2. Works
60 box(es)
The Works series documents Crews' work from his first publication (the short story "An Unattached Smile," 1963) through An American Family (2006). The series includes all Crews' published novels, most of his stories, essays, journalism, reviews and other nonfiction writings, original screenplays, working and final scripts for his play Blood Issue , and some unpublished works of various types and lengths. Screenplays of Crews' novels adapted by other writers have been filed with the original works. The majority of the Works files contain Crews' handwritten and typescript drafts and revisions of his publications. In several instances notes and research materials, publisher's proofs of articles and books, and periodicals containing short works and excerpts of extended works are present; as are some publisher promotional materials, book jackets, and illustrative materials. Portions of one box - Assault of Memory - are restricted.Writings files are arranged in three groups: 1) Extended Works, 2) Short Works, and 3) Articles, Essays, Reviews. In general, Crews' books, short stories, and screenplays are filed by the published title or, if unpublished, by the last working title. His articles and essays have been filed under Crews' working titles (when extant) rather than published titles, and his book reviews are filed by the book's title. Under each title, as best as possible, drafts have been organized in order of composition from earliest to latest, with fragments grouped together prior to complete drafts. 2.1 Extended Worksbox Request box 12
All We Need of Hell
Corrected typescript (formerly The Enthusiast ) Corrected typescript Corrected typescript Corrected typescript Typescript, titled In the Nation of the Heart box folder Request box 13 1 Typescript. Typesetting copy. (Early title: Also Going to War )
An American Family
box folder Request box 13 2 Corrected typescript, The Strangely Marked Baby 13 3 Corrected typescript, The Strangely marked Baby 13 4 Typescript 13 5 Typescript fragments box folder Request box 14 1 Corrected typescript fragments 14 2 Typescript (incomplete) 14 3 Typescript (incomplete) 14 4 Typescript 14 5 Typescript With computer diskette and CD of same, dated 01/11/2005. 14 6 Typescript With cover letter dated January 18, 2005
Blood and Grits
box folder Request box 16 1 [List of projected contents.] Typescript w/ handwritten additions 16 2 Corrected typescript 16 3 Typescript. Typesetting copy 16 4 Printer's sample 16 5 Cover design, HarperCollins, ed., 1988 16
Blood Issue
"No Apologies." ("Effort to Find Blood Issue ") Corrected typescript Corrected typescript. "Working Draft." Corrected typescript. "Finished May 17, 1988." Corrected typescript box folder Request box 17 1 Corrected typescript. Fragment 17 2 Corrected typescript 17 3 Corrected typescript 17 4 Corrected typescript 17 5 Corrected typescript 17 6 Typescript 17 7 Corrected [p.1 only] typescript 17 8 Corrected typescript 17 9 Corrected typescript 17 10 Corrected typescript 17 11 Revisions (dated). "St. Paul, Minn., 3/17-18" 17 12 Revisions (dated). "Louisville.", 1989 January 19-20 17 13 Revisions (dated), 1989 January 23 box folder Request box 18 1 Script (Up to date version as of opening night), 1989 March 4 With copy of Klementowski letter, 4/6/89; replacement pages 18 2 Revisions (undated) 18 3 Script ("1/25/89"), signed by author, 1989 January 25 18 4 Script ("1/25/89"), with dated revisions "2/6/89" and "2/12/89") inserted 18 5 Script, ("2/15/89") 18 6 Script, Changes 1/25/89 3/4/89 Created 1/25/89 18 7 Script ("Approved for typesetting"). 18 8 Script, ("Revised 3/20/90") box folder Request box 19 1 Script "Play as...performed... St. Louis & St. Paul." 19 2 Script, ("1/25/89") 19 3 "A Few Words about Blood Issue. " Typescript 19 4 "A Few Words About Blood Issue. " Manuscript, 1990 April 17 19 5 Actors contact sheet, Louisville 19 6 Program, Actors Theatre of Louisville, 1989 March 19 7 Program: "New American Plays.", 1989 March 1-April 8 19 8 Press release/ advertising information for St. Paul production 19 9 Program, UNC Greensboro, 1992 February 19-23 19 10 Piedmont Playbill, 1992 19 11
Big Southern Playwrights
Manuscript fragments Corrected typescript Corrected typescript 1 with note in pencil: "Early pages of 1st draft. About 1984." Corrected typescript Corrected typescript Corrected typescript box folder Request box 20 1 Corrected typescript 20 2 Corrected typescript box folder Request box 21 1 Typescript "Draft"-p.1 box folder Request box 22 1 Typescript 22 2 Typescript box folder Request box 23 1 Typescript (with cover letters between author and publisher, dated 10/17/89 and 1/18/90) 23 2 Typescript. Copy editor's copy (with cover letter, 5/1/91) 23 3 Printer's proofs 23 4 Excerpt, Published in Playboy , 1990 August 23 5 Publisher's catalog entry box Request box 24
Corrected typescript "Final Revision" Typescript, 1982 June 24 24
Corrected typescript Corrected typescript, 1970 September 7 Typescript. Typesetter's copy "Books for Winter, 1971-72" catalog, William Morrow 24 Car (Screenplay)3x5 cards Corrected typescript ("Begun March 27, 1972... Finished April 5...") ("Screen adaptation by Harry Crews from his novel...First Revision 4/24/72"). Corrected typescript "Screenplay by Harry Crews... from his novel. First draft. Revised 5-30-72." Screenplay by Harry Crews and Bruce Dickson. "5/1/2000, second draft." box Request box 25
Manuscript fragments Manuscript fragments Typescript fragments, early drafts "May Pole." Corrected typescript "Trailer." Corrected typescript "Trailer." Corrected typescript "The Chance of Ultimate Possibility." Typescript fragments "Circus Act." Working draft segments box folder Request box 26 1 "Circus Act." 3rd rewrite, 1991 Ocober 19 26 2 "Circus Act." Typescript 26 3 "Circus Act." Corrected typescript box folder Request box 27 1 "Circus Act." Typescript 27 2 "Circus Act." Typescript 27 3 "Singing" (running title). Typescript box folder Request box 28 1 "Singing" (running title). Corrected typescript 28 2 "Celebration of Death." Typescript 28 3 "Celebration of Death." Typescript box folder Request box 29 1 "Celebration of Death." 29 2 Publisher's "Author questionnaire," completed by HC 29 3 Dust jacket design 29 4 Publisher promotional material, 4 p. Catalog, Winter, 1999 29
Classic Crews
Typesetter's copy Introduction. "Part of early draft"-Post-It®. Fragments Introduction. "Early effort..." Corrected typescript Introduction. "Draft... corrections entered 1/5/93." Corrected typescript Introduction. "Draft." Corrected typescript Introduction. Typescript Pre-publication materials, tentative contents and cover material 29
A Childhood: The Biography of a Place
Notes Opening section. 1st draft. Manuscript Manuscript fragment "Biography of a Place." Corrected typescript, 1976 October 14 "Biography of a Place." Corrected typescript box folder Request box 30 1 Biography of a Place. Typescript 30 2 Corrected typescript 30 3 Typescript 30 4 Typescript fragments, with editor's notes and author's revisions 30 5 University of Georgia Press edition illustrations, catalog Includes copy of Press' cover letter, L. Sutton 6/8/95; memo to George Kingson (w/HC's comment). box Request box 31
A Delicate Wound
Corrected typescript 31
The Enthusiast
"Original MS" "Novel begun ... September 17, 1972." Corrected typescript Chapters 1-5. Corrected typescript "Incomplete" Corrected typescript "Pages from a draft ..." "Two chapters probably from an early version..." Corrected typescript Fragment ("Chapter Six"). Typescript Corrected typescript Typescript, in binder Proofs, Palaemon Press With cover letter (copy) from Stuart Wright. box Request box 32 The Enthusiast (Screenplay)Corrected typescript, Working title: "The Trip." [Note: Verso, p. 50-104, draft of Feast of Snakes with editor's notes.] Corrected typescript 32
A Feast of Snakes
Notes Draft fragments. Corrected typescripts Draft fragments, with editor's notes. Typescript Draft(s) fragments with editor's notes Editor's notes Corrected typescript box folder Request box 33 1 Corrected typescript 33 2 Corrected transcript 33 3 Corrected typescript 33 4 Typescript. Typesetter's copy. A-F box folder Request box 34 1 Excerpt "from the forthcoming novel." Playboy , 1976 July 34 2 Pages sample (Atheneum) 34 3 Dust jacket (Atheneum) 34 4 Cover design (Scribner paperback) 34 5 Blurbs 34
