2. Alphabetical Files Abox folder Request box 25 1 Abingdon Press- M.K. Dean, undated 25 2 Abindon Press- Cassette Releases, undated 25 3 Abingdon Press- Classics Contract, undated 25 4 African University Development, undated 25 5 Alston and Bird, undated 25 6-8 Angel Awards, 1990, 1992 25 9 APCO Signs, undated 25 10 AFRTS Radio Pilot Programs Budget, undated 25 11 Annuity Agreement and Information, undated 25 12 Applications , 1995 25 13 William De Arteago, RE: Research of Fr. Sam Shoemaker, 1994 25 14 Atlanta Journal Constitiution PRTV Article, December 11, 1993 25 15 Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasting, undated 25 16 Atlanta Lifetime Roofing, undated 25 17 Avant Garde, undated 25 18 Jim Axel (WAGA), undated Bbox folder Request box 25 19 Rev. Dr. Douglass M. Bailey, Calvary Church, Memphis, TN, 1995 25 20 Mike Brown- UMC Series, 1991 25 21 Bill Bengtson, undated 25 22 Brian Bauknight-UMC Speaker, 1991-1992 25 23 David H. Barnhardt, undated 25 24 Dr. Hal Brady, FUMC, Dallas, TX, undated 25 25 Dr. D. W. Brooks, undated 25 26 Roger L. Burgess, United Methodist Communications, undated 25 27 Dr. Thomas Butts, undated Cbox folder Request box 25 28 Center for Radio Information, undated 25 29 Center for Disease Control, undated 25 30 Camp Gibson, 1989 25 31 Don Campbell, Janitoral Agreement, 1991 25 32 Candler School of Theology, undated 25 33 Dr. William R. Cannon, undated 25 34 Cape Dixson, undated 25 35 Capital HI Q, undated 25 36 Laura Carson, Audition Material, 1995 25 37 President Jimmy Carter, undated 25 38 Certificate of Appreciation, undated 25 39 Chaplin's Tape Library, undated 25 40 Chace, Dr. William M., Emory University President, 1994 25 41 Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta, undated 25 42 Class Reunion, undated 25 43 Clifton Corridor, undated 25 44 Clifton Road Widening, undated 25 45 Cobb County Symposium, undated 25 46 Dr. Stephen J. Cornils, 1991 25 47 Colson Chorale Take-Sheets, 1987 25 48-49 Columbia Forum, 1986, 1988 25 50 Columbia Theological Seminary, undated 25 51 Congratulation Letters- Awards, 1983 25 52 Columbus College Slide Show, undated 25 53 Council of Bishop Report, undated 25 54 Courier Printing, undated 25 55 Country Music/ Sacred Theology, undated 25 56 Cumberland Presbyterian Church, undated 25 57 Cally Curtis, undated 25 58 Council of Bishops, UMC Dbox folder Request box 25 59 Bishop Paul A Duffey UMC25 60 Dekalb County Tax Assessors25 61 Dekalb County Appraisal25 62 Dickerson, Charles- Will Beq. 25 63 Dust and Ashes- Music Group25 64 Glenn Draper- Methodist Protestant Hour Ebox folder Request box 26 1 ELCA- Southeastern Synod, undated 26 2 Elmo Ellis, 1993 26 3 Emory Campus Maps, undated 26 4 Dean James T. Laney- Emory University, undated 26 5 Emory University, undated 26 6 Employee Handbooks, undated 26 7 Episcopal Radio- TV Foundation, Inc.
, undated 26 8 Dr. Roberto Escamilla Jefferson UMC- San Antonio TX, undated Fbox folder Request box 26 9 Station Plaques 50th Anniversary 26 10 Guest List- 50th Anniversary Material26 11 Fortieth Anniversary Information26 12 50th Anniversary Peachtree Road 26 13 Faddis, Jo Equipment Donation26 14 Federal Communications Commission 26 15 FCC Proposal 26 16 Bishop H. Ellis Finger26 17 Flynt Studios26 18 John Fellers 26 19 Fellowship Recorded Hymnals26 20 Field Hymnal 26 21 Field Worship Guide (Camera Ready)26 22-27 Furman Pastoral School26 28 Furman Paid26 29 Furman Outstanding Balance Due26 30 Furman Pastor's School Cassettes26 31 Furman Pastor's School26 32 Furman Pastor's School Releases26 33 Celebrating Music Release Letters Gbox folder Request box 26 34 Gaines Statement, undated 26 35 Dr. Paul Leslie Garber, undated 26 36-42 GAB Institute, 1980, 1984, 1988-1991, 1995 26 43 Georgia Association For Pastoral Care, undated 26 44 General Corresopondence, 1995 26 45 Ms. Virginia Godfrey, undated 26 46 Bishop Robert E. Goodrich, Jr. Cassette Tapes, undated 26 47 Gold Medal Publicity, International Film and TV Festival, 1983 26 48 James R. Gunn, undated Hbox folder Request box 26 49 Dr. J. Wallace Hamilton, undated 26 50 Hamilton's Cassettes-Seminaries, undated 26 51 Hamilton's Album, undated 26 52 Harrington, W. Frank, Senior Minister Peachtree Presbyterian Church, undated 26 53 Don Heald Letters, 1994 26 54 William Horlock, 1994 26 55 Hispanic Radio Rev. Aida L. Beltran-Gaetan, undated 26 56-57 Historical, 1993, 1995 26 58-60 WWH Correspondence , 1991-1993 26 61-64 Historical File, 1989-1992 box folder Request box 27 1 Howard Hanger Trio Contracts
, undated 27 2 Bob Holmes Book, 1988 27 3 Howell, David B., Publisher Lectionary Homiletics, 1994 27 4 Mallonee Hubbard UMC Series, 1992 27 5 Robert Hupka, 1992 Ibox folder Request box 27 6 Stevenson, Shockley, Stevenson Inc., Insurance on Boiler, 1996 27 7 Workers Compensation, 1996 27 8 Commercial Pkg. , undated 27 9 IRS Audit, 1992 27 10 Independent Presbyterian Church, undated 27 11 PRTVC Interchange, undated 27 12 International Film and TV Festival , undated 27 13 Directors and Officers Liability Insurance, undated Jbox folder Request box 27 14 Resources Foundation Fundraising , undated 27 15 Kevin Jeter, undated 27 16-49 Joint Communication Committee, 1989-1996 27 50 UMC Church Relations/ Promo Budget, 1993-1996 27 51 SEJ Missional Fund Application, 1991 27 52 Job Numbers, 1989 27 53 Rev. Louise Stowe Johns, undated 27 54 James L. Johnson, undated 27 55 Bishop Jones 50th Anniversary Address, 1995 27 56 Boisfeuillet Jones, undated 27 58 Junaluska, undated 27 59 Junaluska Singers, 1979-1990 Kbox folder Request box 27 60 Miscellaneous, undated 27 61 Bishop Lloyd Knox, undated Lbox folder Request box 27 62 Lake Junaluska Assembly, 1994-1995 27 63 50th Anniversary Logo, 1995 27 64 Harold Lawrence- Rodger Dodger Series, undated 27 65 Logos
, undated 27 66 Agreement- Lutherans/ MS Kits, undated 27 67 Bishop Clay Lee, 1991-1995 27 68 Dr. Robert E. Lee, 1956, 1960-1963 Mc
