I. Executive Files A. Subject Files (Record Group 001-01-05)box Request box I.A.1 Lonice Barrett, 2003-2010 Invites [Regional Development Center] Governor's Office S-CHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) Georgia Rail - Lovejoy to Atlanta, 2004 FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) [Correspondence], 2007-2008 MARTA (Metro Atlanta Rail Transit Authority) MARTA (Metro Atlanta Rail Transit Authority) State of Georgia Report to the Governor G-8 Security Update G-8 Communications Plan box Request box I.A.2 Tommy Hills CFO, 2003-2010 [Thomas D. Hills Letter to Governor Perdue] User Fees State Road and Tollway Authority Issuing Bonds on Behalf of: Georgia Department of Transportation CNG(Commission for A New Georgia) Organization Mandatory Direct Payout of Payroll Lottery Funds Transfer Single-Factor Sales Apportionment in Georgia: What is the Net Revenue Effect? State Economist Governor Change to Legislative Leaders 2003, 2003 CFO/COO Job Description World of Coca-Cola Museum Investment Division Compensation Retirement Systems Financial Analysis West Georgia Regional Reservoir Kia Motor Company Deloitte CFO Initial Meeting with Direct Reports, 2003 June 23 Fiscal Management Council, Monday May 17th at Unicoi, 2004 May 17 Department of Administrative Services, 2004 City Sewer Finance Council Employees' Retirement System Disability Retirees Fiscal Research Studies HOPE Georgia Student Finance Commission SR400 Excess Revenue Policy, [2003] OPEB (Other Postemployment Benefits) Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (folder 1 of 2) Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (folder 2 of 2) Georgia State Capitol Master Plan (folder 1 of 2) Georgia State Capitol Master Plan (folder 2 of 2) Agencies Managed by Governor-Appointed Executives, Boards, and Authorities Exec Boards/Agencies (folder 1 of 4) Exec Boards/Agencies (folder 2 of 4) Exec Boards/Agencies (folder 3 of 4) Exec Boards/Agencies (folder 4 of 4) box Request box I.A.3 Executive Correspondence A-G, 2003-2010 Abdul-Salaam, Representative Roberta Adams, Michael Adelman, Senator David Alexander, Kent B. Allen, J. David Allen, Sheila Amerson, Amos Anderson, Jeff Anderson, Raybon Anderson, Richard Archer, Bill Archer, Elizabeth P. - Office of Inspector General Andruszkiewicz, Peter Ayers, Doc Baker, Representative Glenn Baker Jr., Representative Robert B. Baker Thurbert Bakewell, Kevin Baldacci, Governor John (Maine) Baldwin, W. Preston (UST) Balfour, Don Balloun, James Bankoff, Joseph Barbour, Governor Haley Barfield, Travis Barnard, Representative Terry Barnes, Senator John "Jack" Barnes, Roy Barrett, Jackie Barrett, Lonice Barrow, John Bateman, III, Oliver C. Bearden, Representative Tim Beasley-Teague, Representative Sharon Beatty, Mike (DCA) Beebe, Governor Mike Benefield, Stephanie Stuckey Benton, Representative Tommy Berkelhamer, Jay Beshear, Governor Steven Biden, Joe Black, Gary Blackburn, Alan Blagojevich, Rod (Governor of Illinois) Blanchard, Jimmy Blank, Arthur Blankenship, Roy Blount, Ernest (Appointee to Henry Co. State Judgeship) Blunt, Governor Matt Bodman, Samuel Boner, Rex Bordeaux, Tom Bowen, Rooney Bozeman, John Brannon, Timothy (Rayonier) Bridges, Ben Brock, John F. Brogdon, Gino Broun, Paul Brown, Jeff Brown, Senator Robert Brumby Sewell Bryant, Bradley Buck, Tom Buckner, Representative Debbie Bulloch, John Burkhalter, Mark Burks, Paul Burns, Jon Burns, Max Burr, Senator Richard Maxine Burton Busbee, Mary Beth Bush, Governor Jeb Butterworth, Jim Byrd, Charlice Cable, Susan Cagle, Lt. Governor Casey Callaway, Bo Campbell, Roy Carlson, General Bruce (U.S. Air Force) Carmine Inc. Carr, W. Pitts Carter, Representative Buddy Carter, Donald J. Carter, Senator Joseph Carter, Rosalyn Cassidy, Michael Chambers, Jill Channell, Mickey Chapman, Jeff Cheeks, Don Christmas, Ron Chu, David S. Chu, Steven Clark, Chris Clark, Ed Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clough, Wayne Coan, Mike Cobb, Nancy C. Coburn, Senator Tom Cohen, U.S. Secretary Jay Cole, Brenda Coleman, Representative Brooks Coleman, Terry Coleman, Tom Collinsworth, Richard (CEO of Security Bank Corporation) Conboy, Kevin Correnti, Corey Cotrell, Mike Couch, Carol Cousins, Tom Cousins Mtg. on 2003 August 4: Multi-Modal Norfolk, 2003 Cowart, Jim Cowsert, Senator Bill Cox, Cathy Cox, Kathy Crowell, Ed Cummings, Bill Crawford, Mack Cromwell, Edward Crist, Governor Charlie (FLA) Crosby, John Crotts, Mike Culpepper, John Curry, Jr. Bradley Daniel, Christine Daniell, Joe Daniels, Jr., Governor Mitchell (State of Indiana) Davis, Andrew "Chancellor" Erroll Davis Davis, Jim Davis, D. Scott Davis, Steve Day, Burke Deal, Nathan DeCosta, Ben Dempsey, Rep. Katie Dickson, Tom Dodd, Christopher Doer, Gary Dollar, Representative Matt Donald, Commissioner Jim Donovan, Shaun Dooley, Vince Douglas, Brad Douglas, Governor James Douglas, James H. Douglas, John Dowdy, J.R. Downing, Chris Downs, Harry S. Doyle, Joe Drake, Judd T. Drennan, F.M. (Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy) Drew, Viola Dubose, C. Wilson Duncan, Anne Duvall, Zippy (President of Georgia Farm Bureau Federation) Easley, Michael (Governor of North Carolina) Eaton, Rick Ebersole, Dan Echols, Matt Edelman, Eric Edenfield, James Eldridge, Doc Eldridge, Frank Elliot, Bill England, Representative Terry English, Charley Epperson, Rusty Epps, James "Bubber" Evans, Buster Evans, Gena Everett, Doug (PSC Commissioner) Everhart, Sue Ewing, Bob Farris, Jr., Isaac Newton Felton, Dennis Ferrero, Joe Fortuno, Luis G. Flanders, Mary Fleming, Barry Fletcher, Governor Ernie Ford, James Forster, Ron Fortuno, Governor Luis G. Foster, Chad Franklin, Bobby Franklin, Jentezen (Free Chapel-Gainesville, GA) Franklin, Mayor Shirley Frazier, Representative Gloria Fretti, Mayor John Froehlich, Michael Fulton County Board of Commissioners Garrett, Michael Gates, Bill Gates, Secretary Robert Gates, Robert (U.S. Secretary of Defense) Geren, Pete Gilliland, Tom Gillis, Senator Hugh Glanton, Representative Mike Glenn, Dylan Goggons, Greg Golden, Tim Golick, Rich Gothard, Bill Graham, Bart Graham, Billy Graves, Bill Graves, Representative Tom Green, Fred Green, Gerald Green, Heidi Green, Lane Greener, Rebecca Gresham, Johnny Griffin, Rusty Griffin, Shay Grinstead, Tara Guido, Dr. Michael Gutietrez, Carlos (U.S. Secretary of Commerce) Georgia Trustees box Request box I.A.4 Executive Correspondence H-P, 2003-2010 Hall, Carolyn C. Hall, Randy Hamilton, Sam D. Hamrick, Bill Handel, Karen Hannan, J.B. Harbin, Ben Harden, Representative Buddy Hardin, P. Russell Harp, Seth Harper, Jason T. Mary Dean Harvey February 1, 2006, 2006 February 1 Hastert, Dennis (Speaker of the House) Hatchell, Steve Hatcher, Al Hawkins, Joy C. Heard, Representative John Heath, Bill Heckstall, Representative Joe Hembree, Bill Heminger, Gary Hemmings, Fred Henderson, Billy Herschend, Peter Highsmith, Robert Hill, Representative Calvin Hill, Cecily Hill, Jack Hill, Judson Hinton, Russel Hitchens, Colonel Bill Hoeven, Governor John Holcombe, Noel Holt, Representative Doug Holton, Lindsay Hooks, C. Jones Hooks, Senator George Hopkins, Tommy Holt, Doug Houston, Representative Penny Holyfield, Evander Howell, Judge Sheperd Holtz, James A. Howard, Henry "Wayne" Huckabee, Governor Mike Huckaby, Hank Hudgens, Suzanne Hunstein, Carol Hunt, James B. Huntsman, Jr., Jon (Governor of Utah) Hutson, Bill Immelt, Jeffrey R. Irvin, Tommy - Agricultural Issues Isakson, U.S. Senator Johnny Isdell, E. Neville (Coca Cola) Ito, Governor Yuichiro Jackson, Bill Jackson, Carol Jackson, Lester Jackson, Mack Jarrett, Valerie Jenkins, Representative Charles Jenkins, Mabel C. Jennings, Paul Jepson, Robert Jindal, Governor Bobby Johnson, Representative Celeste Johnson, Eric Johnson, Sid Jones, Senator Emanuel Jones, Frank Jones, Vernon Jordan, Representative Darryl Kanavas, Governor Ted Keck, Rob Keen, Jerry Keenum, Mark Kell, Judge C. LaTain Kelly, Pepper Kemp, Brian Kempthorne, Dirk Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. Keown, Mike Kidd, Rusty Kingston, Jack Kitano, Yoshinori Kunkel, D.W. LaHood, Ray Lakly, Representative Dan Lane, Bob Lanier, Cam Law, Buzz Lawson, Hugh Lazear, Edward Lee, Larry LeMieux, George S. Leonard, Joe Lesser, Craig Levitas, Kevin (Representative) Lewis, Jeff Lewis, Congressman John Linder, John Lindsey, Representative Edward Lindsey, Representative Edward Lingle, Governor Linda Lockhart, Dennis Long, Mike Loudermilk, Barry Lovell, Dub Lowery, Joseph Lunsford, John Lunsford, Representative John Lyons, Debra Maddock, Dan S. Maddox, Billy Maddox, Representative Gene Maddox, Governor Lester Manchin III, Governor Joe Mann, Dale Marchand, Doug Marcus, Bernie Marsh, Paul Marshall, Jim Masseret, Jean-Pierre Mattingly, Mack Maupin, Dr. John Maxwell, Representative Howard May, Representative Jeff McClain, Carolyn McClinton, Emory McDonald, Bubba McDonnell, Robert McGee, Richard McIver, Claud McLagan, Pat McTier, Pete Meredith, Chancellor Mescon, Timothy Meyer Von Bremen, Senator Michael Meyer Von Bremen, Senator Michael S. Merritt, Richard Mikell, Judge Charles Mikell, Charles B. Millar, Representative Fran Miller, Judge Eyvette Miller, Zell Millner, Guy Mills, James Mineta, Secretary of Transportation Moody, Dan Moody, Senator Dan Moore, R.H. "Bob" Morris, Greg Morris, Johnny Mosley, Hinson Moss, Bryan (Gulfstream) Mull, Wilbur C. Mullis, Jeff Murphy, Jack Murphy, Quincy Musick, Mark Musselman, Kelly Myers, Lee Nardelli, Bob Neal, Jay Neely, Charles L. Nicholson, R. James Nix, Representative Randy Nixon, Wiley Norman, Jewel Oakly, Judge Lois F. Obama, President Barack Olens, Sam Oliver, Mary Margaret Olson, Dotty O'Neal, Larry Oprah Show Otter, C.L. "Butch" Oxendine, James W. Oxendine, John Palmisano, Samuel Parsons, Don (Representative) Patrick, Deval (Governor of Massachusetts) Pawlenty, Governor Tim (Minnesota) Peake, Representative Allen Perdue, Governor Bev Perno, David Perry, Governor Rick Peters, Mary Pittard, Pat Pope, Diana Porter, Du Bose Powell, Alan Powell, J.B. Polythress, David Price, Tom Pritchett, Stanley Purcell, Ann box Request box I.A.5 Executive Correspondence Q-Z, 2003-2010 Rakestraw, James L. Ralston, David Ramsey, Senator Ronald Rand, Robin Ratcliffe, David Rawlings, Tom Ray, John Raynor, David A. Reece, Harold (Twiggs County) Reed, Mayor Kasim Reese, Stacey Reheis, Harold Rendell, Governor Edward Reynolds, Jamie Reynolds, Paula Rosput Rice, John Rice, Representative Tom Richardson, Bill (Governor of New Mexico) Richardson, Speaker Glenn Richt, Mark Riley, Bob (Governor of Alabama) Robinson, Robbie Rogers, Carl Rogers, Carl Rogers, Chip Rogers, Joe Rolls-Royce Rowan, Bobby Rowland, John Rynders, Representative Ed Salazar, Secretary Ken Sammons, Jr., Walter G. Sears, Ward Leah (Chief Justice) Seay, Senator Valencia Sebelius, Governor Kathleen Sehorn, Brigadier General James (Jim) Seydel, Laura Turner Scarbrough, Brent Scarborough, Terry M. Schaefer, Nancy Schwarzenegger, Arnold Scott, Representative Austin Scott, Congressman David Scott, Martin Seabaugh, Mitch Sellier, Representative Tony Shafer, David Shantee Shelp, Dr. Frank Shipp, Robbin Sholar, Wallace Shorthouse, Neil Sigman, Stan Sims, Freddie Powell Simms, Dee Sinkfield, Representative Georgiana Sinyard, Jeff "Bodine" Smith, Bob Smith, Faye Smith, Kenneth Smith, Representative Lynn Smith, Preston Smith, Senator Preston W. Smith, Judge Stanley Smith, Tommy Smith, Vance Smyre, Representative Calvin Snellgrove, Larry Snellings, Dr. George Solis, Hilda L. Sorrells, Gene Spell, Janis Mumford Sports, Joe St. Claire, Wayne Stalnaker, Tommy Stancil, Steve Stanton, Cecil Steele, Michael Stephens, Bill Stephens, Ron Stewart, Ken Stokan, Gary P. Strickland, Governor Ted Swain, Dianne Talton, Sheriff Cullen Tannenblatt, Eric Tarbutton, Ben Tarbutton, Ben J. Tarver, Senator Ed Taylor, Glenn Taylor, Mark (Lt. Governor) Taylor, Representative Rashad Teague, Sharon Beasley Teilhet, Representative Rob Thomas, Don Thomas, Jeanie Thomas, Regina Thomassen, Dr. Henry (Hank) Thompson, G. Kennedy Thurmond, Michael Tippins, Lindsey Tolleson, Ross Tomlinson, Bill Turner, Loyce Turner, Michael Turner, Michael R. Turner, William B. Turnquest, Henrietta Unterman, Senator Renee Vieser, Richard W. Thomas Vilsack Wade, Tom Wagner, James Walker, B.J. Walker, Larry Walker, Representative Len Wal-Mart Warren, Neil Watson, John Watson, Stan Weber, Senator Dan Welburn, Sam Wells, III, James M. Westmoreland, Lynn Wheeler, Pete Whidby, Dennis White, Mayor Bill White, Jack Whitehead, Senator Jim Wiles, Senator John Wilkerson III, Rabb Wilkinson, Jo Williams, Carol Williams, Earnest "Coach" Williams, Kathleen G. Williams, Mark Williams, Representative Roger Williams, Senator Tommie Williams, Virgil Williams, Yvonne Winnett, John Wise, Brenda Wise, Rodger Wise. Stam Wolf, Frank Wood, Judge Keith Yates, Representative John Young, Marjorie Zacharias, Ravi Zainaldin, Jamil Zamarripa, Sam box Request box I.A.6 Legislators State Senate, 2003-2010 David Adelman Don Balfour Robert Brown John Bulloch Gloria Butler Jim Butterworth Casey Cagle Ronnie Chance Bill Cowsert Jeff Chapman John Dickey Crosby John Douglas Vincent Fort Greg Goggans Tim Golden Bill Hamrick Ed Harbison Seth Harp Bill Heath Steve Henson Jack Hill Judson Hill George Hooks Ralph Hudgens Bill Jackson Lester Jackson Eric Johnson Emmanuel Jones Dan Moody Jeff Mullis Jack Murphy Chip Pearson Ronald Ramsey Kasim Reed Chip Rogers Mitch Seabaugh Valencia Seay David Shafer Freddie Powell Sims Preston Smith Cecil Staton Doug Stoner Ed Tarver Horacena Tate Don Thomas Steve Thompson Curt Thompson Ross Tolleson Renee Unterman Dan Weber John Wiles Tommie Williams box Request box I.A.7 Legislators State Representatives A-Q, 2003-2010 Amos Amerson Kathy Ashe Terry Barnard Timothy Bearden Sharon Beasley-Teague Stephanie Benefield Tommy Benton Ellis Black [Curtis Brantley] Roger Bruce Debbie Buckner Mark Burkhalter Jon Burns Mark Butler Charlice Byrd David Casas Buddy Carter Jill Chambers Mickey Channell Mike Cheokas Mike Coan Jim Cole Brooks Coleman Sharon Cooper Clay Cox Hardie Davis Steve Davis Burke Day Katie Dempsey Tom Dickson Matt Dollar Karla Drenner Earl Ehrhart Terry England Melvin Everson Hugh Floyd Virgil Fludd Bobby Franklin Gloria Frazier Pat Gardner Harry Geisinger Rich Golick Tom Graves Gerald Greene Mark Hamilton Bob Hanner Ben Harbin Mark Hatfield Keith Heard Joe Heckstall Bill Hembree Michele Henson Calvin Hill Cecily Hill Doug Holt Penny Houston Wayne Howard Carolyn Hugley Mack Jackson Lynmore James Terry Johnson Celeste Johnson Jan Jones Darryl Jordan Jerry Keen Mike Keown Tom Knox David Knight Lane, Bob Kevin Levitas Lindsey, Edward Barry Loudermilk Lunsford, John Maddox, Gene Mangham, Randall Manning, Judy Martin, Chuck Howard Maxwell May, Jeff McCall, Tom Doug McKillip Meadows, John Millar, Fran Mills, James Morris, Greg Murphy, Quincy Neal, Jay Randy Nix Oliver, Mary Margaret O'Neal, Larry Parham, Bobby Parrish, Butch Parsons, Don Allen Peake Powell, Alan Jay Powell Jimmy Pruett box Request box I.A.8 Legislators State Representatives R-Z, 2003-2010 Ralston, David Ramsey, Matt Reece, Barbara Reese, Bobby Rice, Tom Richardson, Glenn Roberts, Jay Rogers, Carl Rynders, Ed Scott, Austin Scott, Martin Tony Sellier Setzler, Ed Shaw, Jay Robbin Shipp Sims, Chuck Sinkfield, Georganna [Augusta, Richmond County] Smith, Bob Smith, Lynn Smith, Richard Smith, Tommy Smith, Vance Smyre, Calvin Stephens, Ron Talton, Willie Rashad Taylor Teilhet, Rob Thomas Morgan, Alisha Len Walker Wilkinson, Joe Wendell Willard Willard, Wendell Williams, Al Williams, Ernest "Coach" Mark Williams Williams, Mark Williams, Roger Roger Williams Yates, John John Yates box Request box I.A.9 Agencies/Organizations, 2003-2010 Homeland Security, US Department of Hurricane Rita & Katrina HUD (Housing and Urban Development), US Department of Interior, US Department of Justice, US Department of Labor, US Department of Treasury, US Department of Transportation, US Department of Veterans Affairs, US