Murray and Nancy Ann Blum collection

Murray and Nancy Ann Blum collection

Descriptive Summary

Title: Murray and Nancy Ann Blum collection
Creator: Blum, Nancy Ann, 1933-2019
Creator: Blum, Murray Sheldon, 1929-2015
Inclusive Dates: 1794-1990s
Bulk Dates: 1914-1920
Language(s): English
Extent: 12 Linear Feet (18 boxes and 41 oversize folders)
Collection Number: ms4085
Repository: Hargrett Library

Collection Description

Scope and Content

This collection primarily consists of French, British, and American propoganda posters from World War I by well-known artists including Steinlen, Willette, Faivre, Ibels, Georges Scott, Ethel Franklin Betts, and others. Additionally, there are a small number of prints, newspapers, sheet music, postcards, and artifacts related to the war and post-war period. The artifacts include a number of trench art pieces made from artillery shells. There is a small collection of steroviews and a stereoviewer.

Organization and Arrangement

Organized into 8 series: posters, prints, newspapers and clippings, sheet music, postcards, ephemera, artifacts, and stereoviews.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Murray and Nancy Ann Blum collection, ms4085, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Related Collections in Other Repositories

Associated publications are individually cataloged in GIL-Find.

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


1. Posters and Proclamations

11Lincoln Said...America's Food Pledge 20 Million Tons, Save Food for World Relief; Image of Abraham Lincoln; Edward & Deustch Litho Co. Chicago; United States Food Administration, 1917-1919
12The President Says...America's Food Pledge 20 Million Tons, Save Food Don't Waste It; Image of Woodrow Wilson; Adolph Treidler; The Strobridge Litho. Co.; United States Food Administration, 1914-1918
13And They Thought We Couldn't Fight - Victory Liberty Loan; Triumphant soldier carrying German helmets; Clyde Forsythe; Ketterlinus, Phila., 1917
14Keep it Coming...Waste Nothing; Convoy of Army food trucks; George Illian; The W.F. Powers Co. Litho., N.Y.; United States Food Administration, 1917
15Our daddy is fighting at the front for you - Back him up - Buy a United States Gov't Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917; Image of Two American Children; Dewey; The T.F. Moore Co. New York, 1917
16Lest They Perish, Campaign for $30,000,000; Woman with child on back; W.B. King; Conwell Graphic Co.; American Committee for Relief in the Near East, 1917
2110,000 Members by Christmas...Red Cross Members; Red Cross with candle; Charles Buckles Falls; American Red Cross, 1918
22Buy a Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan and Help Win the War; Image of Woodrow Wilson; New York : American Lithographic Co., 1917
23Buy a Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan and Help Win the War; Image of Woodrow Wilson; New York : American Lithographic Co., 1917
24War Rages in France...We Must Feed Them; Image of refugees; Harry Everett Townsend; United States Food Administration, 1917
25Ring It Again - Buy U.S Gov't Bonds... Third Liberty Loan; Liberty Bell and 18th century Americans; Sackett & Wilhelms Corps, N.Y., 1917
26Good Bye, Dad... Third Liberty Loan; Father and son; Sackett & Wilhelms Corps, N.Y., 1917
27Blood or Bread; Man lifting an injured man; Henry Raleigh; Boston : Forbes; United States Food Administration, 1917
31American Field Service; Two soldiers in a truck; Josef Pierre Nuyttens; Merchants-Chicago, 1917
32Lest We Perish....Campaign for $30,000,000; Girl holding out hands; Ethel Franklin Betts; Conwell Graphic Companies, N.Y.; American Committee for Relief in the Near East, 1918
33See Him Through...Help Us to Help the Boys; Two soldiers, one in Knights of Columbus uniform and one marching; American Lithographic Co., N.Y.; National Catholic War Council, Knights of Columbus, 1918
34Help Fill the War Chest...Humanity Calls You; Chest filled with money; Ketterlinus, Phila., 1917
35The First Three!...31 to 1 War Chest; Hay, Enright, and Gresham; Kidder; Philadelphia, 1914-1918