Glimpses Through a Keyhole
Table of contents, with notes Corrected typescript (incomplete) "One revision, but not first." Typescript Typescript box folder Request box 35 1 Typescript 35 2 "Lord John Press" folder, with nine essays and cover letter 35 3 Lord John Press to Harry Crews- five essays returned 35
The Gospel Singer
Typescript box folder Request box 36 1 Comment for dust jacket, Andrew Lytle 36 2 Dust jacket 36 3 William Morrow "Books for Winter 1967-1968." 36 4 Book signing ad, 1968 February 36 5 Autograph party, Junior College of Broward County, invitation 36 6 Library catalog card 36 7 Advertisement for William Morrow [1st] edition. The New York Times Book Review , 1968 March 31 36 8 Advertisement, Dell paperback edition 36
"The Gospel Singer" ( Screenplay by Robert Thom)
Typescript 36
Manuscript, chapters 1-4, 7-8, 14 "Horse." Corrected typescript. [chapter 2] "Horse." Corrected typescript. [chapter 1] "Horse." Corrected typescript. Chapters 1-3 "Horse." Typescript. Chapters 1-2 "Horse." Typescript. Chapter 5 "Horse." Corrected typescript. Chapter 5 "Horse-Hog-Gator Connection." Typescript/manuscript. Chapters 1-5 "Horse-Hog-Gator Connection." Corrected typescript. Chapter 1-3 box folder Request box 37 1 "Horse-Hog-Gator Connection." Corrected typescript. Chapters 1-5 with note "more dead Horse." 37 2 "Horse-Hog-Gator Connection." Corrected typescript. Chapters 1-5, renumbered 1-12 37 3 "Things that Swim in the Night." Corrected typescript. Chapters 1-7 37 4 "Bone Grinder." Corrected typescript box folder Request box 38 1 "Bone Grinder." Typescript, with cover letter, 1999 May 18 38 2 Typescript, with cover letter signed, dated, 2005 January 18 38
The Gypsy's Curse
Notes "No Noise in the Wood: Being the Confession of Marvin Molar, Nee?" Typescript, signed "Marvin Molar." box folder Request box 39 1 Corrected typescript 39 2 Typescript 39 3 Dust jacket 39
The Gypsy's Curse: A Film
"Pierre-Francois and Philippe Decouflé present The Gyspy's [sic] Curse." Characters- film set sketches- press Script. "Adapted from the novel by Harry Crews; Original screen play adaptation by Sarah Levy and Philippe Decouflé." Miscellaneous Internet printouts box Request box 40
Halflife: An Autobiography
Corrected typescript 40
The Hawk is Dying
Manuscript fragment Corrected typescript, fragment Corrected typescript, fragment Corrected typescript Corrected typescript Editing notes Style sheet box folder Request box 41 1 Typescript. Setting copy 41 2 Page proofs 41 3 Dust jacket, Secker & Warburg edition 41 The Hawk is Dying (screenplay)Screenplay by Julian Goldberger. "Pink revised 11/15/04." Screenplay by Julian Goldberger. "Pink revised 11/15/04. Authorized copy (nos. 5 and 6* of 12) Misc. Internet materials re: movie production and festival showings box Request box 42
Karate is a Thing of the Spirit
Jefferson Davis is Alive and Training in Atlanta." Corrected typescript Chapter 20, draft pages "Jefferson Davis is Alive and Training in Atlanta." Corrected typescript "Jefferson Davis is Alive and Training in Atlanta." Typescript "Jefferson Davis is Alive and Training in Atlanta." Typist's bill "Jefferson Davis is Alive and Training in Atlanta." Typesetting copy Dust jackets. (Morrow, Pocket Books editions); cover letter "Books for Spring, 1971" catalog, William Morrow "New Books-January/July 1972" Martin Secker & Warburg catalog box Request box 43
The Knockout Artist
Corrected typescript "Finished... Easter Sunday 1987." Corrected typescript Typescript box folder Request box 44 1 Corrected typescript 44 2 Typesetting copy, with cover letter 44 3 Cover illustration (Harper & Row edition) 44
The Mulching of America
Manuscript pages box folder Request box 45 1 "Saippuakivikauppias." Corrected typescript 45 2 "Saippuakivikauppias." Corrected typescript 45 3 "Soap AKA Saippuakivikauppias." Corrected typescript 45 4 "Soap AKA Saippuakivikauppias." Corrected typescript 45 5 "Soaps for Life AKA Saippuakivikauppias." Corrected typescript 45 6 "The Mulching of America AKA Saippuakivikauppias." Corrected typescript box folder Request box 46 1 Corrected typescript 46 2 Response to editor's questions 46 3 Typesetter's copy 46 4 Page proofs 46 5 Excerpt (chapter one), WashingtonPost.com box Request box 47
Naked in Garden Hills
Notes "Nobody Likes to See a Fat Man Eat." Corrected typescript Corrected typescript Revisions Galley proofs Page proofs box folder Request box 48 1 Page proofs 48 2 Photocopies of page proofs 48 3 Publisher's "pre-pub confidential." 48 Naked in Garden Hills (screenplay)3x5 cards (novel scenes) 3x5 cards ("Story line. Scenes only") Loose title pages "Synopsis of the novel..." Corrected typescript "Naked in Garden Hills (adapted)." [Treatment.] "Storyline." (Scene outline.) Manuscript "First draft." Corrected typescript "First draft." Corrected typescript "First draft." Typescript fragments, with MSS revisions box folder Request box 49 1 "Changes to first draft." Corrected typescript 49 2 "Final typed copy." Typescript 49 3 Typescript 49 4 Corrected typescript 49 5 Typescript box folder Request box 50 1 Typescript 50 Picking and the Payback (Screenplay)Notes: "Combination short story; play outline and scenes..." Manuscript, 1990 January 13 "Notes & draft of 1st version ..." Notebook Manuscript "First draft - January 27, 1990." ("finished 6/15/90" - last page). Corrected typescript "The Picking and the Payback. First draft - June 15, 1990." Corrected typescript "Draft 2" Typescript "Draft 2" Corrected typescript, 1990 September 2 box folder Request box 51 1 "Draft 2" Corrected typescript 51 2 "Draft 2-B" Corrected typescript 51
Scar Lover
Notes Rough draft Corrected typescript, concludes w/ manuscript ("Grand old typewriter broke..."). Rough draft w/ revisions Draft 1, chapter 1. Corrected typescript Draft insert, chapter 1. Corrected typescript Draft pages, chapter 2. Corrected typescript Draft pages, chapter 4 Draft pages, chapter 5. Corrected typescript Draft, chapters 1-4. Corrected typescript Draft, chapters 1-7. Corrected typescript ("Part of a draft-H.C.") box folder Request box 52 1 Draft, chapters 1-13. Corrected typescript 52 2 Draft pages, chapter 7. Corrected typescript 52 3 Draft pages, chapter 7. Corrected typescript 52 4 Draft pages, chapters 8-13 Corrected typescript, 129 p. 52 5 Draft pages, chapters 8-16 Corrected typescript, 192 p. (p.133-137, 189-375). 52 6 Draft pages, chapter 9 Corrected typescript, 8 p. 52 7 Draft pages, chapter 10 Corrected typescript, 3 p. 52 8 Draft pages, chapter 13. Corrected typescript 52 9 Draft pages, chapter 14 Corrected typescript (3 groups; 25 p.) and manuscript (1 p.). 52 10 Draft page, chapter 15 Corrected typescript, 1 p. 52 11 Draft pages, chapter 16 Corrected typescript (15 p.) and clean typescript (15 p.). 52 12 Draft, chapter 18.Corrected Manuscript. ("Finished 4/16/91... Miami, Florida.") 52 13 Draft pages, chapter 18 Corrected typescript (10 p.) and manuscript (4 p.). 52 14 Draft pages, chapter 18 Manuscript, 2 p. box folder Request box 53 1 Draft, chapters 1-17 Corrected typescript, with manuscript revisions on legal paper. 53 2 Typescript ("Copy 1st sent to NY... last 100+ some odd pages had to be entirely reinvented. H.C."). 53 3 Corrected typescript box folder Request box 54 1 Corrected typescript 54 2 Typescript box folder Request box 55 1 Typesetter's copy 55 2 Dust jacket. Note to HC from Connie Morrill [Poseidon Press] attached 55 3 Poseidon Press promotional catalog ad 55 4 Promotional tour info 55
Southern Express (Screenplay)
"First draft ... Original Screenplay by Harry Crews. From a Treatment by Steve Miner." Corrected typescript and manuscript "First draft... Original Screenplay by Harry Crews. From a Treatment by Steve Miner." Typescript 55
Take 38
Corrected typescript box folder Request box 56 1 Typescript 56
This Thing Don't Lead to Heaven
Notes Draft Draft Draft Draft pages, chapter 1. Typescript/manuscript Draft pages (various scenes). Corrected typescript Typescript Typesetter's copy Cover memo (2 p.), Mary Newman to Joni Evans; dated 8/12/69. box folder Request box 57 1 Title page mock-up 57 2 Dust jacket model 57 3 Dust jacket 57
This World Uncommitted
Notes Typescript 57
Where Does One Go When There's No Place Left to Go?
