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1 Title:   C. Donald (Don) Johnson Papers, Record Group D: Personal  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Johnson, Clete Donald (Don), Jr., 1948-  
  Dates:   1972-2000  
C. Donald (Don) Johnson Papers, Record Group D: Personal contains files from Johnson's early career as a lawyer in Royston, Georgia, as well as his work in the Office of the Judge Advocate General. It also contains files from 1981 when Johnson was recipient of the Georgia Rusk International Law Award and a digital copy of an autobiography that focuses on his service in Congress.
  Identifier:   RBRL038CDJ_D  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
2 Title:   W. Colbert Hawkins, Sr. Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hawkins, W. Colbert  
  Dates:   1915-1997  
W. Colbert Hawkins, Sr., was a lawyer in Sylvania, Georgia and a Superior Court Judge, Ogeechee Judicial Circuit. The His papers include correspondence with Georgia politicians, the legal community, and the business community (1965-1969).
  Identifier:   RBRL327  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
3 Title:   Arthur K. Bolton Scrapbooks  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bolton, Arthur K. (Arthur Key), 1922-1997  
  Dates:   1965-1993  
Arthur K. Bolton served as the fiftieth attorney general of the State of Georgia (1965-1981). The scrapbooks contain clippings, photographs, certificates and other ephemera related to his life and career.
  Identifier:   RBRL248AKB  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
4 Title:   Charles A. Pannell, Sr. Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Pannell, Charles A., Sr.  
  Dates:   1941-1997  
Charles A. Pannell, Sr. was a judge in the Georgia Court of Appeals from 1963-1976. This collection documents Pannell's correspondence, certificates, and draft opinions from his time in the Court of Appeals.
  Identifier:   RBRL540  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
5 Title:   Joseph Henry Lumpkin Foundation records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Joseph Henry Lumpkin Foundation  
  Dates:   1970s-1980s  
The majority of this collection relates to the renovation of the house built by Joseph Henry Lumpkin, founder of the University of Georgia's School of Law in 1843. The Lumpkin Foundation records hold a wealth of information relating to that organization's efforts and include a history of Judge Lumpkin.
  Identifier:   UA08-039  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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6 Title:   Robert M. Charlton legal briefs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Charlton, Robert M. (Robert Milledge), 1807-1854  
  Dates:   1824-1831  
The collection consists of a volume of legal briefs and precedents written entirely in the hand of Robert M. Charlton from 1824-1831. The volume includes information on deed of marriage settlements, subpoenas, injunctions, calculating interest, action for slander, mortgage foreclosures, etc. Also contains an index compiled by Charlton and several poems and other non-legal annotations.
  Identifier:   ms1099  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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7 Title:   Rupert A. Brown papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown, Rupert A.  
  Dates:   1928-1979  
The collection consists of case files containing correspondence, notes, legal briefs, and receipts; clippings; printed material; and tax returns documenting Brown's Athens (Ga.) law practice. The collection also includes manuscripts and correspondence pertaining to Brown's book Georgia Pleading, Practice, and Legal Forms Annotated and information on the Georgia Bar Association.
  Identifier:   ms2221  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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8 Title:   Shackelford & Shackelford records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Shackelford & Shackelford (Athens, Ga.)  
  Dates:   1897-1946  
The collection consists of records of Shackelford & Shackelford from ca. 1897-1946. Materials relate to the law firm's business transactions with various individuals and organizations and include correspondence, contracts, court documents, indentures, wills, and probate records.
  Identifier:   ms1365  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
9 Title:   John Mason Giles family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Giles family  
  Dates:   1836-1892, 1965  
The collection consists of certificates, correspondence, commissions, and diplomas of John Mason Giles and his son, Andrew Samuel Giles, from 1836-1892.
  Identifier:   ms1486  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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10 Title:   Joseph Henry Lumpkin papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lumpkin, Joseph Henry, 1856-1916  
  Dates:   1893-1917  
The collection consists of papers of Joseph Henry Lumpkin from 1893-1917. Includes primarily correspondence and receipts. The correspondence is mostly personal in nature and contains letters to and from friends and colleagues, his brother Edwin K. Lumpkin discussing family matters, and various charitable organizations in Atlanta that he supported. The collection contains a scattering of material relating to his professional life as a lawyer and judge. Of particular interest are letters regarding his 1906 campaign for the Georgia Supreme Court.
