| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1. Corporate Ephemera |
box | folder |
1 | 1 | 4A-Way Project (Altamaha River)
1 | 2 | A.K. Hawkes (Atlanta, Ga.)
1 | 3 | Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Ghost (Conyers, Ga.)
1 | 4 | Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College |
1 | 5 | Academy Theatre (Atlanta, Ga.) |
1 | 6 | Action for Retarded Citizens |
1 | 7 | Action, Inc. (Athens, Ga.) |
1 | 8 | Adair's Art Gallery (Atlanta,Ga.) |
1 | 9 | Adam-Cates Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
1 | 10 | Advantage Metro Atlanta |
1 | 11 | African-American Family History Association |
1 | 12 | African Methodist Episcopal Church. Americus District. |
1 | 13 | African Methodist Episcopal Church. Bainbridge District. |
1 | 14 | Agnes Scott College |
1 | 15 | Agnes Scott Institute |
1 | 16 | Agricultural and Industrial Development Board of Georgia |
1 | 17 | Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia. |
1 | 18 | Air South (Firm) |
1 | 19 | Albany Area Vocational Technical School |
1 | 20 | Albany Museum of Art. |
1 | 21 | Albany State College |
1 | 22 | Alexander Methodist Church. |
1 | 23 | Alkahest Celebrity Bureau (Atlanta, Ga.) |
1 | 24 | Allen's Invalid Home (Milledgeville, Ga.) |
1 | 25 | Alonzo F. and Norris B. Herndon Foundation |
1 | 26 | Altamaha Electric Membership Corporation. |
1 | 27 | Altamaha River Development Association. |
1 | 28 | Altamayer and Flatau Liquor Company (Macon, Ga.) |
1 | 29 | A. M. Barbee & Son (Savannah, Ga.) |
1 | 30 | American Agricultural Chemical Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
1 | 31 | American Association of Hospital Accountants Georgia Chapter. |
1 | 32 | American Association of University Professors. Georgia Chapter. |
box | folder |
2 | 1 | American Association of University Professors. Georgia Conference. |
2 | 2 | American Association of University Women. Georgia Division |
2 | 3 | American Bankers Association. Agricultural Commission |
2 | 4 | American Camellia Society. (Fort Valley, Ga.) |
2 | 5 | American Cancer Society. Athens-Clarke County Unit. |
2 | 6 | American Cancer Society. Georgia Division. |
2 | 7 | American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia. |
2 | 8 | American Dairy Association of Georgia. |
2 | 9 | American Heritage Program in Georgia. |
2 | 10 | American Institute of Cooperation (Atlanta, Ga.), 1942 |
2 | 11 | American Legion. Allen R. Fleming, Jr. Post No. 20 (Athens, Ga.) |
2 | 12 | American Legion. Auxiliary. Dept. of Georgia |
2 | 13 | American Legion. Dept. of Georgia. |
2 | 14 | American Legion. John D. Mathis Post No. 2 |
2 | 15 | American Quick Cure (A.Q.C.) Company (Conyers, Ga.) |
2 | 16 | American Rose Society Convention (Atlanta, Ga.), 1968 |
2 | 17 | American Society of Dixie Grays |
2 | 18 | American String Teachers Association. Georgia Chapter |
2 | 19 | Andrew College (Cuthbert, Ga.) |
2 | 20 | Annual Conference of Historic Preservation in Georgia |
2 | 21 | Appalachian Trail Conference |
2 | 22 | Appleton Church Home (Macon, Ga.) |
2 | 23 | Arabi Campsites |
2 | 24 | Area Planning Conference for the North and South Georgia Conferences of the Methodist Church |
2 | 25 | Armour Fertilizer Works (Atlanta, Ga. Albany, Ga.) |
2 | 26 | Armstrong State College |
2 | 27 | Art Directors Club of Atlanta. |
2 | 28 | Arthritis Foundation. Georgia Chapter. |
2 | 29 | Arts Festival of Atlanta |
2 | 30 | Assemblage of Gastronomes in the Kingdom of Sausagia (13th : Atlanta, Ga.)
, 1963 |
2 | 31 | Associated General Contractors of America. Georgia Branch |
2 | 32 | Associated Industries of Georgia |
2 | 33 | Association County Commissioners of Georgia |
2 | 34 | Association of Georgia Artists. |
2 | 35 | Association of Private Colleges and Universities in Georgia. |
2 | 36 | Athens (Ga.) Police Dept. |
2 | 37 | Athens (Ga.). Playground and Recreation Board. |
2 | 38 | Athens (Ga.). Recreation and Parks Dept. |
2 | 39 | Athens Academy. |
2 | 40 | Athens and Clarke County United Way. |
2 | 41 | Athens Area Chamber of Commerce. |
2 | 42 | Athens Area Chamber of Commerce. Committee on Tax Revision. |
box | folder |
3 | 1 | Athens Area Homeless Shelter |
3 | 2 | Athens Area Humane Society. |
3 | 3 | Athens Area Technical School. |
3 | 4 | Athens Art Association. |
3 | 5 | Athens Ballet Theatre. |
3 | 6 | Athens Board of Education. |
3 | 7 | Athens Business and Professional Women's Club |
3 | 8 | Athens Business College. |
3 | 9 | Athens Chamber Singers. |
3 | 10 | Athens Child Health Demonstration Committee. |
3 | 11 | Athens Choral Society. |
3 | 12 | Athens City Education Association. |
3 | 13 | Athens City Lines, Inc. |
3 | 14 | Athens Civic Ballet Company. |
3 | 15 | Athens Clarke County Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. |
3 | 16 | Athens Clarke County Community Chest. |
3 | 17 | Athens Coca Cola Bottling Company. |
3 | 18 | Athens Community Adult High School. |
3 | 19 | Athens Community Apartments, Inc. |
3 | 20 | Athens Community Council on Aging, Inc. |
3 | 21 | Athens Community Theater |
3 | 22 | Athens Country Club |
3 | 23 | Athens Daily Times. |
3 | 24 | Athens Dance Theatre. |
3 | 25 | Athens Federal Savings and Loan Association. |
3 | 26 | Athens Fish & Oyster Co. |
3 | 27 | Athens Folk Music & Dance Society |
3 | 28 | Athens Garden Club. |
3 | 29 | Athens Gas, Light & Fuel Co. |
3 | 30 | Athens General Hospital. |
3 | 31 | Athens High School. |
3 | 32 | Athens Historical Society. |
3 | 33 | Athens History Village, Ltd. |
3 | 34 | Athens Ice and Coal Co. |
3 | 35 | Athens Jaycees |
3 | 36 | Athens Junior Assembly. |
3 | 37 | Athens Knox Institute |
3 | 38 | Athens Lumber Company |
box | folder |
4 | 1 | Athens Memorial Park, Inc. |
4 | 2 | Athens Newcomer Club. |
4 | 3 | Athens Philatelic Society |
4 | 4 | Athens Puppet Theatre Company. |
4 | 5 | Athens Regional Council for Higher Education |
4 | 6 | Athens Regional Library (Athens, Ga.) |
4 | 7 | Athens Review |
4 | 8 | Athens Safety Council. |
4 | 9 | Athens Sports Medicine Clinic. |
4 | 10 | Athens Street Players. |
4 | 11 | Athens Symphony. |
4 | 12 | Athens Transit System. |
4 | 13 | Athens Tree Commission. |
4 | 14 | Athens Woman's Club. |
4 | 15 | Athens Young Mens Christians Association (YMCA) |
4 | 16 | Athens-Clarke Charter Commission. |
4 | 17 | Athens-Clarke County Humane Society. |
4 | 18 | Athens-Clarke County Library |
4 | 19 | Athens-Clarke County Mental Health Association. |
4 | 20 | Athens-Clarke County P.T.A. Council. |
4 | 21 | Athens-Clarke County Planning Commission. |
4 | 22 | Athens-Clarke County Safe Cycling Association |
4 | 23 | Athens-Clarke County Society of Food Production and Conservation. |
4 | 24 | Athens-Clarke County Veterans Memorial Committee |
4 | 25 | Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation |
4 | 26 | Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation |
4 | 27 | Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation |
4 | 28 | Atlanta & West Point Rail Road Co. |
box | folder |
5 | 1 | Atlanta 500 (Automobile race) |
5 | 2 | Atlanta Advertising Club. |
5 | 3 | Atlanta American Motor Hotel. |
5 | 4 | Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company |
5 | 5 | Atlanta Area Association of Senior Citizen Clubs |
5 | 6 | Atlanta Area Teacher Education Service. |
5 | 7 | Atlanta Area Technical School. |
5 | 8 | Atlanta Art Association |
5 | 9 | Atlanta Artists Club. |
5 | 10 | Atlanta Association for Retarded Children. |
5 | 11 | Atlanta Association of Life Underwriters. |
5 | 12 | Atlanta Ballet. |
5 | 13 | Atlanta Baptist College (Atlanta, Ga.) |
5 | 14 | Atlanta Biltmore Hotel. |
5 | 15 | Atlanta Bird Club. |
5 | 16 | Atlanta Book Fair. |
5 | 17 | Atlanta Braves (Baseball team) |
5 | 18 | Atlanta Braves (Baseball team) |
5 | 19 | Atlanta Bureau of Cultural and International Affairs. |
5 | 20 | Atlanta Chamber of Commerce |
5 | 21 | Atlanta Chiefs (Soccer team) |
5 | 22 | Atlanta Civic Ballet. |
5 | 23 | Atlanta Civic Opera Association. |
5 | 24 | Atlanta College of Art. |
5 | 25 | Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games |
5 | 26 | Atlanta Committee To End the War in Vietnam. |
5 | 27 | Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Ga. : Newspaper) |
5 | 28 | Atlanta Convention and Tourist Bureau |
5 | 29 | Atlanta Convention Bueau. |
5 | 30 | Atlanta Decorative Arts Center. |
box | folder |
6 | 1 | Atlanta Dogwood Festival. |
6 | 2 | Atlanta Falcons. |
6 | 3 | Atlanta Federal Archives & Records Center. |
6 | 4 | Atlanta Federal Savings (Firm) |
6 | 5 | Atlanta Flea Market. |
6 | 6 | Atlanta Flower Show Association. |
6 | 7 | Atlanta Fulton County Recreation Authority |
6 | 8 | Atlanta Gas Light Company. |
6 | 9 | Atlanta Historical Society |
6 | 10 | Atlanta Housing Authority. |
6 | 11 | Atlanta Humane Society. |
6 | 12 | Atlanta Internationale Hotel. |
6 | 13 | Atlanta Jazz Festival. |
6 | 14 | Atlanta Journal |
6 | 15 | Atlanta Journal Constitution (Firm : Atlanta, Ga.) |
6 | 16 | Atlanta Kennel Club |
6 | 17 | Atlanta Marriott Motor Hotel. |
6 | 18 | Atlanta Memorial Arts Center. |
6 | 19 | Atlanta Municipal Theater |
6 | 20 | Atlanta Music Club. |
box | folder |
7 | 1 | Atlanta Music Festival Association. |
7 | 2 | Atlanta Music Festival Association. |
7 | 3 | Atlanta Music Festival Association. |
7 | 4 | Atlanta Music Festival Association. |
7 | 5 | Atlanta Music Festival Association. |
7 | 6 | Atlanta Music Festival Association. |
7 | 7 | Atlanta Opera Company/Atlanta Opera Council. |
7 | 8 | Atlanta Paper Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
7 | 9 | Atlanta Philharmonic Society. |
7 | 10 | Atlanta Pops Orchestra. |
7 | 11 | Atlanta Public Library |
7 | 12 | Atlanta Public Library |
7 | 13 | Atlanta Public Services |
7 | 14 | Atlanta Region Metropolitan Planning Commission. |
7 | 15 | Atlanta Regional Commission. |
box | folder |
8 | 1 | Atlanta School of Oratory and Expression. |
8 | 2 | Atlanta State Farmers' Market. |
8 | 3 | Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. |
8 | 4 | Atlanta Tallow Company. |
8 | 5 | Atlanta Theatre Guild. |
8 | 6 | Atlanta Theatre. |
8 | 7 | Atlanta Times |
8 | 8 | Atlanta Title and Trust Company |
8 | 9 | Atlanta Track Club |
8 | 10 | Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council. |
8 | 11 | Atlanta Union Mission. |
8 | 12 | Atlanta University. |
8 | 13 | Atlanta Urban League |
8 | 14 | Atlanta Woman of the Year |
8 | 15 | Atlanta Woman's Club |
8 | 16 | Atlanta Writers' Club. |
8 | 17 | Atlanta. Dept. of Parks and Recreation |
8 | 18 | Atlanta. Parks Dept. |
8 | 19 | Atlantic Steel Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
8 | 20 | Atlas Finance Company,Inc. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
8 | 21 | Augusta Chamber of Commerce. |
8 | 22 | Augusta College. |
8 | 23 | Augusta Geneological Society |
8 | 24 | Augusta Museum. |
8 | 25 | Augusta Music Club. |
8 | 26 | Augusta National Golf Club. |
8 | 27 | Avondale Methodist Church (Avondale Estates, Ga.) |
8 | 28 | Bainbridge (Ga.) |
8 | 29 | Bainbridge (Ga.) |
8 | 30 | Ballastone Inn (Savannah, Ga.) |
8 | 31 | Bank of Commerce (Americus, Ga.) |
8 | 32 | Baptist World Alliance. 6th congress, Atlanta., 1939 |
8 | 33 | Barrow County (Ga.) |
8 | 34 | Bartow Public School. |
box | folder |
9 | 1 | Bay Tree Grove Publishers (Valdosta, Ga.) |
9 | 2 | Beall's 1860 (Macon, Ga.) |
9 | 3 | Beehive Press (Savannah, Ga.) |
9 | 4 | Belle Meade Hunt |
9 | 5 | Berry College. |
9 | 6 | Berry Schools. |
9 | 7 | Berry Schools. |
9 | 8 | Bessie Tift College |
9 | 9 | Bessie Tift College |
9 | 10 | Bethesda Home for Boys (Savannah, Ga.) |
9 | 11 | Bibb Manufacturing Company. |
9 | 12 | Bicentennial Commission (Atlanta, Ga.) |
9 | 13 | Bicentennial Commission (Augusta, Ga.) |
9 | 14 | Bicentennial Trust Fund (Columbus, Ga.)