Chapters 6-9 (Part 1) and 1-10 (Part 2) Corrected typescript, 147 p. Corrected typescript Page proofs. (Gorse), 1995 box Request box 58
All We Need of Hell
Cover art 58
Promotional broadsides 58
Galley Proofs ("Reader's Set" and "Author's Set) 58 A Childhood (excerpt)
The Atlanta Journal & Constitution Magazine
, 1978 September 17
The Atlanta Journal & Constitution Magazine
, 1978 September 17 58
A Feast of Snakes
Galley proofs, cover letter, 1976 March 17 Galley proofs, cover letter, 1976 April 8 Galley proofs (corrections only), cover letter, 1976 April 16 58 A Feast of Snakes (excerpt)
, 1976 July ("First proof. 3/2/76"). 58
The Gospel Singer
Galley proofs ("Shipped July 31, 1967") Galley proofs ("Shipped September 19, 1967") 58 The Gospel Singer (Screenplay)Corrected typescript box Request box 59
The Gypsy's Curse
Advertisement proofs, NY Times and Times Book Review , cover letter, Robert Gottlieb (Early draft, "Music in the Wood") New Day , 1973 March 1 (Issue dedicated "to a friend, Harry Crews," p. 2). 59
The Hawk is Dying
Advertisement proof ("NY Times , April 26") Galley Proofs, "Master set", 1972 October 31 Galley proofs, "Master set", 1972 September 11 59
Karate is a Thing of the Spirit
Page proofs, 1970 October 8 Galley proofs , 1970 September 4 59 Naked in Garden Hills (Screenplay)3 x 5 cards (novel scenes) 59
This Thing Don't Lead to Heaven
Galley Proofs Page proofs, 1969 November 21 2.2 Short Works (Short Stories, Poetry)box folder Request box 60 1 "Becky Lives." Manuscript (1-19) and typescript (20-30) 60 2 "Becky Lives." Corrected typescript 60 3 "Becky Lives." Corrected typescript 60 4 "Becky Lives." Fragment, untitled 60 5 "Black on White" (unfinished play). Typescript 60 6 "The Boy." Manuscript 60 7 "The Cross." Corrected typescript 60 8 "A Day in the Life of Liston Thomas" (fragment). Manuscript 60 9 "How He Was Educated." Corrected manuscript/ typescript 60 10 "In the Shadow of the Stalk." Corrected typescript 60 11 "In the Shadow of the Stalk" Corrected typescript, with reader's notes 60 12 "The Gymnasium" (unfinished play). Corrected typescript, with author note 60 13 "It Reminds One of the Opera." Manuscript 60 14 "Jellyfish." Corrected typescript 60 15 "A Long Wail." 1 journal (The Georgia Review , Summer), 1964 60 16 "Love." Corrected typescript 60 17 "Love." Typescript 60 18 "The Player Piano." 1 journal (Florida Quarterly , Fall), 1967 60 19 Poetry. 6 poems; various drafts; 1 fragment 60 20 "The Savage: a first draft." Corrected typescript (9p.); manuscript (1 p.) 60 21 "The Shape of Terror." Typescript 60 22 "Something Personal." Typescript 60 23 "Something Personal." Gallery , 1982 August 60 24 "The Stainless Steel Baby." Corrected typescript, manuscript 60 25 "A Taste of Ashes" (Previous title: "Pisces"). Corrected typescript 60 26 "The Taste of Ashes." Corrected manuscript 60 27 "A Taste of Ashes." Corrected typescript 60 28 "A Taste of Ashes." Typescript 60 29 "Tommy Bee." Sketch and fragment 60 30 "The Unattached Smile" Craft and Vision: The Best Fiction from the Sewanee Review, 60 31 Untitled fragment. Typescript 60 32 Untitled story ("Jesse Murl"). Corrected typescript 60 33 "Various Bandages." Corrected typescript 60 34 "Various Bandages." Corrected typescript 60 35 "Various Bandages." Typescript 60 36 "A Wedding." Corrected typescript/ manuscript 60 37 "You'll Like My Mother's Grave." Typescript 2.3 Articles, Essays, Reviewsbox folder Request box 61 1 "1876 , by Gore Vidal," Corrected typescript, 1976 61 2 "The Abduction , by Maxine Kumin," Advertisement blurb (New York Times ), 1971 61 3 After O'Connor: Stories from Contemporary Georgia. Blurb for jacket, Manuscript, 200361 4 "And Now a Word on Trucks, Whores, and Gravy." Corrected typescript 61 5 "Any Cold Jordan , by David Bottoms," Washington Post , 1987 May 21 61 6 "Best Ride to New York , by Bob Levin," Corrected typescript, 1978 61 7 "Big Bad Love by Larry Brown, Signed. Typescript, 1990 With "Note [...]." 61 8 "Big Bad Love by Larry Brown" Los Angeles Times Book Review . Typescript, 1990 61 9 "Big Bad Love by Larry Brown" Los Angeles Times Book Review , 1990 October 21 61 10 Billy James Hargis. "Notes on Hargis: Tulsa, Okla." [In unknown transcriptionist's hand]. Manuscript 61 11 Billy James Hargis. Research materials 61 12 "Blue Collar Badge of Self-Esteem, Too." Original typescript with corrections, manuscript additions 61 13 "Blue Collar Badge of Self-Esteem, Too." Corrected draft of typescript 61 14 "Blue Collar Badge of Self-Esteem, Too." Published: The Surplus Record , (Reprinted... "from the 'Fort Lauderdale News and Sun Sentinel ,' Sunday, April 4, 1965"), 1995 November 61 15 "Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr." Corrected typescript, 1973 61 16 ["Building Men the Marine Corps Way."] Draft (excerpted, revised from Take 38 typescript). Corrected typescript 61 17 "Building Men the Marine Corps Way." Esquire , "Grits" column, 1976 September 61 18 "The Buttondown Terror of David Duke." Corrected typescript 61 19 "The Buttondown Terror of David Duke." Playboy , 1980 February 61 20 "The Buttondown Terror of David Duke." Offprint, reprinted from Playboy , 1980 February 61 21 "Cadillac's Ghetto." Title change from "The Bureau of Nigger Affairs." Corrected typescript 61 22 "Cadillac's Ghetto." Corrected typescript with editor comments 61 23 "Car-Why Drive One When You Can Eat One?" Research 61 24 "Car-Why Drive One When You Can Eat One?" Corrected typescript 61 25 "Carny." Research material 61 26 "Carny." Author's notes, manuscript 61 27 "Carny." Corrected typescript 61 28 "Carny." With Post-it® "Note." Playboy , 1976 September 61 29 "Carny." Offprint. "Reprinted from Playboy ", 1976 September 61 30 ["Cars."] Partial, corrected typescript 61 31 "Cars." Corrected typescript 61 32 "Cars." Photocopy typescript with corrections 61 33 "Cars." With Post-it® note, "Good as it gets..." Published as "The Car," Esquire, , 1975 December 61 34 "Celebration of the Gator." Corrected typescript 61 35 "Celebration of the Gator." Typescript (photocopy), with editor's annotations 61 36 "Celebration of the Gator." Published as "Are the Gators Out to Get Us?" Family Weekly , 1985 March 31 61 37 "A Christmas Under the Waldorf-Astoria." Corrected typescript box folder Request box 62 1 "Climbing the Tower." Research materials 62 2 "Climbing the Tower." Corrected typescript 62 3 "Climbing the Tower." Corrected typescript 62 4 "Climbing the Tower." Proofs, "Grits" column, Esquire . Cover note, Pam Maffei 62 5 "Climbing the Tower." Esquire, "Grits" column. With Post-it® note, "I'd love to end the book with this.", 1977 August 62 6 "Climbing the Tower." Blood & Grits . Corrected typescript 62 7 "Cockfighting: An Unfashionable View." Corrected typescript 62 8 "Cockfighting: An Unfashionable View." Esquire "Grits" column, 1977 March 62 9 "The Courting of Marcus Dupree , by Willie Morris," Corrected typescript, 1983 62 10 "The Courting of Marcus Dupree , by Willie Morris," Typescript, 1983 62 11 "The Courting of Marcus Dupree , by Willie Morris," Chicago Tribune Book World , 1983 November 20 62 12 "Crackers , by Roy Blount, Jr.," Washington Post Book World , September 28, 1980 62 13 "Cross Creek: Gator Tales." New York Times Magazine , October 9, 1983 62 14 "Deep in the Heart , by Wyatt Wyatt," Corrected typescript, 1980 62 15 "Deep in the Heart , by Wyatt Wyatt," Washington Post Book World , December 14, 1980 62 16 "The Diggstown Ringers , by Leonard Wise," Corrected typescript, 1978 62 17 "A Disconnected Dick String." Corrected typescript 62 18 "A Disconnected Dick String." Published as "The Most Kindest Cut of All: Vasectomy," Esquire , "Grits" column. Proofs 62 19 "A Disconnected Dick String." Published as "The Most Kindest Cut of All: Vasectomy," Esquire , "Grits" column, May 1977 With [HC] note: "Funny, true & (I think) serious." 