1. Correspondence box folder Request box 23 66 Agnes W. Venable Watkins to Francis Nathaniel Watkins, 1830 box folder Request box 8 1 Watkins family correspondence (photocopies), 1830-1867 box folder Request box 23 58 Mary Denny Muhlenberg Hopkins to Isabella Barr Denny Florence (copy), 1842 box folder Request box 8 2 Correspondence, 1842-1848 8 3 Correspondence, 1850-1859 8 4 Correspondence, 1860-1869 8 5 Agnes Watkins to cousin George, 1864 8 6 Milton P. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1865-1895 box folder Request box 9 11 Milton P. Jarnagin miscellaneous correspondence, 1866-1879 box folder Request box 8 7 Cousin George Petersburg correspondence (photocopy), 1867 box folder Request box 23 65 George Venable to Agnes Venable Watkins (photocopies), 1867 box folder Request box 8 10 Martha Watkins correspondence, 1867-1902 8 8 Correspondence, 1870-1879 8 9 Hetty Shields Jarnagin, 1873 8 11 Hettie Jarnagin and Martha Jarnagin postcards, 1878 8 12 J. Hull to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1875-1884 box folder Request box 19 21 J.F. Cochran life insurance correspondence, 1878-1917 19 22 Correspondence, 1879 box folder Request box 8 19 Mrs. Agnes V. W. Jarnagin postcards, 1879 8 20 Milton P. Jarnagin to family correspondence, 1879-1895 8 13 Correspondence, 1880-1884 8 14 Judge Milton Jarnagin case correspondence, 1880-1883 8 16 Woolen Mill correspondence, 1881-1885 box folder Request box 9 5 Milton P. Jarnagin Mossy Creek correspondence, 1881-1886 box folder Request box 8 15 Milton P. Jarnagin real estate correspondence, 1882-1894 box folder Request box 19 23 R. Dudley Frayser to Milton P. Jarnagin postcards, 1882-1886 19 24 Union and Planters Bank of Memphis, Tennessee correspondence, 1882-1887 19 26 R. Dudley Frayser to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1882-1894 box folder Request box 8 37 Glenmore correspondence, 1882-1891 8 17 Milton P. Jarnagin postcards, 1883-1899 box folder Request box 19 25 Merritt family life insurance correspondence, 1883-1887 19 27 Postcards, 1884-1906 box folder Request box 22 109 Dr. C.M. Greve to Mrs. C.M. Greve, 1884 box folder Request box 8 18 Agnes W. Jarnagin correspondence, 1885-1895 8 21 Correspondence, 1885-1886 box folder Request box 19 28 Milton P. Jarnagin hernia correspondence, 1885-1992 19 29 Union and Planters Bank of Memphis, Tennessee postcards, 1886 19 30 Milton P. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1887-1895 box folder Request box 8 22 Milton P. Jarnagin and Dillion Kans, 1883-1884 box folder Request box 9 1 A. Watkins to Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1883-1890 box folder Request box 8 23 Judge Milton Jarnagin case correspondence, 1884-1886 8 24 John D. Murrell to Milton P. Jarnagin Bayou Goula, 1885-1895 8 25 Zinc Ore correspondence, 1884-1892 8 26 Milton P. Jarnagin and Dillion Kans, 1885-1886 8 27 Milton P. Jarnagin East Tennessee politics correspondence, 1886-1893 8 28 Correspondence, 1887-1889 8 29 Judge Milton P. Jarnagin Tally-Ho and Glenmore Plantation correspondence, 1887 8 30 Milton P. Jarnagin and Dillion Kans, 1887-1894 box folder Request box 22 107 Dr. C.M. Greve to Mrs. Jeanette Greve postcards, 1887 box folder Request box 23 70 Harriet Otis Smith correspondence, 1887-1889 box folder Request box 9 6 Milton P. Jarnagin Mossy Creek correspondence, 1887-1891 box folder Request box 8 31 Woolen Mill correspondence, 1888 8 32 Woolen Mill correspondence, 1888-1901 8 33 Judge Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1888-1893 box folder Request box 21 42 Greve family correspondence (photocopies), 1888-1943 box folder Request box 8 34 Milton P. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1889-1895 8 35 Milton P. Jarnagin and Dillion Kans 8 36 Correspondence, 1890-1899 8 38 Woolen Mills correspondence, 1890-1904 8 39 Milton P. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1890-1904 8 40 Family correspondence, 1891-1893 8 41 Harriet S. Jarnagin correspondence, 1892 box folder Request box 9 2 Milton P. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1892-1893 box folder Request box 8 42 Family correspondence, 1893 box folder Request box 9 3 Zinc Ore correspondence, 1893-1907 9 4 Family correspondence, 1893-1896 box folder Request box 8 43 Judge Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1894-1895 8 44 Correspondence, 1896-1905 box folder Request box 9 7 Milton P. Jarnagin Mossy Creek correspondence, 1894-1895 9 8 Agnes W. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1895-1897 9 9 Hetty S. Jarnagin to Agnes Watkins Jarnagin, 1895 9 10 Agnes W. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1898 9 12 Harriet S. Jarnagin correspondence, 1899-1909 9 13 Mary Bynum Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1900 9 14 Martha Scott Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1900 9 15 Milton P. Jarnagin friend correspondence, 1900 9 16 Mary Bynum Jarnagin to Martha Scott J. Evans, 1893 9 17 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin to Frank Watkins Jarnagin, 1896-1897 9 18 Milton P. Jarnagin miscellaneous correspondence, 1876-1895 9 19 Agnes Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1883-1888 9 20 Fred H. Quincy to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1892 9 21 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin correspondence, 1869-1896 box folder Request box 10 1 J.B. Mosley to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1891 box folder Request box 20 3 Milton P. Jarnagin Mossy Creek Woolen Mill correspondence, 1891-1895 20 4 Howell E. Jackson to Milton P. Jarnagin on labor unions, 1892 20 10 John F. Cochran to Agnes Jarnagin, 1891 box folder Request box 21 106 Death of Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1892-1895 box folder Request box 22 108 Anna Dorothy Greve to Dr. C.M. Greve, 1892-1899 box folder Request box 10 2 Land sale negotiations with Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1895 10 3 Cousin George at Petersburg, Virginia, 1865-1868 10 4 Milton P. Jarnagin to Agnes V. Watkins, 1870-1878 10 5 Agnes V. Watkins to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1870-1872 10 6 Martha Ann Watkins to Agnes Venable (Watkins) Jarnigan, 1856-1894 10 7 Sarah E. Merritt Life Insurance correspondence, 1883-1889 10 8 Henry Croft to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1883-1886 10 9 Howell E. Jackson to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1884-1895 box folder Request box 27 35 Jarnagin sibling correspondence, 1884-1987 box folder Request box 10 10 Henry Croft to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1888-1894 10 11 Woolen Mills correspondence, 1894-1895 10 12 Milton P. Jarnagin sympathy telegrams, 1895 10 13 Agnes W. Jarnagin correspondence, 1895-1908 10 14 Glenmore correspondence, 1894-1896 10 15 Milton P. Jarnagin sympathies, 1895 10 16 Woolen Mill correspondence, 1896-1898 box folder Request box 19 32 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1895 19 31 Frank Watkins Jarnagin correspondence, 1896 19 33 Harriet S. Jarnagin correspondence, 1896 19 34 Harriet S. Jarnagin to Martha Scott Jarnagin, 1896 19 35 Harriet S. Jarnagin to Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1896 box folder Request box 20 1 Agnes W. Jarnagin to Frank Watkins Jarnagin, 1897-1898 box folder Request box 10 17 Milton P. Jarnagin business correspondence, 1896-1898 10 18 Family correspondence, 1897-1903 box folder Request box 20 2 Martha Scott Jarnagin to Frank W. Jarnagin, 1898 box folder Request box 10 19 Milton P. Jarnagin miscellaneous correspondence, 1890-1896 10 20 Milton P. Jarnagin miscellaneous correspondence, 1897-1904 10 21 Baker Kimel University letter on Milton P. Jarnagin II's progress, 1898 box folder Request box 20 5 Minerva Murrell Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1899 20 6 Martha Scott Watkins to Mrs. Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1899 20 9 Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1899-1900 box folder Request box 22 110 Julia Marguerite F. Greve, 1899 box folder Request box 20 7 Frank W. Jarnagin miscellaneous correspondence, 1900 box folder Request box 10 22 Family correspondence, 1900-1910 box folder Request box 20 11 John F. Cochran life insurance correspondence, 1901 box folder Request box 10 23 Dorothy Greve at University of Tennessee, 1901 10 24 Dorothy Greve at University of Tennessee, 1902 10 25 Dorothy Greve at University of Tennessee, 1902 10 26 Dorothy Greve to Dr. C. M. Greve, 1903 10 27 Milton P. Jarnagin Jr. and Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1903-1905 10 28 Dorothy Greve to Dr. C. M. Greve, 1904-1905 box folder Request box 11 1 Dorothy Greve at University of Tennessee, 1903 11 2 Dorothy Jarnagin at University of Tennessee 11 3 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Dorothy Greve, 1903 11 4 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Dorothy Greve, 1903 11 5 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Dorothy Greve, 1903 11 6 Thomas H. Allen to Dorothy Greve, 1903-1906 11 7 Mrs. Martha J. Evans after the loss of her baby, 1903 11 8 Thomas Evans to Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1903 11 9 Agnes W. Jarnagin on execution of Milton P. Jarnagin's will, 1903 11 15 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1903 11 16 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1903 box folder Request box 13 4 Frank W. Jarnagin and Milton P. Jarnagin, Jr. business correspondence, 1903-1909 box folder Request box 28 12 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Dorothy Greve, 1904 box folder Request box 11 10 Dorothy Greve at University of Tennessee, 1904 11 11 Dorothy Greve at University of Tennessee, 1904 11 12 Dorothy Greve miscellaneous correspondence, 1904 11 13 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to Mrs. C. M. Greve, 1904 11 14 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to Dr. C. M. Greve, 1904 11 17 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, 1904 11 18 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, 1904 11 19 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, 1904 11 20 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, 1904 11 21 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, 1904 11 22 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1904 11 23 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1904 11 24 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1904 11 25 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1904 box folder Request box 12 1 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, October-December 1904 12 2 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1903-1904 12 3 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, March-May 1905 12 4 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, May-July 1905 12 5 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, January-March 1905 12 6 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, April-May 1905 12 7 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, January-March 1905 12 8 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, June-September 1905 12 9 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, October-December 1905 12 10 Dorothy Greve miscellaneous correspondence, 1905 12 11 Paul B. Mayfield to Dorothy Greve, 1905-1906 12 12 Dorothy Greve miscellaneous correspondence, 1906 12 13 Correspondence, 1906-1908 12 14 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, January-March 1906 12 15 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, March-May 1906 12 16 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, May-July 1906 12 17 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, July-October 1906 12 18 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, October-December 1906 12 19 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, January-March 1906 12 20 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, April-June 1906 box folder Request box 13 1 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, June-November 1906 13 2 Dorothy Greve to Milton P. Jarnagin, November-December 1906 box folder Request box 20 8 J.B. Mosley to Mrs. Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1906 20 12 Postcards, 1907-1908 20 13 Correspondence, 1907-1910 box folder Request box 13 3 Samuel J. McAllester to Dorothy Greve, June-December 1907 13 5 Agnes W. Jarnagin on Harriet Jarnagin's death, 1907-1908 13 6 Samuel J. McAllester postcards, 1907-1908 13 7 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, January-February 1907 13 8 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, March-April 1907 13 9 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, May-June 1907 13 10 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, July-August 1907 13 11 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, September-October 1907 13 12 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, November-December 1907 13 13 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, January-March 1907 13 14 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, April-June 1907 13 15 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, July 1907 13 16 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, August 1907 13 17 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, September-October 1907 13 18 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, November-December 1907 13 19 Dorothy Greve correspondence, 1907 box folder Request box 20 14 Martha Scott Evans correspondence, 1908 box folder Request box 13 20 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, January-March 1908 13 21 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, March-July 1908 13 22 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, July-September 1908 box folder Request box 14 1 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, January-March 1908 14 2 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, April-July 1908 14 3 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin, August-December 1908 14 4 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve wedding correspondence, August-September 1908 14 5 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve correspondence, April-June 1908 14 6 Milton P. Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve, August-December 1908 14 7 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, 1908 14 8 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, October-December 1908 box folder Request box 20 15 Postcards, 1909-1950 box folder Request box 26 26 Harriet Cone Greve and Frances Luttrell Powers, 1909-1937 box folder Request box 14 9 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, January-March 1909 14 10 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, August-December 1909 14 11 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin postcards, 1909-1928 14 12 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin telegrams, 1908 14 13 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, 1909 14 14 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, January-July 1910 14 15 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, August-October 1910 14 16 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, November-December 1910 14 17 Correspondence, 1910 14 18 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, January-March 1911 14 19 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, April-June 1911 14 20 Dorothy Greve correspondence, 1911 box folder Request box 20 17 Dr. Cochran to Frank W. Jarnagin, 1912 box folder Request box 14 21 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin book editor