Guido Adler papers

Guido Adler papers

Descriptive Summary

Title: Guido Adler papers
Creator: Adler, Guido, 1855-1941
Inclusive Dates: 1863-1938
Extent: 40.2 Linear Feet (68 document boxes, 2 cartons, 4 oversized boxes, 2 oversized volumes, 3 oversized folders)
Collection Number: ms769
Repository: Hargrett Library

Collection Description

Historical Note

A scholar, writer, critic and founder of the field of Musicology, Guido Adler (1855-1941) was an important figure in international music circles for nearly fifty years. Born in Eibenschutz, Moravia in 1855, Adler studied music theory and composition at Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, a Vienna conservatory. Graduated in 1875, Adler decided against a career as a composer and instead studied law He received his law degree in 1878. A practicing attorney for three brief months, Adler decided music was his true love and returned to school at the University of Vienna where he received his Ph.D. in 1880. Adler taught in Prague and at the University of Vienna until his retirement in 1927.

As a teacher his impact was enormous. In addition to the many students who went on to become important musicologists in their own right, he founded Quarterly for Musicology, created scholarly festivals on Haydn and Beethoven, published numerous authoritative works of musicology and began publishing Monuments of Music in Austria – a work he edited for forty-four years.

Scope and Content

The collection consists of papers of Guido Adler from 1863-1938. The papers include manuscripts of Adler's writings, correspondence, clippings, programs, academic files, and personal files all relating to Adler's career as a music historian and educator as well as his writings on and study of music. The personal files (1931-1936) contain photographs, student memorial albums, ephemera, and records pertaining to Adler's appointments, salaries, and grants.

Organization and Arrangement

Organized into six series: (1) Correspondence, (2) Manuscripts, (3) Clippings, (4) Programs, (5) Academic files, and (6) Personal files.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Guido Adler papers, ms769, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Finding Aid Publication

Finding Aid prepared by Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History, 2010 August 23.

General Notes

The following series within this collection are described separately under the same main entry heading: Manuscripts, Correspondence, Clippings, and Academic files.

Cataloged as part of the Georgia Archives and Manuscripts Automated Access Project: A Special Collections Gateway Program of the University Center in Georgia.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


The Works of Guido Alder

In the following section the works of Adler preserved among his papers in either manuscript or printed form are arranged in chronological sequence, in so far as this can be determined. Works of all types are included. Each title represents an individual folder or series of folders, and all the forms that have been traced of a given work are combined in their respective files. In the case of printed works, the title is given as in the published version, and this version is listed first, followed by a reverse sequence of entries that may include proofs, typescripts, manuscripts, and any related notes, correspondence, or other materials connected with each work. Bibliographic information on published works, especially newspaper articles, is dependent on the available sources, and is thus not always complete. In some cases, surviving materials contain indications that certain works were published, but it has not yet been possible to locate copies of the printed texts. In a few other situations the processor was able to obtain copies of works not originally found in the papers. Articles and reviews in the Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft and the Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, the journals for which Adler was co-editor or editor, are listed separately, as are his personal contributions to the Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich. In the entries for the latter, volume (Band) numbers are given first, followed after a slash by the number of the annual issue (Jahrgang), and the part within the annual issue (for example, 7/3.iii indicates volume 7 within the complete series, third annual issue, part three). For the sake of greater completeness, untraced works by Adler, and works represented only in copies found in the regular rather than the special collections of the University of Georgia Library are also listed, with notes indicating the special situation. Although it cannot be claimed that the papers offer an absolutely complete record of Adler's output, they do contain the great majority of works listed in the bibliography that appeared in the Adler Festschrift (Vienna: Universal-Edition, 1930, pp. 221-24), as well as a considerable variety of unpublished pieces.
11"Ansprache der Deputation des Konservatoriums an Franz Liszt." MS., Ca. 1869/70 (1 leaf)
13"Vortrag über reine Stimmung im Conservatorium." MS., 1870s? (21 leaves of text, 3 leaves of musical examples.)
14"Kritische Aufsätze und Recensionen über Musik und Musikaufführungen in Wien." MS., 1878 (30 leaves.)
Contains a review of the first performance of Das Rheingold in Vienna, 24 January 1878, together with notes on music theory and history.
15"Choralkonferenz in Aiguebell, südöstl. Frankreich. (L'Univers.)." MS., 1879/80 (1 leaf.)
16"Die historischen Grundclassen der christlichabendländischen Musik bis 1600," Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, 15, 689-93. 705-9, 721-6, 737-40. Offprint. MSS. "Materialen zu historisch. Kateg. (Histor. Grundklassen u. das Material dazu).", (1880) (Two copies.)
17"Studie zur Geschichte der Harmonic," Sitzungsberichte der phil.-hist. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 98, 781-830. Proofs. 1 complete set for the text and musical examples. 1 incomplete set. Title and 1 page from final printed text. MS., (1881) (2 drafts, 6 leaves, 9 leaves.)
Connected with the formal academic presentation of the "Studie." "Vortrag des Guido Adler...gegeben bei Überreichung seiner Schrift 'Studie zur Geschichte der Harmonie' in der Sitzung der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien..."
18"Ein tatenreiches Stilleben." TS. MS. On Clara Heinz (1796-1881), 17 April 1881 (4 leaves, Two copies, 3 leaves.)
19"Der aretinische Congress für liturgischen Gesang." (Crossed out: "Ein Memorandum. Veröffentlicht im Wiener 'Vaterland'). " MSS., 1882 (2 copies, 19 leaves, 18 leaves, 9 leaves)
notes and drafts
110"Das guidonische Monument und der aretinische Congress." MS., 1882 (8 leaves.)
For further material on this meeting, see: CONGRESSO EUROPEO DI CANTO LITURGICO, ARREZZO, 1882, BOX 39.
111"Zur Reform unserer Musikpädagogik," Die Presse, 1-2. One issue of the newspaper. TS. With the heading "Kopie aus: 'Die Presse.' " MS. "Reformvorschläge auf musikpaedagogischem Gebiete," with "Zur Reform unserer Musikpaedagogik" added below, 11 April 1882 (Two copies, 20 leaves)
Pencil note: "erschienen in der 'Presse' (gekürzt)."
112"Die Keime der Harmonie. Vortrag. Im Ambrosius Verein im Winter 1882. Skizze." MS., 1882 (16 leaves)
113"Concert-Berichte (Entwürfe). " MS. (8 leaves.)
Includes reviews of three concerts: 1a) Philharmonisches Concert"; 1b) another version of the same, dated 20 December 1882; 2) "Ausserordentlisches philharmonisches Concert"; 3) untitled review, beginning "Herr Franz Kneisel..."
114"Musikalischer Reisebrief. Berlin, im Frühjahre 1884," Allgemeine Kunst-Chronik, 8/26, 526-9. Complete issue of the magazine, 28 June 1884 (One copy.)
115"Johann Sebastian Bach und Georg Friedrich Händel. Ihre Bedeutung und Stellung in der Geschichte der Husik. Festrede anlässlich der zweiten Säcularfeier der Geburtstage der beiden Tonheroen gehalten von Guido Adler am 23. März im Wissenschaftlichen Club in Wien," Monatsblätter des Wissenschaftlichen Club, no. 12, 1-11. Offprints, 15 September 1885 (Two copies.)
116"Umfang, Methode und Ziel der Musikwissenschaft," Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 1, 5-20. Offprint with corrections. MSS. "Das Studium der Musikwissenschaft auf der Universitaet.", 1885 (One copy, 12 leaves, 11 leaves.)
Draft of the above article, marked "?1881" and "1885 Prag." Another MS with the title "Das Studium der Musikwissenschaft."
116Review of Hans Müller, Hucbalds echte und unechte Schriften uber Musik, Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft. 225-7, 1885
Not in files. See the volume cataloged as part of the regular collection of the library.
117"Mozart-Festrede gehalten bei der Feier des 150. Geburtstages Mozart an der Wiener Universität." "Mozart Vorarbeiten zu versch: Vorträgen,", 1886? (3 leaves)
(? added after title). with notes. added later. containing several groups of notes, also found with this lecture. Considering the date, the title must be erroneous. This work appears to be an earlier Mozart lecture. See the later works of 1887 and 1906.
118"Carl Maria von Weber (Festrede zur Saecularfeier der Geburt Webers, gehalten am 18. im Verein deutscher Künstler und Schriftsteller 'Concordia)." MS., Dezember 1886
119"Die Wiederholung und Nachahmung in der Mehrstimmigkeit. Studie zur Geschichte der Harmonie," Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 2, 271-346. Offprint, 1886 (One copy.)
12"Natalie." MS., Ca. 1876/7 (16 leaves)
Fragment of play. See Adler's Wollen und Wirken, 9, on the background of this work.
120"W.A. Mozart. Festrede zur Säkularfeier der ersten Aufführung des 'Don Giovanni' im Deutschen Landestheater in Prag, gehalten am 30. im 'Rudolfinium' im Prag," Deutsche Arbeit, 5 (1905-6), 300-4. Offprints. Proofs. MS., Oktober 1887 (Three copies, Seven sets, 15 leaves.)
For further material on this festival, see: DON JUAN FEIER, PRAGUE, 1887, BOX 39.
121" 'Das steinerne Herz' Romantische Oper von J.V. Widmann, Musik von I. Brüll. Erste Aufführung am 19. im deutschen Theater in Prag." MS., Dezember 1888 (8 leaves.)
122Review, with the title "Zur Geschichte der musikalischen Stimmung" added in pencil, of Alexander J. Ellis, "On the History of Musical Pitch," Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 4, 122-46. [Reprint, 1968]. Offprints. The original article by Ellis, 1888 (Three copies, Two copies)
123"Ein Satz eines unbekannten Klavierkonzertes von Beethoven," Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 4, 451-70. Offprint, (1888) (One copy)
pages renumbered.
124Review of vol. 1 of Paléographie musicale, Mitteilungen des Institute für oesterreichische Geshichtsforschungen, 1889?, 327-8. Offprints, 1889 (Two copies.)
125Review of Johannes Peregrinus (Johann Peregrin Hupfauf), Geschichte der salzburgischen Domsängerknaben oder schlechthin des Kapellhauses, Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 5, 625. Offprints. Proofs, 1889 (Three copies, One copy.)
126Verzeichniss der musikalischen Autographe von Ludwig van Beethoven sowie einer Anzahl von alten, grossentheils vom Meister mit eigenhändigen Zusätzen versehenen Abschriften im Besitze von A. Artaria in wien. Auf Grundlage einer Aufnahme Gustav Nottebohm's neuerlieh durchgesehen von Prof. Dr. Guido Adler. Vienna: Artaria. Printed volume, 1890 (22pp. One copy)
127Untitled proposal to obtain information about the musical holdings of libraries, January 1890 (One copy.)
Printed form, with the names of E. Hanslick, Frh. v. Helfert, and Adler as joint authors. Dated Vienna-Prague
128"Das Mozart-Festspielhaus in Salzburg," Beilage zur Bohemia, no. 186, 1-2. Clipping. MS., 9 July 1890 (One copy, 6 leaves.)
129Review of The Musical Notation of the Middle Ages...prepared for the members of the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society (London). No indication of the journal in which the review appeared. Offprints, 1890 (Three copies)
130Review of Ernst Mach, Beitrag zur Geschichte der Akustik, Vierteljahrsschrift fur Musikwissenschaft, 8, 533-5. Offprints, 1892 (Two copies.)
131"Poesie." One leather-bound notebook containing manuscript poems, 1872-7 1879
The first page carries the inscription in ink "Gedichte gemischten Inhaltes von Guido Adler (Eine Sammlung)." The following note appears on the inner side of the fly leaf: "Erhalten von meinem Bruder Ernst 1. November: 1877." 27pp. contain 16 poems, all in Adler's hand. The majority date from, but the last two are from. A passage from the play "Natalie" is undated.
21Internationale Ausstellung für Musik-und Theaterwesen, Wien 1892. Fach-Katalog der musikhistorischen Abtheilung von Deutschland und Oesterreich-Ungarn neost Anhang: Musikvereine, Concertwesen und Unterricht. Vienna: Ausstellungs-Commission. Printed volume, 1892 17 July 1892 (One copy)
Preface by Adler dated For further material on this event, see: INTERNATIONALE MUSIK-UND THEATER-AUSSTELLUNG, VIENNA, 1892. BOX 39. See also clippings, under the same heading, BOX 53, and the volume The International Exhibition...noted below under the year 1894.
22"Die Kaiser Ferdinand III., Leopold I., Joseph I. und Karl VI. als Tonsetzer und Förderer der Musik," Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 8, 252-74. Offprint, 1892 (One copy)
This article forms the introduction to the following work.
23-4Musikalische Werke der Kaiser Ferdinand III., Leopold I. und Joseph I. 2 vols. Vienna: Artaria. [Reprint, 1972]. Offprint of Einleitung und Inhaltsverzeichniss zum 2. Bande, Revisionsbericht zum 1. und 2. Bande. List of subscribers. Announcement of the Volksausgabe. Subscription form. One Breitkopf & Härtel catalogue, 1892-3 1893 (One copy, Three copies, Two copies, One copy)
listing the work, and correspondence with the firm concerning publication. Two copies of the complete set are found in the regular collection of the library.
25"The Interieur Habsburg-Lothringen," and "The Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Oesterreich-Este Collection," in The International Exhibition for Music and the Drama, Vienna 1892, ed. A.J. Hipkins, Morris Steinert and Siegmund Schneider (Vienna: Moritz Perles), 29-30, 50-52, 1894
Xerox copies of the two articles cited. The complete volume is not represented in Adler's papers or in the general library. This work, which unfortunately suffers from a disastrous translator, nevertheless provides a splendid visual record of the Exhibition, and thus serves as an excellent companion for Adler's Fach-Katalog.
26Gottlieb Muffat. Componimenti musicali per il cembalo. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 7/3. iii. Vienna: Artaria. Offprints of introduction. Offprint of Revisionsbericht, 1896 (Two copies, One copy)
one with annotations by Adler. The complete volume is found in the regular collection of the library.
27"I 'Componimenti Musicali per il Cembalo' di Teofilo Muffat, e il posto che essi occupano nella storia della 'Suite' per Pianoforte," Revista Musicale Italiana, 3, 1-35. Offprint, 1896 (One copy.)
This article is a translation of the introduction to the preceding Denkmäler volume.
28"Musik als Mittel der Erziehung. Vortrag, gehalten am... im Verein für Frauenbildung in Prag." MS., November 1896 (29 leaves.)
Also one folder of "Material zur M: als M: d Erzhg."
29M. A. Cesti. Pomo d'oro. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 6/3. ii and 9/4.ii. Vienna: Artaria. Offprint of Einleitung, with annotations. Offprint of Revisions-bericht. Proofs of pictures of the stage settings. One set, 1896-1897
The complete work is found in the Denkmäler set in the regular collection of the library.
210"Franz Schubert. Vortrag zum Saecularfeier seiner Geburt, gehalten im Deutschen Paedago-gischen Verein im Prag." MS, (1897) (25 leaves.)
211"Referate" on E.N. Reznicek, J. Labor, and A. Rückauf. MS. Untitled. Dated Prague, 16 March 1897 21 February (?) 1897 (3 leaves)
212"Musik und Musikwissenschaft. Akademische Antrittsrede, gehalten am 26. Oktober 1898 an der Universität Wien." Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters, 5, 29-39. Offprint. MSS. Two drafts of the lecture, and two folders of notes, (1898) (One copy.)
213"Zum Jubiläum unseres Kaisers." MS., 1898 (4 leaves)
214"Gedenkrede auf Joh: Strauss, geh. Universität 6. MS., Juni 99 (9 leaves)
215Johann Jakob Froberger. Clavierwerke II. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 13/6.ii. Vienna: Artaria. Offprint of the combined Vorwort und Revisionsbericht, (1899)
Complete volume found in the set in the regular collection of the library.
216Heinrich Franz Biber. Acht Violinsonaten mit ausgeführten Clavierbegleitung. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 11/5.ii. Vienna: Artaria. Offprint of introduction. Proofs of introduction, (1898) (One copy, One set.)
Complete volume in the regular collection of the library.
217Johann Jakob Froberger. Orgel-und Clavierwerke I. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 8/4.i (1897). Vienna: Artaria. Offprint of combined Vorwort und Revisions-bericht, (1897) (One copy.)
Complete volume found in the regular collection of the library.
218Sechs Trienter Codices. Geistliche und weltliche Compositionen des XV. Jahrhunderts. Erste Auswahl. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 14 and 15/7.i and ii. Vienna: Artaria. Offprint of Vorwort and Einleitung, (1900) (One copy.)
The complete volume is found in the regular collection of the library. This volume was edited jointly by Adler and Oswald Koller.
219"Beethoven und seine Gönner," Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters, 7, 69-79. Offprint. MS. One Copy, (1900-1) (19 leaves.)
220"Gedenkrede auf Verdi." MS., 1901 (17 leaves)
221"Friedrich Chrysander." MS., 18-21 October 1901 (14 leaves.)
222J.J. Fux. Instrumentalwerke I. Mehrfach besetzte Instrumentalwerke. Zwei Kirchensonaten und zwei Ouverturen (Suiten). Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 19/9.ii. Vienna:. Artaria. Offprint of Einleitung, (1902) (One copy.)
The complete volume is found in the regular collection of the library.
31"Instruktion für Kopiaturen und Spartierungen, Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich." Vienna, 1902 (Single printed sheet, Twenty-four copies.)
signed "Der Leiter der Publikationen."
32"Richtschnur fü die Herausgabe der Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich." printed pamphlet, dated Vienna, signed "Die Leitung der Publikationen.", 1902 (Eight-page, Twenty-five copies.)
33"An Josef Labor zum 29. MS. Draft of the printed statement, recto and verso. Also a draft of a brief speech to Labor, dated-mistakenly?, Juni 1902 1912 (Four printed pages. Nine copies, 1p., 1 leaf.)
34"Johann Strauss," Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog, 4, 27-33. Offprint, Proofs. MS., (1902) (Two copies, One set, 17 leaves.)
35"Sokotri-Musik," in D.H. Müller, Die Mehriund Soqotri Sprache, 2, 377-82. Vol. 6 of Sudarabische Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Vienna: A. Holder, 1902-7. Offprint, (1903) (One copy.)
36"Ein Bayreuther Protest (Zur Parsifal-Frage)," Neue Freie Presse, no. 13785, 10. Clipping, 11 January 1903 (Two copies.)
37"Richard Wagner und die Wissenschaft," Beilage zur Bohemia, no. 130. Issue of the newspaper, 19 May 1903 (Two copies.)
Adler's article is in reply to one of the same title by Richard Batka.
38"Vom Heidelberger Musikfest," Neue Freie Presse. Clipping, November 1903 (One copy.)
For further material on this festival, see HEIDELBERG MUSIKFEST, clippings, BOX 48.
39"Reden für den Congress zu Rom." MS., 1-9 April 1903 (3 leaves)
with a single leaf containing an Italian translation of the German text. This and the following work were probably presented at the Congresso internazionale di Scienze storiche, Rome
310"Die Anfänge der Renaissance in der Tonkunst," together with "I principi del Rinascimento nell'arte musicale." MSS., 1903 (22 leaves; 27 leaves)
The Italian text is a translation of the German. The latter carries the pencil note "Rome Congress." See the preceding entry.
311Orazio Benevoli, Messe und Hymnus and J.J. Froberger, Clavier-und Orgelwerke (III. Band), Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 20 and 21/10.i and ii, (1903)
Vienna: Artaria. Offprint of the combined Einleitungen und Revisionsberichte of the two volumes. See the set in the general collection of the library for the complete volumes.
312"Una messa e un inno a 53 voci di Orazio Benevoli," Revista Musicale Italiana, 10, 1-22. Offprint, (1903) (One copy.)
This article is a translation of the introduction to the Benevoli volume cited in the preceding entry.
313"Anton Rückauf." MS., 19 September 1903 (4 leaves.)
Lists of compositions by Rückauf, and a brief chronology for Josef Labor are also found with the MS. This work is apparently the draft of a memorial speech on the occasion of Rückauf's death
314"Eine neue musikalische Vereinigung," Neue Freie Presse. Clipping, 31 March 1904 (One copy.)
315"Eduard Hanslicks Lebenswerk," Neue Freie Presse. Clipping, 7 August 1904 (Two copies.)
316"Richard Wagners Charakter," Neue Freie Presse, no. 14449. Clipping, (14 November 1904) (One copy.)
This article is an excerpt from Adler's book on Wagner listed below.
317"Vom Schaffen Richard Wagners," Königlich privilegirte Berlinische Zeitung von staats-und gelehrten Sachen (Vossische Zeitung), Morgen-Ausgabe, no. 555. Clipping, (26 November 1904) (One copy.)
Another excerpt from Adler's book on Wagner.
318"Richard Wagner als Künstler der Renaissance und als Romantiker," Die Musik, 227-42, (1904) (Two copies.)
Complete issue of the magazine. This article is yet another excerpt from Adler's book on Wagner.
319-20Richard Wagner. Vorlesungen gehalten an der Universität zu Wien. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel. One bound interleaved copy of the printed volume, with corrections. Proofs. One set., 1904
For material on the critical reaction to the volume, see RICHARD WAGNER VORLESUNGEN, clippings, BOX 53.
41, 3"Friedrich Chrysander," Biographisches Jahrouch und deutscher Nekrolog, 6, 66-70, Offprint, (1904) (One copy.)
41, 3Sechs Trienter Kodices. Geistlische und weltliche Kompositionen des XV. Jahrhunderts. Zweite Auswahl. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 22/11.i. Vienna: Artaria, 1904
No material in files. See set in the general collection for the complete volume, edited again by Adler and Oswald Koller.
42"'Euryanthe' in neuer Einrichtung;" Zeitschrift der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft, 5, 267-75. Offprint. MSS., (1903-4) (Two copies, 3 leaves in shorthand, 3 leaves of notes.)
44"Mozart-Gedenkrede auf der Universität." MSS., January 1906
45"Die Bedeutung der akademischen Mozart-Feier," Neue Freie Presse, no. 14881, 7. Clipping. MS., 27 January 1906 (One copy, 6 leaves.)
46"Mozart. Festrede bei der Mozart-Feier für die Mittelschulen Wiens, gehalten am 18. April 1906 im grossen Musikvereinssaale," Zeitschrift für die Österreischischen Gymnasien, issue 5. Offprint numbered 1-8. Offprints. MSS. Two drafts, 1906 (Four copies, 14 leaves; 13 leaves.)
47"W.A. Mozart. Festrede zur Säkularfeier...," Deutsche Arbeit, 5, 300-4, (1905-6)
See this title under the year 1887. The work written at that time was published in 1906.
48"Musikalische Kulturprooleme unserer Zeit," Neue Freie Presse, no. 15203, 1-4. Complete issue of newspaper. MSS. 3 ALS, (17 December 1906) (One copy, 36 numbered leaves, 32 numbered leaves)
Two full copies of the work, untitled, with several separate leaves with revisions. From the Lessing-Gesellschaft, relating to the occasion on which the work was presented as a lecture.
49"Eduard Hanslick," Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog, 9, 342-7. Offprint. Proofs. One set with corrections, (1907) 11 January 1906 (One copy.)
410"Tona v. Hermann." MS., 20 February 1907 (1 leaf.)
410"Zu Biber's Violinsonaten," Zeitschrift der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft, 9, 29-30, (1907-8)
No copy in files. See volume in general collection.
411"Vorwort" to Wiener Instrumentalmusik vor und um 1750. Vorläufer der Wiener Klassiker. Ed. by K. Horwitz and K. Riedel. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 31/15.ii. Vienna: Artaria. Offprint, (1908) (One copy.)
412"Musikhistorisches Institut der k.k. Universität Wien. Institutsordnung." Single printed sheet, January 1908 (Twenty-eight copies.)
For further material on the Musikhistorisches Institut, see the folders under this heading, BOX 60.
413"Über Heterophonie," Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters, 15, 17-27. Offprint. MS., (1908-9) (One copy, 10 leaves of notes.)
414"Ein Beitrag zur Haydn-Literatur," Neue Freie Presse. Clipping, 10 January 1909 (One copy.)
415"Redaktionsbestimmungen für die erste kritisch durchgesehene Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Joseph Haydn." Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d. Folder, (1909?) (4 pp. One copy.)
These instructions were prepared by Eusebius Mandyczewski and Adler.
416"Instruktion für die schriftliche und mundliche Prüfung über Geschichte der Musik." MS. Unsigned, 1909 (1 leaf.)
417"Ueber Textlegung in den 'Trienter Codices.' " in Riemann-Festschrift. Gesammelte Schriften ... überreicht von Freunden und Schülern. Leipzig: Max Hesses Verlag, 51-4. Offprint (two copies.)
418Josef Haydn. Festrede gehalten am 26. Mai 1909 im grossen Musikvereinssaale. Vienna: Antaria. Pamphlet (14pp. One copy.)
419Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich. Gedenk-blatt den Mitgliedern und Teilnehmern der Haydnzentenarfeier, des III. Kongresses der 'Internationalen Musikgesellschaft' und der 'Internationalen Korpuskonferenz' gewidmet von der Leitenden Denkmälerkommission. Vienna: Selbstverlag. Pamphlet. MS., 1909 (29pp. 1 leaf of notes.)
Adler either wrote or edited this work.
419Haydn-Zentenarfeier. III. Kongress der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft. Wien, 25. bis 29." Mai 1909. Bericht vorgelegt vom Wiener Kongressausschuss. Vienna: Artaria, 1909
This volume, edited by Adler, is cataloged as part of the regular collection of the library. For the manuscript materials used in the preparation of the work, and the other files connected with the festival, see HAYDN-ZENTENARFEIER, BOXES 40 and 41, and clippings, under the same heading, BOXES 53-56.
420"Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Josef Haydn." Newspaper article, probably from the Neue Freie Presse. Clipping, 1909 (One copy.)
paper, issue, and date are not identified.
420Richard Wagner. Conférences faites à l'Université de Vienne et revues pour la traduction française. Trans. by Louis Laloy. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1909
French translation of Adder's 1904 work on Wagner. Cataloged as part of the regular collection of the library.
421"Eine Erinnerung an Bürgermeister Dr. Lueger (Erinnerung an einen Politiker)." MS., 1909 or 1910 (7 numbered double leaves.)
On the background of this work, see Adler's Wollen und Wirken, 108-9.
422"Wiener Musikkrise. (Skizze)." MSS., 1910 (Two copies, 7 numbered leaves, 5.)
423"Musik Enten." MS., Juli 1910 (2 leaves.)
424"Schiller und Schubert. Einleitende Worte, gesprochen bei der 26. Schubertiade am 30. Jänner 1910," Jahrbuch der Schubertbundes, Wien, 47, 1-4. Offprint, (1910) (One copy.)
425"Die Turbae einer deutschen Matthaeuspassion von 1559," in Festschrift zum 90. Geburtstage Sr. Exzellenz des Wirklichen Geheimer Rates Rochus Freiherrn von Liliencron. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 17-34. Offprint, 1910 (One copy.)
The complete volume is found in the regular collection of the library.
426"Eine Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Gluck," Neue Freie Presse, no. 16431. Clipping. Proofs, (25 May 1910) (One copy, One set.)
427"Gustav Mahler, Ein Freundeswort." First published in the Neue Freie Presse, 7-8. Subsequently published in Gustav Mahler-Ein Bild der Persönlichkeit in Widmungen, Ed. by Paul Stefan. Munich: R. Piper, 3-6. Clipping from newspaper. Offprint from book, 7 July 1910 1910 (One copy, One copy.)
428"Das Urteil ist gesprochen. (Staatsoper)." MS., 26/10/10 (2 numbered leaves.)
429"Zur Periodisierung der Musikgeschichte." MSS., 1911? 1912 (13 numbered leaves, 5 numbered leaves, 2 leaves.)
Three different but related papers are found under this title: 1) with added in pencil; 2) marked "London Congress"; 3) is an abstract of 1) and/or 2), and was published as "Division of Music-history into Periods" in Report of the Fourth Congress of the International Musical Society (London: Novello), 52-3. This volume is found in the regular collection of the library. For further material on the Congress, see THE INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL CONGRESS...LONDON. 1911, BOX 41.
430"Londoner Musiktage," Neue Freie Presse. Offprint. pamphlet form. Proofs, 14 June 1911 (One copy, One set.)
431Der Stil in der Musik. Vol. 1. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel. MSS., 1911
The incomplete manuscript, labelled "ad Stil? & Methode," contains leaves numbered 24-5, 39-93, and 145-68.
432Der Stil in der Musik. Vol. 2 (Stilperioden). MS.
Leaves numbered from 234-382. The note "gedacht als 2. Bd des 'Stil'" appears on the covering folder. Also included are proofs of the first few pages of the manuscript. This volume, although complete, was never published, even though the first pages had been sent to the printer. Ultimately Adler dealt with the subject in a briefer form in the Handbuch der Musikgeschichte. See Wollen und Wirken, 84-5, for background information on this volume.
51Der Stil in der Musik. Notes for Vol. 1 and 2
Three groups of notes for both vols. 1 and 2, one of musical examples.
52"Mottl." MS., 1911 (1 leaf.)
53"Lobmeyr. Ansprache." MS., 1912 (3 leaves.)
54"Leschetizky 'Die letzte Falte' Oper und Ballet." MS., 29 June 1912 (4 numbered double pages)
54Sechs Trienter Kodices. Geistliche und weltliche Kompositionen des XV. Jahrhunderts. Dritte Auswahl. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 38/19.i (1912). Vienna: Artaria
For this volume, edited by Adler, O. Koller, Margarethe Loew, and Franz Schegar, see the set in the regular collection of the library.
55Studien zur Musikwissenschaft. Beihefte der Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich. 21 volumes, 1913-34
Adler served as general editor of this series, as he did for the Denkmäler itself. The set is cataloged as part of the regular collection of the library. Specific contributions by Adler are listed separately under the appropriate year in this inventory.
56"Dem Schubertbund zum fünfzugjährigen Bestande," in Schubertbund. Gedenkblätter zur goldenen Jubelfeier, eine Festgabe deutscher Denker und Dichter. Vienna: Gustav Nedwid, 5. One complete volume of the Gedenkblätter.MS., 1913 (2 numbered leaves.)
57"Eduard Hanslick. Rede, gehalten bei der Enthüllung der Büste in der Universität," Neue Freie Presse. Offprint. One copy in pamphlet form. MS. notes, 18 February 1913 (16 leaves, 3 leaves)
For material on contemporary reactions to this address, see EDUARD HANSLICK, clippings, BOX 56.
57Untitled speech, printed in Denkmäler der Tonkunst. Zum zwanzigjährigen Bestande. Protokoll der Festsitzung gehalten am. Vienna: Im Verlage der Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 15-18, November 1913 (19.)
58"Reden f. Pariser Kgr." MS. Two brief speeches, 2-8 June, 1914 (3 leaves.)
one in German, one in French, for the Congrès, Société internationale de musicue, held in Paris. See under this name, BOX 41, for further material on this meeting.
59"Gustav Mahler," Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog, 16, 3-41. Offprint. MS., (1914) (One copy, 85 leaves.)
For contemporary reactions to the work, see GUSTAV MAHLER, clippings, BOX 56.
510Materials connected with this study. folders of notes (6, 15, 27, 20, 25, 9, and 7 leaves. 6 additional leaves.)
The sixth folder contains a TS list of performances of Mahler's symphonies.
510ALS from Dr. Bela Diósy. Budapest, 1 August 1913 16 November 1913 (2)
510TLS from Dr. Gustav Haas. Prague, 11 September 1915 (1)
510MS list, Mahler's activities at the Vienna Court Opera, 12 June 1913 (1, 4pp.)
Prepared by A.J. Weltner
510APS from A.J. Weltner (1)
510Draft of a letter from Adler to an unidentified recipient, (1911) (1)
concerning plans to send a telegram to Mahler in Paris
510Form letter from Mahler's office at the Court Opera. Vienna, 13 January 1899 (1)
concernung a new policy on passes.
510ALS from Frau Mathilde Gotthelft. Cassel, 15 April 1916 (1)
510Anonymous 1-page report of Mahler's death from Der Merker, II. Mai-Heft. Offprint, 1911
510E.O. Nodnagel. Gustav Mahlers Zweite Sinfonie in c-moll. Charlottenburg: Hermann Seefeldt. Reprint from Die Musik, Jahrgang II, 1903
510H. Teibler. Gustav Mahler. Symphonie No. 2 in C-moll. Der Musikführer, no. 207. Leipzig: Hermann Seemann (Berlin: Schlesinger), n.d. (Two copies.)
510Gustav Mahler. Sinfonie Nr. 2 in C-moll. Program book of a Vienna performance, 14 October 1915
directed by Bernhard Tittel, with a thematic guide. No author indicated.
510E.O. Nodnagel. Gustav Mahlers Dritie Sinfonie in d-moll. 2nd ed. Darmstadt: Eduard Roether. With leaves of notes, 1904 (3)
by Adler.
510L. Schiedermair. Gustav Mahler. III. Symphonie in D-moll. Der Musikführer, no. 227. Leipzig: Hermann Seemann (Berlin: Schlesinger), n.d.
510Program and program book for a performance of Mahler's Fourth Symphony by the Vienna Philharmonic, 12 January 1902
under the composer. Notes by Robert Hirschfeld.
510E.O. Nodnagel. Gustav Mahlers Fünfte Symphonie. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, 1905
510K. Weigl. Gustav Mahler, Siebente Symphonie (E moll). Der Musikführer, no. 369. Berlin: Schlesinger, n.d.
510Program of the first Vienna performance of the Eighth Symphony. With R. Specht, Gustav Mahlers VIII. Symphonie, Thematische Analyse. Vienna: Universal, 15 March 1912 1912
under Bruno Walter
510Program for a performance of the Second Symphony by the Kaim Orchestra, Munich, 20 October 1900
under Mahler.
510Program for the first performance of the Eighth Symphony, Munich, 12 September 1910
under Mahler.
510Anonymous article drawn from. N. Bauer-Lechner's Erinnerungen an Gustav Mahler, from the Deutsche Zeitung Bohemia, 2 September 1923
510J.V. von Wöss. Gustav Mahler. Das Lied von der Erde. Thematische Analyse. Vienna: Universal, 1912
511Materials connected with this study. proof sheet of the article "Unbekannte Jugendlieder Mahlers," (1)
Rudolf Stephan Hoffmann.
511"Gustav Mahler in Budapest," by Dr. Béla Diósy. MS. (5 leaves.)
See also, folder 2, item 2, above.
511"Mahler. Nachwort zum Essay im Bettelheim Jahrbuch, für die Separat ausg. (nicht erscheint)." MS. (8 leaves.)
511MS drafts of letters. 1) Vienna, to Breitkopf & Härtel. 2) Vienna, to an unidentified correspondent, 31 May 1908 25 April 1911 (2)
by Adler concerning Mahler. concerning the possible publication of the Seventh Symphony; about sending a telegram to Mahler in Paris (see folder 2, item 6 above)
511Referate by Adler on Mahler, dated Prague. MS., 23 January 1898 and 24 January 1898 (2, 6 leaves.)
511"Memorandum betreffend eine Reform unserer Musik-Pädagogik..." Carbon. MS additions to the memorandum, Christmas, 1904 12 November 1905 (3 pp.)
511ALS from Hans Daubruwa, Vienna, 18 August 1913 (1)
concerning material on Mahler's student years at the Gesellschaft der musikfreunde.
511Program book to a performance of Mahler's Fifth Symphony, 5 November 1911
by the Vienna philharmonic under Weingartner. Notes by Robert Hirschfeld.
511Program book to a special memorial concert of the Verein Wiener Tonkünstler-Orchester, under Oskar Nedbal
Program included First and Fourth Symphonies and 3 songs. Notes only on the Fourth Symphony. No indication of author. n.d.
511"Aufruf zur Errichtung eines Johannes Brahms-Denkmal in Wien.", March 1898 (One)
printed folder with an insert. Mahler was a vice president of the committee.
512Karl Nawratil, geb. TS. MS., 9 Oktober 1836 6 April 1914 (6 leaves, 9 leaves.)
513"Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht an Gymnasien und Realschulen," Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters, 21/22. Offprint. Proofs, (1914-15) (One copy, One set.)
Both offprint and proofs carry the original title "Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht an Mittelschulen," which was apparently changed at the last minute.
For contemporary reactions to this article, see MUSIKGESCHICHTLICHER UNTERRICHT..., clippings, BOX 56.
514"Karl Goldmark. Worte des Gedenkens, gesorochen am 28. January 1915 im Wiener Tonkünstlerverein," Neue Freie Presse, no. 18116, 14. Clipping. MSS., (29 January 1915) (One copy, Two copies, one of 4 leaves, the other of 5.)
515"Die österreichische Tonkunst und der Weltkrieg," Österreichische Rundschau, 42, issue 3, 1-10. Complete issue of the periodical. Proofs, (February 1915) (One copy, Three sets.)
516"Tonkunst und Weltkrieg," in Kriegsalmanach 1914-1916, ed. by the Kriegshilfsbüro des K.K. Ministeriums des Inneren. No copy of the complete volume is available. Offprint. in pamphlet form. Proofs. MS. (One copy, Four sets, 23 leaves.)
This essay appeared in several printings as a pamphlet, perhaps issued before its appearance in the Kriegsalmanach. One printing is dated Vienna, 1915 (Hermes Buch-und Kunstdruckerei). Another carries the imprint "Als Manuskript gedruckt" (i.e. privately printed).
For contemporary response to this work, see TONKUNST UND WELTKRIEG, clippings, BOX 56. The article "Weltkrieg und Musik," listed below under 1917, reflects changes in Adler's own attitudes.
517"Künstler und Kunstforscher," Neue Freie Presse, no. 18457, 10. Clipping. Proofs. MS., (10 January 1916) (One copy, One incomplete set, 6 leaves.)
518"Zur Geschichte der Wiener Messkomposition in der 2. Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts," Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 5-45. Complete issue of the periodical, (1916) (One copy.)
61Antonio Draghi. Kirchenwerke. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 46/23.i. Vienna: Artaria. Offprints of Vorwort, (1916) (Two copies.)
For the complete volume, see the set in the regular collection of the library.
62"Anton Bruckner. Weiheerinnerung eines Schuelers." TS., 1916 (4 leaves.)
Pencil notation on p. 1: "Für 'Auftakt'
63Gustav Mahler. Vienna: Universal-Edition, 1916
See the listings for the year 1914 for the original version of this work. An unused "Nachwort" intended for this edition is found in folder 3 of the materials connected with the work. This edition is not found in the files, but a copy is cataloged as part of the regular collection of the library.
64"Max Reger." MS. (2 leaves.)
On the outer cover appears the notation: "Reger Trauerrede Univ. (Kollegium Vorlesung)."
65Untitled speech, probably for the series Krieg und Kultur. MS., 2 January 1917 (2 pp. 1 leaf)
notes and a letter from the Wiener Volksbildungs-Verein referring to the series of lectures.
66Heinrich Biber, Heinrich Schmeltzer, and Johann Caspar Kerll. Messen. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 49/25. i. Vienna: Artaria. Offprint. One copy of Vorwort, (1918)
For the complete volume see the set in the regular collection of the library.
67"Weltkrieg und Musik," Neue Freie Presse, no. 18987, 1-3. One complete issue of the newspaper and one clipping. Offprint. pamphlet form. Proofs. MSS., (2 July 1917) (One copy, One set, 19 leaves, 27 leaves)
For contemporary reactions to this article, see TONKUNST UND WELTKRIEG..., clippings, BOX 56.
68"Offenes Schreiben an Hermann Kretzschmar,"in Festschrift Hermann Kretzschmar zum siebzigsten Geburtstage überreicht von Kollegen Schülern und Freuhden. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, 6-8. MSS., 1918 August 1917 (Two copies, 6 leaves, 7.)
For the published form of this article, see the volume cited in the general collection of the library. Both have the heading "Varsdin".
69Untitled sketch for a lecture. MS. notes, 28 December 1917 (2 leaves, 3 leaves)
610"Zur Vorgeschichte der 'Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich' (Anlässlich ihres 25jährigen Bestandes)," Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 15, 9-21. Offprints. TS. Portions of two carbon copies, (1918) (Two copies, 139 leaves, 1 MS leaf.)
611Methode der Musikgeschichte. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel. [Reprint, 1971]. MS. the Vorwort, 1919 6 July 1918 (150 leaves, two copies, 1 leaf, one of 2)
The published volume is found in the general collection of the library.
612"Leichenrede Artaria." MS. Sketch (1 leaf.)
613Wiener Musikfeste. Zur Beratung am 27. February 1919 im Stadtratsaale. Vienna: Waldheim-Eberle. Pamphlet. Clipping. MS., 1919 26 March 1919 21 January 1919 (8pp., One copy, One copy, 13 leaves.)
Also published as an article in Neue Freie Presse, no. 19607, 1-3.
614"Zur Einführung, Musikfest Wien 1919." MS. (3 leaves.)
See also VIENNESE MUSIC FESTIVALS...1919-1931, BOX 43.
615"Zum Geleite," Musikblätter des Anbruch 1/1, 1-2. Complete issue of the magazine. MS., (November, 1919) 1919 (One copy, 3 leaves.)
616"Ernst Berger." MS., 1919? (3 leaves.)
617"Mengelberg." in Willem Mengelberg Gedenkboek, 1895-1920. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 223-4. MS., 19 January 1920 (One copy, 1 leaf.)
Xerox of published text.
618"Gustav Mahlers Persönlichkeit," in Das Mahler-Fest Amsterdam Mai 1920: Vorträge und Berichte, ed. by C. Rudolf Mengelberg. Vienna: Universal-Edition. MSS., 1920 (Two copies, 9 leaves, 4 leaves and 3 leaves, 12 numbered leaves.)
For the printed text, see the volume cited in the general collection.
A third copy is found on the reverse of an essay on Beethoven, also written in 1920. See below. For further material on the Mahler festival, see also the following articles: MAHLER-FEST, AMSTERDAM, 1920, BOX 43; and clippings under the same heading, BOX 56.
619"Vom Mahlerfest in Amsterdam." MS., 9 May, 1920 10 May, 1920 13 May, 1920 and 14 May, 1920 (8 leaves.)
The note "Amsterdamer Tagebuch 1921" was added later, and the date is error. The manuscript contains diary entries
620"Zum Mahler-Fest in Amsterdam," Musikblätter des Anbruch, 2/7-8, 255-6. Proofs. MSS., 1920 (One set, Two copies, 3 leaves, 4.)
For the final printed form of the article, see the volume cited in the general collection of the library.
621"Zum Mahler-Fest in Amsterdam," Zeitsehrift für Musikwissenschaft, 2, 607-8. Offprint. MS., 1919-20 (One copy, 3 leaves, 1 leaf)
622"Beethoven." MS. (One complete copy, 5 leaves. One copy of the single opening page.)
The sub-heading "Zum 150 Geburtstag" has been crossed out. On the reverse of the complete copy is found a cancelled copy of "Gustav Mahlers Persönlichkeit," cited above.
623"Beethoven und unsere Zeit," Österreichische Rundschau, 65/6, 260-4. Complete issue of the magazine. MS., (15 December 1920) (9 leaves.)
623"Autriche" in the section "Comptes-rendus relatifs a la musicologie," Bulletin de la Société "Union Musicoligique," 1-5, 1)51-8, 2)3-13, 3)69-76, 4)63-69, 5)50-54, (1921-5)
Not included in the present files. See the volumes in the general collection of the library. These articles constitute annual reports of musicological activity in Austria.
624"Ein neuerlich drohender Verlust österrei-chischen Kunstbesitzes" Neue Freie Presse, no. 20265, 2. Clipping, (28 January 1921) (One copy.)
625"Das Kunstbedürfnis des geistigen Arbeiters," Neue Freie Presse. MS., 1921 (4 leaves)
Pencil notation: "N. Fr. Pr."
626"Über historische Musikaufführungen." MS. Gustav Mahler, 1921 (2 leaves plus ½ leaf of additions. 6 leaves of notes.)
627"Josef Labors 80. Geburtstag," Neue Freie Presse, no. 20770, 9. Clipping. MS., (27 June 1922) (One copy, 2 leaves.)
2Gottlieb Muffat. Zwölf Tocdaten und 72 Versetl für Orgel und Klavier. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 58/29.ii. Vienna: Universal-Edition, (1922)
No copy found in these files. See the complete volume in the set in the regular collection of the library.
71Richard Wagner. Vorlesungen, gehalten an der Universität zu Wien. 2nd edition. Munich: Drei Masken Verlag. Proofs. One set for the Vorwort and table of contents of this edition, 1923 July 1922
A copy of this edition is found in the general collection of the library.
72"Die internationalen Ausstrahlungen der Wiener klaasischen Schule." MS. notes. "Hochschalkurse" (3 leaves, 20 leaves. 28. IX. 23...")
Notation on outer wrapper
73"Wiener Musikfest." MSS. "Herbst", 1923 (Two copies, 9 leaves, 6 leaves.)
74"Dreissigjähriger Bestand der 'Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich'," Studien zur Musikwissenschaft. Offprint. Proofs, (1923) (One copy, One set)
74Christoph Strauss, Franz Heinrich Biber and Johan Caspar Kerll. Drei Requiem für Soli, Chor, Orchester aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 59/30, i. Vienna: Universal-Edition, (1923)
Not represented in these files. See the volume found in the regular collection of the library.
75"An Graedener." MS., 8.5.24 (2 leaves.)
76"Anton Bruckners Stellung in der Musikgeschichte," in In memoriam Anton Bruckner: Festschrift des Österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Unterricht, ed. by Karl Kobald. Vienna: Amalthea-Verlag, 7-20. Offprint. Proofs. MSS. notes, 1924 22 July 1924 5 May 1924 (One copy, Two sets, Two copies, 15 leaves, 16 leaves, 5 leaves)
77"Basel Reden." MS. notes, September 1924 (4 leaves, 2 leaves)
with the sub-heading "Festakt u. Banket." Informal speeches for the musicological congress at Basel. Adler's formal address is cited in the following entry. For further material on this meeting, see JUBILÄUM DER ORTSGRUPPE BASEL... 1924, BOX 43.
78"Internationalismus in der Tonkunst," in Bericht über den Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress in Basel. Vom 26. bis 29. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 36-55. Offprint, September 1924 1925 (One copy.)
The complete volume is found in the general collection of the library.
An English translation of this address appeared in The Musical Quarterly. See below, 1925.
78"Johann Baptist Schenk, Autobiographische Skizze," Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 11, 75-85, 1924
Not found in these files. See the volume in the general collection.
Adler edited Schenk's work.
79"Richard Strauss. Anässlich Ihres 60. Geburt-stages." MS. (1 leaf)
710"An Richard Strauss." MS., 1. 12. 24 (1 page)
recto and verso.
711Handbuch der Musikgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt, Plans for the division of work. Notes, 1924
The considerable quantity of material connected with the first edition of the Handbuch is grouped in eight folders, the headings of which indicate the general contents of each. This materia] begins in 1922 and extends to 3 years after the publication of the work. The second edition of the Handbuch appeared in 1930, and the reader should consult that date for a substantial body of additional material. Information about the specific number of letters from and to each correspondent in these files is included in Part II of this inventory under the names of the individual authors of the letters. A copy of the published volume is found in the general collection of the library. For clippings on the work, see BOX 56.
712Handbuch der Musikgeschichte- Correspondence with the publisher, V. Fleischer, 1922-24
Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt
713Handbuch der Musikgeschichte- Correspondence with contributors, 1922-24
O. Bie: G. Cesari: E.J. Dent: R. Handke; A.V. Heuss; Hölder & Tempsky: E.M. von Hornbostel; A.F.H. Kretzschmar; T. Kroyer; H. Leichtentritt; H. Müller: P. Nettl; R. Piper & Co.; W.S. Pratt; B.O. von Riesemann; H. Rietsch; C. Sachs; A. Salazar; A. Schering: M. Schneider; H. Schnoor; A. Smijers; R. Steglich: A. von Tóth; P. J. Wagner; T.W. Werner; J. Wolf.
81Handbuch der Musikgeschichte- Correspondence with contributors, 1922-24
H. Abert: H. Borgström; A. Einstein; C. Engel; W. Fischer; R. Haas; A.Z. Idelsohn: Z. Jachimecki; W. Krabbe; I.H.R. Krohn; F. Ludwig; K.R. Mengelberg; R.A.H. Mjøen; J.H.T. and B. Norling: A. & H. Orel: D. Orel; I. Pamer; P.A. Pisk; R. & C. Prochezka: H. Prunieres: L. Radermacker: H. Rubens; A. Schnerich: O.G.T. Sonneck.
82Handbuch der Musikgeschichte- Correspondence connected with the completion of this edition and improvements in a future edition
C. van den Borren; G. Cesari; A.E. Cherbuliez; E. Closson; A. Coeuroy: E.J. Dent; A. Einstein; C. Engel: W. Fischer; W.H.G. Flood; A.Z. Idelsohn; K. Jeppesen; W. Kühn; F. Ludwig: J. Mantuani: K.R. Mengelberg; W. Merian; J.H.T. & B. Norlind; A. & H. Orel: D. Orel; P.A. Pisk; H. Prunières; B.O. von Reisemann; C.A. Rosenthal; A. Salazar; A. Schering; H. Schnoor; R. Steglich; A. von Tóth; P.J. Wagner; T. W. Werner.
83Handbuch der Musikgeschichte- Correspondence after the publication of this edition
H. Abert; Algemeen Handelsblad; O. Bormann; M. Cauchie; J. Müller-Blattau: P. Nettl; M. Perles; M; Vasmer.
84Handbuch der Musikgeschichte- Notes on reviews and the critical reaction to the work, and correspondence with a few individuals
I. Friedmann; J. Macalik: C. Pantscheff; A.S. Theodoropoulo.
85Handbuch der Musikgeschichte- Further correspondence with the publisher, and a few individuals, 1922-27
Birnbaum; G. Biroz; H. Bräuer; V. Fleischer (Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt); C. Pantscheff; I.L. Prurefka.
86"Die Moderne in der Musik," in Blätter der Städtischen Bühnen Frankfurt a. M., no. 3, 25-8. Complete issue of magazine, (17 January 1925) (One copy)
This article is an excerpt from the Handbuch der Musikgeschichte.
87"Dr. Anton Oelzelt-Newin," Neue Freie Presse, no. 21721. Clipping, (4 March 1925) (One copy.)
88"Internationalism in Music," The Musical Quarterly. 11, 281-300. Complete issue of magazine, (1925) (This article is a translation of "International-ismus in der Tonkunst." See 1924 above.)
This article is a translation of "International-ismus in der Tonkunst." See 1924 above.
89"Der Gruss Oesterreichs," Deutsche Musiktage, Händelfest und Musikkongress in Leipzig-Sonderbeilage des Leipziger Tageblattes, no. 155, 9. Complete issue of newspaper, (6 June 1925) (One copy.)
See also KONGRESS DER DEUTSCHEN MUSIK-GESELL-SCHAFT... 1925, BOX 43, for further information on this meeting.
810"Das obligate Akkompagnement der Wiener klassischen Schule," in Bericht über den I. Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress der Deutschen Musik-gesellschaft in Leipzig vom 4. bis 8. Juni 1925. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 35-43. Offprint. Proofs. MS., 1926 (One copy, Two sets, 17 numbered leaves, with 2 inserts.)
For the complete volume, see the general collection of the library.
811"Eine Skizze zu 'Moderne' 1925." MS., 30 September 1925 (3 leaves.)
Apparently not published.
812"Johann Strauss. Zum hundertsten Geburtstage," Neues Wiener Journal, no. 11.468, 6. Two complete issues of the newspaper. MS., (25 October 1925) (2 leaves.)
813"An die Redaktion des Brünner Tagesboten. Wunschworte eines Musikhistorikers." MS., November 1925 (4 leaves.)
813"Konzept der Rede Mhist. Inst. 13.XI 25." MS. (2 leaves.)
This and the following entry are connected with the celebration of Adler's 70th birthday. See also CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES, 70th BIRTHDAY (folder 2), BOX 37, and ADLER'S 70th BIRTHDAY, clippings, BOX 56, for further material connected with this occasion.
813"Antwort 70. Gebtag Institut." MS. (3 leaves.)
814"Ein Musikkatalog aus unserer Zeit," in Gedenk-boek aangeboden an Dr. D.F. Scheurleer op zijn 70sten Verjaardag. The Hague: Nijoff, 39-41. Offprint, 1925 (One copy.)
815"Eine Aufklärung über das 'Handbuch der Musikgeschichte'," Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 8, 236-8. Offprints. Proofs. MSS., (1925-6) 8 December 1925 (Two copies, One set, One of 5 numbered leaves, 6 numbered leaves.)
816"Die Wiener Staatsoper." TS. MS., 1926 (One copy, 10 leaves. Also one carbon. 12 numbered leaves.)
817"Musikhistorischer Kongress Wien, 26.-30. März 1927," Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 8, 299-300. Offprint, (1925-6) 23 January 1926 (Two copies.)
818"Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven," in Almanach der Deutschen Musikbücherei auf das Jahr 1926. Regansburg: Bosse, 53-61. Offprint. Proofs. MSS., 1926 (One copy, One set, Two copies, 9 leaves, 12.)
paper folder
For the complete volume, see the general collection of the library.
819"Friedrich Chrysander," Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 8, 526-9. Offprint. Proofs. MSS., (1925-6) 14 June 1926 (One copy, One set, Two copies, 7 numbered leaves, 14 numbered leaves, 4 leaves of notes.)
820"Wien als Musikstadt," Österreich (Offizielles Organ des Osterreichischen Auslandsbundes), 1/1, 3-4. Complete issue of magazine. Offprints. Proofs. MSS., (January 1927) 20 January 1927 (One copy, Three copies, One set, 3 leaves)
See the following entry for an English translation.
821"Vienna a Town of Music," The Central European Review, no. 3, 43. Complete issue of magazine. Offprints, (March 1927) (One copy, Six copies.)
91Beethoven-Zentenarfeier, Wien 26. bis 31. März 1927: Festschrift den Mitgliedern des Musik-historischen Kongresses überreicht von den leitenden Kommission der Denkäler der Tonkunst in Üsterreich. Herausgegeben mit Förderung des Festausschusses. Vienna: Universal-Edition. Complete volume, 1927 (One copy)
This collection of studies, edited by Adler, was also issued as volume 14 of the Studien zur Musikwissenschaft.
For further material connected with Beethoven centenary festival, see the remaining entries on Beethoven for this year, BEETHOVEN ZENTENARFEIER...1927, BOXES 43-45, and clippings under the same heading, BOX 57.
92"Beethovens Charackter," in Almanach der deutschen Musikbücherei auf das Jabr 1927. Regensburg: Bosse. Offprint in separate covers, 1927 March 1927 (Two copies.)
Copies of this offprint were distributed to participants in the musicological conference held at the time of the centenary festival.
93"Beethoven-Zentenarfeier." MS. (1 leaf and 1 insert.)
This manuscript; does not appear to correspond with any of the published material located thus far for the Beethoven centenary festival.
93"Zur Einbegleitung:," in Wiener Beethoven-Zentenarfeier vom 26. bis 31. März 1927. Vienna: veranstaltet vom Bund Österreich und der Stadt Wien, 3-4, 1927
Not represented in these files. See the volume in the general collection of the library.
94Beethoven-Zentenarfeier, Wien 26. bis 31. März 1927: Festbericht vorgelegt vom Exekutivkomitee der Feier. Vienna: n.p. Complete volume, 1927 (One copy.)
For Adler's contributions, see the Vorwort, pp. 3-5, and the brief speech on p. 44.
95"An Eus. Mandyczewski." MS., 15 May 1927 (2 leaves.)
96"Stilkritik (für ungar: M: lex: 1927)." MS., 26 June 1927 (4 leaves.)
The Hungarian musical dictionary for which this article was written has not yet been identified.
97"Sommer der Musik in Frankfurt am Main: Musik über den Völkern. Nationalismus und Internationalismus in der Musik," Frankfurter Zeitung (zweites Morgenblatt), no. 486. Complete issue of the newspaper, (3 July 1927) (One copy, 8 leaves)
with the title "Nationalismus und Internationalismus in der Musik." For further information on the Frankfurt exhibition, see also INTERNATIONALE AUSSTELLUNG... FRANKFURT, 1927, BOX 43.
97Beethoven-Zentenarfeier. Wien, 26. bis 31. März 1927. Internationaler Musikhistorischer Kongress. Vienna: Universal-Edition, 1927
Not represented in these files. For the published volume, see the general collection of the library. For the MS materials used in the preparation of the volume, see BEETHOVEN ZENTENARFEIER... VIENNA, 1927, BOX 45, KONGRESSBERICHT, folders 1-4.
Adler's contribution consists of the Vorwort, dated 30 May 1927.
98"Rückblick auf das Opernjahr." MS., July 1927 (3 leaves)
99Untitled speech for the Mozart-Tagung, Salzburg. TSS. MS., 3-7 August, 1927 (2 leaves each, 2 leaves.)
For further information on the Mozart conference, see MOZART-TAGUNG, SALZBURG, 1927, BOX 45, and clippings under the same heading, BOX 56.
910"Gedanken und Wünsche eines Musikhistorikers." MSS., March 1928 August 1928 (Two copies, 5 numbered leaves, 3 numbered leaves)
with the note "Jahrhundertfeier Hofgastein
911MusiKalischer Wettewerb
747"Der Komponistenwettbewerb des amerikanischen Schubert-Komitees," Neue Freie Presse, no. 22904, 7. Clippings. MS. "N fr Pr", (21 June 1928) Juni 1928 (Two copies, 3 numbered leaves)
For further material on the contests sponsored as part of the Schubert centenary celebrations, see SCHUBERT CENTENARY... NEW YORK-VIENNA, 1927-8, BOX 46, and clippings under the same heading, BOX 56.
747Neuen Freien Presse- letter to Herr Professor regarding specific issues of magazine from 1912-1928, 6 June 1934
747Redaktion der Neuen Freien Presse, 12 Juni 1934
912"An die deutschen Sänger!," Neue Freie Presse, no. 22934, 5. Clippings. TS. MS., (21 July 1928) 12 July 1929 (Two copies, One copy, 2 leaves, 3 numbered leaves)
For further information on the festival with which this article is associated, see 10. DEUTCHES SÄNGERBUNDESFEST, VIENNA, 1928, BOX 46.
913"Johann Sebastian Bach," Königsberger Allgemeine Zeitung, no. 461, pp. 1-2 of the Vierte Beilage. Clippings, of the Vierte Beilage. TS. MSS., (30 September 1928) (Two copies, One copy, 9 leaves, Two copies, 3 leaves, 11 leaves.)
914"Schubert and the Viennese Classic School," The Musical Quarterly, 14, 473-85. Complete issue of the journal. MS., (1928) (One copy. 21 numbered leaves and 10 leaves of notes.)
The German text, titled "Schubert u. die Wiener Klassische Schule," was apparently never published.
915"Musik in Österreich," Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 16, 3-31. Proofs. TSS. MS., (1929) 27 December 1928 8 January 1929 (Three more or less complete copies of the text, each of 32 leaves with insertions, and four smaller groups of additional or substitute pages. Two copies of the bibliography, 2 leaves each. 39 numbered leaves.)
This extensive article was written for the Enciclopedia Italiana (see following entry), but Adler received permission to print the German text in the Studien, and it appeared there before it was published in the encyclopedia.
101"Austria: Musica," in Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Rome: Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Vol. 5, 521-8. Reprint, 1959. Proofs. one book of rules, (1930) (Two sets.)
102"Die Scala." TSS. MSS., 18 May 1929 (Two copies, 2 leaves each)
103"An die Maatschappij..."TSS., May 1929 (Three copies, each of 2 leaves.)
For further information about the festival that occasioned this work, see EEUWFEEST DER MAATSCHAPPIJ...AMSTERDAM, 1929, BOX 46.
104Persönliche Erinnerung," in Festschrift Adolph Koczirz zum 60. Geburtstag. Edited by R. Haas and J. Zuth. Vienna: E. Strache, 5. TS., 1930 July 1929 (One copy. 2 leaves)
105Der Stil in der Musik. 2nd ed. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel. MS. Vorwort to 2nd ed. TS. Index for 2nd ed., 1929 (2 leaves, Also 10 leaves of notes. 13 leaves)
See 1911 for first ed.
105Handbuch der Musikgeschichte. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Berlin-Wilmersdorf: H. Keller, 1930
The surviving material connected with the 2nd edition of the Handbuch is even more considerable than that for the 1st edition (see 1924, BOXES 7 and 8). It is grouped into the following 15 folders, which extend from preliminary work through publication and attempts to secure translations into other languages. As with the 1st edition, individual correspondents are listed in the alphabetic series in Part II of this inventory; only a summary list is given here. For clippings on the second edition of the Handbuch, see BOX 57.
106Notes on the expansion of the 2nd edition. page proofs for the title page, table of contents and a few other portions of the 2nd edition. Letters from, 19 November 1929 (two sets)
J.Vianna da Motta; P.J. Wagner.
107Correspondence concerning the 2nd edition
O. Bie; C. van den Borren; P.C. Buck; G. Cesari; A.E. Cherbuliez; E. Closson; E.J. Dent; A. Einstein; C. Engel; W. Fischer; Verlag Adolf Fürstner; R. Haas; W.H. Hadow; A.Z. Idelsohn; Z. Jachimecki; A. Ramsbotham.
108Correspondence concerning the 2nd edition
K. Jeppesen; A. Koczirz; W. Krabbe; R. Lach; W. Kühn; F. Ludwig; J. Mantuani; K.R. Mengelberg; R.A.H. Mjøen;P. Nettl; J.H.T. & B. Norlind; A. Smijers.
109Correspondence with the publisher of the 2nd edition, V. Fleischer (entire folder)
1010Duplicate copies of the instructions for contributors, and the supplement to the instructions for "Die Moderne." Also the MS draft and TS of the latter
111Manuscript and typescript material from contributors concerning corrections and modifications in the 2nd edition. Also some correspondence., (1930)
E. Closson; Z. Jancimecki; W. Krabbe; A. Salazar; A. Schroll & Co.: H. Weiskopf.
112Manuscript and typescript material from contributors concerning corrections and modifications in the 2nd edition. Also some correspondence., (1930)
B. Bardi.
113Interleaved copies of the various segments of the Handbuch (1st ed.), (1930)
with indications of the changes to be made in the 2nd edition.
121-4Interleaved copies of the Various segments of the Handbuch (1st ed), 1930
131Interleaved copies of the various segments of the Handbuch pictorial material for the edition
132Correspondence with Max Hesses Verlag, carbons of letters to contributors, 1930-2
about the Spanish translation and the possibility of other translations into French and Italian: Deutsche Tonkünstler-Zeitung; Max Hesses Verlag; J.G. Prod'homme; H. Prunières.
133Correspondence with French and Italian scholars
about the possibility of translating the 2nd edition of the Handbuch: H. Besseler; C. van den Borren; M. Cauchie; G. Cesari; J. Chantavoine; E. Closson; A. Coeuroy; W. Landowska; I.L. Mendelsohn (used as folder); R. Rolland; G. Saint-Foix; A. Tessier; J.-B.-E. J. Tiersot; J. Wolf.
134"Gedanken und Ratschläge über die Veranstaltung ständiger Wiener Musikfeste." TS., September 1930 (6 leaves.)
For additional material connected with this proposal, see VIENNESE MUSIC FESTIVALS...1931, BOX 46.
135"Rede Entwürf Lüttich." MSS. material for several speeches (2 leaves and 5 leaves.)
The outer cover indicates "Speech Toast Discours Oraison." The occasion was the First Congress of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft at Liége (1-5 September).
136"A.W. Ambros," The Musical Quarterly, 17, 360-73. 1 TLS from The Musical Quarterly, (1931) (One complete issue of the journal.)
This article is an abbreviated translation of the prededing item. signed by Gustave Reese.
136"A.W. Ambros," Neue österreichische Biographie, 7, 33-45. Offprints. Proofs. TSS. MS. one folder of correspondence connected with the article, with letters from the following individuals, (1931) (Three copies, Four sets, Three complete copies of 25 leaves each, with some inserts. 27 leaves.)
G. Becking; W. Fischer; W. Gurlitt; R. Haas; P. Nettl; G. Reese; I. Schlemmer-Ambros; J. Schlosser. (See also W. von Ambros in Part ii of this inventory).
141"Erinnerung," in Ter herinnerung aan Dirk Schäfer, 25 November 1873-16 February 1931. Amsterdam: Sloterdijk, Wereldbibliothek. TS., 1932 10 March, 1931 (One xerox copy of the page. 1 leaf.)
142"Josef Haydn und die Wiener klassische Schule." TSS. MS., Spring 1931 (Four copies, 25 leaves each, 25 leaves, 23 leaves of notes.)
Published in translation in The Musical Quarterly (see below, 1932), the German text of this article apparently remained unpublished.
143"Zur Aufführung der 'Bacchantinnen' von Egon Wellesz (Kritik der Kritiken)." MS., 21 June 1931 (1 leaf.)
144"Erinnerung an Franz Schalk." MS., 4 September 1931 (2 leaves.)
Labelled "Fragment."
145"Haydn and the Viennese Classical School," The Musical Quarterly, 18, 191-207, (1932) (One copy.)
See above for the original German text of the study.
146"Johannes Brahms, Wirken, Wesen und Stellung," Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 20, 6-27. Offprint. TSS. MS., (1933) (Two copies, 42 leaves each. 99 leaves of notes. 3 leaves)
issued with the cover title "Johannes Brahms, Gedenkblatt zum 100. Geburtstag, gewidmet ihrem Mitglieder von der Leitenden Kommission der 'Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich'." alterations for the manuscript of the article.
147TSS. MS. (Two further copies, 42 leaves each. 41 leaves, 3 leaves)
148"Johannes Brahms, His Achievement, His Personality, and His Position," The Musical Quarterly, 19, 113-42, (1933)
Translation of the preceding article. One complete issue of the journal.
149"Zum vierzigjährigen Bostand der 'Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich'." TS., October 1933 (3 leaves.)
1410"Stilkritik." TSS. MS., 1933 (Four complete copies of 9 leaves each, one incomplete copy. 7 numbered leaves, 13 leaves of notes.)
with the notation "für Cambridge p. 1. This paper was intended for the 2nd Congress of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, held in Cambridge in 1933. Adler, however, was unable to attend, and the paper was subsequently published in translation in The Musical Quarterly (see the following entry). For further information on the Congress, see the file for Edward J. Dent in Part II of this inventory, BOX 20.
1411"Style-Criticism," The Musical Quarterly, 20, 172-6, (1934) (One complete issue)
1412-13Wollen und Wirken: Aus dem Leben eines Musik-historikers. Vienna: Universal-Edition, 1935
Material connected with this, Adler's last work, extends over a five-year period, and is contained in the following nine folders. Folder 1. Correspondence with various publishers concerning the possibility of publishing the work. Indexed in Part II of this inventory: Orell Füssli Verlag; Hug & Co.; E. Kurth; Rascher & Cie.; Universal-Edition; Paul Zsolnay Verlag.
151Notes (Addenda) for Wollen und Wirken, by topic
153Notes, sketches, and a typescript draft of portions of the work
154Notes, sketches, and MS and TS drafts of the Table of Contents. Also duplicate copies of two early published works: "Zur Reform underer Musikpädagogik", "Sokotri-Musik", (1882) (1903)
155MS draft of the work, with some TS pages, 4 October 1930 21 June 1934
First page dated, the last (p. 169)
156TS of most of Wollen und Wirken (199 leaves.)
157TS of the full work (202 leaves.)
161TS of Wollen und Wirken
labeled "Kopie No. 3."
162"An den Akad. Wagner-Verein." MS. (4 leaves.)
Possibly connected with the "Vortrage im Akademischen Leseverein zu Wien" of 1875/6 listed in the untraced works below.
163"Deutsches Theater in Prag, Die Eröffnung." MS., 1887 (3 leaves.)
Probably the same as the "Prager Opernbrief" listed in the untraced works below.
164"Vorwort. zur Samlung m: Essays etc. (alt)." MS. two lists (2 leaves.)
one in the form of a Table of Contents, indicating possible selections of studies.
165"Johannes Brahms und die 'Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich'. " MS., After 1897 (5 leaves.)
166"Aus meinen Leben. Gegessenes u. Getrunkenes von Hanns Prahl. (Originalabklatsch aus der 'Deutschen Rundsicht') Reklamvertrieb 20. Tausend." MS. (6 leaves.)
In a folder marked "Ed. H." (i.e. Eduard Hanslick). The handwriting is Adler's.
167"Juden, Haltet Euch zurück-Ein Mahnruf von.... ...." MS. (4 leaves.)
168"Mahnruf (unsere Kunstübung betreffend)." MS. list of persons (1 leaf.)
with the note "An folgende zur Unterschrift."
169"Oesterreichische Musik in letzten Jahrzehnt." MS. (14 leaves.)
This title is crossed out, and replaced simply with "Musik."
This is an article or a supplement to an article intended for the Encyclopedia Britannica, but no copy of a published version of it has been traced.
1610"Richard Wagner (Träger der deutschen Kultur im 19. Jhdt. Vortrag f.d. Lessinggesellschaft Berlin." MS. (27 leaves.)
The notations "Berliner Vortrag" and "Auszug in der Neuen Freien Presse" are added in pencil." The work is possibly connected with the "Musikalische Kulturprobleme..." of 1906, but the relationship is not entirely clear.
1611"Wider die Gelehrten in der Tonkunst." MS. (3 leaves.)
This work appears to be a reply to an article by Walter Niemann that appeared under this title.
1612"Die Zukunft Wiens auf dem Gebiete der Musik..." MS. Sketch or fragment (1 leaf.)
This work has no separate title. The opening phrase is given above.
1613"Ludwig der Entzauberte." TS. (9 leaves.)
This article is a review of the book by Emil Ludwig. Its author is uncertain. It does not appear to be a work by Adler.
The following works are included in one or another of several lists of Adler's works, but either no copies of them have been found among his papers, or it is not entirely clear whether a work with a slightly different title is actually meant.
NOT IN BOX 16 ***************
1613"Vortrage im Akademischen Leseverein zu Wien." MS., 1875/6
Possibly connected with "An den Akad. Wagner-Verein" in the undated works above.
1613Briefe aus Bayreuth." MS., 1876
1613"Kleinere Commersreden (Wagnercommers etc). MS., 1876
1613"Parsifal." MS. Das Vaterland, 1882 10 August 1882 20 August 1882 27 August 1882
1613"A. O. Philharmonisches Konzert." MS.
Probably one of the "Concert-Berichte..." listed under 1882.
1613"Post festum (Richard Wagner)." MS., 1883
1613"Prager Opernbrief." MS.
Probably the same as "Deutsches Theater in Prag..." listed in the undated works above.
1613"Die Regensburger Cäcilienvereinstagen. MS., August 1894
1613"Das Kaiserliche Handschreiben über die Haydnfeier." MS.
1613"Haydn-Feier und Musikkongress." Neue Freie Presse, 22 May 1909
1613"Oper und Ballet." MS.
Possibly "Leschetizky 'Die letzte Falte' Oper und Ballet" listed, under 1912.
1613"Richard Wagner. Skizze einer Gedenkrede." MS.
1613"Ueber die Aufgaben und Leistungen der Musik-wissenschaft, Richard Wagner." MS.
1613"Musik," in Unsere Neuen Nachbarn (Oesterreich-Ungarn), edited by the Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung kultureller und wissenschaftlicher Beziehungen mit Oesterreich-Ungarn
In Bulgarian.