9 | 15 | Big Shanty Museum (Kennesaw, Ga.)
9 | 16 | Birdsong Nature Center (Thomasville, Ga.) |
9 | 17 | Birdwood Junior College. (Thomasville, Ga.) |
9 | 18 | Blackman Health Resort. |
9 | 19 | Black Methodists for Church Renewal. North Georgia Caucus. |
9 | 20 | Blockhouse Baptist Church (Jacksonville, Ga.) |
9 | 21 | Blue Bird Body Company (Fort Valley, Ga.) |
9 | 22 | Blue Heron Club (Brunswick, Ga.) |
9 | 23 | Blue Ridge Mountain Tourist Association. |
9 | 24 | Bobbin Mill Garden Club (Athens, Ga.) |
9 | 25 | Boggs Rural Life Center (Keysville, Ga.) |
box | folder |
10 | 1 | Boland Bonded Pest Control (Athens, Ga.) |
10 | 2 | Boll Weevil Destroyer Co. (College Park, Ga.) |
10 | 3 | Bombayreed Manufacturing and Importing Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
10 | 4 | Bon Air Residential Hotel (Augusta, Ga.) |
10 | 5 | Boys' Club of Athens, Inc. |
10 | 6 | Boys Estate (Brunswick, Ga.) |
10 | 7 | Brannan, Beckham and Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
10 | 8 | Brantley Company (Blackshear, Ga.) |
10 | 9 | Brasstown Bald Mountain to Young Harris Road Development Project. |
10 | 10 | Brat House (Atlanta, Ga.) |
10 | 11 | Braves Camp Rabun (Clayton, Ga.) |
10 | 12 | Brenau College |
10 | 13 | Brewton-Parker College |
10 | 14 | Bridges Funeral Home (Athens, Ga.) |
10 | 15 | Bridgeway, Inc. Christian Home for Boys (Athens, Ga.) |
10 | 16 | Broad River Action Group. |
10 | 17 | Brooks County Industrial Club (Quitman, Ga.) |
10 | 18 | Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corp. Plant (Macon, Ga.) |
10 | 19 | Brown's Guide to Georgia. |
10 | 20 | Brumby Chair Company. |
10 | 21 | Brunswick Board of Trade |
10 | 22 | Brunswick College. |
10 | 23 | Brunswick Junior College. |
10 | 24 | Buckhead Civitan Club |
10 | 25 | Burns Club of Atlanta. |
10 | 26 | Business Machines Company (Athens, Ga.) |
10 | 27 | Bussey & Son (Columbus, Ga.) |
10 | 28 | Callanwald Foundation. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
10 | 29 | Callaway Foundation. |
10 | 30 | Camden County School System |
10 | 31 | Camilla-Zack Country Life Center (Mayfield, Ga.) |
10 | 32 | Campaign for a Prosperous Georgia |
10 | 33 | Camp Gordon (Atlanta, Ga.) |
10 | 34 | Camp Juliette Low, Inc. |
10 | 35 | Camp Ko-wee-ta (Fairburn, Ga.) |
10 | 36 | Cane Growers Co-Operative Association (Cairo, Ga.) |
10 | 37 | Capital City Club (Atlanta, Ga.) |
10 | 38 | Carharrt & Curd (Macon, Ga.) |
10 | 39 | Carmical Manufaturing Company (Union City, Ga.) |
10 | 40 | Carnegie Library (Albany, Ga.) |
10 | 41 | Carter Center |
10 | 42 | Cathedral of Christ the King (Atlanta, Ga.) |
10 | 43 | Catholic Church. Diocese of Savannah-Atlanta. |
10 | 44 | Catholic Laymen's Association of Georgia |
10 | 45 | Cedar Creek Development Corp. |
10 | 46 | Centenary Methodist Church (Macon, Ga.) |
10 | 47 | Centennial Olympic Park |
box | folder |
11 | 1 | Center for Spiritual Awareness |
11 | 2 | Central College (Griffin, Ga.) |
11 | 3 | Central Congregational Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
11 | 4 | Central of Georgia Railway. |
11 | 5 | Central Savannah River Area Planning & Development Commission |
11 | 6 | Central School Supply House (Atlanta, Ga.) |
11 | 7 | Central State Hospital (Milledgeville, Ga.) |
11 | 8 | Central United Methodist Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
11 | 9 | Charter Garden Club (Columbus, Ga.) |
11 | 10 | Chase Conservatory of Music (Columbus, Ga.) |
11 | 11 | Chateau Elan Winery (Braselton, Ga.) |
11 | 12 | Chatham Urban Transportation Study |
11 | 13 | Chattahoochee Manufacturing Company (Gainesville, Ga.) |
11 | 14 | Chattahoochee National Forest (Ga.) |
11 | 15 | Chattahoochee Valley Art Association |
11 | 16 | Chattahoochee Valley Historical Society. |
11 | 17 | Cherokee Garden Club (Atlanta, Ga.) |
11 | 18 | Cherokee Garden Library. |
11 | 19 | Cherokee Historical Association |
11 | 20 | Cherokee Manufacturing Company (Rome, Ga.) |
11 | 21 | Cherokee Publishing Company (Covington, Ga.) |
11 | 22 | Cherokee Quarries (Jasper, Ga.) |
11 | 23 | Cherry Blossom Festival (Macon, Ga.) |
11 | 24 | Children of the Confederacy. Georgia Division |
11 | 25 | Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau (Atlanta, Ga.) |
11 | 26 | Christ Church (Frederica, Ga.) |
11 | 27 | Christ Church (Macon, Ga.) |
11 | 28 | Christ Church (Savannah, Ga.) |
11 | 29 | Christ Episcopal Church (Savannah, Ga.) |
11 | 30 | Christian College of Georgia (Athens, Ga.) |
11 | 31 | Christian Communications Company (Decatur, Ga.) |
11 | 32 | Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta |
11 | 33 | Christian Hardware (Athens, Ga.) |
11 | 34 | Christian Index (Atlanta, Ga.) |
11 | 35 | Church of Our Father (Atlanta, Ga.) |
11 | 36 | Citizens and Southern Banks in Georgia. |
11 | 37 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
11 | 38 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
box | folder |
12 | 1 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
12 | 2 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
12 | 3 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
12 | 4 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
12 | 5 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
12 | 6 | Citizens and Southern National Bank. |
12 | 7 | Citizens Committee for Alcohol Control (Athens, Ga.) |
12 | 8 | Citizens Concerned for Offender Rehabilitation (Athens, Ga.) |
12 | 9 | Citizens' Fact Finding Movement of Georgia |
12 | 10 | City Club of Atlanta. |
12 | 11 | City Council of Augusta. |
12 | 12 | Civil War Centennial Commission. National Assembly (11th : 1964 : Atlanta, Ga.) |
12 | 13 | Civil War Round Table of Atlanta. |
12 | 14 | Civitan International. Georgia District North. |
12 | 15 | Clark College. |
12 | 16 | Clarke County Airport Advisory Committee. |
12 | 17 | Clarke County Board of Commissioners |
12 | 18 | Clarke County Board of Education. |
12 | 19 | Clarke County Jury Commission. |
box | folder |
13 | 1 | Clarke County Republican Committee. |
13 | 2 | Clarke Federal Savings and Loan Association. |
13 | 3 | Classic City Band (Athens, Ga.) |
13 | 4 | Clayton Junior College |
13 | 5 | Clean Water Symposium (Gainesville Junior College), 1972 |
13 | 6 | Cloister (Sea Island, Ga.) |
13 | 7 | Clover Blossom Festival (Hart County, Ga.) |
13 | 8 | Cloverhurst Country Club (Athens, Ga.) |
13 | 9 | Coastal Area Planning and Development Commission (Ga.) |
13 | 10 | Coastal Area Teacher Education Service |
13 | 11 | Coastal Plain Area Planning and Development Commission. |
13 | 12 | Cobb County Public Library System |
13 | 13 | Coca-Cola Company |
13 | 14 | Cochran Mill Nature Center (Fairburn, Ga.) |
13 | 15 | Cohutta National Fish Hatchery |
13 | 16 | Coleman Lake Camp and Trailer Park (Burke County, Ga.) |
13 | 17 | Collie Club of Georgia |
13 | 18 | Collins & Grey (Reidsville, Ga.) |
13 | 19 | Colonial Mobile Homes (Athens, Ga.) |
13 | 20 | Colonial Theatre (Athens, Ga.) |
13 | 21 | Colquitt-Thomas Regional Library (Moultrie, Ga.) |
13 | 22 | Columbia Fire Insurance Co. (Athens, Ga.) |
13 | 23 | Columbia Theological Seminary |
13 | 24 | Columbus Alcohol Safety Action Project |
13 | 25 | Columbus Area Vocational Technical School. |
13 | 26 | Columbus Artists' Guild. |
13 | 27 | Columbus College. |
13 | 28 | Columbus Historical Society. |
13 | 29 | Columbus Hospice. |
13 | 30 | Columbus Museum of Arts and Sciences. |
13 | 31 | Columbus School Desk Company (Columbus, Ga.) |
13 | 32 | Commercial Bank of Cedartown (Cedartown, Ga.) |
13 | 33 | Commercial-Industrial Realty (Atlanta, Ga.) |
13 | 34 | Commerce Woman's Club |
13 | 35 | Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Inc. |
13 | 36 | Commission on Occupational Education Institute |
13 | 37 | Committee for Georgia. |
13 | 38 | Committee for Georgia. |
13 | 39 | Committee of 100 |
13 | 40 | Committee for Progress (Lafayette, Ga.) |
13 | 41 | Common Cause/Georgia. |
13 | 42 | Community Council of Athens and Clarke County, Georgia. |
13 | 43 | Community Law Project (Athens, Ga.) |
13 | 44 | Community Leadership Seminar of Savannah. |
13 | 45 | Conference of Georgia's Historical Socieities and Agencies. |
13 | 46 | Conference on Education and Race Relations |
box | folder |
14 | 1 | Conference on Estuaries (Jekyll Island), 1964 |
14 | 2 | Conference on Historic Preservation in Georgia. |
14 | 3 | Congregation Children of Israel (Athens, Ga.) |
14 | 4 | Consulate General of the Republic of China in Atlanta. |
14 | 5 | Consumers Cooperative Club of Techwood (Atlanta,Ga.) |
14 | 6 | Contemporary Art/Southeast, Inc. |
14 | 7 | Cooperative Club of Techwood Homes (Atlanta, Ga.) |
14 | 8 | Coosa Valley Area Planning and Development Commission. |
14 | 9 | Coosa Valley Fair (Rome, Ga.) |
14 | 10 | Coosa Valley Vocational Technical School (Rome, Ga.) |
14 | 11 | Cotton Manufacturers Association of Georgia. |
14 | 12 | Cotton Producers Association (Atlanta, Ga.) |
14 | 13 | Cotton States Exposition (Atlanta, Ga.), 1895 |
14 | 14 | Council of Southern Universities. Southern Fellowships Fund. |
14 | 15 | Country Store Restaurant (Athens, Ga.) |
14 | 16 | Courts & Company. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
14 | 17 | Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory (U.S.) |
14 | 18 | Cox College (College Park, Ga.) |
14 | 19 | Cracker Barrel (Whitehall) |
14 | 20 | Crawford W. Long Memorial Association. |
