Slave bills of sale. in subject [X]
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1 Title:   William H. Bonner papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bonner, William H., 1831-1917  
  Dates:   1860-1879  
The collection consists of one handwritten letter: dated near Calhoun, Gordon County, Georgia, May 1, 1873, "Col. Jordan," signed "William B.," regarding the purchase of several enslaved people. The collection also includes a handwritten bill of sale for enslaved people sold to William H. Bonner.
  Identifier:   ms3558  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
2 Title:   Slave trade documents  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Richardson, John L.  
  Dates:   1843, 1865  
Two documents related to enslaved people owned by John L. Richardson, including a bill of sale and a sharecropping agreement with freed Blacks.
  Identifier:   ms3241  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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3 Title:   John K. Mayes papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mayes, John K., -1863  
  Dates:   1853, 1861-1863  
The collection consists of a letter written by John K. Mayes to his parents from Portsmouth, Virginia, and two copybooks in which are drafts of letters and copies of statements about vacation, printing papers, and departure from school. Also included is a bill of sale for "one negro man, Aaron, about thirty-three of yellow complexion" (1853) to Josiah Brinkley.
  Identifier:   ms3485  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
4 Title:   Bills of sale for enslaved people, Pompey and Milly  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Georgia. Superior Court (Clarke County)  
  Dates:   1848, 1850  
The collection consists of two bills of sale to John C. Greer: dated Clarke County, Georgia, January 4, 1848, for enslaved man, Pompey, who belonged to the estate of James Jennings, for $185.00; dated Clarke County, Georgia, February 5, 1850, for enslaved woman, Milly, sold to satisfy a mortgage claim of Edward P. Clayton on Philip Clayton, for $550.00.
  Identifier:   ms535  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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5 Title:   Edwin R. Alberti papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Alberti, Edwin R., -1862?  
  Dates:   1819-1863  
The collection consists of military papers, legal documents, and letters, pertaining to several aspects of the life and work of Edwin R. Alberti, from 1819 to 1863. Military papers include a special order for a furlough, orders to appear for a Court of Inquiry, an order signed by President John Quincy Adams' restoring Alberti to active duty after an inquiry into alleged misconduct, and acceptance of Alberti's resignation from the 4th Artillery. There are numerous Chattel mortgages, bills of sale, and deeds of gift for named enslaved women, men, and children, and legal papers regarding the distribution of people enslaved to heirs of Henry R. Sadler. The collection also consists of papers relating to the sloop B.S. Newcomb.
  Identifier:   ms3218  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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6 Title:   Agreement between Angus McQueen and Ellen  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Ellen  
  Dates:   1864-1865  
The collection consists of a bill of sale from Savannah, Georgia for the purchase of an enslaved woman, Ellen, and her child, Caroline, and an agreement made between Ellen and Angus McQueen. The bill of sale shows that Jackson Hodges paid $3,700 dollars to Samuel Hauser. The bill of sale also notes that Ellen has a burn. A year later after the end of the Civil War, an indenture agreement was made between Angus McQueen of Montgomery County, Georgia and the "now freed woman," Ellen. In the agreement, Ellen agrees to continue working on McQueen's plantation. McQueen "promises and agrees to feed, clothe, and give medical attention to" Ellen and her child. These terms are considered to be Ellen's "just compensation for the labor performed." McQueen agrees to these terms as long as Ellen "will obey all orders" and "will be respectful, submissive, and obedient."
  Identifier:   ms4146  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find