Water resources development -- Georgia. in subject [X]
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1 Title:   John W. Davis Papers, Series XI: Rivers, Harbors, and Watersheds  Save
  Creator:   Davis, John W., 1916-1992  
  Dates:   1963-1970  
John W. Davis Papers, Series XI: Rivers, Harbors, and Watersheds files contain correspondence, clippings, news releases, and Department of Agriculture reports on the federal watershed projects in the Seventh District. The file was maintained separately in Davis' office and therefore was kept as a distinct series, although the file is small and somewhat similar to folders found in Series VI. General File. The series is arranged alphabetically by name of project, then chronologically within each category.
  Identifier:   RBRL132JWD_XI  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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2 Title:   Robert Grier Stephens, Jr. Papers, Series XII: Watersheds  Save
  Creator:   Stephens, Robert Grier, Jr., 1913-2003  
  Dates:   1962-1977  
Robert Grier Stephens, Jr. Papers, Series XII: Watersheds contains correspondence, reports, news releases, magazine and newspaper articles, pamphlets, and other printed material dealing with various watershed projects in Georgia. It is arranged alphabetically by project name with a separate folder of general material. For related topics see Public Works and General.
  Identifier:   RBRL177RGS_XII  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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3 Title:   John W. Davis Papers, Series III: Personal  Save
  Creator:   Davis, John W., 1916-1992  
  Dates:   1961-1974  
The John Davis Papers, Series III: Personal contains correspondence, invitations, thank you letters and other personal material.
  Identifier:   RBRL132JWD_III  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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4 Title:   John W. Davis Papers, Series XVIII. Audiovisual Materials  Save
  Creator:   Davis, John W., 1916-1992  
  Dates:   1950s-1970s  
John W. Davis Papers, Series XVIII. Audiovisual Materials includes one 16mm film, one phonodisc, 91 audiocassettes, 335 quarter-inch open reel audio tapes, and five two-inch video tapes, documenting campaign ads, speeches, press appearances, and policy-related media.
  Identifier:   RBRL132JWD_XVIII  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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5 Title:   James L. (Jimmy) Paulk Papers  Save
  Creator:   Paulk, James L. (Jimmy), 1949-  
  Dates:   1977-1980  
The collection consists of Democrat James L. Paulk's state senatorial papers during his term representing the 13th District from 1977 to 1979 and a small selection of files of Senator J. Ebb Duncan (30th District). Paulk's papers include incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, clippings, bills, speeches, constituent questionnaires. Printed and photographic materials document state fiscal concerns, environmental issues, and the state of county correctional institutions. Of particular interest are the constituent surveys and responses from 1978 and 1979 as they reflect the opinions of Paulk's constituency on issues of the day such as the Equal Rights Amendment, tax issues, capital punishment, and teacher's compensation. Duncan's files, dating from 1977 to 1979, are legislative in nature and touch primarily on his efforts to secure transportation for the elderly and mentally challenged through S.B. 553.
  Identifier:   RBRL117JP  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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6 Title:   John James Flynt, Jr. Papers, Series II: Flood Control  Save
  Creator:   Flynt, John James, 1914-2007  
  Dates:   1958-1978  
John James Flynt, Jr. Papers, Series II: Flood Control is divided into four subseries corresponding to the four major water projects, Flint River, Russell Dam, West Point Dam, and General. This series includes project files, clippings, maps, and reports documenting Satilla River, Ocmulgee River, Coosa-Alabama River, Chattahoochee River, Cedar Creek River, Alcovy River, Spewrell Bluff, and others.
  Identifier:   RBRL130JJF_II  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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7 Title:   John W. Davis Papers, Series I: Speech/Press Files  Save
  Creator:   Davis, John W., 1916-1992  
  Dates:   1955-1974  
The John Davis Papers, Series I. Speech/Press Files consists of clippings; grant files; insertions in the Congressional Record; newsletters; radio scripts and tapes; press releases; and speeches, addresses and statements by Davis on various topics. Some of the topics include: techonology, fire research and safety, Interstate 75, Daylight Savings Time, Coosa-Alabama River System, Watergate and Nixon, National Science Foundation, Lockheed, and Vietnam.
  Identifier:   RBRL132JWD_I  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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8 Title:   Max Cleland Papers, Series V. Atlanta District Office  Save
  Creator:   Cleland, Max, 1942-2021  
  Dates:   1991-2004  
Cleland represented Georgia in the U.S. Senate (1997-2002), with previous service as a Georgia state senator, head of the Veterans Administration, and Georgia Secretary of State. Series V. Atlanta District Office includes correspondence with constituents, reports on the activities of district representatives, files on event planning and Cleland's travel schedule, office policies, project and research files, and the files of state director Bill Chapman.
