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George Foster Peabody Awards Collection, Series 1: Radio Entries

George Foster Peabody Awards Collection, Series 1: Radio Entries

Descriptive Summary

Title: George Foster Peabody Awards Collection, Series 1: Radio Entries
Creator: Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Inclusive Dates: 1988-1998
Language(s): English
Extent: 29 Linear Feet 29 boxes
Collection Number: ms3000_1d
Repository: Hargrett Library

Collection Description

Historical Note

Among prizes for electronic media – radio awards, television awards, interactive and new media awards – The George Foster Peabody Awards are considered the most prestigious. Founded in 1940, the Peabody is the also the oldest electronic media award in the world, recognizing excellence, distinguished achievement, and meritorious public service. The first radio awards were presented in 1941, for work completed in 1940. The first television awards were presented in 1948, the first cable television awards in 1981, and the first web site awards in 2003. Honoring content from large broadcast networks to tiny online outlets, from popular entertainment programs to independently produced documentaries, and all types in between, the Peabody Awards seek out "excellence on its own terms." The awards are administered by the University of Georgia's Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication.

For additional information see, The Peabody Awards.

Scope and Content

The radio entries series of the Peabody Awards include entry forms, scrapbooks, photographs, abstracts, scripts, and press kits documenting the majority of the entries from 1947 to 2011. Each entry includes the broadcaster, city and state, title of the program, and a description of the contents of the submission.

Organization and Arrangement

The George Foster Peabody Awards collection is organized into three series: radio entries, television entries, and administrative files.

The radio entries are arranged chronologically by submission year and submission catagory thereunder. The submission catagories are children and youth (CYR), education (EDR), entertainment (ENR), news (NWR), promotion of international understanding (INR), and public service (PSR).

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

George Foster Peabody Awards Collection, Series 1. Radio Entries, ms3000, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Peabody Awards.
Peabody, George Foster, 1852-1938
Press releases.
Radio broadcasting -- Awards -- United States.
Radio broadcasting -- United States.
Radio programs.
Radio scripts.

Related Collections in this Repository

The Peabody Awards Media Collection consists of over 90,000 titles, with radio programs dating from 1940 and television from 1948. There are radio transcription discs, audiotape, audiocassettes, 16mm kinescopes and prints, 2" videoreels, videocassettes, and websites. Many of the programs in the collection may be the only surviving copies of the work, especially in the case of local radio and television broadcasting. These are all original archival materials. Reference, or "user" copies, are available for much of the collection for use in the University of Georgia Libraries Media Department or at the Special Collections Library.

