Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation (Historic Athens) records

Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation (Historic Athens) records

Descriptive Summary

Title: Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation (Historic Athens) records
Creator: Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation
Creator: Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation
Inclusive Dates: 1904-2014
Bulk Dates: 1967-2006
Language(s): English
Extent: 34 Linear Feet 33 boxes, 2 oversize folders
Collection Number: ms3739
Repository: Hargrett Library

Collection Description

Historical Note

Historic Athens is a non-profit organization that fosters community history in Athens, Georgia. It was founded as Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation in 1967.

Scope and Content

Collection consists of records of the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation, renamed Historic Athens, a non-profit preservation and advocacy organization for historic buildings in Athens, Georgia. This collection includes organization files; boards minutes; and files on special topics, projects, and events.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation (Historic Athens) records, ms3739, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia Libraries.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


1. Administrative

11-2Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation, 1967-1978
13-4Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation - Minutes, 1967-1988
15Housing and Urban Development - Correspondence, 1968-1969
16Report of Examination, 1973-1977
17ACHF - Board Meetings, 1990-2001
18-12ACHF - Annual Meetings, 1996 - 2006
113Arnocroft/ Economic Befenfits - Member Meeting, 1998-1999
114Fall 1999 - Member Meeting, 1999
115Georgia Trust - Annual Meeting, 2006
116-17Board of Trustee Meetings, 1967-1984
21-4Board of Trustee Meetings, 1985-2000
25Executive Board Meetings, 1999-2001
26ACHF Handbook Information
27ACHF Handbook , 1980
28-9ACHF Board Manual, 1995-1999
210-14Trustee Handbook, 1976-2003
31-5Trustee Handbook, 2003-2007
36-12Financial Reports, 1973-1997
41-10Financial Reports, 1998-2004
411ACHF Tax Credits and Incentives
412Hotel/Motel Tax, 1995-1996
51Memorial and Scholarship Fund, 1979-1990
52Grants and Fundraising, 1997-1999
53Corporate Sponsor List, 1997-2002
54Charitable and Memorial Contributions, 1999-2000
55Anita Burke Sams - Memorial Fund, 2002
56ACHF Fundraising
57ACHF Committee Lists
58Awards Committee, 1980-1996
59ACHF Awards , 1996-1997
510Annual Awards poster display, 2004-2006
511-12Communications Committee, 1993-2004
513-18Development Committee, 1999-2005
519-21Education Committee, 1996-2004
61-2Future Planning Committee, 1995-2004
63ACHF Goals, 1987
64-6Athens Historic House Museum Association, 1998-2004
67Management and Maintenance Committee, 1979
68-9Membership Committee, 1995-2003
610Membership - Budget/Account Reports , 2000-2003
611Membership Lists
612-14Preservation Issues Committee, 1999-2006
615-16Preservation Awards, 1980-2000
71Preservation Awards, 2000-2006
72Public Relations, 1993-1994
73Swamp Gravy - Committee Meetings, 2001
74Swamp Gravy - Budget and Expenses, 2001
75Swamp Gravy - Sponsorships, 2001
76Swamp Gravy - play at The Historic Morton Theatre, 2001
77Volunteers, 1997-2001
78Athens Welcome Center - Financial Reports, 1990-1993
79-10Athens Welcome Center - Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, 1991-2002
711-13Athens Welcome Center - Committee, 1994-2004
714Athens Welcome Center - Improvements Proposal, 2000
715Church-Waddel-Brumby-House - Historic Interiors Assessment, 1997-2001
716Church-Waddel-Brumby-House - Restoration Committee, 2005
717Tour Information
81Athens Heritage Tours, 1983-1984
82Athens Tour Services, 1985-1990
83Tour of Homes, 1998
84Classic Center Authority - Zoning Papers, 1987-1991
85Classic Center Authority - Design Proposal, 1991
86Civic Center - Facility Study and Cost Analysis, 1989-1991
87Civic Center - Sheila's Notes, 1989-1991
88Civic Center - Fire Hall Information, 1989-1993
89Civic Center - ACHF Proposal, 1990-1992
810Civic Center - Fire Hall Correspondence, 1990-1991
811Civic Center - Designs and Updates, 1990-1991
812Building Code Study, 2003-2004
813Bicentennial, 1987
814Bicentennial Coordinator - John English, 2001
815Bicentennial Coordinator - Applications, 2001
816Bicentennial Coordinator - Mickey Y. Montevideo, 2001
817-18Ware-Lyndon House, 2000-2002
819Williams Family Foundation of Georgia, 2001
91History of Athens-Clarke Resourses, 1989-1999
92Historis Preservation Course, 2004-2005
93Georgia Historis Preservation Act , 1975-1980
94Historis Preservation Booklets
95General Newsletter Information
96-10ACHF Newsletter, 1995-2005
911-12Printed Material
913-14James Reap's A Pictorial History - Sales, 1985-1994
915James Reap's A Pictorial History - Laura Straehla's Emails, 2001
101-2James Reap's A Pictorial History - Sales, 2002-2006
103Michael Thurmond's A Story Untold - Sales, 2001-2002
104History of Dearing Street - Sales
105ACHF Video, 1997
106A Guide to Architectural Styles - Sales, 2001
107A Treasury of Historic Architecture - Sales, 1994-2002
108CCI Millenium Library, 1998-2001
109Newspapers, 1960-1963
1010Local Effort - Newspaper Articles, 1975-1998
1011-12Newspaper Clippings, 1987-1994
1013Dick Mendenhall and Jerry Head
1014Internal Revenue Service, 1971-1977
1015Morton Benefit, 1981
1016Windsor Publications Proposal, 1987-1988
1017Miscellaneous, 1988-1991
1018Project for Public Spaces, 1990
1019-20Roast, 1991-1992
1021Fall BBQ, 1995
1022Fall Event - Stoneman's Raid, 1996
1023Hands on Athens - poster and photo contest
1024Night in Old Athens
111-3Special Events, 1996-2006
114Heirloom Plants/Gardens, 1996-1998
115Fun-n-Friends, 1997
116ACHF Mission Workshop, 1997
117Town & Gown Players, 1998-1999
118First Annual Athens BBQ, 1999-2000
119UGA - Master of marketing Research Class, 1999-2000
1110Membership Drive Event, 1998
1111National Register Workshop, 1998
1112Spring Dinner , 2000
1113BikeAthens - Tour de Sprawl, 2000
1114The Bottleworks on Prince, 2000-2001
1115Community Approach Planning Prince Avenue (CAPPA) Information, 2000-2004
1116Artist for Preservation Exhibit, 2001
1117School Documentation Project, 2002-2004
1118Heritage Holiday Gala, 2004
1119Antiques Show, 2005
1120Fall Fun-n-Friends, 2005
1121Lucy Cobb Files - Notebook
1122Lucy Cobb Institute - Catalogues, Magazines, and Programs
1123Lucy Cobb Institute and Seney-Stovall Chapel - Newsletters and Brochures, 1980-1984
1124Lucy Cobb Institute - Original Documents
1125Stovall Family History
1126Historic Cobbham Foundation, 1978-1981
1127Lucy Cobb Institute - Legal Documents, 1979-1982
1128Lucy Cobb Institute - Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 1980-1981
121Lucy Cobb Institute - Names Lists, 1980-1981
122Tillman Company, 1981
123Lucy Cobb Institute Foundation - Financial Records, 1981-1982
124Lucy Cobb Institute - Building Studies, 1981-1982
125Lucy Cobb Institute - Parties, 1981-1983
126Mildred Mell, 1889-1982