Department of ACCG (Association County Commissioners of Georgia) Air Quality ARC (Atlanta Regional Commission) City of Atlanta BRACC (Base Realignment and Closure Commission) Commission for a New Georgia Consulates Corporation for National and Community Service FLOG (First Lady of Georgia) Forestry Georgia Sheriffs' Association Governor's Emergency Fund Headstart Medicaid Medicare National Governors Association RDC (Regional Development Centers) Republican Governors Association SBA (Small Business Administration) Southern Governors' Association STC (Southern Technology Council) State Budget [Miscellaneous 2010], 2010 box Request box I.A.10 Agencies/Organizations Transportation SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) White House Miscellaneous General Info [EMC] EMC [Emergency Medical Care] Fund Applications Emergency Funds Request Recent Requests for Applications [EMC] Requests from Legislators Approvals [of requests from legislators] Reconsiderations - Emergency Fund Applications - no legislator request Asked & Resubmit through legislator Discretionary Funds UPL Issue 21st Century Partnership Warner Robins Air Force Base Welfare Reform Redistricting box Request box I.A.11 Agencies/Organizations, 2003-2010 Health & Human Services, US Department of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) FTAA Education, US Department of Energy, US Department of Defense, US Department of Commerce, US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Veterans Service, GA Department of Transportation, GA Department of Secretary of State, Office of Regents, Board of (University System of GA) Regional Transportation Authority, GA Revenue, GA Department of Rural Water, Georgia School Readiness, Office of Public Safety, Department of Public Service Commission, Georgia Properties Commission, State PCID (Perimeter Community Improvement District) Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, GA Planning and Budget, Office of New Georgia, Commission for a Pardons and Paroles, State Board of Patrol, Georgia State Merit System, Georgia Law, GA Department of Homeland Security, GA Deptartment of Human Resources, GA Department of Insurance Commissioner's Office Labor, GA Department of Forestry Commission, GA Highway Safety, Governor's Office of box Request box I.A.12 Agencies/Organizations, 2003-2010 Environmental Facilities Authority, GA Education, GA Department of Emergency Management Agency, GA Economic Development, GA Department of Corrections, GA Department of Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Defense, GA Department of Community Health, GA Department of Consumer Affairs, Governor's Office of Agriculture and Tobacco Board of Governors Agriculture, GA Department of Agrirama Development Authority, GA Appalachian Regional Commission Audits and Accounts, Department of Building Authority, GA Bureau of Investigation, Georgia GA Chamber of Commerce Children and Youth Coordinating Council Community Affairs, GA Department of Eligibility - TANF(Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)/Medicare 2007 Fiscal Year Budget Board of Regents, 2007 Embassies Letters in Support of Legislation Summary of Powers of the Governor Under Federal Law box Request box I.A.13 Counties A-F, 2003-2010 Appling Atkinson Bacon Baldwin Banks Barrow Bartow Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Bryan Bullock Brooks Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb Coffee Colquit Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dawson Dekalb Decatur Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Franklin Forsyth Fulton (folder 1 of 2) Fulton (folder 2 of 2) Gilmer Glascock Glynn box Request box I.A.14 Counties G-Z, other states, 2003-2010 Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson Jones Lamar Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes Lumpkin Macon Madison McDuffie McIntosh Meriwether Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murry Muscogee Newton Oconee Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Twiggs Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth Governors box Request box I.A.15 General Files, 2003-2010 [Fourth Quarter 2003 Report] Board of Regents Board of Regents Student Finance Commission Department of Technical and Adult Education Fiscal Year 2004 Program-Based Budget Dismantling Persistent Poverty in the Southeastern United States Dismantling Persistent Poverty in Georgia Georgia Department of Industry, Trade, and Tourism Georgia and the Department of Defense: Meeting the Challenge Avian Influenza Normandy American Cemetary [Afghanistan Visit] Initial Meeting with Agency Heads, Thursday, January 23, 2003 Agency Head and Board Member Resignations (folder 1 of 3) Agency Head and Board Member Resignations (folder 2 of 3) Agency Head and Board Member Resignations (folder 3 of 3) The Fourth Regional Leaders' Conference Final Declarations [Georgia Inaugural 2007], [2007] National Governors Association Seminar for New Governors Committee on Economic Development and Commerce Governors of the American States, Commonwealths and Territories, 2003 Directory, 2003 Amended Fiscal Year 2003: The Governor's Budget Report Reauthorization of TEA-21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century) Options to Grow the Program White House Orientation for New Governors National Governors Association Winter Meeting Chinese Tallow Trees & Energy Independence for Small Businesses in Georgia Visit by Governor Perdue, 2004 May 24 Governors' Guide to Biotechnology One Georgia Authority Board Meeting U.S. Commercial Service: United States of America Department of Commerce box Request box I.A.16 Files and Memorabilia, 2003-2010 Macon PALS [Peers Advocating Leadership and Service], photograph ACTS Record Governor's Internship Program [Office of the Governor Guestbook] (folder 1 of 2) [Office of the Governor Guestbook] (folder 2 of 2) GA Aviation Hall of Fame GA Aviation Authority [State Board of Workers' Compensation] [Georgia Rural Development Council] Implementing Graduation Counts: State Progress to Date, 2008 [Photographs of Governor Perdue], 14 8x10" color [Georgia Flag Facts] 10 Trends That Will Change The Way You Do Business [Water Press Conference] [General Appropriations Act] [Correspondence, Southern Governors' Association Invitation] [MCG Governance Signing Ceremony Speech] Governor's Education Summit Show Run [Tri-State Water Discussion] [Council of Economic Advisors] [Economic Development, Columbus, GA] [State of the State] Georgia Senate Weekly Wrap-up Report The Inauguration of Sonny Perdue, the 81st Governor of the State of Georgia Sine Die: Governor's Office Staff [Japan- USSE Association and SEUS/Japan Association 27th Annual Joint Meeting] [Mission to South America] (folder 1 of 3) [Mission to South America] (folder 2 of 3) [Mission to South America] (folder 3 of 3) box Request box I.A.17 Files and Memorabilia, 2003-2010 Governor's Transition Manual [Georgia Employee Handbook] Agencies Managed By Governor - Appointed Executives, Boards, and Authorities (folder 1 of 3) Agencies Managed By Governor - Appointed Executives, Boards, and Authorities (folder 2 of 3) Agencies Managed By Governor - Appointed Executives, Boards, and Authorities (folder 3 of 3) [Regents Board Meeting Speech] Quail Unlimited, Volume XXX, Issue 1 Budget Development Amended FY 2010 and FY 2011 Georgia Aviation Authority Board Meeting Saturdays with Sonny [closed mail] Saturdays with Sonny [Augusta] Saturdays with Sonny "Saturdays with Sonny" January 25 box Request box I.A.17.1 Files and Memorabilia tvsdesign Atlanta Falcons Masterplan Study, 2009 September 23 Capitol Hill Parking Deck GBA 170 Atlanta, GA Architectural Plans by Stevens & Wilkinson, 2009 February 26 Jekyll Island Beach Village & Signature Beach Park Final Report by HHCP Architecture, Inc. , 2009 August 14 The University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine - Teaching Hospital Plans, 2009 April 27 [Georgia's Transportation Team Proclamation] Valedictorian Day - Governor's Mansion, 2004 May 29 box Request box I.A.18 Files and Memorabilia, 2003-2010 [Southern Governors' Association 2009 Annual Meeting] (folder 1 of 3) [Southern Governors' Association 2009 Annual Meeting] (folder 2 of 3) [Southern Governors' Association 2009 Annual Meeting] (folder 3 of 3) The Coca-Cola Company: Overview of our Resource Allocation Approach and the Singapore Economic Development Case Study SEUS-CP Alliance [Biloxi, MS] One Georgia Authority Public Health Always Working for A Safer and Healthier Washington National Governors Association [2010 Winter Meeting] State of Georgia Agency Customer Service Plans SFY 2007 (folder 1 of 3) State of Georgia Agency Customer Service Plans SFY 2007 (folder 2 of 3) State of Georgia Agency Customer Service Plans SFY 2007 (folder 3 of 3) box Request box I.A.19 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs], 2003-2010 Georgia's Fast Forward Transportation Program Chattooga County Water Projects City of Pembrook Flood Governor's Emergency Fund Agriculture CDC (Centers for Disease Control) Dennis (Hurricane) Red Light Photo Enforcement System Red Light Cameras HB 89 U.S. Department of State [Legislative Services Committee Certifications] [Georgia Council of American Indian Concerns] Johnny Floyd Regina Thomas Michael Meyer Von Bremen Nancy Schaeffer Bill Stephens Thomas, Mable Joseph Carter Stan Watson Mumford, Robert Tumlin, Steve "Thunder" Watson, Stan Lewis, Jeff Royal, Richard Charles Jenkins Jeanette Jamieson John Heard Allen Freeman Bill Cummings Ben Bridges Representative Ron Forster Charlie Norwood Zell Miller Denise Majette Max Burn Mac Collins DOT (Department of Transportation) Board Library [Budget] Land Conservation Tax Credit Faith and Family Deer Dog [Hunting] Supp. Feeding OTG (Office of the Governor)/Useful Information Education Agenda Implied Consent Truth in Class Size Master Principal HOPE Chest Amendment Faith and Family Amendment Sydne Moody ACCG/GMA GEFA MARTA Oversight Committee (MARTOC) Local Legislation box Request box I.A.20 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs], 2003-2010 Office of the President Johnny Isakson Senator Saxby Chambliss Jack Kingston Sanford Bishop Lynn Westmoreland (3rd) Hank Johnson (4th) John Lewis Tom Price John Linder Jim Marshall Nathan Deal Paul Brown Phil Gingrey John Barrow David Scott US Senate NGA (National Governors Association) Department of the Army Navy U.S. Department of the Interior Foreign Governments Other States' Governors Documents ARC (Atlanta Regional Commission) Commercial Tranportation Advisory Committee Valedictorian Day TABOR (Taxpayers Bill of Rights) [Department of Revenue] [FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency] [GEMA - Georgia Emergency Agency] Jobs, Trade, Sourcing and the Future of the American Workforce SumaQ Summit 2004: International Business Strategies in Latin America Evaluation of Air Quality and Other Impacts of Implementation of Federal Reformulated Gasoline in the Atlanta Area [Homeland Security] [Community Affairs] [Department of Economic Development] [Appalachian Regional Commission] [Environmental Protection Division] [One Georgia] [Department of Natural Resources] [Parsons T-rex Project] [Last Best Chance] [Georgia Fire Service] [ROC-USA Business Council] [Department of Human Resources] [Georgia Department of Labor] [Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, Georgia Biodiesel Projects] [Department of National Parks] Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority [Department of Community Health] [Housing and Urban Development] [Transportation] [Grants and Recommendations] [Marine Commissions] box Request box I.A.21 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs], 2003-2010 Savannah River Site Workforce Investment Reformulated Gas SIB (State Infrastructure Bank) Hurricane Frances/Ivan City of Folkston City of Atlanta ARC (Atlanta Regional Commission) ARC (Atlanta Regional Commission) Police Chiefs Association Pulaski County Rural Development Council SWTF (Solid Waste Trust Fund ) One Georgia Metro Atlanta Quality Growth Initiative Task Force box Request box I.A.22 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs], 2003-2010 [Office of Municipal Clerk] [National and Community Service] [Georgia Public Defender Standards Council] [Georgia Department of Industry, Trade, and Tourism] [Association County Commissioners of Georgia] [Board of Commissioners] [Environmental Protection Agency] [Screven - US Highway 84 Widening DOT Project] Columbus Water Issue G-8 Summit [G-8 Summit, Heidi Green Schedule of Events] [G-8 Summit Schedule] [G-8 Summit Thank You Letters to Governor Perdue] G-8 Summit HTRG (Homestead Tax Relief Grant) TEA-3 (Transit Equit Act) FY 2004 Transportation Appropriations TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) USDA WTO - Procurement UPL (Upper Payment Limits) GMA (Georgia Municipal Association) GMA 2004 GEFA (Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority) Jasper County Ports Authority TANF Transportation 2006 Southern Governors' Association CAP Legislative Review and SAC Retreat Medicaid PM25 Homeland Security Internet Taxes NGA (National Governors' Association) - August 2004, 2004 August Northwest Connectivity Study Air Quality Legislation Clear Skies CJCC G-8 Summit Report G-8 box Request box I.A.23 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs], 2003-2010 [Department of Transportation - Georgia Highway 316] [TEA-21: Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century] [Department of Transportation] 12/16 Transport Meeting in Washington, D.C. [Department of Commerce] [Education] [Department of Agriculture] [Departments of Army, AirForce, Navy, and Veteran Affairs] [Department of Energy] [Board of Regents] [Department of Health and Human Services] [Georgia Regional Transportation Authority] [Office of Secure Transportation] [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] Proposed Program Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program, 2007-2012 Report to Congress on the Historic Preservation of Revolutionary War and War of 1812 sites in the United States [Head Start Early Childhood Development] [Homeland Security] [National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse] [Department of Juvenile Justice] [Department of Labor] [U.S. Elections Assistance Commission] [SPLOST and Land Use Bills] [Federal Trade Area for the Americas] [Other State Governors] [Correspondence - Commissioners, Mayors in Georgia] [Forestry Conservation] [Department of Natural Resources] Monroe-Bibb County Line Dispute Garden City (vs. GA Ports Authority) [Counties in Georgia] box Request box I.A.23.1 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs] Proud to Serve: Helping state and local governments serve and protect citizens, with innovation and integrity Passports and PASS Cards, Indentity and Citizenship: Implementing the WHTI [News Stories] [Correspondence 2005-2006] [Tourism in Georgia] Georgia Courthouse Initiative Preserving Our History Fueling Our Prosperity [Georgia Military Affairs Coordinating Committee] [Department of Corrections] Southern Governors Association 2005, 2005 [Southern Governors Association] [Republican Governors Association] [National Governors' Association] box Request box I.A.24 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs], 2003-2010 [Criminal Justice Coordinating Council] Georgia's State Water Plan [Columbus] [Georgia Forestry Commission] [Sylvania - Department of Industry, Trade amd Tourism] [KidsNet: A Project of the PeachState Wrap-around Initiative] [Grady County - Big Tiered Creek Recreational Lake] [Riverside Parkway Road Improvement Project] [Fulton County Taxpayers Association, Inc.] [Department of Community Affairs] [Hiawassee Water Tank Emergency Fund] City of Warner Robbins Land Swap Sandra Thurman - Right of Way Georgia DOT (Department of Transportation) - Franklin County Effingham County - water/sewer issues Peach County