1 |
Title: |
W.P.A. worker notes
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
United States. Work Projects Administration. Georgia |
Dates: |
after 1932 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of handwritten and typewritten notes concerning Native Americans living in Georgia. Notes, compiled
by W.P.A. workers, are undated, and concern Native American customs, government, migrations, treaties, and warfare.
Identifier: |
ms178 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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2 |
Title: |
Charles Spalding address regarding Creek Indians typescript
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Spalding, Charles Harris, 1808-1887 |
Dates: |
circa 1900, 1918 |
Contents: |
A bound typescript of The Indian difficulties of Georgia, an address delivered by Charles Spalding before the Georgia Historical
Society in Savannah, Georgia, on March 30, 1844. Spalding defends Georgia in relation to its treatment of the Creek Indians.
The present copy is of an unknown original, although two accompanying documents shed light on the origins.
Identifier: |
ms1420 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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3 |
Title: |
The Friend: a Religious and Literary Journal index to Indian articles
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Unknown |
Dates: |
circa 1846 |
Contents: |
One volume manuscript (undated), given the cover title Indian index to Philadelphia Friends. Vol. 1-19 inclusive. Special
index for Cherokees. The volume indexes by page and volume number those articles which pertain to Indians, the Cherokees,
the Removal, and other matters pertinent to Georgia during the decades immediately preceding the Civil War.
Identifier: |
ms1423 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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4 |
Title: |
Reverend John Newton diaries
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Newton, John, 1732-1790 |
Dates: |
1781-1826 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of two diaries of Reverend John Newton containing entries dating 1781-1790. Newton writes about locations
of silver, gold, copper and lead mines; hunting, farming, and family health; and includes some information on Newton's services
as a physician and a minister, first in the Carolinas and then in northeast Georgia. The collection also contains loose material
relating to Newton's estate and medical accounts and remedies recorded by Dr. Moses Newton.
Identifier: |
ms2022 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
Similar Items: |
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5 |
Title: |
Norborne B. Powell letter to John Forsyth
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Powell, Norborne B. |
Dates: |
1832 March 22 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of one letter: dated Liberty, Talbot County, Georgia, "The Honorable John Forsyth," signed "Norborne
B. Powell," regarding the slowness of Federal mail service in Georgia, a report that Mr. Longstreet of Augusta, Georgia will
form a line of stages westward, and the Indian problems in Georgia.
Identifier: |
ms385 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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6 |
Title: |
Henry Gaither papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Gaither, Henry |
Dates: |
1792-1838 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of papers relating to Lt. Colonel Henry Gaither, 1792-1838. Mainly pertaining to Gaither's administration
of Fort Wilkinson (Georgia), the collection includes hospital rolls, orders, receipts, and correspondence. Documents contain
information on supply matters, trading, medical care, military discipline, and other official matters. Correspondents include
Howell Cobb, Hugh McCall, Benjamin Hawkins, Archibald Lee, the merchants Habersham and Company, and Ferdinand Phinizy. The
collection also includes miscellaneous materials relating to Fort Fidius and Fort Adams.
Identifier: |
ms1333 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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7 |
Title: |
Charles Cotton Harrold papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Harrold, Charles Cotton, 1878-1948 |
Dates: |
1888-1936 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of papers of Charles Cotton Harrold from 1888-1936. The papers include photographs, printed material,
a scrapbook, clippings, and correspondence pertaining to Indian Mounds and archeology in Georgia. The photographs, in three
volumes with indexes, document archeological excavations by the Lamar Group (1934) and the Macon Group (1934). The scrapbook,
also indexed, contains manuscript entries on archeological discoveries or excavations in Georgia as well as maps, correspondence,
and printed material laid in the volume. The collection also contains photographs of the University of Georgia (1896-1898).
Identifier: |
ms139 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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8 |
Title: |
Cherokee Indian site photographs
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Unknown |
Dates: |
circa 1930-1939 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of photographs depicting various Cherokee Indian sites in Tennessee and Georgia. Sites include Brainerd
Mission Cemetery, Etowah Mounds, Spring Place, and Talking Rock.