62 20 "A Disconnected Dick String." Published as "The Most Kindest Cut of All: Vasectomy." Corrected typescript 62 21 "Fathers and Sons." Corrected manuscript 62 22 "Fathers and Sons." Corrected typescript 62 23 "Fathers and Sons." Corrected typescript 62 24 "Fathers and Sons." Published as "Fathers, Sons, Blood." Playboy, , January 1985 62 25 "Fathers and Sons." Published as "Fathers, Sons, Blood." Offprint, "Reprinted from Playboy , January 1985." 62 26 "A Few Good Men." Corrected typescript, cover sheet 62 27 "A Few Good Men." Photocopy typescript 62 28 "A Few Words on the Fall of a Champion." File folder with note: "Written in response..." 62 29 "A Few Words on the Fall of a Champion." Corrected manuscript 62 30 "A Few Words on the Fall of a Champion." Typescript. Photocopy 62 31 "A Few Words on the Fall of a Champion." Tyson vs. Spinks ticket and program 62 32 "The Fix , by Dorian Fliegel," Corrected typescript, 1978 62 33 "Flesh and Fantasy, or, What is that Silk Thing, Anyway?" Manuscript 62 34 "Flesh and Fantasy, or, What is that Silk Thing, Anyway?" Typescript 62 35 "Flesh and Fantasy, or, What is that Silk Thing, Anyway?" Published as "Being in Nothingness." Playboy , 1993 February 62 36 G.T. Schaefer case. Research materials 62 37 "Gators." Notes 62 38 "Gators." Corrected typescript 62 39 "Gators." Typescript 62 40 "Gators." Published as "Poaching Gators For Fun and Profit." Esquire "Grits" column, 1977 April 62 41 "Gatornationals." Corrected typescript 62 42 "Gatornationals." Published as "Comeuppance at the Gatornationals." Sport , 1977 July box folder Request box 63 1 "Geronimo Rex , by Barry Hannah," Corrected typescript, 1972 63 2 "Getting it Together." Corrected typescript/ manuscript 63 3 "Getting it Together." The Writer , 1971 June 63 4 "Goat Day Olympics." Corrected typescript 63 5 "Goat Day Olympics." Page proofs, "Grits" column, Esquire , 1977 July 63 6 "Goat Day Olympics." "Grits" column, Esquire , 1977 July 63 7 "Going Nowhere , by Alvin Greenburg," Manuscript, 1971 63 8 "Going Nowhere , by Alvin Greenburg," Corrected typescript, 1971 63 9 "Going Nowhere , by Alvin Greenburg," New York Times Book Review, , 1971 August 29 63 10 "Gospel Singer, for Library Journal ." Corrected typescript 63 11 "The Gospel Singer -Harry Crews." Library Journal , 1968 February 1 63 12 "Gray Matters , by William Hjortsberg." New York Times Book Review , 1971 October 31 63 13 "Hawks." Corrected typescript 63 14 "Hawks." Proofs 63 15 "Hawks." Published as "The Hawk is Flying." Esquire "Grits" column, 1977 June 63 16 Heart Attacks , by Edmund Skellings, Jacket blurb, 197663 17 "His Turn." Corrected typescript 63 18 "His Turn." Typescript, photocopy 63 19 "It's Rivers that's Bigger, But None Prettier." Manuscript 63 20 "It's Rivers That's Bigger, but None Prettier." Corrected typescript 63 21 "It's Rivers That's Bigger, but None Prettier." Published as "None Prettier." Forum: The Magazine of the Florida Humanities Council , Spring/Summer , 1993 63 22 "Jerry Falwell: Reverend of the New Right." Corrected typescript 63 23 "Jerry Falwell: Reverend of the New Right." Playgirl , 1981 July 63 24 Joan Little case, 1974-1975. Research materials 63 25 "Joining the African Queen Industry." Typescript 63 26 ["The Knowledge and Language of the Groin."] Corrected manuscript 63 27 "The Knowledge and Language of the Groin." Typescript 63 28 "The Knowledge and Language of the Groin." Typescript 63 29 "The Knowledge and Language of the Groin." Published as "The Wisdom of the Groin."Playboy , 1989 February 63 30 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Research materials 63 31 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Notes 63 32 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Corrected typescript 63 33 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Corrected typescript 63 34 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Re-titled "On the Train with Charles Bronson." Corrected typescript, photocopy 63 35 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Photographs 63 36 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Photographs of Harry Crews, Charles Bronson, and other cast members on set of "Breakheart Pass," by production photographer Kenny Bell 63 37 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Published as "Charles Bronson Ain't No Pussycat." Playboy , 1975 October 63 38 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Letter to Editor, Playboy , re: "Charles Bronson Ain't No Pussycat," from R.J. Pause, 1975 October 1 63 39 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Published as "Charles Bronson Ain't No Pussycat." Offprint, "Reprinted from Playboy , 1975 October box folder Request box 64 1 "L.L. Bean." Research material 64 2 "L.L. Bean." Notes 64 3 "L.L. Bean." Corrected typescript 64 4 "L.L. Bean." Published as "L.L. Bean Has Your Number, America!" Esquire , 1976 March With Post-it® note: "Very tough, I think." 64 5 "Larry Brown." [Introduction for Brown appearance October 17, 1991.] Corrected typescript Also contains Cleanth Brooks' essay "An Affair of Honor: Larry Brown's Joe " with signed HC note "A stain of honor" (photocopy, 6 p.). 64 6 "Laurel Fork Gorge: One Evening in July." Corrected typescript 64 7 "A Lesson in Desperation and Stupidity." Corrected typescript 64 8 "A Lesson in Desperation and Stupidity." Typescript 64 9 "A Lesson in Desperation and Stupidity." Typescripts (2); alternative drafts submitted for publication, with explanatory cover letter 64 10 "A Lesson in Desperation and Stupidity." The Oxford American , 1996 October-November 64 11 "The Lords of Discipline , by Pat Conroy," New York Times Book Review , 1980 December 7 64 12 ["Madonna Goes the Distance."] Corrected typescript, titled "Madonna and the Fight to Go the Distance." 64 13 "Madonna Goes the Distance." FAME , 1988 December 64 14 ["Man Talk."] Corrected typescript, titled "What Men Talk About When Women Aren't Around." 