box folder Request box 27 69 McCartney, Dr. Richard, 1995 27 70 Bishop Joel D. McDavid, 1980-1981 27 71 MacFarland Co. Mailing Lists, undated 27 72 Mr. Julius McCurdy, 1961-1985 27 73 Miss Janie McCutchen, 1960-1992 27 74 Rev. Melton McNeill- District Superintendent, 1976-1980 Mbox folder Request box 27 75 Management Audit, 1995 27 76 Map- Atlanta Metro, undated 27 77 Marketing- PRTVC, undated 27 78 Mechanical License Agreements, undated 27 79 Dr. Noah D. Meadows, Jr. , undated 27 80 Joel N. Martinez, undated 27 81 Media Center Memo Concering Joint Production, undated 27 82 Methodist Center, Inc. , undated 27 83 Methodist Protestant Hour Cassettes, undated 27 84 Christian Media Center Prospectus, undated 27 85 Methodist World Conference, 1986 27 86 North Georgia Conference, 1994-1995 27 87 Millsaps College, undated 27 88 George W. Bashore, undated 27 89 Woodrow Hearn and Bevel Jones, undated 27 90 William W. Morris, undated 27 91 Bishop Roy Nichols, undated 27 92 Sharon Z. Rader, undated 27 93 Bishop Sano UMC Speaker, 1995 27 94 Speaker Selection UMC Series, 1995 27 95 Methodist Bishops, undated 27 96 Methodist Publications, undated 27 97 SEJ College of Bishops, undated box folder Request box 28 1 Medisphere-Proposals, undated 28 2 Medisphere-Script, undated 28 3 Dr. L. David Miller, undated 28 4 Jim Moore- UMC Protestant Hour, undated 28 5 Music Library, 1995 28 6 Music Library- Protestant Hour, undated 28 7 Sam Morris, undated 28 8 Myrtle Beach Campground Ministry, 1977 Nbox folder Request box 28 9-10 NABS-WACC, 1989 28 11 NABS-Breakfast Seminar, 1991 28 12 NABS-WACC Detriot Meeting, 1988 28 13 NABS Breakfast Seminars, 1990 28 14 NABS, 1992 28 15 National Council of Churches, 1979-1984 28 16 National Public Radio, undated 28 17 Newsberry College, 1968-1982 28 18 Nealie's Correspondence File, 1990 28 19-25 Newsletters, 1983-1984, 1988-1989, 1992-1995 28 26 New Protestant Hour Contributions (Newsletter), 1992-1993 28 27 Interchange Newsletter, 1980-1987 Obox folder Request box 28 28 David Obar (Magnedyne, Inc.), 1978 28 29 Madalyn Murrary O'Hair, undated 28 30 Jack Oetgen, 1993-1994 Pbox folder Request box 28 31 Miscellaneous, undated 28 32 Rev. Joon-Sik Park, 1994-1995 28 33 Rev. Reynell Parkins, 1992-1993 28 34-35 Peabody Awards, 1985, 1990 28 36 Photos, undated 28 37 Personnel List, 1968-1992 28 38 Personnel Termination Analysis, 1968 28 39 Perspective Materials, undated 28 40 Perspectives Distribution, undated 28 41 Perspectives Minutes, 1981-1986 28 42 Piedmont College, undated 28 43 M. E. Pierson, undated 28 44 Pitney Bowes Contract, 1992-1993 28 45 Plaques to Georgia Stations, 1990 28 46 PRTVC Protestant Hour Info, 1994-1995 28 47 Dr. Reginald Ponder, Exe. Sec. SEJ, 1986-1989 28 48 Postage Meter Machine Information, 1993 28 49 Producers' Meeting- Protestant Hour, 1992 28 50 Protestant Hour Denomination Contracts, Agreements, Misc Info, undated 28 51 Producer Meeting, 1994 28 52 Producer's Dinner , 1994 28 53 Test Marketing, 1994 28 54 Protestant Hour Air Dates, 1994 28 55 Protestant Hour Ads, 1993-1994 28 56 Budget- Protestant Hour, 1992 28 57 Protestant Hour Budget Presentation , 1992 28 58 Protestant Hour Report to Fall Meeting , 1992 28 59 Protestant Hour Report Sorted Stations Originals, 1993 28 60 Protestant Hour Music Library, 1993 28 61 Music- Protestant Hour, undated 28 62 UMC Protestant Hour, 1994 28 63 Promo, 1995 28 64 Marketing Out Reach, undated 28 65-66 Protestant Hour Budget, 1993-1994 28 67 Protestant Hour: How to Get the PH on the Air in Your Community, undated 28 68 Protestant Hour Report, 1992-1993 28 69 Protestant Hour Station Listeners, 1994 28 70 Protestant Hour Testimonies, 1993 28 71 Calendar- Protestant Hour Production, 1993-1994 box folder Request box 29 1 PRTVC Tour Information, undated 29 2 Protestant Radio and TV Center Major Productions, undated 29 3 Rev. Charles Poole, undated 29 4 James Powell, undated 29 5 Project Equality- PCUSA, 1992-1994 29 6 PRTVC Floor Plans, undated 29 7 Public Broadcasting Services, undated Rbox folder Request box 29 8 Dr. John A. Redhead, Jr., undated 29 9 Porter Remington Bach Choir, undated 29 10 Radio Information Center Contract Radioscan- Maurise Webster, undated 29 11 Dr. Walker L. Railey, undated 29 12 Caroline Leiding Rakestraw, Deceased, 1912-1993 29 13 Ralph Rivers, undated 29 14 Rev. Hill Carter Riddle, undated 29 15 Reigner Library (Eleanor Godfrey), undated 29 16 Carol Roddenberry, undated 29 17 Susan V. Russel Estate Trust Termination, undated 29 18 Releases for Model, undated Sbox folder Request box 29 19 St. Mark's Furniture Loan, 1988 29 20 Oliver Sale, undated 29 21 Dr. Tex Samples, 1992 29 22 Salvation Army, undated 29 23 Programmer's Shopping List, undated 29 24 Dr. Herchel Sheets, undated 29 25-28 Sandcastles, 1987,1988,1991,1992 29 29 Sandcastle-International, undated 29 30 Sandcastle International By-Laws, undated 29 31 Sandcastles' International Stationary, undated 29 32 Salvation Army WWOL, undated 29 33 Salvation Army Correspondence, undated 29 34 Salvation Army Contract, undated 29 35-36 Salvation Army, 1968,1988 29 37 Shallowford Presby. Church, undated 29 38 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sharp, Jr. , undated 29 39 Schlicker Organ, undated 29 40 Dr. Timothy A. Schmidt, undated 29 41 Schmidt Contract, undated 29 42 John A. Sibley, undated 29 43 Simpsonwood, undated 29 44 Sonic Solutions- Digital Editing, undated 29 45 Preparing for Church Membership Slide Presentation, undated 29 46 Bealy Smith, undated 29 47 Solicitation Letter and Thank You Letters, 1991 29 48 Hal L. Smith, undated 29 49 Sound Stage Rental, undated 29 50 Southern Seminary-Atlanta, Dr. Carl Ficken, undated 29 51 Southgate, Virgiana- Will Beq., undated 29 52 Stereo Tape Survey, undated 29 53 Southeastern Jurisdictional Association for Native American Ministries, undated 29 54 Gordon Goodgame SEJ, undated 29 55 SEJ Administrative Council Materials, undated 29 56 Conference Council Directors, undated 29 57 SEJ Administration Staff and Agencies
