1. Editorial files box folder Request box 1 1 Responses to "letters of return", 1982-1997 1 2 Correspondence about articles published in the Georgia Review , 1982-1998 1 3 Responses from writers published in the Georgia Review 1 4 Correspondence regarding plagiarism, 1988, 1992 1 5 Correpondence regarding relations with other publishers, 1980-1996 1 6 Correspondence with publishers regarding requestsfor essays, reading reports or promotional comments, 1981-1995 1 7 Correspondence regarding rejected manuscripts, 1978-1985 1 8 Comments from staff and form letters, 1990-1997 1 9 Correspondence regarding proposals for anthologies, 1985-1998 1 10 Book review queries, 1978-1980 box folder Request box 2 1-3 Correspondence regarding manuscript proposals , 1982-1997 2 4 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1978-1998 box folder Request box 3 1-2 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1982-1999 3 3 Author contracts-drafts (includes sample contracts from other publishers), 1990s 3 4 Ideas to follow up 3 5 Interdisciplinary study in the Humanities (articles from Chronicle of higher education ), 1987-1988 3 6 Future issue planning, 1989-1994 3 7 Form letter returns, 1985-1993 3 8 Private writer vs. public author (article and response to Joyce Carol Oates), 1988-1989 3 9 Reader's forum, 1988 3 10 Special focus: book reviewing, 1985-1990 box folder Request box 4 1-9 National Magazine Awards, 1990-1998 4 10 National Magazine Award screening, 1990 4 11 National Magazine Awards, 1989 4 12 National Magazine Awards-New York trip, 1988 April 23 4 13 National Magazine Awards, 1987 4 14 ASME (American Society of Magazine Editors) Board date, 1987 4 15-16 National Magazine Awards, 1985-1986 box folder Request box 5 1 ASME (American Society of Magazine Editors), 1987-1997 5 2 ASME (American Society of Magazine Editors) miscellaneous, 1998-1999 5 3 MAG (Magazine Association of Georgia) Gamma Awards, 1994-1999 5 4-5 Pushcart Prize, editor's folder, 1979-1999 box folder Request box 6 1-2 Media attention for the Georgia Review , 1984-1997 6 3 Comments from subscribers, 1985-1997 6 4 Mandels's essay-reactions, 1982 6 5 Reviews of the Georgia Review , 1987-1992 6 6 Miscellaneous reader responses, 1983-1998 6 7 Kudos, 1977-1993 6 8 Responses to editorial matters, irate subscribers or writers, 1977-1994 box folder Request box 7 1 Various promotional materials, 1980s-1990s 7 2 Promotion and promotional ideas, 1980s-1990s 7 3 Marketing ideas (articles and promotions from other concerns), 1980s-1990s 7 4 Distribution of issues, 1981-1994 7 5 Radio advertising, 1992 7 6 WUGA-Lois Player-Georgia Review underwriting radio station programming, 1996-1997 7 7 WUGA radio-underwritten programming "Telling word", 1990-1991 7 8 Samples from the web (Georgia Review website development), 1997-1998 7 9 Cancelled grant projects, 1993-1994 7 10 The Georgia review authors who have received awards, special recognition or published in Prize Anthologies, 1996-19977 11 The Georgia review related clippings/notices, 19957 12 Outside references to The Georgia review , 1990s box folder Request box 8 1 "Roots in Georgia", 1980s 8 2 The Georgia review 40th Anniversary Celebration, 19878 3 The Georgia review 50th Anniversary, 1996-19978 4 50th marketing and promotion, 1996-1997 8 5 The Georgia review editors, staff and Board members (includes 1947-1996 historical list of personnel), 19968 6 50th Anniversary: The Georgia review authors-lists and mailings, 1997 8 7 Letters to former Editorial Board members, 1997 8 8 Other invited guests to concert/dinner, 1997 8 9 Current Editorial Board (email