Series V. United States Senator, 1928-2016 (2000-2005)
141 box(es)
(140 linear feet and 3 gigabytes)
Series V. United States Senator documents Miller's service as a U.S. Senator for Georgia from 2000 to 2005. The series includes his correspondence with constituents, committee and legislation files, and press files. Of note are materials related to healthcare, the military, the Iraq war and to Miller's support of President George W. Bush despite being a Democrat. Each subseries contains digital files. To access these files, please request the folders you would like through the finding aid using your research account . An archivist will be in contact with you to explain how to access the files. Please note that not all file formats are currently supported by the library for research use. Some files in Subseries A. Constituent Mail must be reviewed for case mail, academies, and recommendations prior to research use. Please request these files 3 business days prior to your research visit to allow time for this review.
Subseries A. Constituent Mail
, 1997-2005 (
41 box(es)
(41 linear feet and 1.3 gigabytes)
)Subseries A. contains correspondence between Zell Miller and his constituents about the wide variety of issues that concerned them. Some frequent subjects include agriculture, abortion, banking and finance, the budget, the environment, human cloning, same sex marriage, the war in Iraq, John Ashcroft's nomination as attorney general, opposition to taxes, and opposition to the patients' bill of rights. The correspondence includes paper letters, emails, and Miller's constituent mail database. The subseries also contains information about projects, grants, and appropriations requests from Miller's district, daily call logs that list what constituents called about each day. This subseries contains digital files. To access these files, please request the folders you would like through the finding aid using your research account . An archivist will be in contact with you to explain how to access the files. Please note that not all file formats are currently supported by the library for research use. Some files in this subseries must be reviewed for case mail, academies, and recommendations prior to research use. Please request these files 3 business days prior to your research visit to allow time for this review.
Section 1. Issue Mail
box folder Request box V.1 1-14 9621000-9662999, 1997-2002 box folder Request box V.2 1-15 9627000-9631399, 2000-2001 box folder Request box V.3 1-9 9631400-9633205, 2000-2002 box folder Request box V.4 1-6 9631500-9636499, 2001 box folder Request box V.5 1-7 9633000-9637100, 2001 box folder Request box V.6 1-6 9636000-9638999, 2001 box folder Request box V.7 1-7 9639000-9641999, 2001 box folder Request box V.8 1-6 9640000-9645502, 2000-2001 box folder Request box V.9 1-6 9643800-9645606, 2001 box folder Request box V.10 1-7 9645607-9649199, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.11 1-13 9649200-9652223, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.12 1-14 9652300-9655199, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.13 1-15 9655200-9659199, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.14 1-15 9659200-9663499, 2002 box folder Request box V.15 1-15 9663500-9668399, 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.16 1-16 9668400-9673499, 2003 box folder Request box V.17 1-15 9673500-9677499, 2003 box folder Request box V.18 1-12 9675000-9689899, 2003-2004 box folder Request box V.19 1-14 9679000-9691999, 2001-2004 box folder Request box V.20 1-44 9682000-9694799, 2003-2004 box folder Request box V.21 1-13 9694800-9699299, 2003-2004 box folder Request box V.22 1-5 9628913-9699999, 7093343-7093345, 2000-2005 V.22 6 Environment, 2000 Subjects include Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA), Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Wilderness Act, and Water Resources and Development Act. V.22 7 Environment, 2000 Subjects include the Earth Day Clean Energy Agenda and Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA). V.22 8 Environment, 2000 Subjects include Eliminating Army Corps of Engineers dredging program on Chattahoochee River, Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA), and restoration of the Everglades. V.22 9 Environment, 2000 Subjects include Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA) and restoration of the Everglades. V.22 10 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include cancer care and Medicare coverage for treatment. V.22 11 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include Balanced Budget Act Relief, Genetic Non Discrimination in Health Insurance and Employment Act, and cancer care and Medicare coverage for treatment. V.22 12 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include cancer care and Medicare coverage for treatment, and restoring lifetime health coverage to Medicare-eligible beneficiaries in Defense Authorization Bill. V.22 13 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include cancer care and Medicare coverage for treatment. V.22 14 Immigration; Law Enforcement, 2000 Subjects include American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act and increasing H-1B visa program, minimum sentencing for drug offenses, and America's Law Enforcement and Mental Health Project. box folder Request box V.23 1 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Cost of cancer care; Health Care Financing Administration. V.23 2 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Department of Health and Human Services proposal to reduce payment for anti-cancer drugs; Medicare. V.23 3 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Proposal to reduce payment for anti-cancer drugs; Patients' Bill of Rights; Importing prescription drugs from foreign nations. V.23 4 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Pain Relief Promotion Act; Medicare. V.23 5 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Proposal to reduce payment for anti-cancer drugs. V.23 6 Law Enforcement, 2000 Subjects include: Local Law Enforcement Block Grant; Violence Against Women Act. V.23 7 Gun Control, 2000 Subjects include: Anti-gun control legislation. V.23 8 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Conservation and Reinvestment Act; Restoration of the Everglades. V.23 9 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Restoration of the Everglades; Conservation and Reinvestment Act. V.23 10 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Earth Day Clean Energy Agenda; Municipal Utilities Reliability Act of 2000; Natural Gas Prepayment. V.23 11 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: HR 701-Conservation and Reinvestment Act. V.23 12 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: HR 701-Conservation and Reinvestment Act. V.23 13 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Pro-deportation relief legislation. V.23 14 Human Reproduction, 2000 Subjects include: Anti-partial birth abortion; Pro-choice; Mifepristone (RU-486) use. V.23 15 Human Reproduction, 2000 Subjects include: Mifepristone (RU-486) use. V.23 16 Human Reproduction, 2000 Subjects include: Anti-partial birth abortion; Roe v. Wade. V.23 17 Human Reproduction, 2000 Subjects include: Anti-partial birth abortion; Mifepristone (RU-486) use. box folder Request box V.24 1 Human Reproduction, 2000 Subjects include: Pro use of Mifepristone; Pro and anti-abortion; Partial birth abortion. V.24 2 Human Reproduction, 2000 Subjects include: Anti-partial birth abortion. V.24 3 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Conversation and Reinvestment Act; Everglades and forest preservation. V.24 4 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Wildlife and wilderness protection; Clean energy. V.24 5 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Shark Finning Prohibition Act. V.24 6 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Wildlife and wilderness protection; National Park Service ban on snowmobiles; Conservation and Reinvestment Act. V.24 7 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; Shark Finning Prohibition Act. V.24 8 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Cost of cancer care. V.24 9 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Medicare, Cost of cancer care. V.24 10 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Cost of cancer care; TRICARE; Medicare and Medicaid. V.24 11 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Cost of cancer care; Pain Relief Promotion Act. V.24 12 Gun Control, 2000 Subjects include: S.2099 - Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000; Anti-gun legislation. V.24 13 Violence Against Women; Crime, 2000 Subjects include: Violence Against Women Act; National Death Penalty Moratorium Act of 2000; Gambling. V.24 14 Social Security Numbers, 2000 Subjects include: Amy Boyer's Law. V.24 15 Letters from Students, 2000 . V.24 16 Crime, 2000 Subjects include: War on drugs. V.24 17 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Physician self-referral ban; cancer care. V.24 18 Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000 Subjects include: Proposed auditor independence requirements. V.24 19 Violence Against Women, 2000 Subjects include: Violence Against Women Act. V.24 20 Postal Service, 2000 Subjects include: Martha Berry commemorative stamp. V.24 21 Education, 2000 Subjects include: Increase in education funding. V.24 22 Education, 2000 Subjects include: S.2581/HR 4503 - Funding for historical public women's colleges. V.24 23 Letters from Students, 2000 . V.24 24 Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000 Subjects include: Proposed auditor independence requirements. box folder Request box V.25 1 Gun Control, 2000 Subjects include: S.2099 - Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000; Anti-gun legislation; 2nd Amendment. V.25 2 Gun Control, 2000 Subjects include: S.2099 - Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000; 2nd Amendment; ACLU. V.25 3 Letters from Students, 2000 . V.25 4 Housing, 2000 Subjects include: Federal Housing Administration (FHA) down payment simplification calculation for home mortgage loans. V.25 5 Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000 Subjects include: Services accountants may provide to audit clients. V.25 6 Gun Control, 2000 Subjects include: S.2099 - Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000. V.25 7 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Medicare and Medicaid reductions in Balanced Budget Act; Pulmonary rehabilitation programs; Cancer. V.25 8 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Pulmonary rehabilitation programs; Medicare and Medicaid; Patient rights. V.25 9 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Healthcare Financing Administration. V.25 10 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Canadian Softwood Lumber Agreement; Conservation and Reinvestment Act; Navigation of water resources. V.25 11 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Navigation of water resources; Conservation and Reinvestment Act. V.25 12 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: Conservation and Reinvestment Act; Pollution. V.25 13 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Medicare and Medicaid reductions in Balanced Budget Act; Pain Relief Promotion Act. V.25 14 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Importation of pharmaceutical products from foreign nations; Medicare; CARE Act. V.25 15 Healthcare, 2000 Subjects include: Home health care; Medicare; Balanced Budget Act. V.25 16 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Al Gore conceding election; Electoral College; Recount in Florida. box folder Request box V.26 1 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Al Gore conceding election; Recount in Florida. V.26 2 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Al Gore conceding election; Recount in Florida. V.26 3 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Military absentee ballots; Anti-Democratic Party. V.26 4 Letters from Students, 2000 . V.26 5 Letters from Students, 2000 . V.26 6 Violence Against Women; Transportation, 2000 Subjects include: Violence Against Women Act; Traffic Stops Statistics Study Act of 1999. V.26 7 Internet, 2000 Subjects include: HR 3125 - Internet Gambling Prohibitions Act. V.26 8 Business, 2000 V.26 9 Social Security, 2000 Subjects include: Social Security Lock-Box Bill; Cost of living adjustment. V.26 10 Social Security, 2000 Subjects include: Protection of social security; Older Americans Act. V.26 11 Social Security, Capital Punishment; Education, 2000 Subjects include: After-Care Support Program; Death penalty; International education. V.26 12 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Recount in Florida; Al Gore conceding election. V.26 13 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Al Gore conceding election; Democratic Party's handling of election. V.26 14 Health Care; International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Medicare and Medicaid; Canadian Softwood Lumber Agreement. V.26 15 Education, 2000 Subjects include: Physical Education for Progress Act; HOPE Scholarship. V.26 16 Social Security, 2000 Subjects include: Social Security reform; Social Security Lock-Box Bill; Older American Act. V.26 17 Social Security; Federal Government, 2000 Subjects include: Social Security reform; Congressional legislation and executive orders. V.26 18 Education, 2000 Subjects include: S.2581/HR 4503 - Funding for historical public women's colleges. V.26 19 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Al Gore conceding election. V.26 20 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Electoral College; Florida; Al Gore concession. V.26 21 Social Security, Religion, Housing, 2000 Subjects include: FHA [Federal Housing Administration] simplified down payment calculation program; HUD [Housing and Urban Development] public service announcement. V.26 22 Letters from Students, 2000 . V.26 23 Housing; Child Support; Social Security, 2000 Subjects include: Retirement plans. V.26 24 Employment Practices, 2000 Subjects include: Employment Non-Discrimination Act; Federal Law Enforcement Pay Equity Act; Postmasters Fairness and Rights Act. V.26 25 Crime; Transportation; Education, 2000 Subjects include: National Death Penalty Moratorium Act of 2000; Traffic Stops Statistics Study Act of 1999; S.2581/HR 4503 - Funding for historical public women's colleges. box folder Request box V.27 1 Veterans Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: FY 2001 Defense Authorization Bill; Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare system; Healthcare Personnel Act. V.27 2 Veterans Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare system; Discrimination against retirees. V.27 3 Air Force Memorial, 2000 Subjects include: United States Air Force Memorial. V.27 4 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000; Gold Star Parents Annuity Act. V.27 5 National Budget; Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: National debt; Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000. V.27 6 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000. V.27 7 Transportation, 2000 Subjects include: Trucking industry hours of service rules. V.27 8 Transportation, 2000 Subjects include: Transportation industry regulations. V.27 9 Taxes, 2000 Subjects include: Federal estate taxes. V.27 10 Taxes, 2000 Subjects include: Federal estate taxes. V.27 11 Taxes, 2000 Subjects include: Marriage Tax Penalty Relief Reconciliation Act of 2000; tax relief. V.27 12 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Individual Retirement Accounts contribution limit. V.27 13 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000. V.27 14 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000. V.27 15 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Individual Retirement Accounts contribution limit; Comprehensive Retirement Security and Pension Reform Act. V.27 16 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000. V.27 17 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Individual Retirement Accounts contribution limit. V.27 18 Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000 Subjects include: Proposed auditor independence requirements. V.27 19 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Pro deportation relief legislation. V.27 20 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Pro deportation relief legislation. V.27 21 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: S.2912 - Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act; Pro deportation relief legislation. V.27 22 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Pro deportation relief legislation; S.2912 - Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act. V.27 23 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Pro deportation relief legislation; Increased funding for migration and refugee assistance. V.27 24 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: H.R. 4444-Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. V.27 25 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: University of Georgia Russell Symposium-National Security in the 21st Century. box folder Request box V.28 1 Veterans Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: United States Air Force Memorial; Warner-Hutchinson health care equity initiative. V.28 2 Veterans Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: United States Air Force Memorial. V.28 3 Veterans Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: United States Air Force Memorial. V.28 4 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Israeli-Palestinian conflict. V.28 5 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Israeli-Palestinian conflict. V.28 6 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: United Nations "Charter for Global Democracy". V.28 7 Military Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Position of U.S. flags on Navy ships docked in foreign ports; Black berets for Army members. V.28 8 Military Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: TRIDENT submarine. V.28 9 Military Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: United States Air Force Memorial. V.28 10 Military Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: United States Air Force Memorial. V.28 11 International Affairs; Veterans; Pensions, 2000 V.28 12 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Al Gore concession; Calls for Senator Miller to issue public response. V.28 13 Presidential Election, 2000 Subjects include: Support for Al Gore; Al Gore concession. V.28 14 Transportation; International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Motor Freight Carriers Association drivers with safe driving records; Position of U.S. flag on Navy ships docked in foreign ports. V.28 15 Taxes, 2000 Subjects include: Support for tax legislation; Federal excise tax on telecommunications services. V.28 16 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: Comprehensive Retirement Security and Pension Reform Act; Individual Retirement Accounts contribution limits. V.28 17 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Immigrant Fairness Restoration Act. V.28 18 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act; Immigrant Fairness Restoration Act; H-1B Visas. V.28 19 Immigration, 2000 Subjects include: Pro deportation relief legislation; Immigrant Fairness Restoration Act; Secret Evidence Repeal Act. V.28 20 Telecommunications, 2000 Subjects include: Broadcasting capacity; Federal Communications Commission forced access rules. V.28 21 Telecommunications, 2000 Subjects include: Bill 602P-email surcharges; Powertel/VoiceStream-Deutsche Telekom merger; Federal Communications Commission initiatives. V.28 22 Telecommunications, 2000 Subjects include: S.3020-Spectrum Integrity Bill; Powertel/VoiceStream-Deutsche Telekom merger. V.28 23 Telecommunications, 2000 Subjects include: Federal Communications Commission low power FM initiative; Bill 602P-email surcharges. V.28 24 Internet, 2000 Subjects include: McCain-Istook Internet Blocking Amendment; S.2698/H.R.4728-Broadband Internet Access Act of 2000. box folder Request box V.29 1 International Affairs; Captain Charles B. McVay, 2000 Subjects include: HJRes. 47-Clearing the name of Captain McVay; Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners; international trade. V.29 2 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Nuclear nonproliferation; Conflict in Israel. V.29 3 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Foreign Operations appropriations bill; SCR 140 - Proposal to lift restrictions on high-level visits of officials from Taiwan; United Nations. V.29 4 International Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: International trade; Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners; Colombia drug war bill. V.29 5 Military Affairs, 2000 Subjects include: Defense system; Military related legislation. V.29 6 Banking; Budget, 2000 Subjects include: Bankruptcy Reform Act; Balanced Budget Act. V.29 7 Transportation, 2000 Subjects include: Railway Labor Act. V.29 8 Transportation, 2000 Subjects include: S 3059-Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Equipment Defect Notification and Improvement Act. V.29 9 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: HR 4844-Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000. V.29 10 Pensions, 2000 Subjects include: HR 4844-Railroad Retirement and Survivor's Improvement Act of 2000. V.29 11 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: s 3173-Environmental Streamlining Improvement Act. V.29 12 Environment, 2000 Subjects include: s 3173-Environmental Streamlining Improvement Act. V.29 13-15 Bev Messer Files, 2001-2004 V.29 16 Non-Constituent Letters, 2000-2001 V.29 17 [Constituent Letters], 2000-2001 V.29 18-21 Daily Call Log, 2001 box folder Request box V.30 1-2 Constituent Letters, 2001 V.30 3 Boy Scout Letters, 2001 V.30 4-7 Daily Call Log, 2001-2004 V.30 8 Biographies/Fact Sheets, undated V.30 9-15 John Ashcroft Nomination, 2001 box folder Request box V.31 1-5 John Ashcroft Nomination, 2001 Constituent Mail [digital files] Correspondence between Miller and his constituents about the wide variety of issues that concerned them, including the letters they sent, Miller's replies, and data about the correspondence exported from his correspondence management system. Common subjects include defense and the military, education, the environment, the operations of the federal government, foreign affairs, healthcare, the justice system, taxes, and transportation. These files must be reviewed for case mail, academies, and recommendations prior to research use. Please request these files 3 business days prior to your research visit to allow time for this review. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 3 [Correspondence Management System] [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 4 9627808-9637097 [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 5 9628913-9700936 [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 6 9648070-9669998 [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 7 9670002-9684966 [digital files], 2000-2004
Section 2. Projects and Grants
Appropriations box folder Request box V.31 6 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, 2003 V.31 7-8 Homeland Security, 2003 V.31 9 Defense, 2003 V.31 10 Defense, Military Construction, Foreign Operations, 2003 V.31 11 Veterans Affairs; Housing and Urban Development; Commerce, State, and Judiciary, 2003 V.31 12 Transportation, Treasury, General Government, 2003 box folder Request box V.32 1 Fulton County; Okenfenokee National Wildlife Refuge; Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge; Savannah Shops, 2004-2005 V.32 2 The University of Georgia, 2004 V.32 3 Interior, 2004 V.32 4 Military Construction, Foreign Operations, Homeland Security, 2004 V.32 5 Defense, 2004 V.32 6 Energy and Water, 2004 V.32 7 Treasury; Transportation, 2004 V.32 8-9 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, 2003-2004 V.32 10-11 Agriculture, 2004 V.32 12 Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary; Veterans Affairs; Housing and Urban Development, 2004 V.32 13 Veterans Affairs; Housing and Urban Development, 2004 Projects and Grant Notifications box folder Request box V.32 14 Gold Star Wives, 2003 V.32 15 National Association of Veterans Affairs State Directors, 2003 V.32 16 MOAA [Military Officers Association of America] -Military Officer Association, 2003 V.32 17 VFW [Veterans of Foreign Wars] Legislative Priorities, 2002-2003 V.32 18 DAV [Disabled American Veterans] Legislative Priorities, 2003 V.32 19 Association for Disabled American Veterans, 2003 V.32 20 Blue Angels Schedule, 2002 V.32 21 Landmine Survivor Network, 2000-2002 V.32 22 Black Berets, 2001 V.32 23 Engineered Fabrics-Rockmart, 2001-2002 V.32 24 Myers Recommendations List, 2002 V.32 25 GMACC [Georgia Military Affairs Coordinating Committee] Update, 2003 V.32 26 Staff Update, 2002 box folder Request box V.33 1 Staff Update, 2003 V.33 2 Staff Update, 2002 V.33 3 Afghan Ordnance- Sorties, 2002 V.33 4 Gulfstream V-SP, 2002 V.33 5 Vieques-Navy Bombing, 2001 V.33 6 M1A2 Tank Sale to Greece, 2001 V.33 7 VA [Veterans Affairs] Hearing-SHAD [Shipboard Hazard and Defense] Exposures, 2002 V.33 8 VA [Veterans Affairs] Hearing-Mark-up 6/6, 2002 V.33 9 VA [Veterans Affairs] Hearing-Mental Health, 2002 V.33 10 Dear Colleague Report, 2003 V.33 11 Dear Colleague Report, 2002 V.33 12 107th Cosponsorship, 2002 V.33 13 Fiscal Year 2004 River Restoration Appropriations, 2002 V.33 14 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Moorehouse College Revitalization Project, 2002-2003 V.33 15 Johnson County (Wrightsville) Detention Center 141684, 2001-2003 V.33 16 Commerce/Justice/State: Kennesaw State-Technology/Family Business Owners 143044, 2001-2003 V.33 17 Commerce/Justice/State: Cops Hiring of Officers-Macon 143575, 2001-2003 V.33 18 Commerce/Justice/State: Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement 146357, 2001-2003 V.33 19 Commerce/Justice/State: DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination 146359, 2001-2003 V.33 20 Commerce/Justice/State: ROCIC [Regional Organized Crime Information Center]/RISS [Regional Information Sharing Center] Centers (Law Enforcement 148597, 2002 V.33 21 Commerce/Justice/State: Electronic Commerce Incubator Project at Albany State University 150260, 2002 V.33 22 Commerce/Justice/State: Great Satilla River Plantation, 2002 V.33 23 Commerce/Justice/State: National Center for Economic Development, Business, and Technology (NCEDBT), 2002 V.33 24 Commerce/Justice/State: Technologies Opportunities Program 150269, 2002 V.33 25 Commerce/Justice/State: Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms 150425, 2002 V.33 26 Commerce/Justice/State: Macon Juvenile Justice Delinquency Program 150263, 2002 V.33 27 Foreign Operations: Atlanta-Tblisi Partnership's Sustainable Healthcare Initiative 146188, 2001-2003 V.33 28 Foreign Operations: International Training Consortium for Democratic Reform 150341, 2002 V.33 29 Foreign Operations: Lott Carey International HIV/AIDS Project 150839, 2002 V.33 30 Foreign Operations: Morehouse International Center for Health and Development 150344, 2002 V.33 31 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Lagoon Waste Management Demonstration Project 151039, 2002 V.33 32 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Middle Georgia Regional Airport (Macon) Preparedness Equipment-FEMA 150593, 2002 V.33 33 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Teach for America 151001, 2002 V.33 34 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Ralph Mark Gilbert Library and Archival Unit 150558, 2002 V.33 35 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Macon Brownfields 143576, 2001-2002 V.33 36 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Macon Recreational Park 150888, 2002 V.33 37 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: MLK [Martin Luther King] Community Service Center 150561, 2002 V.33 38 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Milan Community Facility 150887, 2002 V.33 39 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: N GA [North Georgia] Technical College Cy Grant Gymnasium 148922, 2001-2002 V.33 40 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Paulding County Business and