User copy
AVA 03: Senator Russell at Golden, Colorado 1952 campaign
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 03: Senator Russell at Golden, Colorado 1952 campaign. Sound recording. Speech began with praise for the Colorado School of Mines; mentioned matters held I common by Georgia and Colorado; spoke of water problem; told need for development of natural resources and conservation; brought in by RBR's background - Family and Political; spoke of committee memberships, agricultural interests; school lunch programs, communism, Korean War, balanced budget; RBR denies being a sectional candidate. See VI. G. 2. Russell Speeches- similar to Denver speech, June 26 1952 in Russell Speeches #4. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Additional Material: memo & label Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item UC_AVA 03 User copy
AVA 04: Russell for President press conference - Chicago
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 04: Russell for President press conference - Chicago. Sound recording. Press Conference at Chicago Hilton Hotel just prior to the 195 Democratic Presidential Convention. RBR predicts his chances for winning the nomination; covers Vice-presidency; states' rights to tidelands; reaction to the statement on Taft-Hartley; Truman's participation in the convention ; and foreign policy. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Additional Material: Label Transcript Location: VI. G. 2. Press Conf. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item UC_AVA 04 User copy
AVA 05: Russell at Jefferson-Jackson dinner - Atlanta
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 05: Russell at Jefferson-Jackson dinner - Atlanta. Sound recording. Russell salutes Georgia Democrats, including the national chairman Stephen Mitchell, the senior senator from Georgia Walter George, and the 1952 presidential nominee Adlai Stephenson; attacks Republicans; and calls for victory of Democrats in 1954 elections. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-23 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: III. A. 1. 1953 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item UC_AVA 05 User copy
AVA 06: Russell speaks to Democratic southern conference - Miami
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 06: Russell speaks to Democratic southern conference - Miami. Sound recording. Spessard Holland introduces Senator Russell at a Democratic dinner in Florida. Russell has praise for democratic party and criticizes Republicans under Eisenhower. See Speech III. A. 1. 1954 Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-23 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: III. A. 1. 1954 Additional Material: Tape Ad Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 06 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0004 Copy
AVA 07: The right to discriminate by Dr. Sidney L. DeLove
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 07: The right to discriminate by Dr. Sidney L. DeLove. Sound recording. A talk on tape audio by Dr. Sidney L. DeLove apparently sent to Senator Russell by James H. Barrett, of Birmingham, Mich. He speaks of erroneous ideas about civil rights and property rights. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 07 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0005 Copy
AVA 08: Lawrence T. Brown letter on tape
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 08: Lawrence T. Brown letter on tape. Sound recording. An unsolicited tape of a letter from Lawrence T. Brown of Dayton, OH. The theme seems to be the decay of today's society, the evils of life, the lack of truth everywhere, and the selfishness of all. He cites problems and offers solutions in government, politics, racial troubles, world affairs, education, agriculture and lack of peace. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 08 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0006 Copy
AVA 09: "College News Conference" - Washington, DC
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 09: "College News Conference" - Washington, DC. Sound recording. Interview of Senator Paul H. Douglas by students on various aspects of the Civil Rights Bill. The students were Melvin Bentley, University of Georgia; Al Zimmerman, Georgetown University; Barbara Sweetland, Mills College; and Bob Bennett, University of Utah. Questions were asked regarding the protection of the right to vote; federal district judges; the right to trail by jury; and enforcement by federal troops. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 09 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0005 Copy
AVA 10: Open hearing - Washington, DC
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 10: Open hearing - Washington, DC. Sound recording. John Secondari, Chief of the ABC Washington Bureau, interviews RBR on the Civil Rights Bill ( HR 61270 on the Open Hearing Show. The tape also has commercials, news, and other matters not related to the interview. There is a lengthy introduction and explanation of the bill by Secondari. During the interview RBR discusses federal power to impose rights on the states; his objections to the part three of the bill; the need for jury system; the right to vote aspect; amount of taxes collected and money spent on the "separate but equal" school system; and the use of power to enforce the Civil Rights Bill. (See also Atlanta onstitution July 14, 1957 in scrapbooks) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 10 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0007 Copy
AVA 10A: College News Conference: Maxwell Taylor
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 10A: College News Conference: Maxwell Taylor. Sound recording. Part of an interview of General Maxwell Taylor by students on various aspects of the National Gaurs. The students were: Lawrence Barrett, Columbia University; Paulette Singer, New York University; Harper Keller, Wes Point; Jonathan Linwood, George Washington University. Ruth Hegee was the moderator. The Program is preceded by commercials and music on WMAL in Washington, D.C. Described by GM, 1978-03-02 Tapr Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 10A Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0007 Copy
AVA 11A: Russell-Javits Interviews on BBC International Hookup (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 11A: Russell-Javits Interviews on BBC International Hookup (reel 1). Sound recording. This Civil Rights interview of RBR in Atlanta and Jacob Javits in New York was on intercontintinental radio with Robert McKenzie as a moderator and Lillian Lang as technical and program director. Interviewers were L.J. Duplessis in Johannesburg; Pierre Emmanuel, Paris; John Freeman, London; and Antonio Carlatta, Rio de Janeiro. Much of Reel 1 is spent briefing RBR and Javits as to the type of questions, agreements as to how the program would be handled, and checking with interviewers to make sure they could hear and be heard. Racial desegregation and violence in Little Rock were discussed from the viewpoints of both senators. The interviews were successful technically an reception was good., The tape is broken during some of Russell's interview. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel; 7", 1200' (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript item Request item UC_AVA 11A User copy
AVA 11B: Russell-Javits interviews on BBC international hookup (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 11B: Russell-Javits interviews on BBC international hookup (reel 2). Sound recording. This Civil Rights interview of RBR in Atlanta and Jacob Javits in New York was on intercontintinental radio with Robert McKenzie as a moderator and Lillian Lang as technical and program director. Interviewers were L.J. Duplessis in Johannesburg; Pierre Emmanuel, Paris; John Freeman, London; and Antonio Carlatta, Rio de Janeiro. Much of Reel 1 is spent briefing RBR and Javits as to the type of questions, agreements as to how the program would be handled, and checking with interviewers to make sure they could hear and be heard. Racial desegregation and violence in Little Rock were discussed from the viewpoints of both senators. The interviews were successful technically an reception was good., The tape is broken during some of Russell's interview. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel; &', 1200' (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 11B Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0008 Copy
AVA 12A: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 12A: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 1). Sound recording. Rev. E. H. Collins as master of ceremonies praises RBR; traces Russell's political career; tells of plans for the day including the parade, barbecue, Talmadge speech, air demonstration, bands, glee club; extends welcome. Collins presents Col. Nixon Rainey who greets guests and introduces Marvin Griffin. Griffin speaks on the menace of integration and introduces some of the guests, including Strom Thurmond. His response sets forth RBR's qualifications for President; speaks of states rights and Supreme Court Decisions. Griffin introduced William A. Blakley; his response and praise for RBR and his leadership in "preventing the destruction of the Constitution." Griffin next presented Phil Landrum who told of RBR's fight against the Civil Rights Bills; Landrum remarks interrupted by station identification and playing of Dixie. Carl Vinson was introduced by Griffin; however he had left earlier; this was followed by Henderson Lanham and the Paul Brown both of whom praised RBR and his accomplishment in deleting section three of the Civil Rights Bill. Begins in Paul Brown's Speech. Collins introduces James Paris , who in turn introduces the state representatives and finally Herman Talmadge. Talmadge reviews highlights of RBR's personal and political life; touches on his state reorganization; farm legislation; social security; bank reform; school lunch program; and filibuster and civil rights. RBR presented by Talmadge. Russell expresses appreciation and thanks; praises Talmadge; pledges to continue fight against encroachment of Federal government on states rights; claims to be a Jeffersonian; says fought the good fight on Civil Rights. There is a presentation of car and RBR's thanks; proclamation given by Winder mayor John Kelly; scroll presented by Mayor of Augusta. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 5", 600' Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 12A Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0009 Copy
AVA 12B: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 12B: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 2). Sound recording. Rev. E. H. Collins as master of ceremonies praises RBR; traces Russell's political career; tells of plans for the day including the parade, barbecue, Talmadge speech, air demonstration, bands, glee club; extends welcome. Collins presents Col. Nixon Rainey who greets guests and introduces Marvin Griffin. Griffin speaks on the menace of integration and introduces some of the guests, including Strom Thurmond. His response sets forth RBR's qualifications for President; speaks of states rights and Supreme Court Decisions. Griffin introduced William A. Blakley; his response and praise for RBR and his leadership in "preventing the destruction of the Constitution." Griffin next presented Phil Landrum who told of RBR's fight against the Civil Rights Bills; Landrum remarks interrupted by station identification and playing of Dixie. Carl Vinson was introduced by Griffin; however he had left earlier; this was followed by Henderson Lanham and the Paul Brown both of whom praised RBR and his accomplishment in deleting section three of the Civil Rights Bill. Begins in Paul Brown's Speech. Collins introduces James Paris , who in turn introduces the state representatives and finally Herman Talmadge. Talmadge reviews highlights of RBR's personal and political life; touches on his state reorganization; farm legislation; social security; bank reform; school lunch program; and filibuster and civil rights. RBR presented by Talmadge. Russell expresses appreciation and thanks; praises Talmadge; pledges to continue fight against encroachment of Federal government on states rights; claims to be a Jeffersonian; says fought the good fight on Civil Rights. There is a presentation of car and RBR's thanks; proclamation given by Winder mayor John Kelly; scroll presented by Mayor of Augusta. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 12B Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0009 Copy
AVA 12C: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 3)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 12C: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 3). Sound recording. Rev. E. H. Collins as master of ceremonies praises RBR; traces Russell's political career; tells of plans for the day including the parade, barbecue, Talmadge speech, air demonstration, bands, glee club; extends welcome. Collins presents Col. Nixon Rainey who greets guests and introduces Marvin Griffin. Griffin speaks on the menace of integration and introduces some of the guests, including Strom Thurmond. His response sets forth RBR's qualifications for President; speaks of states rights and Supreme Court Decisions. Griffin introduced William A. Blakley; his response and praise for RBR and his leadership in "preventing the destruction of the Constitution." Griffin next presented Phil Landrum who told of RBR's fight against the Civil Rights Bills; Landrum remarks interrupted by station identification and playing of Dixie. Carl Vinson was introduced by Griffin; however he had left earlier; this was followed by Henderson Lanham and the Paul Brown both of whom praised RBR and his accomplishment in deleting section three of the Civil Rights Bill. Begins in Paul Brown's Speech. Collins introduces James Paris , who in turn introduces the state representatives and finally Herman Talmadge. Talmadge reviews highlights of RBR's personal and political life; touches on his state reorganization; farm legislation; social security; bank reform; school lunch program; and filibuster and civil rights. RBR presented by Talmadge. Russell expresses appreciation and thanks; praises Talmadge; pledges to continue fight against encroachment of Federal government on states rights; claims to be a Jeffersonian; says fought the good fight on Civil Rights. There is a presentation of car and RBR's thanks; proclamation given by Winder mayor John Kelly; scroll presented by Mayor of Augusta. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 12C Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0010 Copy
AVA 12D: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 4)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 12D: Richard Russell Appreciation Day (reel 4). Sound recording. Rev. E. H. Collins as master of ceremonies praises RBR; traces Russell's political career; tells of plans for the day including the parade, barbecue, Talmadge speech, air demonstration, bands, glee club; extends welcome. Collins presents Col. Nixon Rainey who greets guests and introduces Marvin Griffin. Griffin speaks on the menace of integration and introduces some of the guests, including Strom Thurmond. His response sets forth RBR's qualifications for President; speaks of states rights and Supreme Court Decisions. Griffin introduced William A. Blakley; his response and praise for RBR and his leadership in "preventing the destruction of the Constitution." Griffin next presented Phil Landrum who told of RBR's fight against the Civil Rights Bills; Landrum remarks interrupted by station identification and playing of Dixie. Carl Vinson was introduced by Griffin; however he had left earlier; this was followed by Henderson Lanham and the Paul Brown both of whom praised RBR and his accomplishment in deleting section three of the Civil Rights Bill. Begins in Paul Brown's Speech. Collins introduces James Paris , who in turn introduces the state representatives and finally Herman Talmadge. Talmadge reviews highlights of RBR's personal and political life; touches on his state reorganization; farm legislation; social security; bank reform; school lunch program; and filibuster and civil rights. RBR presented by Talmadge. Russell expresses appreciation and thanks; praises Talmadge; pledges to continue fight against encroachment of Federal government on states rights; claims to be a Jeffersonian; says fought the good fight on Civil Rights. There is a presentation of car and RBR's thanks; proclamation given by Winder mayor John Kelly; scroll presented by Mayor of Augusta. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 12D Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0010 Copy
AVA 13: Veterans' Day - Valdosta, Georgia
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 13: Veterans' Day - Valdosta, Georgia. Sound recording. Greetings by unknown person from American Legion Post 3; a moment of silence followed by the invocation and the introduction of the guests; after welcome by Valdosta mayor, Judge H. B. Edwards introduces RBR. In his speech RBR urges strong defenses against Russia; that money be diverted from wasted foreign aid to a rocket program; that political manipulation be left out of government; a return to constitutional government; and that United States meet the challenge in the future. Bubba Strickland thanks RBR; announces float winners; thanks the band; program concludes with playing of the Star Spangled Banner. [See: III. 31. Foreign Aid, Military Strength, notes for speech] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 13 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0011 Copy
AVA 14: ABAC - Tifton Exchange Club speech
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 14: ABAC - Tifton Exchange Club speech. Sound recording. RBR is introduced by Henry Bostwick. RBR expresses thanks for hospitality; states Russia has passed U.S. in the space race; urges welfare and defense of nation be foremost; states army should be trained to defense against outside forces and not integrate schools, RBR's only business has been Civil Rights Bill; all powers belong to the states except those specifically given to Federal governments; speaks of "Slick Dick Nixon"; program concludes with "Dixie." [see: III. A. 1. Box 31, notes] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7' Transcript Location: A-V- File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 14 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0012 Copy
AVA 15: A northerner opposes compulsory association
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 15: A northerner opposes compulsory association. Sound recording. This unsolicited tape was sent to Senator Russell by Warren L. Milliken of Norwood, Mass. He reads a letter which has been sent to Senators Saltonstall and Kennedy. He opposes the passage of Civil Rights legislation at this time as harmful to the United States; cites the Constitution; says the imposition of Civil Rights invites violence; states it is natural to have feelings opposing compulsory association; declares compulsion could cost the United States its democracy. The reverse side of this original tape has a 1957 oral letter from Milliken to Wigglesworth about foreign affairs and civil rights (Little Rock). (Gift of Warren L. Milliken) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Date Produced: Febuary 28, 1970 July 17, 1957 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 15 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0013 Copy
AVA 16A: The cancer of communism / war or peace
