Subgroup C: United States Senatorial Papers, 1957-1987 XI. Flexys, 1965-1980 (
462 box(es)
(231 linear feet)
)Talmadge's office staff had to coordinate the organization of constituent correspondence records. The tracking system began with attaching the actual letter (incoming and outgoing), along with copies of approved response paragraphs. These materials were then organized under a subject access point. With the adoption of the on-line correspondence management system (CMS) in the 1970s, computer databases became a key component of the correspondence records, and access became more flexible, but dependent on the CMS. This system provided word processing; the capability of inserting selected, approved paragraphs; personalized salutations and closings; personalized text; the ability to create targeted mailing lists; correspondence records; mail count on issues; automatic filing; and correspondence tracking. The bulk of the collection increased with the on-line system. However, hardcopies are available in this series.Topics of interest include tax reform, Vietnam, school desegregation, busing, gun control, social services and the Panama Canal Treaty. Arrangement is chronological.
A. Administrative
1. Office Management
box folder Request box 1 1 Disbursing Office - Turner, undated 1 2 Disbursing Office - Ginn, undated 1 3 Memorandums (Staff - Turner), undated 1 4 Telephone Account, 1970 1 5 Telephone Account, 1969 1 6 Telephone Account, 1968 1 7 Telephone Account, 1967 1 8 Telephone Account, 1966 1 9 Telephone Account, 1965 1 10 Western Union, 1970 1 11 Western Union, 1969 1 12 Western Union, 1968 1 13 Western Union, 1967 1 14 Western Union, 1965-1966 1 15 WATS Telephone line, undated 1 16 Young Georgians for Talmadge - Mell Traylor, undated 1 17 Employment (Office), undated box folder Request box 2 1 Stationery Count, 1970 2 2 Stationery Count, 1969 2 3 Stationery Count, 1968 2 4 Stationery Count, 1967 2 5 Stationery Count, 1965-1966
2. Count cards and count books
box folder Request box 3 1-5 Card Count, 1972 3 6-17 Mail Summaries, January-December 1976 3 18-21 Card Count; Notebooks, 1978 box folder Request box 3A 1-6 Card Count, 1973-1978 3A 7-17 Notebooks, 1974-1975 box folder Request box 3B 1-6 Notebooks, 1976-1977 box folder Request box 4 1-4 Card Count, 1979 4 5-9 Card Count, 1980
B. Correspondence Management System (CMS)
box folder Request box 5 1-2 Reference Guide to CMS, undated 5 3 Entering/Exiting CMS, undated 5 4 Text Processing, undated 5 5 Library Creation and Maintenance, undated 5 6 Letter Processing, undated 5 7 Mini Master Mailing Lists, undated 5 8 Archives/Lists, undated 5 9 Index, undated 5 10-11 Letter Composition, undated 5 12-13 Legislative Information System Guide, undated box folder Request box 6 1 Weekly Reports, 13-Mar-80 6 2-3 Daily and Weekly Reports, 16-Apr-80 6 4 Daily Reports, 24-Apr-80 6 5 Daily Reports, 29-Apr-80 6 6 Weekly Reports, 30-Apr-80 6 7 Daily Reports, May 1-7, 1980 6 8 Daily Reports, May 8-14, 1980 6 9 Daily Reports, May 15-30, 1980 6 10 Weekly Reports, 21-May-80 6 11 Weekly Reports, 28-May-80 6 12 Daily Reports, June 2-16, 1980 6 13 Weekly Reports, 4-Jun-80 6 14 Weekly Reports, 11-Jun-80 box folder Request box 7 1 Instructions, undated 7 2 Bennett, Perry G., undated 7 3 Jobs - petitions, undated 7 4 Postcards, undated 7 5-7 Letters, undated 7 8 Lists of High School Principals in Georgia, 1980 7 9-13 Lists of Constituents, 1980 box folder Request box 8 1 Lists of Georgia Dentists, undated 8 2 Pleasure Boat Legislative Petition, undated 8 3 Chrysler Support, undated 8 4 Constituent Update notes, undated 8 5-6 Constituent Lists, 1980 8 7-9 Constituent Lists, 1979 box folder Request box 9B 1 CMS Printouts, 5/9/1980 9B 2 CMS Printouts, 5/16/1980 9B 3 CMS Printouts, 5/23/1980 9B 4 CMS Printouts, 5/30/1980 9B 5 CMS Printouts, 6/6/1980 9B 6 CMS Printouts, 6/13/1980 9B 7 CMS Printouts, 4/25/1980 9B 8 CMS Printouts, 5/2/1980 9B 9-10 CMS Printouts, 4/18/1980 9B 11-12 CMS Printouts, 11/20/1979 9B 13 CMS Printouts, 11/16/1979 9B 14 CMS Printouts, 12/7/1979 9B 15 CMS Printouts, 12/14/1979 9B 16-18 CMS Printouts, 12/21/1979 9B 19-20 CMS Printouts, 12/28/1979 box folder Request box 10 1-2 CMS Printouts, 11/26/1979 10 3 CMS Printouts, 12/7/1979 10 4 CMS Printouts, 12/8/1979 10 5 CMS Printouts, 12/14/1979 10 6 CMS Printouts, 1/4/1980 10 7 CMS Printouts, 1/18/1980 10 8 CMS Printouts, 2/1/1980 10 9 CMS Printouts, 2/5/1980 10 10 CMS Printouts, 3/7/1980 10 11 CMS Printouts, 3/21/1980 10 12 CMS Printouts, 4/11/1980 10 13 CMS Printouts, 2/8/1980 10 14-15 CMS Printouts, 2/15/1980 10 16 CMS Printouts, 2/22/1980
C. Flexy/MTST
1. Notebooks
box folder Request box 11 1-2 Series 100 [flexy topical index - includes Talmadge's standard reply for each topic], 1974 11 3 Series 400-800 [flexy topical index - includes Talmadge's standard reply for each topic], 1974 11 4 Series 600-800 [flexy topical index - includes Talmadge's standard reply for each topic], 1974 11 5-6 Series 100 [flexy topical index - includes Talmadge's standard reply for each topic], 1975 box folder Request box 12 1 Series 200 [flexy topical index - includes Talmadge's standard reply for each topic], 1975 12 2 Series 100 [flexy topical index - includes Talmadge's standard reply for each topic], 1976 12 3 Series 100 [flexy topical index - includes Talmadge's standard reply for each topic], 1976 12 4-5 One Time, 1977-1978 12 6-7 Finance, 1977-1978 12 8 Press, 1977-1978 box folder Request box 13 1 Federal Employee, 1977-1978 13 2 Military, 1977-1978 13 3-4 Miscellaneous, 1977-1978 13 5 Out of State, 1977-1978 13 6 Veterans, 1977-1978 13 7 IRS Fringe Benefits, 1977-1978 13 8 Administrative, 1977-1978 box folder Request box 14 1-2 Press, 1979-1980 14 3 Energy/Environment, 1979-1980 14 4 Finance, 1979-1980 14 5 Appropriations, 1979-1980 14 6 Armed Services, 1979-1980 14 7 Banking, 1979-1980 14 8 Commerce, Science and Transportation, 1979-1980 14 9 Human Resources, 1979-1980 14 10 Judiciary, 1979-1980 14 11 Out of State, 1979-1980 14 12 Administrative, 1979-1980 box folder Request box 15 1 Case, 1979-1980 15 2 Finance, Social Security and Health, 1979-1980 15 3 Foreign Relations, 1979-1980 15 4 Governmental Affairs, 1979-1980 15 5 MC, 1979-1980 15 6 One Time Only, 1979-1980
2. Program Sheets
box folder Request box 16 1 Program Sheets, Jun-73 16 2 Program Sheets, Jul-73 16 3 Program Sheets, Aug-73 16 4 Program Sheets, Sep-73 box folder Request box 17 1 Program Sheets, Oct-73 17 2 Program Sheets, Nov-73 box folder Request box 18 1 Program Sheets, Dec-73 18 2 Program Sheets, Jan-74 box folder Request box 19 1 Program Sheets, Feb-74 19 2 Program Sheets, Mar-74 box folder Request box 20 1-2 Program Sheets, Mar-74 20 3-4 Program Sheets, Apr-74 box folder Request box 21 1 Program Sheets, Apr-74 21 2-5 Program Sheets, May-74 box folder Request box 22 1 Program Sheets, Jun-74 22 2-3 Program Sheets, Jul-74 box folder Request box 23 1 Program Sheets, Jul-74 23 2 Program Sheets, Aug-74 box folder Request box 24 1 Program Sheets, Sep-74 24 2 Program Sheets, October-November 1974 box folder Request box 25 1 Program Sheets, 31-Dec-75 25 2 Program Sheets, December 8-17, 1875 25 3 Program Sheets, November 26-December 5, 1975 25 4 Program Sheets, November 17-25, 1975
3. Printouts
box folder Request box 26 1 Printouts, November 3-14, 1975 26 2 Printouts, October 30-November 5, 1975 26 3 Printouts, October 20-29, 1975 26 4 Printouts, October 14-17, 1975 26 5 Printouts, September 30-October 10, 1975 box folder Request box 27 1 Printouts, September 17-26, 1975 27 2 Printouts, September 11-17, 1975 27 3 Printouts, September 4-10, 1975 27 4 Printouts, August 27-September 5, 1975 27 5 Printouts, August 19-26, 1975 27 6 Printouts, August 3-19, 1975 27 7 Printouts, August 7-July 29, 1975 box folder Request box 28 1 Printouts, July 15-29, 1975 28 2 Printouts, July 7-15, 1975 28 3 Printouts, July 3-June 25, 1975 28 4 Printouts, June 18-24, 1975 28 5 Printouts, June 11-18, 1975 28 6 Printouts, 16-Jun-75 box folder Request box 29 1 Printouts, June 4-10, 1975 29 2 Printouts, June 2-3, 1975 29 3 Printouts, May 20-27, 1975 29 4 Printouts, May 8-19, 1975 29 5 Printouts, April 29-May 8, 1975 box folder Request box 30 1 Printouts, April 18-28, 1975 30 2 Printouts, March 28-April 17, 1975 30 3 Printouts, March 28-21, 1975 30 4 Printouts, March 14-20, 1975 30 5 Printouts, March 4-13, 1975 30 6 Printouts, February 25-March 3, 1975 30 7 Printouts, February 17-24, 1975 30 8 Printouts, February 7-17, 1975 30 9 Printouts, February 3-6, 1975 box folder Request box 31 1 Printouts, January 23-30, 1975 31 2 Printouts, January 16-22, 1975 31 3 Printouts, December 1974-January 15, 1975 31 4 74 31 5 154 31 6 163 31 7 185 31 8 198 31 9 210 31 10 213 31 11 214 31 12 216 31 13 220 31 14 223 31 15 225 31 16 230 31 17 231 31 18 232 31 19 233 31 20 234 31 21 236 31 22 237 31 23-25 238-240 31 26-29 242-245 box folder Request box 32 1 Printouts, November 1-30, 1976 32 2 Printouts, October 5-29, 1976 32 3 357 32 4 361 32 5 563 32 6 726 32 7 740 32 8 741 32 9 743 32 10 922 32 11 930 32 12 932 32 13 933 32 14 934 32 15 935 32 16 936 32 17 937 32 18 938 box folder Request box 33 1 Printouts, Jan-77 33 2 Printouts, Feb-77 33 3-4 Printouts, Mar-77 box folder Request box 34 1 Printouts, Mar-77 34 2 Printouts, Apr-77 box folder Request box 35 1 Printouts, May-77 35 2 Printouts, Jun-77 box folder Request box 36 1-2 Printouts, Jul-77 36 3-4 Printouts, Aug-77 36 5-6 Printouts, Sep-77 box folder Request box 37 1-2 Printouts, Oct-77 37 3-4 Printouts, Nov-77 box folder Request box 38 1 Printouts, Nov-77 38 2 Printouts, Dec-77 38 3 Printouts, 1977 38 4 Energy Follow-up box folder Request box 39 1-2 Printouts, Jan-78 39 3-4 Printouts, Feb-78 box folder Request box 39A 1 Printouts, May 17-April 19, 1978 39A 2 Printouts, April 18-March 28, 1978 39A 3-5 Printouts, Mar-78 39A 6-8 Printouts, Feb-78 box folder Request box 40 1 Printouts, Feb-78 40 2-3 Printouts, Mar-78 40 4 Press, 1978 box folder Request box 41 1 Printouts, Apr-78 41 2-3 Printouts, May-78 box folder Request box 42 1 Printouts, May-78 42 2 Printouts, Jun-78 42 3 Printouts, Jul-78 box folder Request box 43 1 Printouts, Aug-78 43 2 Printouts, Sep-78 43 3 Printouts, Oct-78 box folder Request box 44 1 Printouts, Nov-78 44 2 Printouts, Dec-78 box folder Request box 45 1 Printouts, Jan-79 45 2 Printouts, Feb-79 45 3 Printouts, Mar-79 45 4 Printouts, Apr-79 box folder Request box 46 1 Printouts, May-79 46 2 Printouts, Jun-79 46 3-4 Printouts, Jul-79 box folder Request box 47 1-2 Printouts, Aug-79 47 3 Printouts, Sep-79 47 4 Printouts, Oct-79 box folder Request box 48 1 Printouts, Nov-79 48 2 Printouts, Dec-79 box folder Request box 49 1 Printouts, Jan-80 49 2 Printouts, Feb-80 49 3 Printouts, Mar-80 box folder Request box 50 1 Printouts, Apr-80 50 2 Printouts, May-80 50 3 Printouts, Jun-80 box folder Request box 51 1 Printouts, Jul-80 51 2 Printouts, Aug-80 51 3 Printouts, Sep-80 box folder Request box 52 1-2 Printouts, Oct-1979-1980 52 3-4 Printouts, Nov-1979-1980 52 5-6 Printouts, Dec-1979-1980
4. Letters
box folder Request box 53 1 #1 Hunger and Starvation [Hunger exists in America], 1969 53 2 #2 Salaries [pay raise in congress], 1969 53 3-4 #3 Hickel Appointment [President Nixon's appointment of Walter Hickel as Secretary of Interior], 1969 53 5 #4 Newsletter Comments, 1969 53 6 #5 Newsletter Change and Add Names, 1969 53 7 #6 Martin Luther King [national holiday for King's birthday], 1969 53 8 #7 Sheldon [Robert M. Shelton v. the United States], 1969 53 9-10 #8 Air Traffic Control Bill, 1969 box folder Request box 54 1 #9 Prayer Amendment [prayer/reading bible in schools], 1969 54 2 #10 Naval Board Inquiry of USS Pueblo captured by North Korea (Captain Bucher), 1969 54 3 #11 Civil Aeronautics Board (C.A.B.) Award - Transpacific Route , 1969 54 4 #12 Volunteer Army (selective service/draft), 1969 54 5-7 #13 AFDC [Aid to Families with Dependent Children], 1969 box folder Request box 55A 1-2 #14 WWI (World War I) Pensions, 1969 55A 3-7 #15 Out of State Acknowledgements, 1969 box folder Request box 55B 1 #15 Out of State Acknowledgements, 1969 55B 2-3 #16 Railroad Retirement, 1969 55B 4 #17 Longshoremen Strike, 1969 55B 5 #18 Cigarette Ads on TV (FCC), 1969 55B 6-8 #19 Vocational Education, 1969 box folder Request box 56 1 #20 Biological and Chemical Welfare, 1969 56 2 #21 Opinion Ballet (Draft law/volunteer Army), 1969 56 3 #22 Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 1969 56 4 #23 Interstate Commerce, 1969 56 5 #24 National Anthem (Star Spangled Banner), 1969 56 6 #25, #26 Food Stamps (Attitude) - Feeding the hungry in the South, 1969 56 7 #27 Congratulations on Veterans Legislation Committee, 1969 56 8 #28 Federal Employee Reduction [American Federation of Government Employees], 1969 56 9 #29 Campus Revolts, Riots, Protests, 1969 56 10 #30 Federal Tax Reform, 1969 56 11 #31 Guerney's Bill S.1532 to prohibit labor union boycotts of prefabircated building materials, 1969 56 12 #32 Nonproliferation Treaty, 1969 56 13-14 #33 Anti-Ballistic Missile System, 1969 box folder Request box 57 1-5 #34 Charitable Giving [tax deductions], 1969 box folder Request box 58 1 #34 Charitable Giving [tax law], 1969 58 2-3 #35 Census Questions [concerning privacy rights/concerns], 1969 58 4 #36 For Religion in Army [guidance lectures for soldiers], 1969 58 5 #37 Species Bill [alligator poaching], 1969 58 6 #38 North Korean Incident (U.S. Plane EC-121 shot down), 1969 58 7 #39 School Lunch Program, 1969 58 8-9 #40 Closure of U.S. Public Health Service Hospital - Savannah, 1969 box folder Request box 59 1 #41 School Lunch Program, 1969 59 2 #42 Vietnam War, 1969 59 3 #43 Milk Bill [Class I bases in Federal milk orders], 1969 59 4-7 #44 ABM [Anti-ballistic Missile Program] (Pro Nixon Proposal), 1969 box folder Request box 60 1 #45 Secondary Boycotts in the construction industry (Legalizing), 1969 60 2 #47 7% Tax Investment Credit, 1969 60 3 #48 Job Corps Program (cutback), 1969 60 4-5 #50 National Defense Education Act, 1969 60 6 #51 Social Security Increase, 1969 60 7 #52 Library Services and Construction Act, 1969 box folder Request box 61 1-2 #53 Tax for Singles [tax inequities], 1969 61 3 #54 Civil Service Retirement (Federal-State Cooperative Program), 1969 61 4 #55 Milk Support Prices , 1969 61 5 #56 Postage Stamp Increase, 1969 61 6 #57 Agriculture Conservation Program (ACP), 1969 61 7-8 #58 Pornography [distribution through U.S. Mail], 1969 61 9 #59 Decatur County School Case [integration and freedom of choice], 1969 61 10-11 #60 Authorization of Pay TV, 1969 box folder Request box 62 1 #61 2% Hospital Reimbursement - Medicare, 1969 62 2 #62 Washington County (School integration - Freedom of Choice), 1969 62 3 #63 Fireman Deduction for Meals while on duty, 1969 62 4 #64 For Census [pro census questions], 1969 62 5-6 #65 Civil Service Junior Administrator Development Examination (JADE), 1969 62 7 #66 Hazardous Occupations (Firemen hazardous pay), 1969 62 8-9 #67 Charitable Contributions (Georgia), 1969 box folder Request box 63 1 #68 Copyright Laws, 1969 63 2-6 #69 Daytona Beach Veterans Hospital, 1969 63 7 #70 Institute of Neurological Diseases, 1969 63 8 #71 Farm Bill (tax law), 1969 63 9 #72 Manpower Training and Development Act [vocational education], 1969 box folder Request box 64 1 #73 Greece [U.S. Aid], 1969 64 2 #74 Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, 1969 64 3-4 #75 Footwear Imports, 1969 64 5 #76 Parks and Recreation Act, 1969 64 6 #77 Robert Kennedy Gravesite and Memorial, 1969 64 7 #78 Oil Depletion - For Change in 27 1/2%, 1969 64 8-10 #79 Oil Depletion - Against Change in 27 1/2%, 1969 64 11 #80 DIC [Dependency and Indemnity Compensation] Payments for Widows of Veterans, 1969 box folder Request box 65 1 #81 Prime Interest Rate, 1969 65 2-3 #82 Tax Surcharge Continuation, 1969 65 4 #83 Lamb Import Quota Amendment, 1969 65 5 #84 Miscellaneous Federal Benefits, 1969 65 6 #85 Consumer Credit Insurance Act, 1969 65 7 #86 Railroad Retirement HR11607, 1969 65 8 #87 Compulsory Unionism to farm workers S.2203, 1969 65 9 #88 Vocational Education Amendment, 1969 65 10 #89 Reaction on Vietnam War Newsletter, 1969 65 11 #90 Manpower Development and Training Program [vocational training], 1969 65 12 #91 Reaction - Vietnam War with Change of Address, 