161 |
Title: |
A new map of the state of Georgia
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Young, J. H. |
Dates: |
1859 |
Contents: |
Publication: Philadelphia : Charles DeSilver; Prime meridian: Washington and Greenwich; "Entered according to Act of Congress
in the year 1859 by Charles Desilver in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania"
Identifier: |
hmap1859y6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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162 |
Title: |
Colton's map of Georgia
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Coulton, J. H. |
Dates: |
1860 |
Contents: |
Publication: New York : J. H. Coulton & Co. with Johnon & Browning, Prime Meridian Washington and Greenwich
Identifier: |
hmap1860c6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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163 |
Title: |
County map of California
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Mitchell, S. Augustus, Jr. (Samuel Augustus) |
Dates: |
1860 |
Contents: |
Map includes insets of San Francisco Bay and Vicinity and Settlements in the Great Salt Lake country, Utah; Publication: Philadelphia
: s.n.; no. 37
Published In: Mitchell's New General Atlas, Containing Maps Of The Various Countries Of The World, Plans Of Cities, Etc. Embraced
In Forty-Seven Quarto Maps, Forming A Series Of Seventy-Six Maps And Plans, Together With Valuable Statistical Tables. Philadelphia:
Published By S. Augustus Mitchell, Jr. No. 31 South Sixth Street. 1860. Entered ... 1860, by S. Augustus Mitchell, Jr. ...
Identifier: |
hmap1860m5 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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164 |
Title: |
Central America, West Coast, Panama Road survey
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Great Britain. Admiralty |
Dates: |
1861 |
Contents: |
Alternate title: Panama Road Surveyed by Captn. Sir Edward Belcher in H.M.S. Sulphur 1837 Additions by Captn Kellett in 1847
and Mr. Hall, Mast. R.N. in March & April 1858; The soundings are in fathoms; Publication: Tower Hill : J. D. Potter; Detailed
sea chart of the approaches to Panama City, published by the British Admiralty; Engraved by J. & C. Walker.
Identifier: |
hmap1861b4 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
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165 |
Title: |
Colton's Georgia map
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893 |
Dates: |
1861 |
Contents: |
Relief shown by hachures; Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington; "Entered according to Act of Congress in ... 1855 ...
in ... New York."; Publication: New York : J.H. Colton
Identifier: |
hmap1861c6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
Find |
166 |
Title: |
Colton's Georgia map
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893 |
Dates: |
1861 |
Contents: |
"Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. in the Clerks Office of the District Court of
the United States for the Southern District of New York"; no. 46; Statisical information for state of Florida on verso; Publication:
New York : J.H. Colton
Identifier: |
hmap1861c62 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
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167 |
Title: |
United States of North America (Eastern & Central)
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Ettling, Theodor, 1823- |
Dates: |
circa 1861 |
Contents: |
Published in The Dispatch Atlas; Drawn & Engraved by T. Ettling; red outline Federal States, orange outline Border States,
and green outline Confederate States; includes routes proposed for railroads, including routes "explored for the Pacific Railroad"
by Captain Gunnison and Lieutenant Beshwith, "Proposed Pacific Railroad", and "Governor Stevens Route and Line of the Proposed
Pacific Railroad"
Identifier: |
hmap1861e7 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
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168 |
Title: |
War map of the northern & southern states of North America
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Maclure & Macdonald (Firm) |
Dates: |
1861 |
Contents: |
"Printed for the Manchest Examiner and Times by Maclure, Macdonald, & Macgregor's lithographic steam machines"; Publication:
s.l. : Maclure, Macdonald, Macgregor
Identifier: |
hmap1861m3 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
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169 |
Title: |
Panorama of the Mississippi Valley and its fortifications
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Magnus, Charles. |
Dates: |
circa 1863 |
Contents: |
Publication: New York : C. Magnus; Covers Mississippi River from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico; Includes distance list,
table of "Distances navigable by steam on Mississippi River and its principal branches," and small panoramic views of St.