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 16A: The cancer of communism / war or peace. Sound recording. A Speech by US Rep. Walter Judd, Minn., speaking before a management conference at Purdue University on the Cancer for Communism. The tape was sent to Senator Russell. Side two of the tape is a speech by William P. Strube Jr. before the Christian Crusade at Disneyland California. It was sent to Senator Russell. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Side 1: 1 hour, 14 minutes Side 2: 1 hour Date Produced: 1961-03-10, 1961-04-15 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 16A Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0015 Copy CS 0060 RBR CS 0014 Master
AVA 16B: The cancer of communism / war or peace
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 16B: The cancer of communism / war or peace. Sound recording. A Speech by US Rep. Walter Judd, Minn., speaking before a management conference at Purdue University on the Cancer for Communism. The tape was sent to Senator Russell. Side two of the tape is a speech by William P. Strube Jr. before the Christian Crusade at Disneyland California. It was sent to Senator Russell. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Side 1: 1 hour, 14 minutes Side 2: 1 hour Date Produced: 1961-03-10, 1961-04-15 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 16B Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0016 Copy CS 0060 RBR CS 0015 Master
AVA 17A: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 17A: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 1). Sound recording. The Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner opened with music by Georgia Air National Guard Band and then the invocation by Hermann L. Turner; Hermann Talmadge, serving as master of ceremonies , made introductions, read telegrams and then presented Governor Earnest Vandiver; he saluted the Honor Guests and introduced Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense. (Continued in AVA 17B) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Additional Material: Memo Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 17A Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0017 Copy
AVA 17B: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 17B: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 2). Sound recording. Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense praised Vinson and Russell for their counsel and advise to him; told how the two had worked for preparedness prior to World War II; declared the purpose of building a military strength is to avoid using it; spoke of military strength and strike capabilities; told of need for strong congressmen in times of crises; need for military to keep high morale; listed other contributions of Russell and Vinson to the defense of the U.S. (Continued on AVA 17 C) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Additional Material: Memo Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 17B Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0017 Copy
AVA 17C: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 3)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 17C: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 3). Sound recording. Herman Talmadge introduced Vinson and paid tribute to him calling him "the father of the modern Navy" and "backstage boss" of the Pentagon; told accomplishments s chairman of House Armed Services Committee; Vinson expressed gratitude and praised McNamara and paid tribute to RBR and Talmadge. Russell was then presented by Talmadge, who quoted other senators in praise of RBR . Russell told of his gratitude and appreciation in being honored; praised Georgians; thanked McNamara. (Continued in AVA 17D) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Additional Material: Memo Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 17C Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0019 Copy CS 0060 RBR CS 0018 Master
AVA 17D: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 4)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 17D: Russell-Vinson Appreciation Dinner - Atlanta (reel 4). Sound recording. Continuation of RBR's Speech; presentation of scroll to Vinson by John B. Harris and scroll to RBR by Walter Sanders; portrait of Carl Vinson presented to Governor Vandiver by Erwin Sibley; close with benediction by James Westberry. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Additional Materials: Memo Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 17D Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0019 Copy CS 0060 RBR CS 0018 Master
AVA 18: Interview with Senator Russell by members of the press
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 18: Interview with Senator Russell by members of the press. Sound recording. A Group of reporters interview Senator Russell on various problems. One questioner asks about the benefits of pulp and paper mill industry. RBR thinks a farm forestry program would have been better. Others ask about the atomic test treaty hearings; civil rights ; public accommodation and the commerce clause the need for placing a Southerner on the Civil rights Commission; the role of the military in space in the future; the work of the Peace Corps; demonstrations; the seniority system for committees; and changes in the Senate during RBR's tenure. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-25 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 18 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0020 Copy
AVA 19: "Tris Coffin Show" - Washington, DC
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 19: "Tris Coffin Show" - Washington, DC. Sound recording. A humorous narration by Tris Coffin of a hearing on the confirmation of John McCone as CIA Director by the Armed Services Committee. Coffin describes RBR, his personality, and his conduct of the hearing; there is a physical description of McCone; a narrative of the interrogation by Eugene McCarthy and Margaret Chase Smith ; and amusing descriptions of Stuart Symington and Strom Thurmond. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 5" Transcript Location: III. B. 2. C. Additional Material: Memo Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 19 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0021 Copy
AVA 20: Report from the Capitol - Senators Long and Russell
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 20: Report from the Capitol - Senators Long and Russell. Sound recording. Radio/Television interview of RBR by Senator Russell Long; discussion of Clark's assertion that the majority cannot work its will in the Senate; a comparison of Senate Rules and Roberts' Rules of Order; discussion of filibuster; Russell as leader of the Southern group; defeat of Section 3 of the Civil Rights Bill; relocation of Blacks and repatriation to Liberia; Literacy Test Bill; Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense. [accompanying cover letter] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 20 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0021 Copy
AVA 21: Russell on "All America Wants to Know"
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 21: Russell on "All America Wants to Know". Sound recording. "Can America meet the Communist Military Challenge?" is the subject for this program in the monthly series "All America Wants to Know." Senator Russell is on a panel moderated by Theodore Granik. He tells of America's military power; speaks of the situation in Southeast Asia and Vietnam; says United States needs to keep strength ahead of Russia in missiles and manned bomber; and names possible allies in the case of nuclear war. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: III. B. 2. C Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 21 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0022 Copy
AVA 22A: Senate Recording Studio:dedication of Russell Bridge (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 22A: Senate Recording Studio:dedication of Russell Bridge (copy 1). Sound recording. Senator Lister Hill's Praise for RBR's contribution to water projects; Linking of Eufala, Alabama and Georgetown, Georgia; RBR statement of appreciation. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-25 Additional Materials: Memo & Containers Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 22A Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0022 Copy
AVA 22B: Senate Recording Studio: dedication of Russell Bridge (copy 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 22B: Senate Recording Studio: dedication of Russell Bridge (copy 2). Sound recording. Senator Lister Hill's Praise for RBR's contribution to water projects; Linking of Eufala, Alabama and Georgetown, Georgia; RBR statement of appreciation. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-25 Tape Reel: 3 in. Additional materials: Memo & Containers Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 22B Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0022 Copy
AVA 23: Senator Russell - WGST interview - Winder
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 23: Senator Russell - WGST interview - Winder. Sound recording. In this interview conducted by Jack Hurst of WGST, RBR tells of Carl Vinson's retirement and the impact of armed forces and military system; Vinson's loss to the Southern bloc; Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and the reduction in the number of military bases; the United States role in Vietnam; an in depth presentation of RBR's views on Vietnam; the Civil rights fight; passage of the tax bill; the Presidential election; RBR's assessment of the current Congress; and the Cuban situation. (Gift of Jack Hurst, WGST; See: B. 2. a. December, 1963 Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Additional Material: memo Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 23 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0023 Copy
AVA 24: Don Warden on civil rights
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 24: Don Warden on civil rights. Sound recording. This tape sent to Senator Russell begins with an introduction of Don Warden, a California Lawyer, to a group, United Republicans. He speaks for the Afro-American Association on its approach to the problem of Civil Rights. In the course of his speech he lists prominent blacks and their accomplishments. He speaks on ways blacks may move up in America. The sound quality at the beginning of the tape is poor. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 24 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0024 Copy
AVA 25A: Georgia General Assembly (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 25A: Georgia General Assembly (reel 1). Sound recording. Tapes of a joint session the Georgia General Assembly with Addresses by Senators Talmadge and Russell. The first tape begins with five minutes of poor sound. Governor Carl Sanders presents the two Senators and Talmadge is formally introduced by an unannounced person, probably Zack Geer. Talmadge responds to introduction; reviews his years of public service; praises actions of General assembly; speaks of balanced budget, reduction of taxes and economic measures taken by congress; discusses lassez-faire philosophy and goes into a lengthy explanation of the impending Civil Rights Bill. After his introduction, RBR praises the General Assembly, as well as Talmadge; tells of need for a better education system, the importance of research, need for forestry and poultry laboratories, need for work to begin on water pollution; speaks on Communists; discusses annual budget, military strength, Latin American situation, and need for self respect in international affairs; criticizes proposed Civil Rights Bill and President Johnson's Stand on Civil Rights; charges states rights ignored with growth of dictatorial federal power. [gap between two reels of tape] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Transcript Location: III. A. 1. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 25A Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0026 Copy CS 0060 RBR CS 0025 Master
AVA 25B: Georgia General Assembly (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 25B: Georgia General Assembly (reel 2). Sound recording. Tapes of a joint session the Georgia General Assembly with Addresses by Senators Talmadge and Russell. The first tape begins with five minutes of poor sound. Governor Carl Sanders presents the two Senators and Talmadge is formally introduced by an unannounced person, probably Zack Geer. Talmadge responds to introduction; reviews his years of public service; praises actions of General assembly; speaks of balanced budget, reduction of taxes and economic measures taken by congress; discusses lassez-faire philosophy and goes into a lengthy explanation of the impending Civil Rights Bill. After his introduction, RBR praises the General Assembly, as well as Talmadge; tells of need for a better education system, the importance of research, need for forestry and poultry laboratories, need for work to begin on water pollution; speaks on Communists; discusses annual budget, military strength, Latin American situation, and need for self respect in international affairs; criticizes proposed Civil Rights Bill and President Johnson's Stand on Civil Rights; charges states rights ignored with growth of dictatorial federal power. [gap between two reels of tape] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 25B Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0026 Copy
AVA 26: The doom of our people - A.C. Blalock
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 26: The doom of our people - A.C. Blalock. Sound recording. An Unsolicited tape sent to Senator Russell by A.C. Blalock, of Springfield, VA. He open with prayer ad gives his background. Following a lengthy testimonial as to his belief, he finally speaks to the Supreme Court Decision on prayer which may explain why this tape is placed in Civil Rights. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Tape Reel: 7" Additional Material: Removal sheet Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 26 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0028 Copy CS 0060 RBR CS 0027 Master
AVA 27: "Civil Rights Debate" - Russell/McCarthy
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 27: "Civil Rights Debate" - Russell/McCarthy. Sound recording. This tape debates in the pending Civil Rights Bill in the fifth in a series on CBS. Paul Niven is the moderator. Senator Eugene McCarthy takes the affirmative on the question, Should Civil Rights Be Passed, and RBR the Negative. McCarthy gave a history of various civil rights bills; Congress should meet its responsibilities on Education, voting rights, job opportunities, equal treatment before the law, and public abuse. Russell charged that emotion and propaganda have clouded the issue; bill would upset balance of power as set forth in the constitution; may be injustices but opportunities abound in the South for blacks and other groups. McCarthy denies bill directed against South; FEPC section needed in North in those states not already providing it. Russell claims the bill skillfully written to apply to South and that Humphrey in a letter to constituents says would have no effect on Minnesota. Russell charged bill full of irregularities; had been no committee hearings; really two bills in one. McCarthy claimed bill had objective presentation; difficult area for legislation. Discussion of schools in various cities including Cleveland, St. Louis, St. Paul-Minneapolis; open housing; reaction of Northerners to demonstrations in South; double standard of dealing with problem. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: III. B. 3. B. 1964-1965 folder #9 Time: 29 minutes with a broken splice Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0022 AVA 27 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0028 Copy
AVA 28: Lyndon Johnson speech at breakfast for Georgia Legislators - Atlanta
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 28: Lyndon Johnson speech at breakfast for Georgia Legislators - Atlanta. Sound recording. Gov. Carl Sanders introduced President Lyndon B. Johnson. He recognized the Georgia congressional delegation; told some humorous stories; spoke of his indebtedness to Georgia and Georgians; said differences of opinion with Georgia delegation can be settles; told of Johnson's family origin in Georgia; stressed the importance of unity of the states; described the south during the depression and its recovery under Roosevelt; gave a description of "New South" and projection for the future; spoke on each of the virtues in the Georgia motto: wisdom, justice, and moderation as they apply to poverty and racial prejudice and state's rights. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 28 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0029 Copy
AVA 29: Carters Dam progress celebration - Chatsworth, GA
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 29: Carters Dam progress celebration - Chatsworth, GA. Sound recording. [RBR introduced by Rep. John Davis. This is not on the tape.] Russell's interest in this dam; his senate committee problem in getting appropriation; significance of the dam; development of Coosa-Alabama River; tells of appointment to the Appropriations Committee; comparison to Buford Dam. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Transcript Location: III. A. 1. 1964 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 29 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0029 Copy
AVA 30: Ralph Abernathy News Conference - Atlanta SCLC headquarters
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 30: Ralph Abernathy News Conference - Atlanta SCLC headquarters. Sound recording. Ralph Abernathy interviewed at the SCLC headquarters in Atlanta has praise for South and the majority of white people; exceptions would be politicians; discusses potential as a number of Georgians. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Additional Material: memo Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 30 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0030 Copy
AVA 31: "Conversation" - Senators Russell and Talmadge
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 31: "Conversation" - Senators Russell and Talmadge. Sound recording. "Conversation," a WSB-TV Program (preceded by commercials), is introduced by Ray Moore. The two Georgia Senators are questioned by Hal Suit and Don McClellan. The questions and answers concern themselves with Congress, called the most subservient and rubber stamp; Carl Sanders his past performance and his future; Leroy Johnson's visit to Talmadge an RBR; Lyndon Johnson's expansion of war in Vietnam; RBR's history of the Vietnam War; the reduction of troop in Europe and prospect of calling up reserves; RBR's office in the Winder post office; United States domestic programs and opportunities for blacks; Abernathy comment and a welfare statement by Talmadge; situation in India and Pakistan. (See memo III. B. 2. a. July 7, 1965) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 31 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0030 Copy
AVA 32: Blue Key Award Banquet - Athens
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 32: Blue Key Award Banquet - Athens. Sound recording. RBR thanks for the award; praises Dr. Phillip Weltner; comments on football season; gives nostalgic remembrance of campus and life as a student; expresses pride in the University and his part in getting grants and research money; explains Higher Education Bill significance. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-13 Tape Reel: 7", 1200' Transcript Location: III Box 7 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 32 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0031 Copy
AVA 33: Russell previews second session of 89th Congress
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 33: Russell previews second session of 89th Congress. Sound recording. Senator Russell on this tape gives a preview of issues facing the second session of the 89th Congress. He tells of the prosperity in the United States today; the danger in Vietnam and Santo Domingo; the hard decisions to be made; the largest budget ever will be needed; and the need to examine all facets of military power. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-24 Tape Reel: 3" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 33 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0031 Copy