1969 box folder Request box 66 1 #92 Compensation for Widows - Out of State, 1969 66 2 #93 Military Retirement Benefits S.364, 1969 66 3 #94 Textile - imports and trade, 1969 66 4 #95 Consumer Credit Insurance Act, 1969 66 5 #96 Interstate Taxation Georgia, 1969 66 6 #97 Interstate Taxation - Out of State, 1969 66 7 #98 Meat Import Quota Law [ground beef supply], 1969 66 8 #99 Ted Kennedy (Chairman of Democratic Party; pro-resignation), 1969 66 9 #100 Air Traffic Controllers, 1969 66 10 #101 Municipal Bonds tax-exemption, 1969 66 11 #102 Private Foundations - League of Women Voters (tax exemptions), 1969 66 12 #103 Motor Common Carriers and shipping services [includes pro Judge Haynsworth nomination to Supreme Court], 1969 box folder Request box 67A 1 #104 Alternative Long-term Capital Gains tax, 1969 67A 2 #105 Bad Debt Reserve, 1969 67A 3 #106 Anti-Gun laws, 1969 67A 4 #107 Reaction Anti-Ballistic Missile, 1969 67A 5 #108 Clarke County Schools [integration and busing], 1969 67A 6-7 #109 Profit Sharing, 1969 67A 8 #110 Civil Service Retirement, 1969 box folder Request box 67B 1-6 #111 Out of State Tax Reforms, 1969 box folder Request box 67C 1-5 #111 Out of State Tax Reforms, 1969 box folder Request box 68A 1-5 #111 Out of State Tax Reforms, 1969 box folder Request box 68B 1-3 #111 Out of State Tax Reforms, 1969 box folder Request box 68C 1 #112 For Welfare [Nixon's Welfare Reform], 1969 68C 2 #113 Opposed Welfare [Nixon's welfare reform], 1969 68C 3 #114 College Benefit System, 1969 68C 4 #115 Social Security Increase, 1969 68C 5 #116 Civil Service Retirement, 1969 68C 6-7 #117 Real Estate and Construction Industries, 1969 68C 8-9 #118 Astronauts and Prayer, 1969 68C 10 #119 Newsletter Corrections, 1969 68C 11 #120 Tax on Unrelated Incomes, 1969 68C 12 #121 Monetary Policies on Building Industry, 1969 68C 13 #122 Sex Education Program, 1969 box folder Request box 69 1 #123 Bank Holding Company Bill, 1969 69 2 #124 Import Quotas on Textile Products, 1969 69 3 #125 Tax Reform on Farm Losses, 1969 69 4 #126 Use of/opposition to DDT, 1969 69 5 #127 Cooperatives [Tax reform bill], 1969 69 6 #128 Judge Clement F. Haynesworth [nomination to U.S. Supreme Court], 1969 69 7 #129 Civil Service Retires [retirement benefit bill], 1969 69 8 #130 Qualifications for Drivers – Interstate Commerce [Motor Carrier Safty Regulation], 1969 box folder Request box 70 1 #131 Multiple Surtax Exemption, 1969 70 2 #132 Green Berets [Green Beret Affair - Vietnam], 1969 70 3 #133 Direct Popular Election [Electoral College v. Popular vote], 1969 70 4-5 #134 Vocational Education Amendment of 1968, 1969 70 6 #135 American POW - Withdrawal from Vietnam, 1969 70 7-9 #136 Opposition Regional Medical funds, 1969 box folder Request box 71 1 #137 Opposition to Regional Medical funds -Georgia Medical Society and Heart Disease and Stroke Control Program, 1969 71 2 #138 Tax Reform on Labor Unions, 1969 71 3 #139 Increase in Social Security Benefits, 1969 71 4-7 #140 Insurance Industry, 1969 box folder Request box 72 1-5 #141 Railroad Retirement Tax Act, 1969 box folder Request box 73 1-2 #141 Railroad Retirement Tax Act, 1969 73 3 #142 Vietnam "Moratorium", 1969 73 4 #143 Judge Haynesworth - against or neutral, 1969 73 5-6 #144 Support for judge Haynesworth, 1969 box folder Request box 74 1-3 #144 Support for Haynesworth nomination for Justice of the Supreme Court, 1969 74 4 #145 Conduct of War in Vietnam, 1969 74 5-6 #146 Out of State on Vietnam, 1969 box folder Request box 75 1 #147 Timber Support Act, 1969 75 2 #148 HEW "School Guidelines" [integration], 1969 75 3-6 #149 Exemptions for Professional Corporations, 1969 box folder Request box 76 1 #150 Medical Regional Program "Pap" tests, 1969 76 2 #151 Tax Reform on "Fraternal Beneficiary Association" Eastern Star, 1969 76 3-4 #152 Medicare Program "Chiropractic Service", 1969 76 5 #153 Tax Reform Act (FBA) [Fraternal Beneficiary assoc.], 1969 76 6 #154 Tax Relief for Low and Middle Income Groups, 1969 76 7 #155 Tax Reform on gifts of Art, 1969 76 8 #156 Facilities in Medicare Program, 1969 76 9 #157 Expenditure Program under Office of Education, 1969 box folder Request box 77 1 #158 Corporate Tax Reduction, 1969 77 2 #159 President's Speech on Vietnam, 1969 77 3 #160 S-1077 Anti-obscenity Dirkson's Bill, 1969 77 4 #161 Footwear imports (2nd reply), 1969 77 5 #162 Postal Pay Raise HR13000, 1969 77 6-7 #163 Fannin Amendment [tax exemptions for unions], 1969 box folder Request box 78 1-2 #164 Vice President Agnew's Speech [Criticism of network news], 1969 78 3 #165 Corporate Surtax Exemptions, 1969 78 4 #166 My Lai "Anti" [Lt. Calley], 1969 78 5 #167 Pornography, 1969 78 6 #168 My Lai "Support" [Lt. Calley], 1969 78 7 #169 Cumberland Island [to become National Seashore], 1969 78 8 #170 Airport Bill opposed, 1969 78 9 #171 Fannin Amendment to the Tax Reform Act, 1969 78 10 #172 7% Investments Tax Credit, 1969 box folder Request box 79 1-2 #172 7% Investment Tax Credit, 1969 79 3 #173 Out of State Professional Corporations, 1969 79 4 #174 Out of State Prisoners of War, 1969 79 5 #175 Poll on Inflation, 1969 79 6 #176 Court Rulings on School Situation, 1969 79 7 #177 Out of State on Agriculture Marketing and Bargaining Act, 1969 79 8-9 Flexys no number, 1969 box folder Request box 80 1-6 Civil Rights, 1969 box folder Request box 81 1-2 Civil Rights [includes President's Commission on Civil Disorders], 1969 81 3-5 Newsletters, 1969 box folder Request box 82 1-3 Newsletters, 1969 box folder Request box 83 1-4 Newsletters, 1969 box folder Request box 84 1-3 Newsletters, 1969 84 4 Certificate Correction, June 1968 84 5 Numbered flexys 90th Congress (1967-1968), 1969 84 6 Unnumbered flexys 90th Congress, 1969 84 7 1st Session 89th Congress, 1965-1966 box folder Request box 85 1-2 1st Session 88th Congress Flexy [Talmadge's responses to various issues], 1969 85 3 Thiokol [Chemical Corporation and NASA], 1969 85 4 Georgia - Unemployment Compensation, 1969 85 5 Georgia - Workmen's Compensation, 1969 85 6 Georgia - Airport Bank Hapeville [expansion of the Atlanta Municipal Airport], 1969 85 7 Muscogee - Columbus TV Stations, 1969 85 8 Georgia - DeKalb Peachtree Airport, 1969 85 9 Eastonollee Creek - Toccoa, 1969 85 10 Georgia - Dover's Bluff, 1969 85 11 Georgia - Interstate Dress Carriers, 1969 85 12 Georgia - Lake Lanier, 1969 85 13 Milledgeville State Hospital, 1969 85 14 Georgia - Morgan Falls Project, 1969 85 15 Georgia Savannah District Authority St. Lawrence Seaway, 1969 85 16 Georgia - Sugar Creek (Gresham Park Civic Club), 1969 85 17 Georgia - Satilla River Basin, 1969 85 18 Altamaha River Project, 1969 box folder Request box 86 1 One Time Flexys, 1970 86 2 #1 National Guard Credit, 1970 86 3 #3 Double Trail Truck Bill, 1970 86 4 #4 Prayer, 1970 86 5 #5 Fletcher Thompson's Bill - "Freedom of Force", 1970 86 6 #6 WWI Pensions, 1970 86 7 #8 Nursing Service Medicare, 1970 86 8 #9 HEW Appropriations 13111, 1970 box folder Request box 87 1-2 #10 Vietnam, 1970 87 3 #11 Obscene Mail, 1970 87 4 #12 Crime Problem Opinion Ballot, 1970 87 5-7 #13 Middle East Israel, 1970 87 8 #14 Foundation for Art and Humanities, 1970 87 9 #15 Desegregation Speech, 1970 87 10 #16 Georgia Agriculture Marketing and Bargaining Act, 1970 box folder Request box 88 1-3 #17 Obscenity/Pornography, 1970 88 4 #18 SJ Res. 80 Senator Allen's bill [return schools to the states], 1970 88 5 #19 HEW Veto - for, 1970 88 6 #20 HEW Veto - Against, 1970 88 7 #21 Vietnam Troop Withdrawals - POW, 1970 box folder Request box 89A 1 #22 Railroad Retirement Supplemental Annuity, 1970 89A 2 #24 National Timber Supply Act, 1970 89A 3 #25 School Desegregation, 1970 89A 4-8 #26 Chiropractors in Medicare, 1970 box folder Request box 89B 1 #26 Chiropractors in Medicare, 1970 89B 2 #27 Federal Insurance Guarantee Act (S2236), 1970 89B 3 #28 Private School tax exemptions, 1970 89B 4 #30 Fannin Amendment #1 [tax reform act], 1970 89B 5 #32 Vietnam Atrocities, 1970 89B 6 #33 Pornography (continued efforts for Talmadge) [Adult bookstores and pornography sent through U.S. mail], 1970 89B 7 #34 Lt. Calley Supporters [My Lai], 1970 89B 8 #35 Freight Car Shortage, 1970 89B 9 #36 Airway User Charges, 1970 89B 10 #37 Fannin Amendment #2 [tax reform bill], 1970 89B 11 #38 Investment Credit Small Business, 1970 89B 12 #39 Curbing Supreme Court Powers, 1970 89B 13 #40 Veterans/POWs [disability and medical coverage], 1970 box folder Request box 90 1 #41 Poll on Inflation, 1970 90 2-5 #42 School Desegregation (Busing-Opposition), 1970 box folder Request box 91 1-5 #42 School Desegregation, 1970 box folder Request box 92 1-5 #42 School Desegregation, 1970 box folder Request box 93 1-5 #42 School Desegregation, 1970 93 6 #44 Edward B. Miller Appointment National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 1970 93 7 #46 Federal Subsidies to Railroads, 1970 93 8 #47 Coast Guard Reserves, 1970 box folder Request box 94 1-2 #49 Desegregation - Mean, 1970 94 3-4 #50 Middle East Speech [Talmadge's speech regarding U.S. relations with Israel], 1970 94 5 #51 Interstate Taxation, 1970 94 6 #52 Agriculture Food Protection Act S2203, 1970 94 7 #53 HEW Teacher [National Teacher Exam] NTE Test [Desegregation of teachers in schools], 1970 box folder Request box 95 1 #54 Industry Promotion of Products S1369, 1970 95 2 #55 Shanklin Attaway Post #5, 1970 95 3 #56 Electoral College System, 1970 95 4 #57 Bank Holding Company Legislation, 1970 95 5 #61 VA Pension Increase S3385, 1970 95 6 #63 Meet the Press Georgia, 1970 95 7 #65 Sesame Street, 1970 box folder Request box 96 1-2 #66 VA Hospital and Okinawa, 1970 96 3 #67 Georgia - Judge Carswell Opposed, 1970 96 4-5 #68 Genocide Convention [U.N. treaty], 1970 box folder Request box 97 1 #71 S721 (Charge Cards), 1970 97 2 #72 Postal Workers Strike, 1970 97 3 #75 HR4 Compulsory Unionism, 1970 box folder Request box 98 1 #76 Motor Vehicle Safety Act HR10105 [obligatory recall of tires], 1970 98 2 #77 Postal Rate Increase, 1970 98 3 #78 Railroad Strike, 1970 98 4 #79 Invasion of Cambodia [Cooper Church amendment] #1 Hawk, 1970 98 5 #80 Pollution, 1970 98 6 #81 American Troops in Cambodia - Mean, 1970 98 7 #83 Pollution, 1970 98 8 #84 Vietnam - Opposition [Cooper-Church amendment and McGovern-Hatfield amendment], 1970 box folder Request box 99 1-2 #85 Student responses to U.S. military in Cambodia , 1970 99 3 #87 Student Protests, 1970 99 4-5 #88 Medicaid - HR17550 [cuts to nursing home care], 1970 box folder Request box 100 1 #88 Medicaid, 1970 100 2 #89 Veterans, 1970 100 3 #90 VA Loans, 1970 box folder Request box 101 1 #91 SST's, 1970 101 2 #92 Complaints, 1970 101 3 #93 Complaints, 1970 101 4 #94 Newsletter Change, 1970 101 5 #95 Newsletter add, 1970 box folder Request box 102 1-2 #96 Newsletter, 1970 102 3 #97 Welfare reform, 1970 102 4 #98 Southeast Asia and Welfare [Welfare reform and U.S. troops in Cambodia], 1970 102 5 #99 Welfare Legislation [Family Assistance Plan and Welfare reform], 1970 102 6 #100 Railroad Retirement bill, 1970 102 7 #101 Israel [Middle East], 1970 102 8 #102 Telephone Tax, 1970 102 9 #103 Middle East Involvement [Israel], 1970 102 10 #104 Cambodia Reaction [Vietnam], 1970 box folder Request box 103 1 #105 Cambodia - Withdrawal, 1970 103 2 #106 Support HR372, 1970 103 3 #107 Medicare - Chiropractic, 1970 box folder Request box 104 1 #108 Dairy Imports, 1970 104 2 #109 Footwear Imports, 1970 104 3 #110 Imports Textile, 1970 104 4 #111 Out of State VA Compensation, 1970 104 5 #112 Tariff Bills, 1970 104 6 #113 HR17552 Workmen's Compensation, 1970 104 7 #114 Vietnam, 1970 104 8 #115 Wage Board Legislation, 1970 box folder Request box 105 1-2 #115 Wage Board Legislation, 1970 105 3-4 #116 Busing [school desegregation], 1970 box folder Request box 106 1-5 #116 Busing [school desegregation], 1970 106 6 #118 Blue Collar Workers, 1970 106 7 #119 SJ Res 61 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1970 106 8 #120 Consumer Class Action Bills, 1970 box folder Request box 107 1 #121 Welfare Reform Bill , 1970 107 2 #122 Cease fire [Israel and Egypt - Middle East], 1970 107 3 #123 Hijacking [American airline hijackings, including Dawson's Field hijacking], 1970 107 4 #124 For SST [supersonic transport], 1970 107 5-6 #125 Newsletter [thank you letters and requests for weekly newsletters], 1970 107 7 #126 HR 6778 Bank Holding Company bill, 1970 107 8 #127 Social Security [increase benefits], 1970 107 9 #128 Wilderness Act: Okefenokee, 1970 107 10 #129 Busing - Supreme Court, 1970 107 11 #130 Bennett Amendment 851 [Medicare], 1970 107 12 #131 Group Mortgage Insurance Bill, 1970 107 13 #132 Agricultural Conservation Program, 1970 107 14 #133 Farm Bill, 1970 107 15 #134 Health and Safety [OSHA - Occupational Health and Safety], 1970 box folder Request box 108 1 #135 Children's Letters, 1970 108 2 #136 General Motor's Strikers, 1970 108 3 #137 Community Service [Neighboorhood Services Center], 1970 108 4 #138 Air Pollution Bill, 1970 108 5 #139 Library Service Act, 1970 108 6 #143 Robert Kennedy's gravesite, 1970 108 7 #144 Trade Act of 1970 HB 18970 [imports], 1970 108 8 #145 Driver Qualification Regulation [commercial vehicles], 1970 108 9 #146 Social Security Amendment, 1970 108 10 #147 Footwear Import Bill HR16920, 1970 108 11-12 #150 WWI (World War I) Veterans [pensions], 1970 box folder Request box 109 1 #151 HR17550, 1970 109 2 #152 Russian Jews, 1970 109 3-5 Miscellaneous, 1970 box folder Request box 110 1 Miscellaneous, 1970 box folder Request box 111 1 One Time Flexys 1971, 1971 111 2 #1 Out of State, 1971 111 3 #2 HR15911, 1971 111 4 #3 Senator Russell's health, 1971 111 5 #4 Department of Agriculture, 1971 111 6 #5 Out of State Acknowledgements, 1971 box folder Request box 112 1 #5 Out of State Acknowledgments, 1971 112 2 #6 Pollution - Kids, 1971 112 3 #7 Pollution - information, 1971 112 4 #8 Senator Russell's Eulogy, 1971 112 5 #9 Flammable sleepwear, 1971 112 6 #10 Railroad Strikes, 1971 112 7 #11 Vietnam, 1971 112 8 #12 Obscenity, 1971 112 9 #13 Newsletter, 1971 112 10 #15 Newsletter, 1971 box folder Request box 113 1 #16 Timber Sale: Tallulah River, 1971 113 2 #17 SST, 1971 113 3 #18 Interstate Taxation, 1971 113 4 #19 Teen Magazine, 1971 113 5 #20 Abortion - Against, 1971 113 6 #21 Libraries, 1971 113 7 #22 Local Government taxes, 1971 113 8 #23 Safety Proposal for Cars, 1971 113 9 #24 Alaska pipeline, 1971 113 10 #25 Bomb Threat\Washington Monument, 1971 113 11 #26 Prisoners of War, 1971 113 12 #27 Star Students, 1971 box folder Request box 114 1 #28 Robert Miller - U. S. Postal Service, 1971 114 2 #29 SST, 1971 114 3 #30 HB7016 Vocational Education Appropriations, 1971 114 4 #31 Railroad Retirement Act, 1971 114 5 #32 SST, 1971 114 6 #33 Lt. Calley [empty], 1971 114 7 #34 Extension Service, 1971 box folder Request box 115 1 #34 Extension Service, 1971 115 2-3 #35 Genocide Convention, 1971 115 4 #36 Lt. Calley, 1971 115 5 #37 Social Security, 1971 115 6-7 #38 McGovern-Hatfield Amendment, 1971 115 8 #39 Southern Rural Project, 1971 115 9 #40 Lt. Calley - Students, 1971 box folder Request box 116 1 #41 Vietnam - President Nixon, 1971 116 2-3 #42 S34 Cancer Research, 1971 box folder Request box 117 1-3 #42 Cancer Research, 1971 box folder Request box 118 1-3 #42 Cancer Research S34 [National Cancer Authority], 1971 118 4 #43 Against Military Draft Extension, 1971 118 5 #44 Lt. Calley Newsletter [My Lai], 1971 118 6 #45 Busing [school desegregation], 1971 118 7 #46 Selective Service - Student deferment [draft], 1971 118 8 #47 Lt. Calley - Anti [My Lai], 1971 118 9 #48 S34 Cancer Research - Pro [National Cancer Authority], 1971 118 10 #49 Minimum Wage increase, 1971 118 11 #50 Protestors [anti-war/Vietnam protests], 1971 118 12 #51 Rehabilitation Programs [Vocational rehabilitation], 1971 118 13 #52 Railroad Retirement HB7256, 1971 118 14 #53 S.646 - Record Piracy [tape/sound recording piracy], 1971 box folder Request box 119 1 #54 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) [affirmative action], 1971 119 2 #55 Force Reduction in Europe - Pro [Mansfield amendment], 1971 119 3 #56 National Health Insurance, 1971 119 4 #57 Force Reduction in Europe - Con [Mansfield amendment], 1971 119 5 #58 S 1485 Department of Education [creation of U.S. Department of Education], 1971 119 6 #59 Wild Mustangs, 1971 119 