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1 Title:   James E. Butler, Sr. papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Butler, James E., Sr., 1923-  
  Dates:   1942-1966  
The collection consists of orders, reports, forms, and other documents from Jim Butler's career in the U.S. Navy during World War II and the Naval Reserve shortly after the war's end.
  Identifier:   ms3952  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
2 Title:   James F. Frazier transportation order  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Volunteer Relief Service  
  Dates:   1866 February 27  
The collection consists of one transportation order, dated February 27, 1866, detailing the railroad passage of James F. Frazier's body.
  Identifier:   ms3532  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
3 Title:   David Poindexter Special Order for a horse  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1865 March 15  
The collection consists of a Special Order dated March 15, 1865, allowing Corporal D. Poindexter twenty-nine days to get a horse to remount himself because his horse was condemned by the Brigade Inspector from the 5th Regiment, North Carolina Cavalry.
  Identifier:   ms384  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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4 Title:   United States Navy landing papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   United States. Navy  
  Dates:   1945  
The collection consists of operation orders for the USS Cecil landing attack dated February 1945. Also included are United States Naval Training School lessons and notes from Camp Macdonough in Plattsburgh, New York, and five intelligence maps of Western Okinawa Beaches labeled "Top Secret."
  Identifier:   ms3039  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
5 Title:   Provision returns of rations for Creek Indians  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Blake, Luther  
  Dates:   1825  
The collection consists of one document and ration chart: issued at Fort Troup, Fayette County, providing for Alexander Ware's issuing rations of meal, meat, and salt to 206 Indians for the ten-day period beginning June 28, 1825 and ending July 7, 1825, signed (with "their marks") by Capt. Senoywa, Capt. Edija, Warlockajoe and Hagy McIntosh. Also included in the collection is a document with hand written copies of two orders: one dated Indian Fort, Fayette County, August 14, 1825, from Luther Blake, notifying Ware that, by order of Gen. E.P. Gaines, he is to stop issuing rations; the second from Ware to General Gaines providing him with a cost table for all rations issued by him up to the closing date.
  Identifier:   ms3459  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
6 Title:   48th Georgia Volunteer Regiment transfer request  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1863 June 30  
This collection contains a transfer request that private William Hall of H Company, 48th Georgia Volunteer Regiment and John N. Thompson of Company G, 20th Georgia Volunteer Regiment exchange units.
  Identifier:   ms4354  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
7 Title:   Confederate States of America special orders  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Confederate States of America. Army  
  Dates:   1863-1864  
The collection consists of four military orders: special order no. 54 for the arrest of certain deserters, dated Headquarters of 5th Regiment, Georgia Calvary, Camp Devant, Isle of Hope, June 23, 1863; special order no. 207 detailing certain officers and men to the enrollment of conscripts, dated Head Quarters Military District Georgia, Savannah, August 3, 1863, issued by George A. Mercer; special order no. 91 for the arrest of deserters in McIntosh and adjoining counties, dated Headquarters of 5th Regiment, Georgia Calvary, Camp Devant, September 10, 1863, approved by Brigadier General Mercer; special order approving the creation of a wagon train to run between Montgomery and Union Springs, Alabama, and designating the order of the wagons from each unit, dated Montgomery, Alabama, September 3, 1864, signed "A. H. Cole, Inspector General of Transportation, Confederate States Army."
  Identifier:   ms452  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
8 Title:   Henry Gaither papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Gaither, Henry  
  Dates:   1792-1838  
The collection consists of papers relating to Lt. Colonel Henry Gaither, 1792-1838. Mainly pertaining to Gaither's administration of Fort Wilkinson (Georgia), the collection includes hospital rolls, orders, receipts, and correspondence. Documents contain information on supply matters, trading, medical care, military discipline, and other official matters. Correspondents include Howell Cobb, Hugh McCall, Benjamin Hawkins, Archibald Lee, the merchants Habersham and Company, and Ferdinand Phinizy. The collection also includes miscellaneous materials relating to Fort Fidius and Fort Adams.
  Identifier:   ms1333  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
9 Title:   Seminole War papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   1836-1841  
The collection consists of records pertaining to the U.S. Army during the 2nd Seminole War. Several documents relate to William M. Graham and matters of military administration, including receipts, invoices, and lists of clothing and supplies; a list of men employed on extra duty at Camp Hillsboro, Florida (June 1837); a list of men present and absent when Major Graham took command of the Company (March 1838); and orders pertaining mainly to matters at Fort Harvie, Florida and Fort Simmons, Florida. Some of the documents relate specifically to the 4th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army.
  Identifier:   ms1386  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
10 Title:   Georgia State Militia order  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jones, Edwin Thomas, 1831-1867  
  Dates:   1864 November  
The collection consists of an order, dated November 1864 [per official records], signed by Lt. Col. Edwin Thomas Jones of the Georgia State Militia addressed to the people of Lee County, Georgia stating that all men of the county are liable to militia duty under the call of Governor Joseph E. Brown and should join a company and be ready to march by next Sunday or Monday or be arrested. This call was to provide troops during the Atlanta Campaign, 1864.