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing

13488001 CYRNPR, Boston, Massachusetts - Tanglewood Tales entry form, 1988
13488002 CYRWMYI MY 102.5 FM, Greenville, South Carolina - MY 102.5 Santa Hotline entry form, 1988
13488003 CYRNPR, Chapel Hill, North Carolina - East of the Sun, West of the Moon entry form, flyer, booklets, photograph, listener mail, clippings, research report, summary, promotional material, 1988
13488001 DCRWJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - Our Daily Bread from American Public Radio's Soundprint entry form, 1988
13488002 DCRNPR, Croton-On-Hudson, New York - Poppa entry form, correspondence, 1988
13488003 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Homeless (Thanksgiving Day Special) entry form, 1988
13488004 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Pacific Encounters entry form, 1988
13488005 DCRWJNO, West Palm Beach, Florida - Hard Facts on Heart Attacks entry form, clippings, letter, press release, 1988
13488006 DCRPIA Radio Network, Chicago, Illinois - The JFK Conflict entry form, script, affidavit of compliance, reel script, 1988
13488007 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - High Anxiety entry form, summary, script, 1988
13488008 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Scorched Earth, Withered Dreams: Farm Bailout entry form, letter, summary, script, 1988
13488009 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - America's Poorest City and Winning in the Face of Defeat entry form, letter, summary, script, 1988
13488010 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Separate But Not Equal (Divorce) and Danger: Mother at Work (Daycare) entry form, letter, summary, script, 1988
13488011 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Hate Crimes: America's Cancer entry form, summary, script, 1988
13488012 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Questions of Conscience entry form, summary, script, 1988
13488013 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - HMS Revenge: Around the Polaris (Series: Ideas) entry form, letter, 1988
13488014 DCRCommunity Media Services, New York, New York - Search for the Buried Past: The Hidden Jews of New Mexico entry form, letter, summary, press release, clipping, order form, 1988
13488015 DCRKINK FM 102, Portland, Oregon - Baby Boomers and Their Aging Parents entry form, 1988
13488016 DCRKRSW, Worthington, Minnesota - Children of the Rural Crisis entry form, 1988
13488017 DCRWJR, Detroit, Michigan - Detroit Remembers JFK entry form, 1988
13488018 DCRVOA/PL, Washington, D. C. - Martin Luther King, Jr.: His Life, His Legacy entry form, script, 1988
13488019 DCRVoices of America, Washington, D. C. - Os Confederados em Santarem/The Confederates in Santarem entry form, summary, script, 1988
13488020 DCRWJDX, Jackson, Mississippi - Down and Out in Paradise entry form, 1988
13488021 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Cowboys on Everest entry form, 1988
13488022 DCRKGOU, Norman, Oklahoma - Oklahoma Health Care: Falling Through the Gaps entry form, script, 1988
13488023 DCRWNYC, New York, New York - I've Been to the Mountaintop: An Audio Portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. entry form, press release, 1988
13488024 DCRWYNC, New York, New York - Matters of the Head: A Birthday Tribute to Simone de Beauvoir entry form, press release, 1988
13488025 DCRCBS, New York, New York - NEWSMARK: Where Valor Proudly Sleeps entry form, script, 1988
13488026 DCRNBC/Mutual Broadcasting, Arlington, Virginia - Street Gang Terror entry form, clipping, 1988
13488027 DCRMutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - Designer Genes: The Genetic Revolution entry form, 1988
13488028 DCRNPR, Woods Hole, Massachusetts - Hometown Texas: To Mother with Love entry form, 1988
13488029 DCRWRKO, Boston, Massachusetts - Unclogging the Artery entry form, summary, 1988
13488030 DCRKRMD, Shreveport, Louisiana - KRMD: The First Sixty Years entry form, 1988
13488031 DCRKSDO, San Diego, California - Homeless But Not Hopeless entry form, 1988
13488032 DCRKING 1090, Seattle, Washington - Profile of a Gangster entry form, press release, script, 1988
13488033 DCRWGMS, Rockville, Maryland - Empire Far-Flung entry form, summary, 1988
13488034 DCRWXPN, Temple Hills, Maryland - No Bed of Roses entry form, 1988
13488035 DCRKUSC, Los Angeles, California - Callas: In Her Own Words entry form, press kit, 1988
13488036 DCRWNSR, New York, New York - The Homeless: Changing Faces, Changing Times entry form, script, 1988
13488037 DCRWJHU/SOUNDPRINT, Baltimore, Maryland - The 1968 Washington, D.C. Riots: Then and Now entry form, 1988
13488038 DCRWJHU/SOUNDPRINT, Baltimore, Maryland - The Rooftops of Palestine entry form, 1988
13488039 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - The Politics of Joy/Humphrey Series entry form, 1988
13488040 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - August Wilson's Sacred Book entry form, 1988
13488041 DCRKFWB, Los Angeles, California - A Time of Trial entry form, script, 1988
13488042 DCRKNCO, Grass Valley, California - The 49'er Fire: Hell in Our Own Backyard entry form, 1988
13488043 DCRDesert West News, Tucson, Arizona - The Nuts and Bolts of Democracy: Inside Campaign '88 entry form, postcard, letter, 1988
13488044 DCRKGO, San Francisco, California - A Time to Die entry form, script, 1988
13488045 DCRNPR, Long Beach, California - Shock Therapy entry form, script, 1988
13488046 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - San Francisco's Castro District in the Age of AIDS entry form, script, 1988
13488047 DCRNPR, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Crossroads entry form, brochure, 1988
13488048 DCRWCXI/WWWW, Detroit, Michigan - WCXI/WWWW News Special, Detroit's Changing Church entry form, press kit, 1988
13488049 DCRWCXI/WWWW, Detroit, Michigan - WCXI/WWWW News Special, A Wasted Generation entry form, press kit, 1988
13488050 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Sunnydale: A Crack in Law and Order entry form, 1988
13488051 DCRWHAS, Louisville, Kentucky - In Society's Combat Zones entry form, correspondence, script, 1988
13488052 DCRKOMO, Seattle, Washington - Black History Focus entry form, script, 1988
13488053 DCRWFDP, Winston-Salem, North Carolina - Across the Blue Ridge entry form, 1988
13488054 DCRKNX, Los Angeles, California - KNX Newsradio "Assignment '88" Documentary Series entry form, script, 1988
13488055 DCRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Working for Mr. X: A Peek at the Pornography Business in California entry form, summary, letter, 1988
13488056 DCRSouth Carolina Educational Radio Network, Columbia, South Carolina - Carolina Jazz entry form, 1988
13488057 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Every Poem an Epitaph entry form, 1988
13488058 DCRBBC World Service in English, London, England - Assignment: The Future of Television entry form, 1988
13488059 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - The Idea of Europe entry form, 1988
13488060 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Nothing Political: Mandela at 70 (African Perspective) entry form, 1988
13488061 DCRBBC World Service in English, London, England - Can Communism Cope? entry form, 1988
13488062 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Messiaen: Music for the End of Time entry form, summary, 1988
13488001 EDRCKLW, Birmingham, Michigan - The Quest for Excellence entry form, letter, press kits, 1988
13488002 EDRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Literacy: The Medium and the Message entry form, 1988
13488003 EDRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Mystery of Human Memory entry form, 1988
13488004 EDRKBPS, Portland, Oregon - Think First: Teens & Co., Homosexuality entry form, 1988
13488005 EDRWETA, Washington, D. C. - Radio Smithsonian entry form, 1988
13488007 EDRABC (Australia), New York, New York - The Skill of Musicke entry form, clipping, 1988
13488008 EDRWTIC, Hartford, Connecticut - Health Update with Bryant Thomas, Cancer: Where We Are...Where We're Going entry form, script, 1988
13488009 EDRMutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - The Flame Still Burns: Remembering JFK entry form, clippings, 1988
13488010 EDRKRCL, Salt Lake City, Utah - The Book Group Radio Project entry form, brochures, 1988
13488011 EDRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - A Note to You entry form, press kit, 1988
13488012 EDRKSKA, Anchorage, Alaska - Opening the Literate Mind entry form, discussion guide, letter, script, 1988
13488013 EDRNPR, Brooklyn, New York - Joe Clark: Radical Principal broadcast on "All Things Considered" entry form, script, 1988
13488014 EDRKUCR, Riverside, California - The Epic of Gilgamesh entry form, 1988
13488015 EDRMedia Indiana, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana - The Nineteenth State entry form, summary, correspondence, 1988
13488016 EDRKNX, Los Angeles, California - The Mountain With No Top entry form, script, 1988
13488017 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - Churchill the Historian entry form, summary, 1988
13488018 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - The Queen's Parliament entry form, summary, 1988
13488001 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Famous Last Words (Series: Sunday Matinee, repeated on Stereo Theatre) entry form, summary, 1988
13488002 ENRCBC, Toronto, England - Macbeth (Special) entry form, summary, 1988
13488003 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Hand of God (Series: Sunday Matinee, repeated on Stereo Theatre) entry form, summary, script, 1988
13488004 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Costa Rica: No Return (Series: The Entertainers) entry form, clippings, 1988
13488005 ENROtherworld Media, Freeland, Washington - The War of the Worlds 50th Anniversary Production entry form, press kit, 1988
13488006 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - The Winners Circle entry form, biographical material, 1988
13488007 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - Direct from Dublin entry form, biographical material, 1988
13488008 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - IBM's Salute to the Arts: The Romantic Spirit at the Morgan with Maurice Sendak entry form, biographical material, 1988
13488009 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - First Hearing, 20th Anniversary Program entry form, biographical material, 1988
13488010 ENRWETA, Washington, D. C. - Music from Washington, Andre Watts entry form, cassette log, 1988
13488011 ENRKUSC, Los Angeles, California - A Space to Talk entry form, 1988
13488012 ENRWNEW, New York, New York - Mixed Bag: The 300th Program entry form, clippings, press release, 1988
13488013 ENRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Rime of the Ancien Mariner entry form, 1988
13488014 ENRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Speaking for Everyman: Ian McKellen Celebrates Shakespeare's Birthday entry form, brochure, 1988
13488015 ENRWNYC, New York, New York - The Radio Stage entry form, press release, 1988
13488016 ENRWNCN, New York, New York - WNCN Martian Morning Show entry form, press release, 1988
13488017 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Performance Today: Leonard Bernstein's 70th Birthday entry form, press kit, 1988
13488018 ENRConcert Music Network, New York, New York - Lincoln's Music in America: Arctic Symphony entry form, summary, 1988
13488019 ENRWQLT, Florence, Alabama - November 22, 1963 entry form, clipping, letter, 1988
13488020 ENRNPR, Madison, Wisconsin - Sidran on Record entry form, station list, listener response, clippings, correspondence, 1988
13588021 ENRWBAI, New York, New York - Visit New Gimston, Anyway entry form, 1988
13588022 ENRWYNC, New York, New York - Selected Shorts entry form, clippings, station list, press kit, 1988
13588023 ENRWXXI, Rochester, New York - A Cantorial Concert entry form, 1988
13588024 ENRWXXI, Rochester, New York - Stars in the Dust entry form, brochure, script, 1988
13588025 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - Good Rockin' Tonight: The History of Black Music from 1947 to the Present entry form, 1988
13588026 ENRWJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Series entry form, summary, clippings, 1988
13588027 ENRWJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - Revelation in the Courthouse Park entry form, magazine, press release, 1988
13588028 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, South Carolina - Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz IX with guest Michael Feinstein entry form, press kit, 1988
13588029 ENRKNPR, Las Vegas, Nevada - Four Queens Jazz Night from Las Vegas entry form, tape index, press kit, 1988
13588030 ENRWNYC, New York, New York - The Spare Rib Variety Show entry form, clippings, press release, 1988
13588031 ENRNPR, Berkeley, California - S. S. Glencarin: Four Plays of the Sea by Eugene O'Neill entry form, letter, 1988
13588032 ENRKKFI, Kansas City, Missouri - Greenwich Mean Time, Lust for Glory entry form, press release, photograph, 1988
13588033 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Joe Frank: Work in Progress entry form, press kit, clippings, postcard, 1988
13588034 ENRBBC Radio 4/BBC World Service, London, England - Against the Wind by Shirley Gee (Globe Theatre Season) entry form, script, 1988
13588035 ENRBBC Radio 4/BBC World Service, London, England - The Thought of Lydia by Frederic Raphael (Globe Theatre Season) entry form, script, 1988
13588036 ENRBBC Radio 4/BBC World Service, London, England - Events at Drimaghleen by William Trevor (Globe Theatre Season) entry form, script, 1988
13588001 INRKZAP, Sacramento, California - KZAP's Rocktoberfest 1988 entry form, press kit, 1988
13588002 INRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Fresh Air with Terry Gross entry form, letter, press kit, 1988
13588003 INRUnited States Radio Networks, Arlington, Virginia - Craig Windham, Correspondent entry form, summary, 1988
13588004 INRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - Live Broadcasting on WFMT Radio entry form, summary, brochure, press release, 1988
13588005 INRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - The Beethoven Satellite Network entry form, summary, press kit, 1988
13588001 NWRWCBS, New York, New York - Lyme Disease: Its Bite Is Worse Than Its Bark! entry form, brochure, letter, 1988
13588002 NWRWCBS, New York, New York - The Nursing Shortage: A Critical Condition entry form, 1988
13588003 NWRWQXR, New York, New York - The New York Times on Election '88 entry form, biographical information, 1988
13588004 NWRKOTR, Cambria, California - World Space Report "Series 65" 1988 entry form, script, 1988
13588005 NWRWOAI, San Antonio, Texas - S. A. 2020 entry form, curriculum guide, photograph, 1988
13588006 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Newsmark: Where the Pride Begins/Those Who Stand Tall entry form, script, 1988
13588007 NWRMutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - Weekend Headliner: Sounds of the Drought entry form, 1988
13588008 NWRMutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - Moscow Summit Coverage entry form, 1988
13588009 NWRKYW, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Perspective by Richard Maloney entry form, letter, 1988
13588010 NWRWRKO, Boston, Massachusetts - The 1988 Presidential Race entry form, summary, 1988
13588011 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Weekend Edition Saturday with Scott Simon entry form, 1988
13588012 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - NPR's Latin File entry form, 1988
13588013 NWRKRTH, Los Angeles, California - Surrogate Mothers entry form, summary, 1988
13588014 NWRKRTH, Los Angeles, California - Election entry form, summary, 1988
13588015 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Death Penalty and the Retarded entry form, 1988
13588016 NWRAP Network News, Washington, D. C. - The Contenders entry form, letter, summary, 1988
13588017 NWRWTOP, Washinton, D. C. - Date Rape: The Right to Say No entry form, 1988
13588018 NWRWMAQ, Chicago, Illinois - Chicago 68 entry form, 1988
13588019 NWRWMAQ, Chicago, Illinois - Tragedy in Winnetka entry form, 1988
13588020 NWRWMAQ, Chicago, Illinois - White Sox Deadline entry form, 1988
13588021 NWRWMAQ, Chicago, Illinois - St. Patrick's Day entry form, 1988
13588022 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Effect of Baby Doe Legislation entry form, script, 1988
13588023 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Zenith TVs: Fire Hazard? entry form, script, 1988
13588024 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Archie Harrison: Profile of an AIDS Patient entry form, script, listener responses, 1988
13588025 NWRWZYQ, Frederick, Maryland - Out in the Cold entry form, script, 1988
13588026 NWRWHAS, Louisville, Kentucky - A Matter of Time: The Crisis in Kentucky Corrections entry form, script, correspondence, 1988
13588027 NWRKOMO, Seattle, Washington - Big Seattle Power Outage entry form, 1988
13588028 NWRKNX, Los Angeles, California - The Insurance Crisis entry form, script, correspondence, 1988
13588029 NWRBBC World Service in English, London, England - Newshour entry form, clippings, 1988
13588001 PSRKPRI, Boulder City, Nevada - Pepcon Disaster Coverage entry form, script, 1988
13588002 PSRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The "Save Our Symphony" Radiothon (Special - CBC Radio, Windsor) entry form, report, 1988
13588003 PSRWJHU, Woods Hole, Maryland - Jungles of Memory entry form, 1988
13588004 PSRWCDL, Carbondale, Pennsylvania - Community Focus, An Interview with Two Teenage Alcoholics entry form, 1988
13588005 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Innocence Abused entry form, report, 1988
13588006 PSRWUCZ/WRKM, Carthage, Tennessee - Live to Tell entry form, script, 1988
13588007 PSRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Election Watch Environment entry form, 1988
13588008 PSRAmerican Public Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Planet in Peril entry form, summary, 1988
13588009 PSRMutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - Focus Series/Dark Side of the Sun entry form, 1988
13588010 PSRWMAL, Washington, D. C. - Summer Reading entry form, summary, 1988
13588011 PSROpen Door Ministries, Portland, Oregon - Open Door Program, Camp entry form, flyer, program guide, music list, 1988
13588012 PSRWAVA, Washington, D. C. - Kids to Kids entry form, press releases, clippings, 1988
13588013 PSROregon Public Broadcasting, Portland, Oregon - Radio Commentaries by Michael Henderson entry form, correspondence, clipping, books, 1988
13588014 PSRKRTH, Los Angeles, California - Job Seekers Notebook entry form, script, 1988
13588015 PSRUnited Stations Radio Network, New York, New York - 1988 News Encore entry form, 1988
13588016 PSRKFAC Classical 92.3 FM, Los Angeles, California - Martin Perlich Interviews (with Isaac Stern, Robert Shields, and Itzhak Perlman) entry form, 1988
13588017 PSRKUCR, Riverside, California - Veterans and the Veterans Administration entry form, 1988
13588018 PSRWUSQ, Winchester, Virginia - Frederick County Historical Moments entry form, paperweight, 1988
13588019 PSRKLSE/KGAC, St. Peter, Minnesota - When Children Have Children entry form, clippings, correspondence, 1988
13588020 PSRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Drinking and Driving: The Killer Next Door entry form, 1988
13588021 PSRKNX, Los Angeles, California - The Insurance Crisis entry form, script, clippings, 1988
13588022 PSRWNLT/WHBO, Clearwater, Florida - The Moving Wall entry form, scrapbook, 1988
13588023 PSRKTAR, Phoenix, Arizona - The Indictment, Impreachment, and Removal of Evan Mecham entry form, correspondence, clippings, program log, 1988
13588024 PSRBBC, London, England - The Road to Seoul: Milestones in Olympic History entry form, summary, 1988
13588025 PSRABC, New York, New York -Civil Rights Soundtrack entry form, 1988
13689001 CYRWXPN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Kid's Corner entry form, brochure, teacher's guide, newsletter, 1989
13689002 CYRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Word Stories entry form, summary, press kit, 1989
13689003 CYRNPR, Freeland, Washington - The Door in the Wall entry form, summary, press release, clipping, 1989
13689004 CYRVoice of America: Hindi Service, Washington, D. C. - Children's World: Mentor's Program entry form, script, 1989
13689005 CYRKUNI, Cedar Falls, Iowa - Christmas with Mr. Grump entry form, letter, clippings, advertisment, musical scores, 1989
13689006 CYRWEUC, Ponce, Puerto Rico - Un Aventura con el Saber entry form, letter, 1989
13689001 DCRVarious stations, Oakland, California - Mothers entry form, 1989
13689002 DCRNPR, Brooklyn, New York - The Smedley Butler Story entry form, 1989
13689003 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Walter Cronkite's 20th Century entry form, 1989
13689004 DCRWNSP, New York, New York - Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Right entry form, letter, 1989
13689005 DCRNBC, Arlington, Virginia - Women: The Working Majority entry form, script, 1989
13689006 DCRMinnesota News Network, St. Paul, Minnesota - Every Parent's Worst Fear entry form, 1989
13689007 DCRWJHU, Alexandria, Virginia - Totally Hidden Video entry form, 1989
13689008 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Lost Innocence: The Children of World War II entry form, 1989
13689009 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Northern Ireland: From Civil Rights to Civil War, The IRA (Ideas) entry form, 1989
13689010 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Birgit Dressel (The Inside Tack) entry form, 1989
13689011 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - A Plane with One Wing (CBC Newfoundland & Labrador Regional Special) entry form, 1989
13689012 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario -It's a Matter of Survival entry form, brochures, script, listener responses, clippings, 1989
13689013 DCRABC, New York, New York - Muscle Medicine entry form, 1989
13689014 DCRNPR, Burke, Virginia - The Search for Norman Bloom entry form, 1989
13689015 DCRWSLU/North Country Public Radio, Canton, New York - Don't Look for Me in the Picture Show entry form, brochure, 1989
13689016 DCRPennsylvania Public Radio Associates, Inc., Eagle, Pennsylvania - Totally Wired: Lou Harrison's American Gamelan entry form, script, 1989
13689017 DCRDisarm Education Fund, New York, New York - Call to Conscience entry form, 1989
13689018 DCRWCXI/WWWW, Detroit, Michigan - Detroit's Arms Race entry form, summary, 1989
13689019 DCRWCXI/WWWW, Detroit, Michigan - The Vanishing City entry form, summary, 1989
13689020 DCRSOUNDPRINT/WJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - When the Rain Forest Burns entry form, 1989
13689021 DCRSOUNDPRINT/WJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - Thinking About Thinking About Thinking entry form, 1989
13689022 DCRSOUNDPRINT/WJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - Ten Years After: The Nicaraguan Contras entry form, 1989
13689023 DCRKABC, Los Angeles, California - The Michael Jackson Show, Taking Back the Streets entry form, 1989
13689024 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - No Place Like Home: A Night with the Civic Center Homeless entry form, 1989
13689025 DCRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - KFAC: Requiem for a Radio Station entry form, press kit, 1989
13689026 DCRKALW, San Francisco, California - Bastille entry form, letter, informational portfolio, 1989
13689027 DCRThe Source, Arlington, Virginia - Drug Wars: The Littlest Soldiers entry form, 1989
13689028 DCRNBC, Arlington, Virginia - Hunger in America entry form, 1989
13689029 DCRWCBS, New York, New York - Project Understanding: Moscow entry form, 1989
13689030 DCRPacifica Radio, Washington, D. C. - Remembering Stonewall entry form, 1989
13689031 DCRKPFA, Washington, D. C. - Nelson Mandela: One of Africa's Noblest Sons entry form, summary, 1989
13689032 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Irving Berlin Tribute entry form, 1989
13689033 DCRMutual Broadcasting System, Culver City, California - Coming to America: The New Immigrants entry form, 1989
13689034 DCRWOAI, San Antonio, Texas - Separate and Unequal entry form, summary, script, 1989
13689035 DCRWMMS, Cleveland, Ohio - Cleveland's Hall of Fame: We Built This City on Rock and Roll entry form, script, 1989
13689036 DCRSouth Carolina Educational Radio Network, Columbia, South Carolina - The Shattered Dream entry form, 1989
13689037 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Armed in America entry form, 1989
13689038 DCRAmerican Public Radio, Portland, Oregon - Mei Mei: A Daughter's Song entry form, clippings, 1989
13689039 DCRKGO, San Francisco, California - 15 Seconds in October entry form, flyer, correspondence, 1989
13689040 DCRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Assignment '89: Moving Out entry form, 1989
13689041 DCRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Assignment '89, Abortion: Life, Liberty, and the Law entry form, 1989
13689042 DCRWMJX, Boston, Massachusetts - From Massachusetts to the Moon entry form, summary, 1989
13689043 DCRKTOK, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Oklahoma Pollution: The Power and the Politics entry form, 1989
13689044 DCRKTOK, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Lawyers, Guns, and Money entry form, summary, 1989
13689045 DCRWHAS, Louisville, Kentucky - The Terrible Dilemma We're In: The Plight of the Mentally Ill in Kentucky entry form, script, correspondence, 1989
13689046 DCRWLW, Cincinnati, Ohio - The Strangers Within Me entry form, 1989
13689047 DCRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - The Scots of Ulster entry form, 1989
13689048 DCRKHSU, Arcata, California - Men Loving Men entry form, 1989
13689049 DCRKTRH, Houston, Texas - Footsteps to the Final Frontier entry form, script, 1989
13689050 DCRWLWI, Montgomery, Alabama - Condition: Critical...The Status of Rural Hospitals in Alabama entry form, script, report, 1989
13689051 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - A Legal Question, A Moral Choice entry form, summary, script, 1989
13689052 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - America: Land of the Rising Sun? entry form, summary, script, 1989