7 #60 SST [supersonic transportation]- Against, 1971 119 8 #61 SST [supersonic transportation] - Airline refund, 1971 119 9 #62 Russian Jews [Leningrad trial], 1971 119 10 #63 Selective Service Act [extension], 1971 119 11 #64 Farm Credit Act of 1971, 1971 119 12 #65 Red China [trade agreements], 1971 119 13 #66 Cabinet Position - Dept. of Education, 1971 119 14-15 #67 Welfare Bill - HR1 Opposed [Family Assistance Plan], 1971 119 16 #68 McGovern-Hatfield bill [withdrawl from Vietnam], 1971 box folder Request box 120 1-4 #69 ASTRO (Association of American Railroads), 1971 box folder Request box 121 1-5 #69 ASTRO, 1971 121 6 #70 Watershed Programs (SCS), 1971 box folder Request box 122 1 #71 For Lockheed, 1971 122 2 #72 Day Care Center, 1971 122 3 #73 Nixon's visit of China, 1971 122 4 #74 Federal Elections Campaign Act S382, 1971 122 5 #75 Farm Credit Act of 1971, 1971 122 6 #76 American Forestry Act of 1971 (S350), 1971 122 7 #77 Emergency School Assistance Program, 1971 122 8 #78 Subversive Activities Control Board, 1971 122 9 #79 Lockheed - Against, 1971 122 10 #80 Lake LaGrange, 1971 122 11 #81 Strike, 1971 122 12 #82 Youth Corps Summer Program, 1971 122 13-14 #83 Miscellaneous, 1971 box folder Request box 123 1-4 #83 Miscellaneous, 1971 box folder Request box 124 1 #84 SB832, 1971 124 2 #85 Collective Bargaining Railroads, 1971 124 3 #86 S855 Air Technician Service, 1971 124 4 #87 S2285 7% Federal Tax of Cars, 1971 124 5 #88 Revenue Sharing Bill, 1971 124 6 #89 General Wage and Price, 1971 124 7 #90 Horse Protection Act of 1970, 1971 124 8 #91 Panama Canal Treaty, 1971 124 9 #92 School Lunch Program, 1971 124 10 #93 Gun Legislation, 1971 124 11 #94 Health Security Act, 1971 box folder Request box 125 1 #95 Day Care Development Center Bill, 1971 125 2 #96 School Lunch Program, 1971 125 3 #97 Against EPA Appointments, 1971 125 4-9 #98 Busing, 1971 box folder Request box 126 1-2 #98 Busing, 1971 126 3 #99 Senate Small Business Committee, 1971 126 4 #100 Railroad Retirement, 1971 126 5 #101 Integration: Schools, 1971 126 6 #102 "Turn-key" projects, 1971 126 7 #103 Domestic International Sales Corp., 1971 126 8 #104 Federal Employees Pay Raise, 1971 126 9 #105 MIA, 1971 126 10 #106 Busing, 1971 126 11 #107 National Folk Dance, 1971 126 12 #108 Home Health Care, 1971 126 13 #109 Tax Deduction on home improvements, 1971 126 14 #110 Eagle Scouts, 1971 126 15 #111 Revenue Act of 1971, 1971 126 16 #112 Vietnam Students, 1971 126 17 #113 Medicare: Hearing impairments, 1971 126 18 #114 Auto Excise tax repeal, 1971 126 19 #115 Hartke-Adams bill, s2362, 1971 box folder Request box 127 1-5 #116 United Nations - China [U.N. vote to expel China], 1971 127 6 #117 Canadian Exemption farm equipment, 1971 127 7 #118 Revenue Act of 1971, 1971 127 8 #119 Lt. Col. Herbert\Vietnam [war attrocities], 1971 127 9 #120 Prayer in Public Schools, 1971 127 10 #121 Prayer in Schools - for, 1971 127 11 #122 Prayer in Schools - for, 1971 127 12 #123 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1971 box folder Request box 128 1 #124 United Nations - China, 1971 128 2 #125 AFL-CIO\Miami, 1971 128 3 #126 WWI Veterans, 1971 128 4 #127 Public Transit Authorities, 1971 128 5 #128 Political Campaign financing, 1971 128 6 #129 Georgia, 1971 128 7 #130 Child Health Programs, 1971 128 8 #131 Manpower Development Act of 1962, 1971 128 9 #132 Office of Economic Opportunity, 1971 128 10 #133 Russian Jews, 1971 box folder Request box 129 1-2 #5 Out of State Acknowledgments, 1972 129 3 #13 School Busing [desegregation], 1972 129 4-5 #35 Genocide Treaty, 1972 129 6 #83 Miscellaneous [topics include Sho-Hondo Palace of World Peace, automobile accidents], 1972 box folder Request box 130 1-3 #83 Miscellaneous, 1972 box folder Request box 131 1 #91 Panama Canal Zone, 1972 131 2 #93 Gun Control Laws, 1972 131 3-4 #98 Busing - Against, 1972 131 5 #105 Vietnam - Against, 1972 131 6 #110 Eagle Scouts Congratulations, 1972 131 7 #115 Surface Transportation Act, 1972 131 8 #120 Prayer in School - Against, 1972 131 9 #123 Equal Rights Amendment, 1972 131 10 #124 United Nations, 1972 131 11 #129 "Nut" file, 1972 box folder Request box 132 1 #131 Manpower Act, 1972 132 2 #132 Office of Economic Opportunity, 1972 132 3 #134 National Health Insurance - Pro, 1972 132 4 #135 National Health Insurance - Con, 1972 132 5 #136 Office of Economic Opportunity – Support, 1972 132 6 #137 Burleson-McIntyre bill - health care, 1972 132 7 #138 Medicare reimbursement, 1972 132 8 #139 EEOC, 1972 132 9 #140 Cystic Fibrosis, 1972 132 10 #141 Proposed Rt. US 175, 1972 132 11 #142 ERA - Pro, 1972 132 12 #143 Empty Envelopes, 1972 132 13 #144 Cloture, 1972 box folder Request box 132A 1-6 #136 Office of Economic Opportunity - Support, 1972 box folder Request box 132B 1-4 #136 OEO - Support, 1972 box folder Request box 133 1 #145 Chiropractic Services - Medicare, 1972 133 2 #146 Aid to North Vietnam - Against, 1972 133 3 #147 Welfare reform, 1972 133 4 #148 SB855, 1972 133 5 #149 Paint lead, 1972 133 6 #150 HR12828 Home study, 1972 133 7 #151 Busing, 1972 box folder Request box 134 1 #153 Wage Grade bill, 1972 134 2 #154 No Amnesty for draft dodgers, 1972 box Request box 135 #154 No Amnesty for draft dodgers, 1972 box folder Request box 136 1 #155 Podiatry, 1972 136 2 #156 Vietnam, 1972 136 3 #157 Bombing Vietnam - Pro, 1972 136 4 #158 Guaranteed Annual Income bill, 1972 136 5-7 #159 Out of State, 1972 box folder Request box 137 1 #159 Out of State, 1972 137 2 #160 Vietnam - Against, 1972 137 3 #161 Crippling Strikes Prevention Act - Con, 1972 137 4 #162 Newsletter responses, 1972 137 5 #163 Increase Minimum Wage, 1972 137 6 #164 Social Security, 1972 137 7 #166 Vietnam Out of State, 1972 box folder Request box 138 1 #167 Pollution, 1972 138 2 #168 Public and Private Assistance Act of 1972, 1972 138 3 #169 Hand Gun Bill, 1972 138 4 #170 Vietnam - President's Actions - Pro, 1972 138 5 #171 Minimum Wage Increase - Against, 1972 138 6 #172 Maritime Authorization bill, 1972 138 7 #173 Harris-Pryor bill - Animal protection, 1972 138 8 #174 United Nations, 1972 box folder Request box 139 1 #175 Vietnam - Mansfield Amendment support, 1972 139 2 #176 Maritime Authorization bill, 1972 139 3 #178 OSHA - Less than 25 employees, 1972 139 4 #179 No fault insurance, 1972 139 5 #180 Vietnam - support, 1972 139 6 #181 Busing, 1972 139 7 #182 Ocean Mammals Protection Act, 1972 139 8 #183 No Fault insurance - Against, 1972 139 9 #184 SALT, 1972 139 10 #185 Prohibiting GSA from entering private industry, 1972 139 11 #186 Preserve Mt. Vernon, Virginia, 1972 box folder Request box 140 1 #187 POW, 1972 140 2 #188 Anti-gun legislation - against, 1972 140 3 #189 Relocate 4th District FHLB - support, 1972 140 4 #191 Out of State Vietnam, 1972 140 5 #192 Charitable contributions, 1972 140 6 #193 National Land Use Policy bill, 1972 140 7 #194 Non-profit hospitals, 1972 box folder Request box 141 1 #195 Charitable contributions, 1972 141 2 #196 Architect-engineer selection bill, 1972 141 3 #197 Foreign Aid, 1972 141 4 #198 Social Security Revenue Sharing, 1972 141 5 #199 Freeze on Social Services - Against, 1972 box folder Request box 142 1-2 #199 Freeze on Social Services - Against, 1972 142 3 #200 Vietnam Military Procurement bill - pro, 1972 142 4 #201 Revenue Sharing, 1972 142 5 #202 MIA's, 1972 142 6 #203 Political Contributions, 1972 142 7 #204 Busing amendment, 1972 142 8 #205 Chiropractic/Medicare, 1972 142 9 #207 HR-1 opposed, 1972 142 10 #208 Social Services, 1972 142 11 #209 HR-1 support, 1972 142 12 #210 Appropriations, 1972 142 13 #211 Death penalty, 1972 142 14 #212 "Workfare" program, 1972 142 15 #213 POW's, 1972 142 16 #214 Cosmetologists, 1972 142 17 #215 Emergency School Assistance Program, 1972 box folder Request box 143 1-4 One Time Flexy, 1973 143 5 #1 Forced School Busing Amendment, 1973 box folder Request box 144 1 #2 S.40 Control of Federal Spending, 1973 144 2 #3 End of Vietnam Conflict, 1973 144 3 #4 Federal Highway Bill, 1973 144 4 #6 Government Corruption, 1973 144 5 #7 Out of State, 1973 box folder Request box 145 1-2 #7 Out of State, 1973 145 3 #8 Persons Naturalized in Georgia, 1973 145 4 #10 End Aid to Vietnam, 1973 145 5 #11 Genocide Treaty, 1973 145 6 #12 Extend ICC Jurisdiction, 1973 145 7 #13 Forced School Busing Amendment, 1973 145 8 #14 Eagle Scouts, 1973 145 9 #16 Gun Control Legislation, 1973 box folder Request box 146 1 #17 Charitable Deductions, 1973 146 2 #18 VA Pensions, 1973 146 3 #19 Amnesty for Draft Dodgers, 1973 146 4 #20 Welfare Workers, 1973 box folder Request box 147 1-3 #21 Against Aid to North Vietnam, 1973 147 4 #22 Nixon's Proposed Budget, 1973 147 5 #23 Budget cuts, 1973 147 6 #24 Support OEO (Office of Economic Opportunity) [Community Action Programs (CAP), anti-poverty programs], 1973 box folder Request box 148 1-5 #24 Support OEO (Office of Economic Opportunity) [Community Action Programs (CAP), anti-poverty programs], 1973 box folder Request box 149 1-2 #24 Support OEO (Office of Economic Opportunity) [Community Action Programs (CAP), anti-poverty programs], 1973 149 3 #25 Individual, Public Votes Committee Chairman, 1973 149 4 #26 MDTA [Manpower Development and Training] Program, 1973 149 5 #27 Support Nixon's budget [federal budget], 1973 box folder Request box 150 1 #28 Regional Medical Programs, 1973 150 2 #29 Tax Credit Bill, 1973 150 3 #30 Human Life Amendment, 1973 150 4 #31 Death Penalty, 1973 150 5 #32 MIA's, 1973 150 6 #33 Atlanta Union Resolution, 1973 150 7 #34 Diabetes Research, 1973 box folder Request box 151 1 #35 Minimum Wage, 1973 151 2 #36 Hanoi Aid, 1973 151 3 #37 VA Cuts on Disability, 1973 151 4 #38 VA Cuts and Aid to Hanoi, 1973 151 5 #39 Forfeiture Provisions Communication Act, 1973 151 6 #40 Neighborhood Youth Corps, 1973 151 7 #41 Veterans Legislation, 1973 151 8 #42 Amnesty for Draft Dodgers - Against, 1973 151 9 #43 Busing, 1973 151 10 #44 OEO, 1973 151 11 #45 Economic Development Administration, 1973 151 12 #46 National Merit Finalists, 1973 151 13 #47 Economic Stabilization Act: Bakery, 1973 151 14 #48 ESEA Title I Program, 1973 151 15 #49 Social Services Program, 1973 box folder Request box 152 1-4 #49 Social Services Program, 1973 box folder Request box 153 1 #50 Finance Public Transportation, 1973 153 2 #51 Veterans Health Care Act, 1973 153 3 #52 Diverting Highway Trust Funds - for, 1973 153 4 #53 Newsletter comments, 1973 153 5 #54 Newsletter comments, 1973 153 6 #55 Vocational Rehabilitation, 1973 153 7 #56 Who's Who in American Schools and Universities, 1973 153 8 #57 Capital Gains on Timber, 1973 153 9 #58 Mass Transit, 1973 153 10 #59 Auto Emission Standards, 1973 153 11 #60 General Comments, 1973 153 12 #61 President's proposed budget cuts, 1973 153 13 #62 Small Business, 1973 153 14 #63 Toxic Substances Control Act, 1973 153 15 #64 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 1973 box folder Request box 154 1 #64 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 1973 154 2 #65 Inflation, 1973 154 3 #66 Training Funds for Rehabilitation Counseling, 1973 154 4 #67 Override President's Veto – Vocational Rehabilitation, 1973 154 5 #68 Hearing Aids: Medicare, 1973 154 6-8 #69 Crime - Riots, 1973 154 9 #70 Russian Jews, 1973 154 10 #71 Pension Inequity, 1973 154 11 #72 Omnibus Crime Control bill, 1973 154 12 #73 National Health Security Bill, 1973 154 13 #74 Occupational Safety Administration, 1973 154 14 #75 S978 Protect Soft Drink Franchise, 1973 154 15 #76 Budget and Vetoes, 1973 154 16 #77 Forced School Busing Amendment, 1973 154 17 #78 Nixon TV message, 1973 154 18 #79 Against Medicare Increase, 1973 154 19 #80 "Meet the Press", 1973 154 20 #81 Vocational Rehabilitation Act, 1973 box folder Request box 155 1 #82 Georgia State Legislation Pay Raise, 1973 155 2 #83 Energy, 1973 155 3 #84 Higher Education, 1973 155 4 #85 Amtrak, 1973 155 5 #86 Closing Glyno Naval Air Station, 1973 155 6 #87 Office visits, 1973 155 7 #88 Cambodia, 1973 155 8 #89 HR5291 SB1148 Extend Medicare Financing, 1973 155 9 #90 Tax Reform, 1973 155 10 #91 General Comments, 1973 155 11 #92 Medicare, 1973 155 12 #93 Pension Reform, 1973 155 13 #94 Adult Basic Education funding, 1973 155 14 #95 Community Mental Health Center, 1973 box folder Request box 156 1 #96 Consumer Protection Agency, 1973 156 2 #97 OSHA Act of 1970, 1973 156 3 #98 Piscataway National Park, 1973 156 4 #99 HR7200 Railway Package Bill, 1973 156 5 #100 Graduation Announcements, 1973 box folder Request box 157 1 #101 Thurman Amendment (S-1624) [Social Security Act - limit Medicaid for nursing facilities], 1973 157 2 #102 EDA [Economic Development Administration], 1973 157 3 #103 Welfare Education Plan, 1973 157 4 #105 Veterans Insurance Act of 1973, 1973 157 5 #106 Jane Fonda: Hanoi, 1973 157 6-10 #107 Watergate, 1973 box folder Request box 158 1-3 #107 Watergate, 1973 158 4 #108 Panama Canal, 1973 158 5 #109 Recomputation of Military Pay [retired pay], 1973 158 6 #110 Communist China [U.S. aid to China], 1973 158 7 #111 Military Non-Disability Retirement System, 1973 158 8 #112 Cambodia [bombing Indochina], 1973 158 9 #113 Federal Minimum Wage, 1973 box folder Request box 159 1 #114 NOW Accounts, 1973 159 2 #115 Vocational Education, 1973 159 3 #116 MIAs [Americans Missing in Action - Indochina], 1973 159 4 #117 S1423 - Oppose [unions], 1973 159 5 #118 POWs [Prisoners of War and Missing in Action - Indochina], 1973 159 6 #119 S1445 [pensions], 1973 159 7 #120 Special Education funding, 1973 159 8 #121 Taxing Foreign Incomes, 1973 159 9 #122 Independent Businesses, 1973 159 10 #123 Thurmond Amendment [Social Security], 1973 159 11 #124 Schools Impact Aid Amendment, 1973 159 12-14 #125 Watergate, 1973 box folder Request box 160 1 #125 Watergate, 1973 160 2 #126 "Today" Program, 1973 160 3 #127 Lumber industry, 1973 160 4 #128 Vocational Education, 1973 160 5 #131 Hold Harmless Clause, 1973 160 6 #132 Minimum Wage, 1973 160 7 #133 Repeal OSHA Act, 1973 160 8 #134 Impeach Nixon, 1973 160 9 #135 Spaying Dogs and Cats, 1973 160 10 #136 Sex Discrimination Prohibition\Fair Credit Billing Act, 1973 160 11 #137 Alaskan Pipe Line, 1973 160 12 #138 Prayer in School, 1973 160 13 #139 Animal Rights, 1973 160 14 #140 Foreign Income Tax, 1973 160 15 #141 FHA Insuring Authority, 1973 160 16 #142 Campaign Financing, 1973 160 17 #143 Energy Allocation, 1973 160 18 #144 Senior Community Services Aids Project, 1973 box folder Request box 161 1 #145 Alaska Pipe Line - Opposed, 1973 161 2 #146 Welfare, 1973 161 3 #147 People's Republic of China, 1973 161 4 #148 Pay Raise, 1973 161 5-7 #149 Pension Reform Proposal, 1973 box folder Request box 162 1 #150 HUD Financing, 1973 162 2 #151 Bimini trip [Talmadge's trip to Bahamas on defense contractor plane], 1973 162 3 #152 Gas and Beef Shortage, 1973 162 4 #154 FHA [loans], 1973 162 5 #155 Newsletter comments, 1973 162 6 #156 Dick Cavette show, 1973 162 7 #157 Watergate, 1973 162 8 #158 TV Football Blackouts - against, 1973 162 9 #159 Animal Rights, 1973 162 10 #160 Retirement Income Security, 1973 162 11 #161 Voluntary School Prayer Amendment, 1973 162 12-13 #162 Kissinger Appointment - Against, 1973 162 14 #163 No Fault Insurance - support, 1973 162 15 #164 No Fault Insurance - against, 1973 162 16 #165 Collection of Claims by freight receivers, 1973 162 17 #167 Amateur Athletic Act, 1973 box folder Request box 163 1 #168 Pension Reform, 1973 163 2 #169 Delay Federal Employee Pay Raise - Against, 1973 163 3 #170 Minimum Wage, 1973 163 4 #171 Scheduled Airlines, 1973 163 5 #172 Tax Increase, 1973 163 6 #173 Watergate Committee, 1973 box folder Request box 164 1 #174 Watergate, 1973 164 2 #175 Northeast Railroad Crisis, 1973 164 3 #176 Minimum Wage, 1973 164 4 #177 Eliminate Medical Expenses as Tax Deduction, 1973 164 5 #178 Federal Budget reform, 1973 164 6 #179 Ban on Non-Returnable bottles [recycling], 1973 164 7-8 #180 Out of State Comments, 1973 164 9 #181 WWI (World War I) and WWII (World War II) Veterans, 1973 164 10 #182 Cost of Living Increase for Federal Employees, 1973 164 11 #183 Silicon Carbide [shortage], 1973 164 11 #184 Child Care [federally funded day care], 1973 box folder Request box 165 1-2 #184 Child Care, 1973 165 3 #185 Social Services Regulation Amendment, 1973 165 4 #186 Proprietary employees, 1973 165 5-6 #187 Profit