  Identifier:   ms1776  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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11 Title:   Alexander H. Stephens family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883  
  Dates:   1797-1977  
The collection consists of biographical information, correspondence, writings, financial papers, printed material, photographs, and artifacts. Family letters are mainly among Alexander H. Stephens, his father Andrew Baskins Stephens, his brother Aaron Grier Stephens, his nephew John Alexander Stephens, and his half-brother Linton Stephens. The letters discuss family matters and politics. One group of letters concerns the imprisonment and parole of honor of Alexander H. Stephens at Fort Warren (Boston, Mass.) in 1865. Correspondence between Alexander H. Stephens and various political figures includes Howell Cobb, Abraham Lincoln, Ben Hill, and Robert Toombs. Stephens and Hill write about the possibility of a duel between them because of an argument over politics. There is one letter from Clement Anselm Evans (1833-1911) to his wife, and three letters to him from John Brown Gordon, Joseph Wheeler and James Longstreet. Among the financial papers are deeds, and the wills of Alexander H. Stephens and his grandfather Alexander Stephens (d. 1813). An oversize folder contains a copy of an undated map of Confederate and Federal lines around Petersburg, Virginia. Artifacts include a walking cane of Alexander H. Stephens, locks of his hair, and a bloodletting tool.
  Identifier:   ms3828  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
12 Title:   Lumpkin Law School diploma  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cobb, Thomas Reade Rootes, 1823-1862  
  Dates:   1860  
Contains a diploma from 1860, the inaugural year of the University of Georgia Law School, known then as Lumpkin Law School. Diploma is made out to George L. Peavy, a former Georgia State Senator, and is signed by founders Joseph Henry Lumpkin, William Hope Hull, and Thomas R.R. Cobb, but only Cobb's name is legible.
  Identifier:   ms4095  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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13 Title:   Annie Beth Abney Collection of Nathaniel E. Harris Research Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Abney, Annie Beth Mobley  
  Dates:   1957  
The Annie Beth Abney Collection of Nathaniel E. Harris Research Files consists of photographs and correspondence gathered by Abney while writing a master's thesis at the University of Georgia on Nathaniel Harris who served as Governor of Georgia from 1915 to 1917. Prior to his term as governor he also served in the Georgia House of Representatives and Senate, and as a judge in the Superior Court of the Macon Circuit. Harris was an attorney by profession. The photographs document Harris family gravesites and Governor Harris's affiliation with the Mulberry Street Methodist Church (Macon, GA) where he was an active member for fifty years. Correspondence in the collection includes letters written by Governor Harris; Warren Roberts, a fellow church member; and Governor Harris's son, Walter Harris. The subject matter of the letters centers on Harris's church activities and personal family matters dated 1866 (copy) and 1957.
  Identifier:   RBRL027NEH  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
14 Title:   Telamon Cuyler Collection, Series 3. Personal Materials  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cuyler, Telamon Cruger Smith, 1873-1951  
  Dates:   1893-1946  
Series 3. Personal Materials consists of diaries of Telamon Cuyler from 1893-1946, with gaps. The entries discuss Cuyler's college life at the University of Georgia (Athens); his work and social life in Atlanta (Ga.) where he began his law practice; later he discusses the management and life on his farm, Beverwyck, in Jones County (Ga.); and the home front during World War II. Also included in the collection are various pieces of memorabilia and scrapbooks.
  Identifier:   ms1170.series3  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
15 Title:   Edwin King Lumpkin papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dudley, J. T.  
  Dates:   1881-1921  
The collection consists of papers of Edwin King Lumpkin from 1881-1921. The majority of the collection pertains to Lumpkin's Athens (Ga.) law firm, Lumpkin & Burnett and includes mainly correspondence relating to law cases of Lumpkin and his partner Wiley B. Burnett. The collection contains personal correspondence to family and friends, including his brother Joseph H. Lumpkin, and his wife and children. The personal correspondence pertains to his law practice, social life in Athens (Ga.), Lumpkin's interest in national and state politics, and in particular the campaigns of kinsman Hoke Smith. The J.T. Dudley papers (1906-1912) contain correspondence dealing with buying and selling land throughout the South. The papers of Edwin K. Lumpkin, Jr. (1910-1915) consist mainly of correspondence relating to his legal practice. The papers of Lumpkin's law partner, Wiley B. Burnett contain mainly bills and receipts, with a few letters relating to the law firm.