13689053 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Running on Empty entry form, summary, script, 1989
13689054 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Home, Street, Home entry form, letter, summary, script, 1989
13689055 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Europe 1992: The Silent Revolution entry form, summary, 1989
13689056 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Car Culture (in the African perspective series) entry form, script, summary, brochure, 1989
1368957 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Gold Miners of Hell entry form, summary, magazine, script, 1989
13689058 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - Talking About Music, Stradivari's Secret entry form, summary, 1989
13689059 DCRCBS, New York, New York - 50th Anniversary of World War II/20th Anniversary of Woodstock entry form, script, 1989
13689060 DCRCBS, New York, New York - The 1980s: Where We Stand entry form, script, 1989
13689001 EDRNew American Radio, Grand Isle, Vermont - Sic Transit Gloria Bossie entry form, clipping, 1989
13689002 EDRKGO, San Francisco, California - Professor Krasny's San Francisco Program entry form, 1989
13689003 EDRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - R. D. Laing (Ideas) entry form, 1989
13689004 EDRABC, New York, New York - Making the Grade: A Report Card on American Youth entry form, 1989
13689005 EDRMedia Indiana, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana - The Nineteenth State entry form, summary, correspondence, clippings, 1989
13689006 EDRVOA Europe Network, Washington, D. C. - "The Voices of America" series entry form, script, 1989
13689007 EDRMutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - March to Freedom entry form, letter, script, 1989
13689008 EDRKFWB, Los Angeles, California - The Great Quake Campout entry form, 1989
13689009 EDRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Assignment '89, Strike Settlement: A New Era Begins entry form, 1989
13689010 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - Tell Me Another Story, "The Story of the Eighteenth Cow" entry form, script, 1989
13789001 ENRWGH, Boston, Massachusetts - 1989 Ben and Jerry's Newport Folk Festival entry form, summary, 1989
13789002 ENRKUSC, Santa Monica, California - An Ordinary Guy Burning Down the House: A Sound Portrait of David Byrne entry form, 1989
13789003 ENRKGNU, Brooklyn, New York - What Is the Matter in Amy Glennon? entry form, press kit, 1989
13789004 ENRKJLA, Kansas City, Missouri - Big Band Jump, Johnny Mercer Songbook entry form, report, 1989
13789005 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Sound of Science Fiction (Two New Hours) entry form, 1989
13789006 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - IBM's Salute to the Arts: Memorial Tribute to Lawrence Wien, Philanthropist entry form, biographical information, photograph, 1989
13789007 ENRWQXB, New York, New York - The Listening Room: Composers of the Holocaust entry form, biographical information, photograph, 1989
13789008 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - Passages from the East: Passages in Tokyo entry form, biographical information, photograph, 1989
13789009 ENRNPR, New York, New York - The Beckett Festival of Radio Plays entry form, press kit, 1989
13789010 ENRWMZQ, Washington, D. C. - Christmas Traditions in Washington entry form, clipping, 1989
13789011 ENRWFAE, Charlotte, North Carolina - The Thistle & Shamrock entry form, clippings, brochure, listener responses, station list, 1989
13789012 ENRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - The Newport Music Festival entry form, brochure, summary, 1989
13789013 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Reminisces of the French Revolution entry form, 1989
13789014 ENRWVXU, Cincinnati, Ohio - A Christmas Carol: The Radio Play entry form, letter, clippings, photographs, 1989
13789015 ENRWETA, Washington, D. C. - Music from Washington entry form, cassette log, 1989
13789016 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - "Song of Lawino" from The Territory of Art entry form, 1989
13789017 ENRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Talk to America on Country Music entry form, letter, clipping, 1989
13789018 ENRWYNC, New York, New York - Arts Alive from the Algonquin entry form, press kit, 1989
13789019 ENRWNYC, New York, New York - New Sounds entry form, press kit, 1989
13789020 ENRWNYC, New York, New York - Celebrating Cole Porter entry form, 1989
13789021 ENRWEGL, Auburn University, Alabama - The Horror Half Hour, "I Wittness" entry form, 1989
13789022 ENRKUSC, Los Angeles, California - The Record Shelf: "The Gay Musician" entry form, 1989
13789023 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - The Hairy Ape by Eugene O'Neill entry form, summary, press release, clippings, 1989
13789024 ENRWGBH, Boston, Masssachusetts - Myth, Magic, & Machaut entry form, correspondence, clippings, poster, 1989
13789025 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio Network, Columbia, South Carolina - Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz XI with Lionel Hampton entry form, press kit, 1989
13789026 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - The Legacy of Yevgeni Mravinsky entry form, press release, clipping, summary, 1989
13789027 ENRWUAL/WQPR, Tuscaloosa, Alabama - An Alabama Christmas entry form, 1989
13789028 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - Profiles: Henry Mancini, Composer entry form, 1989
13789029 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - The Inside Story: The Color of TV entry form, 1989
13789001 INRWNSR, New York, New York - Abortion: Campaign Issue '89 entry form, letter, magazine, 1989
13789002 INRNBC, New York, New York - Texaco-Metropolitan Opera Saturday Afternoon Radio Broadcasts entry form, press kit, photographs, press release, script, magazines, 1989
13789001 NWRWNSR, New York, New York - Abortion: Campaign Issue '89 entry form, 1989
13789002 NWRWJNO, West Palm Beach, Florida - Homeless Children: A Faceless Society entry form, script, 1989
13789003 NWRWLEA, Hornell, New York - The Newsmaker Program-Ralph Schnell-Probation House Detention entry form, 1989
13789004 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Born Drunk entry form, script, 1989
13789005 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Montreal Massacre (As It Happens) entry form, summary, 1989
13789006 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - India Series entry form, 1989
13789007 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Behind the Blue Wall: Police and Racism in Urban Canada (As It Happens Special) entry form, 1989
13789008 NWRWGN, Chicago, Illinois - Extension 720 Show, The Tiananmen Massacre: Its Cause and Consequences entry form, 1989
13789009 NWRABC, New York, New York - Perspective, The Pittston Coal Strike entry form, 1989
13789010 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Earthquake '89 entry form, clippings, correspondence, 1989
13789011 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Young Black Men: Lost Generation entry form, script, 1989
13789012 NWRVoice of America, Chevy Case, Maryland - Alan W. Pessin: Reports from China, April-June, 1989 entry form, summary, 1989
13789013 NWRWINZ, Miami, Florida - Miami's Racial Crisi: Overtown to Lozano entry form, press kit, 1989
13789014 NWRWCBS, New York, New York - Are We Flying Targets entry form, 1989
13789015 NWRAlaska Public Radio Network, Anchorage, Alaska - APRN Oil Coverage entry form, 1989
13789016 NWRAP News Network, Washington, D. C. - Toppling the Wall entry form, 1989
13789017 NWRNBC, London, England - Gary Matsumoto entry form, 1989
13789018 NWRWLTR, Columbia, South Carolina - Hurricane Hugo Coverage entry form, 1989
13789019 NWRMonitoradio, Boston, Massachusetts - Irish Pastoral Center entry form, script, 1989
13789020 NWRMonitoradio, Boston, Massachusetts - Adopting Greyhounds entry form, script, 1989
13789021 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C., Firearms: An American Love Affair entry form, summary, correspondence, clippings, press release, 1989
13789022 NWRNPR, Washinton, D. C. - AIDS and Black America: Breaking the Silence entry form, summary, clippings, correspondence, 1989
13789023 NWRUnistar Radio Networks, Arlington, Virginia - Dealing with Disaster, 1989 entry form, summary, 1989
13789024 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - All Things Considered entry form, 1989
13789025 NWRKINK-FM, Portland, Oregon - Threat of the Week entry form, 1989
13789026 NWRKGO, San Francisco, California - Coverage of the October 17, 1989 Earthquake entry form, flyer, 1989
13789027 NWRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Assignment '89, Abortion: Life, Liberty, and the Law entry form, 1989
13789028 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Weekend Edition Saturday with Scott Simon entry form, 1989
13789029 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Foreign News Coverage 1989 entry form, letter, summary, 1989
13789030 NWRKTRH, Houston, Texas - Phillips Explosion entry form, 1989
13789031 NWRWSB, Atlanta, Georgia - Hurricane Hugo entry form, summary, correspondence, clippings, 1989
13789032 NWRWSB, Atlanta, Georgia - Peachtree 25th Fire entry form, summary, 1989
13789033 NWRCBS, New York, New York - CBS News, Radio Coverage: Hurricane Hugo entry form, 1989
13789034 NWRCBS, New York, New York - CBS News Radio Coverage: China in Crisis entry form, 1989
13789001 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - It Can Happen to You entry form, report, 1989
13789002 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - I Love Life entry form, book, press kit, 1989
13789003 PSRKGW, Portland, Oregon - Nineteen entry form, script, leaflet, 1989
13789004 PSRWNSR, New York, New York - Kids: The Thing of the Future entry form, 1989
13789005 PSRKZUL, Lake Havasu City, Arizona - The Great Drug Rip Off entry form, 1989
13789006 PSRWETA, Washington, D. C. - Radio Smithsonian: Sounds Like New York entry form, 1989
13789007 PSRWPEN, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania - Abuse of Handicapped Parking entry form, report, 1989
13789008 PSRABC, New York, New York - American Agenda entry form, 1989
13789009 PSRKABC, Los Angeles, California - Michael Jackson Show, Cancer Testing Special entry form, 1989
13789010 PSRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Earthquake '89-Public Service entry form, letters, clippings, script, 1989
13789011 PSRWOSO, San Jose, Puerto RIco - WOSO Hurricane Hugo Coverage and Aftermath entry form, clippings, correspondence, 1989
13789012 PSRWUMB, Boston, Massachusetts - From the Source entry form, 1989
13789013 PSRKDNA, Granger, Washington - Tres Hombres Sin Fronteras (Three Men Without Borders) entry form, summary, press release, clippings, booklet, script, 1989
13789014 PSRThe Mutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - America in the Morning: Northern California Earthquake Coverage entry form, 1989
13789015 PSRWCBS, New York, New York - The 200th Anniversary of George Washington's Inauguration entry form, 1989
13789016 PSRWJYY, Concord, New Hampshire - Journey for Hugo Relief entry form, press release, letter, clipping, 1989
13789017 PSRKUHF, Houston, Texas - The Engines of Our Ingenuity entry form, 1989
13789018 PSRKFMB, San Diego, California - Beat the Quake entry form, 1989
13789019 PSRAP Network News, Washington, D. C. - Abortion: The Changing Debate entry form, 1989
13789020 PSRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Modern Times with Larry Josephson entry form, letter, summary, station list, clippings, 1989
13789021 PSRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Steppin' Out Live! entry form, press release, clipping, 1989
13789022 PSRWLTR, Columbia, South Carolina - Primates entry form, 1989
13789023 PSRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Dalton House, Morning Edition entry form, 1989
13789024 PSRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Assignment '89, Prop. 103 Gets the Go Ahead: Prop. 103 Hearings entry form, brochure, 1989
13789025 PSRWLWI, Montgomery, Alabama - Moonwalk...20th Anniversary entry form, script, 1989
13789026 PSRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Glasnost: The KMOX-Moscow Connection entry form, letter, summary, clippings, 1989
13789027 PSRBBC World Service, London, England - Hello Tomorrow entry form, script, 1989
13789028 PSRKSOL, San Mateo, California - Earthquake Updates with Seraphim entry form, summary, letter, 1989
13890001 CYRWXPN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Kid's Corner entry form, 1990
13890002 CYRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - The Complete Works of Winnie-the-Pooh entry form, clipping, press release, 1990
13890003 CYRABC, New York, New York - Mrs. Bush's Storytime entry form, 1990
13890001 DCRWJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - The War Against Rangoon entry form, script, 1990
13890002 DCRKINK-FM, Portland, Oregon - Voting with Their Feet: A Mini-Documentary entry form, 1990
13890003 DCRWMZQ, Washington, D. C. - To Answer the Call entry form, clipping, summary, 1990
13890004 DCRBBC Radio Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland - Mrs. Thatcher's Enlightenment entry form, 1990
13890005 DCRCBC, Vancouver, British Columbia - A Life with AIDS entry form, 1990
13890006 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Ricky Allen: Born 1979, Died 1990 entry form, script, 1990
13890007 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Medical Costs: A Dangerous Diagnosis entry form, script, 1990
13890008 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - The Trashing of America entry form, script, 1990
13890009 DCRKIOS, Omaha, Nebraska - Bernard Herrmann: A Celebration of His Life and Music entry form, clippings, reviews, 1990
13890010 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - The Legacy of Nancy Cruzan entry form, script, 1990
13890011 DCRVermont Public Radio, Middlebury, Vermont - Journey's End: The Memories and Traditions of Daisy Turner and Family entry form, summary, script, 1990
13890012 DCRMutual Broadcasting System, Culver City, California - Young Black Men: A Lost Generation entry form, 1990
13890013 DCRWOAI, San Antonio, Texas - The Search for Common Ground: Voices and Visions from Hispanic America entry form, press release, quotes, script, 1990
13890014 DCENPR, Washington, D. C. - The Jews of Shanghai entry form, postcard, script, press release, clippings, 1990
13890015 DCENPR, Washington, D. C. - Horizons, Nelson Mandela: The Legend of the Man entry form, 1990
13890016 DCRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Deadly Wedlock entry form, correspondence, clipping, 1990
13890017 DCRWJR, Detroit, Michigan - Spelling It Out: The Case for School Finance Reform entry form, 1990
13890018 DCRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Antarctica: Portrait of a Changing Continent entry form, clippings, 1990
13890019 DCRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Man & the Environment: Earth Day 1990 entry form, letter, script, 1990
13890020 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - The Drugs Connection entry form, 1990
13890021 DCEBBC World Service, London, England - Assignment, Where Do We Belong?: The Germans of the Soviet Union entry form, 1990
13890022 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Nigeria Then and Now (African Perspective) entry form, 1990
13890023 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Assignment: Cambodia entry form, 1990
13890024 DCRWKSU, Kent, Ohio - Rmembering Kent State, 1970 entry form, press release, clipping, 1990
13890025 DCRKTAR, Phoenix, Arizona - The New Arizona Civil War: The Battle Concerning a Paid Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday entry form, 1990
13890026 DCRWHAS, Louisville, Kentucky - Battle Lines: Gun Control and the Second Amendment entry form, letter, script, 1990
13890027 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Children of Crack entry form, 1990
13890028 DCRNew Dimensions Radio, Sausalito, California - The Wisdom of Joseph Campbell entry form, book, brochure, station list, press release, summary, magazine, 1990
13890029 DCRWFYI, Indianapolis, Indiana - International Violin Competition of Indianapolis entry form, clipping, 1990
13890030 DCRSOUNDPRINT, Nevada City, California - A Gathering of Days: An American Holiday Sampler entry form, 1990
13890031 DCRWUSY, Chattanooga, Tennessee - A Call to Arms entry form, 1990
13890032 DCRWRTI, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - BassLines: The Reflections of Milt Hinton entry form, 1990
13890033 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Something's In the Air entry form, 1990
13890034 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Whom They Fear They Hate entry form, 1990
13890035 DCRWRKS, New York, New York - Good Rockin' Tonight: The History of Black Music entry form, 1990
13890036 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Marital Violence entry form, 1990
13890037 DCRNPR, Wasginton, D. C. - B. F. Skinner: A Lost Portrait entry form, 1990
13890038 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Saving the Condor entry form, 1990
13890039 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Manicu's Story: The War in Mozambique entry form, 1990
13890040 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Teresa Perez: A Profile of Rehabilitation entry form, 1990
13890041 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Class of 2000: The Prejudice Puzzle entry form, script, teacher's guide, 1990
13890042 DCRSOUNDPRINT, Baltimore, Maryland - Frida Kahlo: Viva la Vida entry form, correspondence, 1990
13890043 DCRSOUNDPRINT/WJHU, Baltimore, Maryland - Tossing Away the Keys entry form, correspondence, 1990
13890044 DCRPeach State Public Radio, Atlanta, Georgia - Nicaragua Journal: The Georgia Connection entry form, booklet, 1990
13890045 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Racism in America: Separate Societies entry form, script, 1990
13890046 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Poems, Poets and Song entry form, script, 1990
13890047 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Bottle Babies: Kids and Alcohol entry form, script, 1990
13890048 DCRCBS, New York, New York - The World at Six entry form, script, 1990
13890049 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Gorbachev Revolution: Promises and Perils entry form, script, 1990
13890050 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Montreal Massacre: A Memorial (Morningside) entry form, 1990
13890051 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Confession of Brendan Foley (Sunday Morning) entry form, 1990
13890052 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Natasha Dudinska: Hope & Courage in Czechoslovakia entry form, script, 1990
13890053 DCRNBC, Arlington, Virginia - Life in the Slow Lane: Commuting in America entry form, 1990
13890054 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Stockton: Obstacles to Empowerment Where the Minority Is a Majority entry form, 1990
13890001 EDRU. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. - The Secret Lives of Vegetables entry form, 1990
13890002 EDRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Funding Missouri Colleges: Near the Bottom of the Class entry form, letter, script, summary, 1990
13890003 EDRABC, New York, New York - Message of Israel, Blacks and Jews: The American Experience entry form, 1990
13890004 EDRKYEZ, Salina, Kansas - The Eisenhower Era entry form, station list, booklet, 1990
13890005 EDRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - A Kaleidoscope of Cultures from the series Passages to India entry form, summary, press release, listener responses, clipping, leaflet, 1990
13890006 EDRWGCH, Greenwich, Connecticut - Spotlight on Education: Tiananmen Square Then and Now entry form, 1990
13890007 EDRAM790, Los Angeles, California - The David Viscott Show, "George" entry form, 1990
13890008 EDRAM790, Los Angeles, California - The David Viscott Show, "Adam" entry form, 1990
13890009 EDRWBHM, Birmingham, Alabama - The Gold Disc of Coosa entry form, letter, magazine, script, 1990
13890010 EDRWEBR, Chicago, Illinois - The Heart of the Story: Wendy Doniger's Hindu Myths and Other Wondrous Stories entry form, letter, script, 1990
13890011 EDRWRHU, Hempstead, New York - The American Short Story entry form, press release, biographical information, 1990
13890012 EDRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - From the Kremlin to the Cape, Soviet Aid: The Theory and Practice entry form, summary, correspondence, 1990
13890013 EDRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Search for G. B. S. (Ideas) entry form, 1990
13890001 ENRKCRW, Venice, California - McTeague entry form, summary, 1990
13890002 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - IBM's Salute to the Arts: The Richard Tucker Music Foundation entry form, biographical information, 1990
13890003 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - Kitchen Classics: Julia Child entry form, biographical information, clippings, 1990
13890004 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - The Metropolitan Opera: Echoes of the Last 50 Years entry form, biographical information, clippings, 1990
13890005 ENRWGUC, Cincinnati, Ohio - Etta Stone: A Film for Radio entry form, summary, clippings, poster, 1990
13890006 ENRConnecticut Public Radio, New Haven, Connecticut - The Shubert Theater: 75 Years of Memories entry form, summary, 1990
13890007 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, South Carolina - Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz XIV with Wynton Marsalis entry form, summary, photographs, 1990
13890008 ENRKUSC, Los Angeles, California - Almost Asleep from the series The Territory of Art entry form, 1990
13890009 ENRNPR, Washinton, D. C. - Performance Today: Tribute to Leonard Bernstein entry form, summary, 1990
13890010 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Aaron Copland 90th Birthday Concert entry form, 1990
13890011 ENRWFYI, Indianapolis, Indiana - Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Radio Broadcast entry form, brochure, clippings, 1990
13890012 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Iceland, Joe Frank: Work in Progress entry form, press kit, 1990
13890013 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Garrison Keillor's American Radio Company: Live from Mark Twain's Home entry form, script, 1990
13890014 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Saint Paul Sunday Morning entry form, summary, press kit, 1990
13890015 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - Profiles: Quincy Jones; Rod Steiger entry form, 1990
13890016 ENRWBGO, Newark, New Jersey - American Jazz Radio Festival: Milt Hinton Birthday Tribute entry form, clippings, 1990
13890017 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - J'ai Deux Amours: I Have Two Loves entry form, postcard, 1990
13890018 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - New Orleans, Live! entry form, press kit, 1990
13890019 ENRWorld Music Productions, Brooklyn, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, booklet, press kit, 1990
13890020 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Suffering Fools entry form, 1990
13890021 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Six Days That Shook the Walt (Prime Time) entry form, clippings, 1990
13890022 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Trials of Ezra Pound (Drama Special) entry form, 1990
13890001 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Red Barber entry form, clippings, 1990
13890002 INRBBC World Service, London, England - Elizabeth Blunt entry form, clippings, letter, 1990
13890003 INRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Individual Entry for William Busiek entry form, 1990
13890004 INRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - I Love Life entry form, report, 1990
13890001 NWRBBC Radio Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland - Newsweek Scotland entry form, 1990
13890002 NWRCBC, Vancouver, British Columbia - Who Killed Katie Ross? entry form, 1990
13890003 NWRNPR, New York, New York - Heat with John Hockenberry entry form, summary, report, 1990
13890004 NWRKABC, Los Angeles, California - Michael Jackson Show, Interview with the President of Lithuania entry form, 1990
13890005 NWRWWJ, Detroit, Michigan - Runway Collision entry form, press kit, 1990
13890006 NWRWBBM, Chicago, Illinois - Plainfield Tornado entry form, clipping, correspondence, booklet, 1990
13890008 NWRWNYC, New York, New York - Mandela in New York entry form, 1990
13890009 NWRWNYC, New York, New York - On the Line, "Kids and Prejudice" Special Series entry form, 1990
13890010 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Gorbachev Visit entry form, 1990
13990011 NWRWCBS, New York, New York - Take Two Deep Breaths and Call Me in the Morning! entry form, summary, correspondence, survey, 1990
13990012 NWRWCBS, New York, New York - Profits and Poison: The Chromium Cover-Up entry form, 1990
13990013 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Biosphere II: A World with a Designer Label entry form, 1990
13990014 NWRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Holocaust Composers entry form, 1990
13990015 NWRWMAL, Washington, D. C. - Who's Next?: Living in Fear entry form, 1990
13990016 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Coverage of the Crisis in the Persian Gulf entry form, 1990
13990017 NWRABC, New York, New York - Desert Shield Coverage entry form, 1990
13990018 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - World Report: July 11, 1990 entry form, 1990
13990019 NWRWCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota - Crisis in the Gulf entry form, report, 1990
13990020 NWRWCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota - From Moscow to Minnesota: The Gorbachev Visit entry form, report, 1990
13990021 NWRWCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota - The Grunseth Resignation entry form, letter, 1990
13990022 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The View from Rikers entry form, 1990