36Save Your Child From Autocracy and Poverty...Buy War Savings Stamps; Child holding hands with the Statue of Liberty; Herbert Paus; New York : United States Printing & Lithograph Co; United States Treasury Department, 1918
37Are You 100% American... Third Liberty Loan; United States flags and eagle; Stern; Sackett & Wilhelms Corps, N.Y.; United States Treasury Department, 1917
38The Ships Are Coming ; Two large ships; Adolph Treidler; Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa.; United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1917
39Where the Victims Are - Campaign for $30,000,000; Map of Middle East; Ethel Franklin Betts; American Commitee for Relief in the Near East, 1918
41Men of London! Join Now; St Paul's Cathedral and Allied powers' flags; Andrew Reid & Co.; Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, 1915
51War Loan; British currency and money pouch; Sir Joseph Causton & Sons, Limited, London; The Parliamentary War Savings Committee, 1915
52Thousands Have Answered...Do you Realize This?; Seargent Bros Ltd., London & Abergavenny; Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1915
53More Men are Wanted for His Majesty's Army; H.W. & V. Ld.; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1915
54Britons! Your Country Needs You; United Kingdom; Saunders & Cullingham; Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1914
55War Loan...Invest Today; 5 shillings and explosion; Sir Joseph Causton & Sons, Limited, London; The Parliamentary War Savings Committee, 1915
61The British Sovereign Will Win, Invest in the War Loan; British Coin; David Allen & Sons Ld; The Parliamentary War Savings Committee, 1915
62Boys! Come Along You're Wanted; Soldier saluting; David Allen & Sons Ld; Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1915
63Britain's Strong Arm...Enlist Now; The Clerkenwell Press; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1914
64You Have in Your Pocket Silver Bullets...War Loan To-day; Coins around border; David Allen & Sons Ld; The Parliamentary War Savings Committee, 1915
65The Veteran's Farewell...Enlist Now; Man shaking hands with soldier; Frank Dadd; Petty & Sons Ld; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1914
71Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig; Alf Cooke Ltd : Leeds
72War Loan; Spottiswoode & Co Ld; The Parliamentary War Savings Committee, 1914
73The "Scrap of Paper"...Neutrality of Belgium...Enlist Today; Johnson, Riddle, and Co., Ld; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1914
74Another Call: More Men and Still More Men Until the Enemy is Crushed; Soldier playing a trumpet; Hill, Siffken & Co., LPA, Ld; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1914
75Men of the Empire to Arms; L.S & Co Ld; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1914
76Wanted: Men, Munitions, Money; Yellow bag with British pounds; A. White & Co.; London : The Parliamentary War Savings Committee, 1915
81"Cross" and "Crown"; British soldier looking at destroyed items; George Rankin, 1918
82He's Happy & Satisfied...Are You?; Smiling British soldier; Turner & Dunnett, London & Liverpool; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1915
83England Expects...Join the Army To-day; British coat of Arms; H.T & Co.; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1914
84Trained Men...Your Duty to Become One; Soldiers marching; Truscott & Son, LTD.; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1915
85Single Men First...How the Group System Works; Information recruiting single men over married men; Hazel, Watson, & Viney, LD.; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1915
86Britian is Fighting For...Defend Your Mothers Wives and Sisters from the Horrors of War...Enlist Now; Strajer Brothers, LTD.; Parlimentary Recruiting Committee, London, 1915
91Are You One of Kitchener's Own?; Herbert Kitchener; Montreal Litho. Co., 1914-1918
101Der lezte hieb ist die 8.kriegsanleihe = The Last Blow is the 8th War Loan; German soldier blue background; Nürnberg : Fritz Schneller & Co.; Paul Neumann, A.E.N., 1918
102Schweizerische Armee Woche; Swiss Army; W. Wassermann, 1918