Sharing\Pensions, 1973 box folder Request box 166 1-4 #187 Profit Sharing\Pensions, 1973 box folder Request box 167 1-5 #187 Profit Sharing\Pensions, 1973 167 6 #188 Office Economic Opportunity, 1973 167 7 #189 Anti-Trust Laws, 1973 167 8 #192 Postal Rates, 1973 167 9 #193 Car Tax on gas use, 1973 167 10 #194 Cancer research, 1973 167 11 #195 Education for Veterans, 1973 box folder Request box 168 1 #196 Legal Services Corporation, 1973 168 2 #197 Special Services Personnel, 1973 168 3 #198 Fire Fighters, 1973 168 4 #199 Alaskan Pipeline bill, 1973 168 5 #200 Foreign Assistance Act, 1973 168 6 #202 Hemophilia, 1973 168 7 #203 Metric System, 1973 168 8 #204 Adoption Vietnamese Children, 1973 168 9 #205 Training for Mentally Impaired, 1973 168 10 #206 Fuel Shortage, 1973 168 11 #207 Pension Retirement bill- Support, 1973 168 12 #208 Forced Busing, 1973 168 13 #209 Embargo on Rhodesian Chrome - Opposed, 1973 168 14 #210 Tax Reform, 1973 168 15 #211 Arthritis Research, 1973 168 16 #212 Pension Reform bill, 1973 168 17 #213 HEW Appropriations Bill, 1973 168 18 #214 Daylight Savings, 1973 168 19 #215 Increase Social Security Benefits, 1973 168 20 #216 Debt Ceiling bill, 1973 168 21 #217 Northeast Railroads, 1973 168 22 #218 Nelson Amendment, 1973 168 23 #219 Equal fuel to General Aviation industry, 1973 168 24 #220 Veterans Education Benefits, 1973 box folder Request box 169 1-3 #300 Series [topics include ban on hunting, Wilderness bill, Vietnam, roll back of food prices, FDA control on supplements], 1973 169 4 #501 Hypocrisy in American Politics, 1973 169 5 #503 Watergate, 1973 169 6 #504 Watergate, 1973 169 7-10 #505 Nixon Impeachment - for, 1973 box folder Request box 170 1-5 #505 Nixon Impeachment -for, 1973 box folder Request box 171 1-3 #505 Nixon Impeachment - for, 1973 box folder Request box 172 1-2 #505 Nixon Impeachment - for, 1973 172 2-6 #507 Support for Israel [Middle East], 1973 box folder Request box 173 1 #508 Gerald Ford: VP [Vice President] nomination, 1973 173 2 #509 Israel - No support [military aid], 1973 173 3 #510 Federal Spending, 1973 173 4-7 #511 Support Nixon, 1973 box folder Request box 174 1-3 #511 Support Nixon, 1973 174 4 #513 Phantom Act, 1973 174 5-6 #515 Newsletter Comments, 1973 174 7 #517 White House Nativity Scene, 1973 174 8 #518 American Farmer Degree, 1973 174 9 #519 Middle East, 1973 174 10 #520 School Prayer, 1973 box folder Request box 175 1 #521 Gerald Ford: VP [Vice President] nomination, 1973 175 2 #522 Impeachment of Nixon - Against, 1973 175 3 #523 Impeachment of Nixon - For, 1973 175 4 #524 Impeachment of Nixon - for; Against Gerald Ford Nomination, 1973 175 5 #525 Reinstate Archibald Cox as Special Prosecutor, 1973 175 6 #526 Achievement Awards [National Council of Teachers of English], 1973 175 7 #527 Athens visits, 1973 175 8-12 #613 Utility Prices, 1973 box folder Request box 176 1 #614 Animal Rights, 1973 176 2-5 #615 Hunter Field site for AVSCOM, 1973 box folder Request box 177 1-5 #615 Hunter Field site for AVSCOM, 1973 box folder Request box 178 1 #615 Hunter Field site for AVSCOM, 1973 178 2-4 #616 Energy Crisis, 1973 box folder Request box 179 1 #616 Energy Crisis, 1973 179 2 #617 Dump Burning, 1973 179 3 #622 Plastics, 1973 179 4 #623 Raw Material Shortages, 1973 box folder Request box 180 1 Flexy 1-362 Responses, 1973 180 2 Flexy 35-351 + one time, 1972 180 3 Flexy 54-133 + one time, 1971 box folder Request box 181 1 Flexy 1-107, 1974 181 2 Flexy 108-245, 1974 181 3 Naturalization, 1974 181 4 #1 Abortion, 1974 181 5 #2 Diabetes, 1974 181 6 #3 Vitamins, 1974 181 7 #4 Construction Industry, 1974 181 8 #5 Gasoline, 1974 181 9 #6 Busing, 1974 181 10 #7 Campaign Debts, 1974 181 11 #8 Private Aviation Industry, 1974 181 12 Index to Flexies, 1974 box folder Request box 182 1-4 #9 Tax Policy Review Act, 1974 box folder Request box 183 1-4 #9 Tax Policy Review Act, 1974 183 5 #11 Nixon Income Tax Payment, 1974 183 6 #12 Legal Services for Poor, 1974 183 7 #13 Bulk Rate Mail, 1974 183 8 #14 Auto Industry, 1974 box folder Request box 184 1-3 #15 Professional Standards Review Organization, 1974 184 4 #16 Auto Racing\Energy Crisis, 1974 184 5 #17 Social Security Bill, 1974 184 6 #18 Animal Rights, 1974 184 7 #19 Panama Canal, 1974 184 8 #20 Right to Work, 1974 184 9 #21 Convenience Stores, 1974 184 10 #22 Daylight Savings Time, 1974 184 11 #23 Gasoline Tax Deductibility, 1974 184 12 #24 Social Security Benefits, 1974 184 13 #25 Professional Standard Review Law, 1974 box folder Request box 185 1 #26 Voluntary Contraception Service, 1974 185 2 #27 Professional Standard Review Law Repeal, 1974 185 3-4 #28 Genocide Treaty, 1974 185 5 #30 Repeal OSHA, 1974 185 6 #31 Tax Review Act 1972 - Repeal, 1974 185 7 #32 Advertising Alcohol Beverages, 1974 185 8 #33 Disable Veterans increase benefits, 1974 box folder Request box 186 1-4 #34 G.I. Educational Benefits, 1974 box folder Request box 187 1-4 #34 G. I. Educational Benefits, 1974 187 5 #35 Vandalism, 1974 187 6 #36 Legal Services - Opposed, 1974 box folder Request box 188 1 #37 Emissions Control, 1974 188 2 #38 Abortions, 1974 188 3 #40 Energy Crisis, 1974 188 4-6 #41 FDA Control over Vitamins - Opposed, 1974 box folder Request box 189 1 #41 FDA Control over Vitamins - Opposed, 1974 189 2 #42 Bingo in Georgia, 1974 189 3 #43 Congressional Budget Procedures Reform, 1974 189 4 #44 Ferrous Scrap Imports, 1974 189 5 #45 Daylight Savings Time, 1974 189 6 #46 Support Raise in DIC for Veteran widows, 1974 189 7 #47 Legal Services Corp - Opposed, 1974 189 8 #48 Hospital Admissions Medicare, 1974 189 9 #49 Family Planning Service, 1974 189 10 #50 No-Fault Insurance for motorcycles, 1974 box folder Request box 190 1 #51 Legal Services Corp - Support, 1974 190 2 #52 School Children Drug problems, 1974 190 3 #53 Stronger penalties for robbing for drugs, 1974 190 4 #54 Eliminate Foreign Aid, 1974 190 5 #55 Natural Gas Development loan to USSR, 1974 190 6 #56 Veterans pensions and Social Security, 1974 190 7-9 #58 Railroad Retirement, 1974 190 10 #59 Reform Federal Budget Process, 1974 190 11 #60 Federal Campaign Funds, 1974 190 12 #61 Genocide Treaty - Support, 1974 190 13 #62 Genocide Treaty - Oppose, 1974 box folder Request box 191 1 #63 Protection for Spiro Agnew, 1974 191 2 #64 Adult Basic Education Program, 1974 191 3 #65 Budget Control Act - Oppose, 1974 191 4 #66 Traveling Salesmen, 1974 191 5 #67 Annuity increase for federal retirees, 1974 191 6 #68 Retirement Benefits Federal Officers, 1974 191 7-9 #69 Price Control on Health Care, 1974 191 10 #70 Public Campaign Financing, 1974 box folder Request box 192 1 #71 National Health Insurance, 1974 192 2 #72 Humanitarian Aid to South Vietnamese children, 1974 192 3 #73 Against Labor Violence, 1974 192 4 #74 Increase Savings Insurance $50,000, 1974 192 5 #75 Gun Control - Against, 1974 192 6 #76 Budget Reform - support, 1974 192 7 #77 National No-Fault Insurance, 1974 192 8-9 #78 Economic Opportunity Act - Support, 1974 box folder Request box 193 1 #79 Mandatory Storing of bank reserves in Federal Reserve Banks, 1974 193 2 #80 Wage and Price Control, 1974 193 3 #81 Office of Federal Procurement Policy, 1974 193 4 #82 U. S. Exports, 1974 193 5 #83 Daylight Savings Time - Opposed, 1974 193 6 #84 Daylight Savings Time - Opposed, 1974 193 7 #85 Health Manpower, 1974 193 8 #86 Religion in schools, 1974 193 9 #88 PRSO area designation in Georgia, 1974 193 10 #89 Mt. Vernon, 1974 193 11 #90 Food Surveillance bill - opposed, 1974 193 12 #91 Pay increase for federal officials - opposed, 1974 193 13-15 #92 Amnesty for draft evaders - opposed, 1974 193 16 #93 Postal Services, 1974 box folder Request box 194 1 #94 Workmen's Compensation Program, 1974 194 2 #95 Wholesome TV, 1974 194 3 #96 Retirement benefits, 1974 194 4 #97 Eliminate Certain Tax Deductions, 1974 194 5 #98 Energy Crisis, 1974 194 6 #99 Establish Office of Federal Procurement Policy, 1974 194 7 #100 Professional Standards Review Law, 1974 194 8 #101 WWI Veterans, 1974 194 9 #102 Adult Basic Education, 1974 194 10 #103 Environment and Wildlife, 1974 box folder Request box 195 1-3 #104 Consumer Protection Agency, 1974 195 4 #105 Wage Scale, 1974 195 5 #106 Wildlife Poisoning, 1974 195 6 #107 Model Cities Program, 1974 195 7 #108 Sale of Motorola and Matsushita, 1974 195 8 #109 Veteran Education Benefits, 1974 box folder Request box 196 1 #110 Price-freeze Propane Gas, 1974 196 2 #111 Aid to Syria and Egypt, 1974 196 3 #112 Minimum Wage, 1974 196 4 #113 Land Use, 1974 196 5 #114 Hospitals, 1974 196 6 #115 Veteran Pensions, 1974 196 7 #116 Veteran education benefit extension, 1974 196 8 #117 Veteran education benefit extension, 1974 196 9 #118 Chiropractic services, 1974 196 10 #119 Social Services limitation, 1974 196 11 #120 "Foolish" government grants, 1974 196 12 #121 Maximum limits on medical malpractice, 1974 196 13 #122 Force Busing - for, 1974 196 14 #123 Survivor Annuity - against, 1974 196 15 #125 60 day "cooling off" amendment, 1974 196 16 #126 Savings interest rates, 1974 196 17 #127 Housing market, 1974 196 18 #128 Rape prevention and Control Act, 1974 196 19 #129 Hill-Burton Hospital Construction Act, 1974 196 20 #130 Federal Election Reform - support, 1974 box folder Request box 197 1-4 #130 Federal Election Reform - support, 1974 197 5 #131 Tax bill, 1974 197 6 #132 Tax legislation for oil companies, 1974 197 7 #133 Children Education deprived, 1974 box folder Request box 198 1 #134 Homeowners deductions [opposition to eliminating deductions on taxes paid on homes], 1974 198 2 #135 School prayer (pro), 1974 198 3 #136 Pension Reform [Individual Retirement Accounts], 1974 198 4 #137 Minimum Wage for domestic workers, 1974 198 5 #138 Tax Law inequities concerning single versus married tax rates, 1974 198 6 #139 Community Development Block grant, 1974 198 7 #140 Animal Clinics, 1974 198 8 #141 National Health Insurance [National Healthcare Act; Kennedy-Mills Bill], 1974 198 9 #142 Voluntary Prayer in Schools, 1974 198 10 #143 National Day of Fasting, Prayer and Humiliation, 1974 198 11 #144 Relief for Small Business [surtax exemption], 1974 198 12 #145 Home Construction Industry, 1974 198 13 #146 Social Security law - opposed, 1974 198 14 #147 Corporate tax on condominium owners reserve fund, 1974 198 15 #148 Child Card Tax deduction, 1974 198 16 #149 Food Stamps, 1974 198 17 #150 "Right to Read" Program (illiteracy), 1974 198 18 #151 Statute/Portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr. in Washington, DC, 1974 198 19 #152 Animal Rights in motion pictures, 1974 198 20 #153 License TV/Radio renewal, 1974 198 21 #154 Aid to Housing Industry and housing market, 1974 box folder Request box 199 1 #154 Aid to Housing Industry, 1974 199 2 #155 Repeal percentage depletion drilling, 1974 199 3 #156 OSHA and Small Business, 1974 199 4 #157 State of Public Schools in US, 1974 199 5 #158 "Favored Nation" for People's Republic of China - opposed, 1974 199 6 #159 Energy Transportation, 1974 199 7 #163 Nelson Rockefeller for Vice-President, 1974 199 8 #164 Copyright law, 1974 199 9 #165 Daylight Savings Time - repeal, 1974 199 10 #177 Estate tax exemption, 1974 199 11 #178 Repeal federal income tax, 1974 199 12 #180 Weight limits on interstate highways, 1974 199 13 #181 Postponing pay increase for federal employees - against, 1974 199 14 #182 Postponing pay increase for federal employees - for, 1974 199 15 #183 Consumer Protection Agency - for, 1974 199 16 #185 Beall Amendment, 1974 199 17 #186 Davis-Bacon Act, 1974 199 18 #187 Civil Service Retirement, 1974 box folder Request box 200 1 #188 Railroad Retirement, 1974 200 2 #189 Aid to Israel - support, 1974 200 3 #190 Thank HET for disapproving increase, 1974 200 4 #191 Oppose Aid to Turkey, 1974 200 5-6 #192 President Ford's Surtax Proposal, 1974 box folder Request box 201 1-3 #192 President Ford's Surtax Proposal, 1974 201 4 #194 Beall Amendment, 1974 201 5 #195 Labor Unions, 1974 201 6 #196 Dog fighting - opposed, 1974 201 7 #197 Busing - religion in school - opposed, 1974 201 8 #198 Deduction of interest earned in thrift organization, 1974 box folder Request box 202 1 #198 Deduction of interest earned in thrift organization, 1974 202 2 #199 State Residency Required - vote in presidential election - against, 1974 202 3 #200 Ford's anti-inflation program, 1974 202 4 #201 Disease Control Act, 1974 202 5 #202 Economic Policy, 1974 202 6 #203 OSHA, 1974 202 7 #205 Railroad Retirement, 1974 202 8 #206 Commission on Federal paperwork, 1974 202 9 #207 Vocational Rehabilitation, 1974 202 10 #208 Pan American Airlines, 1974 202 11 #209 Energy Inflation, 1974 202 12 #210 Energy Transportation Act, 1974 202 13 #211 Standardizing Openings of glass containers, 1974 202 14 #212 LAL and Real Estate Investments, 1974 202 15 #213 Title 20, 1974 box folder Request box 203 1 #214 Revenue Sharing, 1974 203 2 #215 Veterans Retirement Pay Tax Exemption, 1974 203 3 #216 Emergency School Aid Act, 1974 203 4 #217 Congressional Pay Raise, 1974 203 5 #218 Jackson Amendment, 1974 203 6 #219 Veterans Benefits, 1974 203 7 #220 Unemployment Compensation, 1974 203 8 #222 Veteran Education Benefits, 1974 203 9 #223 Foreign Trade Bill, 1974 203 10 #224 Congressional Pay Raise, 1974 203 11 #225 Deregulation of natural gas, 1974 203 12 #226 cut in military expenditure, 1974 203 13 #227 Disclosure, 1974 203 14 #228 Abortion ban federal funds, 1974 203 15 #229 Mobile Home Finance, 1974 203 16 #221 Adult Education Funds, 1974 box folder Request box 204 1 #401 Out of State letters, 1974 204 2 #402 Out of State Letters, 1974 204 3 #403 Out of State Letters, 1974 204 4 #415 President Nixons Resignation, 1974 204 5 #423 Oppose cloture on Consumer Advocacy bill, 1974 204 6 #438 Increase Veteran Benefits, 1974 204 7 #439 Nomination Nelson Rockefeller - oppose, 1974 204 8 #502 Support Nixon, 1974 204 9 #503 Urge Removal of Nixon from Office, 1974 204 10-11 #504 Newsletter comments, 1974 box folder Request box 205 1 #504 Newsletter comments, 1974 205 2 #505 Against ban on nativity scene, 1974 205 3 #506 Anti-Nixon, 1974 205 4 #507 Pro-Nixon, 1974 box folder Request box 206 1 #519 Impeachment of President Nixon, 1974 206 2 #520 Embargo on Rhodesian Chrome, 1974 206 3 #521 Watergate Committee, 1974 206 4 #523 Streaking, 1974 206 5 #524 Streaking, 1974 206 6 #525 Energy Crisis and School hours, 1974 206 7 #526 NEH Fellowships, 1974 206 8 #527 ROTC Scholarship winners, 1974 206 9 #530 Close-up Program, 1974 206 10 #532 Newsletter Comments, 1974 206 11 #533 School children letters, 1974 206 12 #534 Federal Budget, 1974 206 13 #535 Employee of Month, 1974 206 14 #536 Prayer in School, 1974 206 15 #537 Close-Up Thank yous, 1974 206 16 #541 Prayer in Public Schools, 1974 206 17 #543 Forced Busing, 1974 box folder Request box 207 1-2 #543 Forced Busing, 1974 207 3 #544 Kissinger a KGB Agent, 1974 207 4 #545 Support for Russell Library, 1974 207 5 #546 25th International Science and Engineering Fair, 1974 207 6 #547 Contributors to Talmadge Bust, 1974 207 7 #548 Support for Kissinger, 1974 207 8 #549 Nuclear reactor to Egypt- opposed, 1974 207 9 #550 Mailing list for newsletter, 1974 207 10 #551 Mailing list for newsletter, 1974 207 11 #552 U. S. economy and inflation, 1974 207 12 #553 U. S. economy and inflation, 1974 207 13 #554 State FHA officers, 1974 207 14 #555 State 4-H officers, 1974 207 15 #556 Cyprus - anti Turkey, 1974 207 16 #559 unequal standards for desegregation in North and South, 1974 box folder Request box 208 1 #560 Pardon of Nixon, opposition to expense, 1974 208 2 #561 Anti-pardon of Nixon, 1974 208 3 #562 Approve Ford's pardon of Nixon, 1974 208 4 #563 Ford's pardon of Nixon, 1974 box folder Request box 209 1 #564 Ford's pardon of Nixon, 1974 209 2 #565 Draft amnesty & Nixon's pension, 1974 209 3 #566 Pollution, 1974 209 4 #568 Inflation and federal spending, 1974 209 5 #569 Trash on roadside and highways, 1974 209 6 #570 Ford's pardon of Nixon, 1974 209 7 #571 Democratic Women of DeKalb, 1974 209 8 #572 Calvary United Methodist Church, 1974 209 9 #573 Foreign aid, 1974 209 10 #574 Drug problem, 1974 209 11 #575 Prayer and Bible study in public schools, 1974 209 12 #576 Pollution, 1974 209 13 #577 American Farmer Degree candidates, 1974 209 14 #578 National Council of Teachers, 1974 209 15 #579 HET's re-election, 1974 