AVA 34A: Opening of second session of 89th Congress (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 34A: Opening of second session of 89th Congress (copy 1). Sound recording. In a speech at the opening of the second session of the 89th Congress, Senator Russell says that despite the prosperity of the country, the situation in Vietnam and Santo Domingo will be cause for concern of this Congress; the budget will probably be the largest proposed in history; lists ways to meet the budget; tells need to end war in Vietnam; explains Armed Services committee hearings during this session. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-11 Tape Reel: 3" (See also AVF 26 Senate Recording Studio Film 1966) 2 tapes - one on negative Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 34A Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0032 Copy
AVA 34B: Opening of second session of 89th Congress (copy 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 34B: Opening of second session of 89th Congress (copy 2). Sound recording. (Two tapes- one on negative) In a speech at the opening of the second session of the 89th Congress, Senator Russell says that despite the prosperity of the country, the situation in Vietnam and Santo Domingo will be cause for concern of this Congress; the budget will probably be the largest proposed in history; lists ways to meet the budget; tells need to end war in Vietnam; explains Armed Services committee hearings during this session. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-11 Tape Reel: 3" (See also AVF 26 Senate Recording Studio Film 1966) 2 tapes - one on negative Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 34B Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0032 Copy
AVA 35: Interview with Ida Vandrosky
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 35: Interview with Ida Vandrosky. Sound recording. Ida Vandrosky in an interview thanks a number of people, including Senator Russell, for help in publication of her fighting song, "Hey Brother." It was recorded by the U.S. Marine Corps band and written for those fighting in Vietnam. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-26 Tape Reel 5" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 35 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0032 Copy
AVA 36: Inside Story - WSB radio
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 36: Inside Story - WSB radio. Sound recording. This tape has an Inside Story from November 11, 1966 and another Inside Story from January 22, 1966. These feature spots were done by Aubrey Moore of WSB Radio. At the conclusion he reminds listeners that Senator Russell will be given the Great American Award on December 28, 1966. The first Inside Story opens with a statement from Aubrey Morris quoting a Vogue Magazine story that lists the ten most powerful men in the United States. One is RBR and another is Dean Rusk. Morris interviews Albert Saye re Russell's rise to power and use of power. The second Inside Story refers to a Reader's Digest article by Noel F. Busch in the December 1966 issue. Aubrey Morris questions Editor Harry Harper as to reasons for the story acclaiming RBR. Andy Still tells of Russell's rise to political leadership and his public service and committee work. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-16 Tape Reel: 7" Additional Material: Label Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 36 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0033 Copy
AVA 37: Winder-Barrow County high school speech
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 37: Winder-Barrow County high school speech. Sound recording. At a speech sponsored by the Tri-Hi-Y and given before the student body of Winder Barrow High School, Russell responds to his introduction by Vickie Smith. He praises Barrow County and the people; tells of his start in politics at an early age; describes changes during this century in education, transportation, communication, agriculture and industry; claims American System of Government unique because of freedom and responsibility given to the people; tells of rights given to the states because of the constitution; declares complexity of life today demand movement forward; deplore the tragedy of Vietnam; and offer advice to the students. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-10 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: III. A. 1. Additional Material: Notes Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 37 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0033 Copy
AVA 38: Hart county desegregation investigation
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 38: Hart county desegregation investigation. Sound recording. A tape of interrogation of Hart County School officials in regard to student and faculty desegregation by an unknown person. (Probably from HEW). The guidelines to transportation desegregation are told. The quality of the tape is not too good. There is a noisy background and frequent interruptions. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-26 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 38 Original box item Request box CS 0060 RBR CS 0034 Copy
AVA 39: Georgia School Boards Association - HEW
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 39: Georgia School Boards Association - HEW. Sound recording. A tape of questions and answers asked of Peter Libassi, of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, by members of the Georgia School Boards Association. E. Freeman Leverett, GSBA attorney, is presiding at this meeting at the Atlanta Hilton Inn. The questions have to do with compliance with HEW guidelines. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-26 Tape Reel: 5" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 39 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0035 Copy
AVA 40: Dedication of Southeast Utilization Laboratory - Athens also known as Southeastern Regional Research Laboratory
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 40: Dedication of Southeast Utilization Laboratory - Athens also known as Southeastern Regional Research Laboratory. Sound recording. At the end of the dedication ceremonies for the Southeast Utilization Laboratory, Dr. Robert Anderson presents RBR. He states that though he was not scheduled to speak, he wishes to express his gratitude; recognizes others on the program including scientists, Robert Stephens, and Hermann Talmadge; identifies five laboratories opened with help of federal money; states imbalance between urban and rural population has led to riots, student unrest and minority demonstrations; cites need for a remedy. Described by: ? Tape Reel: 5" Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 40 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0036 Copy
AVA 41: News interview on the Pueblo capture
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 41: News interview on the Pueblo capture. Sound recording. RBR upon questioning for newscast (network and announcer unnamed) says the Pueblo should have been sunk before capture and there should be an investigation; newscaster mentions reaction from Navy; RBR says there was no heroic actions by the crew. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-06 Tape Reel: 3" (Seee also AVA 42A & 42B, AVA 75-3A &3B Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 41 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0036 Copy
AVA 42A: Interview (copy 1) Senator Russell in a 1968 interview
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 42A: Interview (copy 1) Senator Russell in a 1968 interview. Sound recording. These two reels of the same interview with Senator Russell are participated in by unknown persons, except for Aubrey Morris. Thought they are not identical both reels have the same questions and answers. The sequence differs and it appears these reels may have been edited into a more refined version. Russell is highly critical of the officers' conduct in the Pueblo Incident. He has comment of the Middle East Situation; Nixon's plans to end the war in Vietnam; Ky's influence the stalemate over the table at peace talks; inability to fathom the oriental mind; the attitude on surtax; the retirement of Carl Hayden; the space program; the urban renewal program. Georgia an Southeastern federal programs; disarmament; the Lockheed situation and RBR's description of the C-5. [see also WSB Tapes-- Pueblo, AVA 75-3A and 3B] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: File Cabinets Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 42A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0037 Copy
AVA 42B: Interview (copy 2) Senator Russell in a 1968 interview
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 42B: Interview (copy 2) Senator Russell in a 1968 interview. Sound recording. These two reels of the same interview with Senator Russell are participated in by unknown persons, except for Aubrey Morris. Thought they are not identical both reels have the same questions and answers. The sequence differs and it appears these reels may have been edited into a more refined version. Russell is highly critical of the officers' conduct in the Pueblo Incident. He has comment of the Middle East Situation; Nixon's plans to end the war in Vietnam; Ky's influence the stalemate over the table at peace talks; inability to fathom the oriental mind; the attitude on surtax; the retirement of Carl Hayden; the space program; the urban renewal program. Georgia an Southeastern federal programs; disarmament; the Lockheed situation and RBR's description of the C-5. [see also WSB Tapes-- Pueblo, AVA 75-3A and 3B] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: File Cabinets Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 42B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0037 Copy
AVA 43: Certification of Nixon election
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 43: Certification of Nixon election. Sound recording. A tape of a combination of network news reports the Senate action in the challenge of the electoral vote certifying the election of Richard Nixon. John Hart is the CBS Newsman and NBC's are John Chancellor and David Brinkley. RBR is president pro term of the Senate. Brinkley interviews North Carolina elector, Lloyd Bailey, whose vote was challenges by Senator Edmund Muskie. This was the first such challenge in history. RBR give results of electoral college voting and Muskie explains his challenge. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-05 Tape Reel: 3" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 43 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0037 Copy
AVA 44: President Johnson's farewell address to congress
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 44: President Johnson's farewell address to congress. Sound recording. This tape is the conclusion of an address to the joint session of Congress. In his farewell to the House and Senate, Johnson speaks of the challenges during his service as President; his guidance by former United States Presidents and other leaders; in a list of people to whom he is indebted he mentions RBR. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-05 Tape Reel: 3" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 44 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0038 Copy
AVA 45: Russell news conference on his health
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 45: Russell news conference on his health. Sound recording. At a news conference Senator Russell recalls rumors re his health in 1965 and his promise to tell Georgians if his health is a problem; announces that a check up of his emphysema at Walter Reed Hospital revealed a malignant tumor in his left lung; says recommended treatment is cobalt radiation and the doctors have advised that he can continue to work; upon questioning by reporters RBR says operation ruled out and no necessity for hospitalization; has a philosophical attitude; refuses to reveal doctors names and praises Dr. William Hurst. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-05 Transcript Location: III. B. 3. b. 1969 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 45 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0038 Copy
AVA 46: Forrestal Memorial Award Dinner - Washington
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 46: Forrestal Memorial Award Dinner - Washington. Sound recording. The Fifteenth James Forrestal Memorial Award Dinner was given by the National Security Industrial Association at the Washington Hilton Hotel. This tape begins at the conclusion of the introduction of RBR, recipient of the award, by John M. Martin. After thanking the group, RBR traces the history of NSIA and expresses confidence in industry and its ability to rise to the occasion as the times demand; tells of need for lasting détente; cites complex military needs; speaks of patriotism vs. Vietnam protests; defends military-industrial complex; tells of inflation and high cost of defense. Program concludes with words from Martin. [A copy of this program is in Volume 129 of the RBR scrapbooks.] [see: III. A. 1 NSIA 1969] [see: News Release in III. B. 3. b.] Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-05 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: III. A. 1. 1969 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 46 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0039 Copy
AVA 47: CBS and NBC news clips on Russell's health
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 47: CBS and NBC news clips on Russell's health. Sound recording. The CBS news clip is from the nightly news on March 21, 1969 and is first on the tape. The NBC item is from the nightly news and is reported by David Brinkley on March 20, 1969. The tape from CBS with Bruce Morton reporting, picks up in the course of the news. Morton reports RBR's malignancy and his speech the night before to the NSIA. A tape of part of the RBR speech is included. David Brinkley on the NBC clip reports on RBR's health and tells of his plans to speak to NSIA that night. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-05 Tape Reel: 3" Time: CBS - 4 mins. NBC - 1 min. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 47 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0039 Copy
AVA 48: Russell salutes Willie Barron
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 48: Russell salutes Willie Barron. Sound recording. Senator Russell salute Willie Barron, of Rome, GA, upon his retirement after fifty years with Coca-Cola. On the same tape but a different speech, a reporter quizzes Russell on his malignant lung tumor and the treatment by cobalt to come. The sound quality of this second part is poor. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" Transcript Location: III. B. 3. b. Time: 2 mins. IPS 7 1/2 (first selection) 1 mins. IPS 3 3/4 (second selection) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 48 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0040 Copy
AVA 49: Russell interview by Winder-Barrow band members
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 49: Russell interview by Winder-Barrow band members. Sound recording. RBR makes a statement on his health (3 3/4 IPS). In the interview with the board members, (the tape changes to 7 1/2 IPS). RBR tells need to end war in Vietnam because of loss of lives and expense; speaks of rumor of removal of troops; talk of bill before Congress, his committee membership and his visit to Winder. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 5" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 49 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0040 Copy
AVA 50A: Press conference on successful cobalt treatment (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 50A: Press conference on successful cobalt treatment (copy 1). Sound recording. RBR announces success of cobalt treatment for his lung tumor; gives a complete history of his smoking and his efforts to quit; lists family member who died of cancer; discusses the Pueblo incident; remarks on the Louis Wolfson case; and goes into the C5A cost overrun. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 3" &5" Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 50A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0041 Copy
AVA 50B: Press conference on successful cobalt treatment (copy 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 50B: Press conference on successful cobalt treatment (copy 2). Sound recording. RBR announces success of cobalt treatment for his lung tumor; gives a complete history of his smoking and his efforts to quit; lists family member who died of cancer; discusses the Pueblo incident; remarks on the Louis Wolfson case; and goes into the C5A cost overrun. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 3" &5" Transcript Location: A-V File Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 50B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0041 Copy
AVA 51: Statement on disarmament
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 51: Statement on disarmament. Sound recording. A statement (seemingly incomplete as it begins in mid-sentence) by RBR on disarmament and the need for mutual defense reductions. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 3" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 51 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0041 Copy
AVA 53A: Cox broadcasting reception for senator Russell at Washington Hilton (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 53A: Cox broadcasting reception for senator Russell at Washington Hilton (reel 1). Sound recording. At the Cox Broadcasting reception in the international Ballroom of the Washington Hilton, resident Nixon introduces RBR. He speaks of the Cox documentary, "A Georgia Giant" and tells of RBR's family and background; tells qualities of integrity and ability; Russell's response to Nixon's remarks; Nixon tells an anecdote relating to protocol and honor due RBR. (See also AVA 75-7 for similar material) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 7" (WSB most complee and best quality) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 53A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0043 Copy CS 0061 RBR CS 0042 Master
AVA 53B: Cox broadcasting reception for senator Russell at Washington Hilton (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 53B: Cox broadcasting reception for senator Russell at Washington Hilton (reel 2). Sound recording. At the Cox Broadcasting reception in the international Ballroom of the Washington Hilton, resident Nixon introduces RBR. He speaks of the Cox documentary, "A Georgia Giant" and tells of RBR's family and background; tells qualities of integrity and ability; Russell's response to Nixon's remarks; Nixon tells an anecdote relating to protocol and honor due RBR. (See also AVA 75-7 for similar material) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 5" (no credit) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 53B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0043 Copy CS 0061 RBR CS 0042 Master
AVA 53C: Cox broadcasting reception for senator Russell at Washington Hilton (reel 3)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 53C: Cox broadcasting reception for senator Russell at Washington Hilton (reel 3). Sound recording. At the Cox Broadcasting reception in the international Ballroom of the Washington Hilton, resident Nixon introduces RBR. He speaks of the Cox documentary, "A Georgia Giant" and tells of RBR's family and background; tells qualities of integrity and ability; Russell's response to Nixon's remarks; Nixon tells an anecdote relating to protocol and honor due RBR. (See also AVA 75-7 for similar material) Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 7" (White House Communications Agency - John Nidecker, contains only Nixon's presentations of RBR) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 53C Original
