World War, 1914-1918. in subject [X]
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1 Title:   World War I printed handkerchiefs  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1914-1918  
This collection consists of six printed handkerchiefs from World War I depicting several motifs, primarily showing the flags and uniforms of the Allied forces before the entrance of the United States into the war. Items include the music to the popular song It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary, Rule Britannia, and a map of the Middle Eastern Theater of war.
  Identifier:   ms4035  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
2 Title:   World War I Dog Tag bracelet  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   United States. Armed Forces  
  Dates:   circa 1918  
This collection contains one miltary dog tag identifying Corporal Jim Moore of Albany, Georgia, with bracelet attached from World War I.
  Identifier:   ms4001  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
3 Title:   Frances Strohecker World Wars I and II collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Strohecker, Frances  
  Dates:   1916-1945  
The collection consists of correspondence from Robert Woodall to Frances Strohecker in 1918 from Camp Mills and France, while serving with Company F of the 101st Infantry Division. Correspondence from Jack Freeman Pool to Frances Strohecker from 1944-1945 writes from France, Belgium, and Germany, and correspondence mainly regards travel and free time. The collection also includes an address book and photographs with captions.
  Identifier:   ms2359  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
4 Title:   Ira Wilkinson letters to Lillie Wilkinson Manry  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Wilkinson, Ira  
  Dates:   1917-1918  
The collection consists of letters from Ira Wilkinson to his sister Lillie Wilkinson Manry from 1917-1918. Written from training camps in Mineola (N.Y.) and France, the letters mainly discuss news of family and friends, but also contain descriptions of life in the trenches during World War I. The collection also includes two remembrance silk scarves.
  Identifier:   ms2597  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
5 Title:   Steve White family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   White ((Family : Marietta, Ga.))  
  Dates:   1915-1935  
The collection consists of correspondence between the White family, dating 1915-1935. The bulk of the correspondence (1918-1919) is written by Steve to his family while he is serving in Selles-sur-Cher, France with Machine Gun Replacement Company #1. He writes about boys being mustered out, how his unit was attached to the 41st division, but no longer is, where he is stationed, and Replacement Companies that are being transferred into different divisions. Correspondence in April 1919 are written in Army Hospital 26 in France, and the hospital in Nantes, France; White writes about his condition and going in front of the surgeons and S.C.D. Board. Further correspondences are written to Daisy White from soldiers stationed in France, and aboard U.S.S. Cobb in Norfolk, Virginia, regarding feelings soldiers have for Daisy and the war, and replacement regiments. Three letters are addressed to Ethelene Clay in Rome, Georgia, from Arthur C. Rollins. Rollins' writes from Massachusetts and Boothbay, Maine. The collection also includes newspaper clippings (preservation copies), and a picture of flags of the allies in World War I.
  Identifier:   ms3128  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
6 Title:   Camp Forrest souvenir spoon  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1917-1918  
The collection consists of a brass spoon from World War I, engraved with Camp Forrest, Georgia. The shaft is decorated with USA and topped with soldier in full uniform and rifle.
  Identifier:   ms4006  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
7 Title:   Moina Michael papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Michael, Moina Belle, 1869-1944  
  Dates:   1900-1965  
Collection consists of papers related and belonging to Moina Michael. Correspondence includes letters to family and communication with the University of Georgia, including a letter from president Harmon Caldwell declaring her a University emeritus. Also includes poetry and notes written by Moina Michael and photographs featuring Moina Michael and other members of the Michael family.
  Identifier:   ms4189  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
8 Title:   Hoeven family pillow sham  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hoeven, Charles Bernard, 1895-1980  
  Dates:   1919  
Collection consists of one framed Belgian lace pillow sham given by Charles B. Hoeven to his mother, Phillippena Wieland Hoeven, upon his return from France in 1919 after World War I. The pillow sham features the year "1919" embroidered with the colors of the flags of the countries that participated in WWI.