Technology Park 150885, 2002 V.33 41 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Port Wentworth Water Projects 144909, 2001-2002 V.33 42 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Richland Creek Reservoir 151029, 2002 V.33 43 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Silver Comet Trail-Powder Springs 150569, 2002 V.33 44 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Social Circle Infrastructure Upgrades 141775, 2000-2002 V.33 45 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: SURETY: Savannah Urban Renaissance Educating and Training Youth 150567, 2002 V.33 46 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Tubman African American Museum 142555, 2001 V.33 47 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: VA [Veterans Affairs] /Emory University Partnership Program 150570, 2002 V.33 48 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Department of VA [Veterans Affairs] Medical Centers 150571, 2002 V.33 49 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: YMCA [Young Mens Christian Association], Broad Street, Savannah 150572, 2002 V.33 50 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Youthbuild 150909, 2002 V.33 51 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: DeKalb County Civic and Community Center 144913, 2001 V.33 52 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Dooly County Industrial Park 150587, 2002 V.33 53 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Jonesboro Senior Center 141774, 2001 V.33 54 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Critical Water Infrastructure 150840, 2002 V.33 55 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Effingham County Community Development Fund Grant 150912, 2002 V.33 56 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] Flood Map Modernization Program 147637, 2001-2002 V.33 57 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Georgia College and State University Historic Buildings 150553, 2002 V.33 58 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Georgia Mountain History Museum 142901, 2001-2002 V.33 59 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Georgia Records Retention Center 150554, 2002 V.33 60 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Hosea Feed the Hungry and the Homeless 150556, 2002 V.33 61 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Housing Assistance Council (HAC) 150557, 2002 V.33 62 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Altamaha River Basin 150546, 2002 V.33 63 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Atlanta VA [Veterans Affairs] Medical Center Inpatient Modernization, 2002 V.33 64 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Berrien County Auditorium 144657, 2001-2002 V.33 65 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Booker T Washington Community Center, INC. 149333, 2002 V.33 66 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Branan Towers (Wesley Woods) Renovation 142700, 2001-2002 V.33 67 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Brownfields 150550, 2002 V.33 68 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: City of Cecil Sanitary Sewer Collection 149638, 2002 V.33 69 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: City of Smyrna Chuck Camp Park 150890, 2002 V.33 70 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: City of Smyrna Church Street Senior Center 150543, 2002 V.33 71 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: City of Smyrna Pond Stabilization and Erosion Control 150542, 2002 V.33 72 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: City of Smyrna Tolleson Pool Bathhouse 150544, 2002 V.33 73 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: City of Smyrna Town Center Study 150545, 2002 V.33 74 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Ft. Valley State University Cooperative Development Energy Program 150390, 2002 V.33 75 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Middle Georgia College Community Education Network 149882, 2002 V.33 76 Agriculture: Georgia Small Field Conservation Initiative 150250, 2002 V.33 77 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Taliaferro County High School 142488, 2001-2003 V.33 78 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Middle Georgia College Advanced Distributed Learning 149881, 2002 V.33 79 Defense: [Fiscal Year 2003 Defense Appropriations], 2002 V.33 80 Defense: Furniture Asset Recapitalization Pilot Program 150307, 2002 V.33 81 Defense: Electronic Warfare Obsolescence Mitigation Program Using Rapid Retargeting 150303, 2002 V.33 82 Defense: DOD [Department of Defense] Chapel Interior Renovation Project 150306, 2002 V.33 83 Defense: DLA [Defense Logistics Agency] Aging Aircraft Program; Improving Customer/Warfighting Support via CLAASS [The Cooperative Laboratory for Aging Aircraft Supply Support] 150324, 2002 V.33 84 Defense: Defense Microelectronics Activity 150308, 2002 V.33 85 Defense: Combat Arms Training System 150314, 2002 V.33 86 Defense: Army Material Command Information Assurance 150326, 2002 V.33 87 Defense: Air Force Reserve Command Server Consolidation 150304, 2002 V.33 88 Defense: Air Forces CC-130J and the Marine Corps' KC-130J Programs 150317, 2002 V.33 89 Defense: Aging Systems Program Rapid Replacement of Mission Critical Logistics Electronic Component 150321, 2002 V.33 90 Defense: Advanced Composite Chassis 150305, 2002 V.33 91 Defense: AAITS [Advanced Aviation Institutional Training Simulator Program]-Situational Awareness & Combat/Target Identification 150314, 2002 V.33 92 Defense: USAF [United States Air Force] Receiver and Processing Evaluation Program (RAPCEval) 150323, 2002 V.33 93 Defense: Target and Threat Systems Interoperability Testing Program 150318, 2002 V.33 94 Defense: RF/SAM Threat Simulator 150319, 2002 V.33 95 Defense: Recapitalization/SLEP [Service Life Extension Program] Program 150427, 2002 V.33 96 Defense: Profiles of the Air Force Depot (PAD) Simulation Model 150302, 2002 V.33 97 Defense: Picket Fence Program 150328, 2002 V.33 98 Defense: PLAID [Position, Location, and Identification] Upgrade to ALR-69 150322, 2002 V.33 99 Defense: Ovarian Cancer Research 150843, 2002 V.33 100 Defense: NIMA Spatial Data Interoperability-Feature Level Data Base (FLDB) 150327, 2002 V.33 101 Defense: Navy Sea Cadets 143353, 2002 V.33 102 Defense: Mentor-Protege Program 150312, 2002 V.33 103 Defense: Lithium Ion Batteries for the RQ-4A Global Hawk 150426, 2002 V.33 104 Defense: Laser Marksmanship Training System 150316, 2002 V.33 105 Defense: Information Systems Security Program 150320, 2002 V.33 106 Defense: Industrial Preparedness (TI Lean Manufacturing Implementation) 150326, 2002 V.33 107 Defense: Gulf States Initiative 150329, 2002 V.33 108 Agriculture: Small Watershed Dam Rehabilitation Program 149630, 2002 V.33 109 Agriculture: Regional Mentor Prot駩 Pilot Demonstration Project 150251, 2002 V.33 110 Agriculture: National Beef Cattle Genetic Evaluation Program 141716, 2001-2002 V.33 111 Agriculture: Institute of Paper Science & Technology 150254, 2002 V.33 112 Agriculture: ARS [Agriculture Research Service] Forage and Turf Unit at Tifton 141714, 2001-2002 V.33 113 Agriculture: Agro-Security Program 150915, 2002 V.33 114 Energy/Water: Arabia Mountain Ecosystem Restoration 149663, 2002 V.33 115 Energy/Water: Army Corps of Engineers GA [Georgia] Projects (Mobile District) 149849, 2002 V.33 116 Energy/Water: Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) 149666, 2002 V.33 117 Energy/Water: Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research (CPBR) 149677, 2002 V.33 118 Energy/Water: Lake Lanier Olympic Center 149675, 2002 V.33 119 Energy/Water: Latham River 150845, 2002 V.33 120 Energy/Water: Nancy Creek Basin Sewers-Atlanta 149671, 2002 V.33 121 Energy/Water: Ocmulgee River-Macon Levee Study & Rehabilitation 143583, 2001-2002 V.33 122 Energy/Water: Savannah River Site Projects 149847, 2002 V.33 123 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Adult Literacy Funding 149869, 2002 V.33 124 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: African-American Health Information and Resource Center (AAHIRC), Savannah 150387, 2002 V.33 125 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Agency for Healthcare, Research, and Quality (AHRQ) 150395, 2002 V.33 126 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Brain Injury Act 150383, 2002 V.33 127 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Breast and Cervical Cancer Program and Mobile Health Screening Program 150382, 2002 V.33 128 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Carol White Physical Education Program PEP 150842, 2002 V.33 129 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: CDC [Centers for Disease Control] Funding 150384, 2002 V.33 130 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: CDC [Centers for Disease Control] Prevention for Asthma Treatment Program 150621, 2002 V.33 131 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Children's Advocacy Center-Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit 148573, 2001-2002 V.33 132 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Community Access Program (CAP) 150412, 2002 V.33 133 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Dalton Georgia Project 15030, 2002 V.33 134 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Elijay Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuary 149870, 2002 V.33 135 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Georgia Bioterrorism Preparedness 150388, 2002 V.33 136 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Georgia Perimeter College GED Recruitment Program 149867, 2002 V.33 137 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Georgia Perimeter College Urban Teacher Program 140868, 2002 V.33 138 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Georgia Public Health Training 150357, 2002 V.33 139 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Health Professions 150407, 2002 V.33 140 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Hemophilia Research 150394, 2002 V.33 141 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: JP Carr Human Services Complex-Phase II 142314, 2001-2002 V.33 142 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Job Corps 150391, 2002 V.33 143 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Marcus Institute in Atlanta 150378, 2002 V.33 144 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: National Center for School and Youth Safety 150393, 2002 V.33 145 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: National Health Services Corps (NHSC) 150403, 2002 V.33 146 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) 150375, 2002 V.33 147 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Oconee Regional EMS Air Ambulance Program 150377, 2002 V.33 148 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Rural Education Achievement Program 150910, 2002 V.33 149 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Rural Health Outreach and Network Development Grant Program, 2002 V.33 150 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Rural Health Policy Development (Research) 150411, 2002 V.33 151 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant Program 150409, 2002 V.33 152 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Small Rural Hospital Performance Improvement Act 150404, 2002 V.33 153 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: State Offices of Rural Health 150406, 2002 V.33 154 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: State University of West Georgia Talented and Gifted Kids 149874, 2002 V.33 155 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network 150352, 2002 box folder Request box V.34 1 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Telehealth 150405, 2002 V.34 2 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund's (TMSF) Capacity-Building Programs 150616, 2002 V.34 3 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: TRIO Program 150392, 2002 V.34 4 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Tri State Crematory 150380, 2002 V.34 5 Habersham County Runway Extension Permit 156507, 2003 V.34 6 Interior: GA [Georgia] Appalachian Trail Club Land Acquisition FY 2003 Appropriation Request 149637, 2002 V.34 7 [Research Grants for Georgia Colleges], 2003 V.34 8 [Research Grants for Georgia Colleges, Head Start Programs, Healthcare], 2003 V.34 9 [Research Grants for Georgia Colleges, Head Start Programs, Healthcare, Social Services], 2003 V.34 10 [Research Grants for Georgia Colleges, Head Start Programs, Healthcare, Social Services, Law Enforcement, Environment, Housing], 2002-2003 V.34 11 [Grants for Environment, Housing, Military, and Community Development Projects], 2003 V.34 12 Milcon: Fort Gordon Child Development Center 150457, 2002 V.34 13 Milcon: Fort McPherson Physical Fitness Center 150449, 2002 V.34 14 Milcon: Fort Stewart Saber Hall Complex 150437, 2002 V.34 15 Milcon: Hunter AAF [Army Airfield] Physical Fitness Center 150454, 2002 V.34 16 Milcon: Kings Bay Sandblast Paint Facility 150442, 2002 V.34 17 Milcon: Naval Supply Corps School Renovation of Pound Hall 150450, 2002 V.34 18 Milcon: Navy Reserve Atlanta BEQ (Bachelor Enlisted Headquarters) 150438, 2002 V.34 19 Milcon: Navy Reserve Savannah Marine Corps Reserve Center 150439, 2002 V.34 20 Milcon: Robins AFB [Air Force Base] Critical Personnel Development Program Facility-Planning and Design 150444, 2002 V.34 21 Milcon: Robins AFB [Air Force Base] Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Facility 150445, 2002 V.34 22 Milcon: Robins AFB [Air Force Base] Design Funding for J-STARS Facility 150446, 2002 V.34 23 Milcon: Fort Benning Barracks Complex (Phase I) 150435, 2002 V.34 24 Milcon: Fort Benning Urban Assault Course 150436, 2002 V.34 25 Milcon: Dobbins Air Reserve Base Visiting Quarters 150452, 2002 V.34 26 Milcon: Dobbins Reserve Base Upgrade Maintenance Bays 150453, 2002 V.34 27 Milcon: Fort Gillem Recruiting Command HQ Building 150447, 2002 V.34 28 Milcon: Fort Gillen Army Reserve-Organizational Maintenance Shop 150448, 2002 V.34 29 Interior: Andersonville Land Acquisition 149866, 2002 V.34 30 Interior: Flywheel Technology Certification Program 150428, 2002 V.34 31 Interior: Harralson County Historic Courthouse 142307, 2002 V.34 32 Interior: Historic Preservation Fund 150431, 2002 V.34 33 Interior: Historic Women's Universities 150434, 2002 V.34 34 Interior: Marine Education & Research Center at Sapelo Island 149879, 2002 V.34 35 Interior: Museum of Natural History ADA [Americans with Disabilities Act] Accessibility 150433, 2002 V.34 36 Interior: National Wildlife Refuge System 159432, 2002 V.34 37 Interior: State and Tribal Wildlife Grants Program 150884, 2002 V.34 38 Interior: Wildlife Service Partnership 150429, 2002 V.34 39 Interior: Fort Hawkins Property Purchase and Site Preparation 143581, 2001-2002 V.34 40 Transportation: Midtown Streetscape Project (Route 19) 150776, 2002 V.34 41 Transportation: Millerfield and Forsyth Road Projects 150774, 2002 V.34 42 Transportation: Moreland Avenue Improvements 150985, 2002 V.34 43 Transportation: Northside Drive Corridor (Routes 19, 29, 41, 78 )150786, 2002 V.34 44 Transportation: Ponce De Leon Corridor (Routes 78, 278) 150777, 2002 V.34 45 Transportation: Rockdale County Highway Beautification 150767, 2001 V.34 46 Transportation: Roswell Road Sidewalk and Streetscape Project (Route 19) 150778, 2002 V.34 47 Transportation: Savannah River Water Taxi 143339, 2001 V.34 48 Transportation: Section 5307 Formula Funds Provision Change 150905, 2002 V.34 49 Transportation: US280/US27 Intersection 150771, 2002 V.34 50 Transportation: Winder-Barrow Airport 150765, 2002 V.34 51 Transportation: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) 151035, 2002 V.34 52 Transportation: Andrews Murphy Airport, Cherokee, NC 150808, 2002 V.34 53 Transportation: Bankhead Highway Corridor (Route 78, 278) 150780, 2002 V.34 54 Transportation: Calhoun-Gordon County Airport 148547, 2002 V.34 55 Transportation: Carl Savage Airport, Montezuma 150803, 2002 V.34 56 Transportation: Cartersville/Bartow Airport 150819, 2002 V.34 57 Transportation: Chattahoochee River Bridge Widening System 148969, 2002 V.34 58 Transportation: Chatham Buses 150907, 2002 V.34 59 Transportation: Chatham Reverse Commute 150766, 2001 V.34 60 Transportation: Cherokee County Airport 150764, 2002 V.34 61 Transportation: Coastguard Integrated Deepwater System 147821, 2002 V.34 62 Transportation: FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] Contract Tower Program 150908, 2001 V.34 63 Transportation: GA400 Noise Barriers 148713, 2001 V.34 64 Transportation: Gwinnett County Clean Buses 150772, 2001 V.34 65 Transportation: Heart of Georgia Airport 147522, 2001-2002 V.34 66 Transportation: Highway 129 Proposed Extension 1250787, 2002 V.34 67 Transportation: I-16 Interchange Improvements 150891, 2002 V.34 68 Transportation: I-285 Noise Barriers 150768, 2002 V.34 69 Transportation: Lee Street and Whitehall Streetscape (Route 29) 150775, 2002 V.34 70 Transportation: Macon-Bibb Reverse Commute Program 150815, 2002 V.34 71 Transportation: Macon Community Preservation Project 150762, 2002 V.34 72 Transportation: Macon Clean Bus Facility 150769, 2002 V.34 73 Transportation: MARTA North Rail Line Extension 146332, 2002 V.34 74 Transportation: Metropolitan Streetscape Project (Routes 19, 41) 150779, 2002 V.34 75 FY [Fiscal Year] 2003 Appropriations Requests (Loose Papers), 2001-2003 V.34 76 City of Atlanta Multi Modal Passenger Terminal, 2003 V.34 77 Transportation/Treasury/General: Atlanta Transportation Link 160844, 2003 V.34 78 Transportation/Treasury/General: Augusta, Georgia New Airline Terminal 150813, 2002-2003 V.34 79 Transportation/Treasury/General: Augusta New General Aviation Ramp Construction 160882, 2003 V.34 80 Transportation/Treasury/General: Augusta Existing General Aviation Ramp 160883, 2003 V.34 81 Transportation/Treasury/General: Augusta Runway Rehabilitation 160881, 2003 V.34 82 Transportation/Treasury/General: Buford Highway Pedestrian Safety 150806, 2002-2003 V.34 83 Transportation/Treasury/General: DeKalb Three Greenway Trail Project 160857, 2003 V.34 84 Transportation/Treasury/General: DeKalb County School Bicycle and Pedestrian 160803, 2003 V.34 85 Transportation/Treasury/General: Federal Building in Atlanta 151034, 2002 V.34 86 Transportation/Treasury/General: Gainesville Airport Instrument Landing System 160801, 2003 V.34 87 Transportation/Treasury/General: Georgia Bus Replacement and Facility Projects 150769, 2001-2003 V.34 88 Transportation/Treasury/General: GRTA [Georgia Regional Transportation Authority] Northwest Corridor BRT[Bus Rapid Transit], Atlanta 160797, 2003 V.34 89 Transportation/Treasury/General: Georgia Regional Transportation Authority Bus 143326, 2003 V.34 90 Transportation/Treasury/General: Greene County Airport Runway Lengthening 160789, 2003 V.34 91 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Greene County Approach Lighting Improvements 160790, 2003 V.34 92 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Hamilton Clean Fuels Bus Facility 150763, 2002-2003 V.34 93 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Hartsfield Atlanta Airport-Access Control System 160800, 2003 V.34 94 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Hartsfield Atlanta Airport-5th Runway 160793, 2003 V.34 95 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Hartsfield Atlanta Airport-Surface Movement 160799, 2003 V.34 96 Transportation/Treasury/General:: City of Helena's Streetscape Improvement 160891, 2003 V.34 97 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Interstate 75 Widening-Tift and Cook County 160802, 2003 V.34 98 Transportation/Treasury/General:: I-95 at CR 23/Pine Barren Road-Chatham County 160832, 2003 V.34 99 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Interstate 285 Interchange Reconstruction at Bankhead 160855, 2003 V.34 100 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Interstate 285 Interstate Reconstruction at Dunwoody 160873, 2003 V.34 101 Transportation/Treasury/General:: I-475 at Zebulon Road Interchange Reconstruction 160850, 2003 V.34 102 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Liberty County-Wright Army Airfield Joint Use 160885, 2003 V.34 103 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Macon Alternative Fuel Vehicle Purchase 160890, 2003 V.34 104 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Macon Historic Park 160889, 2003 V.34 105 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Macon Terminal Station 143572, 2002-2003 V.34 106 Transportation/Treasury/General:: MARTA [Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority] Automated 160794, 2003 box folder Request box V.35 1 Transportation/Treasury/General:: MARTA [Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority] Bus Acquisition 146321, 2002-2003 V.35 2 Transportation/Treasury/General:: City of McRea Sidewalk Improvements 160894, 2003 V.35 3 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Middle Georgia Airports Improvements 160888, 2003 V.35 4 Transportation/Treasury/General:: City of Mount Vernon Sidewalk Improvements 160893, 2003 V.35 5 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Multimodal Transportation Center for Albany 160887, 2003 V.35 6 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Northlake Area Streetscape 150807, 2003 V.35 7 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Old Petersburg Road/Old Evans Road Columbia County 160807, 2003 V.35 8 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Paulding Co. Airport 150770, 2001-2003 V.35 9 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Perimeter CID [Community Improvement District] Enhancement 160880, 2003 V.35 10 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Railroad Restoration between Cusseta and Cuthbert 160886, 2003 V.35 11 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Richard B. Russell/Floyd County Airport 150809, 2002 V.35 12 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Rivertown Road Corridor from Fairburn to Ono Road 160887, 2003 V.35 13 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Rivertown Road at Hobgood Road 160876, 2003 V.35 14 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Rockbridge Road Corridor Improvement 160875, 2003 V.35 15 Transportation/Treasury/General:: City of Smyrna Concord Road Linear Park 150541, 2002 V.35 16 Transportation/Treasury/General:: City of Smyrna Atlanta Road/Spring Street Improvements 160892, 2003 V.35 17 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 92 Widening-Cherokee County 160841, 2003 V.35 18 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 3 Widening-Taylor County 160582, 2003 V.35 19 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 1/US 27 Widening, Heard County 160806, 2003 V.35 20 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 1/US 27 Widening, Walker County 160848, 2003 V.35 21 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 92 Widening, Wade Green Road 160848, 2003 V.35 22 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 133 Widening, Colquitt County 160777, 2003 V.35 23 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 138 Widening-Clayton County 160872, 2003 V.35 24 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 166 Widening-Fulton County 160871, 2003 V.35 25 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 196 Widening, Liberty County 160805, 2003 V.35 26 Transportation/Treasury/General:: SR 520/SR 25 Flyover Bridge, Glynn County 160808, 2003 V.35 27 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Southeast DeKalb Arterial Analysis 160878, 2003 V.35 28 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Southeast High-Speed Rail 160795, 2003 V.35 29 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Streetscape Initiative-Moultrie, GA 160778, 2003 V.35 30 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Stone Mountain-Lithonia Road Bike Lanes 160858, 2003 V.35 31 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Stonewall Tell Road at Union Road 160874, 2003 V.35 32 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Telfair County Bridge 160895, 2003 V.35 33 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Traffic Signal Priority Control 160804, 2003 V.35 34 Transportation/Treasury/General:: Transportation Research Center 160776, 2003 V.35 35 Transportation/Treasury/General:: US 25 Widening-Burke County 160859, 2003 V.35 36 Transportation/Treasury/General:: I-75 HOV Lanes, SR 54 to Aviation Boulevard 160860, 2003 V.35 37 Transportation/Treasury/General:: US Courthouse Annex in Savannah 151036, 2002-2003 V.35 38 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Atlanta Wastewater/Nancy Creek Basin150564, 2002 V.35 39 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Angela's House 160538, 2003 V.35 40 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Battlefield Park & MLK, Jr. Blvd Revitalization 150565, 2002 V.35 41 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Braselton-Water Re-Use System 157808:Bremen-Turkey Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility 160594, 2002 V.35 42 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Bremen-Turkey Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility, 2003 V.35 43 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Coastal Georgia Development Park 160543, 2003 V.35 44 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Columbus Biosolids BFT3 Project 144908, 2001-2002 V.35 45 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Community Revitalization-College Partners, Inc. 143556, 2001-2002 V.35 46 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research (CPBR)-signed onto Letter 150552, 2002-2003 V.35 47 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Covenant House 160534:Dekalb County Senior Center 160536, 2003 V.35 48 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: DeKalb County Senior Center, 2003 V.35 49 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Fitzgerald Millennium Technology Pointe 149567, 2003 V.35 50 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: City of Forsyth Wastewater Treatment and Collection Upgrade and Repair Project 160569, 2003 V.35 51 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Fulton County Children's Advocacy Center 160537, 2003 V.35 52 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Georgia Veterans Memorial Park 142312, 2000-2001 V.35 53 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Golden Harvest Food Bank 160539, 2003 V.35 54 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: GSU [Georgia State University]-Museum of the Coastal Plain Project 160540, 2003 V.35 55 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Habersham County Water Treatment Plant 149219, 2002 V.35 56 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Joint Community Performing Arts Center in Atlanta 160544, 2002-2003 V.35 57 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Marietta Multi-Purpose Center-Cobb Senior Service 160533, 2003 V.35 58 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District 149641, 2002 V.35 59 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Morehouse College Center for Excellence in Telecommunications and Space 150264, 2002 V.35 60 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Morehouse School of Medicine, Community Redevelopment Initiative 160546, 2003 V.35 61 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Moultrie, Georgia City Gateway 160545, 2003 V.35 62 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: National Science Center Foundation (Learning Logic Program) 160531, 2003 V.35 63 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Nelson McGhee Retirement Complex 160590, 2003 V.35 64 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Niche Market Development for Rural Economic Growth 160566, 2003 V.35 65 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Packard Hall Renovations 144895, 2001-2002 V.35 66 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Coach George E. Ford Community Center (Powder Springs) 150555, 2002 V.35 67 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Powder Springs Recreational Center 160547, 2003 V.35 68 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Roswell-Big Creek Demonstration Project 148985, 2002-2003 V.35 69 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: South Cobb Regional Library 160532, 2003 V.35 70 