  Identifier:   RBRL157MC_V  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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9 Title:   John W. Davis Papers, Series VI: General File  Save
  Creator:   Davis, John W., 1916-1992  
  Dates:   1941, 1958-1974  
John W. Davis Papers, Series VI: General File contains a variety of material and correspondence, reports, press releases, and grants especially in the early years. The General File, as well as, Legislative, reflect the increasing sophistication of Davis' filing system. In the years 1961 to 1968 (87th - 89th Congresses) General Correspondence-Subject Files includes legislative correspondence. The 1969 and 1970 material is filed together, as was 1971 and 1972. However, 1973 and 1974 were both filed separately (with the exception of the federal agencies and county files which were maintained together). Topics include roads and interstates (I-75), water resource management (Carters Dam and Coosa River), Lockheed Corporation, rural electrification, busing for integration and civil rights, county grants, housing, Medicare, and science and technology.
  Identifier:   RBRL132JWD_VI  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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10 Title:   John W. Davis: Collection Summary  Save
  Creator:   Davis, John W., 1916-1992  
  Dates:   1936-1975  
John W. Davis was a lawyer and judge who served in the U.S. House from 1961 to 1974, including service on the House Administration Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Science and Astronautics Committee. Davis's papers document his political career and includes correspondence, legislative files, speech and press files, and campaign materials.
  Identifier:   RBRL132JWD  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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11 Title:   Robert L. Williford Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake Project Files  Save
  Creator:   Williford, Robert L.  
  Dates:   1951, 1962-1991, 1993  
The collection consists of papers accumulated by Elberton Star publisher Robert L. Williford from 1951 to 1993. These files relate to his involvement in the development of the Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake located in Elbert County, Georgia. The records include clippings, photographs, and audiovisual materials documenting the dam's history as well as reports and correspondence of both the steering committee and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Correspondees of significance include Richard B. Russell, Herman Eugene Talmadge, President Jimmy Carter, William J. Dorn, Philip Landrum, and Douglas Barnard.
  Identifier:   RBRL178RLW  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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12 Title:   Ben Blackburn Congressional Papers  Save
  Creator:   Blackburn, Benjamin Bentley, 1927-  
  Dates:   1968-1974  
The collection consists of papers of Benjamin B. Blackburn from 1969 to 1974. The papers include correspondence, both incoming constituent letters and copies (green forms) of Blackburn's outgoing correspondence; clippings; speeches; reports; press releases; printed materials; photographs; and maps. The materials document Blackburn's activities in the United States House of Representatives including his tenure on the Banking and Currency Committee, the Joint Economic Committee, and the Housing and Domestic Finance Committee. The correspondence mainly pertains to concerns of Blackburn's constituents and contains information on the 1974 Watergate investigation and Richard M. Nixon, the Vietnamese conflict and prisoners of war, the United Nations, foreign policy and trade, health care, taxation, and environmental issues.
  Identifier:   RBRL010BB  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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13 Title:   Robert L. Williford Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake Project Files, Series VIII. Audiovisual Materials  Save
  Creator:   Williford, Robert L.  
  Dates:   1978-1985  
Robert L. Williford Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake Project Files, Series VIII. Audiovisual Materials includes five audiocassettes and one VHS videocassette documenting the construction of the dam, and one betacam videocassette preservation copy of the VHS video.
  Identifier:   RBRL178RLW_VIII  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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14 Title:   Georgia Environmental Oral History Project  Save
  Creator:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Dates:   2013-  
The Georgia Environmental Oral History Project was started in 2013 via a partnership between the Russell Library and Betsy Bean. The project documents the forces that have shaped and are currently shaping the Georgia landscape, including such topics as environmental activism (with a focus on grassroots activism), legislation related to environmental issues, the environmental history of the Georgia coast, the interplay between conservation, industry, and tourism, the politics of "sustainability," and the relationship between environmental issues and public safety. Early interviews focus on Brunswick and Glynn County including numerous Superfund sites, the development issues surrounding St. Simons Island and Jekyll Island, and the challenges of protecting coastal marshlands.
  Identifier:   RBRL345GEOH  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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15 Title:   George Ervin (Sonny) Perdue Official Papers  Save
  Creator:   Perdue, Sonny, 1946-  
  Dates:   2002-2011  
The George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue Official Papers consist of files pertaining to Perdue's tenure as Governor of Georgia from 2003 to 2011. Files were created by Perdue as well as his staff and consist of electronic files as well as paper and include correspondence, reports, agendas, speeches, proclamations, public commission files, scheduling files, subject files, and photographs.
  Identifier:   RBRL275GEPO  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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