127Emily Gill, Lucy Chapin, and Roxanne Gerdine - Letters
128Dr. Phinizy Spalding - Notes and Rough Drafts
129-15Lucy Cobb Institute and Seney-Stovall Chapel - Correspondence, 1961-1984
131Lucy Cobb Institute - Mail
132-4Lucy Cobb Institute - Newspaper Articles, 1978-1985
135Navy Supply Corps School Local Redevelopment Authority - BRAC Reading File, 2005
136Navy Supply Corps School - Correspondence, 2005-2006
137-8Navy Supply Corps School - Local Redevelopment Meetings, 2005-2006
139Navy Supply Corps School - RKG Associates, 2006
1310Navy Supply Corps School - Adaptative Reuse Study, 2006
1311Navy Supply Corps School - Section 106 Process, 2007
1312Navy Supply Corps School - Environmental Assessment, 2010
1313Homeless Assistance Submission and Navy Supply Corps School Reuse Plan - Public Comment, 2006-2007
1314Homeless Assistance - Notice Review, 2006
1315Public Benefit Conveyance - Notice of Interest Review, 2006-2007
141Advantage Behavioral Health Systems - Notice of Interest Application for Reuse of 150-155 Gilmore Circle, 2006
142-3Advantage Behavioral Health Systems - Notice of Interest Application for Reuse of West End Property, 2006
144AIDS Athens - Notice of Interest Application for Reuse of Hudson Clinic Property, 2006
145Athens Area Homeless Shelter- Notice of Interest Application for Reuse, 2006
146Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Department - Notice of Interest Application for Reuse, 2006
147Athens-Oconee CASA Program - Notice of Interest Application for Reuse of Quarters A Housing Unit, 2006
148Atlanta Union Mission - Notice of Interest , 2006
149Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens - Notice of Interest Application, 2006
1410-12Homeless Assistance Submission, 2007
1413-14Homeless Assistance Submission - Reference Material, 2007
151-6Tour Programs, 1976-2008
157Heritage Newsletters, 2011-2017
181ACHF Ledger, 1982
1Plans for Lucy Cobb Institute Seney-Stovall Chapel
251ACHF Board Meetings , 2013
252ACHF Board Meeting Agenda, 2013-2014
253ACHF Board Meetings, 2014-2015
254ACHF Board Meeting Agenda/Meeting Minutes , 2015
255ACHF Board Meeting Agenda , 2016
256ACHF Correspondence , 2013-2015
257ACHF Correspondence , 2015-2016
258About ACHF Trustee Notebook , 2013-2014
259About ACHF Trustee Notebook, 2014-2016
2510ACHF Committees/Board of Trustees , 2014-2016
2511ACHF Staff/Programs and Properties
2512Athens Clarke County Memorandum, 2013
2513ACHF - Athens HP History
2514ACHF Membership E-mails , 2006 May
2515ACHF: Website and Heritage
2516ACHF Contract - Non-Profit
2517ACHF Downtown Taskforce Correspondence, Advocacy, and Background Info
2518ACHF Downtown Vision, Values, Issues, Agendas, and Minutes
2519ACHF Newsletters
2520ACHF Newsletters
2521Downtown Historic District Proposal/Execution
2522Downtown Designation Memorandum/Preservation Policies
2523Downtown Designation Maps
2524Downtown Designation Notes/Goals
2525Downtown Designation Correspondence
2526DT His. Dis. G'lines Draft , 2006 April 19
2527DT Des. G'lines Winter and CO. Site Visit, September
2528DT Des. G'lines Drafts , September, October, & November
2529DT Desig. Report, 2006 April 28
261DT Designation: Board Reports , 2004
262Downtown Property Owners Association
263DT - Local Designation Report
264Downtown Stakeholders - One-on-one Meetings
265DT Forums - PR
266Downtown August Forum (handouts)
267DT Consultant Process Correspondence
268Downtown RFP
269DT RFPs/Interviews
2610DT Des. Report, Draft , 2006 April 14
2611DT Overlay Des. Stds. Draft, 2006 March
2612DT Des. G'lines Drafts, Meetings, 2006 January
2613DT Des. Report, Final Draft , 2006 April 6
2615Downtown Alliance: Forum, 2002 March 14
2616Downtown Consultant
2617Downtown Alliance M&G, May 8
2618Athens Downtowns Alliance
2619Downtown Alliance
2620Downtown Athens
2621Des. G'line Process - Misc. Corr./Comm.
2622HD Des. G'lines Draft , 2006 March
2623Newton House
2624Camak House
2625Bishop House
2626Lumpkin, Gov. Wilson House
2627Lumpkin, Joseph Henry House
2628Church - Waddel - Brumby House
2629Franklin House
2630Cobb, T.RR House
2631Cobb - Treanor House
2632Crane, Ross House
2633Grady, Henry House
2634Hamilton House
2635Chase, Albon House
2636Owens, Hubert Bond House
2637Parr, Calvin House
2638UGA President's House
2639Sledge, James House
2640Sorrells, R.P. House
2641Thomas - Carithers House
2642T.R.R. Cobb House
2643Upon House
2644Ware - Lyndon House
2645Wilkins House
2646Goodwin - Harris House
2647Teague House
2648Park-Soule House
2649ACC Courthouse
2650Milledge Avenue Historic District
2651Milledge Circle Historic District
2652Athens Warehouse Historic District
2653Boulevard Historic District
2654Bloomfield Street Historical District
271Cobbham Historic District
272Cobbham Historic District
273Cobbham Historic District
274Buena Vista Heights Historic District
275Buena Vista Heights Historic District
276West Cloverhurst Springdale Historic District
277West Cloverhurst Avenue Historic District
278Woodlawn Historic District
279Boulevard Historic District
2710Oglethorpe Avenue Historic District
2711Winterville Historic District
2712Bloomfield Historic District
2713Reese Street Historic District
2714Dearing Historic District
2715Downtown Local Historic District
2716Henderson Historic District
2717Milledge Avenue Local Historic District
2718Reese Street Local Historic District
2719Rocksprings Local Historic District
2720West Cloverhurst - Springdale Historic District
2721Woodlawn Historic District
2722Local Historic District
2723Historic District Sign
2724Buena Vista. LHD Designation
2725W. Rutherford Street LHD
2726Rutherford Street LHD Effort, 2015-2016
2727W. Hancock Ave. - LHD Effort, 2015 December
27285 Points LHDs, 2016
27295 Points Forum Re Infill, Demos, Etc. , 2016 April 4
2730Preservation Awards Associated Events , 2016
2731Preservation Awards , 2013
2732Preservation Awards, 2013
2733Preservation Awards, 2014
2734Preservation Awards , 2015
2735Preservation Awards, 2017
2736PR - Website, Big Cartel, E-mails GALA , 2014
2737Gala - Host Homes (misc. background), 2015
2738Gala - HC Solicitation, 2015
2739Gala Auction, 2015
2740Gala - Final Budget Reservations, Check-Ins , 2015
2741Gala - Army, 2013
2742Gala Auction
2743Heritage Gala , 2013-2014
2744Gala - Logistics, Signs, Schedule, Volunteers, 2014
2745Gala - Auction, 2014
2746Gala - Host Committee , 2014
2747Gala - Invitation + Camps , 2014
2748Gala - Auction, 2014
2749Special Events , 2013-2014
2750Ex. Dir. Notebook, 2016
2751Ex. Dir. Notebook, 2016
2752National Register Info
2753National Registrar of Historic Places Inventory - Nomination Form
281AHHMA, 2013-2014
282AHHMA, 2016-2017
283Annual Meeting, 2014
284Annual Mtg, 2015
285Annual Meeting , 2017
286Membership, 2013-2014
287Membership Renewals , 2015-2016
288Membership Renewals, 2016
289Renewals, 2014
2810Presentation Ideas
2811Preservation Issues , 2013-2014
2812Preservation Issues Infill, 2015-2016
2813Civic Presentation
2814Preservation Issues , 2015-2016
2815Communications, 2013-2014
2816Communications Newsletters , 2014-2015
2817Nominating Comm., 2014
2819Nominating Comm., 2015