14 | 21 | Crawford W. Long Memorial Museum Association (Jefferson, Ga.) |
14 | 22 | Crawford W. Long Museum. |
14 | 23 | Crystal Beer Parlor (Savannah, Ga.) |
14 | 24 | Cuban Good-Will Tour to Atlanta and Georgia. |
14 | 25 | Cushman Corporation (Atlanta, Ga.) |
14 | 26 | D.C. Heath and Company.(Atlanta, Ga.) |
14 | 27 | Dahlia Society of Georgia. |
14 | 28 | Dairy Council of Georgia. |
14 | 29 | Daniel Brothers Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
14 | 30 | Daughters of the American Colonists. Georgia Society. |
14 | 31 | Daughters of the American Revolution. Bonaventure Chapter. |
14 | 32 | Daughters of the American Revolution. Button Gwinnett Chapter. |
14 | 33 | Daughters of the American Revolution. Elijah Clarke Chapter. |
14 | 34 | Daughters of the American Revolution. Fielding Lewis Chapter. |
14 | 35 | Daughters of the American Revolution. Georgia State Officers' Club |
14 | 36 | Daughters of the American Revolution. Georgia State Society. |
14 | 37 | Daughters of the American Revolution. Kettle Creek Chapter. |
14 | 38 | Davison-Paxon Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
14 | 39 | Davison's (Retail Store) |
14 | 40 | Dekalb Area Vocational-Technical School (Decatur, Ga.) |
14 | 41 | DeKalb College (Clarkston, Ga.) |
14 | 42 | Dekalb Community College (Decatur, Ga.) |
14 | 43 | Dekalb County Chamber of Commerce. |
14 | 44 | Dekalb County Historical Society. |
14 | 45 | Dekalb Library System. |
14 | 46 | Democratic Party (Ga.). |
14 | 47 | Democratic Party (Ga.). |
box | folder |
15 | 1 | Democratic Party (Ga.). |
15 | 2 | De Soto Hotel / Hotel De Soto (Savannah, Ga.) |
15 | 3 | Designers Collaborative, Inc. (Athens, Ga.) |
15 | 4 | Devereux United Methodist Church (Hancock County, Ga.) |
15 | 5 | Dixie Council of Authors and Journalists. |
15 | 6 | Dixie-Cap Rubber Sales Co. |
15 | 7 | Dixie Manufacturing (Union City, Ga.) |
15 | 8 | Dr. W. R. Price's Sanitorium and School of Psychology (Atlanta, Ga.) |
15 | 9 | Downtown Marrietta |
15 | 10 | Eagle Tavern (Watkinsville, Ga.) |
15 | 11 | East Georgia Planning Council. |
15 | 12 | Eastern Air Lines. |
15 | 13 | Eastern Georgia Farmers Cooperative. |
15 | 14 | Ebenezer Baptist Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
15 | 15 | Ebenezer Baptist Church (Toccoa, Ga.) |
15 | 16 | Educational Foundation of the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. |
15 | 17 | Edwards Companies |
15 | 18 | Edwards Enterprises (Atlanta, Ga.) |
15 | 19 | Egleston Children's Hospital (Atlanta, Ga.) |
15 | 20 | Electrical South. (Atlanta, Ga. : Periodical) |
15 | 21 | Elks (Fraternal order). Lodge No. 78 (Atlanta, Ga.) |
15 | 22 | Elks (Fraternal order). Lodge No. 230 (Macon, Ga.) |
15 | 23 | Emmanuel Episcopal Church (Athens, Ga.) |
15 | 24 | Emory College |
15 | 25 | Emory University |
15 | 26 | Emory University. Crawford W. Long Memorial Hospital. |
15 | 27 | Emory University. School of Nursing. |
15 | 28 | Empire Flour Mills (Columbus, Ga.) |
15 | 29 | Empire State Chemical Company (Athens, Ga.) |
15 | 30 | Environmental Research Laboratory (Athens, Ga.) |
15 | 31 | Episcopal Church. Diocese of Atlanta |
15 | 32 | Episcopal Home for Girls (Savannah, Ga.) |
15 | 33 | Episcopal Prayer Book Society. Athens chapter. |
15 | 34 | Epworth by the Sea. |
15 | 35 | ERA Georgia. |
box | folder |
16 | 1 | Erlanger Theatre (Atlanta, Ga.) |
16 | 2 | Exposition Cotton Mills Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
16 | 3 | F.H. Lummus Sons Company (Columbus, Ga.) |
16 | 4 | Factors Walk Military Museum (Savannah, Ga.) |
16 | 5 | Fairmount High School |
16 | 6 | Fairview Methodist Church (Cherokee County, Ga.) |
16 | 7 | Famous Artists Corporation (Atlanta, Ga.) |
16 | 8 | Farmers Bank (Union Point, Ga.) |
16 | 9 | Fayette County Historical Society. |
16 | 10 | Federal Land Bank of Columbia (S.C.). Legal Department. |
16 | 11 | Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |
16 | 12 | Fernbank Museum of Natural History (Atlanta, Ga.) |
16 | 13 | Fernbank Science Center (Atlanta, Ga.) |
16 | 14 | Ficklen Presbyterian Church (Ficklin, Ga.) |
16 | 15 | First Baptist Church (Athens, Ga.) |
16 | 16 | First Baptist Church (Augusta,Ga.) |
16 | 17 | First Baptist Church (Carrollton, Ga.) |
16 | 18 | First Baptist Church (Columbus, Ga.) |
16 | 19 | First Baptist Church (East Point, Ga.) |
16 | 20 | First Baptist Church (Epworth, Ga.) |
16 | 21 | First Baptist Church (Hoganville, Ga.) |
16 | 22 | First Baptist Church (Swainsboro, Ga.) |
16 | 23 | First Christian Church (Winder, Ga.) |
16 | 24 | First Federal Savings & Loan Association (Brunswick, Ga.) |
16 | 25 | First Investors Mortgage Company (Athens, Ga.) |
16 | 26 | First Methodist Church (Buford, Ga.) |
16 | 27 | First Methodist Church (Milledgeville, Ga.) |
16 | 28 | First Methodist Church (Sandersville, Ga.) |
16 | 29 | First Methodist Church (Valdosta, Ga.) |
16 | 30 | First Methodist Church (Wrightsville, Ga.) |
16 | 31 | First National Bank of Athens. |
16 | 32 | First National Bank of Atlanta. |
16 | 33 | First National Holding Corporation (Atlanta, Ga.) |
16 | 34 | First Presbyterian Church (Athens, Ga.) |
16 | 35 | First Presbyterian Church (St. Mary's, Ga.) |
16 | 36 | First United Methodist Church (Athens, Ga.) |
16 | 37 | First United Methodist Church (Athens, Ga.) |
16 | 38 | Fitzgerald-Ben Hill County Library |
16 | 39 | Flagler Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
16 | 40 | Florida. State Canal Commission. |
16 | 41 | Floyd Junior College (Rome, Ga.) |
16 | 42 | Flying Squadron Law Enforcement Conference (Thomasville, Ga.) |
16 | 43 | Fork of Broad River (now Carlton) Baptist Church |
16 | 44 | Fort Benning (Ga.). United States Army Infantry School |
16 | 45 | Fort Frederica Association. |
16 | 46 | Fort Valley High and Industrial School. |
16 | 47 | Fort Valley State College. |
16 | 48 | Forward Atlanta. |
16 | 49 | FoxFire |
16 | 50 | Frankenberg-Guthrie Gallery (Athens, Ga.) |
box | folder |
17 | 1 | Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Dept. of Art. |
17 | 2 | Freemasons. Grand Lodge of Georgia. |
17 | 3 | Free Speech Task Force |
17 | 4 | Friends of Children, Inc. (Stone Mountain, Ga.) |
17 | 5 | Friends of Lucy Cobb and Seney-Stovall (Athens, Ga.) |
17 | 6 | Friends of Oglethorpe. |
17 | 7 | Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills (Atlanta, Ga.) |
17 | 8 | Funds for Gunston (Georgia) |
17 | 9 | Future Farmers of America. ǂb Georgia Association |
17 | 10 | Gainesville-Hall County Planning Commission |
17 | 11 | Gainesville Junior College |
17 | 12 | Gainesville National Bank. |
17 | 13 | GALILEO (Georgia statewide project) |
17 | 14 | Gammon Theological Seminary |
17 | 15 | Ganntt Manufacturing Company (Macon, Ga.) |
17 | 16 | Garden Club Council of Chatham County |
17 | 17 | Garden Club of Georgia |
17 | 18 | Garden Club of Georgia |
17 | 19 | Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. |
17 | 20 | Geneological Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled (Doraville, Ga.) |
17 | 21 | General Oglethorpe (Hotel: Savannah, Ga.) |
17 | 22 | Genuine Parts Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
17 | 23 | Georgia 2000 (Project) |
17 | 24 | Georgia 4-H Club. |
17 | 25 | Georgia Abortion Rights Action League. |
17 | 26 | Georgia Academy for the Blind (Macon, Ga.) |
17 | 27 | Georgia Academy of Sciences |
17 | 28 | Georgia Adult Education Council. |
17 | 29 | Georgia Agribusiness Council. |
17 | 30 | Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts. |
17 | 31 | Georgia Agrirama |
box | folder |
18 | 1 | Georgia Angus Association. |
18 | 2 | Georgia Art Bus Program |
18 | 3 | Georgia Association (Chamber of Commerce) |
18 | 4 | Georgia Association Assessing Officials. |
18 | 5 | Georgia Association for Mental Health. |
18 | 6 | Georgia Association for Retarded Children. |
18 | 7 | Georgia Association of Broadcasters. |
18 | 8 | Georgia Association of Colleges. |
18 | 9 | Georgia Association of Commercial Secretaries. |
18 | 10 | Georgia Association of Educators. |
18 | 11 | Georgia Association of Historians. |
18 | 12 | Georgia Association of Junior Colleges. |
18 | 13 | Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries. |
18 | 14 | Georgia Association of Planning and Development Commissions. |
18 | 15 | Georgia Association of School Administrators. |
18 | 16 | Georgia Association of School Superintendents. |
18 | 17 | Georgia Athletic Coaches Association |
18 | 18 | Georgia Aviation Division |
18 | 19 | Georgia Bankers Association. |
18 | 20 | Georgia Baptist Association. |
18 | 21 | Georgia Baptist Convention |
18 | 22 | Georgia Baptist Convention |
18 | 23 | Georgia Baptist Historical Society. |
18 | 24 | Georgia Baptist Hospital (Atlanta, Ga.) |
18 | 25 | Georgia Baptist Young People's Union. |
18 | 26 | Georgia Bar Association. |
18 | 27 | Georgia Bicentennial Commission |
18 | 28 | Georgia Board of Osteopathic Examiners. |
18 | 29 | Georgia Botanical Society |
18 | 30 | Georgia Breeders Association. |
18 | 31 | Georgia Building Authority. |
18 | 32 | Georgia Campground Owners Association. |
18 | 33 | Georgia Canners Association. |
18 | 34 | Georgia Center for Continuing Education. |
18 | 35 | Georgia Chamber of Commerce |
18 | 36 | Georgia Chemurgic Conference (Macon, Ga.), 1937 |
18 | 37 | Georgia Chemurgic Conference of Representatives of Agriculture, Industry, and Science.
