Creek Indians -- Georgia. in subject [X]
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1 Title:   W.P.A. worker notes  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   United States. Work Projects Administration. Georgia  
  Dates:   after 1932  
The collection consists of handwritten and typewritten notes concerning Native Americans living in Georgia. Notes, compiled by W.P.A. workers, are undated, and concern Native American customs, government, migrations, treaties, and warfare.
  Identifier:   ms178  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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2 Title:   Charles Spalding address regarding Creek Indians typescript  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Spalding, Charles Harris, 1808-1887  
  Dates:   circa 1900, 1918  
A bound typescript of The Indian difficulties of Georgia, an address delivered by Charles Spalding before the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah, Georgia, on March 30, 1844. Spalding defends Georgia in relation to its treatment of the Creek Indians. The present copy is of an unknown original, although two accompanying documents shed light on the origins.
  Identifier:   ms1420  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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3 Title:   Elijah Clarke letter to Col. Benjamin Cleavland  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Clarke, Elijah, 1733-1799  
  Dates:   1787 June 24  
The collection consists of a letter from Elijah Clarke, Hickory Grove, (Ga.) to Col. Benjamin Cleavland, Franklin County (Ga.), dated June 24, 1787. Clarke has just returned from seeing the Governor in Augusta and discusses the Governor's assurance that a treaty with the Creek Indians is imminent, mentions Alexander McGillvrary, and talks about a misunderstanding between the Indians and the Indian Commissioners.
  Identifier:   ms2615  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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4 Title:   McIntosh and Menawa prints  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   J. T. Bowen (Philadelphia, PA)  
  Dates:   1900-1999  
The collection consists of two McKenney and Hall color prints reproduced and published by J. T. Bowen, Philadelphia, PA. The prints, undated, are "Me-Na-Wa, a Creek warrior," and "McIntosh, a Creek chief."
  Identifier:   ms3172  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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5 Title:   Andrew Jackson letter  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845  
  Dates:   1825 July 25  
This collection consists of one letter from Andrew Jackson to Edward G. W. Butler discussing the 1825 Treaty of Indian Springs and the conduct of Georgia Governor George M. Troup. The letter is dated July 25, 1825 sent from Jackson's Hermitage plantation, Nashville, TN.
  Identifier:   ms3931  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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6 Title:   Fort Wilkinson log book  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Peters, William, Major  
  Dates:   1800-1801  
An army log book belonging to Major William Peters of Fort Wilkinson in Creek Indian Territory. Log book includes courts-martial records, general orders, and disciplinary measures taken by Major Peters.
  Identifier:   ms4087  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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7 Title:   Michael Johnston Kenan notebook  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Kenan, Michael Johnston  
  Dates:   1872-1874  
The collection consists of the notebook of Michael Johnston Kenan from 1872-1874. The notebook contains handwritten observations, both literary and historical. Of particular interest are Kenan's recollections of Fort Wilkerson, Fort Hawkins, Elijah Clarke, Alexander McGillivray, Benjamin Hawkins, the death of William McIntosh, and relations with Creek Indians. Handwritten notes on the inside cover reads "Continuation of my scrapbook, notes, essays, extracts."
  Identifier:   ms852  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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8 Title:   Creek Indian manuscripts  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Unknown  
  Dates:   after 1797  
The collection consists of manuscripts of and relating to Creek Indians in the disputed boundaries of Georgia. Depositions include William Cavanah of Montgomery County, Georgia, dated January 28, 1798, Jefferson County, Georgia, regarding the Cavanah's plantation; and Brigadier-General David Blackshear of the Georgia Militia, dated September 29, 1813, for protection of the Indian frontier and erection of three forts. Also included is a letter from Samuel Jackson to Jack F. Cock, dated November 8, 1813, ordering Cock's company of Georgia Militia to proceed to Smith's fort for protection of the frontier; a declaration signed by Little Prince and twenty-eight Creek town chiefs of Broken Arrow, Creek Nation, dated August 24, 1826, regarding laws; declaration signed by Chilly McIntosh and nine others, dated August 28, 1826, disputing the laws cited by Little Prince under which General William McIntosh had been executed and his property confiscated; and a statement of the prisoners (all women) brought in from Thomas County, Georgia, dated September 28, 1836, signed by J.A. Chambers, regarding attacks on the Chattahoochee River, the capture of Eneah Mathla, and the escape of a party of Uchus. The collection also includes a list of thirty-five African slaves captured by the Seminole Indians in Southern Florida and redeemed by order of General Thomas S. Jesup. The list includes name, age, height, sex, name of captor, place and date of capture, personal description, and owner's name. On the reverse is an order signed by General Jesup for payment to their captors of $20.00 for each slave on the list.