AVA 54: Senator Russell: a man and his time
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 54: Senator Russell: a man and his time. Sound recording. Senator Russell: A Man and His Time is a news documentary prepared by WGAU-WNGC and narrated by John Holliman begins with the announcement of Russell's Death. There are interviews with quotes from RBR's friends, political leaders of the day, and his congressional colleagues. Some of the subjects are his medical history and circumstances of his death; education; political career including his early campaigns and victories; matrimonial advice given by his father; presidential campaign; sponsorship of Lyndon Johnson; his work on various senate committees; contributions to the University of Georgia; his concern for the security of the nation; his power and use of it; and his role as advisor to five presidents. Included are plans for the funeral, the fact that flags are at half mast, and the Republicans cancelled their meeting because of the death. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 54 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0043 Copy CS 0061 RBR CS 0042 Master
AVA 55: Robert McCormick's comments on Russell
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 55: Robert McCormick's comments on Russell. Sound recording. Robert McCormick's comments on Senator Russell following his death. The statement contains a brief summation of Russell's character. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 5" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 55 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0044 Copy
AVA 56: Richard Russell - Democrat from Georgia
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 56: Richard Russell - Democrat from Georgia. Sound recording. Against a background of dramatic and patriotic music, an unidentified narrator gives a comprehensive biography of Senator Russell following his death. He traces the Russell career through his family , education; rise in politics; chairmanship of various committees and power in Appropriations, Armed Services, and Agriculture; service as chairman of MacArthur hearings; part in Cuban crisis; quotes from leaders of both parties about Russell his health problems; and the return of his body from Washington and funeral arrangements. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-04 Tape Reel: 5" Additional Material: letter and label Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 56 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0044 Copy
AVA 57: President Nixon news conference on Russell's death
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 57: President Nixon news conference on Russell's death. Sound recording. In an interview with WSB President Nixon reports what he had said in the State of the Union Address concerning the death of Senator Russell; tells of laying a wreath at the capitol as the body lay in state; tells if speaking with Russell family; gives his opinion of RBR's place in history; states RBR served as advisor to six presidents and was a "presidents senator"; and tells of hospital visit before RBR's death. Described by OC & GM, 1978-01-16 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0023 AVA 57 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0045 Copy
AVA 58, 59: Bob Kelly on inflation reduction solution; The Problem of Grief
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 58, 59: Bob Kelly on inflation reduction solution; The Problem of Grief. Sound recording. Side 1: Address made to Russell and Talmadge by Bob Kelly, a life insurance salesman to the following topics: Change; Inflation's impact on fixed income people; Putting all postal patrons on 1st class Rate; Advertising demagoguery; Protecting the consumer; Goals. Side 2: Portions of an explanation of insurance. (Removed from XV. BX. Inflation 5/6/70) Described by GM, 1978-05-06 Additional Material: Removal Sheet Monaural Side 1: "The Problem of Grief" Speech by Dr. John Redhead, Greensboro, N.C., as heard on the Protestant Radio Network. The speech covered the following topics: Acceptance of grief; Understanding the nature of our experiences; Standard reactions to grief- guilt, lack of interest in life; thinking of the positive side; Believing in an afterlife; Ambassadors of the departed. Side 2; "Suffering" Meditation for Navy Submariners by John Redhead coving the following subjects: Parable on God's qualifications; suffering strengthens one character. "Peace" similar meditation with music covering the following topics: Building for peace; II Corinthians 13. (Removed from Oersonal Miscellaneous) Described by GM, 1968-06-22 Monaural Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0048 Original AVA 59, 59a The Problem of Grief; Suffering/Peace
AVA 74-01:
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-01: . Sound recording. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 AVA 74-01 Master
AVA 74-02: Dedication of the Richard B. Russell Memorial Library
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for RBR CS 0050: [AVA 74-02] Dedication of the Richard B. Russell Memorial Library. Sound recording. This is the most complete recording of the dedication ceremony that is available. Introduction by Cates; Prayer, Playing of Star Spangled Banner; Davison introduces the program and recognizes people. Stennis speaks on: Connection with RBR; Presidential Campaign 1952; RBR's character and ability. Introduction of Talmadge and Carter who then present the Library from the Foundation to the State. They speak about: RBR's family, career and statesmanship; Purpose of the Library. Introduction by Fred Davison on Senator Jackson who speaks on Connection with Georgia; RBR's career and influence in the Senate (ends mid sentence) (Blank at the beginning of side B) (See also AVA 74-1A and AVV 74-1) Described by GM, 1978-03-28 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0050 Original
AVA 74-03A: The final hours - beginning with the first announcement of the Senator's worsened condition, 8:34 am (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-03A: The final hours - beginning with the first announcement of the Senator's worsened condition, 8:34 am (reel 1). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (Also music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Announcement of Russell's worsened condition (8:30); History of RBR's health problems (12:00); Powell Moore statement; RBR's Senate longevity; RBR talking to his family; Statement of Congressmen (5:30); RBR's staff. Described by GM, 1978-03-05 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-03A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0051 Copy
AVA 74-03B: The final hours (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-03B: The final hours (reel 2). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Wrap up of the day's announcement of the Senator's worsened condition. Decsribed by: GM on 1978-03-05 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-03B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0051 Copy
AVA 74-03C: The final hours (reel 3)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-03C: The final hours (reel 3). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Russell still on the critical list; Congressman and Senators' reaction to Russell's condition. Described by GM, 1978-05-03 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-03C Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0051 Copy
AVA 74-04: The passing of a statesman - beginning with the first announcement of the senator's death (reel 4)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-04: The passing of a statesman - beginning with the first announcement of the senator's death (reel 4). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news ( also music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Bulletin on Russell's death due to respiratory insufficiency (2:25); RBR's career; NBC news excerpt on death, statesmanship, and integrity of RBR; Reaction of Vinson, Talmadge, Massell, Rusk, Mansfield, Griffin, Maddox, Arnall, Hosch, and Long to RBR's death (4:30 and 5:00 pm); Portions of Nixon's statement; Reinsch statement. Described by GM, 1978-04-05 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-04 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0053 Copy CS 0061 RBR CS 0052 Master
AVA 74-05: Richard Brevard Russell: a man to remember: a WSB radio special tribute
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-05: Richard Brevard Russell: a man to remember: a WSB radio special tribute. Sound recording. Special program aired at 8:05 pm on WSB radio; Narrated by Bob Ketchersid; Music in the background; Subjects covered include: Russell statement; Credits; Statements by Nixon, Vinson, Carter, Maddox, Arnall, Sanders, Griffin, Reinsch, Rusk, Mansfield, LBJ and Talmadge; RBR speaks on Atlanta and Vietnam. (See also AVA 75 - 10) Described by GM, 1978-05-04 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-05 Original
AVA 74-06A: A nation mourns (reel 5)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06A: A nation mourns (reel 5). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: RBR's death and career; Quotes from Talmadge, Long, Stennis, Cater, Maddox, unidentified Winder citizens, Hosch, and Fortson (6:00 pm) Funeral plans; Effect of RBR's death on the election of Assistant Democratic Floor Leader; Possible successor to RBR (7:00); More funeral plans (7:30pm) Described by GM, 1978-04-06 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06A Original
AVA 74-06B: A nation mourns (reel 6)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06B: A nation mourns (reel 6). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Chronology of plans for the last rites; Wreath given by Senator's staff; Statements by Flynt, Allen, Sanders and Hosch. Described by GM 1978-04-06 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06B Original
AVA 74-06C: A nation mourns (reel 7)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06C: A nation mourns (reel 7). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Statements by Maddox and Long (6:00am); Description of schedule for the last rites; Statements by Stennis, Maddox; and Hosch; Bank commercials offering sympathy to Russell family; Charity used for donations to Russell (8:00am); Statements by Massell and Hosch. Described by GM, 1978-04-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06C Original
AVA 74-06D: A nation mourns (reel 8)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06D: A nation mourns (reel 8). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Statements by Maddox, Hamilton; "Sound Off" statements about RBR; Preparations in the Georgia capital for the body to lie in state; Georgia office closings in honor of RBR; funeral procession through Washington and boy leaves Andrews Air Force Base (1:00 pm); Arrival of body in Atlanta and procession to the State capitol (2:00pm) Described by GM, 1978-04-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06D Original
AVA 74-06E: A nation mourns (reel 9)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06E: A nation mourns (reel 9). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various subjects including the following topics pertaining to Russell: Plane carrying Russell's body leaves Washington (11:00am) Described by GM, 1978-04-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06E Original
AVA 74-06F: A nation mourns (reel 10)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06F: A nation mourns (reel 10). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Schedule of the last rites; Government office closing in honor of RBR; Progress of Air Force 1 towards Atlanta (12:00 and 12:30 am) "Around Town" - Schedule of Last Rites for RBR. Described by GM, 1978-04-10 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06F Original
AVA 74-06G: A nation mourns (reel 11)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06G: A nation mourns (reel 11). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertain to Russell: Arrival of RBR's body in Atlanta; Election of a new President pro tempore; Procession to the capitol; Arrival at the Capitol and ceremony; RBR's relations with the military; Russell family; Political dignitaries on hand; Path of the coffin; Honor guard activities; Bust of Georgian's surrounding the coffin; Prayer offered; Nixon's plans to visit (2:00-3:00pm special program); Public viewing of RBR; Quotation from prayer offered to RBR; Resolution offered to RBR by the Georgia legislature; Statement by Winder citizen; Reaping of the Events; Portion of a statement by Walter Russell (6:00pm) Described by GM, 1978-04-10 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06G Original
AVA 74-06H: A nation mourns (reel 12)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06H: A nation mourns (reel 12). Sound recording. WSB and NBC News (also some music an commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Recapping of the day's events; Family alone with the body; Description of the public viewing of Russell (3:00 and 3:30pm) Described by GM, 1978-04-27 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06H Original
AVA 74-06I: A nation mourns (reel 13)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06I: A nation mourns (reel 13). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some music and commercials) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Statement by alter Russell; Schedule- Nixon's plans indefinite; Georgia legislative resolution (6:00am); Public viewing of the body; Statements of individual mourners (7:00am) Family leaves for Winder (8:00am) Nixon's tribute to Russell before the State of the Union Address; Nixon changes plans; Statement of mourners (11:00am). Described by GM, 1978-04-27 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06I Original
AVA 74-06J: A nation mourns (reel 14)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06J: A nation mourns (reel 14). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects about Russell: Nixon mention of Russell in State of the Union Speech (6:00am); Viewing of RBR's body and Nixon's plans; Statements of mourners; Report from the capitol; plans for the RBR Library (7:00am); Schedule (8:00am); Nixon's trip to Georgia; Schedule and report from the Capitol (9:30am); Carter pays his respects; Statements of mourners; Route of the funeral procession (10:30am); Repeat of earlier report (11:30am); Wrap-up and report from the Capitol; Cooper statement(12:00am); Fortson statement (12:50am); Repeat of earlier report (1:15pm). Described by GM, 1978-04-27 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06J Original
AVA 74-06K: A nation mourns (reel 15)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06K: A nation mourns (reel 15). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects about Russell: Report from the Capitol; Nixon's state of the union (1:00pm); Russell family arrives (2:20pm); Scene at the Capitol; Arrival of Nixon at the airport (2:50pm) Nixon places a wreath and talks to Russell family (3:09pm); NBC news about Nixon in Georgia. Described by GM, 1978-07-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06K Original
AVA 74-06L: A nation mourns (reel 16)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06L: A nation mourns (reel 16). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Casket removed from the rotunda by an Honor Guard; Funeral procession; Nixon leaves Atlanta (4:00pm). Described by: GM on 1978-07-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06L Original
AVA 74-06M: A nation mourns - includes President Nixon's tribute to the late senator at Georgia capitol (reel 17)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06M: A nation mourns - includes President Nixon's tribute to the late senator at Georgia capitol (reel 17). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: President Nixon visits with Governor Carter; Nixon's Statement on RBR's character and advising of presidents; Hearse arrives (3:30pm). Described by: GM on 1978-07-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06M Original
AVA 74-06N: A nation mourns (reel 18)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06N: A nation mourns (reel 18). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news (also some commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: NBC news description of Nixon's Georgia visit (4:16 pm); Description of the precession; Statement of mourners; Partial recording of Nixon's statement (4:30pm). Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06N Original
AVA 74-06P: A nation mourns (reel 19)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06P: A nation mourns (reel 19). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news ( also some commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Funeral procession through Lawrenceville; NBC news on Nixon's tribute to RBR (5:00pm); Progress of the procession; Arrival at RBR's home (5:50pm). Described by: GM on 1978-07-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06P Original
AVA 74-06Q: A nation mourns (reel 20)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06Q: A nation mourns (reel 20). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news ( also some commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Dignitaries that arrive as the casket arrives; Plans for the viewing of the body throughout the night; Description of the days' events; Editorial tribute of Russell (6:00pm). Described by: GM 1978-07-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06Q Original
AVA 74-06R: A nation mourns (reel 21)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-06R: A nation mourns (reel 21). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news ( also some commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: NBC news on Nixon's visit to Georgia; Partial recording of Nixon's tribute to RBR; Muses commercial tribute of RBR (6:30pm). Described by:GM on 1978-07-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-06R Original
AVA 74-07A: The funeral (reel 22)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-07A: The funeral (reel 22). Sound recording. A special live broadcast form the Russell home in Winder. RBR lying in state; Schedule of funeral rites; Dignitaries in Charleston; Description of the crowds; Carrington and Wingate statements; Description of the cemetery; Massell statement. Described by: GM 1978-07-07 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-07A Original
AVA 74-07B: The funeral (reel 23)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-07B: The funeral (reel 23). Sound recording. A special live broacast from the Russell home near Winder. Statements by Carrington, Massell, Grayson and Johnson; Casket moved in procession to the cemetery; Stephens announcement; Ellison invocation; Henrt E. Russell scripture reading. Described by: GM 1978-07-10 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-07B Original
AVA 74-07C: The funeral (reel 24)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-07C: The funeral (reel 24). Sound recording. A special live broacast from the Russell home near Winder. Ellsion and Russell prayer and scriptiure reading; From South Carolina--Sewell prayer; Eulogies by Agnew, Talmadge, Landrum, Mansfeild and Stennis. Described by: GM 1978-07-10 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-07C Original
AVA 74-07D: The funeral (reel 25)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-07D: The funeral (reel 25). Sound recording. A special live broacast from the Russell home near Winder. Stennis statement continues; From Winder -- Eulogy by Carter; Prayer by Sewell; Casket carried to the grave; Committal of the body; Benediction by Nelson; Folding of the flag; Identification of dignitaries. Described by: GM on 1978-07-10 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-07D Original
