1. Scrapbooks and artifacts volume Request volume 4 March 1956- May 1957 volume Request volume 2 May 1957- December 1958 volume Request volume 3 January 1959- March 1960 volume Request volume 7 April 1960- April 1962 volume Request volume 5 Adult Homemaking School, 1960-1970 volume Request volume 6 April 1962- January 1967 volume Request volume 10 1966-1967 volume Request volume 12 May 1967- March 1968 volume Request volume 9 1968 to 1969 volume Request volume 1 May 1969- October 1969 volume Request volume 8 October 1969 to April 1971 volume Request volume 11 April 1971- July1972 volume Request volume 13 August 1972- August 1973 volume Request volume 14 August 1973- October 1974 volume Request volume 15 November 1974- September 1975 volume Request volume 16 October 1975- June 1976 volume Request volume 17 1978 volume Request volume 18 February 1979- October 1980 volume Request volume 19 October 1980- May 1982 box folder Request box 16 6 Photographs - Barrow School classes and performances, 1920-1940 16 7 Loose materials from scrapbooks - Barrow PTA, 1920-1940 16 8 Printed materials - PTA 16 9 Loose materials from scrapbooks - Barrow PTA, 1930-1960 16 10 Marion Bloomfield (Barrow Teacher) - clippings, letters, photographs 16 11 Schoolwork - Meg Gunn, 1954-1955 16 12 Loose materials from scrapbooks - Barrow PTA, 1950-1970 16 13 Class photographs - Barrow School, 1960-1979 16 14 Class photographs - Barrow School, 1973-1976 16 15 Scrapbook photographs - Barrow PTA, 1970-1979 16 16 Loose materials from scrapbooks - Barrow PTA, 1980-1990 16 17 Barrow Bugle proofs box folder Request box 17 1 Newspaper clippings - Barrow School 17 2 Photographs - Barrow School, 1990-2000 17 3-4 Loose materials from scrapbooks - Barrow, 1990-2000 17 5 Guest book for multiple events - Barrow School, 1990-2018 17 6 Barrow vision statement art work 17 7 Barrow ABC book 17 8 Barrow 70th birthday, 1993 17 9 Barrow 75th birthday, 1998 17 10 Barrow 75th birthday cookbook, 1998 17 11 Photographs - Barrow renovations, 2000-2009 17 12 Photographs - Barrow Christmas, 2000-2009 17 13-15 Photographs - Barrow events, 2000-2009 17 16 Photographs - Barrow family garden workday, 2005 17 17 Negatives - Barrow School 17 18 Children's writing - Barrow School 17 19 Barrow Programs - Stone Soup, 2000 17 20 Barrow School 90th Anniversary, 2013 17 21 Loose papers - Barrow School, 2010-2019 17 22 Barrow School directory, handbook, calendar, 2002-2009 17 23 Geometry of Barrow School by 3rd Grade Spectrum Students, 2000-2001 box Request box 18 Barrow School scrapbook, 1931-1939 18 Barrow School scrapbook, 1939-1940 18 Barrow School scrapbook, 1941-1942 18 Barrow School scrapbook, 1980-1982 18 Barrow School scrapbook, 1983-1984 18 Barrow School scrapbook, 1984-1985 18 Barrow School scrapbook - We're Adopted, 1986-1987 18 Barrow School scrapbook - A Special Trip to Five Points by 2nd Graders box Request box 19 Barrow School scrapbook, 1985-1986 19 Barrow School scrapbook, 1986-1987 19 Barrow School scrapbook, 1986-1987 19 Barrow School scrapbook, 1987 19 Barrow School scrapbook, 1987-1988 19 Barrow School scrapbook, 1988 box Request box 20 Barrow School scrapbook, 1988 20 Barrow School scrapbook, 1988-1989 20 Barrow Christmas Tree stories, 1993-2004 20 Loose scrapbook and bulletin board materials - Barrow School box Request box 21 Barrow School scrapbook, 1993-1994 21 Barrow School scrapbook, 1994-1995 21 Barrow School scrapbook 21 Barrow School scrapbook, 1997-1998 box Request box 22 Barrow School scrapbook, 1990-1991 22 Barrow School scrapbook - Star Students, 1990-1991 22 Barrow School scrapbook - Celebration of 75 Years, 1993 box Request box 23 Barrow School scrapbook - Star Students, 1990-1991 23 Barrow School scrapbook, 1992-1993 23 Barrow School scrapbook - Skidaway, 1991 23 Barrow School scrapbook - Barrow Bugles, 1990-2004 23 Barrow School scrapbook , 1998-1999 box Request box 24 Barrow School scrapbook, 1991-1992 24 Barrow School scrapbook, 1995-1996 24 Barrow School scrapbook, 1996-1997 24 Barrow School scrapbook - School of Excellence, 1995 box Request box 25 Barrow