Correspondence and Related Materials

The following division of the inventory contains a listing not only of those correspondence files that physically constitute this portion of the whole body of the papers of Guido Adler, but also of letters found in all other sections of the collection. As noted in the general introduction, an underlying principle in the arrangement of the papers has been to preserve the contexts of the various documents as fully as possible. Thus many letters connected with specific activities represented elsewhere in the collection have been kept in the folders associated with these activities, rather than transferred to the general correspondence files. The most substantial, although by no means the only, special folders scattered throughout the papers are about a dozen in number. They are connected with the periodic anniversaries that marked Adler's career; his participation in two major musical societies; his work in organizing the Haydn and Beethoven centennial festivals; and his editorship of the two editions of the Handbuch der Musikgeschichte. To facilitate reference to these files, and to save space, the following abbreviations are used.BZ-Beethoven Zentenarfeier (1927) (Boxes 43-45).CM, Prague-Congratulatory messages on the occasion of Adler's appointment to a professorship at the German University in Prague (1885) (Box 37).CM, 60BD-Congratulatory messages on the occasion of Adler's 60th birthday (1915) (Box 37).CM, Hofrat-Congratulatory messages on the occasion of Adler's reception of the honorary title Hofrat (1919-20) (Box 37).CM, 70BD-Congratulatory messages, Adler's 70th birthday (1925) (Box 37).CM, 75BD-Congratulatory messages, Adler's 75th birthday (1930) (Box 38).CM, 80BD-Congratulatory messages, Adler's 80th birthday (1935) (Box 38).CM, 84BD-Congratulatory messages, Adler's 84th birthday (1939) (Box 38).HB1-Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, first edition (1924) (Boxes 7-8).HB2-Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, second edition (1929) (Boxes 10-13).HZ-Haydn Zentenarfeier (1909) (Boxes 39-42).IGM-Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft (International Musicological Society) (ca. 1928-36) (Box 23).IMG-Internationale Musikalische Gesellschaft (International Musical Society) (ca. 1903-14)(Box 23). All other special files are identified by name in separate listings.Individuals and organizations represented in the general correspondence section by separate folders are indicated by asterisks following their names. Names not so marked are represented only by letters in the particular files cited.In identifying the character of the material found for each person or group, the following conventional abbreviations are used. ALS-autograph letter, signed. AL-autograph letter. LS-letter, signed. So-called Briefkarten ("letter cards") are classified as letters.ANS-autograph notecard, signed (variants as above).APS-autograph postcard, signed (variants as above).CC-calling card (a large number of which have brief messages written on them).n.d.-no date indicated.n.p.-no place indicatedTLS-typescript letter, signed (variants as in ALS above).TPS-typescript postcard, signed (variants as above).v.p.-various places indicated in several different letters.Full dates for letters are given, where possible, when the files contain only one or two items. Larger numbers of documents are given inclusive dates. When a considerable number of places are represented in any single group of letters, only the most important are identified. For the material in related files, such as those listed above, only the type of document is normally indicated, since the occasion and the general time period are usually clear.To aid those who may use this inventory in identifying, or in obtaining information about, the people represented by correspondence, abbreviations indicating one of a number of standard dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference works have been given in brackets following the dates of the individual person. Although a relatively large number of persons have been identified, no references have been found in published works for many others. Names of individuals are presented as fully as possible on the basis of the available material. In some cases, however, only a surname can be provided, and in others a nickname or diminutive serves as a given name. Without additional evidence, it seemed best to reproduce such names exactly as they appear in the documents. The reference works cited are identified with the abbreviations given below. For German readers it may be useful to note that many of the persons cited in B5 are also found in R12. As successive volumes of ÖBL appear, it should be possible to identify a larger number of figures in the latter part of the alphabetic series. Death dates for a few individuals who are clearly no longer alive have thus far remained elusive.B5-Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. 5th ed., completely revised by Nicolas Slonimsky. New York: G. Schirmer, Supplement, 1956.DBF-Dictionnaire de biographie française. Paris: Letouzey. 1933-.DBI-Dizionario biografico degli italiani. Rome: Enciclopedia italiana, 1960-.EI-Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. Rome: Istituto Giovanni Treccani, 1929-39. 5 supplements, 1938-61.EJ-Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem: Encyclopaedia Judaica [New York: Macmillan], 1971-72.G5-Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 5th ed., edited by Eric Blom. London: Macmillan [New York: The Free Press], 1954. Supplementary volume, 1961.GB-Der Grosse Brockhaus. 16th ed. Wiesbaden: Brockhaus, 1953-63.LC-National Union Catalogue. Formerly A Catalog of Books Represented by Library of Congress Printed Cards...Ann Arbor; Edwards, 1942-.M4-Hans J. Moser. Musik Lexikon. 4th ed. Hamburg: H. Sikorski, 1955. Nachtrag, 1958. Ergänzungsband, 1963.NDB-Neue deutsche Biographie. Berlin: Duncker und Humbolt, 1953-.NÖB-Neue österreichisches Biographie. Vienna: Amalthea. 1923-.NYPL-Dictionary Catalog of the Music Collection, New York Public Library. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1965. Supplement, 1964-71. ÖBL-Österreichisches biographisches Lexikon 1915-1950. Graz: Böhlaus, 1957-.ÖM-Österreichische Musikzeitschrift. 1945-.R7-Hugo Riemann. Musik Lexikon. 7th ed. Leipzig: Max Hesses Verlag, 1909.R11-Hugo Riemanns Musik Lexikon. 11th ed., edited by Alfred Einstein. Berlin: Max Hesses Verlag, 1929.R12-Riemann Musik Lexikon. 12th ed., edited by Wilibald Gurlitt. Mainz: B. Schott's Söhne, 1959-67. Ergänzungsband, Personenteil A-K, 1972.RE-Enciclopedia della musica. Edited by Claudio Sartori and Riccardo Allorto. Milan: Ricordi, 1963-64.SM-Steirisches Musiklexikon. Edited by W. Suppan. Graz: Akademische Druck-und Verlagsanstalt, 1962-66.TB-Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler...Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, 1907-50.UJE-Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 1939-43.V-Hans Vollmer. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des XX. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: VEB E. A. Seemann, 1953-62.WW-Who's Who. New York: St. Martin's [et al.], 1848-.WWW-Who Was Who in America. Chicago: An. N. Marquis, 1943-.Z-Zenei Lexikon. Revised ed., edited by Dénes Bartha. Budapest: Zenemükiadó Vállalat, 1965.While the primary function of this portion of the inventory is to serve as a guide to the location of all of the correspondence in the collection, a few references have been included to individuals not represented by letters, in order to draw attention to the existence of important materials of other types elsewhere in the collection. Similarly, cross references are included for material in the CLIPPINGS AND OFFPRINT section that might bear on Adler's relationships with persons represented by correspondence. In this regard a check of the thesis of Miss Gail Means cited in the general introduction to this volume will reveal additional material among Adler's books and music. The present central section of the inventory may thus be used as an index of the contemporaries of Adler who are represented in any significant way in the papers as a whole.At present, with the exception of the material on Gustav Mahler, all of the correspondence among Adler's papers remains unpublished. The letters of Mahler have been reproduced in an article of mine cited in the entry for the composer, and preliminary work has been done for the publication of several other groups of letters, notably those of Schönberg. It is my hope that this inventory will encourage exploration and study of the many other substantial bodies of correspondence found in the papers. Although a collection such as this inevitably contains much that is routine and perfunctory, much remains that illuminates the feelings and attitudes of a wide variety of individuals, and the material in this section as a whole throws light on many sides of musical life in Austria and Europe during the period in which Adler was active.

