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1 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers: Collection Summary  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1982-1999  
J. Roy Rowland is a doctor who served in the Georgia House of Representatives from 1976 to 1982 and the U.S. House of Representatives from 1982 to 1994 and who was active in public policy related to health care. Rowland's papers document his political career and include constituent correspondence, legislative and subject files, press files, and schedules.
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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2 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series I: Administrative  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1982-1994  
The Administrative files document U.S. House Representative J. Roy Rowland (b. 1926) who served twelve years as a Democrat from Georgia, 1983-1994. Rowland represented Georgia's 8th District, which included the cities of Macon (1983-1994), Albany, Valdosta, and Warner Robins (added to district in 1992). Rowland served on the Energy and Commerce Committee, the Veterans' Affairs Committee, the Public Works and Transportation Committee, and the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families. He also was significantly involved in the National Commission on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality, and the Congressional Sunbelt Caucus in addition to other memberships on boards, task forces, and caucuses. A medical doctor, Rowland's primary legislative interests focused health issues. Rowland also authored or supported legislation in the areas of transportation, agriculture, education, defense, the environment, and foreign affairs. Papers primarily document the activities of Rowland's Washington, D.C., office and include legislative research files, bill files, legislative mail, constituent mail, speeches and statements, subject files, invitations, schedules, project and grant files, casework, clippings, and press releases.
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_I  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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3 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series II, Subseries A: Legislative Directors' Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1973-1994  
J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series II, Subseries A: Legislative Directors' Files documents the work of Rowland's two legislative directors, Rebecca Brady (1983-1988) and Kathy Bryant Hennemuth (1987-1994). Legislative research and bill files may contain any of the following: background materials about legislative issues, staffer notes, drafts and final copies of bills, "Dear Colleague" letters to/from other members of Congress, Rowland's statements made on the House floor, clippings, background memoranda from staff to Rowland, hearing statements by Rowland and others, and correspondence from lobbyists. Legislative mail contains letters to Rowland from constituents about legislation and copies of Rowland's responses. Mail files also include responses to constituents' telephone calls or visits to district offices and inquiries received at Rowland's Washington, D.C., office. Topics in the mail files usually reflect the staffer's assigned legislative topics. Speeches and statements files contain speeches and statements Rowland made on the House floor or in his district. See Series IV. Press and Series I. Administrative for additional speeches and statements. The Legislative Series' main strength is health care legislation and related committee work (e.g., Energy and Commerce Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee, National Commission on AIDS, National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality, Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families), and to a lesser extent the topics of transportation (Public Works and Transportation Committee) agriculture, education, defense, the environment, and foreign affairs.
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_II_A  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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4 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series II, Subseries B: Legislative Assistants' Files  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1973-1994  
J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series II, Subseries B: Legislative Assistants' Files document the ten legislative assistants in his Washington, D.C., office. Legislative research and bill files may contain any of the following: background materials about legislative issues, staffer notes, drafts and final copies of bills, "Dear Colleague" letters to/from other members of Congress, Rowland's statements made on the House floor, news clippings, background memoranda from staff to Rowland, hearing statements by Rowland and others, and correspondence from lobbyists. Legislative mail contains letters to Rowland from constituents about legislation and copies of Rowland's responses. Mail files also include responses to constituents' telephone calls or visits to district offices and inquiries received at Rowland's Washington, D.C., office. Topics in the mail files usually reflect the staffer's assigned legislative topics. Speeches and statements files contain speeches and statements Rowland made on the House floor or in his district. See Series IV. Press and Series I. Administrative for additional speeches and statements. The Legislative Series' main strength is health care legislation and related committee work (e.g., Energy and Commerce Committee, Veterans Affairs Committee, National Commission on AIDS, National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality, Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families), and to a lesser extent the topics of transportation (Public Works and Transportation Committee), agriculture, education, defense, the environment, and foreign affairs.