, undated 29 58 SEJ Association of Christian Communication, 1992 29 59 SEJ Television Committee, undated 29 60-62 SEJ Protestant Hour Commission, 1993, 1994, 1995 29 63 SEJ Selection Committee, 1991 29 64 SEJ Speaker Promotion, 1995 29 66-69 SEJ Administrative Council, 1988, 1990-1991 29 70 SEJ Finances, undated 29 71 SEJ Conference, 1992 29 72-74 SEJ Communication Commisssion , 1989, 1990-1991 29 75 SEJ Media Proposals, undated 29 76 SEJ Slide Presentation Script, 1993 box folder Request box 30 1-2 SEJ Administrative Council, 1992 30 3 Southeastern Jurisdiction UMC, undated 30 4-9 ELCA Southeastern Synod, 1982, 1994 30 10 Solicitations , 1993 30 11 Speaker Release Forms, undated 30 12 Billie Cheney Speed, Religion Editor- Atlanta Journal, undated 30 13 Shirley Whipple Struchen, undated 30 14 Staff Memos, undated 30 15 Station Adds and Drops, undated 30 16 Edmund Steimls Cassette Project, 1983 30 17 Muriel M. Stone- Will Bequest, undated 30 18 Studio Proposal, undated 30 19 Sudio Rental Rates, 1994-1995 Tbox folder Request box 30 20 Talent Release Forms, undated 30 21 Louisville Protestant Hour Station, undated 30 22 Senator Herman Talmadge, undated 30 23 Teachings of Jesus Contract, undated 30 24 Testimonies, 1995 30 25 Protestant Hour Test Marketing Program, undated 30 26 Texas Conference Presentation, undated 30 27 John West Thatcher, 1992 30 28 "There Are No Teenagers at the Table" Article by E.J. Guetschow, undated 30 29 Robert B. Tippett, undated 30 30 TRI-Tech Roofing and Coating Contract, 1995 30 31 Abbott Turner Conference Center, undated 30 32 Traveling Tracks, undated 30 33 Trinity United Methodist Church, undated 30 34 TV Pilot , 1989-1990 30 35 Ted Turner, undated 30 36 Low Power TV Project, undated Ubox folder Request box 30 37 Upper Room Cassettes- UMC General Board of Discipleship, 1995 30 38-39 Union Theological Seminary Library, undated 30 40 United Methodist Agency Addresses, undated 30 41-42 United Methodist Communications, undated, 1995 30 43 UM Protestant Hour Press Releases, undated 30 44-47 The Upper Room, undated Vbox folder Request box 30 48 Vespers Quote , 1989 30 49-56 Villa International Atlanta, 1970, 1978, 1982 30 57 Vision Interfaith Satellite Network, undated box folder Request box 39 1 Villa International, undated 39 2-3 Villa International Land Sale, 1993-1995 Wbox folder Request box 39 4 Miscellaneous, undated 39 5 Margaret Weeks, undated 39 6 Wesley Woods, undated 39 7 Fred Westbrook- Rental Information, undated 39 8 Dr. DeForrest Wiksten Plymouth Park UMC- Irving, TX, undated 39 9 Woody Wilson's Writing/Composition, 1994 39 10 Woody Wilson Memos, 1994 39 11-12 Woody Wilson, 1994 39 13 Woody Wilson's Material, 1994 39 14 Rodney Wilmoth, 1987-1988 39 15 WSB Micellaneous Correspondence, 1962-1967 39 16 Dean Jim Waits-Candler School of Theology- Emory University, 1978-1984 39 17 Sidney A. Wien, 1961 39 18 Rev. Theodore Wolff, 1983 39 19 Keith M. Wulff- Content Analysis, Research of Protestant Hour Sermons, 1945-1989 39 20 Children's Workshops, 1987 39 21 Workshop Materials- Carol Jones, 1987 39 22 Workshops (Dramatics), 1987 Ybox folder Request box 39 23 John Ylvisaker, Release for Use of Music, 1995
5. Protestant Hour box folder Request box 39 24 1949-1954 39 25 Schedule of Protestant Hour, 1955-1968 39 26 1964-1968 39 27 How to Get PH on Air, 1964 39 28 25-Minute Protestant Hour Program, 1960-1965 39 29 PH Printer's Proofs, 1965-1966 39 30 PH Crisis Series, 1968 39 31 Bishop Robert E. Goodrich, Jr. Sermons Cassette Catalog, 1953-1969 39 32 Production Work for the Protestant Hour by PRTVC, 1969 39 33 Minutes- Protestant Hour Meeting at Stone Mountain- Atlanta, 1969 39 34-35 Protestant Hour Minutes, 1969 39 36 Protestant Hour Call Meeting Minutes, 1969 39 37 PH Schedule, 1969-1970 39 38 PH Minutes, 1971 Cost Informationbox folder Request box 39 39 Price Lists for Comparison- PH, 1950-1961 39 40 Cost Information, 1953-1961 39 41 Costs, 1954-1960 39 42 Costs, 1960-1962 39 43 Prices for Review, 1962-1965 39 44 Duplication- National Tape Service, Inc. , 1965 39 45 Tape vs. Disc, 1965-1967 39 46 PH Cost Study, 1961-1968 39 47 PH Meeting Financial Information, 1969 39 48 PH Cost Concerns, 1970 BFC Relationshipbox folder Request box 39 49 BFC Relationship to the PH, 1962-1963 39 50 BFC Protestant Hour Placement, 1969-1971 Protestant Hour Committeebox folder Request box 40 1 PH Committee Meeting, Crisis and Miscellaneous, 1949, 1974-1975 40 2 PH Committee, 1965 40 3 Report of Task Force on Communications, 1969 40 4 PH Committee Meeting Minutes, 1970 40 5 PH Committee Members and Officers, 1970 40 6 Special Committee, 1970 40 7 PH Committee, 1972 40 8 PH Committee Officers, 1960-1973 40 9 PH Committee, 1973 40 10 PH Edited Scripts, 1974 40 11 Interjurisdictional PH Participation , 1975-1976 40 12 1975-1976 40 13 United Church of Christ , 1978 Testimoniesbox folder Request box 40 14 1953-1960 40 15 Foreign Testimonials, 1957-1961 40 16 1957-1961 40 17 Armed Forces- Foreign Testimonials, 1957-1963 40 18 1958-1963 40 19 1955-1965 40 20 Prob of Grief Selected Testimonials, 1959-1965 40 21 Testamonials- Steimle, 1960-1965 40 22 Special Fan Mail, 1965-1966 40 23 1965-1966 40 24 Be Still and Know Testimonies, 1964-1967 40 25 1965-1967 40 26 Correspondence About Visits to Center, 1965-1967 40 27 Armed Forces Cassette Kit and Tapes Testimonials, 1967-1968 40 28 Crisis Series Letters, 1968 40 29 "Letter to Billy Jones" Testamonials, 1969 40 30 "Happy to Be on Mailing List" Letters, 1969 40 31 Special Testimonials, 1969 40 32-33 1969 40 34 Be Still and Know Fan Mail, 1969 40 35 Selected Testimonials for Visual Displays, 1960-1969 40 36 Cassette Recorder Kits Testamonials, 1967-1969 40 37 Methodist Series Testamonials, 1969 40 38 PH Request Samples, 1970 40 39 1967-1972 40 40 1972 40 41 1973-1974 40 42 1976-1979 40 43 Newsletter Samples and 35th Anniversary Book Bids, 1980 40 44 Special Series, 1980 40 45 History of SEJ TV Task Force, 1977-1980 40 46 PH Financial , 1974-1980 Station Contactbox folder Request box 40 47 PH Adds and Drops, 1972-1978 40 48 Station List, 1975 40 49 Stations Airing PH for 35, 25, 15 years, 1980 Analysis and Surveysbox folder Request box 40 50 Radio and TV Survey Ltd, 1962 40 51 Surveys- Radio, 1962 40 52 Audience Research, 1966 40 53 Study of Church Attendance and Related Factors, 1967 40 54-55 PH Audience Research , 1962-1969 40 56 Station Analysis, 1969 40 57 Mail Response Survey- LCA, 1971 40 58 Survey Cards Sent to Stations Not Sure Whether They Are Carrying PH, 1972 40 59 Station Format Poll, 1979 40 60 PH Analysis and Radio Survey, 1968-1980 40 61 Audience Response to Religious Drama, undated Correspondencebox folder Request box 41 1 Dick Sutcliffe Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1959-1962 