General File

171DER ABEND*. 1 TLS, Vienna, n.d., signature unclear
172ABERT, HERMANN (1871-1927). 9 ALS, 14 APS, Halle, Schwäbische Hall, Leipzig, Berlin. Carbons of 5 letters from Adler, 1911-26
[B5, R12]*
173ADLER, ERNST (b. 1848) and JOSEPHINE*. 9 APS, Vienna, Munich, 1898-99
(1 signed Ernst, Josephine, Ricki, Alfred).
The following members of the Adler family can be identified only by their first names. Letters of the names asterisked are found in the present folder.
174AMALIE*—. 2 APS, Prague, 7 September 1898 26 October 1898
174HERTHA*—. 3 ALS, 1899
174ANONYMOUS* (signatures unclear). 1 ALS, 2 APS.
See the folder for GUIDO and BETTI ALDER below for a list of the identifiable members of the Adler family.
175ADLER, GUIDO (1855-1941) and BETTI (née BERGER: 1859-1933) [NDB]*
The present folder contains only a few miscellaneous documents connected with Adler and his wife. Adler's correspondence, in so far as it has been preserved among his papers, is found in the files connected with its recipients. In his earlier years Adler frequently drafted his replies on the letters he received, and occasionally on separate scraps of paper. In later years much of his correspondence was typed, and carbons were usually kept.Important documents connected with Adler's life appear throughout the entire body of the papers, but special attention should be directed to the clippings on his various activities in Section III B (Boxes 53-57); to the records of his academic career (Box 60); and to the family records and documents (Box 65). The collection of congratulatory messages on the occasion of Adler's 70th birthday, folder 2 (Box 37), also contains a group of newspaper clippings which review the historian's activities up to that time.A list of the various members of Adler's family whom it has been possible to identify is included in the present folder. Those who could be provided with full names are represented with individual entries in this inventory. Those who could be identified only by their first names are listed in the folder headed ADLER FAMILY (see above).
Guido Adler. 4 documents connected with Adler's move to Vienna, 1898
Guido Adler. 1 envelope with calling cards and miscellaneous items connected with Adler's visit to Rome, 1902
Guido Adler. Carbons of 2 letters and the manuscript draft of a third by Guido Adler connected with the death of his wife Betti, 18 December 1933
Guido Adler. 1 printed circular from the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Wien, (June 1939)
Betti Adler. 5 ALS, 19 APC, v. p., principally Prague, Vienna, and Baden, 1898 1902
Betti Adler. 1 group of 4 legal documents
concerning the disposition of Betti Adler's property in relation to her son and daughter, Hubert Joachim and Melanie Adler.
Betti Adler. 1 typescript copy of Betti Adler's will, 17 July 1932
177ADLER, HENRIETTE (b. 1859)*. 7 ALS, n.p., 1898-99 1902 1920
Three have notes by others (Eduard, Leo, Leonhard, Stella, Bianca, Malvine).
17811 APS, Vienna. 1 ALS, Vienna, n.d., 1902
1781 ALS, Vienna, 6 November 1940
From Guido Adler to Hubert. [Probably Adler's last letter to his son.]
178Xerox copies of 4 manuscript documents written by Hubert Joachim after the death of his father
178Memorandum for Dr. Tischler on the history of the library."
[Actually about plans for Guido Adler to come to the United States.]
178"Guido Adler and Politics."
178"Guido Adler's Attitude Toward Religion."
178"The Last Years (1938-1941)."
179ADLER. LEONARDO (LEONHARD)*. 1 ALS, n.p., 28 August 1898
(together with Bianca and Edoardo).
1710ADLER, LEONHARD (b. 1882) and FANNY* 3 ALS, Vienna and Berlin, 1902 1932 1935
The letter of 1932 also includes a copy of 1 TL from a Dr. Sahn, and 1 newspaper clipping reporting Leonhard Adler's 50th birthday.
1711ADLER, LEOPOLD (b. 1850)*. 1 APS, Vienna, 28 June 1899
17121 ALS, 14 APS, Vienna, Hofgastein, Munich, 1898 1902 1937-38
17121 ALS, Vienna, from Melanie Adler to Hubert Jcachim Adler, 4 August 1941
reporting the death of their father on 15 February 1941. [This letter contains an account of Adler's last days.]
17121 ALS, Munich, from Hanna Häschleind to Melanie Adler, 18 January 1941
17121 ALS, Milan, from Manfred Picker to Melanie Adler, 28 February 1941
17121 TLS, Vienna, from Simon Israel Fischer to Melanie Adler, 18 August 1941
1713AKADEMIE FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST IN WIEN*. 1 TL, n.d., and 2 leaves of notes by Adler
1714ALBAN, P[ATER]—*. 1 APS, postmarked, place unclear. 2 TLS, Prague, Abtei Emaus, 24 December 1902 5 February 1906 and 4 January 1907
1715ALDRICH, RICHARD (1863-1937) [B5]*. 1 ALS, New York, 5 March 1910
1716ALLGEMEINE OESTERREICHISCHE LITERATURZEITUNG (I. SINGER)*. 3 ALS, n.d. Drafts of 3 letters from Adler. One printed prospectus for the magazine, 14 April 1884 1885
all signed by I. Singer.
1717ALLGEMEINER DEUTSCHER MUSIK VEREIN*. 1 TLS from Frederick Sard, Paris. 7 TLS on ADM stationary, signed by Hermann Bischoff Munich. 1 telegram from Bischoff. 2 TLS from Max Friedländer, Berlin, 1927. Carbons of 1 letter from Adler to Hausegger and 1 letter to Sard. Multiple copies of a dittoed protest about the Schubert Centenary contest, 29 July 1927 1927 1927
(1 jointly with Siegmund von Hausegger). For further information about this contest, which is the subject of the correspondence in this folder, see: Schubert Centenary...New York, Vienna, 1927-28, Box 46.
1718ALWIN, CARL (1891-1945) and ELIZABETH [B5]*. 1 APS, Buenos Aires. 1 ALS, Vienna. 1 CC., 24 July 1930 22 January 1933
1719AMBROS, WILHELM VON 6 ALS, 4 TLS, Vienna. 1 ANS, another Ambros. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1905-30 1930
but full signature is unclear.
1720AMELLI, PADRE GUERINO (ABBAT AMBROGIO) (1848-1933) [RE]*. 3 ALS, 1 APS, Milan, Firenze. Draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1882-83 1911
1721AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY*. 1 TLS, New York. 1 typed notice of a meeting, 11 July 1935 6 December 1935
signed by Gustave Reese, notifying Adler that he had been elected a corresponding member.
1722ANDRES, GEISTL*. 2 ALS, Zagreb, 30 July 1917 and 11 August 1917
1723ANGLES, HIGINI (1888-1969). 1 TLS, Barcelona. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 10 December 1935
1724ANTONIEWICZ, JOHANN VON BALOZ (1858-1922). 1 ALS, Skamowcky Post Potokzloty[?], 27 December 1907
1725ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT DER KULTURELLEN VEREINE*. 1 printed pamphlet: "Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der kulturellen Vereine. Program des Kulturbundes.", 1926/27
1726ARNOLD, ROBERT FRANZ (1872-1938). 1 ALS, Vienna, 3 June 1926
1727ARRO, ELMAR (1898-). 8 ALS, 3 TLS, v.p., principally Dorpat [Tartu]. 2 LS from the rector of the Theologigisch-philosophische Luther-Akademie zu Dorpat, W. Gruehn. 1 letter from Universal-Edition in regard to a book by Arro. Carbons of 8 letters from Adler. 1 letter of recommendation. Various notes for letters to and about Arro, 1928-33
1728ARTARIA, CARL AUGUST (1855-1919) and DOMINIK (1859-1936). Carl August Artaria. 37 ALS, 10 AN and APS, 2 CC, v.p., principally Vienna. 1 business letter, and 1 business card from the firm of Artaria. 1 undelivered note from Adler to C. A. Artaria. 2 printed invitations to parties given jointly by Adler and C. A. Artaria, 1974-1917 1901 1906
1728ARTARIA, CARL AUGUST (1855-1919) and DOMINIK (1859-1936). Dominik Artaria. 7 ALS, 2 TLS, 4 AN and APS, v.p., principally Vienna, 1899-1933
1729ASAFIEV, BORIS VLADIMIROVITCH [IGOR GLEBOV] (1884-1949). 6 ALS, Detskoye Selo, bei Leningrad. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler, and miscellaneous notes by Adler on Asafiev, 1928-31
1730AST, MAX (b. 1874). 2 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1907 1926 1930
1731AUBRY, MADAME PIERRE. 1 ALS, n.p., 29 September 1910
[widow of PIERRE AUBRY (1874-1910)]*
1732AUDA, ANTOINE (1879-). 1 TPS. Wolvwe-St.-Pierre, postmarked, 16 September 1930
1733AUERKAMP, ANTON*. 1 APS, Amsterdam, 27 November[?] 1913[?]
1734DER AUFTAKT (ERICH STEINHARD)*. 1 TLS form letter, Prague. Signed Victor Berchler-Troskowitz, April 1921
1734DER AUFTAKT (ERICH STEINHARD)*. 1 ALS, Prague, no year. Signed Erich Steinhard
1735AURITI, GIACINTO*. 1 ALS, Vienna. 1 cc. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 17 January 1930
181BACH, DAVID JOSEF (1874-1947). 1 ALS, Sauerbrunn im Burgenland. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 12 July 1934
182BAGSTER, G. G.*. 2 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna, 1899 1907 1916
183BARBAG, SEVERIN [SEWERYN] EUGEN (d. 1944). 3 ALS, 1 TLS, Lemberg [Lwow]. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler to Barbag and Koffler, 1923-24 1931
[G5*]. The last letter is signed jointly by Josef Koffler.
184BARBER, E. M. (b. 1844 or 1845)*. 4 ALS (1 incomplete), 7 ANS, v.p., including Vienna, Johannesbad, and Baden. Drafts of 3 letters from Adler, ca. 1875-86 dated 1875-76
[Miss Barber was apparently connected with Adler's youthful love, Natalie.]
185BARTHOLOMEW, MARSHALL (1885-). 1 ALS, 1 TLS, New York. Carbon of Adler's reply to the second of these letters. Copy of the article "The Evolution of the College Glee Club" by Bartholomew. Brochure of the Intercollegiate Musical Council, 23 December 1928 8 April 1931
186BARTÓK, BÉLA (1881-1945). 1 CC with note, Budapest, 29 September 1920
[B5]* [introducing Cornel Givulescu].
186BARTÓK, BÉLA (1881-1945) 1 ALS, Budapest. MS draft of 1 letter to Bartók; carbon of 1 letter, 18 August 1922
[B5]* [About a possible contribution by Bartók to the Handbuch der Musikgeschichte. Bartók recommended Aladar Tóth (q.v.) for the job.][Documenta Bartókiana, vol. 2 (1965), p. 59, and vol. 3 (1968), p. 165, provides additional information on contacts between Adler and Bartók.]
187BASCH, ARPAD (1873-). 2 ALS, Budapest, 26 October 1924 17 May 1925
188J. H. BASCH (INTERNATIONALE TRANSPORTE-PRAG)*. 2 ALS, Prague, 16 October 1924 17 May 1925
189BATKA, RICHARD (1868-1922). 1 ALS, Prague. 1 TLS, Vienna, 7 December 1906 May 1914
[B5]* signed jointly with Otto Goldschläger.
1810BAUER-LECHNER, NATALIE (1858-1921)*. 1 ANS, Vienna. 1 CC with note, Vienna. 1 APS, Karlsbad, 23 March 1894[?] 15 December 1906 23 July 1916
[Bauer-Lechner was a violinist whose Erinnerungen an Gustav Mahler (1923) was edited posthumously by J. Killian (q.v.).]
1811BAYER, FRANZ (1862-1921). 1 ALS, Steyr, 24 January 1899
1812BECK, MAX WLADIMIR FREIHERR VON (1854-1943). 1 TLS, Vienna, 26 February 1921
1813BECK, MICHAEL (O.S.B.)*. 1 ALS, Innsbruck, 5 December 1906
1814BECKE, FRIEDRICH JOHANN KARL (1855-1931). 2 ALS, Vienna, 7 February 1907 and 27 September 1907
1815BECKER, HUGO (1863-1941). 2 ALS, Berlin, 6 January 1914 and 4 March 1914
1816BECKING, GUSTAV (1894-1945). 3 TLS, Prague. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1930 1932
1817BEER, RUDOLF*. 1 CC with note and 1 ANS, Vienna, 21 February 1912 and 3 March 1912
signed by Frank Damrosch (secretary).
1819BEIDLER-WAGNER, FRANZ W.*. 2 TLS, Zürich. Carbon of 1 letter and MS draft of another from Adler, 31 October 1934 23 June 1936
1820BEIER, FRANZ (1857-1914). 3 ALS, Cassel, 22 October 1885 20 November 1885 and 4 December 1885
1821BELLERMANN, JOHANN GOTTFRIED HEINRICH (1832-1903). 4 ALS. Berlin, 1881-88
[B5]*. 1 of which is badly damp-stained
1822BENKEY, FRANÇOIS*. 1 ALS, Paris, 16 February 1900
Addressed to "Monsieur le Baron."
1823BERG, ALBAN (1885-1935). 1 APS, Gera. 1 ALS, Vienna. 1 ALS from Federhofer, Graz, 12 November 1930 23 November 1934 31 May 1937
[B5]*. The latter is a letter of introduction for Helmut Federhofer, and the file also contains inquiring about Berg's letter.
1824BERGER, ALFRED VON (1853-1912). 1 ALS, Vienna, 11 August 1910
1825BERGER, ALFRED and CLARA*. 3 ALS, 4 APS, Vienna. 1 ALS to Berger, n.d., signature unclear, 1899
[Alfred Berger was Adler's brother-in-law.]
1826BERGMAN, LEIBISCH*. 2 APS, Skala, 25 May 1899 and 19 June 1899
1827BERGMANS, PAUL JEAN ÉTIENNE CH. (1868-1935). 1 APS, Ghent, 16 April 1927
1828BERNOULLI, C. CH.*. 1 APS, Basel, 8 February 1925
1829BERNOULLI, EDUARD (1867-1927). 1 ALS, Zürich, 7 May 1914
1830BESSELER, HEINRICH (1900-1969). 1 ALS, Freiburg, 2 November 1926
1831BETTELHEIM, ANTON (1851-1930). 5 ALS, 5 APS, 3 CC with notes, Vienna. One copy of the Vorrede to the Neue Oesterreichische Biographie. One printed circular, 1892-1919
[ÖBL]*. note by Bettelheim. concerning an honorary plaque for Bettelheim's 60th birthday.
1832BEZECNÝ, EMIL (1868-1930). 28 ALS. 1 ALS from Gustav Miresch, 1890 to 1920
[R12]*. The majority without indications of place or date. Some originated at Prague; the approximate period covered seems to be from
1833BIENENFELD, ELSA (1877-). 1 ALS, Vienna. 1 TLS, Vienna. 1 APS, Vienna. Typescript curriculum vitae up to, 25 May 1903 18 January 1932 27 December 1935 ca. 1905
[R12]*. signed jointly with Karl Weigl.
1834BILLROTH, —and—*. 1 ANS, 1 APS, 1 ANS, 25 May 1899 27 April 1908 2 May, 1908
Two different individuals are represented in this file. The first names of both are unclear. appears to be in the hand of an old man. show a different hand. [Brahms' well-known friend Theodor Billroth died in 1894.]
1835BINDTNER, TH.*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 13 October 1898
1836BISCHOFF, HANS (1852-1889). 1 ALS, Berlin, n.d.
1837BITTNER, JULIUS (1874-1939). 3 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna. Also 1 printed "Ruf an den deutschen Geist", 1913 1915
[B5]* with a note by Bittner.
1837BLASEL, CARL (1831-1922)
1838BÖHM, JOSEF (1841-1893). 8 ALS, n.p. [probably Vienna], 1885 1888
1838BÖHM, JOSEF (1841-1893). 1 printed announcement of a course for choir directors, 1 program, 1885
1839BÖHM, ROSA*. 1 ANS, Berlin-Schöneberg, 2 June, no year
1840BÖHMISCHE QUARTETT*. 1 TLS, Prague. MS and carbon of a short paragraph by Adler, 30 December 1931 4 January 1932
with regard to a Festschrift for the quartet, signed Jan Koět or Květ. for this purpose
1840BÖSENDORFER, LUDWIG (1835-1919). 4 ALS, 2 CC with notes, Vienna. 1 printed card, 1873 1899 1902 1905
[B5]*. on the occasion of Bösendorfer's 80th birthday.
1841BOLTE, THEODORE*. 1 ALS, Budapest, 18 March 1911
1842BOLTZMANN, LUDWIG EDUARD (1844-1906). 1 ALS, n.p., n.d.
1843BONG, RICHARD (VERLAG VON 'MODERNE KUNST'; BERLIN). 1 printed letter, 16 February 1908
signed J. C. Lusztig.
1844BORMANN, EUGEN (1842-1917). 2 APS, Vienna, Klosterneuburg, 27 June 1899 21 December 1915
1845BOROVY, CLEMENS*. 3 ALS, Prague, 21 June 1890 5 July, 1890 and 8 July, 1890
1846BORREN, CHARLES-EUGÈNE VAN DEN (1874-1966). 5 ALS, Brussels, 1910 1923 1929 1933
1847GUSTAV BOSSE VERLAG (REGENSBURG) (Gustav Bosse: 1884-1943). 2 ALS, 24 TLS. MS draft of letter from Adler. Carbons of 4 letters from Adler, 1913-31
1848BOSSI, RENZO (1883-1965). 1 APS, Milan, 4 May 1921
1849BOTSTIBER, HUGO (1875-1941). 3 ALS, 2 TLS, Vienna. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1902-30
1850BRAHMS, JOHANNES (1833-1897). 1 CC with note, in envelope. Envelope postmarked Vienna, 26 March 1892
1850BRAHMS, JOHANNES (1833-1897). 1 ALS, with envelope, Vienna, 1 March 1894
[B5]*. in another hand. The date agrees with one of the postmarks on the envelope.
1851JOHANNES BRAHMS-DENKMAL-COMITÉ IN WIEN*. 1 printed appeal for the erection of a Brahms monument. Vienna, 3 April 1898
1852BRAMBACH, WILHELM (1841-1932). 1 APS, Konstanz. 1 ALS, Karlsruhe, 11 May 1884 14 November 1885
[B5]*. badly damp-stained
1852BRANDL,—. CM, Prague, Box 37: 1 APS.
1853BRAUN, LISBETH. CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note
1854BRAUN, RUDOLF (1869-1925)*. 2 TLS, Vienna, 25 March 1920 and 5 June 1923
1855BRAUNSTEIN, JOSEF (1892-)*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 2 APS, Amalfi and Rome, 8 October 1929 31 August 1931 and 5 September 1931
the latter is signed jointly with Kurt and Martha Roger.
1856BRECHER, GUSTAV (1879-1940). 2 ALS, Vienna, 1 undated, the other, 11 May 1902
1857BREITKOPF & HÄRTEL (LEIPZIG). 61 ALS, 8 APS. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1884-89
[B5]*. The material within each folder is grouped as follows: (25 badly dampy-stained), (2 badly damp-stained)
1857BREITKOPF & HÄRTEL (LEIPZIG). 2 ALS, 2 APS, 1892 1899
1912 ALS. Draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1888-89
1914 ALS. Drafts of 2 letters from Adler, 1890 1899
19112 ALS, 7 TLS, 1 APS, 2 TPS. 2 contracts. Drafts of 4 letters from Adler, 1904-08
19115 ALS, 2 TLS, 4 APS. Draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1909-20
19120 TLS, 12 TPS. Drafts of 10 letters from Adler, 1920-32
1915 TLS, 1 TPS. Drafts of 4 letters from Adler, 1921-22
19227 ALS, 12 TLS, 1 APS. 2 copies of a contract. Drafts of 2 letters from Adler, 1911-13 1911
1921 ALS, 32 TLS, 7 TPS. Drafts of 3 letters from Adler. Numerous statements and receipts, 1912-19
1929 TLS, 1 TPS. Carbon of a contract. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler, 1927-29 1911
193BREITNER, HUGO (1873-1946). 3 ALS, 5 TLS, Vienna. Draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1920-33
194BRENTANO, FRANZ CLEMENS HONORATUS HERMANN JOSEF (1838-1917) and IDA (1855-1894). 1 ALS from Ida Brentano, Vienna, 2 February 1883[?]
194BRENTANO, FRANZ CLEMENS HONORATUS HERMANN JOSEF (1838-1917) and IDA (1855-1894). 1 ALS from Franz Brentano, place unclear, 16 September 1892
196BRICHT-PYLLEMAN, AGNES*. 1 ALS, Vienna. 1 ANS, n.p., n.d., 28 December 1902
195BRUCKNER, ANTON (1824-1896). 1 ALS, Vienna, 19 May 1881. Also 1 typescript transcript of this very brief message, and 1 card with what appears to be a facsimile of a quotation in Bruckner's hand, 1920
[B5]*.This folder also contains material on plans for a collected edition of Bruckner's works. Together with notes by Adler are found 1 ALS from J. Lechthaler, 1 APS from F. Wüller, 1 ALS from A. Göllerich, 1 ALS from Max Auer, and a typed outline of the planned edition. See also the files for C. Hynais and Rikola Verlag. Also included is 1 ALS from F. Schaumann, 1911, dealing the with Brucker statue at the University of Vienna.[Concerning another letter from Bruckner formerly in Adler's possession, see the the Fach-Katalog of the Internationale Ausstellung für Musik-und Theaterwesen, Vienna, 1892 (Box 2), p. 383. And on the surviving letter listed above, see also the file for the Städtische Sammlungen, Wien, Box 33.]
196BRÜLL, IGNAZ (1846-1907). 12 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna, 1892-1906
[B5, NDB]*
197BÜCKEN, ERNST (1884-1949). 3 APS, Cologne. 1 TLS from the Akademische Verlagsgesell-schaft Anthenaion. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler to Bücken, 1928 1933 1930
[B5, NDB]*. concerning Bücken.
Signed Stägel[?] and Ludwig.
19BUREAU INTERNATIONAL D'EDUCATION*. 1 TL, Geneva. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 28 August 1933
19BURGENLÄNDISCHEN REGIERUNG, AMT DER*. 1 TLS, Eisenstadt, 6 October 1931
signed P. Eitler.
199CAHIER, SARAH JANE (MME. CHARLES CAHIER, née SARAH JANE LAYTON-WALKER) (1875-1951). 1 TLS, Hankö per Fredrikstad [Norway], 11 July 1911
1910CALMUS, GEORGY (b. 1874). 2 ALS, Berlin, 23 March 1907
1911CALZOLAJO, MARIA VITTORIA*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 11 February 1903
1912CARNER, MOSCO (1904-). 1 TLS, Vienna, 14 September 1937
1912CARNER, MOSCO (1904-). Xerox copy of Carner's article "Pioneer of Musicology: Guido Adler," from Of Men and Music (London: Joseph Williams), 14-16, 1944
1913CASALS, PABLO (1876-1973). 15 ALS, v.p., including Vienna, London, Paris, Va., 1912-34
1914CASIMIRI, RAFFAELE CASIMIRO (1880-1943). 1 TLS, Rome, n.d. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, (1931)
1915CENSI, CARLO (1881-1957). 1 ALS, 1 APS, Milan, 16 June 1925 and 18 December 1925
1916THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN REVIEW*. 2 TLS, Vienna, 8 February 1927 and 7 March 1927
1917ČERMÁK, DOMINIC C.*. 1 APS, Prague, 25 April 1890
1918CERDA, SANCHEZ DE LA*. 1 ANS, Vienna, 25 November 1927
1919CESARI, GAETANO (1870-1934). 6 ALS, 1 APS, Milan. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. Also 1 printed card for a commemorative service for Cesari, 1921-30 October 1935
[B5, RE]*. 1 year after his death.
1920CHAJES, ZEBI PEREZ [HIRSCH PEREZ] (1876-1927). 1 CC with note, n.p., n.d.
1921CHAMBERLAIN, HOUSTON STEWART (1855-1927) and ANNA* 3 ANS (2 from Houston Stewart, 1 from Anna), 1 TLS, Vienna, 1898-99 1904
1922CHIGI, LUDOVICO*. 1 ALS, Rome, 6 April 1908
1923CHLUMECKÝ [CHLUMETZKY], JOHANN FREIHERR VON (1834-1924). 6 ALS, 1 ANS, v.p., including Vienna, Aussee, Karlsbad, 1 April 1919
1924CHRISTOMANOS, THEODOR (1855-1911). 4 ALS, place unclear, 1872 1882
1925CHRISTOV, DOBRI (1875-1941). Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, (1931)
1926CHRYSANDER, FRANZ KARL FRIEDRICH (1826-1901). 21 ALS, 13 APS, Bergedorf bei Hamburg. Draft of 1 letter from Adler. MS copy of a letter to Breitkopf & Härtel, 1880-92
[B5, NDB]*. 5 of these letters and 8 of the postcards are damp-stained. An unidentified hand.
1927CHRYSANDER, RUDOLPH (1865-1950). 28 ALS, 18 APS, 2 CC, v.p., principally Bergedorf and Rostock. 1 copy of a TL to Oskar Hagen. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler, 1 incomplete, 1884-1934
[NDB, article on Friedrich Chrysander]*
201CHYBINSKY, ADOLF (1880-1952). 3 ALS, 2 TLS, v.p., including Lemberg, Munich, Zakodane, 1908-17
201CHYBINSKY, ADOLF (1880-1952). 3 ALS, 1 TLS from S. K. Uniwersytete we Lwowie, 1911-17
[B5]*. All signed Wartenberg.
203CLOSSON, ERNEST (1870-1950) and HERMANN*. 4 APS, Brussels. 1 ALS from Hermann, Brussels, 1927-33 9 January 1928
204COMBARIEU, JULES (1859-1916). 2 ALS, Paris. Draft of a letter from Adler, in French. Printed announcement of the Revue d'histoire et de criticue musicales, 17 December 1900 and 12 May 1905
205COMPONDA, CLAIRE*. 1 ALS, Lausanne, 2 September 1928
207CONRAT, HUGO*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 9 May 1889
208COOLIDGE, ELIZABETH SPRAGUE (1864-1953). 1 ALS, 3 TPS, v.p., including New York, Pittsfield, Mass., 1927-35
209CORRIERE DELLA SERA (MILAN). 1 TLS, 15 November 1929
2010CROTOGINO,—*. 1 ALS, Rostock, 20 November 1878
2011CZYHLARZ, KARL VON (1833-1914). 1 ALS, Prague, 19 April 1891
2012DAMROSCH, WALTER JOHANNES (1862-1950). 1 ALS, Vienna by Adler, 24 June 1928
2013DANISH ROYAL LEGATION IN VIENNA*. 2 TLS, Vienna, 3 April 1925 and 22 April 1925
2014DAURIAC, LIONEL [LEONEL-] ALEXANDRE (1847-1923). 2 ALS, Prague, Paris, 17 June 1895 31 October 1904
2015DAVEY, HENRY (1853-1929). 1 ALS, Brighton, 6 May 1914
2016DAVID, MARIE ANNE VON*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 28 December 1934
2017DAVIDSON, MALCOLM*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 19 October 1927
2018DECSEY, ERNST (1870-1941). 1 ALS, Graz. 3 TLS, Vienna, 14 February 1911 1917-24
2019DEITERS, HERMANN (1833-1907). 1 ALS, Coblenz, 2 June 1902
2020DELPORTE, JULES (1882-1942). 1 APS, Lille, 20 June 1933
2021DEMELIUS, MARGARETHE*. 1 ANS, 1 ALS [Vienna], 28 May 1899 4 June 1902
20221 envelope containing miscellaneous notes
20221 carbon copy of the Denkmäler report for, 1936
20221 copy of the printed "Statut der Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe von Denkmälern der Tonkunst in Österreich."
20221 pocket notebook, headed "Einnahmen und Ausgaben für die Dankmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich u. die Kaiserwerke."
Only a few pages are used, and several loose bills are enclosed.
20221 copy of the printed "Verzeichnis von geistlichen und weltlichen Musikwerken..." from the Denkmäler, (1906)
20223 copies of the "Publikationen der Gesellschaft...", (1909)
20237 ALS, 6 TLS, v.p., including London, Cambridge, Bologna, Berlin, 1924-29 1933
With the 1933 group of letters are found programs of the meeting of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft held in Cambridge in that year, and one for the associated Festival of English Music signed by many well-known figures at the meeting. Also included are a carbon of Adler's message to the congress, and carbons of 5 letters to Dent.
2024DEUTSCH, LUDWIG*. 4 ALS, Döbling, Paris, 1874-87
2025DEUTSCH, OTTO ERICH (1883-1967). 1 TLS, Vienna, 17 January 1923
2026DEUTSCH-AKADEMISCHE LESE-UND REDEHALLE IN WIEN. 2 ALS, 12 February 1899 and 21 February 1899
Signatures unclear.
2028DEUTSCHE KUNST-UND MUSIK-ZEITUNG (VIENNA)*. 2 ALS, 7 February 1899 and 23 November (year unclear)
Signed Otto Keller.
The material in this folder falls into several different groups, as follows.
20291 ALS, 1 APS, signed H. Abert. 1 TLS, signed Oskar von Hase. 1 APS, signed Franz Diettrich-Kalkhoff. Memorandum by A. Orel "Zur Grundung der Wiener Ortsgruppe der Deutsche Musikgesellschaft." Minutes of a meeting of Adler, Fischer, Koczirz, Orel, and Wellesz, 1917-18 7 December 1917
Printed "Aufruf," "Satzungen der Deutsche Musikgesellschaft," "Statuten der Ortsgruppe Wien der Internationale Musikgesellschaft," list of the Direktorium and Ausschuss of the Deutsche Musikgesellschaft.
20292 TLS, signed F. Blume, 1925
20292 TLS, signed Hellmuth von Hase. Typescript report on the Basel conference of 27-30 September 1927. Draft of 1 letter from Adler to von Hase, 1927
20291 typescript "Einladung zum Beitritt zur Ortsgruppe Wien der Deutschen Musikgesellschaft.", 1929
20291 TLS, signed H. von Hase. Carbons of 3 letters from Johannes Wolf. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1931
See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 ALS, 14 TLS, the majority signed by F. Blume.
signed D. Ullmann and Carl Sohr.
signed Minna Ahnsorg[?].
DIETZ, MAX (1857-1928)
20325 ALS, [Vienna], only 1 dated. 1 CC with note, (June 1921)
20321 MS list of "Vorlesungen, gehalten von Dr. Max Dietz an der Wiener Universität," covering the period, 1886 to 1907-8
2033DILLER, ANGELA (1877-1968). 1 ALS, 2 TLS, 3 APS, v.p., including Vienna, New York, and Oakland, 1930-32
2034DICSK UREN-VERLAG*. 1 TLS, Neu-Ulm, 20 June 1923
2035DITTEL, MARIA VON*. 2 ALS, 1 ANS, n.p., n.d. 1 enclosure from L. Dittel, 13 February 1909
The latter is probably the Leopold Ritter von Dittel listed above.
[ÖM, vol. 2 (1947), p. 82]*.
203641 ALS, 2 TLS, 13 APS, 1 ANS, v.p., including Vienna and Graz. 1 ALS to Adler's daughter Melanie. 1 ALS from the staff of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, ca. 1902-37 (1937) 8 September 1892
(more than half of the documents are undated)
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 APS.
CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ALS.
Schubert Centenary, New York-Vienna, 1927-28, Box 46: 3 TLS.
2037DÖRR, W.*. 1 ALS, [Vienna], 22 May 1903
2038DOLINAR, A.*. 1 ALS, Tržič [Yugoslavia], 28 February 1925
2039DOM-MUSIKVEREIN ZU ST. STEPHAN*. 1 printed circular
about the activities of the Wiener Domchor in connection with the first Grossdeutsches Brucknerfest.
2040DONATH, EDUARD (1848-1932) and GUSTAV (b. 1878). Eduard. 1 ALS, Brünn, n.d.
[ÖBL]. [NYPL]*
2040DONATH, EDUARD (1848-1932) and GUSTAV (b. 1878). Gustav. 1 ALS, Nürnberg, 14 November 1905
[ÖBL]. [NYPL]*
2041DREI MASKEN VERLAG (MUNICH)*. 11 TLS, 11 TNS. 1 TLS from Breitkopf & Härtel. Notes and drafts of replies by Adler, 1922-30
[Drei Masken Verlag published the 2nd edition of Adler's book on Wagner in 1923.]See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS.
2042DRESDEN, SEM (1881-1957). 2 ALS, Amsterdam, 29 June 1920 and 30 May 1927
2043DREYFUS [-DE GUNZBURG], MARIE*. 1 ALS, Basel. With printed program of the Lyceum-Club, Basel, 23 January 1925
in which Hélène Dreyfus appears as a singer.
2043DREYFUS [-DE GUNZBURG], MARIE*. 1 ANS, Basel, 14 November 1929
in a different hand, signature unclear. See also: CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC and 1 ANS.
2044DUMBA, CONSTANTIN [KONSTANTIN] THEODORE (1856-1947). 27 ALS, 3 APS, 1 ANS, v.p., including Vienna, Paris, London and Belgrade. 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1875-1939 28 July 1892
[NDB]* in another hand, signed Dumba, Tattendorf
2045DUMBA, NICOLAUS*. 17 ALS, 4 APS, 1 ANS, v.p., principally Vienna. 2 further letters, 1874-1924
in different hands, and the first names or initials are unclear. One carries the notation "Dumba Sohn nach dem Tode v. Niki" [Dumba's son after the death of Niki].
211DURIG, ARNOLD*. 16 ALS, 2 TLS, 17 APS, Vienna, 1914[?] 1922-28
A few of the postcards are also signed by Lana and Ilse Durig.See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
212DVORAK, MAX (1874-1921). 1 ALS, Vienna, 3 May 1909
[NDB]*. See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: ANS. Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...1914-16, Box 56: 1 ALS.
212JOS. EBERLE & CO. (VIENNA)*. 2 ALS, 4 APS, 1898-99
Signatures unclear
212EBNER VON ROFENSTEIN, ANTON GILBERT VIKTOR (1842-1925). 2 ALS, Vienna, 8 November 1903 31 December 1909
213ECKMANN,—*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 22 November 1930
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
216ÉORCHEVILLE, JULES (1872-1915). 8 TLS, Paris, 1908-12
[B5]* 1 letter signed jointly with J. Combarieu.See also: Congrès, Société internationale de musique, Paris, 1914, Box 42: 1 TLS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 APS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 4, Box 24: 2 ALS, 5 TLS.
214EDWARDSON, F. G.* 2 ALS, 1 APS, London, 1909
216EGNER, MARIE (1850-1940). 1 ALS, Vienna, 30 April 1907
217EHLERS, ALICE (1887-). 4 ALS, 2 APS, v.p., including Vienna, Berlin, Valpariso. 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1926 1929 1935 (1927)
[B5]* referring to Alice Ehlers from her brother Erwin Pulay.See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS about Ehlers from Erwin Pulay.
218EHRENFELS, MARIA CHRISTIAN JULIUS LEOPOLD KARL FREIHERR VON (1859-1932). 2 ALS, Prague. Also 1 ALS from Adler, 16 June 1903
[NDB]*n.p., n.d. for the 2nd letter. either undelivered or unsent.
219EHRLICH, HERMANN*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 12 May 1927
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.
2110EHRMANN, ALFRED VON. 1 TLS, Baden bei Wien, 5 July 1933
[Father of Richard Ehrmann-Falkenau, listed below.]
2111EHRMANN-FALKENAU, RICHARD (b. 1894)*. 1 ALS, Vienna. Also 2 typescript copies of Ehrmann's curriculum vitae, 27 September 1935
which provides the date of his birth. See also: Festgabe, Box 61.
2112Eichler, Jasef
2113EINSTEIN, ALFRED (1880-1952). 25 ALS, 12 TLS, 49 APS, 4 TPS, v.p., principally Munich and Berlin. The last letter is from Northampton, Mass. Carbons of 13 letters from Adler, and notes for several more. Photograph of Hertha Einstein, 1913-ca. 1932 13 October 1939
[B5]* See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS, 1 APS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Clippings, H. Pfitzner, Box 49CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 7 ALS, 1 TLS, 6 APS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. MS drafts of 3 letters from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 1 ALS, 1 APS.HB2, folder 2, Box 10: 2 TPS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Laszlo Hermann, Box 22: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 1, Box 23: 1 APS.
2114EISELBERG, ANTON FREIHERR VON (1860-1939). 1 ALS, Vienna, 26 April 1929
[ÖBL]* See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
2115EISENSCHITZ, CLEMENTINE (1843-1903)*. 1 ALS, 7 APS, Bosrolungo, Milan, 1898
[Clementine Eisenschitz was a sister of Guido Adler.]
2116EISENSCHITZ, OTTO (b. 1863)*. 5 APS, Venice, Vienna, 1898-99
See also: CM, Prague, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.
2117EISNER-EISENHOF, ANGELO FREIHERR VON (b. 1857)*. 1 ANS, n.p., 4 July 1899
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2: 1 CC.
2118EITZ, CARL ANDREAS (1848-1924). 1 ALS, Eisleben[?], 20 May 1902
2119ELLIS, ALEXANDER JOHN (1814-1890). 7 ALS, London. Also 1 printed leaflet "Explanations from Alexander J. Ellis, 1885-88 19 November 1883
2119ELLIS, ALEXANDER JOHN (1814-1890). 1 ALS, n.p., n.d., of Camilla Herzog
2119ELLIS, ALEXANDER JOHN (1814-1890). Draft of 1 letter from Adler to Ellis
2120ENCICLOPEDIA ITALIANA (GIOVANNI GENTILE)*. 2 TLS, Rome. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 13 April 1929 13 October 1930
2121ENGEL, CARL (1883-1944). 24 ALS, 8 TLS, 3 APS, 1 New Year card, 17 telegrams, v.p., principally Washington D.C. and New York. Carbons of 9 letters from Adler, and notes for others, ca. 1928-33
2121ENGEL, CARL (1883-1944). Also 5 ALS, 4 APS, 1 New Year card, 1 telegram from Irene Schafer, and 1 ALS from M. D. Herter Norton
connected with Engel
2121ENGEL, CARL (1883-1944). Xerox copy of a memorial article, "Guido Adler in Retrospect," by Engel, from The Musical Quarterly, 27 (1941), 391-400
[On Engel's efforts to get Adler and his family out of Austria, see "Memorandum for Dr. Tischler..." in the file for Hubert Joachim Adler, Box. 17]See also: BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: carbon of 1 letter from Adler written jointly to Engel and Oscar Sonneck.CM, 84BD, Box 38: 1 telegram.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 6 TLS, 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 TLS.HD2, folder 2, Box 10: 2 ALS, 1 TLS. Carbons of 4 letters from Adler.
2122ENSSLIN, HERMANN*. 1 TLS, Stuttgart. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, MS draft of another, 17 October 1925
2123EPSTEIN, ALOIS*. 4 ALS, Prague, 1904-5
CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC.
2124ESCHERICH, KATHARINA [KITTY] (1855-1916) and GUSTAV VON (1849-1935) Katharina. 2 ALS, 1 APS, Welschnafen bei Bozen, Vienna, 1898[?]-1908
2124ESCHERICH, KATHARINA [KITTY] (1855-1916) and GUSTAV VON (1849-1935) Gustav. 2 ALS, Vienna, 6 February 1908 and 19 November 1910
[ÖBL]* See also: Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...Box 56: 1 CC with note from Gustav.
2125EUGEN, ARCHDUKE (d. 1954)*. 1 ALS, Basel. 1 CC with note, 12 May 1927
2126EULENBERG, ERNST (1847-1926). 1 ALS, Leipzig, 14 October[?] 1911
2127FAISST, IMMANUEL GOTTLOB FRIEDRICH (1823-1894). 1 ALS, place unclear, 6 March 1884
2128FAYER, GEORG*. 3 TLS, Vienna, 23 June 1927 2 July 1927 9 September 1927
2129FEDELI, VITO (1866-1933). 1 APS, Novara, 8 July 1910
[B]*See also: Clippings, G. B. Pergolesi, Box 49.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 4: carbon of 1 letter, unsigned.
2130FELBER, ERWIN*. 2 ALS, [Vienna], n.d. added to one letter by Adler. 1 typescript announcement of a lecture by Felber on Schönberg, 1916?
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2131FELBER, RUDOLF*. 4 ALS, St. Pölten[?], Göding, the other 2 undated, 4 March 1915 and 18 June 1915
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
2132FELLOWES, EDMUND HORACE (1870-1951). 3 ALS, The Cloisters, Windsor Castle, 19 May 1912 and 27 August 1912 10 November 1913
2133FESCH, MILOSCH VON*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 18 August[?] 1910
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 ANS.
Signature unclear.
2135FICHTEN, HERMANN R.*. 1 ALS, Leoben, 7 March 1888
2136FICKER, RUDOLF (1886-1954) and PAULA VON* Rudolf. 121 ALS, 5 TLS, 63 APS, 1 TPS, 2 telegrams, v.p., including Innsbruck, Igls, Vienna, Munich and Bologna. Also included are 1 receipt for photographs of the Trent Codices, and a manuscript: "Trienter Codices IV-Auswahl: Nachwort.", ca. 1914-32
[B5, NDB]
2136FICKER, RUDOLF (1886-1954) and PAULA VON*. Paula. 4 ALS.
2136FICKER, RUDOLF (1886-1954) and PAULA VON*. Paula. Also 1 ALS from Ludwig Bettelheim-Gabillon. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler, and notes and drafts for others, (1928)
in regard to Ficker.See also: BZ, miscellaneous folder 1, Box 43: note in French about Ficker.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 telegram from Paula.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS from Rudolf.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 CC, 1 TLS from Paula. 1 TLS signed jointly by Rudolf Ficker and Robert Lach.Gustav Mahler, 1914-16, Box 56: 1 APS from Rudolf.
221FISCHER, AUGUST (b. 1849), CAROLINE, FRITZI and GUGGI*. August. 12 ALS, Vienna, Brühl. 1 New Year card, signed jointly by August, Caroline, Fritzi and Guggi. 1 postcard, 1880-92 1901 3 January, 1935
in another hand, signed by August.
221FISCHER, AUGUST (b. 1849), CAROLINE, FRITZI and GUGGI*. Caroline. 2 ALS, 1 APS, Brühl, 1885 1902 1913
Also childhood notes from Fritzi and Guggi.
222FISCHER, ERICH (1887-). 1 TLS, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 16 March 1914
[B5]*. Also a brochure on a plan to publish tunes from early operas.
223FISCHER, EUGEN*. 1 ALS, incomplete, Vienna, n.d.
224FISCHER, WILHELM (1886-1962), MINNA, WILLI and ERNST*. Wilhelm, 22 ALS, 1 TLS, 7 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Vienna. Carbon of a poem, "Prolog," by Fischer. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. A few miscellaneous notes, 1910-28
224FISCHER, WILHELM (1886-1962), MINNA, WILLI and ERNST*. Minna. 1 APS
224FISCHER, WILHELM (1886-1962), MINNA, WILLI and ERNST* Willi and Ernst . 1 ALS.
See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: 1 folder of notes on Fischer.A. W. Ambros, 1931, 3ox 13: 1 ALS.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS, 1 telegram.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 2 ALS, 3 APS.HB1, folder 5, Box 6: 1 APS.HB2, folder 2, Box 10: 3 ALS. Carbons of 8 letters from Adler.Gustav Mahler, Box 26: 1 ALS.
225FISCHMANN, IDA*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 31 October 1935
See also: CM, 75BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
226FLEISCHER, FRITZE [or FRITZI]*. 4 APS, 1 ANS, v.p., including Cortina, San Candido, Vienna, ca. 1935-39
See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ANS.
227FLEISCHER, OSKAR (1856-1933), 2 January 1899
[B5]*. See also: Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 2, Box 24: 2 ALS.
See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ANS.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ANS.HB1, folder 2, Box 7: entire folder.HB1, folder 8, Box 8: entire folder.HB2, folder 4, Box 10: entire folder.
229FLORENCE, JOSEPH*. 1 ALS, Brussels, 3 June 1873
2210FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG*. 3 TLS, Frankfurt am Main, 3 June 1927 and 8 June 1927 24 February 1930
Signatures unclear.
2211FRIEDLÄNDER, MAX (1852-1934). 1 ALS, Berlin; 1 ANS, Frankfurt am Main, 18 July 1885 11 March
[B5]*See also: Allgemeiner deutscher Musikverein, Box 17: 2 TLS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 telegram.
2212FRIMMEL, THEDORE VON (1853-1928). 1 ALS, Vienna, 28 September 1888
[B5]*. See also: Clippings, Beethoven, folders 1 and 3, Box 46.
2213FUCHS, ROBERT (1847-1927). 1 ALS, n.p., 21 August 1913
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Robert Fuchs, Box 47.
2214FÜRSTLICHES INSTITUT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FORSCHUNG IN BÜCKEBURG*. 14 TLS. 5 APS, with signatures of many members of the Institut. 1 CC with note from A. Orel, 1917-23
13 signed by C. A. Rau, 1 by M. Seiffert.See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
2214FÜRSTLICHES INSTITUT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FORSCHUNG IN BÜCKEBURG*. 1 newspaper clipping on the founding of the institute
2214FÜRSTLICHES INSTITUT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FORSCHUNG IN BÜCKEBURG*. 1 pamphlet of the Gesellschaft der Freunde des Fürstlichen Institutes
2215GÁL, HANS (1890-). 1 leaf of notes by Adler on Gál
[B5]*See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 CC with note.
2216GEIRINGER, KARL (1899-) and IRENE*. 2 TLS, Vienna, 28 June 1932 and 31 July 1932
[B5]. See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 TLS from Karl and Irene.
Signed Karl Hesse.
2218GESELLSCHAFT DER MUSIKFREUNDE IN WIEN*. 1 form letter, n.d. 1 ALS, 1 TLS, 22 December 1927 26 October 1939
discarded by Adler (text crossed through). with a copy of the then new statutes of the society; signed [Franz] Schütz and Werner. [The letter informs Adler that in accordance with paragraph 5 of the new statutes his honorary membership has not been continued.]See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: 1 TLS.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 TLS, signed by E. Kraus and F. Dlabač.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS, signed by the same officers. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler. F. Dlabač, Box 20.Educational Memoranda...Box 60: Memorandum betreffenden eine Reform unserer Musik-Pädagogik...1904.E. Kraus, Box 25.G. Marchet, Box 27.Schubert Centenary, New York-Vienna, 1927-8, Box 46: 4 TLS, 1 signed by V. Luithlen, 3 by F. Dlabač.
Signature unclear.
2220GESELLSCHAFT ZUR ERFORSCHUNG DER MUSIK DES ORIENTS*. 1 ALS, 1 TLS, Berlin. 1 copy of the "Bericht über die l. Sitzung der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Musik des Orients." Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 14 January 1932 and 22 January 1932
Both signed by Robert Lachmann.
2220GESELLSCHAFT ZUR ERFORSCHUNG DER MUSIK DES ORIENTS*. 1 copy of the "Bericht über die l. Sitzung der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Musik des Orients." Carbon of 1 letter from Adler
2221GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FÖRDERUNG DEUTSCHER WISSENSCHAFT, KUNST UND LITERATUR IN BÖHMEN* 1 ALS, Prague. signed Wieser. 1 printed announcement of "Eine sudetendeutsche Biographie," n.d., 7 December 1898
See also: Friedrich Freiherr von Wieser, Box 36.
2222GLUCK-GESELLSCHAFT. 1 ALS, 2 TLS, Leipzig and Halle. In addition: 1 typescript report of a meeting. 1 printed announcement of a critical edition of Gluck's works: 1 printed announcement of the Gluck Jahrbuch. 1 typescript announcement of the publications of the society, 1914-16 9 December (no year indicated) 1913 1916
Two letters signed Breitkopf & Härtel, 1 H. Abert.
2223GOMPERZ-BETTELHEIM, CAROLINE*. 4 ALS, Vienna, Döbling; only 1 dated. 1 ANS, undated, (16 October 1921)
2223GOMPERZ-BETTELHEIM, CAROLINE*. 1 APS., 1 September 1916
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ANS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 APS.
2224GRÄDENER, HERMANN THEODORE OTTO (1844-1929). 1 ALS, 5 APS, Vienna, 1898-99
[B5, ÖBL]*See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
2225WALTER DE GRUYTER & CO. (BERLIN)*. 1 TLS, 1 TPS, 15 July 1925 and 28 July 1925
Signed F. Epstein.
2226GYÖZÖ, A. ANDOR. 1 TLS, Budapest, 21 June 1921
2227HABERT, JOHANN EVANGELISTA (1833-1896). Manuscript "Biographische Notizen,"
[B5, ÖBL]*. Possibly an autograph of the composer.
2228HAMFE, K.*. 1 ALS, Heidelberg, 23 June 1924
2229HANSLICK, EDUARD (1825-1904). 2 ANS, Meran. Also 1 autographed photograph, Vienna a copy of a letter by Hanslick recommending Adler, 24 March 1899 2 May 1899 1901
[B5]*The latter carries a notation by C. August Artaria, dated 8 February 1895, confirming that the text is a faithful copy of the original.See also: Clippings, J. Brahms, Box 47: E. Hanslick, Box 48; K. Loewe, G. Mahler, J. Offenbach, Box 49; F. Schubert, R. Schumann, R. Strauss, G. Verdi, Vienna Opera, Box 50; C. M. von Weber, Box 51.
No personal signature.
2231HELLMESBERGER, FERDINAND (1863-1910). 1 ANS, Vienna, 28 October 1898
[M4, ÖBL]*
2232HERMANN, LASZLO [LADISLAUS] (1890-). 1 TLS, Györ [Hungary]. 1 ALS from Gerhart Groetzinger to Adler, in regard to questions raised by Hermann. Carbons of brief notes to Hermann, Alfred Einstein, and Groetzinger. Carbon of 1 full letter to Hermann, 29 September 1931
2233HERMANN, TONA VON*. 1 APS, Vienna, 6 March 1899
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.Johanna Müller-Martini, Box 28: 1 ALS.
2234HERRIOT, ÉDOUARD (1872-1957). 1 TLS, Lyons. 1 CC with note. Drafts, in German and French, of 1 letter from Adler, 21 January 1933
2235HERTZBERG, RUDOLF[?] VON (1818-1893). 1 APS, Berlin, 2 February 1884
2236HERTZKA, EMIL (1869-1932). 1 TLS, Vienna. Also 1 printed "Aufruf zu einer Emil Hertzka-Gedächtnis-stiftung,". 1 form letter from P. Stefan, and the carbon of a reply from Adler, 26 August 1929
[B5]*. signed by Adler, A. Berg, A. M. Mahler, E. Wellesz, A. Webern, and others.See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 CC.Franz Moissl, Box 27: 1 TLS.Universal Edition, Box 34: 4 TLS.
2236HERZ, JOSEF*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 29 March 1927
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 TLS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS.
2237HERZ, LUDWIG and HENRIETTE, JULIUS VON, HERTHA and CARL HERZ-HERTENRIED* Ludwig. 9 ALS, v.p., including Gmunden, Vienna, and Salzburg, 1875-91
2237HERZ, LUDWIG and HENRIETTE, JULIUS VON, HERTHA and CARL HERZ-HERTENRIED* Henriette. 3 ALS, 3 ANS, 1 APS, v.p., including Vienna. Aussee, 1885-90
2237HERZ, LUDWIG and HENRIETTE, JULIUS VON, HERTHA and CARL HERZ-HERTENRIED*. Julius von Herz. 1 CC with note, n.p., n.d.
2237HERZ, LUDWIG and HENRIETTE, JULIUS VON, HERTHA and CARL HERZ-HERTENRIED*. Hertha and Carl Kerz-Hertenried. 1 ALS, 1 ANS, Vienna, 24 March 1888 7 November 1911
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC from Hertha.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC from Hertha.
2239HERZFELD, VICTOR VON (1856-1920). 4 ALS, Budapest, 1912-13 1919
2240HESSLER, FRIEDRICH*. 1 ALS, Lochowitz bei Zditz in Böhmen, 7 June 1889
2241HEUBERGER, RICHARD FRANZ JOSEPH (1850-1914). 7 ALS, 1 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Vienna, 1884-87 1899-1900 1903
2242HEUMANN, KURT*. 1 ANS, Aachen, 12 August 1928
2243HEUSS, ALFRED VALENTIN (1877-1934). 8 ALS, 4 APS, Leipzig, and Gaschwitz bei Leipzig. Draft of 1 letter from Adler. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1904-17
[B5]*See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 1 APS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 2 APS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 4 ALS, 4 APS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 4, Box 24: 2 APS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 5, Box 24: 1 ALS.
2244HEY[?], OTTI*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 6 December 1921
2245HEYER, FRITZ*. 1 TLS, Letmathe, 4 January 1926
2246HILBRAND, ANG[ELO]*. 1 APS, Klagenfurt. 1 ALS, Klagenfurt, 19 November 1907 11 July 1913
[The card has a short song-setting by Hilbrand: "I hab dir in d'Augian g'schaut'."]
2247HIPKINS, ALFRED JAMES (1826-1903). 1 ALS, Southwold, 6 August 1892
2248HIRSCH, PAUL ADOLF(1881-1951) and OLGA. 1 ALS, 4 TLS, Frankfurt am Main and Munich, 1925-28 1917
[B5]*The signature on 1 APS, dated, found in this file is unclear, and does not appear to be that of Hirsch.See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 ANS.Clippings, Paul Hirsch Library, Box 40.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ANS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 telegram.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 telegram.
2249HIRSCHFELD, ROBERT (1857-1914). 4 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna, 1885 1899-1900 1905
2250HOCH, DANIEL (b. 1858). 1 ALS, Vienna, 14 October 1902
2251HOCHSTETTER, FERDINAND*. 1 APS, postmarked Torbole, 26 August 1908
2252HÖFFDING, FINN (1899-). 2 ALS, Vienna. Rungsted, 16 December 1921 12 November 1922
2253HÖFLER, ALOIS (1853-1922)*. 2 ALS, Vienna. 2 CC with notes, 5 July 1901 and 28 October 1901
See also: Clippings, L. Boltzmann, Box 47.Richard Wagner Verein, Box 35: 1 ALS.
2254HÖGLER, FRITZ*. 3 TLS, Vienna, 1 March 1927 21 June 1927 and 20 July 1927
2255HÖRMANN, LUDWIG VON*. 2 ALS, 4 APS, Innsbruck, 1885
2256HOFER, ANTON*. 2 TLS, 1 APS, Vienna, 1929-31
See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 2 ALS, 1 TLS.BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 3 TLS.BZ, financial records, folder 1-6 (especially 6), Boxes 44 and 45.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2258HOFMANNSTHAL, HUGO VON (1874-1929). 1 TLS, 1 ALS, Rodan bei Wien, 2 December 1928 and 12 December 1928
2259HOFMEISTER,—*. 1 ALS, Prague, 27 May 1895
2260HOHENLOHE, CONSTANTIN*. 1 ALS, place unclear [an abbey], 1 July 1906
231HOLLÄNDER, MORIZ*. 1 ALS. Lundenburg, 3 July 1926
232HOLZINGER VON WEIDICH, CARL (1849-1935). 7 ALS, 1 ANS, Prague and Prague-Weinberge, 1902-25
233HORN, GILLA*. 1 ALS, Pressburg [Bratislava], 22 May 1933
234HÖRN, CAMILLO [KAMILLO] (1860-1941). 2 ALS, Vienna. 2 CC with notes. 1 printed list of "Tonwerke von Camillo Horn.", 8 February 1904 6 January 1909
[B5]*. See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
235HORN, MICHAEL (OSB) (1859-1936). 3 ALS, Graz, 1909-14
236HORN BOSTEL, ERICH MORITZ VON (1877-1935). 3 TPS, 1 APS, Berlin-Wilmersdorf and Berlin-Steglitz. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1906-26
See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 1 ALS, 1 TLS.HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 43: 1 TLS.CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
237HOSTINSKY, OTTAKAR (1847-1910). 3 ALS, 1 CC with note, Prague and Wittingen, 1884-85
237HUEMER, JOHANN and GEORG*. Johann. 1 ALS, 1 ANS, Vienna, 19 April 1906 and 30 April 1906
237HUEMER, JOHANN and GEORG*. Georg. 1 ALS, Kremsmünster, 13 October 1905
238HUIGENS, CAECIL*. 1 APS, Munich, 20 August 1937
239HUPAUF, WANIE (née SPÄNGLER)*. 3 ALS, 1 APS, Salzburg, 1890 1902
2310HUSSAREK, MAX RITTER VON*. 1 CC with note
See also: Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...1914-16, Box 56: 1 CC with note.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 CC with note.
2311HUTTERSTRASSE, HERMINE K.* 1 ALS, Vienna, 26 January 1933
2312HYNAIS, CYRIL*. 3 ALS, Vienna, manuscript
an untitled paper given before the Vienna chapter of the Internationale Musikgesellschaft, n.d.
2313IDELSOHN, ABRAHAM ZEVI (1882-1938). 10 ALS, Leipzig and Jerusalem, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1913-14 1924-26
[B5]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 7 ALS. Draft of 1 letter, carbons of 2 letters, 1 APS (returned) from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 ALS. Draft of 1 letter from Adler.HB2, folder 2, Box 10: 1 ALS. Typescript of the article "Modern Artistic Endeavors in Jewish Folksong," 7pp. 1 TLS in behalf of Idelsohn. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
2314D'INDY, PAUL-MARIE-THEODORE VINCENT (1851-1931). 1 ALS, Paris. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. Draft of 1 letter from Adler, 22 February 1924
See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HZ, Kongressbericht, folder 1, Box 45: manuscript of the article "De la sophistication de l'oeuvre d'art par l'edition," 7 leaves.
2315INNITZER, THEODOR (1875-1955). 1 TLS, Vienna. 1 printed thank-you card with New Year greetings, signed, Vienna, 20 December 1933 Christmas 1939
2316Copies of news clippings. Duplicate copies of the first issue of Mitteilungen der internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft. Correspondence from the following individuals, 1928
concerning the formation of the society.
2316G. Cesari: 1 APS.
2316A. Einstein: 1 APS.
2316W. Merian: 3 TLS, 1 signed jointly by P. Wagner
2316P. Wagner: 1 ALS, 1 APS.
2316Carbons of 3 letters from Adler
2317Promemoria, by Adler, October 1928
2317Minutes of the first two board meetings of the society, 4 September 1928 1-2 October 1929
2317Financial report, 1929
2317Toast by Adler for the meeting at Liège, September 1930
2317Newspaper clippings connected with the society
2317Carbon of the contract between the IGM and Breitkopf & Härtel for the publication of the Mitteilungen of the society
23171 photograph of Adler together with other members of the society. Correspondence with the following individuals
2317E. Closson: 2 APS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler
2317M. Lepinois: 1 TLS.
2317W. Merian: 6 TLS, 4 APS.
2317H. Prunières: 1 TPS.
2317H. Springer: 1 TLS.
2317P. Wagner: 2 ALS, 5 APS, 1 telegram
2317Carbons of 2 letters from Adler
23171 APS from Adler's wife and daughter, Betti Adler and Melanie Adler
2318Minutes of 3 meetings of the board of the IGM, August 1930
2318Clipping on Acta Musicologica. Correspondence with the following individuals
2318E. J. Dent: 1 TLS, Carbon of 1 letter from Adler
2318K. Jeppesen: 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler
2318W. Merian: 1 TLS, 2 TNS. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler
2319Correspondence with the following individuals, 1935-36
2319E. J. Dent: 3 ALS, 4 TLS.
2319K. Jeppesen: 4 ALS.
2319W. Merian: 2 TLS.
2319T. Speiser: 2 TLS.
2319P. Wagner: 1 APS.
2319E. Wellesz
1 TLS, transferred to Wellesz folder, Box 35.
See also: BZ, misc. folders 3 and 4, Box 44 [much of the material is these folders is related to plans for the meeting of the IGM in Basel in September 1927.]
Clippings, the Founding of the IGM, Box 56.
CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS, signed P. Wagner.
E. J. Dent, Box 20: program and other material on the 1933 meeting in Cambridge.
Deutsche Musikgesellschaft, Box 20: typescript report on 1927 meeting.
"Rede Entwürf Lüttich," Box 13.
"Stilkritik," Box 14.
2320INTERNATIONALE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR NEUE MUSIK: SEKTION OESTERREICH (VEREIN FÜR NEUE MUSIK)*. 1 TLS, Vienna. signed D. J. Bach. 1 form letter, n.d., 27 January 1932
with typed signature of P. Pisk.
2321Manuscript "Grundzüge für Satzungen der internationalen Musikgesellschaft."
2321Printed "Erklärung,", December 1903
2321Printed minutes of a meeting of representatives of the IMG from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, December 1903
2321Printed "Feststellung," together with Adler's draft, and typescript copies, 8 January 1904
2321Printed report of a meeting of the Berlin chapter, February 1904
2321Printed report to members of the Präsidium, signed H. Kretzschmar, 1904
2321Drafts of various letters by Adler. Correspondence from the following
2321Breitkopf & Härtel: 4 TLS, 1 with a printed copy of the statutes of the IMG.
2321H. Kretzschmar: 1 TLS.
241Printed "Abwehr der Angriffe der Herren Breitkopf & Härtel,* Berlin, 1904
241Printed statement "An die Mitglieder der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft," 2 copies, 1903
241Printed "Aufklärung für die Mitglieder der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft,". 2 copies, 1904
241Printed "Geschäftsordnung der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft."
241Typescript "Grundzüge für Satzungen der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft."
241Typescript draft and 2 copies of "Satzungen der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft."
241Proofs of the "Sitzungsberichte" of a joint meeting of the IMG and the Psychological Society, and 2 copies of the newspaper Der Tag [Berlin], reporting on this meeting, 19 April 1903 and 21 April 1903
241Printed "Statuten der Internationalen Musik-Gesellschaft."
241Printed "Statuten der Ortsgruppe Wien der IMG."
241Typescript "Versammlung der Vertreter von Ortsgruppen..." and typescript and printed copies of an "Einladung zu einer Versammlung der Vertreter von Ortsgruppen der IMG..."
241Drafts of letters from Adler, and 2 joint TLS from Adler, A. Schering and others
241Correspondence from the following: Breitkopf & Härtel: 3 ALS, 4 TLS, 1 APS. 1 TLS from the Vienna chapter of the IMG to Breitkopf & Härtel
241O. Fleischer: 2 ALS.
241O. von Hase: 1 TLS.
241C. Stumpf: 1 ALS.
242Principally, 1909-11
242Copies of resolutions passed by the English Committee of the IMG at meetings held, 23 May 1907 and 18 November 1907
242Minutes of a meeting of the Präsidium, Vienna, 1909
242Minutes of a meeting of the Präsidium, London, 1911
242"Règlement pour l'inventaire bibliographique des tablatures instrumentales" of the "Commission pour l'étude de la musicue de luth & des tablatures."
242Drafts of various letters by Adler, and copies of 2 joint reports by Adler, A. Sandberger, and C. Stumpf on books considered for publication by the IMG.