2820HOA - Spring (FY 16 grant sequel), 2015
2821HOA, 2015-2016
2822Fun-n-Friends, 2013-2014
2823Spring F-n-F, 2015
2824Fall F-n-F/ Spring , 2016-2017
2825W-L House Committee, 2015-2016
2826W-L House , 2014-2015
2827W-L House (garden signage) , 2015-2016
2828W-L House, 2016-2017
2829AHW - Planning + Website , 2013
2830AHW - Tours Information, 2013
2831AHW, 2014
2832AHW, 2014
2833AHW, 2015
2834CWB, 2014-2015
2835CWB House
2838Brown Bag Lunches
2839Trustee Brown Bag Lunches, 2015-2016
2840ACHF Brown Bag Lunch, 2015-2016
2841Education & Advocacy Committee
2842Education, Brown Bag Lunch, 2014-2015
2843Education, 2013-2014
2844HHG - A-CC Event Permit, 2012-2014
2845A-CC HP Resource Materials
2846Historic Neighborhood - General Planning
2847W. Cloverhurst Neigh.
2848Historic Neighborhood Signage
2849Franklin House Brickwork Contracts etc.
2850Franklin House, 1973-1984
2851F. House Correspondence , 1973-1980
2852Franklin House / Group Five (Correspondence)
2853Franklin House Contracts Stabilization Phase I & II
2854464-480 E. Broad St. C Folder Franklin House
2855464-480 W. Broad St. (1) Franklin House
2856Franklin House Financial File
2857Franklin House National Register Nomination
2858Johnny Barrett / Franklin House Negotiations
2859Franklin House - Public Relations
2860Franklin House Documentation
2861Franklin House - Loan Guarantors
2862Franklin House History & Architectural Description
291Franklin House Invoices & Xild Cks , 1979 March 12
292F. House (Contracts)
293Franklin House Proposal - Tax Break Group 5 (Contracts)
294Franklin House Correspondence
295National Park Service Grant - Franklin House Information + Up-Date
296F. House Sale, Correspondence , 1974
297Dearing Street: National Registration Nomination
298Church-Waddel-Brumby House: National Register Nomination (2)
299NR Multiresource Nomination , 1980
2910Multiple Resources Cavespring
2911W-L Derick Tickle - Faux Marbling , 2015 June-July
2912W-L Garden SPLOST , 2015-2016
2913W-L Garden Ribbon cutting , 2016 May 18
2914GTHP Ramble - Sponsors , 2015
2915Sponsor Benefit
2916Design G'Lines
2917Local Design. Report
2918Prince Ave Corridor Group, 2013
2919Fundraising Dinner , 2013
2920GA Preservation Nonprofit Meeting , 2013
2921Development , 2013-2014
2922Community Engagement , 2014-2015
2923Brackett Property Redevelopment (Springdale), 2015
2924Southern Mutual Reception, March 24
2925M+C Public Hearing & Reception; HPC Hearing , June 28 - August 1
2926Greenville Bus Trip, 2014 May 24
2927GA Trust Ramble, 2015
2928GA HP Advocacy Meeting at Founders House , 2014 March 19
2929Interested People
2931Fire Hall Improvements
2932Bylaws Revision
2933NTHP Council VISIT, 2014 April 6
2934Athens Heritage Walks, 2016
2935If These Walls Could Talk
2936Mayor and Collision
2937Phinizy Spalding
2938Athens City Hall Clippings
2939RF Proposal - Façade Loan Program , 2015-2016
2940Individual Property Owner Communication
2941Kissane Contract
2942Infill Forum "What's up w/ that empty lot"
301Digital Inventory
302Hands on Athens files
303Solarize Athens
304Demolition Delay - Amendments
307Survey Project
308Midtown Neighborhood Association
309Pub Crawl, 2013
341Southern Mills Symposium - Printed Materials
342Southern Mills Symposium - General & Planning Docs.
343Southern Mills CAD Plan
344"Southern Mill" - History
345Southern Mills - Invites, etc. Samples
346Southern Mills - Property Info.
347Southern Mills - Design Charrette
348Southern Mills - Grant Opportunities/Info
349Southern Mills Symposium - Financial Info (Donors, Sponsors, Supporters, etc.)
3410Southern Symposium - Speakers Information
3411Southern Mills Symposium - Stakeholder Info.
3412Southern Mills - Symposium Survey
3413Beech Haven - Watson - Brown Grant
3414Beech Haven - ETL (Background) Contract + Work
3415Beech Haven - Misc. Background/Historical Information
3416Beech Haven - Splost Effort
3417Beech Haven Tours
3418BH Party @ Thomas', 2016 February 16
3419Beech Haven By Grant
3420UGA Red Barn
3421UGA Old College
3422UGA Chapel, North Campus
3423The Chapel
3424UGA Library
3425UGA Master Plan Materials
3426Thornton Bros. Bldg./ UGA Master Plan
3427Rutherford Hall
3428Rutherford Hall
3429UGA - Rutherford Hall
3430Phi Kappa Hall
3431Demosthenian Hall
3432Carnegie Library U.S. Navy Supply Corps School
3433Navy School
3434Athens City Directory
3435Athens Historic Phone Direct.
3436USDA Flyovers , 1938
3437USDA Flyover, 1944
3438East Athens Census, 1850-1860
3439Deed Research East Athens, 2003
3440General Research East Athens, 2003
3441Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery East Athens
3442East Athens Survey Project, 2003
3443East Athens Research Oral Histories , 2003
3444East Athens: Historic Research , 2006
3445East Athens: Book Research, 2006
3446East Athens: Mill Research, 2006
3447East Athens Email: Richard Cloues, Winston Heard, Barbara Bacon
3448East Athens: Public Meetings Survey
3449East Athens: General Info
3450Dudley Park "Murmur" RRT Trestle
3451Memorial Park
3452"Chalky Level Park"
3453Thomasville GA - HP
3454Emmanuel COAs, 2006 August 16
3455Emmanuel Appeal
3456Emmanuel Appeal
351AWC - Breakdown of Costs & Plans for CWB House
352Southern Mills - Design Maps/Images
353BH Maps , 2014 February 14
354Historic Maps
355Extra Survey Maps
356Classified Business Directory of Athens
357Athens - Clarke Heritage
358Athens Clark County Map Index
359Middle Oconee River, Rowland Preserve, Jack & Jeffie Rowland Maps
3510Middle Oconee River, Rowland Preserve, Jack & Jeffie Rowland Maps
3511Jack & Jeffie Rowland Site
3512Whitehall Road House (Rivercase), 2000
3513Whitehall Mansion
3514Whitehall Historic District - General
3515Whitehall Mill Planning Report
3516Charlie Williams Pinecrest Lodge Whitehall Rd.
3517Winterville Marigold Festival - Home Tour, 1971
3518Winterville Schools
3519Oconee Co. - History
3520Athens Warehouse Hist Dist.
3521Sunset Historic District
3522Jackson Town His. District (Proposed) Waddell Street
3523Waddell St. Houses
3524Franklin House, 1979
3525Gov. Wilson Lumpkin House
3526John A. Cobb House - Cowpens, Walton Co.
3527Wray - Nicholson House
3528Daniell House
3529Eugene Odem's House
3530National Registration Nominations
3531Old North Campus: National Registration District
3532Public Relations
3533Mike Wharton Files
3534TBHP Meetings
3535West Lake Club
3536Area IV Normal Town
3537Roy Hitchcock, Architect
3538Washington St. - Misc.
3761Rocksprings Shotgun Row National Register Historic District (Nomination Form), 1996
3762West Hancock Avenue National Register Historic District (Nomination Form), 1988
3763Reese Street National Register Historic District (Nomination Form), 1987
3764Reese Street - W.Hancock Fundraising
3765Reese Street Public Hearings , 2008
3766Reese Street Local District Desig.
3767Reese St. Neigh. Meetings
3768Reese Street Contracts Survey & Designation
3769Reese Designation Contract
3770Reese Street Hist. District
3771Reese - W. Hancock - Newspaper Articles
3772The Station
3773Rocksprings "Shotgun Row"
3774Low Income Owners - Economic Hardship
3775Charlie Heritage - ex-enslaved Union Veteran (Reese Neighborhood)