AVA 74-07E: The funeral (reel 26)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-07E: The funeral (reel 26). Sound recording. WSB and NBC news ( also some commercials and music) on various topics including the following subjects pertaining to Russell: Russell family leaving; Funeral wrap-up; Stennis and Agnew statements; Concealed weapon arrest at the funeral (3:30pm). Described by: GM on 1978-07-11 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-07E Original
AVA 74-08: Tributes to Senator Russell: Sen. John Stennis, Lt. Gov. Lester Maddox, Sen. James O. Eastland, Sen. Herman E. Talmadge, Atlanta Mayor Sam Massell, Georgia Secretary of State Ben Fortson, former Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen, former Governor Carl Sa
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 74-08: Tributes to Senator Russell: Sen. John Stennis, Lt. Gov. Lester Maddox, Sen. James O. Eastland, Sen. Herman E. Talmadge, Atlanta Mayor Sam Massell, Georgia Secret Sound recording. Excerpts from statements made on WSB by the following men: John Stennis --RBR's stature in Washington. Lester Maddox- - Tragedy of RBR's passing; RBR's character. James O. Eastland -- RBR's stature in Washington; Presidential candidacy of RBR. Herman Talmadge -- First acquaintance with RBR; Presidential candidacy of RBR. Unidentified Winder citizen Sam Massell -- Loss of RBR to Georgia. Ben Fortson -- Loss of RBR to Georgia; Character of RBR. _________(Unidentified) -- RBR was a progressive liberal despite his civil rights stance. Carl Sanders -- Character of RBR; Loss to Georgia. Phil Landrum -- Character of RBR. _________(unidentified) -- Common sense of RBR. Sam Massell -- Loss of RBR to Georgia; Sympathy for the Russell family. Ivan Allen -- RBR's reorganization of the state government. Ruth Hosch -- RBR in Winder. Russell Long -- Wisdom of RBR. Jimmy Carter -- Service of RBR. Walter Russell -- Civil rights and the school lunch program. Jack Flynt -- Character of RBR. John Sparkman -- Loss of RBR; Character of RBR. Richard Nixon -- Character of RBR, service to five presidents. Described by: GM on 1978-07-11 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 74-08 Original
AVA 75-01: Christmas interview with Senator Russell
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-01: Christmas interview with Senator Russell. Sound recording. This is part of a taped interview with Senator Russell and a WSB-TV newsman at Winder. Portions were broadcast over WSB-Radio and there is a good summation of Russell's respect and affection for Lynda Byrd Johnson. Some of the interview is about how Russell plans to spend Christmas. He talks too about pets, living habits, and watching television. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 75-01 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0054 Copy
AVA 75-02: Nightbeat Christmas remembrance by Russell
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-02: Nightbeat Christmas remembrance by Russell. Sound recording. This tape of a segment of a Russell interview was heard on Nightbeat and is his remembrance of Christmas in his childhood. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 75-02 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0054 Copy
AVA 75-03A: Russell interview on the Pueblo incident (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-03A: Russell interview on the Pueblo incident (copy 1). Sound recording. This tape is a duplicate of one that came in the Russell papers. The senator is questioned on the Pueblo affair and in the course of this discussion talk a number of other matters including the Mid-east situation and an attack by the Israelis on the Beirut airport. There are references to Nixon. There is no lead-in or ntroduction nor a conclusion or wrap-up. [see AVA Russell Tapes -- Russell Press Conference, 1968, AVA 42A and 42B; News interviews on the Pueblo Capture, AVA 41] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-02 Tape Reel: 7" (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 75-03A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0055 Copy
AVA 75-03B: Russell interview on the Pueblo incident (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-03B: Russell interview on the Pueblo incident (copy 1). Sound recording. This tape is a duplicate of one that came in the Russell papers. The senator is questioned on the Pueblo affair and in the course of this discussion talk a number of other matters including the Mid-east situation and an attack by the Israelis on the Beirut airport. There are references to Nixon. There is no lead-in or ntroduction nor a conclusion or wrap-up. [see AVA Russell Tapes -- Russell Press Conference, 1968, AVA 42A and 42B; News interviews on the Pueblo Capture, AVA 41] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-02 Tape Reel: 7" (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 75-03B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0055 Copy
AVA 75-04: Washington special - Forrestal memorial award dinner
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-04: Washington special - Forrestal memorial award dinner. Sound recording. This tape of a Washingotn Special -- Bob Ketchersid is of a speech Senator Russell made upon being named recipient of the James Forrestal award. The award and dinner were given by the National Security Development. There is another tape of this in the Russell material. [see Russell Tapes: Forrestal Memorial Award Dinner - Washington] [see Speech III. A. 1. Forrestal Memorial Award Dinner. March 20, 1969] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-02 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0024 AVA 75-04 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0055 Copy
AVA 75-05: Fragment of news conference on Russell's health, 1969
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-05: Fragment of news conference on Russell's health, 1969. Sound recording. A fragment of an interview with Senator Russell on his malignant lung tumor and the prescribed cobalt treatment. The sound is of poor quality. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-05 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0056 Copy
AVA 75-06A: Metropolitan council chambers of commerce, Atlanta (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-06A: Metropolitan council chambers of commerce, Atlanta (reel 1). Sound recording. These three tapes are of a speech Russell made to a Business-Government luncheon of the Atlanta Metropolitan Council of Chamber of Commerce. The first tape is complete while the other two are parts taken from the first. Russell thanks the group for the warmth of his reception; admires the beauty of spring in Georgia; tells of the need to solve urban problems; speaks of his early campaigns; comments on the new Congress and new administration; criticizes congressional pay raises; speaks of effort to reduce the budget; and tells of frustration in Vietnam. [see Speech III. A. 1. Chambers of Commerce. April 7, 1969] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" (3) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-06A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0056 Copy
AVA 75-06B: Metropolitan council chambers of commerce, Atlanta (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-06B: Metropolitan council chambers of commerce, Atlanta (reel 2). Sound recording. These three tapes are of a speech Russell made to a Business-Government luncheon of the Atlanta Metropolitan Council of Chamber of Commerce. The first tape is complete while the other two are parts taken from the first. Russell thanks th egroup for the warmth of his reception; admire sthe beauty of spring in Georgia; tells of the need to solve urban problems; speaks fo his early campaigns; comments on the new Congress and new administration; criticizes congressional pay raises; speaks of effort to reduce the budget; and tells of frustration in Vietnam. [see Speech III. A. 1. Chambers of Commerce. April 7, 1969] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" (3) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-06B Original
AVA 75-06C: Metropolitan council chambers of commerce, Atlanta (reel 3)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-06C: Metropolitan council chambers of commerce, Atlanta (reel 3). Sound recording. These three tapes are of a speech Russell made to a Business-Government luncheon of the Atlanta Metropolitan Council of Chamber of Commerce. The first tape is complete while the other two are parts taken from the first. Russell thanks th egroup for the warmth of his reception; admire sthe beauty of spring in Georgia; tells of the need to solve urban problems; speaks fo his early campaigns; comments on the new Congress and new administration; criticizes congressional pay raises; speaks of effort to reduce the budget; and tells of frustration in Vietnam. [see Speech III. A. 1. Chambers of Commerce. April 7, 1969] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" (3) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-06C Original
AVA 75-07A: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-07A: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 1). Sound recording. These five tapes are of the Cox reception for Senator Russell at the Washington Hilton at which President Nixon praised Russell. Both the President and Senator were introduced by James Cox, though that part is not on these tapes. The first tape has a lead in by Aubrey Morris and is concluded by him at the end of Russell's thanks. Nixon's speech is the major part of the tape. Morris reports 700 present. The second tapes is a two-minute report for a newscast. The third is the excerpt used in the 8:30 newscast. The fourth is from the Five-Star Final and the last is a short bit from a newscast the following day. [see AVA Russell Tapes - Reception in Honor of Senator Russell -- Washington Hilton, February 10, 1970] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" (5) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-07A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0057 Copy
AVA 75-07B: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-07B: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 2). Sound recording. These five tapes are of the Cox reception for Senator Russell at the Washington Hilton at which President Nixon praised Russell. Both the President and Senator were introduced by James Cox, though that part is not on these tapes. The first tape has a lead in by Aubrey Morris and is concluded by him at the end of Russell's thanks. Nixon's speech is the major part of the tape. Morris reports 700 present. The second tapes is a two-minute report for a newscast. The third is the excerpt used in the 8:30 newscast. The fourth is from the Five-Star Final and the last is a short bit from a newscast the following day. [see AVA Russell Tapes - Reception in Honor of Senator Russell -- Washington Hilton, February 10, 1970] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" (5) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-07B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0057 Copy
AVA 75-07C: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 3)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-07C: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 3). Sound recording. These five tapes are of the Cox reception for Senator Russell at the Washington Hilton at which President Nixon praised Russell. Both the President and Senator were introduced by James Cox, though that part is not on these tapes. The first tape has a lead in by Aubrey Morris and is concluded by him at the end of Russell's thanks. Nixon's speech is the major part of the tape. Morris reports 700 present. The second tapes is a two-minute report for a newscast. The third is the excerpt used in the 8:30 newscast. The fourth is from the Five-Star Final and the last is a short bit from a newscast the following day. [see AVA Russell Tapes - Reception in Honor of Senator Russell -- Washington Hilton, February 10, 1970] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" (5) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-07C Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0057 Copy
AVA 75-07D: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 4)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-07D: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 4). Sound recording. These five tapes are of the Cox reception for Senator Russell at the Washington Hilton at which President Nixon praised Russell. Both the President and Senator were introduced by James Cox, though that part is not on these tapes. The first tape has a lead in by Aubrey Morris and is concluded by him at the end of Russell's thanks. Nixon's speech is the major part of the tape. Morris reports 700 present. The second tapes is a two-minute report for a newscast. The third is the excerpt used in the 8:30 newscast. The fourth is from the Five-Star Final and the last is a short bit from a newscast the following day. [see AVA Russell Tapes - Reception in Honor of Senator Russell -- Washington Hilton, February 10, 1970] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" (5) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-07D Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0057 Copy
AVA 75-07E: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 5)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-07E: Cox reception for Russell at the Washington Hilton (reel 5). Sound recording. These five tapes are of the Cox reception for Senator Russell at the Washington Hilton at which President Nixon praised Russell. Both the President and Senator were introduced by James Cox, though that part is not on these tapes. The first tape has a lead in by Aubrey Morris and is concluded by him at the end of Russell's thanks. Nixon's speech is the major part of the tape. Morris reports 700 present. The second tapes is a two-minute report for a newscast. The third is the excerpt used in the 8:30 newscast. The fourth is from the Five-Star Final and the last is a short bit from a newscast the following day. [see AVA Russell Tapes - Reception in Honor of Senator Russell -- Washington Hilton, February 10, 1970] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" (5) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-07E Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0057 Copy
AVA 75-08A: Morris interview at the time of last illness and death of Russell (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-08A: Morris interview at the time of last illness and death of Russell (reel 1). Sound recording. Aubrey Morris interviews members of the 92nd Congress during Russell's last illness: Phil Landrum, Jack Flint, Robert Stephens, Jack Brinkley, Ben Blackburn, Fletcher Thompson, John Stennis, and Herman Talmadge. The death announcement is made by Senator Talmadge. Some of the interviews deal with the business before the 92nd Congress and a press conference with the chairman of the House Republican Conference, John B. Anderson. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-08A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0058 Copy
AVA 75-08B: Morris interview at the time of last illness and death of Russell (reel 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-08B: Morris interview at the time of last illness and death of Russell (reel 2). Sound recording. Aubrey Morris interviews members of the 92nd Congress during Russell's last illness: Phil Landrum, Jack Flint, Robert Stephens, Jack Brinkley, Ben Blackburn, Fletcher Thompson, John Stennis, and Herman Talmadge. The death announcement is made by Senator Talmadge. Some of the interviews deal with the business before the 92nd Congress and a press conference with the chairman of the House Republican Conference, John B. Anderson. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-08B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0058 Copy
AVA 75-09: Governor Lester Maddox on the last illness of Russell
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-09: Governor Lester Maddox on the last illness of Russell. Sound recording. A press conference with Governnor Maddox, Aubrey Morris and other newsmen regarding the illness of Senator Russell. Maddox is queried at length about who he would appoint in Russell's place but refuses to give any name. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-09 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0059 Copy
AVA 75-10: Richard Brevard Russell: a man to remember voice cuts
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-10: Richard Brevard Russell: a man to remember voice cuts. Sound recording. This tape is of the voice cuts used in the WSB documentary "Richard Russell: Man to Remember" broadcast on the evening of his death. The program was written and produced by Bob Ketchersid among the people on the tape are Richard Nixon, most of the living former governors of Georgia, Carl Vinson, Dean Rusk, Mike Mansfield and others. A copy of Ketchersid's script is with the tape though it's lines are not on the tape. There is a cue sheet and explanatory note with the tape. [see also AVA 74-5 for the final version of the program] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-02 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-10 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0059 Copy
AVA 75-11: Henry Jackson's remarks at Russell Library dedication
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-11: Henry Jackson's remarks at Russell Library dedication. Sound recording. A portion of the remarks of Senator Henry Jackson at the Russell Library Dedication ceramonies. In the envelope with the tape are news releases and notes. [see Russell Tapes. Russell Memorial Library Dedication. June 22, 1974 AVA 74-1A and Dedication of Richard B. Russell Memorial Library, AVA 74-2] Described by: OC and GM on 1978-02-01 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-11 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0060 Copy
AVA 75-12 copy 1: White House worship service with Dr. Henry Edward Russell (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-12 copy 1: White House worship service with Dr. Henry Edward Russell (copy 1). Sound recording. There are two copies of this tape of the White House Worship Service at which Dr. Henry Edward Russell, pastor of a Memphis Presbyterian Church, gives the sermon "holy boldness." President Richard Nixon introduces Dr. Russell after an organ prelude. A copy of a letter from Abraham Lincoln to the Memphis Church was presented by Dr. Russell to Nixon. The scripture was Hebrews 4 and the sermon and a hymn were followed by the benediction. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-12 copy 1 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0061 Copy
AVA 75-12 copy 2: White House worship service with Dr. Henry Edward Russell (copy 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-12 copy 2: White House worship service with Dr. Henry Edward Russell (copy 2). Sound recording. There are two copies of this tape of the White House Worship Service at which Dr. Henry Edward Russell, pastor of a Memphis Presbyterian Church, gives the sermon "holy boldness." President Richard Nixon introduces Dr. Russell after an organ prelude. A copy of a letter from Abraham Lincoln to the Memphis Church was presented by Dr. Russell to Nixon. The scripture was Hebrews 4 and the sermon and a hymn were followed by the benediction. Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-31 Tape Reel: 7" (2) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-12 copy 2 Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0061 Copy