Louis, Memphis, Vicksburg, and New Orleans
Identifier: |
hmap1861m32 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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171 |
Title: |
New York Herald War maps and diagrams
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
New York Herald Company |
Dates: |
circa 1861 |
Contents: |
Pages 3, 4, 5, and 6; Depicting View of Newport News, Manassas Gap Junction, upper Potomac, Fort Monroe, Norfolk and Chesapeake
Bay, Sebastopol Gulf of Mexico, View of Pensacola Harbor, Charleston Bay, Fort Sumter, Savannah, Mobile, New York City , Baltimore,
Gosport Navy Yard, Theater of the Grand Army of the Potomac, Seat of War on the Upper Potomac
Identifier: |
hmap1861n4 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
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172 |
Title: |
Sketch of a part of the coast of Georgia from Savannah River to Ossabaw Sound showing the relative positions of the U.S. Iron
clad steamer Montauk & the rebel Fort McAllister during the bombardment of Feb 1st 1863
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Boutelle, Charles O. |
Dates: |
1863 |
Contents: |
At head of title: U.S. Coast Survey. A.D. Bache, Supdt.; Shows drainage, towns, geographic coordinates, railroad from Savannah
to "Way's Stat. no. 2," and the position of the vessels Nashville, Montauk, Seneca, Wissahicon, Dawn, and C.P. William in
the Ogeechee River near Fort McAllister, and the Passaic, Marblehead, and Conemaugh in Wassaw Sound; Description derived from
published bibliography
Identifier: |
hmap1863b32 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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173 |
Title: |
J.H. Colton's map of the southern states
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893 |
Dates: |
1863 |
Contents: |
"Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1863 by J.H. Colton."; Printed by Lang & Cooper; Insets: Southern part of
Florida. 27 x 19 cm.- Colton's map of the United States showing the proposed railroad routes to the Pacific Ocean; Description
derived from published bibliography.; Publication: New York : J.H. Colton
Identifier: |
hmap1863c6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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174 |
Title: |
Parts of southern states bordering on Gulf of Mexico map
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Smith, Rae. |
Dates: |
1863 |
Contents: |
Parts of southern states bordering on Gulf of Mexico : constructed and engraved to illustrate "The War with the South"; Prime
meridians: Greenwich and Washington; Inset: Extension of the larger map eastward; Publication: [New York] : Virtue Yorston
& Co.
Identifier: |
hmap1863y6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
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175 |
Title: |
J. H. Colton's map of the southern states
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893 |
Dates: |
1864 |
Contents: |
Insets of southern Florida and the U. S. showing proposed railroad routes; Folded pocket map; Publication: New York : Lane
& Cooper
Identifier: |
hmap1864c6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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176 |
Title: |
Map illustrating the siege of Atlanta, Ga. by Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman from July 19th, 1864 to August 26, 1864
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
United States. War Dept. |
Dates: |
1865 |
Contents: |
Map illustrating the siege of Atlanta, Ga., by the U.S. forces under command of Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman, from the passage of
Peach Tree Creek, July 19th 1864, to the commencement of the movement upon the enemy's lines of communication south of Atlanta,
August 26, 1864; Covers area extending from Mt. Gilead Church in west to Decatur in east and from Buckhead in north to East
Point in south; Shows troop positions, Union and Confederate works, roads, railroads, vegetation, drainage, and names, dates,
and sites of battles connected with Atlanta Campaign; Engraved by the Office of the Chief of Engineers; Shows US emblem in
upper left
Identifier: |
hmap1864p62 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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177 |
Title: |
Military Map Showing the Marches of the United States Forces under Command of Maj. Genl. W. T. Sherman
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Kossak, Capt. William. |
Dates: |
1865 |
Contents: |
Engraved at Head Qrs. Corps of Engineers. U.S.A. by H. C. Evans & F. Courtenay; Legend includes Movement on Atlanta, Ga, Infantry,
Calvary, Pursuit of Hood, 4th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 20th Army corps, Calvary, Fortifications of U.S. Forces, Fortifications
of Rebel Forces, and Movements of Genl. J. H. Wilson's Calvary Corps; From the E. Merton Coulter collection; Publication:
St. Louis, MO. : Joseph F. Gedney
Identifier: |
hmap1865k6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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178 |
Title: |
Map of the Rivers Huallaga, Ucayali, & Amazon
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Herndon, William Lewis, 1813-1857. |
Dates: |
circa 1867 |
Contents: |
Detached from: Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 36, 2d Sess. 32d Congress; Verified in: Catalogue of Maps of Hispanic America, American
Geographical Society, vol. 3, p. 123, no. 1853-a (3); Folded pocket map; Also contains 1) Map of the valley of the Amazon
and 2) Plan del curso de los rios Huallaga y Ucayali y de la pampa del Sacremento; Publication: Baltimore, MD : A. Hoen
Identifier: |
hmap1867h4 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
Similar Items: |
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179 |
Title: |
Colton's map of Georgia
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co. |
Dates: |
circa 1878 |
Contents: |
Publication: New York : G. W. & Co.; no. 49; Statistics about the West Indies on verso
Identifier: |
hmap1878c6 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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