301 |
Title: |
Leo Liberthson letter and poem
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Liberthson, Leo |
Dates: |
1946 July, August |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a letter from Leo Liberthson, 88 Lexington Ave., New York, to Philip Stern. The letter, dated
Aug. 1, 1946, concerns the poem "Thoughts around a Rorschach Analysis" and Liberthson's book If There are Pits as Deep....
The poem is enclosed in the letter and is dated July, 1946.
Identifier: |
ms650 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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302 |
Title: |
Jack J. Spalding and Judson L. Hand letters
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Spalding, Jack Johnson, 1856-1938 |
Dates: |
1906 January |
Contents: |
The collection consists of three letters between Jack J. Spalding and Judson L. Hand in January 1906. Letters regard politics
in Georgia; Spalding's opinions of several leading Georgia politicians, including Clark Howell, Hoke Smith, and Richard Russell;
and the 1906 election for Governor.
Identifier: |
ms693 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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303 |
Title: |
Runa Erwin Ware collection
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Ware, Runa Erwin |
Dates: |
after 1888 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of papers collected by Runa Erwin Ware. Included are a typescript account of Federal Hill, by Mrs.
Wight's daughter (undated); a letter to "Miss Lamar" from William H. Barrett, Jr. (1888); and two newspaper articles cornering
Howell Cobb (undated). Also included is a manuscript copy of All Those in Favor Say Something!, by Runa Eriwn Ware, with handwritten
notations and corrections (circa 1968); and newspaper articles regarding Ware and All those in Favor Say Something! (1969-1971).
Identifier: |
ms705 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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304 |
Title: |
Commander Thomas S. Wylly letter to Dr. E. Merton Coulter
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Wylly, Thomas Spalding, 1893- |
Dates: |
1973 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of two typewritten letters: dated Coronado, California, January 30, 1973, "Dear Dr. Coulter," signed
"Thomas S. Wylly," regarding a letter reputedly from Maximilian of Mexico (a photocopy of the letter is included in collection);
dated February 7, 1973, "Dear Commander Wylly," unsigned, regarding Wylly's enquiry of the Maximilian letter.
Identifier: |
ms810 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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305 |
Title: |
Sam J. Slate collection
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Slate, Sam J. |
Dates: |
1971-1974 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of drafts and galley proofs of As Long as the River Runs and Satan's Back Yard by Sam J. Slate. Also
included is correspondence between Lee Barker of Doubleday and Company, Inc. and Slate regarding As Long as the River Runs.
Identifier: |
ms814 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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306 |
Title: |
Walt Kelly Pogo cartoons
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Kelly, Walt |
Dates: |
1957 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of three sketches by Walt Kelly for his famous comic strip "Pogo," a nationally syndicated cartoon
series featuring animals of the Okefenokee. Also included is a typewritten letter from Kelly regarding the drawings.
Identifier: |
ms851 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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307 |
Title: |
James Cutler letter
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Cutler, James, 1774-1818 |
Dates: |
1797 August 10 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a letter from James Cutler to William Sullivan (possibly his brother-in-law?) of Summer Street,
Boston. Dated: Petersham, Massachusetts, August 10, 1797. The letter is a friendly letter discussing friends, a theatrical
company playing in Boston, Cutler's trip to Petersham and on to Hartford was for reasons of health. He and his wife Hetty
(Netty?) were much benefitted by the country air.
Identifier: |
ms871 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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308 |
Title: |
George G. Smith letter
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Smith, George Gilman, 1836-1913 |
Dates: |
after 1877 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of one letter: dated February 7, "My dear Madame," signed "George G. Smith," regarding Smith's book
The History of Georgia and Florida Methodism he is sending.
Identifier: |
ms881 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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309 |
Title: |
Walter Blackstock poems and photograph
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Blackstock, Walter, 1917-1976 |
Dates: |
after 1938 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a photograph of Walter Blackstock and Blackstock's manuscript poems that were published in Quest
for Beauty, 1942. Also included is a letter from Walter Blackstock to Mr. Wayne Yenawine, University of Georgia Library, Athens,
regarding the purpose of the manuscript poems and photograph.
Identifier: |
ms902 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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310 |
Title: |
Farquhar Bethune letter
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Bethune, Farquhar |
Dates: |
1782 March 5 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a letter dated Savannah [Ga.], March 5, 1782, "Dear Sir," signed Ferg Bethune. Written during the
British occupation of Savannah, Bethune, directed by Lt. Governor Graham, orders the procurement and delivery of no more than
sixty pack horses for military purposes.