Identifier: |
ms1431 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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9 |
Title: |
Creek Indian manuscripts
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Unknown |
Dates: |
after 1797 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of manuscripts of and relating to Creek Indians in the disputed boundaries of Georgia. Depositions
include William Cavanah of Montgomery County, Georgia, dated January 28, 1798, Jefferson County, Georgia, regarding the Cavanah's
plantation; and Brigadier-General David Blackshear of the Georgia Militia, dated September 29, 1813, for protection of the
Indian frontier and erection of three forts. Also included is a letter from Samuel Jackson to Jack F. Cock, dated November
8, 1813, ordering Cock's company of Georgia Militia to proceed to Smith's fort for protection of the frontier; a declaration
signed by Little Prince and twenty-eight Creek town chiefs of Broken Arrow, Creek Nation, dated August 24, 1826, regarding
laws; declaration signed by Chilly McIntosh and nine others, dated August 28, 1826, disputing the laws cited by Little Prince
under which General William McIntosh had been executed and his property confiscated; and a statement of the prisoners (all
women) brought in from Thomas County, Georgia, dated September 28, 1836, signed by J.A. Chambers, regarding attacks on the
Chattahoochee River, the capture of Eneah Mathla, and the escape of a party of Uchus.
The collection also includes a list of thirty-five African slaves captured by the Seminole Indians in Southern Florida and
redeemed by order of General Thomas S. Jesup. The list includes name, age, height, sex, name of captor, place and date of
capture, personal description, and owner's name. On the reverse is an order signed by General Jesup for payment to their captors
of $20.00 for each slave on the list.
Identifier: |
ms332 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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10 |
Title: |
Ebenezer Newton diary
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Newton, Ebenezer, 1790-1859 |
Dates: |
1818, 1966, 1969 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of the diary of Ebenezer Newton, from October-November 1818. Newton gives an account of a trip made
from Athens, Georgia to Shelbyville, Tennessee. Diary entries describe the countryside, various accommodations along the way,
religious observations, and people Newton met or visited with. The collection also includes Ebenezer Newton's 1818 diary,
an article from Georgia Historical Quarterly.
Identifier: |
ms515 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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11 |
Title: |
James Oglethorpe letter to Sir John Philipps
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Oglethorpe, James Edward, 1696-1785 |
Dates: |
1734 January 16 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of one letter: dated Isles of Wight, January 16, 1734, Sir [John Philipps], signed James Oglethorpe.
Oglethorpe describes the settling of the Salzburgers in Georgia, and tells of bringing Tomochichi, an Indian chief, and an
Indian child the chief claims as his heir, back to England.
Identifier: |
ms952 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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12 |
Title: |
James Wright answer to the Lords of the Committee for Trade
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Wright, James, Sir, 1716-1785 |
Dates: |
1762 February 15 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a twenty-nine page folio containing Georgia Colonial Governor Sir James Wright's answers to questions
posed by the Lords of the Committee for Trade of Great Britain's Privy Council dated Savannah, Georgia, February 15, 1762.
Divided into 17 sections, the document contains information on Georgia's geography, boundaries, location of rivers and towns,
as well as French or Spanish settlements; trade with Great Britain; imported goods of British manufacture; trade with foreign
countries; produce of Georgia; population and growth in the colony; the militia; forts and defenses; trade, treaties, population,
and location of the Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaws, and Cherokee Indians; duties; civil officers including name, title of office,
pay, and when appointed; and the court system.
Identifier: |
ms1039 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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13 |
Title: |
John Fontaine papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Fontaine, John, 1790-1866 |
Dates: |
1820-1931 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of business correspondence, receipts, and invoices pertaining to Stewart & Fontaine, commission merchants
in Columbus, Georgia. There are a few letters from 1836 relating to Fontaine's service as the mayor of Columbus and the problems
they are having with the Native People.
Identifier: |
ms2014 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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14 |
Title: |
Thomas Lumsden papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Lumsden, Thomas Newton, 1925-2014 |
Dates: |
1830-2007 |
Contents: |
Collection consists of research done by Dr. Thomas Lumsden. Dr. Lumsden's research focuses on genealogy, railroads, mills,
and Sautee-Nacoochee Valley in White County, Georgia. Notable items include extensive genealogy files, research and blueprints
on the Morse Brothers Lumber Company, and photographs of late 19th and early 20th century gold mines and lumber mills.
Identifier: |
ms4204 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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15 |
Title: |
W.P.A. Georgia Writers Project
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Georgia Writers' Project |
Dates: |
1930s-1940s |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a portion of the material given to the University of Georgia by the Georgia branch of the W.P.A.
upon its termination in 1941. Most of the material in the collection was gathered from areas within the University of Georgia
Libraries Special Collections Department, such as the Georgia Room vertical file and the Manuscripts Department. As one of
the main purposes of the project was to preserve historical data relating to Georgia, the papers consist of transcribed legal
documents, summaries of newspaper stories, personal interviews, and accounts of social and cultural events. The topics are
extremely diverse, and represent only a sampling of the subjects covered by the project. The two main sections of the collection
are the city and county files. Prominent in this area are several subheadings devoted to cultural concerns. These include
sections covering Atlanta theater, arts, and a well documented section covering opera performances presented in Atlanta from
1866 through 1940. The county files document the establishment of each county in Georgia and include historic events and/or
points of interest. Also included are a group of interviews with ex-slaves from around the state and two folders of general
folklore relating to slavery. Another section of note includes colonial legal records (wills, deeds, receipts, etc.), but
the records do extend into the mid 1800s. These records include transcriptions of Georgia House Journals, Executive Council
Minutes, Governor's correspondence, Military affairs, Indian treaties, Indian depredation records, etc.
