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D. W. Brooks Papers

D. W. Brooks Papers

Descriptive Summary

Title: D. W. Brooks Papers
Creator: Brooks, D. W. (David William), 1901-1999
Inclusive Dates: 1900-1999
Bulk Dates: 1950-1990
Language(s): English
Extent: 154 box(es) (140 linear feet)
Collection Number: RBRL014DWB
Repository: Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
Abstract: D. W. Brooks (1901-1999) was a farmer and cooperative executive, running the Cotton Producers Association (later renamed Gold Kist) as well as insurance companies for farmers. His papers document his businesses and Georgia agriculture, as well as his service to the U.S. government, several universities, and the Methodist Church. The papers include correspondence, business and committee reports, meeting materials, and subject files.

Collection Description

Biographical Note

David William Brooks (1901-1999), a farmer and cooperative executive, was born in Royston, Georgia. Brooks entered the University of Georgia (UGA) in 1918 and earned Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Agriculture. Concurrent to his Master's studies, Brooks taught agronomy at the university for four years and founded his first farm cooperative, the Georgia Cotton Growers Cooperative Association in Carrollton, in 1921, while he was teaching. In 1925, Brooks left UGA to devote all of his time to his cooperative. Due to a variety of factors, this cooperative failed. Upon the association's demise in 1933, Brooks immediately started another farm cooperative called the Georgia Cotton Producers Association. Renamed Cotton Producers Association (CPA)in 1934, and Gold Kist in 1974, this cooperative proved successful. By the late twentieth century, the company achieved Fortune 500 status and was a leading exporter of poultry in the world. Brooks started with CPA as the manager in 1933, and by his retirement at age 65, he was Chairman of the Board.

In 1941, Brooks also founded the Cotton Farmers Mutual Insurance Association, a company that provided fire and windstorm insurance to farmers. In 1955, Brooks set up a life insurance company for farmers, Cotton States Life and Health. Both companies have achieved continued success since their respective inceptions.

Brooks' agribusiness acumen and experience privileged him to serve as a member of the Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations under Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Brooks also served on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agribusiness Industry Advisory Committee. In 1954 he was a delegate to the American Assembly, which proposed changes in the United Nations Charter. He served as director of the Foundation for American Agriculture; Agricultural Missions, Inc., New York; and the National Council of Farmer Cooperative; and Chairman of the Board of Farmers Chemical Association in Chattanooga, Tennessee. At 86 years old, Brooks returned to the University of Georgia as a visiting professor of Agricultural Economics. Brooks' contributions to the University of Georgia prompted the university to name a pedestrian mall on South Campus after him, D.W. Brooks Mall.

D.W. Brooks was active in the Methodist Church and a member of St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Atlanta. He was a member of the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, NY, and vice president of its World Division. Brooks and his wife, Ruth, established an endowed chair in World Christianity at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University and Brooks was chairman of the Committee of One Hundred for the Candler School of Theology. Brooks served as a trustee at Emory University, Wesleyan College in Macon, Reinhardt College in Waleska, and the Lake Junaluska Assembly, Inc. in North Carolina. He was a member of the University of Georgia Foundation.

D.W. Brooks received numerous honors and awards during his lifetime. Highlights include: First inductee into the University of Georgia's Agricultural Hall of Fame (1972); WSB Television and Atlanta Gas Light Company's Shining Light Award (1977); elected to Cooperative League of the United States Hall of Fame (1979); Man of the Year in Community and Rural Development by Cooperative Extension Service at UGA (1979); honorary degrees from Morris Brown College and Emory University.

On August 6, 1930, D.W. Brooks married Ruth McMurray. They had two children, David William Brooks, Jr., and Nancy Ruth Brooks.

Scope and Content

These papers document D.W. Brooks' business career as founder of the Cotton Producers Association and Gold Kist, as well as his government service, service on a number of university boards, and service to the Methodist Church. The papers related to his businesses include his wide-ranging correspondence with agricultural and financial organizations, individual businessmen and government officials about business deals, cooperatives, U.S. agricultural policy and other agricultural issues, as well as company newsletters and reports, research files, and articles and speeches by Brooks. His government, university, and church service is documented through meeting materials, reports, and correspondence.

Organization and Arrangement

The papers are organized into 8 series: I. Correspondence, II. Business, III. Subject Files, IV. Government and University Service, V. Personal, VI. Photographs, VII. Artifacts, and VIII. Audiovisual Materials.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Some boxes in Series I. Correspondence, Series III. Subject Files, and Series IV. Government and University Service must be reviewed by Russell staff prior to research use. These include records that were damaged in a fire that require basic preservation treatment and boxes that must be reviewed for account numbers or social security numbers. These boxes are identified with an R before the box number. Please request these boxes 3 weeks prior to your research visit to allow time for this review.

Preferred Citation

D.W. Brooks Papers, Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, Georgia, 30602-1641.

User Restrictions

Library acts as "fair use" reproduction agent.

Copyright Information

Before material from collections at the Richard B. Russell Library may be quoted in print, or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, in any publication, permission must be obtained from (1) the owner of the physical property, and (2) the holder of the copyright. It is the particular responsibility of the researcher to obtain both sets of permission. Persons wishing to quote from materials in the Russell Library collection should consult the Director. Reproduction of any item must contain a complete citation to the original.

Finding Aid Publication

Finding aid prepared on: 2008.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Agriculture -- International cooperation
Agriculture, Cooperative -- Georgia
Cooperative insurance
Cotton trade -- United States.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-
International economic relations.
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
Sound recordings.
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
United Methodist Church (U.S.)