13990001 PSRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Beyond the Iron Curtain entry form, clippings, 1990
13990002 PSRVarious stations, Yorktown Hts., New York - Pulse of the Planet entry form, brochure, 1990
13990003 PSROpen Door Ministries, Portland, Oregon - Open Door Program, Anger entry form, letter, script, 1990
13990004 PSRKABC, Los Angeles, California - Michael Jackson, Turn the Tide Special , 1990
13990005 PSRWQXR, New York, New York - New York Works entry form, press release, 1990
13990006 PSRWNSR, New York, New York - Unsung Heroes entry form, clipping, correspondence, 1990
13990007 PSRWBBM, Chicago, Illinois - Living with AIDS entry form, biographical information, booklet, 1990
13990008 PSRWBT, Charlotte, North Carolina - A Chartlotte Town Meeting: The Drug War...Our War entry form, summary, letter, 1990
13990009 PSRKTWV, Los Angeles, California - WAVE AID entry form, flyers, cds, 1990
13990010 PSRSouth Carolina Educational Radio Network, Columbia, South Carolina - The Nurturing Center entry form, leaflet, 1990
13990011 PSRWKSU, Kent, Ohio - 1990 Arts Awareness Campaign entry form, summary, 1990
13990012 PSRKFJM, Grand Forks, North Dakota - Courts in a Democratic Society entry form, brochure, summary, 1990
13990013 PSRKQED, San Francisco, California - KQED Radio News entry form, 1990
13990014 PSRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Beneath the Surface entry form, 1990
13990015 PSRVarious Stations, Cleveland, Ohio - Radio for a Drug Free Cleveland entry form, report, 1990
13990016 PSRNew Dimensions Radio, Sausalito, California - New Dimensions Radio Series entry form, station list, summary, newsletters, magazines, book, 1990
13990017 PSRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Focus on the Issues entry form, 1990
13990018 PSRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Bemidji Race Relations entry form, script, 1990
13990019 PSRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Minnesota Public Radio entry form, report, 1990
13990020 PSRWCKC, Chicago, Illinois - The 4th Annual Vietnam Vet Radiothon entry form, 1990
13990021 PSRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Operation Earth entry form, flyer, brochure, press release, 1990
13990022 PSRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Citybeat entry form, 1990
139American Public Radio, New York, New York - Modern Times with Larry Josephson: "I Don't Want to Live Anymore" entry form, press release, clippings, 1990
13991001 CYRWNCN, New York, New York - New York City Musicbox entry form, press kit, 1991
13991003 CYRABC, New York, New York - Mrs. Bush's Storytime Thanksgiving Special entry form, summary, 1991
13991004 CYRKTOO, Juneau, Alaska - We Like Kids! entry form, report, 1991
13991005 CYRWBZ, Boston, Massachusetts - Kid Company 11/2/91 entry form, clipping, press kit, 1991
13991006 CYRNPR, Santa Cruz, California - Pickleberry Pie, "Camp" and "Bossy" entry form, summary, press release, clippings, script, poster, 1991
13991007 CYRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Jeremy: A Christmas Story entry form, station list, 1991
13991008 CYRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Which Way's Witch?: A June Foray Halloween Spell entry form, station list, brochure, script, 1991
13991009 CYRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang entry form, summary, 1991
13991001 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - At High Risk: America's Insurance Industry entry form, summary, script, 1991
13991002 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Christine Busalacchi: Born 1971. Died ? entry form, letter, summary, script, 1991
13991003 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - America's Silent Epidemic entry form, summary, script, 1991
13991004 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Steroids: The Athlete Killer entry form, summary, 1991
13991005 DCRAmerican Public Radio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - The Miles Davis Radio Project entry form, press kit, 1991
13991006 DCRNPR, Tucson, Arizona - Vanishing Homelands entry form, summary, press release, poster, 1991
13991007 DCROregon Public Broadcasting, Portland, Oregon - Complex Clean-Up entry form, script, clippings, 1991
13991008 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - The Overseas Chinese: Triads and Tongs entry form, letter, 1991
13991009 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - After the War Was Over: Kuwait and Iraq entry form, 1991
13991010 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - The Poisoned Cup: The Aral Sea entry form, clipping, script, 1991
13991011 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Against the Tide: Kwame Nkrumah's Life in Exile (African Perspective) entry form, press release, clipping, 1991
13991012 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - South Goes West entry form, 1991
13991013 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Music Review: Carnegie Hall Special entry form, 1991
13991014 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Omnibus: The Pearl of the Adriatic entry form, 1991
13991015 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Whaling entry form, 1991
13991016 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Muslims in Britain entry form, 1991
13991017 DCRWGN, Chicago, Illinois - Extension 720: Lyndon Johnson entry form, 1991
13991018 DCRWGN, Chicago, Illinois - Extension 720: How the War Was Won entry form, 1991
13991019 DCRWDCB, Glyn Ellyn, Illinois - Regaining the Competitive Advantage: A Local Perspective entry form, summary, 1991
13991020 DCRSOUNDPRINT, Baltimore, Maryland - A Primer on Breast Cancer entry form, correspondence, press release, 1991
13991021 DCRWCBS, New York, New York - Why Must These Kids Wait? entry form, 1991
13991022 DCRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Bob Kaufman, Poet entry form, 1991
13991023 DCRWBBM, Chicago, Illinois - Police Officers and Physical Fitness entry form, summary, 1991
13991024 DCRWBBM, Chicago, Illinois - Illinois Nursing Homes entry form, summary, 1991
13991025 DCRWestern Public Radio, Walnut Creek, California - The Privacy Project: Personal Privacy in the Information Age entry form, station list, brochure, postcard, summary, 1991
13991026 DCRUVM, Burlington, Vermont - From New World to New Age: A Bicentennial History of Maple Sugaring entry form, 1991
13991027 DCRPacifica National Programming, Washington, D. C. - Excerpts from Pacifica's Town Hall Meetings entry form, 1991
13991028 DCRNPR, Culver City, California - Pearl Harbor, 50th Anniversary: Still Remembering entry form, 1991
13991029 DCRWIOD, Miami, Florida - Miami's Homeless entry form, 1991
13991030 DCRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Political Correctness: The New Establishment entry form, 1991
13991031 DCRKPFK, Los Angeles, California - History Now (Sound Snapshots for the Future) entry form, 1991
13991032 DCRCBS, New York, New York - America: The Violence Within entry form, script, 1991
13991033 DCRCBS, New York, New York - In God We Trust entry form, script, 1991
13991034 DCRCBS, New York, New York - America's Schools: Education in Recess entry form, letter, script, 1991
13991035 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Health Care in Crisis entry form, script, 1991
13991036 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Remember Pearl Harbor entry form, script, 1991
13991037 DCRNPR, New York, New York - NPR's Horizons, The Case Against Women: Sexism in the Courts entry form, letter, 1991
13991038 DCRWBAL, Baltimore, Maryland - Desert Storm: A Look Back entry form, 1991
13991039 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Wildlife: A Matter of Numbers entry form, 1991
13991040 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Choosing Death entry form, 1991
13991042 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Voices from the Fire entry form, 1991
13991043 DCRKKFR, Phoenix, Arizona - Lost Youth: Children in Crisis entry form, 1991
13991044 DCRNPR, Venice, California - Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers entry form, press release, clippings, 1991
13991045 DCRNPR, Chicago, Illinois - Bhopal: Seven Years Later entry form, 1991
13991046 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Horizons, Sooner or Later: A Personal Perspective of Breast Cancer entry form, 1991
13991047 DCRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - The Newport Jazz Festival entry form, 1991
13991048 DCRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - A Portrait of Bill Busiek, the Quiet Pioneer for Public Broadcasting entry form, 1991
13991049 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Dr. Jazz: The Jelly Roll Morton 50th Year Commemoration entry form, 1991
13991050 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The New South Africa entry form, script, 1991
13991051 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Pearl Harbor Anniversary entry form, script, 1991
13991052 DCRWRKS, New York, New York - Good Rockin' Tonight: The History of Black Music entry form, summary, 1991
13991053 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Salmon Crisis entry form, script, 1991
13991054 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Til the Well Runs Dry: The Politics of Water in the Middle East entry form, press release, script, 1991
13991055 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Ward Z-West, All Things Considered entry form, 1991
13991056 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Face of AIDS: Women of Color entry form, script, 1991
13991057 DCRWLTR, Columbia, South Carolina - The Forgotten Minority entry form, 1991
13991058 DCRWOAI, San Antonio, Texas - All Our Children entry form, press kit, 1991
13991059 DCRMIGIZI Communications, Minneapolis, Minnesota - Coming from America entry form, letter, summary, 1991
13991060 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Who's Minding the Kids?: The Politics of Native Child-Welfare entry form, clippings, 1991
13991061 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Seeking Reunion: Adoptees and Birth Parents entry form, 1991
13991062 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Drama of Their Lives entry form, 1991
13991063 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Voices Within: Living with Multiple Personality Disorder entry form, 1991
13991064 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Quirks and Quarks, A Long Dark Winter in Canadian History entry form, summary, clipping, 1991
13991065 DCRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - A Pearl Harbor Remembrance entry form, letter, press release, clipping, 1991
14091001 EDRABC, New York, New York - American Agenda Radio Special, When Johnny and Janie Come Marching Home entry form, summary, 1991
14091002 EDRABC, New York, New York - American Agenda Radio Special, Kids and School: Ready or Not? entry form, summary, 1991
14091003 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - It's About Time entry form, flyer, summary, 1991
14091004 EDRWETA, Washington, D. C. - We Hold These Truths, 1991 entry form, letter, clippings, 1991
14091005 EDRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - Sara Paretsky and V. I. Warshawski from the series The Heart of the Story entry form, summary, clipping, 1991
14091006 EDRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Learning the White People Way entry form, 1991
14091007 EDRMedia Indiana, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana - The Nineteenth State, One Man's Vietnam Story entry form, correspondence, clippings, 1991
14091008 EDRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Horizons, Teaching the Deaf: A Wall of Silence in a World of Sound entry form, 1991
14091009 EDRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Family Stories (CBC Radio Youth Forum) entry form, 1991
14091001 ENROlympia Broadcasting Networks, Baldwin, New York - Costas Coast to Coast entry form, 1991
14091002 ENRWSKG, Binghamton, New York - Days of Awe: Music for the Jewish High Holidays entry form, newsletter, station list, summary, clippings, 1991
14091003 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Real World Music entry form, clipping, 1991
14091004 ENRVoices International, New York, New York - The Soundplay Horspiel Series: Major Radio Plays from Post-War Germany entry form, book, press kit, 1991
14091005 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Under the Rainbow entry form, summary, 1991
14091006 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Play of the Week: Dark Star entry form, 1991
14091007 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Mozart: Prodigy of Nature entry form, clipping, 1991
14091008 ENRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Spice Taxi entry form, 1991
14091009 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Faith Healer entry form, 1991
14091010 ENRWorld Music Institute, Inc., New York, New York - Old Traditions-New Sounds entry form, press kit, 1991
14091011 ENRWRHU, Hempstead, New York - The Wheel entry form, clipping, script, 1991
14091012 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - Mozart's Last Year entry form, biographical information, 1991
14091013 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - ITT's Salute to the Arts: The Joffrey Ballet entry form, biographical information, 1991
14091014 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - The Listening Room: On the Eves of Chanukah and World AIDS Day entry form, biographical information, 1991
14091015 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - Concert Artists Guild 1991 Competition Finals entry form, 1991
14091016 ENRWXRK, New York, New York - The Sunday Show: The Artistry of Paul Simon entry form, clippings, 1991
14091017 ENRWBAL, Baltimore, Maryland - 900 East 33rd entry form, letter, 1991
14091018 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Saint Paul Sunday Morning entry form, summary, clippings, 1991
14091019 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - The BBC/MPR Weekend entry form, report, 1991
14091020 ENRVarious Stations, New York, New York - Stan Freberg Here entry form, clippings, flyer, 1991
14091021 ENRNPR, Brooklyn, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, responses, brochure, listener's guide, 1991
14091022 ENRWBGO, Newark, New Jersey - American Jazz Radio Festival: Classical Jazz at Lincoln Center entry form, booklet, clippings, 1991
14091023 ENRThe Radio Foundation, New York, New York - Modern TImes with Larry Josephson: Fathers Day entry form, press kit, 1991
14091024 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - A Note to You, The Sound in the Fury entry form, summary, 1991
14091025 ENRKTRH, Houston, Texas - Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol entry form, script, 1991
14091026 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - I'm Gonna Let It Shine entry form, clipping, 1991
14091027 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Dictator entry form, press kit, 1991
14091028 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Performance Today entry form, brochure, clippings, script, 1991
14091029 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Backfire! entry form, 1991
14091030 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - Where Are They Now...?? entry form, 1991
14091031 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - All Things Considered, 20th Anniversary Shows entry form, 1991
14091032 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - NPR Coverage of the Gulf War entry form, script, 1991
14091033 ENRAmerican Public Radio, Denver, Colorado - Riverwalk, Live from the Landing entry form, letter, report, 1991
14091034 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Garrison Keillor's American Public Radio Company entry form, responses, 1991
14091035 ENRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Focus: 10th Anniversary of MTV entry form, script, letter, 1991
14091036 ENRSC Educational Radio Network, Columbia, South Carolina - Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz, Ray Charles program entry form, press kit, 1991
14091037 ENRWUGA, Athens, Georgia - Persephone entry form, program, brochure, summary, 1991
14091038 ENRWOAI, San Antonio, Texas - The Five Nations of Texas entry form, letter, summary, 1991
14091039 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Mozart: The Man, The Music, The Mystery entry form, 1991
14091040 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Not Wanted on the Voyage (Drama Special) entry form, 1991
14091041 ENRNPR, Boston, Massachusetts - Car Talk entry form, press kit, 1991
14091001 INRKBLF, Red Bluff, California - Red Bluff Union High School & KBLF Radio Relationship: 1946 to Date entry form, script, correspondence, scrapbooks, 1991
14191002 INRWCBS, New York, New York - Lou Milano in the Gulf entry form, 1991
14191003 INRUW Sea Grant Institute, Madison, Wisconsin - Earthwatch entry form, letter, responses, 1991
14191004 INRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Meaghan Cox-Gurdon entry form, note, biographical information, 1991
14191005 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Daniel Schorr (lifetime achievement) entry form, photograph, letter, summary, 1991
14191006 INRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Garrison Keillor entry form, biographical information, listener responses, 1991
14191007 INRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Outside the Moscow Beltway entry form, clippings, correspondence, script, 1991
14191001 NWRABC, New York, New York - The Person Gulf: The Air War Begins entry form, 1991
14191002 NWRABC, New York, New York - The Persian Gulf: The Ground War Begins entry form, 1991
14191003 NWRWDCB, Glen Ellyn, Illinois - Daylight Edition entry form, letter, receipt, 1991
14191004 NWRWNSR, New York, New York - Sex, Lies, and the Office entry form, brochure, 1991
14191005 NWRWOSU, Columbus, Ohio - Guns and Drugs for Sale in Columbus entry form, receipt, note, 1991
14191006 NWRWCBS, New York, New York - The War in the Gulf; The Welcome Home Parade entry form, 1991
14191007 NWRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Six Commentaries: "Morning Edition" and "Marketplace" entry form, 1991
14191008 NWRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - An Unwelcome Anniversary entry form, 1991
14191009 NWRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - David Duke in Boston (spot news) entry form, 1991
14191010 NWRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Accident at the Airport entry form, 1991
14191011 NWRCBS, New York, New York - The Persian Gulf War entry form, 1991
14191012 NWRKGO, San Francisco, California - Operation Desert Storm entry form, letter, 1991
14191013 NWRKGO, San Francisco, California - Firestorm entry form, clipping, 1991
14191014 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Firestorm/After the Fire/Out of the Ashes entry form, letter, 1991
14191015 NWRMutual Broadcasting, Arlington, Virginia - The Real Private Benjamin: Women in the Military entry form, 1991
14191016 NWRLITE 102 WCIB, Falmouth, Massachusetts - Hurricane Bob Coverage entry form, press kit, 1991
14191017 NWRNBC/Mutual Radio, Arlington, Virginia - Coverage of the Gulf Crisis and Its Aftermath entry form, 1991
14191018 NWRMutual Broadcasting System, Arlington, Virginia - The Late Great Soviet Union entry form, 1991
14191019 NWRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - BCCI-Pakistan entry form, 1991
14191020 NWRWATD, Marshfield, Massachusetts - Henry Meinholz Trial entry form, clippings, 1991
14191021 NWRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - David Duke: Echoes from the Past entry form, 1991
14191022 NWRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Women and AIDS entry form, 1991
14191023 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - NPR Coverage of Thomas Confirmation Hearings entry form, photograph, biographical information, script, 1991
14191024 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Iraqi Defector entry form, script, 1991
14191025 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Health Care Crisis in America, 1991 entry form, script, 1991
14191026 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Cleaning Up After the Bomb entry form, script, 1991
14191027 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Electromagnetic Fields: The Cancer Question entry form, script, 1991
14191028 NWRCNNRadio, Atlanta, Georgia - Persian Gulf War entry form, summary, clippings, 1991
14191030 NWRVarious Stations, New York, New York - Soundbites entry form, brochure, letter, 1991
14191031 NWRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Frank Rizzo's Death entry form, 1991
14191032 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Refugee Horror from World at Six entry form, 1991
14191033 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario, White Sand from Morningside Drama entry form, summary, letter, 1991
14191034 NWRKTAR, Phoenix, Arizona - In Defense of Charlie Keating entry form, clippings, 1991
14191001 PSRWFAN, New York, New York - Tomorrow's Children's Fund Radiothon entry form, scrapbook, 1991
14191002 PSRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Great Divide: Affirmative Action in America National Outreach Project entry form, booklets, clippings, flyer, station list, 1991
14191003 PSRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Living with AIDS entry form, press release, 1991
14191004 PSROpen Door Ministires, Portland, Oregon - Open Door, Teaching entry form, letter, script, 1991
14191005 PSRConnecticut Public Radio, New Haven, Connecticut - Live, Open Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous of New England entry form, summary, letter, 1991
14191006 PSRWKKV, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Posititvely People: Sisters in Struggle entry form, 1991
14191007 PSRWNSR, New York, New York - Parenting Your Parents entry form, 1991
14191008 PSRWRQX, Washington, D. C. - Diamond in the Morning, Career Week entry form, clipping, press releases, 1991
14191009 PSRSOUNDPRINT, Baltimore, Maryland - Soundprint, Breast Cancer entry form, flyer, press release, correspondence, 1991
14191010 PSRWCBS, New York, New York - The New Rabies: Killer on the Loose entry form, 1991
14191011 PSRWBBM, Chicago, Illinois - Rediscover Your Library entry form, press kit, 1991
14191012 PSR610 WIOD, Miami, Florida - The Camillus House Campaign entry form, t-shirts, 1991
14191013 PSRKSD/KUSA, St. Louis, Missouri - Real State of St. Louis: Fatal Child Abuse entry form, letter, 1991
14191014 PSRWICR, Indianapolis, Indiana - The Fine Arts Society of Indianapolis entry form, scrapbook, 1991
14191015 PSRKGO, San Francisco, California - The Del Valle Dump entry form, letter, 1991
14191016 PSRLITE 102 WCIB, Falmouth, Massachusetts - 1991 Falmouth Road Race Coverage entry form, 1991
14191017 PSRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Mr. Meyer Is Missing entry form, 1991
14191018 PSRKTRH, Houston, Texas - Houston: Take Back the Streets entry form, script, 1991
14191019 PSRHobson Communications, Calgary, Alberta - Everest Canada Live entry form, summary, correspondence, 1991
14292001 CYRMaine Public Radio, Bangor, Maine - Read to Me entry form, summary, press release, correspondence, clipping, 1992
14292002 CYRABC, New York, New York - Mrs. Bush's Storytime entry form, summary, 1992
14292003 CYRWNCN, New York, New York - New York City Musicbox entry form, 1992
14292004 CYRC-TREC, San Francisco, California - The Adventures of Christina Valentine entry form, booklet, letter, summary, 1992
14292005 CYRYouth Radio, Berkeley, California - Youth Radio and Ellin O'Leary entry form, correspondence, summary, clippings, 1992
14292001 DCRNPR, Littleton, Massachusetts - Passages to India, A Kaleidoscope of Cultures entry form, postcard, summary, press release, 1992
14292002 DCRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Winnetou & Old Shatterhand entry form, article, press release, summary, 1992
14292003 DCRAmerican Public Radio, Alexandria, Virginia - Roof of Thunder entry form, 1992
14292004 DCRBBC Radio 4, Birmingham, England - The Hospital entry form, clippings, 1992
14292005 DCRBBC Radio 4, Birmingham, England - Cause Celebre, The Swires entry form, clippings, 1992
14292006 DCRNational Radio New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand - Insight 92 entry form, 1992
14292007 DCRKINK, Portland, Oregon - The Great American Time Squeeze entry form, 1992
14292008 DCRKINK, Portland, Oregon - Health Care Under the Knife entry form, 1992
14292009 DCRNational Radio, Wellington, New Zealand - Drug Education entry form, 1992
14292010 DCRKMUW, Wichita, Kansas - Children of a Lesser Love entry form, brochure, script, 1992
14292011 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Three Faces of War: The Agony of Bosnia entry form, letter, biographical information, script, 1992
14292012 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - The Invader's Legacy entry form, summary, clippings, 1992
14292013 DCRBBC World service, London, England - Megamix: Nigeria Special entry form, 1992
14292014 DCRBBC World Serivce, London, England - The Gay and Lesbian World, AIDS entry form, clippings, 1992
14292015 DCRCBC, Vancouver, British Columbia - Buddies entry form, 1992
14292016 DCRNPR, Chicago, Illinois - The Glory and the Power: Fundamentalism Observed entry form, letter, clippings, press kit, 1992
14292017 DCRKTRH, Houston, Texas - The Many Faces of Houston's Homeless entry form, script, correspondence, press release, 1992
14292018 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - The Elvis Cult entry form, summary, 1992
14292019 DCRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Beyond Boundaries: Japanese American Redress and Reparations entry form, 1992
14292020 DCRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - American Spirit, 50 Years of VOA in China: A Look Back entry form, script, 1992
14292021 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - Africa: Deadline for the Dark Continent, Somalia, 1992
14292022 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - The Power and the Glory? entry form, postcard, 1992
14292023 DCRBBC, London, England - In Business entry form, script, 1992
14292024 DCRBBC Radio 1, London, England - Iman in Somalia entry form, 1992
14292025 DCRWBAI/Pacifica, New York, New York - Massacre: The Story of East Timor entry form, clippings, 1992