Identifier: |
ms1500 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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16 |
Title: |
William Harden family papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Harden family |
Dates: |
1826-1936 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of correspondence, legal documents, genealogical materials, clippings, as well as speeches and writings
of William Harden. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence to William Harden or Judge Edward J. Harden. Included
are a series of letters from George Michael Troup to Dr. W.C. Daniels writing from Milledgeville, Georgia and Washington,
D.C. discussing state rights, Georgia land surveys, public education, tariffs, the nullification issue, and Indian affairs.
Identifier: |
ms2349 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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17 |
Title: |
Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. literary and historical manuscripts
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Jones, Charles C. (Charles Colcock), 1831-1893 |
Dates: |
1867-1889 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of the bound manuscript volumes written by Charles Colcock Jones, Jr., noted Georgia historian and
literary figure. Several of the volumes are extra illustrated by Jones. These writings form much of the corpus of Jones' published
works and are, for the most part, the author's own final manuscript copies, although there are some corrections and annotations.
Identifier: |
ms1066 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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18 |
Title: |
Transcripts of the Earl of Egmont papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America |
Dates: |
1732-1743 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of transcripts created by E. Merton Coulter from contemporary, hand-written copies of letters and
documents from 1732-1745 relating to the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America.
The correspondence includes letters between officials and settlers in the Colony and the Trustees. Major correspondees include
James Oglethorpe, Thomas Causton, Samuel Eveleigh, Thomas Christie, Elisha Dobree, John Wesley and Trustees Benjamin Martryn
and Harman Verelst. The letters provide comprehensive information regarding the settlement of Georgia, especially in Savannah
and Frederica; Indian trading and relations; activities of the French and Spanish; the question of slavery; Salzburger and
Moravian settlers; and religious matters.
Identifier: |
ms1786 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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19 |
Title: |
Earl of Egmont papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Perceval, John, Earl, 1683-1748 |
Dates: |
1732-1745 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of contemporary hand-written copies of letters and documents from 1732-1745 relating to the Trustees
for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America. The correspondence includes letters between officials and settlers in the
Colony and the Trustees. Major correspondees include James Oglethorpe, Thomas Causton, Samuel Eveleigh, Thomas Christie, Elisha
Dobree, John Wesley and Trustees Benjamin Martryn and Harman Verelst. The letters provide comprehensive information regarding
the settlement of Georgia, especially in Savannah and Frederica; Indian trading and relations; activities of the French and
Spanish; the question of slavery; Salzburger and Moravian settlers; and religious matters. The collection also includes the
journals and letters from 1736-1745 of William Stephens, secretary and later president of the Colony.
Identifier: |
ms746 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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20 |
Title: |
William Harden family papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Harden, William, 1844-1936 |
Dates: |
1826-1936 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of the papers of William Harden and the Harden family of Savannah, Georgia from 1826-1936. The papers
include correspondence, legal documents, genealogical materials, clippings, as well as speeches and writings of William Harden.
The bulk of the collection (1844-1936) consists of correspondence to William Harden or Judge Edward J. Harden. Letters to
William Harden pertain to Georgia history and family genealogy as well as letters documenting Harden's duties as Secretary
of the Sons of the Revolution (Savannah, Ga.) and as Librarian for the Georgia Historical Society (Savannah, Ga.). Correspondence
to Judge Edward Jenkins Harden discusses Georgia politics and law cases. Notable correspondents include Joseph Henry Lumpkin,
Charles Colcock Jones, Jr., and Caroline Miller. Also includes correspondence of other family members including John Maxwell
Harden, Edward T. Harden, and Ann Harden Morse. Of particular interest, are a series of letters (1826-1857, with gaps) from
George Michael Troup to Dr. W.C. Daniels of Savannah (Ga.). Writing from Milledgeville (Ga.) and Washington (D.C.), Troup's
letters discuss Georgia and U.S. politics, state rights, Georgia land surveys, public education, tariffs, the nullification
issue, and Indian affairs.
Identifier: |
ms878 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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