  Identifier:   ms332  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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9 Title:   Benjamin Hawkins letters  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816  
  Dates:   1800 November 9, 1802 March 21  
The collection consists of two letters written by Benjamin Hawkins. Dated Fort Williamson, November 9, 1800, for David Henley, the first letter informs Henley of affairs among the Creek Indians and tells of moving his residence to Toolcambatchee, on the Tallapoosa River. Dated Toolcambatchee, Ga., March 21, 1802, to Mr. Joseph Clay, the second letter reports that a conference with the Creeks will be held on May 1st which will be of interest to Georgia and the Indians.
  Identifier:   ms943  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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10 Title:   C. Mildred Thompson papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Thompson, C. Mildred (Clara Mildred), 1881-1975  
  Dates:   1786-1838, 1937-1938  
The collection consists of papers collected by Clara Mildred Thompson. Early papers include correspondence and depositions relating to Native American depredations in Georgia from 1786-1838. Letters, addressed mainly to Georgia governors, are from citizens who discuss Native American raids and violence to settlers. Correspondents include Joshua Inman, John Twiggs, Caleb Howell, Jared Irwin, Elijah Clarke, Benjamin Hawkins, John Clark, Stephen Hawkins, and C. Stephens. Depositions are of Abram Mordecai, John Burnett, Owen Bowen, Henry Carvel, Nathaniel Howell, and Isaac Green. The collection also consists of letters from Margaret Mitchell to C. Mildred Thompson from 1937-1938. Letters discuss Mitchell's admiration of Thompson's "Reconstruction of Georgia," her desire to meet the author, and Thompson's request for information about the Ku Klux Klan.
  Identifier:   ms606  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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11 Title:   Telamon Cuyler Collection, Series 1. Historical Manuscripts  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Cuyler, Telamon Cruger Smith, 1873-1951  
  Dates:   1609-1942  
Series 1. Historical Manuscripts consists of manuscripts relating to Georgia history collected by Telamon Cuyler covering the period 1754-1905. The series includes correspondence; bonds; county records, particularly for Jones County (Ga.); court records; indentures; inventories; land grants; newspaper clippings; and official Georgia government records for the office of the Adjutant General, Comptroller General, Governor, and Treasurer from 1754-1905 (with gaps). Topics documented within the collection include the Georgia militia; the Revolutionary War; Indian affairs in Georgia during the 1830s (particularly treaties); shipping (1770s-1780s); and boundary disputes between Georgia and Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. The series also contains administrative records and correspondence pertaining to the activities of the Confederate government and the Georgia military troops during the Civil War. These records include materials of Ira R. Foster (Georgia Quartermaster General), H. H. Waters (Executive Secretary, Dept. of Georgia), Henry C. Wayne (Georgia Adjutant General), and Jared I. Whitaker (Georgia Commissary General).
  Identifier:   ms1170.series1  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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12 Title:   Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. family papers  Requires cookie*
  Creator:   Jones family  
  Dates:   circa 1749-1930  
The collection consists of papers of the Rev. Charles Colcock Jones family of Liberty County, Georgia from ca. 1749-1909. The early letters (1850-1861) are between Charles Colcock Jones and Mary Jones in Liberty County, Georgia and their son, Charles Jr., while at school in Princeton and Harvard and later in Savannah (Ga.) where he set up his law practice. The letters discuss social and family life, plantation life, politics and government, religious philosophies, and events leading up to the Civil War. From 1861-1865, Charles Jr.'s letters chronicle his involvement as an officer in the Chatham Artillery stationed along the Georgia coast near Savannah, then Charleston and James Island (S.C.), and Jacksonville (Fla.). After the war, the personal correspondence is mainly between Charles Jr., his mother Mary Jones, his wife Eva Eve Jones, and his brother Joseph Jones. There is also a smattering of correspondence regarding his law practice. The collection also contains two volumes of letters Eva Eve Jones wrote to family describing her travels through Europe in 1879, manuscripts of Charles Jr.'s writings on Georgia history, Charles Jr.'s speeches including an 1861 speech to the Chatham Artillery, and addresses (1886-1892) he gave before the Confederate Survivors Association. Also included is a copy of the original manuscript for William Bartram's book Observations on the Creek and Cherokee Indians attributed to Ephraim G. Sqier (1821-1888). The manuscript contains tracings of Bartram's drawing of prehistoric mounds, Creek towns, and Cherokee and Creek structures not found in the published work.
  Identifier:   ms215  
  Repository:   Hargrett Library  
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