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: VA [Veterans Affairs] Research-Big Letter 160597, 2003 V.35 71 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: UGA Turfgrass 160591, 2003 V.35 72 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: Wesleyan College Science Center 141573, 2001-2002 V.35 73 Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development: West Atlanta Combined Sewer Project 160596, 2003 V.35 74 Milcon: CRTC Operations and Training Complex, 2002-2003 V.35 75 Milcon: Fort Benning Multi-Purpose Training Range Complex, 2003 V.35 76 Milcon: Fort Benning Sunshine Road, 2003 V.35 77 Milcon: Fort Gillem Access Control Point, 2003 V.35 78 Milcon: Fort Gordon Training Aids Support Center, 2002-2003 V.35 79 Milcon: Fort Stewart Barracks Complex - Perimeter Road, 2003 V.35 80 Milcon: Fort Stewart Command and Control Facility, 2002 V.35 81 Milcon: Fort Stewart Physical Fitness Training Center, 2003 V.35 82 Milcon: Dobbins Air Force Base Armed Forces Readiness Center, 2003 V.35 83 Milcon: Dobbins Air Force Base Construction North Side Overpass, 2003 V.35 84 Milcon: Kings Bay Rifle Range, 2003 V.35 85 Milcon: Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany Marine Corps Reserve Center/Georgia Army National Guard Armory, 2002-2003 V.35 86 Milcon: Moody AFB [Air Force Base] Aircraft Maintenance Hanger, 2002-2003 V.35 87 Milcon: Robins AFB [Air Force Base] Corrosion Control Depaint Facility, 2002-2003 V.35 88 Milcon: Warner Robbins AFB [Air Force Base] Corrosion Control Paint Facility, 2003 V.35 89 Agriculture: ABAC's [Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College] Agri-Terrorism 161234, 2003 V.35 90 Agriculture: ABAC's [Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College] Blackbelt Rural Development Program 161232, 2002 V.35 91 Agriculture: ARS [Agricultural Research Service] Byron Research Lab 142498, 2001-2003 V.35 92 Agriculture: ARS [Agricultural Research Service] Tifton Irrigation Scheduling 161152, 2003 V.35 93 Agriculture: ARS [Agricultural Research Service] Tifton Knot Nematode 161157, 2003 V.35 94 Agriculture: ARS [Agricultural Research Service] Tifton Nematologist 161154, 2003 V.35 95 Agriculture: Blueberries Research at Tufts University 161135, 2003 V.35 96 Agriculture: Community Nutrient Management Facilities 161287, 2003 V.35 97 Agriculture: Georgia Agricultural Water Conservation Initiative 161293, 2003 V.35 98 Agriculture: Georgia Soil & Water Conservation Commission Cooperative 143210, 2002-2003 V.35 99 Agriculture: Georgia Southern Precision Agriculture Technology 161071, 2003 V.35 100 Agriculture: Georgia State University CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] West Nile Research 161250, 2003 V.35 101 Agriculture: Irwin County Regional Center for Agricultural Study and Excellence (CASE) Farm Project 149635, 2002-2003 V.35 102 Agriculture: National Peanut Lab, Dawson, Georgia 143546, 2001-2002 V.35 103 Agriculture: Overweight Prevention Study at Baylor 16134, 2003 V.35 104 Agriculture: Peanut Marketing Cooperative Development Grants 161149, 2003 V.35 105 Agriculture: Peanut Nutrition Research 161136, 2003 V.35 106 Agriculture: Smart Steps Center for Advanced Technology 143207, 2003 V.35 107 Agriculture: Suwannee River Basin Mapping 161153, 2003 V.35 108 Agriculture: UGA CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Agriculture Water Usage 149647, 2002-2003 V.35 109 Agriculture: UGA CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Assessing Biological & Toxin Threat in Agriculture 161283, 2003 V.35 110 Agriculture: UGA CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Boiler Breeder Hens 149649, 2002-2003 V.35 111 Agriculture: UGA CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Fruit & Vegetable Marketing 141704, 2002-2003 V.35 112 Agriculture: UGA CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Integrated Fruit/Vegetable Enterprises 141697, 2002-2003 V.35 113 Agriculture: UGA CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Micro Gin141706, 2000-2003 V.35 114 Agriculture: UGA CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Water Use Efficiency 141698, 2001-2003 V.35 115 Agriculture: UGA Wildlife Management/Gamebird Restoration 143543, 2002-2003 V.35 116 Agriculture: Water Policy Research-USDA [U.S Department of Agriculture] CSREES [Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service] Special Grants 143209, 2001-2003 V.35 117 Commerce/Justice/State: Cobb County, Georgia Sheriff's Multi-Level Law Enforcement Technology System 150267, 2002-2003 V.35 118 Commerce/Justice/State: Fulton County Cold Case Unit 160496, 2003 V.35 119 Commerce/Justice/State: Fulton County Jail Pharmacy Needs 160483, 2003 V.35 120 Commerce/Justice/State: Georgia Senior Legal Hotline 160505, 2003 V.35 121 Commerce/Justice/State: Great Cities Universities Coalition 145239, 2001-2003 V.35 122 Commerce/Justice/State: Kidspeace 160474, 2003 V.35 123 Commerce/Justice/State: Macon-Law Enforcement & 1st Responder Technologies 160501, 2003 V.35 124 Commerce/Justice/State: Macon -Safe Schools Initiative, Resource Officers 160499, 2003 V.35 125 Commerce/Justice/State: Macon-Safe Schools Initiative, Services for 1st time Juvenile Offenders 160486, 2003 V.35 126 Commerce/Justice/State: Macon-Youth and Young Adult Gang Intervention 160484, 2003 V.35 127 Commerce/Justice/State: Manufacturing Extension Partnership 148818, 2002-2003 V.35 128 Commerce/Justice/State: National Science Center Foundation 160487, 2003 V.35 129 Commerce/Justice/State: National Textile Center 143502, 2002-2003 V.35 130 Commerce/Justice/State: Regional Cyber Security Center-AASU [Armstrong Atlantic State University] 160481, 2003 V.35 131 Commerce/Justice/State: Residential Care Consortium 148812, 2003 V.35 132 Commerce/Justice/State: Rockdale County Sheriff's Technology 150266, 2002-2003 V.35 133 Commerce/Justice/State: Savannah Impact Program 150271, 2002-2003 V.35 134 Commerce/Justice/State: VeriTraks Georgia 160489, 2003 V.35 135 Commerce/Justice/State: UGA-Inclusion in the National Textile Center 160488, 2003 V.35 136 Commerce/Justice/State: CJS [Commerce, Justice, and State] Notes, 2003 V.35 137 Energy/Water: Mt. Park Dam Restoration 161068, 2003 V.35 138 Energy/Water: Savannah Harbor and Maintenance 146178, 2001-2003 V.35 139 Energy/Water: Savannah Harbor Deepening 146183, 2002-2003 V.35 140 Energy/Water: Savannah Harbor Ecosystem Restoration 149662, 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.36 1 Energy/Water: Savannah River Ecology Lab 149660, 2002-2003 V.36 2 Energy/Water: Transmission Reliability Research Program 161074, 2003 V.36 3 Energy/Water: Tybee Island Shore Projection Program 141519, 2000-2003 V.36 4 Energy/Water: Used Carpet and Cement Kilns: An Alternative Fuel Source 149667, 2002-2003 V.36 5 Energy/Water: Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint Rivers Dredging 143523, 2002 V.36 6 Energy/Water: ARC [Appalachian Regional Commission] Joint Letter 161086, 2003 V.36 7 Energy/Water: Atlanta Desalination Study 161087, 2003 V.36 8 Energy/Water: Brunswick Harbor Maintenance 146180, 2001-2003 V.36 9 Energy/Water: Brunswick Harbor Deepening 146185, 2001-2003 V.36 10 Energy/Water: Mercer University Critical Personnel Development Program (CPDP) 161073, 2003 V.36 11 Energy/Water: Morehouse College Dansby Hall Minority Science Center 161072, 2003 V.36 12 Interior: America View 159862, 2000-2003 V.36 13 Interior: August Canal 149861, 2002-2003 V.36 14 Interior: Big Haynes Creek Nature Center 159878, 2003 V.36 15 Interior: Cooperative Agreement for Streambank Restoration 159859, 2003 V.36 16 Interior: Etowah River-Canton 142195, 2001-2003 V.36 17 Interior: FDR's [Franklin Delano Roosevelt] Little White House Museum 159879, 2003 V.36 18 Interior: Fish & Wildlife Inspectors for Atlanta Port 159880, 2003 V.36 19 Interior: Fulton County Land Protection 159874, 2003 V.36 20 Interior: Georgia Mountains 159877, 2003 V.36 21 Interior: Grand Opera House Restoration Project 159867, 2003 V.36 22 Interior: Historic Campus Building Restoration Project 159870, 2003 V.36 23 Interior: Okefenokee-East Entrance Facilities 159872, 2003 V.36 24 Interior: Plum Creek (Broxton Rocks Project-Rocky Creek) 159875, 2003 V.36 25 Interior: Robotics Repetitive Systems Technology 159865, 2003 V.36 26 Interior: Rylander Theater 150430, 2002 V.36 27 Interior: UGA's Southern Center for Urban Forestry Research & Information 159865, 2003 V.36 28 Interior: Vann House 150928, 2002-2003 V.36 29 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Aircraft Restoration Hanger-the Museum of Aviation Flight and Technology Center, Warner Robins 160309, 2003 V.36 30 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Albany State Model Early Learning Center 161383, 2003 V.36 31 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Albany State University-Regional Research Institute 161316, 2003 V.36 32 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Atlanta Cardiovascular Research Institute150413, 2002-2003 V.36 33 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Brown College Court Reporting 149871, 2002-2003 V.36 34 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Cancer Research Funding 161377, 2003 V.36 35 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Cancer Research Center-Medical College of Georgia 161308, 2003 V.36 36 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: CAU [Clark Atlanta University], Michael P. Anderson Chair in Physics 161379, 2003 V.36 37 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: CAU [Clark Atlanta University], Perry L. Julian Chair in Chemistry 161380, 2003 V.36 38 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: CAU [Clark Atlanta University] Science Building Enhancements/Renovations 161382, 2003 V.36 39 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Clayton College and State University Smart Start 150367, 2002-2003 V.36 40 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Buildings and Facilities (B+F) Master Plan 161366, 2003 V.36 41 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Challenger Learning Center at Sci-Trek 143186, 2001-2003 V.36 42 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Clearmadd [Center for Leadership in Education and Applied Research in Mass Destruction Defense] 150376, 2003 V.36 43 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Darton College Rural Technology Network 143468, 2001-2003 V.36 44 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: DeKalb International Training Center 161374, 2003 V.36 45 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Fort Hawkins Educational Center 143581, 2003 V.36 46 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Fulton County Health Centers 150353, 2002-2003 V.36 47 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Future Foundation, INC. 161384, 2003 V.36 48 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Georgia State Science Building 150373, 2002-2003 V.36 49 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Georgia State Usery Center for the Workplace 161356, 2003 V.36 50 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Jewish Federation of Atlanta, Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities 150389, 2002-2003 V.36 51 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Kennesaw State School Business 143044, 2003 V.36 52 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: KidsPeace, Carroll County 150351, 2002-2003 V.36 53 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Lupus Research 161375, 2003 V.36 54 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: City of Macon-After School Programs 161340, 2003 V.36 55 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Memorial Health University Medical Center 161376, 2003 V.36 56 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Morehouse College African-American Archival Program 161350, 2003 V.36 57 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Morehouse College Education Technology Project 161348, 2003 V.36 58 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Morehouse School of Medicine Family Medicine Center 161349, 2003 V.36 59 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Moultrie Technical College Information Technology Infrastructure161318, 2003 V.36 60 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: The Museum of Aviation Flight & Technology Center-Warner Robins, GA 160310, 2003 V.36 61 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: NIH [National Institute of Health] -Alzheimer's Research 161315, 2003 V.36 62 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Paulding Collaborative for Children and Families, Inc. 161379, 2003 V.36 63 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Paul Coverdell Institute, Archives 149883, 2002-2003 V.36 64 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Cancer Center of Excellence Building Renovation-Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital 161312, 2003 V.36 65 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Fighting Cancer in Southwest Georgia-Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital 161311, 2003 V.36 66 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Residential Care Consortium-Bethesda Home for Boys, Savannah 148812, 2002-2003 V.36 67 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Rome/Flyod Cancer Initiative 161371, 2003 V.36 68 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Rural Nursing Service & Education Outreach at Georgia Southern University 150622, 2002-2003 V.36 69 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Funding 161378, 2003 V.36 70 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Safe Campuses Now, Athens, GA 161351, 2003 V.36 71 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: School Nurse Program-Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital 161313, 2003 V.36 72 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats (SECEBT) 161373, 2003 V.36 73 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Small Community Water Fluoridation Training Program 150381, 2002-2003 V.36 74 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Spelman College-Creating a Safe Environment Initiative 161355, 2003 V.36 75 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Southern Area Research Center 161372, 2003 V.36 76 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Spellman College's Teachers as Leaders 150374, 2002-2003 V.36 77 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: St. Joseph's Mercy Care 161411, 2003 V.36 78 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Title XII-Public Health Services Act (big letter) 150396, 2002-2003 V.36 79 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: UGA-Nursing Recruitment 161314, 2003 V.36 80 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: US Disabled Athletes Fund-Blazesports Club for Youth With Disabilities 161317, 2003 V.36 81 Labor/Health and Human Services/Education: Wesleyan Willet Library and Learning Center 149872, 2002-2003 V.36 82 MCG [Medical College of Georgia] Request for Assistance w/ DOJ [Department of Justice] Funding 156059, 2002-2003 V.36 83 Albany State University Flood Recovery 148709, 2001-2002 V.36 84 Ambulance Service Medicare Reimbursement Schedule 148618, 2002 V.36 85 Chatham Area Transit Authority Transfer Center 149220, 2002 V.36 86 Byrne Formula Grant 157955, 2003 V.36 87 Chatham County Port Patrol 153454, 2002 V.36 88 Columbus Technical College Priority Funding Needs 149058, 2002 V.36 89 Durango Georgia Paper Company 154238, 2002-2003 V.36 90 Franklin County Water Problems 148582, 2002 V.36 91 Federal Prison Site Evaluation-McRae, Folkston 145121, 2001-2002 V.36 92 Georgia Cancer Treatment Center 142785, 2001 V.36 93 Georgia Development Consortium Request Forum IPA [Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment] 147573, 2001-2002 V.36 94 Jasper County, South Carolina Condemnation of GDOT [Georgia Department of Transportation] Acreage 141848, 2001-2002 V.36 95 Light Rail Line Feasibility Studies 148595, 2002 V.36 96 Monroe Truck Bypass 149316, 2002 V.36 97 McCaysville-Lack of Cellular Services 148503, 2001-2002 V.36 98 Donation of Old Monticello USPS Building 141911, 2002 V.36 99 Northern Arc 148957, 2001-2002 V.36 100 Oak Park Degradation 147043, 2001 V.36 101 Open Arms, INC.-Albany 148599, 2002 V.36 102 Rabun County Board of Education/USFS [U.S. Forestry Service] Land Exchange 144017, 2001-2002 V.36 103 Rock Creek Road Project 144271, 2001-2002 V.36 104 Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Mulberry Grove Plantation 144513, 2001 V.36 105 Snellville-Recycling Center Expansion at Briscoe Park 144353, 2001 V.36 106 Sunbelt Gold Co-Op Poultry Litter Recycling Plant 152924, 2002 V.36 107 Telfair County Schools FCC [Federal Communications Commission] Appeal 147557, 1998-2001 V.36 108 Westville Village Property Transfer 153456, 2002 V.36 109 Zip Code for Holly Springs 154135, 2002 V.36 110 Towns County TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Environmental Outdoor Classroom Project 145024, 2001-2002 V.36 111 TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Lake Level Policy 142497, 2001 V.36 112 Tybee Island Lighthouse Transfer of Property 141680, 2001-2002 V.36 113 Wright Army Airfield Joint Use Dev, Park Goshen Swamp 141588, 2000-2001 V.36 114 Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee, 2000-2002 V.36 115 Fire Department Concerns-HS [Homeland Security] Response, 2003 V.36 116 Thomas University Appeal, 2003 V.36 117 Southern Passages, 2003 V.36 118 Rodenberry Library FCC [Federal Communications Commission] Appeal, 2003 V.36 119 Cumberland Island, 2003 V.36 120 Woolfolk Chemical Works Superfund Site, 2003 V.36 121 Gilmer County FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] Appeal, 2003 V.36 122 ASU's [Augusta State University] Safe Neighborhoods DOJ [Department of Justice] Grant, 2003 V.36 123 Loss of State Funding for "The Reach of Song", 2001-2002 V.36 124 Chattahoochee National Forest, 2001 V.36 125 Information and Network System Education Program, 2002 V.36 126 Ruffed Grouse Society, 2002 V.36 127 Child and Adult Food Program, 2002 V.36 128 Atlanta Housing Authority Letter, 2002-2003 V.36 129 Dobbins AFB [Air Force Base] - North Side Overpass, 2000-2002 V.36 130 Oak Park, Coffee County, 2001 V.36 131 Blairsville Airport Road Relocation, 2001 V.36 132 U.S. Jets, Inc., 2003 box folder Request box V.37 1 Lumpkin County, 2002 V.37 2 Murray County E-Rate Complaints Toward Vendor, 2001-2003 V.37 3 Johnson County, 2003 V.37 4 Fulton County Ryan White 04, 2004 V.37 5 Middle College of Georgia - Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, Ocmulgee River Basin Area; Savannah State University - Hill Hall (not submitted in FY 05), 2003 V.37 6 Berrien County Board of Education, 2003 V.37 7 JCVision and Associates, 2004 V.37 8 Chatuge Reservoir - Towns County, Georgia Proposal to Use TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Land for Recreational Development, 2004 V.37 9 Flint Area Housing Authority, 2004 V.37 10 [Towns County, Georgia Application to Lease TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Land], 2004 V.37 11 Project Adventure - Covington, Georgia, 2003 V.37 12 Savannah State University's Hill Hall, 2003 V.37 13 Middle College of Georgia - Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, Ocmulgee River Basin Area, 2003 V.37 14 Westville, Georgia History Alive Drive, 2003 V.37 15 Clayton, Georgia - Water and Sewage System; Medical College of Georgia Disaster Medicine Preparedness; Western Area Regional Radio System, 2003 V.37 16 DeKalb County Police Department - Homeland Security Division, 2003-2004 V.37 17 Improving the Viability of the Poultry Industry through Energy Cost Reduction, 2003 V.37 18 [Centerville, Georgia - Relocation of Elberta Road], 2003 V.37 19 Floyd County - Distance Education Program, 2002 V.37 20 Enotah Judicial Circuit Family Violence Taskforce; Possible Grant Opportunities for Catoosa County, 2002 V.37 21 The Kessler Clinic, 2001 V.37 22 Constituent Homeland Security Funding Requests-Forwarded 150102, 2002 V.37 23 Appalachian Trail, 2000-2001 V.37 24 Georgia Blue Crab Fishery Resource Disaster Information, 2003 V.37 25 Fire Department Directory & Statistics, 2000-2001 V.37 26 Albany Technical College, 2002 V.37 27 Dismantling Persistent Poverty in the Southeastern United States, undated V.37 28 State of Georgia Law Enforcement Agencies, 2003 V.37 29 Kennesaw State University - Georgia Data Center, 1998-2003 V.37 30 Make History Come Alive for Future Generations at the Little White House, undated V.37 31 Preliminary Feasibility Report for a Water Reuse Distribution System for the Town of Braselton, Georgia, 2002 V.37 32 Projects and Grants Letters of Support, 2002 V.37 33 Dear Colleague, 2002 V.37 34-36 Projects and Grants General Correspondence, 2002 V.37 37 The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, 2002 V.37 38 Handbook of Internet Technology and Policy Experts - Contact Information for the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee, 2002 V.37 39 Consumer Electronics Association 108th Congress, 2003-2004 V.37 40 Labeling, 2000-2003 V.37 41 United States Agency for International Development, Transportation Security Administration (TSA); genetically modified cotton, international human rights; U.S. Mint; Coffee County - Broxton Rocks Restoration Project, 2002-2003 V.37 42 Dashers, undated V.37 43 Zoellick, 2001 V.37 44 Wildfires, 2001 V.37 45 Dairy-Butter, 2001 V.37 46 Blackbelt, 2001 V.37 47 Hay, 2001 V.37 48 Pending Co-Sponsor Requests, 2001 V.37 49 General Store, 2001 V.37 50 National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Policy Statements, 2002 V.37 51 Woolfolk Superfund Site - Fort Valley, GA, 2003 V.37 52 Westville, 2002 V.37 53 Ricoh Electronics, Inc. Foreign Trade Zone; EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Inquiry into G & R Farms - Glenville, Georgia; Woolfolk Superfund Site - Fort Valley, Georgia; Energy Star Program Proposed Revisions; Condolences to a Constituent, 2001-2003 V.37 54 McKnight, 2001-2002 V.37 55 Yoder, 2002 V.37 56 Cotton Indemnity-Meeks, 2001 V.37 57 Peanut Lab Request, 2002 V.37 58 Josh Harrell - Bartram Trail, 2002 V.37 59 Mark Rey, 2001 V.37 60 Nutrition, 2002 box folder Request box V.38 1 Risk Management Agency, 2002 V.38 2-4 Draft-Environmental Impact Statement for the Operation and Maintenance of Lake Sidney Lanier, Georgia, 2002 V.38 5-6 Grants - Letters of Support, 2000-2001 V.38 7 City of Roswell Telecommunications Facilities Program, 2001 V.38 8 "Community Connections" Dougherty County, 2001 V.38 9 Grant - Letters of Support, 2001 V.38 10 South Georgia Regional Telecommunications Center and Technology Park, 2001 V.38 11 Georgia Oilseed Initiative, 2001 V.38 12-15 Grants - Letters of Support, 2001 V.38 16 Aurazyme Pharmaceuticals ATP [Advanced Technology Program] Grant, 2001 V.38 17-18 Grants - Letters of Support, 2001 V.38 19 Lee, Elana (Union Mission), 2001 V.38 20 Grants - Letters of Support, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.39 1-4 Grants - Letters of Support, 2001-2002 V.39 5 City of Macon - Weed and Seed Grant, 2001 V.39 6 Grants - Letters of Support, 2002 V.39 7 Crews, Bobby (Mayor), IRS Payroll Taxes - City of Patterson, 2002 V.39 8 Youth Build of DeKalb County, 2001-2002 V.39 9 Kilpatrick, Michael, 2000 V.39 10 Forsyth County Transportation Project, 2000 V.39 11 Blue Ridge Post Office, 2000-2001 V.39 12 Rehm, Peter Request for Information - H1-B Visas and Training Grants, 2001 V.39 13 Grants - General Information - Organizations, 2001 V.39 14 Social Circle Historical Society - Mr. David Terry, 2001 V.39 15 Grants - General Information - Individuals, 2000-2001 V.39 16 Grant Information Requests, 2003 V.39 17-18 Projects and Grants Reports, 2001-2003 V.39 19-21 Projects and Grants General Correspondence and Closed Projects, 2003 V.39 22 Letters of Support, 2003 box folder Request box V.40 1-5 Letters of Support, 2002-2004 V.40 6-11 General Correspondence and Letters of Support, 2002-2004 box folder Request box V.41 1-3 General Correspondence and Letters of Support, 2003-2004 V.41 4 Savannah District Lakes Brochure - Senator Miller, 2004 V.41 5-6 General Correspondence and Letters of Support, 2003-2004 V.41 7 Jesup USDA [U.S. Department of Agriculture] - RD [Rural Development] RBEG [Rural Business Enterprise Grant], 2003-2004 V.41 8-9 General Correspondence and Letters of Support, 2003-2004 V.41 10 PR Power, 2004 V.41 11 General Correspondence and Letters of Support, 2003-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 8 Georgia Projects [digital files], 2001-2003 HTML pages for a website about active projects in Georgia organized by county or by region. The pages include a list of projects or general information about the county.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 38 "Georgia's High Performance Ports", Georgia Ports Authority [digital files], 2001 Video for customers promoting the Savannah and Brunswick ports. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 39 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District Project Status Water Resources Customer's Guide [digital files], 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 40 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District Congressional Fact Book [digital files], 2001
Subseries B. Legislative
, 1944-2007 (2000-2005) (
78 box(es)
(77.25 linear feet and 230 megabytes)