Landfill SRS Monitoring - DOE (Department of Energy) Governor Original #1 Westpoint Stevens Closure - LaGrange Augusta - ANIC Social Circle [Federal] Emanuel County Alligator Issue Homeland Security Census Bureau Info US Department of Commerce US Department of the Interior US Department of Education HALO Health and Human Services GA Federal Military Retiree Coalition, Inc. Katrina US Department of Labor Department of the Navy President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Recovery Act Report Bill Signature Request Stimulus US Department of Transportation [Safe Speeds Law Campaign Report] USDA US Department of Labor USEPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) Veterans Whitehouse Cigna Congressional Balancing Democratic Party Policy Issues Outfitters TV ACCG (Association County Commissioners of Georgia) Atlanta Chamber Boy Scouts of America Cairo, GA Fulton County Taxpayers Foundation Grants Lobbyist/Group Roster (State Ethics Commission) box Request box I.A.24.1 Miscellaneous [Heidi Green, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs] [Fulton County] [Fayette, Habersham, Henry, Irwin Counties] [Houston County] [Laurens, Lowndes Counties] [McIntosh, Mitchell, Morgan Counties] [Paulding, Pierce, Pike, Putnam, Rockdale, Union Counties] [Twiggs County] [Walker County] box Request box I.A.25 Miscellaneous Media [Audiovisual], 2003-2010 box Request box I.A.26 External Affairs General Correspondence [57856], 2003 External Affairs - Correspondence , 2003 Chamber Meeting (folder 1 of 2), 2003 November 19 Chamber Meeting (folder 2 of 2), 2003 November 19 To All Governors - Update on State Fiscal Situation , 2003 G-8 Conference Call , 2003 August 14 G-8 Congress Call , 2003 August Racial Reconciliation - Congressional Delegates, 2003 Correspondence to Mayor Shirley Franklin, 2003 Transportation Finances , 2003 Resume - Cynthia "Cindy" Wadsworth Hardison June 26th Meeting, 2003 June 26 Heritage Foundation Reception, 2003 WTO Procurement Meeting, 2003 Pentagon , 2003 GMAC Commanders Meeting - September 3rd, 2003 Municipal Training Board , 2003 ACCG Meeting Policy , 2003 August 21 Meeting Re: Northern Arc Meeting Issue , 2003 August 21 GMAC Meeting - Education Center , 2003 July-August GMA/Policy Meeting , 2003 August 26 Jumper Reception - Ft. Meyers, VA, 2003 Brotherhood of Prizefighters, 2003 February Federal Medical Liability Reform, 2003 Ozone, 2003 Appalachian Development Highway, 2003 Northern Arc , 2003 Small Business, 2003 Savannah River Site Modern Pit Facility, 2003 Women Are Dreamers Too, INC. , 2003 Funding - Homeland Security , 2003 April 6 Cathy Cox | Sec. of State, 2003 July 22 MARTA , 2003 August 23 Environment | Drinking Water, 2003 September 2 Phil Jacobs, 2003 August 28 African American Association, 2003 May 5 Nelson Tyrone, 2003 March 18 Laura Bush | Faith Based Ministry | 11th Annual Benefit, 2003 February 18 Colquitt County, 2003 March 13 Noah Clay, 2003 March 24 Virginia Everett 90th Birthday, 2003 August 21 Budget, 2003 February-March Chatham Transit Authority, 2003 June 30 Community Affairs, 2003 July City of Macon Air Service Development, 2003 July - August Transportation Equity Act | TEA 21, 2003 September 9 J-1 Visa Foreign Residence Requirement, 2003 March Teleheath/Homeland Security, 2003 March Griffin Industries, 2003 October 3 2004 G-8 Summitt, 2003 September 26 First Lady Laura Bush, 2003 Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, 2003 April 8 Geogia as International Business Center, 2003 September 15 Heidi Davison | Mayor of Athens | Ozone Issues, 2003 October CDC [Center for Disease Control]/GA. Tech/ Gov. Kempthorn, 2003 November 7 Donald Rumsfeld | JTFG Military Unit, 2003 October 20 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2003 July 31 Clear Skies, 2003 Marine Fisheries, 2003 May Colonel Cooney Ft. Benning, 2003 May 19 Revenue Collection City of Atlanta, 2003 October Homeland Security, 2003 November 19 Drug Offenders Driver's License Suspension, 2003 October 10 2004 G-8 Summit, 2003 September Detention Facility, 2003 Military Support Initiative , 2003 September 23 Barrow County Water, 2003 October 3 New Golden Peanut Facility, 2003 October 21 Governor's Mentor Protege Program - Contains Video Tape, 2001-2003 Misc. Meeting Info., 2003 Military Affairs Coordinating Committee, 2003 January 23 Minority Business , 2002-2003 Resumes, 2003 Red Carpet Tour, 2003 January 28 "One Georgia", 2003 Equity Funding, 2003 February 10 Rural Development, 2003 West Wing Tour | White House, 2003 U.S. Department of Labor, 2003 Super Bowl XLIII Agenda, 2002 Budget Revenue Decline, 2003 January 15 GA, AL, FL - Water Agreement, 2003 February 24 Predatory Lending Fair Lending Act, 2003 January 22 Earth Conservation Corps, 2002-2003 Cuba, 2002 May 20 City of Cusseta, Georgia, 2003 Info on Railroads in Georgia , 2003 Commission Phone List, 2003 Adgenda - Chief Financial Officer Meeting, 2003 January 27 CEO Breakfast, 2003 Canada, 2003 Buckhead Coalition, Inc. , 2003 American Peanut Growers Group, LLC, 2002 Economic Development - "Realizing the Dream Initiative", 2002 Water ACT [Program Included], 2003 [Waste Management], 2000-2004 "Value-Added Processing", 1994-1995 [Georgia Coalition for the Peoples' Agenda (GCPA)], 2003 [Department of Justice (DOJ) | Airlines], 2003 box Request box I.A.27 External Affairs General Correspondence [DOC7015], 2003 Tobacco (Smokeless), 2003 [Reason - Privatization], 2003 Taxes, 2003 [Georgia Principle-Centered Training Seminar], 2003 February 25 [Southern Governors' Association] , 2003 Teamsters, 2003 Thank You for Attending/ Your Concern, 2003 ARC [Appalachian Regional Commission] - County Water, 2003 Asbestos Litigation, 2003 Experience Works Inc., Formerly Green Thumb, Inc. , 2003 Atlanta Sewer and Water Crisis, 2003 Health Insurance, 2003 Butts County | Senate Bill 206 , 2003 Homeland Security Permanent Investigations | U.S. Senate [Ethics, Education and Economy], 2003 Budget, 2002 State of the State, 2002-2003 box Request box I.A.28 State Flag Correspondence [58238] State Flag Correspondence, 2003 State Flag Correspondence , 2003 State Flag Correspondence , 2003 State Flag Correspondence , 2003 State Flag Correspondence, 2003 State Flag Correspondence , 2002-2003 State Flag Correspondence, 2003 State Flag Correspondence , 2003 State Flag Correspondence , 2003 State Flag Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.29 State Employee Healthcare Increase, 2003 box Request box I.A.30 Saturdays with Sonny/Student Requests [58539], 2005-2006 SWS [Saturdays with Sonny] Watkinsville, Oconee , 2005 August 6 Disaster Relief , 2005 [Saturdays with Sonny] Athens, Clark GA, 2005 October 22 Cartersville [Saturdays with Sonny], 2005 September 3 Telephone Lists, 2003-2005 Legislative [Georgia's Legislative Organization, Terms and Procedures] Department Heads, 2003 Mail[room Security and Procedures], 2001-2003 Saturdays with Sonny, 2005 SWS [Saturdays with Sonny] Capitol , 2006 January 21 [Saturdays with Sonny], 2005 November 10 Student Packets , 2004 September - 2005 February Oct - Dec 2005 Emails , 2005 October - December Student Packets , 2005 January - April box Request box I.A.31 Regrets [Regrets] 2004, 2004 [Regrets] March 2005, 2005 March [Regrets] April 2005, 2005 April [Regrets] (folder 1 of 4) May 2005, 2005 May [Regrets] (folder 2 of 4) May 2005, 2005 May [Regrets] (folder 3 of 4) May 2005, 2005 May [Regrets] (folder 4 of 4) May 2005, 2005 May [Regrets] (folder 1 of 4) June 2005, 2005 June [Regrets] (folder 2 of 4) June 2005, 2005 June [Regrets] (folder 3 of 4) June 2005, 2005 June [Regrets] (folder 4 of 4) June 2005, 2005 June [Regrets] (folder 1 of 4) July 2005, 2005 July [Regrets] (folder 2 of 4) July 2005, 2005 July [Regrets] (folder 3 of 4) July 2005, 2005 July [Regrets] (folder 4 of 4) July 2005, 2005 July [Regrets] (folder 1 of 4) August 2005, 2005 August [Regrets] (folder 2 of 4) August 2005, 2005 August [Regrets] (folder 3 of 4) August 2005, 2005 August [Regrets] (folder 4 of 4) August 2005, 2005 August [Regrets] (folder 1 of 3) September 2005, 2005 September [Regrets] (folder 2 of 3) September 2005, 2005 September [Regrets] (folder 3 of 3) September 2005, 2005 September box Request box I.A.32 Constituent Services-General [58582] [Department of Early Care and Learning] (folder 1 of 2), 2006 [Department of Early Care and Learning] (folder 2 of 2), 2006 [Board of Regents] (folder 1 of 2), 2006 [Board of Regents] (folder 2 of 2), 2005-2006 [Saturdays With Sonny] , 2006 [Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commissionm, Georgia Technology Authority], 2006 [Teachers Retirement System], 2006 [Georgia Small Business Center, Georgia Lottery Commission, Georgia Student Finance Commission] (folder 1 of 2), 2006 [Georgia Small Business Center, Georgia Lottery Commission, Georgia Student Finance Commission] (folder 2 of 2), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 1 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 2 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 3 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 4 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 5 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 6 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 7 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 8 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 9 of 10), 2006 NR [Education] (folder 10 of 10) , 2006 box Request box I.A.33 Constituent Services-General [58240] General Correspondence (1), 2002 General Correspondence (2), 2002 General Correspondence (3), 2002 General Correspondence (4), 2002 General Correspondence (5), 2002 General Correspondence (6), 2002 General Correspondence (7), 2002 General Correspondence (8), 2002 General Correspondence (9), 2002 General Correspondence (10), 2002 General Correspondence (11), 2002 General Correspondence (12), 2002 box Request box I.A.34 Constituent Services-General [60136], 2008 [Inmate Correspondence/Parole Requests, Pleas, and Transfer Requests], 2008 [Foreign Oil | Engergy Independece Plan]
(folder 1 of 2), 2008 September 12 [Foreign Oil| Energy Independence Plan] (folder 2 of 2), 2008 [Senator McCain Correspondence] , 2008 [Teachers Retirement Fund] , 2008 October 13 [Georgia Department of Natural Resources], 2008 September 29 [Public Storage], 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 1 of 8)
, 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 2 of 8), 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 3 of 8), 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 4 of 8), 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 5 of 8), 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 6 of 8)
, 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 7 of 8), 2008 [Troy Davis Appeal Letters] (folder 8 of 8), 2008 [Human Trafficking/ Child Sexual Explotation] , 2008 [Department of Agriculture], 2008 [Department of Labor | Minimum Wage Concerns], 2008 September-October [Thank-You Letters/Personal Letters], 2008 [Consumer Affairs], 2008 October [Secretary of State] , 2008 October National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (1 CD) , 2008 [Military Retirements, Letter Requests, Cost of Living Concerns, Service Requests/Rejections] , 2008 October [Department of Veterans Service/Veteran Concerns] , 2008 October [Gun Control], 2008 September 26 [Workers Compensation|Employment Concerns], 2008 September-October [Health and Financial Concerns] , 2008 September-November [Fort Morris Historical Site], 2008 September 10 [Department of Human Resources] , 2008 [Social Security Administration and Disabilities], 2008 September-October [General Suggestions] , 2008 September-October [General Complaints], 2008 September-October box Request box I.A.35 Constituent Services-General [60142], 2008 [Energy Independence Plan] (folder 1 of 4), 2008 [Energy Independence Plan] (folder 2 of 4), 2008 [Energy Independence Plan] (folder 3 of 4), 2008 [Energy Independence Plan] (folder 4 of 4), 2008 [Scholarship Applications] , 2008 [H.U.D. Development Housing Concerns] , 2008 [Concerns and Complaints], 2008 [Social Security Disability Claims], 2008 [Department of Labor, Employment], 2008 Office of Regulatory Services, 2008 [Environmental Concerns], 2008 [Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund], 2008 [Congratulations, Welcomes, and Various letter requests/fufilled requests] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [Congratulations, Welcomes, and Various letter requests/fufilled requests] (folder 2 of 2), 2008 [Inmate Correspondence, Prison Concerns] , 2008 [Budget Conerns], 2008 [Letters from Children], 2008 [Regrets], 2008 [Excelsior College], 2008 [Suggestions and Concerns], 2008 [Health Students Taking Action Together (HSTAT) | Trauma Care Network], 2008 [Naturally Occuring Retirement Communities (NORC) Funding] , 2008 [Georgia Centers for Independent Living and Budget Cuts], 2008 [Condolences], 2008 [Thank-you Letters], 2008 [Fort Morris Historical Site], 2008 [Troy Davis Appeals], 2008 [Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner] (folder 1 of 4), 2008 [Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner] (folder 2 of 4), 2008 [Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner] (folder 3 of 4), 2008 [Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner] (folder 4 of 4), 2008 [Georgia Department of Human Resources], 2008 Character Correstions | A.J. Stuart , 2008 [Constituent Mail], 2008 [Undistributed Mail-Requests], 2008 box Request box I.A.36 Constituent Services-General [60140], 2000-2009 [Budget Concerns] , 2008 [Alan R. Davis Letters], 2000, 2008 [Retired Military Letter Requests], 2008 [Department of Banking and Finance], 2008 [Anti-Obama Sentiments], 2008 [Excelsior College], 2008 [State Opinion Ballot], 2008 [Fort Morris Historical Site] (folder 1 of 3) , 2008 [Fort Morris Historical Site] (folder 2 of 3), 2008 [Fort Morris Historical Site] (folder 3 of 3), 2008 [Letters from Children/Teachers], 2008 [Centers for Independent Living], 2008 [General Correspondence, Consideration Requests, Suggestions] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [General Correspondence, Consideration Requests, Suggestions] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commission] , 2008 [Inmate Correspondence and Concerns] , 2008 [Troy Davis] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [Troy Davis] (folder 2 of 2), 2008 [Right Side Up], 2008 [Veteran Affairs], 2008 [Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking] , 2008 [Department of Human Resources (DHR) Budget Cuts Tax Petition, 2008 [Georgia Trauma Care Network], 2008 [Department of Revenue] , 2008 [Georgia School Nutrition Assocation] (folder 1 of 2), 2008-2009 [Georgia School Nutrition Association] (folder 2 of 2) , 2008-2009 [Preservation of Landmarks and Parks], 2008 [Energy Independence Plan] (folder 1 of 3), 2008 [Energy Independence Plan] (folder 2 of 3), 2008 [Energy Independence Plan] (folder 3 of 3), 2008 box Request box I.A.37 Constituent Services-General [60143] [Troy Davis], 2008 [Thank-you Letters], 2008 [Requests for Letters, Congratulatory Letters] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [Requests for Letters, Congratulatory Letters] (folder 2 of 2), 2008 [Regrets], 2008 [Inmate Correspondence, Parole Requests], 2008 [Department of Labor/Employment Concerns], 2008 [Thurmond Dam], 2008 [Department of Human Resources and Child Protective Services], 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 1 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 2 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 3