announcement to), 1997 8 10 Letters to former editors, staff, 1997 8 11 Invitations to 50th Anniversary Dinner, 1997 May 16 box folder Request box 9 1 VIP invitations, 1997 9 2 RSVPs, 1997 9 3 50th Anniversary-Georgia Museum of Art, 1997 9 4 ARCO Benefit Concert (ARCO Chamber Orchestra of Moscow), 1997 9 5 Anne Wade Rittenberry (author of theses on The Georgia Review under editorship of John Wade, 1991-1997 9 6 Letters regarding 50th Anniversary Celebration, 1997 9 7 The Georgia review authors/book sales, 1996-19979 8 Charter Lectures, 1989-1998 9 9 Charter Lecture Series-current, 1990-1992 9 10 Charter Lecture, 1989-1992 9 11 Charter Lecture history, 1980-1990 9 12 Charter Lecture Series candidates, 1989-1990 box folder Request box 10 1 Previous Charter lecturers, 1989-1990 10 2 Charter Lectures-publishing (Peter Raven and unidentified text), 1989-1991 10 3 Tony Kushner-Charter Lecture, 1996 10 4 Charter Lecture Series proposal, 1978-1985 10 5 Emory University-Ellmann Lectures and miscellaneous material, 1988-1996 10 6 Phinizy Lectures, 1995-1996 10 7 Sidney Samuel Thomas Lecture Series, 1996 10 8 Miscellaneous lectures, UGA, 1989-1993 10 9 The Georgia review Visiting Lecture Series-general policy, 1978-198010 10 Visiting speakers, 1997-1998 10 11 UGA Readings Committee, 1995-1996 10 12 UGA readings, 1996-1997 10 13 Poetry/fiction readings, 1993-1994 10 14 Thurday Writer's Series, 1992 10 15 Poetry and fiction readings, 1989-1990 10 16 Readings and lectures, 1980s 10 17 Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, 1980-1994 box folder Request box 11 1-3 Writers' conferences, 1993-1997 11 4 Writers' programs, conferences and lectures, 1994 11 5 MLA Miscellaneous 11 6 MLA (Modern Language Association) New York, 1983 December 27-30 11 7 SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Language Association) , 1996 11 8 AWP (Associated Writing Programs) Atlanta, 1996 11 9 AWP (Associated Writing Programs), 1983-1997 11 10 Writers' colonies, 1979-1981 11 11 The Ossabaw Foundation, 1972-1982 11 12 St. James Project-Jack Matthews, 1991 11 13 Auction, 1975 11 14 Miscellaneous writers' conferences and workshops, 1981-1998 11 15 Athens Area Arts Council, 1997 11 16 Atlanta Society of Professional Writers, 1993 11 17 Walker Woods (Atlanta writers' residence), 1994-1995 box folder Request box 12 1 Georgia Center for the Book, 1997-1998 12 2 Georgia Humanities Council, 1986-1994 12 3 Georgia Council for the Arts (Literary Advisory Panel), 1985-1986 12 4 Georgia State Poetry Society (Atlanta), 1984 January 21 12 5 Georgia Writers, Incorporated, 1994-1996 12 6 Magazine Association of Georgia, 1991-1996 box folder Request box 13 1 Georgia Council of Authors and Journalists, Incorporated, 1993 13 2 Georgia Publishers Group, 1984-1986 13 3 Ossabaw Foundation, 1981 13 4 National Endowment for the Arts, 1993-1994 13 5 "Southern Short Stories" (Georgia Humanities Council), 1994 13 6 Moser/Kay Project (Chris Moser, Terry Kay-Southern Voice Series), 1991-1992 13 7 GE (General Electric) Awards, 1990 April 13 8 Guggenheim, 1986-1999 13 9 Howard Foundation, 1997 13 10 PEW Foundation Fellowships, 1994-1998 13 11 PEN/Nora Magid Award, 1999 13 12 Rea Award for the Short Story, 1988-1992 13 13 Rona Jaffe Awards, 1998 13 14 Lannon Foundation, 1991-1998 box folder Request box 14 1 Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Writers Awards, 1994-1996 14 2 Townsend Awards, 1982-1995 14 3 Whiting Foundation, 1989-1998 14 5 Center for Southern Culture-Ole Miss, 1993-1994 14 5 Fellowship of Southern Writers, 1995 14 6-7 Southern Arts Federation , 1992-1995 14 8 Southern