)Subseries B. Legislative contains files related to Miller's committee service, correspondence with colleagues about legislation, files on appropriations requests for each fiscal year, and subject files about upcoming legislation and areas of interest. Common subjects include agriculture, defense and veterans' affairs, energy and the environment, healthcare, and transportation. Section 5. Subject Files contains digital files. To access these files, please request the folders you would like through the finding aid using your research account . An archivist will be in contact with you to explain how to access the files. Please note that not all file formats are currently supported by the library for research use. Section 1. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs box folder Request box V.42 1 Tax: Economic Stimulus Bill 12/01, 2001 V.42 2-3 Georgia Tax Requests, 2001-2002 V.42 4 2002 Tax Bill, 2001-2002 V.42 5 Hawala Hring 2001 [How Terrorism is Financed], 2001-2002 V.42 6 Budget Resolution 2002, 2002 V.42 7 Budget Resolution 2001, 2001-2002 V.42 8 Social Security Surplus and Social Security Funding, 2001 V.42 9 Trade Promotion Coordination Committee Hearing (TPCG) 2001, 2001-2002 V.42 10 Sanctions: Sudan, 2001 V.42 11-12 Digital Signature, 2000-2001 V.42 13 [Debt Cancellation Contracts and Debt Suspension Agreements], 2001-2003 box folder Request box V.43 1 Defense Production Act, 2001 V.43 2 Condition of the Banking [Industries], 2001 V.43 3 CRA [Community Reinvestment Act], 1999-2000 V.43 4 [Budget Resolution Amendments], 2002-2003 V.43 5 Basic Banking Account, Basic First Accounts, 2000-2001 V.43 6 [Bankruptcy Reform], 2000-2002 V.43 7 Balance of Payments/ Strong Dollar, 2001 V.43 8 [Budget Resolution], 2003 V.43 9 [Argentina's Economic Crisis], 2001-2003 V.43 10 Exchange Rate Hearing, 2002-2003 V.43 11 [Exchange Rate Hearing], 2003 V.43 12 Check Truncation, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.44 1 Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, 2003 V.44 2 Export Administration Act [EAA], 1999-2002 V.44 3 E-Commerce 2000, 2000 V.44 4-5 Export Import Bank, 1997-2007 V.44 7 July Monetary Policy Hearing, 2003 V.44 8-9 Economy Monetary Control Hearing, 2002-2003 V.44 10 Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 2002-2003 V.44 11 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2002 box folder Request box V.45 1 Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, 2000-2002 V.45 2 Potential Economic Impacts of the Terrorist Attacks, 2001-2002 V.45 3 Financial Marketing Hearing, 2001 V.45 4 U.S. Financial System in the Wake of the Attack on the World Trade Center, 2001 V.45 5 Ginnie Mae, 2001 V.45 6 FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] Flood Insurance, 2001-2002 V.45 7-8 Fair Credit Reporting Act, 2002-2003 V.45 9-10 Identity Theft Prevention, 2003-2004 V.45 11 [Consumer Awareness and Understanding of the Credit Grant Process], 2003 V.45 12-13 Requests from Businesses, Manufacturers, Lobbyists, 2003 box folder Request box V.46 1 Economic Reconstruction In Iraq, 2003 V.46 2 International Monetary Fund [IMF], 2000-2001 V.46 3-5 Terrorism Risk Insurance, 2001-2005 V.46 6 [Internet Gambling], 2003 V.46 7 [U.S. Free Trade: Central America and Australia], 2003-2004 V.46 8-9 Requests from Businesses, Manufacturers, Lobbyists, 2003-2004 V.46 10 Privacy, 2000 V.46 11 Predatory Lending, 2001-2003 box folder Request box V.47 1 Predatory Lending, 2001-2002 V.47 2 Pay Day Industry, 2001 V.47 3 Privacy, 1999-2003 V.47 4 [New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Governance], 2003 V.47 5 [Wall Street Journal and Clippings], 2003-2004 V.47 6 NASDAQ, 2001-2003 V.47 7 Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, 2004 V.47 8 Terror Finance Issues, 2001-2003 V.47 9 Sun Trust, 2000-2001 V.47 10 Securities Research Analyses, 2001 V.47 11 SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] Fees, 2000-2002 V.47 12 SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] Knight Trading Group, 2001 V.47 13 International Securities Exchange, 2001 V.47 14 Securities Decimals, 2001 V.47 15 SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] Bank Registration as Broker / Dealer, 2001-2003 box folder Request box V.48 1 State of the Securities Industry, 2003 V.48 2 SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] Donaldson Hearing, 2003 V.48 3 SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] Approves SRO [Self-Regulatory Organization], 2003 V.48 4 Global Research Analyst Settlement, 2003 V.48 5 Rent-to-Own, 2002 V.48 6 Unbanked Hearings, 2002 V.48 7 Yield Spread Premium Hearing, 2001-2002 V.48 8 [PUHCA (Public Utility Holding Company Act) Repeal Hearing], 2001 V.48 9 PUHCA Act (Public Utility Holding Company Act), 2002-2003 V.48 10 Privacy (Social Security Numbers), 2001 V.48 11 Choice Point Privacy, undated V.48 12 Securities - Fund Operations and Governance, 2004 V.48 13 Securities - Mutual Fund Industry, 2004 V.48 14 Securities- Mutual Fund Operations and Government, 2004 V.48 15-17 Securities - Mutual Fund Reform, 2004 V.48 18 Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, 2004 V.48 19 Finance - Housing Finance Bill April 2004, 2004 box folder Request box V.49 1 Finance - Housing Finance Bill April 2004, 2004 V.49 2 Finance - Housing Finance Bill April 2003, 2003-2004 V.49 3 Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) 2000, 2000-2001 V.49 4 [Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae], 2001 V.49 5 Government Sponsored Enterprises GSE [Government Sponsored Enterprises], 2000-2003 V.49 6-7 Finance GSE [Government Sponsored Enterprises] Regulation, 2001-2004 V.49 8 Finance - Housing Finance Bill April 2004, 2004 V.49 9 Finance GSE [Government Sponsored Enterprises] Regulation, 2004 V.49 10 Finance- Government Sponsored Enterprise, 2003-2004 V.49 11 [Miscellaneous- Housing Reform, Freddie Mac, Terrorism Risk Insurance], 2004 V.49 12 OFHEO [Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight], 2002 box folder Request box V.50 1 [Earned Income Tax Credit ], 2002 V.50 2 Congressional-Executive Commission on China Annual 2002 Report, 2002 V.50 3 Ratify CEDAW [Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women], 2002 V.50 4 [American Victims of Terrorism Act of 2001], 2002 V.50 5-6 [Taxes], 2002 V.50 7 [Anti-Terror], 2001 V.50 9-Aug [Taxes], 2001-2002 V.50 10 S. 312- TERFF [Tax Empowerment and Relief for Farmers and Fishermen Act], 2001 V.50 11 The Vital Link to North America's Economic Future-Association of America's Railroads, 1999 V.50 12 American Forest and Paper Association, 2001 V.50 13 [Taxes], 2001 V.50 14 Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas, 2001 V.50 15 [Op-Ed Correspondence], 2003 Trade box folder Request box V.50 16 Trade Promotion Hearing 2002, 2001-2003 V.50 17 Trade - China, 2001-2002 V.50 18 Trade Financial Services, 2001-2002 V.50 19 [Clean Diamond Trade Act], 2002-2003 V.50 20 [Singapore], 2003 V.50 21 Englehardt, 2001-2004 V.50 22 China - WTO [World Trade Organization], 2002-2003 V.50 23 Trade Acts, 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.51 1 Trade Promotion, 2001-2002 V.51 2 Steel Imports, 2001-2002 V.51 3 [Trade Promotion Authority], 2001 V.51 4 [International Trade Commission- Softwood Lumber], 2002 V.51 5 Free Trade Agreement, 2001-2004 V.51 6 China - WTO [World Trade Organization], 2003 V.51 7 [Trade], 2003 V.51 8 [Trade Promotion Authority], 2004 V.51 9 [Trade Act of 2004], 2004 V.51 10 Ex-Im Bank, 2001 V.51 11 Ex-Im Bank Research, 2001 V.51 12 Steel Imports, 2001-2003 V.51 13 [Free Trade Agreements], 2003 V.51 14 [Trade Promotion Authority], 2001 V.51 15 Trade, 2001 V.51 16 [Free Trade and International Trade Agreement], 2003-2004 V.51 17 Financial Privacy, 1999-2001 V.51 18 Tax - The Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2003, 2004 V.51 19 FTAA [Free Trade Area of the Americas], 2004 box folder Request box V.52 1-3 Economics - G 8 Summit June 2004, 2003-2004 V.52 4 Real Estate - Regulatory Programs, 2002-2005 V.52 5 Lee and Grant, 2001-2003 V.52 6 Banking - Oversight of IMF [International Monetary Fund] and World Bank, 2004 V.52 7 Banking - Bank Secrecy Act, 2004 V.52 8 Bond Market Regulation, 2003-2004 V.52 9 Securities - Alan Greenspan, 2004 V.52 10 Monetary Policy, 2003-2004 V.52 11 Flood Insurance, 2004 V.52 12 State Securities Regulation, 2004 V.52 13 [Federal Trade Commission], 2004 V.52 14 Insurance - Terrorism Insurance / Casualty, 2004 V.52 15 Oversight of Terrorism Risk Insurance Program, 2004 V.52 16 Finance - Concern in Terror Finance, 2004 V.52 17 Argentina's Financial Crisis, 2004 box folder Request box V.53 1 Finance - Iraq Refinancing, 2004 V.53 2-3 Stock Options, 2002-2004 V.53 4 Deposit Insurance Reform, 2001 V.53 5 Predatory Lending, 2001 V.53 6 Outlook 2001 Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 2001 V.53 7 Insurance - Flood Insurance 2004, 2004 V.53 8 Insurance PIA, 2001 V.53 9 Insurance NAIFA [National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors] formerly NALU [National Association of Life Underwriters], undated V.53 10 [TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)], 2004 V.53 11 Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, 2004 V.53 12 [Georgia Fair Lending Act], undated V.53 13 Miller's Trip to Mexico, 2000-2001 V.53 14 [Transcript: The State of the Securities Industry], 2003 V.53 15 Check - Free, 2004 V.53 16 9/11 Commission Recommendations, 2004 V.53 17-18 Money Laundering and Gaming Industry; Impact of Sarbanes - Oxley Act, 2004 V.53 19 FASB [Financial Accounting Standards Board], 2003-2004 V.53 20 [Realtor], undated V.53 21 [Georgia Transportation Expansion], 2001-2003 V.53 22 [Highway Bill], 1998-2003 V.53 23 SR138-SR20 Beautification Initiative, 2004 V.53 24 Enron, 2002 V.53 25 Internet Tax, 2001 V.53 26 Victims of Terrorism Tax Relief, 2002 V.53 27 Surplus, 2002 box folder Request box V.54 1 Terrorism Insurance, 2001 V.54 2 Pension Plans, 2002 V.54 3 SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] Oversight, undated V.54 4 Patriot Bonds, 2001 V.54 5 Tax Extenders, 2002 V.54 6 [Transportation, Treasury and General Government Appropriations Bill], 2004 V.54 7 Realtors ~S.1839, 2002 V.54 8 [Bill Memos: Economic Stimulus, Medicare, Jobs], 2002 V.54 9 Refineries, 2001 V.54 10 Georgia Taxpayer Fact Sheet, 2000-2001 V.54 11 Excise Tax on Archery Equipment, 2001 V.54 12 Education IRA's, 2001 V.54 13 Retirement Reform, 2000-2001 V.54 14 Tatum CFO, 2001 V.54 15 [Stock Options], 2001 V.54 16 Capital Gains, 1999-2002 V.54 17-18 Banking Legislation: Predatory Lending, 2000-2002 V.54 19 Housing Issues- Emory University, 1994-2002 V.54 20-21 Banking Legislation: Predatory Lending, 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.55 1-3 Banking Legislation: Predatory Lending, 2001-2003 V.55 4 NHEMA [National Home Equity Mortgage Association]: Key Legislative Issues May 2001, 2001 V.55 5 PodestaMattoon, 2001 V.55 6 American Bankers Association, 2001 V.55 7 The Subprime Mortgage Business, undated V.55 8 [Coalition for Fair and Affordable Lending (CFAL)], 2002-2003 V.55 9 Household, 2001-2002 V.55 10 Statement [Senate Banking Committee Hearings on Predatory Lending], 2001 V.55 11 A Prudent Approach to Preventing Predatory Lending, 2001 V.55 12 Separate and Unequal: Predatory Lending in America, 2000 V.55 13 Credit Union Alternatives, 2001 V.55 14 Binding Arbitration, 2001 V.55 15 Tax-Exempt Bond Authority, 2001 V.55 16 Ashford International, 2001 V.55 17 ["Help America Vote Act"], 2001-2002 V.55 18 Coins-MLK, 2001 V.55 19 Appropriations, undated V.55 20 [Various Legislative Bills], 2001 V.55 21 Budget Stuff, 2002 V.55 22 FM Watch [Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac], 2001 V.55 23 Housing Information, 2002 V.55 24 FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers] Contract, 2002 V.55 25 FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers] -Border Patrol Amendment, 2002 V.55 26 FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers] Funding, 2002 V.55 27 Youthbuild Program 2000 Application, 2000 V.55 28 Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Grant to Support Public Housing Apprenticeship Activities in the Construction Trades and Public Housing Operations, 2001 V.55 29 Housing Authority of the City of Sylvester 2000 Annual Report, 2000 V.55 30 [USA Patriot Act], 2002 V.55 31 [National Exchange Club Foundation], 2001 V.55 32 108th Economic Stimulus, 2002-2004 V.55 33 [Dear Colleague Reports], 2003-2004 box folder Request box V.56 1 [Capitol Hill Campus and American Shareholders Association], 2001-2002 V.56 2 D.C. Letters, 2002-2003 V.56 3 [Postal Service Southeast Area Office Consolidation], 2001 V.56 4 The Spirit of Enterprise US Chamber of Commerce, 2001-2002 V.56 5 [Legislation Memos], 2003-2004 V.56 6 [Public Debt Limit Increase], 2002 V.56 7 Statement of Jefferey Rush, JR.-Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, 2002 V.56 8-9 Superior Bank Failure, 2001-2002 V.56 10 Material Loss of Superior Bank, FSB, 2002 V.56 11-13 [Requests from Businesses, Manufacturers, Lobbyists for Meetings], 2000-2002 V.56 14 [Tax Cuts], 2001 V.56 15 [Legislative Amendments], 2001 box folder Request box V.57 1 [Budget and Tax Policy], 2001 Banking Legislation box folder Request box V.57 2 First Union and Wachovia Customer Fraud Assistance Package, 2002 V.57 3 US PIRG-Fair Credit Reporting, 2002-2003 V.57 4 AIADA [Automotive], 2003 V.57 5 Consumer DATA Industry Association, 2002 V.57 6 TransUnion, 2003 V.57 7 Citi-Credit, 2002 V.57 8 Information Policy Institute: The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 2003 V.57 9 Partnership to Protect Consumer Credit Information Kit, 2003 V.57 10 Information Policy Institute-Fair Credit Reporting Act: Key Findings, 2003 V.57 11 Allstate, 2003 V.57 12 Consumer Lending Leadership Conference, 2003 V.57 13 Consumers Union, 2003 V.57 14 National Association of Home Builders Legislative and Political Relations, 2003 V.57 15 Building a Better Credit Record, 2002 V.57 16 ID Theft-Federal Trade Commission, 2003 V.57 17 Report to the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 2003 V.57 18 [National Association of Independent Insurers], 2003 V.57 19-21 [Fair Credit Reporting Act], 2003 V.57 22 [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac], 2003 box folder Request box V.58 1 [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac], 2003 V.58 2 [Morehouse College], 2003 V.58 3 [Tax, Insurance, and Credit Memos], 2004 V.58 4 [U.S. Mint], 2003-2004 V.58 5 [Senate Services Directory], 2000 V.58 6 [Economic Recovery and Assistance for American Workers Act of 2001], 2001 V.58 7 [Major Tax Issues Briefing Book], 2001 V.58 8 [Congress and the Earned Income Tax Credit], 2004 V.58 9 Georgia- Senator Miller, 2004 V.58 10 [Debt Limit Increase], 2002 V.58 11 [Care Act of 2003], 2003 V.58 12 [Fair Credit Reporting Act], 1994 V.58 13 [2002 AFSA (American Financial Service Association) Arbitration], 2002 V.58 14 [Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association], 2003 V.58 15 [Budget and Social Bill Resolutions], 2003 V.58 16 [Financial War on Terrorism and Money Laundering], 2001-2002 V.58 17 Gramm-Permanent Tax Cuts, 2001-2002 V.58 18-19 Tax: Tax Cut 1.6, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.59 1 [2002 Economic Stimulus Tax Bill], 2001-2002 V.59 2-3 [Dear Colleagues; Tax Bill Memos], 2003 V.59 4 [The Panel on Audit Effectiveness Report and Recommendations], 2000 V.59 5 Sanctions: Iran/Libya ILSA [Public Company Accounting Reform], 2002 V.59 6 Privacy ID Theft, 2002 V.59 7 [Enron], 2001-2002 V.59 8 [Hearings on Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002], 2003 box folder Request box V.60 1-3 [SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and Public Company Accounting Oversight], 2002-2003 V.60 4-6 [Accounting and Investor Protection Issues Hearing], 2002 box folder Request box V.61 1-4 [Accounting and Investor Protection Issues Hearing], 2002-2003 Hearings box folder Request box V.61 5 [Financial Literacy], 2002 V.61 6 [Economic Policy and the Wealth Effect], 2001 V.61 7 [Investment Hearing on Decimalization], 2001 V.61 8 [Reports Concerning Federal Reserve], 2001 V.61 9 [Federal Budget Surplus], 2000-2001 V.61 10 [Congressional Research Service], 2001 V.61 11 [Greenspan/Gramm Hearings], 2001 V.61 12 [Exploring New Policies for a New Rural America], 2000 V.61 13 [Market Losses and Consumer], 1999-2001 box folder Request box V.62 1 [Testimony: American Israel Public Affairs Committee Before the Senate Banking Committee], 2001 V.62 2 [Iran-Libya Sanctions], 2001 V.62 3 [Tennessee Valley Authority], 2002 V.62 4 [Financial Literacy Among College Students], 2002 V.62 5 [Indian Country Lending], 2002 V.62 6-7 [Appropriations Bills], 2002-2003 V.62 8 [Corporation and Tax Correspondence], 2004 V.62 9 [Internal Revenue Service and Georgia Department of Revenue: Tax Services], 2002 V.62 10 CEO Signature Bill, 2003 V.62 11 [Net Operating Loss Provision], 2001 V.62 12 Housing- Housing Bond and Credit Modernization and Fairness Act of 2004, 2004 V.62 13 [Internal Revenue Service], 2003-2004 V.62 14 [Tax Cuts], 2001 V.62 15-16 [Overview of Tax Legislation- Senate Finance Committee], 2000 V.62 17-18 [Tax Briefing Book], 2001 V.62 19 S.35 RELIEF Act [Restoring Earnings to Life Individuals and Empower Families], 2001 V.62 20 [Report: Special Examination of Fannie Mae], 2004 box folder Request box V.63 1 [Report: Special Examination of Freddie Mac], 2003 V.63 2 Miller Requests, 1998-2001 V.63 3-4 [Tax Briefing Book], 2001 V.63 5 Cosponsored Bills, Co-Signed Letters, 2003-2004 Section 2. Committee on Finance box folder Request box V.63 6-9 [Tax Cuts], 2003 V.63 10 [New York Bar Association Tax Section], 2002 V.63 11 [Information Technology Association of America], 2002 V.63 12 [Lincoln Bill], 2003 V.63 13 [National Committee on Planned Giving], 2002 V.63 14 [Conservation/Care Trusts], 2002 box folder Request box V.64 1 [America's Second Harvest- Ending Hunger], 2003 V.64 2-3 Capital Gains Tax and Bill, 2001-2003 V.64 4 Tax: Beer Excise Tax, 2001 V.64 5 [Asbestos Bill], 2001-2002 V.64 6 Tax: Archery Tax, 2001-2003 V.64 7 AMT [Alternative Minimum Tax], 2001 V.64 8-9 [Tax: Energy], 1997-2004 V.64 10 [Green Bonds], 2004 V.64 11 [Tax and Budget Bills], 2004 V.64 12 [Family Tax Relief Acts], 2004 V.64 13 [ETI (Extraterrestrial Income Exclusion Act)/ International Tax], 2003-2004 V.64 14 Green Bonds, 2004 V.64 15 [Atlantic Station], 2004 V.64 16-17 [ETI (Extraterrestrial Income Exclusion Act)/ International/Family Tax and Jobs], 2004 box folder Request box V.65 1-2 [Tax/Finance Bills], 2002-2004 V.65 3 Tax: S Corporation, 2001 V.65 4 Tax: Subpart F, 2001 V.65 5 [Tax Shelter Bill], 2003-2004 V.65 6 Retirement Security Issues, 1999-2004 V.65 7 [Green Bonds], 2004 Section 3. Dear Colleagues Letters box folder Request box V.65 8 [Dear Colleague Reports], 2004 V.65 9 [Signed Letters], 2000-2002 V.65 10-11 [Dear Colleague Reports], 2001-2002 V.65 12 [Dear Colleague Letters], 2002 V.65 13 [2002 Signed Letters and Dear Colleague Reports], 2002 box folder Request box V.66 1 [U.S. Capitol Tour Information], 2004 V.66 2-7 [Dear Colleague Reports], 2002-2004 V.66 8-9 [Washington, D.C. Tours], 2001-2004 box folder Request box V.67 1 [Dear Colleague Reports], 2002-2004 V.67 2 ["Rape" by Pharmaceutical Manufacturers], 1999, 2004 V.67 3 [Arxcel], 2003 V.67 4 [Georgia Coalition for Civil Justice], 2002 V.67 5 [Prescription Drugs Floor Debate], 2002 V.67 6 Submitted D.C.'s, 2003-2004 V.67 7 General Support Letters, 2002-2003 V.67 8 Mortgage Bankers Association of America, 2002 V.67 9 ["Proposals to Improve the Housing Voucher Program"], 2002 V.67 10 [HUD's (Housing and Urban Development) Budget and Legislative Proposals], 2002 V.67 11 [HUD (Housing and Urban Development) Hearings], 2001 V.67 12 [Charity Aid, Recovery, and Empowerment Act], 2002 V.67 13 [Immigration], 2002 V.67 14 [Criminal Spam Act], 2003 V.67 15 [CBS- Beverly Hillbillies "Reality Show"], 2003 V.67 16 Yes, 2004 V.67 17 Not Considered, 2004 V.67 18 Charts, 2003-2004 V.67 19 Pending, 2004 V.67 20 No, 2004 V.67 21 Pending, 2002-2003 V.67 22 Yes, 2001-2003 V.67 23 No, 2001-2003 box folder Request box V.68 1 Charts, 2001-2003 Section 4. Appropriations Appropriations FY01-02 box folder Request box V.68 2-6 [Appropriations], 2001-2002 Appropriations FY02 box folder Request box V.68 7 [The Georgia Project], 2000 V.68 8 Max Cleland Sponsored Projects, 2000 V.68 9 [From D.C.], 2000-2001 V.68 10 Agriculture, 2000 V.68 11 Energy/Water, 2000 V.68 12 Labor/ HHS [Health and Human Services] /Education, 2000 V.68 13 Transportation, 2000 V.68 14 VA/ HUD [Veterans' Affairs / Housing and Urban Development], 2000 V.68 15 Commerce/Justice/State, 1999-2000 V.68 16 [Appropriations Requests], 2002-2003 V.68 17 Nicholson Tract, 2001 V.68 18 [Faith and Communities], 2002 V.68 19 Corp of Engineers: Tassahaw Reservoir, 2001-2002 V.68 20 Corps of Engineers: Application/Reservoir on Hickory Log Creek, 2001-2002 V.68 21 Corps of Engineers: Lake Tugalo Reservoir Treatment Plant, 2001-2002 V.68 22 Dougherty's County Extended Day Program, 2001 V.68 23 "Drug Free You and Me" Program- Columbus, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.69 1 Economic Injury Disaster Designation for Shrimpers, 2001 V.69 2 First National Bank Building Dublin GSA/SSA Lease, 2001 V.69 3 Lake Hartwell Campsite Lease Renewals, 2001 V.69 4 Hawkinsville Post Office, 2001-2002 V.69 5 Hiawassee River Watershed Coalition Proposals to Restore Lakes Nottely and Chatuge, 2001-2002 V.69 6 Martin's Mill Road Bridge, 2001-2002 V.69 7 NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] National Interpretive Facility Exhibit Savannah, 2001 V.69 8 Stephens County Airport Utility Relocation, 2001-2002 V.69 9 Stephens County Wastewater Treatment Facility, 2001-2002 V.69 10 Terry Manufacturing, 2001-2002 V.69 11 West Point Foundry and Machine Co., 2001 V.69 12 Dalton Post Office, 2001 V.69 13 Dalton High School Proposed Jr. ROTC, 2002 V.69 14 Euharlee Post Office, 2001 V.69 15 City of Ball Ground Hook Up Ordinance, 2001 V.69 16 Nuclear Bomb Off Tybee Coast, 2001 V.69 17 [National Canola Research Program], 2001 V.69 18 Savannah's Acquisition of Federal Surplus Property, 2001-2002 V.69 19 Central Savannah River Area EC/EZ Application, 2002 V.69 20 Jesup Post Office Building, 2002 V.69 21 Transdevelopment Corp. Trade Issue, 2002 V.69 22 City of Baldwin/Norfolk RR Sewer Line Dispute, 2002 V.69 23 [Appropriations Requests], 2001 V.69 24 Agriculture: UGA Research Projects, 2001 V.69 25 Agriculture: "Smart Steps" Center for Advanced Technology, 2001 V.69 26 Agriculture: Strengthening Rural Communities Through Game Bird Enterprises, 2001 V.69 27 Agriculture: Study of Suwannee River Basin of Georgia and Florida, 2001 V.69 28 Agriculture: Rural Community Advancement Program, 2001 V.69 29 Agriculture: The National Center for Peanut Competitiveness Partnership with UGA, 2001 V.69 30 Agriculture: Plum Pox Research, 2001 V.69 31 Commerce/Justice/State: Comprehensive Homicide Reduction Initiative, 2001 V.69 32 CSO Nonpoint Grants, 2001 V.69 33 CSO Administration Funding, 2001 V.69 34 Furber Cottage Renovation at Morris Brown College, 2001 V.69 35 Commerce/Justice/State: INS Agents of Hartsfield Airport, 2001 V.69 36 Commerce/Justice/State: Midnight Basketball Program- Macon, 2001 V.69 37 Morehouse National Center for Primary Care, 2001 V.69 38 State Coastal Zone Management Grants, 2001 V.69 39 Advanced "Stroker" System, 2001 V.69 40 Defense: C-130J Funding, 2001 V.69 41 Defense: Scientific Research Corp Requested, 2001 V.69 42 Defense: JSTARS, 2001 V.69 43 Questions/Notes: Energy and Water, 2001 V.69 44 George W. Andrews Lock and Dam, 2001 V.69 45 Energy/Water: Savannah River Site Programs, 2001 V.69 46 Southern Black Belt, 2001 V.69 47 Walter F. George Lake Property, 2001 V.69 48 USAID Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program, 2001 V.69 49 Export- Import Bank Funding, 2001 V.69 50 Questions and Notes: Foreign Operations, 2001 V.69 51 Chattooga Wild and Scenic River, 2001 V.69 52 Chattahoochee National Forest (Mt. Yonah/ Chambers), 2001 V.69 53 USGA Flint River Water Center Research- Steam Withdrawal, 2001 V.69 54 USGS Georgia Stream Gauging Stations, 2001 V.69 55 Albany Tech Distance Learning, 2001-2002 V.69 56 Center for Visually Impaired Atlanta, 2001 V.69 57 DeKalb County- CDC Lease Agreement Language, 2001 V.69 58 Youth Challenge and Character Building Macon, 2001 V.69 59 HHS [Health and Human Services]/Labor/Education, 2002 V.69 60 Milcon [Military Construction]: Fort Stewart Education Center, 2001 V.69 61 Robbins Air Force Base- Paint/Depaint Facility, 2001 V.69 62 Milcon [Military Construction], 2001-2002 V.69 63 Atlanta- Charleston Rail Study, 2001 V.69 64 Atlanta- Macon Rail Grade Crossing Improvements, 2001 V.69 65 Chatham Area Transit ITS System, 2001 V.69 66 Chatham Area Transit CNG Buses, 2001 V.69 67 Coastguard Integrate Deepwater System, 2001 V.69 68 Cobb County Transit Clean Fuel Bus Facilities, 2001 V.69 69 Columbus- Bainbridge Track Improvements, 2001 V.69 70 Duluth Sidewalks and Bikeways, 2001 V.69 71 Federal Highway Admin- Macon, 2001 V.69 72 GRTA Regional Express Buses, 2001 V.69 73 Gwinnett County FY [Fiscal Year] 2002-2003 Transit Capital Project Request, CNG Fueling Facility, 2001 V.69 74 ITS Smart Corridors, 2001 V.69 75 Johnson Ferry/ Abernathy Corridor Improvements, 2001 V.69 76 MARTA Clean Fuel Buses, 2001 V.69 77 MARTA Corridor Study, 2001 V.69 78 MARTA North Rail Line Extension, 2001-2002 V.69 79 Macon Intermodal Center, 2001 V.69 80 Middle Georgia Regional Airport, 2001 V.69 81 PDK [Peachtree DeKalb County] Airport Expansions, 2001 V.69 82 Peachtree Corridor Project, 2001 V.69 83 Savannah River Water Taxi, 2001 V.69 84 SCAG-GRTA Trip Planning Partnership, 2001 V.69 85 Statewide Bus Replacement Program, 2001 V.69 86 Tara Field Airport Capitol Improvement Program (ACIP), 2001 V.69 87 Transportation, 2002 V.69 88 Russell Federal Building Repair, 2001 V.69 89 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, 2001 V.69 90 Treasury/Postal, 2002 V.69 91 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: AHA Villages at Carver Place Phase II Infrastructure, 2001 V.69 92 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Barnesville Expo Center, 2001 V.69 93 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Carroll County Multi-Governmental Complex, 2001 V.69 94 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: City of Atlanta Watershed Program Sewer Overflow, 2001 V.69 95 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Community Development Block Grant Dougherty County, 2001 V.69 96 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Covenant House Crisis Center, 2001 V.69 97 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Downtown Storm Drainage Rehab Macon, 2001 V.69 98 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Ecosystem Restoration Study, 2001 V.69 99 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Georgia TMDL Implementation, 2001 V.69 100 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Liberty County Coastal Georgia Megapark, 2001 V.69 101 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: KIDSPEACE- Augusta, 2001 V.69 102 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Roswell Big Creek Watershed Demonstration Project, 2001 V.69 103 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Valena Henderson Housing Project, 2001 V.69 104 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Zoo Atlanta Educational Facility, 2001 V.69 105 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development], 2001 V.69 106 VA/HUD [Veterans' Affairs/Housing and Urban Development]: Wesley Woods Branen Towers Renovation, 2001 V.69 107 [Columbus Watershed Study], 2001 V.69 108 Gwinnett Co. DBRITE Radar System, 2001 V.69 109 Opportunities for Major Advances- Georgia Parole Board, 2001 V.69 110 Contact "211"- Columbus, 2001 V.69 111 Federal Archive Facility- Clayton Co., 2001 V.69 112 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill 2002, 2001 V.69 113 Senate CJS [Commerce, Justice, Science], undated V.69 114 CJS [Commerce, Justice, Science], undated V.69 115 EDU [Science, Engineering, and Technology Education], 2000-2001 V.69 116 Energy/Water, 2001-2002 V.69 117 Congressional National Hazards Caucus Information, 2001 V.69 118 Interior, 2001-2002 V.69 119 Miller Positions, 2000-2001 V.69 120 Transportation, 2001-2002 V.69 121 H.R. 2590 [Appropriations for Treasury Department, United States Postal Service, Executive Office of the President, and certain Independent Agencies], 2001 V.69 122 Conference Report, 2003 box folder Request box V.70 1 VA/HUD (Veterans Affairs / Housing and Urban Development), 2002 V.70 2 Energy and Water, 2002 V.70 3 Summary by Activity Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction (PAC), 2002 V.70 4 Augusta Canal National Heritage Area, 2001-2002 V.70 5 Flywheels for Advanced Transportation, 2002 V.70 6 CJS [Commerce, Justice, Science] Appropriations Request, 2002 V.70 7 Mechanical Engineering, 1996 V.70 8 Projects and Grants Summary-Towns County TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Environmental Outdoor Classroom Project, 2001 V.70 9 Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, 2002 V.70 10 The Van-Fleet Meredith Group, 2002 V.70 11 Foreign Operations Appropriations, 2002 V.70 12 Interior Requests, 2002 V.70 13 Powder Springs Projects, 2001-2002 V.70 14 Labor/HHS (Health and Human Services) Requests, 2001-2002 V.70 15 VA/HUD (Veterans Affairs / Housing and Urban Development) Requests, 2001-2002 V.70 16 Lott Carey, 2002 V.70 17 Committee on Appropriations, 2002 V.70 18 Trade Promotion Authority and Georgia, undated V.70 19 US Trade: Growth and Jobs through Trade, 2002 V.70 20 State of Georgia Senate Resolutions, 2002 V.70 21 Appropriations 2001 (Mercy Housing, Jocelyns VA HUO Languages, Covenant Hall, Kidspeace, Jonesboro Senior Center, Wesley Woods, Tubman Museum, Atlanta Housing Authority, IRC, Packard Hall, Covenant House, Veterans Affairs-Housing and Urban Development (VA/HUD) Conference Report, Veterans Affairs-Housing and Urban Development (VA/HUD) General, 2001-2002 Appropriations FY03 box folder Request box V.70 22 [Appropriations: Universities and Sheriff Department], 2002-2003 V.70 23 Mercer University: Critical Personnel Development Program, 2002 V.70 24 [Moorehouse College: Agenda, Appropriations Priorities], 2003 V.70 25 Moorehouse College: The Moorehouse Community Performing Arts Center, 2003 V.70 26 Moorehouse College: Neighborhood Revitalization Project, 2003 V.70 27 Moorehouse College: The Moorehouse Center of Excellence in Telecommunications and Space, 2002-2003 V.70 28 VA-HUD (Veterans Affairs-Housing and Urban Development) Appropriations, 2002-2003 V.70 29 Scitrek, 2002 V.70 30 Georgia State University, 2002 V.70 31 Steve Meridian Georgia Schools, 2002 V.70 32 Labor HHS [Health and Human Services] Albany State- Thurgood Marshall [Scholarship Fund], 2002 V.70 33 CJS [Commerce, Justice, Science] Appropriations FY 03, 2001-2002 V.70 34 [City of Savannah- City Manager's Office], 2002 V.70 35 [State Criminal Alien Assistance Program], 2002 box folder Request box V.71 1 [Commerce-Justice-State Appropriations Request, Cobb County], 2002 V.71 2 [Chatham County Police Department, Anti-Terrorism Needs], 2002 V.71 3 VA-HUD [Veterans' Affairs-Housing and Urban Development] Appropriations FY2003, 2001-2002 V.71 4 Booker T. Washington, 2002 V.71 5 Packard Hall, 2002 V.71 6 College