14292026 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Is There a Mysterious Gulf-War Syndrome? entry form, 1992
14292027 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - It's Cheaper at Home: Jenny Langley's Story entry form, 1992
14292028 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - No Jews Allowed entry form, 1992
14292029 DCRNPR, New York, New York - American Folklife Radio Project entry form, letter, 1992
14292029 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - They Shall Take Up Serpents clippings, letter, photographs, 1992
14292030 DCRNPR, New York, New York - Eternal Vigilance: Women in the Struggle for Reproductive Rights entry form, 1992
14292031 DCRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Germany at a Crossroads entry form, 1992
14292032 DCRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Delaney and Ballman, On the Road entry form, 1992
14292033 DCRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Capitalism Comes to China entry form, 1992
14292034 DCRWHAS, Louisville, Kentucky - The Appalachia Project entry form, script, letter, 1992
14292035 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Horizons: Duke Ellington, In His Own Words entry form, summary, press release, clipping, 1992
14292036 DCRNPR, Chicago, Illinois - Return to Lincoln Park High School entry form, 1992
14292037 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - A History of the USSR entry form, press release, script, 1992
14292038 DCRWMXV, New York, New York - Election '92 entry form, booklet, 1992
14292039 DCRWATD, Marshfield, Massachusetts - Thanksgiving in Plymouth entry form, 1992
14292040 DCRSOUNDPRINT, Baltimore, Maryland - Vavilov's Ghost entry form, photographs, press release, 1992
14292041 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Radio Expeditions: The Unheard World entry form, photograph, logo, press release, summary, clippings, 1992
14292042 DCRCBS, New York, New York - Out of Poverty entry form, script, 1992
14292043 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Nobody's Children entry form, 1992
14292044 DCRHomeland Productions, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Vanishing Homelands: A Chronicle of Change Across the Americas entry form, postcard, summary, poster, article, 1992
14292045 DCRWQCS, Fort Pierce, Florida - Child Abuse on the Treasure Chest entry form, summary, clippings, press release, flyer, correspondence, brochure, 1992
14292046 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - One Year to Live entry form, summary, script, 1992
14292047 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Health Care in Third World America entry form, summary, script, 1992
14292048 DCRWWJ, Detroit, Michigan - A Generation at Risk entry form, letter, 1992
14292049 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - Analysis, Borderline Issues entry form, script, 1992
14292050 DCRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - An Intimate Portrait of Race in Boston entry form, 1992
14292051 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Breaking the Silence entry form, summary, letter, 1992
14292052 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Blue Is the Colour of Hope entry form, summary, 1992
14292053 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Flo: The Woman Inside entry form, summary, 1992
14292054 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Finding My Place: A Journey into the World of Disability entry form, summary, 1992
14292055 DCRThe Earth on the Air Radio Works, Seattle, Washington - Earth on the Air's "Endangered Species" and "Beyond War" entry form, letter, summary, clipping, 1992
14292001 EDRWJR, Detroit, Michigan - Kaleidoscope entry form, press kit, 1992
14292002 EDRWJIC, Salem, New Jersey - Straight at You: Schalick High School Presents Interracial Relationships entry form, clippings, 1992
14292003 EDRBBC Radio 5, London, England - In the News entry form, summary, 1992
14292004 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - Starship English entry form, summary, booklet, 1992
14292005 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - Pop Words: Deeply Dippy entry form, 1992
14292006 EDRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Beyond 1492: 500 Years of Jewish Song and Legend entry form, summary, correspondence, 1992
14292007 EDRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Water, Water Everywhere entry form, script, 1992
14292008 EDRMedia Indiana, Inc., Muncie, Indiana - The Nineteenth State entry form, correspondence, 1992
14292001 ENRWICB, Ithaca, New York - Hopper for Hire entry form, 1992
14292002 ENRBBC Radio 4, London, England - The Great Monkry Trial entry form, letter, script, 1992
14292003 ENRBBC Radio 3, London, England - Hamlet entry form, article, script, 1992
14292004 ENRRadio Spirits. Inc., New York, New York - When Radio Was entry form, summary, brochure, 1992
14292005 ENRAPR, San Francisco, California - Heart of Wisdom entry form, press kit, 1992
14292006 ENRConcert Music Network/NPR, New York, New York - Traditions entry form, script, 1992
14292007 ENRBBC Radio 5, London, England - The Set Up entry form, clippings, script, letter, 1992
14292008 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - ITT's Salute to the Arts: 20th Anniversary of PBS's Great Performances entry form, biographical information, 1992
14292009 ENRAP Network News, Washington, D. C. - Overall Entertainment Programming entry form, letter, 1992
14292010 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - A Hallelujah for Handel's Messiah entry form, 1992
14292011 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Lost for Words entry form, 1992
14292012 ENRMichigan Radio, Ann Arbor, Michigan - Remnants entry form, booklet, script, clippings, summary, 1992
14292013 ENRKFFA, Helena, Arkansas - King Biscuit Time and John W. "Sunshine" Sonny Payne entry form, photographs, letter, logos, article, 1992
14292014 ENRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Studio One: A Musical Portrait of Miklos Rozsa on His 85th Birthday entry form, summary, script, 1992
14292015 ENRBBC Radio 1, London, England - In Search of the Lost Riff entry form, 1992
14292016 ENRNPR, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Car Talk entry form, article, letter, logos, press kit, 1992
14292017 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Garrison Keillor's American Radio Company entry form, script, press kit, 1992
14292018 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Saint Paul Sunday Morning entry form, summary, station list, correspondence, clippings, 1992
14292019 ENRWMJI, Cleveland, Ohio - Alan Freed: Moondog Coronation Ball Tribute entry form, 1992
14292020 ENRNPR, Charlotte, North Carolina The Thistle and Shamrock, The Back o' the North Wind entry form, letter, 1992
14292021 ENRAmerican Public Radio, Petaluma, California - Riverwalk, Live from the Landing entry form, report, press kit, 1992
14292022 ENRAmerican Public Radio, Eagle, Pennsylvania - Echoes entry form, press kit, 1992
14292023 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Heroes of Conscience entry form, 1992
14292024 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Performance Today entry form, summary, correspondence, 1992
14292025 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Jazz Specials entry form, brochure, 1992
14292026 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, South Carolina - Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz, Guest: William Buckley entry form, press kit, 1992
14292027 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Chekhov Stories entry form, clipping, 1992
14392028 ENRKANU, Lawrence, Kansas - The Imagination Workshop: Year in Review entry form, press kit, 1992
14392029 ENRRadio Smithsonian, Washington, D. C. - Folk Masters from the Barns of Wolf Trap entry form, photographs, letter, summary, postcard, magazine, 1992
14392030 ENRWorld Music Productions, Brooklyn, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, listener's guide, listener responses, clipping, 1992
14392031 ENRBBC, London, England - The Light Entertainment Show entry form, brochure, script, 1992
14392032 ENRBBC, London, England - Howerd's Way entry form, summary, 1992
14392033 ENRBBC, London, England - On the Hour entry form, script, 1992
14392034 ENRBBC, London, England - The Million Pound Radio Show entry form, script, 1992
14392035 ENRConcert FM, Wellington, New Zealand - A Shadow: A Play by John Downie entry form, summary, 1992
14392036 ENRRadio New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand - Like a Moorish Trumpet entry form, script, 1992
14392037 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - The Great Tennessee Monkey Trial entry form, program, letter, press release, clippings, 1992
14392038 ENRWETA, Arlington, Virginia - Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio entry form, press kit, 1992
14392039 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - New Orleans, 92!: From the 1992 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival entry form, summary, 1992
14392040 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Concert Orchestra 40th Birthday Concert entry form, script, 1992
14392041 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Bernstein: The Man and His Music entry form, 1992
14392042 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Give a Little Whistle entry form, 1992
14392043 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - A Christmas Carol entry form, 1992
14392044 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Over Paid, Over Sexed and Over Here! entry form, 1992
14392045 ENRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - University of Chicago Centennial: Politics and Old Lace entry form, program, 1992
14392046 ENRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Theatres on the Air: The Jungle entry form, brochure, magazine, clippings, 1992
14392002 INRDick Brescia Assoc., Inc., New York, New York - Stan Freberg entry form, biographical information, clippings, 1992
14392003 INRBBC World Service, London, England - Out of the Air, Cake and Candles entry form, guide, report, clippings, logo, 1992
14392004 INRCBS, New York, New York - The Osgood File entry form, script, 1992
14392005 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Morning Edition entry form, press kit, 1992
14392006 INRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Meaghan Cox-Gurdon for Monitor Radio entry form, biographical information, clippings, 1992
14392007 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Talk of the Nation entry form, summary, clippings, script, 1992
14392008 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Daniel Schorr (Lifetime Achievement Award) entry form, letter, 1992
14392009 INRWRGA, Rome, Georgia - WRGA, Rome's Heartbeat for 64 Years entry form, correspondence, clippings, scrapbook, 1992
14392010 INRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - WFMT-FM 40th Anniversary Year entry form, summary, station list, flyer, clippings, magazines, 1992
14392001 NWRWIOD, Miami, Florida - Hurricane Andrew Hits South Florida entry form, 1992
14392002 NWRABC, New York, New York - World News This Week entry form, script, 1992
14392003 NWRABC, New York, New York - An American Agenda Radio Special entry form, summary, 1992
14392004 NWRABC, New York, New York - Relief Flight to Bosnia entry form, script, 1992
14392005 NWRKPFA, Berkeley, California - The Execution of Robert Alton Harris entry form, 1992
14392006 NWRWINZ, Miami, Florida - Hurricane Andrew: Weathering the Storm entry form, press kit, 1992
14392007 NWRBBC World Service, London, England - Focus on Faith entry form, 1992
14392008 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - KCBS Editorials entry form, script, 1992
14392009 NWRKFWB, Los Angeles, California - Homeless and Wet entry form, 1992
14392010 NWRKFWB, Los Angeles, California - City Under Seige: The L.A. Riots entry form, 1992
14392011 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Landing in Somalia entry form, script, biographical information, 1992
14392012 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Uprooting Democracy: Human Rights After the Coup in Haiti entry form, press release, script, 1992
14392013 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Prisoners in Bosnia entry form, logos, script, biographical information, business card, photograph, 1992
14392014 NWRWLIT, Chicago, Illinois - Portraits entry form, correspondence, 1992
14392015 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Earth Summit and the New World Order entry form, summary, 1992
14392016 NWRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Bill Clinton: The Record in Arkansas entry form, 1992
14392017 NWRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Earth Summit Coverage entry form, summary, 1992
14392018 NWRWRFC, Athens, Georgia - Purvis Trial and Coverage entry form, 1992
14392019 NWRWIND 560 AM, Chicago, Illinois - WIND 560 AM News Summary 1992 entry form, 1992
14392020 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Guns entry form, script, 1992
14392021 NWRWNIJ, Rockford, Illinois - Ku Klux Klan entry form, 1992
14392022 NWRCBS, New York, New York - The CBS World News Roundup entry form, 1992
14392023 NWRKINK-FM, Portland, Oregon - Measure Nine entry form, 1992
14392024 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - King Verdict Aftermath entry form, 1992
14392025 NWRWOAI, San Antonio, California - The Golden Road entry form, summary, 1992
14392026 NWRBBC Radio 4, London, England - The World Tonight entry form, summary, 1992
14392027 NWRABC, New York, New York - Rebuild LA: The People Respond entry form, script, 1992
14392028 NWRNPR, Washington, D.C. - Election Stories entry form, 1992
14392029 NWRBBC, London, England - Coverage of Bosnia 1992 entry form, summary, 1992
14392030 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Red Barber Obit: Bob Edward's Tribute to Red Barber entry form, letter, biographical information, 1992
14392001 PSRKSSK, Honolulu, Hawaii - KSSK's Continuous Coverage of Hurricane Iniki: Ear on the Storm entry form, letter, clippings, 1992
14392002 PSRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Voice of America "VITA" Series entry form, correspondence, script, 1992
14392003 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Project Literacy entry form, report, 1992
14392004 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Fighting Back entry form, report, 1992
14392005 PSRWLIT, Chicago, Illinois - Let's Read entry form, press release, correspondence, clipping, 1992
14392006 PSRBBC Radio 4, London, England - Drug Alert 1992 entry form, summary, booklets, 1992
14392007 PSRWBBM, Chicago, Illinois - WBBM's Job Link entry form, press kit, 1992
14392008 PSRWIND 560 AM, Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Al Dia entry form, 1992
14392009 PSRKRLD, Dallas, Texas - The Aftermath of the Rodney King Verdict entry form, 1992
14392010 PSRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Which Way, L. A.? entry form, press kit, 1992
14392011 PSRWIOD, Miami, Florida - Andrew's Legacy entry form, 1992
14392012 PSRWHQT-HOT 105, Miami, Florida - Peace on the Streets entry form, 1992
14392013 PSRKIIS, Los Angeles, California - L. A. Speaks Out with Ellen K. entry form, photographs, letter, clippings, press releases, 1992
14392014 PSRNPR, New York, New York - Manic Depression: Voices of an Illness entry form, letter, summary, booklets, 1992
14392015 PSRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Voices entry form, 1992
14392016 PSRWCBS, New York, New York - Access for All Campaign, With Liberty and Access for All entry form, book, press release, clippings, correspondence, 1992
14392017 PSRWCBS, New York, New York - Healthcheck '92 entry form, correspondence, article, clippings, magazine, script, booklets, 1992
14392018 PSRVarious, New York, New York - PSA Spots for UJA-Federation of New York entry form, 1992
14392019 PSRVarious, New York, New York - PSA Spots for the Jerusalem Israel Museum entry form, 1992
14392020 PSRKJLH, Los Angeles, California - KJLH Front Page entry form, clippings, press release, correspondence, photographs, flyer, logo, 1992
14492001 INRBiondolillo Assoc., Inc., Wellesley, Massachusetts - Kids, Cameras, Action! entry form, letter, slides in slide tray, scrapbook, 1992
14593001 CYRChildren's Syndicated Radio Network, Eaton Rapids, Michigan - Motivation Station entry form, correspondence, clippings, 1993
14593002 CYRNPR, Atlanta, Georgia - Dinotopia Audio Adventure entry form, booklet, 1993
14593003 CYRWBZ, Boston, Massachusetts - Kid Company entry form, press kit, outline, 1993
14593004 CYRQuill and Keyboard Productions, Ocala, Florida - Robin and the Giant/Fond Memories of Christmas entry form, letter, report, 1993
14593005 CYRQuill and Keyboard Productions, Ocala, Florida - Robin and the Giant/Back to School Special entry form, letter, report, 1993
14593006 CYRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Jacob Two-Two and the Dinosaur entry form, letter, summary, 1993
14593007 CYRKSJE, Farmington, New Mexico - The Story Tree, December 10, 1993 Broadcast entry form, 1993
14593008 CYRYouth Radio, Berkeley, California - Youth Radio, Youth in Control entry form, correspondence, summary, clippings, 1993
14593009 CYRRadio Zone, Silver Spring, Maryland - The All-American Alarm Clock Show with Kenny Curtis entry form, clippings, summary, listener responses, 1993
14593010 CYRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Vibe! entry form, 1993
14593011 CYRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Dear Nobody entry form, note, 1993
14593012 CYRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Formula Five entry form, 1993
14593013 CYRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Children's Readings entry form, 1993
14593014 CYRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Euromix entry form, 1993
14593001 DCRWFUV, New York, New York - Who Will Be For Me? entry form, letter, 1993
14593002 DCRSociete Radio Canada, Montreal, Quebec - Dimanche Magazine 18 04 93 entry form, script, 1993
14593003 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - The Chicago Conspiracy Trial entry form, clippings, 1993
14593004 DCRWXPN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Give Me Those Moments: Parents Remember Their Gay Sons Who Died of AIDS entry form, letter, flyer, press release, clippings, 1993
14593005 DCRKPFA/Pacifica, Berkeley, California - Audre Lorde: A Burst of Light entry form, summary, 1993
14593006 DCRKUAC, Fairbanks, Alaska - Adult Literacy in Fairbanks entry form, 1993
14593007 DCRKINK, Portland, Oregon - A Matter of Conviction correspondence, 1993
14593009 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - Ghetto Life 101 entry form, script, 1993
14593010 DCRKBUL/KROW, Reno, Nevada - Ships That Don't Come In entry form, 1993
14593013 DCRWSB, Atlanta, Georgia - Your Services Are No Longer Required entry form, 1993
14593014 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Saying Goodbye to Shirley: An Alzheimers Diary entry form, letter, 1993
14593015 DCRCBC, St. John's, Newfoundland - On the Package: A Moratorium Diary entry form, letter, 1993
14593016 DCRNPR, Cambridge, Massachusetts - The Battle Over Clayoquot Sound entry form, 1993
14593017 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Cowboys entry form, 1993
14593018 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Making America: Dollars and Depressions entry form, summary, 1993
14593019 DCRBBC African Service, London, England - African Perspective, Back to Basics: A Portrait of a Rural Ghanaian Family entry form, photograph, script, 1993
14593020 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - The World That Came in from the Cold entry form, book, letter, clippings, 1993
14593021 DCRVXU Network - Red Barber: From the Catbird Seat clipping, script, 1993
14593023 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - The New Buffalo entry form, 1993
14593024 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Far from the Mountains entry form, 1993
14593025 DCRWMXV MIX 105, New York, New York - Women at Work entry form, 1993
14593026 DCRIndependent News Services, Atlanta, Georgia - The Jeanes Supervisors: Unsung Educators entry form, brochure, 1993
14593027 DCRVoice of America, Hindi Service, Washington, D. C. - Child Labor in India entry form, script, 1993
14593028 DCRAmerican Public Radio, Belmont, Massachusetts - Everyday Healing Foods entry form, flyer, 1993
14593029 DCRAmerican Public Radio, Belmont, Massachusetts - An Optimist in Spite of All: Helen Keller's Life Story entry form, letter, summary, 1993
14593030 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - Coloring the Pipeline: Race and Drugs entry form, 1993
14593031 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Hymns of Praise: The Native American Church entry form, 1993
14593032 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Profile of a Sarajevo Teenager entry form, script, 1993
14593033 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Definging Racism entry form, script, 1993
14593034 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Serbia Has Risen: Nationalism and the War in Bosnia entry form, script, 1993
14593035 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Addiction Series entry form, script, 1993
14593036 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination: 25th Anniversary entry form, script, 1993
14593037 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Pigs in Paradise script, 1993
14593038 DCRWMRA, Harrisonburg, Virginia - Virginia Higher Education script, 1993
14593039 DCRWOAI, San Antonio, Texas - In the Season of Peace entry form, script, clipping, 1993
14593040 DCRKXCI, Tucson, Arizona - Portrait in Green entry form, 1993
14593041 DCRBBS, Los Angeles, California - Up from the Ashes: The Los Angeles Rebellion and Beyond entry form, 1993
14593042 DCRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, South Carolina - Ole Time Religion entry form, program guide, flyer, summary, letter, 1993
14593043 DCRWestern Public Radio, Walnut Creek, California - Hell's Bells letter, business card, summary, 1993
14593044 DCRKBOO, Portland, Oregon - Facing the Fallout summary, station list, correspondence, clipping, poster, 1993
14593045 DCRKJLH/KBLA, Los Angeles, California - Bridging the Gap (Btwn. The African Amer. and Korean Amer. Communities) entry form, 1993
14593046 DCRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - New Year's: A Cultural Exploration of Time and Celebration entry form, 1993
14593047 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - American Worker entry form, script, 1993
14593048 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - Your Place or Mine?/Access Denied entry form, 1993
14593049 DCRBBC Radio 3, London, England - New World entry form, 1993
14593050 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - Document: The Unspeakable Atrocity entry form, script, documents, brochure, 1993
14593051 DCRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Positive Voices entry form, summary, letter, 1993
14593052 DCRBBC Radio 2, London, England - John Dunn at Houston entry form, summary, 1993
14593053 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - It Is With Very Great Regret entry form, summary, clippings, 1993
14593054 DCRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Coronation Day: All This and Everest Too entry form, summary, 1993
14593055 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Crisis in Moscow entry form, script, 1993
14593001 EDRChildren's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Mr. Yuk and the Wizard of Woe entry form, booklet, 1993
14593003 EDRNPR, Colorado Springs, Colorado - Monkey Talks entry form, 1993
14593004 EDRAmerican Public Radio, Williamsburg, Virginia - Thomas Jefferson: A Life With Music entry form, 1993
14593005 EDRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - A Field of Broken Dreams: Racism in Baseball entry form, correspondence, summary, 1993
14593006 EDRWFIU, Bloomington, Indiana - A Moment of Silence entry form, brochure, correspondence, listener responses, 1993
14593007 EDRBBC African Service, London, England - Postmark Africa entry form, script, correspondence, listener responses, 1993
14593008 EDRWorld Music Productions, Brooklyn, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, listener responses, listener's guide, clipping, 1993
14593009 EDRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - VOA Morning: Thomas Jefferson 250th Birthday Special entry form, summary, script, 1993
14593010 EDRWJIC, Salem, New Jersey - Straight at You: Schalick High School Presents Stereotypes entry form, clippings, 1993
14593011 EDRWDTR, Detroit, Michigan - Reflections from Friends of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Celebrating MLK's Birthday entry form, letter, clippings, 1993
14593012 EDRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Italianissimo entry form, 1993
14593013 EDRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Mitchell Am Rhein entry form, script, 1993
14593014 EDRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Baby Talk entry form, press release, book, 1993
14593001 ENRThe American Dialogue Foundation, Los Angeles, California - Craven Street: A True Story of Ben Franklin in London entry form, 1993
14593002 ENRClear Shot Productions, Inc., Homer, Alasksa - Bodett & Company: Webster & Ed entry form, 1993
14593003 ENRClear Shot Productions, Inc., Homer, Alaska - Bodett & Company: Quartz Creek, Oregon entry form, 1993
14593004 ENROrange Productions, Narberth, Pennsylvania - Frank Sinatra Duets: The Radio Special entry form, summary, 1993
14593005 ENRClear Shot Productions, Inc., Homer, Alaska - Bodett & Company: Hello Zo-Wat entry form, 1993
14593006 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Requiem for a Woman's Soul entry form, letter, script, 1993
14693007 ENRWNIB/WNIZ, Chicago, Illinois - An American Composer: The Legacy of Elinor Remick Warren entry form, press kit, 1993
14693009 ENRCrawford Houston Group, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia - Kay Kyser Remembrance entry form, flyer, newsletter, letter, station list, 1993