242Correspondence from the following: H. Botstiber: 1 ALS.
242Breitkopf & Härtel: 9 ALS, 3 TLS, 5 APS. 1 letter contains copies of the statutes of 2 chapters of the IMG.
242J. Écorcheville: 1 APS.
242V. Fidelli: 1 TL (carbon)
242O. von Hase: 2 TLS, 1 CC with note
242A. Heuss: 4 ALS, 4 APS.
242H. Kretzschmar: 3 ALS, 3 APS.
242D. Liliencron: 1 L (copy)
242A. MacKenzie: 2 ALS, 4 TLS, 1 APS, 1 printed letter
242D. Maclean: 1 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 TPS, 2 printed letters
242F. Pazdirek: 1 ALS.
242A. Plohn: 1 ALS.
242H. Riemann: 1 ALS.
242H. Rietsch: 1 ANS.
242G. Saint-Foix: 1 ALS.
242E. di San Martino [Sammartino]: 1 TLS.
242A. Sandberger: 2 APS.
242O. Sonneck: 1 ALS.
242C. Stumpf: 3 ALS, 1 APC, carbon of 1 letter. One of the ALS contains a copy of a letter by Liliencron
242R. Wasserman: 1 ALS, 1 APS.
243Copies of 4 joint reports by Adler, Sandberger and Stumpf on books considered for publication by the IMG.
243Correspondence from the following: H. Botstiber: 1 ALS, 1 TLS.
243Breitkopf & Härtel: 1 ALS (with notes by Stumpf & Sandberger), 2 TLS, 2 APS.
243J. écorcheville: 2 ALS, 5 TLS.
243O. von Hase: 2 TLS.
243A. Heuss: 2 APC.
243K. k. niederösterreichische Statthalterei: 1 manuscript letter, and copies of the statutes of the Austrian chapter of the IMG.
243E. Luntz: 1 ALS, 1 APS.
243D. Maclean: 3 TLS, 1 ALS (with a copy of a letter to Écorcheville)
243F. Moissl: 2 ALS.
243O. Redlich: 1 TLS.
243H. Rietsch: 1 ALS.
243E. Wellesz: 1 ALS.
243R. Wustman: 1 ALS.
244Clipping on the dissolution of the IMG from Musical News, and a proof copy of a printed letter by D. Maclean on the dissolution of the IMG that appeared in The Musical Times, 5 December 1914 23 November 1914
244Minutes of the meetings of the Präsidium , Paris, 1 June 1914 and 2 June 1914
244Typescript "Satzungen der Sektion Norddeutschland der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft."
244Printed "Satzungen der neuen Schweizerischen Musikgesellschaft,", 1916
244Correspondence from the following: Breitkopf & Härtel: 1 ALS.
244A. Heuss: 1 ALS.
244IMG-Paris Section: 2 TLS, 1 signed by L. de la Laurencie
244IMG-U.S. Section: 2 printed letters, both signed by W. S. Pratt
244E. Lineva: 1 ALS.
244C. Vivell: 1 APS., 1906 1909 1911 1914
See also the files on the individuals cited above, and those on the following meetings, with their related references:
II. Kongress der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft, Basel: Box 39.
Haydn-Zentenarfeier and III. Kongress... Vienna, Boxes 39-42.
The International Musical Congress...London: Box 42.
Congrès, Société internationale de musique, Paris: Box 42.
245INTERNATIONALE MUSIKSTELLE IN WIEN (BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES MUSICIENS A VIENNE)*. 1 printed "Denkschrift über die erfolgte Errichtung, Organisation und Augaben der 'Internationalen Musikstelle-Bureau International des Musiciens' in Wien.", Ca. 1926-28
In German and French.
246ISCHL BRAHMS-DENKMAL-KOMITEE*. Printed "Aufruf für ein Brahms-Denkmal."
1 leaf.
247IVOGÜN, MARIA (pseudonym for INGE VON GÜNTHER) (1891-). 1 ALS, Vienna, 2 June 1923
248JACHIMECKI, ZDISLAW (1882-1953). 14 ALS, 2 TLS, 2 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Cracow, 1906-13
248JACHIMECKI, ZDISLAW (1882-1953). 1 ALS from Jachimecki's wife. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler
first name unclear.See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 telegram.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 75BD, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 5 ALS. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler.HB2, folder 2, Box 10: 2 TLS. Carbons of 6 letters from Adler.HB2, folder 6, Box 11: 1 TLS.Viennese Music Festivals, 1931, Box 46: 1 TLS.
249JACOBSTHAL, GUSTAV (1845-1912). 2 ALS, Strassburg, 1884
[B5]* Both letters are damp-stained but readable.
2410JÄHNS, FRIEDRICH WILHELM (1809-1888). 1 ALS, Berlin, 23 April 1884
2411JAGIÉ, VATROSLAV VON (1838-1923). 3 ALS, Vienna, 1906 1908 1910
2412JALOWETZ, HEINRICH*. 3 ALS, Alt-Danzig. Prague, 2 January 1911 and 6 October 1911 15 July 1921
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 telegram.
2413JAN, KARL VON (1836-1899). 2 APS, 1 ALS, Strassburg, the cards postmarked, 23 April 1884 and 6 August 1885 9 June 1892
[B5]*. See also: Clippings, Music (History of), Box 49.
2414JANKO-VEREIN. Printed bulletin: Janko-Verein-Mitteilungen! Vienna, May 1936
See also: Clippings, Keyboard Instruments, Box 48.
2415JELLINEK, MAX HERMANN*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 22 November 1888
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2416JENSCH, GEORG (1891-1925). 1 ALS, Breslau, 26 October 1919
2417JEPPESEN, KNUD (1892-1974) and ALICE (née KRAYENBUHL). Knud. 45 ALS, 7 ANS, 14 APS, v.p., including Copenhagen, Rungstet, Rostock, Kannebjerg, Rome. Carbons of 7 letters from Adler. Xerox copy of "Guido Adler in Memoriam," Acta Musicologica, 13 (1941), 1-2, ca.1921-35
2417JEPPESEN, KNUD (1892-1974) and ALICE (née KRAYENBUHL). Alice. 5 ALS, 1 ANS
[B5]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ANS.CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 1 ALS.HB2, folder 3, Box 10: 3 ALS. Carbons of 8 letters from Adler. 1 TLS, 3 TPS returned to Adler.Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, folder 3, Box 23: 1 ALS.IGM, folder 4, Box 23: 4 ALS and 1 autograph "Beiblatt" (unsigned).Viennese Music Festivals, 1931, Box 46: 1 ALS.
2418JERGER, WILHELM FRANZ (1902-). 1 ALS, 1 ANS, Vienna, 24 October 1928 and May 1934
[R12]* See also: CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2419JODL, FRIEDRICH (1849-1914) and MARGARETE (1859-1937). Friedrich. 26 ALS, 7 APS, 1 CC, 1 printed thank-you card, 1 form letter, v.p., including Prague, Vienna, Freiburg, 1886-1913
2419JODL, FRIEDRICH (1849-1914) and MARGARETE (1859-1937). Margarete. 3 ALS, 8 ANS, 4 APS.
[ÖBL]*See also: Clippings, Architecture, Box 46.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ANS, from Margarete.Internationale Musik-und Theater-Ausstellung, Vienna, 1892, Box 39: 1 LS, from Friedrich.
251JOHANNY, ERICH ADOLF (1861-1912). 2 ALS, Vienna, 17 January 1905 and 26 June 1905
252JOSS, VIKTOR (b. 1869). 1 ALS, Prague. 1 CC with note, n.d., 16 February 1909
254JULLIG, MARTHA (nèe SCHEIMPFLUG)*. 1 ALS, [Vienna], 10 April 1907
255JUNK, VICTOR (1875-1948). 2 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna, 14 April 1909 1 March 1913 11 February 1928
256JURKOWSKI, K.[?]*. 1 APS, Rÿbuik [Upper Silesia], 23 January 1922
257KADE, OTTO (1819-1900). 3 ALS. 6 APS, Loschwitz bei Dresden, Schwerin, 1884-86
[B5]*. one damp-stained and badly deterioratedSee also: Clippings, A. W. Ambros, Box 46; G. F. Handel, Box 48; R. Michael, Box 49.
[B5]*. Signed Hoffmann.
259KAISERLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN*. 1 form letter, partially printed, Vienna, 23 June 1881
Signed Siegel[?].
Signed [Max Graf] Wickenberg und [Hermann?] Springer.
2511KEHRBACK, KARL* 1 APS, Berlin, 3 February 1885
2512KELLER, OTTO (1861-1928). 1 TLS, Vienna. Also 1 leaf of notes for a reply by Adler, 18 March 1926
in regard to Keller, from the Vorstand der Kunstabteilung im Bundesministerium für Unterricht. Signature unclear.See also: Deutsche Kunst-und Musik-Zeitung, Box 20: 2 ALS. Musikalische Rundschau, Box 28: 1 TLS.
2513KEULS, H. W. J. M.*. 1 TLS, Amsterdam, October 1923
2514KIENLE, AMBROSIUS (O.S.B.) (1852-1905). 12 ALS, 4 APS, Emaus [near Prague] and Sekan, 1884-85
[B5]*. All of the letters are damp-stained, but most are still legible.See also: Clippings, Gregory the Great, Box 51.
2515KLASTERSKY,—*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 25 January 1935
See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 TLS.
2516Klein, Wilhelm
2517KOBALD, KARL (1876-1957). 13 ALS, 3 TLS, 13 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Vienna. 1 ALS of August Artaria used as cover. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. Typescript of Kobald's talk "Vierzig Jahre Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich" (for Radio Wien), ca. 1913-1933 1933
See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: carbon of 1 letter from Dr. Rotter to Kobald.BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: typed memo on letter from Kobald, and 1 TLS to Kobald from the Verkehrskomission der Bundes-länder Wien und Niederösterreich.Clippings, Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, Box 47.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 TLS.Gustav Mahler, 1914-16, Box 56: 1 APS.
2518KOBLER, ANNI*. 1 ANS, n.p., n.d.
2519KOCH, LUDWIG*. 2 ALS, n.p., 11 November 1877 and 20 June 1882
See also: Richard Wagner Verein, Box 35: 1 ALS.
2520KÖNIGLICHER SCHWEDISCHEN AKADEMIE DER MUSIK (KUNG. MUSIKALISKA AKADEMIEN)*. 1 TLS, Stockholm. Also 1 printed leaflet containing the statutes of the organization, 17 November 1919
Signed Olallo Morales, secretary of the academy.See also: Ollalo Morales, Box 28.
Signed Alexander Wyneken et al.
2522KOERBER, ERNEST VON (1850-1919). 1 CC with note, n.p., n.d.
2523KÖSTER, ALBERT*. 1 ALS, Leipzig, 18 November 1911
2524KOHN, BERNHARD*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 5 January 1933
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 TLS.
2525KOHN, CARL [KARL] (1833-1884). 1 ALS, Vienna, 18 September 1879
2526KOLBE-JÜLLIG, MARGARETHE*. 3 ALS, 2 ANS, Vienna. Typescript curriculum vitae of Karl Hans Jüllig, with draft and carbon of cover letter by Adler. Carbon of another letter from Adler, 1912-13
2527KOLESSA, PHILARET (1871-1947). 1 ALS, Lemberg, 19 February 1918
[R12]*See also: Clippings, Folksong (Russian and Ukrainian), Box 47.
2528KOLISCH, RUDOLF (1896-). 3 APS, Karlsbad, Prague, Amsterdam, 24 August 1921 28 November 1921 9 December 1922
[B5]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.
2529KOLISKO, ROBERT, BERTHA, ELISABETH and MARIANNE*. 4 ALS, 1 ANS, n.p. 1 APS, Egypt, postmark unclear, 1918-36
2529KOLISKO, ROBERT, BERTHA, ELISABETH and MARIANNE*. 1 ALS, from Robert's mother Bertha, 1917
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram, signed Robert and Elisabeth.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS, signed Robert and Marianne.
2530KOLLER, OSWALD (1852-1910), DOROTHEA and OSWALD jr. Oswald. 2 ALS, 2 ANS, 9 APS, Vienna, Kremsier. 2 manuscript reports of "Studienreise,". 2 manuscript reports of activities for the years, 1898-99 1908 1898 and 1899
2530KOLLER, OSWALD (1852-1910), DOROTHEA and OSWALD jr. Dorothea. 8 ALS, v.p., principally Vienna. 1 printed death notice, 1910 1912 1924 1927
2530KOLLER, OSWALD (1852-1910), DOROTHEA and OSWALD jr. Oswald jr. 3 ALS, 1 ANS, 1 APS., n.p. 5 leaves of notes on the life and work of his father, 1910 1924 1931
[R12]See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ANS from Oswald jr.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 APS from Dorothea.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS from Oswald jr.
2531KOMORZYNSKI, EGON VON (1878-1963). 3 ALS, Vienna, 13 December 1904 16 January 1905 and 31 May 1905
[B5]*See also: Clippings, W. A. Mozart, Box 49: C. M. von Weber, Box 51.
2532KOMZÁK CARL (d. 1905). 1 ALS, Baden bei Wien, 21 November 1898
[Die Musikstätten Österreichs, 50]*
2533KORCHINSKY, MARIE*. 1 ALS, Lime Kiln, Claydon, Suffolk. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 20 May 1929
2534KORNAUTH, EGON (1891-1959). 7 ALS, 10 APS, 2 ANS, 1 CC with note, v.p., including Medan, Sumatra, Sau Paulo, Paris, Olmütz, and Graz. Printed leaflet of press comments tour of Java by the Viennese Trio, 1927-28
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2535KORNERUP, THORWALD OTTO (1864-1938). 1 ALS, 1 TLS, Copenhagen. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 22 April 1930 and 25 April 1931
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Scales, Box 50.
2536KORNGOLD, ERICH WOLFGANG (1897-1957). 2 ALS, Vienna. Manuscript draft of 1 letter from Adler, 15 April 1916 and 6 May 1926
2537KORNGOLD, JULIUS K. (1860-1945). 10 ALS, 1 TLS, 2 APS, 3 ANS, 4 CC with notes, v.p., principally Vienna, 1901-11 1924-25
[B5]*See also: Clippings, V. Bellini, A. Berg, Box 47; E. Hanslick, J. Kapp, Box 48; G. Mahler, W. A. Mozart, Music (Modern), Box 49; R. Strauss, Vienna Opera, Box 50; R. & C. Wagner, Box 51.
2538KORNMÜLLER, UTO (1824-1907). 3 ALS, 2 APS, Metten, 1884-85 1889
2539KOSCH, FRANZ*. 5 ALS, 4 APS, v.p., including Solesmes sur Sarthe, 1924-37
See also: Clippings, F. L. Gassmann, Box 48.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.A. Mocquereau, Box 27: 1 APS.
2540KOSSOW, EUGEN*. 3 ALS, Pressburg [?], 1 January 1910 28[?] April 1911[?] 28 March 1918
See also: HZ, misc. folder 2, Box 41: 1 ALS.
2541KOSTERSITZ, KARL*. 1 ALS, Vienna. 1 CC with note, n.d., 10 December 1909
2542KOZMAND, GILBERT*. 1 ALS, Stift Zwettl N.Ö., 31 July 1917
2543KRALIK, DIETRICH*. 1 ALS, [Vienna?], 7 November 1932
2544Kralik Heinrich
2545KRALIK, RICHARD (1852-1934) and MARIA. 2 ALS, Vienna. 1 APS, Vienna, 8 February 1909 and 19 December 1933 26 November 1909
[ÖBL]*. the latter signed Richard and Maria.See also: Clippings, Vienna (Miscellaneous). Box 50.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: autograph of congratulatory poem by Kralik, 1 leaf.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ANS.
2546KRASNAPOLSKI, HORZ (1842-1908). 1 ALS, Prague, 16 December 1905
2547KRAUS, ERNST (1863-1941). 1 ALS, Vienna, 20 December 1933
[B5]*See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC and 1 ALS.
2548KRAUS, HEDWIG*. 1 ALS, n.p. 6 APS, v.p., 19 October 1919 1921-37
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.Festgabe, Box 61.
2549KRAUSE, EMIL (1840-1916). 1 AL, Hamburg, n.d.
[B5]* (signature stamped?)See also: Clippings, G. F. Handel, Box 48.
2550KRAUSS, FRIEDRICH SALOMON (1859-1938). 1 ALS, Vienna, 14 May 1905
2551KRETZSCHMAR, AUGUST FERDINAND HERMANN (1848-1924). 83 ALS, 50 APS, v.p., principally Rostock, Leipzig, Schlachtensee, 1884-1923
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Beethoven, folder 3, Box 46; P. F. Cavalli and M. A. Cesti, Box 47.CM, Prague, Box 37: 1 APS.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: MS draft or 1 letter from Adler.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 1, Box 23: 1 TLSIMG, folder 3, Box 24; 3 ALS, 3 APS.
261KROHN, ILMARI HENRIK REINHOLD (1867-1960). 2 TLS, Helsinki. 4 APS, 1 TPS, v.p., principally Helsinki, 27 November 1927 and 5 February 1928 1909 1927-29
[B5]*See also: HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 1 ALS, 1 APS. Ms draft and carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
262KRONFELD, ABOLF[?] (1861-1928). 1 ALS, Vienna, n.d.
263KRONFELD, ERNST[?] F. MORIZ (1865-1942). 1 ALS, Bad Gastein, n.d.
264KROYER, THEODOR (1873-1945). 3 ALS, 1 APS, 1 telegram, Leipzig, 1920 1926
264KROYER, THEODOR (1873-1945). 1 printed leaf of "Editionstechnische Grundsätze der Publikations-Abteilung bei der Deutschen Musikgesellschaft."
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 2 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 2 ALS, 2 APS. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler.Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...1914-16, Box 56: 1 ANS.
265KRÜGER, EDUARD[?] (1807-1885). 1 APS, Göttingen, 3 October 1884
266KRUPKA, JAROSLAV*. 1 ALS, Prague, n.d.
See also: Festgabe, Box 61.
267KÚBA, L.* 2 ALS, Vienna, 21 November 1909 and 20 February 1911
267KÚBA, L.* 1 leaf of notations of 5 folksongs from the region of Montenegro
268KUGY, JULIUS and RUDOLF ROTHER (ré Kugy)*. 4 ALS, Trieste, 1903 1915 1931
268KUGY, JULIUS and RUDOLF ROTHER (ré Kugy)*. 1 TLS from Rudolf Rother (Bergverlag, Munich)
in regard to Kugy's book
268KUGY, JULIUS and RUDOLF ROTHER (ré Kugy)*. Arbeit, Musik, Berge, (1931)
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.
Signature unclear.See also: Vorstand der israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Box 35, and the additional references listed there.
2610KURTH, ERNST (1886-1946). 76 ALS, 16 APS, v.p., principally Bern, Leipzig, Wickersdorf bei Saalfeld, and Spiez. Copy of TL from Kurth to Arnold Schering. MS draft of 1 letter, carbon of 1 letter, from Adler, 1909-20 1925-29 1933 1936
[B5]*.See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.CM, 84BD, Box 38: 1 TPS.Hug & Co., Box 22: 1 TLS to Kurth.Wollen und Wirken, folder 1, Box 14: 6 ALS, 1 APS.
2611KURZMANN, RITA*. 3 ALS, 1 APS, [Vienna?], 10 April 1929
See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 CC with note.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 CC with note.
2612LALOY, LOUIS (1874-1944). 2 ALS, Meudon, Rahon. Manuscript copy of a review by André Coeuroy of Adler's 1904 book on Wagner, 18 October 1908 and 6 May 1909
[B5]*. which was translated by Laloy. [The review appeared in S. I. M. La Revue musicale, 5/3 (1909), 92-93.]
Typed signatures: Freissler, Ledgman, Teufel.
2613LANDOWSKA, WANDA (1877-1959). 1 ALS, Paris, 3 May 1908
[B5]*See also: HB2, folder 15, Box 13: 1 LS, partially autograph, partially typescript.
2614LAURENCIN D'ARMOND, FERDINAND PETER, GRAF (1819-1890), 2 ALS, Vienna, [Lower Austria, no town given], 10 March, 1885 22 October 1885
[B5]*See also: CM, Prague: 1 CC with note.
2615LEDERSTEGER, M. VON* 1 ALS, n.p., n.d.
2616LEITERSDORF, BIANCA*. 1 APS, Perugia, 28 September 1899
See also: Leonardo Adler, Box 17: 1 ALS."Familienbilder" in Oversize Material, Box 71.
2617LEITHLEN, VICTOR*. 1 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna, 26 February 1936 and 10 April 1936
2618LENZ, OSKAR (1848-1925) [ÖBL] and PAULA*. 1 APS, Baden, 29 December 1898
Also signed by Betty Kerihnawez. See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.
Signed M. C. Schick
Signed Herbert Putnam.
2620LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, WASHINGTON D.C.* Printed invitations to the Eighth Festival of Chamber Music, with carbon of Adler's reply, (9-11 April 1937)
See also: Carl Engel, Box 21.Herbert Putnam, Box 30.Oscar George Theodore Sonneck, Box 33.
2621LIEBER, RUDOLF*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 30 December 1933
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ANS.
2622LUDWIG, ALFRED[?] (1832-1912). 1 ALS, 1 APS, n.p., n.d.
2623LUDWIG, BEREGSIÁZY. 1 ALS, Budapest, 8 October 1883
2624LUNTZ, ERWIN (1877-1949). 2 APS, Vienna, 24 April 1899 and 28 March 1902
[ÖBL]*See also: Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 4, Box 24: 1 ALS, 1 APS.
2625LUSSY, MATHIS (1828-1910). 9 ALS, 7 APS, Paris, 1884-85
Most items are badly damp-stained.
2626MACH, ERNST (1838-1916). 3 ALS, 3 APS, Prague, 1884-87 1890
[B5]*See also: Clippings, E. Mach, Box 49
2627MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL (1847-1935). 5 ALS, 6 APS, London, Noor, Ilkley, 1909-11
[B5]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 2 TLS, 1 written jointly with O. von Hase and C. Maclean.HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 2 ALS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 2 ALS, 1 APS, 4 TLS, 1 printed letter.
2628MACLEAN, CHARLES DONALD (1843-1916). 4 APS, 1 TPS, London, 1911
[B5]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 2 TLS, 1 TL, 1 ANS, 1 TLS written jointly with O. von Hase and A. C. Mackenzie.The International Musical Congress...London, 1911, Box 42: 7 TLS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 ALS, 2 TLS, 2 TPS, 2 printed letters.IMG, folder 4, Box 24: 1 ALS, 1 ALS with memorandum, 3 TLS, carbon of 1 TL.
2629MAHLER, ALMA MARIA (1879-1964). 17 ALS, 1 ANS, 1 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Vienna, ca. 1902-31
[R12]* One of the letters contains one line and an initial by Gustav Mahler. See also: Emil Hertzka, Box 21: 1 printed appeal.
2630MAHLER, GUSTAV (1960-1911). 10 ALS, 7 ANS, 6 APS. 2 CC with notes, v.p., including Prague, Vienna and New York. Also 1 ALS from Wilhelm Fischer, Vienna; 2 ALS from J. Killian, Kornenburg, ca. 1886-1909 22 July 1913 22 October 1921 and 26 November 1921
[B5]* (3 jointly with Alma Mahler, 1 jointly with Emil Freund)[Killian was the editor of N. Bauer-Lechner's reminiscences of Mahler.]See also: Clippings, G. Mahler, Box 49.Gustav Mahler, 1914, folders 1-3, Box 5.Friedrich Freiherr von Wieser, Box 36: 1 form letter.[The whole body of documents connected with Mahler in the Adler collection is reviewed in my article "Mahler and Guido Adler," The Musical Quarterly, LVIII (1972), 436-70.]
2631GUSTAV MAHLER DENKMAL KOMITEE. Xerox copies of 25 typescript leaves of documents, 1927-38
(minutes of meetings, reports, etc.)See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS from Paul Stefan.
2632MALHERBE, CHARLES-THÉODORE (1853-1911). 2 ALS, Paris, 5 July[?] 1909 19 June 1910
2633MAMROTH, ELSE and LOTTE*. 8 ANS, 3 APS, v.p., principally Berlin, 1912-19
2634MANDL, RICHARD (1859-1918). 5 ALS, 2 ANS, Vienna and Wiesbaden, 1908-15
[B5]*See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
2635MANDYCZEWSKI, EUSEBIUS (1857-1929). 28 ALS, 1 ANS, 33 APS, 2 CC with notes, v.p., principally Vienna, 1885-1927
[B5]*See also: Clippings, F. J. Haydn, Box 48.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC.Wiener Tonkünstler Verein, Box 36: 2 ALS.
2636MANN, FRITZ*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 11 October 1925
271MANTUANI, JOSEF (1860-1933) 31 ALS, 4 ANS, 20 APS, Vienna, Laibach [Ljubljana], Rakitna, 1890-1931
271MANTUANI, JOSEF (1860-1933) 1 ALS, from Josef Dominik Mantuani. MS drafts of 2 letters, carbon of 1 letter, from Adler, 3 April 1933
[B5]* after the death of his father.See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 ALS. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler.HB2, folder 3, Box 10: 3 ALS, 2 APS. Carbons of 6 letters from Adler.
273MARCHET, GUSTAV*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 28 June 1912
in behalf of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde.See also: Adler, Family Records and Documents, Box 65: TS plan to form a Kuratorium for the state take-over of the Vienna Conservatory, 12 October 1908.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 2 TLS, one in behalf of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 CC.
274MARESCH, RUDOLF*. 2 ALS, 1 ANS, Vienna, 3 January 1887 26 September 1892 18 May 1911
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.
275MARSCHNER, FRANZ (1855-1932). 1 ALS, Seebaden am Millstätter See, 25 August 1892
[B5]*See also: Clippings, I. Kant, Box 48.
276MARTY, A.* 3 ALS, Prague, 3 December 1886 10 July 1887 and 6 December 1887
277MARX, JOSEPH (1882-1964). 2 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna, 25 June 1921 and 21 November 1921 12 February 1925
[B5*]See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS. MS draft and carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
278MASSON, PAUL-MARIE (1882-1954). 1 ALS, Paris. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, and a cover letter of Masson's publisher, 20 November 1931
279MATAJA,—*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 24 May 1912
2710MATHIAS, FRANZ XAVER (1871-1939). 4 ALS, v.p., principally Strassburg. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1913 1930 1933 1935
[R12]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 2, Box 41: 2 ALS.HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 1 ALS.
2711MATZENAUER, JOHANN. 1 ALS, place unclear, 28 August 1885
2712MAUSER, ANSELM. 1 ALS, Beuron, 26 June 1905
2713MAUTHNER, MITZI and ANNA*. 1 ANS, Vienna. 1 APS, place and date unclear, 31 October 1931
2714MAUTHNER, THEODOR and AMÉLIE*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 7 February 1877 27 June 1889
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with noteCM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ALS, from Amélie, after the death of her husband Theodor.
2715MAUTNER, KONRAD (1880-1921). 1 ALS, Vienna, 1 July 1919
[Die Musikstätten Österreichs, 52]
2716MAYER [MAYR], LAURENZ*. 17 ALS, 1 APS, 2 CC with notes, Vienna, Schönbrunn, 1905-10
See also: Adler, Personal Records and Documents, Box 65: 1 ALS.
2717MEERMANN, ALOIS*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 5 November 1925
2718MEINONG, ALEXIUS (1853-1920) and DORIS
[GB]*. Alexius Meinong. Adler apparently went through these letters and arranged them in the following groups. A few of the early letters are from Vienna. All the rest are from Graz.
2718MEINONG, ALEXIUS (1853-1920) and DORIS. 8 ALS, 30 TLS, 1 APS, 2 TPS., 3 November 1877-19 November 1889
2718MEINONG, ALEXIUS (1853-1920) and DORIS. 7 TLS, all damp-stained. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1895
2718MEINONG, ALEXIUS (1853-1920) and DORIS. 31 TLS, 3 TNs. MS drafts of 2 letters from Adler, 13 June 1901-5 September 1914
2718MEINONG, ALEXIUS (1853-1920) and DORIS. 11 TLS, 2 APS, 1 AN. 2 further TLS from 1919, 21 November 1914-16 November 1918
2718MEINONG, ALEXIUS (1853-1920) and DORIS. Doris Meinong. 1 ALS, 1 TLS, 4 ANS. Shorthand draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1921-31
See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: 2 TLS.Clippings, A. Meinong, Box 49.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 TLS.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 TLS.
2719MELLER, J.* 1 CC with note
2720MENGELBERG, KURT RUDOIF (1892-1959). 2 ALS, 8 TLS, 1 ANS, 4 APS, Amsterdam, Val Sinestra (Switzerland). MS draft of 1 letter, carbons of 2 letters, from Adler, 1920-30
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Holland. Box 48.CM, 70 BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 radiogram.Eeuwfeest der Maatschappij...Amsterdam, 1929, Box 46: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 6 ALS, 3 APS. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 ALS, 1 APS.HB2, folder 3, Box 10; 1 ALS, 2 TLS. 1 ALS of A. Smijers enclosed. Carbons of 5 letters from Adler.Viennese Music Festivals, 1931, Box 46: 1 TLS.
2721MENNICKE, CARL (1880-1917). 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 APS, Glogau, 10 March, 1909 3 April, 1909 1 June 1909 and 19 June 1909
2722MERÉNYI, L.* 1 ALS, Kismerton[?], 25 May 1917
2723MERIAN, WILHELM (1889-1952). 1 TLS, Basel. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 4 July 1931
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 1 ALS, 1 ANS, carbon of 1 letter from Adler.BZ, misc. folder 4, Box 44: 2 ALS, 5 TLS, 1 APS, 1 CC with note, 2 telegrams. Carbons of 4 letters from Adler.CM. 75BD, Box 38: 1 APS.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 1 TLS, 1 TPS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 1. Box 23: 3 TLS. 1 TPS.IMG, folder 2, Box 24: 1 ALS, 6 TLS, 4 APS.IMG, folder 3, Box 24: 3 TLS.IMG, folder 4, Box 24: 2 TLS.Jubiläum der Ortsgruppe Basel...1924, Box 43: 1 APS.Neue Schweizerische Musikgesellschaft, Box 28: 3 TLS, 1 APS.
2724MESSNER, JOSEPH (1893-1969). 2 TLS, Salzburg. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 24 July 1928 20 May 1929
2725METTERNICH, PAULINE (1836-1921). 3 ALS with envelopes, [Vienna], Oettingen, 31 July, 1892 10 August 1892 and 20 August 1892
[NÖB]*See also: International Musik-und Theater-Ausstellung, Vienna, 1892, Box 39: 1 ALS.
2726METTIKOVITZ, H.* 1 ALS, Vienna, 23 April 1892
Notation on this letter: "DM [Denkmäler] Klafsky [Rudolf K., Box 25]/ Mettikovitz."
2727MEYER-LÜBKE, WILHELM*. 1 ALS, Vienna. 1 CC., 25 January[?] 1912
See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: 1 TLS in envelope marked "Dr. Sperker."
2728MEYERS KONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON*. 1 ALS, Leipzig. Signed "Bibliographisches Institut.", 1 February 1882
2729MICHALEK, LUDWIG (1859-1942) and LILLI. Ludwig. 7 ALS, 3 APS, 1 CC with note, Vienna, 1888-1914
2729MICHALEK, LUDWIG (1859-1942) and LILLI. Lilli. 3 ALS, Vienna, 1889-90
[V]*See also: Internationale Musik-und Theater Ausstellung, Vienna, 1892, Box 39: 1 ALS.
2730MICHALITSCHKE, AND.* 1 ALS, Smichow, 1 May 1890
2731MICHIELSON, L. P. J. 1 ALS, The Hague, 18 December 1925
(UNION MUSICOLOGIQUE)*See also: D. F. Scheurleer, Box 32, for further material on the Société Union Musicclogique.
2732MIES, PAUL (1889-). 1 APS, Cologne, 4 September 1923
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 ALS, 1 APS.
2733MIHALOVICH, EMUND ÖDON VON (1842-1929). 1 ALS, place unclear, no year, 16 October
2734MIKLAS, WILHELM*. 1 CC with note. 1 printed thank-you card, Vienna, October 1932
2735MILLENKOVICH MOROLD, MAX VON (1866-1945). 1 ALS, Vienna, 24 November 1909
[R12]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 1 APS.
2736MINOTTI, GIOVANNI*. 1 ALS, Vienna together with an offprint of Minotti's "Die Enträtselung des Schumannschen Abegg-Geheimnisses," Zeitschrift für Musik, 94, issue 7/8, 285-99. Also 1 TLS, Leipzig from Steingräber Verlag, re Minotti's Die Geheimdokumente der Davidsbündler. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler to Steingräber, 28 May 1927 23 November 1927 (July/August 1927) 6 June 1934
See also: Clippings, R. Schumann, Box 50.
2737MINOR, [probably JAKOB, 1855-1912]. 2 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna, 5 May 1881 12 January 1908 21 November 1910
The second of the letters appears to be in a different hand.See also: Clippings, Vienna (Miscellaneous), Box 50.
2738MITTELSCHULE FÜR MÄDCHEN*. 1 printed brochure, Vienna. Printed signature: Leo Bloch, May 1911
2739MITTIER, FRANZ (1893-1970). 3 ALS, Cologne, 27 October, no year 22 November 1913 19 December 1918
[B5]*See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 APS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2740MIXA, FRANZ (1902-). 2 ALS, Reykjavik, 5 September 1935 and September 1935
[R12]*The second letter includes a curriculum vitae.
2741MOCQUEREAU, ANDRÉ (O.S.B.) (1849-1930). 2 ALS, Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. 1 APS. 1 envelope containing printed announcements of various publications, 15 May 1911 30 August 1924 1929
[B5]*signed jointly by Franz Kosch (o.v.) and Mocquereau.connected with the history of Gregorian chant.
2742MODERNE WELT (ed. Ludwig Hirschfeld)*. 3 TLS, Vienna, 19 October 1918 28 October 1919 27 July 1920
See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 printed circular.
2743MODERNES FAMILIENBLATT: ÖSTERREICHS ILLUSTRIERTE ZEITUNG*. 1 letter, partially typescript, partially printed, Vienna, 1 March 1908
Signed Jacques Philipp.
2744MÖLLER, HEINRICH (1876-1958). 1 TLS, Naumburg a.d. Saale, 2 February 1937
2745MOISSL, FRANZ*. 8 ALS, v.p., including Klosterneuberg bei Wien, Graz, and especially Reichenberg. typed letter of recommendation from an unidentified individual. Query for opinion from Musica Divina, with a cover letter referring to Moissl from Emil Hertzka. Copy of the article "Kirchengesang und Organistendienst," Freie Schul-Zeitung, Reichenberg. Circulars for the Deutschböhmisches Musikbuch, 1904-10 10 July 1904 23 December 1915 2 July 1904
See also: IMG,, folder 4, Box 24: 3 ALS.
2746MOLISCH, HANS*. 1 APS, Vienna, 3 December 1936
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 APS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
2747MOLITOR, RAPHAEL FIDELIS (1873-1948). 1 ALS, Crefeld, February 1910
2748MOLL,—*. 1 TLS, Vienna, 27 October 1927
2749MOLL, CARL (1861-1945). 1 ALS, 1 APS, [Vienna], 5 July 5 August [1920s]
[V]*See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2750MONTAGS-REVUE*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 7 July 1899
Signature unclear.
2751MOOR, CARL*. 1 ALS, Soklan, 7 December 1905
281MOOS, PAUL (1863-1952). 1 ALS, Vienna, 21 April 1917
[B5]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 ALS.
282MORALES, OLIALO JUAN MAGNUS (1874-1957). 1 ALS, Stockholm, 4 June 1918
[B5]*See also: Königlicher Schwedischen Akademie...Box 25: 1 TLS.
283MOSER, FRANZ JOSEPH (1880-1939). 7 ALS, Vienna, 1910-22
[M4]*See also: Notes by Adler for Programs..., Box 39: 1 ALS.
284MOSER, HANS JOACHIM (1889-1967). 2 ALS, 1 TLS, n.p. 1 MS draft and carbons of 5 letters from Adler, 4 June 1928 5 January 1929 8 January 1931
285MOTTL, FELIX (1856-1911). 2 ALS, 2 APS., v.p., including Bayreuth and Karlsruhe, 1876-89
[B5]*See also: Clippings, F. Mottl, Box 49.
286MOTTONG, LILLY VON*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 31 May 1931
Signatures unclear.See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS. 1 signature unclear, the other W. Hofmann.CM, 75BD, folder 38: 1 telegram.CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Mozart Tagung, 1927, Box 46: 1 TLS, signed by B. Paumgartner, W. Hoffman, and R. Tenschert (q.v.).
288MUCK, KARL (1859-1940). 1 CC with note, n.p. [Prague?], n.d.
289MÜHLBACHER, ENGELBERT*. 6 APS, Vienna, 1887-88 1903
See also: Clippings, Music (Medieval), Box 49.
2810MÜLLER, ENGELBERT S. 1 ALS, Vienna, 31 July 1916
2811GEORG MÜLLER VERLAG (MUNICH). 1 TLS, 3 December 1924
signed "Krauss."
2812MÜLLER, HANS (1854-1897). 5 ALS, 2 APS, Frankfurt am Main and Crefeld, 1884-85
[B5]* Damp-stained.
2813MÜLLER, HERMANN (1868-1932). 1 APS, Paderborn, 28 March 1925
[B5]*See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: MS draft of 1 letter from Adler.
2814MÜLLER, OTTO*. 2 ALS, one n.p., n.d., the other Vienna. 1 APS, Klächen[?], 5 May 1891 5 March 1911
2815MÜLLER-MARTINI, JOHANNA (1878-1941) and OTTO Johanna. 16 ALS. 2 ANS, 8 APS, various places, principally Vienna, 1899-1915 1933
[B5, under J. Müiller-Hermann] (6 signed Johanna Müller, 10 Johanna Müller-Martini)
2815MÜLLER-MARTINI, JOHANNA (1878-1941) and OTTO Otto. 2 ALS, [Vienna]. Also 1 ALS from Tona von Hermann (q.v.), Vienna, 25 August 1914 1922 30 May 1909
Several of the APS listed above are also signed by Otto Müller-Martini and Tona von HermannSee also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.
2817MULDER, ERNEST W.* 1 ALS, Bussum, 22 October 1933
2818MULLER, ADOLF*. 1 ALS, n.p., 16 December 1888
(VIENNA)*. 5 signed by Wilhelm Ambros (q.v.), 1 by "Shubert."
2820THE MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. 2 ALS, London. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, 17 March 1911 25 November 1926
(J. PERCY BAKER, Secretary)*See also: Adler, Personal Records and Documents...Box 65: 1 printed certificate bestowing honorary membership in the Association upon Adler and 1 ALS (18 December 1900) from Baker.
2821THE MUSICAL QUARTERLY*. 1 TLS, New York, 14 November 1932
Signed Gustav Reese.See also: "A. W. Ambros," Box 13: 1 TLS.Carl Engel, Box 21.Oscar Sonneck, Box 33.
2822DIE MUSIK. 1 TLS, Berlin, 9 January 1926
(BERNARD SCHUSTER)*. Signed "Schuster."
2823MUSIKALISCHE RUNDSCHAU. 1 TLS, Munich, 29 April 1908
(MUSIK-VERLAG DR. HEINRICH LEWY)*. Signed Otto Keller (q.v.).
2824MUSIKBLÄTTER DES ANBRUCH. 6 TLS, 1 printed letter, Vienna, 1919 1922
[later simply ANBRUCH]*. 6 letters signed by Otto Schneider, 1 by Paul Pisk.
Typed signature: Hans Wagner.
2826NADEL, SIEGFRIED FERDINAND (1903-). 1 ALS, Stuttgart, 14 August 1924
[NYPL]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 41: 2 CC, 1 with note.
2827Nagel, Willibald
2828NATIONAL LIBRARY OF PEIPING*. 1 printed acknowledgment of gift, 22 March 1935
Signed T. L. Yuan.
2829DAS NATIONALTHEATER. 1 TLS, Berlin. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 9 February 1929
[periodical]*. Signed Rudolf Roessler.
2830NAVRÁTIL [NAWRÁTIL], KARL (1867-1936) 3 ALS, 2 APS, St. Johann im Pangau (in 1 AL and 1 AP; n.p. in the others). Also MS notes. MS copy of a review. newspaper clipping. MS report, 1 leaf, 1901-05
[B5]*. on a Mass by Navrátil; report of a performance; the firm Waldheim-Eberle on the possible publication of the work.
2832NEDVAL, OSCAR (1874-1930)* 1 ANS, [Vienna], n.d.
2833NEF, KARL (1873-1935). 1 ALS, 2 TLS, Basel. 1 CC with note, 19 June 1914 and 22 December 1914 7 April 1923
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 1 TLS.BZ, misc. folder 4, Box 44: 1 TLS. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler.Clippings, Beethoven, folder 2, Box 46: E. Reiter, Box 49.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 ALS.
2834NEFZGER, BERNHARD*. 1 ALS, Baden bei Wien. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 13 November 1936
2835NEISSER, ARTHUR*. 1 ALS, Baden bei Wien, 21 March 1916
2836NETRWAL-RIGLER, GERTRUDE*. 2 ALS, Amsterdam, 15 May 1931 and 19 May 1931
2837NETTL, PAUL (1889-1972). 18 ALS, 32 TLS, 4 APS, 6 TPS, 1 CC with note, Hohenlohe, Prague. Also 1 TLS from the Hohenelber Papier-Industrie, and 1 TLS from Norbert Hofer. Carbons of 4 letters from Adler, 1919-33
[B5]*See also: "A. W. Ambros," 1931, Box 13: 1 TLS and 3 leaves of notes.BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 TPS.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 APS, 1 telegram.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 telegram.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 1 TLS.HB1, folder 6, Box 8: 1 APS.HB2, folder 3, Box 10: 11 TLS, 2 TPS. Carbons of 19 letters from Adler.
2838NEUE FREIE PRESSE. 3 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 printed statement
(VIENNA)*. 1 signed Fuchs, 2 Nowak, the others unclear.See also: Julius K. Korngold, Box 25.
All signed W. Merian (q.v.).
2840NEUMANN, ANGELO (1838-1910). 1 ANS, Aigen bei Salzburg, 30 June 1903
2841NEUMANN, EGON*. 1 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna, 8 July 1917 and 18 March 1925
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 2 CC, one with note. Dissertation, Egon Neumann, Box 60.
2842NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY*. 1 TLS from Edwin H. Anderson, together with a mimeographed report, "A Worthy Music Center for New York City: The Library," by Carlton Sprague Smith. 1 CC from Anderson and Smith. MS draft of 1 letter, carbons of 2, from Adler, 3 October 1932
2843NIEMANN, WALTER (1876-1953). 1 ALS, Leipzig, 23 January 1905
2844NIKISCH, ARTHUR (1855-1922). 1 APS, Leipzig. 1 ALS, Munich. 1 ANS, Leipzig, 17 December 1903 26 August 1904 28 September 1904
2845NILIUS, RUDOLPH (1883-). 1 ALS., n.p. [Vienna?]. 1 TLS, Baden bei Wien, 7 February 1922 13 September
2846NORLIND, JOHAN HENRIK TOBIAS (1879-1947) and BIRGIT. Tobias. 4 ALS., 1 APS, v.p., including Lund and Stockholm, 1913-29
2846NORLIND, JOHAN HENRIK TOBIAS (1879-1947) and BIRGIT. Birgit. 1 ALS, Uppsala, 2 February 1929
2847NOVELLO AND CO.* 1 LS, London, 24 September 1924
See also: The International Musical Congress...London, 1911, Box 42: 3 LS.
2848NOWAK, LEOPOLD (1904-). MS draft of a letter to a Frau Erdman on the reverse of a program, 25 May 1924
[B5]*See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2849NÜCHTERN, AUGUST M. and HANS*. August. 20 ALS, 2 ANS, 5 APS, v.p., principally Vienna, 1883-1913
2849NÜCHTERN, AUGUST M. and HANS*. Hans. 1 TLS, 1 printed card, Vienna, 1932 1936
2849NÜCHTERN, AUGUST M. and HANS*. Also 1 ALS from Georgine Tangl[?], Berlin, 16 February 1926
with the notation "zu Nüchtern,"See also: CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS from Hans.
2850NUFFEL, J. VAN (1883-1953). 1 ALS, Malines. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler, 14 January 1928
[R12, under Van Nuffel]*
2851OBERSTEINER, HEINRICH*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 17 July 1915
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
2852OBLASSER, EMIL, HERTHA, MARIA and HELGA*. Emil. 1 ALS, Trieste, 21 July 1908
2852OBLASSER, EMIL, HERTHA, MARIA and HELGA*. Maria Oblasser-Kugy. 2 ALS, 1 ANS, Trieste, 1907 1913
2852OBLASSER, EMIL, HERTHA, MARIA and HELGA*. Hertha, 1 ALS, Trieste, 12 October 1912
2852OBLASSER, EMIL, HERTHA, MARIA and HELGA*. Helga, MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, (27 November 1929)
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 telegram, from Emil, Maria, and Helga (from Vienna).
2853OELZELT, AMY and ANT[ON]*. 3 APS, 1 from Amy, 2 from Anton. Semmering, 1907
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 APS, also signed "Ilse" and "Olga Knoll" [-Kugy].
2854OESTERREICHISCHES RADIOVERKEHRS A.G. 2 TLS, Vienna. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, 14 September 1933 and 23 September 1933
Signatures unclear.See also: CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
2855ÖTZL, LUDWIG*. 2 ALS, Prague, 15 February 1899 and 18 May 1899
2856OFNER, JULIUS*. 5 ALS, Vienna, 1904-05 1912
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37s 1 CC.
2857OREL, ALFRED (1889-1967) and HEDWIG. 15 ALS, 3 TLS, 2 APS, 1 CC with note, 1 typescript "Erklärung," v.p., principally Vienna. 1 ALS from Hedwig, and 2 APS jointly from Alfred and Hedwig. Carbons of 2 letters, one from Adler, one from his secretary C. A. Rosenthal, 1917-35
[B5]*See also: Clippings, G. Mahler, Box 49.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 2 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.Deutsche Musikgesellschaft, Box 20: memorandum and minutes.Festgabe, Box 61.Fürstliches Institut für Musikwissenschaftliches Forschung zu Bückeburg, Box 22: 1 CC with note.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 2 ALS.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 1 ANS.Notes, Miscellaneous (Wellesz...), Box 64: carbon of 1 letter to A.Koczirz (referring to Orel).
291OREL, DOBROSLAV (1870-1942). 9 ALS, 3 TLS, 3 ANS, 2 APS, 1 telegram, v.p., principally Prague and Bratislava. Also 1 ALS from Orel's sister, signature unclear; pictures of Orel and Smetana; and carbons of 10 letters from Adler, ca. 1906-32
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 CC.Clippings, F. Liszt, Box 49.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 2 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 ALS.
292PACHLER, FRANZ*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 23 November 1880
293PÄSLER, KARL*. 1 APS, Charlottenburg, 11-12 December 1908
294PAHLEN, KURT (1907-). 1 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna, 15 March 1931 16 November 1932
295PAILLER, WILHELM*. 1 ALS, place unclear, 6 May 1885
295PALLAVICINI, ALEXANDER, MARKGRAF*. 3 ALS. one from Tamnitz[?], 8 March 1892 1893 25 October 1901
296PAMER, IGNAZ and FRITZ EGON (1900-1923). Ignaz. 2 ALS, 36 TLS, 2 ANS, 4 APS, Vienna. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1923-36
296PAMER, IGNAZ and FRITZ EGON (1900-1923). Fritz Egon. 1 ALS, n.p., n.d. Typescript copy of 1 letter from Breitkopf & Härtel to Fritz Egon
[R12]* written after his death.[Ignaz Pamer was the father of the composer Fritz Egon, who committed suicide.]See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 TLS.CM, 70BD. folder 2. Box 37: 1 TLS.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 telegram.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 1 TLS from Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt; 1 APS from Wilhelm Krabbe.
297PAN-MUSICA*. 1 TLS, Vienna. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 18 February 1936
Signed Fanny Starhemberg.
298PARENT, HORTENSE*. 1 APS, Paris, n.d. and postmark unclear
299PASTOR, L. VON*. 2 ALS, Rome, 2 March 1911 21 February 1912
2910PAUER, TH. C*. 1 APS, Prague, 4 October 1898
2911PAUL, OSKAR (1836-1898). 2 ALS, Leipzig, 4 December 1881 30 June 1884
2912PAWLIKOWSKY, J.* 1 ALS, Vienna, 3 February 1920
2913PAZAUREK, G. E.* 1 ALS, Prague, 29 February 1892
2914PECHEL, FRANZ*. 1 APS, Graz, 6 July 1899
2915PEDRELL, FELIPE (1841-1922). 1 APS, Barcelona, 18 July 1910
2916PEHAM, MARIA*. 1 APS, Bad Ischl, n.d. and postmark unclear
2917PEMBAUR, JOSEPH, senior (1848-1923). 5 ALS, Innsbruck. Clipping of an article on Pembaur and one by him from the Deutsche Kunst-und Musik-Zeitung, Vienna, 1881-1903 11 January 1902
2918PERGER, LOTHAR HERBERT and JOSEF*. Lothar Herbert, 4 ALS, Vienna, Salzburg, 1904-23
2918PERGER, LOTHAR HERBERT and JOSEF*. Josef. 1 ALS, Vienna, 26 December 1915
2919PERINELLO, GARLO (1877-1942). 1 ALS, Trieste, 19 March 1908
2920PERUGIA, FRITZ*. 3 ALS, [Vienna?], 13 April 1877 9 January 1878 28 December
2921Peterlini, Josef
2922C. F. PETERS. 1 TLS, 1 APS, 1 TPS, Leipzig. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1899 1930 1936
(EDITION PETERS)*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: carbon of 1 letter from Adler. Rudolf Schwartz, Box 33.
2923PETERSEN, EVA*. 1 printed announcement, Copenhagen. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, June 1931
2924PETYREK, FELIX (1892-1951). 1 ALS, 4 TLS, v.p., including Salzburg, Stuttgart, Athens. Carbons of 5 letters from Adler, 1919-20
[B5]*See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.Alexander Pilcz, Bos 29.
2925PFEIFFER, ALBERT*. 1 ALS, Bayreuth, 30 September 1905
2926PFEIFFER, MAX and CARL A.* Max. 4 ALS, Reichenhall, Paris, Vienna, two letters, the others n.d., 1874
2926PFEIFFER, MAX and CARL A.* Carl A. 15 ALS, Stuttgart. Also 15 photographs of early keyboard instruments and keyboard mechanisms. MS drafts of 2 letters from Adler, 1901-04
2927PFOHL, FERDINAND (1862-1949). 1 ALS, Leipzig. 2 APS, Nordseebad St. Peter, 13 December 1888 18 August 1905 11 August 1913
[B5]*See also: Clippings, G. F. Handel, Box 48; Heidelberg Musikfest, Box 48.
2928PHILHARMONISCHER CHOR*. 3 typescript form letters, Vienna, 2 dating from and 1 from and signed by F. Schreker, P. Stefan, Alban Berg, et. al. 1 page of press notices, February 1912 30 May 1912
2929PHONOGRAMM-ARCHIV (VIENNA). 1 ALS. 1 TLS, 10 December 1906 21 January 1926
signed Fritz Hauser. signed Hajek.
2930PICK, ARNOLD (1851-1924), ALOIS (1859-1945) , and G[USTAVE?]*. Arnold. 3 ALS, Prague, n.d.
[EJ] [UJE]
2930PICK, ARNOLD (1851-1924), ALOIS (1859-1945) , and G[USTAVE?]*. Alois. 1 ALS, Vienna, [1933]
[EJ] [UJE]
2930PICK, ARNOLD (1851-1924), ALOIS (1859-1945) , and G[USTAVE?]*. G[ustave]. 2 ALS, Prague. 1 ANS. Prague, 16 June 1905[?] 9 June 1925 20 January 1912
[EJ] [UJE]See also: Präsidium der israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien, Box 29: 1 TLS from Alois Pick.Vorstand der israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien, Box 35: 2 ALS from Alois Pick; additional references cited there.
2931PICK, MARIE*. 1 ALS, [Vienna?], 30 June 1933
2932PIFFL, FRIEDRICH GUSTAV (1864-1932). 4 ALS, 5 CC with notes, Vienna. MS drafts of 3 letters from Adler, 1918-29
[NÖB]See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC.
2933PILOZ, AL[EXANDER?]*. 1 ANS, n.p. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. Carbon of another letter to Ernest Walters, 9 September 1932
connected with a request from F. Petryrek.
2934R. PIPER & CO. (MUNICH)*. 1 ALS, 7 September 1910
Signed Reinhard Piper.See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 1 TLS.
2935PIRRO, ANDRÉ (1869-1943). 2 ALS, 2 APS, Paris, 1914 1928-30
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 1 APS.
2936PISK, PAUL AMADEUS (1893-). 7 ALS, 7 TPS, 2 APS, 1 TPS, 1 Christmas card, v.p., including Vienna, New York, and Redlands, California. Carbons of 5 letters from Adler. Also 1 leaf of reminiscences of Adler by Pisk, and xerox copies of Adler's letter of recommendation for Pisk and of Pisk's article "Guido Adler and His Orbit," Musical Mercury, 2 (1935), 64-67, 1916-37 (April 1972)
[B5]*See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: envelope of material on Pisk.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note, 1 APS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 TLS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 TLS.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 1 TLS.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 1 ALS, 1 TLS,Musikblätter des Anbruch, Box 28: 1 TLSViennese Music Festivals, 1931, Box 46: 1 TLS.
2937PLAMENAC, DRAGAN (1895-). 3 ALS, 4 APS, v.p., principally Zagreb, 1923-28
[B5]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2938PLANCK, MAX KARL ERNST (1859-1947). 1 ALS, Berlin-Grünewald, 6 March 1920
2939PODRABSKY, ANT.* 2 ALS, Vienna, 21 May 1882 and 8 November 1882
2940POGATSCHE, A.* 1 APS, [Prague-]Weinberge, 11 June 1890
2941POLITZER, EBERSTAG*. 20 ALS, 3 ANS, 2 APS, v.p., principally Vienna, ca. 1880-90
2941POLITZER, MALVINE*. 1 ALS, place unclear, 7 October 1932
See: CM, 84BD, Box 38: 1 APS, and joint birthday and Christmas card with other members of the family. Malvine is also mentioned in carbons of a letter from Adler to Leonardo and Edoardo Adler in the same file.
2942POLNAUER, JOSEF (1888-1969). 7 ALS, Vienna, 1911-13
[ÖM, 24 (1969), 642]*See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS.
2943POMMER, JOSEF (1845-1918). 1 APS, Vienna, postmarked, 16 November 1908[?]
[R11]*See also: Clippings, Folksong (German), Box 47.
2944POPPER, DAVID (1843-1913). 3 ALS, Königswart bei Marienbad, 4 July 1888 11 July 1888 17 July 1888
[B5]* [Of. the letter of 3 July 1888 by Josef Portheim.]
2945PORTHEIM, JOSEF EDLER VON*. 3 ALS, Smichow, 3 July 1888 13 June 1890 27 November 1901
2946POTHIER, JOSEPH (1835-1923). 1 ALS, Solesmes, 20 June 1884
2947POWELL, JOHN (1882-1963). 1 TLS, Richmond, Va., 28 July 1932
Signature in the first unclear; the second signed by Alois Pick (q.v.).
2949PREISS, CORNELIUS (1884-1944). 1 ALS, Graz, December 1911
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ANS.Clippings, F. J. Haydn, Box 48.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
2950PREYER, WILHELM THIERRY (1841-1897). 1 ALS, Wiesbaden, 21 April 1884
2951PRIBRAM, ALFRED FRANCIS*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 18 September 1891 29 August 1921
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC with note.Gustav Mahler, 1914-16, Box 56: 1 ALS.
2952PRIBYL, VICTOR*. 6 ALS, 2 ANS, v.p., including Vienna and Krems, 1875-90
See also: CM, Prague, Box 37: 1 ALS.
2953PROBST, CARL (b. 1854). 1 ALS, 1 APS, n.p., the letter. the postcard n.d. and the postmark unclear, 22 August 1907
[TB]* [The postcard shows a reproduction of a painting by Probst.]
301PROCHÁZKA, RUDOLPH (1864-1936) and CARL*. Rudolph. 6 ALS, 1 ANS, 3 APS, v.p., principally Prague, 1890-24
301PROCHÁZKA, RUDOLPH (1864-1936) and CARL*. Carl. 3 ALS, 1 ANS, Vienna, 1912-18
Also found in this file is a postcard with a large group of signatures, the only two of which that are clear are those of Hans Prohaska (sic!) and Felix Prohaska.See also: Clippings, J. Brahms, Box 47; Prague Opera, Box 49.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 CC with note.
302PROSKOVETZ, EMANUEL RITTER VON*. 1 ALS, Kraslice, 24 November 1933
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 telegram.
303PROUT, EBENEZER (1835-1909). 1 ALS, London, 5 January 1903
304PRÜFER, ARTHUR (1860-1944). 2 ALS, Vienna; Leipzig, 11 August 1906 22 February 1909
305PRUNIÈRES, HENRY (1886-1942) [LA REVUE MUSICAIE]. 1 ALS, 6 TLS, 1 APS, 1 TPS, Paris. Also 1 MS letter from Prunières" secretary. Carbons of 13 letters from Adler, 1912-34
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS, 1 TPS.BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 1 TLS.BZ, misc. folder 4, Box 44: 6 TLS, 1 APS. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler.CM, 75BD, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 3 TLS, 1 APS. Carbons of 3 letters, MS drafts of 3, from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 4 TLS. Carbon of 1 letter, MS drafts of 2, from Adler.HB2, folder 15, Box 13: 1 TLSIGM, folder 2, Box 23: 1 TPS.
306PRUSIK, [KARL?]*. 2 ALS, n.p. 1 leaf of MS notes by Adler, 21 August 1933 and 1 September 1933
307PULLMAN, SIMON*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 10 March 1931
308PUTNAM, HERBERT (1861-1955). 1 ALS, Washington D.C., April 19th 1937 but as of April 5th
[LIBRARY OF CONGRESS] [WWW,III]*See also: Library of Congress, Box 26: 1 TLS.
309RABL, WALTER (1873-1940) and CARL*. Walter. 5 ALS, 2 ANS, v.p., including Dresden, Pressburg, Baden-Baden, no years indicated
309RABL, WALTER (1873-1940) and CARL*. Carl. 1 ALS, Prague, 26 June 1904
3010RADICIOTTI, GIUSEPPE (1859-1932). 1 ALS, 1 APS, Tivoli, 15 April 1911 30 December 1912
[B5]*See also: Clippings, G. M. Nanino, Box 49.
3011RAU, MARIA CONSTANZE*. 1 ALS, Bückeburg, 15 July 1927
3012RECLI, GIULIA (1890-). 2 ALS, 2 APS, v.p., including Milan and Rome. Also 1 TLS from Clemens Krauss, referring to Recli. MS and carbons of Adler's reply in German and Italian, 1923 1932
3013REDLICH, OSWALD (1858-1944) and HANS FERDINAND (1903-1969) Oswald. 5 ALS, 1 ANS, 1 APS, 3 CC with notes, v.p., principally Vienna, 1901-30
[GB] [B5]*
3013REDLICH, OSWALD (l858-1944) and HANS FERDINAND (1903-1969). Hans Ferdinand. 1 TLS, Mannheim. Also 1 TLS from Edition Adler, Berlin, 9 February 1932
concerning a presentation copy of Redlich's book on Monteverdi.See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note from Oswald.IMG, folder 4, Box 24: 1 TLS from Oswald.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg, 1915-17, Box 56: 1 CC with note from Oswald.
3014RÉE, LOUISE (1961-1939). 1 ALS, Vienna, 11 March 1905
3016REICH, WILLI (1898-). 1 TLS, Vienna. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 23 May 1933
3017REICHEL, ELSE (née BENNDORF)*. 2 ANS, Vienna, both dated; 1 APS, Vienna; 1 CC, 15 February 1906 18 July 1903
Note on cover: "Reichel/jetz Moskovitz/ geb. Benndorf)."
3018REICHERT, ERNST*. 2 ALS, 2 TLS, Essen, Vienna. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 1925-30
3019REICHL, MARTIN*. 1 ALS, Würzburg, 18 March 1931
3020REIDINGER, FRIEDRICH. 1 ALS, [Döbling], 29 April 1929
[NYPL, no dates]*
3021REIFF, JOSEF*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 3 July 1878 21 February 1879
See also: Richard Wagner Verein, Box 35: 1 ALS.
3022REIMANN, HEINRICH (1850-1906). 2 ALS, Charlottenburg, 4 and 5[?]; 1 APC, Berlin, September 1889 13 May 1890
3023REINHOLD, ERWIN*. 1 APS, Karlsruhe, 9 November 1915
3024REINHOLD, HUGO (1854-1935). 1 ALS, n.p., n.d.
3025REINTHALER, WALTHER*. 1 ALS, Vienna; 1 APS, Firenze, postmarked, 8 March 1910 4 June 1912
3026REISCH, E.* 1 APS, Vienna; 1 ALS, n.p., 27 September 1907 14 February 1911
3027REISS, JÓSEF WLADISLAW (1879-1956) 1 ALS, Zloczów, 20 January 1910
3028REISSMANN [?], AUGUST (1825-1903). 1 ALS, Leipzig, 29 March 1882
3029REITZ, ROBERT (1884-1951). 1 ALS, Weimar, together with a program and clipping, 18 March 1934
3030RELLIG,—*. 3 ALS, 2 APS, v.p., principally Vienna, 1907-08
3031RENKER, GUSTAV*. 2 TLS, 1 TPS, Bern. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 7 June 1923 and 8 August 1923 22 August 1928
3032RÉTHI, L.* 1 CC with note, Vienna, n.d.
3033REUSS, AUGUST (1871-1935). 4 ALS, Vienna, 1921-35
(ESSEN)*. Signed Otto Schlingloff.
3035RICHTER, ALEXANDER*. 1 ALS, 1 ANS, Smichow bei Prag, 15 September 1892 24 December 1910
3036RICHTER, HELENE and ELISE*. 3 TLS, Vienna. The first two are from Helene, the last from Elise and Helene, 30 July 1931 19 December 1933 3 November 1935
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC from Helene; 1 CC from Elise, Festgabe, Box 61 (Helene).
3037RICHTER, OTTO (1865-1936). 2 ALS, Dresden, 1 December 1909 18 September 1926
3038RIEDEL senior, CARL (1827-1888) and CARL junior.* Carl senior. 1 ALS, 1 APS, Leipzig, 9 February 1886 and 17 February 1886
3038RIEDEL senior, CARL (1827-1888) and CARL junior.* Carl junior. 3 ALS, v.p., including Vienna and Karlsruhe, 28 January 1915
3039RIEDINGER, LOTHAR*. 2 ALS:, one n.p., n.d., the other Vienna, 6 December 1927
3040RIEGERT, MAX*. 2 APS, one postmarked Eilenberg, the other dated Berlin, 25 September 1885 19 November 1885
3041RIEGLER [RIEGLER-DINU], EMIL. 1 ALS, Bucharest. 1 telegram. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler. Carbons of 2 letters of inquiry by Adler, and 2 replies to these letters: 1 TLS from the Bucharest Academia Românâ, and 1 TLS from the Rumanian Legation in Vienna, 23 September 1929 5 June 1923[?] 14 May 1929
concerning Riegler
3042RIEHL, ISOIDE*. 2 ALS, Vienna. Also 1 ALS from Maja Loehr, Vienna, 16 July 1932 11 March 1933 21 July 1932
concerning Isolde Riehl.
3043RIEMANN, KARL WILHELM JULIUS HUGO (1849-1919). 19 ALS, 17 APS, Leipzig, Hamburg. MS drafts of 2 letters from Adler, 1881 1885 1898-1907 1917