Partners, 2002 V.71 7 Covenant House, 2002 V.71 8 Teach for America Appropriations Request, 2002 V.71 9 Youthbuild, 2001-2002 V.71 10 [Appropriations Committee], 2002 V.71 11 [College Partners, Inc. FY2003 Legislative Briefing Materials], 2003 V.71 12 LHH [Labor, Health and Human] Services and Education Subcommittee], 2002 V.71 13 FY03 Appropriations Bills, 2002 V.71 14 FY03 Appropriations Reports, 2002-2003 V.71 15 FY03 Conference Reports, 2002-2003 V.71 16 Appropriations Fiscal Year 2003, 2003 box folder Request box V.72 1 Appropriations Fiscal Year 2003, 2003 V.72 2 [Energy/Water Appropriations Fiscal Year 2003], 2003 V.72 3-4 [Appropriations Fiscal Year 2003], 2003 V.72 5 [Interior Appropriations Fiscal Year 2003], 2003 V.72 6-7 [Appropriations Fiscal Year 2003], 2002 Appropriations FY04 box folder Request box V.72 8 Requests for Funding and Progress Reports and Project Submissions, 2003 V.72 9 Committee Reports, 2003 V.72 10 [iSafe Program Status Report], 2002-2003 V.72 11 [Safe Campuses Now], 2003 V.72 12 [Requests for Funding], 2003 box folder Request box V.73 1 Commerce, State, Justice, 2004 V.73 2 VA / HUD (Veterans Affairs / Housing and Urban Development), 2004 V.73 3 CJS [Commerce, Justice, Science], 2004 V.73 4 [Subcommittee Funding Requests], 2004 V.73 5 Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, 2004 V.73 6 A Child is Missing, 2004 V.73 7 Multiple, 2004-2005 V.73 8 [City of Atlanta], 2003 V.73 9 [Funding Requests VA-HUD [Veterans' Affairs-Housing and Urban Development], Morehouse College, Youthbuild], 2003 V.73 10 [Columbia Policy, Archiving, Cyber Security], 2003 Defense Appropriations FY04 box folder Request box V.74 1 [Environmental Impact Statement: Introduction of F/A-18 E/F (Super Hornet) Aircraft], 2002 V.74 2 [United States Air Force Caucus Book], 2000-2001 V.74 3 [Defense Requests for Fiscal Year 2004], 2001-2004 V.74 4 [Defense and Military Construction Appropriations Fiscal Year 2003], 2002 Department of Defense box folder Request box V.74 5 SAFT America, 2003 V.74 6 Defense Appropriations, 2002 V.74 7 [City Planning: Transport, Public Works], 2002 V.74 8 Naval Sea Cadets, 1999-2002 V.74 9 Gulf States Initiative, 2002 V.74 10 Picket Fence Appropriations, 2002 V.74 11 [Department of Defense Appropriations], 2002 V.74 12 Miller's Navy Amendment, 2002 V.74 13 VIP/ Transport Aircraft Amendment, 2002 V.74 14 FY03 Appropriations Mark-Up, 2002 V.74 15 Additional Appropriations. [Appropriations] Information, 2002 V.74 16 Appropriations, 2002 V.74 17 Department of Defense and Appropriations Conference, 2001-2002 V.74 18 Murray-Snowe Amendment, 2002 V.74 19 Kennedy Amendment to Department of Defense Authority, 1998-2002 V.74 20 FY03 Authorization Conference Report, 2002 V.74 21 [Levin Amendment], undated V.74 22 Defense Authorization, 2002 V.74 23 Environmental Exemptions, 2002 V.74 24 Marine Corps Ranges Amendment, 2002 V.74 25 [Homeland Security/ Veterans Budget], 2003 V.74 26 Feingold Amendment -IMET [International Military Education and Training], 2003 V.74 27 Durbin-Dewine AIDS Amendment, 2003 V.74 28 Schumer Amendment- Port Security, 2003 V.74 29 Byrd Amendment- Homeland Security, 2003 V.74 30 FY02 Department of Defense Appropriations, 2001 V.74 31 Combat Arms Training, 2001 V.74 32 Fort Stewart- FY01 MilCon [Military Construction], 2000-2001 V.74 33 JTDI [Joint Technical Data Integration], undated V.74 34 [Naval Sea Cadet Corps Information Packet], 2000 V.74 35 FY02- Department of Defense Supplemental Request, 2002 V.74 36 FY03 MilCon [Military Construction] Requests, 2002 V.74 37 FY03 MilCon [Military Construction], 2002 V.74 38 FY00 MilCon [Military Construction] Requests, 1999 Labor FY03-05 box folder Request box V.75 1 HHS [Health and Human Services] Correspondence, 2000-2003 V.75 2-3 Lane Church HHS (Health and Human Services)- Correspondence, 2003 V.75 4 [Medicare, Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003], 2003 V.75 5 [Medical College of Georgia], 2004 V.75 6 Emory SEC [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission] EBT, 2004 V.75 7 Children's Healthcare at Scottish Rite FY05, 2005 V.75 8 Phoebe Putney OS, 2004 V.75 9 St. Joseph's / Candler, 2004 V.75 10 Appropriations FY05 Columbus Regional, 2003 V.75 11 City of Atlanta FY05 Requests, 2004 V.75 12 Fulton County Health Center '05, 2002 V.75 13 Georgia State - Workforce Investment Boards '05, 2005 V.75 14 Georgia Southern Nursing Program, 2004 V.75 15 Spelman '05, 2004 V.75 16 Emory - Rollins School of Public Health, 2004 V.75 17 ACRI '05, 2005 V.75 18 Kidspeace '05, 2004 V.75 19 U.S. Disabled Athletes Fund Blaze Sports FY05, 2004 V.75 20 [The John B. Amos Cancer Center], 2003 V.75 21 St. Josephs Mercy Care, 2002-2003 V.75 22 Rome Cancer Initiative, 2003 V.75 23 ACRI, 2003 V.75 24 Fulton County Health Center, 2003 V.75 25 [Friends of CDC], 2002 V.75 26 University of Georgia Southern Poverty Research Center, 2003 V.75 27 RCC - Bethesda Home for Boys, 2003 V.75 28 Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats, 2003 V.75 29 Phoebe Putney, 2004 V.75 30 CLEARMADD, 2003 V.75 31 Clayton College and State University, 2003 V.75 32 University of Georgia Appropriations Requests, 2004 V.75 33 Memorial Health University Hospital Savannah, 2003 V.75 34 CAEAR Coalition Ryan White HIV / AIDS, 2003 V.75 35 One Voice Against Cancer, 2003 V.75 36 Lupus Foundation of America, 2003 V.75 37 Paulding Collaborative for Children's & Families, Inc., undated V.75 38 Penn State / Peanut Folks, undated V.75 39 Clarke Atlanta University FY05, 2004 V.75 40 Clayton College Smart Start '05, 2004 V.75 41 JP Carr Human Services '05, undated V.75 42 St. Joseph's Mercy Care '05, 2005 V.75 43 Valdosta State FY05, 2003-2004 box folder Request box V.76 1 Memorial Health Savannah '05, 2005 V.76 2 Birth to School: Five Star Alliance - Georgia Broadcasting, 2003 V.76 3 [Alzheimer's], 2003 V.76 4 [Life University], 2003 V.76 5 Georgia State University Nursing Program, undated V.76 6 MCG Nursing Recruitment, 2003 V.76 7 Cancer Research Center - MCG, 2004 V.76 8 Albany State University - RRI, undated V.76 9 World War II Warner Robbins Project, 2003 V.76 10 Restoration Hangar - Warner Robbins, 2003 V.76 11 Kidspeace, 2003 V.76 12 Blaze Sports Club, 2003 V.76 13 Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, 2003-2004 V.76 14 Georgia Rural Water Association, 2003 V.76 15 Appropriations FY 2003, 2001-2002 Section 5. Subject FilesAgriculture box folder Request box V.76 16 Army Corps of Engineers, 2000-2001 V.76 17 [Tennessee Valley Authority/ Georgia Ports Authority], 2002 V.76 18 Banks Lake, 2002 V.76 19 Big Cedar Creek Flood Control Project, 2002 V.76 20 [Department of the Army], 2000-2001 V.76 21 [AIWA (Atlantic Intercostal Waterway Association)], undated V.76 22 [Army Corps of Engineers], 2000-2001 V.76 23 Hard Labor Creek/ Walton Creek, 2002 V.76 24 [Water Resources Development], 2002 V.76 25 Chattahoochee White Water, undated V.76 26 Flint River Dredging, 2002 V.76 27 Hartwell Lake, 2002 V.76 28 [Georgia Water Quality/ Corps of Engineers], 2001 V.76 29 Water Resources, 2001 V.76 30 [Water Quality and Infrastructure], 2001 V.76 31 NOAA Appropriations [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration], 2003 V.76 32 [Environmental Conservation], 2001-2003 V.76 33 Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Infestation, 2002 V.76 34 [USDA Forest Service- Southern Region], 2002 V.76 35 Wilderness- Towns County, 2002 V.76 36 [Georgia Forestry/ Southern Forest Resource], 2002 V.76 37 Society of American Forestry, 2000 V.76 38 [Forest and Paper Services], 2000-2001 V.76 39 [Sierra Club], undated V.76 40 [Lumber], 2000-2001 V.76 41 [Alaska Marine Conservation Council], 2003 V.76 42 Tybee Island Beach Restoration- LeHerg, 2001 V.76 43 [Bill Correspondence], 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.77 1 [Dear Colleagues/ Bill Correspondence], 2002 V.77 2 [The State of the Nation's Ecosystems], 2002 V.77 3 [Consolidated Federal Fiscal Reports], 1997-2000 V.77 4 [Farm Credit and Georgia Agriculture: Working Together We Achieve More], 2001 V.77 5 2002 Cotton Belt Tour Information, 2001-2002 V.77 6 [Organic Trade Authority/ Forestry], 2002 V.77 7 [Trade Promotion Authority Briefing Book], undated V.77 8 Trade Promotion Authority, 2002 V.77 9 [CEDAW (Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) Information Packet], 2002 V.77 10 [Textiles, Labor, Immigration Information], 2002-2003 V.77 11 [Credit and Trade Law], 2002 V.77 12 [Special Interest Groups- Israel], 2002 V.77 13 Past Meetings Leg Work, 2002 V.77 14 [Special Interests], 2002 V.77 15 [Immigration and Refugee Services of America], 2002 V.77 16 [Landmine Survivors Network], 2001-2002 V.77 17 Animal Identification, 2004 V.77 18 Guest Worker Programs and AEWR [Adverse Effect Wage Rate], 2004 V.77 19 Immigration/ Border Sec. [Security] Information, 2002-2004 V.77 20 Iran, 2004 V.77 21 EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission], 2004 V.77 22 Outsourcing, 2004 V.77 23 Fuel Prices, 2004 V.77 30 Sudan, 2004 V.77 31 Unemployment Benefits, 2004 V.77 32 AIAA- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004 V.77 33 U.S. Canola Association, 2004 V.77 34 National Pest Management Association, undated V.77 35 Fruit and Vegetable Association, 2003 V.77 36 Forest Landowners, 2003 V.77 37 [NACS (National Association of Convenience Stores)], 2003 box folder Request box V.78 1 Southern Environmental Law Center, 2003 V.78 2 TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority](Blackout Info), 2003 V.78 3 Organic Farming Research Foundation, 2003 V.78 4 The Nature Conservancy, 2004 V.78 5 [RISE to the Challenge: End World Hunger], 2003 V.78 6 [EDTA: Electric Drive Transportation Association], 2003 V.78 7 Pending, 2003-2004 V.78 8 Cumberland Island Issue, 2001-2003 V.78 9 New Tobacco Buyout Information, 2003 V.78 10 Ag [Agriculture] Jobs Bill, 2003 V.78 11 Tipton/Cole Land Dispute Case, 2002-2003 V.78 12 BSE [Food Safety from Bovine Disease], 2004 V.78 13 Nutrition Reauthorization, 2004 V.78 14 Chicken Avian Influenza, 2004 V.78 15 Healthy Forest Initiative, 2003 V.78 16 CAFTA/ FTAA [Central America Free Trade Agreement/ Free Trade Area of the Americas], 2002 V.78 17 Transportation Bill, 2004 V.78 18 Law of the Sea Convention, 2004 V.78 19 [Tobacco], 2000-2001 V.78 20 American Nursery and Landscape Association Legislative Issues, 2001 V.78 21 Spikes Case (Turf), 2002 V.78 22 [Landscape and Turf], 2001 V.78 23 Frist Tobacco Bill, 2001 V.78 24 [Trade and Agriculture], 2001 V.78 25 [Tobacco Control], 2001 V.78 26 Kaolin (Trade), 2001 V.78 27 Fast Track, 2001 V.78 28 Bakery, 2001 V.78 29 Methyl Bromide, 2000-2001 V.78 30 Rodenticide Act, 2002 V.78 31 History, 2001 V.78 32 New Program, 2001 V.78 33 [Agriculture], 2001 V.78 34 American Nursery and Landscape Association Legislative Issues, 2001 V.78 35 [Southern States Grape Industry], undated V.78 36 Peaches, 2001 V.78 37 [Agriculture], 2001 V.78 38 Sugar, 2000-2001 box folder Request box V.79 1 TVIC [Tennessee Valley Industrial Committee], 2003 V.79 2 [TVA], 2002 V.79 3 Frist Board Bill, 2003 V.79 4 Lake Lanier, 2001 V.79 5 Fees, 2002 V.79 6 [Appalachian Regional Commission], 2003 V.79 7 [FEMA Guide (Federal Emergency Management Agency)], 2002 V.79 8 [Special Interests], 2002 V.79 9 Nuclear, 2002 V.79 10 Tax Exempt Bonds, 2002 V.79 11 El Paso Energy Expansion, 2002 V.79 12 Danny Day, 2002 V.79 13 Deal Issue, 2002 V.79 14 [Pollutant Control], 2002 V.79 15 Georgia EMC, 2002 V.79 16 [FERC ( Federal Energy Regulatory Commission], 2002 V.79 17 [Historic Preservation and Indian Country], 2000-2001 V.79 18 UP Dates, 2001 V.79 19 Norton-Secretary, 2001 V.79 20 [Department of the Interior], 2001 V.79 21 Appalachian Region, 2001 V.79 22 Chattahoochee Hill Country, 2002 V.79 23 [Department of Agriculture/ Forest Legacy], 2002 V.79 24 Ballard Electric, 2002 V.79 25 [Special Funding Requests], 2001 V.79 26 [Native American Issues], 2001-2002 V.79 27 [Wildlife/ Agriculture], 2001-2002 V.79 28 Fisheries, 2002 V.79 29 Wildlife Cosponsor, 2002 V.79 30 [National Wildlife Federation], 2002 V.79 31 Prescription Drugs, 2000 V.79 32 Prescription Drugs, 2001 V.79 33 Textile, 2002 V.79 34 Admin WTO [World Trade Organization], 2002 V.79 35 Trade-Sochs Invitations Requests, 2001 V.79 36 USTR Argentina, 2002 V.79 37 Fertilizer China, 1999-2002 V.79 38 Roesel, 2001-2002 V.79 39 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2001 V.79 40 University of Georgia, 2002 V.79 41 Augusta Canal National Heritage Area, 2002 V.79 42 State Participation in America View, 2002 V.79 43 Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichuaway, 1997 V.79 44 Appalachian Trail, 2000 V.79 45 Hall County, Georgia, 2002 V.79 46 American Association of Port Authorities, 2002 V.79 47 Georgia Ports Authority, 2001 V.79 48 Forest Legacy Program National Report for 2001, 2002 V.79 49 Pulp and Paperworkers' Resource Council, 2001 V.79 50 Softwood Lumber, 2001-2002 V.79 51 Wood Truss Council of America, undated V.79 52 [CRS Report: Agriculture and Food], 2001 V.79 53 [U.S.- Canada Lumber Agreement], 2001 V.79 54 Abitibi Consolidated, 2001 box folder Request box V.80 1 Interior, 2002 V.80 2 [Appropriations Requests], 2002 V.80 3-4 [Medicago Truncatula Genome Initiative], 2001-2002 V.80 5 The Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research, Inc., 2002 V.80 6 [Wildlife/ Rural Communities and Development], 2002 V.80 7 Foreign Aid Through Education, 2000-2001 V.80 8 CAFE [Corporate Average Fuel Economy]- Alex Albert, 2002 V.80 9 [Battlefield Park Heritage Center], undated V.80 10 Packer Ownership, 2001-2002 V.80 11 Milk Concentrate, 2002 V.80 12 [Young Active Peanut Producers], 2002 V.80 13 B-Way, 2001 V.80 14 Farm Bill, 2002 V.80 15 Contract Poultry, 1999 V.80 16 Competition, 2001 V.80 17 [Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Majority Staff], 2002 V.80 18 [Trade, Agriculture, and Development Topics], 2002 V.80 19 [Agriculture Correspondence], 2003 V.80 20 Dear Colleague Letters, 2003 V.80 21 Dear Colleagues to Add, 2003 V.80 22 Awaiting Agency Answers, 2002 V.80 23 Agency and Administrative Head Letters, 2002-2003 V.80 24 Letters to Various Agencies - Answered, 2002 V.80 25 [Correspondence], 2002-2003 V.80 26 Feinstein Legislation, 2002 V.80 27 SELN Dear Colleagues, 2004 V.80 28 FDA Letters to Tobacco Farmers, 2004 V.80 29 Department of Energy, 2004 V.80 30 WRDA - ACF [Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River System] Pro-Information [Use of Waterway to Deliver Parts to Farley Nuclear Power Plant], undated V.80 31 RFG [Reformulated Gasoline] Atlanta, 2004 V.80 32 [Wildlife/ Social Bill Correspondence], 2003-2004 V.80 33 Tipton / Cole - TVA, FS Land Dispute, 2004 V.80 34 Pigford vs. Glickman, 2003-2004 V.80 35 Shrimp, 2004 V.80 36 [Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association/ Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests], 2003-2004 V.80 37 [Reformulated Gasoline (RFG)], 2004 V.80 38 [Feinstein Bill], 2002 V.80 39 [Commodity/Energy Trading], 2002 box folder Request box V.81 1 [Committee on Agriculture], 2002 V.81 2 [ISDA- International Savings and Derivatives Association], 2002 V.81 3-4 [Forest/Environmental Conservation], 2002 V.81 5 [ISDA- International Savings and Derivatives Association/ Mirant Corporation], 2001 V.81 6 [ISDA- International Savings and Derivatives Association], 2003 V.81 7 [Food and Agricultural Policy/ Energy Trading], 2001-2003 V.81 8 Child Nutrition Reauthorization Binder, undated V.81 9 US Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District, 2002 V.81 10-11 Savannah District, 2002 V.81 12 [Mulberry Grove Plantation], undated V.81 13 2003 GSE Resource Guide, 2003 V.81 14 Brochures and Pamphlets, 2003 V.81 15 Craig Amendment Healthy Forests, 2002 V.81 16-19 Healthy Forests Stuff, 2003 box folder Request box V.82 1 [Dismantling Black Poverty/ Black Belt Economic Measures], 2003 V.82 2 Southern Regional Commission AKA Black Belt, 2003 V.82 3 Research data re: Poverty, Tobacco, Agriculture Bill, 2003 V.82 4 [Crop Life], undated V.82 5 Lumber, 2004 V.82 6 Cargill/Sugar, 2003 V.82 7 Fruit and Vegetable Stuff, 2003 V.82 8 Blueberry Referendum, 2004 V.82 9 China Textile Stuff, 2003 V.82 10 Agriculture Task Force, 2000 V.82 11 Folicur, 2002 V.82 12 Shrimp Stuff, 2003 V.82 13 American Agriculture Movement, 2001 V.82 14 Sugar Cane, 2000 V.82 15 [Child and Adult Food Program], 2003 V.82 16 School Lunch, 2003 V.82 17 Soft Drinks, 2003 V.82 18 Agriculture Committee] Background, 2000 V.82 19 [Soda in Schools], 2003 V.82 20 Georgia Positions/DCs, 2003 V.82 21 Nutrition Title, 2001 V.82 22 B&W / R.J.R. Merger, 2003 V.82 23 [Cotton/ National Parks], 2004 V.82 24 [Gateways to the Americas], 2004 V.82 25 [Crops], undated V.82 26 Carbon Utilization, 2004 V.82 27 AEWR [Adverse Effect Wage Rates] Pay Increase, 2002 V.82 28 Stuff that might come up, 2003 V.82 29 FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency], 2002 V.82 30 [CMFA- Commodity Futures Modernization Act], 2002 V.82 31 [Dairy Consumers and Producers Protection Act], 2001 V.82 32 Canadian Lumber Dispute, 2003 V.82 33 Agriculture Committee Hearing, 2003 V.82 34 [Farm Program Payment], 2002 V.82 35 Governmental Rights of Indian Tribes, 2004 V.82 36 [Correspondence, Certificates, Agriculture Brochure], 2003 V.82 37 Tobacco, 2001-2002 V.82 38 Cigarette Sales, 2002 V.82 39 Tobacco Buyout and FDA Regulations, 2002 V.82 40 AHEAD Alliance for Health, Economic, and Agricultural Development, 2002 V.82 41 [Tobacco Program], 2002 V.82 42 FDA Control over Tobacco, undated box folder Request box V.83 1 Grower Lawsuit, 2003 V.83 2 Policy Analysis on Tobacco, 2003 V.83 3 Agriculture, 2000 V.83 4 Tobacco, 2002 V.83 5 Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus Handbook, 2003 V.83 6 Transcript of National Symposium on the Future of American Agriculture (Booklet), 2001 V.83 7 Testimony 2001 UGA Agriculture Symposium, 2001 V.83 8 Tobacco Discussion Draft and Proposed Bills, 2003 V.83 9 Farm Bill Development, 2001 V.83 10 West Higginbotham Office of Senator Miller, 2001 V.83 11 Farm Aid, 2001 V.83 12 Southern Environmental Law Center, 2001 V.83 13 Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Witness List, 2001 V.83 14 Report of the Secretary of Agriculture to the US Congress, 2003 V.83 15 Bio Terrorisms on Bill, 2001 V.83 16 Shellers, 2001 V.83 17 Soybeans, 2001 V.83 18 Lowie, 2001 V.83 19 Step 2 1.25, 2001 V.83 20 Minority Research, 2001 V.83 21 Forestry, 2001 V.83 22 Helms Rats, 2001 V.83 23 Oak Park, 2000-2002 V.83 24 Rural Development, 2001 V.83 25 Knology, 2002 V.83 26 [Rural Development], 2001-2002 V.83 27 Hard Woods, 2001 V.83 28 [Minor Use and Minor Species Animal Health Act], 2001 V.83 29 [Agriculture], 2001 V.83 30 [Farm Bill], 2002 V.83 31-32 Peanut Quota Amendment, 2002 V.83 33 Shellers, 2002 V.83 34 [Peanuts], 2002 V.83 35 Peanuts-Why good, 2001 V.83 36 Amendments, 2001 V.83 37 [West Higginbotham], 2001 V.83 38 Harkin Summary, 2002 V.83 39 Amendments, 2001 V.83 40 [Supplemental Market Loss Assistance], 2001 V.83 41 Cotton, 2001 V.83 42 Supplemental Bill, 2001 box folder Request box V.84 1 [Beef Cattle Evaluation/ Food Service], 2001 V.84 2 The Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research, Inc., 2001 V.84 3 UGA Georgia Farm Gate 2000: Congressional District Report Preliminary, 2001 V.84 4 [River Restoration/ Wildlife], 2001-2002 V.84 5 Pre-Budget, 2001 V.84 6 Rylander Theater, 2001 V.84 7 Darton College, 2001 V.84 8 Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2001 V.84 9 Waycross College, 2001 V.84 10 [Appropriated Programs], 2002 V.84 11 Chattooga Wild and Scenic River, undated V.84 12 2001 Appropriations Timeline, 2000-2001 V.84 13 National Beef Cattle Genetic Evaluation Consortium, 2001 V.84 14 Water Stewards, 2001 V.84 15 Agriculture Research Projects, 2001 V.84 16 GA Tech Issues, 2001 V.84 17 Environment, 2000 V.84 18 Agriculture, 2001 V.84 19 University of Georgia-Farm Bill, 2002 V.84 20 Miscellaneous, 2001-2002 V.84 21 Symposium, 2001 V.84 22 Research, 2000-2001 V.84 23 Georgia Facts (State of), 2000 V.84 24 Coop Ext./4-H, 2001 V.84 25 Ag [Agriculture] Intern, 2001 V.84 26 Land Grant University System, 2001 V.84 27 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, 2000 V.84 28 [Agriculture], 2000-2001 V.84 29 Southern Dairy Compact, 2001 V.84 30 Letter-Dear Colleague, 2000-2001 V.84 31 [Crop Insurance], 2001 V.84 32 China Clay Producers Association, 2001 V.84 33 [Agriculture], 2001 V.84 34 National Cotton Council of America News, 2002 V.84 35 Supima, undated V.84 36 National Cotton Council of America, 2001 V.84 37 [Textile Issues], 2001 V.84 38 Issues United State Senate Library, 2001 V.84 39 Southern Cotton Growers, 2001 V.84 40 Fisheries, 2000 V.84 41 FY 2002 Agriculture Budget, 2001 box folder Request box V.85 1 [USDA/ Agriculture Correspondence], 2001 V.85 2 [Georgia Agribusiness Council], 2001 V.85 3 Making Changes: Turning Local Visions into National Solutions, 2001 V.85 4 Farm Bill, 2001 V.85 5 Beef USA, 2003 V.85 6 [USDA-Protecting America's Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products], 2003 V.85 7 Hay Yields, 2001 V.85 8 [Animal Health/ Livestock], 2001 V.85 9 Georgia Cattleman's Association, 2003 V.85 10 Animal Health, 2001 V.85 11 [Farm Credit], 2001 V.85 12 Farm Credit Administration, 2001 V.85 13 Labor Information, 2002 V.85 14 Adverse Effect Wage Rate, 2002-2003 V.85 15 Japan Ban, 2001 V.85 16 National Chicken Council, undated V.85 17 [National Turkey Federation], undated V.85 18 Poultry Russia, 2002 V.85 19 Renderers, 2002 V.85 20 Avian Influenza, 2002 V.85 21 [Georgia Poultry Federation], 2002 V.85 22 Animal Welfare-Laying Hens, 2002 V.85 23 National Renderers Association, 2001 V.85 24 Tyson Buy Out, 2000 V.85 25 National Chicken Council, 2000 V.85 26 [Farmer's Energy Crisis], 2000-2001 V.85 27 [Poultry Industry], 2001 V.85 28 [Farming: Nutrient Management], 2000-2001 V.85 29 Oglethorpe Power Corporation 2003 Annual Report, 2003 V.85 30 Georgia Transmission, 2003 V.85 31 Georgia Electric Membership Corporation, 2004 V.85 32 Georgia Electric Membership Corporation-Building a Better Georgia, 2004 V.85 33 Regional Wildlife Habitat Needs Assessment for the 2002 Farm Bill, 2000-2001 V.85 34 [Senate Agriculture Committee], 2001 V.85 35 [Farm Bill], 2001 V.85 36 Hearing, 2001 V.85 37 Hearings, 2001 V.85 38 Biomass Hearing, 2004 V.85 39 [Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry], 2004 box folder Request box V.86 1 [Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry], 2003-2004 V.86 2 [Harkin Amendment], undated V.86 3 [Nutrition], 2004 V.86 4 Conserving the Nature of America, 2000 V.86 5 Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge Issues and Funding Needs for 2004, 2004 V.86 6 Georgia Ports Authority, 2004 V.86 7 The Georgia Trust, 2003-2004 V.86 8 EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Request, 2003 V.86 9 Countdown 2003, 2004 V.86 10 VMES 2003 [UGA Veterinary Medical Experiment Station about Agroterrorism], 2003-2004 V.86 11 IEM [Innovative Emergency Management] Capabilities, undated V.86 12 National Chicken Council, 2004 V.86 13 Civil Works Budget for the US Army Corps of Engineers, 2004 V.86 14 [Savannah River Site], 2004 V.86 15 Multi-Jurisdictional Stormwater Agency, 2004 V.86 16 Georgia Water Resources Institute, 2004 V.86 17 University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, 2004 V.86 18 Unites States Conference of Mayors: Historic Preservation Division, 2002-2004 V.86 19 Habersham Vineyards and Winery, undated [Black Belt Initiative (Miller proposal to fight poverty among southern blacks)] box folder Request box V.86 20 Southern Black Belt color posters, 2000 V.86 21-22 [Black Belt Press], 2001-2003 V.86 23 [Email: Black Belt Funds], 2001 V.86 24 [Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Press], 2001 V.86 25 Georgia magazines featuring Miller, 1985, 1998, 2002 V.86 26 [The Southern Black Belt: A National Perspective], 1997 V.86 27 [Dismantling Persistent Poverty], 2002 V.86 28 Black Belt - Health Information, 1996-2001 V.86 29 [Black Belt], 2001 Defense and Veteran's Affairs box folder Request box V.86 30 National Missile Defense Information Book, 2001 V.86 31 Foreign Operations - UN Population Fund, 2003 V.86 32 Guatemala Adoptions, 2003 V.86 33 Moscow Treaty, 2003 V.86 34 North Korea, 2003 V.86 35 VA [Veterans Affairs] Committee Staff, 2002 V.86 36 A-76 Fort Benning, 2001 V.86 37 A-76 Fort Stewart, 2001 box folder Request box V.87 1 A-76 Warner Robbins, 2001 V.87 2 A-76, 2002 V.87 3 HR 3478 - Redesignation of Secretary of Navy, 2002 V.87 4 Military Retirement Flexibility S. 1639, 2002 V.87 5 Foreign Military Training, 2002 V.87 6 Voluntary Separation, 1999 V.87 7 American Servicemembers' Protection Act, 2001-2002 V.87 8 Dear Any Servicemember, 2002 V.87 9 NATO, 2002 V.87 10 Young Marines, 2002 V.87 11 Comp. [Comprehensive] Test Ban Treaty, 2000-2001 V.87 12 Guantanamo Bay Detainees, 2002 V.87 13 DoD [Department of Defense] Freedom of Information, undated V.87 14 Battle Monument Commission, 2003 V.87 15 National Cemetery Status, 2002 V.87 16 WWII Memorial, 2001 V.87 17 Rockdale- VA Park, 2001 V.87 18 National USMC Museum, 2004 V.87 19 Marine Commemorative Coin, 2003-2004 V.87 20 Marine B-day Articles, 2003 V.87 21 General Hagee Ribbon Issue, 2003 V.87 22 Posse Comitatus, 2002 V.87 23 Core Logistics Capability, 2002 V.87 24 Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions, 2002 V.87 25 Senate Bill 2688 Tricare Fee Waiver, 2002 V.87 26 Employer Information (Guard and Reserve), 2001 V.87 27 S. 215 National Guard, 2003 V.87 28 Crusader Artillery System, 2002 V.87 29 Missile Defense, 2002 V.87 30 Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Law Frequency Active Sonar (SURTASS LFA), 2002 V.87 31 Powell Moore, 2001 V.87 32 Gauss Nomination- A. Sec. Navy, 2001 V.87 33 Iron Mike Award, 2001-2002 V.87 34 Veterans' Affairs, 2002 V.87 35 Defense, 2002 V.87 36 Agriculture, 2001-2002 V.87 37 Banking, Budget, Taxes, 2001-2002 V.87 38 Federal Government/ Law Enforcement, 2001-2002 V.87 39 Commerce, 2002 V.87 40 Labor, 2002 V.87 41 Postal Service, 2002 V.87 42 Social Security, 2001-2002 V.87 43 Telecommunications, 2002 V.87 44 [Foreign Affairs], 2003-2004 V.87 45 Jewish Federation of Atlanta, 2002 V.87 46 International Adoptions, 2002 V.87 47 Hadassah, 2001 V.87 48 Zionist Organization, 2003 V.87 49 Press Release, 2004 V.87 50 Press Releases, 2003 V.87 51 Health and Compensation Mark Up, 2003 V.87 52 Concurrent Receipt Hearing, 2003 V.87 53 Combat Related Compensation, 2003 V.87 54 Amvets/VA [Veterans Affairs] State Directors, 2003 V.87 55 Veterans Organization Hearing 3/6, 2003 V.87 56 VFW [Veterans of Foreign Wars]/Retired Enlisted Hearing, 2003 V.87 57 VA [Veterans Affairs] Hearing FY04 Budget, 2003 V.87 58 DAV [Disabled American Veterans] Hearing Feb 25, 03, 2003 box folder Request box V.88 1 Fleet Reserve Association, 2003 V.88 2 Air Force Material Command Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report, 2002 V.88 3 Defense Acquisition, 2002 V.88 4 Liberty Day March 16, 2002 V.88 5 National Former POW [Prisoners of War] Recognition, 2003 V.88 6 [Boeing Globemaster III], 2001 V.88 7 Flexible Acquisition and Attainment (FAST), 2000 V.88 8 Savannah Luggage Works, undated V.88 9 OCS [US Army Officer Candidate School] Recommendations, 2002 V.88 10 CBO [Congressional Budget Office] Report-DoD [Department of Defense] Spending on O and M [Effects of Aging on the Costs of Operating and Maintaining Military Equipment], 2001 V.88 11 Dr. R. Pamplin-Presidential Medal Freedom, 2003 V.88 12 [Air Force Biographies], 2002 V.88 13 Battle Monuments Commission, 2002 V.88 14 Navy/Marine Unfunded Priorities, undated V.88 15 GMACC [Georgia Military Affairs Coordinating Committee] Information 8/2003, 2003 V.88 16 Staff Update 6/2003, 2003 V.88 17 Issues and Action Plans circa Nov 2002, 2002 V.88 18 Assessment of Bases circa April 2001, 2001 V.88 19 Report of the Congressional Commission on Servicemembers and Veterans Transition Assistance, 1999 V.88 20 [Foreign Affairs], 2001 V.88 21 House Foreign Operations, 2002-2003 V.88 22 Voting Practices in the United Nations 2002, 2002 V.88 23 Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, 2002 V.88 24 Charleston Air Force Base Economic Impact Analysis Fiscal Year 2001, 2001 V.88 25 Signal-AFCEA [Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association] International Journal January 2003, 2003 V.88 26 FY05 DHS [Department of Human Services] Appropriations, 