of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 4 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 5 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 6 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 7 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 8 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 9 of 10), 2008 [Ethanol] (folder 10 of 10), 2008 [Constituent Mail - General] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [Constituent Mail - General] (folder 2 of 2), 2008 box Request box I.A.38 Constituent Services-General [58581] [Department of Education] (folder 1 of 5), 2006-2007 [Department of Education] (folder 2 of 5), 2006-2007 [Department of Education] (folder 3 of 5), 2006-2007 [Department of Education] (folder 4 of 5), 2006-2007 [Department of Education] (folder 5 of 5), 2006-2007 [Board of Education] (folder 1 of 7), 2006 [Board of Education] (folder 2 of 7), 2006 [Board of Education] (folder 3 of 7), 2006 [Board of Education] (folder 4 of 7), 2006 [Board of Education] (folder 5 of 7), 2006 [Board of Education] (folder 6 of 7), 2006 [Board of Education] (folder 7 of 7), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 1 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 2 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 3 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 4 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 5 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 6 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 7 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 8 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 9 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 10 of 12) , 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 11 of 12), 2006 [Contact State Legislators] (folder 12 of 12), 2006 box Request box I.A.39 Constituent Services-General [58227], 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence - Graduation Invites , 2003 General Correspondence - Graduation Invites, 2003 General Correspondence - Student Packets, 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters, 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters , 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters , 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters , 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters, 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters , 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters, 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters, 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters, 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters, 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters , 2003 General Correspondence - Scout Letters, 2003 box Request box I.A.40 Constituent Services-General [60126], 2008 [High Fuel Cost Petitions] (folder 1 of 3) [High Fuel Cost Petitions] (folder 2 of 3) [High Fuel Cost Petitions] (folder 3 of 3) [Children's Illustrations - Drought Concerns] , 2007 [Inmate Letters, Parole Requests, General Prision Issues , 2008 [Congratualatory Letters/Requests], 2008 Gold City Bonding, Inc. Plaintiff vs. Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc. (folder 1 of 2), 2006-2008 Gold City Bonding, Inc. Plaintiff vs. Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc. (folder 2 of 2), 2006-2008 [Sign H.B. 670] (folder 1 of 7) , 2008 [Sign H.B. 670] (folder 2 of 7), 2008 [Sign H.B. 670] (folder 3 of 7
), 2008 [Sign H.B. 670] (folder 4 of 7), 2008 [Sign H.B. 670] (folder 5 of 7), 2008 [Sign H.B. 670] (folder 6 of 7), 2008 [Sign H.B. 670] (folder 7 of 7), 2008 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) , 2008 Drought Concerns | Water Treatment , 2008 box Request box I.A.45 Constituent Services-General [58042], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Medicaid], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Children's Health| Peachcare] , 2005 Petition Post Cards [Death Penalty Moratorium], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Death Penalty Moratorium], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Death Penalty Moratorium], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Medicaid Cuts | Family Planning Clinics], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Death Penalty Moriatoriam| School Nurses], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Various - Peachcare Cuts | MARTA |Smokefree Air Act| Hemlock Trees | Libraries | Immigration ] , 2005 Petition Post Cards [Smart Start Plus] , 2005 Petition Post Cards [Smart Start Plus], 2005 Citizen Correspondence [Death Penalty Moratoriam] Petition Post Cards [Women's Healthcare], 2005 Petition Post Cards [Women's Healthcare], 2005 box Request box I.A.40.1 Constituent Services-General [60126] [General Constituent Mail] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [General Constituent Mail] (folder 2 of 2), 2008 [Darfur] (folder 1 of 2), 2008 [Darfur] (folder 2 of 2), 2008 box Request box I.A.41 Constituent Services-General [58228], 2003 General Correspondence - School Nurse Letters (folder 1 of 6), 2003 General Correspondence - School Nurse Letters (folder 2 of 6), 2003 General Correspondence - School Nurse Letters (folder 3 of 6), 2003 General Correspondence - School Nurse Letters (folder 4 of 6), 2003 General Correspondence - School Nurse Letters (folder 5 of 6), 2003 General Correspondence - School Nurse Letters (folder 6 of 6), 2003 box Request box I.A.42 Constituent Services-General [58558], 2005-2006 Legislation (folder 1 of 3), 2005 Legislation (folder 2 of 3), 2005 Legislation (folder 3 of 3), 2005 Department of Early Care and Learning , 2005-2006 Georgia Student Finance Commission (folder 1 of 2), 2005 Georgia Student Finance Commission (folder 2 of 2), 2005 Employee Retirement System | Teachers' Retirement System | Employee Retirement System, 2005 Department of Administrative Services, 2005 Non-Public Post-Secondary Education Commission | Georgia Teaching Authority | Office of Student Achievement , 2005 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS), 2005 Department of Early Care and Learning (DECL) (folder 1 of 2), 2005 Department of Early Care and Learning (folder 2 of 2), 2005 Professional Standards Commission (folder 1 of 3), 2005 Professional Standards Commission (folder 2 of 3), 2005 Professional Standards Commission (folder 3 of 3), 2005 Georgia Lottery Corporation| Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission| Governor's Small Business Center , 2005 [Legislation Advisements] (folder 1 of 3), 2005 [Legislation Advisements] (folder 2 of 3), 2005 [Legislation Advisements] (folder 3 of 3), 2005 box Request box I.A.43 Saturdays with Sonny [58537] Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Cordele, 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Rome (folder 1 of 3) , 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Rome (folder 2 of 3), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Rome (folder 2 of 3), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Rabun, 2003 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Monroe, 2003 June 7 box folder Request box I.A.40 7 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS), 2003 January-October Request box Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Capitol , 2003 February 22 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Capitol , 2003 January 25 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Augusta , 2003 August 23 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Smyrna (folder 1 of 4), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Smyrna (folder 2 of 4), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Smyrna | FFA-FCCLA Center (folder 3 of 4), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Smyrna | Reasons to Veto HB 373 (folder 4 of 4), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Rabun , 2003 November 8 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Capitol, 2003 September 13 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Capitol , 2003 March 29 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) , July 2003 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Canton (folder 1 of 2) , 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Canton (folder 2 of 2) , 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Duluth, 2005 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Milledgeville (folder 1 of 2), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Milledgeville (folder 2 of 2) (1 CD), 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Waycross (folder 1 of 3), 2003 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Waycross (folder 2 of 3), 2003 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Waycross | Prevent Child Abuse Heart of Georgia (folder 3 of 3), 2003 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - Blackshear, 2004 Saturdays with Sonny (SWS) - La Grange, 2003 October 11 box Request box I.A.44 Constituent Services-General [58041] General Correspondence - Teacher's Retirement, Employee's Retirement , 2003 General Correspondence - Department of Administrative Services, 2003 General Correspondence - GA Student Finance, Professional Standards Commission, Thank You Letters, 2003 General Correspondence - Thank You, 2003 General Correspondence - Thank You, 2003 General Correspondence - Thank You, 2003 General Correspondence - Thank You, 2003 General Correspondence - DTAE [Department of Technical and Adult Education], Lottery, NPEC [Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission], Student Achievement, 2003 General Correspondence - Office of School Readiness , 2003 General Correspondence - Office of School Readiness , 2003 General Correspondence - Local Board of Education , 2003 General Correspondence - Legislation , 2003 General Correspondence - Legislation , 2003 General Correspondence - BOR [Board of Regents], GTA [Georgia Technology Authority], GSFIC [Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission], 2003 General Correspondence - BOR [Board of Regents], GTA [Georgia Technology Authority], and GSFIC [Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission], 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 box Request box I.A.46 Constituent Services-General [58064], 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence, 2 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence [Opposition to Reduction of Peachcare Funding for Working Families in Georgia], 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.47 Constituent Services-General [58065] General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence [Atlanta Empowerment Zone Corporation], 2004 box Request box I.A.48 Constituent Services-General [58072], 2004-2005 General Correspondence General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.49 Constituent Services-General [58082] General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 box Request box I.A.50 Constituent Services-Inmate Correspondence [58063] Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services - Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 box Request box I.A.53 Constituent Services-General [58044], 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, I.A.53 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence - Form Letter Petitions, 2004-2005 General Correspondence - Form Letter Petitions, 2004-2005 General Correspondence - Form Letter Petitions, 2004-2005 box Request box I.A.54 Constituent Services-General [58079] Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence - Student Letters and Opinion Ballots, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence - Student Lettors and Opinion Ballots, 2005 box Request box I.A.55 Constituent Services-General [58066], 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 box Request box I.A.56 Constituent Services-General [58052] General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.57 Constituent Services-No Response General [58043], 2004-2005 No Response - General Correspondence , 2005 No Response - General Correspondence, 2005 No Response - General Correspondence, 2005 No Response - General Correspondence, 2005 No Response - General Correspondence , 2005 No Response - General Correspondence, 2005 No Response - General Correspondence , 2005 No Response - General Correspondence , 2004 No Response - General Correspondence , 2004 No Response - General Correspondence, 2004 No Response - General Correspondence , 2004 No Response - General Correspondence , 2004 No Response - General Correspondence , 2004 No Response - General Correspondence, 2004 No Response - General Correspondence, 2004 No Response - General Correspondence , 2005 box Request box I.A.58 Constituent Services-General [58229] General Correspondence - Thank You Letters , 2002-2004 General Correspondence, 2003-2004 State Properties Commission | State Depository Board - Agenda, 2003 General Correspondence - Northern Arc, 2002 General Correspondence - Northern Arc , 2002 General Correspondence - Northern Arc, 2002 General Correspondence - Northern Arc, 2002 General Correspondence - Northern Arc, 2002 General Correspondence - Northern Arc , 2002 General Correspondence - Northern Arc, 2002 box Request box I.A.59 Constituent Services-General [58235] Constituent Services | General Correspondence , 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence , 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence , 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence , 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence , 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Services | General Correspondence , 2003 box Request box I.A.60 Constituent Services-General [Protect the Chattahoochee National Forest] [58533] box Request box I.A.61 Constituent Services-General [58231] Various Correspondence Various Correspondence | Governor's Transition Manuel, 1998 Various Correspondence , 2001 Various Correspondence | Georgia, 2000-2001 Various Correspondence, 1999 Various Correspondence , 2000 Various Correspondence, 2000-2001 Various Correspondence, 1999 Various Correspondence , 1999-2001 Various Correspondence, 1999-2001 box Request box I.A.62 Constituent Services-Legislative [58062] Constituent Correspondence | Smoking Ban Legislation , 2005 June Constituent Correspondence | Smoking Ban Legislation, 2005 June Constituent Correspondence | Smoking Ban Legislation , 2005 June Constituent Correspondence | Smoking Ban Legislation , 2005 June Constituent Correspondence | Smoking Ban Legislation , 2005 June Constituent Correspondence | Smoking Ban Legislation , 2005 June Constituent Correspondence | Re: HB 98, 2005 Constituent Correspondence | Re: HB 98, 2005 Constituent Correspondence | Re: HB 98, 2005I.A.62 Constituent Correspondence | Re: HB 98, 2005 Constituent Correspondence | Re: HB 221, 2005 Constituent Correspondence | Re: HB 244, 2005 Constituent Correspondence | Re: 4H Thank You's , 2005 box Request box I.A.63 Constituent Services-General [58233] Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence , 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence, 2003 Various Correspondence , 2003 Various Correspondence , 2003 Various Correspondence , 2003 box Request box I.A.64 Constituent Services-General [58046], 2004-2005 General Correspondence - Teacher's Retirement, Misc., 2004 General Correspondence - Department of Early Care and Learning, 2004 General Correspondence - Department of Early Care and Learning , 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence - DOE [Department of Education], 2004 General Correspondence - Professional Standards, 2004 General Correspondence - Education, 2004 box Request box I.A.65 Constituent Services-Greeting [58050], 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence - Birthdays, Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence - Birthdays, Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence - Birthdays, Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence - Eagle Scouts , 2005 General Correspondence - Cohen Investigation , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 Governor's Guest Book , 2005 General Correspondence - BRAC, Mexico Mission, 2005 box Request box I.A.66 Constituent Services-General [58059], 2004-2005 General Correspondence - Graduation Invites, 2005 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.67 Constituent Services-General [Surafel Assaminew Shooting |Ethiopian American Community] [58223]