41 2 1971 41 3 Spanish Protestant Hour Radio Program, 1971 41 4 Nelson Price, Chairman- PH Committee, 1970-1972 41 5 Radio Executive Message to Churches , 1972 41 6 Memos Sent to Program Directors of Radio Stations that Carry PH, 1972-1974 41 7 Delinquent Tape Return, 1974-1979 41 8 Caroline Rakestraw Correspondence, 1969-1978 41 9 Howard Coleman PRT- LCA, 1973-1978 41 10 Dr. Everett C. Parker, United Church of Christ- NY, 1976-1980 41 11 Bill Winslow, United Church of Christ, 1978-1980 41 12 Samples of Response to 35th Anniversary PH Series, 1980 41 13 Cassette Order File Anniversary Series, 1980-1981 41 14 Permanent Mailing List, undated 41 15 PH Past Materials, 1957-1982 41 16-17 United Methodist PH Program Scripts, 1983 41 18 1984 41 19 UMC Protestant Hour, 1984 41 20 Methodist Cassette Ministry , 1946-1984 41 21-22 1985 41 23 PH Promotion, 1986 41 24-26 1986 41 27 Cassette Catalog Information, 1983-1986 41 28 Trustee Letters, 1986 41 29 Episcopal Radio- TV Foundation, Inc, 1986 41 30-32 1987 41 33-35 PH TV, 1985-1987 box folder Request box 42 1 UMC Protestant Hour, 1987 42 2 UMC Protestant Hour Scripts, 1987 42 3 Cobb County Symposium Cassette Order Forms, 1971-1987 42 4 Cobb County Symposium Signed Release Forms, 1972-1987 42 5 Columbia Forum Cassette Order Forms, 1983-1987 42 6 Stationery Materials Ideas, 1985-1987 42 7 PH Expansion Campaign, 1987 42 8 Furman Pastor's School, 1987 42 9 CSTN, 1987 42 10 Essentials of Evangelism , 1987 42 11 Promotion , 1987 42 12-15 1988 42 16 Cassette Catalog, 1988 Musicbox folder Request box 42 17 1975-1977, 1986-1988 42 18-25 Methodist Series, 1979, 1982-1988 42 26 Lloyd Perkins, 1980 box folder Request box 43 1-2 Catch the Spirit, 1985-1988 43 3 UMC Protestant Hour, 1988 43 4 Furman Pastor School, 1976-1988 43 5 Columbia Seminary- Signed Release Forms, 1970-1988 43 6 Cars Leased From Transystems, 1988 43 7 Daily Christian Advocate, 1988 43 8 Committee on Communications, Inc, 1988 43 9 Sattelite Downlink, 1988 43 10 SEJ Episcopal Election, 1988 43 11 Promotion, 1988 43 12 Format, 1988 43 13 PH Speakers Signed Release Forms, 1966-1989 43 14 1989 43 15 United Methodist Series of the Protestant Hour, 1989 43 16 Signed Release Forms, 1979-1990 43 17 Patron Data, 1988-1990 43 18 1990 43 19 Protestant Hour Content, 1990 43 20 UMC PH Scripts, 1990 43 21-22 Cassette Order Forms for PH, 1981-1990 43 23 Methodist Series, 1991 43 24 Furman Pastor's School Cassette Order Forms, 1972-1991 box folder Request box 44 1 Presbyterian PH Sermons , 1991 44 2 Presbyterian Series Extra Copies, 1991 44 3 1991 44 4 PH UMC Press Releases, 1991-1992 44 5 Bauknight Series, 1992 44 6 CFA- SEJ , 1989-1992 44 7 Total Quality Awareness Workshop for SEJ Admin Council, 1994 44 8 50th Anniversary, 1995 44 9 50th Anniversary RSVP's and Attendence, 1995 44 10 Press Releases, 1995 44 11 50th Anniversary Cassettes, 1995 44 12 Cassette Order Form References, undated 44 13 Letter/ Response Templates
, undated 44 14 UMC Advocate Editors, undated 44 15 Photographs of Bishops, undated 44 16 PH Logo, undated 44 17 Rating Sheets for UMC Selection Process, undated 44 18 PH Production Suggestions, undated 44 19 Miscellaneous, undated box folder Request box 58 1-2 Episcopal Series, 1958-1963 58 3-5 United Lutheran Series - Dr. Edmund Steimle, 1957-1964 58 6-9 Methodist Series - Dr. Robert E. Goodrich, Jr.and Dr. A Purnell Bailey, 1957-1963 58 10-14 United Presbyterian USA Series, 1957-1963 box folder Request box 59 1 Protestant Hour Correspondence
8. General Files By Yearbox folder Request box 47 1 Charter- PRTVC, 1949 47 2 John Redhead, 1954 47 3 Ed Steimle Sermons, 1958 47 4 Wallace Hamilton, 1958 47 5 1945-1959 47 6 National Council of Churches, 1959-1960 47 7 American Bible Society- New York, NY, 1960 47 8-10 National Council of Churches , 1962-1964 47 11 Extra Minutes- PH Meeting, 1964 47 12 Quotes for 520 Prints, 1964 47 13 National Council of Churches, 1965 47 14-15 Trustees, 1964-1965 47 16 Workshop- Candler Preaching , 1965 47 17 Establishment, 1965 47 18 Trustees Nominated and Nominating Committees , 1961-1966 47 19-20 Workshop- Candler Preaching, 1966 47 21 Miscellaneous, 1966 47 22 Toward a Destiny of Excellence Scripts, 1966-1967 47 23 Millsaps College Film (With Production Still), 1966-1967 47 24 Trust Company of Georgia, 1963-1967 47 25 Workshop- Candler Preaching, 1967 47 27 Finances , 1967-1968 47 28 Report to Long Range Planning Committee, 1968 47 29 United Presbyterian Church, USA, Protestant Hour, 1968 47 30 Brochure Chaplain's Tape Library, 1968 47 31 Auditor's Report, 1968 47 32-33 Printed Material About Center, 1953-1969 47 34 Photos Used in Displays, 1969 47 35 From Where We Stand, 1969 47 36 Proposed By-Laws, 1969 47 37 Methodist Series , 1970 box folder Request box 48 1 Presbyterian U.S. Protestant Hour, 1970 48 2 Channel One Expansion , 1971 48 3 Channel One Financial , 1971 48 4 Episcopal Series, 1971 48 5 Correspondence- PRTVC Trustees and Executive Committee, 1971 48 6 Task Force, 1971-1972 48 7 Restructure Resolution, 1972 48 8 Reports and Correspondence- PRTVC Trustees, 1972 48 9 Appreciation Note- Ernest J. Arnold, 1973 48 10 Business Plan for PRTVC, 1973 48 11 Trustees, 1963-1973 48 12 Prior Trustees, 1968-1974 48 13 Official Mail Ballot- Presidential Election , 1974 48 14 Operating Statistics , 1976-1977 48 15-19 CETA, 1976-1977 48 20-22 Comprehensive Planning Committee, 1978 48 23 Purchase Orders, 1979 48 24 SOLINET, 1979 48 25 Speaker Releases- SOLINET, 1979 48 26 South Carolina Baptist Convention Film- Bold Commitment, 1979 48 27 Chaplain's Tape Library, 1979 48 28 Annual Report , 1979 48 29 1980 48 30 35th Anniversary, 1980 48 31 Purchase Orders, 1980-1981 48 32 Nominations, 1981 48 33 Legal Documents, 1949-1981 48 34 Inventory, 1981-1983 48 35 Purchase Orders, 1982-1983 48 36 Women's Inter-Seminary Conference, 1983 48 37 Film and Video Equipment Inventory, 1983 48 38-39 Methodist Festival Choir, 1983-1984 48 40-41 Southeastern Synod, LCA, 1984 48 42 Pension Plan, 1970, 1977-1984 48 43 United Methodist Media Campaign Packet, 1981-1984 48 44 Job Orders, 1979-1984 48 45 Evangelism and the Kingdom of God, Fred Westbrook, 1984 48 46 Cobb County Symposium , 1971-1972, 1981-1985 