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Byzantine Music, Box 47; K. W. J. H. Riemann, Box 49; H. Ellis Wooldridge, Box 51.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 ALS.
3044RIESEMANN, BERNHARD OSKAR VON (1880-1934). 2 ALS, 2 TLS, 3 APS, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Heidelberg, Leipzig. Carbons of 9 letters from Adler, 1929
[B5]*See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 3 ALS, 3 APS. Carbons of 3 letters, MS draft of 1, from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Viennese Music Festivals, 1931, Box 46: 1 TLS.
3045RIETSCH, HEINRICH (1860-1927). 77 ALS, 11 ANS, 35 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Vienna and Prague (or Smichow bei Prag). MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, ca. 1884-1927
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS.Clippings, Folksong (German), Box 47; H. Rietsch, Box 49.CM, Prague, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 2 ALS.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ANS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC, 1 telegram.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 ANS.IMG, folder 4, Box 24: 1 ALS.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 2 ALS. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler.
3046RIKOLA VERLAG (VIENNA)*. 3 TLS. 2 leaves of notes by Adler, February 1921
311RITTER, AUGUST GOTTFRIED (1811-1885). 1 ALS, Magdeburg, 29 May 1884
312ROBERT, RICHARD (1861-1924). 1 CC with note, Vienna, 23 January 1912
[Die Musikstätten Österreichs, 54]*
313ROCCA, BERTA (née EISENSCHITZ)*. 1 APS, Perugia, 4 January 1899
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ALS, signed "Berta."
314ROCHLITZER, LUDWIG*. 3 ALS, Vienna, 2 July, 1909 11 October 1909 and 20 October 1909
315ROGER, KURT GEORGE (1895-1966). 1 ALS, Vienna; 1 APS, Vienna, 14 March 1932 24 February 1936
[Musical Times, October 1966, 892]*See also: Josef Braunstein, Box 18: 1 APS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 CC with note, and an issue of the periodical Die Glocke containing an article by Roger on Adler.Tagore, Candidates...Box 65: 1 ALS, together with "My curriculum vitae" (in English).
316ROGGERI, EDOARDO. 1 ALS, Torino. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 19 January 1930
(NYPL, no dates]*
317ROKITANSKY, VICTOR FREIHERR VON (1836-1896). 1 ALS, Vienna, 20 May 1891
318ROKYTA, ERIKA (1899-). 1 ANS, n.p., n.d.
[ÖM, 24 (1969), 474]*
319ROLLAND, ROMAIN (1866-1944). 17 ALS, Paris, Villeneuve. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. Xerox copies of 2 additional ALS from Remain to Adler, 1899-1900 1926-27 (1931)
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: carbons of 7 letters from Adler.Clippings, R. Rolland, Box 49.Congrès d'histoire comparée...Paris, 1901, Box 39: circulars and registrations blanks.HB2, folder 15, Box 13: 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
3110ROLLER, ALFRED (1864-1935). Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, Vienna, 13 February 1929
3111RONCONI, GIOVANNI B.* 1 ALS, Firenze, with return envelope, 9 March 1895
Letter partially damaged.
3112ROSÉ, ARNOLD JOSEF (1863-1946) and JUSTINE (née MAHLER). Arnold. 1 ALS, n.p.; 2 ANS, n.p., 23 September 1911[?] 24 December 1902[?] 25 March 1906
3112ROSÉ, ARNOLD JOSEF (1863-1946) and JUSTINE (née MAHLER). Justine. 1 ANS, Vienna, n.d., signed Justine Mahler. 2 ALS, one n.p., n.d., the other Edlach bei Reichendin. 1 APS, Vienna. 2 leaves of notes by Justine, 27 August 3 December 1913
in reply to queries concerning Mahler and his family.
3113ROSENBERG, B. and—NEUMANN*. 1 TLS, n.p., n.d.
3114ROSENHEIM, CARL*. 1 ALS, Prague, 11 April 1899
3115ROSENMANN, MARJAN*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 17 December 193—
3116ROSENTHAL, CARL AUGUST (1904-) and ELSE. 2 ALS, 6 TLS, 4 TL (unsigned), 3 APS, v.p., principally Vienna. MS drafts of 4 letters from Adler, 1925-32
[R12]* 1 letter has notes added by Adler's wife and daughter.See also: CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC from Else.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 CC from Carl and Else.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 ALSGustav Mahler Denkmal Komitee, Box 26: minutes and other documents.Alfred Orel, Box 28: carbon of 1 letter from Rosenthal.
3117ROSENTHAL, FELIX (1867-1936) and ELSE. 6 ALS, 1 ANS, Breslau and Vienna. 1 MS curriculum vitae. Vienna. 1 printed brochure. press notices. 1 ANS from Else Rosenthal, n.p. on the death of her husband, 1901-18 29 May 1909 25 December 1936
[R12]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 autograph poem.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 autograph poem.Notes, Variations, Box 65: 1 APC.
3118ROSENTHAL, MORIZ (1862-1946). 2 ALS, Alt-Aussee, Vienna. 1 ANS, Vienna, 17 September 1904 29 June 1937 16 November 1936
3119ROSSI, VITTORIO*. 1 ALS, Venezia, 3 September 1891
3120ROSSIAN FAMILY: ADOLF senior, MARIE, ADOLF junior, IDA, MIMI ROSSIAN WIESENBERGER, ARTHUR [?] [ROSSIAN]-STRAUSS. Adolf senior. 16 ALS, 3 APS, Salzburg, 1882-1908
3120ROSSIAN FAMILY: ADOLF senior, MARIE, ADOLF junior, IDA, MIMI ROSSIAN WIESENBERGER, ARTHUR [?] [ROSSIAN]-STRAUSS. Adolf junior. 5 ALS, 2 APS, 1 autograph poem, v.p., principally Meran, 1881-1915
3120ROSSIAN FAMILY: ADOLF senior, MARIE, ADOLF junior, IDA, MIMI ROSSIAN WIESENBERGER, ARTHUR [?] [ROSSIAN]-STRAUSS. Ida. 26 ALS, 9 APS, Salzburg. Also two typescripts: "Auf-zeichnung meiner lieben Mutter Frau Marie Rosian geb. Edle von Hilleprandt,". n.d.; "Der Storch und die Zwillinge," by Ida Rossian, 1908-36
[musical memories connected with Salzburg in the earlier and middle nineteenth century, with additional notes by Ida Rossian]
3120ROSSIAN FAMILY: ADOLF senior, MARIE, ADOLF junior, IDA, MIMI ROSSIAN WIESENBERGER, ARTHUR [?] [ROSSIAN]-STRAUSS. Mimi Rossian Wiesenberger. 3 ALS. Wels. 1 ANS. n.d., 18 March, 193[?]
3120ROSSIAN FAMILY: ADOLF senior, MARIE, ADOLF junior, IDA, MIMI ROSSIAN WIESENBERGER, ARTHUR [?] [ROSSIAN]-STRAUSS. Arthur [?] [Rossian-] Strauss. 3 ALS, Salzburg, 1933
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ALS from Ida.Karl and Mimi Wiesenberger, Box 36.
3121ROSTHORN ALFONS and A.* Alfons. 1 ALS, 5 ANS, 2 APS, v.p., including Heidelberg, Prague, and Vienna, 1898-1909
3121ROSTHORN ALFONS and A.* A. 1 ALS, 1 ANS, Vienna, 17 February 1928 28 May 1936
The hand found in these items is entirely different from that found in the documents by Alfons.
3122ROTH, ERNST and KATHE*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 5 December 1935
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ALS from Ernst and Kathe Rothe.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.
3123ROTH, F. W. E.* 1 ALS, 1 APS, Darmstadt, 13 May 1887 and 14 June 1887
3124ROTH, MARIE and FREDERIKE*. 1 ALS, Breslau, written to Melanie Adler, 11 November 1941
[Chronologically this letter is the last in the papers. It was written after the death of Guido Adler.]
3125ROTHSCHILD, V. NATHANIEL and ALFONS [ALPHONSE] (1878-1942). V. Nathaniel. 1 ALS, Vienna, 10 May 1902
3125ROTHSCHILD, V. NATHANIEL and ALFONS [ALPHONSE] (1878-1942). Alfons. 1 ALS, 1 TLS, Vienna, 20 November 1911 and 18 December 1911
[EJ]*See also: Adler, Family Records and Documents, Box 65: "Regulativ des Curatoriumder 'Freiherrlich von Rothschild'schen Künstlerstiftung'."
3126ROULAND, CARL [KARL]*. 1 APS, Vienna, 13 January 1925
3127RÜCKAUF, ANTON (1855-1903). 4 ANS, 3 CC with notes, Vienna and Baden, 1898-1902
[B5]*See also: Clippings, A. Rückauf, Box 49.
3128RÜCKWARD, FRITZ (1872-1933). 1 ALS, 1 ANS, Berlin, 26 February 1912 and 3 March 1912
3129RUNGE, PAUL (1849-1911). 1 ALS, Colmar, 26 March 1889
3130SAAR, FERDINAND VON (1833-1906). 1 ALS, Vienna, 30 April 1903
3131SACHS, CURT (1881-1959). 1 TPS, Berlin. 2 TLS, Berlin. Also 1 typescript "Schriften-Verzeichnis" of Sachs's works. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 17 January 1922 2 March 1929 and 23 March 1929 1 April 1929
[B5]*. See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 2 TLS. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler.
3132SAINT-FOIX, GEORGES (1874-1954). 1 ALS, Paris, 29 March 1913
[B5]*See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler. HB2, folder 15, Box 13: 1 ALS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 ALS.
3133SALAZAR, ADOLFO (1890-1948). 4 TLS, 1 APS, 1 TPS, Bonn, Madrid. Carbons of 9 letters from Adler, 1929
[B5]*See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 7 ALS, 6 APS, 3 telegrams. Carbons of 2 letters, MS draft of 1, from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 3 TLS, 1 APS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB2, folder 6, Box 11: 1 ALS.Viennese Music Festivals, 1931, Box 46: 1 TLS.
3134SALZER, FELIX (1904-). 1 ANS, 1 ALS, Vienna, 2 February 1930 and 4 February 1930
3135SALZER, GRETE*. 1 ANS, Vienna. 1 APS, Puchenstuben. 1 APS, n.p., n.d., 1922 1927
3136SAN MARTINO VALPERGA, ENRICO DI (b. 1863). 2 TLS, Rome, Carbon of 1 letter, MS draft of another, from Adler. 1 TLS., 7 March 1921 and 28 March 1921
See also: BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 1 TLS and 1 TL written for San Martino by Guido Boni. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Congresso internazionale di musica, Rome, 1911, Box 42: Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 TLS.
3137SARASIN, MARIE-LOUISE. 5 ALS, 2 ANS, 3 APS, v.p., including Zürich, 1928-33
3138SATO, KENZO*. 1 TLS, Berlin, 1 September 1927
See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 ALS.
3139SAUER, AUGUST (1885-1926). 7 ALS, 2 ANS, 4 APS, Prague and Vienna, 1887 1892 1905-13
[GB]*See also: Clippings, German Literature, Box 48; Vienna (Music in), Box 50.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ANS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ANS.Deutsche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften...Box 20: 1 TLS.Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...1914-16, Box 56: 1 APS.
3140SCHÄFER, DIRK (1873-1931) and J. SCHÄFER-DUMSTORFF*. Dirk, 4 TLS., 2 APS, Amsterdam, London, Freiburg, 1924-25
3140SCHÄFER, DIRK (1873-1931) and J. SCHÄFER-DUMSTORFF*. J. Schäfer-Dumstorff 2 ALS, 1931
(wife of Dirk).
3140SCHÄFER, DIRK (1873-1931) and J. SCHÄFER-DUMSTORFF*. Also 3 TLS from Paul Sanders, Amsterdam. Carbons of 5 letters from Adler. Carbons of 4 copies of Adler's "Erinnerung" of Schäfer, and a xerox copy of the published article, 1931
concerning a memorial volume for Dirk Schäfer(see Box 14 for further information on this publication).See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS.H. W. J. M. Keules, Box 25: 1 TLS: referring to D. Schäfer.
3141SCHÄFKE, RUDOLF (1895-1915). 1 ALS, Hildesheim, 25 April 1921
3142SCHAFER, IRENE*. 4 ALS, 1 APS, 3 Christmas and New Year cards, v.p., principally New York City, 1930-35
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.Carl Engel, Box 21: 5 ALS, 4 APS, 1 New Year card, 1 telegram.
3143SCHALK, FRANZ (1863-1931) and LILI*. Franz. 6 ANS, 1 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Vienna, 1913-28
3143SCHALK, FRANZ (1863-1931) and LILI*. 1 APS from Adler to Schalk returned in the mail, (1898)
3143SCHALK, FRANZ (1863-1931) and LILI*. Lili. 1 ANS, 20 September 1931
See also: Clippings, Salzburg, Box 50.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS from Lili Schalk.
321SCHAUFFLER, ROBERT HAVEN (1879-1964). 1 ALS, Vienna, 26 November 1929
322SCHAUMANN, FRANZ*. 3 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna, 10 April 1880 8 December 1890 15 January 1899 and 18 January 1899
See also: Anton Bruckner, Box 19: 1 ALS.
323SCHEBEK, EDMUND (1819-1895). 5 ALS, 2 APS, Prague, 1889-91
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Violins, Box 50.
323aSCHEGAR, FRANZ and FRANZ MAYER*. Franz Schegar. 6 ALS, Vienna, 1911-16
323aSCHEGAR, FRANZ and FRANZ MAYER*. Franz Mayer. 5 ALS, Vienna, 1911-12
From the documents available it is impossible to determine the relationship between these two men, or even to decide if they are actually one person. Two of the letters of Mayer are in the hand of Schegar. Thus perhaps Schegar was Mayer's secretary.
324SCHEIMPFLUG, KARL*. 5 ALS, 1 TLS, v.p., including Vienna and Prague; 3 letters are undated, 1878-79 1888
See also: CM, Prague, Box 37: 1 TLS.
325SCHENKER, HEINRICH (1868-1935). 2 ALS, [Vienna], 21 April 1914 3 May 1933
[B5]*See also: Clippings, H. Schenker, Box 50.
326SCHENKER INSTITUT (NEUES WIENER KONSERVATORIUM)* 1 printed brochure, n.d., [after 1935]
327SCHENKL, ADOLF*. 11 ALS, 2 ANS, 1 APS, Prague, 1889-1919
328SCHENNER, WILHELM and JOH. G.* Wilhelm. 12 ALS. 1 APS, 2 CC, Vienna, 1886-90 1905-09
328SCHENNER, WILHELM and JOH. G.* Joh. G. 1 ALS, Obersee, 25 October 1885
See also: CM, Prague, Box 37: 1 CC.
329SCHERER, J. E.* 1 CC with note, n.p., 18 July 1887
3210SCHERING, ARNOLD (1877-1941). 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 6 APS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Leipzig and Berlin, Carbons of 12 letters, MS draft of 1, from Adler, 1903-30
[B5]*See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 telegram. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 3 ALS, 4 APS. MS drafts of 4 letters, carbon of 1, 1 returned postcard, from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter, MS draft of 1 letter, from Adler.
3211SCHEURLEER, DANIEL FRANÇOIS (1855-1927). 9 ALS, 3 TLS, 2 APC,The Hague. Printed brochure, 1906-26
[B5]*containing the statutes of the Société; Union Musicologique.See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 TLS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
3212SCHIPPER, J.* 1 ALS, Vienna, 6 May 1913
3213SCHIPPERS, JAN and ELISE; JOANNA C. SCHIPPERS BLANKE*. Jan and Elise. 4 ALS, 3 TLS, 2 APS, 2 ANS, Amsterdam, 1920-32
3213SCHIPPERS, JAN and ELISE; JOANNA C. SCHIPPERS BLANKE*. Joanna. 6 ALS, 6 APS, v.p., principally Amsterdam, 1920-35
3213SCHIPPERS, JAN and ELISE; JOANNA C. SCHIPPERS BLANKE*. Also 2 ALS from Fred. Egb. Slaghek and Lies Slaghek (q.v.), Bussum, labeller "Schippers.", 26 June 1920
See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 telegram.
3214SCHLECHT, RAIMUND (1811-1891). 1 ALS, Eichstätt, 12 December 1881
3215SCHLESINGER, TINI*. 2 ALS, Villa Pauline, 4 August 1881
[Tini Schlesinger apparently married the painter Julius Schmid (see below).]
3216SCHLETTERER, HANS MICHEL (1824-1893). 1 APS, Augsburg, 14 January 1882
3217SCHMEIDEL, HERMANN RITTER VON (1894-1953). 1 ANS, n.p., no year; 1 APS, Graz, 26 October 8 September 1916
[R12]*See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ALS.
3218SCHMETZ, PAUL JOHANN (1845-1897). 1 APS, Montabaur, 6 February 1886
3219SCHMID, JULIUS (1854-1935) and TINI [LEOPOLDINE?]". Julius. 5 ALS, 1 APS, 1 CC, Vienna, ca. 1884-ca. 1890
3219SCHMID, JULIUS (1854-1935) and TINI [LEOPOLDINE?]". Tini. 1 ANS, 5 APS, 1 CC, v.p., principally Vienna, 1899-1903 1935
3219SCHMID, JULIUS (1854-1935) and TINI [LEOPOLDINE?]". 1 of the APS is also signed by Hans Schmid (see above)
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ALS.Oversize material, "Familienbilder," Box 71: sketch by Julius Schmidt (sic), "Guido und sein Vorgänger," St. Gilgen 1889.
3220SCHMID, OTTO (1858-1931). 1 APS, 1 ALS, Dresden, 8 December 1898 19 November 1901
3221SCHMIDL, FRIEDRICH*. 2 ALS, Dürnstein, Vienna, 18 August 1916 16 May 1920
3222SCHMIDT, ANTON W. (d. 1928)*. 2 ALS, Dresden. 1 ALS, Dresden. Also 1 newspaper clipping. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 27 November 1898 5 December 1915 27 February 1929
from the widow of Schmidt, signature unclear, reporting the death of her husband the preceding year.
3223SCHMIDT, F.* 1 TLS, Berlin, 3 September 1917
See also: Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...1914-16, Box 56: 1 CC.
3224FRIEDRICH OTTO SCHMIDT (DECORATION & AMEUBIEMENT). 1 bill, Vienna, n.d. 1 form letter, Vienna, 10 March 1898
3225SCHMIDT, FRANZ (1874-1939). 1 CC with signature
[B5]*See also: Adler, Academic Carerr, Box 60: 1 TLS from Alfred Majer concerning an honorary doctorate for Schmidt.BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ANS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
3226SCHMIDT, HEINRICH. 1 ALS, Vienna, 5 August 1929
See also: Dissertation, "Formprobleme und Entwicklungslinien in Gustav Mahler's Symphonien," Box 60.
3227SCHMITZ, RICHARD*. 2 TLS, Vienna, 6 April 1926 1 June 1928
See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 2 TL. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
3228SCHMULLER, ALEXANDER (1880-1933). 1 ALS, 2 TLS, 2 APS, v.p., including Amsterdam, 1927-31
[B5]*See also: CM, 75BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.
3229SCHNEIDER, CONSTANTIN*. 4 ALS, 1 ANS, v.p., principally Vienna, 1929-37
See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.
3230SCHNEIDER, MAX (1875-1967). 1 ALS, Breslau, 5 November 1917
[B5]*See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 5 ALS, 1 APS.
3231SCHNEIDERHAN, FRANZ [?]*. 1 TLS, Vienna and a copy of a TL sent to Graf Esterhazy, same place and date. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler to Gräfin Hartenau, and 1 leaf of notes, 20 February 1931
3232SCHNERICH, ALFRED (1859-1944). 8 ALS, 1 ANS, 1 APS, Vienna, 1890-1909
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Beethoven, folder 2, Box 46; Church Music, Box 47; Salzburg, Box 50.HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 3 ALS.
3233SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR (1862-1931). 1 ANS, Vienna, 23 December 1918
[GB]*See also: Clippings, Lilly Schnitzler, Box 50.
3234SCHNITZLER, JULIUS*. 1 APS, postmarked Rhatbahn. 1 CC., 27 November[?] 1928
3235SCHNOOR, HANS (1893-). 4 ALS, 4 TLS, 5 APS, 1 CC with note, Leipzig, Dresden. Carbons of 9 letters from Adler, 1923-29
[R12]*See also: Clippings, G. F. Handel, Box 48.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ANS.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 4 ALS, 6 APS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, MS drafts of 4.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 APS.
3236SCHOBER, HANS*. 3 TLS, Vienna. Draft of 1 reply from Adler, 24 November 1927 30 September 1930 and 6 October 1930
3238SCHÖNBERG, ARNOLD (1874-1951). 27 ALS, 7 APS, 1 leaf of notes, 1 leaf of music, Vienna, Berlin. 1 printed letter, signed, Mödling. shorthand draft of a letter from Adler to Schönberg, 1903-05 1909-13 October 1924 March 1913
[B5]*See also: Clippings, A. Schönberg, Box 50.
3237SCHOOR, MAYER*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 18 September 1902 and 9 October 1902
3239B. SCHOTTS SÖHNE (MAINZ). Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, Vienna, 21 May 1929 and 22 May 1929
3239aSCHRATTENHOLZ, JOSEF*. 1 ALS, 1 APS, Bonn, 27 February 1885 30 May 1886
3240SCHREYER, JOHANNES (1856-1929). 1 ALS, Dresden, 1 March 1915
3241SCHROEDER, L. VON*. 5 ALS, Vienna, 1909-14
3242SCHRÖTTER, ALFRED (1856-1935) and MINI*. 9 ALS, 1 APS, Kroisbach bei Graz, 1916-33
See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.
Signatures unclear.See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 TLS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 TLSCM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.
3244SCHUBIGER, ANSELM (1815-1888). 1 APS, 1 ALS, Einsiedeln, 6 December 1881 30 May 1884
3245SCHÜNEMANN, GEORG (1885-1915). 1 TLS, [Berlin-] Wilmersdorf. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. 1 leaf of notes, 14 February 1929
3246SCHULTHEISS, HEINRICH*. 1 ALS, Mainz. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 27 March 1935
3247SCHULTZ, HELMUT (1904-1945). 3 TLS, 2 APS, Leipzig. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1931-32
3248SCHULZ, GOTTFRIED*. 2 APS, 5 CC with notes, v.p., principally Munich. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1908-29
One of the postcards also signed "Ruf" [possibly Hugo Ruf].See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC.
3249Schuster und Loeffler
3250SCHWAB, FRITZ*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 16 January 1899
32SCHWAB, MARIANNE and MATHILDE VON*. Marianne. 2 ALS, 2 ANS, 1 CC with note, Vienna, 1907-10
32SCHWAB, MARIANNE and MATHILDE VON*. Mathilde. 1 ANS, Vienna. 1 ALS (Mathilde), Vienna. 1 APS, in yet another hand, Hofgastein, 19 September 1883 22 May 1915 28 June 1933
Part of this card is written by another, unidentified, member of the family, who is also represented by 1 ALS dated 11 June 1877.signed simply "Schwab."See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ANS.Louis von Schwab, above.
3251SCHWACH, JOSEF*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 20 July 1878
331L. SCHWANN (DÜSSELDORF). 2 TLS., 5 February 1931 and 15 October 1931
The first is signed "Dr. Francken-Schwann,"; the signature in the second is unclear.
[B5]See also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 APS,BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS, 1 APS.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.Gustav Mahler, 1914-16, Box 56: 1 APS.
333SCHWARZ, HUGO ENGELBRECHT*. 2 TLS, Berlin. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 21 June 1930 and 30 June 1930
334SCHWARZ, JOSEF*. 1 ALS, Baden bei Wien, 22 February 1899
335SCHWEITZER, ALBERT (1875-1965). 4 ALS, 1 APS, v.p., including Strassburg, Barcelona, and Lambaréné, 1908-28
[B5]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 2, Box 41: 1 ALS.HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 3 ALS, 1 ANS.HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 1 APS.
336SCHWIND, ERNST*. 1 ANS, Vienna, 5 May[?] 1928
See also: Clippings, Vienna, University of, Box 50.
337SEEMÜLLER, JOSEF*. 6 ALS, 4 APS, v.p., principally Vienna, 1886 1907-19
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ALS.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg, 1915-17, Box 56: 1 APS.
338SEIDLER, G.* 1 ALS, Vienna, 20 November 1910
339JOSEF SEIFERT (successor to TH. BERGER & CO.)* 1 ALS, Vienna, 8 August 1898
3310SEIFFERT, MAX (1868-1948). 7 ALS, 1 TLS, 6 APS, Berlin, 1898-99 1902 1904 1918 1925-26
[B5]*See also: Clippings, J. P. Sweelinck, Box 50; C. Verdonck, Box 50.Fürstliches Institut für Musikwissenschaft...Box 22: 1 TLS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 ALS, 1 APS.
3311SEIPEL, IGNAZ (1876-1932). Facsimile of 1 ALS, Vienna, 10 October 1923
[GB]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 TLS.
3312SEITZ, KARL (1869-1950). 1 TLS, Vienna, 25 October 1929
[NÖB]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 TLS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 TLSMusik-und Theaterfest der Stadt Wien, 1924, Box 43: 2 TLS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
3313SEYDL, ERNST*. 3 ANS, 4 CC with notes, Vienna, 1916-18
See also: Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 CC with note.
3314SEYDLER, ANTON (1850-1908). 1 ALS, Graz, 18 February 1901
3315SEYFFARDT, ERNST HERMANN (1859-1942). 3 ALS, Leipzig-Gohlis, 3 April 1889 and 28 May 1889 25 October 1914
3316SIEBENDOHL, E [?]*. 1 ALS, Dresden, 4 March 1884
Carries the notation "Temperature."
3317SILVERIA, [SISTER]*. 4 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna, 1906-19
3318SIMANDL, FRANZ (1840-1912). 1 ALS, postmarked Vienna, 27 November 1902
3319SIMON, ALICJA [ALICIA] (1879-1957). 2 ALS, 2 APS, Washington D. C., 1925-28
3320SINGER, ISIDORE (1859-1939). 1 ALS, New York, 19 July 1898
[UJE]*See also: Allgemeine Oesterreichische Literaturzeitung, Box 17: 3 ALS.
3321SINGER, JOSEF and I. [?]*. Josef. 2 ALS, Vienna, Ischl, 25 August 1902 17 July 1911
3321SINGER, JOSEF and I. [?]*. I. [?] 1 ALS, Kattowitz[?], 21 March 1916
3322SINK, CHARLES*. 1 TLS, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2 December 1935
3323ŠIROLA, BOŽIDAR (1889-1956). Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, Vienna. Carbon of 1 letter to the Ethnographisclies Museum, Zagreb, 15 November 1932 20 October 1931
[B5]*with thanks for a work of Širola.See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
3323aSITTARD, JOSEF (1846-1903). 6 ALS, 3 ANS, 3 APS, Stuttgart, Eberbach am Neckar, 1884-85
3324SITTE, HEINRICH and LISBETH*. 7 ALS, 1 ANS, Innsbruck, 1921-27 1922
Enclosed in one letter is a copy of a review by Sitte of Alfred Schnerich's Josef Haydn und seine SendungSee also: BZ, misc. folder 1, Box 43: 1 ALS, 1 ANS.
3325SKARZYNSKI, ADAM and ANNA VON; ALFRED VON CHLAPOWO CHLAPOWSKI. Anna. 7 ALS, Schloss Splawie[?], Poznan, 1913-28
3325SKARZYNSKI, ADAM and ANNA VON; ALFRED VON CHLAPOWO CHLAPOWSKI. Alfred [uncle of Adam]. 2 ALS, Vienna, 13 December 1912 and 14 December 1912
3326SKUHERSKÝ, FRANTIŠEK ZDENĚK (1830-1892). 1 ALS, Prague, 30 April 1889
3327SLAGHEK, KARL and LIES; A. [?] SLAGHEK-HESLENFELD*. Karl. 1 ALS, Vienna, 26 January 1927
3327SLAGHEK, KARL and LIES; A. [?] SLAGHEK-HESLENFELD*. Lies. 1 ALS, Bussum, 15 August 1921
3327SLAGHEK, KARL and LIES; A. [?] SLAGHEK-HESLENFELD*. A.[?] Slaghek-Heslenfeld. 1 ALS, Bussum, 6 April 1921
See also: Jan and Elise Schippers, Box 32: 2 ALS, from Lies and Fred. Egb. Slaghek.
3328SMEKAL, RICHARD*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 20 December 1926
3329SMIJERS, ALBERT (1888-1957). 19 ALS, 1 ANS, 24 APS, including St. Michielsgestel, Berlin, London, and Vienna. Carbons of 3 letters from Adler, MS draft of 1, 1916-33
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS.Clippings, A. Smijers, Box 50.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB2, folder 3, Box 10: 1 ALS (with R. Mengelberg material).
3330SÖDERBERG-LIPINER, VALLY*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 4 April 1924
Draft by Adler of a recommendation for Karl Söderberg.
3331SOMMARUGA, GUIDO FREIHERR VON*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 27 September 1917
3332SONNECK, OSCAR GEORGE THEODORE (1873-1928). 24 TLS, 1 ALS, 1 TL from Sonneck's secretary, Washington D.C., New York. 1 TL from R. Rodman Fay. MS draft of a reply by Adler, 1906 1914-15 1920-27
referring to Sonneck's death.See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 TLS, 1 TL from Sonneck's secretary.BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: I TLS.HB1, folder 4, Box 8: 1 TLS (in material on C. Engel), MS drafts of 2 letters from Adler.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 3, Box 24: 1 ALS.
3333SOOR, ANTON* 1 ANS, n.p., n.d.
3334SOUCEK, ALFRED*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 16 July 1912 and 17 July 1912
3335SPECHT, RICHARD (1870-1932). 1 TLS, Vienna. 3 ALS, Vienna. 1 printed document. MS drafts of 2 letters from Adler, 20 July 1909 5 April 1916 22 February[?] 1918 4 January 1920
[B5]*. note in another hand, signature unclear.
3336SPICZER, EMIL*. 3 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 APS, Vienna, Alt-Aussee, Basel, 1908-27
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
3337SPIES, JOHANNA [TONI] and LUDOVICA*. Johanna. 1 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna, 11 June 1910 23 December 1935
3337SPIES, JOHANNA [TONI] and LUDOVICA*. Ludovica. 3 ALS, Vienna, 7 June, 1910 and 11 June, 1910
3338SPITTA, JOHANN AUGUST PHILIPP (1841-1894). 42 ALS, 23 APS, v.p., principally Berlin. 2 ALS have notes added by F. Chrysander (q.v.). MS drafts of 2 letters from Adler. 2 quarterly reports by Adler, 1881-89
[B5]*See also: Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, Box 34: 22 letters and drafts of letters between Adler, Chrysander; and Spitta, as well as other documents concerning the journal and its editors.
3339SPITZMÜLLER-HARMERSBACH, ALEXANDER FREIHERR VON (1894-). 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 CC with note, v.p., principally Vienna, 1908-32
[R12]*See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.
3340SPONDONIDES, HELIA [?]*. 1 ALS, Vienna by Adler, 3 November 1929
3341SPRINGER, HERMANN (1872-1945). 3 ALS, 1 telegram, Berlin-Schöneberg. Clipping of the article "Schöpferische Musikgesehichte" by Springer (Frankfurter Zeitung). Carbons of 7 letters from Adler, 17 March 1929 and 31 March 1929 27 June, 1929 18 August 1929 1 November 1935
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 telegram.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, folder 2, Box 23: 1 TLS.K. K. Österreichischer Militär-Witwen-und Waisenfond, Box 25: 1 TLS.
3342SQUIRE, WILLIAM BARCLAY (1855-1927). 4 ALS, 6 APS, v.p., including London, St. Ives. One of the ALS (London), contains a TLS from Edward Speyer (Ridgehurst, Shenley, Herts). Also found in this folder is another TLS from Edward Speyer, and a draft of a letter from Adler to Speyer, 1909-25 21 August 1922 18 August 1922 31 August 1922
[B5]* requesting help in obtaining an editor and publisher for his book on his father, the composer Wilhelm Speyer.See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 1 ALS.
signature unclear.
3344STÄDTTSCHE SAMMLUNGEN (VIENNA)*. 4 TLS, Vienna. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, 30 September 1921 and 28 October 1921 27 April 1921 7 June 1933
[concerning the 2 Bruckner letters that Adler at one time owned].
3345STAINER, JOHN (1840-1901) and CECIE*. John. 1 ALS, 18 June 1900
3345STAINER, JOHN (1840-1901) and CECIE*. Cecie. 1 ALS, 5 May 1900
3346STEGLICH, RUDOLF (1886-). 3 ALS, Hannover. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 3 February, 1929 16 August, 1929 27 November 1929
[B5]*See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 3 ALS.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 1 ALS, 1 APS. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler.
341STEINITZER, MAX (1864-1936). 1 APS, 1 ALS, Leipzig. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 26 February 1929 and 22 March 1929
342STETTER, L. VON*. 2 ALS, Munich, 20 February 1887 and 10 March 1887
343STOOKHAUSEN, ERNEST FREIHERR VON*. 6 ALS, 6 APS, Dresden, Pillnitz, 1884-85
344STRANGWAYS, ARTHUR HENRY FOX (1859-1948). 1 ALS, London. 5 printed circulars for Music & Letters, 28 March 1920
[B5, under FOX-STANGWAYS]*
345JOHANN STRAUSS DENKMAL KOMITEE*. 1 ALS, Vienna. Signed by Rudolf Ritter von Lawicki. 1 printed circular for the committee, 11 May 1911
346STRAUSS-LANNER-DENKMAL IN BADEN BEI WIEN (EXEKUTIV-KOMITEE)*. 1 printed circular. 2 printed cards
[one indicating 26 April 1911 as the date when Adler was made a member of the "grosse Komitee"].
347STRAUSS, RICHARD (1864-1949). 2 ALS, Garmisch. 2 TLS, Garmisch, Vienna. 1 APS, Garmisch. 1 printed thank-you note, signed, n.p., n.d., 24 July 1920 26 September 1921 13 October 1921 2 December 1922 22 October 1922
[B5]*See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: 1 typescript report, 2 leaves, on the possibility of awarding Strauss an honorary doctorate.Clippings, R. Strauss, Box 50.
348STÜRGKH, KARL GRAF VON (1859-1916). 1 CC with note, unsigned
349STUMPF, CARL [KARL] (1848-1936). 3 ALS, 9 APS, Prague, Halle. 1 printed leaf, "Sur la Representation des Mélodies," by Stumpf, 1884-86
[B5]* from the "Notes et Discussions" section of an unidentified periodical.See also: BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 1 ALS.Clippings, Berlin, Phonogrammarchiv, Box 47.HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 CC with note.HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 1 APS.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 2, Box 24: 1 ALS.IMG, folder 3, Box 24: 3 ALS, 1 APS. 3 joint reports by Stumpf, Adler, and Sandberger.IMG, folder 4, Box 24: joint reports by Stumpf, Adler, and Sandberger.
3410CARL SUCHY & SÖHNE (K. u. K. HOF-UHREN-FABRIKANTEN )*. 5 ALS, Prague, 1898-99
3411SUESS, EDUARD [EJ]*. 3 ALS, Vienna, 20 December 1908 31 January 1909 and 11 May 1909
3412SUSSMANN, J. H.* 1 TLS, 1 ALS, Vienna. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler. Copies of 2 newspaper articles "Der 'Wiener Akkord', " and "Randbemerkungen zum 'Wiener Akkord'," from the Reichspost, Vienna, 11 November 1932 25 November 1935 17 July 1932 and 25 September 1932
3413SWOBODA, ALMA and—*. Alma. 5 ALS, Prague. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 1 addressed to Carl Lafite. 2 newspaper clippings, n.d., 1908 1919 1927 1937
referring to a "trio evening."
3413SWOBODA, ALMA and—*. 3 ALS. signed "Dr. Swoboda." Prague, 30 June 1890 27 March 1892 18 May 1897
The last contains a postscript by Alma. On "Dr. Swoboda," see the following entry.
3414SWOBODA, JOSEF*. 1 ALS, place unclear, 1 May 1908[?]
3415TAGESBOTE (BRÜNN)*. 2 TLS, 2 July 1925 and 3 December 1925
Signatures unclear.
3416TAPPERT, WILHELM (1830-1907). 1 APS, Berlin, 25 June 1899
[B5]*See also: Clippings, Notation, Box 49.
3417G. B. TEUBNER VERIAG (LEIPZIG)*. 1 APS, 1 TPS, 26 August, 1918 18 September 1918
Signatures unclear.
3418THALBERG, O[TTO?]*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 27 December, 1898 and 31 December, 1898
3419THOME, HANNS*. 1 ALS, Stettin. 2 snapshots, 7 September 1932
3420THOMMEN, RUDOLF*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 19 January 1886
3421TÓTH, ALADÁR VON (1898-). 5 ALS, 2 telegrams, Budapest, Ödenburg. Carbons of 10 letters from Adler, 1929
[R12]*See also: HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 2 TLS, 1 ALS, 1 telegram. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler. [The ALS of Bartók now filed separately was originally found among this material.]HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 2 ALS.Viennese Music Festivals, 1931, Box 46: 1 ALS.
3422TUMLIRZ, O.* 1 ALS, Prague, 20 April
3423UNIVERSAL EDITION (VIENNA)*. 4 TLS. Signed E. Hertzka. 2 typescript contracts. MS draft of 1 of these contracts, 7 September 1915 and 15 September 1915 29 March 1916 19 April 1916 September 1915
concerning the rights to Adler's book on MahlerSee also: Elmar Arro, Box 17.BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 5 TLS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Emil Hertzka, Box 22.Alfred Kalmus, Box 25.Wollen und Wirken, 1935, folder 1, Box 14: 3 TLS.
3424UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA (RECTOR, DEAN, ACADEMIC SENATE)*. 1 TLS, Vienna. Signed Bernatzik, 26 May 1911
See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: 1 MS request for admission to the faculty of the University as a Privatdocent (28 October 1880). 1 MS report, 18pp., on filling the position held by A. Bruckner (2 December 1898). 1 envelope containing material connected with Rudolf Goldschied (q.v.) and a controversy created by an article of his (March 1926). 1 TLS from the Dean, and 2 drafts of Adler's reply, concerning the relinquishment of his post (October 1927).Adler, Family Records and Documents, Box 65: records of Adler's studies at the University, and of his appointments there.Walther Briesky, Box 18.Eduard Hanslick, Box 22.Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke, Box 27.R. Wegscheider, Box 35.
3425URSIN, FRITZ*. 1 ALS, Berlin-Nikolasee. Carbon of reply from Adler, 26 April 1926
3426VALKNER, GEORG*. 1 APS, Vienna[?], 10 January 1917
3427VARITS, CARL*. 1 ALS, Felsikismartenherz[?], 23 June 1909
3428VATIELLI, FRANCESCO (1876-1946). 1 ALS, Bologna. 1 CC. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 19 September 1935
Signed Karl Lorenz.
3430VEREENIGING VOOR NEDERLANDSCHE MUZIEKGESCHIEDENIS*. 1 printed form letter, Amsterdam. 2 printed documents, May 1912
containing a list of publications of the society and the by-laws of the organization.See also: Albert Smijers, Box 33.
3431VEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BÖHMERWÄLDER IN WIEN*. 2 printed documents: 1) a call for an "Ehrengrab" for Simon Sechter, n.d.; 2) acknowledgment of a contribution, Vienna, June 1899
3432VEREIN: 'KOMITEE ZUR FÖRDERUNG SINFONISCHER MUSIK IN WIEN'*. 1 TLS. 1 typescript and 1 printed appeal for this and another committee. Signatures unclear, 14 November 1929 1924 1925
3433VEREIN 'ZENTRAL-BIBLIOTHEK'*. 1 TLS, Vienna. Signature unclear, 3 October 1913
Signed Fr. Pazd[irek].
3435VESELEY, RICHARD*. 2 ALS, Vienna, Prague. 1 APS, postmarked Theresienstadt, 19 March 1904 1 May 1920 25 March 1917
3436VIENNA (CITY OF): CORRESPONDENCE CONNECTED WITH THE ART PRIZE OF THE CITY OF VIENNA, 1926.* 1 TLS from the Bürgermeister (signature unclear), Vienna. Carbon of Adler's reply. 2 typescript lists of contestants. 2 typescript lists of contest rules. 10 leaves of notes by Adler, 3 May 1926
3437VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT*. List of correspondents connected with the Vierteljahrsschrift
[The letters of these individuals are filed separately.]
3437VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT*. "Redactions-Vertrag" with Breitkopf & Härtel, 21 March 1894
concerning government stipends for the Vierteljahrsschrift. In poor condition.
3437VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT*. 22 manuscript letters and drafts of letters between P. Spitta (q.v.), F. Chrysander (q.v.), and Adler, concerning the Vierteljahrsschrift, 1885-93
3437VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT*. MS copies of 9 letters by Adler to Spitta or Chrysander, 1884-88
3437VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT*. MS copy of the article "De la reform des signes de l'execution musicale,"
No indication of author.
3437VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT*. Proofs of 2 installments of the "Musikalische Bibliographie" for the periodical
3437VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT*. including 1 letter and a manuscript "Entwurf eines Vertrages" by Adler
Several items in bad condition
3438CHR. FRIEDRICH VIEWEG (BERLIN)*. 1 TLS, 27 January 1928
Signed Friedrich Vieweg.
3439VIVELL, CÖLESTIN (1846-1923). 8 ALS, 2 APS, Seckau, Emaus in Prag, 1906-20
[B5]*See also: Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 5, Box 24: 1 APS.
3440VOCKNER, JOSEF*. 1 ALS, Gmunden, 20 June 1912
3441VOGEL, EMIL (1859-1908). 3 ALS, 1 APS, Leipzig, 22 November, 1898 20 December 1898 and 30 December 1898 3 January 1899
3442VOGELSANG, W.* Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, Vienna, 11 October 1929
3443VOGL, HERTHA*. 2 ALS, 5 TLS, 8 APS, Schwerin, Vienna, Bayreuth, Saarbrücken, 1925-ca. 1932
3443VOGL, HERTHA*. MS draft and carbon of a letter of recommendation by Adler, (1930)
See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 TLS.
3444VOGT, FELIX*. 1 ALS, Paris, 8 July 1885
3445VOLKERT, CARL*. 1 ALS, London, 19 May 1890
Both letters are signed Lugmayr, but were apparently handled by a subordinate, since the signatures differ.
352VOLTELINI, HANS, IDA and LORENZO*. Lans. 13 ALS, 4 ANS, 8 APS, Vienna, Rome, 1885-37
352VOLTELINI, HANS, IDA and LORENZO*. Ida. 1 APS, Vienna, 8 November 1927
352VOLTELINI, HANS, IDA and LORENZO*. Lorenzo. 1 ALS, Vienna, 1 October 1881
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note from Ida. 1 ALS from Hans.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 APS from Hans.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 CC with note from Ida. 1 ALS from Hans.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS from Hans.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 ALS from Hans.
353VOSSISCHE ZEITUNG (BERLIN)*. 2 TLS, Berlin, 5 May 1915 29 September 1924
354WAGENAAR, JOHAN (1862-1941). 4 ALS, The Hague. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 11 July 1929 21 March, 1930 3 April 1930 and 10 April 1930
355WAGNER, HANS*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 11 April 1924
See also: Musikpädagogische Zeitschrift, Box 28: 1 TL.
356WAGNER, PETER JOSEF (1865-1911). 4 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 ANS, 14 APS, Freiburg. Carbons of 6 letters from Adler, 1912-29
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 3, Box 44: 1 APS.Clippings, Church Music, Box 47.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 APS.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 1 TLS, 1 ANS, 7 APS. Carbons of 3 letters, MS drafts of 2, from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 4 APS.HB2, folder 1, Box 10: 1 APS.Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, folder 1, Box 23: 1 ALS, 2 APS.IGM, folder 2, Box 23: 2 ALS, 5 APS.IGM, folder 4, Box 23: 1 APS.Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...1914-16, Box 56: 1 APS.
Stamped "Die Redaktion."
The identifiable signatures are as follows: Louis Koch; J. Reiff; Nicolaus Oesterlein; A. Höfler. Other signatures are unclear. 1 printed leaflet, n.d.See also: Franz Schaumann, Box 32: 3 ALS, 1 APS.
359WAGNER, SIEGFRIED (1869-1930). Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, Vienna, January 1929
3510WALDEN, IRIS*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 2 September 1921
3511WALDERSEE, PAUL GRAF VON (1831-1906). 1 ALS, Potsdam, 11 May 1880
3512WALDHEIM, LEOPOLD, MARGARETE [GRETE] and ERIKA*. 1 ALS, Leipzig, from Margarete, 3 December 1929
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ALS from Leopold and Margarete. 1 ANS from Erika.CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 CC with note from Leopold and Margarete.
3513WALDNER, F.* 1 ALS, 1 APS, Innsbruck, 23 January 1916 2 February 1916
3514WALLACE, LUCILLE (MRS. CLIFFORD CURZON)*. 1 ALS, Vienna. 2 TLS, Litzberg am Attersee, one dated, the other n.d. 2 ANS, n.p., n.d. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 27 October 1923 23 October 1935
3515WALLASCHEK, RICHARD (1860-1917). 2 ALS, Vienna, 16 May 1908 and 2 July 1908
[B5]* Autograph "Verzeichnis der Vorlesungen" [1897-1908], signed.
3516WALINÖFER, ADOLF (1854-1946). 1 APS, Prague, 23 January 1886
3517WALTER, ANTON*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 2 February 1914
3518WALTER, BRUNO (1876-1962), LOTTE and GRETE*. 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 ANS, 1 stenographic copy of a letter, Vienna, Munich, Darmstadt. 1 joint letter from Lotte and Grete Walter, n.p., n.d., 1905-36
3519WALTERSHAUSEN, HERMANN WOLFGANG VON (1882-1954). 2 TLS, Munich, 25 July 1921 and 12 August 1921
3520WARFIELD, LORNA (MRS. LOUIS MARSHALL)*. 1 Christmas card with note, n.p., n.d.
3521WASIELEWSKI, WILHELM JOSEPH VON (1822-1896). 8 ALS, 6 APS, Bonn, Blankenburg am Harz, Sonderhausen, 1881 1884-86
3522WASSERMAN, ALFRED and ISOLDE*. 2 ALS, 1 ANS, 2 APS, Basel, 1921 1925 1927
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 ANS.
3523WEBERN, ANTON VON (1883-1945). 7 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 APS, v.p., including Vienna, Leoben, Mödling. 1 leaf of notes by Adler on Webern, 1910 1915 1925 1935
[B5]*See also: Emil Hertzka, Box 21: 1 printed appeal.Heinrich Jalowetz, Box 24: 1 ALS, 1911, referring to Webern.
3524WECKBECKER, WILHELM BARON*. 16 ALS, 1 APS, 3 CC with notes, v.p., including Vienna and Baden. MS draft of 1 letter from Adler, 1889-1929
The last letter is not addressed to Adler, but to an unidentified "Eminenz,"See also: Clippings, Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, Box 47; Vienna National Library, Box 50.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 3, Box 38: carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Congrès d'histoire de la musique, Paris, 1900, Box 39: 1 ALS.Gustav Mahler, 1914-16, Box 56: 1 CC with note.HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 ALS.Internationale Musik-und Theater-Ausstellung, Vienna, 1892, Box 39: 1 ALS.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg, 1915-17, Box 56: 1 CC with note.
3525WECKERLIN, JEAN-BAPTISTE-THÉODORE (1821-1910). 1 ALS, Paris (last digit omitted), 17 June 190
3526WEGSCHEIDER, R.* 1 ALS, Vienna, date unclear
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC.
3527WEIDINGER, JOSEFINE, CARL and JOSEFA*. Josefine. 1 ALS, [Vienna], 15 March 1914
3527WEIDINGER, JOSEFINE, CARL and JOSEFA*. Carl. 4 ALS, [Vienna], 6 March 1928 7 October 1929 and 12 October 1929
3527WEIDINGER, JOSEFINE, CARL and JOSEFA*. Josefa. 1 ALS, [Vienna], 11 November 1930
3527WEIDINGER, JOSEFINE, CARL and JOSEFA*. Also 1 APS signed Mary Dickenson Auner [?]. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler
3528WEIGL, KARL (1881-1949) and VALLY*. 11 ALS, 1 APS, Vienna. 1 typescript curriculum vitae, 1 leaf. 1 typescript "Verzeichnis der Werke von Karl Weigl," 3 leaves, 1901-31
[B5]See also: Elsa Bienenfeld, Box 18: 1 joint ALS.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS from Karl and Vally Weigl.CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS from Karl and Vally Weigl.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS from Karl and Vally Weigl.Notes by Adler for Programs, Box 59: 1 typescript list of chamber works by Karl Weigl.
3529WEILEN, ALEXANDER VON (1863-1918)*. 1 ALS, n.p., 19 November 1912
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
3530WEINGARTEN, PAUL (1886-1948). 1 ALS, Madrid. 1 APS, Amsterdam, postmarked, 8 December 1920 6 March 1922
[R12]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 telegram.
3531WEINGARTNER, PAUL FELIX (1863-1942). 5 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 ANS, 1 APS, Vienna, Munich, Basel, 1908-27
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 4 ALS, 1 TLS and 1 unsigned typescript statement on the performance of Beethoven's Egmont.Clippings, P. F. Weingartner, Box 51.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 TLS.
3532WEINMANN, KARL (1873-1929). 10 ALS, 7 APS, Regensburg. 1 printed death notice (Regensburg). Carbon of 1 letter by Adler referring to Weinmann's death, 1907-23 27 September 1929
[B5]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 4, Box 42: 2 APS.
3533WEIRICH, AUGUST (1858-1921). 1 ALS, Vienna, 8 January 1917
3534WEISS, EDUARD*. 1 ALS, Kremsier [Kromeriz, Moravia], 19 September 1913
3536WEISSENSTEINER, RAIMUND (1905-). 1 ALS, Hollabrun[?], 17 January 1933
3537WEISSMANN, ADOLF (1873-1929). 1 TLS, Berlin. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 17 March 1929
3538WELCH, ROY DICKINSON (1885-1951). 1 APS, Vienna. 1 ALS, Millstatt am See (Käruten). 1 TLS, Northampton, Mass. Carbons of 2 letters from Adler, 23 April [1932] 9 August 1932 7 November 1932
3539WELLEK, ALBERT (1904-1972). 3 ALS, 3 TLS, Vienna, Hamburg, Prague. 1 typescript curriculum vitae, 5 leaves. 2 leaves of MS notes by Adler on Wellek. Carbon of 1 letter of recommendation for Wellek by Adler. 1 TLS reply to this letter from Richard Czwiklitzer. 1 copy of the program of the "Erster Kongress für Farbe-Ton-Forschung," Hamburg, 1926-28 through 1930 8 January 1931 2-5 March 1927
[B5]*See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 CC with note.
3540-41WELLESZ, EGON (1885-1974) and EMMY*. 16 ALS, one half of 1 ALS, 4 APS, 1 ANS, v.p., principally Vienna and Altaussee, ca. 1914-33 1936
[B5]See also: Clippings, Byzantine Music, Box 47; Music (History of), Box 49. CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 telegram.Internationale Musikgesellschaft, folder 4, Box 24: 1 ALS (ca. 1912).Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht...1914-16, Box 56: 1 ALS.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 ALS.
3542WERFEL, FRANZ (1890-1945). 1 TLS, Vienna, 23 November 1926
[GB]* Written jointly with Paul Stefan.
3543WERNER, THEODOR WILHEIM (1874-1957). 3 ALS, 5 APS, Hannover. Carbons of 9 letters from Adler, 1929
[B5]*See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 6 APS, 4 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB1, folder 5, Box 8: 3 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.
3544WERRA, ERNST VON (1854-1913). 1 ALS, Konstanz (Baden), 31 October 1903
3545WERTHEIMER, MARTHA (1914-)*. 1 typescript "Curriculum vitae der Pianisten Martha Wertheimer," signed and dated Vienna, 8 November 1935
3546WESTPHAL, RUDOLF GEORG HERMANN (1826-1892). 1 ALS, Leipzig, 21 April 1884
3547WETTSTEIN, RICHARD VON*. 5 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 CC with note, Vienna, ca. 1910-19 1928
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
3548WHITFIELD, ERNEST and MADELINE*. 2 TLS, London, December (no day indicated), 1928 3 February 1931
See also: CM, 80BD, folder 2, Box 38: 1 ALS.
3549WICKENBURG, MAX GRAF*. 8 ALS, 1 ANS, 1 APS, 2 printed thank-you cards, v.p., principally Vienna and Grundlsee, 1907-14
The postcard and 1 of the letters appear to be from Wickenburg's wife, but the signature is unclear.
3550WICKENHAUSER, RICHARD (1867-1936). 1 ALS, Vienna, 6 April 1926
361WIDMANN, BERNARD*. 1 ALS, Sittich, 18 August 1918
362WIEL, TADDEO (1849-1920). 2 ALS, Venice, 8 March 1905 and 12 March 1905
363WIENER, KARL RITTER VON*. 1 ALS, [Vienna], 5 October 1905
See also: Educational Memoranda, Box 60: 1 ALS, 2 TLS.Akademie für Musik...,Box 17: 2 TLS.
364WIENER INTERNATIONALE HOCHSCHULKURSE*. 4 TLS, Vienna. Carbon of 1 list of committee members, n.d., 1923-25
2 letters are signed Franz Klein; signatures on the other two are unclear.See also: Adler, Academic Career, Box 60: 7 TL.
Signature unclear.
366WIENER KONZERTVEREIN*. 1 TLS, Vienna. 1 printed form letter, Vienna, 16 January 1915 1 September 1915
367WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG (DR. ALFRED KAIMUS)*. 2 TLS, Vienna, 21 May 1924 and 10 June 1924
368WIENER RADFAHRCLUB "COTTAGE"*. 1 printed form letter, Vienna, 23 June 1899
369WIENER TONKÜNSTLER-VEREIN*. 3 ALS, 2 TLS, Vienna, 1899-1915
2 of the ALS are signed by Eusebius Mandyczewski; the remaining signatures are unclear.
3610WIESENBERGER, KARL and MIMI*. Karl. 2 TLS, Wels, 25 March 1912 and 30 March 1912
3610WIESENBERGER, KARL and MIMI*. Mimi. 1 ALS, Wels, 10 November 1932
3610WIESENBERGER, KARL and MIMI*. Also 1 TLS from Wiesenberger's son-in-law, Otto Berger, Wels and 2 typescript copies of the same. MS drafts and carbons of 2 letters from Adler to Berger, 24 June 1932
3611WIESER, FRIEDRICH FREIHERR VON (1851-1926). 7 ALS, 2 APS, 1 ANS, v.p., principally Prague. Also 1 form letter from the Gesellschaft zur Förderung deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Böhmen, signed by Wieser, to Gustav Mahler, Prague, 1895-1904 17 November 1898
3611WIESER, LAURA*. 1 MS document, 4pp., n.p., n.d., titled "Tonal-System."
3611WIESER, MARIANNE and MARIANDLE*. 2 ALS, 2 ANS, Prague, Mondsee, 2 October 1898
3612WILHELM, ADOLF*. 1 APS, Bern, 10 April 1918
3613WILIFORT, EGON STUART and AMY FAY [?]*. 5 ALS, 3 APS, Vienna and Paris, 1909-10
3614WILLOMITZER, EMMA*. 1 ALS, n.p., 12 March 1925
[Concerning the singer Hedwig Stern.]See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ANS.CM, 70BD, folder 1, Box 37: 1 ANS.
3615WINKELMANN, HERMANN (1849-1912). 1 ALS, Mauer, 5 June 1906
3616WINKLER, JULIUS*. 3 ALS, Vienna, 12 March 1907 30 December 1909 14 January
See also: CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.
3617WINTER, JOS[EF]*. 1 ALS, n.p., 26 May 1908
3618WIRTH,—*. 1 TLS, Berlin, 14 June 1927
3619WIRTH, JOSEF C*. 5 ALS, Vienna, Breslau, 1910-12
See also: Clippings, A. Berg, Box 47.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 80BD, folder 1, Box 38: 1 ALS and an offprint of a brief article on Adler from the newspaper Am Abend (Vienna).
3620WISSENSCHAFTLICHES CLUB (KANZLEI), VIENNA*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 16 October 1884 16 August 1885
Signatures unclear.
3621WIT, PAUL DE (1852-1925). 9 TLS (1 incomplete), 3 APS, Leipzig. 2 printed sheets: "Das Spinett (Cembalo) und seine Behandlungsweise"; "Anleitung zum Stimmen des Cembalos.", 1891 1913-15
3622WITT, THEODORE DE [?]*. 1 APS, Landshut (Bavaria), postmarked, 21 October 1883[?]
3623WITTGENSTEIN, POLDY and MINING* Poldy . 5 ALS, n.p., n.d.
3623WITTGENSTEIN, POLDY and MINING* Mining. 1 ALS, 1 ANS, n.p., n.d.
3624WLASSAK, M.* 1 CC with note, Vienna, 19 June 1921
3625WÖBER, FRANZ XAVER*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 24 September 1886 24 June 1894
3626WÖIFLER, ANTON*. 1 ANS, Graz, n.d.
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
3627WÖSS, JOSEF VENANTIUS VON (1863-1943). 1 ALS, Vienna, 11 March 1905
3628WOLF, ALBERT*. 1 ALS, n.p., n.d.
3629WOLF, CAROLINE*. 1 ALS, n.p., n.d.
See also: CM, 75BD, Box 38: 1 ALS.
3630HUGO WOLF VEREIN IN WIEN*. 2 ALS, Vienna, 2 February 1898 3 March 1899
Signed M. Haberland.
3631WOLF, JOHANNES (1869-1947). 10 ALS, 2 TLS, 10 APS, v.p., principally Berlin. Carbons of 14 letters from Adler, 1907-33
[B5]*See also: BZ, misc. folder 2, Box 43: 1 APS.BZ, misc. folder 4, Box 44: 1 APS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.Clippings, N. Vicentino, Box 50.CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 telegram.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.Deutsche Musikgesellschaft, Box 20: carbons of 3 letters from Wolf.HB1, folder 3, Box 7: 1 ALS. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler.HB2, folder 15, Box 13: Untitled manuscript, 17 leaves, on the development of music theory since the end of the 15th century.International Musical Congress, London, 1911, Box 42: 1 APS,
3632WOLFFHEIM, WERNER JOACHIM (1877-1930). 1 ALS, 1 TLS, Berlin-Grünewald, 3 December 1912 April 1916
[B5]*See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 ALS.CM, 70BD, folder 2, Box 37: 1 telegram.
3633WOLFRUM PHILIPP (1854-1919). 1 ALS, Heidelberg, 17 May 1908
[B5]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 ALS.
3634WOOLDRIDGE, HARRY ELLIS (1845-1917). 4 ALS, London, 1 December 1901 2 March 1902 and 10 March 1902 22 November 1902
[B5]*See also: Clippings, H. Ellis Wooldridge, Box 51.
3635WOTRUBA, F.* 1 ANS, n.p., n.d.
3636WULFFIUS, PAUL*. 1 TLS, Leningrad. Carbon of 1 letter from Adler, 12 November 1931
3637WUNDT, WILHELM MAX (1832-1920). 1 ALS, Leipzig, 20 April 1884
3638WUSTMANN, G.* 1 ALS, Leipzig, 4 May[?] 1885
3639WUSTMANN, RUDOLPH (1872-1916). 1 ALS, Leutzsch bei Leipzig, 5 August 1909
[B5]*See also: HZ, misc. folder 3, Box 41: 1 ALS.
3640ZANON, MAFFEO*. 1 ALS, Venice, 13 February 1909
3641ZEIDLER, J.* 1 ALS, Vienna, 15 March 1910
3642ZEISSBERG,—*. 1 ALS, Vienna, 22 September 1892
3643ZELLER, LAURENTIUS (O.S.B)*. 1 ALS, Seckau, 6 December 1913
[Refers to Cölestin Vivell (q.v.).]
3644ZELINER, LEOPOLD ALEXANDER (1823-1894). 3 ALS, 1 APS, Marienbad, Vienna. 1 ALS has no date, 22 July 1885[?] 19 February 1888 11 September 1891
[B5]*See also: Internationale Musik-und Theater-Ausstellung, Vienna, 1892, Box 39: 1 ALS.
3645ZEMLINSKY, ALEXANDER VON (1872-1942). 6 ALS, 1 APS, 1 ANS, Vienna, 30 January 1906
[B5]*See also: Educational Memoranda...Box 60: 1 ALS, 2 ANS.
3646ZENK, LUDWIG*. 1 APS, Wiesbaden, 1919
3647ZENTRALRAT DER GEISTIGEN ARBEITER OESTERREICHS*. 1 TLS, Vienna, with an enclosed copy of a letter of the Innviertler Kuenstlergilde, Mattighoffen, 5 March 1926
The first letter is signed Snerl, the accompanying letter, Karl Hosaeus.
3648ZIEGLER, THEOBALD*. 1 ALS, 1 ANS, Strassburg, 15 December 1908 and 26 December 1908
3649ZIEHN, BERNHARD (1845-1912). 1 ALS, Chicago, together with 1 printed flier on Ziehn's Harmonie-und Modulationslehre . 1 ALS, Chicago, 16 April 1902 24 May 1902
[B5]*originally accompanying a seven-part article by Ziehn on H. Riemann's history of theory.See also: Clippings. K. W. J. H. Riemann, Box 49.
3650ZIELINSKI, JAROSLAW DE (1847-1922). 1 ALS, Detroit, 10 August 1887
3651ZIMMERMANN, LOTTE*. 7 ALS, 13 APS, v.p., including Bad Gastein, Innsbruck, ca. 1908-16
See also: CM, 60BD, Box 37: 1 CC with note.
3652ZSCHOKKE, HERMANN*. 2 ALS, 1 CC with note, Vienna, 26 August 1914 6 July 1916 22 June 1918
See also: CM, Hofrat, Box 37: 1 CC with note.Tonkunst und Weltkrieg...1915-17, Box 56: 1 ALS.
3653ZSCHORLICH, PAUL*. 1 APS, Berlin-Schöneberg, 2 April 1903
3654ZUCKERHANDL, ROBERT, OTTO and VICTOR*. Robert. 1 APS, Aussee, 10 August 1909
3654ZUCKERHANDL, ROBERT, OTTO and VICTOR*. Otto. 1 CC with note, n.p., n.d.
3654ZUCKERHANDL, ROBERT, OTTO and VICTOR*. Victor. 1 TLS, Vienna, 30 September 1927
3655ZUNKOVIC, M.* 1 ALS, Kremsier, 10 December 1913
3656ZWIEDINECK,—*. 1 ALS, Graz, 15 December 1886
the authors of which are unidentified.
3658Postcards, 1898-99
largely from the years, the authors of which are unidentified.
3659Advertisements and solicitations