18 | 38 | Georgia Children's Home Society. |
18 | 39 | Georgia Citizens Council |
18 | 40 | Georgia Citizens Council. Mental Health Committee. |
18 | 41 | Georgia Citizens for Hospital Abortions |
18 | 42 | Georgia Civil War Commission. |
18 | 43 | Georgia College (Milledgeville, Ga.) |
18 | 44 | Georgia College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. |
18 | 45 | Georgia Commission for the National Bicentennial Celebration |
box | folder |
19 | 1 | Georgia Commission on Aging |
19 | 2 | Georgia Commission on Alcoholism |
19 | 3 | Georgia Commission on the Arts |
19 | 4 | Georgia Commission on Interracial Cooperation. |
19 | 5 | Georgia Commission on Standard Elementary Schools |
19 | 6 | Georgia Committee for Good Government |
19 | 7 | Georgia Committee for Time Uniformity. |
19 | 8 | Georgia Confederate Monument and Memorial Association. |
19 | 9 | Georgia Conference on the Cause and Cure of War. |
19 | 10 | Georgia Congress of Parents and Teachers. |
19 | 11 | Georgia Conservancy. |
19 | 12 | Georgia Conservancy. Athens Chapter. |
19 | 13 | Georgia Conservancy. Fulton County Chapter. |
19 | 14 | Georgia Cooperative Association (University of Georgia) |
19 | 15 | Georgia Correctional Industries. |
19 | 16 | Georgia Cotton Growers Cooperative Association. |
19 | 17 | Georgia Cottonseed Crusher's Association |
19 | 18 | Georgia Council for the Arts. |
19 | 19 | Georgia Council of Churches |
19 | 20 | Georgia Council for the Preservation of Natural Areas. |
19 | 21 | Georgia Council of Teachers of English. |
19 | 22 | Georgia Council on Human Relations. |
19 | 23 | Georgia Crop Improvement Association. |
19 | 24 | Georgia Dairy Farmers (Organization). ǂb Annual Convention. |
19 | 25 | Georgia Day (Savannah, Ga.) |
19 | 26 | Georgia Designer Craftsmen, Inc. |
19 | 27 | Georgia De Soto Trail Commission. |
19 | 28 | Georgia Development and Publicity Association |
box | folder |
20 | 1 | Georgia Dome (Atlanta, Ga.) |
20 | 2 | Georgia Education Association |
20 | 3 | Georgia Education Association. Division of Art Education. |
20 | 4 | Georgia Educational Association |
20 | 5 | Georgia Educational Improvement Council. |
20 | 6 | Georgia Electric Membership Corporation |
20 | 7 | Georgia Endowment for the Humanities. |
20 | 8 | Georgia Engineering Society. |
20 | 9 | Georgia Entomological Society. |
20 | 10 | Georgia Farm Bureau Federation. |
20 | 11 | Georgia Farm Equipment Association. |
20 | 12 | Georgia Federation of Music Clubs |
20 | 13 | Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs |
20 | 14 | Georgia Female College (Madison, Ga.) |
20 | 15 | Georgia First Amendment Foundation. |
20 | 16 | Georgia Forest Research Council |
20 | 17 | Georgia Forestry Association |
20 | 18 | Georgia Forestry Center |
box | folder |
21 | 1 | Georgia Forestry Commission |
21 | 2 | Georgia Forestwatch |
21 | 3 | Georgia Forestwatch |
21 | 4 | Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc. |
21 | 5 | Georgia Fruit Land Co.(Muncie, Ind.) |
21 | 6 | Georgia Genealogical Society. |
21 | 7 | Georgia Gerontology Society. |
21 | 8 | Georgia Good Roads Association. |
21 | 9 | Georgia Governor's Mansion (Atlanta, Ga.) |
21 | 10 | Georgia Green Party |
21 | 11 | Georgia Guidance Centers |
21 | 12 | Georgia Hall of Fame (Atlanta, Ga.) |
21 | 13 | Georgia Heart Association |
21 | 14 | Georgia Heart Clinic (LaGrange, Ga.) |
21 | 15 | Georgia Heritage Association Center for the Arts |
21 | 16 | Georgia Heritage Trust Commission. |
21 | 17 | Georgia High School Association. |
21 | 18 | Georgia High School Association. |
21 | 19 | Georgia High School Music Festival. |
21 | 20 | Georgia Highway Users Conference. |
21 | 21 | Georgia Historical Association. |
21 | 22 | Georgia Historical Commission. |
box | folder |
22 | 1 | Georgia Historical Society. |
22 | 2 | Georgia Historical Society. |
22 | 3 | Georgia Historical Society. |
22 | 4 | Georgia Home Economics Association. |
22 | 5 | Georgia Horticultural Society. |
22 | 6 | Georgia Hospital Assoication. |
22 | 7 | Georgia Humanities Council |
22 | 8 | Georgia Humanities Resource Center. |
22 | 9 | Georgia Independent Meat Packers Association |
22 | 10 | Georgia Industrial Home (Macon, Ga.) |
22 | 11 | Georgia Institute of Technology. |
22 | 12 | Georgia Institute of Technology. |
box | folder |
23 | 1 | Georgia Institute of Technology. |
23 | 2 | Georgia Institute of Technology. |
23 | 3 | Georgia International Life Insurance Company. |
23 | 4 | Georgia Iris Society. |
23 | 5 | Georgia Iris Society. |
23 | 6 | Georgia Jackson Day Dinner |
23 | 7 | Georgia Junior Academy of Science. |
23 | 8 | Georgia Junior Chamber of Commerce. |
23 | 9 | Georgia Kraft Company. |
23 | 10 | Georgia League of Conservation Voters. |
23 | 11 | Georgia League for Enforcement of Law through Constituted Authorities |
23 | 12 | Georgia Legislative Forum for Women |
23 | 13 | Georgia Library Association. |
23 | 14 | Georgia Library Association. |
box | folder |
24 | 1 | Georgia Library Commission. |
24 | 2 | Georgia Life, Inc. |
24 | 3 | Georgia Livestock Association. |
24 | 4 | Georgia Lung Association |
24 | 5 | Georgia Magazine. |
24 | 6 | Georgia Marble Company.
Georgia Marble Finishing Works. |
24 | 7 | Georgia Memorial Commission. |
24 | 8 | Georgia Mental Health Institute. |
24 | 9 | Georgia Methodist Commission on Higher Education |
24 | 10 | Georgia Methodist Pastor's School |
24 | 11 | Georgia Military Academy (See: Woodward Academy) |
24 | 12 | Georgia Military College (Milledgeville, Ga.) |
24 | 13 | Georgia Milk Commission. |
24 | 14 | Georgia Milk Producers, Inc. |
24 | 15 | Georgia Motor Trucking Association |
24 | 16 | Georgia Mountain Arts Products, Inc. |
24 | 17 | Georgia Mountain Crafts, Inc. (Gainesville, Ga.) |
24 | 18 | Georgia Mountain Fair (Hiawassee, Ga.) |
24 | 19 | Georgia Mountains Association |
24 | 20 | Georgia Mountains Planning and Development Commission |
24 | 21 | Georgia Municipal Association |
24 | 22 | Georgia Museum of Art |
24 | 23 | Georgia Museum of Art (Athens, Ga.) |
24 | 24 | Georgia Music Educators Association |
24 | 25 | Georgia Mutual Fire and Life Insurance Company (Macon, Ga.) |
24 | 26 | Georgia National Bank (Athens, Ga.) |
24 | 27 | Georgia Newspaper Hall of Fame. |
24 | 28 | Georgia Normal and Industrial College |
box | folder |
25 | 1 | Georgia Nursing Home Association |
25 | 2 | Georgia Nutrition Council |
25 | 3 | Georgia Office of Energy Resources |
25 | 4 | Georgia Ornithological Society |
25 | 5 | Georgia Peanut Festival. |
25 | 6 | Georgia Pecan Growers Association |
25 | 7 | Georgia Pharmaceutical Association, Legislative Committee |
25 | 8 | Georgia Ports Authority. |
25 | 9 | Georgia Power Company. |
25 | 10 | Georgia Power Company. |
25 | 11 | Georgia Power Company. Community Development Dept. |
25 | 12 | Georgia Power Company. Industrial Dept. |
25 | 13 | Georgia Press Association. |
25 | 14 | Georgia Press Institute |
25 | 15 | Georgia Press Institute |
25 | 16 | Georgia Probation and Parole Association |
25 | 17 | Georgia Pro-Choice Coalition |
25 | 18 | Georgia Psychological Association. |
25 | 19 | Georgia Public Defender Standards Council. |
25 | 20 | Georgia Public Health Association |
25 | 21 | Georgia Public Library Service. |
25 | 22 | Georgia Publishing Company (Marietta, Ga.) |
25 | 23 | Georgia Radio and Television Institute |
25 | 24 | Georgia Railroad Bank & Trust Company. |
25 | 25 | Georgia Railroad Bank & Trust Company. (Augusta, Ga.) |
25 | 26 | Georgia Recreation Society. |
25 | 27 | Georgia Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. |
25 | 28 | Georgia Rehabilitation Association. |
25 | 29 | Georgia Rehabilitation Center (Warm Springs, Ga.) |
25 | 30 | Georgia Retail Liquor Dealers |
25 | 31 | Georgia Retardation Center. |
25 | 32 | Georgia Retired Teachers Association |
box | folder |
26 | 1 | Georgia River Network. |
26 | 2 | Georgia Rural Health Conference. |
26 | 3 | Georgia Rural Roads Authority. |
26 | 5 | Georgia School Boards Association |
26 | 6 | Georgia School Boards Association |
26 | 7 | Georgia School Boards Association |
26 | 8 | Georgia School Boards Association |
26 | 9 | Georgia School Boards Association |
26 | 10 | Georgia School Boards Association |
26 | 11 | Georgia School for the Deaf. (Cave Spring, Ga.) |
26 | 12 | Georgia Science and Technology Commission. |
26 | 13 | Georgia Sheriffs Boys Ranch. |
26 | 14 | Georgia Social Science Council. |
26 | 15 | Georgia Society for Crippled Children and Adults. |
26 | 16 | Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants. |
26 | 17 | Georgia Society of Historical Research. |
26 | 18 | Georgia Society of Naturalists. |
26 | 19 | Georgia Society of Professional Engineers. |
26 | 20 | Georgia Society, Children of the American Revolution |
26 | 21 | Georgia Southern College (Statesboro, Ga.) |
box | folder |
27 | 1 | Georgia Southwestern College (Americus, Ga.) |
27 | 2 | Georgia State Agricultural Society |
27 | 3 | Georgia State Automobile Association |
27 | 4 | Georgia State Chamber of Commerce |
27 | 5 | Georgia State Chamber of Commerce. Industrial Development Council. |
27 | 6 | Georgia State College for Women |
27 | 7 | Georgia State College of Agriculture. |
27 | 8 | Georgia State College of Agriculture. Extension Division. |
27 | 9 | Georgia State Employees Health Service. |
27 | 10 | Georgia State Fair. |
27 | 11 | Georgia State Horticultural Society. |
27 | 12 | Georgia State Industrial College (Savannah, Ga.) |
27 | 13 | Georgia State League for Nursing. |
27 | 14 | Georgia State Library. |
27 | 15 | Georgia State Museum of Science and Industry. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
27 | 16 | Georgia State Nurses' Association. |
27 | 17 | Georgia State Poetry Society. |
27 | 18 | Georgia State Sanitarium at Milledgeville. |
27 | 19 | Georgia State Science Fair. |
27 | 20 | Georgia State Science Fair. |
27 | 21 | Georgia State Science Fair. |
box | folder |
28 | 1 | Georgia State Science Fair. |