, 2003 box Request box I.A.68 Constituent Services-General [58234] General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.69 Constituent Services-General [58045], 2004-2005 Thank You - Acknowledgement - Legislative Issues (folder 1 of 3), 2004 Thank You - Acknowledgement - Legislative Issues (folder 2 of 3), 2004 Thank You - Acknowledgement - Legislative Issues (folder 3 of 3), 2004 Budget - Medicaid Prescription Letters (folder 1 of 6), 2005 Budget - Medicaid Prescription Letters (folder 2 of 6) Budget - Medicaid Prescription Letters (folder 3 of 6), 2005 Budget - Medicaid Prescription Letters (folder 4 of 6), 2005 Budget - Medicaid Prescription Letters (folder 5 of 6), 2005 Budget - Medicaid Prescription Letters (folder 6 of 6), 2005 HB 98 (folder 1 of 3), 2005 HB 98 (folder 2 of 3), 2005 HB 98 (folder 3 of 3), 2005 Rabun Library, 2005 Smoking Ban, 2005 box Request box I.A.70 Constituent Services-General [58230] General Correspondence - State Flag, 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag, 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag , 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag, 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag , 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag, 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag , 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag , 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag, 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag, 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag , 2003 General Correspondence - State Flag , 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 State vs. Jones , 1994-1995 State vs. Jones, 1994-1995 box Request box I.A.71 Constituent Services-General [58224], 2003 [NRA Institute for Legislative Action] (folder 1 of 7), 2003 [NRA Institute for Legislative Action] (folder 2 of 7), 2003 [NRA Insittute for Legislative Action] (folder 3 of 7), 2003 [NRA Institute for Legislative Action] (folder 4 of 7), 2003 [NRA Institute for Legislative Action] (folder 5 of 7), 2003 [NRA Institute for Legislative Action] (folder 6 of 7), 2003 [NRA Institute for Legislative Action] (folder 7 of 7), 2003 [Smart Start Plus - Gwinnett County] (folder 1 of 3), 2003 [Smart Start Plus - Gwinnett County] (folder 2 of 3), 2003 [Smart Start Plus - Gwinnett County] (folder 3 of 3), 2003 [Juvenile Justice System], 2003I.A.71 [Smart Start Plus - Paulding County] , 2003 Home Healthcare| Medicare, 2003 [Misc. - Georgia Flag Vote| HB 899| Impeach Keller| Mothers Against Drunk Driving], 2003 box Request box I.A.72 Constituent Services-Department of Education [57871], 2003-2004 HOPE Scholarship Correspondence, 2004 Department of Education Correspondence, 2003 Department of Education Correspondence, 2003 Department of Education Correspondence, 2004 Department of Education Correspondence, 2004 Department of Education Correspondence , 2004 Department of Education Correspondence, 2003 Professional Standards Commission Correspondence, 2003 Professional Standards Commission Correspondence, 2003 Professional Standards Commission Correspondence, 2003 Professional Standards Commission Correspondence, 2003 Professional Standards Commission Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.73 Constituent Services-General [57870]
, 2003 box folder Request box I.A.72 1 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 2 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 3 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 4 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 5 Constituent Services - General Correspondence , 2003 I.A.72 6 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 7 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 8 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 9 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 10 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 11 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 12 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 13 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 I.A.72 14 Constituent Services - General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.74 Constituent Services-Inmate General [57873], 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners , 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 Letters from Prisoners, 2004 box Request box I.A.75 Constituent Services-Department of Education [57884], 2003 Constituent Services - Education Issues , 2003 January - February Constituent Services - Education Issues, 2003 March box Request box I.A.76 Constituent Services-Department of Education [58039] Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence , 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence , 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.77 Constituent Services-General [58222], 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.78 Constituent Services-General [58054] General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.79 Constituent Services-General [58058] General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence, 2004 General Correspondence - Medicaid
, 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid , 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid , 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid, 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid, 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid , 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid, 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid, 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid , 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid , 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid , 2005 General Correspondence - Medicaid, 2005 box Request box I.A.80 Constituent Services-No Reply [58877] Constituent Correspondence - No Response , 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response , 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response, 2003-2004 box Request box I.A.81 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7049], 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.82 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7019], 2003 Constituent Services - Thank You Letters (folder 1 of 6), 2003 March - April Constituent Services - Thank You Letters (folder 2 of 6), 2003 March - April Constituent Services - Thank You Letters (folder 3 of 6), 2003 March - April Constituent Services - Thank You Letters (folder 6 of 6), 2003 March - April Constituent Services - Thank You Letters (folder 5 of 6), 2003 March - April Constituent Services - Thank You Letters (folder 6 of 6), 2003 box Request box I.A.83 Constituent Services-Inmate Correspondence [DOC-7025], 2003-2004 Inmate Correspondence, 2003-2004 box folder Request box I.A.85 2 Inmate Correspondence, 2003-2004 I.A.85 3 Inmate Correspondence, 2003-2004 I.A.85 4 Inmate Correspondence , 2003-2004 box Request box I.A.84 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7023], 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence , 2003 Citizen Correspondence, 2003 Citizen Correspondence , 2003 box Request box I.A.85 Constituent Services-Inmate Correspondence [DOC-7033], 2004-2005 Constituent Services, Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services, Inmate Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services, Inmate Correspondence , 2004-2005 Constituent Services, Inmate Correspondence, 2004-2005 box Request box I.A.86 Constituent Services-Department of Education GSFC [Gerogia State Financial Commission], 2003 September GSFC [Georgia State Financial Commission], 2003 October GSFC [Georgia State Financial Commission], 2003 November GSFC [Georgia State Financial Commission] (folder 1 of 2), 2003 December GSFC [Georgia State Financial Commission] (folder 2 of 2) box Request box I.A.87 Constituent Services-General , 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 October-June Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.88 Constituent Services-General , 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.90 Constituent Services-Department of Education , 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions , 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 Petitions, 2004 box Request box I.A.91 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7058], 2003 Constituent Services Correspondence/Community Health, 2003 State Flag Correspondence State Flag Correspondence, 2003 State Flag Correspondence, 2002 box Request box I.A.92 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7036], 2003-2004 General Correspondence - Anonymous, 2003 General Correspondence - Roadless Areas , 2004 General Correspondence - Fulton County Office of Child Protection , 2004 General Correspondence - Nursing Homes, 2004 box Request box I.A.93 Constituent Services-General [58057], 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.94 Constituent Services-General [58053] Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.95 Constituent Services-General [58069], 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence, 2004-2005 Constituent Services General Correspondence Constituent Services General Correspondence box Request box I.A.96 Constituent Services-General [58068] General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.97 Constituent Services-General [57869], 2003 Inmate Related Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 October - November Constituent Correspondence, 2003 November 7 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence -Tobacco Use, 2003 November Constituent Correspondence, 2003 May-June Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence , 2003 Constituent Correspondence Complaints, Comments, 2003 September - October Comments and Complaints, 2003 Comments and Complaints, 2003 Comments and Complaints, 2003 Comments and Complaints, 2003 Comments and Complaints, 2003 Comments and Complaints, 2003 box Request box I.A.99 Constituent Services-Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 Inmate Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.100 Constituent Services-General [57875] Constituent Services General Correspondence - Emails (folder 1 of 6), 2003 September - October Constituent Services General Correspondence - Emails (folder 2 of 6), 2003 September - October Constituent Services General Correspondence - Emails (folder 3 of 6) Constituent Services General Correspondence - Emails (folder 4 of 6), 2003 September - October Constituent Services General Correspondence - Emails (folder 5 of 6), 2003 September - October Constituent Services General Correspondence - Emails (folder 6 of 6), 2003 September - October Constituent Services General Correspondence - A-J Emails (folder 1 of 5), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - A-J Emails (folder 2 of 5), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - A-J Emails (folder 3 of 5), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - A-J Emails (folder 4 of 5), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - A-J Emails (folder 5 of 5), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - K-Z Emails (folder 1 of 4), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - K-Z Emails (folder 2 of 4), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - K-Z Emails (folder 3 of 4), 2003 November - December Constituent Services General Correspondence - K-Z Emails (folder 4 of 4), 2003 November - December box Request box I.A.101 Constituent Services-General [57993], 2003-2005 General Correspondence - No Response , 2004 General Correspondence - No Response , 2004 General Correspondence - No Response, 2005 General Correspondence - No Response , 2005 General Correspondence - No Response, 2005 General Correspondence - No Response, 2005 General Correspondence - No Response, 2005 General Correspondence - No Response, 2005 General Correspondence - No Response, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2003-2005 General Correspondence, 2003-2005 General Correspondence, 2003-2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.102 Constituent Services-Legislative/Budget, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2004-2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.103 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7022], 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.104 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7032], 2005 July - August Constituent Correspondence, 2005 July - August Constituent Correspondence , 2005 July - August Constituent Correspondence, 2005 July - August Constituent Correspondence, 2005 July - August box Request box I.A.105 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7061], 2002-2005 General Correspondence [2 VHS], 2005 General Correspondence - Silt Saver | "A Better Way" [1 VHS], 2002 General Correspondence - Angel Food Ministires [1 VHS], 2004 General Correspondence - 1) America's Flags 2) Matt Cracken - Pollution Project [2 Cassettes], 2004 General Correspondence - 1) Witness to an Execution 2) TAE Execution Tapes [2 CDs], 2003 General Correspondence - Video Tape NCP Miracle II [1 VHS], 2003 box Request box I.A.106 Constituent Services-General Correspondence [58073], 2002-2003 General Correspondence - TUPS [Tobacco Use Prevention Section], 2003 General Correspondence, 2002-2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 Death Penalty Moratorium (folder 1 of 6), 2003 Death Penalty Moratorium (folder 2 of 6), 2003 Death Penalty Moratorium (folder 3 of 6), 2003 Death Penalty Moratorium (folder 4 of 6), 2003 Death Penalty Moratorium (folder 5 of 6), 2003 Death Penalty Moratorium (folder 6 of 6), 2005 box Request box I.A.107 Constituent Services-General [58078], 2005 General Correspondence - Guest Book (folder 1 of 2), 2003-2005 General Correspondnece - Guest Book (folder 2 of 2), 2003-2005 Request box General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box folder Request box I.A.108 1 Constituent Services-General [57876], 2004 Constituent Services - Nursing Home Provider Bed Fee, 2004 June Constituent Services Guest Book Signers, 2004 Business Insight , 2004 Commission for a New Georgia, 2004 ABATE of Georgia (American Bikers), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - Nursing Homes, 2004 Constituent Correspondence - Abortion Constituent Correspondence - Anonymous, 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 1 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 2 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 3 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 4 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 5 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 6 of 13) Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 9 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response [Planet Feedback] (folder 10 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 11 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 12 of 13), 2004 Constituent Correspondence - No Response (folder 13 of 13), 2004 box Request box I.A.109 Constituent Services-General [57874], 2003 Thank You Letters (folder 1 of 3), 2003 May - July Thank You Letters (folder 2 of 3), 2003 May - July Thank You Letters , 2003 May Yellow Ribbon (folder 1 of 2), 2003 Accreditiation, 2003 Miscellaneous (folder 1 of 4), 2003 January - April Miscellaneous (folder 2 of 4), 2003 January - April Miscellaneous (folder 3 of 4), 2003 January - April Miscellaneous (folder 2 of 5), 2003 May - July Miscellaneous (folder 3 of 5), 2003 May- July Miscellaneous (folder 3 of 3), 2003 May-July Taylor County High Prom (folder 1 of 3), 2003 May Taylor County High Prom (folder 2 of 3), 2003 May Emails (folder 1 of 4) , 2003 July - September Emails (folder 2 of 4), 2003 July - September Emails (folder 3 of 4), 2003 July - September box Request box I.A.110 Constituent