Olympic Games (26th : 1996 : Atlanta, Ga.) in subject [X]
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1 Title:   University of Georgia-Centennial Olympic Games collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia  
  Dates:   1984-2009  
The collection consists of planning documents, publicity files, press and memorabilia associated with the University of Georgia's role in the 1996 Summer Olympics. Most planning files in the collection focus on preparing UGA athletic venues, such as Sanford Stadium and Stegeman Coliseum, for Olympic use. Other files concern volunteer work, public safety, publicity, and press. A wide range of UGA and Olympic memorabilia is also included, consisting of apparel, hats, commemorative pins and buttons, and posters. In addition there are a number of photographs featuring such activities as Soccer, Volleyball and Circus America.
  Identifier:   UA97-110  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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2 Title:   Stanley W. Lindberg papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lindberg, Stan  
  Dates:   1977-1999  
This collection consists of materials dating from 1977 through 1999 with a good deal of the documents coming from Stan W. Lindberg's time as editor of The Georgia review. These materials include correspondence and records of Lindberg's work with authors published (and not published) in the journal and his creation of the "Roots in Georgia" Literary Symposium in 1985. There are also administrative and business records that show, among other things, his interactions with UGA Administrators and the Main Library on campus. Other materials highlight his work as an English professor and as an organizer of the Cultural Olympiad held in conjunction with the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. These records emphasize his efforts with the Cultural Olympiad's Winterland and Nobel Laureate projects.
  Identifier:   UA01-009  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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3 Title:   Charles Boynton Knapp papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Knapp, Charles  
  Dates:   1981-1997  
The Charles Boynton Knapp papers are divided into six series: Inauguration, Athletics, Financial, Administrative, Performing Arts and Visual Arts Complex and Olympics. The Inauguration series consists of materials related to Charles Knapp's inauguration as the President of the University of Georgia in 1987. The Athletics series has items connected to various sports but mostly deals with the Athletic Association and the University's football team. These materials date from 1983 to 1997. The Financial series includes budgets and fundraising and development documentation. The Administrative series provides insight into the day to day workings of the University of Georgia and its administration during the years 1981 to 1997. The Performing Arts and Visual Arts Complex series mostly consists of material documenting the creation of the complex in the early to mid-1990s. The Olympics series has items relating to the University's involvement with the 1996 Summer Olympics.
  Identifier:   UA97-103  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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4 Title:   Furman Bisher papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bisher, Furman  
  Dates:   1940s-2011  
This collection primarily consists of notebooks created by Bisher to record sporting events, article ideas, and interviews with various athletes. The notes cover a wide range of sports at the professional and college level. Included are notes covering the World Series, Super Bowl, Masters, Kentucky Derby, and five Olympic games. There are clippings documenting Bisher's column from Charlotte News, Atlanta Journal, and Atlanta Journal Constitution. The research/professional files include clippings, correspondence, and printed materials about the Masters. Also included are certificates and plaques documenting Bisher's successful career.
  Identifier:   ms3768  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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5 Title:   Ray Moore papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Moore, Ray, 1922-  
  Dates:   1952-1996  
This collection consists primarily of news scripts from WSB-TV (1964-1968) and WAGA-TV (1969-1975) about a number of topics including urban development and race relations. Also included are scripts for two of Moore's documentaries, The Search and Center of Creation.
  Identifier:   ms3774  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find