28 | 2 | Georgia State Soil Conservation Committee. |
28 | 3 | Georgia State Steer Show. |
28 | 4 | Georgia State Sunday School Association |
28 | 5 | Georgia State Teachers' Association. |
28 | 6 | Georgia State University |
28 | 7 | Georgia Student Finance Commission. |
28 | 8 | Georgia Surface Mined Land Use Board. |
28 | 9 | Georgia Taxpayers League. |
28 | 10 | Georgia Teachers and Education Association |
28 | 11 | Georgia Teachers Association. |
28 | 12 | Georgia Television Network. |
28 | 13 | Georgia Theatre (Athens, Ga.) |
28 | 14 | Georgia Tribune (Columbus, Ga.: Newspaper) |
28 | 15 | Georgia Trust Company (Macon, Ga.) |
28 | 17 | Georgia Tuberculosis Association. |
28 | 18 | Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education and Campus Ministry. |
28 | 19 | Georgia Vegetable Growers Association |
28 | 20 | Georgia Veterinary Medical Association. |
28 | 21 | Georgia Voters League. |
28 | 22 | Georgia Warm Springs Foundation. |
box | folder |
29 | 1 | Georgia Water and Pollution Control Association. |
29 | 2 | Georgia Water Quality Control Board. |
29 | 3 | Georgia Water Safety Congress. |
29 | 4 | Georgia Wholesale Grocers' Association, Inc. |
29 | 5 | Georgia Women of Achievement. |
29 | 6 | Georgia Workshop on How to Export (Savannah, Ga.) |
29 | 7 | Georgia World Congress Center (Atlanta, Ga.) |
29 | 8 | Georgia Writer's Association |
29 | 9 | Georgia. Bureau of Industries and Immigration. |
29 | 10 | Georgia. Bureau of Industry and Trade. |
29 | 11 | Georgia. Bureau of Investigation. |
29 | 12 | Georgia. Bureau of Unemployment Compensation. |
29 | 13 | Georgia. Centennial Hall of Fame Committee. |
29 | 14 | Georgia. Chatham Artillery of Savannah. |
29 | 15 | Georgia. Coastal Resources Division |
29 | 16 | Georgia. Commission on Education. |
29 | 17 | Georgia. Commissioner of Game and Fish. |
29 | 18 | Georgia. Committee on Children and Youth. |
29 | 19 | Georgia. Consumer Services Program. |
29 | 20 | Georgia. Crippled Children's Division. |
29 | 21 | Georgia. Dept. of Agriculture |
29 | 22 | Georgia. Dept. of Archives and History |
29 | 23 | Georgia. Dept. of Archives and History. Archives Institute (Atlanta, Ga.) |
box | folder |
30 | 1 | Georgia. Dept. of Banking. |
30 | 2 | Georgia. Dept. of Commerce. |
30 | 3 | Georgia. Dept. of Community Development |
30 | 4 | Georgia. Dept. of Defense |
30 | 5 | Georgia. Dept. of Education. |
30 | 6 | Georgia. Dept. of Education. |
30 | 7 | Georgia. Dept. of Education. |
30 | 8 | Georgia. Dept. of Education. |
30 | 9 | Georgia. Dept. of Education. Office of Instructional Services. |
box | folder |
31 | 1 | Georgia. Dept. of Education. Publications and Information Services |
31 | 2 | Georgia. Dept. of Education. Statistical Services Unit. |
31 | 3 | Georgia. Dept. of Human Resources. |
31 | 4 | Georgia. Dept. of Industry and Trade |
31 | 5 | Georgia. Dept. of Industry and Trade |
31 | 6 | Georgia. Dept. of Industry and Trade |
31 | 7 | Georgia. Dept. of Labor. |
31 | 8 | Georgia. Dept. of Natural Resources. |
box | folder |
32 | 1 | Georgia. Dept. of Natural Resources. Historic Preservation Section. |
32 | 2 | Georgia. Dept. of Natural Resources.Recreation Planning Section. |
32 | 3 | Georgia. Dept. of Public Health. |
32 | 4 | Georgia. Dept. of Public Safety. |
32 | 5 | Georgia. Dept. of Public Welfare. |
32 | 6 | Georgia. Dept. of State Parks. |
32 | 7 | Georgia. Dept. of State Parks, Historic Sites, and Monuments. |
32 | 8 | Georgia. Dept. of Veterans Service. |
32 | 9 | Georgia. Division of Forestry. |
32 | 10 | Georgia. Division of Instruction Services for Exceptional Children. |
32 | 11 | Georgia. Division of Instructional Materials and Library Service. |
32 | 12 | Georgia. Division of Negro Education. |
32 | 13 | Georgia. Division of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Sites. |
32 | 14 | Georgia. Division of Public Health. |
32 | 15 | Georgia. Division of Vocational Education |
32 | 16 | Georgia. Division of Wildlife. |
32 | 17 | Georgia. Earth and Water Division. |
32 | 18 | Georgia. Employees' Retirement System. |
box | folder |
33 | 1 | Georgia. European Trade Mission. |
33 | 2 | Georgia. Executive Dept. |
33 | 3 | Georgia. Gasoline Tax Refund Unit. |
33 | 4 | Georgia. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Economy Committee. |
33 | 5 | Georgia. Governor (Carter), 1971-1975 |
33 | 6 | Georgia. Governor's Commission for Efficiency and Improvement in Government. |
33 | 7 | Georgia. Governor's Commission on the Status of Women. |
33 | 8 | Georgia. Governor's Commission to Improve Education. |
33 | 9 | Georgia. Governor's Exhibit Committee. |
33 | 10 | Georgia. Library Extension Service. |
33 | 11 | Georgia. Office of Aging. |
33 | 12 | Georgia. Recreation Commission. |
33 | 13 | Georgia. Secretary of State. |
33 | 14 | Georgia. Secretary of State. |
33 | 15 | Georgia. School Book Commission. |
33 | 16 | Georgia. State Board for the Certification of Librarians. |
33 | 17 | Georgia. State Board for Vocational Education. |
33 | 18 | Georgia. State Board of Barber and Beautician Examiners. |
33 | 19 | Georgia. State Board of Health. |
33 | 20 | Georgia. State Dept. of Family and Children Services |
33 | 21 | Georgia. State Division of Confederate Pensions and Records. |
33 | 22 | Georgia. State Division of Conservation. |
33 | 23 | Georgia. State Feed Advisory Committee. |
33 | 24 | Georgia. State Game and Fish Commission. |
box | folder |
34 | 1 | Georgia. State Highway Board. |
34 | 2 | Georgia. State Highway Dept. |
34 | 3 | Georgia. State Merit System of Personnel Administration. |
34 | 4 | Georgia. State Scholarship Commission. |
34 | 5 | Georgia. State School and Hospital. (Gracewood, Ga.) |
34 | 6 | Georgia. State Soil & Water Conservation Commission |
34 | 7 | Georgia. Surveyor General Dept. |
34 | 8 | Georgia. Tax Revision Committee. |
34 | 9 | Georgia. Tenth District A. & M. School, Granite Hill. |
34 | 10 | Georgia. United States Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission. |
34 | 11 | Georgians Against Nuclear Energy. |
34 | 12 | Georgians for the E.R.A. |
34 | 13 | Georgia-Pacific Corporation |
34 | 14 | Girls High School (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 15 | Glenn Memorial Methodist Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 16 | Glynn Art Association |
34 | 17 | Glynn County Board of Education. |
34 | 18 | Glynn County Fair. Colored Division. (Brunswick, Ga.) |
34 | 19 | Goethe Institute (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 20 | Golden Coast Publishing Company (Savannah, Ga.) |
34 | 21 | Golden State Nurseries (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 22 | Gold Kist, Inc. |
34 | 23 | Good Roads Tour Around Georgia. Executive Committee. |
34 | 24 | Goodwill Industries of America. |
34 | 25 | Gordon County Festival and Fair. |
34 | 26 | Governor's Conference on Education (ǂc Atlanta), 1963 |
34 | 27 | Grace Episcopal Church (Clarkesville, Ga.) |
34 | 28 | Grace Methodist Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 29 | Grady Memorial Hospital |
34 | 30 | Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Gobblers (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 31 | Grand Opera House (Macon, Ga.) |
34 | 32 | Gray Line of Atlanta (Firm) |
34 | 33 | Greater Atlanta Rose Society |
34 | 34 | Greater Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council. |
34 | 35 | Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce. |
34 | 36 | Griffin Baptist Church. |
34 | 37 | Griffin Female College. |
34 | 38 | Griffin-Spalding County Chamber of Commerce |
34 | 39 | Gwinnett Historical Society. |
34 | 40 | H. G. Hastings Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 41 | H. Glenn McNair (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 42 | H. M. Patterson And Son (Atlanta, Ga.) |
34 | 43 | H. R. Johnston & Co. (Americus, Ga.) |
34 | 44 | Habersham County Chamber of Commerce. |
box | folder |
35 | 1 | Habitat for Humanity, Inc. (Americus, Ga.) |
35 | 2 | Hamilton on the Square |
35 | 3 | Hampton Terrace |
35 | 4 | Hancock County Foundation for Historic Preservation, Inc. |
35 | 5 | Happy Valley Pottery (Farmington, Ga.) |
35 | 6 | Hay House (Macon, Ga.) |
35 | 7 | Heery & Heery. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
35 | 8 | Henry Grady Hotel (Atlanta, Ga.) |
35 | 9 | Hercules Powder Company. |
35 | 10 | High Museum of Art. |
35 | 11 | Hinman School (Atlanta, Ga.) |
35 | 12 | Historic Augusta. |
35 | 13 | Historic Chattahoochee Commission |
35 | 14 | Historic Cobbham Foundation (Athens, Ga.) |
35 | 15 | Historic Columbus Foundation. |
35 | 16 | Historic Heartland Association (Macon, Ga.) |
35 | 17 | Historic Savannah Foundation. |
35 | 18 | Historic Savannah Foundation. |
35 | 19 | Historic Stone Mountain |
35 | 20 | Hoke Smith Technical School (Atlanta, Ga.) |
35 | 21 | Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Athens, Ga.) |
35 | 22 | Home Demonstration Council (Ga.) |
35 | 23 | Hope Haven (Athens, Ga.) |
35 | 24 | HOPE Inc. (Help Our Public Education) |
35 | 25 | Hotel Ansley (Atlanta, Ga.) |
35 | 26 | Hotel Bon Air (Augusta, Ga.) |
35 | 27 | Hotel Candler (Decatur, Ga.) |
35 | 28 | Hotel Dempsey (Macon, Ga.) |
35 | 29 | Hotel Lanier (Macon, Ga.) |
35 | 30 | Hotel Oglethorpe (Brunswick, Ga.) |
35 | 31 | Hotel Richmond (Augusta, Ga.) |
35 | 32 | Hotel Tybee (Tybee Island Beach, Ga.) |
35 | 33 | Hotel York (Atlanta, Ga.) |
box | folder |
36 | 1 | Housing Authority of Athens. |
36 | 2 | Howe Ventilating Stove Company (Tallapoosa, Ga.) |
36 | 3 | Independent Media Artists of Georgia, Etcetera |
36 | 4 | Independent Presbyterian Church (Savannah, Ga.) |
36 | 5 | Independent Presbyterian Church (Savannah, Ga.) |
36 | 6 | Indian Cultural Festival (Columbus, Ga.) |
36 | 7 | Indian Springs Holiness Camp Ground (Flovilla, Ga.) |
36 | 8 | Industrial Development Council, Inc. |
36 | 9 | Institute for Georgia Legislators. |
36 | 10 | International Reading Association. Georgia Council
36 | 11 | Iris Garden Club (Atlanta, Ga.)