209 16 #580 Justice Department representation for Mitchell and Nixon, 1974 209 17 #581 Removal of General George S. Brown, 1974 209 18 #582 Condition of the country, 1974 209 19 #583 Drug Problem, 1974 209 20 #584 Comments of HET's newsletter, 1974 209 21 #585 Press - Who's Who, 1974 box folder Request box 210 1 #586 Forced Busing, 1974 210 2 #587 Representative Wilbur Mills, 1974 210 3 #588 "Get Well" wishes to HET, 1974 210 4 #601 Energy legislation, 1974 210 5 #602 Nixon and Energy Crisis, 1974 210 6 #603 Fuel crisis - Georgia, 1974 210 7 #604 Energy Crisis, 1974 210 8 #605 Oil Corporation's investigation, 1974 210 9 #607 Opposition to Increasing gas prices and taxes, 1974 210 10 #608 AVSCOM move to Savannah - opposed, 1974 210 11 #609 MIA's, 1974 box folder Request box 211 1-2 #610 Liquid propane gas price increase, 1974 211 3 #611 [empty], 1974 211 4 #612 Reduction of pay raise, 1974 211 5 #613, 1974 211 6 #614 Tax exempt status for National Youth Alliance, 1974 211 7 #615 Reduction in gas allocation for Atlanta, 1974 211 8 #617 Energy crisis - schoolchildren letters, 1974 211 9 #620 Trucker's strike, 1974 211 10 #621 Shortage of diesel fuel, 1974 211 11 #622 Critical raw material shortage, 1974 211 12 #623 Proposed health care center in Hancock County, 1974 box folder Request box 212 1 #624 Energy program - oil allocation, 1974 212 2-3 #625 Delta Airlines raise, 1974 212 4 #626 Oppose development on Manassas Battlefield Park Land, 1974 212 5 #628 Utilization of Hunter-Steward complex, 1974 212 6 #631 fuel price increase, 1974 212 7 #632 Support Lt. Calley, 1974 212 8 #633 Grievance of Dublin, GA residents, 1974 212 9 #634 Eve Pearson case, 1974 212 10 #636 Georgia Civil War sites, 1974 212 11 #639 Energy Crisis, 1974 212 12 #640 Energy crisis petition, 1974 212 13 #641 Hancock County - John McCown case, 1974 212 14 #642 Endangered species status for grizzly bear, 1974 212 15 #643 Dr. Paul Merced immigration case, 1974 212 16 #644 Peach Orchard Branch Post Office move, 1974 212 17 #648 Access to medical facilities at Ft. McPherson for veterans, 1974 212 18 #649 Job standards for Warner Robbins AFB, 1974 212 19 #650 Port of Brunswick - 40ft channel to Colonel's Island, 1974 box folder Request box 213 1 #651 Oppose physical therapy tax regulations, 1974 213 2 #653, 1974 213 3 #654 Oppose physical therapy tax regulations, 1974 213 4 #655 Support Citicork legislation, 1974 213 5 #656 Support establishment of standards for Electronic Precision Measurements, 1974 213 6 #657 Clerk of Court Merit Awards, 1974 213 7 #658 Finance committee, 1974 213 8 #660 Oppose mandatory crude oil allocation, 1974 213 9 #661 Save the Fox Theater, 1974 213 10 #663 Support establishment of National Bank in Clayton\Rayburn county, 1974 213 11 #665 Oppose Ogeechee stagefield, 1974 213 12 #667 Closing of Gabbettville, GA post office, 1974 213 13 #668 Relocation of Atlanta postal service, 1974 213 14 #669 Oppose prison in Chatham County, 1974 213 15 #672 Lacey Act, 1974 213 16 #674 Energy crisis solution, 1974 213 17 #675 Gabbettville Post office, 1974 213 18 #677 Against locating airport in Paulding county, 1974 213 19 #678 Chas-Indenin County Day Care Center, 1974 213 20 #679 Dept. of Defense Race Relations Education Program, 1974 213 21 #680 oppose consolidation of Atlanta Postal data center, 1974 213 22 #682 Oppose closing of Port Wentworth post office, 1974 213 23 #684 Oppose anti-trust suit against AT&T, 1974 213 24 #701 Reopen Lake Winfield Scott Recreational area - oppose, 1974 213 25 #801 Oscal Smith for Federal judgeship - for, 1974 213 26 #802 Presidential classroom for young Americans, 1974 213 27 #806 Georgia Chamber of Commerce Congressional Dinner, 1974 213 28 #813 4-H club citizenship short course, 1974 213 29 Flexy printouts, [August 22-23, 1974] box folder Request box 214 1 Printouts , December 10-24 214 2 Printouts , November 27-December 9 214 3 Printouts , November 21-27 214 4 Printouts , November 14-20 214 5 Printouts , November 11-13 box folder Request box 215 1 #1 Hill-Burton grant program, 1975 215 2 #2 Social Security, 1975 215 3 #3 Income tax exemption, 1975 215 4 #4 Emergency school aid act funds, 1975 215 5 #5 Disclosure requirement bill, 1975 215 6 #6 American history month, 1975 215 7 #7 Professional standards review organization, 1975 215 8 #8 Foreign aid, 1975 215 9 #9 Real estate and building industries, 1975 215 10 #10 Abortion, 1975 215 11 #11 Regulation of natural gas, 1975 box folder Request box 216 1 #12 S. 4082, 1975 216 2 #13 Retire earnings under social security, 1975 216 3-5 #14 Military aid to S. Vietnam, 1975 box folder Request box 217 1 #14 Military aid to S. Vietnam, 1975 217 2 #15 Social Security - cost of living ceiling, 1975 217 3 #16 Automobile emission standards, 1975 217 4 #17 ERA, 1975 217 5 #18 Health service funds, 1975 box folder Request box 218 1-5 #19 Energy policy, 1975 218 6 #20 airlines mutual aid pact, 1975 218 7 #21 Gas rationing, 1975 218 8 #22 Tax on industrial fuels, 1975 box folder Request box 219 1 #23 Wage and price control S. 409, 1975 219 2 #24 Revenue sharing, 1975 219 3 #25 energy - proposals, 1975 219 4 #26 Filibuster and cloture rules, 1975 219 5 #27 Panama Canal treaty, 1975 box folder Request box 220 1-2 #28 Gun control, 1975 box folder Request box 221 1-3 #28 Gun control, 1975 221 4 #29 Nurse training act, 1975 221 5 #30 Food stamps, 1975 221 6 #31 House & Senate Internal security subcommittee, 1975 221 7 #32 HEW, 1975 221 8 #33 Illegal aliens, 1975 box folder Request box 222 1-2 #34 Economic program, 1975 222 3 #35 Food stamps, social security, 1975 222 4 #36 Ceilings- cost of living allowances, 1975 222 5 #37 Tax reform, 1975 222 6 #38 Tax cut, 1975 222 7 #39 Daylight savings time, 1975 222 8 #40 Investment tax credit, 1975 222 9 #41 Fiber glass industry, 1975 222 10 #42 Aid to Turkey, 1975 222 11 #43 Corporate surtax, 1975 222 12 #44 Gas tax, 1975 222 13 #45 Oil depletion allowance, 1975 222 14 #46 Nursing homes, 1975 222 15 #47 Tax cut, 1975 222 16 #48 Machine tool and investment credit, 1975 222 17 #49 Excise tax on trucks, 1975 222 18 #50 Investment credit, 1975 222 19 #51 Oil tariff, 1975 222 20 #52 National health insurance, 1975 box folder Request box 223 1 # 53 G. I. bills, 1975 223 2 #54 Tax averaging, 1975 223 3 #55 National Employment Priorities Act, 1975 223 4 #56 Health revenue sharing funds, 1975 223 5 #57 Maternal and child care funds, 1975 223 6 #58 Higher education program, 1975 223 7 #59 Rehabilitation programs, 1975 223 8 #60 Vocational and adult education, 1975 223 9 #61 Federal employees - unions, 1975 223 10 #62 Community planning funds, 1975 223 11 #63 Foreign tax credit, 1975 223 12 #64 Tax relief for utilities, 1975 223 13 #65 Army reserve technician status, 1975 223 14 #66 Social service funds, 1975 223 15-16 #67 Consumer Protection Agency, 1975 223 17 #68 Tax credit for home purchase, 1975 box folder Request box 224 1-2 #69 Senior citizens program, 1975 224 3 #70 U. S. out of U. N., 1975 224 4 #71 Abortion, 1975 224 5 #72 Federal Employee unions, 1975 224 6 #73 Bartlett amendment- federal funds for abortions, 1975 224 7 #74 Nurse training act, 1975 224 8 #75 Sales representatives termination indemnification, 1975 224 9 #76 Game bowl industry, 1975 224 10 #77 Huntington's Disease Commission, 1975 224 11 #78 Unemployment benefits - railroad workers, 1975 box folder Request box 225 1 #79 Government loan - R&A Express, 1975 225 2 #80, 1975 225 3 #81 Professional standards review organization, 1975 225 4 #82 Emergency School aid, 1975 225 5 #83 abortion, 1975 225 6 #84 Vietnam aid, 1975 225 7 #85 Strip mining legislation, 1975 225 8 #86 OSHA, 1975 225 9 #87 Expansion of senate staff, 1975 225 10 #88 Increased user charges - general aviation, 1975 225 11 #89 Repeal Davis-Bacon Act, 1975 225 12 #90 Rhodesian chrome bill, 1975 225 13 #91 Stanley K. Hathaway nomination [Sec. of Interior], 1975 225 14 #92 Pay increase for VA doctors, 1975 225 15 #94 MIA's and POW's, 1975 225 16 #95 IRS abuses, 1975 225 17 #96 Excise tax on motorboat engines, 1975 box folder Request box 226 1 #97 Truck weights, 1975 226 2 #98 Tax cut, 1975 226 3 #99 Trade with Cuba, 1975 226 4 #100 Pension reform Act, 1975 226 5 #101 Extension - Voting Rights Act, 1975 226 6 #102 "Be Kind to Animals" week, 1975 226 7 #103 Aid to Southeast Asia, 1975 226 8 #104 Exempt rural carriers from Fair Labor Standards act, 1975 226 9 #105 Military commissaries, 1975 226 10 #106 Off-shore oil drilling, 1975 226 11 #107 Savannah River channel, 1975 226 12 #108 MIA's and POW's, 1975 226 13 #109 NEH funds, 1975 226 14 #110 Administrative rulemaking control bill, 1975 226 15 #111 Russell Dam - opposition, 1975 226 16 #112 Aid to Vietnam, 1975 box folder Request box 227 1 #113 College work-study program, 1975 227 2-3 #114 Vietnamese refugees, 1975 227 4 #115 Nursing education, government health programs, 1975 227 5 #116 5% ceiling on cost of living increase, 1975 227 6 #117 Pro-abortion, 1975 227 7-8 #118 Health manpower act, 1975 227 9 #119 Support square dancing "National Folk Dance", 1975 227 10 #120 Oppose coal slurry pipelines, 1975 227 11 #121 Oppose Toxic substances control act, 1975 227 12 #122 Support removal of labor exemption from Consumer Protection Agency bill, 1975 227 13 #123 Oppose nominations of Edith Green and William Knecht to the Board of the National Legal Services, 1975 227 14 #124 Oppose animal fighting prohibition bill, 1975 227 15 #125 Support aid to Israel, 1975 box folder Request box 228 1 #126 Home mortgage disclosure bill, 1975 228 2 #127 Support S 1597, 1975 228 3 #128 Support exemption for traveling salesmen -gas tax, 1975 228 4 #129 Support Helms amendment - balance budget, 1975 228 5-6 #130 Oppose common situs picketing, 1975 box folder Request box 229 1 #130 Oppose common situs picketing, 1975 229 2 #131 Support funds for veterans programs, 1975 229 3 #132 Support abolition of federal metal and nonmetallic mine safety board of review, 1975 229 4 #133 High school class visit to nursing home, 1975 229 5-7 #134 Support balanced budget, 1975 229 8 #135 Support funding for foster grandparents, 1975 229 9 #136 Eliminate funding for B-1 bombers, 1975 229 10 #137 Oppose transfer of 3 wildlife ranges to Bureau of Land Management, 1975 box folder Request box 230 1 #138 Capital punishment, 1975 230 2 #139 Oppose creation of Agency for Consumer Advocacy, 1975 230 3 #140 Funds for veteran's programs, 1975 230 4 #141 Oppose S1, 1975 230 5 #142 Support legislation for WWI veterans, 1975 230 6 #143 Oppose busing, 1975 230 7 #144 Youth camp safety bill, 1975 box folder Request box 231 1 #144 Youth camp safety bill, 1975 231 2 #145 Fair marketing of petroleum bill, 1975 231 3 #146 Oppose nomination of Eric Zausner as Deputy Administrator of FEA, 1975 231 4 #147 Veterans programs under welfare, 1975 231 5 #148 Oppose SRes 64, 1975 231 6 #149 Support of Israel, 1975 231 7 #150 Balanced budget amendment, 1975 231 8 #151 Pow's and MIA's, 1975 231 9 #152 MIA's, 1975 231 10 #153 Government waste, 1975 231 11 #154 Military recomputation bill, 1975 231 12 #155 Professional pay for military lawyers, 1975 231 13 #156 Request for hearings on S1828, 1975 box folder Request box 232 1 #157 Dialysis bill, 1975 232 2 #158 Energy conservation and oil policy bill, 1975 232 3 #159 Arbitration rights for postal supervisors, 1975 232 4 #160 Permissible level of lead in paint, 1975 232 5 #161 Protesting quality of TV, 1975 232 6 #162 Oppose sale of arms to Jordan, 1975 232 7 #163 Oppose gifts to churches nondeductible, 1975 232 8 #164 Common situs picketing bill, 1975 box folder Request box 233 1 #164 Common situs picketing bill, 1975 233 2 #165 Changes in OSHA, 1975 233 3 #166 Vote against pay raise, 1975 233 4 #167 Against Voting rights extension, 1975 233 5 #168 Congressional pay raise - oppose, 1975 233 6 #169 oppose portions of S1711, 1975 233 7 #170 Support nursing differential, 1975 233 8 #171 Oppose FDA vitamin regulations, 1975 233 9 #172 Automobile excise taxes, 1975 233 10 #173 oppose lobbying laws, 1975 233 11 #174 support for family planning, 1975 233 12 #175 Medicare reimbursements for speech pathologists, 1975 233 13 #176 Cuts in veterans pensions, 1975 233 14 #177 Reimbursement of physicians extender services, 1975 233 15 #178 Amnesty for Vietnam draft evaders - for, 1975 233 16 #179 Medicare and Medicaid, 1975 233 17 #180 Health revenue sharing act, 1975 233 18 #181 Energy crisis, 1975 box folder Request box 234 1 #182 Decontrol legislation, 1975 234 2 #183 Education appropriation act, 1975 234 3 #184 Energy conservation and conversion act, 1975 234 4 #185 "bottle laws", 1975 234 5 #186 funds for pre-college education, 1975 234 6 #187 tax benefits for traveling salesmen, 1975 234 7 #188 abolish EPA, 1975 234 8 #189 against US involvement in Israel-Egypt agreement, 1975 box folder Request box 235 1-2 #190 5% increase limit on federal employees raises, 1975 235 3 #191 Real estate settlement procurement act, 1975 235 4 #192 Criminal reform code bill, 1975 235 5 #193 systematic photocopying of literary works, 1975 235 6-7 #194 farm estate tax law revision, 1975 235 8 #195 Performance rights bill, 1975 235 9 #196 Robinson-Patman act, 1975 box folder Request box 236 1 #197 Soviet Jews, 1975 236 2 #198 U. S. involvement in Israel-Egypt agreement - for, 1975 236 3 #199 Support human life amendment, 1975 236 4 #201 Balanced budget, 1975 236 5 #202 Inability for Veterans to receive health insurance, 1975 236 6 #203 Credit union legislation - for, 1975 236 7 #204 hotel and restaurants, minimum wage, 1975 236 8 #205 "Sunshine law", 1975 236 9 #206 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, 1975 236 10 #207 Construction Industry Collective Bargaining, 1975 236 11 #208 anti-polygraph, 1975 box folder Request box 237 1 #209 Bail-out of New York City, 1975 237 2 #210 Senators, 1975 237 3 #211 Budget reduction proposals, 1975 237 4 #121 Child and family service act, 1975 237 5 #213 Attempted assignation attempt against Pres. and VP capital crime, 1975 237 6 #214 Developmentally disabled children, 1975 237 7 #215 National Worker's compensation act, 1975 box folder Request box 238 1 #216 Oppose mean test for elderly, 1975 238 2 #217 Title XX funds for day care centers, 1975 238 3 #218 Steel leg hold traps - oppose, 1975 238 4 #219 S Res 251 - MIA's, 1975 238 5 #220 Financial Institution act, 1975 238 6 #221 Balanced growth and economic planning, 1975 238 7 #222 Repeal of DISC, 1975 238 8 #223 Limitation on artificial accounting loses, 1975 238 9 #224 Oppose labor bills, 1975 238 10 #225 Oppose Atlantic Union resolution, 1975 238 11 #226 101st Airborne Division Memorial, 1975 238 12 #227 National Beta Sigma Phi week, 1975 238 13 #228 F-14 vs. F-18 fighter aircraft programs, 1975 238 14 #229 GI benefits for peacetime veterans, 1975 238 15 #230 Changes in payment of social security, 1975 238 16 #231 extension of GI bill benefits, 1975 box folder Request box 239 1 #232 Opposed to removing funds for armed forces dependent education, 1975 239 2 #233 Restoring control of Postal Service to Congress, 1975 239 3 #234 Nomination of Benjamin Blackburn to FHLB board, 1975 239 4 #235 Georgia's Medicaid program problems, 1975 239 5 #236 Oppose UN resolution equating Zionism with racism, 1975 239 6 #237 Oil company divestiture, 1975 239 7 #238 Foreign aid, 1975 239 8 #239 cloture on common situs picketing bill, 1975 239 9 #240 Veterans reform bill, 1975 239 10 #241 Proxmire-Packwood bill, 1975 239 11 #242 Amendments to Hatch act, 1975 239 12 #243 Russell Dam project - oppose, 1975 box folder Request box 240 1 #244 government employees right to strike, 1975 240 2 #245 Nurse training act, 1975 240 3 #246 Private industry Postal rate relief act, 1975 240 4 #247 Problems in Lebanon - hope for cease-fire, 1975 240 5 #248 Motor carrier act, 1975 240 6 #249 Washington, DC City council bill, 1975 240 7 #501 U. S. economy, 1975 240 8 #502 fiscal policy, 1975 240 9 #503 terrorism, 1975 240 10 #504 Congress, 1975 240 11 #506 Aerosol spray cans, 1975 240 12 #507 student requests, 1975 240 13 #508 Women's Methodist Union, 1975 240 14 #509 Naturalization congratulations, 1975 240 15 #510 Pollution, 1975 240 16 #511 Eagle scouts, 1975 240 17 #512 "Move, Congress, Move", 1975 240 18 #513 Government spending, 1975 240 19 #514 