2004 V.88 27 Terrorism Legislation, 2001 V.88 28 Foreign Operations, undated V.88 29 CRS Reports, 2000 V.88 30-32 [Defense Related Clippings], 2001 box folder Request box V.89 1 [Defense Related Clippings], 2001 V.89 2 Dobbins ARB- General Info, 2003 V.89 3 Dobbins- 94th Airlift Wing, 2002 V.89 4 First US Army, 2003 V.89 5 McPherson/ Gillem MilCon [Military Construction] 2/03, 2000 V.89 6 Criminal Investigation Lab, undated V.89 7 Fort McPherson/ Gillem Information, 2003 V.89 8 [Pilot Program for Procurement], 2004 V.89 9 Tabs Presentation, 2004 V.89 10 Fort Gordon- General Information, 2004 V.89 11 Fort Gordon- Battle Lab, undated V.89 12 Fort Gordon Missions 2/03, 2003 V.89 13 Ft. Gordon- Public School, 2000 V.89 14 Regional Security Operations Center, 2004 V.89 15 [Forts McPherson/ Gillem Foundation], 2004 V.89 16 Fort McPherson- Garrison, 2003 V.89 17 Army in Atlanta, 2003 V.89 18 Third Infantry, 2003-2004 V.89 19 Fort Stewart- General, 2001 V.89 20 3rd Infantry Deployment January 2003, 2003 V.89 21 3ID and Armed Forces Resolution, 2003 V.89 22 Installation Strategic Plan, 2003 V.89 23 Medical Holds- 2003, 2003 V.89 24 Fort Stewart Housing, 2001 V.89 25 Wright Army Airfield, 2004 V.89 26 Kings Bay- Reassignment USS KY and PA, 2002-2003 V.89 27 Trident Refit Facility, 2001 V.89 28 USS Nebraska Move 10/03, 2003 V.89 29 Trident-Class Submarines, 2004 V.89 30 Trident Conversion, 2001 V.89 31 Kings Bay- Reassignment of USS ME and LA, Florida to Georgia, 2004 V.89 32 2003 General Information, 2000-2004 V.89 33 Nuclear Propulsion Program, 2000 V.89 34 St. Mary's Airport, 2001-2003 V.89 35 Kings Bay- UNWD [Unconventional Nuclear Warfare Defense], 2002 V.89 36 Sub Industry in Georgia, 2004 V.89 37 MCLB [Marine Corp Logistics Base]- General Information, 2004 V.89 38 Navy/ Marine Corps Intranet, 2002-2003 V.89 39 Marine Requirement and Oversight [Council] (MROC), 2001 V.89 40 SYSCOM, 2002-2003 V.89 41 MCLB [Marine Corp Logistics Base]- Boyette Village, 2003 V.89 42 Depot- Lean/Constraints, undated V.89 43 Turner Air Force Base Infirmary- Albany, 2001 V.89 44 Savannah CRTC [Combat Readiness Training Center], 2003 V.89 45 GA Guard- 148th, 1987-2001 V.89 46 GA ANG [Air National Guard]- Military Operations Area, 2003 V.89 47 Guard Activation- Noble Eagle, 2002 V.89 48 GA Guard- Bradley Request, 2001 V.89 49 Blount Island, 2001-2002 V.89 50 MATCOM [Marine Corps' Material Command], 2002-2003 V.89 51 MATCOM [Marine Corps' Material Command] Restructure, 2003 V.89 52 Moody Air Force Base, 2002 V.89 53 Moody Housing Project, 2003 V.89 54 347th Rescue Wing, 2004 V.89 55 Navy Supply School- Info, 2003-2004 V.89 56 Tanker Roadmap- 2004, 2003 V.89 57 MC2As for Tankers, 2003 box folder Request box V.90 1 MC2A Aircrafts, 2003 V.90 2 B-1 Bombers, 2001 V.90 3 Joint STARS [Surveillance Target Attack Radar System], 2001-2002 V.90 4 Aviation Museum, 1996-2003 V.90 5 21st Century Partnership, 2003 V.90 6 Houston County, Nonattainment, 2004 V.90 7 BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure] Information, 2003 V.90 8 Robins Air Force Base - General Info, 2002 V.90 9 Air Force Depot Strategy, 2002-2003 V.90 10 Warner Robins ALC [Air Force Depot Maintenance Strategy], 2002 V.90 11 Depot Caucus Initiatives, 2005-2010 V.90 12 Air Force Logistics Center Strategy, 2003 V.90 13 Air Force Acquisition Structure (WR-ALC), 2003 V.90 14 Warner Robins- Personnel System, 2002-2003 V.90 15 Warner Robins-AFMC Personnel Cuts FY04, 2002-2003 V.90 16 Warner Robins-DISA Personnel Reductions, 2003 V.90 17 NAS [Naval Air Station] ATL General Info, 2003 V.90 18 Naval Reserve Intel Command, 2002 V.90 19 MAG-42, 2003 V.90 20 Marine TACAIR Brief, 2004 V.90 21 VFMA-142/ Reserve F/A-18s, 2003 V.90 22 Aerial Common Sensor- Gulfstream, 2004 V.90 23 Military Housing Privatization, 2002 V.90 24 Youth College Program, 2002 V.90 25 Issues and Action Plans- September 2001, 2001 V.90 26 [The Airlift Chronicle], 2004 V.90 27 National Guard Youth Foundation, 2004 V.90 28 C-27J Replacement Program, 2003 V.90 29 Savannah CRTC [Combat Readiness Training Center], 2003 V.90 30 NG [National Guard] 2004 Posture Statement, 2004 V.90 31 National Guard Caucus, 2003 V.90 32 BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure] Update 10/03, 2003 V.90 33 GA Installation Survey, 2001 V.90 34 BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure]2/03- GMACC [Georgia Military Affairs Coordinating Committee] Augusta Chamber 21st Century, 2003 V.90 35 [BRAC - Base Realignment and Closure], 2003 V.90 36 Savannah Chamber BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure], 2002 V.90 37 Wright Army Airfield, 2000-2001 V.90 38 Captain of the Port, 2004 V.90 39 Port Funding, 2004 V.90 40 Fort Gordon Homeland Sec., 2003-2004 V.90 41 MCG Point Paper for DHS [Department of Homeland Security] [Homeland Security Exercises at Fort Gordon], 2003 V.90 42 Grant Information, 2004 V.90 43 DHS [Department of Homeland Security] Update- 7/25, 2003 V.90 44 Consequence Management 2003, 2003 V.90 45 Kingston's DHS [Department of Homeland Security] Council Bill, 2003 V.90 46 Office of Homeland Security, 2002 V.90 47 Safety Through Cellular, undated V.90 48 TriCounty Alliance- Barnwell, SC, 2003 V.90 49 FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Center]- GAO [General Accounting Office] Study, 2003 V.90 50 Post War Costs- WWII, 2004 V.90 51 Reconstruction in Iraq, 2003 box folder Request box V.91 1 [Ironside Magazine], 2003 V.91 2 [Iraq], 2003 V.91 3 [Food Bills], 2003 V.91 4 FSA [Farm Service Agency] Workload Amendment, 2003 V.91 5 [Energy], 2003 V.91 6 [Rural Development], 2003 V.91 7 [After Action Report: Operation Iraqi Freedom], undated V.91 8 Diego Rincon Book, 2004 V.91 9 Diego Rincon, 2003 V.91 10 Reserve Mobilization, 2003-2004 V.91 11 [U.S. Air Force Certificate], undated V.91 12 [Iraq Info Binders], 2003-2004 V.91 13 [1st Armored Division, America's Tank Division Calendars], 2004 V.91 14 [Iraq Working Papers], undated V.91 15-16 [Introduction F/A- 18 E/F Aircraft], 2002 V.91 17 Oil-For-Food, 2004 V.91 18 [Certificate of Appreciation from Toys for Tots], 2003 V.91 19 Brinson- T-6 Crash in Savannah, 2004 V.91 20 Jerry Willis- Contracts, 2004 V.91 21 48th Infantry Training, 2004 V.91 22 MedShare- VA [Veterans Affairs] Equipment, 2004 V.91 23 MOH [Medal of Honor]- Col. Ralph Puckett, 2002 V.91 24 Iraq Reconstruction, 2003 V.91 25 POW/MIA [Prisoners of War/Missing in Action] Personnel Information, undated V.91 26 Ray Petted- VA [Veterans Affairs] Atlanta Fraud, 2003 V.91 27 InfoPro- VA [Veterans Affairs] Contractors, 2003 V.91 28 Marietta Air Museum, 2003-2004 V.91 29 CEMEX Global, 2004 V.91 30 Sgt. Major Gregor- Marine Corps, 1960 V.91 31 Depot Employees- Feb. 03, 2003 V.91 32 FY03- Air Force Structure, 2002 V.91 33 50/50 Depot Maintenance, 2001-2003 V.91 34 Depot Information- Cleland's, 2000 V.91 35 Deactivating MWSS [Marine Wing Support Squadron], 2002 V.91 36 GA Military College, 2002 V.91 37 GA Tech/ DoD [Department of Defense] Research, 2002 V.91 38 Athens Learning Center- Navy, undated box folder Request box V.92 1 GMACC [Georgia Military Affairs Coordinating Committee] Correspondence, 2001 V.92 2 National Security Agency, 1999-2000 V.92 3 Pearl Harbor, 2001 V.92 4 Nunn-Lugar Information, 2003 V.92 5 WMD [Weapons of Mass Destruction]- National Strategy, 2002 V.92 6 Missile Defense, 2000-2001 V.92 7 Plutonium Disposition, 2001 V.92 8 D-5 Missile Program, 2001 V.92 9 Navy League, 2003 V.92 10 Military Transformation, 2002 V.92 11 Transforming Surface Combat Forces, 2003 V.92 12 Army Transformation, 2001 V.92 13 VA [Veterans Affairs]- Priority 7 Vets, 2002 V.92 14 National Cemetery- Jacksonville Senate Bill 2069, 2001-2002 V.92 15 Reservists' Retirement S. 2250, 2002 V.92 16 Victims of Terrorism Comp., 2002 V.92 17 VA [Veterans Affairs]- $1,500 Deductible, 2002 V.92 18 Optometrists VA [Veterans Affairs] Surgery, 2003-2004 V.92 19 Concurrent Receipt, 2002 V.92 20 HR 2433- Nurse Qualification, 2003 V.92 21 VA [Veterans Affairs] Hearing- FY05 Budget, 2004 V.92 22 CARES in Georgia [Improving Veterans Health Care], 2003 V.92 23 CARES Hearing in Atlanta 8/03 [Improving Veterans Health Care], 2003 V.92 24 CARES Hearing [Improving Veterans Health Care], 2003 V.92 25 Assessment of Atlanta VA [Veterans Affairs], 2003 V.92 26 Assessment of Augusta VA [Veterans Affairs], 2003 V.92 27 Priority 8 Veterans Enrollment, 2003 V.92 28 Board of VA [Veterans Affairs] Appeals, 2000-2001 V.92 29 Veteran's Burial Benefits, 2002 V.92 30 FY03 VA [Veterans Affairs] Budget, 2002 V.92 31 S.E. [Southeastern] Paralyzed Veterans Association, undated V.92 32 Transitional Prescription Benefit 7/03, 2003 V.92 33 S. 2417- Protecting Newborns, 2004 V.92 34 Survivor Benefit Plan, 2002-2003 V.92 35 Eastern Paralyzed Vets Association, 2003 V.92 36 VA [Veterans Affairs] Policy for New Clinics, 2002 V.92 37 Disabled Veterans, 2002 V.92 38 VA [Veterans Affairs] Research FY 2003, 2002 V.92 39 VA [Veterans Affairs]- Type II Diabetes, 2001 V.92 40 Veterans Federal Benefits, 2002 V.92 41 CARES/ Specific GA Figures [Improving Veterans Health Care], 2002-2003 V.92 42 VA [Veterans Affairs] Benefits Reference System, 2001 V.92 43 VORCI [Veterans Opportunity and Resource Center Inc.]- Atlanta, Georgia, undated V.92 44 Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation (VERA), 2002 V.92 45 Carl Vinson VA [Veterans Affairs] Facility, 1997 V.92 46 Georgia VA [Veterans Affairs]- Pete Wheeler, 2001 V.92 47 Atlanta VA [Veterans Affairs] Fraud Case, 2001 V.92 48 House of Heroes, 2001 V.92 49 Norman Monfort- USS N. Scott, 2001-2002 V.92 50 Medal of Freedom- General Davis, 2003 V.92 51 GA Tech/ Gen. Davis Endowment, 2003 V.92 52 Gen. Davis Condolence Resolution, 2003 V.92 53 Law of the Sea, 2004 V.92 54 MC [Marine Corps] Reserve Unfunded Priorities, 2004 V.92 55 Air Force Reserve Unfunded Priorities, 2004 V.92 56 Army Reserve Unfunded Priorities, 2004 V.92 57 Army Office Supply Contract, 2002-2003 V.92 58 Embedding Reporters, 2003 V.92 59 Savannah Guard Per Diem, 2003 V.92 60 Toccoa- Military Transport, 2002-2001 V.92 61 Spanish Tanker Clean Up, 2002-2003 V.92 62 Durango Paper Company Closure, 2002 V.92 63 Trevor Hicks- Bioterrorism, 2000-2002 V.92 64 Reid Sifen- Ethanol, 1986 V.92 65 Recruit- Ben Spooner, 2001 V.92 66 USO Caucus, 2003 V.92 67 Denmark Caucus, 2003 V.92 68 White House Personnel, 2001 V.92 69 Legislative Information, 2001 V.92 70 Air Force Caucus, 2001 V.92 71 DoD [Department of Defense] Legislative Liaison, 2001 V.92 72 NATO Membership- Bulgaria, 2002 V.92 73 Humanitarian Demining, 2002 V.92 74 Colombia, 2002 box folder Request box V.93 1 Falun Gong- Sam Lu, 2002-2003 V.93 2 Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty, 2002 V.93 3 CEDAW [Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women] Treaty, 2002 V.93 4 Cuba, 2002 V.93 5 UN [United Nations] Human Rights Commission, 2001 V.93 6 Taiwan, 2002 V.93 7 [The Homeless: A Brief Study], 2001 V.93 8 [The Budget Process], 2002 V.93 9 [White Paper on Department of Defense], undated V.93 10 FY03 C-130 Funding Hold-up, 2003 V.93 11 Military Impact Aid, 2002-2003 V.93 12 Disaster Assistance for Base Areas, 2003 V.93 13 C-130 Airlift, 2001-2002 V.93 14 Lockheed Press Releases, 2002-2003 V.93 15 C-130J Multiyear- FY03, 2002-2003 V.93 16 Kuwait C-130J Sale, 1999-2001 V.93 17 C-130J Funding FY02, 2001 V.93 18 [Lockheed Martin Aircraft], 2002 V.93 19 Contract Announcements, 2003-2004 V.93 20 V-22 Osprey, 1999-2003 V.93 21 B-1 Bomber, 2001 V.93 22 Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV), 2002-2003 V.93 23 C-5 Modernization, 2000-2003 V.93 24 C-17 Globemaster, undated V.93 25 C-17/ Air Force Depot Strategy, 2001-2002 V.93 26 MH-47 Special Ops Aircraft, 2002 V.93 27 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, 2002 V.93 28 Posture Statement- 2003, 2003 V.93 29 Air Force Reserve, 2003-2004 V.93 30 Air Force Installation, 2002 V.93 31 Caucus- Depots, Arsenals..., 2003 V.93 32 Army Material Command, undated V.93 33 FY04 AF [Air Force] Unfunded Priorities, 2003 V.93 34 Air Force Material Command, 2001-2002 V.93 35 BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure] Amendment- S. 2509, 2002 V.93 36 GA MLA Meeting- 2/24 [How BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) Process Works], 2003 V.93 37 State Defense Force, 1995-2002 V.93 38 Reserve Component Tax- S. 540, 2001-2002 V.93 39 DoD [Department of Defense] Retirees in Georgia, 2003 V.93 40 Iran Hostages, 2002 V.93 41 Terrorism Commission- D. 1867, 2002 V.93 42 POW/ MIA [Prisoners of War/Missing in Action], 2001-2004 V.93 43 Heckler and Koch- Columbus, 2003-2004 V.93 44 LMI [Logistics Management Institute]- Public/ Partnership, 2002 V.93 45 Maintenance Workforce Characteristics, 2003 V.93 46 OSD [Office of the Secretary of the Defense]- Public/ Private Partnerships, 2001 V.93 47 Distribution DoD [Department of Defense] Workloads, 2003 Education box folder Request box V.93 48 Higher Education Act, 2004 V.93 49 Paperwork Reduction, 2002-2003 V.93 50 [HBCU [Historically Black Colleges and Universities] Restoration], 2002-2003 V.93 51 Computer in Schools Program, 2003 V.93 52 [Moment of Reflection], 2004 V.93 53 [Common Good], 2003-2004 box folder Request box V.94 1 [Common Good: The Effects of Law on Public Schools], 2003 V.94 2 [Common Good], 2004 V.94 3 [Random Memos], 2001-2003 V.94 4 D.C. School Vouchers, 2003 V.94 5 Headstart, 2002-2003 V.94 6 No Child Left Behind, 2002-2004 V.94 7 I.D.E.A. [Individuals with Disabilities Education Act], 2003-2004 V.94 8 Americorps, 2003 V.94 9 Impact Aid, 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.95 1 Life College, 2002 V.95 2 [Big Brother Big Sister], 2003 V.95 3 Spelman College, 2003 V.95 4 Georgia School Boards, 2003-2004 Energy and the Environment box folder Request box V.95 5 Clear Skies Act of 2002, 2002 V.95 6 [Gas/ Nuclear Energy Memos, 2003-2004 V.95 7 Congressional Record July 2003, 2003 V.95 8 [U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Research and Current Activities], 2003 V.95 9 S.14 Position Letters [Indian Energy], 2003 V.95 10 S. Amendment 841 - Gregg / Kennedy [Energy], 2003 V.95 11 Energy Bill Info - 108, 2003 V.95 12 Energy Position Letters (CAFɠ- Corporate Average Fuel Economy, Climate Change, RPS), 2003 V.95 13 S. 517 [Funding for Department of Energy], 2002 V.95 14 Porsche - CAFE [Corporate Average Fuel Economy], 2002 V.95 15 Pickups, 2002 V.95 16 Pickup Exemption - Ceiling Fan Amendment, 2003 V.95 17 Amendments / Overviews and Summaries, 2003 V.95 18 Oglethorpe Power Environmental Briefing, 2003 V.95 19 Electricity Title Stuff, 2002-2003 V.95 20 Brownfields Stuff, 2003 V.95 21 Newton Community, 2002 V.95 22 [Cotton], 2001-2003 V.95 23 Delta States Research Center - Mid South Area, 2001 V.95 24 [Nuclear Energy], 2003 V.95 25 Modern Pit Facility, 2003 V.95 26 Clear Skies, 2003 V.95 27 McCain / Lieberman - Climate, 2003 V.95 28 Yucca Mountain Project, 2002 V.95 29 Jasper County Corps, 2001-2002 V.95 30 [Ongoing Issues in the State], 2001 V.95 31 ACF [Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River System] / Barge Letters, 2002 V.95 32 Apalachicola - Chattahoochee - Flint Navigation Meeting, 2000 V.95 33 Apalachicola- Chattahoochee, 2000-2001 V.95 34 Barge Traffic Meeting with Columbus Delegation, 1998-2002 V.95 35 NWRA [National Water Resources Association] Miccosukee Case Information, 2003 V.95 36 Chemical Security - Inhofe, 2003 V.95 37 Chemical Security, 2002 V.95 38 Little St. Simons Stuff, 2001-2004 V.95 39 South Georgia Pesticide Case, 2003 V.95 40 ACF [Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River System] Information, 2000-2003 V.95 41 Southern Regional Research Center, 2003 box folder Request box V.96 1 Houston County Non-attainment, 2002-2003 V.96 2 PM 2.5 EPA / EPD Correspondence [Air Quality Standards], 2004 V.96 3 Arabia Mountain Heritage Bill, 2003 V.96 4-5 Cumberland Island, 2003-2004 V.96 6 [Morris Law Firm- Cumberland Island], 2003 V.96 7-8 Cumberland Island, 2003-2004 V.96 9 Tobacco Buyout FSC / ETI Bill, 2002-2004 Environment box folder Request box V.96 10 New Source Review, 2002 V.96 11 Issues-Environment, 2000 V.96 12 [Appropriations Bill], 2001 V.96 13 [Facts on U.S. Farm Policy], 2002 V.96 14 [Department of Defense and Environment Policy], 2002 V.96 15 Press Releases (energy bill), 2001-2002 V.96 16 Pro-Energy Bill, 2001-2002 V.96 17 Pro-Environment, 2001-2002 V.96 18 CRS Overview, 2002 V.96 19 Energy Conference, 2002 V.96 20 Animal Testing, 2001 V.96 21 Atlantic Station, 2002 V.96 22 Natural Resource Issues, 2002 V.96 23 Port Issues, 2002 V.96 24 Army Corps, 2001-2002 V.96 25 School Nutrition, 2002 V.96 26 SRS [Savannah River Site], 2001-2002 V.96 27 Superfund, 2002 V.96 28 Transportation, 2002 V.96 29 Yucca Mtn.-Pro (storage), 2002 box folder Request box V.97 1 Yucca Mtn-Con (storage), 2002 V.97 2 TMDL [Total Maximum Daily Loads], 2001 V.97 3 Georgia Legal Watch, 2001 V.97 4 Water, 2001 V.97 5 Water Wars, 2001 V.97 6 [Columbus Water Works], 2002 V.97 7 [Request for Federal Assistance], 2002 Health Care box folder Request box V.97 8 [Gray Market and Counterfeit Drugs], undated V.97 9 [Medicine Equity and Drug Safety Act], 2001 V.97 10 [Patients' Bill of Rights Briefing Binder], 2001 V.97 11 [Don't Deny Hope- The Media and Public Weigh In], 2002 V.97 12 [C.A.R.E. Campaign for Access and Reproductive Equity], 2000 V.97 13 POS Option [Patients' Bill of Rights, Access to Health Care], 2001 V.97 14 Managed Care Litigation, 2001 V.97 15 Case Law, 2000 V.97 16 DPC Information [Patients' Bill of Rights, Health Care], 2001 V.97 17 Information on Possible Amendments, 2001 V.97 18 Miscellaneous Amendments, 2002 V.97 19 Norwood Amendment, 2001 V.97 20 Tax [Amendments, 2001 V.97 21 Pt. Protections Amendments [Protection for Participants in Clinical Trials], 2001 V.97 22 Exhaustion Amendments, 2001 V.97 23 Amendments re: External Review, undated V.97 24 CRLP [Center for Reproductive Law and Policy] v. Bush, 2001 V.97 25 MEK Summaries [Bipartisan Patient Protection Act], 2001 V.97 26 MEK Support [Bipartisan Patient Protection Act], 2001 V.97 27 Norwood Letters, 2001 V.97 28 MEK Criticisms [Bipartisan Patient Protection Act], 2001 V.97 29 [Amendment List], 2002 V.97 30 Hagel, 2002 V.97 31 CBO [Congressional Budget Office]- Our Bill, 2002 V.97 32 American Diabetes Association, 2002 V.97 33 House R Bill [Prescription Drug Insurance], 2002 V.97 34 Cosponsor Information, 2002 V.97 35 CRS Reports [Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage], 2002 V.97 36 Feinstein/ Chafee, 2002 V.97 37 Stabenow Amend. [Amendments] re: Rebates, undated V.97 38 Dold at House R Bill, 2002 V.97 39 Other Bills, 2002 V.97 40 Utilization/ Distribution Drugs, 2002 V.97 41 Press, 2002 V.97 42 CBO [Congressional Budget Office]/ PBM Mtg. [Prescription Copays], undated V.97 43 Notes, undated V.97 44 Letters of Support, 2002 V.97 45 [Medicare Drug Benefits], 2002 V.97 46 State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs, 2001 box folder Request box V.98 1 [Pfizer], 2001 V.98 2 Physician Fees, 2002 V.98 3 House R Bill- CBO [Congressional Budget Office], 2002 V.98 4 Drug Bill- CBO [Congressional Budget Office], 2002 V.98 5 PBM Accountability [Prescription Drugs], undated V.98 6 Drug Prices, undated V.98 7 McCain/ Schumer, 2001-2002 V.98 8 Pharmacy Amendment, 2002 V.98 9 PD [Prescription Drug] Advertising Bill, 2002 V.98 10 "Tri-Partisan" Bill, 2002 V.98 11 Hagel/ Ensign, 2002 V.98 12 FY2003 Budget, 2002 V.98 13 Superfund and Brounfields, 2001-2002 V.98 14 401(K) Articles, 2002 V.98 15 [Physicians for Social Responsibility], undated V.98 16 Yucca Information, 2001-2002 V.98 17 [Identity Theft], 2002 V.98 18 [Legislative Activities], 2000 V.98 19 TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Language, 2001 V.98 20 American Television Association, undated V.98 21 Cable Television Association, 2002 V.98 22 Ticketmaster, 2002 V.98 23 Broadband Internet Access, 2002 V.98 24 Public Service- Telcom., 2002 V.98 25 Oceanographic Research, undated V.98 26 Job Corps, 2002 V.98 27 Snack Foods- Packaging, 2002 V.98 28 Professional Firefighters, 2002 V.98 29 Unemployment Insurance, 2002 V.98 30 BPW [Business and Professional Women] / GA, 2002 V.98 31 Human Resource Management, 2002 V.98 32 Textile Rental Association, 2002 V.98 33 National Treasury Employees, 2002 V.98 34 American Federation of Government of Employees, 2002 V.98 35 Carpenter Local Union 225, 2002 V.98 36 American Institute of Architects, 2002 V.98 37 Minimum Wage, 2001 V.98 38 HHS [Health and Human Services], 2000-2001 V.98 39 Sickle Cell, 2001 V.98 40 Lupus, 2001 V.98 41 [CDC (Centers for Disease Control) Master Plan: Letter], 2001 V.98 42 Rockdale City Complex, 2001 V.98 43 [Project Memos], 2001 V.98 44 CONTACT Phone Bank, 2001 V.98 45 Epilepsy, undated V.98 46 Children's GME [Graduate Medical Education], 2001 V.98 47 Georgia Colorectal Screening And Research Demonstration Project, 2001 V.98 48 Grady/ AIDS, 2001 V.98 49 National Eye Institution, 2001 V.98 50 Vocational Rehab, undated V.98 51 Long Term Care, undated V.98 52 Title X Funding, 2001 V.98 53 Community Health Centers, 2001 V.98 54 Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices Funding, 2001 V.98 55 NIH [National Institute of Health] Funding, 2001 V.98 56 Job Corps, 2001 V.98 57 GA Tech Orthotic/ Prosthetic Ed./ Research, undated V.98 58 Trauma Care, 2001 V.98 59 Brain Injury, 2001 V.98 60 Sleep Sciences, 2001 V.98 61 CDC [Centers for Disease Control] Support Letter, 2001 V.98 62 Morehouse School of Medicine, 2000-2001 V.98 63 [Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Bill Requests], 2001 V.98 64 [Georgia Parole Board-Results Driven Supervision], 2001 V.98 65 [Workforce Investment Act Youth Activities programs], 2001 V.98 66 [Treasury and General Government Appropriations Bill], 2001 V.98 67 Alzheimer's, 2001 V.98 68 Labor/HHS [Health and Humans Services], 2001 V.98 69 Rural Community Service Programs, 2001 V.98 70 [Veterans Affairs Hospital Workers-Premium Payment for Weekend Work], 2001 V.98 71 [401Ks and Retirement Savings Plans], 2001 V.98 72 [U.S. Department of Labor - Job Training Programs], 2001 V.98 73 [Grant in Aid Funding], 2001 V.98 74 [Metalcasting Industries for the Future Program], 2001 V.98 75 [Medical Research Grants], 2001 V.98 76 Kidney Research, undated V.98 77 [Alzheimer's], 2001 V.98 78 Early Hearing Detection/Intervention, undated V.98 79 DC [District of Columbia] Appropriations, 2001 V.98 80 FIRE [Fire Fighter Investment and Response Enhancement] Act, 2001 V.98 81 General Information, 2001 V.98 82 [Mercy Housing], 2001 V.98 83 Carroll City Complex, 2001 V.98 84 VA [Veterans Affairs] Research, 2001 V.98 85 YouthBuild, 2001 V.98 86 Coalition for Advanced Biomaterials Technologies and Therapies (CABTT), 2001 V.98 87 [EDI and STAG Special Projects Information], undated V.98 88 Department of Defense Osteoporosis Research Program, 2001 V.98 89 SE [Southeast] Regional Archives (Treasury, Postal), 2001 V.98 90 Russell Building - Treasury, 2001 V.98 91 FLETC [ Federal Law Enforcement Training Center], undated V.98 92 Home Health-Conferees, 2001 V.98 93 YouthBuild, undated V.98 94 GSI [Gulf States Initiative], 2001 V.98 95 [Mercy Housing], 2001 box folder Request box V.99 1 11th Circuit Office Space, 2001 V.99 2 11th Circuit, 2001 V.99 3 Savannah Courthouse-Treasury, 2001 V.99 4 Public Safety Works Collective Bargaining, 2000-2001 V.99 5 [Physician-Scientist Loan Repayment], 2000 V.99 6 Occupational Therapy in the Medical Home Health Care Benefit, 2000 V.99 7 American Dental Education Association and the 107th Congress: Partners for Access and Oral Healthcare, 2001 V.99 8 Briefing on Misnamed Pain Relief Promotion Act, 2000 V.99 9 [Pediatric Healthcare], 2000 V.99 10 [Minority Healthcare], 1998-1999 V.99 11 Rural Healthcare Plan, 1998 V.99 12 [Funding for Healthcare Organizations], 2000 V.99 13 Healthnet, Inc. - W. Anthony, 2000 V.99 14 Black Belt-Letters, 2001-2002 V.99 15 Black Belt, 2001 V.99 16 Andrew College, 2002 Homeland Security box folder Request box V.99 17 Appropriations-Homeland Security, 2002-2003 V.99 18 Appropriations-Homeland Security, 2003-2004 V.99 19 Homeland Security: PHAs that Failed to Obligate 90% by Field Office by FY98, FY99, FY2000, FY 2001, 2002 V.99 20 Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act, 2001-2002 V.99 21 Homeland Security: All PHAs Obligation by Field Office by FY98, FY99, FY2000, FY2001, 2001-2004 Immigration box folder Request box V.99 22 Immigration, 2003 V.99 23 Rep. Drenner, 2003 V.99 24 Nayaga Case, 2003 V.99 25 Haitian Immigration, 2003 V.99 26 Refugee Resettlement in Georgia, undated V.99 27 Random Information, 2003 V.99 28 Immigration, 2003-2004 V.99 29 [Homeland Security Enhancement Act], 2003 V.99 30 Birthright Citizenship, 2003 box folder Request box V.100 1 Immigration Reform Act (S.2010), 2004 V.100 2 Bookings Institution-Immigration Patterns in U.S. Metropolitan Area, 2004 Judiciary box folder Request box V.100 3 Class Action, 2003 V.100 4 Judge Evans-Deputy Marshalls, 2002 V.100 5 Bankruptcy Reform, 2003 V.100 6 Judge Cotton Bankruptcy Judges, 2002 V.100 7 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, 2003 V.100 8 MCI Worldcom, 2003 V.100 9 10 Year Check up on Civil Rights, 2003 V.100 10 Report on Trial Lawyers, 2003 V.100 11 FCC fines, 2004 V.100 12 Federal Marriage Amendment, 2004 V.100 13 Patriot Act, 2003 V.100 14 J. Tom Morgan Loan Forgiveness, 2002-2003 V.100 15 Asbestos Litigation, 2003 Social Security box folder Request box V.100 16 Strengthening Social Security-The Attacks and the Facts, undated V.100 17 President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security, 2001 V.100 18 [Social Security Privatization], 2002 V.100 19 Strengthening Social Security and Creating Personal Wealth for All Americans, 2001 V.100 20 CATO Institute Report on Social Security, 2000-2002 box folder Request box V.101 1 President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security, 2002 V.101 2-6 Social Security Reform, 2001-2003 V.101 7 The Economics of Retirement and Social Security-Mercatus Center, George Mason University, 2001 V.101 8 SSI [Supplemental Security Income] Annual Statistical Report, 2000-2001 V.101 9 Social Security Privatization Briefing Binder, undated V.101 10 Social Security Guarantee Plus Act, 2003 Tax Issues box folder Request box V.101 11 Postman-Carolina RSA [Retirement Securities and Savings Act], 2000 V.101 12 [Retirement Security and Pension Reform], 2002-2003 V.101 13 New Markets Tax Credit, 2000-2003 V.101 14 10 Year Rule, Meeting Regarding Bonds, 2003 V.101 15 Marriage Penalty and Child Tax, 2001 V.101 16 Tax: International Business, 2001-2002 V.101 17 Internet Tax, 2001-2004 box folder Request box V.102 1 Internet Tax, 2001-2004 V.102 2 Individual Development Account (IDA), 2001 V.102 3 Hope, 2001-2004 V.102 4 [Tax Cut for Teachers], 2002 V.102 5 [Treasury Department Notice 96-8], 2003 V.102 6 [35% Consolidated Return Limitation - Insurance Companies], 2003 V.102 7 Foreign Sales Corporations/Extraterritorial Income (FSC/ETI), 2003 V.102 8 [Tax Requests for Reconciliation Bill], 2003 V.102 9 Gas Tax, 2001 V.102 10 Fair Tax, 2001-2003 V.102 11-12 Estate Tax, 2001-2003 V.102 13 Retirement Security and Savings Act-The Savings Coalition of America, 2001 V.102 14 Retirement CD [Certificate of Deposit], 1994 V.102 15 R&D [Research and Development] Credit, 2001 V.102 16 [Tax Cuts], 2001 V.102 17 Balanced Federal Budget, 2002 V.102 18 Moynihan on Deficit and Debt, 1990-1996 Transportation box folder Request box V.102 19 Federal and State Universal Service Programs and Challenges to Funding, 2002 V.102 20 MARTA Operating Budget-Performance Reports and Presentations [Transportation], 2002-2003 V.102 21-22 [Telecommunications-Litigation and Legislation], 2002-2004 box folder Request box V.103 1 Triennial Review, 2003 V.103 2 Compilation of Selected Acts Within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, 2001 V.103 3 [Subcommittee on Transportation-Received Appropriations Requests, 2002-2003 V.103 4 Belt Line, undated V.103 5 Scenic Byways, 2004 V.103 6 Aiken/Augusta Highway Improvements Plan, undated V.103 7 [City of Morrow Bicycle and Pedestrian Path System], 2004 V.103 8 [Lewis Road Improvements Project - Cobb County], 2001 V.103 9 [Transportation Appropriations], 2004 V.103 10 Briefing on Georgia Highway 92 Realignment Project, 2004 V.103 11 Transportation Funding and Enhancement Programs Support Information, 2004 V.103 12 MEGA [Maximum Economic Growth for America] Trust Act, 2001 