correspondence, 1912-1925 14 22 Correspondence, 1912-1915 14 23 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve, 1915-1925 14 24 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to Mrs. C.M. Greve, 1915 14 25 Correspondence, 1915-1919 14 26 Frank W. Jarnagin life insurance policy correspondence, 1917 14 27 Correspondence, 1920-1929 14 28 Janet Jarnagin correspondence, 1923-1930 box folder Request box 27 34 Janet Jarnagin Griffeth wedding correspondence, 1923-1977 box folder Request box 14 29 Janet Jarnagin correspondence, 1925-1947 14 30 Dr. C.M. Greve to Dorothy Greve Jarnagin, June-August 1925 box folder Request box 15 1 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to C.M. Greve 15 2 Harriet Jarnagin to Agnes Jarnagin (photocopies), 1926 15 3 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin book editor correspondence, 1926-1928 15 4 Milton P. Jarnagin III to Dorothy Greve Jarnagin, June-July 1928 15 5 Milton P. Jarnagin III to Dorothy Greve Jarnagin, July 1928 15 6 Correspondence, 1930-1939 15 16 Walter A. Sams, Jr. military correspondence, 1930-1942 15 34 Janet Griffeth to Dorothy Jarnagin, 1930-1940 15 7 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, September-October 1931 15 8 Milton P. Jarnagin III to Dorothy Jarnagin, September-October 1931 15 9 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, November-December 1931 15 10 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, 1931 15 11 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, January-March 1932 15 12 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, March-June 1932 15 13 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, June-August 1932 15 14 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, January-February 1932 15 15 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, March-September 1932 15 17 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, October-December 1932 15 18 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, 1932-1933 box folder Request box 16 5 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin correspondence, 1932-1934 16 6 Walter and Jack to Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1932-1940 16 17 Mrs. Agnes W. Sams miscellaneous correspondence, 1932-1955 box folder Request box 15 19 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, March-December 1933 15 20 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, January-February 1933 15 21 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, March-June 1933 15 22 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, July-December 1933 15 23 Correspondence, 1933-1937 15 24 Tennessee Valley Authority correspondence, 1933 15 36 Agnes W. Jarnagin postcards, 1933-1940 box folder Request box 16 2 Agnes Watkins Sams correspondence, 1933-1934 box folder Request box 15 25 Janet Jarnagin marriage announcement correspondence, 1934 15 26 Dorothy Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin III, January-August 1934 15 27 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford correspondence, 1934 15 28 Dorothy Jarnagin to Dorothy "Beaner" Jarnagin, 1934-1937 15 29 Dorothy Jarnagin to family (copies), 1934-1936 15 30 Dorothy Jarnagin to Harriet Jarnagin and Fan, 1934-1937 15 31 Milton P. Jarnagin III Oxford telegrams, 1934-1936 15 32 Milton P. Jarnagin Oxford correspondence, 1934-1936 15 33 Dorothy "Beaner" Jarnagin to family, 1934-1937 15 35 Walter A. Sams, Jr. to Agnes Jarnagin, 1934-1937 box folder Request box 16 1 Agnes Jarnagin correspondence, 1935-1937 16 3 Agnes W. Jarnagin correspondence, 1932-1934 16 4 Agnes W. Jarnagin Sams correspondence, 1935 16 7 Walter A. Sams to Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1935-1943 16 8 Agnes W. Jarnagin Sams telegrams, 1935-1940 16 9 Agnes W. Jarnagin Sams telegrams 16 10 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. M.P. Jarnagin, 1936-1937 16 11 Dorothy Jarnagin to family, 1936-1938 16 12 Dorothy Jarnagin letters home from Germany, 1938-1939 16 13 Dorothy Jarnagin to Dorothy, Agnes, and Milton P. Jarnagin, 1938-1939 16 14 Janet Jarnaginto Mrs. M. P. Jarnagin, 1938 16 15 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. M.P. Jarnagin, 1939 16 16 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1940 16 18 Dorothy Jarnagin to Dorothy, Agnes, and Milton P. Jarnagin, 1940-1941 16 19 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1940-1942 16 20 Correspondence, 1940-1945 16 21 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1940-1943 box folder Request box 17 1 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1941 box folder Request box 16 22 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1942-1943 16 23 Walter A. Sams telegraphs, 1942-1946 16 24 Walter A. Sams, Jr. military correspondence, 1942-1947 16 25 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. correspondence , 1943-1946 box folder Request box 17 2 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1942 17 3 Mrs. Agnes Sams correspondence from friends, 1942-1981 17 4 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin correspondence (carbon copies), 1943-1947 17 5 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1943-1944 17 6 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1943 17 7 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1944 17 8 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1944-1947 17 9 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1945 17 10 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1945-1947 17 11 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1946 17 12 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1947 17 13 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. correspondence, 1947-1949 17 14 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence, 1947-1950 17 15 Harriet Shields Jarnagin to Dorothy Greve Jarnagin, 1948 17 16 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin correspondence (carbon copies), 1948-1953 17 17 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1948-1951 17 18 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1948 17 19 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1950 17 20 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin 17 21 Correspondence, 1950-1952 box folder Request box 20 16 Postcards, 1951-1961 box folder Request box 17 22 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. correspondence, 1950-1953 17 23 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. telegrams, 1951 17 24 Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin postcards, 1952-1953 17 25 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1952 17 26 Harriet Greve to Dorothy Greve, 1952-1954 17 27 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1953 17 28 Correspondence, 1953 17 29 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin correspondence (carbon copies), 1954-1956 17 30 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. correspondence, 1954-1959 box folder Request box 18 1 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin, 1954 18 2 Correspondence, 1954 18 3 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin correspondence , January-November 1955 18 4 Harriet Greve to Dorothy Greve, 1955 18 5 Harriet Greve to Dorothy Greve, 1956 18 6 Correspondence, 1956 18 7 Condolence letters to Dorothy Jarnagin, 1956 18 8 Condolence letters to Dorothy Jarnagin, 1956 18 9 Condolence letters to Dorothy Jarnagin, 1956 18 10 Dorothy Jarnagin Burnet financial correspondence, 1956-1975 18 11 Dorothy Jarnagin to Sam McAllester, 1956-1957 18 12 Correspondence, 1957 18 13 Condolence letters to Dorothy Jarnagin, 1957 18 14 Harriet Greve to Dorothy Greve, 1957-1958 18 15 Correspondence, 1958 18 16 Correspondence, 1959 box folder Request box 28 8 Burnets in Freiburg, Germany to Griffeths, 1959-1961 28 11 Burnets in Freiburg, Germany