2. Oral History

171Oral History - Project Summary, 1976
172Folk and Oral History Information, 2000-2001
175Phyllis (Mrs. James) Barrow, 1976
176Jack Beacham, 1976
177H. G. Bell, 1976
178Wiliam Tapley Bennett, 1976
179Julius Bishop, 1976
1710John Bondurant, 1976
1711George Booth, 1976
1712Fred Branch, 1976
1713Rubert Brown, 1976
1714Martha Comer, 1976
1715Eleanor (Mrs. James) Cornelison, 1976
1716Joseph and James Costa, 1976
1717E. Merton Coulter, 1976
1718King Crawford, 1976
1719Ida Davison, 1976
1720-21Lamar Dodd, 1976
1722Rene Dozier Tuck, 1976
1723Dean Emeritus John E. Drewry, 1976
1724Lucy Erwin, 1976
1725J. W. Fanning, 1976
1726Richard Fickett, III, 1976
1728Daisy Billups Harrell, 1976
1729Ruby Hartman, 1976
1730Odella Jarrell, 1976
1731Wilbur Jones, 1976
1732George King, 1976
1733Laura (Mrs. Richard) Livingston, 1976
1734Henry Logan, 1976
1735Dan Magill, 1976
1736Howard McWhorter, 1976
1737Robert Minder, 1976
1738C. C. Murray, 1976
1740Laura (Mrs. David) Paddock - Aunt Lollipop, 1976
1741Jack E. Parr, 1976
1742D. D. Quillian, 1976
1743Hoyt Robertson, 1976
1744Rumsey, 1976
1745Shelton P. Sanford, 1976
1746Scoggins, 1976
1747Marguerite (Mrs. C. M.) Sheffer, 1976
1748Fain Slaughter, 1976
1749Rosabelle Strickland, 1976
1750Dr. Harry Talmadge, 1976
1751Dean William Tate, 1976
1752Sue Fan Tate, 1976
1753Jack Thomas, 1976
1754W. C. Thompson, 1976
1757Tom Whitehead, 1976
1758J. T. Willey, 1976
1759Alice Wimberly, 1976

3. Photographs and scrapbooks

158-9Hands on Athens, 2000-2003
1510Annual Meeting, 2003
1511First African Methodist Episcopal Church
1512Athens Community Council
1513Old UGA North Campus
1514Oconee County
1516Birthplace of Henry W. Grady
1517Ben Nash photos of Athens
1518Historic Homes Tour
1519Photos for Newsletter
1520Hampton Court House
1521Glass Photos of Athens House
1522Photos and Descriptions of Athens Locations
1523Cobbham Buildings
161Gallery Exhibit , 1985
162Downtown Event, 1987
163Upson House, 1988
164Spring Meeting, 1989
165Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation photos
166ACHF Christmas Party
167-15ACHF Scrapbooks, 1980-2004
182Miss Mildred Clay Harris - Lucy Cobb Scrapbook, 1919-1920
19ACHF Events - photographs, 1995-1998
20ACHF Events - photographs, 1998-1999
21ACHF Events - photographs, 1985-2001
22Classic City Tours - Athens Welcome Center photo album, 1985-2001
22Fall Fun-N-Friends - photo album, 2014
22Dashing Down Dearing - photo album, 2008
22Morton Building - photo album
22Winter Wonderland on Woodlawn - photo album, 2009
22ACHF Scrapbook, 2001
22Nods and Beck Yearbooks , 1904-1905
3010Crescent Lane Photos
3011Franklin House: Photographs
3776Rutherford Street: Photos
3777Smithonia-Kenny Rogers Clippings
3778Serpentine Inn Clippings
3779Photographs - Clarke County schools

4. Artifacts and ephemera

23Downtown Athens Preserve It Sticker
23I Lovy Lucy (Cobb, that is) Sticker
23Fire Hall No. 2 - post cards
23Back to the Drawing Board - buttons
23Swamp Gravy - button
23Hands on Athens - shirts, 2000-2005
23ACHF Pub Crawl - shirts, 2011-2013
23Tour of Historic Homes - poster, 1988
23Tour of Historic Homes - posters , 1972-1988
23Upstairs Downtown Tour - posters , 1984-2007
23Lucy Cobb pin
23University of Georgia Students' Handbook, 1932-1933
23News Clippings, 1981-1989
23Weathered into Beauty Townscapes - posters
23Lucy Cobb Institue prints
2University of Georgia - diploma - McEwen Hall Adams, 1829
241aambrotype - portrait on a woman
241bambrotype - portrait on a woman cover
242ambrotype - portrait on a woman
243ambrotype - portrait on a man with no support
244tintype - portrait on a child with no support with a stamp on verso
245ambrotype - cover
246glass and metal support