Congratulatory Messages to Adler, arranged chronologically

Messages from the following individuals are preserved: — Brandl; — Dargun; L. Eisenschitz; O. Eisenschitz; —, J. & R. Gottlieb; A. F. H. Kretzschmar; R. Menetz[?]; V. Pribyl; H. Rietsch; K. Scheimpflug; W. & J. G. Schenner; — Stamke.
Messages are preserved from the following persons: Ernst & Josephine Adler; the Adler family (August, Hansi & Victor, Hertha, Ida, Rudolf, Sophie); Henriette Adler; Leopold Adler; R. F. Arnold; D. Artaria; F. Bächer; G. G. Bagster; E. Berger; A. Bettelheim; R. Bettelheim; L, Bettelheim-Gabillon; H. Boltzmann; C. Bondy; L. Braun; R. Braun; W. Brecht; Breitkopf & Härtel; W. Brunn; S. & I. Buxbaum; J. F. von Chlumecky; — Clary; M. Coriarv: H. Daubrawa; the David family; — Deutsch-Bauer; H. Ehrlich; F. Eisenschitz; O. Eisenschitz; A. Engel von Jánosi; M. & M. Engel von Jánosi; A. Epstein; S. Fähnrich; L. Feigl; R. Felber; M. von Fesch; A. Fischel; W. Fischer; T. Foges; A. Frank; S. Frankfurter; R. E. de Frantz; E. Freund; R. Fuchs; H. Gál; W. Gericke; B. & J. Goldschmid; C. Gomperz-Bettelheim; H. Grädener; H. Grassl-Rechten; H. Grünbaum; M. Grünert; R. Haas; K., H. & F. Hamburger; S. Handofsky; O. von Hase; C. Hauler[?]; I. Heineck; C. & C. Heller; S. Heller; T. von Hermann; E. Hertzka; R. Hirschaim[?]; K. Horwitz; Z. Jachimecki; M. H. Jellinek; E. Jokl; H. Kadisch; B. Kästenbaum; E. Kallmus; K. Karpeles; R. Klafsky; A. Koczirz; E. Kollisch; M. Kralik von Meyrswalden; J. C. Kreibig; A. F. H. Kretzschmar; T. Kroyer; J. Kugy (& R. R. Rother); E. Kurth; J. Labor; O. & P. Lenz; T. Lieben; — Lippmann; H. Löffler; M. Loew; T. Loewe; S. Loewy; H. Lorenz; J. von Ludassy; R. Mandl; E. Mandyczewski; J. Mantuani; K. Maril; E. Mauthner; E. Mayer; F. Mittler; H. Molisch; J. & O. Müller-Martini; A. Nawratil; E. & A. Nesti; M. Nüchtern; A. & A. Oelzelt; J. Ofner; J. Papanek; F. Petyrek; H. Poeschko; A. Politzer; J. Pollak; J. Portheim; R. & K. Prochazka; A. Reiss; H. Rietsch; F. & M. Salzer; A. Sauer; F. & L. Schalk; W. Schneeberger; G, Schulz; L. von Schwab; M. & M. von Schwab; R. Schwartz; E. Schwarzwald; E. Spiczer; P. Stefan; J. Stein; A. Stern; Frau J. Strauss; H. Teleky; A. & L. Thalberg; J. von Twardowski; H. & I. Voltelini; Vorstand der israelitische Kultusgemeinde; P. J. Wagner; E. & E. Wehle; K. Weigl; Robert Weill; Rosa Weill; A. von Weilen; P. F. Weingartner; H. Weisse; A. Weissenback; E. Wellesz; R. von Wettstein; E. Willomitzer; M. Willy; J. C. Wirth; A. Wölfler; J. Wolf; W. J. Wolffheim; L. Zimmermann.See also: Clippings, Adler's 60th Birthday, Box 56; Festgabe, Box 61.
Messages are preserved from the following persons: M. Ansion; G. Arnold; F. Bächer; M. Becker; H. Bettelheim-Gabillon; J. Bittner; Lisbeth Braun; J. G. Daninger; B. R. von David; F. Dlabač; C. Doelter y Cisterich; J. Donabaum; M. Dvorak; F. Ehrenhaft; A. Engel von Jánosi; A. von Engel; J. Engel von Jánosi; M. & M. Engel von Jánosi: L. Feigl; E. Felber; R. Felber; D. Feuchtwang; — Fleischer; T. Foges; P. J. Frank; D. Frey; V. Gerber;J. Gregor; F. Günzberg; R. Haas; J. von Hann; G. Hauler[?]; E. Hauler; A. Helder; S. Heller; T. von Hermann; J. Herz; L. & H. Herz; L. Horch; G. Jäger; M. H. Jellinek; H. Knödt; A. Koczirz; D. Kohn; G. Kohn; O. Koller; R. & M. Kralik; G. Krasnapolski; E. Krauss; W. Kubitschek; K. Kunst; J. Lechthaler; F. Leithe; L. Lichtenstein; O. Loewi; S. Loewy; T. & A. Mauthner; E. Mayer; A. & D. Meinong; S. Meyer; H. Molisch; E. & A. Nesti; P. Nettl; H. Obersteiner; A. & H. Orel; J. Papanek; H. Pauli; F. Perten; F. G. Piffl; P. A. Pisk; G. Poeschmann; J. Polnauer; O. Redlich; C. Regelsperger; N. Reich; R. Reininger; H. Rietsch; M. Romberg; J. & T. Schmid; L. von Schwab;J. Seemüller; A. F. von Spitzmüller-Harmersbach; P. Stefan; L. Stern; H. Taussig; H. Voltelini; A. & I. Wasserman; R. Wegscheider; Robert Weill; Rosa Weill; M. von Weilen; A. Weissenbäck; R. von Wettstein; G. Winter; J. von Winter; A. Wortmann; H. Zschokke; J. Zuth.See also: Clippings, Adler awarded the title Hofrat, Box 56.
Messages are preserved from the following persons: Albine Adler; Alfred Adler; E. & J. Adler, the Adler family (Emma, Frances, Ida, Sophie); J. Adler; G. Arnold;— Artaria; D. Artaria; L. Bettelheim-Gabillon; R. Bodenstein; R. Böhm; G. Bunzel; S. & I. Buxbaum; F. Dlabač; H. Dreyfus; M. Dreyfus; H. Dumba; F. Dvorak; H. Edostella; C. & C. Eisenschitz; K. Eisenschitz; L. Eisner; A. Engel von Jánosi; K. Engel von Jánosi; L. Engelbrecht-Westel; A. Epstein; R. & P. von Ficker; I. & D. Fryth; P. & M. Gerngross; Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde; T. Gmegner; C. Goldberger-Buda; B. Goldstein; O. Gottlieb-Billroth; A. Günzberg; K., H. & F. Hamburger; M. Handofsky; L. Hann; the Havlat family; A. Helder; C. & C. Heller; H. Heller-Neumayr; L. & H. Herz; L. Horch; E. Jellinek; Margarete Jodl; Marie Jodl; F. Just; L. Kantor; E. Karmin; M. & F. Kell; R. & G. Kobler; D. Koller; E. Kornauth; R. & M. Kralik; G. Krasnapolski; O. K. Kugy; I. & A. Ladisch[?]; S. Landsingey [?]; J. Lederer; J. Lehmann; Ed. Léon; L. Lichtenstein; S. & C. Löffler; W. Lösch; M. Löw; S. Loewy; F. Mainberger[?]; F. Mamz[?]; E. Mandler; T. & A. Mauthner; E. Mayer; I. L, Mendelsohn; H. H. Meyer; A. von Mises; A. M. & H. Nüchtern; M. Nüchtern; J. Papanek; O. Pappenheim; R. & E. Pappenheim; H. Pech; H. Pekarek; R. Perten; R. Pfeiffer; G. Poeschmann; E. Politzer; C. Reiss; L. & M. Reiss; S. Reiss; H. & E. Richter; A. Rocca; B. Rocca; C. A. Rosenthal; E. & K. Roth; G. Saenger; F. & M. Salzer; H. von Schmid; J. & T. Schmid; Schropp family; M. Schrutka von Rechtenstamm; L. von Schwab; A. Schwarz; E. Schwarzwald; J. von Simon; E. Skeel-Giorlini[?]; A. & A. Spiegler; M. Stein; O. Steiner; F. Strauhs; M. Sturza; K. Sukfüll; M. Teleky; A. & L. Thalberg; J. von Twardowski; L. Ullmann; V. Urbantschitsch; L. M. & E. Waldheim; Rosa Weill; R. & J. Weiss; E. Willomitzer; Lothar Winter; T. Wortmann.
H. Abert; R. F. Arnold; M. Ast; A. Bettelheim; L. Birkenfeld; W. & S. Börner; H. Botstiber; R. Bräuer; R. Braun; W. Breisky; Breitkopf & Hartel; H. Breitner; "Concordia"; K. Deutsch; Deutsche Gesellschaft...; Deutsche Universität in Prag; M. Dietz; A. During; H. Eder; A. Einstein; A. F. von Eiselberg; R. Felber; R. von Ficker; W. Fischer; J. Fischhofer[?]; K. T. Fleischmann; Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt; P. J. Frank; R. E. de Frantz; M. Friedländer; Fürstliches Institute...; O. von Fürth; H. Gál; Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde; H. Gomperz; C. Gomperz-Bettelheim; H. Graf; M. Graf; W. Grosz; F. Günzberg; W. Gurlitt; R. Haas; T. Hämmerle; A. Hammerich; B. Hatschek; E. Hauler; T. von Hermann; J. Herz; P. A. Hirsch; Hochschule für Musik...; N. Hofer; H. Holländer; C. Horn; A. Z. Idelsohn; W. Jarosch; M. H. Jellinek; K. & A. Jeppesen; W. Jeral; A. Kalmus; A. Kappelmacher; L. Karpath; R. Klafsky; H. Knödt; K. Kobald; A. Koczirz; R. Kolisch; P.. Kolisko et al.; Konzertdirektion Hedwig Heller; F. Kosch; T. Kroyer; G. Kugel; E. Kurth; F. Lange; H. Laubner; T. Loewe; E. Löwy; F. Ludwig; V. Luithlen; J. Mantuani; J. Marx; A. M. Mayer-Reinach; E. Meller; K. R. Mengelberg; A. Menzel; Merores Waisenhaus; L. Mises; F. Mittler; A. M. Mohelsky; M. Molisch; Mozarteum; J. & O. Mülier-Martini; Musikhistorisches Institut; K. Nef; E. & A. Nesti; P. Nettl; E. Neumann; A. & H. Orel; D. Orel; E. von Ottenthal; I. Pamer; G. Pauli-Loew; P. A. Pisk; D. Plamenac; R. Pollak; J. Polnauer; C. Preiss; Preussische Staats-bibliothek-Musikabteilung; A. F. Pribram; I. L. Prurefka[?]; R. Reininger; H. Rietsch; F. & E. Rosenthal; Russisches Kunsthistorisches Institut...; A. Sauer; A. Scarlates; D. Schäfer; F. & L. Schalk; D. F. Scheurleer; Schubertbund; G. Schulz; R. Schwartz; A. Seidl; K. Seitz; —, Semans; A. Smijers; H. Sperl; A. F. von Spitzmüller-Harmersbach; H. Springer; Staatliche Akademie der Musik (Munich); P. Stefan; H. Stein; Frau J. Strauss; T. Streicher; H. Swoboda; R. Tenschert; W. Trost[?]; E. Urbantschitsch; V. Urbantschitsch; H. & I. Voltelini; Vorstand der israelitsche Kultusgemeinde; Vorstand der Kunstabteilung im Bundesministerium für Unterricht; R. Wahle; Waisenhaus für israelitische Mädchen; Waldheim-Eberle; W. B. Weckbecker; F. Weidlich; K. & V. Weigl; P. Weingarten; H. Weisse; E. Wellesz; T. W. Werner; R. von Wettstein; Wiener Männergesang-Verein; Wiener Philharmoniker; C. Wiethe; H. Winkelmann; J. Winkler; H. Winter; J. C. Wirth; J. Wolf; W. J. Wolffheim; A. Wortmann; F. Wührer.See also: Clippings, Adler's 70th Birthday, Box 56.
Messages are preserved from the following persons: the Adler family (Ida); Leonardo Adler; H. Anglès; E. Bardach; E. B. Behrend; H. Besseler; Bote & Bock; R. Bräuer; H. Breitner; F. Buemberger; F. Bunzel; W. Cornelius; F. Daniel; E. J. Dent; H. Eder; A. Einstein; P. & E. Eisner; the Eltbogen family; F. von Engel; H. Epstein; L. & F. Epstein; Fachhochschule für Musik...; L. Feigl; H. Feuchtwanger; R. & P. von Ficker; I. Fischmann; M.[?] Fleischer; V. Fleischer; M. Friedländer; W. & I. Gartner; K. & I. Geiringer; O. Gombosi; H. & G. Goriany; A. Hammerschlag; J. Handschin; F. Hasenöhrl; F. Hatschek; R. Heger; J. Heidinger; R. Herlinger; F. Herterichf?]; E. Hertzka; A. V. Heuss; H. Hirsch; P., A. & O. Hirsch; A. Hofer; R. S. Hofmann; L. Horch; J. & H. Horn; R. Imhofer; Z. Jachimecki; K. & A. Jeppesen; L. Kantor; A. Kappelmacher; Kell, Bem & Korger families; W. Kienzl; R. Klafsky; Kminek family; K. Kobald; A. Koczirz; J. Köstler; K. Koletschka; O. Koller; R. & M. Kralik; G. Krasnapolski; E. Kurth; R. Kurzmann; W. Kux; R. Lach; W. Lehner; H. Löffler; V. Luithlen; K. R. Mengelberg; W. Merian; Merores Waisenhaus; L. Mises; Mozarteum; Musikhochschule und Konservatorium der Stadt Wien; Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Wien; P. Nettl; K. Neurath; Niederlaendische Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Tonkunst; L. Nowak; G. & J. Oesterreicher; D. Orel; J. Ornstein; J. Papanek; G. Picker; J. G. Prod'homme; H. Prunières; the Roth family et al .; E. & K. Roth; G. Saint-Foix; C. Shafira; A. Schering; J. & E. Schippers; H. R. von Schmeidel; A. Schmuller; C. Schneider; J. Schnitzler; H. Schnoor; Schubertbund; K. Seitz; W. Senn; A. & A. Spiegler; P. Stefan; H. Stein; C. & M. Stibral; J. F. Strauss; R. Tenschert; A. Tessier; J. B. Trend; C. Tureneff; H. Vogl; H. Voltelini; Vorstand der israelitische Kultusgemeinde; B. de Vries; P. J. Wagner; R. Wahle; Waisen-haus für israelitische Mädehen; Waldheim-Eberle; K. & V. Weigl; A. & V. Weiss; B. Wetzelsberger; Wiener Männergesang-Verein; Wiener Philharmoniker; I. Willems; C. Wolf; J. Zuth.Included in this folder are carbons of Adler's thank-you letters to the contributors to the Adler Festschrift of 1930. Their names are included in the above list.See also: Clippings, Adler's 75th Birthday, Box 57.
The folders for Adler's 80th birthday include both messages to him and carbons of some of his replies. The latter indicate that at least one group of messages connected with this occasion is missing. The following persons are represented in this file: E. & S. Adler; Leonardo Adler; Josefine Adler; Lola Adler; E. Bienenfeld; L. Birkenfeld; W. & S. Börner; H. Botstiber; J. Braunstein; G. Bunzel; S. & I. Buxbaum; Deutsche Gesellschaft...; C. & C. Eisenschitz; F. & L. Eisenschitz; M. Eisenschitz; E. Felber; P. J. Frankl; H. Gál; W. Grosz; F. Hasenörl; N. Hofer; H. Jalowetz; K. Jellinek; W. F. Jerger; M. & F. Kell; R. Klafsky; R. & G. Kobler; A. Koczirz; R. Kolisko et al.; E. Kornauth; J. Lechthaler; A. Liess; E. Lustgarten; I. L. Mendelsohn; F. Mittler; H. Neurath; L. Nowak; I. Paulsen; G. Picker; R. & K. E. Picker; P. A. Pisk; D. Plamenac; M. & A. Politzer; J. Palnauer; C. & Y. Rocca; K. Roger; C. A. & E. Rosenthal; M. Srb; P. Ulanowsky; K. & V. Weigl; P. Weingarten; A. Weissenbäck; E. Wellesz; B. Wetzelsberger; J. C. Wirth; A. Wortmann.
Ernst Adler; Friedrich Adler; Henriette Adler; Irene von Adler; M. Becker; E. Benedikt; H. Bettelheim-Gabillon; L. Bettelheim-Gabillon; R. Bräuer; W. Breisky; A. J. Cemach; M. A. von David; L. R. von Dittel; M. Dopsch; T. R. von Dreger; A. F. von Eisner-Eisenhof; J. Engel von Jánosi; L. Feichtinger; D. Feuchtwang; Salo Fischer; V. Fleischer; S. Frankfurter; N. Freivogel; W. & I. Gärtner; V. Gerber; P. & M. Gerngross; H. & G. Goriany; A, Grünfeld; H. Guttentag; K., H. & F. Hamburger; C. Hauler[?]; C. Hawelka; J. Hirsch; P. A. & O. Hirsch; A. Höhl; M. Hölzlsauer; A. Hofer; L. Horch; M. H. Jellinek; R. Kallmus; E. Kerry; B. Kohn; the Konyn family; L. Kornstein; M. Kralik von Meyrswalden; L. Kratka; H. & I. Küffner[?]; T. Kühnberger; R. Kurzmann; W. Kux; C. Lasner; E. Leisching; R. Leitersdorf; R. Lieber; A. Löbl; S. & C. Löffler; A. von Mises; C. Moll; Musik-wissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Kopenhagen; G. Neubauer-Samerk; H. Nüchtern; N. Nüchtern; E., H., M. & H. Oblasser; G. & J. Oesterreicher; I. Pamer; I. T. Panzer; J. Papanek; R. Perten; R. Pfeiffer; L. Pisk; K. É. Polgár; N. Polgar; E. R. von Proskovetz; A. Rebner; G. Rechberg; J. Redlich; O. Reik; C. Reiss; L. & M. Reiss; S. Reiss; F. & E. Rosenthal; A. Scarlates; I. Schafer; L. Schalk; H. Schmid; A. Schmutzer; C. Schneider; M. Schrutka von Rechtenstamm; A. Schwach; R. Schwach; A. & A. Schwarz; A. & A. Spiegler; H. Stein; J. Stern; A. Steudner-Welsing; K. Sukfüll; J. von Twardowski; V. Urbantschitsch; L. & M. Waldheim; Rosa Weill; P. & J. Weiss; J. Wesely; E. & M. Whitfield; A. Wolf.
This folder consists primarily of carbons of Adler's replies to various individuals and organizations. The correspondence is connected with the following persons and groups: E. & S. Adler; Leonardo Adler; Bund für internationale Freundschaftsbeziehungen; "Concordia"; Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich; — Eckmann; F. von Engel; Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde; E. Heinl; E. M. von Hornbostel; K. & A. Jeppesen; V. Keldorfer; Lese-und Redehalle deutscher Studenten in Wien; Mozarteum; Oesterreichisches Radioverkehrs; — Pernter; M. & A. Politzer; A. Schroll & Co.; Schubertbund; P. Stefan; Universal Edition; Verein für neue Musik; Vorstand der israelitische Kultusgemeinde; Waldheim-Eberle; W. B. Weckbecker; Wiener Männergesang-Versin; Wiener Philharmoniker; K. Wisoko-Meytsky.See also: Clippings, Adler's 80th Birthday, Box 57.
Material connected with the following persons and groups is found in this file: American Musicological Society; C. & C. Eisenschitz; F. & L. Eisenschitz; C. Engel; E. Kurth; M. Politzer; C. & Y. Rocca.

Meetings and Festivals

This series contains materials regarding a large number of music meetings, congresses and festivals Adler was involved in, and includes promotional materials, correspondence, manuscript drafts or articles from congress participants and other scholars.
391Correspondence: 3 ALS from Blum von Hyrth: Milan, Zürich, Florence, 6 December 1882 15 July 1883 6 October 1883
391Three printed announcements of the congress, one in French, two in Italian
(3 copies of one of the latter, 2 copies of the other). One of the Italian announcements duplicates the French one.
391One printed circular of the Société Internationale de Gui d'Arezzo (9 copies)
391One printed circular advertising books and music (2 copies)
connected with Guido d'Arezzo and liturgical music
391One issue of Guido Aretinus, Revue du chant liturgique au point de vue artistique-historique-archéologique. Bulletin de la Société international de Gui d'Arezzo (Milan). Vol. 1, no. 1, (12 March 1885)
391Three issues of Musica Sacra, Revue du chant liturgique et de la musique religieuse (Toulouse). Vol. 7, no. 6, no. 9, no. 10, 1882 (June) (September) (October)
391One issue of Musica Sacra, Rivista liturgica musicale (Milan). Vol. 6, no. 8-9, (August-September 1882)
For additional material, see: "Der aretinische Congress..." and "Das guidonische Monument...", BOX 1, and clippings on Guido d'Arezzo, BOX 48.
DON JUAN FEIER. PRAGUE, 1887 (30 October)
392Correspondence: 2 LS from the Deutscher Männergesangverein in Prague. Signed, Ludwig Füssl (Vorsitzender) and Friedrich Erben (Schriftsteller), 1 October 1887 5 November 1887
392One issue of the Prager Zwischenactszeitung, 29-30 October 1887
devoted to the celebration ("Don Juan-Jubiläumsnummer").For additional material, see: "W. A. Mozart. Festrede...", BOX 1.
393Correspondence with the following individuals: E. Bezecný; R. and P. Capellmann; F. Jodl; M. T. von Karajan; P. Metternich; L. Michalek; A. Sandberger; E. Vogel; and W. B. Weckbecker
(see Part IIA for more specific information).
393One printed circular for the exhibition
directed to the Bohemian segment of the Habsburg empire.
393One box containing various seals, identification cards, badges, and passes for the exhibition
393One Programm-Buch für die Concerte der Internationalen Musik-u. Theater-Ausstellung in Wien 1892. Ed. by Richard Robert, (2 August 1892)
The program is for the "5. Symphonic-Concert der Componisten-und Gastdirigenten. II. Aoend Luigi Mancinelli's"
393One copy of Internationale Ausstellung für Musik und Theaterwesen Wien 1892. Jugend-Führer. Anleitung zur Besichtigung der Ausstellung, mit besonderer Rücksichtnahme auf die Jugend (Vienna: Ausstellungscommission. No author indicated, 1892
Cover lacking.
393One copy of Kritische Briefe über die Wiener internationale Musik-und Theater-Ausstellung, by J. Sittard (Hamburg: C. Boysen. Paper covers, 1892
For additional material, see: Internationale Ausstellung...Fach-Katalog..., BOX 2; "The Interieur Habsburg-Lothringen," BOX 2; and clippings under the heading INTERNATIONALE MUSIK-UND THEATER-AUSSTELLUNG, BOX 53.
MOSTRA DONIZETTIANA (DONIZETTI-AUSSTELLUNG). BERGAMO, 15-25 May 1897 22 August-22 September 1897
394aOne copy of the Katalog der Donizetti-Ausstellung (Ausstellung der für die Centenarfeier in Bergamo bestimmten österr. Objecte). Saal IX des k.k. osterr. Museums für Kunst und Industrie in der Zeit vom 15. bis 25. Mai 1897 (Vienna: Verlag des Comités, 1897
No indication of author. Unbound.
394aOne copy of the Catalogo generale della mostra Donizettiana Bergamo Palazzo delle scuole ai tre passi. Aperta dal 22 Agosto all 22 Settembre 1897. Parte prima (Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d'arti grafiche), 1897
Incomplete: Unbound.
Held concurrently with the Paris international exposition of that year.
394Correspondence from the following: Julius Lánczy (Budapest), with a draft of a reply; W. B. Weckbecker. Also an authorization for Adler to attend as official representative of the Ministry for Culture and Education (Vienna), 27 June 1899 25 July 1900
394Printed circulars and registration blanks
(Bourgault-Ducourdray, president; R. Rolland, secretary).
394One issue of Le monde musical. Numéro special. Exposition de 1900. Vol. 12, no. 19, (15 October 1900)
Covers loose.For additional material, see: Congrès international d'histoire de la musique tenu à Paris... Ed. by J. Combarieu, in the general collection of the library.
395One MS list of exhibits. 1 leaf (listing 38 items)
396Meeting Rome, 1903
See File of works. Box 1, 1903 for Alder Speeches
397One printed Programme zu den Konzerten anlässlich des II. Kongresses der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft in Basel 25. 27. September 1906. Basel: Emil Birkhäuser, 1906
398Correspondence: one typed form letter inviting Adler to serve on the Ehrenpräsidium
Typed signatures: Hermann Benke, Alfons Bolz-Feigl, Moritz Band, Carl Blasel.
399Financial records
Lists of expenditures. Receipts.
3910Financial records
Lists of expenditures. Receipts.
401Financial records
Lists of expenditures. Receipts.
402Financial records
Lists of expenditures. Receipts.
403Financial records
Lists of expenditures. Receipts.
404Kongressbericht, folder 1. This and the following folders in this sequence contain manuscript or typescript copies of the articles contributed by the participants in the congress for the published report
They were published in Haydn-Zentenarfeier...III. Kongress der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft. Bericht vorgelegt vom Wiener Kongressausschuss (Vienna: Artaria [Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel], 1909). a copy of which is found in the general collection of the library. Among the manuscript articles in folder 1 is that of Vincent D'Indy.
405Kongressbericht. This and the following folders in this sequence contain manuscript or typescript copies of the articles contributed by the participants in the congress for the published report
They were published in Haydn-Zentenarfeier...III. Kongress der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft. Bericht vorgelegt vom Wiener Kongressausschuss (Vienna: Artaria [Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel], 1909). a copy of which is found in the general collection of the library. Among the manuscript articles in folder 1 is that of Vincent D'Indy.
411Kongressbericht. This and the following folders in this sequence contain manuscript or typescript copies of the articles contributed by the participants in the congress for the published report. In addition, incomplete sets of proofs and offprints
They were published in Haydn-Zentenarfeier...III. Kongress der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft. Bericht vorgelegt vom Wiener Kongressausschuss (Vienna: Artaria [Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel], 1909). a copy of which is found in the general collection of the library. Among the manuscript articles in folder 1 is that of Vincent D'Indy.
Pamphlets, printed matter, notes
412One printed book: Haydn-Zentenarfeier verbunden mit dem III. Musik-wissenschaftlichen Kongress der Internationalen Musik-Gesellschaft. Programmbuch zu den Festaufführungen. Vienna, no publisher indicated
412Two copies of the printed pamphlet: Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Protokoll der Versammlung am 28. November im kleinen Musikvereinssaale. Vienna: Selostverlag, 1907
412Two typed copies of the "Kongressordnung."
412One bound notebook, headed "Korrespondenz-Protokoll."
412One group of printed notices, resolutions, announcements and programs connected with the festival
413Notes and correspondence with the following
C. A. Artaria; Breitkopf & and Härtel; J. Geyer; E. Kossow; F.X. Mathias; A. Schweitzer; K. Valentin.
414Notes, and correspondence with the following
G. d'Avarna; G. G. Bagster; H. J. Beck-Friis; E. F. von Chertek; J. Döller; H. Ebert; J. W. Enschedé; C. P. Francis; G. Gasperini; J. A. F. von Helfert; A. V. Heuss; J. Kaněra von Tynbrugg; A. Koczirz; Königliche Bibliothek, Berlin; Konservatorium der Musik, Dortmund; A. Krupp; E. lineva; L. Lobmeyr; F. Löwe; A. C. Mackenzie; F. Mayer; A. Menzel; P. Moos; A. Nasani [?]; K. Nef; E. von Ottenthal; A. M. Pallavicini; L. Schiedermair; A. Schweitzer; A. A. Stanley; C. Stumpf; L. von Tschirschky; H. F. von Tucher; Walheim-Eberle; W. B. Weckbecker; P. F. Weingartner; W. Widmann; Wiener Männergesang-Verein; V.[?] Witask; P. Wolfrum; R. Wustmann.
414Three copies of offprints of "Zum Wiener Musikkongress," by Alfred Schnerich, from Kirchenchor, no. 9 (n.d.). 1 leaf each
414Issues 10, 11, and 12 of Der Kirchenchor, containing a three-part article (pp. 79-81, 87-90, 95-99), "Haydn-Zentenarfeier verbunden mit dem 3. musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress der internationalen Musikgesellschaft," by W. Widmann (Eichstätt), October, 1909 November 1909 December 1909
414Four-page extract from the International Musical Journal, April 1908
with an announcement about the congress.
414Offprint of "The International Music Congress at Vienna ," by Albert A. Stanley, from the Proceedings of the Music Teachers' National Association for 1909, 1909
414One issue of La nuova musica (Firenze), vol. 15, no. 194-195, 5-20 August 1910
"Nota bibliografica," p. 82, marked in blue pencil.
414One proof copy of Règlement général international de facture d'orgues... Edition française. Vienna: Artaria [Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel], 1909
414Offprint of "De Orgelbouw en de Bibliografie op het derde Congres van de Internationale Musik-Gesellschaft, gehouden te Weenen, Mai 1909," by J. W. Enschedé, from Caecilia, Maanblad voor Muziek (Amsterdam), May-June 1910
421Correspondence with the following
G. di Belmonte Gennaro; R. Bibl; Breitkopf & Härtel; E. Büche; M. E. F. zu Fürstenburg; K. F. von Hackelberg-Landau; G. F. von Haerdtl; — Handl; O. von Hase; E. M von Hornbostel; C. Kleemann; P. Lambotte; T. Laroche; E. Lineva; S. Lipski; F. Ludwig; A. C. Mackenzie; C. D. Maclean; F. H. Martheray; Don G. C. Martinez; F. X. Mathias; M. von Millenkovich Morold; A. W. K. Miller; H. Mrasak; A. von Newald-Grasse; T. Ochs; M. de Oliviera-Lima; M. Schlochow; A. Schweitzer; N. G. von Seebach; A. Simon; G. A, Skalský; W. B. Souire; P. Stäbe; A. A. Stanley; C. Stumpf; L. von Szögyény-Marich; H. L. Thuren; W. M. Weeds de Berencamp de Jonkheer; K. Weinmann; W. Widmann.
421Notes, printed circulars, programs, resolutions, and lists of those present at the congress
For additional material on the festival and congress, see: the various articles on Haydn published during 1909, BOX 4, and the numerous clippings under the heading HAYDN-ZENTENARFEIER, folders 1-10, BOXES 53, 54, 55, and 56.
423Correspondence: 1 TLS, signed A. Völkner, Vienna. Invitation for Adler to participate in the "grössere Aktionskomitee.", 20 October 1910
Adler's notation: "Absage 20/10 10."
424Correspondence: 1 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 TPS from the "Comitato ordinatore del Congresso internazionale di musica. Of these 1 ALS signed F. Mantica; 2 TLS, 1 TPS signed G. Barini; 1 TLS signed San Martino
424Two programs for concerts: one for the Banda Comunale di Roma; one for 2 concerts of the R. Accademia di S. Cecilia Liceo Musicale, (5 April 1911) (7 April 1911 and 10 April 1911)
425Correspondence: letters from S. Albrecht, C. Maclean, and J. Wolf
425Announcements, programs, lists of events, invitations, passes, menus
425Draft of Adler's informal parting remarks, together with an English translation
425Printed treasurer's report for the society for the period, 1 October 1908 to 30 September 1910
425Six pages from various London newspapers reporting on the congress, 31 May to 3 June
425One issue of the Allgemeine Musikzeitung, Fest-Nummer für den IV. Internationalen Musik-Kongress der Internationalen Musik-Gesellschaft zu London, 29. Mai bis 3. Juni 1911, vol. 38, no 21/22, (26 May 1911)
425One issue of The Musical Times, vol. 52, no. 820, together with "The Novello Centenary Supplement" to the same issue, (1 June 1911)
For additional material, see: "Zur Periodisierung der Musikgeschichte" and "Londoner Musiktage," BOX 4; Programs, 1911, BOX 58.
426One printed program book for the concerts presented for the celebrations, 30 November to 7 December
426One printed pamphlet: 1812-1912 K. K. Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien... Hundertjahrfeier. Introduction by E. Mandczewski
No indication of author or publisher. Largely taken up with brief sketches of prominent Austrian and German composers.
427Correspondence: 1 TLS, Ghent, signed by P. Bergmans (president) and D. van Reysschoot (secretary), 17 June 1912
Invitation for Adler to participate.
428Correspondence: 1 TLS, Paris, n.d., signed J. Écorcheville. Invitation to participate
See also: "Reden f. Pariser Kgr.," BOX 5.
429Correspondence: 1 ALS, Salzburg, signed R. Tenschert, 20 January 1917
4210VIENNESE MUSIC FESTIVALS (MEETING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONTINUOUS SERIES). VIENNA. Four folders of notes, lists, and printed circulars, 1919 (27 February)
See also: "Wiener Musikfeste...", BOX 6.
431Correspondence: carbons of 2 letters, to the Bundesminister Dr. Czermak. MS draft of one of these. Carbons of letters to the Bundesminister, Bundespräsident, and Bundeskanzler, 1931 1930
431MS notes
431Offprint of "Ein Wiener Musikfest?," by D. J. Bach, from Der Merker, vol. 20, 1920
See also: all materials noted in the preceding entry.
432Correspondence: 2 TLS, 18 February 1920 and 23 July 1920
signed by J. D. Bach and by Bach and H. Breitner.
433One envelope containing passes for travel, advance fliers, and listings of programs
See also: the first five articles listed under the year 1920, BOX 6, and the clippings under the heading MAHIER-FEST, BOX 56.
434Correspondence: 1 TLS, 12 September 1921
signatures unclear. Adler's notes indicate that he declined this invitation to deliver an address, and recommended A. Orel in his stead.
435Correspondence: 2 TLS, one undated, the other Prague, from Josef Löwenbach. MS draft of one reply from Adler, 17 May 1924
435Two copies of printed announcement of the festival, containing a list of programs, and two copies of a list of costs
437Correspondence: 3 TLS. Carbon of one reply from Adler, March, 1 1924 and 10 September 1924
2 from K.Seitz, one from J. D. Bach and an unidentified person.
438Correspondence: 2 TL, 1 TP, 1 APS. One leaf of notes by Adler, May-September, 1924
The APS is signed by W. Merian
438Two printed and typed lists of programs and speeches
438One printed Programm-und Textbuch, and one printed Fest-Karte
for the events of the festival.
438One issue of the Theater-Zeitung, Stadt-Theater Basel, vol. 9, no. 4, (19 September 1924)
with programs for the week of September 22-28.
438Three issues of the Basler Nachrichten, vol. 80, no. 411, (26 September 1924) (29 September)
with a supplement on the congress, and no. 413 and 414
438One clipping from the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, no. 299, (1/2 November 1924)
of an article by O. Ursprung on the congress.See also: "Internationalismus in der Tonkunst," BOX 7.
438FEIERSPIELE. MÜNSTER, 1925 (28 May-5 June)
438One copy of the printed program book, edited by Fritz Alexander Cohen (Dortmund: C. L. Krüger, 1925)
439Three leaves of drafts and notes by Adler, Vienna, 30 May 1925
including a draft for "Ein Geleitwort zum Leipziger Musikkongress"
439One envelope containing clippings of 24 newspaper reports of the meeting
See also: "Das obligate Akkompagnement der Wiener klassischen Schule," BOX 8, and BEETHOVEN ZENTENARFEIER., Miscellaneous, folder 1, BOX 43 below.
4310One printed program for the meeting
4311Correspondence: 1 TL, Frankfurt A.M., 14 May 1927
signature unclear. Inviting Adler to serve on the honorary committee.
4311One printed brochure on the event
Fur further material, see also: "Sommer der Musik in Frankfurt...," BOX 9.
441Miscellaneous. Correspondence
P. Abel; M. Cauchie; G. Cesari; J. Chantavoine; A. Chybinsky; C. Engel; G. Gasperini; G. M. Gatti; W. Gurlitt; A. Kalmus; W. Merian; K. Nef; A. Pirro; Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften; H. Prunières; E. di San Martino Valperga; Schubertbund; O. G. T. Sonneck; C. Stumpf; J.-B.-É. J. Tiersot; J. Wolf.Some of the above correspondence includes material on plans for the formation of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft and the organizational meeting in Basel in the Fall of 1927. Work for the latter was initiated during the Beethoven-Zentenarfeier, and this folder also contains proofs of the minutes of a Vienna meeting of 21 March, typed drafts of statutes, lists of those who were to be invited, and a page of the Basler Nachrichten, vol. 83 (1/2 October), with an article on the meeting.
442Miscellaneous. Correspondence
H. Abert; W. Altmann; M. Cauchie; G. Cesari; J. Chantavoine; M. V. Ivanov-Boretzky; — Mantehr; W. Merian; K. Nef; H. Prunières; J.-B.-É. J. Tiersot; J. Wolf.This group of letters also contains much that is related to the Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft. Also included are additional copies of the proofs of the minutes of the meeting of 21 March noted above, and printed lists of the speeches given at the musicological meeting in Vienna.
443Financial records. Financial reports on money received and expended. Bills and receipts. Bank statements
444Financial records. Printed and typed announcements of the meeting in various languages. Correspondence with some prominent foreigners undertaken by Austrian governmental officials
445Financial records. Minutes of the meetings of the finance committee. Correspondence connected with the finance committee. Bank statements. Some further letters connected with prominent foreigners
446Financial records. Bills and receipts
451Financial records. Carbons of letters sent by Anton Hofer in connection with the work of the finance committee
452Financial records. Further correspondence connected with financial matters. Additional bank statements
453-6Kongressbericht. Typescripts, and in a few cases manuscripts, of the papers published in Beethoven-Zentenarfeier...Internationaler musikhistorischer Kongress (Vienna: Universal), a copy of which is found in the general collection of the library, 1927
For further material on this event, see also: the several publications listed under 1927, BOX 9, and the clippings under the heading BEETHOVEN-ZENTENAR-FEIER, BOX 57.
451-2Financial Records
MOZART-TAGUNG. SALZBURG, 1927 (3-7 August)
457Correspondence: 1 ALS, Salzburg, signed R. Tenschert; and 1 TLS, signed by Tenschert, Paumgartner and Hofmann. MS draft of a reply by Adler, 23 April 1927 4 July 1927
457Two printed fliers and pamphlet on the conference
See also: untitled speech for the Mozart-Tagung, BOX 9, and clippings on the Mozart-Tagung, BOX 56.
This folder contains material connected with two contests that were sponsored by the Columbia Phonograph Company as a part of the centenial celebrations.
The first, announced after the committee for the centennial had been set up, was for the best completion of the Unfinished Symphony by Schubert. Numerous members of the Artists' Advisory Committee objected, among them Adler.
461Correspondence: 1 TLS, Detroit, from O. Gabrilovitch, together with a clipping of an article by Olin Downes from the New York Times, on the competition, quoting a letter of Gabrilovitch. Carbon of Adler's reply, 18 October 1927 23 October 1927 (12 November)
461Correspondence: 4 TLS from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. 3 signed by F. Dlabac, 1 by V. Luithlen. 1 TLS, Vienna, from F. N. Sard, 10 December 1927-26 June 1928 27 June 1928
461One typescript list of compositions entered in the competition
(with composers' names omitted), together with notes by Adler on some of these works.
461Three newspaper clippings, two on the award of the prize to Kurt Atterberg, one on the negative reactions to performances of the work
See also: "Der Komponistenwettbewerb...", BOX 9; Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein, BOX 17; clippings, SCHUBERT CENTENARY CONTEST, BOX 56.
462Correspondence: 1 TLS, from J. A. Jaksch, November, 1927
the president of the organization, inviting Adler to serve on the honorary committee.
462One printed announcement, dated Vienna, one invitation, October 1928
See also: "An die deutschen Sänger," BOX 9
463One printed program for the congress
464Correspondence: 3 TLS, from the society. Carbons of 4 letters from Adler to the society, and of one to K. R. Mengelberg, 1 April-23 May
2 signed by P. Cronheim .(secretary), one by Crohneim, H. van Heel, and E. A. van Berensteyn (president).
464One printed list of programs
464One envelope containing invitations, passes, menus, etc.
for events connected with the occasion.See also: "An die Maatschappij...," BOX 10; Adler, Family Records... BOX 65.
465One typescript announcement of the event, together with lists of programs
466Correspondence: 2 TLS, Vienna, from B. Sprung. MS draft of one reply by Adler, carbons of two further letters, 23 January 1929 8 February 1929
"Caecilienfeste" marked in pencil on outer cover.
467Correspondence: 1 TLS, Vienna, together with one typescript list of the various representatives who would attend, and a carbon of Adler's reply, 13 March, 1930
from G. Mäurer (president) and F. Gruber (secretary)
G. Cesari; E. Closson; E. J. Dent; Z. Jachimecki; K. Jeppesen; K. R. Mengelberg; R. A. H. Mjøen; P. A. Pisk; H. Prunières; B. O. von Riesemann; A. Salazar; A. von Tóth. Together with notes and reports the correspondence contains queries and responses from the individuals cited concerning their recommendations for new works to be performed. For background on this material, see "Gedanken und Ratschläge...", BOX 13.
469MOZART-FEEST. AMSTERDAM. Correspondence: carbon of reply by Adler to an invitation, 1931 (29 January-4 February)
469MOZART-FEEST. AMSTERDAM. One printed folder on the program of the festival
See also the correspondence of K. R. Mengelberg, BOX 27.
4610DAS HAYDN-JAHR. X. INTERATIONALES MUSIKFEST. VIENNA. Correspondence: 1 TLS, Vienna, 1932 (19 June)
from the Bundesministerium für Unterricht, signed Dr. Prüger. Carbon of Adler's reply.
4610DAS HAYDN-JAHR. X. INTERATIONALES MUSIKFEST. VIENNA. Typescript announcement of a Haydn concert, and an invitation to it
from the Internationale Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Musik, Sektion Österreich. Also a registration form and circular.
for funds for the Haydn house in Eisenstadt from the Haydn Stiftung and the Burgenländische Landesregierung.
4611HAYDNFEIER. HAINBURG. Two printed circulars, 1932 (2-4 July)
4612Internationales Musikfest
4614OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS OF ADLER AS STATE REPRESENTATIVE TO VARIOUS MEETINGS. This file contains letters from various state agencies
authorizing Adler's attendance as official representative to the meetings in Paris (1900), Rome (1911), London (1911), and Paris (1914).

Clippings and Offprints

The material in Part A of this division of Adler's papers offers at least a suggestion of the diversity of the historian's interests. Some substantial groups of clippings, such as those connected with Beethoven, Wagner, and Mahler, clearly reflect long-standing preoccupations with individual composers. Other articles were the work of colleagues and students, and were probably saved as much for that reason as for the subjects dealt with. Thus a rigidly systematic pattern could not be followed in arranging this material. A large percentage of the clippings in the General File were at some time labelled by Adler himself, however, and the subject headings here used reflect these labels as closely as possible. Some inevitable discrepancies result, since different articles by the same person were sometimes kept for different reasons. A number of Hanslick's reviews, for example, were apparently kept because of their associations with the critic; others were saved because of the subjects about which he wrote. In such cases cross references are provided under the appropriate headings. And since the authors of many of the articles preserved were acquaintances of Adler, additional cross references are included in Part II of this inventory.The descriptive information for each item indicates what has been preserved, and varies correspondingly. In some cases it is complete; in others gaps are found. The authors of some articles are indicated only by initials, and fuller identification remains to be established. Where possible, names of newspapers and periodicals, issue numbers, and dates have been supplied in full. If such information is not included, it is not available in the preserved material. When an article is described an "in" in a specific newspaper, rather than "from" it, the designation means that the article has been preserved in a larger part of the paper, whether a single page, a section, or an entire issue. Although not strictly speaking clippings or offprints, some pamphlets, monographs, and other similar types of publications seem originally to have been kept with this material, and are also included here.The following "Miscellaneous Issues of Unbound Periodicals" were incorporated into the papers purely as a practical device to maintain their association with the Adler collection. Complete volumes and sets of periodicals that were acquired as a part of Adler's library were bound and catalogued in the general library of the University of Georgia. A comprehensive listing of all of the periodicals in the Adler library, including those reported here, is found in the thesis of Mary Gail Means cited in the introduction to this inventory.For the clippings on Adler and his activities (Part III B of this section), detailed information on each individual item seemed an unnecessary luxury in terms of space. Hence only summary statements are provided, indicating the date, the work or event involved, and the total number of documents preserved. The 61 envelopes of clippings about every aspect of the Haydn-Zentenarfeier constitute by far the largest body of material in this area. In a few cases letters responding to complimentary copies of some of Adler's writings have been kept with clippings of reviews. As in other sections of this inventory, references to such letters are included under the author's name in Part II, and summary lists of correspondents are provided here.