Related Collections in this Repository

D.W. Brooks Oral History Collection

J. Phil Campbell, Jr. Papers

Lamartine Griffin Hardman Papers

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


Series I. Correspondence, 1944-1979

88 box(es) (85 linear feet)
The majority of Series I. Correspondence relates to Brooks' businesses, the Cotton Producers Association and Gold Kist. Subjects include prospective business deals with other groups and internal correspondence about their business decisions, agriculture statistics, newsletters from agricultural organizations, financial statements, legislation that affected agriculture, and research about agriculture. Also included is correspondence about his service to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, several universities, and the Methodist Church.
Some boxes in this series were damaged in a fire and must be reviewed for basic preservation treatment by Russell staff prior to research use. These boxes are identified with an R before the box number. Please request these boxes 3 weeks prior to your research visit to allow time for this review.
11[Cotton Producers Association], 1944-1945
12-13A-R, 1945-1946
114Supply Department, 1945-1946
115-17S-U, 1945-1946
119W, 1945-1946
118Waldauer, Abe D., 1945-1946
120National Planning Association, 1946-1947
121O, 1946-1947
122Purchasing Division, 1946-1947
123-26P-T, 1946-1947
128U, 1946-1947
127U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1946-1947
Access Note: The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
129V - Vienna Plant, 1946-1947
130-31W-Z, 1946-1947
R.517-8A, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.519[Affiliated Cooperatives], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.511-4[Associated Cooperatives], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.515-6[Atlanta Chamber of Commerce], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5118B, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5111[Belsen, Morgan S], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5110[Bradley, W.L. and Company], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5114-15[Burns, W.A.], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5116[Burson, Georgia], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5117Burtchael, J.G., 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5212-13C, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.521[Cates, O.M.], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.522[Central Bank for Cooperatives], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.523[Chapman, Paul F.], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.524[Coastal Plains Farmers Cooperative], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.525[Columbia Bank for Cooperatives], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.526[Commodity Credit Corporation - U.S. Department of Agriculture], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.527[Compression - Cullman], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5210[Cooperative Digest], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.529[Cooperative Mills, Incorporated], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5211[Correspondence with Congressmen], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.528[Cotton Farmers Mutual Insurance Association], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5214[Cotton Producers Association - Correspondence with Directors], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
134D, 1947-1948
R.5216D, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5112-13[D.W. Brooks, Personal Correspondences], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5215[Donkle and McCabe Cotton], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5219E, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5217[Effingham Farmers Cooperative], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5218[Expense Statement], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.825F, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.811-3Farm Credit Administration, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.819Farmers Cooperative Warehouse Boaz, Alabama, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.814Farmers Home Administration, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.816Farmers Mutual Exchange Adel, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.818Farmers Mutual Exchange Barley, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8110Farmers Mutual Exchange Calhoun, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8111Farmers Mutual Exchange Claxton, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8114Farmers Mutual Exchange Decatur, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8119Farmers Mutual Exchange Gainesville, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8120Farmers Mutual Exchange Live Oak, Florida, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8121Farmers Mutual Exchange Madison, Florida, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8122Farmers Mutual Exchange Metter, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8123Farmers Mutual Exchange Rome, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8124Farmers Mutual Exchange Sylvester, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8125Farmers Mutual Exchange Vidalia, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8126Farmers Mutual Exchange Waycross, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.815Farmers Mutual Warehouse Associations and Exchanges, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.817Farmers Mutual Warehouse Athens, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8115Farmers Mutual Warehouse Carrollton, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8112Farmers Mutual Warehouse Cordele, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8113Farmers Mutual Warehouse Cullman, Alabama, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8116Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dawson, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8117Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dublin, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8118Farmers Mutual Warehouse Hawkinsville, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8127Farmers Mutual Warehouse LaGrange, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8128Fishery, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8129-30Funderburk, C.B., 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8131Garner, C.G., 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8132Georgia Agricultural Extension Service, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.826Georgia Cooperative Council, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.821Georgia Department of Labor- Farm Placement Advisory Council, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.822Georgia Farm Bureau, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.823Georgia Mountain Growers Association Blue Ridge, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.824Georgia State Chamber of Commerce Atlanta, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8210-12G-H, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.828Gibson, J.W., 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.827Gilbert, G.P., 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.829Grains, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8214I, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8213India Grain Cooperative, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8215Interior Classes and Commission Men, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8216-19J-M, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8229M, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8220Membership Records, Member Assignment, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8222-25Memoranda, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8221Middle Georgia Farmers Cooperative Incorporated, Macon, Georgia, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8226Midsouth Cotton Growers Association Memphis, Tennessee, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8227[Miller, Raymond], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8228[Minutes], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.836-7[National Association of Cooperatives- Chicago, Illinois], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.831National Cotton Council, 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.832[National Cotton Council Annual Meeting], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.833-5[National Cotton Council Miscellaneous], 1947-1948
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
132New York Cotton Exchange, 1947-1948
133Potash - European (Cotton Swap), 1947-1948
27R, 1947-1948
210Rees, George S., 1947-1948
28Reports, 1947-1948
29Reports, Daily, 1947-1948
211Reports, Weekly - Sample Room Reports and Report of Shipments, 1947-1948
21S, 1947-1948
26Sample Transmittals, 1947-1948
25Scales, 1947-1948
24Southern States Cooperative, 1947-1948
23Stewart Crop Service, 1947-1948
22Stock Report, 1947-1948
217T, 1947-1948
221Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, 1947-1948
220Thompson, Olin W., 1947-1948
219Timmons, D.E., 1947-1948
218Trial Balance, 1947-1948
U.S. Army and Navy Munitions Board Textiles Industry Advisory Committee, 1947-1948
38U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1947-1948
214U.S. Department of Agriculture - C.C.C. Production and Marketing Administration, 1947-1948
313U.S. Department of Agriculture - C.C.C. Production and Marketing Administration - Cotton Branch Washington, D.C., 1947-1948
213U.S. Department of Agriculture - Commodity Exchange Authority, 1947-1948
212U.S. Department of Agriculture - Cotton Advisory Committee, 1947-1948
314U.S. Department of Agriculture - Cotton Advisory Committees, 1947-1948
312U.S. Department of Agriculture - Production and Marketing Administration - Athens, Georgia, 1947-1948
39-11U.S. Department of Agriculture - Production and Marketing Administration - Atlanta and Memphis, 1947-1948
37U.S. Department of Commerce, 1947-1948
216United Cooperatives, Inc., 1947-1948
34-5U-V, 1947-1948
36[Vienna Plant Cotton Producers Association], 1947-1948
33Washington Farm Reporter, 1947-1948
32Williams, Ray, 1947-1948
31Woodruff, H.E., 1947-1948
135-36W-Z, 1947-1948
R.871-2A-B, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8637Alston, Miller and Gaines, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8638American Institute of Cooperation and Finance Committee, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8639Annual Meeting, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8640Applications, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8641Arizona Cotton Office and Gins, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8636Arizona Cottonseed Products Company, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.873Brooks, D.W. Investments, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.874Brooks, D.W. Personal, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8632Brooks, D.W. Reports, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.875-6Brooks, D.W. Speaking Engagements and Invitations, 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.877[McConnell, Jim], 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8634[Nation Council of Farmer Cooperatives], 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8635[Oakdene Compress and Warehouse Company], 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8633[Pearshall's Cotton News], 1947-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7515A, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7616[A], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7511ACCA American Cotton Cooperative Association]- Miscellaneous, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7512-13ACCA American Cotton Cooperative Association] Office- New York, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.766[Adams, J.A.], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.767[Agricultural Prices], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7620[Alabama Cooperative], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7622[Alabama Farm Bureau Federation], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7615[American Cotton Cooperative Association (ACCA)], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7617-19[American Institute and Cooperation], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7623-24[American Institute of Cooperatives], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7517Barrett Division Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.761Belsen, Morgan, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.762Brooks, D.W. Reports, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7712[C], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.878[Cooperative Mills, Incorporated], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8721[Emory- Town and Country Ministers School], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8722[Engineering Department], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8723[Expense Statements], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7610[Extension Service], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8724[Far East], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8725[Farm Business Service], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8720[Farm Credit Administration], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.773[Farmer Cooperative Service- Purchasing], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.758Farmers Cooperative Warehouse and Gin Company Boaz, Alabama, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.755Farmers Mutual Exchange, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.768[Farmers Mutual Exchange- Receipts], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.756[Farmers Mutual Exchange Waycross], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.757Farmers Mutual Warehouse- Athens Georgia, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7716[Fishing], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.769[Foreign Agricultural Service], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8717[Foreign Trade Committee], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.774[Freeman Orville], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.759-10Funderbunk, C.B., 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.764[Gaston, W.W.], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7717[Georgia Cotton Producers Association- Statements], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7621[Georgia Extension Services- Cooperative Brochures], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8718[Georgia- University of (and Extension Service)], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.765[Georgia University of and Extension Services], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7611[Gold Kist Poultry Growers], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7715[Goodloe, John O.], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7713-14[Insurance], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7516J. Julian Baker, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7718[National Cotton Council- Balance Sheets], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8711[National Cotton Council- Expanded Program Inquiry], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.763[National Cotton Council- Finances], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8716[National Cotton Council- Industrywide Committee on Cotton's Research Needs and Opportunities], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.771[National Cotton Council Miscellaneous], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7719-20[National Cotton Council- Miscellaneous], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8713[National Cotton Council- Projected Foreign Trade Program], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8712[National Cotton Council Projected Production and Marketing Program], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8714[National Cotton Council- Projected Sales Promotion Program], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8710[National Cotton Council- Projected Utilizations Research Program], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.879[National Cotton Council- Reports], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8719[National Cotton Council], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7721[New York Cotton Exchange], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7612[P], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7614[Peanuts], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8715[Price Risks for Cotton and Soil-Bank Farm Program], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7514Sales Tax, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.772Statements- Purchasing, 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7711[T], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7710[Thompson, O.W.], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.779[Turner, Luther], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.775-6[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Commodities], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7613[U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmer Cooperative Service], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.778[U], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.777[United Cooperatives- Unico], 1947-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.534-5[Cooperative Extension Work], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.531-3[Cotton Council], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