421Sottoscrivete al Prestito; Classical female figure, representing Italy, wearing a crown, armor and drapped in the Italian flag, holding a sword toward a Nordic warrior coming over mountain; Giovanni Capranesi; Bergamo : Instituto Italiano D'Arti Grafiche, 1917
111Hommage de la Nation = Tribute to the Nation; Roman soliders; Compose et Grave par C.H. Coppier = Composed and etched by C.H. Coppier; La President de la Republique = The President of the Republic, 27 April 1916
112Comando Divisione Territoriale di Padova Ordine = Command Territorial Division of Padua Order; Recruitment for soldiers from Padova; Padova Stab. Tip. L. Crescini & C; II Tenente Generale Comandante la Divisione O. Zavattari = The Lieutenant General commanding the Division: O. Zavattari
113L'Italia ha bisogno di carne-frumento-grasso & zucchero = Italy needs Meat-Wheat-Fat & Sugar; Large portrait of soldier's head; George Illian; Latham Litho & PTG Co. Brooklyn, NY; Administrazione Del Cibi Stati Uniti, No. 8 = The US Food Administration, No. 8, 1917
121Comune di Padova = Community of Padova; Telling Padova citizens to enlist; Tip. Cooperativa; Segretario Generale A. Canalini, 8 December 1917
122Comitato "Pro Soldato" = "Pro Soldier" Committee; Call to arms to join England and France in war; La Casa Del Soldato
431Journée de Paris 14 Juillet 1916 Au profit des oeuvres de guerre de = Paris Day. July 14, 1916. To benefit the Hôtel de Ville's [Paris city hall's] war charities; French children with flag watching soldiers; Poulbot, Francisque; Paris : H. Chachoin, 14 July 1916
432Journée du Poilu - 25 et 26 Décembre 1915 [The Common Soldier's Day - 25 and 26 December 1915]; Soldier embracing woman; Willette, Adolphe Leon; Devambez Imprimerie, Paris, 1915
131Le marechal Foch dans le salon desormais historique; qui fut son cabinet de travail pendant l'ete et l'automne de 1918 = The Marshal Foch in the salon now historic; which was his study during the summer and autumn of 1918; Duvent, Charles-Jules, 1918
132…a tous les clous on gagne = …has all the nails we gain; Green picture of soldier using a hammer and nail on another man's back; H.G lbels; Ministre de la Guerre Bureau de la Presse, 26 August 1916
133Le Grand Pavois des Allies; Allied powers flags, 1917-1919
134[Over by Christmas]; French soldier and the Alsatian girl; Georges Scott, August 1914
1362eme Emprunt de la Defense Nationale; Illustrated free French city; Hansi [pseudonym for Jean-Jacques Waltz]; Imp. P.J. Gallais, Paris, 1916
137Merci!; Marianne kisses a French soldier; L. Sabattier, 1918
141Coucher de Soleil dans la plaine de l'Yser: Piece de 75 Allant Prendre Position = Sunset in the Plain of Yser: Piece of 75 Going to Take Position; Dark picture of soldiers in a wagon going off to battle; Georges Scott; Bertin de Plagnolles, 1914
142Tristesse D'Automne = Sadness Of Autumn; French soldier staring down a path surrounded by trees; H.G. Ibels, October 1914
143Le Bataillon Sacre = The Sacred Battalion; French soldiers aiming guns; A. Lainier, Publisher, 156, Faub. St. Martin. Paris.; Associated Military Personnel, Millerand, Ministre De La Guerre; Maurice Neumont, 8 September 1914
144Credit Lyonnais: Souscrivez Au 4e Emprunt National = Credit Lyonnais: Subscribe to the 4th National Loan; French soldier fighting Imperial eagle; Abel Faivre; Paris : Imp. Devambez, December 1918
1453e Emprunt de la Defense Nationale; Le bas de laine Français; Daniel Ridgeway Knight; Lapina. Imp. Paris, 1917
146Habitants Du 4me Arrond; Bastille Day and WW1 Memorial; Georges Calle; Imprimerie Caronnel, 1918-1920
151Marne, Yser, Somme, Verdun; The Dawn; French soldier holding a tattered French flag as two women from Alsace-Lorraine look on.; Henri Royer; Paris : Lapina, 1918
152Comment ils ecrivent l'historie = How they Write the Story; French soldiers on a battlefield; includes vignette of mother surrounded by children, reading letter; Victor Emile Prouvé; Nancy : Berger-Levrault, 1918
153Souscrivez pour la victoire Banque Nationale de Credit, trimmed and mounted; 'Victory' flying over the battlefield and bringing the allies into the war.; M. Richard-Gutz; Imp., Paris: Devambez, 1916