School scrapbook, 1999-2000 25 Barrow School scrapbook, 2000-2001 25 Barrow School scrapbook, 2001-2002 25 Barrow School scrapbook, 2003-2004 25 Barrow School scrapbook - Groundhog Day Trees, 2018 box Request box 26 Barrow School PTA scrapbook, 1955-1956 26 Barrow School PTA scrapbook, 1957-1958 26 Barrow Dash - Staff Dash Champion plaque, 2017-2018 26 Barrow School blueprints, 1985 oversized_box Request oversized_box 1 Barrow School PTA scrapbook, 1950-1962 1 School textbooks 1 Slides - Barrow School events oversized_box Request oversized_box 2 Barrow School PTA scrapbook, 1944 2 Barrow School scrapbook, 1989-1990 2 Barrow School Founder's Awards plaque, 2009-2014 2 Barrow School - Miscellaneous award plaques oversized_box Request oversized_box 3 Barrow School scrapbook - Honor Students, 1998-1990 3 School textbooks
3. Financial Materials General Accounts and Expensesvolume Request volume 55 Accounts and expenditures, 1962-1966 volume Request volume 56 General account ledger (1 of 2), 1967-1969 volume Request volume 57 General account ledger (2 of 2), 1967-1969 volume Request volume 113 C&S (General account ledger), 1970-1972 113 C&S (General account ledger), 1974-1975 volume Request volume 58 General expense ledger, 1957 volume Request volume 59 General expense ledger, 1958-1961 volume Request volume 61 General fund, July 1950-June 1952 61 General fund, July 1967-June 1968 volume Request volume 112 General fund, 1952-1956 volume Request volume 63 Federal Check Register, July 1966-1967 63 Federal Check Register, 1966 volume Request volume 65 Check register [possibly Federal], 1967-1968 65 Lunch room check register, 1966-1967 volume Request volume 67 Athletic Fund, 1948-1952 volume Request volume 70 Estimated receipts, 1929-1930 70 Estimated receipts, 1930-1931 volume Request volume 67 Estimated receipts, 1931-1932 67 Estimated receipts, 1932-1933 volume Request volume 72 Veterans Vocational Training Program, 1948-1952 72 Veterans Adult Academic and related training programs, 1950-1953 carton Request carton 1 Receipts for purchases; cancelled checks (loose), 1960s-1970s 1 Accounting journals (2) incl. payment codes, bills paid, receipts , 1937-1938, undated 1 Account ledger- bills paid, 1959 1 Ledger- Board of Education School Bond Fund, 1946-1949 carton Request carton 2 Ledger- Expense Journal with Financial Statements, Payroll information, 1953-1955 2 Ledger- Expense Journal with Financial Statements, payroll information, Winterville Auditorium Fund, 1947-1948 2 Ledger- Expenditures and Payroll information, 1943-1947 carton Request carton 7 General Accounts and Balances (7 ledgers), 1965-1974 box Request box 1 Special Funds account books, 1930-1944 1 Check Registers, 1946-1956 1 Tuition and Supply Fee Receipts , 1952-1953 box Request box 2 Account ledger- State Summer School for Colored (sic) Teachers, 1934-1940 2 General Ledger, 1953 2 Receipts, 1954-1956 2 Lunch Records, 1956-1958 2 Cash Book, 1947-1954 2 Miscellaneous ledger, July-August 1968 2 Journal- Vocational Building Fund, 1968-1971 volume Request volume 60 A/P journal, 1963-1964 box Request box 5 School Bond financial records (unsorted), 1950s box Request box 6 Miscellaneous Bills, 1920s-1950s box Request box 9 Bid Bonds for New East Clarke County High School, 1972 box Request box 10 Bid Bonds for New East Clarke County High School box Request box 11 Travel Requests, 1950s box folder Request box 16 5 Ledger - Barrow School PTA, 1937-1944 Payroll and Employment Informationvolume Request volume 74 Payroll journal, 1966-1970 74 Payroll journal- Adult Education, 1967-1968 carton Request carton 1 Ledger- White and Colored (sic) Teachers and salaries paid, 1905-1913 carton Request carton 3 Monthly requisitions- teachers' salaries, 1953 3 Monthly teacher salary, by name, 1956 3 Payroll deductions- CCEA, GEA, NEA, 1960-1961 3 Records of teacher years of service and school taught at, 1950s-1970s carton Request carton 5 Personnel Cards (in box), circa 1938-1950 box Request box 4 Teacher Contracts (by school name), 1966 box Request box 7 Teacher Certificates (A-Z), Apprentice