  Identifier:   ms1748  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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16 Title:   Henry Carlton Tuck papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Tuck, Henry Carlton, 1864-1939  
  Dates:   1882-1939  
The collection consists of the papers of Henry Carlton Tuck of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, from 1882-1939. Early materials (1882-1889) pertain to Tuck's legislative activities, politics, and a few references to his law practice. The majority of the materials (1927-1939) concern Tuck's activities as adjutant of the Georgia Division of the United Confederate Veterans.
  Identifier:   ms30  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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17 Title:   Richard B. Russell, Sr. Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Russell, Richard B. (Richard Brevard), 1861-1938.  
  Dates:   1872-1938  
The collection consists of the diary and personal and political papers of Richard B. Russell, Sr. from 1872 to 1938. The personal papers include correspondence relating to Russell"s involvement on the Board of Trustees at the University of Georgia and as a member of the first Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, family related correspondence, and a few speeches made by Russell. The political series (1888-1938) contains mostly correspondence pertaining to various campaigns for public and judicial offices, including his 1911 gubernatorial bid. The business/finance records include bank statements, bills and receipts, and miscellaneous items. The legal/judicial series contains material relating to Russell"s law practice in Winder, Georgia and his many years as a noted jurist.
  Identifier:   RBRL002RBRSR  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
18 Title:   John Alton Hosch papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia. School of Law  
  Dates:   1859-1985  
The John Alton Hosch Papers consists of six series. These are Desegregation (1938-1976), Administrative Files/Correspondence (1859-1985), Financial (1950-1982), Photographs (1920s-1978), Scholarships (1953-1981) and Placement (1976-1983). This collection holds items from Hosch's time as professor and Dean of the School of Law from 1928 to 1964 and includes information regarding African American Horace T. Ward's attempt to be accepted into the School in 1950. There are materials from the Institute of Law and Government where Hosch also served as director from 1953 until 1957. In addition, there are numerous materials created while Henry A. Shinn served as Acting Dean during Hosch's military service from 1941 to 1948. The other documents in the collection date from after Hosch's retirement in 1964 and run through 1985. These were generated by various School of Law departments and personnel.
  Identifier:   UA97-090  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
19 Title:   Thomas Reade Rootes (T.R.R.) Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Zamphtoff, Archibald  
  Dates:   1872-1961  
The collection consists of papers of Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb and the Cobb family from 1872-1961. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, printed material, legal materials relating to Cobb's law practice, financial records, and manuscript poems written by Cobb under the pseudonym of Archibald Zamphtoff. It is important to note that this collection is not that of the original T.R.R. Cobb (1823-1862) Civil War hero, but rather of a later descendent and namesake. In some places, this collection refers to T.R.R. Cobb III, but that was also the name of Howell Cobb's son who died in infancy, so he is more commonly referred to as T.R.R. Cobb or Cobb in the collection. He is not to be confused with his namesake, his great grand uncle, the Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb who died in the Civil War. The correspondence contains letters from Maud Barker (Cobb) to her parents Charlotte C. and C.P.N. Barker written while a student at the Lucy Cobb Institute (Athens, Ga.) and letters between Cobb and Maud including correspondence during Cobb's World War I service as a clerk with the American Legation in Stockholm, Sweden (1918) and Winchester, England (1919). Other correspondence, including originals to Cobb as well as typed carbons of his replies, relates to Cobb's law practice and pertains to legal cases, politics, and the Democratic party. Additional correspondents include Howell N. Cobb, Clark Howell, and C.P.N. Barker. The collection also includes several volumes of class notes taken by Howell N. Cobb while at Emory University (Atlanta, Ga.) and Harvard (Cambridge, Mass.) and scrapbooks containing clippings and photographs of Carolyn Cobb.
  Identifier:   ms1370  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
20 Title:   Thomas family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Thomas family  
  Dates:   1849-1942  
The collection consists of correspondence, receipts, photographs, printed material, and legal documents. Most of the letters discuss social events and news of family or friends but a few mention U.S. politics, particularly the 1876 Presidential election; George Dudley Thomas' law practice; plantation management; and the cotton market.
  Identifier:   ms2388  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
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