to the Griffeths postcards, 1959-1967 box folder Request box 18 17 Milton P. Jarnagin Jr. to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr., 1960-1967 18 18 Correspondence, 1960-1963 18 19 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr., 1960-1977 18 20 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Samuel J. McAllester, 1960-1962 18 21 Mrs. Sams McAllester correspondence , 1961 box folder Request box 28 9 Burnets in Freiburg, Germany to the Griffeths, 1962-1967 box folder Request box 18 22 Agnes W. Sams correspondence, 1963 18 23 Agnes W. Sams correspondence, 1963 18 24 Agnes W. Sams correspondence, 1963 18 25 Agnes W. Sams correspondence, 1963 18 26 Agnes W. Sams correspondence, 1963 18 27 Mrs. Walter A. Sams condolences, 1963 18 28 Mrs. Walter A. Sams condolences, 1963 18 29 Mrs. Walter A. Sams condolence telegrams, 1963 box folder Request box 19 1 Family history research correspondence, 1963-2002 19 2 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1963-1964 box folder Request box 23 71 Mrs. Walter A. Sams genealogical correspondence, 1963-1980 box folder Request box 19 3 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1964-1965 box folder Request box 16 4 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1965-1966 box folder Request box 19 18 Dorothy Sams to Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr., January-July 1965 19 19 Dorothy Sams to Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr., August-December 1965 19 20 Milton Sams to Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr., February-November 1965 19 5 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1968-1969 box folder Request box 23 30 Walter A. Sams Coca-Cola correspondence, 1968-1969 box folder Request box 19 6 Correspondence, 1971 19 7 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1971 19 8 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1972 19 9 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1973 19 10 Milton P. Jarnagin II to Mrs. Walter A. Sams, 1974-1975 19 11 Correspondence, 1978 19 12 Correspondence 19 13 Elk Valley Coal correspondence, 1980-1981 box folder Request box 23 27 Walter A. Sams, Jr. United Investment Council correspondence, 1981 box folder Request box 19 14 Elk Valley Coal correspondence, 1982 19 15 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. correspondence, 1980-1983 19 16 Dorothy Jarnagin to Mrs. Janet J. Griffeth, 1983 19 17 Robert Jackson correspondence, 1987 box folder Request box 20 18 Milton P. Jarnagin correspondence 20 19 Milton P. Jarnagin Mossy Creek Woolen Mill correspondence 20 20 Walter A. Sams III to Mrs. Agnes W. Sams 20 21 Mrs. Agnes W. Sams, Jr. miscellaneous correspondence 20 22 Janet Jarnagin to Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin 20 23 Frank W. Jarnagin to Agnes W. Jarnagin 20 24 Mrs. Agnes Sams correspondence with friends 20 25 Milton P. Jarnagin to Agnes W. Jarnagin 20 26 Agnes Jarnagin to Milton P. Jarnagin 20 27 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin correspondence 20 28 Frank Nathaniel Watkins to Agnes V. Watkins 20 29 Mary Bynum Jarnagin correspondence 20 30 Mrs. Martha Scott Evans correspondence 20 31 Janet Jarnagin to family correspondence 20 32 Jack to Agnes Jarnagin 20 33 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin to Dorothy G. Jarnagin box folder Request box 16 34 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin letter to future self box folder Request box 20 35 Children's letters and cards 20 36 Trip diary and letter from Dorothy Greve Jarnagin 20 37 Mrs. Dorothy J. Burnet correspondence (photocopies) 20 38 Mrs. Willet Kempton to Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. 20 39 Henry Croft to Milton P. Jarnagin 20 40 Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. correspondence 20 41 Miscellaneous postcards 20 42 Miscellaneous correspondence 20 43 Janet Jarnagin to Mr. and Mrs. Milton P. Jarnagin box folder Request box 21 78 Undated military correspondence box folder Request box 22 111 Dr. C.M. Greve to his daughter Dorothy 22 112 Dr. C.M. Greve to his daughters Dorothy, Harriet, and Jeanette box folder Request box 7 83 Birmingham Coal company letter box folder Request box 28 10 Burnets in Freiburg, Germany to the Griffeths, undated
3. Photographs box folder Request box 26 22 Jeanette Sterling Smith Greve, 1870-1930 box folder Request box 24 72 Anna Dorothea Greve, 1886 24 102 Seven Silly Sisters, Dobbs photograph, 1897 24 1 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin, 1898-1957 24 2 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin, undated 24 9 Chattanooga High School division B class, 1900 24 67 Glenmore photographs, 1900-1973 24 7 Samuel McAllester, 1901 24 10 Chattanooga High School division B class, 1901 24 8 Chattanooga High School graduating class of 1902 featuring Harriet Greve (photocopy), 1902 24 79 Greve family photographs, 1903 box item Request box 26 1 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin photograph album, 1903-1914 box folder Request box 24 64 Jarnagin family at Glenmore negatives, 1908 24 66 Glenmore photographs, 1908 24 85 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin, 1908 24 6 Milton Preston Jarnagin III, 1909-1920 24 58 Mr. Walter A. Sams, Jr. photographs, 1910-1950 box folder Request box 27 44 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin diary, 1912 box folder Request box 24 86 Eleanor Jarnagin Evans, 1913 box folder Request box 26 10 Jarnagin family at Glenmore, 1913 box folder Request box 25 11 Buddy and Eleanor Evans at Glenmore, 1913 box folder Request box 24 61 Frank W. Jarnagin photographs, 1915 24 103 Walter A. Sams and Albert Sams, 1915 box folder Request box 26 34 William Francis Griffeth and George Lamar Griffeth, 1916 box folder Request box 24 3 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin and children, 1918 24 88 Milton P. Jarnagin, 1918-1957 box folder Request box 26 27 Harriet Greve at Lake Sunapee, 1919 box folder Request box 25 62 Agnes Jarnagin and Mary Elizabeth Nix photograph, 1923 box folder Request box 24 14 Dorothy Jarnagin and Agnes Jarnagin, 1924 24 70 Agnes Jarnagin and Dorothy Jarnagin at Rockaway Beach, New York, 1924 24 48 Lake George photographs, 1925 box folder Request box 26 29 Jarnagins at Athens Y Camp photographs, 1925-1931 26 28 Janet Sterling Jarnagin, 1928-1939 box folder Request box 24 83 Jeanette S. Greve, 1930 box folder Request box 25 22 Friends of Agnes J. Sams and Walter A. Sams, Jr. identified , 1930-1939 box folder Request box 26 23 Jeanette Sterling Greve Gatlinburg photographs, 1930 26 24 Jeanette Sterling Greve Gatlinburg negatives, 1930 box folder Request box 24 34 Gatlinburg trip photographs, 1930 24 35 Gatlinburg trip photographs, 1930 24 18 Walter A. Sams, Jr. at Fork Knox, 1931 24 33 England Trip photographs, identified, 1931-1932 24 56 Agnes Jarnagin photographs, 1931-1940 24 4 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin and three daughters, 1932-1941 box folder Request box 26 20 European trip, 1932 26 21 European trip negatives, 1932 26 33 Janet Jarnagin, 1932 box folder Request box 24 87 Milton P. Jarnagin at Pebble Hill Plantation photographs, 1935 24 104 Alla Dobbs Sams and Walter A. Sams at St. Simons Island, 1935 24 75 May Cobb Hunnicutt, 1936 box folder Request box 26 5 Jarnagin and Sams families photograph album, 1936-1938 26 35 Katherine Jester Griffeth, 1938 box folder Request box 24 27 Walter A. Sams, Jr. and Agnes Jarnagin at Virginia Beach, 1940 24 28 Family pets, 1940-1968 24 55 Agnes Jarnagin and Walter A. Sams wedding photographs, 1940 box folder Request box 25 23 Friends of Agnes J. Sams and Walter A. Sams, Jr. identified , 1940-1949 25 61 Agnes W. Jarnagin Sams and Walter A. Sams photographs, 1940-1971 box folder Request box 24 44 Family house, 1941-1966 24 17 Jarnagin, Sams, Griffeth