315Cotton Division - Misc. Memoranda, 1948-1949
316Cotton Farmers Mutual Insurance Association Atlanta Georgia, 1948-1949
41Cotton Producers Association, 1948-1949
R.536F, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.537[Farmer Reporter], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5416[Farmers Mutual Warehouse - Culman, Alabama], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5415[Farmers Mutual Warehouse - Dawson, Georgia], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.546[Farmers Mutual Warehouse - Dublin, Georgia], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.541[Farmers Mutual Warehouse - Hawkinsville, Georgia], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.542[Farmers Mutual Warehouse - LaGrange, Georgia], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5311[Fertilizer], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.543[Firestone Textiles], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.544[Florida], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.545[Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5310[Funderburk, C.R.], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
47G, 1948-1949
42Georgia Agriculture Extensions Service, 1948-1949
43Georgia Experiment Station, 1948-1949
44Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1948-1949
45Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1948-1949
46Gilbert, G.P., 1948-1949
R.5320Gulf States Construction Company, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5420-21H-J, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5417I, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5418[Indiana Grain Cooperative], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5419[Interior Classers], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5413K, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5414[Kiplinger Washington Letter], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5411L, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
48Labor Department Ben T. Huiett, 1948-1949
R.5412[Lion Oil Company], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.538M, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.548Mc, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5410McCabe, W.G., 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.549[McDonald, M.A.], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.547[Member Cooperatives], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5314Middle Georgia Farmers Cooperative, 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5313[Midsouth Cotton Growers], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5312Miller, R.W., 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.539[Mississippi Federated Cooperatives], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5315-19[National Council of Farmer Cooperatives], 1948-1949
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
49Pace, Stephen, 1948-1949
410Reports, Daily, 1948-1949
411Reports, Weekly, 1948-1949
412Reports, Weekly, 1948-1949
413Sexauer, Fred H., 1948-1949
414Y, 1948-1949
415[Brauner, Phil], 1949-1950
416Commodity Exchange Authority, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
417Directors, 1949-1950
419Donkle, I.L. Company, 1949-1950
421E, 1949-1950
418Emory University - School for Town and Country Ministers, 1949-1950
420Expense Statements - D.W. Brooks, 1949-1950
426F, 1949-1950
423Farm Credit Administration, 1949-1950
424Farmers Mutual Exchanges and Member Association, 1949-1950
422Farmers Mutual Warehouse, 1949-1950
425Funderburk, C.B., 1949-1950
431G, 1949-1950
427Garner, C.G., 1949-1950
428Georgia Agricultural Extension Services and Experiment Stations, 1949-1950
429Gibson, J.M., 1949-1950
430Grain Elevator, Waynesboro, Georgia and Grain Division, 1949-1950
52H, 1949-1950
51Heines - Park Foods Inc., 1949-1950
54I and Interior Classers and Commission Men, 1949-1950
53International Cotton Advisory Committee, 1949-1950
55-10J-M, 1949-1950
511National Cotton Council, 1949-1950
512National Council of Farmers Cooperatives, 1949-1950
513-14N-O, 1949-1950
516P, 1949-1950
515Paris, C.W., 1949-1950
518Reports - Purchasing Division, 1949-1950
517[Reports, Daily (Cotton)], 1949-1950
519Requisitions - Mailing Department, 1949-1950
529S, 1949-1950
523[Southeastern Pecan Growers Association], 1949-1950
524Southern Farm Forum, New Orleans, Louisiana sponsored by New Orleans Chamber of Commerce, 1949-1950
525Southern States Cooperative, 1949-1950
528Staple Cotton Cooperative Association, 1949-1950
526Statements - Grain Department, 1949-1950
527Statements (Financial) Cotton Division, 1949-1950
520Statements (Financial) Purchasing Division, 1949-1950
521Stewart Crop Service, 1949-1950
522Stock Report, 1949-1950
535T, 1949-1950
530Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, 1949-1950
531Thompson, Olin W., 1949-1950
532Timmons, D.E., 1949-1950
533Transportation Requests and Refunds, 1949-1950
534Tucker, L.R. Royston Ga., 1949-1950
64U.S. Department of Agriculture - Cotton Advisory Committee, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
537U.S. Department of Agriculture - Misc., 1949-1950
66U.S. Department of Agriculture - Production and Marketing Administration Athens, Georgia, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
61U.S. Department of Agriculture - Production and Marketing Administration Atlanta and Memphis, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
63U.S. Department of Agriculture - Production and Marketing Administration Atlanta and Memphis, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
62U.S. Department of Agriculture - Production and Marketing Administration Washington, D.C., 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
65U.S. Department of Agriculture - State U.S. Department of Agriculture Council, Athens Georgia, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
67U.S. Department of Commerce, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
68U.S. Munitions Board, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
536United Cooperatives, Inc., 1949-1950
69-10U-V, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
611Washington Farm Reporter, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
612-13W-Z, 1949-1950
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
73A, 1950-1951
614Advance Loan Pool (Cotton), 1950-1951
615American Cotton Cooperative Association - All Offices and General Correspondence, 1950-1951
616American Institute of Cooperation, 1950-1951
617Annual Meeting, 1950-1951
71Applications, 1950-1951
72Associated Cooperatives, 1950-1951
711B, 1950-1951
74Baker, J. Julian, 1950-1951
75Bradley, W.L. and Company, 1950-1951
78Brooks, D.W. "Many Years in Agriculture" President National Council of Farmer Cooperation, 1950-1951
76Brooks, D.W. (Personal), 1950-1951
77Brooks, D.W. Speaking Engagements, 1950-1951
79Budget Comparison, 1950-1951
710Burns, W.A., 1950-1951
724-25C, 1950-1951
712Central Bank for Cooperatives, 1950-1951
713Circular Letters, 1950-1951
714Citizens Committee for Reorganization of Executive Branch of Government - Agriculture Committee, 1950-1951
715College of Agriculture Athens, Georgia, 1950-1951
716Commodity Credit Corporation, 1950-1951
717Congressmen and Senators, 1950-1951
718Continental Gin Company, 1950-1951
719Cooperative Digest, 1950-1951
720Cooperative Mills, 1950-1951
723Cotton - Price Ceilings - Office of Price Stabilization Economic Stabilization Agency, 1950-1951
722Cotton - Price Insurance for Cotton Farmers and Reports, 1950-1951
721Cotton Farmers Mutual Insurance Association, 1950-1951
729-30D-E, 1950-1951
726Directors, 1950-1951
727Directors, Election of, 1950-1951
728Dixie Co-Op News (Articles for), 1950-1951
732-33F, 1950-1951
731Farmers Mutual Exchange Warehouse Misc., 1950-1951
734Georgia Agricultural Extensions Service, 1950-1951
736-38G-H, 1950-1951
735Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 1950-1951
740-42I-K, 1950-1951
739Interior Classes and Commission Men, 1950-1951
746M, 1950-1951
743McCabe, W. Gordon Jr. (J.P. Stevens and Co.) Greenville, South Carolina, 1950-1951
744Mid - South Cotton Growers Association, Memphis Mid - South Supply Association, 1950-1951
745Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1950-1951
750N, 1950-1951
747National Cotton Council, 1950-1951
748National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1950-1951
749National Planning Association, 1950-1951
752O, 1950-1951
751Office of Price Stabilization, 1950-1951
753Pace, Stephen, 1950-1951
754Paris, C.W., 1950-1951
755Prance, B.M., 1950-1951
756-59P-T, 1950-1951
761U (Including U.S. Government - Various Departments), 1950-1951
760U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1950-1951
762-63V-Z, 1950-1951
84A, 1951-1952
81American Cotton Cooperative Association, 1951-1952
82American Institute of Cooperation, 1951-1952
83Annual Meeting, 1951-1952
87B, 1951-1952
85Brooks, D.W. (Personal), 1951-1952
86Burns, W.A., 1951-1952
821C, 1951-1952
828C, 1951-1952
88California Cotton Cooperative Association, 1951-1952
89Canton Poultry Company, 1951-1952
810Ceiling Prices - Sales (Cotton), 1951-1952
811Central Bank for Cooperatives, 1951-1952
812Circular Letters, 1951-1952
813Citizens Committee for Reorganization of Executive Branches of Government - Agriculture Committee, 1951-1952
814College of Agriculture, Athens Georgia, 1951-1952
815Commodity Credit Corporation Form G, 1951-1952
817Congressmen and Senators, 1951-1952
816Cooperative Digest, 1951-1952
818Cooperative Mills, 1951-1952
819Cotton States Mutual Insurance Co. (Association), 1951-1952
820Crusade for Freedom, 1951-1952
825D, 1951-1952
822Directors, 1951-1952
823Directors, Election of, 1951-1952
824Dixie Co-Op News, 1951-1952
827E, 1951-1952
826Emory University - Town and Country Ministers School, 1951-1952
829M, 1951-1952
838-41National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy, 1951-1952
830[National Council of Farmer Cooperatives], 1951-1952
831Office of Price Stabilization, 1951-1952
832-35O-T, 1951-1952
836[U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture], 1951-1952
837W, 1951-1952
93F, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
471Farm Credit Administration, 1952-1953
842Farmers Cooperative Warehouse and Gin Company (Boaz, Alabama), 1952-1953
472Farmers Cooperative Warehouse Association (Cullman, Alabama, Dublin, Dawson Hawkinsville, Lagrange), 1952-1953
473-5Farmers Mutual Exchange, 1952-1953
843Farmers Mutual Warehouse (Athens, Georgia), 1952-1953
476Farmers Mutual Warehouse (Carlton, Georgia), 1952-1953
844Fishing, 1952-1953
845Foundation for Economic Education, 1952-1953
91Fundenburk, C.B., 1952-1953
Access Note: The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
92Future Farmers of America Foundation, 1952-1953
911G, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
94Garner, C.G. - Georgia Cooperative Council, 1952-1953
95Georgia Agricultural Extension Service, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
96Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1952-1953
97Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1952-1953
98Georgia Vocational Education Service, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
99Gilbert, G.P., 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
914Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
910Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1952-1953
913H, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
912Hawkinsville Livestock Barn, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
915Investment Program, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
916J, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
918K, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
917Kiplinger Letters, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
R.5427-28L-Mc, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.5422Luck, Jim R., 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5423-26Lupine Investigation, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5435M, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5429Memoranda - Office Miscellaneous, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5430Middle Georgia Farmers Cooperative Incorporated (Macon, Georgia), 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5431Midsouth Cotton Growers Association, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5432Miller, Dr. Raymond W., 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5433Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5434Mobley, R.D., 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5436National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5437-38National Cotton Council, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.551National Cotton Council, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
919-20National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1952-1953
R.552-5National Council on Farmer Cooperatives, 1952-1953
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
921National Planning Association, 1952-1953
922New York Cotton Exchange, 1952-1953
924-26N-O, 1952-1953
923Nunnally, J.E., 1952-1953
927Pace, Stephen, 1952-1953
102-4R-T, 1952-1953
101Russell, Richard B., 1952-1953
105U.S. Department of Agriculture - Correspondence Office of the Secretary, 1952-1953
106-7W-Y, 1952-1953
128A, 1953-1954
1115Cotton Fiber and Spinning Tests Micronaire, 1953-1954
1015F, 1953-1954
108-9Farmers Mutual Exchanges, 1953-1954
1010Farmers Mutual Exchanges and Affiliated Co-Ops, 1953-1954
1011Foundation for Agricultural Cooperation, 1953-1954
1012Funderburk, C.B., 1953-1954
1013Future Farmers of America Foundation, 1953-1954
111G, 1953-1954
1016Garner, C.G. - Georgia Cooperative Council, 1953-1954
1017Georgia Agricultural Extension Service, 1953-1954
1018Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1953-1954
1019Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1953-1954
1020Georgia Vocational Education Service, 1953-1954
1021Gilbert, G.P., 1953-1954
1022Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 1953-1954
1023Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1953-1954
113H, 1953-1954
112Hawkinsville Livestock Barn, 1953-1954
116I-J, 1953-1954
1014[Insurance], 1953-1954
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
114Investment Program, 1953-1954
115Itineraries, 1953-1954
119K, 1953-1954
117Kiplinger Letters, 1953-1954
118Kiwanis Club, 1953-1954
1112L, 1953-1954
1110Luck, J.K., 1953-1954
1111Lykes Bros. Steamship Company, Inc., 1953-1954
1120M, 1953-1954
1113Mc, 1953-1954
1114Memoranda (Office), 1953-1954
1116Middle Georgia Farmers Co-Op, Inc. Macon, Georgia, 1953-1954
1117Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1953-1954
1118Mobley, R.D., 1953-1954
1119Murray Company of Texas, Inc., 1953-1954
127N, 1953-1954
1121National Cotton Council, 1953-1954
1122-24National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1953-1954
1125National Farmers Union, 1953-1954
121National Planning Association, 1953-1954
122New Orleans Cotton Exchange, 1953-1954
123New York Cotton Exchange, 1953-1954
124New York Cotton Exchange - Reports, 1953-1954
125Norrell, L.C., 1953-1954
126Nunnally, J.E., 1953-1954
129O, 1953-1954
1216P, 1953-1954
1210Pace, Stephen, 1953-1954
1211Paris, C.W., 1953-1954
1212Pearsall's, 1953-1954
1213Price Supports, 1953-1954
1214Producers Cooperative Association Statesboro, 1953-1954
1215Producers Cooperative Livestock Exchange Statesboro, 1953-1954
137R, 1953-1954
1217Reports - Daily, 1953-1954
131Reports - Daily, 1953-1954
132Reports, Cotton Division, 1953-1954
1218Reports, Daily (Cotton), 1953-1954
133Reports, Purchasing Division, 1953-1954
134Requisitions, Mailing Department, 1953-1954
135Roe, Ford, 1953-1954
136Royston Agency (CPA), 1953-1954
1321S, 1953-1954