AFL officers - congratulations, 1975 240 20 #515 no shows, 1975 240 21 #516 Freedom Award congratulations, 1975 240 22 #517 Women's Methodist Union, 1975 240 23 #518 Agriculture, 1975 240 24 #519 U. S. out of U. N., 1975 240 25 #520 Federal spending, 1975 240 26 #521 Fixed incomes, 1975 240 27 #522 School lunches, 1975 240 28 #523 energy, 1975 240 29 #524 Council on Foreign relations, 1975 240 30 #525 economy, 1975 box folder Request box 241 1 #526 Tax cut, 1975 241 2-3 #527 Newsletter, 1975 241 4-5 #528 Legislative appropriations, 1975 241 6 #529 NROTC scholarships, 1975 241 7 #530 STAR student and teachers, 1975 241 8 #531 STAR teachers, 1975 241 9 #532 Gridiron Society congratulations, 1975 241 10 #533 Gridiron Society, 1975 241 11 #534 4-H delegates, 1975 241 12 #535-536 STAR students and teachers, 1975 241 13 #538 Jewish Home, Atlanta, GA, 1975 241 14 #539 Balanced budget amendment, 1975 241 15 #540 Teachers of the Year, 1975 241 16 #541 Boys state, 1975 241 17 #542 ERA, 1975 241 18 #544 Close-Up program, 1975 box folder Request box 242 1 #545 Close-Up program, 1975 242 2 #546 Close-Up program, 1975 242 3 #547 Mayaguez Incident, 1975 242 4 #548 Nursing homes, 1975 242 5 #549 Mayaguez Incident, 1975 242 6 #550 Federal law enforcement training center, Brunswick, GA, 1975 242 7 #551 AARP, 1975 242 8 #552 Welfare, 1975 242 9 #553 Welfare, 1975 242 10 #554 Food stamp program, 1975 242 11 #555 Drug problem, 1975 242 12 #556 Prayer in public school, 1975 242 13 #557 Capital punishment, 1975 242 14 #558 Environment, 1975 242 15 #559 Sympathy/newsletter response, 1975 242 16 #560 Newsletter, 1975 242 17 #561 E.O.C. reading workshop, 1975 242 18 #562 Religious programming, 1975 242 19 #563 Religious activities, 1975 242 20 #564 4-H clubs, 1975 242 21 #565 Georgia Press association convention, 1975 242 22 #566 Religious broadcasting, 1975 242 23 #567 UGA debate team, 1975 242 24 #568 Goodyear conservation program, 1975 242 25 #569 Newsletter- change of address, 1975 242 26 #570 4-H club visit to office, 1975 242 27 #571 Drugs - Clay county, GA, 1975 box folder Request box 243 1 #572 Federal spending/economy, 1975 243 2 #573 Universities, 1975 243 3 #574 Educational exchange program, 1975 243 4 #575 Attorney generals of the states, 1975 243 5 #576 U. S. Academy information, 1975 243 6 #578 24th Infantry Division activation, 1975 243 7 #579 Sympathy to others, 1975 243 8 #582 bill requests, 1975 243 9 #584 U. S. government policies, 1975 243 10 #585 Voting age, 1975 243 11 #586 Federal spending, 1975 243 12 #587 Food stamp program, 1975 243 13 #603 Carpet certification program, 1975 box folder Request box 244 1-2 #603 Carpet certification program, 1975 244 3 #604 Utility rate increase, 1975 244 4 #607 Carpet regulations, 1975 244 5 #612 Ernest Braley, 1975 244 6 #613 Religious broadcasting, 1975 244 7 #615-616 Interns, 1975 244 8 #684 Anti-trust suit AT&T, 1975 box folder Request box 245 1 #2 High social security taxes, 1976 245 2 #3 Tax exemption on interest from savings account, 1976 245 3 #10 Abortion, 1976 245 4 #11 Deregulation of natural gas, 1976 245 5 #13 Social Security earnings limitation, 1976 245 6 #16 Federal auto emissions standards, 1976 245 7 #17 ERA, 1976 245 8 #24 Support federal revenue sharing, 1976 245 9-11 #27 Panama Canal treaty - against, 1976 box folder Request box 246 1-3 #28 Gun control legislation - against, 1976 246 4 #31 Judiciary Committee on Internal Security, 1976 246 5 #33 HR8713, 1976 246 6 #39 Reduce standard time for 6 months - against, 1976 246 7 #52 National Health Insurance act, 1976 246 8 #53 Veterans education benefits, 1976 246 9 #67 Federal Consumer Agency - against, 1976 box folder Request box 247 1 #70 U. S. funding in U. N., 1976 247 2 #71 Pro-abortion, 1976 247 3 #72 Collective bargaining bill - against, 1976 247 4 #76 Opposed to restrictions on game fowl breeding, 1976 247 5 #83 Pro-abortion, 1976 247 6 #86 anti-OSHA, 1976 247 7 #89 Repeal Davis-Bacon act, 1976 247 8 #90 Support Rhodesian trade, 1976 247 9 #92 Comparability pay for VA medical personnel, 1976 247 10 #104 HR5778 - rural carriers, 1976 247 11 #105 Military commissaries, 1976 247 12 #111 Opposition to Russell Dam, 1976 247 13 #118 Beall amendment - support, 1976 247 14 #120 Coal slurry pipelines, 1976 247 15 #121 Toxic substances control act, 1976 box folder Request box 248 1 #125 Foreign aid to Israel, 1976 248 2 #134 Support balanced budget, 1976 248 3 #136 Against the B-1 bomber, 1976 248 4 #138 Views on capital punishment, 1976 248 5 #141 Criminal Justice Reform bill, 1976 248 6 #142 Age limit for WWI pensions, 1976 248 7 #143 Busing, 1976 248 8 #144 Youth Camp Safety bill, 1976 248 9 #148 SR64 on transcendental meditation, 1976 248 10 #154 Military retirement pay, 1976 248 11 #157 S1492 - dialysis, 1976 248 12 #159 S755 - postal supervision and supervisors, 1976 248 13 #161 TV violence, 1976 248 14 #163 Tax deduction for charitable contributions, 1976 248 15 #164 Situs picketing and secondary boycotts, 1976 248 16 #169 NLRB ruling: LPN's technicians not professionals - oppose, 1976 248 17 #171 Rogers bill - modify FDA regulations, 1976 248 18 #173 Lobby disclosure reform bill, 1976 248 19 #176 VA pensions and social security increase, 1976 248 20 #179 Medicare and Medicaid, 1976 248 21 #186 National Science Foundation funding, 1976 248 22 #188 abolish EPA, 1976 248 23 #190 military pay raise, 1976 248 24 #191 real estate settlement procedures act, 1976 248 25 #192 Criminal justice reform bill, 1976 box folder Request box 249 1 #193 Copyright law, 1976 249 2-3 #194 Estate tax exemption, 1976 249 4 #195 S1111 (television), 1976 249 5 #196 Repeal of Robinson-Putnam Act, 1976 249 6 #198 Military funds for Israel, 1976 249 7 #199 Human life amendment, 1976 249 8 #204 Fair Labor Standards act, 1976 249 9 #206 Anesthesia services, 1976 249 10 #209 Aid to New York City - oppose, 1976 249 11-12 #212 Child and Family services act, 1976 box folder Request box 250 1-5 #212 Child and Family services act, 1976 box folder Request box 251 1-3 #212 Child and Family services act, 1976 box folder Request box 252 1-3 #212 Child and Family services act, 1976 box folder Request box 253 1 #214 Handicapped not mentally retarded, 1976 253 2 #215 Federalization of Workmen's compensation, 1976 253 3 #216 Title XX regulations, 1976 253 4 #217 Support day care bill, 1976 253 5 #218 Oppose steel leghold traps, 1976 253 6 #220 Increase minimum wage, 1976 253 7 #221 Balance growth and economic planning, 1976 253 8 #223 State and local government tax credit plan, 1976 253 9 #225 Atlantic Union, 1976 253 10 #227 National Beta Sigma Phi week, 1976 253 11 #229 GI benefits for peacetime veterans, 1976 253 12 #230 Quarterly paying for social security, 1976 253 13 #231 Extension of GI education benefits, 1976 253 14 #233 Deficit in postal system, 1976 253 15 #235 Care for the elderly, 1976 253 16 #236 Support Israel, 1976 253 17 #237 Oil company divestiture, 1976 253 18 #239 Common situs picketing bill, 1976 253 19 #240 Veteran benefits, 1976 253 20 #241 Proxmire-Packwood bill, 1976 box folder Request box 254 1-2 #242 Hatch act revisions, 1976 254 3 #243 Support Russell dam, 1976 254 4 #244 Oppose striking by public employees, 1976 254 5 #246 Reducing postal rates, 1976 254 6 #247 Relief for Lebanon, 1976 254 7 #248 Motor carrier reform act, 1976 254 8 #249 Tax exemption for Dumbarton House, 1976 254 9 #250 Education in Georgia, 1976 254 10 #251 Unions being under anti-trust laws, 1976 254 11 #252 Extension of Price-Anderson bill, 1976 box folder Request box 255 1 #253 Tax revision legislation, 1976 255 2 #254 Adult Learning Center, 1976 255 3 #255 Common situs picketing bill, 1976 255 4 #256 Hatch Act revision, 1976 255 5 #257 Oppose compromise on energy bill, 1976 255 6 #258 Postcard registration bill, 1976 255 7 #259 Financial Institutions act, 1976 255 8 #260 Tax cut bill veto, 1976 255 9 #261 Government travel expense, 1976 box folder Request box 256 1 #262 Common situs bill, 1976 256 2-3 #263 Child and Family Services bill, 1976 256 4 #264 Daylight Savings time, 1976 256 5 #265 Legalization of marijuana, 1976 256 6 #266 Advertising of alcoholic beverages, 1976 256 7 #267 Military commissaries, 1976 256 8 #268 Oppose detente, 1976 256 9 #269 Women being appointed to Supreme Court, 1976 256 10 #270 "Aggregate 80" civil service retirement, 1976 256 11 #271 Selective Service system, 1976 256 12 #272 Common situs picketing, 1976 256 13 #273 Aid to elderly, children and New York city, 1976 256 14 #274 Oppose Russell Dam, 1976 256 15 #275 Omnibus rail bill, 1976 256 16 #276 Senate Special Intelligence Committee, 1976 256 17 #277 HEW appropriations bill, 1976 256 18 #278 Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1976 256 19 #279 Oppose Child and Family Service bill, 1976 256 20 #280 Federal Unemployment compensation bill, 1976 256 21 #281 Amend Hatch Act, 1976 256 22-23 #283 Licensed practical nurses being classified as technicians, 1976 box folder Request box 257 1 #284 Oppose memorial to Martin Luther King, 1976 257 2 #285 ROTC scholarships, 1976 257 3 #286 Loans to rehabilitate substandard housing, 1976 257 4 #287 Maximum 45 months education assistance to veterans and their dependents, 1976 257 5-6 #288 Clean air act, 1976 257 7 #289 Increasing estate tax exemption, 1976 257 8 #290 Oppose eliminating GI bill benefits, 1976 257 9 #291 Child and family services bill, 1976 257 10 #292 No-fault insurance, 1976 257 11 #293 Veterans education and training services, 1976 257 12 #294 Oppose termination of GI bill, 1976 257 13 #295 International Security assistance, 1976 257 14 #296 Oppose local survey of GS employees, 1976 257 15 #297 200 mile fishing zone, 1976 257 16 #298 Census records being available after 75 years, 1976 257 17 #299 Vocational education, 1976 257 18 #300 Maximum allowable cost program, 1976 box folder Request box 258 1 #301 Reconstruction of Federal Elections Board, 1976 258 2 #302 Public works jobs, 1976 258 3 #303 Medicare fees, 1976 258 4 #304 Dropping 1% pension "kickers", 1976 258 5 #305 Revenue sharing, 1976 258 6 #306 Government in competition with private sector by using own manpower, 1976 258 7 #307 Post office; crime, 1976 258 8 #308 Naval reserve manpower reduction, 1976 258 9 #309 Relocation demonstration project, 1976 258 10 #310 Funds for International Women's year, 1976 258 11 #311 Day care bill, 1976 258 12 #313 Lockheed investigation, 1976 258 13 #314 Financial Reform Act - support, 1976 258 14 #315 Financial Reform Act - oppose, 1976 258 15 #316 National No-Fault insurance, 1976 box folder Request box 259 1 #317 Law enforcement funding, 1976 259 2 #318 Domestic International Sales Corporation, 1976 259 3 #319 House-Senate Conference report on HR5808, 1976 259 4 #320 Anti-trust law amendments, 1976 259 5 #321 Hartsfield airport problems, 1976 259 6 #322 Favor competition for postal service, 1976 259 7 #323 Favor competition for postal service, 1976 259 8 #324 Federal annuities and social security benefits, 1976 259 9 #325 ERA and Child Protection Act, 1976 259 10 #326 Chattahoochee River National Park, 1976 259 11 #327 Medicare reimbursement limitations, 1976 259 12 #328 Civil Defense, 1976 259 13 #329 Veteran Affairs budget, 1976 259 14 #330 Communications Reform act, 1976 259 15-16 #331 Subsidies to Post Office, 1976 box folder Request box 260 1 #332 Uniform product code, 1976 260 2 #333 Voluntary school prayer, 1976 260 3 #334 HET's voting record on selected issues, 1976 260 4 #335 Election reform bill, 1976 260 5 #336 Medicare and Medicaid funding cuts, 1976 260 6 #337 Discrimination against women, 1976 260 7 #338 Taxing Armed Forces Health profession scholarships, 1976 260 8 #339 Education Amendments, 1976 260 9-11 #340 Oil company divestiture, 1976 box folder Request box 261 1 #340 Oil company divestiture, 1976 261 2 #341 Religious exercises in public schools, 1976 261 3 #342 GI bill extension, 1976 261 4 #343 Baby seal hunting, 1976 261 5 #344 Funeral expenses for senior citizens, 1976 261 6 #345 Genocide treaty, 1976 261 7 #346 Excise tax on foundations, 1976 261 8 #348 Veterans disability benefits, 1976 box folder Request box 262 1 #349 Association advertising & trade show, 1976 262 2 #350 Sale of C-130 aircraft to Egypt, 1976 262 3 #351 Military commissaries, 1976 262 4 #352 Dolphins - Marine mammals protection act, 1976 262 5 #353 Georgia Legal services program, 1976 262 6 #354 Military retired pay, 1976 262 7 #355 Swine vaccine program, 1976 262 8 #356 Right-to-life amendment, 1976 262 9 #357 Full employment bill, 1976 262 10 #358 Nursing education, 1976 262 11 #359 Hair dye exemption, 1976 262 12 #361 Trade shows and convention taxes, 1976 262 13 #362 Illegal aliens, 1976 262 14 #363 diabetes bill, 1976 262 15 #364 Concord, 1976 262 16 #365 Fluorocarbons, 1976 262 17 #366 Oil entitlements, 1976 262 18 #367 Soft drink bottlers, 1976 262 19 #368 Government pensions, 1976 262 20 #369 Law enforcement assistance administration, 1976 262 21 #370 Title XIX Airport and Airways Development, 1976 262 22 #371 Community Services Administration, 1976 box folder Request box 263 1 #372 Cost of living for military retirees, 1976 263 2-3 #373 Interest withholding, 1976 263 4 #374 tips income reporting, 1976 263 5 #375 Taxation of security investments, 1976 263 6 #376 Tax on vacation homes, 1976 263 7 #377 Tax on vacation and second homes, 1976 263 8 #378 Minimum wage for veterans, 1976 263 9 #379 Wetlands, 1976 263 10 #380 Revenue bonds for hospital construction, 1976 263 11 #381 "Generation-shipping", 1976 263 12 #382 Full employment, 1976 263 13 #383 Solid waste utilization, 1976 263 14 #384 Federal funds for abortion, 1976 263 15 #385 Public works bill, 1976 263 16 #386 Section 4110 of Veterans Omnibus Health Care act, 1976 263 17 #387 Breaking-up major oil companies, 1976 263 18 #388 B-1 bombers program, 1976 263 19 #389 Abolishing tax exemption for sick pay, 1976 263 20 #390 Minimum tax, 1976 263 21 #391 Tax reform bill on real estate industry, 1976 box folder Request box 264 1 #392 Inouye-Goldwater amendment, 1976 264 2 #393 Tax breaks for renters, 1976 264 3 #394 Interest on demand deposits, 1976 264 4 #395 Equal access to courts bill, 1976 264 5 #396 Hollings amendment, 1976 264 6 #397 Congaree Swank National Preserve, 1976 264 7 #398 Display permits for killer whales, 1976 264 8 #399 Air transportation, 1976 264 9 #509 Naturalization congrats, 1976 264 10 #511 Eagle Scouts congrats, 1976 264 11 #513 Government waste, 1976 264 12 #563 Limits on religious broadcasting, 1976 264 13 #569 Newsletter change of address, 1976 264 14 #579 condolences, 1976 264 15 #588 Agriculture yearbooks, 1976 264 16 #590 National 4-H winners from Georgia, 1976 264 17 #591 Angola, 1976 264 18 #592 CLOSE UP trip, 1976 264 19 #593 Newsletter comments, 1976 264 20 #595 Balanced budget amendment (HET's), 1976 264 21 #596 Wellington Puritan Mills employee of the month, 1976 264 22 #597 Content of TV programs and movies, 1976 264 23 #598 Former Pres. Nixon's trip to China, 1976 264 24 #599 House Select Intelligence Committee report - Daniel Shorr, 1976 264 25 #600 Government waste, 1976 box folder Request box 265 1 #621 Air Force calibration organization, 1976 265 2 #622 Oppose closing of post office Stonewall, GA, 1976 265 3 #623 Oppose closing of post office Stillmore, GA, 1976 265 4-5 #624 Oppose cutback in Saturday postal service, 1976 265 6 #625 Postal Service, 1976 265 7 #628 Rate increase by Georgia Power, 1976 265 8 #633 Elimination of highway contract postal route mail dispatch to Esom Hill, GA, 1976 265 9 #635 Possible post office closing - Alston, GA, 1976 265 10 #636 Proposed elimination of Saturday postal service, 1976 265 11 #702 [empty], 1976 265 12 #703 Newsletter comments, 1976 265 13 #704 National Science Foundation fellowships, 1976 265 15 #705 NROTC scholarship recipients, 1976 265 14 #706 Coeta County Schools, 1976 265 16 #707 "Stop Drugs at source" program, 1976 265 17 #708 CLOSE UP, 1976 265 18 #709 STAR student congrats, 1976 265 19 #710 Newsletter comments, 1976 265 20 #712 Requests, 1976 265 21 #713 Contributions to annual Congressional dinner, 1976 265 22 #714 U. S. policy toward Rhodesia & South Africa, 1976 265 23 #715 Georgia Constitution, 1976 265 24 #717 Congressman Wayne Hayes, 1976 265 25 #718 Drug