14693010 ENRCrawford Houston Group, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia - Johnny Mercer Songbook entry form, station list, flyer, newsletter, letter, 1993
14693011 ENRKANU, Lawrence, Kansas - The Immigration Workshop: The Year in Review entry form, press kit, 1993
14693012 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - The Waldorf Conference entry form, script, clipping, supplemental material, 1993
14693013 ENRNPR, Boston, Massachusetts - A Wagner Matinee (A play broadcast as part of The Radio Play series) entry form, press release, correspondence, 1993
14693014 ENRKUOW, Seattle, Washington - The Glass Harmonica entry form, summary, 1993
14693015 ENRKSSK, Honolulu, Hawaii - Perry and Price Show at the Hanohano Room entry form, 1993
14693016 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - In the Middle of Town Stands the Dreamland entry form, letter, 1993
14693017 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - 'Night Mother by Marsha Norman entry form, script, 1993
14693018 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Marlowe's Diaries by Roy Kendall entry form, script, 1993
14693019 ENRMediaAmerica Radio, New York, New York - Up Close: David Bowie, Pete Townshend entry form, business card, summary, 1993
14693020 ENRNeer Perfect Productions Inc., New York, New York - Bob Dylan: The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration CD Launch entry form, business card, summary, 1993
14693021 ENRCMJ Radio Network, New York, New York - William S. Burroughs: Spare Ass Annie and Other Tales entry form, business card, summary, 1993
14693022 ENRNPR, Charlotte, North Carolina - Tales for All Hallows Eve entry form, 1993
14693023 ENRWERS, Boston, Massachusetts - Live on GyroScope report, 1993
14693024 ENRNPR, Charlotte, North Carolina - The Thistle and Shamrock: Season's Greetings entry form, listener responses, 1993
14693025 ENRNPR, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Fresh Air with Terry Gross entry form, tape index, press kit, 1993
14693026 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Sain Paul Sunday Morning: Dvorak in Spillville entry form, press kit, 1993
14693027 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Lady Be Good: A 75th Birthday Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald entry form, press release, clipping, 1993
14693028 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Star Wars entry form, 1993
14693029 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Performance Today: Classical Music at the Crossroads entry form, script, correspondence, 1993
14693030 ENREntertainment Radio Networks, Malibu, California - Live from the Whisky entry form, 1993
14693031 ENREntertainment Radio Networks, Malibu, California - Adam Curry Hitlist entry form, flyer, 1993
14693032 ENREntertainment Radio Networks, Malibu, California - Blockbuster Top 25 entry form, flyer, 1993
14693033 ENREntertainment Radio Networks, Malibu, California - E. T. Dailies entry form, flyer, 1993
14693034 ENREntertainment Radio Networks, Malibu, California - Academy Award Special entry form, 1993
14693035 ENREntertainment Radio Netowrks, Malibu, California - Leeza Gibbons Music Special (w/ Paul McCartney) entry form, flyer, 1993
14693036 ENREntertainment Radio Networks, Malibu, California - Hitline USA entry form, flyer, 1993
14693037 ENREntertainment Radio Netowrks, Malibu, California - Fight Back entry form, flyer, 1993
14693038 ENREntertainment Radio Networks, Malibu, California - Countryline USA entry form, flyer, 1993
14693039 ENRKSER, Seattle, Washington - Shakespeare's Sisters: A Celebration of the Life and Mind of Virginia Woolf entry form, 1993
14693040 ENRThe American Comedy Network, Bridgeport, Connecticut - "American Pie" or "My Piece of the Pie" entry form, booklet, 1993
14693041 ENRAmerican Comedy Network, Bridgeport, Connecticut - Govern-Mint Gum entry form, 1993
14693042 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Park Your Car in Harvard Yard entry form, 1993
14693043 ENRWVRU, Radford, Virginia - Live Long Rock: 1969 entry form, business card, summary, clippings, 1993
14693044 ENRNPR, Woods Hole, Massachusetts - Life Stories entry form, 1993
14693045 ENRBBS, Los Angeles, California - RadioScope: The Entertainment Magazine of the Air entry form, press kit, 1993
14693046 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, South Carolina - Marion McPartland's Piano Jazz with Guet Eartha Kitt entry form, press kit, 1993
14693047 ENRWBGO, Newark, New Jersey - Jazz Set with Branford Marsalis press kit, 1993
14693048 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, South Carolina - Child of the Sun: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto entry form, summary, correspondence, study guide, 1993
14693049 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - The Vocal Scene with George Jellinek: An Hour of American Opera entry form, script, 1993
14693050 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - City Opera: A New York Adventure entry form, biographical information, 1993
14693051 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - On A-i-R entry form, press release, biographical information, 1993
14693052 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - The Chubb Global Podium XXV entry form, press release, biographical information, 1993
14693053 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - Salute to the Arts: A Tribute to Leonard Bernstein from a Friend: Schuyler Chapin entry form, biographical information, 1993
14693054 ENRArmed Forces Radio Network, Farmington Hills, Michigan - Lee Alan: The Americans entry form, press kit, 1993
14693055 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Anna Deavere Smith: In Her Own Words entry form, 1993
14693056 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Secondline entry form, 1993
14693057 ENRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Superman: Doomsday and Beyond entry form, summary, script, 1993
14693058 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - William Tell: The Lost Epic, Errol Flynn entry form, summary, script, 1993
14693059 ENRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Colin entry form, 1993
14693060 ENRBBC Radio 5, London, England - The Evolution of Superwoman: Toughnuts entry form, 1993
14693061 ENRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Fantastic Voyage entry form, 1993
14693062 ENRBBC Radio 5, London, England, Outlaws entry form, 1993
14693063 ENRBBC Radio 2, Birmingham, England - Listen to the Band entry form, summary, 1993
14693064 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - The Endangered Oxymoron entry form, 1993
14693065 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - The Joint Is Jumping entry form, summary, 1993
14693066 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - By Hart entry form, summary, 1993
14693067 ENRBBC Radio 2, Birmingham, England - Folk on Two: Blowin' in the Wind entry form, summary, 1993
14693068 ENRBBC Radio 5, London, England - Red Devils entry form, 1993
14693069 ENRBBC Radio 2, London, England - The Most Happy Fella entry form, summary, 1993
14693070 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Le Show entry form, letter, responses, summary, 1993
14693071 ENRRadio Smithsonian, Washington, D. C. - Folk Masters entry form, 1993
14693001 INRKBE, Albuquerque, New Mexico - ARM press kit, 1993
14693002 INRABC - Midwest Flooding summary, 1993
14693003 INRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Monitor Radio Early Edition entry form, 1993
14693004 INRThe American Legion Magazine, Indianapolis, Indiana - Miles Z. Epstein for POW/MIAs: The Next War entry form, scrapbook, 1993
14693005 INRWQXR, New York, New York - The Grand Tour: A Musical Guide Through the Metropolitan Museum of Art entry form, 1993
14693006 INRBBC Radio 3, London, England -BBC Henry Wood Promenade Concerts entry form, press kit, 1993
14693007 INRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Station of the Year (Compilation) entry form, report, 1993
14693008 INRBBC Wales, Cardiff, Wales - Radio Cymru, The National Welsh Language Radio Service of Wales entry form, report, 1993
14693009 INRWGN, Chicago, Illinois - Harry Caray entry form, 1993
14693010 INRWAMU, Washington, D. C. - Diane Rehm entry form, letter, press kit, 1993
14693011 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Highlights of Bob Edwards entry form, press kit, 1993
14693012 INRABC, Chicago, Illinois - Paul Harvey News entry form, photographs, biographical information, letter, booklet, clipping, 1993
14793001 NWRCKNW, Vancouver, British Columbia - Summit Coverage entry form, 1993
14793002 NWRKFWB, Los Angeles, California - The King Trial/Peace in LA entry form, letter, 1993
14793003 NWRKFWB, Los Angeles, California - Refuse and Resist/Exposed! entry form, 1993
14793004 NWRWHO, Des Moines, Iowa - Floods of '93 entry form, 1993
14793005 NWRWILD 107, San Francisco, California - On the Mean Streets with Mancow entry form, 1993
14793006 NWRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Cities Afloat entry form, letter, summary, press release, script, 1993
14793007 NWRABC, Washington, D. C. - Vietnam Women's Memorial entry form, logo, photograph, business card, 1993
14793009 NWRKFGO, Fargo, North Dakota - Great Fargo Flood entry form, 1993
14793010 NWRSoundbites, Inc., New York, New York - Soundbites entry form, summary, 1993
14793011 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - In Search of Peace: Voices from the Middle East entry form, letter, 1993
14793012 NWRKUT, Austin, Texas - Latino USA entry form, press kit, 1993
14793013 NWRKTRH, Houston, Texas - Waco Cult Stand-Off entry form, 1993
14793014 NWRNPR - Branch Davidian Stories script, 1993
14793015 NWRNPR - Branch Davidian Stories script, 1993
14793016 NWRVarious - The Flood of 1993: Tragedy and Triumph in the Rural Midwest summary, 1993
14793017 NWRWGN/720 AM, Chicago, Illinois - Extension 720 entry form, 1993
14793018 NWRWKDZ, Cadiz, Kentucky - Seven Local Youths Killed in Traffic Accident entry form, 1993
14793019 NWRKCRW, Santa Monica - Which Way, L.A.? entry form, press kit, 1993
14793020 NWRKOPB/KOAC, Portland, Oregon - Coverage of Senator Packwood in Oregon entry form, summary, clippings, 1993
14793021 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Teenagers and HIV entry form, script, 1993
14793022 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Rocky Mountain Region/Weekend Edition Saturday entry form, script, 1993
14793023 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Healthcare in America entry form, script, summary, 1993
14793024 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - KCBS editorials entry form, script, 1993
14793025 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Taking Aim: The Battle Over Assault Weapons entry form, 1993
14793026 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Crime and Crime Again entry form, 1993
14793027 NWRKCBS, San Frncisco, California - Gourmet Garbage entry form, correspondence, 1993
14793028 NWRAmerican Public Radio, Washignton, D. C. - Two Kinds of Power entry form, script, 1993
14793029 NWRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Angola: The Forgotten Civil War entry form, 1993
14793030 NWRNPR, Irvine, California - David Revisited entry form, 1993
14793031 NWRNPR, Irvine, California - Transracial Adoption entry form, 1993
14793032 NWRWBBM, Chicago, Illinois - Chicago School Crisis entry form, letter, press kit, 1993
14793033 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Hubble Repair Mission entry form, 1993
14793034 NWRCBS, New York, New York - PLO/Israeli Peace Accord Signing entry form, 1993
14793035 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Crime and Violence in America entry form, 1993
14793036 NWRABC, New York, New York - Health Care Reality Check entry form, summary, 1993
14793037 NWRABC, New York, New York - Midwest Floods, 1993 entry form, summary, 1993
14793038 NWRABC, New York, New York - Young Marines entry form, summary, 1993
14793039 NWRBBC Radio 4, Bristol, England - Poets' News entry form, summary, 1993
14793040 NWRBBC Radio 4, London, England - The Today Programme, South Africa entry form, summary, 1993
14793041 NWRBBC Radio 4, London, England - The Today Programme, Moscow entry form, summary, 1993
14793042 NWRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Men Who Batter entry from, 1993
14793043 NWRWCBS, New York, New York - The World Trade Center Bombing entry form, press kit, 1993
14793044 NWRWXXI, Rochester, New York - Young, Black and in Rochester entry form, 1993
14793001 PSRRadio Concepts, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota - Hometown Shopping, Just Makes Sense entry form, correspondence, clipping, 1993
14793002 PSRWBCT, Grand Rapids, Michigan - Country Cares for Kids entry form, scrapbook, 1993
14793003 PSRWUOT, Knoxville, Tennessee - Marrow Donor Recruitment Campaign entry form, clippings, brochure, 1993
14793004 PSRNJN, Trenton, New Jersey - Parenting in the '90s entry form, press kit, 1993
14793005 PSRWAMU, Washington, D. C. - America Debates the Health-Care Crisis entry form, scrapbook, 1993
14793006 PSRKUWS, Superior, Wisconsin - Toxic Tuesday: The Investigation of a Railroad Spill entry form, 1993
14793007 PSRWGEM, Quincey, Illinois - Floodwatch '93 entry form, letter, report, 1993
14793008 PSRWIND 560 AM, Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Al-Dia: Epilepsy entry form, summary, 1993
14793009 PSRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Search for Fariwind's Drum entry form, correspondence, clippings, summary, article, script, 1993
14793010 PSRWBTX, Harrisonburg, Virginia - Being a Man entry form, 1993
14793011 PSRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Judge on Call entry form, summary, script, 1993
14793012 PSRVarious - Flood Recovery Updates summary, correspondence, script, 1993
14793013 PSRKTRH, Houston, Texas - When the Bough Breaks entry form, summary, correspondence, 1993
14793014 PSRMinnesota Public, St. Paul, Minnesota - Focus on Education entry form, report, 1993
14793015 PSRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - S.O.S.: On-Air Fundraiser to Save Our Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra entry form, press releases, clippings, 1993
14793016 PSRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - More Than a Crime entry form, press release, clipping, letter, 1993
14793017 PSRWRGA/WQTU, Rome, Georgia - White Stuff: A Radio Time Warp Among the Kilohertz entry form, report, 1993
14793018 PSRKenetics Radio Entertainment, Inc., Brooklyn, New York - Environmental Minute entry form, press kit, 1993
14793019 PSRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Water: Thirsting for Tomorrow - entry form, summary, correspondence, clippings, teacher's guide, 1993
14793020 PSRKNBA, Vallejo, California - The Mare Island News Report entry form, correspondence, clippings, 1993
14793021 PSRBBC Radio Nottingham, Nottingham, England - BBC Radio Nottingham entry form, letter, 1993
14793022 PSRWEAS, Savannah, Georgia - E Is for Education, Go for It entry form, 1993
14793023 PSRBBC Radio 2, London, England - The Social Action entry form, magazine, booklet, summary, 1993
14793024 PSRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Hayes Over Britain: Drugs entry form, 1993
14793025 PSRBBC, London, England - House Nation entry form, booklet, 1993
14793026 PSRBBC, London, England - Coming on Strong entry form, magazine, letter, 1993
14894001 CYRSociete Radio-Canada, Montreal, Quebec - 275-Info entry form, scripts, 1994
14894002 CYRWXXI, Rochester, New York - Fables in Four Minutes entry form, flyer, brochure, 1994
14894003 CYRWHYY/WXPN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Girls: Growing Up, Speaking Out entry form, 1994
14894004 CYR1250 AM KidStar, Seattle, Washington - Change Machine entry form, summary, press kit, 1994
14894005 CYR1250 AM KidStar, Seattle, Washington - In the Outdoor entry form, press kit, 1994
14894006 CYRYouth Radio/KPFB, Berkeley, California - Youth Radio: Gun Violence, Sex and the Media, Our Changing World, Stories, Gun Control entry form, 1994
14894007 CYRWNYC, New York, New York - New York Kids entry form, clipping, flyer, 1994
14894008 CYRDirect TV/Music Choice Premium, Ocala, Florida - Robin and the Giant: Back to School Special entry form, media package, 1994
14894009 CYRThe Lyons Group, Richardson, Texas - Bedtime with Barney entry form, press kit, 1994
14894010 CYRWTMX, Chicago, Illinois - KidsRadio: Christmas Around the World/Martin Luther King, Jr. entry form, summary, press kit, report, 1994
14894011 CYRRabbit Ears Productions, Rowayton, Connecticut - Rabbit Ears Radio entry form, press kit, 1994
14894012 CYRBBC World Service, London, England - What's News?: Kashmir/Refugees entry form, 1994
14894013 CYRWLIT/LITE FM, Chicago, Illinois - Let's Read 11/6/94 entry form, correspondence, clipping, 1994
14894014 CYRWAMC/Northeast Public Radio, Albany, New York - Knock on Wood entry form, letter, press kit, 1994
14894001 DCRWESM, Princess Anne, Maryland - The Blues Project Radio Series entry form, letter, clippings, summary, booklet, 1994
14894002 DCRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - Delayed Exposure: Clean Cuts entry form, 1994
14894003 DCRLichtenstein Creative Media, Inc., New York, New York - Schizophrenia: Voices of an Illness entry form, brochure, clippings, letter, booklets, 1994
14894004 DCRNPR, Yorktown Heights, New York - Sound Memories entry form, 1994
14894005 DCRKLKS, Breezy Point, Minnesota - An Age of Innocence: A Loving Look Back at the 1950s entry form, 1994
14894006 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Hunger to Win: The Inside Track entry form, letter, 1994
14894007 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Pride and Plague: Stonewall Traces, Ideas entry form, 1994
14894008 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Welfare: The Next Generation entry form, press kit, 1994
14894009 DCRKMOX, St. Louis, Missouri - Prescription for Reform entry form, press kit, 1994
14894010 DCRNPR, New York, New York - Little Odessa in Brooklyn entry form, 1994
14894011 DCRMutual Broadcasting, Arlington, Virginia - D-Day: The Great Crusade entry form, 1994
14894012 DCRNPR, New York, New York - The Gods of Times Square entry form, 1994
14894013 DCRWXPN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Stonewall: Myth, Music and Mobilization entry form, station list, clippings, 1994
14894014 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - Fear on the Inside: A Story of Domestic Violence entry form, letter, script, 1994
14894015 DCRAmerican Studies Center/Radio America, Bethesda, Maryland - The Blues Story: Triumph of an American Musical Art Form entry form, station list, brochure, 1994
14894016 DCRKTRH, Houston, Texas - Voices of Bosnia entry form, letter, 1994
14894017 DCRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Communications Revolution: Vanishing Privacy in the Information Age entry form, 1994
14894018 DCRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Blacks and Jews: Ambivalent Allies entry form, 1994
14894019 DCRBBC Radio 4, London, England - Seven Dams: Nasser's Pyramid entry form, summary, 1994
14894020 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Quirks and Quarks, Population: The Vatican vs the People entry form, clippings, 1994
14894021 DCRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Population in Perspective: Report from Cairo entry form, press release, 1994
14894022 DCRWJR, Detroit, Michigan - The Writing on the Wall entry form, summary, 1994
14894023 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Other History entry form, press kit, 1994
14894024 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - A Suffering Mind entry form, summary, 1994
14894025 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Surviving the Siege entry form, 1994
14894026 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - O Freedom Over Me entry form, flyer, 1994
14894027 DCRNPR, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Endocrine Disruptors entry form, script, 1994
14894028 DCRWBHM, Birmingham, Alabama - Critical Decision: Health Care '94 entry form, flyer, 1994
14894029 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Young and Hungry entry form, 1994
14894030 DCRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Chernobyl Revisited entry form, script, 1994
14894031 DCRWAIT, Crystal Lake, Illinois - Sound of Freedom: D-Day, 50 Years entry form, 1994
14894032 DCRKDKA, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh's Untold Stories of Domestic Violence entry form, summary, 1994
14894033 DCRNPR, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Searching for Solutions entry form, summary, 1994
14894034 DCRAmerican Public Radio, Ellicott City, Maryland - Sound Like Addiction (The Faces of Addiction, Treatment and Research, Harm Reproduction, Live Call-In) entry form, summary, script, 1994
14894035 DCRKPFA, Berkeley, California - From Death Row: This Is Mumia Abu-Jamal entry form, press kit, 1994
14994036 DCRSound Construction, Brooklyn, New York - The Selig Family: Escape and Survival entry form, 1994
14994037 DCRNPR/MediaRites, Inc. - Portland, Oregon - Legacies: Tales from America entry form, clippings, correspondence, summary, brochure, 1994
14994038 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Wade in the Water: African American Sacred Music Traditions entry form, educator's guide, poster, brochure, clipping, 1994
14994039 DCRSOUNDRINT, Washington, D. C. - The SOUNDPRINT Documentary Series 1994 entry form, 1994
14994040 DCRCBS, New York, New York - D-Day Remembered entry form, 1994
14994041 DCRWMAL, Washington, D. C. - American History: The Disney Version entry form, 1994
14994042 DCRWVEE, Atlanta, Georgia - The Good Word: The Story of Radio Station WERD entry form, 1994
14994043 DCRABC, New York, New York - Touched By Fire: D-Day Plus 50 Years entry form, 1994
14994044 DCRKXCV/KRNW, Maryville, Missouri - Children of Krishna: Cult or Community entry form, 1994
14994045 DCRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - A Stalker's Prey entry form, clipping, 1994
14994046 DCRWMXV, New York, New York - Home Sweet Office entry form, brochure, clippings, 1994
14994047 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Assignment: The Buchenwald Touch entry form, summary, 1994
14994048 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Living Positively with AIDS (African Perspective) entry form, script, clipping, magazine, 1994
14994049 DCRBBC World Service, Urdu Service, London, England - Lady of the House and Her Domain entry form, summary, script, 1994
14994050 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - African Perspective: Rwandan Refugee Crisis at Ngara entry form, press release, script, 1994
14994051 DCRWVXU, Cincinnati, Ohio - D-Day + 50 Years entry form, correspondence, tape insert, 1994
14994052 DCRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Chinese Gulag: Laogai Camps and Prison Labor Products entry form, script, 1994
14994053 DCRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Baal Shramik (Child-Labor) entry form, script, 1994
14994054 DCRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Reflections on Tiamanmen entry form, script, 1994
14994055 DCRWVXU, Cincinnati, Ohio - Cincinnati Radio: The War Years (1941-1945) entry form, 1994
14994056 DCRWUGA, Athens, Georgia - Berlin Calling entry form, brochure, 1994
14994001 EDRNPR, Colorado Springs, Colorado - Money Talks entry form, 1994
14994002 EDRWXXI, Rochester, New York - Fascinatin' Rhythm entry form, 1994
14994003 EDRByrd & Black Communications, Inc., Austin, Texas - Earth and Sky series entry form, letter, station list, poster, 1994
14994004 EDRWorld Music Productions, Brooklyn, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, flyer, responses, booklet, clipping, 1994
14994005 EDRWFIU, Bloomington, Indiana - A Moment of Silence: "Jugband Physics" and "More Jugband Practice" entry form, letter, brochure, 1994
14994006 EDRBBC, London, England - BBC Marshall Plan of the Mind Trust entry form, books, reports, scripts, clippings, 1994
14994007 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - Y Tu...Que Vas a Ser de Viejo: Perceptions entry form, press release, letter, script, 1994
14994008 EDRBBC Arabic Service, London, England - About Sex, Frankly entry form, script, press release, summary, 1994
14994009 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - English One to One, Romanian Version entry form, workbook, script, booklet, 1994
14994010 EDRBBC, London, England - Kawsayninchikpaq/For Our Lives entry form, script, correspondence, clippings, 1994
14994001 ENRKQED, San Francisco, California - Maggie's American Dream: The Life and Times of a Black Family entry form, business card, brochure, letter, summary, press release, 1994
14994002 ENRBBC, Birmingham, England - The Archers entry form, 1994
14994003 ENRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - An Airful of Burgess entry form, script, 1994
14994004 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Reflections on Los Angeles: Anna Deavere Smith entry form, 1994
14994005 ENRWBAI, New York, New York - Tales from the Other Side entry form, clipping, summary, scripts, 1994
14994006 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The English Patient entry form, 1994
14994007 ENRCBC,Toronto, Ontario - About Oscar entry form, 1994
14994008 ENRBBC, London, England - King Lear entry form, 1994
14994009 ENRBBC, London, England - Sherlock Holmes: Canon of 56 Short Stories entry form, postcard sets, summary, 1994
14994010 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - The Vocal Scene with George Jellinek: Callas on Stage entry form, biographical information, 1994
14994011 ENRKANU, Lawrence, Kansas - The Imagination Workshop: Year in Review entry form, 1994
14994012 ENRWHFS, Washington, D. C. - The Daily Feed: "Yeah, I've Done That" entry form, 1994
14994013 ENRBBC Radio Sports, London, England - SportsAmerica entry form, letter, 1994
14994014 ENRWXXI, Rochester, New York - Glenn Miller Remembered entry form, clippings, 1994
14994015 ENRMinnestoa Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Saint Paul Sunday Morning entry form, 1994
14994016 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Facing the Bomb: The Odyssey of the Hiroshima Maidens entry form, 1994