and Burnet families group photograph, 1946 box folder Request box 25 56 Allab Dobbs Sams, Dorothy Jarnagin Sams and other photograph, 1947 25 58 Betty Watson, Agnes Jarnagin Sams, Maude Word and Bunny Cox photograph, 1947 box folder Request box 24 42 House on St. Simons, 1948 24 91 Milton P. Jarnagin and Walter A. Sams III photograph, 1949 box folder Request box 25 7 Walter Sams's negatives, 1949 box folder Request box 26 38 S.S. America Cruise photographs, 1949 oversized_box Request oversized_box 2 Milton P. Jarnagin, Dorothy Greve Sams and Walter Sams III, 1949 box folder Request box 24 25 Sea Island Cottage vacation photographs, 1950-1973 24 31 Family cars, 1950 box folder Request box 25 24 Friends of Agnes J. Sams and Walter A. Sams, Jr. identified , 1950-1977 box folder Request box 24 15 Dr. Milton P. Jarnagin portrait presentation banquet photographs, 1951 box folder Request box 25 10 Jacksonville negatives, 1951 box folder Request box 24 93 Milton P. Jarnagin, Governor Marvin Griffin, Richard Kleburg and Walter Forbes, 1955 box folder Request box 25 6 Mrs. Walter A. Sams negatives, 1955 25 16 Party negatives, 1955 box folder Request box 24 54 Farm animals, 1956 box folder Request box 25 17 Christmas Eve negatives, 1956 25 5 Walter A. Sams, Jr. negatives, 1957 box folder Request box 24 43 House on 655 Milledge Circle, Athens, GA, 1958 box folder Request box 25 12 Easter negatives, 1960 box folder Request box 24 50 Christmas decoration photographs, 1961-1970 box folder Request box 25 18 Christmas negatives, 1961 box folder Request box 24 24 Sea Island Cottage vacation photographs, 1962 24 38 Gatlinburg trip photographs, 1963-1968 24 39 Gatlinburg trip negatives, 1963 box folder Request box 26 9 Frank and Mary Jarnagin at Glenmore, 1963 box folder Request box 24 32 Stegman Coliseum photograph, 1964 box folder Request box 25 11 Sea Island trip negatives, 1964 box folder Request box 24 30 "Tom's" plane, 1967 24 98 Sarge Rodman and Robert Kennedy photograph, 1967 24 63 Glenmore negatives, 1968 box folder Request box 26 12 Jarnagin, Evans, and Sams families at Glenmore, 1968 box folder Request box 24 62 Glenmore card photographs, 1972 box folder Request box 25 14 Gatlinburg negatives, 1972 box folder Request box 24 40 Gatlinburg trip photographs, 1973 box folder Request box 25 8 House and kitchen negatives, 1973 25 13 Sea Island trip negatives, 1973 box folder Request box 24 46 Family house (photocopies), 1974 24 47 Dollhouse negatives, 1974 box folder Request box 25 50 Walter A. Sams, Jr. Caspar W. Weinberger and others, 1974 25 68 Milton P. Jarnagin III, 1976 box folder Request box 24 5 Dorothy "Beaner" Jarnagin trip photographs 24 11 School photo, Janet Jarnagin and Agnes Jarnagin 24 12 Janet Jarnagin, undated 24 13 Alpha Omicron Pi group photo, Dorothy Greve and Harriet Greve 24 16 Dr. Milton P. Jarnagin portrait presentation at the Saddle and Sirloin club photographs, undated 24 19 Mr. Walter A. Sams at Coca Cola headquarters photograph, undated 24 20 Jarnagin and Sams families photograph, undated 24 21 Walter A. Sams, Jr., Agnes J. Sams, Walter A. Sams III and Dorothy Greve Sams 24 22 Sea Island Cottage vacation negatives, undated 24 23 Ashantilly photographs, undated 24 26 Sea Island Cottage vacation photographs, undated 24 29 Family horses, undated 24 36 Gatlinburg and Great Smokey Mountains trip photographs, undated 24 37 Gatlinburg and Great Smokey Mountains trip negatives, undated 24 41 Oxford, England photographs, undated 24 45 Dr. Milton P. Jarnagin's house Athens, GA, undated 24 49 Library photographs, undated 24 51 Flora photographs, undated 24 52 Cavalier Hotel photographs, undated 24 53 North Carolina Mountains photographs, undated 24 57 Agnes Jarnagin photographs, undated 24 59 Walter A. Sams, Jr. photographs, undated 24 60 Mr. Walter A. Sams, Jr. and Agnes Jarnagin Sams, undated 24 65 Jarnagin family at Glenmore photographs, undated 24 68 Dorothy Greve and Milton Jarnagin, undated 24 69 Milton P. Jarnagin, Jr. and Milton P. Jarnagin III, undated 24 71 Harriet C. Greve, undated 24 73 Milton P. Jarnagin III, undated 24 74 Dorothy Greve and Harriet Greve 24 76 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin Sams, Dorothy Sams, and Walter Sams, undated 24 77 P.C. Smith home photograph, undated 24 78 Ralph Osborn, undated 24 80 Mrs. Charles M. Greve, undated 24 81 Charles M. Greve, undated 24 82 Joachim Greve, undated 24 84 Jeanette Sterling Greve, undated 24 89 Jarnagin and Evans families photograph 24 90 Milton P. Jarnagin and Walter A. Sams photograph 24 92 Milton Jarnagin and Mr. Winston photograph 24 94 Walter A. Sams, John Wilkens and Julius Bishop photograph 24 95 Milton P. Jarnagin III and his nurse at Glenmore 24 96 Francis Nathaniel Watkins 24 97 Nell Northcutt 24 99 Sams Watkins horse stables, Bishop Park and YMCA property photograph 24 100 Milton Jarnagin and Walter A. Sams at Walter's stables photograph 24 101 Walter A. Sams, Sr. 24 105 Alla Dobbs Sams and Mrs. Ralph Northcutt 24 106 Alla Dobbs Sams and Walter A. Sams box folder Request box 25 1 Negatives 25 2 Negatives 25 3 Negatives 25 4 Mr. Walter A. Sams negatives 25 9 House negatives 25 15 Glenmore negatives 25 19 Cartes de visites, unidentified 25 20 Cabinet card portraits, unidentified 25 21 Miscellaneous photographs 25 25 Friends of Agnes J. Sams and Walter A. Sams, Jr. identified, undated 25 26 Houses 25 27-33 Military in Asia negatives, unidentified 25 34 Float festival photographs 25 35 Landscape photographs 25 36 Children's photographs, unidentified 25 37 Women's photographs, unidentified 25 38 Men's photographs, unidentified 25 39 Children's group photographs, unidentified 25 40-43 Group photographs, unidentified 25 44 Architecture, unidentified 25 45 Women's portraits, unidentified 25 46 Men's portraits, unidentified 25 47 Child portraits, unidentified 25 48 Walter A. Sams headstone photograph 25 49 James Theo Lewis 25 51 Circleville, Ohio family house photograph 25 52 Alla Dobbs Sams, Harriet Greve, Dorothy Greve Jarnagin group photograph 25 53 Alla Dobbs Sam, Walter Sams and Albert Sams 25 54 Albert Sams 25 55 Sams family photograph 25 57 Dobbs and Sams families photograph 25 59 Sams family photograph 25 60 Agnes Jarnagin Sams, Walter A. Sams, Jr. and Milton Sams 25 63 Walter A. Sams vacation photos 25 64 Sally Sams and Robert Chambers 25 65 Dr. Milton P. Jarnagin photographs 25 66 Alla Dobbs Sams 25 67 Alla Dobbs Sams and son box folder Request box 26 1 Milton P. Jarnagin portrait 26 2 Agnes W. Jarnagin Sams portrait 26 3 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin photograph album 26 4 Family photograph album 26 6 Family slides 26 7-8 Negatives 26 13 Milton Preson Jarnagin I tin type 26 14 Smith family tin types, unidentified 26 15 Greve family photographs, unidentified 26 16 Mary Burnet, Katie Griffeth and Betsy Burnet 26 17 Betsy Burnet and Mary Burnet at the Oz House, Atlanta, Georgia 26 18 George Lamar Griffeth 26 19 Minerva Ross Murrell tin type 26 25 Harriet Cone Greve 26 30 Miscellaneous photographs by Dorothy Jarnagin 26 31 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin photograph album 26 32 Harriet Cone Greve 26 36 Miscellaneous, unidentified 26 37 Home Place Plantation, Louisiana 26 39 Athens YWCO photographs and negatives 26 40 Aerial surveys, Research Drive, Athens, GA 26 41 Walter A. Sams Coca-Cola Bottling Co. photographs 26 42 Board of the First National Bank of Athens 26 43 Milton P. Jarnagin friends, unidentified oversized_box Request oversized_box 1 Unidentified woman 1 Reverend G.M. Springer 1 Dobbs family 1 William Toms 1 Houses 1 Unidentified child 1 Drawing of Dorothy Greve Jarnagin 1 Unidentified portrait drawings oversized_box Request oversized_box 2 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin 2 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin Sams 2 Walter A. Sams, Jr. 2 Agnes W. Jarnagin and Walter A. Sams, Jr. oversized_box Request oversized_box 3 Tin Types, identified 3 Opalotypes, identified
