1 |
Title: |
Archibald Campbell journal of expedition against the Rebels of Georgia
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Campbell, Archibald, Sir, 1739-1791 |
Dates: |
1957 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a bound typescript titled Journal of an Expedition Against the Rebels of Georgia in North America
Under the Orders of Archibald Campbell Esquire Lieut. Colol. of His majesty's 71st Regimt. 1778., regarding Campbell's expedition
to suppress rebels in Georgia during the Colonial period.
Identifier: |
ms3541 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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2 |
Title: |
Thomas Joseph Moran Georgia's colonial forts notes
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Moran, Thomas Joseph, 1903- |
Dates: |
before 1982 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of Colonel Moran's notes and the beginning chapters of his manuscript of a book about Georgia's colonial
forts. The book was never completed.
Identifier: |
ms1799 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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4 |
Title: |
John Martin Boltzius bill of exchange
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Boltzius, Johann Martin, 1703-1765 |
Dates: |
1756 November 1 |
Contents: |
This collection contains a bill of exchange signed by Johann (John) Martin Boltzius of Ebenezer, Georgia authorizing Reverend
Thomas Boughton, Secretary to the Society for Promoting Christain Knowledge, to pay Samuel Lloyd 50 pounds sterling.
Identifier: |
ms4312 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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5 |
Title: |
Document to the Earl of Egmont
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Unknown |
Dates: |
1744 |
Contents: |
This collection contains a handwritten document to the Earl of Egmont announcing the meeting of the Trustees for establishing
the Colony of Georgia in America.
Identifier: |
ms4574 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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6 |
Title: |
Dolores Boisfeuillet Floyd typescript
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Floyd, Dolores Boisfeuillet, 1887-1966 |
Dates: |
1962 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a carbon typescript of Little Toona-how-i and His Big Gold Watch, a Story of Colonial Days in Georgia
written by Dolores Boisfeuillet Floyd in 1962. Intended for young children, the story deals with relationships between settlers
and Native Americans in Colonial Georgia.
Identifier: |
ms978 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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7 |
Title: |
Colonial records of Georgia (index)
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Coleman, Kenneth |
Dates: |
20th century |
Contents: |
The collection consists of the cards used in indexing volumes I-XVI of the Colonial Records of Georgia, a mammoth work of
scholarship begun by Allen D. Candler in the early 20th century. The cards are arranged alphabetically under each number.
Identifier: |
ms1630 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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8 |
Title: |
Maps of lands granted in Burke and Jefferson Counties
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Little, Delbert M. |
Dates: |
1755-1797 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of copies of a series of maps of the Louisville and Big Buckhead Creek area of Georgia. The maps were
prepared by Delbert M. Little of Boise, Idaho, as part of his research into William Little (1753-1800), member of the Georgia
General Assembly and Executive Council, as well as delegate to the state constitutional convention of 1789. The maps are based
upon grants and plats in the Georgia Surveyor General Department and plats in the Superior Court of Jefferson County. Locations
of some grants is speculative.
Identifier: |
ms2175 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Map Collection |
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9 |
Title: |
John Perceval (Earl of Egmont) letter to his son
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Perceval, John, Earl, 1683-1748 |
Dates: |
1740 August 21 |
Contents: |
This collection contains an unsigned letter from John Perceval, the Lord of Egmont, written to his son Lord Pervecal discussing
American affairs and comments regarding the Choctaw Indians (which he calls the "Chickesaw") of the Mississippi delta, and
the actions of Governor William Bull of South Carolina, who has asked for extra troops for protection and to support the Choctaws
in their wars.
Identifier: |
ms3561 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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10 |
Title: |
Thomas Revell claim against King George II
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Revell, Thomas |
Dates: |
1748 July 5 |
Contents: |
A claim brought by Thomas Revell against King George II on July 5, 1748. The document sets forth the initial contract responsibilities
between Revell and the crown, under which the King bore responsibility for any losses due to pirates, enemies, or the sea.
Revell describes the September 1741 attack upon the sloop James Barnes carrying stores intended for General James Oglethorpes'
men at Fort Frederica, Georgia and asks for the compensation due him.
Identifier: |
ms1429 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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11 |
Title: |
Daughters of American Colonists, Georgia Society records
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Daughters of the American Colonists. Georgia Society |
Dates: |
1919-1983 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of minutes, applications for membership, programs, yearbooks, financial records, and scrapbooks.
The collection documents the activities of the organization and contains information on Georgia as a colony.
Identifier: |
ms2140 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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12 |
Title: |
Rodney Baine papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Baine, Rodney M. |
Dates: |
1980-1999 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of papers, notes, microfilm and notecards related to the research for The Papers and Speeches of James
Edward Oglethorpe, a book written by Rodney M. Baine. Copies of the book are also included in the collection.