14994017 ENRWETA, Washington, D. C. - Folk Masters entry form, press kit, 1994
14994018 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - A King Celebrations: Performance Today Live with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra entry form, clippings, press release, brochure, 1994
14994019 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - The Rise and Fall of Vee-Jay entry form, 1994
14994020 ENRWASZ, Ashland, Alabama - The 1994 Clay Bowl entry form, 1994
15094021 ENRNPR, Charlotte, North Carolina - Robert Louis Stevenson: Teller of Tales entry form, summary, 1994
15094022 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Joe Frank: In the Dark entry form, brochure, biographical information, summary, reviews, 1994
15094023 ENRWBGO, Newark, New Jersey - JazzSet with Branford Marsalis entry form, business card, press release, summary, station list, flyer , 1994
15094024 ENRMurray Street Enterprise, New York, New York - Jazz from Lincoln Center entry form, press kit, 1994
15094025 ENRNCAA-CBS, Austin, Texas - 1994 NCAA Collegiate Basketball Tournament and Championships entry form, summary, 1994
15094026 ENRZBS Foundation, Ft. Edward, New York - The Maltese Goddess entry form, brochure, 1994
15094027 ENRNPR, New York, New York - Backfire! 1994 entry form, 1994
15094028 ENRRadio Smithsonian, Washington, D. C. - Jazz Smithsonian: A Tribute to Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn entry form, postcard, press kit, 1994
15094029 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio Network, Columbia, South Carolina - Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz entry form, press kit, 1994
15094030 ENRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - The Connection entry form, 1994
15094031 ENRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Mr. Pops: A Musical Portrait of Conductor Arthur Fiedler in His Centenary Year entry form, script, 1994
15094001 INRVarious, Atlanta, Georgia - Kent Burkhart entry form, letter, biographical information, station list, 1994
15094002 INRKNST, Tucson, Arizona - Flashpoint entry form, biographical information, press kit, 1994
15094003 INRWGAU/WNGC, Athens, Georgia - Radio Editorials entry form, correspondence, scrapbook, 1994
15194004 INRWAMU, Washington, D. C. - Diane Rehm entry form, press kit, 1994
15194005 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Inside Rwanda entry form, press kit, 1994
15194006 INR94.1 FM KERN, Bakersfield, California - Michael J. Allen's The Best of the Blues Network entry form, report, 1994
15194007 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - South African Election Coverage entry form, press kit, 1994
15194008 INRKQED, San Francisco, California - Forum with Michael Krasny entry form, 1994
15194009 INRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Voice of America entry form, letter, script, 1994
15194010 INRWCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota - WCCO's Family Focus entry form, summary, 1994
15194011 INRWAMC/Northeast Public Radio, Albany, New York - The Capital Connection entry form, letter, summary, press kit, 1994
15194001 NWRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - Bombs in the Basement entry form, 1994
15194002 NWRWhitaker Productions, Sherman Oaks, California - Jack Whitaker's Two Minute Drill entry form, 1994
15194003 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Sinking of the Ferry, Estonia entry form, 1994
15194004 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - The Dneister Hotel entry form, 1994
15194005 NWRWRHU, Hempstead, New York - WRHU Newsline entry form, summary, press release, 1994
15194006 NWRWestwood One, Arlington, Virginia - Haiti Coverage entry form, 1994
15194007 NWRWSCL, Salisbury, Maryland - The Citizens' Agenda entry form, 1994
15194008 NWRMaryknoll World Productions, Maryknoll, New York - Voices of Our World #9449 entry form, summary, 1994
15194009 NWRMaryknoll World Productions, Maryknoll, New York - Voices of Our World #9448 entry form, 1994
15194010 NWRWUNC, Raleigh, North Carolina - The Paradox of Pesticides entry form, 1994
15194011 NWRKTRH, Houston, Texas - Houston Ship Channel Explosion entry form, 1994
15194012 NWRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Commuter Airline Safety entry form, summary, clippings, 1994
15194013 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Shootout! entry form, 1994
15194014 NWRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Changing the Arts of the State in Eastern Europe entry form, 1994
15194015 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Sarajevo: Another Winter of War entry form, script, 1994
15194016 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Tobacco Stories entry form, summary, press kit, 1994
15194017 NWRConnecticut Public Radio, New Haven, Connecticut - The Forgotten Mothers and Children of the AIDS Epidemic entry form, 1994
15194018 NWRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Which Way, L. A.?: The Crime Bill entry form, summary, clippings, 1994
15194019 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Haiti: A Return to Democracy entry form, 1994
15194020 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Dan Rather Reporting entry form, script, 1994
15194021 NWRWMAL, Washington, D. C. - The 94th Vote: WMAL ELection Coverage, November 8, 1994 entry form, 1994
15194022 NWRKNX, Los Angeles, California - 4:31 am, Northridge, CA: 6.8 entry form, 1994
15194023 NWRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Pursuing O. J. Simpson entry form, 1994
15194024 NWRABC, New York, New York - The Trial of OJ Simpson entry form, 1994
15194025 NWRABC, New York, New York - Perspective entry form, 1994
15194026 NWRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Shooting in the classroom entry form, 1994
15194027 NWRBBC World Service, London, England - Newshour, 1300 GMT 9th July 1994 entry form, summary, 1994
15194028 NWRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - WBUR Election Project entry form, clipping, script, 1994
15194029 NWRKOL-ISRAEL, Arabic Service, Jerusalem, Israel - From Oslo to Oslo entry form, script, 1994
15194030 NWRVoice of America, Washington, D. C. - Inside a Campaign on Election Day entry form, script, 1994
15194001 PSRWKMO, Elizabethtown, Kentucky - Student Spotlight entry form, press release, clipping, supplemental materials, 1994
15194002 PSRKSL, Salt Lake City, Utah - Times and Seasons entry form, summary, script, 1994
15194003 PSRWEVD, New York, New York - Update on Aging entry form, press kit, 1994
15194004 PSRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Mother and Son: The Story of Miriam & Jake entry form, summary, 1994
15194005 PSRWNYC, New York, New York - On the Media entry form, press kit, report, 1994
15194006 PSRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Man Matters Compilation entry form, booklet, 1994
15194007 PSRNPR, Louisville, Kentucky - Breaking the Cycle: How Do We Stop Child Abuse entry form, summary, clippings, brochure, postcard, report, 1994
15194008 PSRKNX, Los Angeles, California - The Roundtable Series entry form, 1994
15194009 PSRKNX, Los Angeles, California - L. A. Works entry form, 1994
15194010 PSRBBC Cymru, Cardiff, Wales - Radio Cymru, the National Welsh Radio Service entry form, letter, report, 1994
15194011 PSRWOAI, San Antonio, Texas - The Mexico Project entry form, summary, 1994
15194012 PSRWisconsin Public Radio, Superior, Wisconsin - Lake Superior Trials entry form, letter, invoice, 1994
15194013 PSRWNYC, New York, New York - Bridges/Shelby Steele entry form, business card, photograph, clippings, summary, 1994
15295001 CYRBBC World Service, London, England - What's News? (Young Journalist Competition) entry form, brochure, 1995
15295002 CYRWNYC, New York, New York - New York Kids entry form, summary, correspondence, press kit, 1995
15295003 CYRWLUP, Chicago, Illinois - KidsRadio's World Tour '95 entry form, press kit, report, 1995
15295004 CYRRadio AAHS, Minneapolis, Minnesota - Radio AAHS News for Kids entry form, report, 1995
15295005 CYRWCRB 102.5, Waltham, Massachusetts - WCRB Kids Classical Hour Series entry form, summary, clippings, 1995
15295006 CYRWDTR, Detroit, Michigan - Pickleberry Pie: Two Pterodactyls entry form, summary, clippings, correspondence, 1995
15295007 CYRAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D. C. - Kinetic City Super Crew entry form, clippings, press kit, 1995
15295008 CYRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - Donald MacBean, People in the Past entry form, summary, script, book, 1995
15295001 DCRWJR, Detroit, Michigan - This Was a War entry form, scripts, summary, letter, map, 1995
15295002 DCRWMXV, New York, New York - Beating Violence entry form, 1995
15295003 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - The Port Chicago 50: An Oral History entry form, letter, clipping, script, 1995
15295004 DCRWSHC, Shepherdstown, West Virginia - Don't Mean Nothin' entry form, correspondence, clipping, certificate, 1995
15295005 DCRNPR, Nevada City, California - Steel Drivin' Man entry form, listener responses, biographical information, script, 1995
15295006 DCRWUFT, Gainsville, Florida - Life on the River entry form, letter, script, 1995
15295007 DCRWCAL, St. Paul, Minnesota - The Lives of the Children entry form, press kit, clippings, correspondence, press release, 1995
15295008 DCRWXXI, Rochester, New York - The Fuehrer Bunker entry form, photograph, 1995
15295009 DCRPublic Radio International, Rapid City, South Dakota - The Search for Indian entry form, 1995
15295010 DCRWVEE, Atlanta, Georgia - Tim Alexander: Unsung Hero of the Montgomery Bus Boycott entry form, 1995
15295011 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - The Search for Ghana's Soul entry form, 1995
15295012 DCRWHAS, Louisville, Kentucky - Children of the Bricks entry form, script, correspondence, 1995
15295013 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Outlook: Civil Rights Special entry form, summary, 1995
15295014 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Islam: Faith and Power entry form, brochures, 1995
15295015 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - African Perspective: South Africa's Illegal Immigration Problem entry form, script, photograph, press release, 1995
15295016 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - African Perspective: Against the Tide entry form, 1995
15295017 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Guide to Information Superhighway entry form, 1995
15295018 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Hiroshima: The River Remembers entry form, 1995
15295019 DCRMinnesota Publilc Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Islands of Genius entry form, 1995
15295020 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Kevin's Sentence entry form, 1995
15295021 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Women's Rights in India entry form, 1995
15295022 DCRHomelands Productions, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Searching for Solutions entry form, script, summary, 1995
15295023 DCRWOUB, Athens, Ohio - America's Women: A Legacy of Change entry form, press kit, 1995
15295024 DCRWFPL, Louisville, Kentucky - Kentucky and the War entry form, clipping, 1995
15295025 DCRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachuestts - Voices Heard entry form, summary, script, 1995
15295026 DCRKNX, Los Angeles, California - The Whip Comes Down entry form, correspondence, 1995
15295027 DCRNPR, Littleton, Massachusetts - Apna Street: The Dance of the Water Spirits & Samina's Story entry form, flyer, summary, press release, 1995
15295028 DCRNPR, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - A Meditation on Race entry form, correspondence, script, 1995
15295029 DCRWCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota - No Place Like Home entry form, 1995
15295030 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Radio Expectations: Oceans of Life entry form, teacher's guide, poster, booklet, press kit, 1995
15295031 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - American Muslims entry form, script, 1995
15295032 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Kent State entry form, script, 1995
15295033 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - All the Way Broken entry form, press kit, 1995
15295034 DCRSOUNDPRINT, Washington, D. C. - Science and Technology on SOUNDPRINT entry form, press kit, 1995
15295035 DCRSOUNDPRINT, Washington, D. C. - SOUNDPRINT: The People Next Door entry form, press kit, 1995
15295036 DCRWQXR, New York, New York - ITT's Salute to The Arts, Irving Berlin: A Daughter's Memoir entry form, biographical information, 1995
15295037 DCRWQXR, New York, New York - ITT's Salute to The Arts: Gilbert Levine and the Papal Concert entry form, biographical information, 1995
15295038 DCRKUWS, Superior, Wisconsin - We Are Holding Our Own correspondence, clippings, 1995
15295039 DCRRadio Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia - Sarajevo, The Olympic City entry form, summary, booklet, script, 1995
15295040 DCRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - Women of the World: Cultural Violence entry form, clippings, script, 1995
15295041 DCRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - Kane Over America: Warrior Dreams entry form, summary, clippings, 1995
15295042 DCRTelemedia Network Radio, Toronto, Ontario - Instant Replay: The Story of Muhammad Ali entry form, script, 1995
15295043 DCRWNIB, Chicago, Illinois - Chuck Schaden's Those Were the Days: Radio and World War II entry form, clippings, letter, 1995
15395001 EDRWXXI, Rochester, New York - Continental Harmony: Exploring American Classical Music entry form, 1995
15395002 EDRWRHU, Hempstead, New York - My World entry form, press kit, 1995
15395003 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - African Perspective: A Brave New World? entry form, script, press release, magazine, 1995
15395004 EDRBBC MPM, London, England - Dom Dyem (House Seven) entry form, script, newsletter, clippings, listener responses, summary, map, 1995
15395005 EDRWCRB, Waltham, Massachusetts - On A.i.R series with Mia Chung, Artist-in-Radio entry form, flyer, clippings, 1995
15395006 EDRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - Check This! entry form, brochure, 1995
15395007 EDRAntenna Theater, Sausalito, California - Angel Island Immigration Station entry form, brochure, script, background information, 1995
15395008 EDRFinger Lakes Productions, Ithaca, New York - NatureWatch entry form, script, correspondence, 1995
15395001 ENRWETS, Kingsport, Tennessee - The Appy League Logbook entry form, program guide, script, 1995
15395002 ENRNPR, Boston, Massachusetts - The Radio Play: Scribbling Women entry form, booklet, clippings, summary, correspondence, station list, , 1995
15395003 ENRNPR, Arlington, Massachusetts - Blacklisted entry form, press release, brochure, photographs, clippings, 1995
15395004 ENRKUNM, Albuquerque, New Mexico - Writing the Southwest: Tony Hillerman, Joy Harjo, Barbara Kingsolver entry form, press kit, pen, 1995
15395005 ENRNPR, New York, New York - Fifty Years After 14 August entry form, 1995
15395006 ENRWQCS, Fort Pierce, Florida - Frances Langford: An Audio Portrait entry form, scrapbook, 1995
15395007 ENRDenny Somach Productions, Haverton, Pennsylvania - Beatles Anthology Minutes entry form, summary, 1995
15395008 ENRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Family Snapshots entry form, brochure, summary, clippings, 1995
15395009 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - Isaac Hayes: In His Own Words entry form, 1995
15395010 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - I Remember Marvin: A Tribute to Marvin Gaye entry form, 1995
15395011 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - Soul Beginnings entry form, letter, 1995
15395012 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - The Color of Television entry form, 1995
15395013 ENRWRHU, Hempstead, New York - The Cost of Life entry form, summary, 1995
15395014 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, Souh Carolina - Marian McParltand's Price Jazz entry form, press kit, 1995
15395015 ENRSouth Carolina Educational Radio, Columbia, South Carolina - African American Music Tree entry form, summary, brochure, study guide, clippings, biographical information, press release, 1995
15395016 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Chingwe's Hole entry form, script, 1995
15395017 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Play of the Week: Who Was Emily Davison? entry form, summary, script, 1995
15395018 ENRKCRW, Venice, California - Murder in the First entry form, program, script, 1995
15395019 ENRWXXI, Rochester, New York - Fables in Four Minutes entry form, 1995
15395020 ENRWNYC, New York, New York - The Poet's Voice: W. H. Auden, Octavio Paz, Anne Sexton entry form, press kit, 1995
15395021 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Play of the Week: Journey's End entry form, script, 1995
15395022 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Thirty-Minute Drama: Rukulibam entry form, script, 1995
15395023 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Play of the Week: The Woman Who Laughed entry form, script, 1995
15395024 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Play of the Week: Laughter in the Shadow of the Trees entry form, script, 1995
15395025 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Malice in Blunderland entry form, 1995
15395026 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - A Prairie Home Companion: Talent from Towns Under 2000 entry form, press kit, 1995
15395027 ENRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Saint Paul Sunday featuring Marian McPartland entry form, summary, station list, clippings, letter, press kits, 1995
15395028 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Common Chords entry form, 1995
15395029 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - How to Make Love to an Actor entry form, 1995
15395030 ENRKCRW, Venice, California - Bogaazan!: The Child of the Battleship Yamato entry form, program, summary, biographical information, script, 1995
15395031 ENRCBS, San Francisco, California - The House of Blues Radio Hour: Brownie McGhee Episode entry form, brochures, summary, biographical information, photograph, CD case, 1995
15395032 ENRKBCS, Seattle, Washington - Turf Fire entry form, clipping, 1995
15395033 ENRWCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota - WCCO Radio Live in Tokyo entry form, 1995
15395034 ENRWBGO, Newark, New Jersey - Jazz from Lincoln Center entry form, brochures, script, correspondence, summary, clipping, 1995
15395035 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - NPR's Performance Today entry form, summary, script, 1995
15395036 ENRSound Portraits Productions, New York, New York - Julius Knipl: The Radio Cartoon entry form, press kit, 1995
15395037 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - World War Two and the American Singer entry form, biographical information, 1995
15395038 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Wynton Marsalis: Making the Music entry form, press kit, 1995
15395039 ENRWorld Music Productions, Brooklyn, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, correspondence, clippings, listener's guide, booklet, book, 1995
15395040 ENRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - The Year of the Bonnie Prince entry form, script, clippings, 1995
15395041 ENRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Antenna Theater's Enola Alone entry form, postcard, script, clippings, 1995
15395042 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - The Voyage of St. Brendan entry form, correspondence, script, 1995
15395043 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - The Jazz Decades entry form, letter, 1995
15495001 INRNPR, Minneapolis, Minnesota - Lipshtick entry form, clipping, summary, 1995
15495002 INRWNYC, New York, New York - Oscar Brand entry form, press kit, 1995
15495003 INRBBC World Service, London, England - The BBC African Service entry form, box containing supplemental material, 1995
15495004 INRBBC MPM LTD, London, England - BBC Marshall Plan of the Mind Ltd entry form, summary, scripts, newsletter, listener responses, report, book, 1995
15495005 INRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Peter Gzowski, Morningside entry form, report, 1995
15495006 INRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Terry Gross entry form, summary, correspondence, clippings, 1995
15495007 INRNPR, Washington, D. C. - All Things Considered, 25 Years of Reporting Excellence entry form, press kit, 1995
15495008 INRWGN-AM 720, Chicago, Illinois - Extension 720 Retrospective entry form, note, business card, receipt, 1995
15495009 INRThe Weather Channel, New York, New York - The Weather Channel Radio Network entry form, press kit, 1995
15495010 INRWQXR, New York, New York - Weekend in Venice entry form, report, 1995
15495011 INRWQXR, New York, New York - Action for the Arts entry form, booklet, report, 1995
15495012 INRWCBS, New York, New York - Rich Lamb entry form, letter, 1995
15495013 INRInklebarger Enterprises, Atlanta, Georgia - Linda Inklebarger entry form, summary, correspondence, scrapbook , 1995
15495014 INRWCLV, Cleveland, Ohio - Radio Station WCLV 95/5 FM, Cleveland, Ohio entry form, scrapbook, 1995
15495015 INRWRR 101.1 FM, Dallas, Texas - Evelyn Oppenheimer's Booktalk entry form, clippings, 1995
15595001 NWRKOPB/KOAC, Oregon - Measure 16: Oregon Confronts Death and Dying entry form, summary, press kit, 1995
15595002 NWRWestwood One, Arlington, Virginia - Death of a Peacemaker: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin entry form, 1995
15595003 NWRWestwood One, Arlington, Virginia - Attack in America's Heartland entry form, clipping, 1995
15595004 NWRWJR, Detroit, Michigan - Blind Justice: Who Killed Janie Flay? entry form, scrapbook, 1995
15595005 NWRBBC World Service, London, England - Newshour, Broadcast 30 November 1995 entry form, 1995
15595006 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Somalia: Nine Items by Michael McAuliffe entry form, report, 1995
15595007 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - When Canadian Flags Flutter entry form, 1995
15595008 NWRWSB, Atlanta, Georgia - Georgia's Investment Cops entry form, scrapbook, 1995
15595009 NWRKTOK, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - April 19, 1995 entry form, summary, 1995
15595010 NWRKTOK, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Petition Fraud entry form, script, 1995
15595011 NWRKOA, Denver, Colorado - Oklahoma City: Voices from the Nightmare entry form, report, 1995
15595012 NWRWRHU, Hempstead, New York - WRHU Newsline: News analyses by David Mock entry form, summary, biographical information, script, 1995
15595013 NWRKMOX, St. Louis - KMOX NewsMakers: The Waco Hearings entry form, clipping, 1995
15595014 NWRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Conversations from Beijing entry form, summary, clippings, press release, 1995
15595015 NWRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Voices in the Family entry form, summary, 1995
15595016 NWRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Voices of the Voters entry form, press release, clippings, summary, 1995
15595017 NWRKNX, Los Angeles, California - O. J. Simpson on Trial: The KNX Coverage entry form, 1995
15595018 NWRNPR, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Living on Earth entry form, script, 1995
15595019 NWRKOSU, Stillwater, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma Bombing: Terror and Triumph entry form, clipping, letter, 1995
15595020 NWRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Tornadoes entry form, 1995
15595021 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Changing of the Guard: The Republican Revolution entry form, press kit, 1995
15595022 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - National Public Radio's Coverage of the Oklahoma City Bombing entry form, press kit, 1995
15595023 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Medicare/Medicaid: 30 Years entry form, press kit, 1995
15595024 NWRMutual/NBC, Arlington, Virginia - News and Views entry form, 1995
15595025 NWRABC, New York, New York - ABC News Coverage of the Oklahoma City Bombing entry form, press kit, 1995
15595026 NWRCBS, New York, New York - America 1995: Red, White, and Bruised entry form, summary, 1995
15595027 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Dan Rather Reporting entry form, summary, 1995
15595028 NWRCBS, New York, New York - Continuous Live Coverage: Rabin Assassination entry form, summary, 1995
15595029 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - National Public Radio's Coverage of the War in Bosnia entry form, press kit, 1995
15595030 NWRWNYC, New York, New York - Elisa's Story entry form, correspondence, press release, script, 1995
15595031 NWRNew Hampshire Public Radio, Concord, New Hampshire - Perspectives entry forms, summary, 1995
15595032 NWRGMA Radio, Quezon, Philippines - Ana Papa Sa Pilipinas (The Pope in the Philippines) entry form, script, 1995
15595033 NWRBBC Radio Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland - Good Morning Scotland entry form, 1995
15595001 PSRKLOC, Modesto, California - High School Principals Spanish Lip Sync Contest entry form, clippings, summary, correspondence, photographs, 1995
15595002 PSRWETA, Washington, D. C. - Folk Masters entry form, station list, report, magazines, press kit, listener's guide, 1995
15595003 PSRKKBT, Los Angeles, California - No Color Lines Compilation entry form, correspondence, clippings, 1995
15595004 PSRWBZC, Pemberton, New Jersey - Oklahoma City Fundraiser entry form, letter, clippings, 1995
15595005 PSRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - We Stand on Guard for Thee entry form, report, 1995
15595006 PSRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Money and Politics entry form, clipping, script, 1995
15595007 PSRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Breast and Ovarian Cancer Outreach entry form, press release, summary, letter, 1995
15595008 PSRKQED, San Francisco, California - Forum Series on Youth and Violence entry form, 1995
15595009 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - I Love Life entry form, clippings, correspondence, 1995