Services-General [57879] Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 1 of 8) , 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 2 of 8), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 3 of 8), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 4 of 8), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 5 of 8), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 6 of 8), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 7 of 8), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 1 of 5), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 2 of 5), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 3 of 5), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 4 of 5), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 5 of 5), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 1 of 3), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 2 of 3), 2005 Constituent Services/ No Response (Folder 3 of 3), 2005 box Request box I.A.111 Constituent Services-General [58226] General Correspondence - Dooley/ Adams , 2003 General Coorespondence - Dooly/ Adams , 2003 General Coorespondence - Dooly/ Adams , 2003 General Coorespondence - Maynard Jackson , 2003 General Coorespondence , 2003 General Coorespondence - Photo Requests , 2003 General Coorespondence - Photo Requests , 2003 General Coorespondence - ATL Sewers , 2003 General Coorespondence - ATL Sewers , 2003 General Coorespondence - ATL Sewers , 2003 General Coorespondence - ATL Sewers , 2003 General Coorespondence - Photo Requests , 2003 General Coorespondence - Photo Requests , 2003 General Coorespondence - Student Packets , 2003 General Coorespondence - Pledge of [allegiance], 2003 General Coorespondence - Pledge of [allegiance], 2003 General Coorespondence - Pledge of [allegiance], 2003 General Coorespondence - Pledge , 2003 General Correspondence - Pledge , 2003 General Correspondence - Pledge , 2003 box Request box I.A.112 Constituent Services-General [58038], 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 box Request box I.A.113 Constituent Services-General [58098] Constituent Correspondence Re Crossroad , 2005 Constituent Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Correspondence, 2005 Inmate Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Correspondence/ Inmate Correspondence Constituent Correspondence/ Inmate Correspondence, 2005 Constituent Correspondence/ Inmate Correspondence box Request box I.A.114 Constituent Services-General [58232] Constituent Correspondence to Gov. Elect Perdue, Nov-Dec 2002 Constituent Correspondence to Gov. Elect Perdue, Nov-Dec 2002 Constituent Correspondence to Gov. Elect Perdue, Nov-Dec 2002 Constituent Correspondence to Gov. Elect Perdue, Nov-Dec 2002 Constituent Correspondence to Gov. Elect Perdue, Nov-Sec 2002 Constituent Correspondence to Gov. Elect Perdue, Nov 2002-Jan 2003 Constituent Correspondence to Gov. Elect Perdue, Nov 2002-Jan 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 Constituent Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.116 Constituent Services-General [58080] General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 box Request box I.A.117 Constituent Services-General [57995] Greetings , 2005 Greetings/Thanks, 2005 Guestbook, 2005 Greetings/Thanks/Happy Birthday Correspondence Greetings/ Thanks Thank You Cards/ Greetings Thanks/ Greetings Greetings/ Thanks (General) Correspondence/ Complaints/ Thanks General Correspondence Thanks/ Greetings/ Complaints 1) Letter of Thanks from President Bush, 2) Karl Rove, 3) British Prime Minister Tony Blair, 4) Jeb Bush, 5) Roy Barnes, 6) V.P. of Buenos Aires, 7) Mexico's President Fox Correspondence/ Thanks/ Greetings/ Congratulations General Correspondence Thanks/ Greetings. etc. Correspondence Thanks/ Greetings/ Petition Correspondence Correspondence Thanks/ Birthdays/ Anniversary Happy Birthday Correspondence box Request box I.A.124 Constituent Services-General [58077] Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 Constituent Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence- "No Baxton By-Pass Committee" Petitions , 2005 General Correspondence- "No Baxton By-Pass Committee" Petitions , 2005 General Correspondence- "No Baxton By-Pass Committee" Petitions , 2005 General Correspondence- Eminent Domain Dispute between City of Duluth, GA and Steve Thomas, 2005 General Correspondence- Hurricane Katrina, 2005 box Request box I.A.118 Constituent Services-General [58070] General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence- Gay Marriage , 2003/2004 General Correspondence- Gay Marriage , 2004 General Correspondence- Gay Marriage , 2004 General Correspondence- Gay Marriage , 2004 General Correspondence- Nursing Homes , 2004 General Correspondence- Nursing Homes , 2004 General Correspondence- Nursing Homes , 2004 General Correspondence- Blue Crab Fishery Crisis , 2004 General Correspondence- Ocean Policy , 2004 General Correspondence- Ocean Policy , 2004 General Correspondence- Ocean Policy , 2004 General Correspondence- Lake Lanier , 2004 General Correspondence- Lake Lanier , 2004 General Correspondence- Lake Lanier , 2004 box Request box I.A.119 Constituent Services-General [58236] General Correspondence- Foreign Languages in Elementary School , 2002-2003 General Correspondence- Foreign Languages in Elementary School , 2002-2003 General Correspondence- Foreign Languages in Elementary School , 2002-2003 General Correspondence- Foreign Languages in Elementary School , 2002-2003 General Correspondence- Foreign Languages in Elementary School , 2002-2003 General Correspondence- Foreign Languages in Elementary School , 2002-2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.120 Constituent Services-General [58237] Information Technology Expenditures Report FY, 2002 Constituent Services General Correspondence box Request box I.A.121 Constituent Services-General [58071] Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence Constituent Correspondence box Request box I.A.122 Constituent Services-General [58074] General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 box Request box I.A.123 Constituent Services-General [57857] Peachcare Prison Ministry Louise Toombs/ Angry Teacher State Health Benefit Plan S.H.A.R.E. [Speech, Hearing, and Rehabilitation Enterprises] Dead Beat Dads State Employee Retirement Shayan Karim Fazal/ No Response No Response/ Antioch Church No Response Letters (CC:Gov. Office) No Response Letters (CC:Gov. Office) No Response Letters (CC:Gov. Office) No Response Letters (CC:Gov. Office) No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters No Response Letters Returned Letters box Request box I.A.125 Constituent Services-General [58081] General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 General Correspondence- Request/Regrets , 2005 box Request box I.A.126 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7027] General Correspondence- Education , 2004 General Correspondence- Education , 2004 General Correspondence- Education , 2004 box Request box I.A.127 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7052] Governor's Subject Tiles- Guest Book Registers , July- August 2005 Governor's Correspondence- Occassion Letters , August-Oct 2005 Governor's Correspondence- Occassion Letters , Aug-Oct 2005 Governor's Correspondence- Occassion Letters , Aug-Oct 2005 Governor's Correspondence- Occassion Letters , Aug-Oct 2005 box Request box I.A.128 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7037] General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence , 2003 box Request box I.A.129 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7055] State vs. Jones General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence- Larry Moon Petitions , 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.130 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7024] Constituent Correspondence (1 of 4) Constituent Correspondence (2 of 4) Constituent Service General Correspondence (3 of 4), 2003 Constituent Service General Correspondence (4 of 4), 2003 box Request box I.A.131 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7056] Various Correspondence CY, 2003 Various Correspondence CY, 2003 Various Correspondence CY, 2003 box Request box I.A.132 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7029] Governor's Guest Book , 2005 General Correspondence- Birthdays, Eagle Scouts , 2005 General Correspondence- Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence- Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence- Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence- Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence- Eagle Scouts, 2005 General Correspondence, 2005 box Request box I.A.133 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7031] General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 box Request box I.A.134 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7054] General Correspondence , 2003 General Correspondence - Pledge , 2003 General Correspondence- Photos/ Student Packets , 2003 General Correspondence- Photos/ Student Packets , 2003 General Correspondence- Dedey/ Adams, 2003 General Correspondence- Dedey/ Adams, 2003 box Request box I.A.135 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7059] General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2002 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.136 Constituent Services-General [DOC-7050] General Correspondence- Regrets/ Requests, 2005 General Correspondence- Regrets/ Requests, 2005 General Correspondence- Regrets/ Requests, 2005 General Correspondence- Regrets/ Requests, 2005 General Correspondence- Regrets/ Requests, 2005 box Request box I.A.137 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1057] Petition Post Cards box Request box I.A.138 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1067] General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.139 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1066] General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 General Correspondence, 2003 box Request box I.A.140 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1065] Governors Subject Files- GBA Work Order Summary Report with Response ti Open Records Request , 2003 Governors Subject Files- GBA Work Order Summary Report with Response ti Open Records Request , 2003 box Request box I.A.141 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1063] General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 General Correspondence , 2004 box Request box I.A.142 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1064] General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 General Correspondence , 2005 box Request box I.A.143 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1060] State Dept of Education- F.E. Land- State School Supervison's Expense Account , 1915-1923 State Dept of Education- J.O. Martin - State School Supervison's Expense Account , 1915-1923 box Request box I.A.144 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1058], 2004 [General] Correspondence , 2004 [General] Correspondence, 2004 [General] Correspondence, 2004 box Request box I.A.145 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1056] Constituent Services- No Response, 2004 Constituent Services- No Response, 2003-2004 box Request box I.A.146 Constituent Services-General [DOC2-1055] Comments and Complaints , 2004 Comments and Complaints , 2004 Comments and Complaints , 2004 Comments and Complaints , 2004 [Budgets] box folder Request box I.A.147 1 [The Governor's Budget Report - Amended Fiscal Year 2003], 2003 I.A.147 2 [The Governor's Budget Report - Fiscal Year 2004], 2004 I.A.147 3 [The Governor's Budget Report - Fiscal Year 2005], 2005 I.A.147 4 [The Governor's Budget Report - Amended FY 2005 and FY 2006], 2005-2006 [Karen Handel, Deputy Chief of Staff] box folder Request box I.A.147 5 Grady Board of Visitors, 2003 I.A.147 6 [Governor's Office of Highway Safety], 2002-2003 I.A.147 7 [Junior Achievement of Georgia], 2002 I.A.147 8 [National Governor's Association], 2003 I.A.147 9 [A Supervisor's Guide to Worker's Compensation], circa 2000 I.A.147 10 Safety Coordination Package, circa 2003 I.A.147 11-12 [Correspondence, clippings and notes], 2002-2003 folder Request folder I.A.148 [Tri-fold panel with congratulatory letters and cards, photographs, and ephemera related to the 2002 election] [1 of 4], 2002 November folder Request folder I.A.149 [Tri-fold panel with congratulatory letters and cards, photographs, and ephemera related to the 2002 election] [2 of 4], 2002 November folder Request folder I.A.150 [Tri-fold panel with congratulatory letters and cards, photographs, and ephemera related to the 2002 election] [3 of 4], 2002 November folder Request folder I.A.151 [Tri-fold panel with congratulatory letters and cards, photographs, and ephemera related to the 2002 election] [4 of 4], 2002 November electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 1 [Subject Files] [digital files], 2003-2010 Subjects include events, GEMA [Georgia Emergency Management Agency], government operations, SSAS [Single Statewide Accountability System] awards, and transportation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 2 [Subject Files] [digital files], 2007 Subjects include international travel by the governor, interviews, state tax collection, trade, transportation, and water conservation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 3 [Subject Files] [digital files], 2008 Subjects include education, international travel by the governor, and transportation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 4 Agency Proposals [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 5 Budget [digital files], 2005-2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 6 COO Agency Legislation [digital files], 2008 External Affairs [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 7 African American Outreach [digital files], 2004-2007
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 8 American Cancer Society [digital files], 2003-2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 9 Asian Commission [digital files], 2003-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 10 Biographies for Introductions [digital files], 2005-2007 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 11 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2003 Subjects include businesses and community service.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 12 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2004 Subjects include businesses, and to a lesser extent cultural events and higher education.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 13 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2005 Subjects include businesses, travel around Georgia, visits to churches, and to a lesser extent community service, cultural events, education, healthcare, and technology.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 14 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2006 Subjects include businesses, K-12 education, visits to churches, and to a lesser extent community events, community service, the criminal justice system, education, and transportation infrastructure.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 15 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2007 Subjects include businesses, and to a lesser extent meeting with community leaders, cultural events, and water conservation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 16 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2008 Subjects include businesses, and to a lesser extent athletic events and the governor's quail hunt.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 17 Congestion Task Force [digital files], undated electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 18 Donna Thompson [digital files], 2005-2006 Includes briefings for Perdue speaking events, federal agency funding requests, and correspondence.