Literature Task Force-Southern Arts Federation, 1992-1994 box folder Request box 15 1 CLMP (Council of Literary Magazines and Presses) miscellaneous correspondence and memos, 1980-1998 15 2 CCLM (Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines) Grants Committee, 1978 15 3 CCLM (Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines) Editors' Fellowship Program, 1980-1985 15 4-5 Conference of Editors of Learned Journals, 1978-1988 15 6 Editor-L (prints from listserve), 1994-1999 15 7-8 Conference of Editors of Learned Journals-South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1989-1996 15 9 Miscellaneous literary associations, 1978-1993 box folder Request box 16 1-3 Correspondence with editors of other magazines, 1978-1998 16 4 Journals edited at the UGA, 1987 16 5 Other magazines (leaflets, flyers and articles), 1983-1992 16 6-7 Information on other magazines (sample issues and announcements), 1988-1998 box folder Request box 17 1 University of Iowa Press, 1992-1995 17 2 Hill Street Press, 1996-1998 17 3 Other presses, 1985, 1997 17 4-7 Miscellaneous reprints, articles and newsclippings, 1970s-1990s box folder Request box 18 1-4 Miscellaneous reprints, articles and newsclippings, 1970s-1990s
2. Business and Administration box folder Request box 19 1 Correspondence with President's Office, 1983-1998 19 2-3 President Charles Knapp, 1989-1997 19 4 Ron Miller/African American Studies, 1994 19 5 UGA International Affairs, 1996 19 6 UGA Humanities Office, 1988-1997 19 7 VPAA (Vice President for Academic Affairs), 1998-1999 19 8 Memos to/from VPAA (Vice President for Academic Affairs) and Bill Prokasy, 1988-1998 19 9 Vice President William F. Prokasy, 1988-1994 19 10 Outside consulting policy, 1988-1997 19 11 Del Dunn, 1988-1991 19 12 Betty Whitten, 1991-1994 19 13 VPAA's (Vice President for Academic Affairs)-Samuel Davis, 1994-1995 19 14 Correspondence/memos from VPAA (Vice President for Academic Affairs) office, 1985-1999 19 15 Chancellor/Board of Regents, 1995 19 16 Memos to/from other Vice Presidents, 1982-1998 19 17 UGA and Olympic Games, 1995-1996 19 18 Vice President for Development, 1988-1992 19 19 Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1989-1997 19 20 Vice President for Services, 1991 19 21 Vice President for Business and Finance, 1991 19 22 The Georgia Review development ideas, 1982-199319 23 Robert Edge, 1979-1996 19 24 The Georgia Room discretionary funds, 199519 25 The Georgia review Endowment Fund, 1987-199719 26 The Georgia review fund raising and Endowment Fund, 1984-199519 27 UGA Alumni Relations, 1978, 1997-1998 19 28 UGA Foundation, 1996-1997 19 29 The Georgia review unit review, 1996-199719 30 Self Study, 1996-1997 19 31 The Georgia review statistics, 1993-199819 32 The Georgia review budget planning/unit priorities, 1987-1998 19 33 The Georgia review budget, 1979-1999 19 34 Memos regarding budget and circulation , 1998-1999 box folder Request box 20 1 The Georgia review space allocation, 1981-1999 20 2 Library's HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) plans, 1998 20 3 The Georgia review and UGA Library relations, 1982-1998 20 4 The Georgia review strategic plans, 1991-1998 20 5 Annual report, 1996 20 6 Annual reports, 1976-1998 20 7-8 UGA Campaign for Charities, 1992-1998 20 9 Dealing with UGA Press, 1983-1991 20 10 UGA Press, 1978-1984 20 11 Dealings with UGA Press, 1995-1997 20 12 UGA Press-Necessary fictions , 1986-1987 20 13 Introduction for Keener sounds , 1990s 20 14 Reviews of Necessary fictions , 1986-1989 20 15 Reviews of Keener sounds , 1987 20 16-17
New Georgia guide