138Sample Room, 1953-1954
139Smith, C.C. - National Bank of Commerce, Memphis, Tennessee, 1953-1954
1310Southern States Cooperative, 1953-1954
1311Staple Cotton Cooperative Association, 1953-1954
1312Statements, Consolidated, 1953-1954
1313Statements, Financial - Cotton, 1953-1954
1314Statements, Financial - Grain, 1953-1954
1315Statements, Financial - Insurance, 1953-1954
1316Statements, Financial - Livestock, 1953-1954
1317Statements, Financial - Pecans, 1953-1954
1318Statements, Financial - Poultry, 1953-1954
1319Statements, Financial - Purchasing, 1953-1954
1320Stevens, J.P. and Co., 1953-1954
1326T, 1953-1954
1322Texas Cotton Growers Association, 1953-1954
1323Transportation Association of America, 1953-1954
1324Transportation Requests and Refunds, 1953-1954
1325Tung Oil, 1953-1954
146U, 1953-1954
1329U.S. Department of Agriculture - Correspondence, 1953-1954
142U.S. Department of Agriculture - PMA Produce Marketing Association] Athens, Ga., 1953-1954
143U.S. Department of Agriculture - PMA Produce Marketing Association], Atlanta, and Memphis, 1953-1954
1330U.S. Department of Agriculture - Reports, Bulletins, Releases (Misc.), 1953-1954
141U.S. Department of Agriculture - Reports, Bulletins, Releases (Misc.), 1953-1954
1327U.S. Department of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Authority, 1953-1954
144U.S. Department of Agriculture, PMA Produce Marketing Association] - Pecan Price Reports, 1953-1954
1328[U.S. Department of Agriculture], 1953-1954
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
145U.S. Department of State - Point 4, 1953-1954
148V, 1953-1954
147Vienna Property, 1953-1954
1413W, 1953-1954
149Ward, E.C., 1953-1954
1410Washington Farm Reporter, 1953-1954
1411Webb, A.G. Tampa, Florida, 1953-1954
1412Wiggins, Tom, 1953-1954
1414X-Z, 1953-1954
R.791-12U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1953-1956
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.801-4U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1953-1956
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
152A, 1954-1955
1426Adams, J.M., 1954-1955
1428[American Cotton Cooperative Association], 1954-1955
151American Institute of Cooperation, 1954-1955
1415American Institute of Management, 1954-1955
1416Anderson, Clayton and Co., 1954-1955
1417Anderson, Clayton, and Co. Lamar Fleming, 1954-1955
1418[Anderson, H.E.], 1954-1955
1420Annual Meeting, 1954-1955
1419Annual Meeting - Special Guests, 1954-1955
1421Applications, 1954-1955
1422Arizona, 1954-1955
1423Atlanta Chamber of Commerce - Junior Chamber of Commerce Farmers Club, 1954-1955
1424Atlanta Cotton Exchange, 1954-1955
1514B, 1954-1955
153Baker, J. Julian, 1954-1955
154Baker, W.C., 1954-1955
155Barringer, L.T., 1954-1955
156Benson, Ezra Taft, 1954-1955
157Bradley, Gowland and Company, 1954-1955
158Brauner, P.L., 1954-1955
159Broilers, 1954-1955
1511Brooks, D.W. (Personal), 1954-1955
1510Brooks, D.W. National Travel Club, 1954-1955
1512Brooks, Emory M., 1954-1955
1513Burns, W.A., 1954-1955
162C, 1954-1955
1515CALCOT California Cotton Cooperation Association, 1954-1955
1516Camp, W.J., 1954-1955
1521CCC Commodity Credit Corporation] Form G, 1954-1955
1517Central Bank for Cooperatives, 1954-1955
1518Circular Letters, 1954-1955
1519College of Agriculture Athens Georgia, 1954-1955
1520Commodity Credit Corporation, 1954-1955
1522Commodity Credit Corporation - Grain, 1954-1955
1523Conference of Georgia Association Executives, 1954-1955
1524Congressmen and Senators, 1954-1955
1525Cooperative Digest, 1954-1955
1526Cooperative Mills of Ohio, 1954-1955
1527Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company, 1954-1955
161Courts and Company, 1954-1955
165D, 1954-1955
163Directors, 1954-1955
164Directors, Election of 1954, 1954-1955
1611E, 1954-1955
166Effingham Farmers Cooperative Association Springfield, Georgia, 1954-1955
168Emory Town and Country School - Finance Committee, 1954-1955
169Emory Town and Country School and Church Development Program, 1954-1955
167Emory University Committee of One Hundred, 1954-1955
1610Expense Statements - D.W. Brooks, 1954-1955
1628F, 1954-1955
1612Farm Credit Administration, 1954-1955
1613Farm Credit Administration News for Farmer Cooperatives, 1954-1955
1616Farmers Cooperative Warehouse and Gin Company Boaz, Alabama, 1954-1955
1619Farmers Cooperative Warehouse Association Cullman, Alabama, 1954-1955
1614Farmers Mutual Exchanges, 1954-1955
1615Farmers Mutual Exchanges - Volume Figures and Other Affiliated Associations, 1954-1955
1617Farmers Mutual Warehouse Athens, Georgia, 1954-1955
1618Farmers Mutual Warehouse Carrollton, Georgia, 1954-1955
1620Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dawson, Georgia, 1954-1955
1621Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dublin, Georgia, 1954-1955
1622Farmers Mutual Warehouse Hawkinsville, Georgia, 1954-1955
1623Farmers Mutual Warehouse LaGrange, Georgia, 1954-1955
1624Fishing, 1954-1955
1625Folsom, Marion B., 1954-1955
1626Funderburk, C.B., 1954-1955
1627Future Farmers of America Foundation, 1954-1955
173G, 1954-1955
1629Georgia Agricultural Extension Service, 1954-1955
1630Georgia Cooperative Council, 1954-1955
1631Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1954-1955
1632Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1954-1955
1633Georgia Vocational Education Service, 1954-1955
1634Gilbert, G.P., 1954-1955
171Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 1954-1955
172Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1954-1955
178H, 1954-1955
174Hadden, R.L., 1954-1955
175Hart, James C., 1954-1955
176Hill, Lawrence K., 1954-1955
177Hodgson's Fertilizer Plant, 1954-1955
1711I, 1954-1955
179Institute of American Poultry Industries, 1954-1955
1710Itineraries, 1954-1955
1712J, 1954-1955
1715K, 1954-1955
1713Kiplinger Letters, 1954-1955
1714Kiwanis Club, 1954-1955
1717L, 1954-1955
1716Leslie, M.C., 1954-1955
1718Loan Rates, 1954-1955
1726M, 1954-1955
1722Marley, Kemper, 1954-1955
1719McFadden, Geo. H. and Brothers, 1954-1955
1721Me, 1954-1955
1723Memoranda (Office), 1954-1955
1720Mexico (Correspondence with Various People), 1954-1955
1724Miller, Raymond W., 1954-1955
1725Mobley, R.D., 1954-1955
1813N, 1954-1955
1811N.C. Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, 1954-1955
1727National Cotton Council, 1954-1955
1728National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1954-1955
181-2National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1954-1955
183National Farmers Union, 1954-1955
184-5National Planning Association, 1954-1955
186New Orleans Cotton Exchange, 1954-1955
187New York Cotton Exchange, 1954-1955
188-9New York Cotton Exchange - Reports, 1954-1955
1810Norrell, L.C., 1954-1955
1812Nunnally, J.E., 1954-1955
191O, 1954-1955
192Pace, Stephen, 1954-1955
193Paris, C.W., 1954-1955
194-5Pearsall's, 1954-1955
1910-12P-R, 1954-1955
196Producers Cooperative Association Statesboro, Georgia, 1954-1955
197Producers Cooperative Livestock Exchange Statesboro, Georgia, 1954-1955
198Protestant Radio and Television Center, 1954-1955
199Purswell, H.D., 1954-1955
1915Reinhardt College, 1954-1955
1917Reports - Arizona Cotton, 1954-1955
1916Reports - Daily Micronaire, 1954-1955
201Reports - Purchasing Division, 1954-1955
1918Reports, Daily Cotton, 1954-1955
1913Requisitions - Mailing Department, 1954-1955
1914Roe, Ford, 1954-1955
2014S, 1954-1955
202[Sales 1943-1953], 1954-1955
203Smith, C.C. National Bank of Commerce, Memphis, 1954-1955
204Southern States Cooperative, 1954-1955
205Staple Cotton Cooperative Association, 1954-1955
206Statements - Consolidated and Miscellaneous General Administrative, 1954-1955
207Statements - Cotton, 1954-1955
208Statements - Grain, 1954-1955
209Statements - Insurance, 1954-1955
2011Statements - Livestock, 1954-1955
2012Statements - Pecans, 1954-1955
2010Statements - Poultry, 1954-1955
2013Statements - Purchasing, 1954-1955
2018T, 1954-1955
2015Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, 1954-1955
1427The American Assembly, 1954-1955
2016Transportation Requests and Refunds, 1954-1955
2017Trust Company of Georgia, 1954-1955
2020U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1954-1955
212U.S. Department of Agriculture - Reports Commodity Exchange Authority, 1954-1955
217-8U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural and Marketing Service Memphis and Atlanta, 1954-1955
211U.S. Department of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Authority, 1954-1955
2021U.S. Department of Agriculture J.A. McConnel Assistant Secretary, 1954-1955
214-6U.S. Department of Agriculture Reports, Bulletins, Releases, 1954-1955
219U.S. Department of Agriculture State ASC Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation] Committee, Athens Georgia, 1954-1955
213U.S. Department of Agriculture The Daily Summary, 1954-1955
2019United Cooperatives, 1954-1955
2110-11U-V, 1954-1955
2112Ward, E.C., 1954-1955
2113Washington Farm Reporter, 1954-1955
2114Waynesboro Grain Elevator, 1954-1955
2115Westminster Schools, 1954-1955
2116Wiggins, Tom, 1954-1955
2117-18W-Z, 1954-1955
1425Y, 1954-1955
226A, 1955-1956
221American Cotton Cooperative Association Memphis and New York, 1955-1956
222American Institute of Cooperation, 1955-1956
223Applications, 1955-1956
224Arizona, 1955-1956
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
225Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Junior Chamber of Commerce Farmers Club, 1955-1956
2210B, 1955-1956
227Baker, J Julian, 1955-1956
228Boaz Dressing Plant (Correspondence, Certificates), 1955-1956
229Brauner, P.L., 1955-1956
2211Broilers, 1955-1956
2212Brooks, D.W. (personal), 1955-1956
2223C, 1955-1956
2213California Cotton, Limited, 1955-1956
2214Casa Grande Cotton Finance Company, 1955-1956
2215Central Bank for Cooperatives, 1955-1956
2216Circular Letters, 1955-1956
2217[College of Agriculture University of Georgia], 1955-1956
2218Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1955-1956
2220Commodity Credit Corporation, 1955-1956
2221Congressmen and Senators, 1955-1956
2222Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company and Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company, 1955-1956
2226D, 1955-1956
2224Directors, 1955-1956
2225Dixie Cooperative News - Editorials and Articles, D.W. Brooks, 1955-1956
2228E, 1955-1956
2227Emory Town and Country School Finance Committee, 1955-1956
2231F, 1955-1956
2229Farm Credit Administration, 1955-1956
2230Farmers Mutual Warehouses, 1955-1956
2239G, 1955-1956
2232Georgia Agricultural Extension Service, 1955-1956
2233Georgia Cooperative Council and Cooperative Taxes, 1955-1956
2234Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1955-1956
2235Georgia Vocational Education Service, 1955-1956
2236Gilbert, G.P., 1955-1956
2237Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 1955-1956
2238Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1955-1956
2241H, 1955-1956
2240Hart, James C., 1955-1956
2243-47I-Mc, 1955-1956
2242Itineraries, 1955-1956
2251M, 1955-1956
2248Memoranda - Office, 1955-1956
2249Middlebrook, B.W., 1955-1956
2250Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1955-1956
2258N, 1955-1956
2219National Advisory Committee For Cooperative Banks, 1955-1956
2252National Cotton Council, 1955-1956
2253National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1955-1956
2254National Grange, 1955-1956
2255National Industrial Conference Board, 1955-1956
2256National Planning Association, 1955-1956
2257New York Cotton Exchange, 1955-1956
2262P, 1955-1956
2259Paris, C.W., 1955-1956
2260Producers Cooperative Livestock Exchange Statesboro, Georgia, 1955-1956
2261Public Information Committee of the Cotton Industries, 1955-1956
231R, 1955-1956
2264Reports - Purchasing Miscellaneous, 1955-1956
2263Reports, Daily Cotton (Arizona and Atlanta), 1955-1956
236S, 1955-1956
232Salaries (E.C. Ward), 1955-1956
233Southern States Cooperative (See Permanent Files for Agreement), 1955-1956
234Statements - Consolidated and All Divisions, 1955-1956
235Stevens, J.P. and Company (Gordon McCabe), 1955-1956
238T, 1955-1956
237Tennessee Valley Authority, 1955-1956
2311U, 1955-1956
2315U.S. Department of Agriculture - Correspondence and Reports, 1955-1956
239U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperative Service, 1955-1956
2310U.S. Department of Agriculture State ASC Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation] Committee, Athens, Georgia, 1955-1956
2313W, 1955-1956
2312Waynesboro Grain Elevator, 1955-1956
2314Wiggins, Tom, 1955-1956
2316X,Y,Z, 1955-1956
R.782[A], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.885[A], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.882-4[American Institute of Cooperation], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.881[Annual Meeting- Cotton Producers Association (CPA)], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8819[Applications], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.781[Atlanta Chamber of Commerce], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7723-24[Baker, J. Julian], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8827[Baker, J. Julian], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.886[Banks], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8814[Becker, C.H.], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.783[Brinkley, Homer L], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7725[Cooperative Extension-University of Georgia], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.887[Cotton Producers Association (CPA)- Miscellaneous], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7825Expense Statements DWB, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.785Georgia Chamber of Commerce, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.786Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.784GFA Peanut Association, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.787[H], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8823[H], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8822[Harris, Charlie], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7822I, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.888[I], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.788International Sound Films- "Together"- The Cotton Producers Association, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8818[Japan], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8826[Joint Development Fund], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7810Kiwanis Club, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7823Kiwanis Club, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7811-12[K-L], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7726[Lamb, J.S.], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.789[Lee, Quentin S.], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8816-17L-M, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7814[M], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7813[Morrow, G.W.], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8815[National Council of Farmer Cooperatives- Annual Meeting], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8811-13[National Council of Farmer Cooperatives- Miscellaneous], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8828[National Council of Farmer Cooperatives- President], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7815[National Council of Farmer Cooperatives], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8820-21[National Council of Farmers Cooperatives], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7816[National Farmers Union- Washington Newsletter], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8825[National Grange], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7817[National Industrial Conference Board], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.889[National Industrial Conference Board], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7818-19[National Industrial Cotton Board], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8824[National Labor Relations Board], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8810[Pace, Stephen], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7820[Peanuts], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7824Ray, Homer, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7722[Receipts], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7826-27U.S. Department of Agriculture- News Releases Daily Summary, 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7821[U.S. Department of Agriculture], 1955-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.556Arizona, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5511B, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.581Brooks, D.W., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.559[Brooks, Emory M- Baker, Julian