Identifier: |
ms3029 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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13 |
Title: |
List of Georgia settlers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of, 1711-1770 |
Dates: |
circa 1740s |
Contents: |
The list of settlers is given under two headings: first, those who went from Europe to Georgia at the Trustees' charge and,
second, those who went on their own account. The settlers are listed in loose alphabetical order and the entries include information
about their age, occupation, date of arrival, land lots, and if they died, quitted, or ran away from the colony.
Identifier: |
ms4132 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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14 |
Title: |
Thomas Stephens notebooks
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Stephens, Thomas, agent for the people of Georgia |
Dates: |
circa 1736-1742 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of eight small manuscript notebooks attributed to Thomas Stephens; however, the author is unknown.
The entries are undated, but were kept during the early years of Georgia's settlement. The writings document the arguments
made by the Malcontents against the Georgia Trustees' administration of the colony. Notebooks contain handwritten entries,
in pencil with ink overlaid, regarding tariff, slavery, voyages, rum, and the condition of Georgia.
Identifier: |
ms46 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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15 |
Title: |
Kenneth Coleman papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Coleman, Kenneth |
Dates: |
circa 1950s-1960s |
Contents: |
The collection consists of the typescript; first, second and final draft, footnotes and appendix, and bibliography of "The
American Revolution in Georgia" published by the University of Georgia Press in 1958. Also included is the original manuscript
of Dr. Coleman's book "Confederate Athens" including his resource notes, correspondence, reproduction of papers in other repositories,
printed material, revisions, rough drafts, bibliography, preface and typescript of the complete book. It was published by
the University of Georgia Press in 1968. In addition, over 8000 manuscript sheets and cards of notes assembled for the writing
of "Georgia Journeys" with Sarah Gober Temple, published in 1961.
Identifier: |
ms78 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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16 |
Title: |
Beehive Press papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Beehive Press |
Dates: |
1972-1993 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of broadsides, catalogs, clippings, letters, book covers, and other material relating to books that
Beehive Press published. Complete galleys, proofs, and typescript for Setting Out to Begin a New World is also included.
Identifier: |
ms3118 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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17 |
Title: |
Webb Garrison papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Garrison, Webb B., 1919-2000 |
Dates: |
1982, 1992 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of materials and correspondence relating to various works by Webb Garrison. Included are an original
typescript, a photocopy as circulated for pre-publication appraisal, printer's galleys, page proofs, copies, reviews and appraisals,
a manuscript for condensed publications.
Identifier: |
ms2348 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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18 |
Title: |
Felix Hargrett collection
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Hargrett, Felix |
Dates: |
1739-1964 |
Contents: |
The collection consists primarily of letters, but also includes reports, petitions, furloughs, receipts, depositions, indentures,
court orders, soldier tickets, payrolls, invoices, notes, statements, land orders, and certificates. The collection documents
the Colony of Georgia, slavery, the Confederacy, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. There is a large amount of material about
the Nitre and Mining Bureau of the Confederacy, Georgia Home Insurance Company, and Nathaniel A. Pratt.
Identifier: |
ms302 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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19 |
Title: |
Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. literary and historical manuscripts
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Jones, Charles C. (Charles Colcock), 1831-1893 |
Dates: |
1867-1889 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of the bound manuscript volumes written by Charles Colcock Jones, Jr., noted Georgia historian and
literary figure. Several of the volumes are extra illustrated by Jones. These writings form much of the corpus of Jones' published
works and are, for the most part, the author's own final manuscript copies, although there are some corrections and annotations.
Identifier: |
ms1066 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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20 |
Title: |
Telamon Cuyler Collection, Series 1. Historical Manuscripts
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Cuyler, Telamon Cruger Smith, 1873-1951 |
Dates: |
1609-1942 |
Contents: |
Series 1. Historical Manuscripts consists of manuscripts relating to Georgia history collected by Telamon Cuyler covering
the period 1754-1905. The series includes correspondence; bonds; county records, particularly for Jones County (Ga.); court
records; indentures; inventories; land grants; newspaper clippings; and official Georgia government records for the office
of the Adjutant General, Comptroller General, Governor, and Treasurer from 1754-1905 (with gaps). Topics documented within
the collection include the Georgia militia; the Revolutionary War; Indian affairs in Georgia during the 1830s (particularly
treaties); shipping (1770s-1780s); and boundary disputes between Georgia and Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina,
and Tennessee.
The series also contains administrative records and correspondence pertaining to the activities of the Confederate government
and the Georgia military troops during the Civil War. These records include materials of Ira R. Foster (Georgia Quartermaster
General), H. H. Waters (Executive Secretary, Dept. of Georgia), Henry C. Wayne (Georgia Adjutant General), and Jared I. Whitaker
(Georgia Commissary General).
Identifier: |
ms1170.series1 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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