, 1994-1996 20 18 Lila Wallace Reader's digest final round , 1994-1996 20 19 Marketing plan, 1992 20 20 Grant application/readers' survey, 1991-1992 20 21 Lila Wallace-Reader's digest grant correspondence, 1991-1995 20 22 Notes, 1990s box folder Request box 21 1 Quarterly grant reports, 1993-1996 21 2 Quarterly reports, 1995 21 3 Lila Wallace-grant for non-profit literary publishers, 1998 21 4 Editorial Board: charge and policies, 1977-1989 21 5 Members of the Editorial Board, 1975-1998 21 6 Editorial Board meeting, 1997 March 18 21 7 Editorial Board appointments, 1981-1998 21 8 GR-EDBD (The Georgia Review Editorial Board) Listserv, 1995-1996 21 9-10 Editorial Board, 1996-1998 21 11-13 Editorial Board meetings, 1977-1997 21 14 Editorial Board-annual evaluations of Editor, 1986-1994 21 15 Editorial Board-miscellaneous, 1979-1996 21 16 Heritage Printers/Bill Loftin, 1988-1998 21 17 Book production resources/Fred Thompson, 1998 box folder Request box 22 1 UGA Alumni Seminar, 1980 22 2 Alumni Seminar-Southern writing, 1978 22 3 Ideas for summer talks, 1995-1997 22 4 Sewanee Writers' Conference, 1997-1998 22 5 Creative Non Fiction Conference, 1996 August 6-11 22 6 Brockport Workshop, 1997 22 7 Colgate's Writing Conference, 1996 July 22 8 Travel and participation on panels and writers' workshops, 1981-1996 22 9 OID (Office of Instructional Development) Noon Seminar, 1984 22 10 Invitations to speak or participate in programs-declined or cancelled, 1990-1994 22 11 Outside editorial consulting, 1979-1980 22 12 USIA (United States Information Agency), 1994-1995 22 13 Professional letters of recommendation, 1980-1997 22 14 Letters of Recommendation, 1998 22 15 Recommendations for students, 1971-1994 22 16 Miscellaneous letters of Recommendation, 1979-1994 22 17 Recommendations for UGA Faculty members, 1978-1991 22 18 Editing and ethics, 1984-1985 22 19 Notes on magazine publishing, 1986-1997 22 20 Publishing news, 1990-1994
4. Cultural Olympiad box folder Request box 24 1 Introducers for readings-contracts and information, 1995 24 2 The Georgia review /ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games), 1994-199524 3 Ron Bogue, 1994-1995 24 4 Nobel Foundation/Swedish Academy, 1994-1995 24 5 George Hirthler, 1994 24 6 Dan Hoffman, 1994 24 7 Alex Aldrich, 1993-1994 24 8 Laureate Project-NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities), 1991-1993 24 9 Laureate Project, 1992-1994 24 10 ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games) volunteers, 1992-1995 24 11 Cultural Olympiad Advisory Council , 1992-1993 24 12 Notes, 1995 24 13 Nobel Laureate Project, 1992 24 14 Rosemary Magee, 1990 24 15 Olympic related, 1992 24 16 Cultural Olympiad material, 1994 24 17 Laureate public relations, 1994-1995 24 18 Short bios, 1995 24 19 Spring issue/Laureate program 24 20 Garcia Marquez, 1994-1995 24 21 Nobel Laureate Program-original proposal, key staff and timelines, 1992-1993 24 22 Correspondence with ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games) Olympiad office, Atlanta, 1995 24 23 Correspondence with Sweden, 1993-1994 24 24 Miscellaneous planning documents for Cultural Olympiad events, 1994-1996 24 25 Correspondence with Laureates, 1994-1995 24 26 Cultural Olympiad news releases, printed materials and newsclippings, 1995 24 27 Correspondence with Rita Dove, 1994 24 28 Publication planning-general essays on participants, 1995 24 29 Publication planning-general, 1995 24 30 Publication planning-essays on participants-specific essays, 1994 24 31 Nobel Laureates-portraits, 1990s 24 32 Press coverage and news releases, 1993-1995 24 33 Publications and press releases