64 15 ["Man Talk."] Corrected typescript, titled "What Men Talk About When Women Aren't Around." Photocopy 64 16 "Man Talk." Playgirl , 1982 July 64 17 "Mary by Mary. E. Mebane," Corrected typescript, 198164 18 "Mary Steenburgen: Born With a Gift." Manuscript 64 19 "Mary Steenburgen: Born With a Gift." Playgirl , 1983 September 64 20 "A Melon for Ecstasy , by John Wells & John Fortune," Typescript, 1971 64 21 "A Melon for Ecstasy , by John Wells & John Fortune," New York Times Book Review , 1971 August 8 64 22 "Mules." Notes 64 23 "Mules." Corrected typescript 64 24 "Mules" Typescript 64 25 "Mules." Published as "Reminiscences of a Blind Muleman," Esquire , "Grits" column, 1976 November 64 26 "The Mythic Mule." Southern Magazine , 1986 October 64 27 "The Naked American." Notes; research material 64 28 "The Naked American." Corrected typescript 64 29 "The Naked American." Corrected typescript 64 30 "The Naked American." Published as "A Day at the Dogfights." Esquire , 1979 February 27 Post-it® note: "Jesus, print it!" 64 31 Nevermore , by William Hjortsberg, Blurb (draft)64 32 "No Whine with Dinner, Thank You." Typescript 64 33 "A Note on Childhood Reading." Typescript box folder Request box 65 1 "Of Elephants, Heroes, and LSD." Corrected typescript 65 2 "Of Elephants, Heroes, and LSD." Corrected typescript 65 3 "On Being a Southerner." [See: "On Being Born a Southerner."] Typescript 65 4 "On Being a Southerner and Being a Writer." Corrected typescript 65 5 "On Being a Southerner and Being a Writer." Corrected typescript 65 6 "On Being a Southerner and Being a Writer." Typescript 65 7 "On Being a Southerner and Being a Writer." Published as segment of "A Stubborn Sense of Place: Forum." Harper's Magazine , 1986 August 65 8 "On Being Born a Southerner." Corrected typescript 65 9 ["On Education."] Manuscript 65 10 "On Education." Corrected typescript 65 11 "Options." Corrected typescript 65 12 "Options." Published as "Leaving Pasadena-Resume Safe Speed." Esquire , "Grits" column, 1977 January 65 13 "The Outer Mongolian , by David Slavitt," Typescript, 1973 65 14 Oyster Boy Review [blurb]65 15 "Pocock & Pitt by Elliott Baker," Corrected typescript, 1971 65 16 "Pocock & Pitt , by Elliott Baker," New York Times Book Review , 1971 September 26 "Uncorrected Rough Proof." 65 17 "The Poison Within." Gallery , 1987 May 65 18 "The Poison Within." Folder notes [from Harry Crews' original file system] 65 19 "Polo Lounge." Notes, brochure 65 20 "Polo Lounge." Typescript (incomplete draft) 65 21 "Quick Fixes and the Future of Florida." Corrected typescript 65 22 "Quick Fixes and the Future of Florida." Published as "The Quick Fix Isn't Good Enough." Florida Trend/ Yearbook . Page proofs, 1988 65 23 "Ray , by Barry Hannah," Corrected typescript, 1980 65 24 "Ray , by Barry Hannah,"Washington Post Book World , 1980 September 28 65 25 "Robert Blake." Research materials 65 26 "Robert Blake." Notes 65 27 "Robert Blake." Interview notes 65 28 "Robert Blake." Corrected typescript 65 29 "Robert Blake." Corrected typescript [cut and paste] 65 30 "Robert Blake." Corrected typescript [cut and paste] 65 31 "Robert Blake." Published as "Television's Junkyard Dog." Esquire , 1976 October ** Also includes "Running Fox" ("Grits" column). 65 32 "Roosters Scream Too." Corrected typescript 65 33 "Roosters Scream Too." Published as "Pages from the Life of a Georgia Innocent." Esquire , 1976 July With Post-it® note: "I really like this one. H.C." 65 34 ["Running Fox."] Corrected typescript 65 35 ["Running Fox."] Typescript 65 36 "Save Me, Joe Lewis , by Madison Smartt Bell," Manuscript, 199365 37 "Sean Penn Lives to Tell." Research material 65 38 "Sean Penn Lives to Tell." Transcript of interview 65 39 "Sean Penn Lives to Tell." Notes 65 40 "Sean Penn Lives to Tell." Manuscript 65 41 ["Sean Penn Lives to Tell."] [Orig. title: "Sean Penn: An Ending and a Beginning-Maybe."] Corrected typescript 65 42 ["Sean Penn Lives to Tell."] [Orig. title: "Sean Penn: An Ending and a Beginning-Maybe."] Corrected typescript box folder Request box 66 1 ["Sean Penn Lives to Tell."] [Orig. title: "Sean Penn: An Ending and a Beginning-Maybe."] Corrected typescript 66 2 ["Sean Penn Lives to Tell."] [Orig. title: "Sean Penn: An Ending and a Beginning-Maybe."] Corrected typescript 66 3 "Sean Penn Lives to Tell." [Working title: "Metamorphosis: Actor Sean Penn to Director Sean Penn."] Corrected typescript 66 4 "Sean Penn Lives to Tell." FAME , 1990 November 66 5 "Shooting Deer In and Out of Season." Corrected typescript 66 6 ["A Small Boy on the Floor, Listening."] Corrected typescript [from larger work] 66 7 ["A Small Boy on the Floor, Listening."] Typescript (untitled) 66 46 ["A Small Boy on the Floor, Listening."] Corrected typescript [later draft] 66 47 ["A Small Boy on the Floor, Listening."] Typescript, titled "Conversations." 66 48 "A Small Boy on the Floor, Listening." Esquire , "Grits" column, 1976 December 66 49 "A Sort of Life , by Graham Greene," Corrected typescript with (photocopy) cover letter to Digby Diehl, 1971 66 50 "A Sort of Life , by Graham Greene," Los Angeles Times , 1971 September 26 66 51 "Starting Over , by Don Wakefield," Corrected typescript, 1973 66 52 "Starting Over , by Don Wakefield," Typescript, 1973 66 53 "Sunrise, Sunset: An Autumn Day in North Florida." Corrected typescript 66 54 "Swamp as Metaphor." Corrected manuscript (19 p.)/ typescript (9 p.) With Post-it® note: "From an essay "Swamp as Metaphor..." 66 55 "Swamp as Metaphor." Typescript 66 56 "Swamp as Metaphor." Corrected typescript 66 57 "Swamp as Metaphor." Corrected typescript 66 58 "Teaching and Learning Creative Writing." DeKalb Literary Arts Journal , Winter , 1969 66 59 "Teaching and Writing at the University." Corrected typescript 66 60 "Temple of the Airwaves: A Visit with Garner Ted Armstrong and the World Tomorrow." Research materials 66 61 "Temple of the Airwaves." Research materials 66 62 "Temple of the Airwaves." Research materials 66 63 "Temple of the Airwaves." Research materials box folder Request box 67 1 "Temple of the Airwaves." Research materials 67 2 "Temple of the Airwaves." Research materials 67 3 "Temple of the Airwaves: A Visit with Garner Ted Armstrong and the World Tomorrow." Notes 67 4 ["Temple of the Airwaves: A Visit with Garner Ted Armstrong and the World Tomorrow."] Corrected typescript/ manuscript 67 5 ["Temple of the Airwaves: A Visit with Garner Ted Armstrong and the World Tomorrow."] Corrected typescript 67 6 "Temple of the Airwaves: A Visit with Garner Ted Armstrong and the World Tomorrow." Typescript titled "Garner Ted Armstrong and the Wide~World Church of God." 67 7 Temple of the Airwaves." Esquire , 1976 December 67 8 "Tennessee Blue , by Patricia Browning Griffith, and Whatever Became of the Bonner Boys , by Clarkson N. Potter," Corrected typescript with cover letter, 1981 67 9 "Texas Celebrity Turkey Trot , by Peter Gent," Corrected typescript, 1978 67 10 "Tip on a Live Jockey." Folder notes [from Harry Crews' original file system] 67 11 "Tip on a Live Jockey." Research materials 67 12 "Tip on a Live Jockey." "Notes from St. Leon tapes." 