  Identifier:   ms649  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
11 Title:   Benjamin Lincoln notebook and order book  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810  
  Dates:   1780-1795  
The collection consists of a notebook and order book of Benjamin Lincoln. The notebook contains essays composed by Lincoln from 1780-1795. Essay titles include: State of Matters Relative to the Defense and Loss of Charlestown; Rise, Progress and Suppression of the Massachusetts Rebellion; Causes of the Failure of the Mission to the Hostile Indians; Invalidity of the Claims of the Indians to the Grounds on Which They Hunt; Observations on the Climate & C. of the Eastern Counties; On the Religious State of the Eastern Counties; On the Migration of Fishes; Observations Founded on a Letter to Judge Lowell on the Idea that Worms in the Vegetables and Animal Bodies Were the Consequences and Not the Cause of Corruption; and Why the Indian Tribes Decrease & C. The order book contains orders written by General Benjamin Lincoln from 1779-1780. Orders mainly concern general military administration and discipline of troops. Of particular interest are orders pertaining to marches or sieges at Augusta, Georgia, Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina.
  Identifier:   ms787  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
12 Title:   William H. Foster papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Foster, William H., 1836?-  
  Dates:   1864-1865  
The collection consists of eight documents relating to William H. Foster's military service in Savannah, Georgia in 1865. Papers include an order to appear in court for the trial of Private William Luby, order appointing Foster as Ambulance Officer, Quartermaster's Return, special order granting leave of absence, request for ambulances, and discharge certificate. Also included in the collection is a handwritten copy of an Act of Congress to establish a uniform system of ambulances in the Armies of the United States (1864).
  Identifier:   ms3125  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
13 Title:   Edwin R. Alberti papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Alberti, Edwin R., -1862?  
  Dates:   1819-1863  
The collection consists of military papers, legal documents, and letters, pertaining to several aspects of the life and work of Edwin R. Alberti, from 1819 to 1863. Military papers include a special order for a furlough, orders to appear for a Court of Inquiry, an order signed by President John Quincy Adams' restoring Alberti to active duty after an inquiry into alleged misconduct, and acceptance of Alberti's resignation from the 4th Artillery. There are numerous Chattel mortgages, bills of sale, and deeds of gift for named enslaved women, men, and children, and legal papers regarding the distribution of people enslaved to heirs of Henry R. Sadler. The collection also consists of papers relating to the sloop B.S. Newcomb.
  Identifier:   ms3218  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
14 Title:   Stanford Brown collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Brown, Stanford  
  Dates:   1863-1961  
Collection includes a booklet for The Grand Theatre Program from 1925-1926, a photograph of an election crowd in Atlanta, Georgia in 1880, a photograph of Eugene O'Neill by Carl Van Vechten, 1920's photographs, Farmer's Banking Co. records, Marilyn Campbell's photographs of African American families in Georgia during the 1940's, and a photograph from Fort Valley State College Campus. Also included are broadsides for a program on Palestine and Egypt from 1879, a white supremacy flyer, a Civil War Island Minstrels concert, a roster of officers from the Thirty-third U.S. Infantry, an advertisement for a concert by the Brass Band of the 33rd Mass in Atlanta, Georgia, Civil War Union General Orders, a supplement of the Marietta Journal, a wanted poster for African American men Cornelius and Leon Cooper from 1933, and an ink drawing of the Battery Seymour on Ossabaw Island.
  Identifier:   ms4434  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
15 Title:   T. Baldwin Martin papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Martin, Thomas Baldwin, 1894-1985  
  Dates:   1917-1935  
The collection consists of World War I materials including military manuals, correspondence, orders, photographs, maps, artifacts, a scrapbook, and Martin's diary, from Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Camp Mills, Long Island, N.Y., and American Expeditionary Force, Europe. All materials were received in Martin's World War I trunk. Each box has an inventory of items within the container.
  Identifier:   ms3260  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find
16 Title:   Cobb, Erwin, and Lamar families collection  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Lamar family  
  Dates:   1796-1929  
The collection consists of personal and business papers of the Cobb, Erwin, and Lamar families from 1796-1929. Early records deal mainly with the Zachariah Lamar family and include deeds, bonds, land grants, receipts, bills of sale describing enslaved persons, and correspondence. The period 1811-1928 covers the Lamar, Cobb, and Erwin families and contains correspondence, both business and personal; bills; receipts; invitations; legal papers; telegrams; tax notices; postcards; case books; letterbooks; scrapbooks; account books; photographs; and genealogical and biographical information pertaining to the Cobb, Erwin, and Lamar families. Also includes information on the law practice and legal firms of the Cobb and Erwin families. Of particular interest are Howell Cobb's order books for the 16th Georgia Infantry Regiment (Cobb's Brigade). The collection includes correspondence and material relating to the following family members: Zachariah Lamar, Howell Cobb, Mary Ann Lamar Cobb, John Addison Cobb, Sarah Robinson Rootes Cobb, Mary Ann Lamar Cobb Erwin, and Alexander S. Erwin.
  Identifier:   ms86  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
  Similar Items:   Find