5. Properties by Street Address

3012150 Barber St.
3013160 Barber St.
3014169 Barber St.
3015170 Barber St.
3016179 Barber St.
3017180 Barber St.
3018181 Barber St.
3019186-188-190 Barber St.
3020198 Barber St.
3021228 Barber St.
3022229 Barber St.
3023237 Barber St.
3024238 Barber St.
3025244 Barber St.
3026245 Barber St.
3027247 Barber St.
3028248 Barber St.
3029250 Barber St.
3030265 Barber St.
3031285 Barber St.
3032285 1/2 Barber St.
3033290 Barber St.
3034298 Barber St.
3035330 Barber St.
3036332 Barber St.
3037340 Barber St.
3038350 Barber St.
3039354 Barber Street
3040360 Barber St.
3041370 Barber St.
3042386 Barber St.
3043386 1/2 Barber St.
3044390 Barber St.
3045390 1/2 Barber St.
3046395 Barber St.
3047396 Barber St.
3048396 1/2 Barber St.
3049397 Barber St.
3050400 Barber St.
3051120 Barrow St.
3052130 Barrow St.
3053135 Barrow St.
3054140 Barrow St.
3055143 Barrow St.
3056150 Barrow St.
3057153 Barrow St.
3058173 Barrow St.
3059180 Barrow St.
3060195 Barrow St.
3061198 Barrow St.
3062224 Barrow St.
3063240 Barrow St.
3064250 Barrow St.
3065263 Barrow St.
3066270 Barrow St.
3067273 Barrow St.
3068293/295 Barrow St.
3069340 Barrow Street
3070180 Beulah Ave.
3071181 Beulah Ave.
3072183 Beulah Ave.
3073225 Beulah Ave.
3074235 Beulah Ave.
3075240 Beulah Ave.
3076248 Beulah Ave.
3077255 Beulah Ave.
3078265 Beulah Ave.
3079289 Beulah Ave.
3080Area V Billups-Reese
3081138 North Billups
3082139 N. Billups
3083154 N. Billups
3084175 N. Billups
3085176 N. Billups
3086183 N. Billups
3087187 N. Billups
3088195 N. Billups
3089197 N. Billups
3090223 N. Billups
3091237 N. Billups
3092249 Billups St.
3093254 N. Billups
3094264 N. Billups
3095275 N. Billups
3096375 N. Billups
3097380 N. Billups
3098385 N. Billups
3099390 N. Billups
30100423 N. Billups
30101424 N. Billups
30102426 N. Billups
30103451 N. Billups
30104452 N. Billups
30105460 N. Billups
30106480 N. Billups
30107481 N. Billups
30108483 N. Billups
30109516 N. Billups
301101203 Billups (Cobb House)
30111175 Bloomfiled St. (Buchawald House)
30112185 Bloomfield St.
30113199 Bloomfield St.
30114227 Bloomfield (Calvin Parr House)
30115243 Bloomfield St.
30116244 Bloomfield St.
30117249 Bloomfield St.
30118250 Bloomfield St.
30119255 Bloomfield St.
30120256 Bloomfield
30121259 Bloomfield
30122260 Bloomfield St.
30123275 Bloomfield St.
30124285 Bloomfield
30125288 Bloomfield St.
30126292 Bloomfield St.
30127297 Bloomfield St.
30128325 Bloomfield St.
30129340 Bloomfield St.
30130345 Bloomfield St.
30131365 Bloomfield St.
30132380 Bloomfield St. (Bolton's Store)
30133397 Bloomfield St.
30134420 Bloomfield St.
30135424 Bloomfield St.
30136427 Bloomfield St.
30137437 Bloomfield St.
30138440 Bloomfield Street
30139441 Bloomfield St.
30140449 Bloomfield St.
30141511 Bloomfield St.
30142515 Bloomfield St.
30143519 Bloomfield St.
30144Bloomfield - Verizon Cell Tower Request
30145Bon Epps Drive. WW II Hanger
30146124 Boulevard
30147134 Boulevard
30148153 Boulevard Mts.
30149156 Boulevard
30150171 Boulevard
30151173 Boulevard
30152175 Boulevard
30153186 Boulevard
30154197 Boulevard
30155223 Boulevard
30156230 Boulevard
30157245 Boulevard
30158286 Boulevard
30159296 Boulevard
30160297 Boulevard (Booth-Morris House)
30161297 Boulevard (Booth House)
30162299 Boulevard
30163324 Boulevard
30164340 Boulevard
30165341 Boulevard
30166363 Boulevard
30167375 Boulevard
30168395 Boulevard
30169396 Boulevard
30170397 Boulevard
30171419 Boulevard
30172420 Boulevard
30173421 Boulevard
30174422 Boulevard
30175467 Boulevard
30176474 Boulevard
30177485 Boulevard
30178494 Boulevard
30179527 Boulevard
30180544 Boulevard
30181547 Boulevard
30182554 Boulevard
30183564 Boulevard
30184565 Boulevard
30185585 Boulevard
30186628 Boulevard
30187646 Boulevard
30188650 Boulevard
30189683 Boulevard
30190693 Boulevard
30191694 Boulevard
30192698 Boulevard
311723 Boulevard
312724 Boulevard
313735 Boulevard
314738 Boulevard
315739 Boulevard
316742 Boulevard
317743 Boulevard
318749 Boulevard
319750 Boulevard
3110760 Boulevard
3111770 Boulevard
3112775 Boulevard
3113780 Boulevard
3114781 Boulevard
3115785 Boulevard
3116786 Boulevard
3117798 Boulevard
3118799 Boulevard
3119824 Boulevard
3120830 Boulevard
3121835 Boulevard
3122850 Boulevard
3123893 Boulevard
3124895 Boulevard
3125Haddock House (Corner of Boulevard Heights + Prince Ave)
3126Boulevard National Register District
3127Boulevard Historic District
3128Boulevard Historic District
3129Boulevard Neighborhood Association
3130Buena Vista
3131150 Buena Vista
3132160 Buena Vista
3133194 Buena Vista
3134224 Buena Vista
3135Broad St. Propts. Tour Info
31362008 Broad St. Projects General Information
31372008 Planning Cirrum. Mtg.
31382008 Broad St. Projects PLC & Genil Correspondence
31392008 Broad St. Projects Submissions to Planning, 2007 December 28
3140233 E. Broad St.
3141279 E. Broad St.
3142283 E. Broad (Parrot Insur. Bldg.)
3143283 E. Broad St. (Parrott Buildings)
3144312 E. Broad St.
3145382 E. Broad St.
3146480 E. Broad St.
3147E. Broad Street - Chicopee Mill (Athens Manufacturing - Part Of)
3148222 W. Broad Street (Athens Bus Station c.1939)
3149250 W. Broad Street
3150815 W. Broad Street
31511092 W. Broad St.
31521124 W. Broad St.
31531132 W. Broad St.
31541146 W. Broad St.
31551158 W. Broad St.
31561162 W. Broad St.
31571226 W. Broad St.
31581262 W. Broad St.
31591270 W. Broad St.
31601280 W. Broad St.
3161Brumby , 1967
3162123 Cain St.
3163131&141 - 143 -145 Cain St.
3164145 Carlton Terrace
3165155 Carlton Terrace
3166165 Carlton Terrace