67 13 "Tip on a Live Jockey." Corrected typescript 67 14 ["Tip on a Live Jockey."] Corrected typescript, "Gene St. Leon." Signed 67 15 ["Tip on a Live Jockey."] Corrected typescript, "Gene St. Leon." Signed 67 16 ["Tip on a Live Jockey."] Corrected typescript, "Gene St. Leon." 67 17 ["Tip on a Live Jockey."] Corrected typescript, "Gene St. Leon;" 67 18 "Tip on a Live Jockey." Corrected typescript 67 19 "Tip on a Live Jockey." Corrected typescript 67 20 "Tip on a Live Jockey." Corrected typescript 67 21 "Tip on a Live Jockey." Sport , 1978 January 67 22 "Tough Guys Don't Dance , by Norman Mailer," Corrected typescript, 1984 box folder Request box 68 1 "The Trucker Militant." Research materials 68 2 "The Trucker Militant." Notes of interview, "Overdrive," with editing 68 3 "The Trucker Militant." Fragments of draft transcripts ("Cut and paste") 68 4 "The Trucker Militant." Corrected typescript of draft titled "Sharecropping." 68 5 "The Trucker Militant." Corrected typescript, titled "Trucking." 68 6 "The Trucker Militant." Esquire , 1977 August 68 7 "Tuesday Night with Cody, Jimbo and a Fish of Some Proportion." Corrected typescript 68 8 "Tuesday Night with Cody, Jimbo and a Fish of Some Proportion." Esquire , "Grits" column, 1977 February 68 9 "Tupelo Nights , by John Ed Bradley," Corrected typescript, 1988 68 10 "Tupelo Nights , by John Ed Bradley," Typescript, 1988 68 11 "Tupelo Nights , by John Ed Bradley," Washington Post , 1988 April 26 68 12 "Twelve Oaks Bath and Tennis Club." Manuscript [incomplete?] 68 13 "Twelve Oaks Bath and Tennis Club." Typescript [incomplete?] 68 14 "Twelve Oaks Bath and Tennis Club." Typescript 68 15 "Two-steppin' in the Club Valdez." Research materials 68 16 "Two-steppin' in the Club Valdez." Notes 68 17 "Two-steppin' in the Club Valdez." Corrected typescript 68 18 "Two-steppin' in the Club Valdez." Published as "Going Down in Valdez." Playboy , 1975 February 68 19 "Two-steppin' in the Club Valdez." Published as "Going Down in Valdez." Playboy letters to the editor, with cover note from Lawrence Gonzales 68 20 Untitled contribution to "Scope Forum: Science, Technology, Art." Scope , vol.II, no. 2. "Winter Issue." 68 21 "Up from the Water's Edge." Corrected typescript 68 22 "Vanished , by Mary McGarry Morris," Corrected typescript, 1988 68 23 "Vanished , by Mary McGarry Morris," Typescript, 1988 68 24 ">Vanished , by Mary McGarry Morris," New York Times Book Review , 1988 July 3 68 25 "The Violence that Finds Us." Offprint, "Reprinted from Playboy , April 1984." 68 26 "The Violence that Finds Us." Playboy , 1984 April 68 27 "A Walk in the Country." Playboy , 1975 April box folder Request box 69 1 "Water, Water, Everywhere and not a Drop to ..." Corrected manuscript 69 2 "Water, Water, Everywhere and not a Drop to ..." Typescript 69 3 "What Mama Knows." Southern Magazine , 1987 May With Post-it®note: "The editor said..." 69 4 "What Mama Knows." Published in condensed form as "Mama Pulled the Load Alone." Reader's Digest , 1988 January 69 5 "Why I Live Where I Live." Corrected typescript 69 6 "Why I Live Where I Live." Proofs 69 7 "Why I Live Where I Live." Esquire , 1980 September 69 8 ["The Wonderful World of Winnebagos."] Corrected typescript 69 9 ["The Wonderful World of Winnebagos."] Corrected typescript, incomplete 69 10 ["The Wonderful World of Winnebagos."] Corrected typescript 69 11 "The Wonderful World of Winnebagos." Esquire , "Grits" column, 1976 August box folder Request box 70 1 "Building Men the Marine Corps Way." Proofs 70 2 "The Buttondown Terror of David Duke." Galley proofs 70 3 "Carny." Galley proofs 70 4 "Carny." Research materials. [Wall St. Journal; Amusement Business clips .] 70 5 "Celebration of the Gator." Published as "Are the Gators Out to Get us?" Family Weekly , 1985 March 31 70 6 "Cockfighting: An Unfashionable View." Page proofs 70 7 "Fathers and Sons." Uncorrected proofs 70 8 "Gators." Page proofs 70 9 "The Knuckles of Saint Bronson." Galley proofs 70 10 "L.L. Bean." Proofs 70 11 "Leaving Pasadena-resume safe speed." Galley proofs 70 12 "The Naked American." Published as "The Dogfight." Tropic (Miami Herald Sunday Magazine), 1979 November 11 70 13 "Reminiscences of a Blind Muleman." Proofs 70 14 "Roosters Scream, Too." Published as "Pages from the Life of a Georgia Innocent." Page proofs 70 15 "Robert Blake." Page proofs 70 16 "Running Fox." Page proofs 70 17 "A Small Boy on the Floor, Listening." Page proofs 70 18 "Temple of the Airwaves: A Visit with Garner Ted Armstrong and the World Tomorrow." Galley proofs 70 19 "The Trucker Militant." Galley proofs 70 20 "Tuesday Night with Cody, Jimbo and a Fish of Some Proportion." Page proofs 70 21 "Twelve Oaks Bath and Tennis Club." Proof. Titled, "A Letter from Harry." 70 22 Two-steppin' in the Club Valdez." Published as "Going Down in Valdez." Uncorrected proofs 70 23 "Why I Live Where I Live." Reprinted as "Harry Crews and Gainesville." Florida (Orlando Sentinel-State Sunday Magazine), 1980 October 19 70 24 "The Wonderful World of Winnebagos." Page proofs 70 25 "The Wonderful World of Winnebagos." Research materials. [This-a-Ways ], 1975 August
4. Subject Files
16 box(es)
This series includes materials about Harry Crews' life and his career as writer and teacher. The majority of Subject files are secondary materials: clippings of reviews of Crews' work, interviews with him, bibliographies and articles about him that have appeared in newspapers, magazines, journals, and the Internet. The balance of the files come from major career and life activities such as Crews' service in the Marine Corps, his involvement in writers conferences and festivals, his fellowships and awards, and his career as a professor of creative writing at the University of Florida. This series also includes personal/biographical miscellanea, and writings by others unrelated to Crews work. box folder Request box 74 1 Appalachian Trail. Map, 1970 74 2 Article about Harry Crews, Venetian Crier (Junior College of Broward County), 1963 74 3 Article about Harry Crews, Alma (Ga.) Times , 1968 February 74 4 Article about Harry Crews, Americus Times-Recorder , 1969 April 2 74 5 Article about Harry Crews, Atlanta Journal , 1969 April 30 74 6 Article about Harry Crews, Gainesville (FL) Sun , 1969 May 11 74 7 Article about Harry Crews, Wiregrass Farmer , 1969 October 74 8 Article about Harry Crews, Tifton Gazette , 1969 74 9 Article about Harry Crews, The Weekly News Calendar (Middlebury College), 1970 March 4 74 10 Article about Harry Crews, The Atlanta Journal , 1970 April 15 74 11 Article about Harry Crews, University of Florida Magazine , Summer, 1970 74 12 Article about Harry Crews, Prairie Schooner , Spring, 1974 74 13 Article about Harry Crews, The New York Times Book Review , 1975 January 19 74 14 Article about Harry Crews, New Look , 1975 October 15 74 15 Article about Harry Crews, Albany (Ga.) Herald , 1975 December 7 74 16 Article about Harry Crews, Saturday Review , 1976 September 4 74 17 Article about Harry Crews, The Wiregrass Farmer and Stockman , 1976 November 4 74 18 Article about Harry Crews, Oracle (Univ. of South Florida), 1977 January 31 74 19 Article about Harry Crews, St. Petersburg (FL) Times , 1977 January 31 74 20 Article about Harry Crews, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine , 1977 May 8 74 21 Article about Harry Crews, New Look , 1978 December 1 74 22 Article about Harry Crews, The New York Times Book Review , 1978 December 24 74 23 Article about Harry Crews, New Look , 1979 May 1 74 24 Article about Harry Crews, Miami Magazine , 1979 June box folder Request box 75 1 Article about Harry Crews, Writer's Digest , 1982 June 75 2 Article about Harry Crews, Gallery , 1982 August 75 3 Article about Harry Crews, Dynamic Years , 1984 September-October 75 4 Article about Harry Crews, Rendezvous (Idaho State University), Fall , 1985 75 5 Article about Harry Crews, USA Today , 1986 May 6 75 6 Article about Harry Crews, People Weekly , 1987 June 8 75 7 Article about Harry Crews, Publishers Weekly , 1988 April 15 75 8 Article about Harry Crews, Atlanta Journal & Constitution , 1989 April 9 75 9 Article about Harry Crews, Florida Today , 1989 75 10 Article about Harry Crews, Florida Times-Union , 1992 February 9 75 11 Article about Harry Crews, CLAS Notes (University of Florida. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), 1992 May 75 12 Article about Harry Crews, Liberation (Paris), 1993 November 25 75 13 Article about Harry Crews, Le Nouveau Quotidien , 1993 December 30 75 14 Article about Harry Crews, Les Inrockuptibles (Paris), 1994 January 75 15 Article about Harry Crews, GQ (U.K.), 1994 March 75 16 Article about Harry Crews, The Georgia Review , Fall , 1994 75 17 Article about Harry Crews, Esquire , 1994 November 75 18 Article about Harry Crews, LaRousse Dictionary of Writers , 1994 75 19 Article about Harry Crews, Quixote Quarterly , 1994 75 20 Article about Harry Crews, PURR , Spring, 1995 75 21 Article about Harry Crews, Gainesville (FL) Sun , 1995 October 10 75 22 Article about Harry Crews, St. Petersburg (FL) Times , 1995 October 15 75 23 Article about Harry Crews, The Oxford American , 2005 December-2006 January 75 24 Article about Harry Crews, Beat Scene , 1995 75 25 Article about Harry Crews, ["Crews Missile;" U.K. publication.], 1995 75 26 Article about Harry Crews, Rage (Paris, France), 1997 January 22 75 27 Article about Harry Crews, Poets & Writers , 1997 January-February 75 28 Article about Harry Crews, ["Hemingway festival honors Harry Crews."], 1998 July 75 29 Article about Harry Crews, Y'all Magazine , 1999 February 8 75 30 Article about Harry Crews, Bledsoe, Eric. [Introduction, Getting Naked with Harry Crews .], 1999 75 31 Article about Harry Crews, L'Evenement , 2000 March 9-15 75 32 Article about Harry Crews, Poets & Writers , 2003 March-April 75 33 Article about Harry Crews, Internet articles box folder Request box 76 1 Article about Harry Crews, Miami Herald , 1967 November 2 76 2 Article about Harry Crews, Broward Times , 1968 April 17 76 3 Article about Harry Crews, The Open Door (DeKalb College), 1969 April 9 76 4 Article about Harry Crews, The Wiregrass Farmer and Stockman , 1969 April 24 76 5 Article about Harry Crews, The Wiregrass Farmer and Stockman , 1969 May 8 76 6 Article about Harry Crews, Veritas (Santa Fe Junior College [Gainesville, FL]), 1969 June 16 76 7 Article about Harry Crews, Loyola Maroon (Loyola University, New Orleans), 1969 October 24 76 8 Article about Harry Crews, St. Petersburg (FL) Times , 1969 November 2 76 9 Article about Harry Crews, The Florida Alligator (Univ. of Florida), 1969 November 14 76 10 Article about Harry Crews, The Albany (Ga.) Herald , 1970 November 26 76 11 Article about Harry Crews, The Florida Alligator (Univ. of Florida), 1970 December 4 76 12 Article about Harry Crews, The Florida Alligator (Univ. of Florida), 1971 October 13 76 13 Article about Harry Crews, Tropic (Miami Herald Sunday Magazine), 1971 June 13 76 14 Article about Harry Crews, Floridian (St. Petersburg Times), 1974 April 28 76 15 Article about Harry Crews, The Miami Herald , 1974 June 30 76 16 Article about Harry Crews, [Source?] Ball, Bo. "Harry Crews: Mad Genius.", 1974 76 17 Article about Harry Crews, The Miami Herald , 1976 July 18 box folder Request box 77 1 Article about Harry Crews, Clearwater Sun , 1977 January 30 77 2 Article about Harry Crews, Oracle (University of South Florida), 1977 January 31 77 3 Article about Harry Crews, The Tampa Times , 1977 February 1 77 4 Article about Harry Crews, Tampa Tribune , 1977 February 5 77 5 Article about Harry Crews, Tropic (Miami Herald Sunday Magazine), 1977 February 27 77 6 Article about Harry Crews, Atlanta Gazette , 1977 March 9 77 7 Article about Harry Crews, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine , 1977 May 15 77 8 Article about Harry Crews, Fort Myers (FL) News-Press , 1977 June 12 77 9 Article about Harry Crews, Alligator (University of Florida), 1978 February 24 77 10 Article about Harry Crews, The Daily Tifton Gazette , 1978 September 16 77 11 Article about Harry Crews, Gainesville (FL) Sun , 1978 November 5 77 12 Article about Harry Crews, The Florida Times-Union , 1978 December 7 77 13 Article about Harry Crews, Tropic (Miami Herald Sunday magazine), 1978 December 31 77 14 Article about Harry Crews, St. Petersburg (FL) Times , 1979 March 3 77 15 Article about Harry Crews, Tampa Tribune , 1979 March 3 77 16 Article about Harry Crews, Atlanta Constitution , 1979 April 16 77 17 Article about Harry Crews, The Atlanta Journal , 1979 April 16 77 18 Article about Harry Crews, Florida West (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) , 1979 August 12-18 77 19 Article about Harry Crews, Alligator (Univ. of Florida). Supplement, 1979 October 19 77 20 Article about Harry Crews, Ampersand , 1979 November box folder Request box 78 1 Article about Harry Crews, P.M., The Independent Florida Alligator's Weekend Magazine , 1981 January 78 2 Article about Harry Crews, Today (Cocoa Beach, Fla.), 1982 November 21 78 3 Article about Harry Crews, The Orlando Sentinel , 1982 November 21 78 4 Article about Harry Crews, Florida (The Orlando Sentinel), 1984 August 12 78 5 Article about Harry Crews, Atlanta Weekly. (The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Sunday magazine), 1985 January 27 78 6 Article about Harry Crews, Scene Magazine (The Gainesville Sun), 1985 May 3 78 7 Article about Harry Crews, Gainesville (FL) Sun , 1987 March 1 78 8 Article about Harry Crews, Tampa Tribune , 1989 May 16 78 9 Article about Harry Crews, Montreal Gazette, 1990 March 31 78 10 Article about Harry Crews, Florida Magazine (The Orlando Sentinel) , 1990 November 11 78 11 Article about Harry Crews, Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram , 1991 May 26 (Contains two articles) 78 12 Article about Harry Crews, Sunshine (Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel Sunday magazine), 1991 June 9 78 13 Article about Harry Crews, AWP Chronicle , 1992 February 78 14 Article about Harry Crews, Village View (Los Angeles, CA), 1992 March 6-12 78 15 Article about Harry Crews, Gainesville (FL) Sun , 1992 November 17 78 16 Article about Harry Crews, The Observer Review (London, UK), 1994 October 30 78 17 Article about Harry Crews, The Ledger (Lakeland, FL), 1995 October 15 78 18 Article about Harry Crews, Tampa Tribune , 1997 July 7 78 19 Article about Harry Crews, New York Press . "Books & Publishing" supplement, 1998 April 29 box folder Request box 79 1 Art work ("Charné '72") (1 pen and ink drawing.) 