General File

4615Anon. Clipping from an unidentified newspaper
n.d., on Abert's borrowing of material from the Riemann-Einstein Lexikon.
4615One printed advertising sample of Abert's Illustriertes Musik-Lexikon, 1927
4616R[ichard] B[atka]. "Ambrosiana," Beilage zur Bohemia, no. 1, (1 January 1896)
4616O. Kade. "Entgegnung in Sachen der Musikgeschichte von A. W. Ambros," clipping from an unidentified periodical, dated Schwerin, 6 January 1883
4617Anon. Clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 25 November 1928
4618F. Jodl. "Einige Gedanken über Architektur," Fremden-Blatt (Vienna), no. 355, p. 12, (25 December 1915)
4619Anon. Clipping of an article from an unidentified dictionary, pp. 1057-65
Anon. "Die gegenwärtige lage der deutsche Kunst," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 21834, (27 June 1925)
W. Ostwald. "Wissenschaft und Kunst," clipping of a two-part feuilleton from the Neue Freie Presse, nos. 783-84, 20 November 1904 1 December 1904
A. F. S. "Kunstschau-Glossen," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, 4 June
A. F. S. "Oesterreichische Bildniskunst der Gegenwart," clipping of a two-part feuilleton from the Neue Freie Presse, nos. 24323 and 24332, 6 December 1932 and 10 December 1932
Die Werkstatt der Kunst (Organ für die Interessen der bildenden Künstler). One issue
4622Anon. "Bettina," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, incomplete, n.d.
4623Anon. Clipping of an article from an unidentified dictionary, pp. 2416-21
4624Anon. Clippings of two untitled articles. From the Neue Freie Presse, 16 January 1903 and 20 January 1903
the state composition prize of 1903.
4624Anon. "Fürst Bismarck über Oesterreich."
4625G. von Breuning. "Aus Beethoven's Conversationsheften," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse
no issue or date.
4625[G. A.] C[rüwe]ll. "Beethoven und A. W. Thayer," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, 14 April, 1899
4625G. A. Crüwell. "Beethoven und die Schotten," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 12056, 17 March, 1898
4625T. von Frimmel. "Beethoven's Wohnungen in Wien," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 12560, p. 6, 11 August 1899
4625W. A. Thomas-Sangalli. "Die unsterbliche Geliebte Beethovens," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 15806, pp. 31-34, 23 August 1908
4625R. W. "Die neuesten Beethoven-Funde," clipping from Die Zeit, no. 1888, 25 December 1907
4626Anon. Beethoven's Clavier-Sonaten. Bemerkungen eines Unpartheiischen. Berlin: Ed. Bote & G. Bock. Pamphlet, 1863
4626Anon. Beethoven-Feier veranstaltet vom Verein Beethoven-Haus in Bonn Mai 1893. Zweites Kammermusikfest zur Wcihe des Beethoven-Hauses. Bonn: A. Henry. Pamphlet. Incomplete, 1893
4626Anon. Beethoven-Fest veranstaltet zu Bonn am. 4., 5. u. 6. Mai 1894). Bonn: J. F. Carthaus. Program book, 1894
4626Anon. Beethoven's piano sonatas
A listing with incipits, opus numbers, editors and publishers. Title page lacking.
4626F. Artaria. "Etwas über Beethoven's musikalischen Nachlass," offprint from Der Merker. vol. 2. no. 21
(no year indicated)
4626F. Bischoff. "Zu Beethovens Briefwechsel mit Varena," offprint from the Beethovenjahrbuch, vol. 2, pp. 155-60, 1909
4626F. Heimswoeth. Ludwig van Beethoven's missa solemnis op. 123. Eine kurze erklärende Beschreibung bei Gelegheit des Beethoven-festes in Bonn. Bonn: Henry & Cohen. Pamphlet, 1845
4626L. Klages. "Zur Handschrift Beethovens," and
4626A. Lorenz. "Ein unbekannter Beethoven-Brief," combined offprints from the Süddeutsche Monatshefte, pp. 49-51, 47-49, October, 1929
4626F. Ludwig. "Beethovens Leonore. Vortrag, gehalten am 27. März 1927 im Stadttheater zu Göttingen," offprint from Mitteilungen des Universitäts-bundes Göttingen, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 13-32, 1927
4626G. A. Macfarren. The Grand Service in D, composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, with an analysis of the work, written expressly for the society . London: Sacred Harmonic Society. Pamphlet, 1870
4626K. Nef. "Beethovens geschichtliche Stellung," offprint from Euphorion, vol. 28, no. 2, pp 286-95, 1927
4626O. Neitzel. Beethovens Symphonien nach ihrem Stimmungsgehalt erläutert. Cologne: P. J. Tonger. Booklet, [1901]
4626Program Book. For a Beethoven concert in Greece, 26 March, 1927
Program proper listed in French and Greek. The remainder of the text in Greek only.
4626F. A. Schmidt and P. E. Sonnenburg. Führer durch das Beethoven-Haus zu Bonn. Bonn: Verlag des Beethoven-Hauses, ca. 1893
4626A. Schnerich. "Gedanken über eine kirchliche Aufführung von Beethovens Missa solemnis in D, Cp. 123," clipping from an issue of Leopold-Blatt, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 89-100, 1893
Poor condition.
4627Anon. "Beethovenfeier in Wien. Printed annoucement. Three copies, December 1870
4627Anon. Beethoven Sammlung in Heilgenstadt. 5 leaves of manuscript material
reproduced by some mechanical device, related to the collection.
4627P. Bergmans. "Les origines belges de Beethoven," offprint from Académic royale de Belgique, Bulletins de la classe des beaux-arts, vol. 9, nos. 3-5, pp. 34-41, 1927
4627Catalogue: L. v. Beethoven zum 100jähr. Todestage. Eigenhändire Manuskripte, Briefe Erstdrucke etc. Vienna: Antiquariat V. A. Hack, 26. März 1927
4627Death Notices. Printed death notices for Johann van Beethoven (Vienna); Carl van Beethoven (Vienna); and Marie Weidinger geb. van Beethoven (Donbach), 13 January, 1848 13 April 1858 30 September, 1891
4627A. Einsle. "Beethoven-Autographe," in Mittheilungen für Autographensammler, vol. 8, no. 11 (Dresden), pp. 55-57, 1 November, 1890
4627T. von Frimmel. "Aus der Beethoven litteratur der jüngsten Jahre," in Hamburger Signale, vol. 4, nos. 10 and 12. Inscribed by the author, 20 February 1892 and 20 March, 1892
4627T. von Frimmel. "Beethoven in Baden," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13719, (3 November, 1902)
4627T. von Frimmel, "Beethoven und die bildenden Künste," in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, vol. 76, no. 19, pp. 204-5, 30 April, 1880
4627T. von Frimmel. Bemerkungen zur angeblich 'kritischen' Ausgabe der Briefe Beethovens. Vienna: privately printed. Pamphlet, 1907
4627T. von Frimmel. "Neue Beiträge zu Beethoven's Biographie aus dem Jahre 1817," in Neue Zcitschrift für Musik, vol. 76, no. 35, pp. 361-64, (20 August 1880)
4627T. von Frimmel. "Zur Beethoven-Litteratur der jüngsten Jahre," (conclusion only), in Neue Wiener Musik-Zeitung, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 16-17, (1 November, 1890)
This same issue contains a reference on p. 18 to Adler's discovery of a "new" concerto movement by Beethoven
4627F. Grillparzer. "Beethoven." Poem, 14 April, 1902
printed on both sides of a single leaf. No date. The work carries the notation in pencil "Sehr selten Einblatt-druck v. Grillparzers Gedicht," and a postcard from leo Liepmannssohn, dated Berlin, pasted on the reverse side, below the conclusion of the poem.
4627R. Huppert. "Beethovens Urgrossneffe," in Volks-Zeitung, p. 326, 16 October, 1927
4627H. Kretzschmar. "Ludwig van Beethoven," offprint from the Internationale Wochenschrift für Wissenschaft Kunst und Technik (no vol. or issue no. given), pp. 1-30, 22 May, 1909
4627H. Meier. "Zur Beethoven-Feier." Poem, from an unidentified periodical, p. 508. No date
4627L. Nohl. "Drei Hauptgönner Beethoven's," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
pasted onto paper
4627G. Nottebohm. "Beethoven's theoretisehe Studien," in Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung, new series, vol. 1, no. 41, pp. 685-91, 7 October 1863
4627G. Nottebohm. "Nachtrag zu dem Artikel 'Beethoven's theoretische Studien," in Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung, new series, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 169-72, (9 March 1864)
4627G. Nottebohm. "Zweite Beethoviana." Printed prospectus for the volume. Leipzig: J. Rieter-Biedermann, 1877
4627Pictures: a) Beethoven, clipping from Der Heimat, vol. 8, no. 12, 1882 or 1883
4627b) "Das Beethovenhaus in Heiligenstadt," from an unidentified newspaper, ca. 1885?
4627c) "Das Beethovenmonument in Heiligenstadt bei Wien. Original-zeichnung von J. Greth," from an unidentified newspaper, 1863
4627d) "Ein wohnhaus Beethoven's (Zum 60. Todestage L. van Beethoven's)," from an unidentified newspaper, 1887
4627e) Picture from an unidentified book or newspaper, apparently of Beethoven's re-burial, Ca. 1888?
Caption torn away. (see J. Weilen below).
4627Playbills: for a performance of Fidelio at the Kgl. Hoftheater in Stuttgart, 3 September, 1901
4627Program: for the Philharmonic Concert, Vienna, Sunday, 7 April 1889
under the direction of Hans Richter, in which the rediscovered movement of a Concerto in D, supposedly by Beethoven, was performed by Josef Labor.
4627H. Rollet. "Beethoven. Im Helenenthale nächst Baden,"
manuscript leave reproduced mechanically, n.d.
4627F. Servaes. "Klinger's 'Beethoven'," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no, 13521, (16 April, 1902)
4627W. "Die Beethoven-Woche," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13525, (20 April, 1902)
4627J. Weilen. "Rede, gehalten bei der Wiederbeerdigung Ludwig van Beethoven's auf dem Centrai-Friedhofe in Wien am. Verfasst von Josef Weilen. Gesprochen von Josef Lewinsky, k. k. Hofschauspieler." One leaf, 22. Juni 1888
4627A. Wilbrandt. "Beethoven. Prolog zum Zyklus der neun Beethovenschen Sinfonien," in Weihnachts-Beilage zur Vossischen Zeitung, no. 603, unpaginated, (25 December, 1901)
See also: Clippings, E. Hanslick, Box 48.
471BELGIAN MUSIC. C. van den Borren. "Belgian Music and French Music," offprint from The Musical Quaterly, vol. 9, pp. 329-42, (July 1923)
472VINCENZO BELLINI. J. Korngold. "Vincenzo Bellini," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13362, (5 November, [1909?]
473BERLIN: PHONOGRAMMARCHIV. C. Stumpf. "Das Berliner Phongrammarchiv," offprint from the Internationale Wochenschrift für Wissensechaft Kunst und Technik, 22 February 1908
(no indication of volume or issue). Bad condition.
474E. Bienenfeld. "Wezzeck. Oper in drei Akten von Alban Berg.-Erst Aufführung in Wiener Operntheater," clipping from the Neues Wiener Journal, no. 13.060, p. 3, (31 March 1930)
474E. I. "Gedanken zu Alban Bergs 'Lulu'," clipping from the Neue Zü richer Zeitung, 27 June, 1937
474J. Korngold. "Operntheater. "Wozzeck,' Oper nach Georg Büchners Drama von Alban Berg," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse
No indication of issue or date, but probably from the same time as the Bienenfeld article listed above.
474J. C. Wirth. "Alban Berg's 'Wozzeck.' Eine verspätete sensations-Premiere in der Staatsoper," clipping from Die Stunde, 21 March [1930]
475STEFANO BERNARDI. H. Spies, "Stafano Bernardi salzb. Domkapellmeister, in der Musikliteratur des 17. Jahrhunderts," two-part article in the Salzburger Chronik, vol. 35, nos. 11 and 12, unnumbered pages, 18 March 1889 and 24 March 1889
476ANTON BETTELHEIM. A. Bettelheim. "Auerbach und Anzengruber, Vortrag gehalten am in Prag im 'Verein Deutscher Schriftsteller und Künstler in Böhmen: Concordia'," offprint from Zeitgeist, the literary and scientific supplement to the Berliner Tageblatt, 20 November 1909
477BJÖRNSTJERNE BJÖRNSON. One sheet of paper on which 7 reviews of Björoson's play "Ueber unsere Kraft" are pasted
No indication of date. The reviews indicate that a member of the Adler family directed the production.
478LUDWIG BOLTZMANN. A. Höfler. "Ludwig Boltzmann, geb. am 20 Februar 1844, gest. am 5. September 1906," offprint from the Zeitschrift für den physikalisehen und chemischen Unterricht, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 357-59, (November 1906)
479Anon. "Johannes Brahms," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, pp. 5-6, (4 April, 1897)
479Anon. "Johannes Brahms," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, p. 5, (6 April, [1897?])
479Anon. "Vom Meister Brahms," clipping from the Neues Wiener Tagblatt, no. 94, (4 April, 1897)
479E. Hanslick. "Johannes Brahms (Erinnerungen und Briefe)," four-part article, clippings from the Neue Freie Presse, nos. 11797, 11799, 11801, 11806, 27 June 1897 and 29 June 1897 1 July, 1897 and 6 July, 1897
479E. Hanslick. "Von Johannes Brahms' letzten Tagen," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse no. 11716, (4 April, 1897)
479R. H. "Eine Brahms-Biographie," clipping from Beilage Nr. 3 der 'Wiener Abendpost, pp. 5-6. Review of volume 1 of Max Kalbeck's biography, 5 January, 1904
479M. Kalbeck. "Johannes Brahms," clipping from the Neues Wiener Tagblatt, vol. 30, no. 94, pp. 1-2, 4 April 1897
479R. F. Procházka. "Johannes Brahms," clipping from the Beilage zur Bohemia, no. 96, pp. 1-2, 6 April, 1896
479H. S. "Johannes Brahms (Zu seinem 60. Geburtstage.)," clipping from Bohemia, no. 130, p. 17, 11 May, 1893
4710ERNST BÜCKEN. E.B. Review of Bücken's Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft, from the Berliner Börsen-Zeitung, 22 July, 1928
4711H. Riemann. "Ueber die ..... der byzantinischen liturgischen Notation," offprint from the Sitzungsberichte der philos.-philol. Classe der k. b. Akad. d. Wiss., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 38-50, 1882
4711E. Wellesz. "Die Kirchenmusik im byzantinischen Reiche," offprint from Oriens Christianus, pp. 91-125, 1916
4711E. Wellesz. "Zur Entzifferung der byzantinischen Notenschrift," offprint from Oriens Christianus, new series, 7, pp. 97-118, 1918
4712PIER FRANCESCO CAVALLI and MARC' ANTONIO CESTI. H. Kretzschmar. "Die Veno tianische Oper und die Werke Cavalli's und Cesti's," offprint from Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 8, pp. 1-76, 1892
4713CHANGE OF LIFE. Anon. "Wechseljahre beim Manne?," clipping from the Wiener Sonn-und Montags-Zeitung, no. 23, p. 5, (4 June 1928)
4714LUIGI CHERUBINT. Ferdinand Hiller. "Luigi Cherubini. Sein Lebon und seine Werke. Nebst persönlichen Erinnerungen von Ferdinand Hiller," pp. 403-420
loose pages from an unidentified volume.
4715J. P. "Aus Chopin's letzten Lebensjahren," clipping from the Fremden-Blatt, no. 11, p. 18, (11 January 1899)
4715B. Scharlitt. "Chopin und Wien," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 16591, (30 October, 1910)
4716Anon. "All' ombra della Cupola. Una nuova messa di V. Fedeli," clipping from the Gazzetta di Novara, vol. 30, no. 72, p. 2, 11-12 September, 1926
4716Anon. "K. K. Kerkmuziekschool. Bij het eerste lustrum," in De Maasbode, no. 22972. On Dr. Cecilianus Huigens, (9 March, 1930)
4716Gregorius-Blatt, vol. 47, no. 4/5. Contains articles by H. Spiess ("Ist die Motetto Adoramus te [K.V. 327...] von W. A. Mozart?"); K. Eschweiler ("Die Stimmenbesetzung im katholischen Kirchenchor"); and L. Bonvin ("Über die erste Taktzeit und ihren Akzent"), (April-May 1922)
4716A. Lorenz. "Der gregorianische Gesang," offprint [sic] from the Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, 14 September, 1924
Inscribed by the author.
4716A. S. "Kirchenmusik," clipping from Das Vaterland, no. 283, pp. 6-7, (24 June, 1911)
[A. S.-Alfred Schnerich?]
4716J. Stern. "Der Choralgezang," a three-part article, in Das Vaterland, nos. 121, 123, and 124, pp. 1-3, 1-4, 1-2, 1 May, 1904 3 May, 1904 and 4 May, 1904
4716A. W. "Kirchenmusikalische Festwoche in Frankfurt am Main," clipping from Reichspost (Vienna), p. 5, 3 November, 1930
4716P. Wagner. "Sur l'exécution primitive du Chant Grégorien," offprint from the Revue d'Histoire ecclesiastioue suisse, pp. 177-82, 1915
Inscribed by the author.
4717WALTER DAMROSCH. L. A. Sloper. "Fine Opportunities for Real Musicians Today, Says Damrosch," clipping from The Christian Science Monitor, p. 8, 6 November, 1929
4718ARMAND DECASTAN (CASTELMARY). Anon. Untitled report of Decastan's death, clipping from an unidentified newspaper, p. 5, 12 February, 1897
4719DEAFNESS. E. Bienenfeld. "Ertaubte Tondichter," offprint from the Wiener Medizinischen Wochenschrift, no. 39, pp. 1-15, 1933
Inscribed by the author.
4720K. Kobald. "Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich," in the Neue Freie Presse, no. 21156, pp. 1-3, (3 August, 1923)
4720W. F. von Weckbecker. "Zwanzig Jahre 'Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich'," offprint from Öesterreichische Rundschau, vol. 37, no. 5 pp. 1-8
4721DIE DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE. Anon. "Die Deutsche Akademie," in Die Zeit (Berlin), no. 184, (3 May, 1925)
4722—la. "Anton Dvorak," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse
4722—la. "Dimitrij," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse
4722—la. "Theater, Kunst und Literatur, Böhmische Oper," clipping from an unidentified newspaper
On Dvorak's Dimitry.
4722—la. "Theater, Kunst und literatur. Böhmische Oper," clipping from an unidentified newspaper
Further brief reference to Dimitry.
See also: Clippings, E. Hanslick, Box 48.
4723EGYPT. A. Erman. "Briefe an die Toten," clipping from an unidentified newspaper
4724CARDINAL FAUIHABER. Anon. "Kardinal Faulhaber für das Alte Testament," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, ca. 5 December
4725ERNST, BARON VON FEUCHTERSLEBEN. H. Eulenberg. "Feuchtersleben. Zum 125. Geburtstag," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 23932, (30 April, 1931)
4726J. Pommer. Über das älplerische Volkslied, und wie man es findet, no. 12 in the series Flugschriften und liederhefte berausgegeben von dem Deutschen Volksgesang-Vereine in Wien. Vienna: Verlag des Deutschen Volksgesang-Vereines. Pamphlet, 1908
4726H. Rietsch. "Zum Unterschied der älteren und neueren deutschen Volksweisen," offprint from the Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters, vol. 18, pp. 13-34, (1911)
4727F. Kolessa. Melodii Ukrainskik Narodnik Dum (Phonographierte Melodien der ukrainischen rezitierenden Gesänge ['Dumy'] in Notenschrift gesetz und redigiert von Philaret Kolessa.) II. Teil. Vol. 14, of the Beiträge zur ukrainischen Ethnologie. Lemberg [Lvov]. Unbound copy of complete volume. 195, 1913
4727R. Lach. "Vorläufiger Bericht über die im Auftrage der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften erfolgte Aufnahme der Gesänge russischer Kriegsgefangener im August und September 1916 [im August bis Oktober 1917]," 46th and 47th Mitteilungen der Phonogramm-Archivs-kommission. Vienna: Alfred Hölder. Unbound copies, 1917 and 1918
4727E. Lineva. [Collection of Great Russian Songs]
Incomplete copy. Only pp. xxxiii-xlvii of the introduction remain, but the complete. of music is intact.
4728ROBERT FUCHS. R. Kiesslinger. "Robert Fuchs und sein lebenswerk," typescript of a paper, 11 May, 1932
given at the general meeting of the Robert Fuchs-Gesellschaft in Vienna
4729Anon. "J. J. Fux-Feier," clipping from the Grazer Tagespost, no. 170, (20 June, 1904)
4729H. K. "Die Johann Josef Fux-Gedenkfeier. Der künstlerische Festakt," clipping from the Grazer Volksblatt, no. 277, p. 2, (20 June, 1904)
481FLORIAN LEOPOLD GASSMANN. F. Kosch. "Florian Leopold Gassmann. Zur 200. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, [1929]
482GERMAN LITERATURE. A. Sauer. "Uiber [sic] die deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart," four-part article, clipping from Beilage zur Bohemia, nos. 130, 132, 136, and 142, 11 May, 1893 13 May, 1893 17 May, 1893 and 24 May, 1893
483GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FÖRDERUNG DEUTSCHER WISSENSCHAFT, KUNST UND LITERATUR IN BÖHMEN. Mittheilung Nr. VII, Nr. IX, Nr. XI. Dritter Bericht, Fünfter Bericht, [und] Sechster Bericht des ordentlichen Mitgliedes Prof. Adolf Hauffen über den Fortgang seiner im Auftrage der Gesellschaft eröffneten Sammlung von volksthümlichen Ueberlieferungen in Deutsch-Böhmen. 3 pamphlets, January 1897 January 1899 and July 1900
484GRAZ. F. Bischoff, "Zur Geschichte des Theaters in Graz (1574-1775)," offprint from the Mitth. des hast. Vereines f. Steiermark, vol. XL, pp. 1-22, (1892)
485GREGORY THE GREAT. P. Ambrosius Kienle, "Das Hochamt Gregors des Grossen," offprint from an unidentified periodical, pp. 1-23
Poor condition.
486P. Grogger. "Das Kind der Caligen," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
486P. Steran. "Grogger, Ceblarn, Grimmingtor," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
487One issue of Guido Aretinus. Rivista di Canto Liturgico... e bollettino della Società internazionale di Guido d'Arezzo, vol. 1, no.1, (12 March, 1885)
487G. Penmacchi. "Guido Monaco d 'Arezzo. Inventore delle note musicali." One leaf with a printed poem
488R. Chrysander. "Der Messias," offprint from the Oltner Tagblatt, vol. 45, no. 75, (29 March, 1923)
488R. Chrysander and H. Roffman. "Friedrich Chrysander. Zum 100. Geburtstage am 8. Juli 1826," special page from the Bergedorfer Zeitung, no. 157, 8 July, 1926
with articles by Chrysander and Roffman.
488R. Chrysander. One evelope of material connected with R. Chrysander's activities in promoting Handel and in perpetuating his father's name
Includes reprints of articles, and librettos for two works of Handel (Samson and Otto).
488"Deutsche Musiktage. Händelfest und Musikkongress in Leipzig." Sonderbeilage der Leipziger Tagesblattes, no. 155, pp. 7-10, (6 June, 1925)
Contains Adler's "Der Gruss Oesterreichs" and other articles by Abert, Leichtentritt, Schnoor, Altmann, Bücken and Erpf.
488O. Kade. "Die ersten drei Aufführungen des Messias von Handel in Deutschland," offprint from an unidentified periodical, undated, pp. 1-10
488E. Krause. "Ueber Chrysander's Gesammt[sic]-Ausgabe der Werke von G. F. Händel," clippings from the Hamburger Fremdenblatt, dates unclear
488F. Pfohl. "'Theodora' in Münster," offprint from the Hamburger Nachrichten, no. 92, (24 February, 1926)
See also: Clippings, E. Hanslick, Box 48.
EDUARD HANSLICK. Articles by Hanslick
489"Briefe aus Bayreuth über Wagner's 'Parsifal'," clippings of a four-part series of articles, from the Neue Freie Presse, no date indicated
[On the premier of Parsifal in 1882].
489"Carl Theater," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11207, (5 November, 1895)
[Review of Haydn's Der Apotheker.]
489"Concerte," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no date indicated
"Review of concerts by the Schubertbund and the Akademische Gesangverein.]
489"Contre la Musique," clipping from the Neue Freie Preese, n.d.
[On a book of this name by Victor de Laprade.]
489"'Debora,' Oratorium von Händel," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 12354, (13 January, 1899)
489"Denkschrift der Akademie von Neu-Paris, Beethoven betreffend. (Vorgetragen in der Sitzung, vom 1. von dem ständigen Socretär Floristan Eusebius)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d., Mai 1880
489"Das fünfzigjährige Jubiläum der Wiener Männergesang-Verein," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
489"Johann Strauss," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 12497, (9 June, 1899)
489"Musik. (Erstes Philharmonisches Concert.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13727, (11 November, 1902)
[On Dvorák's Carnival Overture and Tchaikovsky's Francosca da Rimini.]
489"Musikalische Reise-und Badelectüre," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n. d.
[On Wagner.]
489"Die Vollendung der grossen S. Bach-Ausgabe," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 12767, (10 March, 1900)
489"Wagner-Cultus. (Ein Postscriptum zu unseren Bayreuther Briefen)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d., [1882?]
489"Waldmeister," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11238, (6 December, 1895)
[On the operetta of this name by Johann Strauss.]
489"Zum Schubert-Jubiläum," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11643, (21 January, 1897)
See also: Clippings, J. Brahms, Box 47; K. Loewe, Box 49; G. Mahler, Box 49; J. Offenbach, Box 49; F. Schubert, Box 50; R. Schumann, Box 50; R. Strauss, Box 50; Vienna Opera, Box 50; C. M. von Weber, Box 50.
Articles on Hanslick
489Anon. "Eduard Nanslicks Leichenbegängnis," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 14354, pp. 7-8, (10 August, 1904)
489J. Korngold. "Eduard Hanslick," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d., [1904?]
489J. Korngold. "Eduard Hanslick," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
[On the unveiling of a bust of Hanslick at the University.]
4810FERDINAND HANUSCH. One complete issue of the Arbeiter-Zeitung, vol. 35, no. 267, (29 September, 1923)
the first three pages of which are devoted to the memory of Hanusch. All articles are anonymous.
4811PATER HARTMANN (PAUL VON AN DER LAN-HOCHBRUNN). Anon. "P. Hartmann's Oratorium 'Sanet Franciscus,' (Erste Aufführung)," clipping from the Neues Wiener Tagblatt, p. 8, 18 February, 1902
4812H. B. "Josef Haydn in Graz. Eine Betrachtung von Dr. Cornelius Preiss," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
4812M. Brenet [Marie Bobillier]. "Les oratorios de Haydn," clipping from La vie musicale. vol. 2. no. 2. pp. 21-24, (1 October, 1908)
4812J. P. Larsen. "Zu Professor Sandbergers Haydn-Forschung," offprint from the Zeitschrift für Musik, no. 11, pp. 1-8, (November, 1936)
4812E. Mandyczewski. "Ein Skizzenblatt von Josef Haydn," clipping from Deutsche Kunst-& Musik-Zeitung (Vienna), vol. 16, no. 34, p. 289, (10 December, 1889)
4812E. Mandyczewski and G. Adler. "Redaktionsbestimmungen für die erste kritisch durchgesehene Gesamtausagabe der Werke von Joseph Haydn." Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d., [1909?]
4812F. Scherber. "Joseph Haydns Tod," in the "Haydn-Nummer" of the Neue Musik-Zeitung (Stuttgart-Leipzig), vol. 30, no, 17, pp. 365-68, (27 May, 1909)
See also: Clippings, E. Hanslick, Box 48.
4813F. Pfohl. "Vom Heidelberger Musikfest. I. Der ideale Concertsaal," in the Hamburger Nachrichten. no. 510, pp. 1-2, (30 October, 1903)
4813F. Pfohl. "Vom Heidelberger Musikfest, II. Programm," clipping from the Hamburger Nachrichten, no. 514, (2 November, 1903)
4813K. A. HERMANN Proofs of an untitled article by Hermann. 7 columns, 5 January, 1933
4814PAUL HIRSCH LIBRARY. P. Epstein. "Die Musikbibliothek Paul Hirsch in Frankfurt," offprint from the Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, pp. 80-89
4815History and Biography
4816HOLLAND. R. Mengelberg. Holland als kulturelle Einheit. Baden-Baden: Merlin-Verlag. Booklet, 1928
Inscribed by the author.
4817Hornbostel, E. M. Von
4818HERBERT HOOVER. H. Hoover. "Die Pflicht der stärksten Macht. Amerikas Aufgabe in Dienst des Friedens und der internationalen Verständigung," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 23908, pp. 1-2, (5 April, 1931)
4819R. HÖVKER. Printed diagrams by Hövker of compositions by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Kuhlau and Clementi. Cöthen: Otto Schulze, n.d.
4820ARTHUR EAGLEFIELD HULL. E[rnst] C[losson]. Review of Hull's A Dictionary of Modern Music and Musicians, clipping from L'Independance Belge, vol. 94, No. 271, p.3, (27 October, 1924)
4821JOHANN PEREGRIN HUPFAUF. Anon. "Johann Peregrin Hupauf. Ein Lebensbild," a four-part article in the Salzburger Zeitung, nos. 274-277 (28-31[?]) pp. 2-3, 2-3, 3-4, 3-4
Poor condition.
4822Anon, "Das Hundertjahr-Jubiläum einer unvergänglichen Judenrede. Lord Macaulay über die Juden im Staat und in der Gesellschaft," clipping from Der Morgen, p.7, 2 May, 1933
4822Anon. "Zionismus und Zionistenkongress," in the Arbeiter-Zeitung, no. 232, p. 7, (25 August, 1925)
4823IMMANUEL KANT. F. Marschner. "Kant's Bedeutung für die Musik-Ästhetik der Gegenwart. II. Kant als Vertreter der Inhaltsästhetik," offprint from Kantstudien, vol. 6, no. 2/3, pp. 206-43, (1901)
Inscribed by the author. Part I of the study is lacking.
4824JULIUS KAPP. J. Korngold. A portion of an unidentified article from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
referring to Kapp.
4825JOHANN KASPAR KERLL. A. Sandberger. "Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern. Johann Kaspar Kerll," clipping from the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, no. 54550, 1901
very poor condition.
4826R. Hirschfeld. "Wanderungen durch die Musik-Ausstellung. V. Steinert's Clavier-Sammlung," in Die Presse, vol. 45, no. 210, (30 July, 1892)
4826Three printed brochures on the Janko Clavier by W. Rehberg
one containing the article "Jankos chromatische Terrassenklaviatur"
4826J. K. KREIBIG. Proofs of pp. 97-112 from Kreibig's book Die intellektuellen Funktionen (Vienna), 1909 4 July, 1908
4826ERNST KŘENEK. O. v. P. "Drei Einakter im National theater," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
[Includes reviews of Křenek's Der Diktator and Das geheime Königreich, as well as Puccini's Il Tabarro.]See also: Clippings, F. Schubert, Box 50.
4827SELMA LAGERLÖF. K. Michaelis. "Die Truhe der Dichterin," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, probably from Munich, n.d.
[On S. Lagerlöf.]
4828Tables 15-45 from a work by Laker titled Das musikalische Sehen, together with the following offprint
4828H. Spitzer. "Vom 'musikalischen Sehen'," offprint from the Grazer Tagespost, 11 October, 1928
4829J. P. N. LAND. "Zur Berichtigung," printed folder, dated Leyden, February 1887
The work rebuts a review in the Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte of a series of articles by Land.
4830LEIPZIG (MUSIKHISTORISCHES MUSEUM). Anon. Bericht des Musikhistorischen Museums zu Leipzig über das erste Halbjahr nach seiner Eröfnung. Leipzig: n.p. Pamphlet, 1893
4831ÉMILE LEMOINE. É. Lemoine. "Note 'Ad Tubicolas.' Au sujet de l'Essai sur La Game de M. Maurice Gandillot (Gauthiers-Villars) Pourouoi et comment cet ouvrage a été écrit." Pamphlet, 1906
There is no indication of place, publisher, or date, or of whether this is an offprint or a separate publication.
491Marie Anne Lenormand. E. F. H. "Von der Lenormand," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, [c. 1928?]
492ROCHUS VON LILIENCRON. M. "Rochus v. Liliencron als musikalischer Erzieher," in the Königlich privilegirte Berlinische Zeitung, no. 163, pp. 2-3, (7 April, 1903)
493FRANZ LISZT. D. Orel. František Liszt a Bratislava. Sborník Filosofické Fakulty University Komenskeho v Bratislavě. Ročnik III. Cislo 36. (10.). V. Bratislavě. Booklet, 8 plates, index, 1925
494LOCARNO PACT. Anon. "Das Werk von Locarno," clipping from the Berliner Tageblatt, vol. 54, no. 496, pp. 1-2
495Anon. "Karl Loewe. Ein Gedenkblatt zu seinem 100. Geburtstage," clipping from Bohemia, no. 239, pp. 21-22, (29 November, 1896)
495E. Hanslick. "Zum hundertsten Geburtstag Karl Loewe's," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11595, (3 December, 1896)
496"Dem Gedächtnis Ernst Machs. Anlässlich der heutigen Enthüllung seines Denkmals." A group of articles from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 32177, pp. 11-12. The articles included are as follows: F. Ehrenhaft. "Ernst Machs Stellune: im wissenschaftlichen Leben.", A. Einstein. "Zur Enthüllung von Ernst Machs Denkmal.", M. Schlick. "Ernst Mach, der Philosoph.", H. Thirring. "Ernst Mach und die theoretische Physik."
496E. Mach. Der relative Bildungswert der philologischen und der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichtsfächer der höheren Schulen. Leipzig: G. Freytag [Prague: F. Tempsky]. Pamphlet, 1886
Concluding page of notes lacking.
497JÖRG, MAGER. H. Keyserling. "Neue Möglichkeiten der Musik. Die Weltall-Orgel Jörg Magers," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 23884, (12 August, 1931)
499 Reviews of his compositions, and general articles
499Anon, "Hoftheaterdirektor," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d., [1911?]
499E[rnst] D[ecsey]. "Gustav Mahlers dritte Sinfonie. (Zur Aufführung am," clipping from the Grazer Tagespost, 3. Dezember 1906) 1 December, 1906
499E[rnst] D[ecscy]. "Mahlers Sechste Sinfonie in Wien," clipping of a two-part article from the Grazer Tagespost, 10 January, 1907 and 11 January, 1907
499E[rnst] D[ecsey], "Nachklänge vom Mahler-Konzerte, I.," clipping from the Grazer Tagespost, 5 December, 1906
[Third Symphony].
499E[rnst] D[ecsey]. "Nachklänge vom Mahler-Konzerte. II.," clipping from the Grazer Tagespost, 6 December, 1906
[Third Symphony].
499R. H. "Konzerte," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
[Sixth Symphony].
499M. Kalbeck. "Gustav Mahlers Pan-Symphonie," clioping from the Wiener Tagblatt [?], n.d., [1904?]
499R. Kastner, "Gustav Mahlers fünfte Sinfonie," clipping from the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, 23 October 1904
499Julius Korngold. "Musik. (Ausserordentliches Gesellschaftskonzert: Mahlers Dritte Symphonie.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 14482, (17 December, 1904)
499[J. Korngold?]. "Musik. (Mahlers Fünfte Symphonie.-Novitäten des Konzert-vereins. Max Reger-Abend.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 14838, (12 December, 1905)
Incomplete. Lacks conclusion.
499[J. Korngold?]. "Musik. (Mahlers Sechste Symphonie.-Volksoper: 'Fedora' von Umberto Giordano)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 15224, (8 January, 1907)
499E. O. Nodnagel. "Fünftes Abonnementskonzert des Bachvereins," clipping from the Heidelberger Zeitung, vol. 46, no. 27, (2 February, 1904)
[Third Symphony].
499A. Orel. "Auftakt. (Mahlers 'Lied von der Erde,' Mozart-Fest.)," clipping from the Wiener Zeitung, no. 229, pp. 1-3, 1923
499H. Porges. "Gustav Mahler als Symphoniker," clipning from the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, 23 October, 1900
[Second Symphony].
499R. "Concert Nicolai," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
[Second Symphony].
499S[eidl?] "Gustav Mahler: Symphonie Nr. 3 (d-moll) unter Leitung des Komponisten," clipping from the Heidelberger Tageblatt, no. 27, (2 February, 1904)
499A. Seidl. "Gustav Mahler," clipping from the Allgemeine Zeitung (Munich), no. 289. Two copies, (20 October, 1900)
[Second Symphony]
498 Reviews of opera productions
498Anon. "Hofoperntheater. Wiederaufnahme der 'Jüdin,' " clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 14057, (15 October, 1903)
498Anon. "Hofoperntheater. (Wiederaufnahme des 'Barbier von Sevilla')," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
498Anon. "Hofoperntheater. (Wiederaufnahme von Verdis 'Othello.')," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse. n.d.
498E. Hanslick. "Concert und Oper. (Sechstes Philharmonisches Concert.-Rosé-Quartett.-Marschner's 'Hans Heiling'.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13821, (17 March, 1903)
498E. Hanslick. "'Der Dämon.' (Oper in drei Acten, nach Lermontow's gleichnamigem Gedicht, von Anton Rubinstein.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 12635, (25 October, 1899)
498E. Hanslick. "Hofoperntheater. ('Feucrsnoth', ein Siggedicht von Ernst v. Wolzogen; Musik von Richard Strauss)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
498E. Hanslick. "Hofoperntheater. (Richard Wagner's 'Rienzi,' neu einstudirt.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
4910MARXISM. L. Brentano. "Schlagworte," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 23450, p. 3, (25 December, 1929)
4911ALEXIUS MEINONG. One page of an unidentified review, from the Deutsche Literatur-zeitung, no. 45, p. 2729, (12 November, 1904)
4912MELODY. H. Löwy. "Das Ende vom Lied. Eine musikalische Untersuchung," offprint from Ostwalds Annalen der Naturphilosophie (Leipzig: Veit & Comp.), pp. 153-74. Munich, November 1908
Dated and inscribed by the author.
4913KARL MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY. S. Münz. "Karl Mendelssohn-Bartholdy," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11698, (17 March, 1897)
4914ROGIER MICHAEL. R. Kade. "Der Dresdener Capellmeister Rogier Michael. 1587-1619," in the Wissenschaftliche Beilage der Leipziger Zeitung, no. 36, , pp. 209-12, (5 May, 1888)
Poor condition.
4915FELIX MOTTL. Anon. "Das Musikfest in Salzburg. Eine Rede Felix Mottls," in the Neue Freie Presse, no. 14357, pp. 8-9, (13 August, 1904)
4916H. Graf. "Mozarts 'Don Juan' als modernes Problem," in the Breslauer Neueste Nachrichten, no. 236, p. 2, (29 August, 1926)
4916M. Graf. "Mozarts 'Idomeneo'. Neubearbeitung von L. Wallerstein und Richard Strauss-Erste Aufführung in der Wiener Staatsoper am 16. April.," clipping from Dor Tag, no. 2879, ( 17 April, 1931)
4916E. von Komorzynski. "Mozart und Schikaneder," in the Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung (Munich), no. 170, pp. 179-80, (27 July, 1904)
4916J. Korngold. "Operntheater. 'Idomeneo' von Mozart. Bearbeitung von Richard Strauss and Lothar Wallerstein," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 21979, ( 17 April, 1931)
4916H. Kralik. "'Idomeneo.' Mozarts Oper in vollständiger Neubearbeitung von Lothar Wallerstein und Richard Strauss," clipping from the Neues Wiener Tagblatt. no. 23403, (17 April, 1931)
4916R. Tenschert. "Die Ouvertüren Mozarts," offprint from the Mozart-Jahrbuch, vol. 2, pp. 111-81, (1924)
4917G. Duhamel. "Die Musik als Erlöserin," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
4917W.J. Henderson. "Masters of Music," in The Mentor, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 1-10
4917J. Steiner. Einbegleitung und Notenbeispiele zu dem Vortrage Tonkunst und Musikwissenschaft gehalten am 6. April 1903 vor den Sektion 'Physik' des 8. österreichischen Mittelschultages, dem Lehrkörper des Wiener Konservatoriums und geladenen Gästen. Vienna: Alfred Hölder. Pamphlet. text. musical examples, 1903
[The text is the same as Steiner's 1892 lecture, cited below; the musical examples differ from those of the subsequent 1893 lecture.]
4917J. Steiner. Notenbeispiele zu den Demonstrationen über reine und temperierte Stimmung. Experimental-Vortrag, über Einladung des wissenschaftlichen Vereines 'Lotos' am 4. März 1893 an der deutschen Universität zu Prag gehalten. Pamphlet with of musical examples
Privately printed.
4917J. Steiner. Tonkunst und Musikwissenschaft. Zum Musikertag 1892 in Wien. Pamphlet. Two copies, 1892
4917H. Tiessen. "Fortschritt und schöpferische Funktion," offprint from the Allgemeiner Musikzeitung, no. 22/23, (1913)
Inscribed by the author.
4918K. von Jan. "Ein dunkeler Zeitraum der Musikgeschichte," offprint of a three-part article from an unidentified periodical, n.d.
Poor condition.
4918E. Wellesz. "Renaissance und Barock. Ein kulturgeschichtlicher Beitrag zur Frage der Stilperioden," offprint from the Zeitschrift der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 37-45, (1909)
4919MUSIC (MEDIEVAL). E. Mühlbacher. "Ein Lied auf K. Odo von Westfrancien," offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d., pp. 603-4
4920F. Draeske. "Die Konfusion in der Musik," in the Neue Musik-Zeitung (Stuttgart-Vienna), vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 1-7, (9 October, 1906)
4920J. Korngold. "Zukunftsmusik," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
4920"Die Zukunft der Musik. Aeusserungen hervorrangender Künstler," Pfingsbeilage der 'Neuen Freien Presse,' no. 23956, pp. 33-34, (24 May, 1931)
[Contains brief statements by Clemens Krauss, Bruno Walter, Felix Weingartner, Hans Knappertsbusch, and Josef Marx.]
4921GIOVANNI MARIA NANINO. In oncre di Giovanni Maria Nanino, musicista Tiburtino nel secolo XVI. Tivoli: Tipografia Majella. Printed folder, 1911
[Contains articles on Nanino by Giuseppe Radiciotti, Armando Giani, M. Biancale, Giuseppe Petrocchi, and Pericle Pirrongelli. Apparently published on the occasion of a commemorative program on Nanino held in Tivoli, 8 April, 1911, with a lecture by Giovanni Tebaldini, and a concert.]
4922W. Tappert. Die Entwicklung der Musik-Notenschrift vom 8. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Katalog der Special-Ausstellung. Berlin, May 1898. (Allgemeine Musik-Ausstellung zur Errichtung eines Wagner-Denkmals in Berlin). Berlin: W. Büxenstein, 1898
4922F. Weisshappel. "Gedanken zur Frage der Notenschriftreform," and "Weitere Gedanken zur Notenschriftreform," combined offprint of the two articles
No date or indication of where the first article was published. The second had appeared in the Schulberater and the Alpenlöndischen Musiker-Zeitung.
4923JACQUES OFFENBACH. E. Hanslick. "'Hoffmann's Erzählungen' von Offenbach. (Ein Vorwort zur Aufführung," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
4924JOSÉ ORTEGA Y GASEET. J. Ortega y Gasset. "Morgenróte der geschichtlichen Vernunft," clipping from the Reichsausgabe der Frankfurter Zeitung, no. 291-292, p. 4, (June 1935)
4925PALEOGRAPHIE MUSICALE. Musikalische Palaeographie. Sammlung von phototypische Facsimiles der hauptsächlichsten Manuscripte des Gregorianischen, Ambrosianischen, Galicanischen und Mozarabischen Kirchengesanges. Solemes: Buchdruckerei Saint-Pierre, 1889. Printed announcement
German announcement of the series, with a list of the original subscribers.
4926GIOVANNI BATTISTA PERGOLESI. V. Fedeli. "Un' opera di Pergolesi?," clipping from an unidentified Novara newspaper, no. 1310, (13 July, 1910)
4927HANS PFITZNER. A. Einstein. "Palestrina. Musikalische Legende in drei Akten von Hans Pfitzner. Urauführung am 12. Juni im Prinz-Regenten-Theater," in the Münchener Post, no. 135, pp. 4-5, (13 June, 1917)
4928Phonograph Records
4929PITCH. Anon. "Aufruf zur Einführung einer allgemeinen Normalstimmung in Deutschland," clipping from the Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, no. 29 (Leipzig), pp. 363-64, 366, 11 July, 1884
4930MATHES DANIEL PÖPPELMANN. F. Nemitz. "Mathes Daniel Pöppelmann und das deutsche Barock. Zu seinem 200. Todestag," clipping from the Berliner Tageblatt, 16 January, 1936
4931—la. "Böhmische Oper," four reports in issues of Politik (Abendblatt), nos. 121, 123, 212, and 130. The articles include brief reports on K. Bendl's Lejla , K. Šebor's Nevesta husitská, and Smetana's Prodaná nevěsta, 3 May 1891 and 5 May 1891 4 August, 1891 10 May, 1892
4931R. F. von Procházka. "'Die Zauberflöte' in Prag. Zum 100jähr. Gedächtniss der ersten Aufführung am" in Beilage zur Bohemia, no. 292, pp. 1-2, 25 October 1792 (23 October, 1892)
4932PSYCHOLOGY. A. Haeutler. "Religiöse Menschlichkeit. An den Pforten des Goethe-Jahres-Ein individual psychologischer Versuch," offprint from the Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie, vol. 10, pp. 127-36, (1932)
4933LUDWIG RADERMACHER. "Ludwig Radermacher zum 31, Oktober 1937
Printed open letter from students, colleagues, and friends, on the occasion of Radermacher's seventieth birthday, with a list of individuals and organizations paging tribute.
4934ERNST REITER. K, Nef. "Aus den Tagebüchern des Basler Musikdirektors Ernst Reiter," offprint from the Basler Nachrichten, vol. 2, nos. 41-44, (1907)
4935HANS RICHTER. O. Kunz. "Stein, statt-Brot! Ein Gruss an Hans Richter," in the Ostdeutsche Rundschau (Vienna), vol. 14, no. 129, pp. 1-4, (12 May, 1903)
4936K. W. J. HUGO RIEMANN. B. Ziehn. "Ueber Dr. Hugo Riemann's 'Geschichte der Musiktheorie im 9.-19. Jahrhundert' " clipping of a seven-part article from the Allgemeine Musikzeitung, vol. 27, nos. 1-7, (5 January-16 February, 1900)
A copy of a reply by Riemann, with a covering letter to Adler is found in the Riemann correspondence file.
4937HEINRICH RIETSCH. H. Rietsch. Review of Emil Bohn, Wort und Brauch, vol. 4: Die Nationalhymnen der europäischen Völker (Breslau), offprint from the Zeitschrift für Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur, vol. 52, pp. 38-40, 1908 (1910)
4938GENERAL ROCCA. Anon. "Il gen. Rocca transportato a Milano," in the Corriere della sera (Milan), vol. 47, no. 143, p. 5, (16 June, 1922)
article marked in red pencil.[The Rocca family was related through marriage to that of Adler].
4939ROMAIN ROLLAND. "Romain Rolland über Deutschland, Ein Briefwechsel über das neue Regime," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 24673, p. 2, (22 May, 1933)
4940PETER ROSEGGER. H. Bettelheim-Gabillon. "Zu Peter Roseggers Godächtnis," clipping from the Neues Wiener Tagblatt, no. 164, pp. 2-3, (16 June, 1933)
Inscribed by the author.
4941GIOACCHINO ROSSINI. M. "Rossini's Briefe," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13427, (11 January, 1902)
4942F. Brandes, "Musik und Kritik.-Zum ersten Male: 'Die Rosenthalerin,' " in the Dresdner Anzeiger, no. 128, pp. 42-43, (9 May, 1897)
4942A. Fuchs. "Anton Rückauf," in the Dresdner Zeitung, vol. 25, no. 253, (30 October, 1898)
4942R. Glickh (sic). "Anton Rückauf," clipping from the Centralblatt für Instrumentalmusik, Solo-und Chorgesang (Leipzig), vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 49-50, (28 October, 1894)
4942L. Hartman. "Königl. Hoftheater," in the Dresdner Zeitung, vol. 24, no. 107, pp. 3-4, (9 May, 1897)
[Review of 'Die Rosenthalerin']. Very poor condition.
4942P. A. Wolff. "Königl. Hofoper. 'Die Rosenthalerin,'" clipping from the Dresdner Nachrichten, no. 128, pp. 3-4, (9 May, 1897)
501U. Prota-Giurleo. "La vera patria di Antonio Sacchini," in Il Giernale d'Italia, vol. 6, no. 214, p. 3, (8 September, 1928)
502J. Guillemot. "Causerje.-Un 'petit prodige' de 1846," clipping from Le Messager de Paris, vol. 46, no. 168, (22 June, 1902)
503Anon. "Salzburg-die grosse enttäuschung," clipping from Der Morgen, p. 7, 16 August, 1926
503Anon. "Die Salzburger Festspiele in 1931," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse. p. 3, 31 December, 1930
[Report on the programs planned for 1931.]
503W. Hauthaler and A. Schnerich (editors). "J. Steinhauser's Beschreibung des Domes zu Salzburg vom Jahre 1602," offprint from the Mittheilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, vol. 31, 18 November, 1891
Inscribed by Schnerich, with the date
503"Die Internationaler Bedeutung der Salzburger Festspiele," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 23692, p. 9, (28 August, 1930)
Contains reports of the views of the following people: Rudolf Ramek, Dr. Rehrl, Clemens Krauss, Franz Schalk, and Alexander Moissi.
503B. Paumgartner. Eine musikalische Hochschule in Salzburg (Vortrag gehalten in der 'Akademischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft' am 23. März 1919). Salzburg. n.p. Pamphlet. Three copies, 1919
504LA SCALA OPERA HOUSE. G. E. '"I Maestri Cantori' alla Scala," clipping from the Corriere della Sera, vol. 47, no. 97, p. 2, (24 April, 1922)
505T. Kornerup. Indisches Tonsystem (mit 22 Srutis), aufgeklärt durch tertiäre Teilung und Transponierung zweier Ekalen. Herausgegeben den. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaards Sortiment. Pamphlet, 19. August 1931
Inscribed by the author.
505T. Kornerup. Resumé from Akustische Gesetz für Akkord-und Skala-Bildung. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaards Sortiment. Pamphlet, ca. 1931
505T. Kornerup. Von der Urform 5-töniger Skalen zu den goldenan Tönen elektrischer Instrumente. Deutsch nach dänischem Manuskript von P. Friedrich Paulsen. Herausgegeben den. später gedruckt. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaards Sortiment. Pamphlet, 27, April 1931
Inscribed by the author.
506JOHANN BAPTIST SCHENK. J. B. Schenk. "Autobiographische Skizze," offprint from the Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, vol. 11, pp. 75-85, (1924)
[Introduction by G. Adler.]
507HEINRICH SCHENKER. M. K.[?]. Review of Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, edited by Schenker, clipping from Dor Abend(Vienna), no. 208, p. 5, (16 December, 1926)
508LILLY SCHNITZLER. Anon, "Der Selbstmord der Lilly Schnitzler," in the Wiener Sonn-und Montags-Zeitung, vol. 66, no. 31, pp. 1-2, (30 July, 1928)
509ARNOLD SCHÖNBERG. Arnold Schönberg und seine Orchesterwerke. Special issue of Pult und Takstock, March/April 1927
Contains the following articles:H. F. Redlich. "Schönbergs Tonalität" and "Zu Schönbergs Instrumentierung zweier Bachscher ChoralvorspieleJ. Horonstein. "Verklärte Nacht."H. Jalowetz. "Die Gurrelieder."E. Felber. "Pelleas und Melisande."E. Kunwald. "Die Kammersymphonie."T. Wiesengrund-Adorno. "Orchesterstücke Op. 16."A. Zemlinsky. "Einige Worte über das Studium von Schönbergs 'Erwartung.'"E. Stein. "Die Behandlung der Sprechstimme in 'Pierrot Lunaire.'"
5010BRUNO SCHÖNLANK. H. Roselieb. "Ein sozialistisches Chorwerk," in the Frankfurter Zeitung, vol. 68, no 884, p. 1, (29 November, 1923)
[Review of Der Moloch, a choral work by Schönlank.]
5011FRANZ SCHREKER. "Auszug aus der Presse über die Schreker-Woche in Essen 1.-6. Mai 1922 [und] Die Berliner Erstaufführung von 'Der Schatzgräber'". Vienna: Universal Ed. Printed brochure, 3, April 1922
5012ARTHUR SCHUBART. A. Schubart. "Zulu. Eine Geschichte," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
5013C. E. Deutsch. "Schubert und die Frauen. Vortrag, gehalten in der 27. Schubertiade am". offprint from the 47. Jahrbuch des Schubertbundes, Vienna, 1910
5013M. E. "Der neue Schubert-Brunnen," in Der Tag, vol. 6, no. 1540, p. 4, (16 March, 1927)
5013E. Hanslick. "Zum Schubert-Jubiläum. II. ('Der vierjährige Posten' und 'Die Verschworenen' im Hofoperntheater)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11653, (31 January, 1897)
Very poor condition.
5013J. A. Jaksch. "Das Schubertjahr und das grosse Sängerfest," in the Reichspost (Vienna), vol. 35, no. 1, p. 10, (1 January, 1926)
5013V. Kehldorfer. "Schuberts 'Deutsche Messe,'" in the Reichspost, vol. 35, no. 1, p. 10, (1 January, 1928)
[The same issue of the newspaper carries a review by M. Springer of E. Krenek's Jonny spielt auf on p. 18.]
5013R. "Concerts," clipping from an unidentified newspaper [Neue Freie Presse?], no, 11679, (26 February, 1897)
[Report on the Schubert festival concert of the Conservatory.]
5013A. S. "Schubert als religiöse Componist," clipping from Vaterland, vol. 38, no. 31, (31 January, 1897)
Poor condition.
5013Wiener Bilder, Illustrierte Wocheschrift, vol. 333, no. 48, (25 November, 1928)
[Issue contains pictures of events connected with the Schubert Contennial, pp. 1, 8-9.]
See also:, Clippings, E. Hanslick, Box 48.
5014HEINRICH SCHÜTZ. H. Daffner. "Heinrich Schütz' Historia von der Geburt Jesu Christi (1664). Neuzeitliche Erstaufführung am in the Dresdner Nachrichten, vol. 54, no. 343, 9, Dezember 1909 (11 December, 1909)
Poor condition.
5015E. Hanslick. "Aus Robert Schumann's letzten Tagen. Mit ungedruckten Briefen von ihm. I.," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11558, (27 October, 1896)
Poor condition.
5015G. Minotti. Die Inträtselung des Schumann'schen Sphinx-Geheimnisses. Leipzig/ Vienna: Ludwig Doblinger. Pamphlet, 1924
Inscribed by the author.
5016BEDRICH SMETANA. —la. "Friedrich Smetana. Zum Jahrestag seines Todes," clipping from an unidentified newspaper n.d.
Corrections in ink, apparently by the author.
5017A. Smijers. "Gesangen van de Orde des Zaligmakers of Van de H. Birgitta," in St. Gregorius-blad, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 117-27, (July, 1918)
5017A. Smijers. "Hymnen in het Graduale," in St. Gregorius-blad, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 101-13, (June, 1918)
5018JOHANN STRAUSS. Anon. "Johann Strauss," in the Neue Freie Presse, no. 12492, pp. 1-2, (4 June, 1899)
Another anonymous article on the occasion of Strauss' death appears on pp. 6-8.See also.' Clippings, E. Hanslick, Box 48.
5019R. Batka. "Also sprach Zarathustra. Schwärmbrief eines Gläubigen," clipping from Beilage zur Bohemia, no. 101, pp. 1-3, (11 April, 1897)
5019E. Hanslick, "Concerte. (Gesellschaftsconcert.-Musikaufführung von Richard Strauss.), clipping from, the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13085, (27 January, 1901)
[On Ein Heldenleben.]
5019E. Hanslick. "Concerte. (Philharmonisches Concert)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11704, (23 February, 1897)
[Review of Also sprach Zarathustra.]
5019J. Korngold. "Hofoperntheater. ('Der Rosenkavaliar.'...)," clipping from, the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
5019J. Korngold. "Musik. (Richard Strauss im Philharmonischen Konzert...), clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
5019J. Korngold "Richard Struass' 'Salome'. Ein Gespräch," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse. no. 15360, (28 May, 1907)
5019M. Noreau "'Salome ' in Paris," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 15345, (12 May, 1907)
5020JAN PIETERSZN SWEELINCK. M. Seiffert. "Zu Band I der Werke Jan Pieterszn Sweelinck's," offprint from Tÿdschrift der Vereenigung voor Noord-Nederlands Muziskgeschiedenis, Deel V, 1 Stu. Berlin, Ostein, 1895
Dated by the author
5021Anon. "Die Entwicklung des reformierten Kirchensgesangs in der deutschen Schweitz," offprint from the Schweizerischen Musikzeitung, nos. 28 and 29, 26 October 1907 and 9 November, 1907
5021R. Brandstetter. "Musik und Gesang bei den Luzerner Osterspielen," offprint from Geschichtsfreund, vol. XL. Dated, at the end of the article, 5 February, 1885
5022THE TALMUD. A. Strauss. "Der babylonische Talmud," clipping from an unidentified paper [the Neue Freie Presse?], n.d.
5023ALEXANDER WHEELOCK THAYER. E. Prieger. "Alexander Wheelock Thayer," offprint from the General-Anzeiger für Bonn und Umgegend, no. 2698, (27 July, 1897)
5024L. Bettelheim-Gabiloon. "Der weg zur Theatergemeinde," in the Neues Wiener Tagblatt, no. 329, pp. 3-4, (30 November, 1929)
5024Claude-Andre Puget. "La Ligne de Coeur (comédie en trois actes), full script in La Petite Illustration, No. 558-Théatre No. 288, (2 January, 1932)
5024E. Wertheimer. "Das Hetz-Ampitheater in Wien," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 10928, (25 January, 1895)
5024A. Wildgans. "Mein Kampf gegen die Bundestheaterverwaltung," in the Neue Freie Presse, no. 21027, pp. 1-4, (25 March, 1923)
5025HUGO THIMIG. P. Schlenther. "Hugo Thimig. Der Leiter des Wiener Burgtheaters," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
5026FRIEDRICH GUSTAV TRIESCH. Anon. "Friedrich Gustav Triesch," clipping from Die Zeit, vol. 6, no. 1675, p. 2, (25 May, 1907)
[Obituary of the Austrian playwright.]
5027UNIDENTIFIED CLIPPING. Clipping from an unidentified Czech newspaper, apparently containing a report on a work by Z. Fibich
5028U.S.S.R. Sample issue of Moskauer Rundschau, no. 2, (18 May, 1929)
with subscription order card.
5029Anon. "Giuseppe Verdi," in the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13086, pp. 1-2. Newspaper damaged, (28 January, 1901)
[Various reports, on the occasion of Verdi's death.]
5029E. Hanslick. "Giuseppe Verdi," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d., [1901]
[On Verdi's death.]
5029E. Hanslick. "Verdis 'Falstaff.' (Persönliche Erinnerungen.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 14320, (7 April, 1904)
5029M. "Briefe Verdi's," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13720, (3 January, 1902)
5030CORNELIS VERDONCK. M. Seiffert. "Cornelis [sic] Verdonck," offprint from Tÿjdschrift der Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis, Deel V, Stuk 3
5031Anon. "A Beginning with Austria," clipping from the Morning Post, London, n.d., [ca. 1920?]
5031Anon. "Wie sich der Herr Sektionsrat Lebensmittel verschafft," clipping from the Neues Wiener Journal, n.d.
5031R. von Kralik. "Im Wiener Wald," clipping from the Wiental-Zeitung, vol. 3, no. 4. , p. 1, (1 April, 1911)
5031S. Loewy. Altwiener Familien, Tagblatt-Bibliothek Nr. 164/165. Vienna: Stoyermühl Verlag. Pamphlet, 1925
5031J. Minor. "Ein Verein für deutsche Literatur in Wien," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 20 September, 1903
5032Anon. Gebäude und Kunstsammlungen der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien und ihres Conservatoriums. Vienna: Selbstverlag der Gesellschaft der-Musikfreunde. Pamphlet, 1872
5032M. Kalbeck. "Ein 'Musikbuch aus Oesterrcich,'" in the Neues Wiener Tagblatt, vol. 38, no. 69, pp. 1-3, (9 March, 1904)
5032J. Korngold. "Musik. (Italianische Musik.-Kammerkonzert Nilius.-Bruckners F-Moll-Messe.-Ernst Decsey: 'Die-Spieldoss-.'-Klavierkonzert von Cyrill Scott.-Schwedisches Ballett.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
5032J. Korngold. "Der Musik in der Weltkrise," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 20829, (25 August, 1922)
5032J. Korngold. "Musik. (Uraufführung von Bruckners F-Moll-Symphonie.-Kammer-orchester.-Novitäten an Virtuosensbenden.-Phil harmoisches Abendkonzert.), clipping from the Neue Ferie Presse, no. 21024, (22 March, 1924)
5032H. R. "De Weensche Muziekfeesten," article in two parts, clipping from the Algemeen Handelsblad [Amsterdam?], 7 June, 1928 and 8 June, 1928
[In part on the Schubert contennial.]
5032A. Sauer. "Ein verschellaner Aufsatz Grillparzer's," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 10469, p. 4, (3 November, 1893)
[On an article by Grillparzer about the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde.]
5033VIENNA NATIONAL LIBRARY. W. Weckbecker. "Zehn Jahre Nationalbibliothek," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 14 July
5034Anon. "Hofoperntheater. ('Flauto solo, ' musikalisches Lustspiel von Hans v. Wolzogen. Musik von Eugen d'Albert," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
5034Anon. "Schneiderhan über die Zukunft der Oper. Das Verbleiben Schalks kommat nicht in Betracht," in Die Stunde, vol. 6, no. 1726, pp. 1-2, (12 December, 1928)
5034E. Hanslick. "Hofoperntheater. ('Rothkäppchen' von Boieldieu. Neu einstudirt. [sic]), "clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11223, (21 November, 1895)
5034L. Karpath. "Das Schicksal der Wiener Staatsoper," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
[On Schalk.]
5034J. Korngold. "Hofoperntheater. ('Samson und Dalila, 'Oper von Ferdinand Lemaire, Musik von Saint-Saëns.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 15347, (14 May, 1907)
5034J. Korngold. "Die Krise im Operntheater," clipping, from the Neue Freie Presse. n.d.
[On Schalk.]
5034J. Korngold "Operntheater. (Epilog zum Spieljahr.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 21837, (1 July, 1925)
5034J. Korngold. "Operntheater. (Neustudierung; von 'Falstaff' unter General-musikdirektor igon Pollak.-Schicksalsfragen des Operntheaters.)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 21652, (23 December, 1924)
5034J. Korngold. "Operntheater. Neuszenierung der 'Walküre.' Marie Jeritza als Brünhilde," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 23566, pp. 1-2, (23 April, 1930)
Lacks conclusion.
See also: Clippings. G. Mahler. Box 49.
5035Anon. "Die juridische Fakultä;t über den mangelnden Ehrenschutz im Press-nd Stratrecht," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 22013, (25 December, 1925)
5035Anon. "Der Kampf um die Universitäten," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 15551, pp. 5-8, (6 December, 1907)
[Report of a parliamentary debate.]
5035Anon. "Eine Kulturschande an der Universität. Die antisemitischen Anschlagtafeln in der Aula. Von akademischer Seite," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 22366, p. 6, (20 December, 1926)
5035Anon. "Die Kulturschande dauert fort'," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 22369, p. 3, (23 December, 1926)
5035E. von Philippvovich. "Disziplin und Ordnung an der Universität," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 17553, p. 7, (6 July, 1913)
5035E. Schwind. "Die Wiener Universität und Oesterreichs Hochschulpolitik. Die Mittel zur Rettung der Universität," in the Neue Freie Presse, no. 218148, pp. 2-5, (12 July, 1925)
5036NICCLÒ VICENTINO. J. Wolf. "Das Arciorgano des Nicola [sic] Vicentino (1561)," in Der Deutsche Instrumentenbau, no. 35, pp. 299-302, (7 August, 1900)
5037VIOLINS. E. Schebeck. "Der deutsche Ursprung den Geingenbaues in Italien," clipping from Die Presse, vol. 25, no. 3277, (27 November, 1872)
511Anon. "Ein Protest anlässlich ciner 'Parsifal' Aufführung," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, p. 6, 9 January, 1903
511Anon. "Richard Wagner in Wien," clipping from an unidentified newspaper [Neue Freie Presse?], n.d.
511Anon. "Richard Wagner. Sein Schicksal und sein Gedanke. Das Verhältnis zur Politik. Zum fünfzigsten Todestage.," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 24576, p. 21, (12 February, 1933)
511Anon. Review of the observations of Albert Fries on Wagner's style presented in the Gesellschaft für deutsche Literatur, offprint from Studien zur vergeleichenden Literaturgeschichta, vol. 9, no. 1, (22 April 1908) (1909)
511Anon. "Wagner's 'Ring des Nibelungen in Bayreuth. II," clipping from an unidentified newspaper. Article headed "Wien", 14 August
511Anon. "Wagner's 'Ring des Nibelungen in Bayreuth. III.," clipping from an unidentified newspaper. Article headed "Wien", 16 August
[Clipped together with E. Schelle, "Das Bayreuther Bühnenfestspiel," listed below.]
511Anon, "Wagner's 'Ring des Nibelungen in Bayreuth. IV.," clipping from an unidentified newspaper. Article headed "Wien", 17 August
[Clipped together with pt. II of this series.]
511J. Bayer. "Ein letzter Wunsch Dingelstedt's," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 11574, (12 November, 1896)
511W. D. "Richard Wagner als Mensch. Vortrag der Geheimrätin Daniels Thode-Bülow im Redcutensaal," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 23195, p. 12, (12 April, 1929)
511R. Fiege. "Richard Wagner und Hector Berlioz," clipping from Beilage zur Norddeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung, no. 185, p. 1, (10 August, 1900)
511K. Holl. "Cosima Wagner. Grundlinien cines Schicksals.," clipping from the Reichsausgabe der Frankfurter Zeitung, no. 289-91, p. 14, (18 April, 1930)
511F. F. von Hornstein. "Zwei unveröffentlichte Briefe Richard Wagners an Robert v. Hornstein. (Zur Erklärung der auf Robert v. Hornstein bezüglichen Stellen in Wagners 'Mein Leben.')," clipping iron an unidentified newspaper, n.d., [after 1908]
511L. Karpath. "Hans Richter über die Parsifalfrage.," clipping; from the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, vol. 56, no. 394, pp. 1-2, (25 August, 1903)
511W. Kienzl. "Betrachtungen an Richard Wagners fünfzigstem Todestag.," clipping from the Beilage der Neuen Freien Presse, no. 24576, p. 21, (12 February, 1933)
511J. Korngold. "Richard Wagner und Wien," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse , no. 23727, (2 October, 1930)
511A. Lorenz. "Kunstform-Kunstgeist," offprint from the Bayreuther Blätter, festival issue, 1927
Inscribed by the author.
511L. Marcus. "Cosima. Zum hundertsten Geburtstage Cosima Wagners, clipping from an unidentified periodical, n.d., pp. 1239-41, 25. Dezember 1837
511P. Marsop. "Der Kern der Wagnerfrage. (Museumskunst oder Bühne der Labenden?) Ein Epilog in Aproismen.," offprint from the Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, no. 228, (4 October, 1902)
511O. Merz. "Richard-Wagner-Festspiele im Prinz-Regenten-Theater," in the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, vol. 57, no. 380, pp. 1-2, (16 August, 1904)
511O. Merz. "Richard-Wagner-Festspiele im Prinz-Ragenten-Theater," in the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, vol. 57, no. 381, pp. 1-2, (17 August, 1904)
511E. Schelle. "Das Bayreuther Bühnen-Festspiel," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
511E. Schelle. "Das Bayreuther Bühnen-Festspiel," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
[Clipped together with anon., "Wagner's 'Ring...' III," listed above.]
511E. Schelle. "Bayreuther Bühnenfestspiele. 'Siegfried.', " clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 17 August and 18 August
Two parts included in the same edition. [Clipped together with the following articles of W. Singer.]
511W. Singer. "Bayreuther Bummel brief," clipping from an unidentified newspaper. Headed Bayreuth, 8 August
[This an the following, articles by Singer are all clipped together. Although no year is given, these articles, as well ay the anonymous ones and those by Schelle, all probably date from 1876, when the first complete performances of the Ring were given at Bayreuth.]
511W. Singer. "Aus Bayreuth.," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 9 August
511W. Singer. "Aus Bayreuth. ," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 10 August
511W. Singer. "Aus Bayreuth.," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 10 August
[Differs from the preceding.]
511W. Singer. "Aus Bayreuth... (Die Ankunft des Deutschen Kaisers.-Der Kaiser von Brasilien.-Wiener in Bayreuth. O Allerlei)," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 13 August
511W. Singer. "Aus Bayreuth," clipping from an unidentified newspaper, 18 August
511H. Stegner. "Richard Wagner und Amalie Friedrich-Materna," clipping of a two-part article from the Neue Freie Presse, n.d.
[The first part is from issue no. 13691.]
See also: Clippings, E. Hanslick, Box 48.
512SIEGFRIED WAGNER. G. Schoenaich. "'Der Bärenhäuter' (in drei Akten von Siegfried Wagner.-Erste Aufführung am Hoftheater in München am 22. Jaä;ner 1899)," clipping from the Wiener Tagblatt, vol. 49, no. 26, (26 January, 1899)
513"WALTHER VON DER VOGELWEIDE. Publisher's folder, containing facsimiles, music and text from Hans Joachim Moser's Minnesang und Volksliec (Leipzig: Carl Merseburger, n.d.).
514B. "Neues deutsches Theater. (Der Freischütz...)," in Beilage zur Bohemia, no. 226, pp. 1-2, (16 August, 1899)
[B. may possibly be Richard Botka.]
514E. Hanslick. "Hofoperntheater. ('Der Freischütz')," clipping frora the Neue Freie Presse, October 1898
514E. von Komorzynski. "Ein Vorfahr des 'Freischütz'-Textes," offprint from an unidentified periodical, pp. 332-34, 8 July, 1901
Continuation of the following article. Inscribed
514E. von Komorzynski. "Zwei Vorlüufer von ,Webers 'Freischütz, offprint from an unidentified periodical, pp. 267-68
Inscribed and dated as in the preceding entry.
515JAROMIR WEINBERGER. O. von Pander. "Weinbergers 'Schwanda,'" clipping from an unidentified newspaper, n.d.
516PAUL FELIX WEINGARTNER. F. Weingartner. "Ueber musikalische Form," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 15455, (1 September, 1907)
517HANS W. WILCZEK. A. F. S. "Graf Wilczek. (Zu scinem siebzigsten Geburtstage.),". clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, [ca. 1907]
518Author unidentified. "Hugo Wolf," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13830, (26 March, 1903)
[The last column is damaged, obliterating the name of the author. Wolf died 22 February, 1903.]
518R. Kukula. "Erinnerungen an Hugo Wolf," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 13827, (23 February, 1903)
519ERMANNO WOLF-FERRARI. H. Kralik. "'Der Schmuck der Madonna,' Oper in drei Akten. Text von Zangarini and Golisciani. Musik von Brmanno Wolf-Ferrari. Erstaufführung im Operntheater.," clipping from an unidentified paper, n.d., [1911]
5110H. ELLIS WOOLDRIDGE. H. Riemann. Review of H. E. Wooldridge, The Polyphonic Period. Part I.-Method of Musical Art, vol. 1 of the Oxford History of Music, in The Monthly Musical Record, vol. 32, no. 373, pp. 6-8, 13, (1 January, 1902)
5111JOHANN KASPAR ZEUSS. V. Lederer. "Der Vater der Keltologie (Zum 100. Geburtstag von Johann Kaspar Zeuss 22. Juli 1906)," clipping from the Neue Freie Presse, no. 15059, pp. 17-19, (26 July, 1906)
5112Acta Musicologica. Vol. XI, fasc. I-II, III, IV, (1939)
5113Allmän Musiktidning. Vol. 1, nos. 4, 5, 6, 7-8, (February-April, 1928)
5114Bayreuther Blätter. Vol. 48, nos. 1, 2, February, 1925 May, 1925
5115Berliner Signale. Zeitschrift für die musikalische Welt. V. Jahrgang, no. 20, (15 October, 1898)
5116Blätter der Staatsoper. VI. Jahrgang, no. 4, (December, 1925)
[Wozzeck issue.]
5117Bollettino Ceciliano. Vol. XXIII, no. 2, (February, 1928)
5118Bulletin de la Société Suisse de Musicologie. 2. Jahrgang, no. 4, (31 December, 1935)
5119Cäcilien-Vereins-Organ. Musica Sacra. 60. Jahrgang for the former, 59. Jahrgang for the latter, no. 3, (March, 1929)
[combined periodical]
5120Der Chormeister. 2. Jahrgang, no. 1, (January, 1928)
5121Die christliche Kunst. XXI. Jahrgang, no. 8, (May, 1925)
5122Le courrier musical & théâtral. Vol. 30, no. 1, (1 January, 1928)
5123Deutsche. Rundschau. 20. Jahrgang, no. 7, (April, 1894)
5124Europäische Revue. II. Jahrgang, no. 8, (1 November, 1926)
5125Die Gesellschaft. XVII. Jahrgang, first April no., first and second May nos, (1901)
521Gregorianische Rundschau. 4. Jahrgang, no. 3; 10. Jahrgang, no. 6/7, (1 March, 1905) (June/July, 1911)
522Gregoriusbote für kathelische Kirchensänger. 52. Jahrgang, no. 3, (1936)
523Der Kirchencher. XXIII. Jahrgang, no. 8; XXVIII Jahrgang, no. 11; XXIX. Jahrgang, no. 11, (15 August, 1893) (15 November, 1898) (15 November, 1899)
524Kunst und Leben. I. Jahrgang, no. 1, (April, 1918)
525Mitteilungen der Max Reger-Gesellschaft. Vol. 6; vol. 7, (April, 1927) (May, 1928)
526Musica. Allgameine Österreichische Musikzeitschrift. VII. Jahrgang, no. 5, (December, 1935)
527Musica sacra. XXXIV année, no. 1; no. 3, XXXV année, (Easter, 1927) (September, 1927) (September, 1928)
528Musica Sacro-Hispana. Ano IV, no. 13, (June, 1910)
529Musica viva. No. 1, (April, 1936)
5210 The Musical Antiquary , October, 1909
5211The Musical Herald. No. 730, (1 January, 1909)
5212The Musical Leader. Vol. 51, no. 44, (4 November, 1926)
5213The Musical Times. No. 797. Vol. 50, (1 July, 1909)
5214[Musikblätter des] Anbruch. Special issue: Italy. 7. Jahrgang, (August/ September, 1925)
5215Das National theater. I. Jahrgang, nos. 1, 2, 3, (1928/29)
5216Das Nebelhorn. I. Jahrgang, no. 21 and no. 22, (1 November, 1927) (15 November, 1927)
5217Neue Musik-Zeitung. 26. Jahrgang, no. 1; 29. Jahrgang, no 3; 49. Jahrgang, no. 2 and no. 24, (20 October, 1904) (31 October, 1907) (1928)
5218Neue Musikalische Rundschau. I. Jahrgang, no. 20/21, (16 July, 1897)
5219Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. 85. Jahrgang, no. 22/23, (6 June, 1918)
5220Nord und Slid. Vol. 13, no. 37, (April, 1880)
Die Oper. Blätter des Breslauer Stadttheaters (Opernhaus). No. 1, (1926/27 season)
531Das Orchester. 4. Jahrgang, no. 2 (15 January, 1927) and no. 11, (1 June, 1927)
532Österreichische Rundschau. Vol. 27, no. 2, (15 April, 1911)
533The Oxford Magazine. Vol. XLIII, no. 24, (18 June, 1925)
534Die Sängerhalle. 35. Jahrgang, no. 9, and no. 10, (28 February, 1895) (7 March, 1895)
A further issue, prosoly no. 8 of this same year, is incomplete.
535Santa Cecilia. Anno XXVIII, no. 4, (October/November, 1926) (December, 1926)
536Schweitzerische Musikzeitung und Sängerblatt. 75. Jahrgang, no. 21, (1 November, 1935)
537Signale für die Musikalische Welt. 62. Jahrgang, no. 44; no. 45; 46; 47; 48; 63. Jahrgang, no. 73/74, (17 August, 1904) (24 August) (31 August) (7 September) (14 September) (13 December, 1905)
538Slovanská Revue. 3 issues, unnumbered, 1934/35
539Der Weihergarten. Verlagsblatt d. Hauses B. Schotts Söhne Mainz. 1931, nos. 10, 11 and 12, no. 7/10 and no. 11 (special number); no. 1/2, no. 3/4, no, 1, no. 2/4, no. 5 (Hausmusik issue); 1937, no. 2, October, 1933 November, 1933 December, 1933 (July/October) 1934 (January/February) (March/April) 1935 (January) (April) (October)
5310Die Workstatt der Kunst. XVII. Jahrgang, no. 29, (15 April, 1918)