36 | 12 | J. C. Penney Company
36 | 13 | J. E. Jackson (Gainesville, Ga.) |
36 | 14 | Jack Hadley Black History Memorabilia |
36 | 15 | Jackson Electric Membership Corporation |
36 | 16 | Jacobs' Pharmacy (Atlanta, Ga.) |
36 | 17 | James W. Woodruff, Jr. Confederate Naval Museum (Columbus, Ga.) |
36 | 18 | Jefferson High School (Jefferson, Ga.) |
36 | 19 | Jekyll Island Club (Jekyll Island, Ga.) |
36 | 20 | Jimmy Carter Library |
36 | 21 | Joel Chandler Harris Association. |
36 | 22 | Joel Chandler Harris Centennial Committee (Eatonton, Ga.) |
36 | 23 | John Brown Gordon Monument Commission (Atlanta, Ga.) |
36 | 24 | John W. Dickey, Broker (Augusta, Ga.) |
36 | 25 | John W. Taliaferro & Associates (Atlanta, Ga.) |
36 | 26 | Johns Blood Medicine (Macon, Ga.) |
36 | 27 | Juliette Gordon Low National Girl Scout Center (Savannah, Ga.) |
36 | 28 | Junior Achievement of Georgia. |
36 | 29 | Junior League of Augusta. |
36 | 30 | J. W. Burke Company (Macon, Ga.) |
36 | 31 | Keeley Institute (Atlanta, Ga.) |
36 | 32 | Kennesaw Mountain Historical Association. |
36 | 33 | Keystone Pecan Company (Albany, Ga.) |
36 | 34 | King and Prince Beach Club and Surf Hotel (St. Simons Island, Ga.) |
36 | 35 | King Hardware Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
36 | 36 | Kingdoms 3 (Atlanta : Amusement park) |
36 | 37 | Kiwanis Club (Athens, Ga.) |
36 | 38 | Kiwanis Club (Eatonton, Ga.) |
36 | 39 | Kiwanis Club of Atlanta |
36 | 40 | Kiwanis Club of Statesboro |
36 | 41 | Kiwanis Club of Tifton |
box | folder |
37 | 1 | Kiwanis International. Georgia District. |
37 | 2 | Knights of America. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
37 | 3 | Knights of Pythias. Grand Lodge of Georgia. |
37 | 4 | Knights Templar (Masonic order). Educational Loan Committee. Grand commandery (Ga.) |
37 | 5 | Knott & Awtry Shoe Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
37 | 6 | Koinonia Partners |
37 | 7 | Labor's Life Insurance and Industrial Aid Association (Buena Vista, Ga.) |
37 | 8 | Ladies Garden Club (Athens, Ga.) |
37 | 9 | Ladies Literary and Art Society (Savannah, Ga) |
37 | 10 | Ladson Genealogical Library (Vidalia, Ga.) |
37 | 11 | Lady Tara Golf Classic. |
37 | 12 | LaGrange College |
37 | 13 | Lagrange National (visual arts competition) |
37 | 14 | Langdale Forest Products. |
37 | 15 | Laurens County Historical Society |
37 | 16 | Laurens County Library (Dublin, Ga.) |
37 | 17 | League of Women Voters of Athens. |
37 | 18 | League of Women Voters of Atlanta-Fulton County. |
37 | 19 | League of Women Voters of the Augusta Area |
37 | 20 | League of Women Voters of Georgia. |
37 | 21 | Lebanon United Methodist Church (Jefferson, Ga.) |
37 | 22 | Lee Morris (Firm : Athens, Ga.) |
37 | 23 | Lee Street Baptist Church (Valdosta, Ga.) |
37 | 24 | Lenox Square (Shopping center : Atlanta, Ga.) |
37 | 25 | Lenwood Hotel (Augusta, Ga.) |
37 | 26 | Liberty County Fair (Hinesville, Ga.) |
37 | 27 | Liberty County Historical Society. |
37 | 28 | Liberty Inn (Savannah, Ga.) |
37 | 29 | Lion's Club (Chattanooga, Tenn.) |
37 | 30 | Lit-Mu Club (Carrollton, Ga.) |
37 | 31 | Little Sandy Creek-Trail Creek Watershed Association |
box | folder |
38 | 1 | Lockheed-Georgia Company. |
38 | 2 | Lodge (Tallulah Lodge, Ga.) |
38 | 3 | Longstreet Memorial Association (Savannah Beach, Ga.) |
38 | 4 | Lucy Cobb Institute (Athens, Ga.) |
38 | 5 | Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Florida-Georgia District. |
38 | 6 | Lyndon House Art Center (Athens, Ga.) |
38 | 7 | Lynn Haven Wildlife Garden Club (Columbus, Ga.) |
38 | 8 | Lyric Theater (Atlanta, Ga.) |
38 | 9 | Macedonia Cooperative Community (Clarkesville, Ga.) |
38 | 10 | Mackay House (Augusta, Ga.) |
38 | 11 | Macon Arts Council. |
38 | 12 | Macon Bar Association |
38 | 13 | Macon Cabinet Works. |
38 | 14 | Macon Chamber of Commerce. |
38 | 15 | Macon Coca Cola Bottling Company |
38 | 16 | Macon Commercial College and Accountants Institute. |
38 | 17 | Macon Junior College. |
38 | 18 | Macon Telegraph. |
38 | 19 | Madison Baptist Church. |
38 | 20 | Magnolia & Ivy (Richland, Ga.) |
38 | 21 | Manger Hotel (Savannah, Ga.) |
38 | 22 | Margaret Mitchell House (Atlanta, Ga.) |
38 | 23 | Marietta Federal Savings and Loan Association |
38 | 24 | Marist School (Atlanta, Ga.) |
38 | 25 | Mark of the Potter. (Clarkesville, Ga.) |
38 | 26 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. |
38 | 27 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center and Institute of the Black World |
38 | 28 | Mary Ann Lipscomb Elementary School (Athens, Ga.) |
38 | 29 | Masonic Home of Georgia (Macon, Ga.) |
38 | 30 | Mathis Construction Company (Athens, Ga.) |
38 | 31 | McDowell Club (Sparta, Ga.) |
38 | 32 | McFarland Tours (Atlanta, Ga.) |
38 | 33 | McGregor Company (Athens, Ga.) |
38 | 34 | Medical Association of Georgia. |
38 | 35 | Medical Center (Columbus, Ga.) |
box | folder |
39 | 1 | Medical College of Georgia |
39 | 2 | Mercer High School (Penfield, Ga.) |
39 | 3 | Mercer University. |
39 | 4 | Meson Academy (Lexington, Ga.) |
39 | 5 | Methodist Children's Home (Decatur, Ga.) |
39 | 6 | Methodist Expansion Program (Georgia) |
39 | 7 | Methodist Home (Macon, Ga.) |
39 | 8 | Methodist Youth Fellowship (Georgia) |
39 | 9 | Metropolitan Atlanta Boys' Club |
39 | 10 | Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. |
39 | 11 | Metropolitan Opera (Atlanta, Ga.) |
39 | 12 | Metropolitan Opera (Atlanta, Ga.) |
39 | 13 | Metropolitan Opera (Atlanta, Ga.) |
39 | 14 | Metropolitan, Urban, and Community Planning for Environmental Health (Seminar: Savannah), 1965 |
39 | 15 | Michael Brothers, Inc. |
box | folder |
40 | 1 | Middle Flint Planning and Development Commission. |
40 | 2 | Middle Georgia Area Planning Commission |
40 | 3 | Middle Georgia Camellia Society |
40 | 4 | Middle Georgia College |
40 | 5 | Midtown Neighborhood Association (Athens, Ga.) |
40 | 6 | Milledgeville Garden Club. |
40 | 7 | Milledgeville Heritage Foundation. |
40 | 8 | Millen Baptist Church. |
40 | 9 | Millen National Fish Hatchery. |
40 | 10 | Mineral Bluff Mineral Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
40 | 11 | Mitchell House (Thomasville, Ga.) |
40 | 12 | Monroe Area Vocational-Technical School (Albany, Ga.) |
40 | 13 | Montezuma Chamber of Commerce |
40 | 14 | Monticello Presbyterian Church. |
40 | 15 | Moonshine Museum (Dawsonville, Ga.) |
40 | 16 | Mordecai Sheftall Cemetery Trust (Savannah, Ga.) |
40 | 17 | Morehouse College. |
40 | 18 | Morse Telegraph Club of America. (Atlanta Chapter) |
40 | 19 | Morton Theatre. (Athens, Ga.) |
40 | 20 | Mountain Laurel Festival (Clarkesville, Ga.) |
40 | 21 | Mountaineer Festival |
40 | 22 | Mulberry Street United Methodist Church (Macon, Ga.) |
40 | 23 | Municipal Auditorium (Atlanta, Ga.) |
40 | 24 | Municipal League of Georgia. |
40 | 25 | Municipal Opera Association of Atlanta. |
40 | 26 | Municipal Theater Under-the-Stars (Atlanta, Ga.) |
40 | 27 | Museum and Archives of Georgia Education |
40 | 28 | Museum Association of Savannah, Georgia |
40 | 29 | Museum of Sunday School Heritage (Savannah, Ga) |
40 | 30 | N. L. Willet Drug Co. (Augusta, Ga.) |
40 | 31 | National Bank of Athens. |
box | folder |
41 | 1 | National Black Arts Festival, Inc. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 2 | National Conference of Christians and Jews. Georgia Region. |
41 | 3 | National Conference on Taxation (Atlanta.)