4. Personal papers box Request box 1 Agnes Jarnagin college scrapbook, 1930-1933 1 Alla Dobbs scrapbook, July 1898 1 Jarnagin family scrapbook box folder Request box 6 8 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin budget 6 13 Milton P. Jarnagin school report cards, 1924-1925 6 14 Agnes Jarnagin school report cards, 1922-1929 6 15 Dorothy Jarnagin school report cards, 1923-1935 6 16 Janet Jarnagin school report cards, 1917-1933 6 17 Dorothy Jarnagin school certificates, 1926-1931 6 18 Janet Jarnagin school certificates, 1925-1928 6 19 Milton Preston Jarnagin III, 1922-1925 6 20 Frank Watkins Jarnagin school report cards, 1892-1896 6 21 Milton Preston Jarnagin II school report cards, 1895-1900 6 22 Milton Preston Jarnagin II schoolwork, 1896 6 23 Frank Watkins Jarnagin school exams, 1896 6 24 Miscellaneous school work, 1889 box folder Request box 5 25 Miscellaneous school work box folder Request box 6 26 Milton P. Jarnagin agriculture notes, 1904 6 29 Sam J. McAllester Sr. thesis, 1905 6 31 Joke scrapbook 6 32 Walter A. Sams, Jr. report of physical examination, 1939 6 33 Walter A. Sams Augustus, Jr. military records, 1943-1947 6 34 Walter A. Sams, Jr. military documents, 1940-1947 6 35 Walter A. Sams, Jr. United States Army Command and General Staff School Diploma, 1944 6 36 Army extension courses certificate of completion for Walter A. Sams, Jr., 1934 6 37 Walter A. Sams, Jr. handwritten notes 6 42 Milton P. Jarnagin speech, 1945 6 38 Palmer C. Smith memorial, 1900 box folder Request box 7 25 American Kennel Club Stud Book, registration and pedigree for Merry Feathers, 1940 7 38 Milton P. Jarnagin II handwritten lecture 7 39 The Treasures of the Uffizi lecture 7 53 Albert and Walter A. Sams report cards, 1921-1922 7 54 Frank and Martha Jarnagin report cards, 1893 7 55 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin sketches and rhymes 7 56 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin childhood letter 7 59 Fourth english examination by C. G. Evans, 1900 7 66 Dorothy Greve instructions for popularity 7 69 Woman's silhouette by F. Ward 7 70 Athens City Schools Walter A. Sams seventh grade certificate, 1922 7 72 Biographical sketch of S. Jarnagin, 1852 7 96 Lecture notes 7 116 Miscellaneous notes 7 121 Agnes Jarnagin event invitations, 1933-1934 7 122 Agnes Jarnagin event invitations, 1935-1940 7 123 Agnes Jarnagin event invitations 7 124 Walter A. Sams event invitations 7 67 Jeanette Smith and Dr. Charles M. Greve wedding invitation, 1883 7 68 Cherry Greve and George Lyford wedding invitation 7 73 St. Albans German Club fall invitation, 1900 7 75 The Sophomore Cotillion Club dancing invitation , 1902 7 86 Frank N. Watkins practice of law announcement, 1841 7 87 Randolph-Macon Academy certificate of distinction, Milton Preston Jarnagin, 1900 7 88 University of Knoxville certificate of distinction, Milton Preston Jarnagin, 1896-1897 7 115 Drawings of Dorothy, Agnes, and Janet Jarnagin (photocopies) 7 28 University of Georgia experiment station report box folder Request box 20 49 Samuel J. McAllester notes 20 50 The Volunteer committee on statistics sheets 20 51 Baby books 20 52 Dorothy Greve McAllester memorial book 20 48 Sam J. McAllester memorial resolutions, 1957 20 45 Milton P. Jarnagin II memorium script, 1956 20 46 Milton P. Jarnagin II biographical sketch, 1956 20 44 Mrs. Agnes Sams, Jr. note to local post box folder Request box 21 5 Pocket booklets 21 7 Sarah Jane Sams and John Finley Caldwell wedding invitation, 1945 21 8 Sigma Nu formal invitations 21 35 The Volunteer questionnaire , 1902 21 44 Children's drawings 21 45 Milton P. Jarnagin report cards 21 46 Agnes Jarnagin report cards, 1931-1934 21 49 Harriet Greve at the University of Tennessee notes 21 105 Miscellaneous sketches 21 110 Child's handmade alphabet book 21 112 Junior history notes 21 53 Dorothy Greve University of Tennessee report card, 1901 21 55 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin accounts of meeting Sam. J. McAllester, 1930-1950 21 61 Holly and Christmas Decorations by Dorothy Greve Jarnagin, 1928 21 70 Anti convulsive clinic paperwork for Dorothy Jarnagin Burnet, 1955 21 71 Walter Forbes speech at University of Georgia on Milton P. Jarnagin II 21 72 Milton Jarnagin schedule, 1949 21 77 Marriage and party invitations to Dorothy Greve Jarnagin 21 99 Mrs. Janet Griffeth event invitations, 1885-1890 21 100 Sigma Alpha Epsilon Annual formal invitation, 1904 21 37 University of Tennessee certificate of scholarship for Harriet S. Greve, 1904 21 38 Walter A. Sams III hall monitor certificate, 1963 21 4 Sam J. McAllester legal documents and licenses 21 40 Statement of recollection on Jarnagin family lunch 21 41 Trip to Knoxville itinerary, 1926 21 59 University of Tennessee class of 1905 reunion planning, 1905 21 67 Milton P. Jarnagin telegrams and funeral registry, 1956 box folder Request box 22 2 Book review by Harriet Greve, 1921 22 26 Glenmore notes 22 40 Agnes Jarnagin sketch 22 41 Unattributed sketches 22 42 Unattributed sketch book, 1878-1880 22 49 Mrs. Agnes Jarnagin Sams, Jr. wedding book 22 50 Mrs. Agnes Jarnagin Sams, Jr. wedding congratulations, 1940 22 51 University of Georgia sorority chapter members and pledges 22 52 The University of Georgia Botanical Garden membership card for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sams, Jr., 1983 22 53 Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams, Jr. Sandy Creek Nature Center membership card, 1983 22 56 Miscellaneous notes 22 72 Milton's funeral notes 22 76 Janet Jarnagin Christmas goodwill contract, 1932 22 79 Dorothy "Beaner" Jarnagin wedding preparation booklet, 1940 22 80 Bible and Prayer Union member card for Mrs. M.P. Jarnagin, 1890-1891 22 92 Milton P. Jarnagin Jr. research mathematician job performance 22 93 Agnes Jarnagin Sams member subscriptions and donations, 1980-1984 22 94 Jarnagin family vacation itinerary, 1932 22 101 Walter Augustus Sams III biographical information 22 104 Mr. Walter A. Sams, Jr. medical reports, 1975 22 105 Mr. Walter A. Sams, Jr. medical reports, 1960-1975 22 106 Anna Dorothy Greve handmade childhood cards 22 24 Mr. Walter A. Sams presidential inaugural commemorative, 1977 22 25 Mr. Walter A. Sams, Jr. inaugural committee invitation to the inauguration of Jimmy Carter, 1977 22 6 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin publication agreements, 1923-1927 22 8 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin autobiographies 22 13 Capital City Club membership booklet, 1981-1982 22 9 Janet Sterling Jarnagin University of Georgia transcripts, 1932 22 1 Athens High School commencement speech by Milton P. Jarnagin III, 1925 22 36 Agnes Jarnagin Sams Phi Mu fraternity member card 22 37 DL retired civil servant pass Milton P. Jarnagin, Jr., 1979 22 38 Mrs. Walter A. Sams United Nations Association membership card, 1972 22 39 Milton P. Jarnagin III certificate of registration, 1932 22 65 Jarnagin family table tallies 22 96 Miscellaneous notes 22 64 Garden Council of Athens flower show ribbons box folder Request box 23 1 John F. Cochran insurance claim, 1917 23 2 J. F. Cochran Aetna insurance policy, 1883-1893 23 3 McSpadden and Lipscomb insurance policy for Milton P. Jarnagin, 1904 23 4 The National Bank of McKeesport, PA Hetty S. Jarnagin booklet, 1907 23 5 Milton P. Jarnagin english grades 23 6 Dorothy G. McAllester unofficial estate appraisal 23 7 Mrs. Agnes Jarnagin Sams, jewelry appraisal, 1984 23 8 University of Tennessee Hetty S. Jarnagin certificate of vaccination, 1901 23 9 Walter A. Sams, Jr. supplemental mileage ration 23 10 Mr. Walter A. Sams, Jr. Amateur Trapshooting Association life membership, 1937 23 11 Mrs. Thomas M. Evans printing plate 23 14 Walter