AVA 75-13A: Commissioning Richard B. Russell SSN-687 (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-13A: Commissioning Richard B. Russell SSN-687 (copy 1). Sound recording. The ceremony at the Commissioning of Richard B. Russell, SSN-687, is on 2 reels. It begins with the master of ceremonies, Lt. Com. Harry P. Salmon, calling on Chaplain D. L. Kirkbride for the invocation. Captain Brons, Commanding officer of the vessel, welcomes the brothers and sisters of RBR and Mrs. Betty Talmadge, ship sponsor. There are messages from Admiral Rickover, the president of the shipbuilding company, as well as the Reading of the Orders, the Setting of the Watch (with pipes and band playing), and the command to Render Honors. Secretary of the Navy Middendorf speaks on the strengths and weaknesses of the present Navy; state the U.S. Navy is the smallest in history and needs to be rebuilt; and claims the national security depends on the free use of the oceans; and introduces Busbee. Busbee expresses appreciation for the honor to RBR and Georgia; recites some of the milestones in Naval History; and recalls RBR's career and his interest in military. At the completion of the ceremony, the guests are invited to inspect the ship. Source: John C. Brons Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-19 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-13A Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0062 Copy
AVA 75-13B: Commissioning Richard B. Russell SSN-687 (copy 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 75-13B: Commissioning Richard B. Russell SSN-687 (copy 2). Sound recording. The ceremony at the Commissioning of Richard B. Russell, SSN-687, is on 2 reels. It begins with the master of ceremonies, Lt. Com. Harry P. Salmon, calling on Chaplain D. L. Kirkbride for the invocation. Captain Brons, Commanding officer of the vessel, welcomes the brothers and sisters of RBR and Mrs. Betty Talmadge, ship sponsor. There are messages from Admiral Rickover, the president of the shipbuilding company, as well as the Reading of the Orders, the Setting of the Watch (with pipes and band playing), and the command to Render Honors. Secretary of the Navy Middendorf speaks on the strengths and weaknesses of the present Navy; state the U.S. Navy is the smallest in history and needs to be rebuilt; and claims the national security depends on the free use of the oceans; and introduces Busbee. Busbee expresses appreciation for the honor to RBR and Georgia; recites some of the milestones in Naval History; and recalls RBR's career and his interest in military. At the completion of the ceremony, the guests are invited to inspect the ship. Source: John C. Brons Described by: OC and GM on 1978-01-19 Tape Reel: 7" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0025 AVA 75-13B Original box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0062 Copy
AVA 75-14: Dedication of Russell statue at state capitol in Atlanta
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for RBR CS 0063: [AVA 75-14] Dedication of Russell statue at state capitol in Atlanta. Sound recording. Ben Fortson serves as master of ceremony (Random talking as band plays in the beginning) Haygood's Invocation; National Anthem; Introduction of Russell Family, congressmen and statue committee members; Mention of sculptor; Statue presented to the State; Busbee speaks on RBR's greatness; Carter speaks on RBR's integrity and accomplishments; Talmadge speaks on RBR's love for Georgia and desire to lie in state in Georgia; Instructions for examining the statue, H.E. Russell comments and benediction (incomplete). [See also Oral History #101 William Thompson, and picture file] Source: Hugh Cates, Southern Bell Office, Atlanta Described by: GM on 1978-09-14 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0063 Original
AVA 77-01: Russell Library reception
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for RBR CS 0064: [AVA 77-01] Russell Library reception 1/8/77. Sound recording. Ceramonies take palce in the Russell Library's largest exhibit room (Random Talk recorded before ceramonies begin). Fred Davidson speaks on: RBR's association with the University; Fite introduced as the Russell professor of history; Russell Library explained. Warren Boes acknowledges the Russell Library staff; Symbolic manuscript box with ribbon. Mary Willie Green cuts the Ribbon and reads manuscripts in the box. Henry E. Russell speaks on: The Russell family; Manuscripts; RBR Sr.; Libraries and manuscripts; Religion. Warren Boes invites people to view display cases and have refreshments. Described by: GM on 1978-07-05 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0064 Original
AVA 78-01A and 78-01B: Russell reunion (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for RBR CS 0065: [AVA 78-01A and 01B] Russell reunion 1978 (reel 1). Sound recording. The program at the reunion was devoted to Mary Willie Russell (Miss Billie) Walter Russell was master of ceremonies. Side 1: Scripture reading by Fielding Russell; Prayer by Henry E. Russell; Introduction of babies; Recognition of families; Genealogical project. Alex Russell speaks on: His grandchild's graduation from college. Carolyn Nelson is cut off after two sentences. Side 2: Henry E. Russell speaks on Miss Billie's travel with Ina. Richard Bowden speaks on Miss Billie's energy and letter writing. Mary Ina Russell speaks on Miss Billie's help to Robert L. Russell; driving habits, character, eye operation. Nancy G. Carmichael speaks on Miss Billie's help to others. Benjamin Carmichael speaks on his trip with Miss Billie and Miss Ina. Pat Peterson speaks on: Announcements; Record house; Keeping family histories. Prayer by M. Nelson. Described by: GM on 1978-07-05 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0065 Original
AVA 78-02: Russell reunion (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for RBR CS 0066: [AVA 78-02] Russell reunion 1977 (reel 1). Sound recording. The program was devoted to the memory of Ina Dillard Russell (RBR's Mother); Henry E. Russell is master of ceremonies. Side 1: Bible Reading and Prayer Ina Stacy speaks on remembrance of Richard Russell Green. Miss Billie speaks on Ina Dillard's name and education. Ina Stacy speaks on comfort provided by her mother, Ina. Sybil Millsap Russell speaks on daughter-in-law's remembrance of driving to town with Ina. Sam Green Jr. speaks on campaign of '36 story about the beggar. Marguerite R. McWilliams speaks on Mother of the Year story and how her grandmother would never hurt anyone. Jane M. Moore speaks on inspiration from Ina; Athens Presbyterian Conference; Traveling with Ina. Sybil Elizabeth Vandiver speaks on coming to Winder for summers and learning from Ina. Patricia Randolph Speaks on RBR. Patience and Hugh Peterson Jr. speak on Ina's sickness. Walter Brown Russell Jr. speaks on Ina's staying in bed. Fielding D. Russell Sr. and Jr. speak on Ina's Christianity and the burning of the railroad station. Virginia Russell and RBR IV speak on Ina's charity, good spirits and sickness. Ala Joann Russell speaks on coffee joke and tobacco. Henry E. Russell speaks on punishment from his mother, Ina. Susan W. Russell speaks on books from her grandmother, Ina. Alex Russell speaks on medical stories. Sallie Jackson speaks on Ina's complaining. Carolyn l. and Rusty Nelson speak on Ina's humor, religion and tradition. Side 2: Ina Stacy on RBR and his mother, Ina. Henry E. Russell tells how Ina never got Upset; RBR as a kid. New babies and married couple introduced and appreciation is expressed by the master of ceremonies. Source: Mrs. Hugh Peterson (Taped from Peterson Original) Described by: GM on 1978-07-05 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0066 Original
AVA 78-03: Russell reunion (reel 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for RBR CS 0067: [AVA 78-03 and 03A] Russell reunion 1976 (reel 1). Sound recording. The program at the reunion was devoted to RBR Sr. primarily. Side 1: Scripture and prayer by Jeb Russell; Ina Stacy eulogizes S. Gordon Green; Prayer by Fielding Russell; Introduction of family members and mention of those running for office; Fielding Russell's book. Mary Willie Russell speaks on RBR Sr.: Background; Education; Religion; Diary; Courting; Marriage. Fielding speaks on RBR Sr.: College Life; Judicial career, Legal scholasticism. Ina Stacy speaks on RBR Sr. : As a manufacturer; Athens projects; Bottling, brick making and Women hosiery in Winder. Side 2: Walter B. Russell speaks on RBR Sr.: As a landlord to tenet farmers; Dirt story; Town of Russell. Henry E. Russell speaks on RB Sr. (father to son): Stature and mustache; Affection; Troubled times; Concern for his children; Religion. Carolyn Nelson speaks on RBR Sr. (father to Daughter): Security; Hair cutting incident; Affection. Betty Vandiver, Nancy Carmichael and Jane B. Moore speak on RBR Sr. (as a grandfather): 1932 election, Crawford Long address, Last reunion; his feeling for family Ladies man; Digging dirt; "pa pa;" Rocking chair; Singing; Vocabulary; Savannah visit 1932; RBR's election as Governor. Pat Peterson speaks on RBR Sr.: Music and Dancing; Dressing up; teaching; Board of Regents. Ina Stacy speaks on RBR Sr.: Funeral Request and final moments. Rita Russell speaks on RBR Sr.: Health. Benediction by Raymond Nelson. Described by: GM on 1978-07-28 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box CS 0061 RBR CS 0067 Original
AVA 79-01: Lyndon Johnson and Richard Russell: a long-time friendship Russell lecture by Joe B. Frantz (copy 1)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for RBR CS 0068: [AVA 79-01A and 1B] Lyndon Johnson and Richard Russell: a long-time friendship Russell lecture by Joe B. Frantz (copy 1). Sound recording. Address by Joe B. Franz, University of Texas historian and interviewer for the Lyndon Johnson oral history project. Franz spoke on: Back ground for the lecture; LBJ's admiration an affection for RBR; RBR and the oral history project; Similarities between the two Senators; Military affairs; Senate Minority Leader Position; 1957 Civil Rights bill; (portion of lecture missing); Judge Lawrence appointment; Ramsey Clake; Jenner investigation; Fortas nomination; Showdown with RBR' LBJ efforts to patch up the relationship; Final days of RBR. Described by: GM on 1979-07-20 Transcript Location: AV Transcript "Russell Lecture" Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript
AVA 93-34: Russell Appreciation Dinner Side 2
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVA 93-34: Russell Appreciation Dinner Side 2, n.d.. Sound recording. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box RR 0065 AVA 93-34 Original
AVF (a): U.S. Senators visit E.T.O. (b+w negative)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF (a): U.S. Senators visit E.T.O. (b+w negative). Moving image. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF (a) Original
AVF (b): Longines Chronoscope (with Sen. Russell)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF (b): Longines Chronoscope (with Sen. Russell). Moving image. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box Freezer 0001 AVF (b) Original
AVF 01: Cox Broadcasting Reception for Senator Russell, 2/10/1970
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 01: Cox Broadcasting Reception for Senator Russell, 2/10/1970. Moving image. Film is partly sound. Lip sync is off in portion. Silent: President Nixon's arrival; Serving lines; Scenes of guests; Strolling musicians. Sound: Nixon's Tribute to RBR -- brief biography; RBR as family man, as parliamentarian, as leader in Senate; Anecdotes. Russell's response. (See also Audio Tapes, Cox Broadcasting Reception and Georgia Giant (Historical Background) Russell Tribute) Described by: SBV Date: 8/15/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule.
AVF 02: Russell with Dooly at UGA visiting RBR Research Center (mag sound)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 02: Russell with Dooly at UGA visiting RBR Research Center (mag sound). Moving image. Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF 02 Original
AVF 03: Distinguished Service Award Presentation, 1969
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 03: Distinguished Service Award Presentation, 1969. Moving image. Sound: Award presented to RBR by American Fighter Aces Association and Vice-President Agnew in Senate Armed Services Committee room, 1969. Among those present: Senator John Stennis, Senator Margaret C. Smith, Senator Herman E. Talmadge. Objectives of American Fighter Aces Association; anecdotes about RBR; RBR's views on disarmament; RBR's response to award. Silent: Briefer version of presentation with different photographic angles. Described by: SBV Date: 8/15/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF 03 Original
AVF 04: Face the nation (July 17, 1955)
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 04: Face the nation (July 17, 1955). Moving image. RBR interviewed by Stuart Novins, CBS moderator; William S. White, New York Times Washington correspondent; Ed Haackinson, Associated Press Washington Bureau; Clark Mollenhoff, Demoine Register and Tribune Washington correspondent. Commercials are included. Military Reserve Bill; Universal Military Training; Reduction in active military strength; Voluntary aspect of reserve program; Make reserve more attractive; Standby reserve versus active reserve; When Reserve Bill will be effective; Manpower aim of Reserve Bill; Comparison of Administration's bill with one enacted by Senate; Potential effects of cuts in marine and ground forces; How reductions will affect "Big 4" Conference; Training provisions of Reserve Bill; Responsibility of Congress versus President in determining division of funds between Services. Discussion of possible Democratic candidates for Presidency in 1956. Comparison of U.S. and Russia in leadership of Nuclear Arms and ground forces; Wisdom of president's decision to go to Geneva; How atmosphere of Geneva Conference will affect Reserve Bill possibilities; Air power; Russian technology; Basis for many U.S. military decisions; U.S. Intelligence; Comparison of U.S. and Soviet societies. Transcript location: E 742 C67 Vol 1 pp. 289 - UGA Main Library Described by: SBV and BGR Date: 6/24/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box Freezer 0001 AVF 04 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0006 Copy
AVF 05: Face the nation (July 21, 1957)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 05: Face the nation (July 21, 1957). Moving image. RBR interviewed by Griffing Bancroft, CBS; Warren Duffee, UP; William H. Lawrence, New York Times; Bill Shadel, CBS. Civil Rights Bill: Possibility of Southern support of any civil rights bill; Voting rights; Possibility of modification of present bill; Power of Attorney General; Section III elimination; Injunction proviso; N.Y. Board of Education Supreme Court Case; Bill's passage; National referendum; Herbert Brownall; Supreme Court decisions; Constitutionality of segregation; Referendum amendment to bill; Mail response to referendum; "Hate the South" campaign; Type of Civil rights RBR would write; Jury trail provision; Filibuster; Creation of new division of Department of Justice. Announced reduction of Armed Forces manpower; Open inspection of Communist Armed Forces. TV-Media coverage of civil rights issue. Transcript location: E 742 C67 Vol. 3 pp. 218 UGA Main Library Described by: GM Date: 6/20/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box Film 0005 AVF 05 Original box item Request box Bcam 0039 RBR Bcam 0002 Copy
AVF 06: Face the nation (March 1, 1964)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 06: Face the nation (March 1, 1964). Moving image. RBR interviewed by Roger Mudd, CBS News Correspondent; E.W. Kenworthy, Capitol Hill Correspondent for New York Times; Paul Niven, CBS News Correspondent. Difficult focus; no commercials. House version of Civil Rights Bills; RBR's views of advocates and opponents of Bill; Public Accommodations -- Dirksen's Amendment; Predictions as to effects of Bill on Constitutional system of Government; Discussion of effects of Federal fund withholding provision and FEPC provision; Public's knowledge of Bill; House debate versus Senate debate; Southern opposition; Power of Attorney General; Southern political position in Congress; Filibuster; Civil "Wrongs"; Genocide Bill; Effective lobbies in Washington; Civil Disobedience; Council of Churches. Can LBJ carry the South; RFK as Vice-Presidential candidate; RBR's own political outlook in Georgia; County Unit Issue in Georgia. Advisability of Interceptor plane being made public by President. RBR's Views on his work with Warren Commission and Possible results. Transcript Location: E 742 C67 Vol. 7 pp. 138 - UGA Main Library. Described by: SBV Date: 6/24/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box Film 0005 AVF 06 Original
AVF 07: Face the nation (August 1, 1964)
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 07: Face the nation (August 1, 1964). Moving image. RBR interviewed by Neal Strawser, CBS reporter; John L. Steele, Washington Bureau Chief and TIME-LIFE correspondent; and Martin Agronsky, CBS News Correspondent. Commercials are included. Vietnam decisions of President Johnson ("conventional warfare"); Vietnam blunders, Vietnam compared to Cuba; "domino theory"; effects of the U.S. failure to honor international agreements; appointment of Henry Cabot Lodge as Ambassador to South Vietnam; RBR's relationship with LBJ; RBR's recommendations in re Vietnam; division of responsibility for military service (UMT); past and projected costs (financial and human sacrifices) of Vietnam; Defense appropriations vs. costs of Great Society; dissatisfaction with military training for Vietnam-bound military personnel; evaluation of McNamara's defense economy program and of McNamara; use of atomic weapons in Vietnam; Voting Rights Bill. (Gift of Frank Stanton, President of CBS; See III. B. 2. a. August 5, 1965) Transcript location: E 742 C67 Vol. 8 pp. 182 - Also III A. 4. Vietnam #2 Described by: SBV & BGR Date: 5/1/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0088 UC 0088 item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0089 UC 0089 box item Request box Film 0005 AVF 07 Original
AVF 08: Fox Movietone newsreel of 1931 inauguration of Governor Russell and Sept. 10, 1936 Visugraphic newsreel of 1936 Senate victory
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 08: Fox Movietone newsreel of 1931 inauguration of Governor Russell and Sept. 10, 1936 Visugraphic newsreel of 1936 Senate victory. Moving image. RBR, Sr. swears in RBR, Jr. as Governor of Georgia, June 27, 1931. Newsreel documentary account of RBR's 1936 Senate victory over Eugene Talmadge. Governor-elect Ed. Rivers and RBR welcomed in Winder, Georgia. Original film reel does not fit projector; put on spare reel for showing. (See also AVF 75-38 Georgia Giant (Historical Background) Russell Sworn in) Described by: SBV Date: 8/15/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. AVF 08a 1931 Inauguration of Governor Russell, video Access Online AVF 08b Sept. 10, 1936 Richard Russell Senate Victory, video Access Online box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF 08 Original box item Request box Bcam 0039 RBR Bcam 0001 Copy
AVF 09: Kennedy Space Center tour
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 09: Kennedy space center tour. Moving image. RBR shown missile launching site. (See also Russell Photo File: Kennedy Space Center Tour) Described by: GM Date 1/9/78 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF 09 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 10: Presidential campaign 1952: MacArthur hearings 6/7/51
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 10: Presidential campaign 1952: MacArthur hearings 6/7/51. Moving image. Capital building pictured; Sec. of State refuses comment; RBR interviewed about Sec. of State testimony; RBR comment on the next witness. Described by: LCS, SBV, and GM Date: 12/20/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF 10 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 11A: Portrait CBS News interview by Harry Reasoner, 7/17/1963 (copy 1)