154Debout Dans la tranchee... Souscrivez au 3e emprunt de la defense nationale = Standing In the trench...Subscribe to the 3rd National Defense Loan; French soldier in battle; Berger-Levrault, Imp. Paris-Nancy; Lieut Jean Droit 226th RI, L'illustration, 1917
155Debout Dans la tranchee... Souscrivez au 3e emprunt de la defense nationale = Standing In the trench...Subscribe to the 3rd National Defense Loan; French soldier in battle; Berger-Levrault, Imp. Paris-Nancy; Lieut Jean Droit 226th RI, L'illustration, 1917
161Emprunt National 1918 = National Loan 1918; Woman and child farming, in background soldiers going into battle with Marianne urging them on; Chavannaz, B; Paris : Imp. Crété, 1918
162Emprunt National. Société Général. = National Loan. General company; "Victory" holding olive branch; Métivet, Lucien; Paris: Imp. Duruy & Cie, Villain & Bar. Succ'rs, 1920
163On les aura! 2e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale. Souscrivez; Soldier waving; Abel Faivre; Paris : Imp. Devambez, 1916
1643e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale. Souscrivez pour la France qui combat! Pour celle qui chaque jour grandit; Soldier holding child; Auguste Leroux; Paris : Joseph Charles, 1917
165Pour que la France soit victorieuse! Souscrivez au 4ème emprunt de la défense nationale. Crédit français; Rooster versus the Eagle; Georges Scott; Paris : Devambez, 1918
171Emprunt de la Défense Nationale - eux aussi! Font leur devoir; Wounded Soldier; Jules Adler; Union de Tir et gymnastiques; Imp. Paris, 1915
172Le Secours de Guerre; Soldier outside the Ancien Séminaire St. Sulpice which houses Le Secours de Guerre (the relief agency for war victims); Maurice Romberg; Paris : F. Champenois, 1916
173"La Marseillaise"; Figure of de L'Isle leading soldiers, Clemenceau quote; Carlu, Jacques; Imp. Devambez : Paris, 1918
174Le Vetement du Prisonnier De Guerre = Clothes for the Prisoner of War; Soldier writing a letter; Jean Louis Forain; Paris: Imp. F. Champenois, 1917
175Journée du Poilu. 25 et 26 décembre 1915. Organisée par le parlement; Soldier throwing grenade; Maurice Neumont; Paris : Devambez, 1915
181Declaration du Governement; Declaration of war; Imprimerie des Journaux Officiels, Paris, 1916
1824e Emprunt de la Defense Nationale; Allied flags bearing down on Kaiser Wilhelm II; Abel Faivre; Paris : Imp. Pichot, 1918
183Emprunt de la Defense Nationale; Soldier on the battlefield and a couple at the bank; Bernard Naudin; Paris : Devambez, 1915
191La Journee du Sauver La France; two French soldiers, one sitting down and going through a small box of supplies sent from home; Lucien Jonas; Paris : Lapina, Imp., 1915
192Semez des Pommes de Terre...Pour la France; Soldier and farmers; Georges Hautot; Imp. Pichot : Paris, circa 1915
193Pour le dernier quart d'heure . . aidez-moi! Les souscriptions á l'Emprunt National sont reçues á la Banque Nationale de Crédit; Gen. Ferdinand Foch overseeing his troops; SEM; Paris : Imp. Devambez, 1918
194Journee Des Regions Liberees Songez Aux Foyers Detruits;teary family embraces; D. Charles Fouquerny; Devambez. Imp. Paris, 1919
195Lorraine; Soldiers preparing for battle; A. Barriere, 1916
196Emprunt de la Paix - Grands Magasins du Louvre; Female peace figure carrying a cornucopia; Chavannaz, B.; Imprimerie Crété, Paris, 1920
201Journée du Poilu...par le Parlement; Woman surrounded by images of the battlefield; Charles Lucien Leandre; Devambez Imp. Paris, 1915
202Emprunt National 1920...Credit Algerien; Marianne wearing a laurel wreath and standing in front of a crowd of French citizens; Jean Droit; Gallais Imp. Paris, 1920
203Crédit Commercial de France. 4ème Emprunt de la Défense Nationale...pour le triomphe de la liberté; French soldiers in a trench. Behind them are faint outlines of American soldiers. In the far background Victory is holding a crown of laurel and a sword; Lucien Jonas; Paris : Chacion, Imp., 1918
204Union amicale d'Alsace Lorraine = Alsace Lorraine Club. French women! Hurry, so that during 1918, we can give to the poor little girls an Alsatian or Lorraine doll; Two women unwrapping dolls and showing them to a little girl; Henri Royer; Paris, Lapina., 1918
205Société Marseillaise de Crédit. Souscrivez a l'Emprunt Français; French civilians on farm; Auguste Leroux; Paris : Adolphe le Groupe, 1920