A. Sams Athens Naval Officers Club coupon book, 1940 23 15 Agnes Jarnagin Sams death certificate, 1984 23 16 Walter Augustus Sams, Sr. death certificate, 1961 23 17 Agnes Jarnagin Sams passports, 1962-1971 23 18 Walter Augustus Sams, Jr. passports, 1962-1971 23 19 Milton Preston Jarnagin passport, 1928-1934 23 20 Dorothy Greve McAllester passports, 1932-1959 23 21 Milton Preston Jarnagin III passport, 1934 23 22 Joint Tech-Georgia development fund conference guest list, 1974 23 25 Mrs. Agnes Jarnagin Pacific Telecoin stock, 1946-1948 23 41 Agnes Watkins Jarnagin Sams memorial, 1984 23 59 Milton P. Jarnagin and Dorothy Greve marriage certificate, 1908 oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 3 Jarnagin and Sams families diplomas and certificates oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 7 Milton P. Jarnagin's house, handrawn plats oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 8 The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Milton Preston Jarnagin membership certification, 1937 8 State of Georgia, Milton P. Jarnagin, Lieutenant Colonel, Aide De Camp, Governor's Staff certificate, 1947 oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 9 The United States of America, John D. Murrell certificate of land sale, 1837-1838 box folder Request box 27 33 Dorothy Jarnagin and George Griffeth bridal gift list, 1936 27 10 Agnes Jarnagin short story, age 11 27 12 Circleville, Our Home by Mrs. Jeanette Greve 27 36 Kind thoughts calendar 27 37 Agnes Jarnagin sketch 27 38 Handmade score cards 27 43 Janet Jarnagin Athens High School writing scrap book box folder Request box 28 7 P.C. Smith library catalogue, 1880
6. Printed materials box folder Request box 6 39 Roster of officers enlisted reservists, 309th cavalry 6 40 Veterans administration booklets, 1945 6 41 Direct commission in the Officers Reserve Corps of the Army of the United States booklet, 1948 box folder Request box 7 9 Memorial service book for Grace Arrington Kempton and John Thompson Guice, Jr., 1941 7 10 Grace Arrington Kempton and John Thompson Guice, Jr. memorial service, 1973 7 16 George Hemphill, Sr. obituary and funeral program, 1977 7 21 The Atlanta Music Club and The Atlanta Philharmonic Society All Star concert series program, 1934 7 22 Look-Look-Look Barbeque by Izzy and Bona flyer, 1946 7 23 Junior Exhibition of Carson-Newman College Contest for Woodruff Metal flyer 7 24 Tax collector tax returns flyer, 1881 7 27 Fred Harris Lee's Summit, Mammoth, Jacks and Jennets flyer 7 32 Patria flyer, 1896 7 33 The Red Letter of Instructions on the Cure for Asthma booklet 7 34 Society of Chamber Music program, 1896 7 35 Mr. M. Boekbinder instrument tuning advertisement 7 36 Auld and Conger slate blackboards advertisement 7 37 Milton P. Jarnagin II University of Tennessee annual commencement , 1995 7 40 Chattanooga Lookout Mountain Railway Co. brochure 7 41 Mountain Rose medicine booklet, 1893 7 42 Salem Academy commencement, 1889 7 43 11th Annual Meeting of the East Tennessee Farmers' Convention, 1886 7 44 Eseeola Inn fourth season booklet, 1894 7 45 Eighteenth Annual Little International Livestock Show flyer, 1938 7 46 Creamery promotes wealth circular, 1894 7 47 The Florida Steam Heater advertisement 7 48 The Philadelphia Lawn Mowers advertisement booklet, 1885 7 49 Premium List, Rules and Regulations of the Chestnut Grove Fair, 1887 7 50 The Standard Spray Pump advertisement booklet 7 51 University of Tennessee campus updates booklet, 1892 7 52 University of Tennessee Department of Law Announcement, 1892-1893 7 60 School of Library Training Pratt Institute program, 1896-1897 7 61 The University of Tennessee memorial research center and hospital dedication program, 1956 7 62 University of Georgia schedule of recitations, 1910-1911 7 63 To the people of Jefferson County newspaper notice 7 64 Emory University graduating exercises program, 1945 7 65 Exposition Press Inc. author report, 1956 7 74 Office of Peoples Insurance company stockholders letter, 1888 7 76 Alka-Seltzer advertisement booklet 7 77 Mrs. Sallie Massie Whitehead memorium, 1899 7 78 Bagster Bibles advertisement 7 79 The Young Men's Christian Association invitation 7 81 University of Georgia Women Honor Students Dinner program, 1936 7 82 Kate Murrell death announcement, 1888 7 84 Diamond Wall Finish Co. sample brochure 7 85 The University Theater presents the Thalian Blackfriars program, 1933-1934 7 89 Georgia Home Insurance Company advert 7 90 Mrs. Florine Finley Elder funeral program, 1965 7 91 City National Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee pamphlets 7 92 Wisconsin Dairy School banquet flyer, 1904 7 93 The Community Concert Association Kneisel, Alden, Turner program 7 94 Dance of the Dragons, Adams' Hall Ames flyer, 1905 7 95 University Theater, Thalian Blackfriar program, 1935-1936 7 97 Morocco Government exhibit flyer, 1904 7 98 W.E. Hathaway, M.D. Occultist and Aurist flyer 7 99 Mrs. Kate C. Cardozo obituary, 1882 7 106 Field Day of the Athletic Association, Pantops Academy booklet, 1894 7 107 Ward Seminary fundraising letter, 1891 7 108 Livestock Feeding Practices flyer, 1950 7 110 The University Theatre booklet, 1947-1948 7 111 First Presbyterian Church program, 1980 7 112 Little River and Little Pigeon River Country region summary box folder Request box 21 1 Coca-Cola bottler's association metric converter scale 21 2 The University Theater Thalian-Blackfriar booklet, 1935-1936 21 3 The University Theater Thalian-Blackfriar booklet, 1936-1937 21 9 First Presbyterian Church Athens, Georgia program, 1820 21 10 Camp LeConte for Boys "Coontown Court" Minstrel program, 1930 21 12 Georgia Press Institute program, 1934 21 13 Iowa State College class of 1905 commencement program 21 14 University of Tennessee alumni annual dinner program, 1926 21 15 Episcopal High School commencement program, 1964 21 16 University of Georgia Alumni Day program, 1935 21 17 The Mary Ann Lipscomb Elementary School Lucy Cobb Institute commencement program, 1923-1926 21 18 University of Georgia Honors Day program, 1936 21 19 First Baptist Church Athens, Georgia dedication program, 1951 21 20 Dr. Milton P. Jarnagin portrait presentation schedule, 1951-1953 21 21 Athens High School graduation exercises, 1923-1932 21 22 University of Georgia commencement exercises, 1929-1938 21 27 Sunday school teachers' class and guide book, 1883 21 47 Improving Readiness by William Stanton Forbes 21 63 Glenmore Victorian mansion brochure and directions 21 66 University of Georgia Alumni Day program, 1954 21 96 Farewell and Reception Dance program for Milton P. Jarnagin II, 1905 21 101 Jimmy, Be Careful! by Lillian Mortimer Denison's select plays booklet, 1931 21 102 Tobacco Road with John Barton program, 1938 21 103 Gone with the Wind program 21 104 Deering Harvester Company advert, 1990 box folder Request box 22 14 Jefferson County Chapter of Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiques annual report, 1970-1971 22 15 The Presidents Club of the University of Georgia reception and dinner program, 1974 22 16 Book and Magazine Guild bookworm club flyer 22 17 Ladies Garden Club, Athens, GA booklet, 1941 22 18 Registered walking stallion Allen's Best Chance flyer 22 19 The University Theater Thalian-Blackfriars, 1935-1936 22 20 The Twenty-Eighth Annual Little International Livestock Show, 1951 22 32 Athens Coca-Cola bottling company press story 22 43 The Clearwater Beach Hotel brochures 22 44 Sea Island Resort, Sea Island, Georgia brochure 22 45 Charter Oak Wire Gauze Oven advertisement 22 47 First Presbyterian Church Athens, Georgia one-hundred and fiftieth anniversary commemorative service, 1970 22 48 Mossy Creek bank stock holders notice 22 54 Grand Hotel Du Pavillion advertisement 22 55 Office Vanderbilt insurance company resolution notice, 1890 22 57 Synodical Committee donation requests 