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 11A: Portrait CBS News interview by Harry Reasoner, 7/17/1963 (copy 1). Moving image. RBR interviewed by Harry Resoner at the Russell Home in Winder, Georgia. No Commercials. Reflections on Senate during 31 years service; 1947 Reorganization; Committee professes; RBR's views of his work as governor of Georgia; RBR's reflections on self as a Senator over 31 years service; Being a Southerner; Being a Southerner; Legislative frustrations; Social and economic injustices; Mayor Daley. Parent's portraits; Family cemetery; Genealogy; Why never married and views on marriage. Role in continuity in Senate; Southern tradition--way of life; Southern women; Fairness of economy in Old South and today; Distribution of Negro population; Who speaks for South Two-party system; 1948 Dixiecrats; Third Party; Negro Bloc Vote; Comments on future of Republic. Reasoner's summation. (Gift of Frank Stanton, Pres. Of CBS) Transcript location: III B 2. C. Described by: SBV Date: 6/24/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box Film 0005 AVF 11A Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0001 Copy VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0002 Copy box item Request box Umatic 0012 RBR Umatic 0001 Copy
AVF 11B: Portrait CBS News interview by Harry Reasoner, 7/17/1963 (copy 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 11B: Portrait CBS News interview by Harry Reasoner, 7/17/1963 (copy 2). Moving image. RBR interviewed by Harry Resoner at the Russell Home in Winder, Georgia. No Commercials. Reflections on Senate during 31 years service; 1947 Reorganization; Committee professes; RBR's views of his work as governor of Georgia; RBR's reflections on self as a Senator over 31 years service; Being a Southerner; Being a Southerner; Legislative frustrations; Social and economic injustices; Mayor Daley. Parent's portraits; Family cemetery; Genealogy; Why never married and views on marriage. Role in continuity in Senate; Southern tradition--way of life; Southern women; Fairness of economy in Old South and today; Distribution of Negro population; Who speaks for South Two-party system; 1948 Dixiecrats; Third Party; Negro Bloc Vote; Comments on future of Republic. Reasoner's summation. (Gift of Frank Stanton, Pres. Of CBS) Transcript location: III B 2. C. Described by: SBV Date: 6/24/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0096 UC 0096 item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0097 UC 0097 box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 11B Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0001 Copy VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0002 Copy box item Request box Umatic 0012 RBR Umatic 0001 Copy
AVF 12: Presidential campaign 1952: Atlantic Union Speech #1
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 12: Presidential campaign 1952: Atlantic Union Speech #1. Moving image. Warren in Fla. And California; Kefauver; Issues in the campaign; one world idea; merging of the U.S. government with the nations of western Europe; Communism and socialism. Described by: LCS, SBV, and GM Date: 12/20/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF 12 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 13: Presidential campaign 1952: Atlantic Union Speech #2
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 13: Presidential campaign 1952: Atlantic Union Speech #2. Moving image. Kefauver victory in Nebraska; Richie pledge to vote for RBR at Democratic Convention; RBR's qualifications; RBR's ability to win the nomination in July and win election in Nov.; Request for help in getting primary votes on May 27; Promise to work hard if elected. Described by: LCS, SBV, and GM Date: 12/20/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Freezer 0001 AVF 13 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 14: Presidential campaign 1952: Russell Speech, Gainesville #1
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 14: Presidential campaign 1952: Russell Speech, Gainesville #1. Moving image. Help to farmer; REA; Soil fertility program; farmer's share of national income; strength of farm life; Preservation of farm life. Described by: LCS Date: 8/13/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 14 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 15: Presidential campaign 1952: Russell Speech, Gainesville #2
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 15: Presidential campaign 1952: Russell Speech, Gainesville #2. Moving image. Jeffersonian Democrat; Individual rights; Constitutional government; States rights. Described by: LCS and GM Date: 12/19/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 15 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 16: Presidential campaign 1952: Lake City, Florida WDSR
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 16: Presidential campaign 1952: Lake City, Florida WDSR. Moving image. MacArthur hearings; RBR request for help by voters; Possibility of getting the nomination if victorious on Tuesday; Fair and equal government; pressure groups RBR as the only candidate who could win in November; Electoral votes. Described by: LCS, SBV, and GM Date: 12/20/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 16 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 17: Presidential campaign 1952: Live Oak, Florida WNER
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 17: Presidential campaign 1952: Live Oak, Florida WNER. Moving image. RBR's knowledge of farm life; RBR's desire to preserve the position of the farmer; the farmer's share of the national income; living conditions on the farm; independence of farmers; character and strength of farmers; REA; Soil Conservation; Reduction of farm population. Described by: LCS and GM Date: 12/20/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Freezer 0001 AVF 17 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 18: Presidential campaign 1952: unedited 1952 campaign promo
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 18: Presidential campaign 1952: unedited 1952 campaign promo. Moving image. Silent: Scenes of Russell family and home; Winder Court house and downtown; Farm scenes; School scenes; Military Training; MacArthur hearings; Atomic energy; Atlanta parade and dinner. Sound: Ina Russell and granddaughter Mary Ina speak on Russell as President; Dr. Hal Herrin and Charles McWhorter speak about RBR in church; Wallace (barber) testimonial; Harry O. Smith speaks of RBR as Governor; School girl speaks of RBR and school lunches; UN Ambassador speak of world crisis. Recorded on 16mm safety Described by: GM & SV Date: 10/11/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box FILM 0001 AVF 18 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 19A: Russell receives American Good Government Award, 4/30/58 (copy 1)
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 19A: Russell receives American Good Government Award, 4/30/58 (copy 1). Moving image. Film is partly narrated and breaks from Russell's speech to show graphics and scenes for illustration. Information is good for junior high--high school groups. RBR and Senator William F. Knowland of California receive the George Washington Award at the annual George Washington Day Dinner of the American Good Government Society, April 30, 1958. Other than the Award recipients, speakers are former Senator Edward R. Burke, President of American Good Government Society; Senator Karl Mundt; Felix Morley; Senator Styles Bridges; Earl Cocke, Jr. Past Recipients; functions of Society ; positive leadership in government; constitutional government; doctrines of federalism and separation of powers; Jeffersonian democracy; Judge Learned Hand; unrestrained judicial review. Transcript location: with film additional materials Described by: SBV Date: 8/15/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0110 UC 0110 item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0111 UC 0111 box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 19A Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0006 Copy
AVF 19B: Russell receives American Good Government Award, 4/30/58 (copy 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 19B: Russell receives American Good Government Award, 4/30/58 (copy 2). Moving image. Film is partly narrated and breaks from Russell's speech to show graphics and scenes for illustration. Information is good for junior high--high school groups. RBR and Senator William F. Knowland of California receive the George Washington Award at the annual George Washington Day Dinner of the American Good Government Society, April 30, 1958. Other than the Award recipients, speakers are former Senator Edward R. Burke, President of American Good Government Society; Senator Karl Mundt; Felix Morley; Senator Styles Bridges; Earl Cocke, Jr. Past Recipients; functions of Society ; positive leadership in government; constitutional government; doctrines of federalism and separation of powers; Jeffersonian democracy; Judge Learned Hand; unrestrained judicial review. Transcript location: with film additional materials Described by: SBV Date: 8/15/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0110 UC 0110 item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0111 UC 0111 box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 19B Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0006 Copy
AVF 19C: Russell receives American Good Government Award, 4/30/58 (copy 3)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 19C: Russell receives American Good Government Award, 4/30/58 (copy 3). Moving image. Film is partly narrated and breaks from Russell's speech to show graphics and scenes for illustration. Information is good for junior high--high school groups. RBR and Senator William F. Knowland of California receive the George Washington Award at the annual George Washington Day Dinner of the American Good Government Society, April 30, 1958. Other than the Award recipients, speakers are former Senator Edward R. Burke, President of American Good Government Society; Senator Karl Mundt; Felix Morley; Senator Styles Bridges; Earl Cocke, Jr. Past Recipients; functions of Society ; positive leadership in government; constitutional government; doctrines of federalism and separation of powers; Jeffersonian democracy; Judge Learned Hand; unrestrained judicial review. Transcript location: with film additional materials Described by: SBV Date: 8/15/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0110 UC 0110 item Request item DVD from VHS copy: UC 0111 UC 0111 box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 19C Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0006 Copy
AVF 20: Russell Winder Appreciation Day
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 20: Russell Winder Appreciation Day, 10/6/57. Moving image. Parade in Winder; Senator Talmadge speaks; this part is silent. Two intervals from Winder hometown people (Willie Mae Brown and Dr. H.M. Herrin) who reminisce on RBR's boyhood. Sound come in on these tow interviews. (See also: Radio Tapes, Russell Appreciation Day, Oct. 26, 1957) Described by: LCS Date: 8/13/75 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule.
AVF 21-23: Senate recording studio films 1956-1959
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 21-23: Senate recording studio films 1956-1959. Moving image. RBR and Talmadge on Civil Rights Bills; Bill came from House: Fear of cloture; Bill conveys excessive powers; RBR exposes bill to public in speeches; Three victories in Bill modification; Still a bad Bill; Non-partisan support from Georgia. [Added note:] Russell #955 RBR re Civil Rights Bill; Parliamentary rules by-passed; RBR leads Southern Bloc; Opposition lead by Northern Republicans and Democrats and the Vice-President; Bill anti-Southern; Real purpose to de-segregate schools; Bill denies violators jury trail; Excessive powers grated Attorney General; Southerners intend to resist passage. [Added note:] Russell # 2077 [Added note]: film/video?? SBV 6/18/98 Described by: GM and SA Date 10/31/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0004 Voting Rights Bill Access Online RBRL001RBR-16mm0006 Civil Rights Bill Access Online item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 21-23 Original
AVF 22: Senate Recording Studio Film 1959
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 22: Senate Recording Studio Film 1959. Moving image. RBR legislative report; Walter George Dam and Locks system completes the development of the Flint Chattahoochee-Apalachicola River. Described by: GM and SA Date: 10-31-77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0008 Chattahoochee Water Project Access Online item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 22 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 23: Senate Recording Studio Film 1960
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 23: Senate Recording Studio Film 1960. Moving image. RBR addresses Congressional Issues Program of Atlanta Chamber of Commerce; Free Enterprise needs reinforcement; Danger of organized pressure groups; Apathy toward government dangerous-citizenry must keep informed. Described by: GM and SA Date: 10/31/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0010 Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Access Online item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 23 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0004 Copy
AVF 24: Senate recording studio films 1961
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 24: Senate recording studio films 1961. Moving image. RBR speaks on research as a solution to economic setback; Research centers RBR brought to Georgia; Water and Soil Conservation Centers (Watkinsville & Liberty City), Southern Forest Fire Lab (Macon), Poultry Lab (Athens), Corn Research Center (Tifton); Research accomplishments: Boll weevil elimination and Bermuda grass; Projects hoped for: Forestry Lab, Stream Pollution, Peanut Research. There were two takes of the same presentation on the reel. Russell #5487 Described by: GM and SA Date: 10/31/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0012 Industry Research and Agriculture in Georgia Access Online RBRL001RBR-16mm0014 Industry Research and Agriculture in Georgia (studio retake) Access Online box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 24 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0003 Copy box item Request box CS 0064 RBR CS 0137 Copy
AVF 25: Senate Recording Studio Film 1963
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 25: Senate Recording Studio Film 1963. Moving image. Promo for safety-thon campaign sponsored by the Georgia Association of Broadcasters and the Georgia Jaycees to decrease Labor Day traffic accidents. (See III. B. 2. a. August, 1963 for correspondence) Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0016 Labor Day Weekend Travel Caution Safety Campaign Access Online item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 25 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0003 Copy
AVF 26: Senate Recording Studio Film 1966
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 26: Senate Recording Studio Film 1966. Moving image. Military Appropriation problems of the 2nd session of 89th Congress (Vietnam and Santa Domingo); Armed Services hearing with regard to military cutbacks; (Break) Ineffectiveness of bombing pauses; Exploration for peace without increasing casualties; Harping blockade; Support by allies of the U.S.; (Break) Question of military supplemental appropriations Bill to provide adequate care for American troops; (Break) Movement of Army Aviation Training Program from Ft. Rucker, Ala. to Ft. Stewart, Georgia. (For a first draft of the speech in the second section of this film see III. B. 3. b. 1966 June-Dec.) Described by: GM and SV Date: 12/8/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0018 Vietnam / San Domingo Access Online RBRL001RBR-16mm0020 Appopriations for Vietnam Access Online RBRL001RBR-16mm0022 Struggle in Vietnam / Resume Bombing Access Online RBRL001RBR-16mm0024 Transfer of Aviation Training Program to Fort Stewart Access Online RBRL001RBR-16mm0026 Local Self Government Access Online box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 26 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0003 Copy box item Request box CS 0064 RBR CS 0137 Copy
AVF 27: Senate Recording Studio: Retirement of Reinsch
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 27: Senate Recording Studio: Retirement of Reinsch. Moving image. RBR announcement of retirement of Leonard Reinsch from public service. Described by: GM Date: 1/9/78 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0028 Retirement of Leonard Reinsch / Congrats on 40 Years of Broadcasting, Leonard Access Online item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 27 Original
AVF 28: Senate Recording Studio: Dedication of Russell Bridge
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 28: Senate Recording Studio: Dedication of Russell Bridge. Moving image. Senator Lister Hill's Praise of RBR's contribution to water projects; Linking of Eufala, Alabama and Georgetown, Georgia; RBR statement of appreciation. Sen. Hill #7432 (see also tape version under the same title) Related material in memo and container folder Described by: GM and OC Date 12/23/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. RBRL001RBR-16mm0029 RBRL001RBR-16mm0030 Access Online item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 28 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0006 Copy
AVF 29: Senate Appropriations Committee European & Middle East Trip 1947
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 29: Senate Appropriations Committee European & Middle East Trip 1947. Moving image. The trip was undertaken by the Senate Appropriation Committee with the following senators participating: Styles Bridges (Chairman), Henry Dworshaks, Richard B. Russell, Theodore Green, C. Wayland Brooks, Guy Gordon, Leverett Saltonstall, Milton Young, William Knowland. Sailed from New York (Pct. 8) to Cherbourg, France on S.S. America; Normandy battle sites; Paris: Paul Ramadier, Robert Schuman; Frankfort, Germany (Oct. 18): Victory Guest House, Farm inspection; Rhine River Cruise; 18th Infantry Troop parade; Berlin (Oct. 23): Reich Chancellory, Palace of Justice, Opera House, Tiergarten, Unter den Linden Strasse; Munich (Oct. 25): 307th and 371st Infantry Company reviews, clearing operations, Haubrauphaus, Eva Braun's residence; Vienna (Oct. 26); Trieste (Oct. 28): Maximillian's residence; Athens, Greece (Oct. 29): Parthenon; Middle East: Oil Fields, Arab leaders; Rome, Italy (Oct. 31): Baths, Coliseum, St. Peters; London: some flew home and some took the S.S. America. (See also: Personal 1947 X. Trips) Described by: GM & SBV Date 10/25/77 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box Film 0007 AVF 29 Original box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0005 Copy box item Request box Umatic 0012 RBR Umatic 0004 Copy
AVF 30: Today (3/19/64)
Access Online Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVF 30: Today (3/19/64). Moving image. Segment of Today program Frank Blair introduces discussion Martin Agronsky interviews RBR and Hubert Humphrey 1964 Civil Rights Bill: Prospects of Compromise; Amendments to House Bill; Origional bill of JFK; FEPC; Free Enterprise; Necessity of training and skilled labor force; Effect of Bill on economy; Piblic Accomodations; Power of Federal government; Possibility of filibuster. Closed by Hugh Downs and Jack Lesoulie. Network Commercials at end. Transcript location: WSB-TV Papers Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box Film 0006 AVF 30 Original box item Request box Umatic 0012 RBR Umatic 0003 Copy box item Request box VHS 0196 RBR VHS 0001 Copy
AVR 01: Address by Russell before Baltimore junior association of commerce