abuse - school children, 1976 265 26 #719 Scandal in congress, 1976 265 27 #720 Georgia Boys State, 1976 265 28 #721 Newsletter comments, 1976 265 29 #722 American Way of Life, 1976 265 30 #724 Out-of-state letters, 1976 265 31 #725 Aid to communist China, 1976 265 32 #726 Agricultural yearbook requests, 1976 box folder Request box 266 1 #727 Newsletter comments, 1976 266 2 #728 Mutual education exchange award winners, 1976 266 3 #729 1976 agriculture yearbook, 1976 266 4 #730 Congrats - nomination Democratic primary, 1976 266 5 #731 Congrats - nomination Democratic primary, 1976 266 6 #737 American policy in southern Africa, 1976 266 7 #738 Affirmative action - Southern Bell, 1976 266 8 #739 school children, 1976 266 9 #740 Fluorocarbons, 1976 266 10 #741 Jehovah's Witness - Argentina, 1976 266 11 #743 Newsletter comments, 1976 266 12 #816 FLECT and Jekyll Island Security detail, 1976 266 13 #901 Religious discrimination provision in revenue sharing bill, 1976 266 14 #902 Nuclear fuel assurance, 1976 266 15 #903 Support B-1 bomber, 1976 266 16 #904 Wiretapping, 1976 266 17 #905 Government employee pay raise, 1976 266 18 #906 Government employee pay raise, 1976 266 19 #907 Rate increase by Georgia Power, 1976 266 20 #908 Debt Collection Practices bill, 1976 266 21 #909 Genocide treaty, 1976 266 22 #910 Federal funds for abortion, 1976 266 23 #911 Small business taxes, 1976 266 24 #912 Taxing payment under profit sharing plan, 1976 266 25 #913 Deduct contribution to company pension plan, 1976 266 26 #914 Apparel industry, 1976 266 27 #915 Insurance, 1976 266 28 #916 Anti-boycott amendment, 1976 266 29 #917 Deduction for tuition for private schools, 1976 266 30 #918 Lobbying and tax exempt organizations, 1976 266 31 #919 Tax credit for foreign income tax, 1976 266 32 #920 Corporate surtax and estate tax, 1976 266 33 #921 Social security complaints, 1976 266 34 #922 Government control of game lands, 1976 266 35 Printouts, January 5-10 1976 box folder Request box 267 1 #923 Raise taxes on savings and loan institutions, 1976 267 2 #924 Federal retirees exemptions, 1976 267 3 #925 Abortion, 1976 267 4 #926 Water resources development act, 1976 267 5 #927 Override Presidential veto on HR14232, 1976 267 6 #928 Mine safety bill, 1976 267 7 #929 Postcard voter registration, 1976 267 8 #930 Full employment bill, 1976 267 9 #931 Support HR15301, 1976 267 10 #932 Foreign aid to Turkey - oppose, 1976 box folder Request box 268 1 Printouts , January 12-20, 1976 268 2 Printouts, January 21-27, 1976 268 3 Printouts , January 28-February 6, 1976 268 4 Printouts, February 9-18, 1976 268 5 Printouts , February 19-27, 1976 268 6 Printouts , March 1-8, 1976 box folder Request box 269 1 Printouts , March 9-16, 1976 269 2 Printouts, March 17-31, 1976 269 3 Printouts , April 5-9, 1976 269 4 Printouts , April 12-20, 1976 269 5 Printouts , April 22-27, 1976 269 6 Printouts , May 3-7, 1976 269 7 Printouts , May 10-18, 1976 269 8 Printouts , May 19-28, 1976 box folder Request box 270 1 Printouts , June 1-11, 1976 270 2 Printouts , June 14-23, 1976 270 3 Printouts , June 24-July 12, 1976 270 4 Printouts , July 6-16, 1976 270 5 Printouts , July 19-23, 1976 270 6 Printouts , July 26-August 3, 1976 270 7 Printouts , August 4-16, 1976 270 8 Printouts , August 17-31, 1976 270 9 Printouts , September 1-15, 1976 270 10 Printouts , September 16-30, 1976 box folder Request box 271 1 MC1 Minimum wage, 1977 271 2 MC2 Oppose amnesty for draft evaders, 1977 271 3 MC3 Oppose limiting debate in Senate, 1977 271 4 MC4 Independent Small Business Committee, 1977 271 5 MC5 Senate Nutrition Committee, 1977 271 6 MC6 Oppose nomination of Theodore Sorensen as Director of CIA, 1977 box folder Request box 272 1-3 MC7 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 273 1-3 MC7 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 274 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 275 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 276 1-5 MC7 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 277 1-9 MC7 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 278 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 279 1-2 MC8 Gun control legislation, 1977 279 3 MC9 Support decontrol of gasoline price, 1977 279 4 MC10 support repeal of OSHA, 1977 279 5 MC11 Support extension of regulation Q, 1977 279 6 MC12 oppose creation of deputy president pro tempore position in Senate, 1977 279 7 MC13 Support continuation of Civil Service Committee, 1977 279 8 MC14 Special Senate Committee on Aging, 1977 279 9 MC15 Energy crisis, 1977 279 10 MC16 Taft-Hartley, 1977 279 11 MC17 Oppose nomination of Sol Linowitz as Chief negotiator for Panama Canal treaty, 1977 279 12-13 MC18 ERA, 1977 279 14 MC19 Abortion, 1977 box folder Request box 280 1-2 MC20 Minimum wage, 1977 280 3-6 MC21 Oppose nomination of Paul Warnke as head of US Arms Control & Disarmament Agency, 1977 box folder Request box 281 1 MC21 Oppose nomination of Paul Warnke, 1977 281 2 MC22 U. S. withdrawal from UN, 1977 281 3 MC23 Vocational education, 1977 281 4 MC24 Jurisdiction over oceans and fisheries, 1977 281 5 MC25 Unionization of public employees, 1977 281 6 MC26 National Patriotism Week, 1977 281 7 MC27 Byrd amendment, 1977 281 8 MC28 Construction of Russell dam, 1977 281 9 MC29 Oppose nomination of Paul Warnke/Sal Linowitz, 1977 box folder Request box 282 1-4 MC30 Common situs picketing and secondary boycotts, 1977 box folder Request box 283 1 MC31 Additional funding of Title X programs, 1977 283 2 MC32 Humphrey-Hawkins full employment bill, 1977 283 3 MC33 Jack Knight for federal judgeship, 1977 283 4 MC34 HR13 Right to Work, 1977 283 5 MC35 Railroad retirement, 1977 283 6 MC36 Code of Conduct for Members of Congress, 1977 283 7 MC37 Steel-jaw leghold traps, 1977 283 8 MC38 Airline deregulation, 1977 box folder Request box 284 1-4 MC38 Airline deregulation, 1977 box folder Request box 285 1-5 MC38 Airline deregulation, 1977 box folder Request box 286 1-2 MC38 Airline deregulation [Airline regulatory reform proposal], 1977 286 3 MC39 common situs picketing law [Taft-Hartley "right-to-work"], 1977 286 4 MC40 Civil rights for homosexuals, 1977 286 5 MC41 Debt Collection Practices bill, 1977 286 6 MC42 School employees [minimum wage and unpaid summer months], 1977 box folder Request box 287 1 MC43 Enforcement of Marine mammals protection act, 1977 287 2 MC44 Pay hike for Congress, 1977 287 3 MC45 Public financing of Congressional elections, 1977 287 4-6 MC46 Ban on saccharin, 1977 box folder Request box 288 1-2 MC46 Ban on saccharin, 1977 288 3 MC47 Granting of bargaining rights to federal employees, 1977 288 4 MC48 Expanding services of federal credit unions, 1977 288 5 MC50 Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., 1977 288 6 MC51 Public works water projects, 1977 288 7 MC52 Decriminalization of marijuana, 1977 288 8 MC53 Voter registration laws, 1977 box folder Request box 289 1 MC53 Voter registration law, 1977 289 2-4 MC54 Energy crisis, 1977 box folder Request box 290 1-3 MC54 Carter's energy policy, 1977 290 4-5 MC55 S919, 1977 box folder Request box 291 1-3 MC56 Hatch Act, 1977 291 4 MC57 Lobbying legislation, 1977 291 5 MC58 King holiday, 1977 291 6 MC59 Young families housing act, 1977 291 7 MC60 Marine Mammals act, 1977 291 8 MC61 Consumer Communications Reform act, 1977 291 9 MC62 NOW accounts, 1977 291 10 MC63 Taft-Hartley amendment, 1977 291 11 MC64 S50, 1977 291 12 MC65 busing, 1977 291 13 MC66 DC representation, 1977 box folder Request box 292 1-4 MC67 Consumer Protection agency, 1977 292 5 MC68 Water pollution act, 1977 292 6 MC69 Minimum wage, 1977 box folder Request box 293 1 MC70 NLR act reform bill, 1977 293 2 MC71 S69, 1977 293 3-4 MC72 energy, 1977 293 5 MC73 "Meals on Wheels", 1977 293 6 MC74 Mine safety act, 1977 293 7-8 MC75 Genocide treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 294 1 MC76 H41, 1977 294 2 MC77 International Woman's Year conference, 1977 294 3 MC78 Product liability, 1977 294 4 MC79 Tax increase on fuel, 1977 294 5 MC80 Clean air act, 1977 294 6-7 MC81 Universal voter registration, 1977 294 8 MC82 Union certification, 1977 294 9 MC83 Prohibit research in living human fetus, 1977 294 10 MC84 Metric system, 1977 294 11 MC85 Hatch act, 1977 294 12 MC86 Clean air act amendments, 1977 294 13 MC87 Clean air act amendments, 1977 294 14 MC88 Wilderness area - Alaska, 1977 294 15 MC89 Small business development centers, 1977 294 16 MC90 Unionization of armed services, 1977 box folder Request box 295 1 MC91 Federal funds for abortion - oppose, 1977 295 2-3 MC92 Federal funds for abortion - approve, 1977 295 4 MC93 Interest rate differentials for banks, 1977 295 5 MC94 Use of compulsory union dues for election campaigns, 1977 295 6 MC95 Minimum wage, 1977 box folder Request box 296 1-2 MC95 Minimum wage, 1977 296 3 MC96 FTC- class action suits, 1977 296 4 MC97 Financial reform, 1977 box folder Request box 297 1-3 MC99 Labor reform act, 1977 box folder Request box 298 1-5 MC99 Labor reform act, 1977 box folder Request box 299 1-2 MC100 Labor reform act - support, 1977 299 3 MC101 Oppose appointing full ambassador to Vatican, 1977 299 4 MC102 Urban consumer co-operatives, 1977 299 5 MC103 Labor reform bill, 1977 299 6-7 MC104 Panama canal treaty, 1977 299 8 MC105 Horizontal divestiture of oil companies, 1977 box folder Request box 300 1 MC106 air bags, 1977 300 2 MC107 energy policy, 1977 300 3 MC108 Panama canal treaty, 1977 300 4-5 MC109 Bottle bill, 1977 300 6 MC110 Railroad legislation, 1977 300 7 MC111 International Women's Year, 1977 box folder Request box 301 1 MC112 National energy act, 1977 301 2 MC113 Anti-pancaking provision of S1469, 1977 301 3 MC114 Age discrimination in employment bill, 1977 301 4 MC115 Airline deregulation/Panama canal treaty, 1977 301 5 MC116 Safe banking bill, 1977 301 6 MC117 energy program, 1977 301 7 MC118 ERA, 1977 301 8 MC119 Appalachian trail, 1977 301 9 MC120 Panama canal treaty, 1977 301 10 MC121 bankruptcy law, 1977 301 11 MC122 ERA, 1977 301 12 MC123 postal service, 1977 301 13 MC124 International Women's Year, 1977 301 14 MC125 Nurse training act, 1977 301 15 MC126 Ceiling prices for insulation, 1977 box folder Request box 302 1 M1 Increase surcharge at military commissaries, 1977 302 2 M2 Support B-1 bombers, 1977 302 3 M3 Dept. of Defense appropriations bill, 1977 302 4 M4 Support B-1 bombers, 1977 302 5 M5 Oppose B-1 bombers, 1977 302 6 M6 Oppose neutron bomb, 1977 302 7-9 M8 Medical and dental care/military service, 1977 box folder Request box 303 1-2 M8 Medical and dental care/military service, 1977 303 3 M9 Unionization of the Armed Services civilians, 1977 303 4 OTL1 Less government spending, 1977 303 5 OTL2 Oppose confirmation of F. Ray Marshall as Secretary of Labor, 1977 303 6 OTL3 Support changing electoral college, 1977 303 7 OTL4 Parimutuel betting, 1977 303 8 OTL5 Situs picketing, 1977 303 9 OTL6 "Parolee" status for Vietnamese refugees, 1977 303 10 OTL7 Against confirmation of Paul Warmke, 1977 303 11 OTL8 World Peace fund, 1977 303 12 OTL9 Common situs picketing bill, 1977 303 13 OTL10 benefits for military retirees, 1977 303 14 OTL11 High government employee pensions, 1977 303 15 OTL12 Oppose nuclear project, Russell dam, 1977 303 16 OTL13 Footwear industry, 1977 303 17 OTL14 Dishonorable discharge, Panama canal, 1977 box folder Request box 304 1 OTL15 Health Profession Educational Assistance, 1977 304 2 OTL16 Proxmire-Brooks amendment, 1977 304 3 OTL17 Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement reform, 1977 304 4 OTL18 Support S692, 1977 304 5 OTL19 Balance budget amendment, 1977 304 6 OTL20 empty, 1977 304 7 OTL21 Ban on saccharin advertising, 1977 304 8 OTL22 Clean Water act, 1977 304 9 OTL23 Support clean air act, 1977 304 10 OTL24 Energy, 1977 304 11 OTL25 Library Services and Construction act, 1977 304 12 OTL26 Railroad retirement age 55, 1977 304 13 OTL28 ban on saccharin, 1977 304 14 OTL29 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 304 15 OTL30 International Women's Year, 1977 304 16 OTL31 Sex discrimination on basis of pregnancy, 1977 304 17 OTL33 Minimum wage, 1977 304 18 OTL34 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 304 19 OTL35 Speech, 1977 304 20 OTL36 Panama Canal treaty - for, 1977 304 21 OTL37 Civil Service retirement program, 1977 304 22-23 OTL38 Panama Canal Treaty - against, 1977 box folder Request box 305 1 OTP1 Religious freedom, 1977 305 2 OTP3 Religious broadcasting, 1977 305 3 OTP4 Federal budget petition, 1977 305 4 OTP5 Drug abuse, 1977 305 5 OTP6 Mandatory minimum sentence, 1977 305 6 OTP7 Pornography, 1977 305 7 OTP8 graduating seniors, Jonesco Academy, 1977 305 8 OTP9 Prayer in schools, 1977 305 9 OTP10 CLOSE-UP, 1977 305 10 OTP11 Gospel programs, 1977 305 11 OTP12 Military aid to Turkey, 1977 305 12 OTP13 morality, 1977 305 13 OTP14 Georgia Boy's state, 1977 305 14 OTP16 Support Declaration of Independence, 1977 305 15 OTP17 Establishment of nudist camp, 1977 305 16 OTP18 Ban religious broadcasting, 1977 305 17 OTP19 Woodworks unlimited, 1977 305 18 OTP21 College presidents - Georgia, 1977 305 19 OTP22 Oppose the Passover plot, 1977 305 20 OTP23 Sexual abuse of children, 1977 305 21 OTP24 economy, 1977 305 22 OTP25 Atheism, 1977 305 23 OTP26 Pro-abortion, 1977 305 24 OTP27 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 305 25 OTP28 Religious broadcasting, 1977 305 26 OTP30 list of names and addresses, 1977 305 27 P1 Inflation and the economy, 1977 305 28 P2 Weekly report requests, 1977 305 29 P3 Eagle scouts, 1977 305 30 P4 Agricultural yearbook requests, 1977 305 31 P5 Religious broadcasting, 1977 305 32 P7 King and Kennedy assassinations, 1977 305 33 P8 Naturalization congratulations, 1977 305 34 P9 War on poverty, 1977 305 35 P10 Pardons for draft evaders, 1977 305 36 P11 Death penalty, 1977 305 37 P12 Pardon for draft evaders, 1977 305 38 P13 Terrorists release, 1977 305 39 P14 Drug problem, 1977 305 40 P15 Wasteful government projects, 1977 305 41 P16 Pornography, 1977 305 42 P17 Energy, 1977 305 43 P18 Energy, 1977 305 44 P19 Drug problem, 1977 305 45 P20 Panama Canal treaty, 1977 box folder Request box 306 1 P21 Congressional directory requests, 1977 306 2 P22 Russian Jews, 1977 306 3 P23 FBI, 1977 306 4 P24 6 day mail delivery, 1977 306 5 P26 Child pornography, 1977 306 6 P27 Computer tech to USSR, 1977 306 7 P28 Deficit spending legislation, 1977 306 8 P29 illegal aliens, 1977 box folder Request box 307 1 P30 Relations with Cuba [normalization of relations], 1977 307 2 P31 representative to United Nations (U.N.)