211Crédit National...des pays dévasdéts = ease the reparations of war damages; Village destroyed by war; Leon Constant Duval; Paris : Joseph Charles, 1920
212L'Emprunt De La Paix; French woman with girl and child in village; Henri Lebasque; Paris : Maquet, Gr, 1920
213Emprunt de la Paix - Souscrivez a la Banque Industrielle de Chine; French ship in China; Imp. Crete. Paris, 1920
214On ne passe pas. 1914 . . . 1918. Par deux fois j'ai tenu et vaincu sur la Marne; French soldier on battlefield; Neumont, Maurice ; Union des Grandes Associations Francaises contre la propaganda ennemie ; Paris : Devambez, 1917
2152me Emprunt de la Defense Nationale; People bringing money to La Marseillaise and Marianne; Alcide Robaudi; Cannes : Affiches Photographiques Robaudy, 1916
221Emprunt National 6% 1920; Elderly couple and newspaper; Roch; Paris: B. Sirven, 1920
222Emprunt Francais 5% 1920; Envoys from different nations making their contributions to Marianne for the reconstruction of France; Charles Fouray; Lloyds and National Provincial Foreign Bank; Paris: Joseph-Charles, 1920
223Palais du Trocadero; Family after battle destroyed home; Organized by students of the School of Law for the National Health, Victims of the War; Bonnefous, Jean; Imp. Goossens J.E. : Paris, 1917
224Emprunt National 1920 Societe Centrale des Banques de Province; Burning city and French cities coat of arms; L. Dappe.; Wielhorski; Paris: Devambez, 1920
231Souscrivez! The Equitable Trust Company of New York; French family looking at a house American soldiers have built; Jonas, Lucien; Paris: Joseph-Charles, 1920
232Exposition des Dons Americans; Two French women and wreaths; Abel Truchet; Paris: H. Chachoin, 1916
371Journée de l'Orphelinat des Armées; Three French children; Maurice Romberg; Pichot Imprimerie, 1915
372Emprunt... pour la Victoire !... et le retour !; Woman and children waving to soldier; Francisque Poulbot; Paris: Imp, Devambez, 1915
373Armee de Terre et Armee de Mer = ordering the mobilization of French army; French flag; Imprimerie Nationale; Le Ministre de la Guerre, 1914
374Emprunt De Verdun; Woman and chateau; Abel Faivre; Devambez, Imp, Paris, 1921
375Declaration des Deputes d'Alsac-Lorraine; 19th century French woman; Lucien Jonas; J. Cussac. Imp. Paris, 1914
406Premiers Soins a Donner Dans le cas de maladies survenues brusquement ou accidentellement en attendant l'arrivee du medecin; First aid treatment information; Imprimerie Nationale, 1913
401Historial de la Grande Guerre; Images from WWI; Lawoussiurie, C.; Une Somme De Loisirs, circa 1990s
402Journee Franco-Britannique; benefit of soldiers and families, November 1939
403A Tous Les Francais; Call to arms; General de Gaulle, June 1940
404Poster Liberation FFI [Reproduction]Universite de Paris, 1944
405Jour V; Victory Parade in Paris; Dubout, Circa 1945
408Rassemblement du Peuple Francais Strasbourg speech; Charles de Gaulle; Imp. Speciale du RFP, 1947
407Arrest du conseil d'etat du roi; Arrest warrant, 1785
409Au Nom de la Republique Les Representans du peuple, 1794
135Le Grand Ogre Raminagrobis; Napolionic battles; Pellerin, a Epinal, circa 1808
411Home at Last from Overseas; Invest in the Victory Loan; Victory Loan Pictorial News; Underwood and Underwood, New York; from Elliott Service Company, New York
412Is This Your Hand?; Yes! If You Buy War-Saving Stamp Your Name Goes as a Thanksgiving Promise to Pershing; WSS
413Help Them Keep Your War Savings Pledge; Casper Emerson, Jr.; Issued by U.S. Treasury Department
414Before Sunset; Buy a U.S. Government Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917; Eugene DeLand; Sackett and Wilhelms Corporation, New York, 1917
415A Club Dinner; The Spirit of War Camp Community Service; United War Work Campaign; Heywood, Strasser and Voigt Lithography Company, New York
422Buy United States Government War Savings Stamps, Your money back with interest from the United States Treasury; Line of immigrants buying stamps from Uncle Sam; Strobridge Lithgraph Company
423Opera "La Maternelle" Comedie en 3 actes de Leon Frapie; Group of sad children; Theophile Steinlen, 1920