3167580 Castalia Ave
3168148 N. Chase St.
3169149 N. Chase St.
3170213 N. Chase St.
3171215 N. Chase St.
3172216 N. Chase St.
3173234 N. Chase St.
3174247 N. Chase St.
3175259 N. Chase St.
3176269 N. Chase St.
3177270 N. Chase St.
3178273 N. Chase St.
3179317 N. Chase St.
3180360 N. Church Street
3181364 N. Chase St.
3182380 N. Chase St.
3183386 N. Chase St.
3184390 N. Chase St.
3185418 N. Chase St.
3186553 N. Chase St.
3187710 N. Chase St.
3188757 N. Chase St. (Chase St. Elem. School)
3189760 N. Chase St.
3190770 N. Chase St.
3191810 Chase Street (Originally part of Young Harris United Meth.)
3192850 N. Chase St.
3193853 N. Chase St.
3194860 N. Chase St.
3195863 N. Chase St.
3196870 N. Chase St.
3197875 N. Chase St.
3198886 N. Chase St.
3199895 N. Chase St.
31100896 N. Chase St.
31101897 N. Chase St.
31102915-917 N. Chase St.
31103919-921 N. Chase St.
31104923 N. Chase St.
31105947 N. Chase St.
31106954 N. Chase St.
31107955 N. Chase St.
31108965 N. Chase St.
31109975 N. Chase St.
31110983 N. Chase St.
31111984 N. Chase St.
31112147 Chattooga Avenue
31113157 Chattoogo Ave.
31114125-127 Childs St.
31115130 Childs St.
31116137 Child St.
31117147 Child St.
31118149 Child St.
31119153 Child St.
31120157 Childs St.
31121167 Childs St.
31122173 Childs St.
31123178 Childs St.
31124179 Childs St.
31125182 Childs St.
31126183 Childs St.
31127184 Childs St.
31128185 Childs St.
31129188 Childs St.
31130194 Childs St.
31131197 Childs St.
31132Athens High School Childs Street
31133115 Cherokee
31134121 Cherokee
31135124 Cherokee
31136183 Cherokee
31137220 Cherokee
31138225 Cherokee
31139230 Cherokee
31140245 Cherokee
31141250 Cherokee
31142255 Cherokee
31143260 Cherokee
31144270 Cherokee
31145278 Cherokee
31146281 Cherokee
31147282 Cherokee
31148425 Church St
31149140 N. Church St.
31150142 N. Church St.
31151475 N. Church St.
31152397 S. Church St.
31153Michael Brothers Bldg. Clayton Street
31154121 E. Clayton Street
31155125 E. Clayton
31156131 E. Clayton St
31157144 E. Clayton
31158151 E. Clayton St.
31159Moss-Scott 164 E. Clayton
31160197 E. Clayton (H Wuxtry Building)
31161216 E. Clayton St.
31162256 E. Clayton St.
31163283 E. Clayton St (FOSTER'S JEWLERS)
31164320 E. Clayton (Park Plaza, Micheal Brothers)
31165100 Cloverhurst Terrace
31166120 Cloverhurst Place
31167150 Cloverhurst Terrace
31168180 Cloverhurst Terrace
31169289 Cloverhurst
31170359 Cloverhurst Ave.
31171360 Cloverhurst Ave.
31172380 Cloverhurst (Reade-Avery House)
31173402 Cloverhurst Ave.
31174405 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
31175425 Cloverhurst Ave.
31176440 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
31177445 Cloverhurst Ave.
31178450 Cloverhurst Ave.
31179482-484 Cloverhurst Ave.
31180485 Cloverhurst Ave.
31181494 Cloverhurst Ave.
31182520 Cloverhurst Ave.
31183560 Cloverhurst Ave.
31184585 Cloverhurst Ave.
31185645 Cloverhurst Ave.
31186Cantrell Store/Red Electric (Cleveland Road) Rehab. Award , 2004
321120 W. Cloverhurst (Hudson House)
322161 W. Cloverhurst (Rainey House)
323166 W. Cloverhurst (Bohler House)
324188 W. Cloverhurst Ave. (Elliott-Lumpkin House)
325190 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
326193 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
327219 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
328220 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
329226 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3210229 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3211230 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3212235 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3213266 W. Cloverhurst Avenue
3214275 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3215217 E. Cloverhurst Ave.
3217Cloverhurst/Springdale Mist. Dist.
3218253 Cobb Street
3219369 Cobb St.
3220479 Cobb St.
3221480 Cobb Street
3222629 Cobb St.
3223650 Cobb St.
3224660 Cobb St.
3225667 Cobb Street
3226673 Cobb St.
3227675 Cobb Street
3228685 Cobb Street
3229698 Cobb St.
3230712 Cobb St.
3231724 Cobb St.
3232362 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3233365 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3234375 W. Cloverhurst Ave.
3235148 E. Cloverhurst (Hama House)
3236175 E. Cloverhurst (Huff House)
3237725 Cobb Street
3238728 Cobb Street
3239738 Cobb St. (Jester-Downs House)
3240739 Cobb St.
3241748 Cobb St.
3242749 Cobb Street (Sledge-Cobb House)
3243758 Cobb St.
3244Cobbham Clippings
3245Historic Cobbham Foundation, Inc.
3246130 Cohen St.
3247133 Cohen Street
3248135 Cohen St.
3249137 Cohen St.
3250139 Cohen St.
3251140 Cohen St.
3252150 Cohen St.
3253190 Cohen St.
3254100 College Avenue
3255220 College Ave (Commerce Building)
3256300 College Ave.
3257300 College Ave. (First-American Back & Trust Building)
3258440 College Ave. North
3259500 College Ave (c.1908)
32601005 College Ave. (Athens Incinerator)
3261College Ave. - Southern Mutual Building
3262College Ave. - Misc.
3263Barn on College Station
3264101 Coventry Rd.
32651820 Cresent Lane
32661925 Cresent Lane Hodgson-Lumpkin House
3267Cresent Lane "The Hill"
3268Danielsville Rd.
3269125 Dearing St.
3270126 Dearing (Cobb-Erwin House Clippings)
3271146 Dearing St.
3272159 Dearing St.
3273175 Dearing (Horton House)
3274197 Dearing (Meeker-Barrow House)
3275220 Dearing (Crane-Harris-Coleman House)
3276342 Dearing St.
3277398 Dearing (McAdams- Mell-Whitworth House)
3278421 Dearing St. (Paine-Perry-Dunphy/Barsness)
3279436 Dearing St. (Barrow-Tate House)
3280458 Dearing St. (The Sylvanus Morris House)