J.], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5510[Burns, W.A.], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.564-6C, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5512[Calcot News], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5513[Camp, William J.], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5514[Central Bank for Cooperatives], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5515[College of Agriculture- University of Georgia], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5517-18[Columbia Bank for Cooperatives], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.561[Commodity Stabilization Service/Commodity Credit Corporation], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.562-3[Commodity Stabilization Services], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5525[Congressmen and Government Correspondence], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5519[Cooperatives Mills, Incorporated], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.558[Cotton Producers Association (CPA) Miscellaneous], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5516[Cotton Producers Association (CPA)], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5520[Cotton Quarterly], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5522[Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5521[Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5622Cotton's Week, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5523[Courts and Company], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5524[Creekmore and Company], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5612D, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.567[Directors- Arizona Trip], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.569-10[Directors- Cotton Producers Association (CPA)], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5611[Directors- Cotton Producers Association- Elections], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.568E, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5617E, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5614[Emory University- Committee of One Hundred], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5613[Emory University], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5615[Employee Club- Cotton Producers Association], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5616[Expenses], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5716F, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.574Farmer Mutual Warehouse Carrollton, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.575Farmers Cooperative Warehouse Culman, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.573Farmers Mutual Warehouse Association, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.576Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dawson, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.577Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dublin, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.578Farmers Mutual Warehouse Hawkinsville, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.579Farmers Mutual Warehouse LaGrange, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5710Farmers Mutual Warehouses, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5711Fishing, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5712Fitzpatrick Dwain C., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5618-21[Foreign Producers], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.557Funderburk, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5713-14Funderburk, C.B., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5715Future Farmers of America, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.584-5G, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5717Georgia Agricultural Extension Service and Experiment Station, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5718Georgia Council of Farmers Cooperatives, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5719Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5720Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5721Georgia Vocational Education Service, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5722Gilbert, G.P., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5723-24Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.582Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.583Goodbody and Company, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5812H, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.586Hadden, R.L., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.587Hart, James C., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.588Harvard, Q.L., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.589Haupt, Ira and Company, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5810Hill, Lawrence K., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5811Hodges, Roger R., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5816-17I-J, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5813Institute of American Poultry Industries, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5814Isom, O.C. Jr., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5815Itineraries, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5820K, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5818Kiplinger Letters, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5819Kiwanis, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5826L, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5821Lawson, W.L., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5822Leslie, M.C., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5823Little, Arthur D. Incorporated, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5824Loan Program- Cotton 1956 Premiums- Discounts/Investments, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5825Loeb, Carl M. Rhoades and Company, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5835M, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5828Mc, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5827McFadden, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5829Memoranda- Office, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5830Mill Letters, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5831Miller, Dr. Raymond W., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5832Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5833Mobley, R.D., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5834Moore and Company, Robert, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5836National Advisory Committee for Cooperative Banks, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.591-2National Cotton Council, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.5623National Cotton Council, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.571-2National Council of Farmers Cooperatives, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.609National Peanut Council, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.596-7National Planning Association, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6010-12[National Planning Association], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.603New Orleans Cotton Exchange, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.602[New York Cotton Exchange Reports], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.601[New York Cotton Exchange], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.605-6N-O, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.604Nunally, J.E., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
2416P, 1956-1957
R.615P, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.607Pace, Stephen, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.608Paris, C.W., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6014Peanut Exports, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6013Peanut Meeting With County Agents: Graceville, Florida, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.593-5Peanuts, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.617-10Peanuts, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6015-17Pearshall's Cotton News, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.611Pearshall's Cotton News, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.612-3Producers Cooperative Livestock Exchange, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.614Purswell, H.D., 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
2321R, 1956-1957
R.616[Reinhardt College], 1956-1957
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
2317Reports - Cotton Daily Position Statements, 1956-1957
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2318Reports - Cotton Miscellaneous, 1956-1957
2319Reports - Purchasing Miscellaneous, 1956-1957
2320Roe, Ford, 1956-1957
246S, 1956-1957
2322Sample Transmittals, 1956-1957
2323Smith, C.C. National Bank of Commerce, Memphis, 1956-1957
2324Southern States Cooperative, 1956-1957
2325Staple Cotton Cooperative Association, 1956-1957
2326Statements - Broilers, 1956-1957
2327Statements - Consolidated, 1956-1957
2328-29Statements - Cotton, 1956-1957
2330Statements - General Administration, 1956-1957
2331Statements - Grain, 1956-1957
2332Statements - Insurance, 1956-1957
2333Statements - Livestock, 1956-1957
241Statements - Peanuts, 1956-1957
242Statements - Pecans, 1956-1957
243Statements - Poultry, 1956-1957
244-5Statements - Purchasing, 1956-1957
2411T, 1956-1957
247Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative, 1956-1957
248Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association Reports, 1956-1957
249Transportation Requests and Refunds, 1956-1957
2410Trust Company of Georgia, 1956-1957
2420U.S. Department of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Authority, 1956-1957
2418U.S. Department of Agriculture Crop Reporting Service Athens Broiler Chick Report, 1956-1957
2419U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmer Cooperative Service, 1956-1957
251U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, 1956-1957
253U.S. Department of Agriculture General Correspondence, 1956-1957
252U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Reports, 1956-1957
254U.S. Department of Agriculture News Releases, 1956-1957
2414-15U.S. Department of Agriculture Spot Cotton Quotations AMS, Cotton Division, 1956-1957
255U.S. Department of Agriculture State ASC Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation] Committee Athens, 1956-1957
2417U.S. Department of Agriculture Weekly Cotton Market Review AMS, Cotton Division, 1956-1957
2412United Cooperatives, 1956-1957
2413United Nations, 1956-1957
256-7U-V, 1956-1957
258Ward, E.C., 1956-1957
259Warehouse Space, 1956-1957
2510Washington Farm Reporter, 1956-1957
2511Wiggins, Tom, 1956-1957
2512-13W-Z, 1956-1957
R.6111[Alaska], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6112American Assembly, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6113-14[Applications], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6115[Arizona], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6116[Atlanta Chamber of Commerce], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6117[Atlanta Cotton Exchange], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6213B, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6118[Baker, J. Julian], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6119[Beson, Ezra Taft], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6120[Bevis, Carl], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6121Boaz Dressing, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.621Brauner, P.L., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.622-4Brooks, D.W., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.628Brooks, D.W. Jr., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.629Brooks, D.W. Jr.- Duke University, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.627Brooks, D.W.- Methodist Fund for Ministerial Education, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.625Brooks, D.W. The St. Mark's Church, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.626Brooks, D.W. Warner Hill Bible Class, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6211Brooks, Emory M., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6210Budgets and Budget Conference, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6212Burns, W.A., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.635C, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6214Calcot, Limited, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6215Central Bank for Cooperatives, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6216Circular Letters, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6217College of Agriculture, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6218Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6219Commodity Credit Corporation, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6220Commodity Credit Corporation- Grain Bulletin, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6221-23Congressmen and Senators, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.631Cooperative Mills, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.632Cotton Legislation- Proposed Programs, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6325Cotton- Monthly Review of World Situation, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.633Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.634Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.639D, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.636Directors, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.637Directors- Election of, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.638Directors- Trip to Europe, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
261F, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2514Farmers Cooperative Warehouse and Gin Company, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2516Farmers Cooperative Warehouse Cullman, 1957-1958
2515Farmers Mutual Warehouse Carrollton, 1957-1958
2517Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dawson, 1957-1958
2518Farmers Mutual Warehouse Dublin, 1957-1958
2519Farmers Mutual Warehouse Hawkinsville, 1957-1958
2520Farmers Mutual Warehouse LaGrange, 1957-1958
2521Farmers Mutual Warehouses, 1957-1958
2522Federation of Migros Cooperatives, 1957-1958
2523Fishing, 1957-1958
2524Fitzpatrick, Dwain C., 1957-1958
2525Funderburk, C.B., 1957-1958
2526Future Farmers of America (FFA), 1957-1958
2623G, 1957-1958
262Georgia Agricultural Extension Service and Experiment Stations, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
263Georgia Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1957-1958
265Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
266Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
267Georgia Vocational Education, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
264GFA Peanut Association, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
268Gilbert, G.P., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2610-11Gold Kist Peanut Growers, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
269[Gold Kist Peanut Growers Graceville, Florida and Other Locations], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2612[Gold Kist Peanut Growers Graceville, Florida and Other Locations], 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2613Gold Kist Peanut Growers Policy Committee, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2614Gold Kist Peanut Growers Ravo Peanut Oil Division, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2615Gold Kist Peanut Growers Reports, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2616Gold Kist Peanut Growers Research, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2617Gold Kist Peanut Growers Sales, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2618Gold Kist Pecan Growers, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2619Gold Kist Pecan Growers Reports, 1957-1958
2620Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1957-1958
2621Goodbody and Company, 1957-1958
2622Gulf States Construction Company, 1957-1958
277H, 1957-1958
273H. Hentz and Company, 1957-1958
2624Hadden, R.L., 1957-1958
271Hart, James C., 1957-1958
272Harvard, Q.L. (Mike), 1957-1958
274Hill, Lawrence K., 1957-1958
275Hodges, Roger E., 1957-1958
276Hutton, E.F. and Company, 1957-1958
2711-12I-J, 1957-1958
278Institute of American Poultry Industries, 1957-1958
279Isom, O.C. Junior, 1957-1958
2710Itineraries, 1957-1958
2715K, 1957-1958
2713Kiplinger Letters, 1957-1958
2714Kiwanis Club, 1957-1958
2720L, 1957-1958
2716Loan Program - Cotton 1957 Premiums and Discounts Instructions, 1957-1958
2717Loan Rates, 1957-1958
2718Loeb, Carl M. - Rhodes and Company, 1957-1958
2719Loewy Associates, Incorporated, Raymond, 1957-1958
2730M, 1957-1958