2. Prints

311"Victory and Peace", 1914-1920
312Bagged in France; American with German helmet; Hercules Powder Co., 1918
313Not This Trip, Old Pal; Soldier and his dog; Hercules Powder Co., 1917
314Chicorée la Renommée des Flandres; Woman giving French soldiers coffee; Jean-Pierre Verney, 1916
315Pour Liberer l'Alsace...du Quercy; Comic strip of French soldiers; Berger-Levrault, 1919
316Petits Sous, Que Deviendrez-vous?; Comic for French children about war; Berger-Levrault, 1914-1920
317La Surviante; Woman in black walking across graveyard; Abel Truchet, 1914
321Over the Top; Allies fighting Germans; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1918
322Chateau Thierry...World War; American soldiers fighting in city; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1919
323Duty Calls; American soldier with wife and dog; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1917
324Gen John L Pershing; Drawing of General Pershing; E.G Renesch, Chicago
325Spirit of Paul Jones; US Navy in battle; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1918
326Perishing in France; Uncle Sam with French and American soldiers; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1917
327Peace; Soldier hugging elderly couple; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1918
328Soldier's Return; Soldier returned home with family; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1918
329America We Love You; Wilson, Washington and Lincoln; E.G Renesch, Chicago, 1917
331Print by A. Willette; Angel, family and grave; A. Willette, 1915
332Ravitaillement National; Award for services in war; Le Ministre du Ravilaillement, 1919
333Les Halles D'ypres; Illustration of Les Halles D'ypres; C. Duvent, 1915
334Les Ruines de Sermaize-Les-Bains; Ruins after battle; P. Vignal, 1916
335Illustration by E. Srofe; Person walking though destroyed town; Georges Scott, 1915
336L'Hotel de Ville D'Arras; Destroyed hotel; C. Duvent, 1915
337La Croix D'Honneur; Paul Charrin; Georges Scott, 1915
338La Medaille Militaire; Portrait of French soldier with medal; Georges Scott
339Le Crepuscule...Bataille; Dark battlefield with dead soldiers; J. Simont
3310A Cent...les trous d'obus; Photo of soldiers in trenches
3311A Cent...d'Allemands en fuite; Photo of battle
3312Aux Eparges; Dark image of soldiers' dying on battlefield; J. Simont, 1915
3313Les Honneurs Sous Le Feu; Wounded soldier being carried off battlefielf; Georges Scott, 1914
3314Les Victimes du Taube; Dead man and boy on beach; A. Broca, 1915
341Le Tacticien; Two elderly men; Abel Faivre
342Pensons aux Pessimistes!; Two French soldiers; Abel Faivre
343Et Apres; Couple walking into destroyed room; Abel Faivre
344En Russie; Two German soldiers; Abel Faivre
345Lourd de sac? ma grosse!; French soldier going home; Abel Faivre
346Voue au Blanc; Elderly man on phone; Abel Faivre
347Poesie Allemande; German soldier holding perfume; Abel Faivre
348Y Aura de...des bagues!; Bullet going over stones; Abel Faivre
351Le Jour...Soldats De France; Soldier stand at grave of dead soldier; Abel Faivre
352C'est un ministre...nos ruines; Man and son looking at destroyed town; Abel Faivre
353Allemande; Cameraman, German soldier with child on knee; Abel Faivre
354L'Allemagne aatquee; Large bird flying over farm; Abel Faivre
355Nos Neutres; Man standing over crying nun; Abel Faivre
356Bout de l'An; Germans standing waiting for something; Abel Faivre
357Le Kamerad; German soldier yelling at civilian; Abel Faivre
358Oh oui...danseurs; Woman asking man for something; Abel Faivre
359A Berlin; La Victoire de Lusitania; Happy German civilians after Lusitania; Abel Faivre
3510A Berlin; La Guerre des Modes; Women buying hats; Abel Faivre
3511Veillez...nos Victoires!; German soldiers looking a battlefield; Abel Faivre
391De Dion-Bouton Cycles; Woman with bicycle and dog; Fowrnery, C., 1912
392Cycles Peerless Paris; Man on bicycle, Circa 1912
393La Francaise L'ere Bordeaux-Paris; Bicycle race; Harodon, Circa 1912
394Humber & Co; French man and woman with bicycles; Pal, Circa 1912
395Cycles Rochet; Soldier on bike, Circa 1905
396Terrot Dijon; Woman on bike; Tomagno
397Massachusetts Ambulance Corps; Soldiers carrying wounded soldier; The Boston Herald Pub. Co., 1895
398Eigth Mssachusetts Infantry; Group of soldiers talking; The Boston Herald Pub. Co., 1895
3917Nouvelle Maniere; Print by Imp. d'Aubert; Imp. d'Aubert, 1880s
3920Vinny Ridge [Reproduction]; The ghosts of WWI soldiers; Canada House of Commons
39214me Emprunt National [Reproduction]; German soldier and Allied flags; Abel Faivre
4010French civilians; Henry de Groux, 1915
4011Soldiers marching; A. Willette

3. Newspapers and Clippings

25La Feuille ; Includes illustrations by Steinlen, Willette, Leandre, Hermann-Paul, Couturier, Anquetin, and Luce, 1897-1900
26De Nieuwe Amsterdammer; Includes illustrations by Jan Sluijters and P. Vanderhem, November 1917
26L'Epopee Serbe, 1918
26Groupes et Etiquettes, 1914-1920
26Le Petit Vigntieme, 1931
26L'Aurore, 1898
27Clippings, 1914-1920
27La Victoire, November 1916
27Le Nogentais, September 1914
27Le Petit Provencial, January 1915
28La Guerre Sociable, 1914
28La Diablo au Cor, July 1918
28Lexx Siegle, April 1917
28Le Journal, November 1918
28Excelsior, December 1914
28Le Petit Parisien, December 1915
29Le Matin, 1914-1916
29Ancre Grenade, 1916
29Le Courrier de L'Armee, 1916
29L'Echo de Paris, 1915
29Le Messin - Le Lorrain Le Courier, 1918
29Le Rire Rouge; Cover - A. Willette illustration, 1918
22La guerre européenne; Ephémérides illustrées éditées par le Petit Journal