View an inventory of this folder online.
Events [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 19 College Savings Event [digital files], 2003 ER 19 Event Opportunity Summaries (drafts) [digital files], 2003
Scope and Contents note
Events include the Latin Grammy Awards, Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, and Sales Tax Holiday.
ER 19 Georgia Higher Education College Savings Plan [digital files], 2003 ER 19 January 2004 Fly Around [digital files], 2004 ER 19 Bill Signing Events [digital files], 2005 ER 19 [Meetings and Town Halls] [digital files], 2006 ER 19 Attorney General Gonzales Meth Town Hall [digital files], 2006 ER 19 Veterinary School Reunion [digital files], 2006 ER 19 [General] [digital files], 2007 ER 19 Air Force Week [digital files], 2007 ER 19 Amazing Grace Screening [digital files], 2007 ER 19 Business Leadership Breakfast [digital files], 2007 ER 19 National Prayer Day [digital files], 2007 ER 19 2008 [Meals] [digital files], 2008 ER 19 Education Events [digital files], 2004-2007 ER 19 KLK Fly Around Information [digital files], 2003-2004 ER 19 Prayer Vigil [digital files], 2005 ER 19 State of the State [digital files], 2004-2008 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 20 Faith-Based [digital files], 2004-2007 FLOG [First Lady of Georgia] [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 21 Briefings [digital files], 2003-2010
Scope and Contents note
About events Mrs. Perdue would attend, most related to elementary school education, children, youth, reading, and civic groups.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 22 Children's Cabinet [digital files], 2002-2007
Scope and Contents note
Subjects include graduation rates, EITC [Earned Income Tax Credit] campaign, foster care, TeenWork program, and meeting minutes.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 23 Correspondence [digital files], 2004-2005
Scope and Contents note
Includes thank you and congratulation form letters for foster parents, graduates, new parents, newlyweds, and form letters for accepting or declining invitations.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 24 FLOG [First Lady of Georgia] Documents [digital files], undated
Scope and Contents note
Includes capitol history and Mrs. Perdue introduction.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 25 G8 [digital files], 2004
Scope and Contents note
Subjects include meeting etiquette and the protection of Loggerhead Turtles.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 26 Mansion [digital files], 2003-2004
Scope and Contents note
About events, including Christmas, Easter Egg Hunt, and Congressional Spouses Luncheon.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 27 Mansion Foundation [digital files], 2005-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 28 NGA [National Governors Association] [digital files], 2003-2007
Scope and Contents note
Includes SGA [Southern Governors' Association] Conference 2004.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 29 Our Children Campaign [digital files], 2004-2008
Scope and Contents note
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 30 Policy [digital files], 2004-2006
Scope and Contents note
Subjects include Foster Parent Month, National Make a Difference Day, and Prom Dress Drive.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 31 Press [digital files], 2003-2007
Scope and Contents note
Includes op-eds and files about foster care.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 32 G8 Summit [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 33 Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity [digital files], undated electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 34 Georgia Ports Authority [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 35 Georgia Council on Aging [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 36 Hands On Georgia [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 37 HIV AIDS Study Group from Africa [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 38 Hurricane Katrina [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 39 Interagency Homelessness Council [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 40 Julie Misc Files [Julie Smith] [digital files], 2005-2006 Includes files on the governors' reunion, congratulation letters, and invitations. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 41 Kathleen [Kathleen Tonore Bowen] [digital files], 2004-2005 Subjects include SGA [Southern Governor's Association] and briefings about businesses, the economy, cultural events, and meetings.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 42 Latino Commission [digital files], 2004-2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 43 Lauren Bellamy [digital files], 2003 Includes congratulations letters to Georgians who are being honored and thank you letters to participants following events. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 44 Letters [digital files], 2004-2008 Includes congratulations letters to Georgians who are being honored and thank you letters to participants following events. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 45 Memorial Day Ceremony [digital files], 2008-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 46 Mentor Protege Program [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 47 Minority Enterprise Development Week [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 48 Miscellaneous [digital files], 2006 Includes staff lists and files on the reauthorization of TEA-21 (Transportation Equality Act for the 21st Century). electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 49 MLK Commission [Martin Luther King, Jr.] [digital files], 2003-2005 Majority are files related to the state holiday program. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 50 National Youth Connection Atlanta [digital files], 2003-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 51 Oglethorpe Award [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 52 One Georgia Authority [digital files], 2003-2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 53 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2003-2004 Subjects include Delta Air Lines 75th Anniversary, ground breaking for Antioch Baptist Church Northside Village Apartments, and the National Black Arts Festival. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 54 Press Releases [digital files], 2006-2009 Subjects include Altea Therapeutics locating new headquarters in Atlanta and the intern announcement. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 55 Racial Reconciliation Sessions [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 56 Redistricting Task Force [digital files], 2003-2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 57 Sales Tax Holiday [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 58 SGA [Southern Governors' Association] [digital files], 2004-2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 59 State of the State [digital files], 2009-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 60 Super Speeder [digital files], 2007 About additional fines for speeding to reduce traffic accidents. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 61 Surrogates [digital files], 2008 About sending staff to events to represent the governor. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 62 Traffic Camera Reports [digital files], 2008 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 63 US President Visit [President George W. Bush] [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 64 Week in Review [digital files], 2006 Includes member lists for Chambers Development Authority and commissioners. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 1053 The Governor's Budget Report - Amended FY 2006 and FY 2007 [digital files], 2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 65 Interns [digital files], 2004-2009 Includes new intern announcements, a handbook on how to be a public servant, and the governor's answers to common questions from citizens. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 66 Letters [digital files], 2006-2010 Includes thank you letters, congratulations, and greetings to civic groups, businesses, schools, the military, and individuals. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 67 Mansion [digital files], 2008-2010 Policy Fellows Interns [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 68 Fall 2007 Amy Lawrence [digital files], 2007 Subjects include health and transportation. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 69 Fall 2007 Laura Perkins [digital files], 2007 Subjects include law enforcement and water. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 70 Fall 2008 Katie Rogers [digital files], 2008 Subjects include education, health, and transportation. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 71 Fall 2008 Laney Ey [digital files], 2008 Subjects include education. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 72 Fall 2008 Stephen Taylor [digital files], 2008 Subjects include mental health, property tax, and water. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 73 Spring 2008 Bethany [digital files], 2008 Subjects include aging, health and human services, and Senate and House committees. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 74 Spring 2008 Cristina Fernandez [digital files], 2008 Subjects include education. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 75 Spring 2009 Jason Coleman [digital files], 2009 Subjects include education. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 76 Spring 2009 John VanBrunt [digital files], 2009 Subjects include transportation. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 77 Spring 2009 Nathan Tyre [digital files], 2009 Subjects include community health centers, mental health, and water. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 78 Spring 2010 Greg Wilson [digital files], 2010 Subjects include methane, the Olmstead Planning Committee, and public safety. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 79 Spring 2010 Jason Karasik Fellow [digital files], 2010 Subjects include education. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 80 Spring 2010 Jonathan Miller [digital files], 2010 Subjects include guns. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 81 Spring 2010 Kristie Champlin [digital files], 2010 Subjects include Department of Corrections, guns, the judiciary, and mortgage fraud. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 82 Spring 2010 Matt Baxter Greg and Jonathan [digital files], 2010 Subjects include tax reform and tourism. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 83 Spring 2010 Transportation Greg and Jonathan [digital files], 2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 84 Summer 2007 Amy Loy [digital files], 2007 Subjects include healthcare. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 85 Summer 2007 Erin Hames [digital files], 2007 Subjects include education. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 86 Summer 2007 Hannah Heck [digital files], 2007 Subjects include income tax, property tax, sales tax, and tobacco tax. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 87 Summer 2007 Misty Giles [digital files], 2007 Subjects include police officer salaries, prisons, and southeastern demographics. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 88 Summer 2008 [digital files], 2008 Subjects include China and four day school weeks. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 89 Summer 2008 Hannah [digital files], 2008 Subjects include China briefing package, high risk insurance pools, "Kids Count" report, and Georgia tax revenue. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 90 Summer 2009 [digital files], 2009 Subjects include behavioral health and the census. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 91 Summer 2010 Julianna Peterson [digital files], 2010 Subjects include foster children and healthcare. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 92 Summer Winter 2008 Sara Johnson [digital files], 2008 Subjects include education, employment, energy, transportation, and water. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 93 RT3 Program [digital files], 2009-2010 About the Race to the Top grant proposal for education improvement. Scott Brown -Erin [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 94 Bill Summaries [digital files], 2009-2010 About education bills. ER 94 Co-op [Youth Apprenticeship Program] [digital files], 2008 ER 94 County Dropout Rate Data Analysis [Education] [digital files], 2008 ER 94 HOPE [digital files], 2008 About the ability of students to retain their HOPE scholarships throughout their college education. ER 94 No Excuses [digital files], 2008 About factors allowing schools with high poverty to also be high achieving. ER 94 Tax Credits [digital files], 2008 About how to facilitate choice in schools through tax credits for education costs. Scott Brown -Misty Summer 2008 [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 95 Cargo Theft [digital files], 2008 ER 95 JJ [Juvenile] Workforce Development [digital files], 2008 ER 95 Juvenile Parole Boards [digital files], 2008 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 96 Session Agency Legislation [digital files], 2009-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 97 Talking Points [digital files], 2003-2010 Subjects include education, healthcare, and labor.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 98 Transportation [digital files], 2008 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 99 Work Ready [digital files], 2008-2010 Includes job profile summaries by colleges.
View an inventory of this folder online.