2722Mc, 1957-1958
2721McFadden, 1957-1958
2723Memoranda - Office, 1957-1958
2724Methodist Fund for Ministerial Education, 1957-1958
2725Miller, Dr. Raymond W., 1957-1958
2726Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1957-1958
2727Mobley, R.D., 1957-1958
2728Moore and Company, Robert, 1957-1958
2729Morgan, Robert A. Rome, Georgia, 1957-1958
R.6311R, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6310Rowland, R.R., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6412S, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6312Sample Transmittals, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6313Smith, C.C. (National Bank of Commerce, Memphis), 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6315-16Southeastern Peanut Association, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6314Southern Cottonseed Crushers Association, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6317Southern States Cooperative, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6318Southwestern Peanut Growers Association, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6319Southwestern Peanut Shelters Association, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6320Staple Cotton Cooperative Association, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6321Statements- Broilers, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6322Statements- Consolidated, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6323-24Statements- Cotton, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.641Statements- General Administration, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.642Statements- Grain, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.643Statements- Insurance, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.644Statements- Livestock, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.645-6Statements- Peanuts, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.647Statements- Pecans, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.648-9Statements- Poultry, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6410-11Statements- Purchasing, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6416T, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6413Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6414Transportation Requests and Refunds, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6415Trust Company of Georgia, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
5020U.S. Department of Agriculture - Oil and Peanut Division, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
5021U.S. Department of Agriculture - State ASC Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation] Committee, Athens, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
R.652U.S. Department of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Authority, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.651U.S. Department of Agriculture Crop Reporting Service and Broiler Chick Report (Athens), 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.653U.S. Department of Agriculture Daily Market Report- Dairy and Poultry Producers (Atlanta), 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.654U.S. Department of Agriculture- Farmer Cooperative Service, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.655U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.656U.S. Department of Agriculture General Correspondence, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.657U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Reports, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6419U.S. Department of Agriculture- Spot Cotton Quotations (AMS, Cotton Division), 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6420U.S. Department of Agriculture Weekly Cotton Market Review and Quality Report for S.E. States- AMS Cotton Division, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6417United Cooperatives- Unico, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6418United Nations, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
5022-23U-V, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
5024Ward, E.C., 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
5025Wiggins, Tom, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
5026-27W-Z, 1957-1958
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2813A, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2731Agricultural Missions, Incorporated, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2732Alabama Cooperative Council, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2733American Cotton Cooperative Association, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2734American Farm Economic Association, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
281American Institute of Cooperation, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
282American Institute of Cooperation Finance Committee, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
283Anderson, Clayton and Company, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
284Anderson, H.E., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
285Annual Meeting December 2nd and 3rd, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
287Annual Meeting Hotel Reservations, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
286Annual Meeting Invitations, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
289Applications, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
288Architects, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2810Arizona Correspondence, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2811Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2812Atlanta Cotton Exchange, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
298B, 1958-1959
2814Baker, J. Julian, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2815Benson, Ezra Taft, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2816Bowen, Donald, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2817Brauner, P.L., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2818Broiler Reports, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
293Brook, D.W. Methodist Church, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2819Brooks, D.W., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
291Brooks, D.W., 1958-1959
292Brooks, D.W. Conference Lay Board, 1958-1959
294Budget Conference (Cotton Producers Association), 1958-1959
295Budgets, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
296Building - Possible Buildings and Sites, 1958-1959
297Burns, W.A., 1958-1959
4710-11C, 1958-1959
4718Calcot, Limited, 1958-1959
4719Capital City Club, 1958-1959
4720Circular Letters, 1958-1959
4721Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1958-1959
4722Commodity Credit Corporation, 1958-1959
4723Commodity Credit Corporation Form G, 1958-1959
4724Commodity Credit Corporation Grain Bulletins, 1958-1959
4726Congressmen and Senators, 1958-1959
4712Cooperative Mills (Georgia and Alabama), 1958-1959
4717Cooperative Mills of Ohio (Contract- Permanent File), 1958-1959
4713Cotton Cotillion, 1958-1959
4715Cotton Legislation- Proposed Programs, 1958-1959
4714Cotton- Monthly Review of the World Situation, 1958-1959
4716Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company, 1958-1959
477Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company, 1958-1959
478Courts and Company, 1958-1959
479Creekmore, E.F., 1958-1959
4725D, 1958-1959
483D, 1958-1959
3214D.W. Brooks Comparative Operating Statement - Peanuts, 1958-1959
481Directors, 1958-1959
482Directors, Election of, 1958-1959
484Duke American Assembly, 1958-1959
R.6520E, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
486Emory Committee of 100, 1958-1959
485Emory University, 1958-1959
R.6523Emory University Committee of One Hundred, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6526Emory University Committee of One Hundred, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.661Emory University Committee of One Hundred, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6524Emory University Town and Country Ministers School, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6525Engineering Department, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6518[Expenses], 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6519[Exports], 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6511F, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6521Farm Business Service, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6512[Farm Journal], 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6522Farmers Gin and Peanut Association, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6514Farmers Mutual Exchanges and Other Affiliated Associations, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6515-16Farmers Mutual Warehouse, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6517Federation of Migros Cooperatives, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6513Fishing, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.658Funderburk, C. B., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6510Future Farmers of America, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
2915M, 1958-1959
299Management Consultants, 1958-1959
2910Memoranda, Office, 1958-1959
2911Memphis Cotton Exchange, 1958-1959
2912Miller, Dr. Raymond W., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
2913Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1958-1959
2914Mobley, R.D., 1958-1959
2916National Advisory Committee for Cooperative Banks, 1958-1959
2917-19National Cotton Council, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
301National Cotton Council Cotton's Week, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
R.662[National Council of Churches], 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.663[National Council of Churches], 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
302-4National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
305National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Washington Situation, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
306National Farm - City Week, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
307National Grange, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
308National Industrial Conference Board, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
309National Peanut Council, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
3010National Planning Association, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
3011National Planning Council, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
3012New Orleans Cotton Exchange, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
3013New York Cotton Exchange, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
311New York Cotton Exchange Reports, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
313-4N-O, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
312Nunnally, J.E., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
3111P, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
315Pace, Stephen, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
316Paris, C.W., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
317Pearsall's, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
318Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
319Producers Cooperative Livestock Exchange, 1958-1959
3110Purswell, H.D., 1958-1959
The contents of this folder have minor fire damage. This folder is open for research use, but please use extra care while handling these files.
3118R, 1958-1959
R.659R.E. Funsten Company, 1958-1959
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
3112Reinhardt College, 1958-1959
3113Reports, Cotton - Arizona, 1958-1959
3114Reports, Cotton Daily Position Statements, 1958-1959
3115Reports, Purchasing - Miscellaneous, 1958-1959
3116Rice, Mrs. Jean, 1958-1959
3117Rowland, R.R., 1958-1959
3218S, 1958-1959
3119Sellers, Roy, 1958-1959
3120Smith, C.C. National Bank of Commerce, Memphis, 1958-1959
3121Southeastern Cottonseed Crushers Association, 1958-1959
3122Southeastern Fair, 1958-1959
3123-24Southeastern Peanut Association, 1958-1959
323Southern Cotton Oil Company, 1958-1959
321Southern Research Institute, 1958-1959
322Southern States Cooperative, 1958-1959
324Southwestern Peanut Growers Association, 1958-1959
325Staple Cotton Cooperative Association, 1958-1959
326Statements - Broilers, 1958-1959
327Statements - Consolidated, 1958-1959
3210Statements - General Administration, 1958-1959
3211Statements - Grain, 1958-1959
329Statements - Insurance, 1958-1959
3212Statements - Livestock, 1958-1959
3213Statements - Peanuts, 1958-1959
3215Statements - Pecans, 1958-1959
3216Statements - Poultry, 1958-1959
3217Statements - Purchasing, 1958-1959
328Statements, Cotton, 1958-1959
3222T, 1958-1959
3219Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, 1958-1959
3220Transportation Requests and Refunds, 1958-1959
3221Trust Company of Georgia, 1958-1959
336U.S. Department of Agriculture - Commodity Exchange Authority, 1958-1959
337U.S. Department of Agriculture - Farmer Cooperative Service, 1958-1959
3311U.S. Department of Agriculture - Oils and Peanut Division CSS, 1958-1959
334U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service Cotton Division Weekly Cotton Market Review Cotton Quality Report for S.E. States, 1958-1959
335U.S. Department of Agriculture Athens Crop Reporting Service Broiler Chick Report, 1958-1959
338U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, 1958-1959
333U.S. Department of Agriculture General Correspondence, 1958-1959
339U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Reports, 1958-1959
3310U.S. Department of Agriculture News Releases, 1958-1959
3312U.S. Department of Agriculture State ASC Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation] Committee - Athens, 1958-1959
3313U.S. Poultry and Egg Producers Association, 1958-1959
331United Cooperatives, 1958-1959
332United Nations, 1958-1959
3314-16U-W, 1958-1959
3317Waller, R.A., 1958-1959
3318Wiggins, Tom, 1958-1959
3319X-Z, 1958-1959
R.664-9[National Council of Farmers Cooperatives], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6610[National Farm City Week], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6612[National Industrial Council], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6611[National Peanut Council], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6613[National Planning Association], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6614[New Orleans Cotton Council], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6615-17[New York Cotton Exchange], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6618O, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.671-2P, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6718[Pace, Stephen], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.674-5[Paris, C.W.], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.676-7[Parish, Roy E.], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.673[Peanuts], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.678[Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.679[Producers Cooperative Livestock Exchange], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6710R, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6711[Ray, Homer], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6712[Reinhardt College], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6713[Rice, Jean], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6714[Rowland, R.R.], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6715S, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6716[Shelled Peanuts], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6717[Smith, C.C.], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6719[Southern States Cooperative], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6720[Staple Cotton Cooperative Association], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6721-22[Statements, Cotton Producers Association (CPA)], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6723T, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6724[Tennessee Valley Cooperatives, Incorporated], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6725[Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6726-27[Thompson, O.W.], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6728[Turner, Luther], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6729U, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6730[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Farmer Cooperative Service], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.682[U.S. Department of Agriculture], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.681[United Cooperatives, Incorporated (Unico)], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.683-4V-W, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.685[Wiggins, Tom], 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.686X-Z, 1959-1960