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_II_B  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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5 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series III: Constituent Services  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1983-1994  
Constituent Services series is organized in three subseries: A. Academies [Restricted], B. Projects and Grants, and C. Constituent Mail. The constituent mail makes up the majority of this series and contains mail on a variety of topics including form letter lobbies of Rowland and personal letters written about issues of interest to constituents. Correspondence about specific legislation is typically filed in Series II. Legislative with the staff member who handled the topic in question. In this series, however, most constituent letters do not have a personal reply from Rowland or his staff representative, but received a form reply, which is typically not attached to the letter, but filed with other form responses (see 2. Computer Mail, 103rd Congress for form replies, 1991-1994 and Series II. Legislative, A. Legislative Directors' Files, Kathy Bryant Hennemuth's Legislative Mail for early form responses). The only exception to this type of form reply is Intergovernmental Affairs Mail, which did receive personal responses from a staff member and/or Rowland.
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_III  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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6 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series IV: Press  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1973-1994  
The Press Series documents Rowland's activities, his legislative priorities, and issues affecting the Eighth District. Of particular interest are the Health Issues clippings, which cover many of Rowland's major initiatives, such as funding for AIDS research, and the Campaign clippings, which cover Rowland's and his opponents' campaign activities and positions on various issues. Also included is correspondence sent to Rowland from constituents and from colleagues and various organizations. The latter are mostly form letters inviting Rowland to events or announcing upcoming meetings.
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_IV  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
  Similar Items:   Find
7 Title:   J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series VI: Audiovisual  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Rowland, J. Roy (James Roy), 1926-2022  
  Dates:   1983-1999  
J. Roy Rowland Papers, Series VI: Audiovisual includes one betacam videocassette, one betamax videocassette, 39 audiocassettes, 81 quarter-inch open reel tapes, 36 3/4" Umatic videocassettes, and 114 VHS videocassettes documenting U.S. House Representative J. Roy Rowland (b. 1926) who served twelve years as a Democrat from Georgia, 1983-1994. Rowland represented Georgia's 8th District, which included the cities of Macon (1983-1994), Albany, Valdosta, and Warner Robins (added to district in 1992). Rowland served on the Energy and Commerce Committee, the Veterans' Affairs Committee, the Public Works and Transportation Committee, and the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families. He also was significantly involved in the National Commission on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality, and the Congressional Sunbelt Caucus in addition to other memberships on boards, task forces, and caucuses. A medical doctor, Rowland's primary legislative interests focused health issues. Rowland also authored or supported legislation in the areas of transportation, agriculture, education, defense, the environment, and foreign affairs. Series VI: Audiovisual includes campaign ads, House of Representatives footage, news footage, interviews featuring Rowland, and policy-related media.
  Identifier:   RBRL112JRR_VI  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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8 Title:   Bill Shipp Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Shipp, Bill, 1933-  
  Dates:   1980-2009  
Bill Shipp, a prize-winning reporter and editor, has covered Southern politics and government for three decades. He is president and CEO of Word Merchants, a publishing company. The collection consists of columns and newsletters that document Shipp's writing and editing. These articles focus on government and politics on the local, state, and national level.
  Identifier:   RBRL030BS  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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9 Title:   Mack F. Mattingly Papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mattingly, Mack Francis, 1931-  
  Dates:   1918-2023  
The collection consists of the papers of Mack F. Mattingly from 1956 to 2023, including correspondence, clippings, press releases, speeches, printed materials, photographs, audiotapes, and videotapes. The press files include mainly speeches, press releases, and clippings. Records relating to office administration contain telelphone logs, appointment books, schedule books, guest books, accepted and declined invitations files, files of office staff, and general files that consist of weekly and monthly reports from regional representatives in Georgia. The legislative files include subject files pertaining to legislation being considered by Congress, bill files, Mattingly's voting records from 1981 through 1987, and his personal legislative files, which contain legislative topics of particular interest to the Senator. These materials document Mattingly's work on legislation relating to the line-item veto, anti-drug measures, tax policy, trade policy, agriculture policy, and the conservative economic and federal defense budget policy. Of particular interest are records relating to Mattingly's work as chair of the Subcommittee on Military Construction Appropriations, which included aid to the "Contras" in Nicaragua, his tenure on the Ethics Committee while it investigated the ABSCAM bribery scandal, and legislation that reduced expenditures on consultants and studies by the government. The records of the constituent services staff consist primarily of issue correspondence containing information on constituents' views and questions about current events or public issues. The scrapbooks (1979-1985) were compiled by the Senator's family and staff which record highlights of the Senator's political career and campaigns. Also included are journals and letters written by Carolyn Mattingly.
  Identifier:   RBRL148MFM  
  Repository:   Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies  
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