Workforce Development [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 100 ARRA [American Recovery and Reinvestment Act] [digital files], 2009-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 101 Award Nomination Forms [digital files], 2008-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 102 Be Work Ready [digital files], 2009-2011 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 103 Blake Underwood [digital files], 2009-2011 Subjects include BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure], career pathways, and the Census Outreach Committee. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 104 Bradley Rogers [digital files], 2010 Subjects include basic computer training, BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure], and high school graduation rates. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 105 Certified Work Ready Facilities [digital files], 2009-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 106 Cherry Peterson [digital files], 2010 Includes CAA encumbrance (financial) records. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 107 Customer Service [digital files], 2009-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 108 Debra Lyons [digital files], 2010 About Georgia Work Ready Program. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 109 Get Work Ready Month [digital files], 2009-2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 110 Hire Work Ready [digital files], 2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 111 Jo Anne Berry [digital files], 2009-2010 Includes CWRC (Certified Work Ready Community) and WIG (expenditure and skills gap) reports. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 112 Kate Russell [digital files], 2010-2011 Includes grant applications. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 113 Military Spouse CAA [Career Advancement Accounts] [digital files], 2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 114 Patt Stonehouse [digital files], 2010 B. Scheduling (Record Group 001-01-05)box Request box I.B.21 Accepted Invitations, 2003-2010 [Accepted Invitations], 2004 [Accepted Invitations], 2005 [Accepted Invitations], 2006 [Accepted Invitations], 2007 [Accepted Invitations], 2008 [Accepted Invitations], 2009 [Accepted Invitations], 2010 box Request box I.B.1 Regrets [57313], 2003 May – July 5 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2004 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 box folder Request box I.B.4 1 Regrets [57314], 2003 September 22 – October 31 Request box Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 2 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 3 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 4 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 5 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 6 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 7 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 8 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 9 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 10 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 11 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 12 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 13 Regrets, 2003 I.B.2 14 Regrets , 2003 I.B.2 15 Regrets, 2003 box Request box I.B.3 Regrets [57315], 2002-2003 Regrets, 2002-2003 Regrets, 2002 Regrets, 2002 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2002-2003 Regrets , 2002 Regrets , 2003 box Request box I.B.4 Regrets [57316], 2002 December – 2003 January Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 box Request box I.B.5 Regrets [57308], 2003 November 1 – 16 Regrets , 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets , 2003 box Request box I.B.6 Regrets [57309], 2003 February 15 – March 31 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 box Request box I.B.7 Regrets [57310], 2003 November 17 – December 31 Regrets, 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets , 2003 box Request box I.B.8 Regrets [57311], 2003 November 17 – December 31 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 box Request box I.B.9 Regrets [57312], 2003 July 6 – September 22 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 box Request box I.B.10 Regrets [DOC7053], 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets , 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 Regrets, 2003 box Request box I.B.11 Regrets [57860], 2004 March 8 – April 25 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2004 April 19-24 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 April 19-25 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 April 19-25 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2004 April 12-18 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 April 12-18 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 April 12-18 Regrets, 2004 April 5-11 Regrets (folder 1 of 2), 2004 April 1-4 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 April 1-4 Regrets (folder 1 of 2), 2004 March 22-31 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), March 22-31 Regrets (folder 1 of 2), March 15-21 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 March 15-21 Regrets (folder 1 of 2), 2004 March 8-14 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 March 8-14 box Request box I.B.12 Regrets [57861], 2004 January 1 – March 7 Regrets - January 1-4 Events, 2003 Regrets - January 5-11 Events, 2003-2004 Regrets - (Event Dates), 2004 January 12-18 Regrets - Jan 19-25 Events (folder 1 of 2), 2003-2004 Regrets - January 19-25 Events (2 of 2), 2003-2004 Regrets - January 26-31 Events (folder 1 of 2), 2003-2004 Regrets - January 26-31 Events (folder 2 of 2), 2003-2004 Regrets - February 1-8 Events (Folder 1 of 3), 2003-2004 Regrets - Feb 1-8 Events (folder 2 of 3), 2003-2004 Regrets - February 1-8 Events (folder 3 of 3), 2004 Regrets - Feb 9-15 Events (folder 1 of 2), 2003-2004 Regrets - Feb 9-15 Events (folder 2 of 2), 2004 Regrets - February 16-22 Events (folder 1 of 2), 2004 Regrets - Feb 16-22 Events (folder 2 of 2), 2004 Regrets - February 23-29 Events (folder 1 of 2), 2004 Regrets - Feb 23-29 Events (folder 2 of 2), 2003-2004 Regrets - March 1-7 Events, 2004 box Request box I.B.13 Regrets [57862], 2004 April 26 – May 21 Regrets (folder 1 of 2), 2004 April 26-30 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 April 26-30 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2004 May 1-6 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 May 1-6 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 May 1-6 Regrets (folder 1 of 5), 2004 May 6-9 Regrets (folder 2 of 5), 2004 May 6-9 Regrets (folder 3 of 5), 2004 May 6-9 Regrets (folder 4 of 5), 2004 May 6-9 Regrets (folder 5 of 5), 2004 May 6-9 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2004 May 10-16 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 May 10-16 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 May 10-16 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2004 May 10-23 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 May 17-23 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 May 17-23 Regrets (folder 1 of 4), 2004 May 24-31 Regrets (folder 2 of 4), 2004 May 24-31 Regrets (folder 3 of 4), 2004 May 24-31 Regrets (folder 4 of 4), 2004 May 24-31 box Request box I.B.14 Regrets [57863], 2004 June 1 - August 1 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2004 July 26 - August 1 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 July 26 - August 1 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 July 26 - August 1 Regrets , 2004 July 19-July 25 Regrets , 2004 July 12-18 Regrets , 2004 July 5-11 Regrets (folder 1 of 2), 2004 June 28 - July 4 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 June 28 - July 4 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2004 June 7 - 13 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 June 7 - 13 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 June 7 - 13 Regrets (folder 1 of 3)
, 2004 June 21-27 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2004 June 21-27 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2004 June 21-27 Regrets (folder 1 of 2), 2004 June 14-20 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 June 14-20 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 June 14-20 Regrets (folder 2 of 2), 2004 June 1-6 box Request box I.B.15 Regrets [57864], 2004 August 2 – September 30 Regrets (Event Date) (folder 1 of 3), 2004 September 7-14 Regrets (Event Date) (folder 2 of 3), 2004 September 7-14 Regrets (Event Date) (folder 3 of 3), 2004 September 7-14 Regrets (folder 1 of 3), 2006 September 15-22 Regrets (folder 2 of 3), 2006 September 15-22 Regrets (folder 3 of 3), 2006 September 15-22 Regrets - Events (folder 1 of 4), 2004 September 23-30 Regrets - Events (folder 2 of 4), 2004 September 23-30 Regrets - Events (folder 3 of 4), 2004 September 23-30 Regrets - Events (folder 4 of 4), 2004 September 23-30 Regrets, 2004 September 1-7 Regrets (Event Dates) (folder 1 of 2), 2004 August 9-15 Regrets (Event Dates) (folder 2 of 2), 2004 August 9-15 Regrets, 2004 August 23-31 Regrets - Events (folder 1 of 2), 2004 August 16 - 22 Regrets - Events (folder 2 of 2), 2004 August 16 - 22 Regrets, 2004 August 2-8 box Request box I.B.16 Regrets [58075], 2004 November – December Scheduling Office - Regrets, 2004 August - 2005 December Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets, 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2004 box Request box I.B.17 Regrets [DOC7038], 2005 January - March Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2005 January - March Scheduling Office - Regrets, 2005 January - March Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2005 Scheduling Office - Regrets, 2005 January - March Scheduling Office - Regrets , 2005 January - March box Request box I.B.19 General Correspondence [58577], 2006 DOE [Department of Education], 2005 January-June Local Board of Education, 2005 September-December GDATE [Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education], 2005 DOE 2005 | Department of Education State Medical Board 2005, 2005 July- December LBOE [Local Board of Education], 2005 January- August BOR [Board of Regents] , 2005 TYACK [Thank You and Acknowledgement], 2005 July - December TYACK [Thank You and Acknowledgement] , 2005 January-June Briefing Summaries [digital files] Includes preparation for interviews, television and radio appearances by the Governor and First Lady.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 115 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 116 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 117 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 118 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 119 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2007 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 120 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2008 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 121 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2009 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 122 Briefing Summaries [digital files], 2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 123 Briefings [digital files], 2004 Subjects include agriculture, businesses, community service, education, and government operations.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 124 Briefings [digital files], 2005 Subjects include meetings with religious groups, and to a lesser extent businesses, community service, cultural events, K-12 education, and healthcare.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 125 Briefings [digital files], 2006 Subjects include businesses.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 126 Briefings [digital files], 2007 Subjects include the courts and healthcare.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 127 Briefings [digital files], 2008 Subjects include business and new business facilities, transportation infrastructure, and to a lesser extent education, K-12 education, and the military.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 128 Briefings [digital files], 2009 Subjects include businesses, transportation infrastructure, and to a lesser extent economic development, education, government operations, healthcare, meetings with government officials, religion, and water conservation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 129 Briefings [digital files], 2010 Subjects include business and new business facilities, education, swearing in government officials, and to a lesser extent agriculture, economic development, government operations, healthcare, and international trade.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 130 Briefings [digital files], 2011 Subjects include Project Hardware.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 131 Calendar [digital files], 2003-2008 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 132 Legislative Newsletter [digital files], 2004-2005 Includes schedule of interviews and media availability times. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 133 Meeting Index [digital files], 2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 134 Public Schedule [Governor and First Lady] [digital files], 2003-2007 D. Proclamations (Record Group 001-01-23)box Request box I.D.1 Proclamations, 2003 Requests for Lieutenant Colonels, 2003 Proclamations, 2003 December Proclamations, 2003 November Proclamations, 2003 October Proclamation Request, 2003 September Proclamations, 2003 August Proclamations, 2003 July Proclamations, 2003 June Proclamations, 2003 May Proclamations, 2003 May Proclamations, 2003 April Proclamations, 2003 March Proclamations, 2003 February Proclamations, 2003 January box Request box I.D.2 Proclamations, 2004 Proclamations, 2004 December Proclamations, 2004 November Proclamations, 2004 October Proclamations, 2004 September Proclamations, 2004 August Proclamations, 2004 July Proclamations, 2004 June Proclamations, 2004 April - May Proclamations, 2004 February - March Proclamations, 2004 January Proclamations, 2004 February Referrals Referrals or Sent Letters box Request box I.D.3 Proclamations, January - July, 2005 Proclamations, 2005 January Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 February Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 February Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 March Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 March Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 April Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 April Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 May Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 May Proclamations, 2005 June box Request box I.D.3.1 Proclamations Proclamations Completed July 2005, 2005 July September Pain Awareness Month - Proclamation Request Attachments, 2005 June box Request box I.D.4 Proclamations, August - December, 2005 Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 August Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 August Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 September Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 September Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 October Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 October Proclamations (folder 1 of 2), 2005 November Proclamations (folder 2 of 2), 2005 November Proclamations, 2005 December box Request box I.D.5 Proclamations, 2006 Holds and Copies, 2006 Proclamations, 2006 December Proclamations, 2006 December Proclamations, 2006 October Proclamations, 2006 September Proclamations, 2006 August Proclamations, 2006 July Commendations, 2006 June Commendations, 2006 May Proclamations, 2006 April Proclamations, 2006 March Commendations, 2006 February Commendations, 2006 January box Request box I.D.6 Proclamations, 2007 Proclamations, 2007 January Proclamations, 2007 February Proclamations, 2007 February Proclamations, 2007 March Proclamations, 2007 March Proclamations, 2007 April Proclamations, 2007 April Proclamations, 2007 May Proclamations, 2007 June Proclamations, 2007 July Proclamations, 2007 August Proclamations, 2007 September Proclamations, 2007 October Proclamations, 2007 November Proclamations, 2007 December Lieutenant Colonels, 2007 box Request box I.D.7 Proclamations, 2008 Proclamations, 2008 January Proclamations, 2008 February Proclamations, 2008 March Proclamations, 2008 April Proclamations, 2008 May Proclamations, 2008 June Proclamations, 2008 July Proclamations, 2008 August Proclamations, 2008 September Proclamations, 2008 October Proclamations, 2008 November Proclamations, 2008 December Lieutenant Colonels, 2008 box Request box I.D.8 Proclamations, 2009 Proclamations, 2009 January Proclamations, 2009 February Proposal for Georgia Marriage Week Proclamation, 2010 February Proclamations, 2009 March Proclamations, 2009 April Proclamations, 2009 May Proclamations, 2009 June Proclamations, 2009 July Proclamations, 2009 August Proclamations, 2009 September Proclamations, 2009 October Proclamations, 2009 November Proclamations, 2009 December Lieutenant Colonels, 2009 box Request box I.D.9 Proclamations, 2010 Proclamations, 2010 January Proclamations, 2010 February Proclamations, 2010 March Proclamations, 2010 April Proclamations, 2010 May Proclamations, 2010 June Proclamations, 2010 July Proclamations, 2010 August Proclamations, 2010 September Proclamations, 2010 October Proclamations, 2010 November Proclamations, 2010 December Lieutenant Colonels, 2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 135 [Templates] [digital files], undated electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 136 AM Radio [digital files], 2004-2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 137 Biographies [digital files], circa 2004-2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 138 Calls [digital files], circa 2004-2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 139 Communications Intern Guide [digital files], circa 2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 140 Coverage [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 141 For Website [digital files], 2005-2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 142 Grammy Awards [digital files], 2005-2009 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 143 Letters [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 144 Lieutenant Colonel [digital files], 2004 Proclamations [digital files]
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 145 Proclamations [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 146 Proclamations [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 147 Proclamations [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 148 Proclamations [digital files], 2006 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 149 Proclamations [digital files], 2007 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 150 Proclamations [digital files], 2008 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 151 Proclamations [digital files], 2009 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 152 Proclamations [digital files], 2010 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 153 Proclamations [digital files], 2011 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 154 Proclamations [digital files], undated electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 155 Projects [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 156 Small Business Brochure [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 157 SSAS [Single Statewide Accountability System] Awards Letters [digital files], 2007 E. Speeches (Record Group 001-01-45)electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 158 Columns [digital files], 2004-2009 Subjects include citizen involvement and employment. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 159 Education Speeches [digital files], 2003-2007
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 160 Op-eds and Statements (Draft) [digital files], 2003-2007 Subjects include education, environment, healthcare, and taxes.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 161 PowerPoint Documents [digital files], 2003-2009 Subjects include businesses, the economy, and education. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 162 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2003 Subjects include business and economic development, individual businesses, education, environmental conservation and use of natural resources, governmental operations, the justice system and officers, meetings with civic groups, and remarks for events and holidays.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 163 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2004 Subjects include business and economic development, individual businesses, education, governmental operations, and remarks for events and holidays.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 164 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2005 Subjects include individual businesses, economic development, education, environmental conservation and use of natural resources, international affairs, governmental operations, justice system and officers, remarks for events and holidays, and transportation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 165 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2006 Subjects include business and economic development, individual businesses, education, environmental conservation and use of natural resources, healthcare, justice system and officers, meetings with civic groups, and remarks for events and holidays.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 166 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2007 Subjects include business and economic development, individual businesses, education, environmental conservation and use of natural resources, governmental operations, international affairs, meetings with civic groups, and remarks for events and holidays.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 167 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2008 Subjects include agriculture, business and economic development, individual businesses, education, environmental conservation and use of natural resources, governmental operations, healthcare, remarks for events and holidays, and transportation infrastructure.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 168 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2009 Subjects include governmental operations.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 169 Prepared Remarks [digital files], 2010 Subjects include education, meetings with civic groups, and transportation infrastructure.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 170 Prepared Remarks -Dan McGirt [digital files] Subjects include the economy, education, speaking before civic groups or at community events, and to a lesser extent agriculture, the budget, the environment, healthcare, international trade, the military, public safety, State of the State addresses, taxes, and transportation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 171 Prepared Remarks -Web Versions [digital files], 2003-2007 Subjects include child protection, Economic Outlook, events, methamphetamines, and State of the State addresses. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 172 Quarterly Meeting of Agency Heads [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 173 Speeches [digital files], 2006 Subjects include businesses, community leadership, community service, the criminal justice system, the environment, healthcare, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and transportation.
View an inventory of this folder online.
Talking Points [digital files] electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 174 [Budget, Economy, Taxes] [digital files], 2003-2009 ER 174 [Crime, Security] [digital files], 2003-2004 ER 174 [Environment] [digital files], 2003-2007 ER 174 [Government] [digital files], 2003-2007 ER 174 [Health, Insurance] [digital files], 2003-2007 ER 174 2006 Legislative Agenda [digital files], 2006 ER 174 Boards and Commissions Lists [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Board of Regents [digital files], 2003 ER 174 CCOP [Converged Communications Outsourcing Project] [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Commission for a New Georgia [digital files], 2003-2005 ER 174 Economic Development [digital files], 2003-2006 ER 174 Education [digital files], 2003-2006 ER 174 Encroachment [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Ethics [digital files], 2003-2005 ER 174 Excise Tax [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Fiscal Stimulus Package May 2003 [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Flag [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Foster Care [digital files], 2003-2004 ER 174 FY2004 Budget [digital files], 2003 ER 174 GFLA [Georgia's Fair Lending Act] Predatory Lending Act [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Grassroots Info [digital files], 2003 ER 174 H O P E [HOPE Scholarship] [digital files], 2003-2006 ER 174 Head Start [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Helicopter GSP [Georgia State Patrol] Aviation Report [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Indigent Defense [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Katrina [digital files], 2006 ER 174 Local Legislation [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Medicaid [digital files], 2003-2006 ER 174 Methamphetamines [digital files], 2003-2007 ER 174 Military Troops Patriotism [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Redistricting 2003 [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Sentencing [digital files], 2003 ER 174 State of The State 012703 [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Talk To Me Tour Notes [digital files], 2003 ER 174 Tort Reform [digital files], 2004 ER 174 Transportation [digital files], 2003-2009 ER 174 Water [digital files], 2003-2007 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 175 Techlinks [digital files], 2003 F. Executive Orders (Record Group 001-01-40)electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 176 Executive Orders [digital files], 2004-2010 Subjects include appointments, gas and fuel regulations, pharmaceuticals, and water use.