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1 Title:   John Lowe papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lowe, John Wharton  
  Dates:   2001-2024  
This collection contains research, writing, and teaching notes, personal papers, subject and conference files.
  Identifier:   ms4587  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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2 Title:   Samuel Y. Tupper, Jr. papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Tupper, Samuel, 1904-  
  Dates:   1937-1950  
The collection consists of personal papers of Samuel Yoer Tupper, III from 1937-1950. Papers include Baptismal letters, University of Georgia transcripts, correspondence from the United States Naval Air Corps, and correspondence from Woman's Home Companion and Harold Matson regarding publication of Tupper's novels. Correspondence from Eric S. Pinker and Adrienne Morrison Incorporated regards Tupper's resignation from the agency, and his argument concerning how hard it is for young writers. The collection also includes typescripts by Tupper. Titles include: Helen faced two ways; Hotels of Valdosta; In case of accident, notify...; Queen and three ladies; The queen's fugitive; and Southeastern Fair Association.
  Identifier:   ms1358  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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3 Title:   John Hanson Thomas McPherson papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   McPherson, J. H. T.  
  Dates:   1891-1945  
The collection consists of 893 items from the papers of Dr. John Hanson Thomas McPherson. The papers are personal, rather than departmental, and consist of the following: letters, genealogy, lecture notes, correspondence regarding the Hall of Fame (of which Dr. McPherson was an Elector), reports about Phi Beta Kappa, printed material, scrapbooks, some of the U. B. Phillips class papers, and several folders of receipted bills for household expenses, chiefly in the 1930s.
  Identifier:   ms186  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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4 Title:   Lamar Dodd collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Dodd, Lamar  
  Dates:   1928-1996  
Correspondence is both business and personal and is arranged chronologically, while Business is arranged into several subseries by topic. These two series make up the majority of the collection. A small amount of personal material is also available, as well as roughly two dozen scrapbooks documenting several decades of Dodd's career, and a handful of audiovisual materials and art ephemera such as printing blocks.
  Identifier:   ms1296  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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5 Title:   Charles Mercer Snelling papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Snelling, Charles Mercer, 1862-1939  
  Dates:   1904-1950  
The bulk of the Snelling papers represent the full range of Snelling's duties in his association with the University of Georgia. Of particular interest in this series are his dealings with academics, athletics, and social fraternities, plus a military section dealing with Snelling's role as Commandant of Cadets. The Personal Papers, include private and personal financial records, dealing with Snelling's roles of fiscal oversight with the City of Athens, the National Bank of Athens, and regional railroad interests. Personal family correspondence is found here, as is an extended group of papers dealing with Snelling's involvement in the development of northeast Georgia in and around Mountain City in Rabun County, especially with regard to commercial apple production. Of particular interest in the Snelling papers are a folder on the dedication of Sanford Stadium in 1929; a file from 1928 of correspondence with Gutzon Borglum; a file on student absences and conduct; a series of files involving the University with Federal and State Governmental officials; a folder on the Iconoclast incident; a subseries of files dealing with the Physical Plant; files charting the development and first years of the Institute of Public Affairs and International Relations at the University; a significant group of files dealing with speeches at the University; and an extensive body of correspondence with other Colleges and Universities.
  Identifier:   UA97-096  
  Repository:   University of Georgia Archives  
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6 Title:   Evans-Stephens papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1827-1971  
The collection consists of the papers of Clement Anselm Evans, diaries and letters to his wife Allie (Mary Allen Walton), which record his role in the Civil War, and typescripts of the book "Intrepid Warrior," which is the published version of these papers. Intrepid Warrior was compiled and edited by Robert Grier Stephens, Jr., grandson of Clement A. Evans. Also in this collection is an 1865 letter from Abraham Lincoln and 2 cartes-de-visite, all pertaining to Alexander H. Stephens, who was also an ancestor of Robert Stephens.
  Identifier:   ms2946  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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7 Title:   John Parnell Bondurant papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Bondurant, John P. (John Parnell), 1907-  
  Dates:   1882-2002  
The collection consists of personal papers including materials from World War II used in his book, History of the 54th Air Service Group and the BIVA. Another book, History of the First Methodist Church, Athens, includes extensive biographical information of trustees and members of the church and there is some information about long time friends, UGA Dean William Tate and writer Wylly Folk St. John. Other materials include cash books and records from the R. L. Moss estate and minutes and cash book for Georgia Flow and Foundry Co., Inc., 1910-1931, which E. J. and John Boundurant were part of during this period.
  Identifier:   ms3192  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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8 Title:   Eugene Muse Mitchell papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Mitchell, Eugene Muse  
  Dates:   1881-1887  
The collection consists of miscellaneous papers of Eugene Muse Mitchell, including a letter (1887), receipt for his first office rent, promissory note (1881), autograph album, report cards from Means High School (1881-1882), reports from the University of Georgia (1882-1885), clippings related to the Mitchell family, two pages of a debate "Whether the Crusades were Beneficial to Europe," (this was the topic debated on May 27, 1881, by the Phi Kappa Society at the University of Georgia). There is a Phi Beta Kappa Society, Alpha Chapter of Georgia certificate dated 1914.There are also three samples of cotton from the Atlanta Cotton Exposition of 1881 labeled as to origin and each is wrapped in a broadside listing the candidates for Alderman and councilmen in the five wards (of Atlanta?). Thirteen photographs including a group photo of UGA law school class of 1885.
  Identifier:   ms511  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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9 Title:   U. Harrold Davenport papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Davenport, Uriah Harrold, 1878-1963  
  Dates:   1860s-1960s  
The collection consists of the financial records of Uriah Harrold Davenport, his wife Sallie Fleming and his sister, Mary C. Davenport. A large portion of the collection deals with the estate of his wife, who had considerable land holdings in Athens, particularly in African American neighborhoods.
  Identifier:   ms1375  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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10 Title:   Emma Lewis Lipps papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lipps, Emma Lewis  
  Dates:   1899-1979  
The collection consists of Emma Lewis Lipps' correspondence from 1899-1970s, as well as documents belonging to her collected over the course of a career. Also included are family photographs, including many of the Truslow family.
  Identifier:   ms3247  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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