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 01: Address by Russell before Baltimore junior association of commerce. Sound recording. The fifth program of a series; Introduction of RBR by Herbert R. O'Connor. RBR speak son: Maryland history; Junior Chamber of Commerce; RBR's family and career; Crisis of the times; Communist threat; Defence spending; Taxes and balancing the budget; Social programs; Constitutional government; States rights; Foreign policy; Democratic platform. Described by: GM on 1978-03-14 Transcript Location: VI. G. 2. RBR Speech #1 Monoaural Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0007 AVR 01 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0069 Copy
AVR 02: America is marching on b/w what is a square
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 02: America is marching on b/w what is a square. Sound recording. "America is Marching On" (sung to the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic") Performed by Sammy Poole, accompanied by the Garringer High School Band (Charlotte, N. C.); Sent to RBR an written by Mrs. Wallace B. Peirce; Dedicated to President Nixon. "What is a Square" ("America" playing in the background); Spoken description of the goodness of "square" people; Performed by Sammy Poole. Described by: GM on 1978-03-15 Transcript Location IX. L. 2 (sheet music) Monoaural Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0009 AVR 02 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0070 Copy
AVR 03: America the beautiful b/w on this day
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 03: America the beautiful b/w on this day. Sound recording. "America the Beautiful" - Traditional tune sung by a chorus of twenty-six Americans; Directed by Ray Charles Orchestra; Conducted by Roy Ross. "On This Day" - Sung by a chorus of twenty-six Americans; Directed by Ray Charles Orchestra; Conducted by Roy Ross; Lyric by Hy Zaret; Music by Lou Singer. Described by: GM on 1978-03-15 Monaural Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0009 AVR 03 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0070 Copy
AVR 04: Apollo 8
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 04: Apollo 8. Sound recording. Introduction by Dr. Wernher Von Braun; Narration by Bob Considine. Side1: Historic impact of Borman, Lovell, and Anders flight and the future of space; Liftoff (7:51 EST); Views of Earth; TV broadcast form the craft; Lunar orbit achieved; Hidden side of the moon; Lunar terrain; Prayer. Side 2: Astronauts' reflections at Christmas; Return flight; Splash down in Pacific; President's statement; Astronaut's address to Congress thanking Congress and commenting on the smallness of Earth; Triumph of people in the space industry; Reading of the Bible in space. (Gift of UNIVAC, Federal Systems Division) Described by: GM on 1978-03-15 Monoaural Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 04 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0071 Copy
AVR 05: Army of stars
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 05: Army of stars. Sound recording. Hosted by Eddie Albert this Christmas radio program was arranged by Brigadier Robert Angel. Side 1: "Army of Stars Theme" Performed by Orchestra; Written by Rex Koury. "Panis Angelicus" Performed by Dorothy Warenskjold; Written by Franck. "Impossible Dream" (From Man of La Mancha) Performed by Joshua Hecht; Written by Leigh. "Greensleeves" Azsa Pacific College Choir; Traditional. "A Child's Christmas" Orchestra; Written by Rex Koury. Side 2: "Cantique De Noel" Carol Kirpatrick performing; Written by Adam. "But Who May Abide" Performed by Adib Fazah; Written by Handel. "Christmas Medley" Performed by Orchestra; Written by Koury. "What do You see in Christmas" Performed by Eddie Albert. "Army of Stars Closing Theme" Performed by Orchestra. (Gift of George H. Marshall, see letter V. J. 1967) Described by: GM on 1978-03-15 Monoaural Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 05 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0072 Copy
AVR 06: Around the U.S.A. in song
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 06: Around the U.S.A. in song. Sound recording. Performed by the Merrill Staton Childrens Voices; conducted by Dr. Merrill Staton. Side 1: "This Land is Your Land"; "Blue-Trail Fly"; "John Henry"; "Night Herding Song"; "Cindy"; "Erie Canal"; "Joe Turner Blues"; "Johnny has gone of ra Soldier"; "Oh, Susanna": "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Side 2: "The Wells Fargo Wagon"; "Drill, Ye Tarriers"; "Red-River Valley"; "Michie Banjo"; "Shenandoah"; "Sourwood Mountain"; "Rock-a-My Soul"; "America, the Beautiful". (gift forom James A. Linden; see V.J. Dec. 1965) Described by: GM on 1978-03-15 Additional Materials Sheet music book Monoaural Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 06 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0073 Copy
AVR 07: Baby mine b/w I'm wild over you
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 07: Baby mine b/w I'm wild over you. Sound recording. "Baby Mine" Performer unknown; Composer Ida T. Van Droskey; Rock & roll song. "I'm Wild Over You" Performer unknown; Composer Ida Can Droskey; Rock & roll song. (Removed from V.J. 1963 along with AVR 21 & 21A) Description by: GM Date: 3/15/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0008 AVR 07 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0074 Copy
AVR 08, 08C: The big news of '58
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 08, 08C: The big news of '58. Sound recording. Narrated by Walter Cronkite and fifteen other CBS correspondents. Side 1 De Gaulle to Power (Correspondent David Schoebrun); Quemoy Shelled (Peter Kalisher); Berlin Crises (Ernest Leiser). Side 2 Voyage of the Nautilus (Walter Cronkite); Men, Missiles and Space (George Herman); Approaches to the Summit (Edward R. Murrow); Adams Affair (Eric Sevareid). Side 3 Integration (Howard K. Smith); The Elections (Robert Trout); Nixon in Latin America (Wells Church); The 49th State (Dallas Townsend). Side 4 The Papacy (Lou Cioffi); Boris Pasternak (Paul Nevin); Mid-East Turmoil (Winston Burdett). (Gift of Arthur H. Hayes; See Series V.J. 1959) Description by: GM Date: 3/15/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 08, 08C Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0076 Copy CS 0062 RBR CS 0075 Copy
AVR 08A, 08B: The big news of '58
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 08A, 08B: The big news of '58. Sound recording. Narrated by Walter Cronkite and fifteen other CBS correspondents. Side 1 De Gaulle to Power (Correspondent David Schoebrun); Quemoy Shelled (Peter Kalisher); Berlin Crises (Ernest Leiser). Side 2 Voyage of the Nautilus (Walter Cronkite); Men, Missiles and Space (George Herman); Approaches to the Summit (Edward R. Murrow); Adams Affair (Eric Sevareid). Side 3 Integration (Howard K. Smith); The Elections (Robert Trout); Nixon in Latin America (Wells Church); The 49th State (Dallas Townsend). Side 4 The Papacy (Lou Cioffi); Boris Pasternak (Paul Nevin); Mid-East Turmoil (Winston Burdett). (Gift of Arthur H. Hayes; See Series V.J. 1959) Description by: GM Date: 3/15/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 08A, 08B Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0076 Copy CS 0062 RBR CS 0075 Copy
AVR 09, 9C: Crossfire Part 1 and Part 4
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 09, 9C: Crossfire Part 1 and Part 4. Sound recording. Moderator Gunner Back introduces RBR. RBR is interviewed by correspondents William S. White, Martin Agronsky, Bert Andrews and Elmer Davis on the following topics: RBR's chances in the election; RBR as VP; Truman's support; Candidates being well known; Primaries; Third Party movement; 1948 election; Corruption issue; States Rights; FEPC; RBR's appraisal of the correspondent's questions. (For press release on program and accompanying letter see VI. G. 2. Press, Radio and TV 4/5/52) Description by: GM Date: 3/16/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box PD 0006 AVR 09, 9C Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0078 Copy CS 0062 RBR CS 0077 Copy
AVR 09A, 09D: Crossfire Part 2 and Part 5
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 09A, 09D: Crossfire Part 2 and Part 5. Sound recording. Moderator Gunner Back introduces RBR. RBR is interviewed by correspondents William S. White, Martin Agronsky, Bert Andrews and Elmer Davis on the following topics: RBR's chances in the election; RBR as VP; Truman's support; Candidates being well known; Primaries; Third Party movement; 1948 election; Corruption issue; States Rights; FEPC; RBR's appraisal of the correspondent's questions. (For press release on program and accompanying letter see VI. G. 2. Press, Radio and TV 4/5/52) Description by: GM Date: 3/16/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box PD 0006 AVR 09A, 09D Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0078 Copy CS 0062 RBR CS 0077 Copy
AVR 09B, 09E: Crossfire Part 3 and Part 6
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 09B, 09E: Crossfire Part 3 and Part 6. Sound recording. Moderator Gunner Back introduces RBR. RBR is interviewed by correspondents William S. White, Martin Agronsky, Bert Andrews and Elmer Davis on the following topics: RBR's chances in the election; RBR as VP; Truman's support; Candidates being well known; Primaries; Third Party movement; 1948 election; Corruption issue; States Rights; FEPC; RBR's appraisal of the correspondent's questions. (For press release on program and accompanying letter see VI. G. 2. Press, Radio and TV 4/5/52) Description by: GM Date: 3/16/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. item Request item RBR Transcript Transcript box item Request box PD 0006 AVR 09B, 09E Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0078 Copy CS 0062 RBR CS 0077 Copy
AVR 10: Dear mom b/w crying on my pillow
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 10: Dear mom b/w crying on my pillow. Sound recording. "Dear Mom" Performed by Johnie and Trudy Tyler; Written J. Tyler; Country ballad about a patriotic soldier in Vietnam who writes about his problems. "Crying on My Pillow" Performed by Johnie and Trudy Tyler; Written by T.B. Davis; Country song about lost love. (Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Tyler. Removed from XVI. B. 29a November 17, 1970) Described by: GM Date: 3/17/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0009 AVR 10 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0078 Copy
AVR 11: Democratic national convention 1964, keynote speech
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 11: Democratic national convention 1964, keynote speech. Sound recording. Side 1 Introduction by Claiborne Pell. John O. Pastore keynote speech on the following topics: Accomplishments of a man with immigrant parents; Need for realism and reason; JFK-LBJ economic, military and social (Civil Rights) accomplishments; Future of the Democratic Party; Democrats contrast with the Republicans; Cuban Crisis. Side 2 Gulf of Tonkin incident; Atomic warfare; Political Extremism of Republicans; Responsibilities of the Presidency; Need for Social reform; LBJ's following of JFK's ideas. LBJ, HHH, and Mansfield compliment Pastore on his speech. (Gift of Senator Claiborne Pell; See Series V.J. 1965) Described by : GM Date: 3/17/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 11 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0079 Copy
AVR 12: Down home
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 12: Down home. Sound recording. Wendy Bagwell and the Sunlighters perform the following selections: Side 1 "Master Potter" (Bagwell and Powell, composer) "I Firmly Promise You" (Smith) "Sweeter as the Day Goes" "I Want Jesus to Lead Me" "I Want to Walk as Close as I Possibly Can" (Brumley) "Shout and Shine" Side 2 "I Have But One Goal" (C. Carrier) "Is he Satisfied With Me" (Suggs//Faith) "We Shall Walk" "Man of Galilee" "I'd Like to Kneel Down" (Presley) "Willie McNell" (Bagwell) Described by: GM Date: 3/17/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 12 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0080 Copy
AVR 13: Environment: 13 minds explore our environment
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 13: Environment: 13 minds explore our environment. Sound recording. Excerpts from the Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Design which explores such questions as: What's so good about a tree? Who will save the city? Who has the right to play God? How can people be motivated to care? Does a good environment cost more? Described by: GM Date: 3/17/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 13 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0081 Copy
AVR 14: Eisenhower / Khrushchev
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 14: Eisenhower / Khrushchev. Sound recording. Walter Cronkite narrates this chronicle of Eisenhower's and Khrushchev's trips. Places Eisenhower visited and the topics discussed include: (Italy) NATO; (Turkey); (Pakistan) poverty, military aid; (Afghanistan) Russian Aid, U.S. friendship; (India) poverty, relation with the U.S.; (Iran) peace; (Greece) peace; (Tunisia); (France and others). Khrushchev's visit to the U.S. covered: Disarmament; Peaceful coexistence; New conference; Russian economic strength; FDR's grave; Unemployment; Disneyland security; American morals; "We will bury you"; Labor; Farming. (Gift of Arthur Hull Hayes, President of CBS Radio; see gift card) Described by: GM Date: 3/17/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 14 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0082 Copy
AVR 15: The first American manned orbital flight
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 15: The first American manned orbital flight. Sound recording. Narrated by Bill Baldwin; Music by Bruce Herschensohn (Side 1) 1. Countdown 2/20/62 (Music: "Friendship 7") 2. Launch (Music: "John Glenn's Theme") 3. Orbit Achieved (Side 2) 4. Tracking Sites (Music: "Theme From Tracking Sites") 5. Retro-Fire (Music: "Astronauts View of Earth") 6. The plash (Music: "Electronics") 7. The Recovery (Music: "Recovery") Described by: GM Date: 3/18/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 15 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0083 Copy
AVR 16: Flush left, stagger right: an intimate review
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 16: Flush left, stagger right: an intimate review. Sound recording. Chronological Presentation of the history of American magazines; Narrated by Robert Ryan; Performed by Orchestra and cast. Musical numbers include: Side 1 "Opener"; "Flush Left, Stagger Right"; "Step Right Up"; "You are the one who wins"; "Two Shillings Sixpence"; "Rich"; "Muckraking"; "Wichita"; "Entertainment." Side 2 "Don't Forget About Us"; "Beautiful"; "Shopping List"; "Optical Scanner"; "Brave New World"; "You're the One That's Closest to My Heart"; "Everyone has a Magazine." Described by: GM Date: 3/20/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 16 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0084 Copy
AVR 17: Gloria in excelsis (vol. 2)
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 17: Gloria in excelsis (vol. 2). Sound recording. Morris Brown College Concert Choir under the direction of G. Johnson Hubert. Side 1 The Heavens are Telling (Haydn) Thou Knowest, Lord (Purcell) Sanctus (St. Cecelia Mass) (Gounod) Soona Will Be Done (Dawson) Gloria In Excelsis Side 2 Hospodi Pomilui (Lvovsky) Balm in Gilead (Dawson) Now Rejoice, O My Soul) In Bright Mansions Above (De Paur) Poor Wayfaring Stranger Roll Jursan, Roll Described by: GM Date: 3/20/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 17 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0085 Copy
AVR 18: Heritage
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 18: Heritage. Sound recording. Side 1 After Ralph Bradford is introduced he reads from his long poem, "Heritage" which covers the following Topics: Freedom; Frontier; Faith; Words; Prime Mover; Man's discoveries. Side 2 Freedom; Greco-Roman heritage; Anglo-American Heritage; America colonists and explorers; Founding Fathers; Slavery; National growth; Promethius. Described by: GM Date: 3/20/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 18 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0086 Copy
AVR 19: High noon
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 19: High noon. Sound recording. Gene Archer performs a song he wrote which laments Russell's loss in the 1952 Presidential Election. It is sung to the tune of "Do Not Forsake Me." Described by: GM Date: 3/20/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 19 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0087 Copy
AVR 20: I love my flag b/w America ever free
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 20: I love my flag b/w America ever free. Sound recording. Robert Mosely performs both these patriotic songs. Written by Pellegrino, Rosario. (Gift of Rosario Pellegrino; Removed from XV BN 8/23/66) Described by: GM Date: 3/20/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0009 AVR 20 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0088 Copy
AVR 21: I will always be with you b/w closer
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 21: I will always be with you b/w closer. Sound recording. "I Will Always Be With You" and "Closer" were written by Ida T. Van Droskey, a Georgia composer; Performer unknown; Romantic theme. (Removed from V.J. Gifts 1963; Part of the same gift as AVR 7 & 7A) Described by: GM Date: 3/29/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0008 AVR 21 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0089 Copy
AVR 22: Inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 22: Inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. Sound recording. Side 1 Music; Prayer' "Star Spangled Banner;" Swearing in of Nixon "America the Beautiful;" Prayer; Swearing in of Eisenhower. Side 2 Eisenhower continues with: Faith of our fathers; Inauguration as a renewal of faith; Enemies of the U.S.; Bond of freedom in the world; Interdependence; Need for unity; Principles - promote peace, avoid appeasement, strengthen military security, avoid forcing our system on others, help other nations, encourage trade, unite free nations, honor all nations, seek an honorable peace; Patriotism in day to day practice. Benediction; "Star Spangled Banner." Described by: GM Date: 3/27/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 22 Original PD 0001 AVR 22 copy 2 Original PD 0001 AVR 22 copy 3 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0090 Copy
AVR 23: It's Wendy and 'em again
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 23: It's Wendy and 'em again. Sound recording. Wendy Bagwell and the Sunlighters perform: Side 1 "A Friend Like Jesus" - Land (Speed) "Neither Do I Condemn Thee" - Bagwell "Silver and Gold (P.D.) "Travel Onward" (Bagwell arrangement) " Ole Lizah Prayed" - Bagwell "If You See My Savior" - P.D. Side 2 " Do You Remember" (Bagwell arrangement) "Neither Do I Condemn Thee" Bagwell arrangement "Sweet Jesus" - Akers " I Traded with Jesus" (Bagwell arrangement) "Sweetest Gift" "Lord I can't Come Now" - S. Hamblin Described by: GM Date: 3/29/1978 Resource may be used under the guidelines described by the U.S. Copyright Office in Section 107, Title 17, United States Code (Fair use). Parties interested in production or commercial use of the resources should contact the Russell Library for a fee schedule. box item Request box PD 0001 AVR 23 Original box item Request box CS 0062 RBR CS 0091 Copy
AVR 24: John Fitzgerald Kennedy b/w an American heritage
Original source media, copies, and accompanying transcripts (where available) for AVR 24: John Fitzgerald Kennedy b/w an American heritage. Sound recording. Jim Ameche performs on both recording. He speaks with a chorus in the background. "John Fitzgerald Kennedy" Written by Leonard Whitcup and Morrie Allen. "American Heritage" Written by Stanley Applebaum and Gerald Deitz. (Removed from XIII. B. ) Described by: GM Date: 3/29/1978