15595010 PSRWSM/WTN, Nashville, Tennessee - Survivors entry form, correspondence, 1995
15595011 PSRNPR, New York, New York - Backfire! entry form, 1995
15595012 PSRNBC, New York, New York - Texaco-Metropolitan Opera International Radio Broadcasts entry form, press releases, scripts, clippings, correspondence, press kits, 1995
15595013 PSRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Suburban High entry form, report, 1995
15595014 PSRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - The Connection entry form, letter, clippings, script, 1995
15595016 PSRKPCC, Pasadena, California - Shades of L.A.: Shades of Learning entry form, press kit, 1995
15696001 CYRABC, New York, New York - ABC News for Kids entry form, 1996
15696002 CYRRadio AAHS, Washington, D. C. - Kinetic City Super Crew entry form, logo, business card, note, floppy discs, 1996
15696003 CYRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Beo's Bedroom entry form, summary, 1996
15696001 DCRLDS Public Affairs, Salt Lake City, Utah - Times and Seasons entry form, summary, 1996
15696002 DCRWGLS, Glassboro, New Jersey - Generation X: Exceptional or Experimental entry form, summary, 1996
15696003 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - When Conventions Were Conventions entry form, clipping, 1996
15696004 DCRRadio Smithsonian, Washington, D. C. - Black Radio: Telling It Like It Was entry form, scripts, photograph, logo, summary, clippings, station list, 1996
15696005 DCRLichtenstein Creative Media, New York, New York - Depression: Voices of an Illness entry form, letter, clippings, booklets, 1996
15696006 DCRMarketplace/USC Radio, Los Angeles, California - Beyond the Border: Immigration entry form, brochure, 1996
15696007 DCRWGAU, Athens, Georgia - Former Georgia Governors: A Living History Lesson entry form, summary, 1996
15696008 DCRWUGA, Athens, Georgia - Islam and the West entry form, 1996
15696009 DCRWQHT, New York, New York - Saying Goodbye to Tupac Shakur entry form, press release, 1996
15696010 DCRWSGW, Saginaw, Michigan - Imperfect Harmony entry form, script, 1996
15696011 DCRJenel Productions, Brooklyn, New York - Rockin' the Boat entry form, summary, station list, clippings, press release, 1996
15696012 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire: An Environmental Portrait of the Latin American City entry form, script, 1996
15696013 DCRSOUNPRINT, Washington, D. C. - Science You Can't Live Without entry form, summary, brochure, 1996
15696014 DCRNPR, New York, New York - Remorse: The 14 Stories of Eric Morse entry form, photograph, clippings, correspondence, script, 1996
15696015 DCRKUOW, Seattle, Washington - The Housing Gap entry form, 1996
15696016 DCRKUOW, Seattle, Washington - America's Financial Generation Gap entry form, 1996
15696017 DCRCultureWorks, Philadephia, Pennsylvania - The Music Makers entry form, logos, brochure, summary, correspondence, magazines, clippings, 1996
15696018 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Murder, Punishment, and Parole in Alabama entry form, press kit, 1996
15696019 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - By No Means Straight entry form, correspondence, summary, script, 1996
15696020 DCRWMRN, Marion, Ohio - Challenger: Marion Thinks Back on the Unthinkable entry form, correspondence, script, 1996
15696021 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Silk Road entry form, letter, 1996
15696022 DCRNPR, New York, New York - Teenage Diaries entry form, summary, letter, clipping, photograph, 1996
15696023 DCRKNX, Los Angeles, California -When Parents Aren't Parents entry form, 1996
15696024 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - This American Life entry form, station list, article, 1996
15696025 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - This American Life: Mubarak entry form, station list, 1996
15696026 DCRPacifica Radio, Washington, D. C. - Yip Harburg: A Tribute entry form, 1996
15696027 DCROregon Public Broadcasting, Portland, Oregon - Scarves of Many Colors: Muslim and the Veil entry form, correspondence, 1996
15696028 DCRMinnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota - Face of Mercy, Face of Hate entry form, summary, 1996
15696029 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - A Pastor's Journal (Chicago Matters) entry form, brochure, 1996
15696030 DCRKVSF, Santa Fe, New Mexico - The Teen Tragedy: Suicide entry form, brochure, summary, press release, letter, flyer, 1996
15696031 DCRFar Reaching Communications, Belmont, Massachusetts - The Medicine Green entry form, flyer, summary, 1996
15696032 DCRWMKV 89.3, Cincinnati, Ohio - VJ Day: When the Lights Went On Again entry form, press kit, 1996
15696033 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Things Fall Apart (Meridian) entry form, clipping, 1996
15696034 DCRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - Kilimanjaro (African Perspective) entry form, clipping, script, 1996
15696035 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Minefields entry form, clipping, 1996
15696036 DCRBBC World Serivce for Africa, London, England - African Perspective: Teenage Generation entry form, 1996
15696037 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Sol Plaatje: South Africa's Renaissance Man entry form, script, 1996
15696038 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Down to Earth: Africa's Land Crisis (African Perspective) entry form, summary, script, 1996
15696039 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - China's Cultural Revolution: The Great Helmsman entry form, script, 1996
15696040 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Footprints in New Snow entry form, script, 1996
15696041 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - 28 Lonsdale Road entry form, 1996
15696042 DCRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Autumn Leaves entry form, summary, listener responses, 1996
15696043 DCRThe Radio Foundation, New York, New York - Edward Teller and His Critics entry form, press release, biographical information, business card, summary, station list, clippings, 1996
15696044 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Reports from Bosnia entry form, 1996
15696045 DCRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Jim Bode's Senior Season entry form, 1996
15696046 DCRSteve Ember Production Services, Springfield, Virginia - The Flying Circus Aerodome: 25 Years of Aerial Thrills entry form, note, script, 1996
15696047 DCRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Turf: A Conversational Concert in Black and White entry form, brochure, program, postcard, clippings, press release, 1996
15696001 EDRKBEM, Minneapolis, Minnesota - School News entry form, press kit, 1996
15696002 EDRCreative Radio, St. Cloud, Minnesota - Motivational Moments entry form, flyer, 1996
15696003 EDRNPR, Washington, D. C. - How the Brain Works entry form, letter, script, 1996
15696004 EDRNPR, Washington, D. C. - NPR/National Geographic Society Radio Expeditions: Life on the Brink entry form, summary, correspondence, press kit, 1996
15696005 EDRKVSF, Santa Fe, New Mexico - Literacy '96: Building the Future entry form, summary, clippings, press release, flyers, correspondence, poster, 1996
15696006 EDRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - Noteworthy Women: Mrs. H. H. A. Beach entry form, clippings, script, correspondence, 1996
15696007 EDRBBC World Service, London, England - A Green History of the Planet entry form, brochure, clippings, 1996
15696001 ENRRadio Spirits, Buffalo Grove, Illinois - When Radio Was entry form, clipping, CD case, 1996
15696002 ENRPRI, Los Angeles, California - We Gather Together entry form, 1996
15696003 ENRNPR, Union, New Jersey - Tales by American Masters entry form, correspondence, summary, station list, brochure, clipping, 1996
15696004 ENRFirst Art Productions, Hermosa Beach, California - The First Act entry form, letter, 1996
15696005 ENRWAPS, Akron, Ohio - On the Sunny Side of the Street entry form, 1996
15696006 ENRPacifica Vista Productions, Petaluma, California - Riverwalk, Live from the Landing: Harlem Rhapsody Show entry form, letter, script, report, 1996
15696007 ENRKCRW, Santa Monica, California - Le Show entry form, biographical information, photograph, reviews, clippings, 1996
15696008 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - On Sacred Ground entry form, summary, 1996
15696009 ENRSony Worldwide Productions, New York, New York - Country's Most Wanted with Carl P. Mayfield entry form, flyer, summary, 1996
15696010 ENRCrawford Houston Group, Atlanta, Georgia - Johnny Mercer Songbook, Big Band Jump entry form, letter, report, 1996
15696011 ENRREV 105, St. Paul, Minnesota - Rock and Roll Homeroom 9/28/96 entry form, letter, summary, script, flyer, clippings, 1996
15696012 ENRWorld Music Productions, Brooklyn, New York, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, summary, clippings, newsletter, program, 1996
15696013 ENRNPR, New York, New York - Backfire! entry form, 1996
15696014 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - ITT's Salute to the Arts: Eliot Fisk entry form, summary, 1996
15696015 ENRWQXR, New York, New York - WQXR's 60-Year Anniversary entry form, 1996
15696016 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - The Spirit of '96: Performance Today Live from Atlanta entry form, brochures, photograph, press release, correspondence, clippings, 1996
15696017 ENRCBS, San Francisco, California - House of Blues Radio Hour: Smithsonian's Mean Old World entry form, station list, script, 1996
15696018 ENRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Jazz Profiles entry form, biographical information, summary, reviews, script, 1996
15696019 ENRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - This American Life entry form, brochure, summary, station list, clippings, logo, 1996
15696020 ENRABC, San Francisco, California - Walt Disney World: 25 Years of Magic entry form, script, compact discs, 1996
15696021 ENRCBS Radio Sports, New York, New York - CBS Radio Sports Broadcast of Game Six of the 1996 World Series entry form, slides, business card, summary, clippings, biographical information, 1996
15696022 ENRWNYC, New York, New York - The Table of Liquid Measure entry form, brochure, summary, 1996
15796023 ENRWHFS, Washington, D. C. - The Daily Feed: The Day We Fight Back entry form, press kit, 1996
15796024 ENRKUHF-FM 88.7, Houston, Texas - 1996 Houston Grand Opera Broadcast Series entry form, summary, 1996
15796025 ENRWRKS, New York, New York - Soul Beginnings: 1956 entry form, summary, 1996
15796026 ENRABC, San Francisco, California - Fiestas Navidenas entry form, summary, note, script, 1996
15796027 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Crimes of the Heart entry form, 1996
15796028 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Broken Glass entry form, 1996
15796029 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - The Piano Tuner's Wives entry form, 1996
15796030 ENRBBC World Service, London, England - Grave Affairs entry form, 1996
15796031 ENRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Mourning Dove entry form, summary, 1996
15796032 ENRWEVD, New York, New York - The Ring Lardner Playhouse entry form, letter, clipping, summary, 1996
15796033 ENRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - Sound and Spirit entry form, press kit, 1996
15796034 ENRPeach State Public Radio, Atlanta, Georgia - Telling Tales: The Folklore of the South entry form, summary, correspondence, program, script, 1996
15796001 INRWRR, Dallas, Texas - Evelyn Oppenheimer entry form, letter, clippings, biographical information, 1996
15796002 INRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - The World: Body of Work by Native Journalists entry form, press kit, 1996
15796003 INRKNX, Los Angeles, California - KNX General Manager George Nicholaw entry form, 1996
15796004 INRGreat Lakes Radio Consortium, Ann Arbor, Michigan - The Great Lakes Radio Consortium entry form, press kit, 1996
15796005 INRWAMU, Washington, D. C. - Diane Rehm, host of The Diane Rehm Show entry form, summary, photograph, clippings, 1996
157960006 INRNew Dimensions Radio, Ukiah, California - New Dimensions entry form, summary, clippings, magazines, correspondence, brochures, 1996
15796007 INR98.7 WFMT, Chicago, Illinois - 98.7 WFMT & The Radio Networks entry form, summary, clippings, brochures, flyer, magazines, press releases, 1996
15796008 INRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Peter Gzowski, Morningside entry form, summary, biographical information, report, 1996
15796001 NWRWRHU, Hempstead, New York - Dave Mock, WRHU Newsline entry form, biographical information, 1996
15796002 NWROregon Public Broadcasting, Portland, Oregon - Doctor-Assisted Suicide: Lesson Learned entry form, press kit, 1996
15796003 NWRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - The World Edition: December 27, 1996 entry form, press kit, 1996
15796004 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Protease Inhibitors entry form, press kit, 1996
15796005 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Welfare Reform entry form, script, 1996
15796006 NWRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Coverage of the Presidential Election entry form, letter, script, 1996
15796007 NWRWNYC, New York, New York - On the Media entry form, correspondence, clippings, summary, reviews, photograph, 1996
15796008 NWRWGST, Atlanta, Georgia - Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park entry form, correspondence, 1996
15796009 NWRWCBS Newsradio 88, New York, New York - The Tragedy of Flight 800 entry form, letter, summary, 1996
15796010 NWRABC, New York, New York - TWA Flight 800 entry form, 1996
15796011 NWRKFGO, Fargo, North Dakota - Hostages in the Heartland entry form, 1996
15796012 NWRWWRC, Silver Spring, Maryland - Madison!: CIA-Cocaine Allegations entry form, summary, clippings, 1996
15796013 NWRWINS, New York, New York - The Crash of TWA Flight 800 entry form, 1996
15796014 NWRWRTU, San Juan, Puerto Rico - Edicion Internacional de Noticas: Edicion Semanal/International Newscast: Weekly Edition entry form, script, 1996
15796015 NWRWRTU, San Juan, Puerto Rico - Edicion Internacional de Noticas: Edicion Diaria/International Newscast: Daily Edition entry form, script, 1996
15796016 NWRBBC World Service, London, England - East Asia Today: Thai Special Election entry form, summary, 1996
15796017 NWRCBC, Toronto, Ontario - Pedophile entry form, 1996
15796018 NWRKCBS, San Francisco, California - BART Shutdown entry form, 1996
15796019 NWRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Handling Money entry form, letter, script, 1996
15796020 NWRKNST, Tucson, Arizona - Flashpoint entry form, clippings, script, letter, 1996
15796001 PSRMonitor Radio, Boston, Massachusetts - Witness to American Democracy entry form, script, 1996
15796002 PSRWGBH, Boston, Massachusetts - The World: Post-Soviet Life in the Baltics entry form, press kit, 1996
15796003 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Nashville Take Our Streets entry form, press release, correspondence, clipping, 1996
15796004 PSRUnited Methodist Communications, Nashville, Tennessee - Passages entry form, 1996
15796005 PSRUnited Methodist Communications, Nashville, Tennessee - Take 5: Your Gifts entry form, 1996
15796006 PSRWSM, Nashville, Tennessee - Have You Seen Me? entry form, correspondence, clippings, 1996
15796007 PSRKNX, Los Angeles, California - KNX Editorials entry form, clippings, 1996
15796008 PSRKQED, San Francisco, California - KQED-FM Series on Race, Class, and Diversity entry form, 1996
15796009 PSRSpecial Love, Inc., Woodbridge, Virginia - Camp Fantastic Requestathon/Vignettes entry form, letter, press kit, 1996
15796010 PSRLatino USA, Austin, Texas - Latino USA entry form, summary, correspondence, press kit, 1996
15796011 PSRMutual Broadcasting, Arlington, Virginia - Weekend Headliner: Look, Listen, and Live entry form, correspondence, 1996
15796012 PSRAARP, Washington, D. C. - Prime Time Radio entry form, brochure, letter, listener responses, 1996
15796013 PSRCBS, New York, New York - Election '96 entry form, script, 1996
15796014 PSRBBC World Service for Africa, London, England - City Futures (African Perspectives) entry form, clippings, script, poster, 1996
15796015 PSRKCBS, San Francisco, California - AIDS Ride entry form, 1996
15796016 PSRWBUR, Boston, Massachusetts - Campaign Connection: Bob Dole Profile entry form, summary, letter, clippings, 1996
15897001 CYRThe Children's Group, Pickering, Ontario - Classical Kids Radio: Beethoven Lives Upstairs entry form, press kit, 1997
15897002 CYRThe Children's Group, Pickering, Ontario - Classical Kids Radio: Mozart's Magic Fantasy entry form, 1997
15897003 CYRFocus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colorado - The Painting entry form, poster, book, 1997
15897004 CYRBBC World Service, London, England - Children in Conversation entry form, booklet, 1997
15897005 CYRBBC World Service, London, England - The Lab entry form, 1997
15897006 CYRBBC World Service, London, England - The Good Relationship Guide entry form, 1997
15897007 CYRWCRB, Waltham, Massachusetts - Kids Classical Hour entry form, summary, 1997
15897008 CYRKorean Broadcasting System, Seoul, South Korea - Sound Is My Best Friend entry form, script, 1997
15897009 CYRABC, New York, New York - ABC News for Kids entry form, summary, 1997
15897010 CYRRadio AAHS, Washington, D. C. - Kinetic City Super Crew entry form, 1997
15897011 CYRWNYE, New York, New York - Teen Talk Radio: Black and White in Mississippi entry form, brochure, clippings, letter, 1997
15897001 DCRWGLS, Glassboro, New Jersey - Dometic Violence: Breaking the Silence entry form, summary, clippings, 1997
15897002 DCRWESM, Princess Anne, Maryland - Women in Congress entry form, letter, 1997
15897003 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - A Sense of Place entry form, clipping, compact disc, 1997
15897004 DCRWVXU, Cincinnati, Ohio - Ruth Lyons: Let Me Entertain You entry form, correspondence, booklet, clippings, case, 1997
15897005 DCRWABE, Atlanta, Georgia - Seeking the Truth: Unanswered Questions in the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. entry form, letter, business card, 1997
15897006 DCRWGAU, Athens, Georgia - Barbara Dooley Show: Path to Racial Understanding entry form, clipping, 1997
15897007 DCRNPR, Silver Spring, Maryland - On the Bus entry form, press kit, 1997
15897008 DCRSouthern Regional Council, Atlanta, Georgia - Will the Circle be Unbroken? entry form, brochure, summary, script, clippings, listener responses, 1997
15897009 DCRKLIN, Lincoln, Nebraska - Thanks, Coach: The Life of Nebraska Football Coach Bob Devaney entry form, correspondence, clippings, 1997
15897010 DCRMichigan Radio, Ann Arbor, Michigan - The Arts and Humanities Project at Michigan Radio entry form, summary, correspondence, clippings, 1997
15897011 DCRMarketplace Radio, Redondo Beach, California - The Other Side of Paradise entry form, 1997
15897012 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Salme's Story: Memoirs of a Zanzibari Princess entry form, press release, photographs, 1997
15897013 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Policy and Prejudice entry form, clipping, summary, 1997
15897014 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - India: A People Partitioned entry form, clippings, 1997
15897015 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Plants of Power: Industrial Power entry form, brochure, summary, 1997
15897016 DCRWXXI, Rochester, New York - The Abbey of the Genessee entry form, 1997
15897017 DCRExit 3 Productions, New York, New York - Titanic: Unsinkable Myth entry form, summary, 1997
15897018 DCRKBS Radio 1, Seoul, South Korea - A Revolt in a Riverside Village entry form, script, 1997
15897019 DCRKPFA, Berkeley, California - Bereavement entry form, summary, 1997
15897020 DCRKCAW-FM Raven Radio, Sitka, Alaska - Alaskan Natives and Science entry form, script, 1997
15897021 DCRMutual/NBC, Arlington, Virginia - A Question of Color entry form, report, 1997
15897022 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Omnibus: Right Stuff, Wrong Sex entry form, 1997
15897023 DCRThe LDS Radio Network, Salt Lake City, Utah - Shaken Babies and Shattered Lives entry form, supplemental materials, 1997
15897024 DCRBBC World Service, London, England - Seven Stages: A Histroy of the British Theatre entry form, summary, booklet, magazine, press kit, 1997
15897025 DCRSound Portraits Production, New York, New York - The Public Radio Writers Project entry form, 1997
15897026 DCRLiving on Earth, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Troubled Waters entry form, press kit, script, summary, listener responses, 1997
15897027 DCRWLUM, Maryknoll, New York - Voices of Our World: Far Right Mindset entry form, brochure, script, 1997
15897028 DCRWATD, Marshfield, Massachusetts - Railroads By the Sea: The Old Colony Story entry form, brochure, 1997
15897029 DCRCBC Radio One, Toronto, Ontario - Burned: The Anatomy of a Plastics Fire entry form, letter, script, 1997
15897030 DCRCBC Radio One, Toronto, Ontario - Apologies entry form, letter, 1997
15897031 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - This American Life: Pray entry form, letter, clipping, 1997
15897032 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - This American Life letter, clipping, 1997
15897033 DCRWDET, Detroit, Michigan - July 1967, Detroit, Michigan: A Look Back entry form, summary, clippings, correspondence, purchase order, 1997
15897034 DCRWBEZ, Chicago, Illinois - Picture Me Rolling entry form, brochure, script, clipping, listener responses, 1997
15897035 DCRPacifica/WMNF, Tampa, Florida - Rosewood Reborn entry form, correspondence, clippings, 1997
15897036 DCRWUNC, Chapel Hill, North Carolina - The South in Transition entry form, correspondence, script, 1997
15897037 DCRPublic Radio International, Arlington, Massachusetts - Blacklisted entry form, report, 1997
15897038 DCRWGN, Chicago, Illinois - The Hidden Hungry entry form, 1997
15897039 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Judicial Vacancy Crisis entry form, report, 1997
15897040 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - India and Pakistan at 50 entry form, report, 1997
15897041 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - Frontiers in the Sea entry form, report, press kit, 1997
15897042 DCRNPR, Washington, D. C. - SSI entry form, report, 1997
15897043 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - Analysis entry form, 1997
15897044 DCRBBC Radio Three, London, England - Reinventing Berlin entry form, 1997
15897045 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - Global Shakeout entry form, 1997
15897046 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - Lawsuits and Liniments entry form, 1997
15897047 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - Consequences: Privatisation of British Telecom entry form, 1997
15897048 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - From Our Own Correspondent: Out of Africa entry form, 1997
15897049 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - From Our Own Correspondent, Diana: A Tribute, 1997
15897050 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - The Windy Seas entry form, 1997
15897051 DCRBBC Radio Four, London, England - 20:20: A View of the Century entry form, clippings, script, 1997
15897052 DCRBBC Radio 2, London, England - Why Do We Care? entry form, summary, script, 1997
15897053 DCRKNX, Los Angeles, California - Banking on a Baby entry form, 1997
15897054 DCRKCBS, San Francisco, California - Hidden Shame entry form, 1997
15897001 EDRWhite House Historical Association, Washington, D. C. - The White House Is Our House: A CD-Rom Visit entry form, press kit, 1997
15897002 EDRWFMT, Chicago, Illinois - The Musical Bridge: China and the U. S. entry form, script, program, clipping, station list, photograph, newsletter, correspondence, article, 1997
15897003 EDRKUMR, Rolla, Missouri - We're Science entry form, notepad, script, press kit, 1997
15997004 EDRWHYY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - SkyTour entry form, summary, listener responses, photograph, supplemental material, 1997
15997005 EDRWorld Music Productions, Brooklyn, New York - Afropop Worldwide entry form, listener responses, clippings, program, listener's guides, 1997
15997006 EDRMarketplace, Los Angeles, California - Money 101 entry form, photographs, biographical information, 1997
15997007 EDRLivy Morris Productions, Charleston, South Carolina - The Parent's Journal with Bobbi Conner entry form, 1997
15997008 EDRMurray Street Enterprise, New York, New York - Jazz from Lincoln Center entry form, brochures, script, 1997
15997001 ENRBroadcast Architecture, Princeton, New Jersey - Legends of Jazz with Ramsey Lewis entry form, press kit, 1997
15997002 ENRConcert Music Network, New York, New York - An Evening at the Pops: The River entry form, press kit, 1997
15997003 ENRKPCC, Woodland Hills, California - Swingin' Years (Pearl Harbor Special) entry form, clipping, summary, receipt, 1997
15997004 ENRMBK Productions, New York, New York - More By Corwin entry form, press kit, 1997
15997005 ENRNarodniki Records, Cordova, Tennessee - This Land Was Your Land entry form, biographical information, 1997
15997006 ENRFocus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colorado - The Legend of Squanto: Pilgrim of the Heart entry form, press kit, 1997
15997007 ENRFocus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colorado - Deitrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom entry form, brochure, press kit, 1997
15997008 ENRPGA Tour Radio Network, Atlanta, Georgia - Straight from the Tour entry form, summary, 1997
15997009 ENRPGA Tour Radio Network, Atlanta, Georgia - The Best of "Straight from the Tour" entry form, 1997
15997010 ENRWisconsin Public Radio, Madison, Wisconsin - Michael Feldman's Whad'Ya Know? entry form, press kit, 1997
15997011 ENRBeach Productions, Hermosa Beach, California - Worldwide Jazz entry form, summary, 1997
15997012 ENRWXXI, Rochester, New York - With Heart and Voice: An Easter Celebration entry form, correspondence, press kit, 1997
15997013 ENRKBS Radio 1, Seoul, South Korea - Fair Trial entry form, script, 1997
15997014 ENRFoundation for New Media, Hoboken, New Jersey - Centennial Faulkner entry form, correspondence, report, 1997