, 1917 |
41 | 4 | National League of American Pen Women. Atlanta Branch. |
41 | 5 | National Monument Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 6 | National Railway Historical Society. Atlanta Chapter. |
41 | 7 | National Society Colonial Dames of America in the State of Georgia. |
41 | 8 | National States Rights Party (Marietta, Ga.) |
41 | 9 | Nature Conservancy of Georgia |
41 | 10 | Navy Supply Corps School (Athens, Ga.) |
41 | 11 | Neighborhood Law Office (Athens, Ga.) |
41 | 12 | New Opera House (Athens, Ga.) |
41 | 13 | New Peachtree Playhouse (Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 14 | Newcomen Society of England, American Branch, "Georgia Dinner". |
41 | 15 | Newcomen Society of North America, "Georgia Dinner". |
41 | 16 | Newnan Presbyterian Church. |
41 | 17 | Nexus, Inc.(Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 18 | Nineteenth Century History Class (Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 19 | North Avenue Presbyterian Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 20 | North Georgia College |
41 | 21 | Northeast Georgia Area Planning and Development Commission. |
41 | 22 | Northeast Georgia Fair Association |
41 | 23 | Northeast Georgia Family Medical Centers |
41 | 24 | Northeast Georgians for the Flag and Southern Heritage. |
41 | 25 | Northwest Georgia Historical & Geneological Society |
41 | 26 | Nunnally Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 27 | Oakland Cemetery (Atlanta, Ga.) |
41 | 28 | Oatland Island Education Center. |
41 | 29 | Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah. |
41 | 30 | Oconee Area Planning and Development Commission. |
41 | 31 | Oconee County Fall Festival. |
box | folder |
42 | 1 | Oconee County Library. |
42 | 2 | Oconee Primitive Baptist Association (Ga.) |
42 | 3 | Oconee Review |
42 | 4 | Oglethorpe Power Corporation. |
42 | 5 | Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 6 | Oglethorpe University Press |
42 | 7 | O.K. Grinding & Supply Company (Macon, Ga.) |
42 | 8 | Old Athens Cemetery Association. |
42 | 9 | Old Cannon Ball House (Macon, Ga.) |
42 | 10 | Old Clinton Historical Society |
42 | 11 | Old South Motel (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 12 | Old War Horse Lawyers Club (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 13 | Olde English Inn (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 14 | Olde Pink House Restaurant and Planters Tavern (Savannah, Ga) |
42 | 15 | Omni Group (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 16 | Open Door Community (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 17 | Opera Arts Association (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 18 | Operation Bootstrap (Dawson, Ga.) |
42 | 19 | Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen. Division No. 180, Atlanta. |
42 | 20 | Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of Georgia. |
42 | 21 | Ossabaw Island Project. |
42 | 22 | Owen Cheatham Foundation (New York, NY) |
42 | 23 | Owens-Thomas House (Savannah, Ga.) |
42 | 24 | Pabst Brewing Company (Pabst, Ga.) |
42 | 25 | Palace Theatre (Athens, Ga.) |
42 | 26 | Party of Georgia. |
42 | 27 | Peach Blossom Festival (Fort Valley, Ga.) |
42 | 28 | Peachtree Center (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 29 | Peachtree Center Plaza Hotel (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 30 | Peachtree Gallery (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 31 | Peachtree Garden Club (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 32 | Penthouse Theatre of Atlanta. |
42 | 33 | Perennial Garden Club (Columbus, Ga.) |
42 | 34 | Phoenix Investment Park (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 35 | Pickett and Hatcher Educational Fund |
42 | 36 | Piedmont College. |
42 | 37 | Piedmont Hospital (Atlanta, Ga.) |
42 | 38 | Pine Harbor Club (Townsend, Ga.) |
42 | 39 | Piney Woods Hotel (Thomasville, Ga.), 1887, 1904 |
42 | 40 | Pirates' House (Savannah, Ga.) |
42 | 41 | Pizza by Gigi (Athens, Ga.) |
42 | 42 | Plantation Pipe Line Co. |
42 | 43 | Planters' Hotel (Augusta, Ga.) |
42 | 44 | Pleger Humanities Foundation. |
42 | 45 | Plum Nelly Clothesline Art Show (Rising Farm, Ga.) |
42 | 46 | Poetry Society of Georgia. |
42 | 47 | Political Rights Defense Fund |
42 | 48 | Port of Savannah. |
42 | 49 | Poss' Lakeview (Athens, Ga.) |
42 | 50 | Prayer Book Society. Athens Chapter. |
42 | 51 | Presbyterian Church (Bainbridge, Ga.) |
42 | 52 | Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Presbytery of Athens. Woman's Auxiliary. |
42 | 53 | Presbyterian Church. Synod of Georgia. |
box | folder |
43 | 1 | Prison and Jail Project. |
43 | 2 | Procter and Gamble Plant (Augusta, Ga) |
43 | 3 | Project RAFT (Restoring Altamaha Folklife Traditions) |
43 | 4 | Provident Fund Building & Loan Association (Atlanta, Ga.) |
43 | 5 | Quill Club (Macon, Ga.) |
43 | 6 | Quinlan Art Center (Gainesville, Ga.) |
43 | 7 | R. J. Taylor Foundation (Atlanta, Ga.) |
43 | 8 | Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School. |
43 | 9 | Ramada Inn Atlanta South. |
43 | 10 | Randall Brothers, Inc. (Firm: Atlanta, Ga.) |
43 | 11 | Read Phosphate Company (Cordele,Ga.) |
43 | 12 | Recording for the Blind (Athens, Ga.) |
43 | 13 | Red Cross. Athens Chapter. |
43 | 14 | Red Cross. United States. American National Red Cross. Athens Chapter. |
43 | 15 | Regency Restaurant and Lounge (Savannah, Ga.) |
43 | 16 | Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church (Augusta, Ga.) |
43 | 17 | Reinhardt College. |
43 | 18 | Reliance Electric Company |
43 | 19 | Republican Party (Ga.) |
43 | 20 | Republican Party (Ga.). State Central Committee. |
43 | 21 | Richmond Academy (Augusta, Ga.) |
43 | 22 | Richmond County Historical Society (Ga.) |
43 | 23 | Rich's (Retail store) |
43 | 24 | Rich's (Retail store) |
43 | 25 | Robert L Foreman & Son, State Agents, Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
box | folder |
44 | 1 | Robert Toombs DuBose, Fire Insurance and Real Estate (Firm : Athens, Ga.) |
44 | 2 | Robins Air Force Base (Ga.) |
44 | 3 | Rock Eagle State 4-H Club Center |
44 | 4 | Rocker Shop (Marietta, Ga.) |
44 | 5 | Rome Boys Club |
44 | 6 | Rome Female College. |
44 | 7 | Rome-Floyd County Chamber of Commerce |
44 | 8 | Roots in Georgia (Athens, Ga.), 2003 |
44 | 9 | Roswell Historical Society. |
44 | 10 | Rotary Club of Albany. |
44 | 11 | Rotary Club of Atlanta. |
44 | 12 | Rowland Company (Athen, Ga.) |
44 | 13 | Roxy Theatre (Atlanta, Ga.) |
44 | 14 | Royal Crown Cola Company. |
44 | 15 | Rural Conservation: Issues in Georgia (Daholonega, Ga.), 1985 |
44 | 16 | Rural-urban Women's Conference (Atlanta), 1938 |
44 | 17 | S. S. S. Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
44 | 18 | S.P. Richards Paper Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
44 | 19 | Saint John's Haven (Saint Simon's Island, Ga.) |
44 | 20 | Salem Baptist Church (Calhoun County, Ga.) |
44 | 21 | Salem Camp Ground, Inc. (Covington, Ga.) |
44 | 22 | Salvation Army. Women's Auxiliary. (Athens, Ga.) |
44 | 23 | Sam Jones Memorial Methodist Church (Cartersville, Ga.) |
44 | 24 | Sand Hills Garden Club (Augusta, Ga.) |
44 | 25 | Sandy Creek Nature Center (Athens, Ga.) |
44 | 26 | Sautee Valley Pottery & Gallery (Sautee Valley Region, Ga.) |
44 | 27 | Savannah Art Association. |
44 | 28 | Savannah Benne Candy Company. |
44 | 29 | Savannah Business Service Field Office. |
44 | 30 | Savannah-Chatham County Historic Site and Monument Commission |
44 | 31 | Savannah College of Art and Design |
44 | 32 | Savannah District Authority. |
44 | 33 | Savannah Electric and Power Company. |
44 | 34 | Savannah Gas Company. |
44 | 35 | Savannah Grocery Company. |
44 | 36 | Savannah Historical Research Association. |
44 | 37 | Savannah Inn and Country Club. |
44 | 38 | Savannah Literary Festival. |
44 | 39 | Savannah Maritime Association |
44 | 40 | Savannah Morning News and Savannah Evening Press |
44 | 41 | Savannah Music Club. |
44 | 42 | Savannah Opera Association |
44 | 43 | Savannah Presbytery. |
44 | 44 | Savannah Public Library |
44 | 45 | Savannah Science Museum |
44 | 46 | Savannah State College |
44 | 47 | Savannah Sugar Refining Corporation. |
44 | 48 | Savannah Vocational School. |
44 | 49 | Save Our Marshes Committee. (Athens, Ga.) |
44 | 50 | Schofield's Iron Works |
44 | 51 | Scottish Rite (Masonic order). Valley of Atlanta |
box | folder |
45 | 1 | Sea Island Company |
45 | 2 | Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company. |
45 | 3 | Seaboard Railway Company. |
45 | 4 | Sears, Roebuck and Company Southern Public Relations Dept. |
45 | 5 | Second Baptist Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
45 | 6 | Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church (Atlanta,Ga.) |
45 | 7 | Seventh District High School Association Annual Meeting (17th Marietta, Ga.), 1926 |
45 | 8 | Sharptop School (Cherokee County) |
45 | 9 | Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum (Savannah, Ga.) |
45 | 10 | Shorter College. |
45 | 11 | Sing-Out Georgia (Musical group) |
45 | 12 | Six Flags Bugler |
45 | 13 | Six Flags over Georgia. |
45 | 14 | Slash Pine Area Planning and Development Commission. |
45 | 15 | Smith & Peeples (Atlanta, Ga.) |
45 | 16 | Smithville Neighborhood Freedom Center. |
45 | 17 | Social Planning Council (Atlanta, Ga.) |
45 | 18 | Socialist Workers Campaign (Atlanta, Ga.) |
45 | 19 | Society for the Preservation of Laurel Grove (Savannah, Ga.) |
45 | 20 | Society for the Preservation of Old Athens |
45 | 21 | Society of American Foresters, Georgia Chapter. |
45 | 22 | Society of Georgia Archivists. |
45 | 23 | Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Georgia. |
45 | 24 | Sons of Confederate Veterans (Organization). Gen. John B. Gordon Camp 46 (Atlanta, Ga.) |
45 | 25 | Sons of the American Revolution. Georgia Society. |
45 | 26 | South Georgia College (Douglas, Ga.) |
45 | 27 | South Georgia Male and Female College (Dawson, Ga.) |
45 | 28 | South Georgia Multi-Mode Transporttation Advisory Board Meeting |
45 | 29 | South Georgia Sacred Harp Singing Convention. |
45 | 30 | South Georgia Trade and Vocational School (Americus, Ga.) |
45 | 31 | Southeast University Center Development. |
45 | 32 | Southeast Water Laboratory (Athens, Ga.) |
box | folder |
46 | 7 | Southern Ballet of Atlanta. |
box | folder |
45 | 33 | Southeastern Cooperative Education Association. |
45 | 34 | Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study. |
45 | 35 | Southeastern Freight Association. |
45 | 36 | Southeastern Library Association. |
45 | 37 | Southeastern National Duroc Congress (Athens, Ga.) , 1969 |
box | folder |
46 | 1 | Southeastern Poultry and Egg Association (Decatur, Ga.) |
46 | 2 | Southeastern Regional Feed Conservation Conference (Atlanta, Ga.), 1943 |
46 | 3 | Southern Agricultural Works (Atlanta, Ga.) |
46 | 4 | Southern Architecture Foundation, Inc. |
46 | 5 | Southern Art Association (Atlanta, Ga.) |
46 | 6 | Southern Association of Teachers of Speech Convention. (2nd: Atlanta, Ga.), 1931 |
46 | 8 | Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. |
46 | 9 | Southern Center for International Studies (Atlanta, Ga.) |
46 | 10 | Southern Christian Leadership Conference. |
46 | 11 | Southern Conference for Human Welfare. Committee for Georgia. |
46 | 12 | Southern Conference on Audio-visual Education. |
46 | 13 | Southern Educational Film Production Service. (Athens, Ga.) |
46 | 14 | Southern Farm Tool Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
46 | 15 | Southern Fertilizer Association. Soil Improvement Committee. |
46 | 16 | Southern Forest Institute. |
46 | 17 | Southern Governors' Conference. |
46 | 18 | Southern Historical Association. |
46 | 19 | Southern Interstate Nuclear Board. |
46 | 20 | Southern Land, Timber and Pulp Corporation (Manchester, Ga.) |
46 | 21 | Southern Masonic Female College (Covington, Ga.) |
46 | 22 | Southern Mutual Insurance Company. |
46 | 23 | Southern Pine Association. |
46 | 24 | Southern Press Clipping Bureau (Atlanta, Ga.) |
46 | 25 | Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association. |
46 | 26 | Southern Railway (U.S.) |
46 | 27 | Southern Regional Council. |
box | folder |
47 | 1 | Southern Regional Education Board (Atlanta, Ga.) |
47 | 2 | Southern Regional Education Board (Atlanta, Ga.) |
47 | 3 | Southern Saw Works (Atlanta, Ga.) |
47 | 4 | Southern States Forest Fire Commission. (Atlanta, Ga.) |
47 | 5 | Southern States Industrial Council. |
47 | 6 | Southern States Printing Co. (Griffin, Ga.) |
47 | 7 | Southern Student Organizing Committee. Emory University Chapter. |
47 | 8 | Southface Energy Institute |
47 | 9 | Southwest Georgia Geneological Society |
47 | 10 | Southwest LaGrange School |
47 | 11 | Spaghetti Store (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 12 | Spelman College |
47 | 13 | Springer Opera House (Columbus, Ga.) |
47 | 14 | St. Andrew's Society of Savannah. |
47 | 15 | St. James United Methodist Church (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 16 | St. John's Episcopal Church (Savannah,Ga.) |
47 | 17 | St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 18 | St. Joseph's Parish (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 19 | St. Luke Methodist Episcopal Church South (Columbus, Ga.) |
47 | 20 | St. Luke's Episcopal Church (Atlanta, Ga.) |
47 | 21 | St. Mark Methodist Church. |
47 | 22 | St. Mary's Hospital (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 23 | St. Mary's Hospital (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 24 | St. Stephen's Anglican Church (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 25 | St. Stephen's Anglican Church (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 26 | St. Stephen's Anglican Church (Athens, Ga.) |
47 | 27 | St. Stephen's Church (Milledgeville, Ga.) |
box | folder |
48 | 1 | Starr Studio (Atlanta, Ga.) |
48 | 2 | State Bar of Georgia. |
48 | 3 | State Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of Georgia |
48 | 4 | State Ports Development Association of Georgia. |
48 | 5 | State Y.M.C.A. of Georgia. |
48 | 6 | States Rights Council of Georgia. |
48 | 7 | Statesboro Regional Library |
48 | 8 | Steffen Thomas Museum and Archive (Buckhead, Ga.) |
48 | 9 | Stein Printing Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
48 | 10 | Stone Creek Baptist Church (Dry Branch, Ga.) |
48 | 11 | Stone Mountain Confederate Monumental Association. |
48 | 12 | Stone Mountain Sacred Harp Singing Convention. |
48 | 13 | Storyland (Atlanta, Ga.) |
48 | 14 | Stouffer's Atlanta Inn |
48 | 15 | Stuckeys, Inc. |
48 | 16 | Sunny Brae Garden Club (Jasper, Ga.) |
48 | 17 | Sunshine Cleaners (Athens, Ga.) |
48 | 18 | Swainsboro High School. |
48 | 19 | Synodical Female College (Griffin, Ga.) |
48 | 20 | Tallulah Falls Industrial School. |
48 | 21 | Tallulah Falls Railway Company (Cornelia, Ga.) |
48 | 22 | Tallulah lodge (Tallulah Falls, Ga.) |
48 | 23 | Tallulah Orchards Corp. (Firm) |
48 | 24 | Tate Mountain Estates (Jasper, Ga.) |
48 | 25 | Teachers' Retirement System of Georgia |
48 | 26 | Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences (Savannah, Ga.) |
48 | 27 | Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences (Savannah, Ga.) |
48 | 28 | Ten Club (Atlanta, Ga.) |
48 | 29 | Tennille Methodist Church. |
48 | 30 | Terrace Club (Atlanta, Ga.) |
box | folder |
49 | 1 | The Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences (Rabun Gap, Ga.) |
49 | 2 | The School of Painting and Drawing (Athens, Ga.) |
49 | 3 | Theater of the Stars (Atlanta, Ga.) |
49 | 4 | Theater of the Stars (Atlanta, Ga.)