- Andrew Young, 1977 307 3 P32 Congressional perquisites, 1977 307 4-5 P33 Comments on newsletter, 1977 307 6 P34 Welfare reform, 1977 307 7 P35 Amnesty for illegal aliens - oppose, 1977 307 8 P36 Comments on newsletter, 1977 307 9 P38 Comments on newsletter, 1977 307 10 P39 Student requests for information on GA, 1977 307 11 P40 Georgia 4-H Congress winners, 1977 307 12 P41 Budget director Burt Lance, 1977 307 13 P42 Youth organized as energy inspectors, 1977 307 14 P43 Remove "In God We Trust" from coin - oppose, 1977 307 15 P44 PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] at Geneva talks - oppose, 1977 307 16 P45 Petitions - Rhodesia, Panama Canal, Genocide Treaty, 1977 307 17 P46 Agriculture yearbook requests, 1977 307 18 P47 "In God We Trust" removal from coins, 1977 307 19 P48 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1977 307 20 P49 Family and sexual issues (moral), 1977 box folder Request box 308 1 P50 Farm strike, 1977 308 2 V1 Senate Veteran Affairs Committee, 1977 308 3 V2 Veterans education benefits, 1977 308 4 V3 Support increase in VA pensions, 1977 308 5 V4 Pension for WWI veterans, 1977 308 6 V5 Pension for Women Air Force Service Pilots of WWII, 1977 308 7 V6 GI post payment, 1977 308 8 V7 Veteran benefits, 1977 308 9 V8 Extension of Veteran's education benefits, 1977 308 10 V9 Physicians servicing veterans, 1977 308 11 MISC. multiple concerns, 1977 box folder Request box 309 1 C1 IRS Ruling: Fringe Benefits Taxable - oppose, 1977 309 2 C4 IRS Ruling: Fringe Benefits Taxable - oppose, 1977 309 3 C11 Contracting out duties at Ft. Gordon, 1977 309 4 F1 Earning limitations on social security, 1977 309 5 F2 IRS sick pay exclusion, 1977 309 6 F3 Increase in social security tax rate- oppose, 1977 309 7 F4 Support withholding all payroll taxes from a single paycheck each month, 1977 309 8 F5 Corporate surtax exemption, 1977 309 9 F6 President Carter's energy policy proposals, 1977 309 10 F7 Sick pay exclusion of Tax Reform act of 1976, 1977 box folder Request box 310 1 F8 U. S. footwear industry, 1977 310 2 F9 investment and employment credits, 1977 310 3-5 F10 Income earned abroad, 1977 310 6 F11 Medicare reimbursement for chiropractic services, 1977 310 7 F12 Oppose $50 rebate by IRS, 1977 310 8 F13 World peace tax fund, 1977 box folder Request box 311 1 F14 Funding for day care center, 1977 311 2 F15 Health care, 1977 311 3-4 F16 Hospital cost containment proposal, 1977 311 5 F17 S123, 1977 box folder Request box 312 1-3 F18 Tuition tax credit, 1977 312 4 F19 Rehabilitation of historic structures, 1977 312 5 F20 Elimination of double taxation on dividend, 1977 box folder Request box 313 1-2 F21 Placement of federal retirement system into social security, 1977 313 3 F22 Tax reform, 1977 313 4 F23 Raising social security retirement age, 1977 box folder Request box 314 1 F24 Public assistance amendment, 1977 314 2-3 F25 Energy legislation, 1977 314 4 F26 Repeal of carry-over basic law, 1977 314 5 F27 Reimbursement of rural health clinics, 1977 314 6-7 F28 Deregulation of natural gas and oil, 1977 box folder Request box 315 1-4 F29 Social security tax increase, 1977 315 5 F30 Excise tax on investments of foundations, 1977 315 6 F31 Elimination of double taxation on dividends, 1977 315 7-8 F32 Energy tax package, 1977 box folder Request box 316 1 F33 Tax reform - Kennedy proposal, 1977 316 2 F34 Waterways fuel tax, 1977 316 3 F35 Funding for home dialysis, 1977 316 4 F36 Increase social security benefits - oppose, 1977 316 5 F37 Guidelines for health planning, 1977 316 6 F39 National health insurance, 1977 316 7 FE1 Oppose public service employees being forced to join unions, 1977 316 8 FE2 congressional pay raise, 1977 316 9 FE3 Altering workweek of federal firefighters, 1977 316 10 FE4 No pay cut demotion bill, 1977 box folder Request box 317 1 Labor issues, 1977 box folder Request box 318 1 postcards - various issues, 1977 box folder Request box 319 1 postcards - various issues, 1977 box folder Request box 320 1 postcards - various issues, 1977 box folder Request box 321 1 F1 Oppose earnings limit on social security, 1978 321 2 F2 Income exclusion for person retired on disability, 1978 321 3 F3 concern about social security program, 1978 321 4-5 F10 overseas income exclusion, 1978 321 6 F11 Chiropractic services/Medicare, 1978 321 7 F15 health care costs, 1978 321 8 F16 interim cap on hospital cost increase, 1978 321 9 F17 Support mental health service, 1978 321 10-12 F18 Tax relief for school tuition costs, 1978 321 13 F20 capital gain elimination, 1978 box folder Request box 322 1 F21 federal employees paying into social security, 1978 322 2-3 F22 Increasing surtax exemption, 1978 322 4 F23 change in social security, 1978 322 5 F24 Federal funds to subsidize adoptions for "hard to place" children, 1978 322 6 F25 Oil and natural gas deregulation, 1978 322 5-8 F26 Carryover basis, 1978 322 9 F28 Deregulation of oil and natural gas, 1978 322 10 F29 Pres. Carter's social security proposal, 1978 box folder Request box 323 1 F31 Taxing dividends, 1978 323 2 F32 Pres. Carter's energy plan, 1978 323 3 F34 Waterway user charges, 1978 323 4 F35 Reimbursement for home dialysis, 1978 323 5 F36 make social security optional, 1978 323 6 F38 Tax credit for the elderly, 1978 323 7 F39 National health care plan, 1978 323 8-9 F40 Limiting tax deductions for certain business expenses, 1978 323 10 F41 Tuition tax credit - oppose, 1978 323 11 F42 regulations - reimbursement for respiratory therapists, 1978 box folder Request box 324 1 F43 Change in social security deposits, 1978 324 2 F44 Real estate industry tax reform, 1978 324 3 F45 Taxpayers bill of rights, 1978 324 4 F46 Regulations governing pension & profit sharing plans, group medical, 1978 324 5-6 F47 Reducing capital gains tax, 1978 324 7 F48 IRS definition of "independent contractor", 1978 324 8 F49 Kemp-Roth bill (tax reduction), 1978 324 9 F50 Charitable deductions, 1978 box folder Request box 325 1 F51 Oppose Nelson amendment, 1978 325 2 F52 HR7200 Child welfare, 1978 325 3 F53 Hollings amendment, 1978 325 4 F54 Limit federal spending and tax cuts, 1978 325 5 F55 S3288 private pension plan contributions, 1978 325 6 F56 Repeal of section 227, 1978 325 7 F57 Industrial development bonds, 1978 325 8 F58 Freedom of choice in health care, 1978 325 9 F59 "deferrals" - taxing unremitted profits of foreign subsidiaries of US corporations, 1978 325 10 F60 Domestic International Sales Corporation, 1978 325 11 F61 Occupational therapy as primary service, 1978 325 12 F62 Mandatory treatment of mentally ill low income children, 1978 325 13 F63 Investment tax credit- poultry growers, 1978 325 14 F64 Invest credit for mandatory OSHA expenditures, 1978 325 15 FE5-FE6 Civil Service Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 326 1-4 C13 IRS regulations regarding tax exempt status of private schools, 1978 326 5 C13-C14 meeting in Rochelle, GA on agricultural credit and disaster assistance, 1978 326 6 C16 Social security - Georgia branch managers, 1978 326 7 M16 , August 1978 326 8 M15-M10 , May 1978 326 9 M11-M10 , April 1978 326 10-11 M10 , March 1978 326 12 M11-M9 , February 1978 326 13 M11-M2 , January 1978 box folder Request box 327 1-4 MC 7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 328 1-6 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 329 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 330 1-5 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 331 1-3 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 332 1-5 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 333 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 334 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 335 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 336 1-5 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 337 1-5 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 338 1-6 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 339 1-3 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 340 1-4 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 341 1-3 MC7 Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 341 4 MC8 Oppose gun control, 1978 341 5 MC10 Repeal of OSHA, 1978 341 6 MC18 Ratification of ERA - oppose, 1978 341 7 MC19 Human life amendment, 1978 341 8 MC22 US membership in UN, 1978 341 9 MC30 Support common situs picketing bill, 1978 box folder Request box 342 1 MC32 Oppose Full employment bill, 1978 342 2 MC34 Postal reorganization bill, 1978 342 3 MC37 Williams-Long bill, 1978 342 4 MC38 Oppose deregulation of airlines, 1978 342 5 MC40 Homosexual rights, 1978 342 6 MC52 Decriminalization of marijuana, 1978 342 7 MC54 Energy plan, 1978 342 8 MC56 Revision of Hatch act, 1978 342 9 MC64 Support full employment bill, 1978 342 10 MC67 Oppose Consumer Protection agency, 1978 342 11 MC70 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 343 1 MC72 Letters to President Carter, 1978 343 2 MC75 Oppose Genocide Treaty, 1978 343 3 MC77 International Woman's Year Funding, 1978 343 4 MC84 Oppose metric system, 1978 343 5 MC85 Support revision of Hatch Act, 1978 343 6-8 MC88 Alaska Lands bill, 1978 box folder Request box 344 1 MC88 Alaska Lands bill, 1978 344 2-3 MC90 Support outlawing military unions, 1978 344 4-5 MC92 Oppose federal money for abortions, 1978 344 6 MC94 Oppose use of compulsory union dues for political purposes, 1978 344 7 MC97 Oppose "New Account" legislation, 1978 344 8 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 345 1-4 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 346 1-5 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 347 1-4 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 348 1-6 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 349 1-4 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 350 1-4 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 351 1-7 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 352 1-5 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 353 1-6 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 354 1-5 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 355 1-4 MC99 Oppose Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 356 1-4 MC100 Support Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 357 1-5 MC100 Support Labor Reform bill, 1978 box folder Request box 358 1 MC100 Support Labor Reform bill, 1978 358 2 MC103 Labor Reform bill, 1978 358 3-7 MC104 Support Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 359 1-8 MC104 Support Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 box folder Request box 360 1 MC105 Oppose divestiture of oil companies, 1978 360 2 MC113 Oppose electric rate increase, 1978 360 3 MC116 Oppose Safe Banking Act, 1978 360 4 MC117 Support Pres. Carter's Energy bill, 1978 360 5-7 MC118 Oppose Ratification extension for ERA, 1978 box folder Request box 361 1-3 MC118 Oppose Ratification extension for ERA, 1978 box folder Request box 362 1 MC118 Oppose Ratification extension for ERA, 1978 362 2 MC119 Appalachian Trail, 1978 362 3 MC120 Panama Canal Treaty - Oppose, 1978 362 4 MC121 Bankruptcy Reform act, 1978 box folder Request box 363 1 MC122 International Women's Year and ERA - Oppose, 1978 363 2 MC123 Postal Reorganization bill, 1978 363 3 MC125 Nurse Training Act funds, 1978 363 4 MC127 ERA - oppose, 1978 363 5 MC128 Human Life amendment, 1978 363 6 MC129 Freight Claims Settlement Act, 1978 363 7 MC130 ERA - extend time limit, 1978 363 8 MC131 Retired Senior Volunteer Program, 1978 363 9 MC132 Drug Regulation Reform Act, 1978 box folder Request box 364 1 MC133 Funding for National Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, 1978 364 2 MC134 Postal Reorganization bill, 1978 364 3 MC135 Petroleum Marketing Practices Act, 1978 364 4 MC136 Labor Reform bill, 1978 364 5-6 MC137 Labor Reform act, 1978 box folder Request box 365 1-3 MC137 Labor Reform act, 1978 365 4 MC138 Endangered Species Act, 1978 365 5 MC139 Lobby Disclosure bill, 1978 365 6 MC140 Older Americans Act, 1978 365 7 MC141 Foster Grandparent/Senior Companion Program, 1978 365 8 MC142 Meals on Wheels, 1978 box folder Request box 366 1 MC143 Medicaid Funding for Abortions - Support, 1978 366 2 MC144 Create Department of Education, 1978 366 3 MC145 Postal Reform bill, 1978 366 4 MC146 5.5% pay cap/Federal Employees, 1978 366 5 MC147 Natural Gas compromise, 1978 366 6 MC148 Renew Comprehensive employment and training act of 1973 - oppose, 1978 366 7 MC149 Wilderness Proposal - oppose, 1978 366 8 MC150 Federal Trade Commission Regulatory Review, 1978 366 9 MC151 DC Representation bill, 1978 366 10-12 MC153 Extension of ERA - Oppose, 1978 box folder Request box 367 1-2 MC154 Extension of ERA - Support, 1978 box folder Request box 368 1 MC156 Oppose Norville Morris appointment to Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1978 368 2 MC157 Full Employment and Balanced Growth, 1978 368 3 MC158 Ban Genocide, 1978 368 4 MC159 Vocational education, 1978 368 5 OTL38 Oppose Panama Canal treaty, 1978 368 6 OTL40 Support employee bill of rights, 1978 368 7-8 OTL43 Business tax deductions, 1978 368 9 OTL44 Support Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 368 10 OTL45 Oppose Beverage Container & Recycling bill, 1978 368 11 OTL47 Hatch Act and labor reform bills, 1978 368 12 OTL48 Rollback increases in social security, 1978 368 13 OTL38 and OTL 41 , January 1978 box folder Request box 369 1 OTL's, 1978 369 2 OTL63 Oppose OSHA cotton dust standard/masks, 1978 369 3 OTP's, 1978 369 4 OTP36 Support voluntary prayer in school, 1978 369 5 OTP37 Support expulsion of Wilfred Burchett, 1978 369 6 OTP39 Support impeachment of Andrew Young, 1978 369 7 OTP40 "I Love America" letters, 1978 box folder Request box 370 1 OTP41 Oppose child pornography, 1978 370 2 OTP , April 1978 370 3 OTP , January 1978 370 4 OTL43 business tax deduction, 1978 370 5 OTL32 Right to work law, 1978 370 6 OTL's, 1978 370 7 OTP's, 1978 370 8 P8 Persons naturalized in Georgia, 1978 370 9 P26 Child pornography, 1978 370 10 P43 Removing God from coins, 1978 370 11 P49 Human Rights in Soviet Union, 1978 370 12 P50 100% Parity for farm crops, 1978 box folder Request box 371 1-3 P50 100% Parity for farm crops, 1978 371 4-6 P54 Prohibit Broadcast of Religious programs, 1978 box folder Request box 372 1-5 P54 Prohibit broadcast of religious programs, 1978 372 6 P55 Support Panama Canal Treaty, 1978 372 7 P57 Panama Canal Treaty - Oppose, 1978 box folder Request box 373 1-4 P58 Panama Canal Treaty - Oppose, 1978 box folder Request box 374 1-4 P58 Panama Canal Treaty - Oppose, 1978 box folder Request box 375 1-4 P58 Panama Canal Treaty - Oppose, 1978 box folder Request box 376 1-7 P58 Panama Canal Treaty - Oppose, 1978 box folder Request box 377 1-2 P58 Panama Canal Treaty - Oppose, 1978 377 3 P61 ERA - Oppose, 1978 377 4 P62 President shouldn't go to Panama, 1978 377 5 P64 Remove Andrew Young from UN, 1978 377 6 P65 Support for Talmadge, 1978 377 7 P66 No Troops in Cambodia, 1978 377 8 P67 Sanctions against Rhodesia, 1978 377 9 P68 Soviet Jews/Human Rights, 1978 377 10 P69 Rhodesian Policy, 1978 377 11 P70 Art in the US Capitol, 1978 377 12 P71 Government spending waste, 1978 box folder Request box 378 1 P72 Republic of Taiwan, 1978 378 2 V-3 VA benefits, 1978 378 3-4 V-4 WWI veteran benefits - increase, 1978 378 5 V [M14-M16], June 1978 378 6 V [V3-V4], April 1978 378 7 V [V4], January 1978 378 8-10 F40 Limiting tax deductions for certain business expenses (see also box 323), 1978 378 11-12 F18 Tax relief for school tuition cost (see also box 321), 1978 box folder Request box 379 1 Postcards, 1978 box folder Request box 380 1 Postcards, 1978 box folder Request box 381 1 A3 Oppose discontinuance of Farmer's and Consumer's Market Bulletin, 1979 381 2 A6 Support Dudley Bowen for Federal District Court Judge, 1979 381 3 A9 Oppose Dudley Bowen, 1979 381 4-7 A12 Oppose Nomination of Abner Mikva to US Court of Appeals, 1979 box folder Request box 382 1-5 A12 Oppose Nomination of Abner Mikva, 1979 382 6 A13 Oppose Nomination of Abner Mikva, 1979 382 7 V18 Soviet troops in Cuba, 1979 box folder Request box 383 1 APP1 Support Upward Bound trio program, 1979 383 2 ASV1 Oppose registration for the draft, 1979 383 3 ASV2 Support registration for the draft, 1979 383 4 ASV3 Oppose overhaul of aircraft carriers, 1979 383 5 ASV4 Pay revisions for military health professionals - support, 1979 383 6 ASV5 Exempt military construction from Davis-Bacon Act, 1979 383 7 ASV6 Reinstatement of the draft, 1979 383 8 ASV7 Oppose drafting women, 1979 383 9 ASV8 Veteran hospitals under HEW - Oppose, 1979 383 10 B1 Oppose S Res59, 1979 383 11 B2 Banks underwriting municipal revenue bonds, 1979 383 12 B3 Real of Treasury's authority to confiscate private gold, 1979 383 13 B4 Regulation Q and Savings & Loans rate, 1979 383 14-15 B5 Share drafts for Savings & Loans, 1979 box folder Request box 384 1 B6 Problems in shoe industry, 1979 384 2-3 B7 Depository Institutions Deregulation bill, 1979 384 4 B8 Oppose S1347, 1979 384 5-6 CST1 Oppose trucking deregulation, 1979 384 7 CST2 Kennedy's trucking deregulation, 1979 384 8 CST3 Limiting coverage of clear channel stations, 1979 384 9 CST4 Support trucking deregulation, 1979 384 10 CST5 Support experienced pilots bill, 1979 384 11 CST6 Oppose experienced pilots bill, 1979 box folder Request box 385 1-6 C2 IRS regulations on tax exempt status of private schools, 1979 box folder Request box 386 1-2 C2 IRS regulations on tax exempt status of private schools, 1979 386 3 C3 IRS regulations of tax exempt status of private schools, 1979 386 4 C4 Paul Harvey broadcast - wheat for oil, 1979 386 5-6 C5 Oppose weekend restrictions on gasoline sale, 1979 box folder Request box 387 1 C6 Panama Canal Treaties - oppose, 1979 387 2 C7 Labor union "infiltration" of Federal Election Commission, 1979 387 3 C8 Oppose Standby Conservation, 1979 387 4 C9 Restructure AMTRACK passenger system, 1979 387 5 C10 Low rent housing project in Claxton, GA, 1979 <