4. Sheet Music

11That's What the Red, White, and Blue Means; Women, soldiers, warship, Statue of Liberty, flag; Walter Jacobs; Plaza Music Co., 1918
11I Ain't Got Weary Yet; Soldier shooting soldier; Herman Darewski Music Publishing Co., 1918
11Madelon - I'll be true to the whole regiment; Woman drinking with soldiers; L. Bousquet, Paris; Jerome H.Remick & Co., 1918
24Cheer Up, They're Comin' Home To-day; Soldiers marching by ship; McKinley Music Company; Frank K. Root & Co., 1914-1920
24Over There; Soldiers singing by Norman Rockwell; Herman Darewski Music Publishing Co.; Leo Feist, 1918

5. Postcards

12Mata-Hari; Margaretha Geertruida "Margreet" MacLeod
12Just a Line; American soldiers in line (Reproduction); The Evergreen Press, 1917
12Pour...Votre Or; Soldier under large coin; Devambez Imp. Paris, 1914-1920
12La Marseillaise; Soldiers and woman holding French flag; written on; Batallion Feldads, 1915
12Des Armees de la Republique; Allied flags; written on; Imp. Nat., 1915
12Les Bandits Allemanos; Murder and violence; Saint Giles, 66, pass., 1914
12Carts Postale...Militares ; French and British flags; written on; Imp. Gabelie, Paris, 1915
12Carte Postle Postkaart; Belgian flag; L. Roy, 1918
12Pratic-Bloc; Military photo postcards; E. Le Deley, imp. Paris, 1918
12Carte Postale; 18. Senlis - War September 1914 St. Martin's Faubourg, 1914
13Postcards; Various parades, French, Russian, and American;, 1914-1920
14Mit Deutfchem Gruk; Green wreath; written on; Isselt-Krieg, 1915
14Landwehr am Fiend; WW1 battle, 1915
14Postcard by Hans Audolf Schulze; Airplane leaving battle; Hans Audolf Schulze, 1914-1920
14Deustches-Kieger-Gelubde; Woman and two boys; K. Hofkalliger, Schmidt, 1914
14Die, Belageruug; Soldiers and woman; written on; Kunitnerlagsanitalt, Herhard Stalling, 1917
14Liebesfruhling; Soldier standing over woman; written on; G.D.D, 1917
14A'Bierwill...olles zamm; German soldier cartoon; R&K, 1917
15German leaders postcards; Verlag: Farbenphotogr, 1914-1920
15Flags, medals, creasts; German flags and crests; J.S.-F., 1914-1920
15Kaiser and Ludendorf; Photo postcards of Kaiser and Ludendorf; Berlog von Juguff Scherl, 1914
15Battle scenes; Battles fought; Verlag: Farbenphotogr, 1915

6. Ephemera

16Carte Individuelle D'Alimentation - ration book (1918); coupons for bread and free mail (1914); Journee du 75 lapel pin (1915); 1915 calendar; Coal rations (1920); letterhead with soldier image (1915); pass to circulate in Auxonne (1914); Ludendorff Spende 1/2 Mark; Emprunt National (1917); Ration book (1918);, 1914-1920
17Gaz Asphyxiants; Booklet about dangerous gases; Imprimerie G. Bourson, 1915
17Noel; Programme for event in honor of wounded soldiers; P. Larrias, 1914
17Les Heroiques Soldats de France; Pictures of French soldiers in different roles and time periods; Rue, Jules-Lefebore, 1914-1920
18Grand-pere Charmant - Grand-mere Mimi; French poem/song, 1914-1915
18Soiree Offerte...D'Infanterie Francaise; Program for concert celebrating French soldiers; Imprimerie Frantjeskakis Freres - Athenes, 1917
18Concert du 20 Fevrier; Prgram for concert with musicians in honor of French soldiers; Rue du Temple
18Leurs Camarades de l'Armee Hellenique; Program for concert celebrating French soldiers; Imprimerie Sphaira
1841st Bataillon de Chasseurs concert; Program, 1916
18Ville de Souilly Programme; Program for concert celebrating French soldiers; Ville de Souilly, 1915
18Ville de Souilly Programme; Program for concert celebrating French soldiers; Ville de Souilly, 1915
18Theatre de Verdure Concert-Gala; Program for concert in support of French troops; Port-illez, 1916
19Aluminum Kupler Meffing Nickel Zinn; German notice asking civilians to donate money
19Note de Service...Order de la Division; Letter about service in the French army; Brissand, 1917
19Gratification Renouvelable; Document providing money for French soldiers; Republique Francaise, 1917
19Active et Territoriale; Document providing a schedule for payment of soldiers;, 1916
19Service Militaire; French Military assignment card ; Le Commandment de Recrutement de Narbonne
19Dienstverkehrs-Schein; German military assignment paper; Laisser-Passer de Service, 1918
19Paper with travel stamps, 1917
110Correspondence [French] between Ernest and Elizabeth; 4 letters from Jules Cheret, 1918, undated
111Permission du Front; Document allowing person to join French army; Corps et Unite Administrative, 1918
111La Gafouieur; Large pamphlet about the war; Stein & Baudry, 1916
111A sa fete; Program for French song preformed in an infirmary; F. Phillips, 1915
111Le Matin; Letter responding to a request for music in a hospital; T.S.V.P, 1915
111La Messe au Front; Pamphlet with song; Smyth
111La Quinzaine de Guerre; Program with songs for concert; F. Bordage, 1915
111Matinee Offerte par le Cercle Militaire Belge; Program for concert supporting Belgian troops; Hopital Mre du Roi Albert, 1919
112Emprunt Documents; French and Russian bank documents; Banque de France, 1914-1920
113Panorama; Champagne, Moivrons, Haut des Trappes
114Prisoner of War booklet; German camps for French and Russian POWs, 1915
32Ressources, booklets on mines, fortifications, and destruction, 1912
33Programs - Theatre Municipal, La Chanson du Laboureur, Matinee Artistique; Billet D'hospital Coupons; card Veterans des armees de terre & de Mer
34Mobilization class booklets for Jean Amillien; note book carnet de route campagne du Maroc [Morrocco]; booklet La Guerre 1914-1916
35Ribbon "No we didn't Dewey thing to Spain" (1898); WWI playing cards; handkerchief Le Chant du Depart; post-war food tokens; Chamber of Commerce exchange tickets
30Swiss Ballistic Mechanics; photograph, 1919
30This Man is Partial to the Kaiser. Let's Send Him Over. We Have No Room for Pro-Germans; broadside
136Matinee Extraordinaire - Casino de Paris program Pourquoi la Belgique a Subi la Guerre; Soldier standing over dead man by Steinlen; Images by Leon Huygens insie; Imp. Eug. Verneau, 1915