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
3529"7", 1961-1962
487A, 1961-1962
488Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1961-1962
489Agricultural Missions Incorporated, 1961-1962
4811American Cotton Cooperative Association, 1961-1962
4810American Institute of Cooperation, 1961-1962
4813Anderson, H.L., 1961-1962
4814-15Annual Meeting, 1961-1962
4812Applications, 1961-1962
4816Arizona-Cotton Office and Gins, 1961-1962
4817B, 1961-1962
4818Baker, J. Julian, 1961-1962
4819Brauner, P.L., 1961-1962
4825Brooks, D.W. - St. Mark Methodist Church, 1961-1962
4821Brooks, D.W.- Dues and Personal, 1961-1962
4822Brooks, D.W.- Investments, 1961-1962
4823-24Brooks, D.W.- Speaking Invitations and Engagements, 1961-1962
4826Budget, 1961-1962
491Bunson, Georgia, 1961-1962
492C, 1961-1962
493Chemical Process Advances, 1961-1962
494-5Chickasha, 1961-1962
496Civil Defense, 1961-1962
497Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1961-1962
3321Committee for Economic Development, 1961-1962
498Commodity Credit Corporation, 1961-1962
4820Conference Lay Board - Board of Missions, 1961-1962
3323Congressmen and Senators, 1961-1962
3322Contributions - Cotton Producers Association Dues and Subscription, 1961-1962
3324Cooperative Mills of Ohio, Georgia and Alabama, 1961-1962
3325Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company, 1961-1962
3326Cotton States Manual Insurance Company, 1961-1962
3327D, 1961-1962
3328Davis, P.O., 1961-1962
3329Dean, Silas Organization Incorporated, 1961-1962
3331Directors - Cotton Producers Association, 1961-1962
3330Directors, Election of, 1961-1962
3333E, 1961-1962
341Emory Town and Country Ministers School, 1961-1962
3332Emory University, 1961-1962
3334Emory University - Committee of 100, 1961-1962
342Engineering Department, 1961-1962
343Expense Statement, 1961-1962
344Exports, 1961-1962
345F, 1961-1962
346-7Farmers Chemical Association Incorporated, 1961-1962
348Farmers Mutual Exchange, 1961-1962
349Farmers Mutual Warehouse, 1961-1962
3410Foundation for American Agriculture, 1961-1962
3411Funderbunk, C.B., 1961-1962
3412Future Farmers of America, 1961-1962
3413G, 1961-1962
3414Georgia Agriculture Extension Service and Experiment Station, 1961-1962
3415-16Gold Kist Peanut Growers, 1961-1962
3417Gold Kist Poultry Reports and Correspondence, 1961-1962
3420-21H-I, 1961-1962
3422International Cooperative Training Center, 1961-1962
3423Investment Program, 1961-1962
3320J.T. Mckinney File, 1961-1962
3424-25J-K, 1961-1962
3426Kroger Company - Peanut Plant at Oglethorpe, Georgia, 1961-1962
3427L, 1961-1962
3428Lamb, J.S., 1961-1962
3430M, 1961-1962
3429Mc, 1961-1962
3431Mississippi Chemical Corporation, 1961-1962
3432Mobley, Ralph D., 1961-1962
3530Mompson, O.W., 1961-1962
3433Moseley, John, 1961-1962
3434N, 1961-1962
3435National Cotton Council, 1961-1962
353National Council of Churches, 1961-1962
352National Council of Churches J. Irwin Miller, President, 1961-1962
351National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1961-1962
354National Industrial Conference Board, 1961-1962
355National Planning Association, 1961-1962
356-7O-P, 1961-1962
3418Pace, Stephen, 1961-1962
358Paris, C.W., 1961-1962
359Parrish, R.E., 1961-1962
3510R, 1961-1962
3511Reinhardt College, 1961-1962
3512Rice, Mrs. Jean, 1961-1962
3419Russell, Richard B., 1961-1962
3513S, 1961-1962
3514Sands, Don W., 1961-1962
3515Southeastern Peanut Association, 1961-1962
3516Southern Research Institute, 1961-1962
3517Southern States Cooperative, 1961-1962
3518Staple Cotton Cooperative Association, 1961-1962
3519Statements - Administrative Division, 1961-1962
3520Statements - Broilers, 1961-1962
3521Statements - Consolidated, 1961-1962
3533Statements - Cotton, 1961-1962
3523Statements - Grain, 1961-1962
3524Statements - Insurance, 1961-1962
3526Statements - Pecans, 1961-1962
3527Statements - Poultry, 1961-1962
3528Statements - Purchasing, 1961-1962
3525Statements Peanuts, 1961-1962
369Tom Wiggins, 1961-1962
3531Turner, Luther, 1961-1962
3532U, 1961-1962
363U.S. Department of Agriculture - Foreign Agriculture Service, 1961-1962
365U.S. Department of Agriculture - General Correspondence, 1961-1962
366U.S. Department of Agriculture - Miscellaneous Reports, 1961-1962
367U.S. Department of Agriculture - Oils and Peanut Division, 1961-1962
364U.S. Department of Agriculture - Orville Freeman, 1961-1962
361U.S. Department of Agriculture Athens State ASC Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation] Committee, 1961-1962
362U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmer Cooperative Service, 1961-1962
3522United Cooperatives, 1961-1962
368V-Z, 1961-1962
3610A, 1962-1963
3611Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1962-1963
3612Agricultural Missions Incorporated, 1962-1963
3613American Institute of Cooperation, 1962-1963
3614Anderson, H.E., 1962-1963
3615-16Annual Meeting, 1962-1963
3617-18Applications, 1962-1963
3619Arizona - Cotton Office and Gin, 1962-1963
3620Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 1962-1963
3622B, 1962-1963
3623Baker, J. Julian, 1962-1963
3621Balance of Payments, 1962-1963
3624Brauner, P.L., 1962-1963
3628Brooks, D.W. - Certified Lay Speakers, 1962-1963
3629-30Brooks, D.W. - Lay Activities, 1962-1963
3631Brooks, D.W. - Personal, 1962-1963
371Brooks, D.W. - St. Mark Methodist Church, 1962-1963
3625Brooks, D.W. Duos and Contributions, 1962-1963
3626Brooks, D.W. Investments, 1962-1963
3627Brooks, D.W. Missions, Foreign, 1962-1963
372-3Brooks, D.W. Speaking Invitations and Engagements, 1962-1963
374Budget Conference, 1962-1963
376Bunson, Georgia, 1962-1963
375Burns, W.A., 1962-1963
377C, 1962-1963
378Calcot Limited, 1962-1963
379Cash, R.L., 1962-1963
3710Chemical Process Advances, 1962-1963
3711Christopher, Harold L., 1962-1963
3712Circular Letters, 1962-1963
3713Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1962-1963
3715Committee for Economic Development (Atlanta), 1962-1963
3716Commodity Credit Corporation - Grain Bulletins and Correspondence, 1962-1963
3714Common Market - Poultry, 1962-1963
3717Congressmen and Senators, 1962-1963
3718Cooperative League of the United States, 1962-1963
3719Cooperative Mills Incorporated, 1962-1963
3720Cotton States Mutual Incorporated Company, 1962-1963
3721Council for International Progress in Management, 1962-1963
3722Crop, 1962-1963
3723D, 1962-1963
3724Directors - Cotton Producers Association and Elections Thereof, 1962-1963
3725Directors, Election of, 1962-1963
3726E, 1962-1963
3729Emory Town and Country Ministers School, 1962-1963
3727Emory University, 1962-1963
3728Emory University - Committee of 100, 1962-1963
3730Engineering Department, 1962-1963
3731Expense Statements, 1962-1963
3732Exports, 1962-1963
3733F, 1962-1963
3734Farm Credit Administrations, 1962-1963
3735Farmers Mutual Exchanges and Warehouses, 1962-1963
3736Food for Peace, 1962-1963
3737Foundation for American Agriculture, 1962-1963
381Funderbunk, C.P., 1962-1963
382Future Farmers of America, 1962-1963
383G, 1962-1963
384Gaston, W.W., 1962-1963
385Georgia Agricultural Extension Service and Experiment Stations, 1962-1963
386Georgia Council of Farmers Cooperative, 1962-1963
388Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1962-1963
387Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1962-1963
389Georgia, University of, 1962-1963
3810GFA Peanut Association, 1962-1963
3811Gold Kist Peanut Growers Correspondence and Reports, 1962-1963
3812Gold Kist Pecan Growers Correspondence and Reports, 1962-1963
3814Gold Kist Poultry Growers Correspondence and Reports, 1962-1963
3813Gold Kist Special Processing Division, 1962-1963
3815-16H-I, 1962-1963
3817International Cooperative Development Association, 1962-1963
3818International Cooperative Training Center, 1962-1963
3819International trade Development Committee, 1962-1963
3820Investment Program, 1962-1963
3821-24J-M, 1962-1963
3829Mc, 1962-1963
3825Memoranda Interoffice, 1962-1963
3826Mississippi Federated Cooperatives, 1962-1963
3827Mobley, Ralph D., 1962-1963
3828Morrow, George W., 1962-1963
3830N, 1962-1963
3832National Cotton Council, 1962-1963
3831National Council of Churches, 1962-1963
3833National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1962-1963
3834National Industrial Conference Board, 1962-1963
3835National Planning Association, 1962-1963
3836New York Cotton Exchange/New Orleans Cotton Exchange, 1962-1963
3837-38O-P, 1962-1963
3839Pace, Stephen, 1962-1963
3840Paris, C.W., 1962-1963
3841Parrish, R.E., 1962-1963
3842R, 1962-1963
391Readers Digest, 1962-1963
392Reinhardt College, 1962-1963
393Rice, Mrs. Jean, 1962-1963
394Rowland, R.R., 1962-1963
395S, 1962-1963
396Sands, Dan W., 1962-1963
397Southeastern Peanut Association, 1962-1963
398Southern Research Institute, 1962-1963
399Southern States Cooperative, 1962-1963
3910Stahmann Farm Incorporated, 1962-1963
3912Statements - Broilers, 1962-1963
3914Statements - Consolidated, 1962-1963
3913Statements - Cotton, 1962-1963
3915Statements - Grain, 1962-1963
3916Statements - Insurance, 1962-1963
3917Statements - Marketing, 1962-1963
3918Statements - Peanuts, 1962-1963
3919Statements - Pecans, 1962-1963
3920Statements - Poultry, 1962-1963
3921Statements - Purchasing, 1962-1963
3911Statements Administration Division, 1962-1963
3922Thompson, O.W., 1962-1963
3923-24T-U, 1962-1963
3926U.S. Department of Agriculture - Farmer Cooperative Service, 1962-1963
3927U.S. Department of Agriculture - General Correspondence, 1962-1963
3928U.S. Department of Agriculture - Miscellaneous Report, 1962-1963
3929-30U.S. Department of Agriculture - National Cotton Advisory Committee, 1962-1963
3925U.S. Department of Agriculture - Orville L. Freeman, 1962-1963
3931-32V-W, 1962-1963
3933Wiggins, Tom, 1962-1963
3934X-Z, 1962-1963
3935Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1963-1964
3936Agricultural Missions Incorporated, 1963-1964
3937American Cotton Cooperative Association, 1963-1964
3938American Institute of Cooperation, 1963-1964
3939Anderson, H.E., 1963-1964
3940Annual Meeting, 1963-1964
401Applications, 1963-1964
402Arizona - Cotton Office and Gins, 1963-1964
403Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 1963-1964
4018B, 1963-1964
404Baker, J. Julian, 1963-1964
405Brauner, P.L., 1963-1964
406Brooks, D.W. - Dues and Personal Contributions, 1963-1964
407Brooks, D.W. - Foreign Missions, 1963-1964
408Brooks, D.W. - Investments, 1963-1964
409Brooks, D.W. - Lay Activities (General Conference), 1963-1964
4010Brooks, D.W. - Personal, 1963-1964
4011-12Brooks, D.W. - Speaking Invitations and Engagements, 1963-1964
4013Brooks, D.W. - St. Mark Methodist Church, 1963-1964
4014Browne, Schuyler and Beveridge, 1963-1964
4015Budgets (Conference), 1963-1964
4017Bunson, G.A., 1963-1964
4016Burns, W.A., 1963-1964
4033C, 1963-1964
4019Calcot Limited, 1963-1964
4020Central Farmers Fertilizer Company, 1963-1964
4021Christopher, Harold L., 1963-1964
4022Circular Letters, 1963-1964
4023Citizens committee for Tax Reduction and Revision in 1963, 1963-1964
4024Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1963-1964
4025Committee on Ammonia Tariffs (Hume and Stewart), 1963-1964
4026Community Credit Corporation - Grain Bulletins, 1963-1964
4027Congressmen and Senators, 1963-1964
4029Cooperative League of the USA, 1963-1964
4028Cotton Producers Legislative Committee, 1963-1964
4030Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company, 1963-1964
4031Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1964
4032Council for International Progress in Management, 1963-1964
413D, 1963-1964
411Directors - Cotton Producers Association, 1963-1964
412Directors Election - Cotton Producers Association, 1963-1964
4112E, 1963-1964
416Emory Town and Country Ministers School, 1963-1964
414Emory University, 1963-1964
415Emory University Committee of 100, 1963-1964
417Executive Secretaries Incorporated, 1963-1964
418Expenses - D.W. Brooks, 1963-1964
419Expenses From World Trips - D.W. Brooks, 1963-1964
4110Exports, 1963-1964
4121F, 1963-1964
4111Farm Credit Association, 1963-1964
4113Farmers Chemical Association Incorporated, 1963-1964
4114Farmers Mutual Exchanges and Affiliated Cooperatives, 1963-1964
4115Fishing, 1963-1964
4116Fixed Asset Requisitions, 1963-1964
4117Food for Peace, 1963-1964
4118Foundation for American Agriculture, 1963-1964
4119Funderburk, C.B., 1963-1964
4120Future Farmers of America, 1963-1964
4129G, 1963-1964
4122Gaston, W.W., 1963-1964
4123Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1963-1964
4124Georgia State Chamber of Commerce, 1963-1964
4125Georgia, University of, 1963-1964
4126Gold Kist Peanut Growers, 1963-1964
4127Gold Kist Pecan Reports (Gold Kist Pecans - AAL), 1963-1964
4128Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1963-1964
R.8311-13I-K, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.838International Cooperative Training Center, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.839International Trade Development Committee, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8310Investment Program, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8315L, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8314Lake Junaluska Assembly Incorporated, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8316Mars, Incorporated, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8317Marshall, Joseph H., Dr., 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8318Memoranda- Interoffice, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8319Metropolitan Atlanta Council on Alcoholism, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.687Miller, Raymond W. Pr., 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.688Mississippi Federated Cooperative, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6811-12M-Mc, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.689Morrow, George W., 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6810Mosley, John, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.707[Moultrie Insurance], 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.701National Agricultural Advisory Commerce, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6942National Agricultural Advisory Committee, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.704-5National Cotton Advisory Committee, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.708[National Cotton Compress and Cotton Warehouse Association], 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6815National Cotton Council, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.6816National Council of Churches, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.691National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1963-1964