22 59 Schedule of steamships from Germany to abroad, 1896 22 60 United States Department of Agriculture monthly list of publications, 1905 22 61 Kinematographish phonographische vorfuhrungen flyer 22 62 The Writer's Monthly pamphlet 22 63 Grand Hotel Du Nord expense sheet, 1896 22 66 Bible and Prayer union flyer 22 67 200 year reference calendars by the International Tailoring Co., 1776-1976 22 68 Cadek Conservatory of Music recital by Harriet Otis Smith, 1906 22 71 City of Rome plan saloon and cabins for anchor line streamer 22 73 The College of Music of Cincinnati recital, 1902-1903 22 74 Bartholomew English and Classical School commencement, 1888 22 77 M.M. Allen Haupt - Agentur Bremen deck plan 22 78 Georgia State College of Agriculture annual alumni banquet program, 1932 22 81 Synodical Evangelistic Work Church donation requests 22 82 Rome Foundry and Machine works advertisement - Rome, Georgia 22 83 McCanless' Baling Press advertisement - Cartersville, Georgia 22 84 Wright Land Level Co. product advertisement 22 85 Howard Hydraulic Cement booklet - Bartow County, Georgia 22 86 The Southern Home Building and Loan Association informational booklet - Atlanta, Georgia 22 87 The Southern Home Building and Loan Association financial statement - Atlanta, Georgia, 1891-1893 22 89 Red and Black spring dance pictorial supplement 22 95 Presbyterian Board of Temperance and Moral Welfare articles 22 97 Piedmont Driving Club handbook, 1978-1979 22 98 Piedmont Driving Club handbook, 1982-1983 22 99 Presbyterian Church program, 1961 22 100 First National Bank of Athens, GA bank notes newsletter, 1972 22 102 Fusion Society newsletter 22 103 Athens Banner Herald seventy-fifth anniversary of the National Bank of Athens newsletter, 1941 box folder Request box 23 12 Beesley's souvenir of St. Michael's church booklet, 1928 23 13 S.S. America Midwinter Cruise passenger list booklet, 1949 23 46 Emory Medical School commencement booklet, 1945 23 62 Welcome to Glenmore brochure oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 4 Sams' Realty plats oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 6 Union Railway in Chattanooga, Tennessee by E.R. Wittman oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 8 A Limited Edition Reproduction of the Inaugural Address of President John F. Kennedy, 1961 oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 10 Sams' Realty plats oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 12 Sams' Realty topographical maps box folder Request box 27 11 Circleville, Ohio pamphlet
7. Legal documents box folder Request box 6 43 Milton P. Jarnagin Trustees records, 1890-1896 6 44 Milton P. Jarnagin renter's documents, 1862-1872 6 45 Mossy Creek and State of Tennessee Charter of Incorporation, 1890 box folder Request box 7 1 George Peak levee bonds, 1861 7 2 State of Tennessee county count transcript, 1890 7 3 Southern Life Insurance Company board agreements, 1874 7 4 Bank of West Tennessee vs. Marr brothers, 1869 7 8 Harriet Otis Smith affidavit, 1941 7 13 Milton P. Jarnagin drug store property lease, 1892 7 14 State of Tennessee Certificate of Redemption, Milton P. Jarnagin, 1878 7 26 Geneva Rock Cold Spring Creamery Co. by-laws 7 29 Testimony of Synod of Nashville against mob law by Thomas Hooke McCallie, 1965 7 30 Four Mile Law summary by Milton P. Jarnagin 7 31 Frank M. Smith vs. W.C. Jarnagin legal brief, 1892 7 57 The Silco Marble Mining company, 1859 7 58 Office of liquidating board of levee commissioners levee bond, 1867 7 71 Smith and Jarnagin legal brief, 1892 7 101 Milton P. Jarnagin payments on Clifton Plantation, 1888 7 102 Susan K. Jones guardianship decision by superior court 7 104 Guardianship of Susan K. Jones, 1883 7 105 Guardianship of Susan K. Jones correspondence, 1882-1884 7 113 State of Tennessee certificate of redemption, Milton P. Jarnagin, 1880 7 117 Article of Agreement between Milton P. Jarnagin and A. Jarnagin, 1878 7 118 Indenture between Agnes W. Jarnagin and the Salina Cement Plaster Company, 1890 7 119 Agreement between Agnes W. Jarnagin and the Salina Cement Plaster Company, 1895 7 120 State of Tennessee Charter of Incorporation with Mossy Creek Creamery, 1883 7 125 Insertions for Jarnagin contract 7 127 Milton P. Jarnagin instrument of protest, 1872 7 128 Milton P. Jarnagin affidavit, 1868 7 129 Murrell affidavit for Clifton Plantation, 1860 7 131 Shippy and Jarnagin affidavits, 1881 7 132 John, Richard I., and Milton P. Jarnagin land sale, 1868 7 133 Dow and Mette legal brief, 1871 7 134 State of Tennessee county of Shelby vs. M. Yates, 1883 7 135 Election Laws by Milton P. Jarnagin 7 137 Emanuel Brown and Milton P. Jarnagin contract, 1889 box folder Request box 21 26 Student and Faculty petition against Mossy Creek 21 32 Article of Partnership for Jarnagin and Limmon, 1901 21 33 Deed of houses, Milton P. Jarnagin to J.S. and WRR Co. 21 34 Seaton indenture to Mrs. Agnes W. Jarnagin, 1907 21 36 Milton P. Jarnagin power of attorney, 1910 21 39 Jarnagin, Johnston and Shepherd loan, 1871 21 43 Mrs. Agnes W. Jarnagin letters of administration, 1909 21 48 Mrs. Agnes W. Jarnagin indenture, 1896 21 57 Tennessee Deed of Grant, 1879 21 60 Mossy Creek Woolen Mill insurance policies, 1897-1899 21 68 Dorothy Greve Jarnagin McAllester will 21 69 Milton P. Jarnagin will 21 79 Walter A. Sams, Jr. affidavit 21 80 Milton P. Jarnagin Certificate of Redemption, 1876 21 81 Oscar Wooldridge bill of sale to Milton P. Jarnagin, 1880 21 82 W.C. Morris Warrant of Distress, 1874 21 83 Patton A. Bradford and John D. Murrell purchase agreement, 1848 21 84 Walker vs. Campell Wallace et. al. house sale agreement, 1872 21 85 Frank W. Royster and Milton P. Jarnagin house sale contract, 1868 21 86 The Sligo Mining and Marble Company and Kennedy and Curry purchase agreement 21 87 Elk Valley Coal and Iron Company vs. Walter H. Crouchley final decree, 1894 21 88 George A. Rumsey and H.B. Wetzell attorney contract, 1888 21 89 Peck, Wetzell, and Rumsey power of attorney, 1899 21 90 Elk Valley Coal and Iron Company and John Peter grant purchase agreement, 1890 21 91 Elk Valley Coal and Iron Company and John Peter grant purchase agreement draft, 1890 21 92 Milton P. Jarnagin Elk Valley station resolution, 1890 21 93 Milton P. Jarnagin, Mrs. Thomas M. Evans, and Mrs. Mary Bynum Jarnagin Rodman legal contract, 1912 21 94 Frank W. Jarnagin and Wes-Tex Pipe Coating Company lease, 1959 21 95 Breyfogle and Jarnagin land contract, 1892 21 97 House Bill No. 569 Memorandum, 1896 21 98 Milton P. Jarnagin II auction booklet, 1904 box folder Request box 22 23 Elk Valley court chancery legal documents, 1981-1984 22 27 Receipt for loan from Milton P. Jarnagin, 1865-1871 22 28 State of Tennessee legal notice, 1883-1884 22 29 Outline of M. Cooney vs Frances Baird legal dispute 22 30 State of Tennessee taxing district document, 1887 22 31 State of Tennessee Milton P. Jarnagin Certificate of Redemption, 1880 22 33 Milton P. Jarnagin legal case summaries 22 34 Milton P. Jarnagin legal case summaries 22 69 Milton P. Jarnagin and East Tennessee Hedge Co. agreement, 1886 22 75 Chancery court bill complaint for the state of Tennessee, 1883 box folder Request box 23 68 Spencer Jarnagin and Susan Jarnagin Bill copy, 1831 23 57 Glenmore property sale documentation, 1994 23 60 Warranty Deed for Norman, Evans, Jarnagin, Burnet, Griffeth, and Rodman, 1969 23 26 Agnes J. Sams general power of attorney (copy), 1983 23 31 First National Bank of Athens resolution, 1980 23 36 Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Company legal agreement, 1922 23 61 Agreement between Rodman, Jarnagin, Norman, and Evans, 1967 oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 2 State of Tennessee and The Kentucky, Tennessee and Carolinas Railroad Company charter of incorporation, 1890 box folder Request box 27 9 Carl Matthias Greve agreement, 1847