3281Dearing, Albin P. House
3282Dearing Street Historic District
3283129 Dougherty St.
3284268 W. Dougherty St. (First Christian Church)
3285280 E. Dougherty St.
3286295 E. Dougherty (History Village/Foundry Park Inn)
331103 Dubose
332105 Dubose
333108 Dubose
334150 Dubose
335155 Dubose
336207 Dubose
337224 Dubose
338227 Dubose
339228 Dubose
3310230 Dubose
3311233 Dubose
3312235 Dubose
3313240 Dubose
3314245 Dubose
3315250 Dubose
3316255 Dubose
3317267 Dubose
3318271 Dubose
3319315 Dubose
3320318 Dubose
3321321 Dubose
3322322 Dubose
3323324 Dubose
3324325 Dubose
3325350 Dubose
3326357 Dubose
3327360 Dubose
3328361 Dubose
3329370 Dubose
3330374 Dubose
3331375 Dubose
3332380 Dubose
3333386 Dubose
3334394 Dubose
3335Infrastructure Improvements
3336Dubose Avenue - Driscohl Grocery
3337Southern Mnfinf Co. 355 Oneta Street
3338Old North Campus - UGA
3339Belk Building
3340Crawford Mattress & Coal Co. Dougherty St. (Foundry St. Area) Demolished c. 2005
3341Rocksprings Shotgun Run
3342Parrot Insurance Building
3343Bottleworks on Prince
3344Cobham Neighborhood Assoc.
3345Whitehall Mill
3346YMCA Complex
3347Not Field Yet
3348U.S. Post Office (Hancock Avenue)
3349First A.M.E. Church
3350Garden Club of GA
3351Jackson Street Cemetry
3352Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery
3353Oconee Hill Cemetery (5/22/13)
3354Chestnut Grove School
3355Lucy Cobb Institute
3356Morton Building
3357Clarke County Jail
3258Coca-Cola Bottling Plant
3359Carnegie Library Building
3360Brightwell Shotgun Row
3361Athens Manufacturing Company
3362Athens Factory
3539Athens Factory
3540111 Milledge Terrace
3541115 Milledge Terrace XI
3542120 Milledge Terrace
3543138 Milledge Terrace
3544145 Milledge Terrace
3545148 Milledge Terrace
3546153 Milledge Terrace
3547153 1/2 Milledge Terrace
3548156 Milledge Terrace
3549160 Milledge Terrace
3550163 Milledge Terrace
3551167 Milledge Terrace
3552170 Milledge Terrace
3553177 Milledge Terrace
3554178 Milledge Terrace
3555180 Milledge Terrace
3556184 Milledge Terrace
3557187 Milledge Terrace
3558190 & 192 Milledge Terrace
3559255 Milledge Heights (Church-Glover-Robertson-Barrow) House
3560Milledge Terrace - Misc.
361137 Nacoochee Ave III
362147 Nacoochee Ave
363165 Nacoochee Ave
364175 Nacoochee Ave
365185 Nacoochee Ave
366193 Nacoochee Ave
367230 Nacoochee Ave
368240 Nacoochee Ave
369243 Nacoochee Ave
3610244 Nacoochee Ave
3611245 Nacoochee Ave
3612250 Nacoochee Ave
3613270 Nacoochee Ave
3614383 Nacoochee Ave
3615384 Nacoochee Ave
3616391 Nacoochee Ave
3617424 Nacoochee Ave
3618425 Nacoochee Ave
3619450 Nacoochee Ave
3620465 Nacoochee Ave
3621480 Nacoochee Ave
3622485 Nacoochee Ave
3623490 Nacoochee Ave
3624127 Nantahala Ave III
3625163 Nantahala Ave
3626170 Nantahala Ave
3627173 Nantahala Ave
3628177 Nantahala Ave
3629180 Nantahala Ave
3630185 Nantahala Ave
3631190 Nantahala Ave
3632195 Nantahala Ave
3633220 Nantahala Ave
3634223 Nantahala Ave
3635244 Nantahala Ave
3636245 Nantahala Ave
3637255 Nantahala Ave
3638264 Nantahala Ave
3639265 Nantahala Ave
3640284 Nantahala Ave
3641294 Nantahala Ave
3642345 Nantahala Ave
3643349 Nantahala Ave
3644435 Nantahala Ave
3645465 Nantahala Ave
3646530 Nantahala Ave
3647533 Nantahala Ave
3648536 - 540 Nantahala Ave
3649545 Nantahala Ave
3650549 Nantahala Ave
3651550 Nantahala Ave
3652555 Nantahala Ave
3653565 Nantahala Ave
3654572 Nantahala Ave
3655574 Nantahala Ave
3656580 Nantahala Ave
3657585 Nantahala Ave
3658590 Nantahala Ave
3659598 Nantahala Ave
3660624 Nantahala Ave
3661635 Nantahala Ave
3662648 Nantahala Ave
3663657 Nantahala Ave
3664670 Nantahala Ave
3665687 Nantahala Ave
3666690 Nantahala Ave
3667143 New Ave
3668210 North Ave
3669218 North Ave
3670225 North Ave
3671229 North Ave
3672237 North Ave
3673241 North Ave
3674245 North Ave
3675259 North Ave
3676265 North Ave
3677281 North Ave
3678284 North Ave
3679285 North Ave
3680305 North Ave
3681310 North Ave
3682316 North Ave
3683322 North Ave
3684332 North Ave
3685335 North Ave
3686345 North Avenue Hoyt Chapel
3687North Ave - Barberville
3688North Avenue
3689698 Nowtahala Ave
369019 Springdale St
369160 Springdale St
369270 Springdale St
369380 Springdale St
369495 Springdale St
3695115 Springdale St
3696117 Springdale St
3697120 Springdale St
3698121 Springdale St
3699126 Springdale St
36100127 Springdale St
36101130 Springdale St
36102137 Springdale St
36103157 Springdale St
36104161 Springdale St
36105162 Springdale St
36106165 Springdale St
36107166 Springdale St
36108238 Springdale St
36109243 Springdale St
36110248 Springdale St
36111250 Springdale St
36112258 Springdale St
36113266 Springdale St
36114270 Springdale St
36115294 Springdale St
36116295 Springdale St
36117348 Springdale St
36118355 Springdale St
36119385 Springdale St
36120395 Springdale St
361211350 Spring Vly Rd Murrell House
36122140 Stanton Way
36123397 Stanton Way
36124412 Stanton Way
36125194 Talmadge St
36126163 Tibbetts Avenue
36127Tracy Street Chase St Warehouses
36128125 University
36129135 University
36130140 University
36131141 University
36132150 University
36133151 University
36134160 University
36135165 University
36136170 University
36137175 University
36138181 University
36139190 University
36140199 University
36141210 University
36142211 University
36143220 University
36144221 University
36145230 University
36146232 University Drive (Demolished 2013)
36147233 University
36148295 University
36149320 University
36150395 University
36151403 University
36152410 University
36153422 University