48 47-49 Media Awareness Workshop, 1984-1985 48 50 Lutheran Speakers, 1945-1985 48 51 Cassette Distribution Monthly Report, 1983-1985 48 53 Barbara Lundblad, 1984-1985 box folder Request box 49 1-5 Lutheran Sermon Requests, 1985-1986 49 6 Powell and Company Insurance, 1985-1986 49 7 Muriel Stone Bequest, 1986 49 8 Barclaymerican/ Financial, Inc. , 1986 49 9 Lutheran Series Correspondence, 1986 49 10 United Methodist Series Correspondence, 1986 49 11 1987 49 12 Percentage of Revenue by Denominations, 1950-1988 49 13-14 Lutheran Requests , 1988 49 15 Financial Summary , 1986-1989 49 16 Annual Report, 1990 49 17-19 Budget, 1979-1991 49 20-21 Retirement Committee, 1972-1991 49 22 Methodist Protestant Hour, 1990-1991 49 23-24 Presbyterian Series Sermon Requests, 1991 49 25 Budget Comparison to Actual, 1992 49 26 Episcopal Protestant Hour Contract, 1992 49 27 Development Committee, 1992 49 28-31 Program Requests, 1992 49 32 Budget , 1992-1993 box folder Request box 50 1 Producers Correspondence , 1993-1995 50 2 Protestant Hour Budget , 1995 50 3-4 Tapes- 50th Anniversary Music Orders , 1995 50 5 Program Requests, 1995 50 6 PH Christmas Disc/ Cassette Releases: Permission for Use of Selected Performer's Work, 1995 50 7 Gifts to be Listed in Computer, 1995 50 8 50th Anniversary, 1995 50 9-10 Book Requests, 1995 50 11-12 50th Anniversary Special Programming, 1995 50 13-14 Past Sermons, 1997-1998 50 15 Strategic Plan Finances, 1998 50 16 Trustees Insurance, 1998-1999 50 17 Educational Programs, 1999 50 18 PH, 1999 50 19 Board Meeting, 1999 A-Zbox folder Request box 50 20 Advertising, undated 50 21 Advisory Committee- Office of Information, undated 50 22 Dr. J.M. Alexander, undated 50 23 American Scenic Company, Inc., undated 50 24-25 Ann Gillies, undated 50 26 Annandale Slide Show, undated box folder Request box 45 47 Armed Forces- Testimonies on Cassette Kits and Tapes, 1970 45 48 Armed Forces- Chap Lonergan, U.S. Navy Theology Lecture Project, 1971 45 49 Armed Forces- U.S. Navy Cassette Project, 1971 45 50 Armed Forces- CDR. Guy M. Leonard, CHC USN, Chasleston, South Carolina, 1967-1972 45 51 Armed Forces- Chaplain (Maj) James Johnson, U.S. Army, 1969-1974 45 52 Armed Forces- Statement, Personal Meditation Tapes, undated box folder Request box 50 27-28 Dr. Ernest J. Arnold, undated 50 29 Artists- Graphics, undated 50 30 Art of Christmas, undated 50 31 Artist, Photographer- John Keen, undated Atlanta Association for Retarded Childrenbox folder Request box 46 1 "A Study of Georgia's Services for the Mentally Retarded" Vol. One, 1972 46 2 "A Study of Georgia's Services for the Mentally Retarded" Vol. 2, 1972 46 3 Retarded Children's Fund Drive- Radio and TV Announcements, 1973 46 4 "A Study of Georgia's Criminal Justice System As It Relates to the Mentally Retarded", 1973 46 5 Project Rescue Progress Report, 1974 46 6 Fiscal Year Budget and Planning Report, 1975 46 7 Annual Report, 1974-1975 46 8 Developmental Disabilities Planning and Coordinating, 1975 46 9 Fund Campaign, 1975 46 10 Programs Pending, 1975 46 11 "News and Views" Newsletter, 1974-1976 46 12 Public Relations, 1974-1976 46 13 Financial Statement, 1975-1976 46 14-18 "Handling the Mentally Retarded Offender", 1976 46 19 Information Binder, undated 46 20 Leaflets, undated 46 21 Project Change II, undated 46 22 Developmental Disablilities Council , undated 46 23 Police Education, undated 46 24 Special Olympics, undated 46 25 "A Survey of Existing Services for the Mentally Retarded in Metro Atlanta", undated 46 26 Printed Material , undated box folder Request box 50 32 Audio Cassette Catalog, undated Banners of Faithbox folder Request box 45 53 Meeting, 1966 45 54 Program Release Dates, 1965-1967 45 55 1965-1968 45 56 Denominational Names to Executive Director, 1968 45 57 Correspondence, 1968 45 58 Chaplains Workshop, 1969 45 59 Photos- Chaplains' Comm. Clinic, 1970 45 60 Correspondence, 1970 45 61 Armed Forces TV STations, 1970 45 62 Contracts, 1965-1971 45 63 AFRTS- Review Board, 1968-1971 45 64 Information, 1971 45 65 Testamonies, 1971-1972 45 66 AFRTS Review, 1972 45 67 Correspondence- Denominations, 1973 45 68 Chaplain Board- "How to Produce a Video Tape"
, 1974 45 69 Information, 1971-1974 45 70 Chaplain Alfred Saegar- Executive Director Armed Forces Chaplains Board Correspondence, 1974-1976 45 71-72 Correspondence, 1974-1977 45 73 Recommendation for Recording, 1978 45 74 Correspondence, 1966, 1978, 1984 45 75 Endorsing Agency, undated 45 76 Armed Forces Chaplains Board Approved Denominations, undated box folder Request box 50 33 Board Members, undated 50 34 Board Members' Profiles, undated 50 35 Board Trustees/ Executive Committee- Meetings Schedule, undated 50 36 Board Records, undated 50 37 Boy Scouts P.S.A. , undated 50 38 Brochure Ideas, undated 50 39 Building, undated 50 40 Building- Heating and Air, undated box folder Request box 51 1 By Laws, undated 51 2 Cassette and Album Deals, undated 51 3-4 Cassette Catalog, undated 51 5 Cassette Inventory and Monthly Sales, undated 51 6 Cassette Lables, undated 51 7 Cassette Lable Masters Miscellaneous, undated 51 8 Cassette Sales- Denominations, undated 51 9 Catalog Info. , undated 51 10 Central Atlanta Churches, undated 51 11-14 Channel One, undated Chaplain's Materialbox folder Request box 45 1 Air Force Contract, 1954 45 2 Chaplain Training Conference, 1962 45 3 Air Force- Prices, 1963 45 4 Air Force- Contract, 1963 45 5 Air Force Hymnal- Correspondence, 1963 45 6 Armed Forces- Be Still and Know Statement, 1966 45 7 Armed Forces- Upper Room Radio Parish Statement, 1966 45 8 The Speaking Scriptures (Catholic Tape), 1967 45 9 AF Testamonials and Requests, 1967 45 10 Air Force Headquarters- Washington D.C., 1967-1968 45 11 Navy Lead Program, 1968 45 12 Information- Armed Forces, 1957-1968 45 13 Armed Forces- U.S. Army Chaplain Board Ft. Meade, 1969-1970 45 14 Correspondence- Chaplains, 1970 45 15 U.S. Navy- Lead Program- Musical Tapes for Ed Hemphill, 1970 45 16 Experimental Workshop- Director, FBM, Personal Information Program, 1970 45 17 U.S. Navy Stereo Entertainment Project , 1969-1971 45 18 Army Chaplain BD. Religious Models Program, Ft. Campbell, 1971-1972 45 19 Ft. Campbell Workshop, 1972 45 20 Armed Forces, 1962-1972 45 21 Religious Models Program, 1971-1972 45 22 Committee on Chaplains- North Georgia Conference, 1967-1972 45 23 Ft. Campbell Program, 1973 45 24 Revised Catalogue , 1973 45 25 Chaplains Communication Workshop- Ft. Meade, 1973 45 26 Models for 70's, 1972-1973 45 27 Correspondence- Armed Forces, 1971-1973 45 28 U.S. Army Chaplains Board- Chaplain (Col.) Don Beale, 1972-1974 45 29 Chaplains' Board- Chapel and Film, 1974 45 30 Chaplain's Board, 1974 45 31 Chaplain's Board (Ft. Meade)- Chapel and Film Work File, 1974 45 33-34 Chaplains Board- Memorial Music Cassette