  Identifier:   ms4215  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
9 Title:   Sosbee family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Sosbee, James Earl, 1881-1941  
  Dates:   1918-1935  
This collection contains the personal papers of James Earl Sosbee including correspondence, membership cards, and membership dues receipts pertaining to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Also included in this collection are a letter from Representative Paul Brown regarding a CCC camp transfer request for Sosbee's son, postcards pledging war savings stamps, local board registration from the War Department, receipts from J. W. Daniel Ginning and the C. A. Trussel Motor Company and a campaign button for Dr. L. C. Allen.
  Identifier:   ms4279  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
10 Title:   Lt. Col. George Partridge papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Partridge, George, Lt. Col.  
  Dates:   2022  
This collection contains a manuscript about the author's father, PFC George Partridge's time serving in the 38th Infantry, U.S. Army during World War I.
  Identifier:   ms4490  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
11 Title:   Fort McPherson officer candidates list  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   United States. Army. Fort McPherson  
  Dates:   1917 June 12  
The collection consists of a typed list of the men chosen for officer candidates at one of the first training camps for such schools in World War I. This camp was located at Fort McPherson near Atlanta, Georgia, and the men came from all over the United States.
  Identifier:   ms590  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
12 Title:   Lester Durwood Crowder papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Crowder, Lester Durwood, -1918  
  Dates:   1916-1918, 1939, 1943  
The collection consists of correspondence from Crowder to his sister, brother, and mother in West Point, Georgia; from Montgomery, Alabama, Camp Mills, New York, and France. Crowder mentions his life as a soldier, but gives no details of the war itself. His letter dated September 25, 1917 lists soldiers in his squad. Also included are correspondences and photocopies of newspaper clippings regarding Crowder's death.
  Identifier:   ms3041  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
13 Title:   William E. Franklin papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Franklin, William E.  
  Dates:   1908, 1917-1919, 1943  
The collection consists of correspondence, military papers and photographs of William E. Franklin from 1917-1943. Correspondences are written by Franklin while stationed in Camp Forrest, Georgia, Camp Mills, New York, and France. Military papers include equipment requests and lists, pay allotment, a list of officers in the 3rd Battalion, 111 Army Composite Regiment, invitation to the Officers Club, and a membership card of the National Association of the Sixth Division United States Army. Photographs depict Franklin and other soldiers in military uniform and on horses. Also included are photographs of cyclone damage in Chipley, Georgia in 1908.
  Identifier:   ms3291  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
14 Title:   War Memorial Fund records  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   University of Georgia  
  Dates:   1919-1933  
This collection consists of documents (1919-1933) relating to the establishment and maintenance of the War Memorial Fund at the University of Georgia. The fund financed the building of War Memorial Hall (now known as Memorial Hall).
  Identifier:   UA0018  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
  Similar Items:   Find
15 Title:   Willis Henry Bocock papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bocock, Willis Henry, 1865-1947  
  Dates:   1880-1946  
The collection consists of business and personal letters, 1860-1946 (and undated) reports, University forms, University extension lectures on Greek Drama, and approximately 600 manuscript cards in Greek and English concerning a translation of the Bible (New Testament gospels) done by Dr. Bocock. The collection also contains fifteen volumes of World War I scrapbooks, including an index. These scrapbooks contain clippings, printed material, a few letters, pictures, and maps. All pertain to World War I and the subsequent peace treaties.