36154432 - 432 1/2 University
36155434 University
36156440 University
36157450 University
36158475 University
36159495 University
36160564 University
36161University - Misc. XII
36162120 Virginia Ave
36163124 Virginia Ave
36164130-133-137 Virginia
34165138 Virginia Ave
34166147 Virginia Ave
36167148 Virginia Ave
36168149 Virginia Ave
36169150 Virginia Ave
36170159 Virginia Ave
36171160 Virginia Ave
36172168 Virginia Ave
36173169 Virginia Ave
36174170 Virginia Ave
36175173 Virginia Ave
36176178 Virginia Ave
36177179 Virginia Ave
36178180 Virginia Ave
36179185 Virginia Ave
36180189 Virginia Ave
36181190 Virginia Ave
36182195 Virginia Ave
36183865 Waddell Street
36184195 W. Washington St. The Morton Theatre
36185247 E Washington Street The Georgia Hotel
36186104 E. Washington St.
36187247 - 312 E. Washington
36188117 West View Dr. X
36189123 Westview
36190133 Westview
36191143 Westview
36192153 Westview
36193163 Westview
36194170 Westview
36195173 Westview
36196180 Westview
36197183 Westview
36198190 Westview
371193 Westview
372194 Westview
373195 Westview
374198 Westview
375199 Westview
376485 Westlake Drive (Allen House)
377125 Wilcox St
378165 Wilcox St
379175 Wilcox St
3710279 Williams St (Athens Factory)
3711700 Willow St. Extension
3712150 Woodlawn
3713180 Woodlawn Ave
3714181 Woodlawn
3715187 Woodlawn
3716190 Woodlawn
3717190 Woodlawn
3718197 Woodlawn
3719197 Woodlawn
3720217 Woodlawn
3721217 Woodlawn
3722220 Woodlawn
3723227 Woodlawn Avenue
3724230 Woodlawn
3725237 Woodlawn
3726240 Woodlawn
3727257 Woodlawn
3728267 Woodlawn
3729268 Woodlawn
3730276 Woodlawn
3731277 Woodlawn
3732287 Woodlawn
3733290 Woodlawn
3734297 Woodlawn
3735299 Woodlawn
3736Woodlawn Avenue
3737125 Woodland Way (Area X)
3738150 Wynburn Ave
3739160 Wynburn Ave
3740180 Wynburn Ave
3741190 Wynburn Ave
3742237 Wynburn Ave
3743240 Wynburn Ave
3744259 Wynburn Ave
3745129 Yonah Ave
3746140 Yonah Ave
3747230 Yonah IV
3748279 Yonah Ave
3749398 Yonah Ave
3750469 Yonah Ave
3751470 Yonah Ave
3752490 Yonah Ave
3753950 East Whitehall Road Whitehall Yarn Mill
3754957 MLK (Dashiel Cottage)
3755Parking Deck - DT West (Washington/Clayton)
3756Beacham Water Treatment Waterworks Drive
3757Chicopee Gun Emplacement (Cook & Bros.) off 1st Ave. MLK
37581425 (1) U.S. Navy School Prince Ave.
3759University Drive - Local Design
3760Steve Dashiell Water St. & Hobson Ave.
381193 N. Rockspring St
382227 N. Rockspring St
383235 N. Rockspring St
384245 N. Rockspring St
385257 N. Rockspring
386274 N. Rockspring St
387285 N. Rockspring
388298 N. Rockspring St
389365 N. Rockspring
3810375 N. Rockspring
3811480 N. Rockspring
3812490 N. Rockspring St
3813496 N. Rockspring
3814140 Pulaski Heights
3815141 Pulaski Heights
3816160 Pulaski Heights
3817247 Pulaski
3818247 Pulaski St
3819247 Pulaski St
3820355 Pulaski St First Baptist Church
3821490 Pulaski St
3822510 Pulaski St
3823526 Pulaski St
3824528 Pulaski St
3825530 Pulaski St
3826534 Pulaski St
3827538 Pulaski St
3828539 Pulaski St
3829542 Pulaski St
3830545 Pulaski St
3831546 Pulaski St
3832552 Pulaski St
3833553 Pulaski St
3834558 Pulaski St
3835562 Pulaski St
3836564 Pulaski St
3837568 Pulaski St
3838569 Pulaski St
3839572 Pulaski St
3840574 Pulaski St
3841577 Pulaski St
3842578 Pulaski St
3843579 Pulaski St
3844595 Pulaski St
3845596 Pulaski St
3846615 Pulaski St
3847625 Pulaski St
3848645 Pulaski St
3849650 Pulaski St
3850661 Pulaski St
3851666 Pulaski St
3852675 Pulaski Street (L.M. Leathers Bldg.)
3853684 Pulaski St
3854687 Pulaski St
3855688 Pulaski St
3856697 Pulaski St
3857698 Pulaski St
3858700 Pulaski St
3859716 Pulaski St
3860721 Pulaski St
3861725 Pulaski St
3862726 Pulaski St
3863729 Pulaski St
3864730 Pulaski St
3865731 Pulaski St
3866732 Pulaski St
3867733 Pulaski St
3868746 Pulaski
3869757 Pulaski St
3870762 Pulaski St
3871775 Pulaski St
3872789 Pulaski St
3873790 Pulaski St
3874812 Reese St
3875815 Reese St
3876820 Reese St
3877834 Reese St
3878835 Reese St
3879852 Reese St
3880853 Reese St
3881862 Reese St
3882863 Reese St
3883870 Reese St
3884882 Reese St
3885948 Reese St
3886957 Reese St
3887958 Reese St
3888962 Reese St
3889967 Reese St
3890986 Reese St
3891987 Reese St
38921042 Reese St
38931043 Reese St
38941052 Reese St
38951053 Reese St
38961060 Reese St
38971063 Reese St
38981072 Reese St
38991082 Reese St
38100140 Rockspring St
38101170 Rockspring St
38102180 Rockspring St
38103285 Rutherford
38104324 A. Rocksprings (Hurley/AHA House)
38105185 N. Rockspring St
38106135 Satula Ave
38107150 Satula Ave
38108160 Satula Ave
38109165 Satula Ave
38110190 Satula Ave
38111232 Satula Ave
38112235 Satula Ave
38113250 Satula Ave
38114253 Satula Ave
38115270 Satula Ave
38116273 Satula Ave
38117310 Satula Ave
38118320 Satula Ave
38119338 Satula Ave
38120350 Satula Ave
38121145 Seminole Ave III
38122275 Seminole
38123289 Seminole
38124105 Southview
38125197 Southview
38126225 Southview
38127310 Southview
38128315 Southview
38129320 Southview
38130325 Southview
38131330 Southview
38132335 Southview
38133340 Southview
38134350 Southview
38135425 Southview
38136495 Southview
38137510 Southview
38138215 W. Rutherford (Hubert Bonds Owen House)
38139180 W. Rutherford St
38140295 W. Rutherford
38141375 W. Rutherford
38142380 W. Rutherford St
38143387 W. Rutherford
38144393 W. Rutherford
38145397 W. Rutherford
38146403 W. Rutherford
38147414 W. Rutherford
38148415 W. Rutherford
38149425 W. Rutherford
38150300 and 400 Block West Rutherford Street

Special Collections Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-1641