7. Artifacts

31Cigarette Lighter; Souvenir de Champagne, 1917
31Joffree Mascotte Medallion; French medallion, 1914-1915
31Medals; French medallions, 1914-1916
31Dog tags;
31Croix de Guerre; French medallaion in blue box, 1914-1918
31Lighter; Ministre des Finances French lighter
31Lighter; Ministre des Finances French lighter
36German Flag; German Flag
4Aisne taracotta figurine; petites bornes en terre cuite, circa 1930
4Candle; Candle with German Iron Cross, 1914
5Bell [time and percussion fuse with a bullet for ringer]
5Crucifix [German Army belts with bullets and casings]
5German military belt buckle with coat of arms
5Portion of artillery shell with Notre Dame Cathderal image
6Lighter - "Gott Mit Uns"
6Lighter - Verdun, 1918
6Compass owned by Arnaud Charles
6Lighter - Verdun vs. Paris
6Brass Dog Tag - Austrian, 1917
6Commemorative coin; Memorial de Verdun
7French Soldier Figurines
7French Soldier Mini Figurines
7Handkerchief; rooster sitting on cannon, 1914-1915
8Vases from artillery shells
9Le Bleuet Rolling Papers and Case
9St. Etienne Miniature Plaque, 1915
9Soldier pin
9Verdun Ash Tray
9Artillery shells
9Pen and pencil holder [bullet casings with image of canon], 1915
9Brass plate "Soldat de la Grande Guerre" from French army veterans helmet
10German Helmet
16German Spike Helmet - WWI era
16German style officer's cap - WWI era - reproduction
16Belgian Air Force officer's hat - WWII era
17French Captain's Kepi hat
17Swedish Army officer's hat
17Fireman's helmet
18American P17 steel helmet - WWI era
18American U.S. Navy cap
18American Army campaign hat

8. Stereoviews

15Stereoscope, circa 1900
121Les Cartes SIP
122Cosmopolitan Serie
123Giant Trees Chapultepec Park, Mexico City
124SIP series Naples, Le Havre, Pompei, St. Raphael
125Le Bon Pasteur and Le Pharisien et le publicain A.N Paris
126Italie [hand-colored]
127La Fille de Mme Angot [hand-colored]
128Mr. and Mrs. Newlywed's new French Cook, Underwood & Underwood, 1900
131Paris, The New American, 1910
132Dual, Ancienne Maison Martinet
133Venus de Milo, Fine Art Photographers' Publishing Co.
134Ramses II, Forbidden City, Keystone View Company, 1895
135Paris et Ses Environs
136Works and Sun Sculpture Studios, 1898-1901
137Ch. Cottrel
141Exposition Universelle, 1878
142Images stamped Paul Barrois
143World War I military images, 1914-1920
144Images by B.K Wilburn & Co.

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