49 | 5 | Thomasville Garden Club. |
49 | 6 | Tillman Company (Athens, Ga.) |
49 | 7 | Tired Creek Primitive Baptist Church (Grady County, Ga.) |
49 | 8 | Tithers, Inc. |
49 | 9 | Toccoa Falls Institute |
49 | 10 | Tom Huston Peanut Company (Columbus, Ga.) |
49 | 11 | Touchdown Club of Atlanta. |
49 | 12 | Tower Theater (Atlanta, Ga.) |
49 | 13 | Town and Gown Players (Athens, Ga.) |
49 | 14 | Toy Museum of Atlanta. |
49 | 15 | Trader Eng's Hibachi Steak House. |
49 | 16 | Transylvania Club, Sandersville, Ga. |
49 | 17 | Treasure Lake Companies. |
49 | 18 | Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation (Gray, Ga.) |
49 | 18 | Tri-State Electric Membership Corporation (McCaysville, Ga.) |
49 | 19 | Trion First Baptist Church (Trion, Ga.) |
49 | 20 | Trinity United Methodist Church (Dalton, Ga.) |
49 | 21 | Trinity United Methodist Church (Savannah, Ga.) |
49 | 22 | Troup County Historical Society. |
49 | 23 | Truett-McConnell Junior College (Cleveland, Ga.) |
49 | 24 | Trust Company of Georgia |
49 | 25 | Trust Company of Georgia |
49 | 26 | Trustees Garden Club (Savannah, Ga.) |
49 | 27 | Tubman African-American Museum (Macon, Ga.) |
49 | 28 | Turner E. Smith and Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
49 | 29 | Twiggs County Fair. |
49 | 30 | Twin States Livestock Association (Augusta, Ga.) |
box | folder |
50 | 1 | Tybee Museum (Savannah Beach, Ga.) |
50 | 2 | U.S. Highway 23 Association (Eastman, Ga.) |
50 | 3 | Uncle Remus Memorial Association (Atlanta, Ga.) |
50 | 4 | Uncle Remus Museum (Eatonton, Ga.) |
50 | 5 | Underground Atlanta, Inc. |
50 | 6 | Union Bag and Paper Corporation (Savannah, Ga.) |
50 | 7 | Union Point Garden Club. |
50 | 8 | Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens. |
50 | 9 | United Confederate Veterans. |
50 | 10 | United Confederate Veterans. Atlanta Camp 159 |
50 | 11 | United Confederate Veterans. Georgia Division. |
50 | 12 | United Daughters of the Confederacy. Atlanta Chapter No. 18. |
50 | 13 | United Daughters of the Confederacy. Georgia Division |
50 | 14 | United Daughters of the Confederacy. Laura Rutherford Chapter No. 88 (Athens, Ga.) |
50 | 15 | United Daughters of the Confederacy. Savannah Chapter No. 2. |
50 | 16 | United Daughters of the Confederacy. Sidney Lanier Chapter. |
50 | 17 | United Garden Clubs of Columbus, Ga. |
50 | 18 | United Lutheran Church in America. Convention (9th : Savannah)., 1934 |
50 | 19 | United Methodist Church (U.S.). North Georgia Conference. |
50 | 20 | United Methodist Church (U.S.). South Georgia Conference |
50 | 21 | United Spanish War Veterans. Dept. of Georgia. Auxiliary. |
50 | 22 | United States Army Infantry Museum (Fort Benning, Ga.) |
50 | 23 | United States Brewers Foundation. Georgia Division. |
50 | 24 | United States Penitentiary (Atlanta, Ga.) |
50 | 25 | United States. Area Redevelopment Administration. |
50 | 26 | United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District |
50 | 27 | United States. Forest Service. Southern Region. (Atlanta, GA.) |
50 | 28 | United World Federalist. Athens Chapter |
50 | 29 | University of Georgia Press. |
50 | 30 | University of Georgia Press. |
50 | 31 | University of Georgia Press. |
box | folder |
51 | 1 | University of Georgia Press. |
51 | 2 | University of Georgia Press. |
51 | 3 | University of Georgia Press. |
51 | 4 | University of Georgia Press. |
51 | 5 | University of Georgia. Agricultural Extension Service |
51 | 6 | University of Georgia. Cooperative Extension Service. |
51 | 7 | University of Georgia. Health Service. |
51 | 8 | University of Georgia. Libraries. |
51 | 9 | University of Georgia. Medical Dept. |
51 | 10 | University Ministers' Association (Athens, Ga.) |
51 | 11 | University System of Georgia. |
51 | 12 | University System of Georgia. Board of Regents. |
51 | 13 | University Tower at the Campus (Athens, Ga.) |
51 | 14 | University-Community Concert Association (Athens, Ga.) |
51 | 15 | Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper |
51 | 16 | Upper Ocmulgee River Soil Conservation District |
51 | 17 | Utilities Information Committee of Georgia. |
box | folder |
52 | 1 | Valdosta State College |
52 | 2 | Valdosta State College |
52 | 3 | Valdosta State College |
52 | 4 | Valdosta State College |
52 | 5 | Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce |
52 | 6 | Varsity (Restaurant) |
52 | 7 | Veteran's Administration Hospital (Augusta, Ga.) |
52 | 8 | Vidalia Woman's Club. |
box | folder |
53 | 1 | Vietnam Veterans Against the War |
53 | 2 | Voter Education Project (Atlanta, Ga.) |
53 | 3 | W.C. Bradley Memorial Library (Columbus, Ga.) |
53 | 4 | Wadley Methodist Church. |
53 | 5 | Wahnetah Inn (Tallapoosa, Ga.) |
53 | 6 | Walton Electric Membership Corporation. |
53 | 7 | Walton Mill, Inc. (Monroe, Ga.) |
53 | 8 | Warren A. Candler Hospital/Candler-Telfair Hospital |
53 | 9 | Washington Little Theatre Company. |
53 | 10 | Washington Memorial Library (Macon, Ga.) |
53 | 11 | Washington-Wilkes Historical Foundation. |
53 | 12 | WDAK (Radio station : Columbus) |
53 | 13 | Webster Transplanter Company (Cornelia, Ga.) |
53 | 14 | Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church (Savannah, Ga.) |
53 | 15 | Wesley Woods Health Center (Atlanta, Ga.) |
53 | 16 | Wesleyan College (Macon, Ga.) |
53 | 17 | Wesleyan Drive Baptist Church (Macon, Ga.) |
53 | 18 | Western and Atlantic Railroad Company |
53 | 19 | West Georgia College. |
53 | 20 | West Georgia College. |
53 | 21 | West Georgia College. |
53 | 22 | West Point Manufacturing Company (West Point, Ga.) |
53 | 23 | Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Athens, Ga.) |
53 | 24 | Westville Historic Handicrafts |
53 | 25 | WGAU (Radio station : Athens, Ga.) |
53 | 26 | WGTV (Television Station:Athens, Ga.) |
53 | 27 | White County Historical Society. |
53 | 28 | White Line Tours (Savannah, Ga.) |
53 | 29 | White Sulphur Hotel (Gainesville, Ga.) |
53 | 30 | Winship Machine Company (Atlanta, Ga.) |
53 | 31 | Winterville Methodist Church (Winterville, Ga.) |
53 | 32 | Wit's End Cabaret Theatre (Atlanta, Ga.) |
box | folder |
54 | 1 | W.J. Wood Stovier (Atlanta, Ga.) |
54 | 2 | WKLS/96Rock (Radio station : Atlanta) |
54 | 3 | Woman's College of Georgia. |
54 | 4 | Women's Chamber of Commerce of Atlanta. |
54 | 5 | Woodward Academy (College Park, Ga.) |
54 | 6 | World Future Society. Georgia Chapter. |
54 | 7 | Wren's Nest (Atlanta, Ga.) |
54 | 8 | WRFG (Radio station : Atlanta, Ga.) |
54 | 9 | WSB (Radio station : Atlanta) |
54 | 10 | WVGS (Radio station : Statesboro,Ga.) |
54 | 11 | Wynnton Methodist Church (Columbus, Ga.) |
54 | 12 | Yaarab Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Atlanta, Ga.) |
54 | 13 | YMCA of the USA. Georgia. |
54 | 14 | Young Democratic Clubs of Georgia. |
54 | 15 | Young Harris College. |
54 | 16 | Young Women's Christian Association (Atlanta, Ga.) |
54 | 17 | Young Women's Christian Organization (Athens, Ga.) |
54 | 18 | Youth Club Inc. |
54 | 19 | Youth Museum of Savannah |