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.692National Council of Farmer Cooperatives- Pension Plan, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.693National Farm City Week, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.697[National Farmers Union], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.694National Industrial Service Board, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.695National Planning Association, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.696New York Cotton Exchange, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7012[New York Cotton Exchange], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.698O, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7013-14O-P, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.699Pace, Stephen, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6910Paris, C.W., 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7015[Paris, C.W.], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7017[Plains Cotton Cooperative Association], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6912-13P-Q, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.706[Public Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6911Purchasing Division Reports, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6916R, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7016R, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6914Ray, Homer, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6915Reinhardt College, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7018[Reinhardt College], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6814Rice, Jean Mrs., 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6813Rowland, R.R., 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6925S, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6917Sands, D.W., 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6918Southeastern Peanut Association, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6919Southern Railway System Georgia Southern and Florida Railway Company, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6920Sprunt, Walter, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6922[Staple Cotton Cooperative Association], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6923-24Statements Financial- All Operations, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6921[Steele, W. T.], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6926Tax Exempt Status, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6927Thompson, O.W., 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6929-30T-U, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6928Ty Cobb Baseball Memorial, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6940U.S. Department of Agriculture- Athens State ASC Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation] Committee, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6935[U.S. Department of Agriculture Commodity Credit Corporation- Form C], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6936U.S. Department of Agriculture Crop Reporting Service Broilers (and Daily Market News- Dairy and Poultry), 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6937U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmer Cooperative Service, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6938U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.702-3U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6939U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Reports, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6933[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Miscellaneous], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6941U.S. Department of Agriculture News Releases, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6934[U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6932U.S. Government Department of State, Office of President, Etc., 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.6931United Cooperatives, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.709W, 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7010[Wiggins, Tom], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.7011[Y], 1963-1964
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
4130A, 1964-1965
R.8320Budgets, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8321Bunson, G.A., 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8322C, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8412C, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
4131Casa Grande Cotton Finance Company, 1964-1965
4132Central Carolina Farmers Incorporated, 1964-1965
4133Central Farmers Fertilizer Company, 1964-1965
4134Circular Letters, 1964-1965
R.8323Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8324Congressmen and Senators, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8325Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8326D, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8327Directors- Cotton Producers Association, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8328E, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8329Emory, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.841Emory University - Town and Country Ministers School, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8330Emory University Committee of One Hundred, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.842Engineering, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.843Expense Statements, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.844Exports, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.845F, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.846Farm Credit Administration, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.847Farmers Chemical Association Incorporated, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.848Farmers Mutual Exchange and Affiliated Cooperatives, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.849Fixed Asset Requisition, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
428Foreign Missions of the Methodist Church/Lay Speakers, 1964-1965
R.8410Foundation for American Agriculture, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
R.8411Funderbunk, C.B., 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
4135Gaston, W.W., 1964-1965
4136Georgia, University of (Including Extensions), 1964-1965
4137Gold Kist Peanut Growers, 1964-1965
4138Gold Kist Pecan Reports, 1964-1965
4139Gold Kist Pecans, AAL, 1964-1965
4140Gold Kist Poultry Growers and Reports, 1964-1965
R.8415H, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
4141-42H-I, 1964-1965
R.8413-14Hind, H.M. and Marley, 1964-1965
Access Note: The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Please contact the Russell Library at to request access to this folder.
421Investment Program, 1964-1965
422-4J-L, 1964-1965
425Lake Junaluska, 1964-1965
426M, 1964-1965
4212Mc, 1964-1965
427Memoranda Interoffice, 1964-1965
4210Methodist Church - Board of Missions, 1964-1965
429Methodist Church - Lay Activities, 1964-1965
4211Mid South Cotton Growers Association, 1964-1965
4213N, 1964-1965
4214National Cotton Council, 1964-1965
4215National Council of Churches, 1964-1965
4216National Council of Farmers Cooperatives, 1964-1965
4217-18O-P, 1964-1965
4219Paris, C.W., 1964-1965
4220R, 1964-1965
4221Reinhardt College, 1964-1965
4222S, 1964-1965
4223Sands, Don W., 1964-1965
4224Scholarships, 1964-1965
4225Southern Railroad System and Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad Company, 1964-1965
4226Southwire Company, 1964-1965
4227St. Mark Methodist Church, 1964-1965
4228-29Statements - Cotton Producers Association, 1964-1965
4230T, 1964-1965
4231Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, 1964-1965
4232Thompson, H. Leroy, 1964-1965
4233U, 1964-1965
4238U.S. Department of Agriculture - National Agricultural Advisory Commission, 1964-1965
4236U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service CCC Commodity Credit Corporation] New Orleans, 1964-1965
4237U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmer Cooperative, 1964-1965
4234U.S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous General Correspondence, 1964-1965
4235U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary of Agriculture, 1964-1965
4239U.S. General Accounting Offices, 1964-1965
431U.S. Public Advisory - Commission for Trade Negotiations, 1964-1965
432V-Z, 1964-1965
499A, 1965-1966
4910Agricultural Commodity Commission for Cotton, 1965-1966
4911Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1965-1966
4912Agricultural Missions, 1965-1966
4913Alston, Miller and Gaines, 1965-1966
4914American Cotton Cooperative Association, 1965-1966
4915American Institute of Cooperation, 1965-1966
4916-17Annual Meeting - Cotton Producers Association, 1965-1966
4918Applications, 1965-1966
4919Arizona- Cotton Office and Gins, 1965-1966
4920Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 1965-1966
4921B, 1965-1966
4924Brooks, D.W.- Dues and Personal Contributions, 1965-1966
4923Brooks, D.W.- Investments, 1965-1966
4922Brooks, D.W.- Miscellaneous Personal, 1965-1966
4925Brooks, D.W.- Speaking Invitations and Engagements, 1965-1966
4926Budgets, 1965-1966
4927Burns, W.A., 1965-1966
4928C, 1965-1966
4930Circular Letters, 1965-1966
4929Citizens and Southern Bank Agricultural Advisory Committee, 1965-1966
4931Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1965-1966
501Congressmen and Senators, 1965-1966
R.725[Cotton Producers Association (CPA) Real Estate Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
502Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company, 1965-1966
503Cotton States Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1966
504D, 1965-1966
505Directors Cotton Producers Association, 1965-1966
506Directors, Election of, 1965-1966
507Dixie Cooperative News Articles by D.W. Brooks, 1965-1966
508E, 1965-1966
509Economic Consultation Fund Members, 1965-1966
R.8416Emory University, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8418Emory University- Board of Trustees, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8417Emory University- Committee of 100, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8419Emory University Merit Program, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8420Emory University- Town and Country Ministries School, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8421Expense Statements, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8422Exports, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8423-24F, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.851Farmers Chemical Association, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.852Foundation for American Agriculture, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.853G, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.854Gasten, W.W., 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.856Gold Kist Peanut Growers, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.857Gold Kist Pecan, AAL, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.858Gold Kist Pecans, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.859Gold Kist Poultry Growers, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7118[Gold Kist Poultry Marketing Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8510H, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8511Hill, Roger E., 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8512-16I-M, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
5019Mc, 1965-1966
R.8517Memoranda- Interoffice, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8518Methodist Church, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
5010-11Methodist Church Lay Activities, 1965-1966
5012Methodist Church Southeastern Jurisdiction, 1965-1966
5014Mid-south Cotton Growers Association, 1965-1966
5015Mississippi Federated Cooperatives, 1965-1966
5016Mobley, Ralph D., 1965-1966
5018Morrow, George, 1965-1966
5017Moseley, John, 1965-1966
R.724[National Committee of Food Marketing], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.721-2[Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.711[Rice, Jean], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.712-3S, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.714[Scholarship], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.715[Southern Railway System], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.716[Southern States Cooperative], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
5013St. Mark Methodist Church - General Conference, 1965-1966
R.7113[Statement- Cotton States Life and Health Insurance Company], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7117[Statement- Gold Kist Pecan Growers Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7112[Statement- Grain Marketing], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7111[Statements Arizona Cotton Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.719[Statements- Broiler Agency], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7110[Statements- Consolidated], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7116[Statements- Gold Kist Peanuts Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7114[Statements- Livestock Marketing Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7115[Statements- Marketing Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7119[Statements- Purchasing Division], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.718[Statements], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7120[T], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7121[Texas Cotton Growers Cooperative Association], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.717[The Staple Cotton Review], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7125[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7126[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Farmer Cooperative Service], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7127[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Foreign Agricultural Service], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7123[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Office of the Secretary], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7124[U.S. Department of Agriculture- Secretary of Agriculture], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7122[U], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.726United Nations Association, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.855University of Georgia (Including Extension Services), 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7128[U.S. Department of Commerce], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.723[U.S. Government Offices], 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.727Vereen, Eugeen, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.728W, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7210Wesleyan College, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.729Whitaker, Rodney, 1965-1966
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8521A, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8522Alston, Miller and Gaines, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8523American Institute and Cooperation, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8524Annual Meeting, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8525Applications, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8526Arizona, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8527B, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7223Board of Missions, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8528Brooks, D.W. (Personal), 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.861Brooks, D.W. Speaking Invitations and Engagements, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.862Brussels Office (B. Willem Winkel), 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.863Budgets and Budget Conference, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.864C, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.865Columbia Bank for Cooperatives, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.866Congressmen and Senators, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.867Cooperative League of USA, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.868Cotton Board, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.869D, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8611Directors Election, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8610Directors Meeting in Peru, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8612Dixie Cooperative News, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8613E, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8614Emory University- Board of Trustees, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8615Emory University Committee of One Hundred, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8616Emory University Merit Program, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8617Emory University Town and Country Minister's School, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8618Expense Statements, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8619Exports, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8620F, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8622Farm Credit Administration, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8621Farmers Chemical Association, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8623Foundation of American Agriculture, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8624G, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8625Gaston, W.W., 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8626Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8627Georgia University of Land Extension Services, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8628Gold Kist Peanut Division, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8629Gold Kist Pecans, AAL, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8630Gold Kist Poultry, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.8631H, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7212I, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7213International Cooperative Training Center, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7214Investment Program, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7215-17J-L, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7218Lake Junaluska, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7219M, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7229Mc, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.
R.7220Memoranda- Interoffice, 1966-1967
The contents of this folder were damaged in a fire and must be treated prior to research use. Researchers must request these folders at least 3 weeks prior to their research visit to allow time for this treatment.