5311Internazionale Musik-und Theater Ausstellung, 1892
5312 Richard Wagner Vorlesungen , 1904/05
5313Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 1, 1909
from newspapers, grouped by newspaper.
541Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 2, 1909
542Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 3, 1909
543Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 4, 1909
544Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 5, 1909
551Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 6, 1909
552Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 7, 1909
553Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 8, 1909
554Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 9, 1909
561Haydn-Zentenarfeier. Folder 10, 1909
562"Eduard Hanslick. Rede, gehalten bei der Enthüllung der Büste in der Universität.", 1913
563 Gustav Mahler , 1914/16
In addition, letters and cards from the following: Leopold Adler; R. von Ficker; K. Kobald; A. F. Pribram; R. Schwartz; W. B. Weckbecker; Ludwig Winter.
564"Musikgeschichtlicher Unterricht an Gymnasien und Realschulen.", 1914/16
In addition, letters and cards from the following: H. Abert; A. Becker; A.[?] Dopsch; O. Drinkwalder [?]; M. Dvoark; M. R. von Hussarek; C. von Krauss; J. C. Kreibig; T. Eroyer; E. von Ottenthal; — Reitterer; A. Sauer; F. Schmidt; H. Spelthahn; P. J. Wagner; E. Wellesz.
565Adler's 60th Birthday, 1915
566"Tonkunst und Weltkrieg" and "Weltkrieg und Musik.", 1915/17
In addition, letters and cards from the following: Ludwig Braun; J. F. von Chlumecky; M. von Fesch; D. Feuchtwang [?]; R. R. von Förster-Streffleur; C. Gomperz-Bettelheim;.C. R. von Hartel; M. R. von Hussarek; J. R. von Karabacek; F. Leithe; E. Mauthner; A. & D. Meinong; — Montenuovo; E. von Ottenthal; O. Redlich; — Schiessl; J. Seemüller; E. Seydl; H. Voltelini; W. B. Weckbecker; E. Wellesz; Ludwig Winter; H. Zschokke.
567Adler awarded the title of "Hofrat.", 1919
568Mahler-Fest, Amsterdam, 1920
569Handbuch der Musikgeschichte (1st ed.), 1924/25
5610Adler's 70th Birthday, 1925
5611The Founding of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, 1927
5612Adler's Retirement and the Selection of His Successor at the University of Vienna, 1927
5613Mozart-Tagung at Salzburg, 1927
5614The Schubert Centenary Contest to Complete the Unfinished Symphony, 1927/28
571Beethoven-Zentenarfeier, 1927
572Handbuch der Musikgeschichte (2nd ed.), 1930
573Adler's 75th Birthday, 1930
574Alder's 80th Birthday, 1935
[The envelope preserved with this item suggests that a larger group of clippings was preserved, but at some time removed from the collection, perhaps by Adler's son.]
575Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich. Folder 1
576Denkméler der Tonkunst in Österreich. Folder 2
577Miscellaneous Activities. Folder 1
578Miscellaneous Activities. Folder 2
579Notes by Adler for Programs in which he participated (Part IV)

Academic Notes, Reports, and Records

Part V of this inventory records a heterogeneous assemblage of materials that relate to many different sides of Adler's involvement with teaching, and with the educational system in which he worked. The documents range from the beginning of his teaching career in 1880 to his retirement in 1927, and include in addition to substantial groups of notes and musical examples, copies of several dissertations, lists of students, correspondence connected with several specific situations at the University of Vienna, and copies of a number of important reports recommending educational reforms. In addition, as noted at the end of the first entry, further material relating to Adler's appointments to various posts is described in the folder ADLER: FAMILY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS in Part VI, Box 65 (physically located in oversize Box 71). As in other sections of the inventory, references to all correspondence included here are also found in Part II. Also cited there are the contributors to the apparently unknown manuscript Festgabe of 1918.


601Academic activities. 1 folder containing documents that a) MS curriculum vitae b) MS request for admission to the faculty of the University of Vienna as Privatdocont, dated Vienna c) 1 TLS from the Dean of the faculty of philosophy, and 2 drafts of Adler's reply, October 1880 28 October, 1880 October 1927
mark the beginning and end of Adler's academic career.concerning the relinquishing of his post
6011 folder of miscellaneous letters and drafts of letters by Adler, marked "Akademisches."
6012 ALS, one from Friedrich Ludwig (Göttingen) and one from Hermann Abert (Berlin). Also TS copies of these letters, 15 February, 1927 6 February 1927
giving Adler their opinions about possible successors to his post.
6012 TLS, one from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde , the other from the Akademie für Musik und darstellende Hunst in Wien, 13 November, 1923 and 24 , November, 1923
on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Musikhistorisches Institut.
6011 folder of material on: a) the Akademische Gesangverein (1 TLS); b) the Vienna Internationale Rochschulkurse (7 TL); c) Akademische Konzerte (containing of notes by Adler.), 1919 1923-28
601L. Boltzman. 2 ALS, dated Vienna, 27 November 1898 3 December, 1898
601A. Bruckner. 1 MS draft of a report, Vienna. supplement to this report, 2 December, 1898
on filling the post in harmony and counterpoint, left vacant after the death of Brucker, in poor condition.
601MS draft of a report on some unidentified issues of a work on Bruckner, n.d.
601W. Fischer. 1 folder of leaves of notes on Fischer. Marked, June 25
601R. Goldschied. 1 envelope of materials, including a copy of Goldschied's article "Die Pflanzstätten der Wissenschaft als Brutstätten der Reaktion," from Arbeit und Wirtschaft, IV. Jahrgang, no. 4 , pp. 121-26; 1 TLS from the rector of the university, and a draft of a letter by him to the vice chancellor W. Breisky; MS drafts of 2 letters by Adler, (15 February, 1926) March, 1926
601J. Gregor. 1 MS letter, from Gregor, Vienna, 15 May, 1919
reviewing his background "In Angelegenheit der von mir angestrebten Übertragung meines Lektorates für Musik an die Universität Wien..."
601A. Meinong. 2 TS letters, Graz, 21 December, 1898 21 June, 1899
601I. Mendelsohn [?] 1 MS draft of a letter
labelled "Ad Mendessohn [sic] Dissert."
601P. Pisk. 1 envelope containing 13 drafts of letters and reports, Ca. 1917
material connected with Pisk's work
601F. Schmidt. 1 TLS from Alfred Majer. Dated Vienna, 31 January, 1924
concerning an honorary doctorate for Franz Schmidt.
601H.Sperker. 1 envelope marked "Dr. Sperker," containing a copy of a TS letter from W. Meyer-Lübke to an unidentified student, Bonn and 1 MS letter of recommendation by A. Norexn [?] for Dr. Hans Sperker, Upsala, 1 January, 1916 17 September, 1914
601R. Strauss. 1 typescript report
on the possibility of awarding Richard Strauss an honorary doctorateFor important additional material on Adler's academic career, see the section on "Appointments to various posts" in the folder ADLER: FAMILY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS, in special oversize BOX 71 (listed under BOX 65 below).


602Five unruled notebooks
containing lists of books on various topics. Labelled as follows: "Bücher-Index; I. Supplement zu dam Bücher Index; II. Supplement zu dem Buecher Index (Musikgeschichte); Index III. Supplement. (Musikgeschichte).; Index IV. Supplement (Musiktheorie u. Instrumentation).; Index V. Supplement (Aesthetik u Tonkunst). Undated.
603Dissertation: Georg Knepler. Georg Knepler. "Dio Form in den Instrumental werken Johannes Brahms." Typescript, [1930]
604Dissertation: Otto Modler. Otto Modler. "Fritz Egon Pamer. Eine monographische Studie." Typescript, 1926
605Dissertation: Egon Neumann. Egon Neumann. "Die Operetten von Johann Strauss. Ihre Formen und das Verhältnie von Text und Musik," Typescript, [1919]
606Dissertation: Heinrich Schmidt. Heinrich Schmidt. "Formprobleme und Entwicklungslinien in Gustav Mahler's Symphonien." Typescript, 1929


607Memorandum. MS. Vienna, October 1883
6071 MS letter to the Ministerium für Cultus und Unterricht. Prague, March 1886
607"Memorandum betreffenden eine Reform unserer Musik-Pädagogik und insbesondere die Hebung der ersten Musikschule Oesterreichs, des Konservatoriums der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien." Typescript. Vienna, Christmas, 1904
607"Memorandum erstattet im Auftrage Sr. Excellenz des Herrn Ministers für Kultus und Unterricht, Dr. Wilhelm v. Hartel," MS. Also of notes; 2 ANS and 1 ALS from A. von Zemlinsky, undated; 1 ALS from K. von Wiener, 1904 31 January, 1905
Undated, but probably a preliminary form of the report listed above.
6072 TLS from the K. K. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna. MS drafts of 2 letters by Adler of notes, 20 March, 1909 and 29 March, 1909
and signed by K. von Wiener.
6071 TLS from the K.K. Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien with a MS sheet enclosed, 8 June, 1912
signed by G. Marchet
607Untitled report. Typescript. Vienna, 27 July, 1920 3 January, 1920
Together with it is a TLS from "Der Unterstaatssekretär" (signature unclear) requesting the advice of Adler and an appointed committee, Vienna
607"Statut für die Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst." Two unsigned drafts. Typescript. In addition, "Gliederung des Unterrichtes an der Staats-Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst." Typescript. notes by Adler, June 1920
Signature unclear.
607Draft of untitled report. MS., 1920 27 July, 1920
Preliminary form of the untitled report listed above.
607"Auszug aus den provisorischen Statut für die Lehrerbildungskurse an der Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien." Anonymous report. Typescript, 1925
not by Adler
607"Entwurf für das Statut einer Musikpädagogischen Akademie am Konservatorium Mozarteum in Salzburg." Typescript, 1928
Anonymous report, not by Adler. [See also the correspondence connected with the following report.]
607Report of the Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst to the Bundesministerium für Unterricht on the possibility of a Musikpädagogisches Seminar at the Akademie. Typescript. Vienna. In addition: 2 TLS from the Bundesministerium; carbon of 1 reply from Adler; MS draft of another reply; and a report on the proposal, 4 February, 1928 11 June, 1928
(signatures unclear)
607MS draft of a letter to Ignaz Friedman. notes
listing teachers in various areas of music.


"Musikgeschichtliche Studien. Sr. Hochwohlgeboren Herrn o. H. Universitäts-professor, Vorstand des musikhistorischen Institutes der Wiener Universität Dr. Phil, et Jur. Guide Adler anlässlich seiner 20-jährigen Lehrtätigkait als Ordinarius und zum Erscheinen des 25. Jahrganges der Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich als Festgabe üoerreicht von Mitaliedern und Teilnehmern des musikhistorischen Institutes der Wiener Universität. 1918." Bound volume, with hand-inscribed title page, and 399 typescript pages.In special box.Table of contents :Inhaltsverzeichnis-p.I.Vorrede [by Alfred Orel]-p. III.Systematische Uebersicht-p. IX.Eugenie Alter. "W. Ebner's Kaiservariationen und J. J. Froberger's Variationen 'Auff die Maÿerin'"-p. 1.Leo Birkenfeld. "L. van Beethoven's Jugendkenzert in Le-dur nit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Harmonik und Klaviertechnik"-p. 15.Edith Dub. "Balletti Kaiser Leopold's I"-p. 33Richard von Ehrmann. "Die Klavier-und Orgeltoccaten von J. J. Froberger"-p. 59.Martha Maria Frank. "Die vorklassischen Züge in der Setzweise von Gottlieb Muffat's Componimenti musicali"-p. 71.Melanie Grafczyńska. "Die melodischen Varianten des "Christ ist erstanden' in den Trienter Codices"-p. 81.Hedwig Kraus. "Die strengen Former, in den Werken J. J. Freberger's"-p. 117.Jaroslav Krupka. "Die Instrumentalstücke in M. A. Costi's "il pomo d'oro"-p. 141.Charles Laroche. "Zur Rhythmik und Fermenbildung der Arien in M. A. Costi's "il pomo d'oro"-p. 143.Nanette Leibewicz. "Die Violintechnik in H. F. Biber's Violinsonaten 1681"-p. 175.Dr. Alfred Orel. "Dufay's Salve regina und die liturgische Melodie diesar Antiphon"-p. 185.Laura Posthorn. "Zwei Kirchensonaten von J. J. Fux"-p. 303.Helene Richter, "Die Variationen in den Violinsonaten von H. F. Biber 1681"-p. 323.Toni Wortmann. "Der Variations-Zusammenhang zwischen Allenande und Courante in den Elaviersuiten J. J. Froberger's"-p. 349.Fritz Zoref. "M. A. Costi's "il pomo-d'oro" in bühnentechnischer Beleuchtung"-p. 359.Josef Zuth. "Kaiser Joseph II. Aria für die Leute"-p. 389.
612FESTGABE: MUSIKGESCHICHTLICHE STUDIEN: MUSICAL EXAMPLES. Bound volume, with hand-inscribed title: "Musikgeschichtliche Studien. Notenbeilagen."
Manuscript examples for the articles of Dub, Grafczyńska, Krupka, Orel, Wortmann, and Zuth in the volume cited above.

Lists and Miscellaneous

613Bound indexed notebook. "Verzeichniss von Tonkünstlern, die in Oesterreich geboren sind oder daselbst in hervorragender Stellung gewirkt haben. Einzelner, die in enger Beziehung zu den musikalischen Verhältnissen in Oesterreich gestanden sind. Guido Adler.", 1890
614COMPOSERS AND THEORETICIANS. MS list, with the heading "Componisten und Theoretiker nach Groves Dictionary u. Andern. Zusammengestellt von Dr. H. Rietsch."
Columns give name, birth and death dates, and occasional notes.
615COMPOSERS AND THEORETICIANS. Notebook with the label "Biographische Liste/ Hirschfeld," Together with this notebook are found two further lists, both also manuscript
The first, has the heading "Componisten u. Theoretiker." Names and dates are given on the first page; thereafter only names appear. The second list is divided into various categories: a) "Die Componisten-Schulen nach W. Rockstro's Artikel im Dictionary of music von G. Grove zusammengestellt von Dr. Heinrich Rietsch," b) "Verzeichnis der Abbildungen von Musikinstrumenten in Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Dr. H. Rietsch)," c) "Die einzelnen Kunstgattungen und ihre Hauptvertreter nach Grove's Dictionary u. A. zusammengestellt v. D. H. Rietsch," d) "Musikalische Institute nach Grove's Dictionary verzeichnet v. Dr. H. Rietsch."
in paper folder. Heading on the first page: "Musikalien aus der Gesch." Some later segments are headed "Manuscripte & Bilderwerke In Adler's hand.
622EDITIONS OF EARLIER MUSIC. MS list, ca. 1840 and ca. 1876
Lists a variety of volumes containing earlier music. The volumes included were published
in index form, labelled "Werke/Tafeln." One leaf is devoted to each composer, and the composers included are largely from the 16th and 17th centuries. In each case the composer's name is given, then the dates and names of various works (usually published compositions).
712SUPPLEMENT TO "THE MUSICAL WORLD"- several printed photographs of several figures in the music field, composers, performers, scholars, etc.
624Text of "Mein Niederösterreich." typescript
labelled "Hanusch 'Bundeshymne'" in blue pencil.
624One large chart for "Die Technik des Schul-und Chorgesanges," by Walther Lehner. Vienna, n.p., n.d.
624Facsimile: "Handschrift Leopold I. Doppelseit aus dem 'Miserere." From the Musikalische Werke der Kaiser Ferdinand III., Leopold I., und Joseph I. vol. I, following p. 256

Musical Examples

in ink and pencil, from various Medieval and Renaissance theoretical works (John of Garland, Gafurius, Zarlino, etc.)
notes, in ink (dealing with Arabic, Ethiopian, and Russian music).
in ink. Drawn from various works on Greek music.
in ink and pencil. Examples from the 13th through the early 15th centuries.
in ink and pencil, drawn largely from modern works and Renaissance treatises of the 15th and 16th centuries. notes on notation. printed examples (Dufay) extracted from an unidentified work.
in ink and pencil. Chant, and 16th-century pieces represented. 1 printed chart of neumes in their various historical forms.
6211MISCELLANEOUS. 1 musical notebook with of musical examples. 1 printed pamphlet with of musical examples
(Dunstable to Frescobaldi), mostly very brief. almost entirely from the Medieval period (monophonic and polyphonic pieces), copied out in ink. Marked in pencil "Polnische Tänze."
(in separate folder in oversize BOX 71). Multiple copies of 18 different pages, illustrating notations of various types. About half of the examples are of lute and keyboard tablatures. The others are of Medieval and Renaissance polyphonic pieces.
in pencil.
in ink and pencil. printed examples. The works range from Adam de la Halle to Lassus.
in ink, principally of Western folksongs, with some oriental melodies. Also included, however, are; 1 printed page of Russian songs, from an unidentified work; and 1 printed page of "Die Delphische Apollon-Hymne der Athener," transcribed, with a piano accompaniment, by H. Riemann, published as a "Beilage zur 'Allgemeinen Musikzeitung' No. 24. Den
in ink. Manuscript notes.
proportional notation. notes on proportions and their signatures.
ink. The examples are largely of secular monophonic songs of the Medieval period and of folk songs, but some polyphonic songs and some sacred works are included.
634Tablatures (Organ pieces)
in ink and pencil, drawn from the works of Tinctoris. notes.


636BOOK PURCHASES. list, notes
printed announcements of books and music.
637COLLEGIUM MUSICUM. notes, ca. 1914
Manuscript bibliography of performance practice
638LISTS OF STUDENTS, 1900 to 1912/13
by semester. The outer folder is labelled "Uebungen. Hörerverzeichnisse." The individual roles are marked "Uebungen" or "Erklären & Bestimmen." Each list gives names followed by several columns, marked "Facult.: Referat; Theor. Part.; Gesch.; Anmerkungen."
638Lists of students, 1900/1 to 1913
by semester. All are marked "Mhist; Institut." The following the same pattern as the preceding series.
638Notes on various students, 1925/26
indicating projects on which they are working.
connected with various members of the Institut (Haas, Gal, Fischer, Stüker, Sperker).
"Das obligate Akkampagnement in den Symphonien von Josef Haydn. (Band I-III)," typescript report, with musical examples. Marked "Sommersemester." [Adler's work of 1925, Which has a similar title, is in fact entirely different.]
6311STATUTES, January 1908 June 1919 June 1899 and 1 January, 1902
"Musikhistorisches Institut der k. k. Universität Wien. Institutsordnung." 1 printed page, recto and verso. signed by Adler. 2 manuscript drafts of the same work."Ergänzung zum Statut des Mh. Inst." MS. In Adler's hand."Bibliotheksordnung," and "Ergänzungen zur Bibliotheksordnung." MS. notes.Copies of the printed statutes of other schools or departments: "Statut des archäologisch-epigraphischen Seminars der k. k. Universität Wien". "Seminarordnung. Musikhistorisches Seminar der Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität Berlin."; "Statuten des k. k. Institute für österr. Geschichts-forschung."; "Satzungen des Vereins Deutscher Hochschullehrer."; "Statuten des Seminars für deutsche Philologie an der k.k. Universität in Wien." "Satzungen der königlichen akademischen Hochschule für Musik in Berlin."


ink and pencil. On Loewe and other composers of ballads in the Romantic period.
in ink.
largely lists of books on various musical topics and brief notes containing bibliographic references to one or two individual volumes.
in ink.
The first, marked "Chronolog: Tafeln," consists ink, and contains a chronological listing of major events and composers in the history of music. The second, marked "Chrnol. Tabellen 1. Periode u. Vorzeit," consists ink, and is principally a series of notes for the Handbuch. The third is labelled "Moderne aus Schering Tab. consists in ink, with a chronological listing for the period indicated.
6317REPORT ON THE LIBRARY FOR THE YEAR 1925/26, 1925/26 20 September, 1926
"Bericht über die Bibliothek des Musikhistorischen Institutes an der Universität Wien für das Jahr. MS. Signed by L. Nowak. documents connected with the library (miscellaneous book lists and orders, etc.).
ink and pencil.
ink, with 1 typed page.
ink. Largely devoted to Schubert, but with 3 leaves on early German song. Also 1 leaf with a photograph of a page from the Görzer Codex no. 447, and a transcription in ink of song reproduced ("Wellich man in sorgen leit").
ink and pencil, with 3 leaves of musical examples.
646LECTURE BY E. HüCKEL, September 1877
ink, with the heading "Die heutige Entwicklungslehre im Verk: zur Gesamtwissenschaft." Record of a lecture by E. Hückel, heard in Munich. In Adler's hand.
ink and pencil on a variety of different topics, some identifiable, some not. The largest group (45 leaves) consist of notes on various publications dealing with the motet.
ink and pencil.
ink and pencil.
ink and pencil; 2pp. in ink; 1 printed pièce, "Danza rustica" by N. Medtner, Op. 38 ("Notenbeilage zu Muskblätter des Anbruch, June 1922").
ink and pencil in a folder marked "Varia aus ubgn: Sonate, MA Theorie Mus ficta Palestrina." The specific breakdown is as follows: Sonata; Mass, 8; Partita, 1; Medieval Theory, 15; Palestria, 34 Musica ficta, 38.
6412MISCELLANEOUS (WELLESZ, NETTL, HEUSSIGER, ETC.), 18 June, 1839 April 1922 (27 January, 1938) 1897 and 1899 (26 November, 1898) (2 January, 1938) (2 January, 1938) (5 December, 1937)
including drafts of 6 letters. Also a carbon of 1 letter. concerning the transfer of the Denkmäler library to Alfred Orel. Addressed to A. Kocirz. Other material includes the following: notes on the relationship of the metrical work of Wellesz to that of La Rode; notes labelled "Heussiger-Urteil Waltershausen," notes or a draft of a letter to P. Nettl; drafts of letters to several unidentified individuals; draft of a letter to the Lese und Redehalle der Deutschen Studenten, Prague; and drafts of letters to Elvira [?] Rocca, Yolanda and Carlo Rocca, and Alice Politzer.
in ink.
in ink.
Bound notebook, in soft covers, with cover torn. Labelled "Prof, Mühlbacher Paleographie Dr. Guido Adler." in ink.
in ink and pencil.
in ink.
653TABLATURES, 1909 1912
"Die Umschreibung der Tabulaturen in Musik," carbon, concluding with the names E. J. Dent, J. Écorcheville, A. Koczirz, and J. Wolf. Report of the tablature commission of the IMG. Published in the Zeitschrift der internationalen Musikgesellschaft, pp. 3-8.
654VARIATIONS, 21 May, 1901
ink. Also 1 APC from Felix Rosenthal


reproduced from a manuscript original. Lacks title page and any indication of authorship. Perhaps related to the course of Mühlbacher cited above.


All printed.
656Statuten der Ortsgruppe Wien der 'Internationalen Musikgesellschaft," n.d.
656Rigorosonordnung für die philosophische Facultät [University of Vienna]. Vienna: A. Halzhausen, 1899
656K. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende kunst in Wien. Schulstatut II. Teil: Lehrplan, Vienna: Verlag der k. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellence Kunst, 1918
656Statut der Staats-Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien. Vienna: Verlag der Staats-Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst, 1920


657TAGORE: CANDIDATES FOR POSITION, June 1921 or July 1921 8 July, 1921 18 July 1921 and 3 August, 1921 21 July, 1921 25 June, 1921 23 July 1921
Adler received a request from Rabindranath Tagore for applications for a position in India. Tagore's letter is not found among Adler's papers, but the manuscript draft of a reply, marked "July," together with notes and letters from five people whom he contacted, are preserved. The letter include: Heinrich Knoll, 1 ALS, Keitzendorf, N.Ö; Ernst Jokl,2 ALS, n.p., Josef Gregor, 1 ALS, Vienna; Walther Klein, 1 ALS, Vienna, together with a "Short outline of my career" in English; and Kurt Roger, 1 ALS, Vienna, together with "My curriculum vitae" in English.

Personal Records and Documents

The largest number of folders in this division of the papers contain bills and receipts for the years from 1931 to 1936. The most important documents, however, are those found in the oversize folder labeled ADLER: FAMILY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. Preserved here are many of the official forms that mark a number of the important stages in Adler's life, and help to establish a precise record of his activities.The folders found in Boxes 68 through 70 accommodate all those documents which could not be included, for any of a variety of different reasons, in the six main divisions of the papers, or among the bound volumes in the general library, Box 71 contains important oversize materials of all types. Attention may be drawn here to the photographs, the memorial albums from students, and an interesting set of tuning forks. Duplicate copies of various works by Adler, already described in Part I of the inventory, are found in the remaining boxes. An important adjunct to the papers, also kept in the Special Collections division of the University of Georgia Library, is the portrait of Adler in his later years painted by Tom Richard von Dreger.

Address Book and Adler Family Records and Documents

658One bound and indexed notebook labelled "Adressen."
One large black board folder contains the following documents.
713Schreibubungen [early alphabet book illustrated with pastoral engravings]
658BBerger family. 1 manuscript letter, dated Vienna, 12 October, 1896
addressed to the "Theodor Berger'sche Kinder." Also the testament of Heinrich Berger, undated.
658BBirth certificates. For Guido Adler. For Betty Berger, 26 December, 1856 29 September, 1889
Manuscript, Eibenschitz. Gives birthdate as 1 November 1885. Printed form. Gives birthdate as 12 July, 1859.
658BDeath notices. All printed. For Frau Fanni Adler, geb. Eisenschitz, Milan, 9 October, 1885 11 April, 1889 9 October, 1885 25 March, 1885
Also a death certificate for her, dated Milan, [sic], giving as the date of death. Also for Bernard Lisenschitz, Milan
658BFamily information. Document headed 'Auskünfte,", 22 March, 1866
signed by Dr. Joachim. Oppenheim, Rabbi at Eibenschitz. Gives dates of marriage of Adler's parents (1842); death of father (19 December, 1856); births of the children Klementine (1843) ; Emilie (1844); Robert (10 November, 1845); Ernst (15 June, 1848); Leopold (6 March, 1850); and Guido (1 November, 1855).
658BMarriage certificate. For Guido Adler and Betty [Betti] Berger, 22 March, 1887
Printed form. Date given, in Vienna.
658CMomentos of Adler's children. 2 manuscript birthday letters from Melanie. 3 holiday messages. 2 manuscript stories. 1 essay "Lob der Tanne,", 1 November, 1897 1 December, 1902 24 December, 1904 Christmas 1901 and Christmas 1902 Christmas 1900
Hubert Joachim, one undated, (in French), one card. The handwriting is uncertain, but appears to be that of Melanic. The handwriting is the same as that found in the stories.
658CVaccination certificates. For Guido Adler. For Hubert Joachim Adler, 5 April, 1856 and 1 May, 1856 6 October, 1904
Eibenschitz. Vienna, for prior vaccination in Prague in 1900.


Each 1 leaf unless otherwise specified.
714Curriculum vitae, in Adler's hand. Dated Vienna, September 1883
714"Schul-Zeugnis. K. k. Hauptschule zu Iglau.", 2 August, 1864
714"Schul-Zeugnis. St. Ignaz Knaben-Pfarrhauptschule zu Iglau.", 25 February, 1865
714"Schul-Zeugnis. St. Ignaz knaben-Pfarrhauptschule zu Iglau.", 2 August, 1865
714"Von Seite der israelitischen Religionschule." Iglau, 28 February, 1862
714"Von Seite der israelitischen Religionschule.' Iglau, 24 July, 1864
714"Von Seite der israelitischen Religionschule." Iglau, 17 July, 1865
714"Gymnasial-Zeugnis. Wien k. k. akadm. Gymnasium.", 22 February, 1868
714"Gymnaisal-Zeugnis. Wien k. k. akadem. Gymnasium.", 25 July, 1868
714"Maturitäts-Zeugnis. K. k. akadem. Gymnasium in Wien. Zeugnis der Reife zum Besuche einer Universität.", 7 October, 1873
714Printed from admitting Adler to the study of law at the University of Vienna, 20 December, 1873
715"Absolutorium." Adler's record of study at the law school of the University of Vienna, 1873 to 1877
716Printed form admitting Adler to the practice of law, 7 November, 1878


All manuscript unless otherwise, noted.
741Staatsprüfungszeugniss." "Adprobirt worden." Vienna, 15 July, 1875
741"Privatdocent für Musikwissenschaft" at the University of Vienna, 25 April, 1881
741"Unbesoldeter ausserordentlicher Professor der Musikwissenschaft" at the German university in Prague, 6 November, 1885
741"Collegia publica.", 6 February, 1886
741Salary from winter semester 1887/8 on. 800 Gulden, 28 June, 1887
741Permission for leave for summer semester, 1887, 13 March
741Grant of 200 Gulden for the Vierteljahreschrift für Musikwissenschaft from the German University at Prague, 19 September, 1887
741Salary from the Winter semester 1887/8. As in 4 above, 27 July, 1887
741Confirmation of academic position, 15 May, 1889
741Permission to begin academic work on 9 November, 27 October, 1891
741Appointment as "Ordentlicher Professor." Salary: 1200 Gulden, 6 February, 1893
741Leave for summer semester 1896, for study trip, 24 April, 1896
741Raise in salary from 1200 florins to 1500 fl. effective 1 January 1898, 28 June, 1897
741[The same in substance as preceding], 17 July, 1897
741Appointment as "ordentlicher Professor der Theorie und Geschichte der Musik" at the University of Vienna. Basic salary of 2200 Gulden; activity allowance of 800 Gulden; personal allowance of 300 Gulden, 23 July, 1898
741Raise in salary to 3200 Gulden; in personal allowance 400 Gulden, 18 October, 1898
741Raise of activity allowance from 1600 to 1840 Kronen, 18 March, 1907
741Raise of regular salary from 7200 to 8000 Kronen. Typescript, 30 September, 1908
742Prague. Appointment to the "Sachverständigen-Collegien in Angelegenheiten des Urheberrechtes in Frag als Mitglied für den Bereich der Tonkunst.", 21 December, 1897
742Vienna. Appointment as member of the "k. k. Prüfungscommission für das Lehramt der Musik in Wien.", 9 September, 1898
742Vienna. Appointment to the "Prüfungscommission für das Lehramt der Musik an Mittelschulen und Lohrerbildungs-anstalten" for the period from 1904/05 to 1906/07, 24 September, 1904
742Vienna. As in item 3 above, for the period from 1907/08 to 1909/10, 17 July, 1907
742Vienna. Plan to form a Kuratorium for the state take-over of the Vienna Conservatory, 12 October, 1908
Signed G. Marchet. Typescript.
742Vienna. As in item 3 above, for the period from 1910/11 to 1912/13, 12 November, 1910
742Vienna. Adler's appointment to the Kuratorium for the k. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst for a three-yeer period, 21 November, 1908
742"Statut des Kuratoriums der k. k. Akademic für Musik und darstellende Kunst."
Typescript. Undated, but probably accompanying the preceding document.


743Rome. Manuscript letter from Reale Accademia di Santa Cecilia , 11 December, 1893
indicating Adler's election to the Reale Accademia di Santa Cecilia.
743London. Printed certificate making Adler an honorary member of The Musical Association manuscript letter, 11 December, 1900 18 December, 1900
from the secretary J. Percy Baker
743Vienna. Manuscript letter of commendation from Bishop L. Mayer, 23 June, 1909
Adler's work in connection with the Haydn festival and congress.
743Vienna. Two manuscript documents confirming the award of the Order of the Iron Cross, Third Class to Adler. Letters, 7 July, 1909 10 July and 23 July
743Vienna. Typescript letter from the Ministerium für Cultus und Unterricht, 28 November, 1913
signature unclear, conveying the commendation of the emperor for Adler's work on the Denkräler.
743Amsterdam. Printed commendation, 1929
from the Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst.


658ATwo copies of the Stiftbrief of the Vorstand. "Regulativ des Curatorium der 'Freiherrlich von Rothschild 'schen Künstlerstiftung,", 1899 20 October, 1899
together with two copies. One copy of the latter
658AOne manuscript letter, Vienna, 8 January, 1903
from the Curatorium der Freiherrlich von Rothschild'schen Künstlerstiftung, signed H. Klinger [?]
658AOne typescript letter, Vienna, 11 December, 1911
from the same Curatorium, signature unclear.
658AOne typescript letter, Vienna, 27 February, 1912
from the Vorstand, together with another copy of the documents cited in the first entry above.
658AOne manuscript letter, Vienna, 27 November, 1927
signed Dr. Alois Pick.
658AOne report, 5 November, 1902
in shorthand.
658AOne page of notes
on the works of several composers (David Rubin; Leo Ascher; Heinrich Fiedler; Karl Lasner; Rudolf Braun; Marcell Eile). Undated.
658ACarbon of one letter to the editorial office of the Neue Freie Presse. one typescript reply from the editorial office, 12 June, 1934 16 June, 1934
concerning the articles Adl