Teachers (A-Z), 1940s-1950s box Request box 8 Teacher Certificates (A-Z), 1960s Retirement and Pension Materialscarton Request carton 4 Teacher Retirement System (TRS)- balance sheet, 1975 4 TRS balance sheets, 1950 4 TRS balance sheets, 1947-1949 4 TRS- taxes, transportation and misc. information, circa 1938-1948 4 TRS- misc. information, 1949-1955 carton Request carton 5 Pension and Retirement Fund- signed blanks 5 Pension Fund Receipts and Disbursements, circa 1938-1939 5 Pension fund, 1943 5 Pension Commission Material, circa 1943 carton Request carton 8 Payroll- Itemized Statements of Amounts Due to Teachers and Administrators, circa 1917-1939 box Request box 6 Teacher Retirement Forms, circa 1947 box Request box 15 Minutes of Pension Commitee, 1939-1945
4. Attendance and Vouchers volume Request volume 76 Loose pages: absentees, 1971-1972 76 Loose pages grade enrollment, 1971-1972 volume Request volume 80 Attendance summary: Alps Road Elementary School, 1961-1962 80 Attendance summary: Alps Road Elementary School, 1962-1963 80 Attendance summary: Athens High School, 1962 80 Attendance summary: Athens High School, 1963 80 Attendance summary: Athens High and Industrial, 1961-1962 80 Attendance summary: Athens High and Industrial, 1962-1963 80 Attendance summary: Barrow Elementary School, 1961-1962 80 Attendance summary: Barrow Elementary School, undated 80 Attendance summary: Chase St Elementary School, 1961-1962 80 Attendance summary: Chase St. Elementary School, 1963 volume Request volume 90 Attendance summary: Childs Street , undated 90 Attendance summary: Clarke Co Junior High, 1961-1962 90 Attendance summary: Clarke Co. Junior High, 1962-1963 90 Attendance summary: College Ave., 1961-1962 90 Attendance summary: College Ave., undated 90 Attendance summary: Gaines Elementary School, 1961-1962 90 Attendance summary: Gaines Elementary School, undated 90 Attendance summary: Lyons Middle School, 1961-1962 90 Attendance summary: Lyons Middle School volume Request volume 99 Attendance summary: North Athens Elementary, 1961-1962 99 Attendance summary: North Athens Elementary, undated 99 Attendance summary: Oconee St., 1961-1962 99 Attendance summary: Oconee St., undated 99 Attendance summary: West Broad, 1961-1962 99 Attendance summary: West Broad, undated 99 Attendance summary: Whitehead Rd Group at Childs St School, 1962 99 Attendance summary: Winterville, 1961-1962 99 Attendance summary: Winterville, 1962 box Request box 6 Attendance Records: Barnett Shoals, 1971-1972 6 Attendance Records: Gaines School, 1971-1972 volume Request volume 108 Vouchers , 1904-1910 volume Request volume 109 Vouchers, 1910-1915 volume Request volume 110 Vouchers, 1915-1920 volume Request volume 111 Vouchers, 1920-1924
5. Procedures, Surveys, Reports and Manuals carton Request carton 9 Reference Manual on School Board Policies; Keys, 1962, undated 9 Account Ledger- Restricted Funds (3 ledgers) , 1968-1970, undated box Request box 3 Clarke County School District- Organization Policies and Procedures, 1957 3 Survey of Public Education in Clarke County, Georgia, 1950 3 Clarke County Public Schools- Survey Report and Digest of same, 1969 3 School Survey by League of Women Voters of Athens, GA, 1962-1963 3 Georgia Teachers Retirement Law, 1949 3 City of Athens Charter and Ordinances, 1900 3 School Plant Survey- White Schools, 1952 3 School Plant Survey- Negro Schools, 1952 3 Clarke County School District Directories, 1957-1962 3 Mental Health in an Elementary School: A Case Study (Athens, GA), 1960 3 Self-Study and Evaluation Systemwide Report- Clarke County Elementary Schools, 1963-1964 3 Report of Visiting Committee, 1968 3 First Annual Report of Clarke County School District, 1984-1985 box Request box 12 Building Specifications for Broad St. Elm., Chase Street Elm., Childs St. Elm., Northside Elm., Oconee St. Elm. box Request box 13 Building Specifications for Athens Area Vocational Tech., Barnett Shoals Elm. box Request box 14 Building Specifications for Clarke County Junior High, Fowler Dr. Elm. box Request box 6 Correspondence - Trustees, 1948-1949