, 1974-1975 45 35 U.S. Chaplains Chapel, 1974-1975 45 36 U.S. Army Chaplains' Board- Ft. Wadsworth, New York , 1976 45 37 Ft. Gordon, Georgia Bicentennial Program, 1976 45 38 U.S. Army Chaplain Board- William E. Forman, 1975-1980 45 39 Correspondence Chaplains, 1979-1980 45 40 Chaplaincy- Professional Quarterly for Clergy, 1980 45 41 Armed Forces- Marine Corps Devotional Field Book, 1983 45 42 Lead Hymnal Book , undated 45 43 Armed Forces- The PH Statement, undated 45 44 Photo- Chaplains Hats and Coats, undated 45 45 Chaplain Photos, undated 45 46 Handbook for Communication Skills Workshop, undated box folder Request box 51 15-18 Chaplin's Tape Library, undated 51 19 Clients, undated 51 20 Clifton Road, undated 51 20 Clifton Road, undated 51 21 Columbia Forum- Releases, undated 51 22 Columbia Forum- Dr. Martin E. Marty, undated 51 23-29 Columbia Forum, 1979-1985 51 30 Corpus Christi Tape Duplication, undated 51 31-34 Correspondence, undated 51 35-36 Correspondence- Trustees , 1973, 1978 51 37 Correspondence- Ernest J. Arnold, undated 51 38 Correspondence- CTL , undated 51 39 Correspondence- Charlie Daley, undated 51 40 Correspondence- Arthur B. Edge, III, undated 51 41 Correspondence- E.H. Edwards, undated 51 42 Correspondence- William M. Elliot, Jr., undated 51 43 Correspondence- Louis H. Evans, undated 51 44 Correspondence- R.B. Fagan, undated 51 45 Correspondence- James K. Fancher, undated 51 46 Correspondence- Dr. W.D. Farmer, undated 51 48 Correspondence- Mr. J. Burton Frierson, undated 51 49 Correspondence- Sarah B. Gambrell, undated 51 50 Correspondence- James R. Gunn, undated 51 51 Correspondence- L.G. Haugen, undated 51 52 Correspondence- Peter B. Hendrix, undated 51 54 Correspondence- Mrs. Joseph H. Howey, undated 51 55 Correspondence- Bob Hupka, undated 51 56 Correspondence- Mary L. Hurt, undated 51 57 Correspondence- R.R. Isenhour, undated 51 58 Correspondence-Mrs. W.H. James (Mattie May), undated 51 59 Correspondence- B.W. Kinnaird, undated 51 60 Correspondence- Erskine Love, undated 51 61 Correspondence- J.C. Love, Jr. , undated 51 62 Correspondence- William R. McCollum, undated 51 63 Correspondence- George L. Ross, Jr. , undated 51 65 Correspondence- Edwin L. Sterne, undated 51 66 Correspondence- "U", undated 51 67 Correspondence- "V", undated 51 68 Daily Log and Job Reports, undated 51 69 Deeds and Platts, undated 51 70 Display Materials from Board Meeting, undated 51 71 Kermit Edney, undated 51 72 Educational Materials, undated 51 73 Egleston, undated 51 75 Emory Proposal, undated 51 76 Emory Ministers' Week/ Furman Pastors' School, undated 51 77 Emory Ministers' Week, 1979-1983, undated box folder Request box 52 1 Employee Handbook, undated 52 2 Engineering Papers- Editing Charts, Specifications for Recording, etc. , undated 52 3 Envisioning Statement, undated 52 4-5 Episcopal Protestant Hour, undated oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 3 Facilities Blueprints box folder Request box 52 6 Family Life Ministries, undated 52 7 Family Strength, undated 52 8 Lawson Faulkner, undated 52 9 Federal Communications Commission , undated 52 10 Finances, undated box Request box 56 Finances, 1949-1999 box folder Request box 52 11-12 Furman Pastors' School , 1973-1985, undated 52 13-14 Georgia Baptist Children's Home, undated 52 15 Georgia Sheriffs' Youth Homes, undated 52 16 Georgia Student Finance , undated 52 17 Dr. Richard R. Gilbert, undated 52 18 Glenn Memorial Cassette, undated 52 19 Government Bidders List, undated 52 20 Green Pastures, undated 52 21 Susan Greenley, undated 52 22-23 Habitat for Humanity, undated oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 2 Handling the Mentally Retarded Offender Storyboard, undated box folder Request box 52 24 John Herbert Orr, undated 52 25 Dr. Bluford B. Hestir, undated 52 26 History- Dates, undated 52 27 Info Brochure, undated 52 28 Insurance: Miscellaneous, undated 52 29 Robert Jeamby, undated 52 30 Annie Tate Jenkins, undated 52 31 Jewish Family Services, undated 52 32 Job Descriptions, undated 52 33-34 Job Order Master List, undated 52 35 Bill Jones/ Viewpoint/ Video Training, undated 52 36 Joyce Expediting Service, undated 52 37 Keynote Address- LCA Management, undated 52 38 Peter G. Kontos, undated 52 39 Rev. Julian Lake, undated 52 40 Leaflets, undated 52 41 Lease Agreements, undated 52 42 Life and Teaching of Jesus- First Semester, undated 52 43 The Lord's Day Alliance of the US, undated 52 44 Long Range Planning, undated 52 45 Lutheran Protestant Hour, undated 52 46 Mailing List, undated 52 47 Management Techniques, undated 52 48 Map, undated 52 49 Marketing Audio, undated 52 50 Marine Instrumental Cassette Insert, undated 52 51 Linda McAllister, undated 52 52 Meeting Attendence- Executive Committee, undated box folder Request box 53 1-2 Meetings and Minutes , undated 53 3 Mere Christianity, undated 53 4 Methodist Cassette Order Forms, undated 53 5 Metro Fair Housing, undated 53 6 Miscellaneous, undated 53 7 Miscellaneous Releases, undated 53 8 Bud Moore, undated 53 9 Navy Submarine Video Project, undated 53 10 Newsletters, undated 53 11 Norrell, undated 53 12 Not a Number Scripts, undated 53 13 NPR Distribution, undated 53 14 Oetgen Insurance, undated 53 15 Old By-Laws, undated 53 16 Old Control Room , undated 53 17 Past Trustees- Mr. Jim Axel, undated 53 18 Past Trustees- Rev. Joseph W. Alley, undated 53 19 Past Trustees- William H. Barnhardt, undated 53 20 Past Trustees- Dr. Robert Brisbane, undated 53 21 Past Trustees- Rev. Robert E. Burns, undated 53 22 Past Trustees- C.O. Emmerich, undated 53 23 Past Trustees- Rev. Donald Fauble, undated 53 24-25 Past Trustees- Dr. Harry