from related cultural events of the period, 1992-1995 box folder Request box 25 1 Norwegian cultural materials, 1993-1994 25 2 Mexican writers, 1993 25 3 Norwegian stories, 1990s 25 4 Cultural Olympiad -Norway, 1992-1993 25 5 Finances-literary symposium, 1993 25 6 Olympic Winterland Project/Lillehammer, 1992-1993 25 7 Olympic Winterland-publicity, 1993 25 8 Olympic Winterland "Encounters with Norwegian cultures" Symposium program, 1993 25 9 Knut Faldbakken, 1990s 25 10 Tormod Haugen, 1993 25 11 Torill Thorstad Hauger, 1993 25 12 Nils-Aslak Valkeapaa, 1993 25 13 Eldrid Lunden, 1993 25 14 Trumps- banquet reception, 1993 25 15 Norwegian authors' biographies, 1992-1993 25 16 Halldis Hoaas, 1993 25 17 Extra copies-public relations for Norwegian writers, 1993 25 18 Norwegian venues and technical requirements, 1993 25 19 Norwegian writers "hot", 1993 25 20 Rita Dove, 1994-1995 25 21 Correspondence with Nobel Laureates, 1994-1995 25 22 Notes for Stan, 1994 October 17 25 23 Nobel Convocation/Clark Atlanta University, 1994 25 24 ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games) Cultural Olympiad signed agreement, 1994-1995 25 25 Agreements with critics/translators/introducers, 1995 25 26 Agreements with Laureates, 1994-1995 25 27 Essayist-agreements, 1994-1995 25 28 Essayists agreements-to be sent to ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games), 1994-1995 25 29 ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games) contracts to pay essayists, Laureates and critics/translators, 1994-1995 25 30 Memos to/from Leslie Gordon, 1994-1995 25 31 Camille Baumgartner, 1993-1995 25 32 Saul Bellow, 1989-1994 25 33 Camilo Jose Cela, 1994-1995 25 34 Odysseus Elytis, 1994-1995 25 35 Halldor K. Laxness, 1994 25 36 Naguib Mahfouz, 1994 25 37 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 1994 25 38 Nobel Laureates study guides/education, 1994-1995 25 39 Margaret Holt, 1994 25 40 Canetti and other dead ends, 1994-1995 box folder Request box 26 1 ACOG/CO Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games/Cultural Olympiad) International Celebration of Southern Literature, 1996 June 6-9 26 2 Southern Literary Advisory Committee, 1994-1995 26 3 Agnes Scott College-"An International Celebration of Southern Literature", 1995-1996 26 4 Ingmar Bjorksten, 1993-1995 26 5 Post-Nobel correspondence, 1995-1996 26 6-7 ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games), 1995-1996 26 8 Los Angeles Times Syndicate, 199626 9 Babcock/Knapp regarding Knapp's resignation, 1996 26 10 ACOE/CO (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games/Cultural Olympiad) budget material, 1994-1995 26 11 The Georgia review permissions for special issue, 1995 Spring26 12 The Georgia review special issue estimates, 1995 Spring26 13 The Georgia review responses (originals), 1994-199526 14 Governor's Dinner, 1995 April 25 26 15 UGA/Nobel Laureates-J. Nagel, 1994-1995 26 16 Nobel Laureates-VISAs, 1995 26 17 Follow-up on photographs for The Georgia review special issue, 1995 Spring 26 18 Promotion of The Georgia review special issue, 1995 Spring 26 19 "The Nobel Laureates of literature: an Olympic gathering" study guide, 1995 April 23-25 26 20 Study guide-editing, 1995 26 21 Study guide-editing (Packet A), 1995 26 22 Study guide-editing (packet C), 1995 26 23 Study guide-editing (packet D), 1995 26 24 Nobel Laureates panel discussions-editing I, 1995 26 25 Nobel Laureates panel discussions-editing II, 1995 26 26 "Nobel Laureates biographical and bibliographical sketches, acceptance speeches" compiled by Ronald Bogue, 1995 26 27 Olympic letterhead and envelopes, 1996