  Identifier:   ms935  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
16 Title:   Thomas Reade Rootes (T.R.R.) Cobb family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Zamphtoff, Archibald  
  Dates:   1872-1961  
The collection consists of papers of Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb and the Cobb family from 1872-1961. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, printed material, legal materials relating to Cobb's law practice, financial records, and manuscript poems written by Cobb under the pseudonym of Archibald Zamphtoff. It is important to note that this collection is not that of the original T.R.R. Cobb (1823-1862) Civil War hero, but rather of a later descendent and namesake. In some places, this collection refers to T.R.R. Cobb III, but that was also the name of Howell Cobb's son who died in infancy, so he is more commonly referred to as T.R.R. Cobb or Cobb in the collection. He is not to be confused with his namesake, his great grand uncle, the Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb who died in the Civil War. The correspondence contains letters from Maud Barker (Cobb) to her parents Charlotte C. and C.P.N. Barker written while a student at the Lucy Cobb Institute (Athens, Ga.) and letters between Cobb and Maud including correspondence during Cobb's World War I service as a clerk with the American Legation in Stockholm, Sweden (1918) and Winchester, England (1919). Other correspondence, including originals to Cobb as well as typed carbons of his replies, relates to Cobb's law practice and pertains to legal cases, politics, and the Democratic party. Additional correspondents include Howell N. Cobb, Clark Howell, and C.P.N. Barker. The collection also includes several volumes of class notes taken by Howell N. Cobb while at Emory University (Atlanta, Ga.) and Harvard (Cambridge, Mass.) and scrapbooks containing clippings and photographs of Carolyn Cobb.
  Identifier:   ms1370  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
17 Title:   Bass / Linton / Lipscomb / Wyche family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bass family  
  Dates:   1820-1939  
The collection consists of papers of the Bass, Linton, Lipscomb, and Wyche families. The papers include correspondence, photographs, autograph books, lecture notes, remedy book, sermons, plantation account books, a scrapbook, and a diary. Also included are lecture notes, sermons, and a scrapbook of Rev. Andrew A. Lipscomb of Athens, Georgia; a diary of Frank A. Lipscomb from his European trip; plantation account books of Moses Wadell Linton for Lintondale Plantation in Thomas County, Georgia; correspondence from Rev. Charles L. Bass to his mother while he served in London, England and Paris, France during World War I; and a remedy book of Thomas C. Wyche containing recipes for inks, soap, dyes, tonics, and food.
  Identifier:   ms2225  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
18 Title:   Rountree family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rountree family  
  Dates:   1860-1980  
The collection consists of letters, deeds, plats, insurance policies, canceled checks, receipts, and other papers concerning the Rountree family that lived in the vicinity of Twin City, Georgia (formerly Graymont and Summit). Included are a few papers regarding the service of Dent Rountree in World War I. Also there are a number of colorful cards, dating from the early 1900's, that advertise businesses in the Georgia towns of Graymont, Augusta, Macon, and Atlanta and several towns outside of Georgia.
  Identifier:   ms2905  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
19 Title:   Murray and Nancy Ann Blum collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Blum, Nancy Ann, 1933-2019  
  Dates:   1794-1990s  
This collection primarily consists of French, British, and American propoganda posters from World War I by well-known artists including Steinlen, Willette, Faivre, Ibels, Georges Scott, Ethel Franklin Betts, and others. Additionally, there are a small number of prints, newspapers, sheet music, postcards, and artifacts related to the war and post-war period. The artifacts include a number of trench art pieces made from artillery shells. There is a small collection of steroviews and a stereoviewer.
  Identifier:   ms4085  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
20 Title:   Claude Williams papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Williams, Claude, Jr., 1922-2018  
  Dates:   1917-2010  
This collection contains Claude Williams, Jr.'s papers related to his businesses in Athens, Georgia, his military training and service during World War II, and his uncle Herbert Williams' military service during World War I. The business records mainly pertain to Georgia Outdoor Advertising's purchase of other advertising companies as well as the board of directors' meeting minutes. Material related to Herbert Williams' service as a volunteer ambulance driver in the American Field Service during World War I include a photograph album, copies of the "American Field Service Bulletin", maps of France, and his medals. Much of the papers pertaining to Claude Williams' serivice during World War II are training materials and his notes from the United States Army Infantry School at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georiga. Also included are some Williams family photographs and a book on the family's history focused on Claude and his wife Charlotte. Note that box 1 folders 1-2 contain material written in French.
  Identifier:   ms4246  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
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