A. Fifield, undated 53 26 Past Trustees, undated 53 27-29 Perspectives, 1982-1983, undated 53 30 Perspectives- Newspaper Articles- Jimmy Carter, 1984 53 31 Perspectives- Program List, undated 53 32 Perspectives- Script Requests, undated 53 33 Perspectives- SEJ, undated 53 34 Perspectives Shooting , 1982 53 35 Perspectives- Station Contacts, undated 53 36-37 Perspectives- Station List, 1983, undated 53 38-39 Perspectives- Taping, 1984,undated 53 40 Perspectives- UMC Guests, undated 53 41 Protestant Hour, undated 53 42 PH Classics Series Research, undated 53 43 Phi Mu Slide, undated 53 44 Photo- Correspondence From Trustees, undated 53 45 Photo- Bill Mann, undated 53 46 Photo- Salvation Army Hat and Bible, undated 53 47 Photo- VIA- Presby, US women, undated 53 48 Wesley Woods Health Center, undated 53 49 Potential Clients, undated 53 50 Presbyterian Cassette Order Forms, undated 53 51 "Preparing for Church Membership" Script, undated 53 52-55 Printed Material, undated box folder Request box 54 1 Printed Material, undated 54 2 Procedure Manual , undated 54 3 Production Reports, undated 54 4 Protestant Hour Contracts- Extended, undated 54 5 PRTVC Newsletters, undated 54 6 Publicity, undated 54 7 Publishers, undated 54 8 Release Forms, undated 54 9 PRTVC Promo, undated 54 10 Retirement Committee, undated 54 11 Reputation Testimonials, undated 54 12 Retarded Citizens- Atlanta, undated 54 13 Dr. J. McDowell Richards, undated 54 14 Dr. Harry V. Richardson, undated 54 15 Harlow M. Russell, undated 54 16 Salvation Army- Wonderful Word of Life, undated 54 17-18 Sandcastles International , undated 54 19 Scarritt College, undated 54 20 Dr. James W. Sells, undated 54 21 Sermons and Pictures, undated 54 22 Seventh Day Adventist Church, undated 54 23 South Carolina- UMC Film, undated 54 24 Speaker Release- Cobb County Symposium, undated 54 25 Speaker Release- Protestant Hour, undated 54 26 Speaker Releases- What's Happening, undated 54 27 Spratlin and Harrington Ins. General Info, undated 54 28 Station Info. , undated 54 29 Staff- Dr. G. Ross Freeman, undated 54 30-31 Staff- Dr. Arthur Vann Gibson, undated 54 32 Staff- Mr. Robert Glazier- Trustee, undated 54 33 Staff- Dr. Clayton Griswold, undated 54 34 Staff-Dr. Thomas Grier Long, undated 54 35 Staff- Harvey L. Huntley, undated 54 36 Staff- Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr., Trustee, undated 54 37 Staff- Dr. James R. McCain, undated 54 38 Staff- Dr. Paul M. McCain, Trustee, undated 54 39 Staff- Dr. McCain Memo, undated 54 40 Staff- Mrs. Leighton McCutcheon, undated 54 41 Staff- Rev. Lawrence W. McMaster, undated 54 42 Staff- Aubrey Mauney, undated 54 43 Staff- J. Quinter Miller, undated 54 44 Staff- Dr. Everett G. Mitchell, undated 54 45 Staff- Bishop Arthur J. Moore, undated 54 46 Staff- Rev. Everett C. Parker, undated 54 47 Staff- Dr. Lester Rumble, undated 54 48 Staff- Dr. Donald Schriver, undated 54 49 Staff- Dr. Harry C. Spencer, undated 54 50 Staff- Dr. Murray S. Stedman, undated 54 51 Staff- Kathy Steinbruegge, Trustee, undated 54 52 Staff- Rev. Gray Temple, Jr., Trustee, undated 54 53 Staff- Rev. Martin R. Tilson, Trustee, undated 54 54 Staff- Lee Roy Ussery, undated box folder Request box 55 1 Staff- Dr. Hubert Vance Taylor, Trustee, undated 55 2 Staff- Dorothea Wagner, undated 55 3 Staff- Dr. Henry Waights, Jr. , undated 55 4 Staff- Bishop John Moore Walker, undated 55 5 Staff- Wilson Wearn, undated 55 6 Staff- Paul Webb, Jr. , undated 55 7 Staff- Mrs. Theodore Wedel, undated 55 8 Staff- Priscilla West- ESA Account, undated 55 9 Staff- Wayne R. Whitelock, undated 55 10 Staff- Judge Geo. P. Whitman, Sr. , undated 55 11 Staff- Benjamin B. Williams, undated 55 12 Staff- Robert E. Williams, undated 55 13 Staff- William E. Wolfe, Relay Productions, Inc. , undated 55 14 Staff- Virgil Wolff, undated 55 15 Staff- Dr. Raymond D. Wood, undated 55 16 Staff- Rev. L. E. Woodward, Synod of Florida, undated 55 17 Staff- Frances M. Young, Trustee, undated 55 18 Edmund Steimle Sermans, undated 55 19 Studio Organ, undated 55 20 "Successful Selling Seminar" Combo Project, undated 55 21 Richard T. Sutcliffe, undated 55 22 Tape Duplication- Problems, undated 55 23 Talent- Atlanta, undated 55 24 Talent- Audio or Video Talent, undated 55 25 Talent- Dallas, undated 55 26-29 Teachings of Jesus- David Abernathy, undated 55 30 Teachings of Jesus- Distribution Analysis, undated 55 31 Teachings of Jesus- Funding Proposals, undated 55 32 Teachings of Jesus- Marketing, undated 55 33 Teachings of Jesus- Orders, undated 55 34 Teachings of Jesus- Preview Copies, undated 55 35 Teachings of Jesus- Seabury Press, undated 55 36 Teachings of Jesus- Study Guide, undated 55 37 Teachings of Jesus- Test, undated 55 38 Thank You Notes and Letters, undated 55 39 Trav. Cassette Dupes, undated 55 40 Dr. Herman L. Turner News Articles and Clippings, undated 55 41 Raymond Turpin, undated 55 42 Type Setting, undated 55 43 United Methodist, undated 55 44 Upper Room, undated 55 45 U.R. Family Week, undated 55 46 VIA Hospitality House- E.F. Peterson III, undated 55 47 Villa International, undated 55 48 Walker- Walthour Memorial Organ, undated 55 49 Worship Hymnal Printing, undated 55 50 Video Tape Associates, undated 55 51 YWCA Slide Show, undated 55 52 YWCA, undated 2020 Additionbox folder Request box 57 1 Deering Conference, Henry Cox, Theology of Hope, 1964 57 2-3 The Back to God Hour, Reformed Church, Joel Nederhood, 1974-1975 57 4 Words of Hope, Reformed Church, William C. Brownson, Jr., Programs 22 and 30, 1980-1981 57 5-15 Revival Time, Armed Forces Radio, 1979-1985 57 16 Gutzke, 2 talks, Job 1307, 1959 57 17 "This is the South" Interview, Job 1294, 1959 57 18-27 Banners of Faith 57 28-29 "Handling the Mentally Retarded Offender", 1976 57 30 Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., Production Scripts, Minute Disco 6, Side 2, Spots 1-10, 1966 57 31 Fesperman #4, Holland, Ampex 601 57 32-40 The Upper Room, Cassette Edition, 1983-1984 57 41 Things to do on Sunday, Mehtodist Radio Spots, 1965 57 43 Conv. Family Worship, Upper Room, Discs A-B 57 44 HBP Patient Information, Slide Program, 1974 57 45 Perspectives, James A. Wharton, "The Good Book" 57 46 Pilgrimage, ABC, I've Got a Question, Altizer 57 