79 2 Authors Guild mailings, 1972-1978 79 3 Authors League of America mailings, 1970-1972 79 4 Award Books New Fiction Contest Flyer, 1965 79 5 Book-of-the-Month Club Awards, 1970-1972 79 6 Conch Republic Prize for Literature, 1988 79 7 Georgia Writers Association Award, 1969 79 8 Horror Writers Association Certificate, 1995 79 9 National Institute of Arts and Letters Certificate (signed by Jacques Barzun), and ceremony ephemera, 1972 79 10 Biographical statements 79 11 Bledsoe, Erik. Internet index of research projects 79 12-16 Breadloaf Conference Materials, 1968-1970, 1972-1973 79 17 Curriculum Vitae, 1990 79 18 Daniel S. Mead Literary Agency 79 19 Dramatists Guild mailings, 1989 79 20 Etonnants Voyageurs Festival, 1997 79 21-23 Film Adaptations of Novels - Press
Includes The Gospel Singer, The Hawk is Dying, The Knockout Artist 79 24-28 Florida Writers' Conference, 1970-1974 79 29 Georgia Writers Hall of Fame Program, 2001 December 13 79 30 Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship applications, 1970, 1975, 1983 79 31 "Guilty as Charged." Documentary film press 79 32 Humana Festival of New American Plays 79 33 "The Indian Runner." List of cast (Internet Movie DataBase) 79 34 "The Indian Runner." LA Weekly review, 1991 September (Photocopy.) 79 35 "Instructions for Correcting Proofs." Alfred A. Knopf (4 p.) 79 36 Interview with Aunt Eva, 1996 79 37-40 Lecture notes. Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, 1969-1972 79 42 Unidentified occasion. ("Here to celebrate the word ...") 79 43 Lectures, readings. Gainesville Women in Communication Banquet invitation, 1973 February 17 79 44 Lectures, readings. University of Florida Campus Speaker Series, 1969 November 17
Includes flyer for lecture. 79 45 Literary Clipping Service mailings, 1968 79 46 Marine Corps Service, 1953-1956 79 47 Miami- Dade Junior College Job application, 1967 July 20 79 48 Clippings box folder Request box 80 1 Photocopied materials 80 2 Printed flyers, brochures 80 3 National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, 1974-1975 80 4 Olympic Arts Festival, 1996 80 5 Oswego Writers Conference, 1975 80 6-8 Personal Materials
Includes addresses, phone numbers; notes, memos, planner (1991-1992). 80 9-12 Personal Papers
Includes Appointment Calendar (1970), Detox discharge resume (1997), Engagements memo (1996), Note to Sally Crews (n.d.). box folder Request box 81 1-30 Reviews of All We Need of Hell 81 31-38 Reviews of Blood and Grits 81 39-54 Reviews of "Blood Issue" 81 55-75 Reviews of Body box folder Request box 82 1-36 Reviews of Car 82 37-52 Reviews of Celebration 82 53-80 Reviews of A Childhood: The Biography of a Place box folder Request box 83 1-10 Reviews of Classic Crews: A Harry Crews Reader 83 11-75 Reviews of A Feast of Snakes 83 76-78 Reviews of Florida Frenzy 83 79-84 Reviews of Getting Naked with Harry Crews 83 85-101 Reviews of The Gospel Singer box folder Request box 84 1-42 Reviews of The Gypsy's Curse 84 43-64 Reviews of The Hawk is Dying 84 65-91 Reviews of Karate is a Thing of the Spirit box folder Request box 85 1-17 Reviews of The Knockout Artist 85 18-25 Reviews of The Mulching of America 85 26-51 Reviews of Naked in Garden Hills box folder Request box 86 1-30 Reviews of Scar Lover 86 31-69 Reviews of This Thing Don't Lead to Heaven 86 70 University of Florida Commencement, 1962 86 71 University of Florida Creative Writing course syllabi, 1994 86 72 University of Florida Faculty Activity Reports, 1978-1994 86 73 University of Florida MA Program information, 1971-1975 86 74 University of Florida Recommendation for Tenure, Promotion, 1975 86 75 University of Florida Retirement (Spring), English Department Newsletter, 1997 86 76 University of Florida Salary increase, 1978 September 1 86 77 University of Florida Transcript, 1967 86 78 Western Carolina University lecture series, 1974 box folder Request box 87 1 Crews, Byron [Remote Control ] 87 2-3 DeBord, Larry W., and Gary L. Long 87 4 Epstein, Daniel Mark [Opening section, Nat King Cole]
Includes 1 copy of letter, DME to HC 1/29/1999. 87 5 Foata, Anne [two essays] 87 6-7 Hargraves, Michael. [drafts for bibliography] 87 8 Harrison, Jim. "Logging the War of the Dream Worlds." 87 9 Hayes, Francis. "The Concrete Language of Spanish Proverbs", 1982 (Photocopy; inscribed.) 87 10 Jeffrey, David K., editor. A Grit's Triumph: Essays on the Works of Harry Crews , 1993 (Binder's gatherings.) 87 11 Kumin, Maxine. "For My Son on the Highways of His Mind." Corrected typescript, 1969 September 3 87 12 Long, Gary L. "Naked Americans: Violence in the Work of Harry Crews.", 1992 March
In envelope with note by Crews: "Essay written on my work..." 87 13-14 Long, Gary L., and Larry W. DeBord 87 15 Moore, Dinty. "An Interview with Harry Crews." (Copy; original in correspondence file.)
Includes letter from Crews to David Fenza, dated May 9, 1991. 87 15(b) Robinson, Monty. "The Dive." 87 16-17 Sauve, Damon. Various [Oyster Boy Review , online journal] box folder Request box 88 1 Sauve, Damon ["The Harry Crews Website"] 88 2-3 Shelton, Frank W. [2 essays] 88 4 Shepherd, Allen. "Matters of Life and Death: The Novels of Harry Crews." 88 5 Smith, Dave "What You See is What You Get...Or is It?" Critical essay on Harry Crews and Jack Matthews 88 6 Tate, David A. "What's Going On in American Samoa?" 88 7 Vogt, Brady. Gladiolus Drive (Copy-original in correspondence file.)
Also: Cover letter, BV to HC, no date. 88 8 Vonalt, Larry. [2 essays] 88 9 Walker, Robert Kirk. [Thesis] (52 p.) 88 10 Young, Dalene. "Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings' Cross Creek ."
("Revised final shooting script," 1982) Also: Note: "...Rip Torn gave Harry this screenplay." 88 12 [Unknown bibliographer(s)] box folder Request box 89 1 Writers Directory, 1999 89 2 Writers Guild of America West Mailings, 2000 89 3 Yearbook, Marine Corps Recruit Depot., Parris Island, S.C. Second Battalion, 1953 (Inscribed "Property of Harry Crews." [No page numbers. H.C. pictured in "Elliot's Beach" exercise; portrait with Platoon 197].) 89 4 Yearbook, Junior College of Broward County, 1963
[H.C. served as yearbook advisor. (p. 14, 96, 144 )]. 89 5 Yearbook, Andrew Jackson Senior High (Jacksonville, Florida), 1953
[Portrait with "1953 June Class"]. roll Request roll 1 Book jacket poster for Florida Frenzy