Identifier: |
ms942 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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311 |
Title: |
Maury A. Bromsen papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Bromsen, Maury A. |
Dates: |
1973-1974 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of correspondence between John Bonner, Head of Special Collections at the University of Georgia, and
Maury Bromsen. Bonner and Bromsen discuss manuscripts University of Georgia purchased (and received) from Bromsen (including
Lanman's Congressional manuscripts and the Alfred Burton Greenwood manuscript). The collection also consists of clippings
regarding the annual Bromsen Lectures in Humanistic Bibliography at the Boston Public Library.
Identifier: |
ms951 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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312 |
Title: |
James Rembert Smith letters to George Gilman Smith
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Smith, James Rembert |
Dates: |
1853-1888 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of correspondences from James Rembert Smith to his nephew, George Gilman Smith, from 1853-1888. Correspondences
regard family, weather, people in Sandersville, sickness, and religious life. Also included are letters from Anna Maria Smith,
regarding family matters and health.
Identifier: |
ms558 |
Repository: |
Hargrett Library |
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313 |
Title: |
George Cecil (Kid) Woodruff letters
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Woodruff, George, 1889-1968 |
Dates: |
1918-1919 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of personal correspondence from George Cecil "Kid" Woodruff, Sr. to his brother and sister-in-law
Harry and Frances Woodruff. The letters describe army life in France during World War I, including battles, football games
and athletic competitions among servicemen, and leisure activities around Paris after the conclusion of the war.
Identifier: |
UA0006 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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314 |
Title: |
University of Georgia Army ROTC collection
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
University of Georgia. Army ROTC |
Dates: |
1919-2002 |
Contents: |
This collection consists of a reproduction of a 1814 letter, photocopied historical documents (1919-1972) and ROTC scrapbooks
Identifier: |
UA0049 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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315 |
Title: |
UGA Physical Plant-Grounds Department Collection
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Duncan, Janine |
Dates: |
1874, 2006-2014 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of reports, images, correspondence, and a map of the Old Athens Cemetery created by Janine Duncan.
There are also a large number of slides. Most of these were taken by Michael W. Orr, former Landscape Manager for UGA Grounds
with the slides of trees taken by David C. Berle, CAES.
Identifier: |
UA0107 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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316 |
Title: |
Sylvia Hutchinson collection
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Hutchinson, Sylvia |
Dates: |
1957-2012 |
Contents: |
This collection consists of a large amount of correspondence along with English department and (various) program documentation,
photographs and newspaper/journal articles. The dates range from 1957 to 2012.
Identifier: |
UA0116 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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317 |
Title: |
S. William Pelletier Provost records
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Pelletier, S. William |
Dates: |
1962-2003 |
Contents: |
The papers, as retrieved from his office on the 7th floor of the Ilah Dunlap Little Library, were divided into four series.
The adminstrative series document Pelletier's activities as Provost. There are donation and correspondence files related
to his work with the Georgia Museum of Art and the UGA Library, with the exception of files related to artist John Taylor
Arms that are found in series four.
Identifier: |
UA04-017 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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318 |
Title: |
Aubrey Land papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Land, Aubrey C. |
Dates: |
1956-1987 |
Contents: |
This collection consists primarily of correspondence documenting Aubrey Land's professional career both at the University
of Maryland and University of Georgia. Topics include publications and research, the American History Association program
committee, and administration and operations of the University of Georgia's History Department.
Identifier: |
UA11-205 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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319 |
Title: |
Jefferson McRee "Mac" Elrod papers
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Elrod, J. McRee, 1932-2016 |
Dates: |
1950-1952, 2016 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of a letter from S. Walter Martin, University of Georgia, to Mr. Jefferson M. Elrod, dated May 29,
1950, and correspondence between Mac Elrod and Norma Cummins (mostly from Mac to Norma) in 1952. The collection also includes
Mac's obituary printed in the Metchosin Muse, and two pages filled with family history, from Lona Manning in 2016.
Identifier: |
UA17-006 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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320 |
Title: |
Robert Izlar collection
Requires cookie* |
Creator: |
Izlar, Robert Lee, 1949- |
Dates: |
1967-1988 |
Contents: |
The collection consists of letters, clippings, and other papers related to the Gridiron Society, the Student Senate, and student
government at the University of Georgia.
Identifier: |
UA18-003 |
Repository: |
University of Georgia Archives |
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