47 "The Problem of Grief," Sermon by John A. Redhead, Jr. 57 48 Cobb County Symposium, 1980 57 49 Berry College Speech Choir, Best Takes, Job 2099 57 50 Griffith Lip Sync, "The First Fifty Years" 57 51 PRTVC - AARC Slide Narration, 1978 57 52 The Training of a Minister - Transcript 57 53 It Wonders Me - Transcript 57 54 National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation - PSAs 57 55 Multi-Media Presentation on the Proposed New Confession - Transcript 57 56 Lifestyle - What it is, Who needs it, Where do you get one? - Transcript 57 58 Happy Birthday, You're 65 - Transcript 57 59 Protestant Hour Schedules, 1957-1968 box folder Request box 59 2 Board of Trustees - Correspondence, 1979-1981 59 3 Be Still & Know Meditation Programs: Production and Correspondence, 1979-1981 59 4-5 Be Still & Know Meditation Invoices - Stations A-Z, 1975-1977 59 6 FILMS - Instructions & Procedures, 1976 59 7 Handling the Mentally Retarded Offender, 1976 59 8 Teaching and Group Discussion Material 59 9 Pioneer Press, Inc. Flat Masters 2nd Edition: Page Proofs 59 10 The Life and Teaching of Jesus: Television Course, 1960-1961 59 11-12 King College - correspondence and scripts, 1965 59 13 Presbyterian Church Synod of North Carolina - TV Spots, 1965-1966 box folder Request box 60 1 Natividad - American Bible Society Christmas Program, 1960 60 2 Job Orders, 1965 60 3 Scripts 60 4 Sheet Music 60 5 Bookkeeping, 1974-1977 60 6 Purchase Orders, 1976-1978 60 7 Salvation Army Invoices, 1977 60 8 Chattanooga and the Federal Lines - prints 60 9-13 Transcripts with Barcodes box folder Request box 61 1-2 Sunday School of the Air - correspondence, 1953-1960 61 3 Sunday School of the Air - radio stations lists, 1953-1963 61 4-6 Sunday School of the Air - transcripts, 1954-1955 61 7-9 Sunday School of the Air - transcripts, 1959-1963 box folder Request box 62 1-3 Sunday School of the Air - transcripts, 1964-1967 62 4 Tomorrow, After Dawn - Robert Huldschiner, 1961-1962 2024 Additionbox folder Request box 63 1 Media Training 63 2 Medisphere - 154-1-380 63 3 Neighborhood Justice Center - 201-1-183, 1983 63 4 Methodist P.H. photographs - 2350-5-177 63 5 Newberry College 63 6 North Avenue Presbyterian 63 7 NJCA releases 63 8 Norrell - C-504-1-180 63 9 Phi Mu Extension slideshow 63 10 PRTVC building maintenance 63 11 Ply Mart bid 63 12 Preparing for church membership - 2397-1-278 63 13 PRTVC slideshow 63 14 PRTVC slideshow, 1979 63 15 Photographs - Miscellaneous 63 16 PRTVC Promo for video seminar 63 17 Ridgeview Institute - 189-1-181 63 18 Rabun Gap - Nacoochee School 63 19 Right to Joy 63 20 Sandy Springs Church of Christ - 173-1-181 63 21 Scottish Rite 63 22 Addressing machine Scriptomatic 63 23 Ken Smith - Public relations 63 24 Southern School of Pharmacy 63 25 Spanish radio program 63 26 South Carolina Baptist Film - 147-1-179 63 27 TRAV - History of Rock 63 28 Trinity Foundation - 136-2-178 63 29 Trinity School - 130-1-180 63 30 Truck Stop 63 31 S.C. Methodist 63 32 S.C. Methodist - Background 63 33 UMC TV spots - 2350-1-381 63 34 UMC TV spots - Expenses 63 35 UMC Model releases 63 36 UMC slideshow 63 37 UMC Chamblee 63 38 Videotape sessions - Miscellaneous 63 39 Villa International slideshow - 086-5-176 63 40 Videotape training sessions - Viewpoint 63 41 Wesley Woods 63 42 Westhills Presbyterian album - 133-2-178 63 43 Woodruff Medical film - 154-1-180 63 44 What's Happening - Cassettes 63 45 What's Happening - Remote box folder Request box 64 1 Pam Haggard 64 2 What's Happening - Promo spot - 130-2-178 64 3 Worship Hymnal music 64 4 Word books 64 5 Handling the Mentally Retarded Offender - Retail sales - 2397-5-177 64 6 AARC - 175-1-181 64 7 AARC - 016-2-178 64 8 Alive Now - Remote job 64 9 The Art of Christmas - 169-1-180 64 10 Career and personal counseling proposal 64 11 CBN lease, 1974 64 12 Chaplains' Board film - 2004-1-178 64 13 Christian Council 64 14 Christian Council of Metro Atlanta - Miscellaneous jobs 64 15 Christian Council TV spots - 079-5-276 64 16 Christian Council slide show - 079-5-176 64 17 Christian Council slide-tape - 079-5-277 64 18 Cleveland album - 126-2-178 64 19 Cobb mini symposium - 028-2-281, 1981 64 20 Cobb symposium - 028-2-182, 1982 64 21 Cokesbury supplement - 182-1-281 64 22 Columbia Seminary slide show - 142-1-281 64 23 Columbia forum, 1981 64 24 Columbia Seminary - 142-1-280 64 25 Columbia video 64 26 Columbia forum 64 27 Columbia Seminary (142) 64 28 Country Day campaign - C-521-1-181 64 29 CRS workshop 64 30 C & S 64 31 National Easter Seal Society (Did not get job) 64 32 Elder Pharmaceuticals - C-522-1-182 64 33 Emory film - 2397-1-276 64 34 Emory recording sessions 64 35 Episcopal teleconferences 64 36 Fort MacPherson seminars 64 37 Fulton County special education 64 38 Furman, 1982 64 39 Furman, 1981 64 40 Emory videotape 64 41 Georgia Advocacy Office - 131-5-178 64 42 GAO scripts - 131-5-278 64 43 GSU intern 64 44 Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta - Slide-tape show, 1976 64 45 Egleston - 148-5-179 64 46 Handling the Mentally Retarded Offender - 072-5-176 64 47 Purchase orders preview - 072-5-276 64 48 International Nursing - 071-1-280 64 49 ITVA 64 50 INSA slide show - 071-1-278 64 51 LCA filmstrip - 184-1-181 64 52 LCA - S.E. Synod 64 53 Lewis advertising 64 54 Wometco Film Laboratories 64 55 Script - Toward the Horizon 64 56 Scripts - More than Doctors 64 57 PRTVC papers from cans box folder Request box 65 1 Slides - Sound stage 65 2-3 Scripts, shooting notes 65 4 J.M. Alexander - Correspondence 65 5 The Model Prayer - Series of sermons by J.M. Alexander 65 6 Articles - J.M. Alexander 65 7 Children's sermons, Little talks by J.M. Alexander 65 8-10 Sermons - J.M. Alexander 65 11 Printed material - Miscellaneous 65 12 Photographs - Miscellaneous 65 13 J.M. Alexander - Ephemera 65 14 Printed material - Mississippi Presbyterian organizations 65 15 Printed material - Mississippi colleges, organizations 65 16 Photographs, unidentified - J.M. Alexander 65 17 Printed materials - Protestant Hour 65 18 Correspondence - Miscellaneous 65 19 Scripts 65 20 Episcopal Hour 65 21-22 Tap Root - 1149 65 23 Towers (Magazine) oversized_box Request oversized_box 2 Sheet music manuscripts - Richard G. Mann