V.103 13 City of Atlanta Wastewater Improvement Program, 2002 V.103 14 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, 2002 V.103 15 [Army Corps of Engineers-Maintenance of the Savannah River Harbor], 2002 V.103 16 Briefing on Georgia Highway 92 Realignment Project, 2003-2004 V.103 17 Ft. Stewart -Wright Airfield Development Project, 2002 V.103 18 [Appropriations for Public Transportation in Georgia], 2003 V.103 19-20 Transportation Appropriations FY [Fiscal Year] 2004, 2003 V.103 21 National Park Service Organic Act-Personal Watercraft Time Extension, undated V.103 22 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Program, 2002 V.103 23 Forwarded Letters, 2000-2001 V.103 24 UN [United Nations] Charter for Global Democracy, 2000 V.103 25 Letters of Support, 2002 V.103 26 Miller Bill to Amend Hope, 2000 box folder Request box V.104 1 Dear Colleagues, 2002 V.104 2 Vision 100-Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act, 2004 V.104 3 [Airline Marketing Agreement; Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century], 2003-2004 V.104 4 Signed Letters, 2002-2004 V.104 5 Completed Letters, 2002-2003 V.104 6 Eisenhower, 2001 V.104 7 Blairsville Airport Appropriations, 2004 V.104 8 Highway 78, 2004 V.104 9 [Appropriations for Transportation Management], 2003 V.104 10 Aiken/Augusta Highway Improvements Plan; Paulding County Business and Technology Park, 19,922,004 V.104 11 [Glynn County-Land Use Compliance Audit], 2004 V.104 12 [Liberty County Joint Use Airport], 2004 V.104 13 County of Cherokee, North Carolina-Andrews-Murphy Airport, 1999-2001 V.104 14 [GRTA [Georgia Regional Transit Authority] Authorization and Appropriations Requests], 2004 V.104 15 2005 Appropriations #2, 2003 V.104 16 2005 Appropriations #6, 2004 V.104 17 2005 Appropriations #12, 2004 V.104 18 2005 Appropriations #11, 16, undated V.104 19 Rome-2005 Appropriations #17, 38, 2004 V.104 20 2005 Appropriations #38, 2004 V.104 21 2005 Appropriations #20, 33, 34, 2004-2005 V.104 22 2005 Appropriations #25, 26, 27, 28, 2004 V.104 23 2005 Appropriations #29, 30, 31, 2004 V.104 24 2005 Appropriations #35, 36, 37, 2004-2005 V.104 25-29 2005 Appropriations #40-45, 2004 V.104 30 Burns Interstate Bill, 2004 V.104 31 Gulfstream Bonus Depreciation, 2004 V.104 32 [CDLIS [Commercial Drivers License Information System] Modernization], undated V.104 33 [Macon Terminal Station], 2004 V.104 34 Cleared Sticker Program, 2004 V.104 35 [Meeting Requests from Telecommunications and Transportation Industry Representatives], 2004 V.104 36 Atlanta Trolley Line (Atlanta Convention Visitors Bureau), 2003 V.104 37 GRTA [Georgia Regional Transportation Authority] Authorization Language, 2003-2004 V.104 38 Jones Act Waiver-PSA [Passenger Services Act] Modified Waiver, undated V.104 39 [Georgia Transit Projects], 2003 V.104 40 [City of Chickamauga Transportation Enhancement Grant Application], 2003 V.104 41 World Airways, 2002-2003 V.104 42 Atlanta Trolley, 2003 V.104 43 Leslie, 2003 V.104 44 Asbestos, 2003 V.104 45 FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] Maintenance Manuals, 2003 V.104 46 I-285 Transit Corridor Project, 2004 V.104 47 MARTA [Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority], 2004-2005 V.104 48 Perimeter Community Improvement Districts, undated V.104 49 Southeastern Economic Alliance-Discussion with Senator Miller, 2002 V.104 50 [International Transportation Council of Atlanta-Request for Additional Federal Inspection Services Resources], 2002 V.104 51 Light Rail, 2001-2004 V.104 52 [Georgia Transit Projects], 2001-2003 V.104 53 [U.S. Customs Service Global Anti-Terrorism Initiatives], 2002 V.104 54 [Letters Thanking Senator Miller for His Support], 2004 V.104 55 Letters, 2003-2004 V.104 56 EPA's [Environmental Protection Agency] New Source Review Program, 2001 V.104 57 [Energy Efficiency and Electricity Sales to Consumers], 2002 V.104 58 [Appropriations Requests for Airports], 2004 V.104 59 [Aiken/Augusta Highway Improvements Plan], 2004 V.104 60 STOP Underage Drinking Act, 2004 V.104 61 Departments of Transportation and Treasury, Independent Agencies, and General Government Appropriations Act, 2005 V.104 62 Shelby Appropriations ITS Request, 2004-2005 V.104 63 Appropriations Forms, 2004-2005 V.104 64 GRTA [Georgia Regional Transit Authority]/MARTA [Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority] Transit Meeting, 2003 V.104 65 GT [Georgia Tech] Technology Square, 2003 V.104 66 Gate Safe, 2003 V.104 67 [Georgia Transit Projects], 2002-2003 V.104 68 Appalachian Regional Commission, 2003 V.104 69 Wireless Number Portability, 2003 V.104 70 FCC [Federal Communications Commission] Rules, 2003 V.104 71 Fox Meeting, 2003 V.104 72 Telecom, 2003 V.104 73 FCC [Federal Communications Commission] Media Ownership Rules, 2003 V.104 74 Energy, 2003 V.104 75 Court House, 2003 box folder Request box V.105 1 TEA-21 [Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century], 2003 V.105 2 FHWA [Federal Highway Administration] and FTA [Federal Transit Administration] Program Accounts, 2004 Press Research Requested by Miller 2000-July 2003 box folder Request box V.105 3 1980 Senate Race, 1980, 1993 V.105 4 1990 Governor Debate, 1990 V.105 5 AEI Taxes Poll, 2003 V.105 6 Bill Archer, 1995-2002 V.105 7 Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act, 2003 V.105 8 Balanced Budget, 2002 V.105 9 Baseball Strike, 2002 V.105 10 Black Belt Articles, 2001 V.105 11 Border Security, 2003 V.105 12 Black History Month, 2003 V.105 13 Breaux/Medicare, 2003 V.105 14 FY 03 Budget Comparisons, 2002 V.105 15 Campaign Finance, 2001 V.105 16 1990 Campaign Finance Reform Act, 1990 V.105 17 Campaign Finance S. E, 1991-1992 V.105 18 Shake Hands on Campaign Finance, 1995-1996 V.105 19 Campaign Finance S. 3, 1993 V.105 20 CAFE [Corporate Average Fuel Economy] Standards, 2003 V.105 21 Jimmy Carter, 1977 V.105 22 CBS/NYT-Polls, 2003 V.105 23 Census-Counties Growth, 2003 V.105 24 Chamber Speech, 2002 V.105 25 Children and the Media (Brownback), 2003 V.105 26 CIA Oversight/9-11 Board of Inquiry, 2001 V.105 27 Clean Coal Technology, 2003 V.105 28 Cloture, 1995-2001 V.105 29 Cloture (Rule XXII), 1993-2003 V.105 30 17th Amendment and Cloture Process, 2002 box folder Request box V.106 1-2 [Filibuster and Congressional History], 2002 V.106 3 Perot Book - Healthcare, undated V.106 4 Political Parties, 1998-2001 V.106 5 Port Security, 2003 V.106 6 African American Poverty Rates, 2001 V.106 7 Childhood Poverty, 2001 V.106 8 Prescription Drug - Pessimistic Outlook, 2002 V.106 9 Prescription Drug - Quotes, 2001-2002 V.106 10 Prescription Drug- Issue Ads, 1999-2000 V.106 11 Pre-Kindergarten, 2003 V.106 12 Presidential Election, 2003 V.106 13 Phil Gramm's Retirement, 2001 V.106 14 Presidential Nominations, 1999-2001 V.106 15 Reserve - National Guard and Reserve Act for the 21st Century, 2003 V.106 16 Richard Russell, 1971 V.106 17 Rumsfeld Breakfast, 2002 V.106 18 Sea Island G-8 Summit, 2003 V.106 19 Southern Economic Development, 1999-2003 V.106 20 Southern States - Elections, undated V.106 21 Southern Elections - Democrats in the South, 2000-2003 V.106 22 Spam, 2003 V.106 23 State Expenditures, 2001-2003 V.106 24 Student Drug Testing, 2002 V.106 25 Three Strikes, 2003 V.106 26 Tri-partisan Drug Plan, 2003 V.106 27 1993 GA [Georgia] Welfare Reform Bill, 1993 V.106 28 Welfare Reform, 2002-2003 V.106 29 1996 Welfare Reform, 1996 V.106 30 WSJ [Wall Street Journal] - Tax cut articles, 2003 V.106 31 Unemployment Rates, 2003 V.106 32 Index - Values Divide, 1998-2000 V.106 33 Victim's Rights, 2002 V.106 34 Veterans / Veterans Day Speeches, 1996-2002 V.106 35 Buy America, 2003 V.106 36 CEO Signature, 2003 V.106 37 Bill Pryor, 2003 V.106 38 SRS [Savannah River Site], 2003 V.106 39 Asbestos, 2003 V.106 40 Gay Related, 2003 V.106 41 Cumberland, 2003 V.106 42 CBS Reality Show, 2003 box folder Request box V.107 1 Atlanta Sewer, 2003 V.107 2 Cares Commission, 2003 V.107 3 Financial Disclosure, 2001-2003 V.107 4 Statue, 1994-2003 V.107 5 B&W [Brown & Williamson], 2003 V.107 6 Green Bonds, 2003 V.107 7 Textiles, 2003 V.107 8 Tobacco Buyout, 2002-2003 V.107 9 Black Belt, 2001 V.107 10 Filibuster, 2003 V.107 11 HOPE, 2004 V.107 12-13 USS Nebraska, 2003 V.107 14 King Site, 2003 V.107 15 Quail, 2003 V.107 16 Crematorium, 1988 V.107 17 Media Invites, 2002-2003 V.107 18 FTAA [Free Trade Area of the Americas], 2002 V.107 19 Book, 2003 V.107 20 F/A-22, 2004 V.107 21 Immigration, 2003 V.107 22 G-8, 2003 V.107 23 June 2002 Taping for NEA on John Lewis, 2002 V.107 24 Tapings, 2002-2003 V.107 25 Constituents, 2001-2003 V.107 26 Completed Project, 2003 V.107 27 Commencement Speeches, 2002 V.107 28 Conscientious Book, 1960, 1988 V.107 29 Death of Character - Reviews, 2000-2003 V.107 30 Death of …, 2003 V.107 31 Death of God, 1965 V.107 32 Death of Right and Wrong Tammy Bruce, 2003 V.107 33 Defense Appropriations Bill, 2002-2003 V.107 34 Defense - Missile Defense, 2002 V.107 35 Democratic Leadership Package, 2003 V.107 36 Diego F. Rincon, 2003 V.107 37 Dividend / Tax Cuts, 2003 V.107 38 DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] National Convention, 2002 V.107 39 Drunk Driving Legislation, 1982-1997, 2003 V.107 40 The Economist, 1999 V.107 41 Economic Stimulus Plans, 2003 V.107 42 Johnny Edwards, 2003 V.107 43 Energy - "The Hill" Special Section, 2003 V.107 44 Environmental Contributions, 2002-2003 V.107 45 Putting History Back Into the Classroom - Health, Education, Hearing, 2003 V.107 46 FEC [Federal Election Commission] Regulations - Non-affiliated Committees, 1995, 2001 V.107 47 Federal Spending, 1999-2003 V.107 48 Fire Department Grants, 2003 V.107 49 Fuel Efficiency Contest, 2003 V.107 50 Floor Statements, 2001-2003 V.107 51 Georgia Lottery, 1990-1992 V.107 52 General Davis - Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2003 V.107 53 Gordian Knot, 2003 V.107 54 Hart / Rudman Summary, 2003 V.107 55 Homeland Security Challenges, 2002 V.107 56 Homeland Security, 2002-2003 V.107 57 HOPE Scholarship, 1993-2003 V.107 58 Illegal Immigrants and Drivers Licenses, 2003 V.107 59 Impact Aid Funding, 2003 V.107 60 International Relations, 2003 V.107 61 Andrew Jackson and the Tariff, 2003 V.107 62 J. Rufus Fears, 2002 V.107 63 Juvenile Offenders, 2000-2003 V.107 64 Lester Maddox, 2003 V.107 65 Linder Tax Cut Plan, 2003 V.107 66 Longshoreman Strike, 2002 V.107 67 Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2003 V.107 68 Malpractice, 2003 V.107 69 Maritime Transportation Security Act, 2002-2003 V.107 70 Max Tax - Gingrich, 1999-2001 V.107 71 Michelle Malkin - Immigration, 2002 V.107 72 Military Tribunals, 2001 V.107 73 Miller - Book Deals, 2002-2003 V.107 74 Miller - Energy, 2000-2002 V.107 75 Miller - Health, 2001-2002 V.107 76 Miller - Homeland Security, 2001-2002 V.107 77 Miller - Taxes / Spending, 2001-2003 V.107 78 Miller - War, 2002 V.107 79 Moynihan and Deficit / Debt, 1990-2002 V.107 80 National Former POW [Prisoner of War] Recognition Day, 2003 V.107 81 Nickles, Miller 2003 Tax Cut, 2003 V.107 82 Op-Eds, 2001-2003 V.107 83 Dr. Eugene Odum, 2002 V.107 84 Older Americans Tax Fairness Act of 2003 Social Security-Shelby, 2003 V.107 85 PAC [Political Action Committee] Op-Eds, 1997 V.107 86 Parole Legislation, 1985, 2001-2002 V.107 87 Partisanship, 2000-2002 box folder Request box V.108 1 Pedophilia, 1997-2002 V.108 2 Additional Pedophile Information, 1998-2002 Press Research Requested by Senator 2003 July-2004 December box folder Request box V.108 3 Ambrose Tours, 2004 V.108 4 17th Amendment, 1997 V.108 5 American Spectator Dinner, 2003 V.108 6 Articles Requested, 2000-2002 V.108 7 Inside the Asylum by Jed Babbin, 2004 V.108 8 Bipartisan Speeches, 2000-2004 V.108 9 Black Elected Officials, 2000 V.108 10 Book and Media Schedule and Biographies, 2003 V.108 11 Border Fence U.S. - Mexico, 2004 V.108 12 Bill O'Reilly Porous Borders, 2002-2004 V.108 13 Border Security, 2003-2004 V.108 14 Boy Scouts, 2001-2004 V.108 15 David Brooks (Weekly Standards), 1997 V.108 16 Budget 2005, 2004 V.108 17 Bush Administration Israel Policy 2004, 2004 V.108 18 Bush Swing State Tours, 2004 V.108 19 Bush Speeches, 2004 V.108 20 Cabinet Elimination, 1994-1996 V.108 21 CAFE [Corporate Average Fuel Economy] Standards, 2004 V.108 22 Campaign Contributions Prohibition During Legislative Session, 2003 V.108 23 Campaign Remarks, 2004 V.108 24 CATO Institute, 2004 V.108 25 Cheney Speeches, 2004 V.108 26 Child Online Protection Act-Supreme Court Decision, 2004 V.108 27 Christ and Christmas, 2004 V.108 28 Christianphobia, 2004 V.108 29 Church and State (books), 2004 V.108 30 Class Action Lawsuits, 2002-2003 V.108 31 Common Good, 2003 V.108 32 Hilary Clinton Articles, 2003 V.108 33 Conservative Books, 2003-2004 V.108 34 Andrew Cuomo, 2003 V.108 35 D-Day, 1994-2004 V.108 36 D-Day Anniversary, 1944, 2004 V.108 37 D-Day Museum, 2004 V.108 38 Deficits, 2003-2004 V.108 39 Democratic Presidential Primary-Georgia 1988 (AJC [Atlanta Journal Constitution] Article), 1988-1996 V.108 40 Distance Education, 2003 V.108 41 DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 2003 National Convention, 2003 V.108 42 DLC [Democratic Leadership Council], 2004 V.108 43 Dr. James Dobson Remarks, 2004 V.108 44 Drug Control Budget Numbers, 2003 V.108 45 Earth Liberation Front, 2004 V.108 46 Economy (Current Status), 2003 V.108 47 Election 2004 (Predicting Democrat Win, 2004 V.108 48 Election Results 2000 State by State, 2000-2004 V.108 49 Election Results 2004, 2003-2004 V.108 50 Electoral College (South), 2004 V.108 51 Electronic Prescription Drug, 2002-2003 V.108 52 Eminent Domain, 2001-2004 V.108 53 2004 Election Analysis, 2004 V.108 54 Fair Tax-Linder, 1999-2002 V.108 55 Fannie Mae, undated V.108 56 Federal Marriage Amendment-House Debate, 2004 V.108 57 Flyboys by James Bradley, 2003 V.108 58 FMA [Federal Marriage Amendment?], 2004 V.108 59 G-8 (Sea Island), 2004 V.108 60 Gay Marriage, 2004 V.108 61 Georgia Governor Results, 1994-2003 V.108 62 GSU [Georgia State University] Direction of State Poll, 2003 V.108 63 Gun Bill, 2004 V.108 64-65 Human Events, 2004 V.108 66 Immigration, 2004 V.108 67 Immigration and Sessions, 2004 V.108 68 Immigration (House Speeches During Intel Reform Debate), 2004 V.108 69 Imus in the Morning, 2004 V.108 70 International Criminal Court (Senate Floor), 2001-2002 V.108 71 Iran/Terrorism, 2003 V.108 72 Iowa Caucus (2000), 2003 V.108 73 Iraq, 2003 V.108 74 Iraq Event, 2004 V.108 75 Iraq Supplement, 2003 box folder Request box V.109 1 Senator Jim Jeffords, 2001 V.109 2 Judicial Activism, 2002-2004 V.109 3 Judicial Nominee Janice Brown, 2003 V.109 4 Judiciary (Weekly Standard Articles), 1996-2003 V.109 5 Judiciary (Human Events), 2003 V.109 6 Judiciary (National Review), 2002-2003 V.109 7-8 Kennedy-Iraq, 2004 V.109 9 Dr. Kennedy Interview, 2003 V.109 10 Kerry Nomination Acceptance Speech, 2004 V.109 11 Charles Krauthammer Speech, 2004 V.109 12 Lieberman, 2004 V.109 13 Anatol Lieven (Prospect), 2004 V.109 14 Huey Long, undated V.109 15 Louisiana Gay Marriage Vote, 2004 V.109 16 Bill Lowery Speech for Memorial Service, 2004 V.109 17 James Madison, 2004 V.109 18 Kudlow and Cramer (National Review /New York Magazine), 2003 V.109 19 Legislation Search, undated V.109 20 Marshall Plan (Newsweek), 1948 V.109 21 Media - Indecency and Violence, 2000-2004 V.109 22 Meet the Press/Fox News Sunday Transcripts, 2003-2004 V.109 23 Microchips for Pets, 1995 V.109 24 Miller Campaign Stops, 2004 V.109 25 Minimum Wage, 2000-2004 V.109 26 Missouri Gay Marriage Debate, 2004 V.109 27 National Guard, 2003-2004 V.109 28 NBA [National Basketball Association] Brawl, 2004 V.109 29 NYP [New York Post], 2004 V.109 30 Nielsen Ratings, undated V.109 31 Nixon Library, 2004 V.109 32 No Frills University, 2004 V.109 33 Op-eds (Religion and 2004 Election), 2004 V.109 34 Pentagon/Boy Scouts, 2004 V.109 35 Ralph Peters, 2004 V.109 36 Population, 2003 V.109 37 PROTECT [Prosecuting Remedies and Tools Against the Exploitation of Children Today] Act, 2003 V.109 38 2004 Presidential Debates, 2004 V.109 39 Public Policy Institutes, 2003 V.109 40 Quemoy and Matsu (Kennedy -1960 Election), 1960 V.109 41 Republican National Convention Speech, 2004 V.109 42 RNC [Republican National Convention] Winter Meeting Remarks, 2004 V.109 43 Theodore Roosevelt 1904 Hostage Situation, 2001-2003 V.109 44 Safety of America, 2003-2004 V.109 45 Senate Campaigns, undated V.109 46 Senate Races, 2004 V.109 47 Benefits of Smaller High Schools, 2003 V.109 48 Sex Offenders (Repeat Offenders), 2002-2003 V.109 49 Sex Offender Legislation 108th Congress, 2003 V.109 50 Gordon Smith (R-OR) NATO Speech, 2004 V.109 51 Sleeper Cells, 2003-2004 V.109 52 Southern States 2004 Presidential Primary Results and Recent Governor Results, 1998-2004 V.109 53 Speaker's Bureau Ant-Bush Remarks, 2004 V.109 54 Speeches on Presidential Politics, 2004 V.109 55 State of the Union-Clinton, 1995-1996 V.109 56 Bill Stephens, undated V.109 57 Steroids in Athletics, 2001-2004 V.109 58 Stephen Schwartz, 2002-2004 V.109 59-60 Swift Boat, 2004 V.109 61 Taxes-Bush Remarks, 2004 V.109 62 Tejeda Tribute in House, 1997 V.109 63 Alabama/Pryor/10 Commandments, 2003 V.109 64 Textile Jobs, 2003 V.109 65 Alexis de Tocqueville, undated V.109 66 Trial Article (Senator Howell Heflin), 1990 V.109 67 UGA [University of Georgia] Academic Calendar, 2004 V.109 68 Unfunded Mandates, 2004 V.109 69 UN [United Nations] Oil for Food Scandal, 2004 V.109 70 United Nations (Barnes, Jeffrey, Kristol), 1982, 1999-2004 V.109 71 UN [United Nations] Columns by Paul Weyrich, 2004 V.109 72 Vietnam Draft Dodger Pardons, 2004 V.109 73 War in Iraq - Opposition from Celebrities/Academics, 2002-2004 V.109 74 Ben Wattenberg (Values Matter Most), 1995 V.109 75 Women in Combat, 1997-2004 V.109 76 107th Congress Legislation, 2001-2004 box folder Request box V.110 1 3245 (i) [Immigration], 2001 V.110 2 Farm Workers Wage Equity, 2001 V.110 3 NACARA [Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act] Parity, 2001 V.110 4 Long Term Detainees, 2001 V.110 5 Unborn Victims of Violence, 2001 V.110 6 Immigrants to New Americans Act, 2001 V.110 7 [Federal Three Strikes Law], 2001 V.110 8 H1B Visas, 2000 V.110 9 Contract Numbers, 2001 V.110 10 Good Worker Program, 2001 V.110 11 Cambodia/Vietnam Adoptions, 2002 V.110 12-13 Compromise Election Reform Bill, 2001-2002 V.110 14 Military Tribunals/Counter Terrorism, 2001 V.110 15 [Texas Faith-Based Initiative], 2002 V.110 16 A Nation of Immigrants - American Immigration Lawyers Association, 2002 V.110 17 Gun Show Background Check Act of 2001, 2002 V.110 18 Harken/Allen Terrorism Victim Bill, 2002 V.110 19 Border Security, 2002 V.110 20 Savannah Courthouse-Tomochichi, 2002 V.110 21 Gun Suits Bill, 2002 V.110 22 Refugee Briefing, 2002 V.110 23 Police Corps Program, undated V.110 24 Helms Family Planning Amendment, 2001 V.110 25 Bankruptcy Bill, 2001 box folder Request box V.111 1 Bankruptcy Bill Memo, 2001 V.111 2 Generally or Bill, 1998-2001 V.111 3 Background: Bankruptcy 'Reform', 2000-2001 V.111 4 Final Senate Bill, 2001 V.111 5 Bankruptcy Reform, 2000 V.111 6 [Immigration and Nationality Act], 2000 V.111 7 Georgia Legal Loan Forgiveness Task Force-Final Report, 2001 V.111 8 Gun Control, 2002 V.111 9 [National Bankruptcy Conference], 2001 V.111 10 Lloyd's, 1998-2001 V.111 11 Amendment Summaries, 2001 V.111 12 Paycheck Loans, 2001 V.111 13 Ergonomics, 2001 V.111 14 Carnahan-Means Testing, 2001 V.111 15 Sessions-Evictions, 2001 V.111 16 Durbin Substitution, undated V.111 17 Lease Assumptions, 2001 V.111 18 Conrad, 2001 V.111 19 IRA [Individual Retirement Accounts], 2001 V.111 20 [Amendment and Bill Data], 2001 V.111 21 Fenstien-Kid's Credit Cards, undated V.111 22 Leachy-Kid's ID's, undated V.111 23 Schumer, 2001 V.111 24 Bingaman-Energy, undated V.111 25 Wellstone-Plan Administration, 2001 V.111 26 Kennedy-Health Insurance, undated V.111 27 Evictions, 2001 V.111 28 Lease Assumptions, 2001 V.111 29 TAA [Trade Adjustment Assistance], 2001 V.111 30 Wellstone Medical Amendment, 2001 V.111 31 Kerry-Small Business, undated V.111 32 Homestead, 2001 V.111 33 Privacy, 2001 V.111 34 Predatory Lending, 2001 V.111 35 Cramdowns, 2001 V.111 36 Wyndon/Smith Energy, 2001 V.111 37 [Brown College of Court Reporting Funding Request], 2002 V.111 38 Tamperproof Document System Project, undated V.111 39 GSI [Gulf States Initiatives] Briefing, undated V.111 40 [Save the Justice Institute], 2002 V.111 41-42 Model State Drug Laws, 2001 V.111 43 Crain Consulting, 2002 V.111 44 Tobacco Market Transition Act, 2003 V.111 45 Chemical Facilities Security Act, 2003 V.111 46 Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, 2003 V.111 47 Briggs and Stratton Roll Call Advertisement, 2003 V.111 48 Commodity Credit Corporation, 2003 V.111 49-51 TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority], 2001 V.111 52 Early Action Compact, 2003 box folder Request box V.112 1 Early Action Compact, 2003 V.112 2 Congressional Record No. 174-Book II, 2003 V.112 3 [Natural Disasters and Insurance Coverage], 2004 V.112 4 [Funding for Agriculture and Farming], 2004 V.112 5 [The Wilderness Act; Savannah Harbor Expansion Project], 2004 V.112 6 [Tobacco and Cigarette Regulation], 2004 V.112 7 [Appropriations Requests], 2004 V.112 8 Indian Affairs, 2004 V.112 9 [Environment], 2004 V.112 10 [Meritt Myers-Schedule], 2004 V.112 11 [City of Atlanta Sewer Repairs], 2003 V.112 12 [Fishery Disaster Funds], 2003 V.112 13 [Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District], 2004 V.112 14 Augusta Canal National Heritage Area, 2003 V.112 15 American Frozen Food Institute, 2004 V.112 16 TAA [Trade Adjustment Assistance] Secretariat / TAA [Trade Adjustment Assistance] Reorganization, 2002 V.112 17 Requested D.C.'s [Dear Colleagues], 2003 V.112 18 Dated Dear Colleagues, 2002-2003 V.112 19 Tobacco Buyout, 2002 V.112 20-21 Cuba, 2002 V.112 22 Homeland Security Bill (S. 2794), 2002 V.112 23 Trade and Tariffs Act, 2002 V.112 24 Cambodia Adoption, 2002-2003 V.112 25 Falun Gong, 2002 V.112 26 Cumberland Island and Chattooga, 2002 V.112 27 Leslie Stuff, 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.113 1 Plutonium Disposition Program, 2003 V.113 2 Waste to Energy, 2003 V.113 3 Agricultural Export Issues with Mexico, 2003 V.113 4 Transportation, undated V.113 5 9/11 Commission, 2002 V.113 6 Memos, 2002-2003 V.113 7 Stabilization Request, 2003 V.113 8 HWY [Highway] 78 Corridor Improvement, 2002 V.113 9 Meeting Sheets, 2003 V.113 10 Labor, 2001-2002 V.113 11 Energy and Environment (Paul McKnight), 2002 V.113 12 Federal Government, 2002 V.113 13 Agriculture / Labor, 2002 V.113 14 Foreign Relations, 2002-2003 V.113 15 Trade / Immigration, 2002 V.113 16 Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District, 2003 V.113 17 Georgia Firearms Program, 2001 V.113 18 Guns S. 2581, 2001 V.113 19 Airline Pilots, 2002 V.113 20 Landrieu Letter, 2002 V.113 21 Commercial Manufacturer, 2002 V.113 22 Fair Trade Group, 2001-2003 V.113 23 [Gun Legislation], 2002 V.113 24 Radium Springs Casino, 2001-2003 V.113 25 Letters of Endorsement, 2003 V.113 26 Skywater, 2003 V.113 27 Chattahoochee Fall Line Ecosystem Restoration Project, 2004 V.113 28 Chattahoochee Fall Line, 2004 V.113 29 [American Wood-Preservers' Association Standard C24-96, 2004 V.113 30 [Gun Legislation], 2004 V.113 31 NRA [National Rifle Association] Bills 108th, 2004 V.113 32 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, 2003-2004 V.113 33 Georgia Biorefinery Research, Development and Demonstration Program, 2004 V.113 34 [Water Resources Development Act-Georgia Water Resources to be Considered], 2004 V.113 35 WRDA [Water Resources Development Act] - S. 2773, 2004 V.113 36 WRDA [Water Resources Development Act] Stuff, 2004 V.113 37 WRDA [Water Resources Development Act] Senate Markup, 2004 V.113 38 Savannah District Mission Areas (US Army Corps of Engineers, 2004 box folder Request box V.114 1 FSA [Farm Service Agency] Workload Analysis FY 2002, 2003 V.114 2 FSA [Farm Service Agency] Workload Analysis FY 2003, 2003 V.114 3 FSA [Farm Service Agency] Workload Analysis FY 2001, 2001-2003 V.114 4 Medicare Reform, 2001 V.114 5 Stem Cell Research, 2001 V.114 6 Patients Bill of Rights, 2001 V.114 7 Minimum Wage, 2001 V.114 8 Other, 2000-2003 V.114 9 Miller Remarks, 2001 V.114 10 Labor HHS [Health and Human Services] FY03 Appropriations Letters, 2002 V.114 11 Dr. Roznik Letter Regarding AIDS Council, 2002 V.114 12 Human Rights Campaign, 2001 V.114 13 Broadband Internet Letter, 2001 V.114 14 Regulations Moratorium, 2001 V.114 15 Genetic Discrimination, 2001 V.114 16 3 Strikers, 2001 V.114 17 Bomb Threats, 2001 V.114 18 Public Safety Officers Benefits Improvement Act, 2001 V.114 19 Biden's Juvenile Justice Bill, 2001 V.114 20 Law Enforcement Officers Due Process Act, 2001 V.114 21 FBI Policy Regarding Warrant Information, 2001 V.114 22 Good Samaritan Volunteer Firefighter Assistance Act, 2001 V.114 23 SmartCOP [Domestic Terrorism], 2001 V.114 24 FLETC [Federal Law Enforcement Training Center], 2001 V.114 25 New Immigration Procedures for Entrants from Arab Countries, undated V.114 26 DOJ [Department of Justice] Suit in Albany, Georgia, 2002 V.114 27 ND [Northern District] Georgia Bankruptcy Judges, 2002 V.114 28 Policy Changes on Sponsorship, 2002 V.114 29 Death Penalty Integrity Act, 2002 V.114 30 [Federal Penalties for the Purchase of a Firearm by a Felon], 2001 box folder Request box V.115 1 Racial Profiling, 2001-2002 V.115 2 Domestic Violence, 2000-2001 V.115 3 Anti-Sikh Discrimination Resolution: Drug Addiction, 2001 V.115 4 Drug Addiction, 2001 V.115 5 DP [Death Penalty] Moratorium, 2001 V.115 6 Marshall's Service, 2001 V.115 7 Firefighters Caucus, 2001 V.115 8 EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Whistleblower from UGA [University of Georgia], 1998 V.115 9 Safety Bullet, 2001 V.115 10 Hate Crimes, 2001 V.115 11 COPS [Community Oriented Policing Services] Information Kit, 2001 V.115 12 The Success of COPS [Community Oriented Policing Services] and the Challenges for the Future, 2002 V.115 13 School Drug Testing, 1998-2000 V.115 14 ENDA [Employment Non-Discrimination Act], 2001 V.115 15 Marriage Constitutional Amendment, 2001 V.115 16 VAWA [Violence Against Women Act], 2000-2001 V.115 17 VAWA [Violence Against Women Act] Office Bill, 2000-2001 V.115 18 Stonewall Democrats, 2001 V.115 19 Partial Birth Abortion, 2000 V.115 20 City of Atlanta-Justice USMS [United States Marshals Service] and Homicide Prevention, 2001 V.115 21 None of the Above, 2000-2001 V.115 22 ICC [International Criminal Court], 2001 V.115 23 Crime Bill, undated V.115 24 No Good Time Credits, 2001 V.115 25 Anti-Drug Ads, 2001 V.115 26 Drug Certification, 2001 V.115 27 Drug Czar, 2001 V.115 28 COPS [Community Oriented Policing Services] Program, 2001 V.115 29 Paycheck Protection, 1998 V.115 30 Claims for WWII [World War II] Veterans, 2001 V.115 31 Terrorism Re-insurance/Class Actions, 2001 V.115 32 ADA [Americans with Disabilities Act] Notification Act, 2001 V.115 33 International Family Planning, 2002 V.115 34 Family Planning, 2000 V.115 35 Binding Arbitration Agreements-Credit Cards, 2001 V.115 36 Tort Reform, 2001 V.115 37 Frank Strickland-LSC [Legal Services Corporation], 2001 V.115 38 [Class Action Fairness Act], 2001-2002 V.115 39 The Financial Services Roundtable, undated V.115 40 Aegon-Class Action Fairness Act, undated V.115 41 Tort Reform-Alex, 2000-2001 V.115 42 County Resolutions, 2002 V.115 43 [Wastewater Treatment], 2000-2001 V.115 44 Environmental Correspondence-Corporate, 2000 V.115 45 EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], 2000 V.115 46 Environmental Correspondence-Constituent, 2000 V.115 47 Environmental News, 2000 box folder Request box V.116 1 [Tennessee Valley Authority], 2000 V.116 2 [Information Technology Association of America], 2001 V.116 3 [Telecommunications Information], 2000-2001 V.116 4 [Telecommunications Newsletters], 2000 V.116 5 Estate Tax-DPC [Democratic Policy Committee] Sheets, 2001 V.116 6 Tax Cut, 2001 V.116 7 Campaign Finance Reform, undated V.116 8 Miller Requests/ Merrit Staff, 2001 V.116 9 2001 Prescription Drug Benefit, 2000-2001 V.116 10 PDB [Prescription Drug Benefit] 2000, 2000-2001 V.116 11 [Federal Agency Spending and Taxes], 2001 V.116 12 MA [Mary Ann] Memos to Miller, 2001 V.116 13 Black Belt, 2001-2003 V.116 14 Miller Letters-Cosign and Letters to Executives, 2001-2003 V.116 15 Memos to ZM [Zell Miller], 2000-2001 V.116 16 Vaccine Safety, 2001 V.116 17 AHPs [Association Health Plans] Health Mants MEWAS [Multiemployer Welfare Arrangements], 2000 V.116 18 MEDMAL [Medical Malpractice], 2003 V.116 19 ARC [Appalachian Regional Commission]-Black Belt, 2001 box folder Request box V.117 1 Media Requests, 2001-2002 V.117 2 [Cartoons], 2003 V.117 3 [Newspaper Articles about Environmental Legislation], 2002-2003 V.117 4 [United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement; China's Currency Undervaluation], 2003 V.117 5 [Agriculture], 2002-2003 V.117 6 [Transportation and Treasury Appropriations Requests], 2002-2003 V.117 7 BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure], 2003 V.117 8 [Prescription Drugs], 2002 V.117 9 [Floor Vote Report], 2003 V.117 10 Eminent Domain, 2002-2004 V.117 11 Tax Cuts, 2001 V.117 12 Homeland Security, 2003 V.117 13 Defense/Military Construction, 2002-2003 V.117 14-15 Appropriations Support Letter, 2000-2001 V.117 16 Co-Sponsored Legislation, 2000 V.117 17-18 Meeting Memos, 2000-2001 V.117 19 [Democratic Leadership Council], 2000-2001 V.117 20 [Congressional Research Service-Analysis and Research Information], 2000-2001 V.117 21-22 JM Small Business, 1998-2000 V.117 23 JM Arts, 2001 V.117 24 JM Postal, 2000-2001 box folder Request box V.118 1 JM Social Security, 2000-2001 V.118 2 [Reynoldstown 130 Years-A Collective Spirit], 1999 V.118 3 [Neighborhood Housing and Banking Issues], 2001 V.118 4-5 [Housing and Redevelopment], 2001 V.118 6 Arts and Humanities, 2000-2001 V.118 7 Dear Colleagues, 2001 V.118 8 Postal Service, 2000-2001 V.118 9 Postal Service-Postal Supervisors, 2001 V.118 10 Postmasters Fairness and Rights Act, 2001 V.118 11 Postal Service, 2000 V.118 12-13 HBCU [Historically Black Colleges and Universities] Appropriations, 2000-2001 V.118 14-15 Housing, 2001 V.118 16 International Education, 2000 V.118 17 Small Business, 2000-2001 V.118 18 Social Security, 2001 box folder Request box V.119 1 Retirement Income Security, 2001 V.119 2 Special Projects, 2000-2001 V.119 3 Senator, 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 9 Atlanta Gateway to the Future FTAA Bid Books [Free Trade Area of the Americas] [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 41 CJS [Commerce, Justice, Science] Appropriations [digital files], 2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 10 Dear Chairman Letter US Naval Sea Cadet Corps [digital files], 2000 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 11 FY03 VA-HUD Appropriations [Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development] [digital files], 2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 12 Governors Draft Preliminary Report of the US Commission on Ocean Policy [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 42 H.R. 25: The Fair Tax - From the Office of Representative John Linder [digital files], 2003-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 13 Master Plan and Capabilities Savannah CRTC [Combat Readiness Training Center] and 165 AW [digital files], 2002-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 43 Morehouse School of Medicine Project in L-HHS [Labor, Health and Human Services, Education] Appropriations Bill [digital files], 2000 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 14 Protecting America at Home and Abroad 2004 National Guard Posture Statement [digital files], 2002-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 15 Savannah Impact Program _ Senate Comm Request [digital files], 2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 16 Southern Forest Resource Assessment [digital files], 2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 44 Technology Square Document; Draft Hr from Sen Miller to Sen Ridge [digital files], 2003
Subseries C. Press
, 1940-2012 (2000-2005) (
10 box(es)
(10 linear feet and 770 megabytes)
)Subseries C. Press is composed of newspaper clippings about Miller's Senate career, as well as copies of Miller's press releases, speeches and floor statements, opinion pieces, newsletters, and website. The subseries documents his viewpoints on a wide variety of issues, including agriculture, appropriations and the government's budget, education, healthcare, the justice system, the military, national security, and taxes. This subseries contains digital files. To access these files, please request the folders you would like through the finding aid using your research account . An archivist will be in contact with you to explain how to access the files. Please note that not all file formats are currently supported by the library for research use. Joan Kirchner Files box folder Request box V.120 1 Filibuster-Judicial Nominations, 2003 V.120 2 Pickering Nomination, 2003 V.120 3 Kemp-Miller Op-Ed, 2001 V.120 4 Voinovich-Miller Bill, 2001 V.120 5 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed - Cut Spending, 2003 V.120 6 Tax Cut, 2002-2003 V.120 7 Capital Gains, 2001 V.120 8 Tax Cut, 2000-2001 V.120 9 Tax Cut Permanent/Capital Gains Tax Cut, 2002 V.120 10 Banking, 2002 V.120 11 HUD [Department of Housing and Urban Development] Grants, 2001-2003 V.120 12 Housing/Economic Development, 2001-2002 V.120 13 Airlines, 2003 V.120 14 Predatory Lending, 2002 V.120 15 Budget of Federal Impact Aid, 2003 V.120 16 Farm Bill Payment Limits, 2002 V.120 17 Japan Poultry, 2002 V.120 18 Peanuts, 2001-2003 V.120 19 AG [Agriculture] Symposium, 2001 V.120 20 Chemical Plants, 2002-2003 V.120 21 Canadian Softwood Lumber, 2001 V.120 22 Trade-Textiles, 2001-2002 V.120 23 G8, 2003 V.120 24 Child Nutrition, 2003 V.120 25 Trade, 2002 V.120 26 China Trade, 2000 V.120 27 Russian Ban on Poultry, 2002 V.120 28 Tobacco, 2002-2003 V.120 29 Farm Bill, 2001 V.120 30 Savannah Courthouse, 2002 V.120 31 CAFE [Corporate Average Fuel Economy] Standards, 2001-2002 V.120 32 ANWR [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] OP-ED, 2002 V.120 33 Pickup Song, 2001-2002 V.120 34 TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority], 2001 V.120 35 Asbestos, 2003 V.120 36 Head Start, 2002 V.120 37 Teacher Tax Cut, 2001-2002 V.120 38 DREAM [Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors] Act, 2002 V.120 39 Austin Meeting with President-Elect Bush on Education, 2000-2001 V.120 40 Education, 1998-2001 V.120 41 HBCUs [Historically Black Colleges and Universities], 2002-2003 V.120 42 Teacher Paperwork, 2002-2003 V.120 43-44 Beethoven for Babies, 2003 V.120 45 Iraq, 2002-2003 V.120 46 Reservists, 2003 V.120 47 Georgia Casualties/POW [Prisoners of War], 2003 V.120 48 BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure], 2001-2005 V.120 49 Hillbilly-Rumsfeld, 2001 V.120 50 Military - Georgia, General, 2002-2003 V.120 51 Albany MATCOM [Marine Corps Materiel Command], 2002 V.120 52 Lockheed, 2001-2002 V.120 53 NAS [Naval Air Station] Atlanta, 2003 V.120 54 B-1 Bomber, 2001 V.120 55 ICC [International Criminal Court], 2001 V.120 56 Fort Gordon, 2003 V.120 57 Fort Benning, 2002 V.120 58 Latino Fairness, 2000-2001 V.120 59 Kwame Brown, 2001 V.120 60 Phil Kent Book Blurb, 2002 V.120 61 Dr. James Kaufmann, 2002 V.120 62 Joe Six PAC [Political Action Committee], 2001 V.120 63 Richard Hyatt, 2003 V.120 64 Steve Hendrix Washington Post Profile, 2002 V.120 65 Georgia Watch on Washington - GPTV, 2002 V.120 66 Faith Based, 2001 V.120 67 John Edwards, 2002 V.120 68 Corrections - AJC [Atlanta Journal Constitution], 2001 V.120 69 Cock Fighting, 2001 V.120 70 Casework, 2001-2002 V.120 71 Georgia Busbee, 2002 V.120 72 Barbara Christmas Book, 2001 box folder Request box V.121 1 Baseball, 2003 V.121 2 Zell Miller Atlanta Magazine Piece, 2002 V.121 3 Arnold Keys Day, 2002 V.121 4 Agency Relocation, 2002 V.121 5 Allen's Hamburgers, 2002 V.121 6 AJ McClung, 2002 V.121 7 ABC,PBS Country Music, 2002 V.121 8 John Williams, 2002 V.121 9 Towns County Oral History, 2003 V.121 10 Toccoa Dam Break, 2002 V.121 11 Fall Line Freeway, 2002 V.121 12 Smithgall Land, 2003 V.121 13 Savannah Urban Renaissance, 2002 V.121 14 SB 440 [School Safety and Juvenile Justice Reform Act re: Mandatory Trying Juveniles as Adults], 2001-2002 V.121 15 Navy OLF [Outlying Field] Burke County, 2002 V.121 16 Richard Russell, 2003 V.121 17 Kwikset, 2002 V.121 18 Reach of Song, 2002 V.121 19 MARTA [Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority], 2002 V.121 20 Georgia Tax Breaks - Atlanta Business Chronicle, 2001 V.121 21 Georgia's Ex-Governors, 2001 V.121 22 Senate Resolution to Zell Miller, 2002 V.121 23 New Georgia Encyclopedia, 2000-2002 V.121 24 CBS Hillbilly Series, 2001-2003 V.121 25 Copper Basin, 2002 V.121 26 Asa Dorsey Blurb, undated V.121 27 Herman Talmadge, 1997-2002 V.121 28 HOPE Fly-around, 2002 V.121 29 NRA Speech, 2001-2003 V.121 30 King Day, 2003 V.121 31 Union City School Dedication, 2002 V.121 32 ALEC [American Legislative Exchange Council] Award, 2002 V.121 33 Georgia Farm Bureau, 2002 V.121 34-35 Georgia Chamber Speech, 2002-2004 V.121 36 Cleland, 2002 V.121 37 Op-Ed Drafts, 2002 V.121 38 Campaign Finance Op-Ed, 2001 V.121 39 Floor Speech Tribute to Senator Coverdell, 2000 V.121 40 Carl Sanders, 2003 V.121 41 Wesleys, 2002 V.121 42 Bush State of the Union, 2002 V.121 43 NAST Speech, 2002 V.121 44 Democrats 1972 v. 2002, 2002 V.121 45 2002 Midterm Elections Op-Ed, 2002 V.121 46 ALEC [American Legislative Exchange Council] Award, 2002 V.121 47 Phil Gramm Retirement, 2002 V.121 48 John Hunt, 2003 V.121 49 King Day, 2003 V.121 50 State Capital Law Firm Group (Merle Cohen), 2002 V.121 51-52 [Letters of Recommendation], 1998-2001 V.121 53 Letters of Recommendation Sent to WH [White House] - Response from Zell Miller to Writers, 2001 V.121 54 Marines PSA [Public Service Announcement] and Miscellaneous, 2001-2002 V.121 55 Marine Book/Wayne McDaniel, 2003 V.121 56 McAuliffe, Terry - DNC [Democratic National Chairman] Chair, 2001 V.121 57 McKinney Letter, 2002 V.121 58 Polls, 2001-2002 V.121 59 Delinquent Government Taxpayers, 2004 V.121 60 Fall 2004 Campaign Miscellaneous, 2004 V.121 61 Letter to Rules on Retiring Early - Memorandum from Ethics, 2004 V.121 62 Jimmy Carter Letter Regarding Miller's Support of Bush in 2004 Campaign, 2001-2004 V.121 63 Federal Judicial Center - Savannah, 2003 V.121 64 Miller Record/Race Relations, 2001 V.121 65 Jackie Robinson, 1997-2003 V.121 66 Bill Schwartz, 2002 V.121 67 SpectRx, 2003 V.121 68 Voting Record, 2001-2004 V.121 69 Carl Vinson Book, 2004 V.121 70 The Varsity, 2003 V.121 71 Ted Williams, 2002 V.121 72 Party Switching, 2001-2002 V.121 73 Pre-K, 2001-2002 V.121 74 Lester Maddox, 2003 V.121 75 "100 Marines" Book, 2003 V.121 76 Miller Future, 2003 V.121 77 Tom Murphy, 2002 V.121 78 Music Industry, 2002 V.121 79 Mark Taylor, 2002 V.121 80 Nominees, 2002 V.121 81 PBS PSA [Public Service Announcement], 2002 V.121 82 Rx [Prescription Drugs], 2002 V.121 83 Prescription Drugs, 2002 box folder Request box V.122 1 Stem Cell Research, 2001 V.122 2 CDC [Center for Disease Control], 2001-2003 V.122 3 Medical Malpractice, 2003 V.122 4 FDA [Food and Drug Administration]/Tobacco, 2001 V.122 5 Medicare, 2001 V.122 6 Welfare Reform, 2002 V.122 7 VA [Veterans Affairs] Study, 2002 V.122 8 VA Hospital - Atlanta, 2001 V.122 9 INS Visas [Immigration], 2003 V.122 10 Department of Homeland Security, 2002 V.122 11 Arming Pilots, 2002 V.122 12 Middle East, 2002 V.122 13 September 11, 2001, 2001 V.122 14 Bioterrorism-States, 2001-2002 V.122 15 Tony Blair, 2001 V.122 16 Airport Security, 2001-2002 V.122 17 Homeland Security, 2001-2002 V.122 18 Travel Tax Credit, 2001 V.122 19 Student Visas, 2001 V.122 20 Military Tribunals, 2001 V.122 21 Seaport Security, 2002 V.122 22 Southern Blackbelt Members, 2001 V.122 23 Benjy Griffith, 2001-2002 V.122 24 ARC [Appalachian Regional Commission]/Black Belt, 2001 V.122 25 Laptops, 1998-2001 V.122 26 Southern Black Belt-UGA Report, 2003 V.122 27 Southern Poverty Belt, 2001-2002 V.122 28 Economic Stimulus, 2001 V.122 29 John Walker, 2001 V.122 30 Food Safety, 2001 V.122 31 September 11, 2001 - Reaction, 2001 V.122 32 Terrorism-Western Hemisphere, 2001 V.122 33 Airline Workers, 2001 V.122 34 Video Shoots, 2001 V.122 35 Smokeout, 2001 V.122 36 Family Connection, 2001 V.122 37 Coverdell Honor, 2001 V.122 38 Atkins, Hartford Russell Congressional Record Statement, 2001 V.122 39 NAIFA [National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors], 2001 V.122 40 UGA Alumni Videotaping, 2001 V.122 41 Vidalia Onion Book, 2002 Deputy Press Secretary Files box folder Request box V.122 42 Clips / TV Monitoring, 2001-2002 V.122 43 Faxed, Phoned, or Emailed out, 2002 V.122 44 From Joan / Senator Miller, 2002-2003 V.122 45 Miscellaneous to Miller, 2002-2003 V.122 46 Congratulatory / Greeting Letters, 2002 V.122 47 Zell Miller Letters Sent, 2000-2003 box folder Request box V.123 1 Democratic Technology & Communications Committee (DTCC), 2001 V.123 2 Metro Monitor, 2001 V.123 3 Background Information Obtained for Press Releases, 2001 V.123 4 Clipping Service, 2000-2001 V.123 5 [Letters from Constituents, Senator Miller Voting Records], 2001 V.123 6 Website Articles, 2000-2001 V.123 7 Submitted Additions for the Blast Fax, 2001 V.123 8 [Thank You Teachers Tax Cut], 2002 V.123 9 Megan's Law, 2001-2002 V.123 10 Blast Fax, 2001 V.123 11 Op-eds, 2001 V.123 12 Biographies / Fact Sheets, undated V.123 13 Good People I've Met Along the Way, circa 1970-1979, 1995 V.123 14 Family Album, 1940-1970, 2000 V.123 15 Snapshots of My Career, circa 1970-1979, 1990-1995 V.123 16 Sig Space Headshots, undated V.123 17 Full Color Headshots, undated V.123 18 Black & White Headshots, undated V.123 19 Length of Congressional Session, 2001-2002 V.123 20 Files Leftover from Anthony, 2001 V.123 21-22 E-Newsletter, 2000-2004 V.123 23 [Newspaper Clippings], 2001-2004 V.123 24-26 Press Releases, 2002-2003 box folder Request box V.124 1-6 Press Releases, 2000-2004 V.124 7-30 Clips List, 2000-2004 V.124 31 Clips Regarding President Bush's Tour of Swing States [Annotated], 2004 September-October V.124 32 [ Internet forum], 2004 September V.124 33 Clips - Republican Keynote, 2004 box folder Request box V.125 1-25 Newspaper Clippings, 2000-2002 box folder Request box V.126 1-34 Newspaper Clippings, 2001-2002 box folder Request box V.127 1-6 Newspaper Clippings, 2001-2004 V.127 7-10 Media Requests, 2002-2004 V.127 11 BRAC [Base Realignment and Closure]/B-1 Bomber, 2001 V.127 12 Agriculture, 2001 V.127 13 [Letters from Constituents], 2004 V.127 14 Notes from Senator, 2004 box folder Request box V.128 1 [Media Requests], 2004 V.128 2 Miller Writings, 2002-2004 V.128 3 Convention Requests, 2004 V.128 4 [Senator Miller Headshots], undated V.128 5 [Senator Miller Clippings], 2001-2002 V.128 6 Zell Miller Clippings, 2001-2009 V.128 7 Miller in Action, 2001-2003 V.128 8 [Senator Miller Speeches], 1999-2001 V.128 9-10 Clips, 2002-2006 V.128 11 Miller-Floor Statements, 2000-2004 V.128 12 Miller-Senate Op-eds, 2001-2004 V.128 13 Senate Tributes to Senator Miller, 2004 V.128 14 Senator Miller Official Photo, 2000 V.128 15-16 Op-Eds, 2001-2004 V.128 17 [Floor Speeches], 2001-2004 V.128 18 [Georgia Lottery Articles], 2009-2013 V.128 19-20 [Clippings], 2000-2012 V.128 21 Coverdell, 2000-2001 V.128 22 Defense, 2000 V.128 23 Editorials, 2000 V.128 24 Education, 2000 V.128 25 Senator Miller's 2000 Election, 2000 V.128 26 2000 Presidential Election, 2000 V.128 27 Environment, 2000 V.128 28 Falun Gong, 2000 V.128 29 Federal HOPE Plan, 2000 V.128 30 Financial Disclosure, 2000 V.128 31 Forensic Crime Lab Funding, 2000 V.128 32 Georgia Energy Prices, 2000 V.128 33 Georgia Flag, 2000 V.128 34 Agriculture, 2000 V.128 35 Agriculture/Farm Aid, 2000-2001 V.128 36 Bush Tax Cut, 2001 V.128 37 Black Beret, 2001 V.128 38 Ashcroft, 2001 V.128 39 Support for Georgia W. Bush, 2000 V.128 40 Brunswick Harbor, 2000 V.128 41 Centrist Coalition, 2000-2001 V.128 42 Campaign Advertising, 2000 V.128 43 Cook Report Mentions, 2000 V.128 44-45 Campaign 2000, 2000 V.128 46 FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency], 2000 V.128 47 Forensic Lab Funding, undated V.128 48 Greetings-King Center, 2000-2001 V.128 49 King Coin, 2001 V.128 50 Tax Cut Information, 2001 V.128 51 Grant Announcements, 2001 V.128 52 Federal Flag Law CRS [Congressional Research Service] Document, 2000 V.128 53 Miller Positions, 2001 box folder Request box V.129 1 Middle East, 2000 V.129 2 Miller Legislation, 2000 V.129 3 Patients' Rights, 2000 V.129 4 Pre-Adjournment/106th Congress, 2000 V.129 5 Requests, 2000 V.129 6 Robins Air Force Base, 2000 V.129 7 VA [Veteran's Affairs]/HUD [Housing and Urban Development] Affairs, 2000 V.129 8 Veteran's Affairs, 2000 V.129 9 USS Cole, 2000 V.129 10 Slides, undated V.129 11 [2000 Presidential Election], 2000 V.129 12 To Do (Priority), 2000 V.129 13 Georgia Project, 2000 V.129 14 High Technology, 2000 V.129 15 Higher Education, 2000 V.129 16 International Issues, 2000-2001 V.129 17 Labor, 2000 V.129 18 Legislation, 2000 V.129 19 Lottery Funds, 2000 V.129 20 Marines, 2001 V.129 21 Miller-Cleland, 2001 V.129 22 Miller's Mentions, 2000-2001 V.129 23 Miscellaneous, 2000 V.129 24 Op-Ed, 2000-2001 V.129 25 Prescription Drugs, 2000 V.129 26 "Responsible Fatherhood" S.1364, 2000 V.129 27 Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, 2000 V.129 28 Staff Mentions, 2000 V.129 29 Sydney Lanier Bridge, 2000 V.129 30 Transportation, 2000 V.129 31 Violence Against Women, 2000 V.129 32 Voting Record, 2000 V.129 33 Women's Health, 2000 V.129 34 Pending, 2000 V.129 35 Sent Faxes, 2000 V.129 36 Senate Rules (In Cycle Moratorium), 2000 V.129 37 Public Service Announcements, 2000 V.129 38 Appropriations Letters FY 2001, 2000 V.129 39 Grant Announcements, 2000-2001 V.129 40 Tuition Tax Credits, 2000 V.129 41 Coverdell Forensic Crime Labs, 2000 V.129 42 Legislative Information, 2000 V.129 43 Campaign Finance Reform, 2000 V.129 44 Medicare, 2000 V.129 45 Rothenberg Reports, 2000 V.129 46 Campaign Ads, undated V.129 47 Masthead Master Sheets, undated V.129 48 January 1-15, 2001 V.129 49 Georgia General Assembly 2001 Chairmanships, 2001 V.129 50 Education, 2000 V.129 51 Agriculture Appropriations FY 2001, 2000 V.129 52 Federal HOPE Scholarship Improvement, 2000 V.129 53 Laptop Proposal, 1998-2000 V.129 54 Prescription Drug Plans, 2000 V.129 55 Appointment to the Senate, 2000 V.129 56 Policy Speech Research, 2000 V.129 57 Gore/Campaign, 2000 V.129 58 General Speeches, 1991-2000 V.129 59 Crime Lab, 2000 V.129 60 Agriculture, 2000-2001 V.129 61 Centrist File, 2001 V.129 62 Federal Judgeships, 2001 V.129 63 U.S. Senator Zell Miller- Opinion Editorials, 2001-2004 V.129 64 Miller Statements/Speeches/Op-Eds, 2001 V.129 65 U.S. Senator Zell Miller- Floor Speeches, 2000-2002 V.129 66 U.S. Senator Zell Miller-Floor Speeches, 2002-2004 V.129 67 [Speech Drafts], 1997 V.129 68-69 [Senate Speeches], circa 2002-2005 V.129 70 UGA Lecture- Real Politics, undated V.129 71 [Zell Miller Speech], 2005 About freedom, security since 9-11 attacks, and elections in Iraq. V.129 72 [A Self Examination], undated V.129 73 Those Earlier "Profiles in Courage", undated V.129 74 Susan B. Anthony, undated V.129 75 Dobson/Naples Remarks, undated About his religious and social views. V.129 76 Spring Leaders Conference, 2000 V.129 77 Zell Miller Floor Statement, 2004 About his view that the national media was misrepresenting presidential candidate John Kerry's national defense record. V.129 78 [Speech], undated About the environment, history, and language of Southern Appalachia. V.129 79 [Speech], undated About Young Harris College. V.129 80 Zell Miller's Swearing In, 2000 V.129 81 Speech, undated Floor speech in support of prescription drug benefits for the elderly. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 17 [Speeches] [digital files], 2001-2004 Text for appearances, or greetings in his absence, for meetings around the state congratulating them on their work.
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electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 18 Miller Handout Agriculture Handout Verbiage [digital files], 2001 Text for brochure with Miller's comments about agriculture for the Third Annual Symposium on the future of American Agriculture: Southern Region held at UGA. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 19 Press [digital files], 2000-2002 Correspondence of Miller and Press Secretary Joan Kirchner responding to constituent concerns and requests for information or congratulating them on achievements.
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Sen Miller Official Webpage [digital files]
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electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 20 _Notes [digital files], 2005 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 167 Articles [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 168 Audio [digital files], 2000-2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 169 Bioterrorism [digital files], 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 170 Blackbelt [digital files], 2001-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 171 Copy of Graphics [digital files], 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 172 Do Not Post [digital files], 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 173 Editorials [digital files], 2002-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 174 Floor [digital files], 2001-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 175 Forms [digital files], 2001-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 54 Grants [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 55 Graphics [digital files], 2001-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 56 Icons [digital files], 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 57 Iraq [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 58 Iraq Trip [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 59 Library [digital files], 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 60 Newsletter [digital files], 2002-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 61 Op-Ed [digital files], 2002-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 62 [Pages] [digital files], 2001-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 63 Pictures [digital files], 2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 64 Press [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 65 Speeches [digital files], 2002-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 66 Students [digital files], 1999-2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 67 Templates [digital files], 2002-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 68 Test [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 69 Video [digital files], 2001-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 70 ZM and Pictures With Constituents [digital files], 2001-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 71 ZM Personal Pictures [digital files], 2001-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 21 Sen Miller Server Files [Speeches] [digital files], 2001-2004 Commons subjects include the 2004 U.S. presidential election and his support for George W. Bush, education, healthcare, homeland security, and taxes.
View an inventory of this folder online.
Sen Miller Server Files Press [digital files], 1998-2004 Includes the weekly e-newsletter for constituents, photographs, press releases, text and talking points for speeches, publicly for his Black Belt legislation to address southern poverty, and scheduling and contact information related to interacting with the press. Common subjects include agriculture, appropriations and the government's budget, education, grants, healthcare, homeland security, the military, politics, and taxes.
View an inventory of this folder online.
electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 22 Advisories [digital files], 2001-2004 Common subjects include agriculture and the farm bill, bioterrorism, fuel efficiency standards for pickup trucks, homeland security and the war in Iraq, Miller's proposed legislation to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare, and tax cuts. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 72 Background-One Pagers [digital files], 2002-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 73 Basic Information [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 74 Clips [digital files], 2001-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 75 Deputy Press Secretary [digital files], 2002-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 76 Drafts [digital files], 2001-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 77 E-newsletter [digital files], 2001-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 78 Home Preparations [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 79 Letters [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 80 Lyrics [digital files], 2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 81 Memos to Reporters [digital files], 2002-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 82 Memos to the Senator [digital files], 2003-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 83 Pending Interview Requests [digital files], 2001 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 84 Photographs [digital files], 2001-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 85 Press Calls [digital files], 2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 86 Press Events [digital files], 2001-2002 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 87 [Press Files] [digital files], 2000-2004 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 88 Press Releases [digital files], 2000-2004 Common subjects include agriculture, appropriations bills, fire department grants, homeland security, and the military. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 89 Remarks [digital files], 2000-2004 Common subjects include agriculture and the farm bill, homeland security, Miller's proposed legislation to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare, and tax cuts, including cuts for capital gains and for teachers. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 90 Request List [digital files], 2000-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 91 Southern Black Belt [digital files], 2001-2003 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 92 Statements [digital files], 2000-2003 Common subjects include agriculture and the farm bill, the federal budget, homeland security, and the military. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 93 Students [digital files], 1996-2001 Website with activities for students to learn about Georgia. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 94 Talking Points [digital files], 2002-2003 Common subjects include agriculture, education, homeland security, and Miller's proposed legislation to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 95 Web Reports [digital files], 2001-2004 Statistics about the number of visits to Miller's website.
Subseries D. Political and Personal
, 1928-2012 (2000-2010) (
11 box(es)
(10.25 linear feet and 55 megabytes)
)Subseries D. Political and Personal includes Miller's daily schedules with supporting documents about the events he was attending, routine correspondence with constituents and acquaintances, materials about his campaigns and involvement with his political party, and Miller's writings about his childhood in Appalachia. Of note are papers related to his support for George W. Bush as president in 2004 despite being a Democrat and notebooks that Miller used to record his thoughts throughout his term in the Senate. Voter Research files and Candidate Opposition files are restricted for 20 years from the date of creation.
A box that includes restrictions will be open for research use after the restrictions have expired for all folders in that box. This subseries contains digital files. To access these files, please request the folders you would like through the finding aid using your research account . An archivist will be in contact with you to explain how to access the files. Please note that not all file formats are currently supported by the library for research use. box folder Request box V.130 1-70 [Schedules], 2002 box folder Request box V.131 1-11 [Schedules], 2002 box folder Request box V.132 1-66 [Schedules], 2003-2004 box folder Request box V.133 1-33 [Schedules], 1999-2004 V.133 34 [Thank You Letters], 1991-2012 V.133 35-55 [Schedules], 2003 box folder Request box V.134 1-27 [Schedules], 2003 V.134 28-42 [Notebooks], undated box folder Request box V.135 1-11 [Notebooks], undated Republican Party box folder