Herman E. Talmadge Collection, Subgroup C, Series VIII: Legislation

Herman E. Talmadge Collection, Subgroup C, Series VIII: Legislation

Descriptive Summary

Title: Herman E. Talmadge Collection, Subgroup C, Series VIII: Legislation
Creator: Talmadge, Herman E. (Herman Eugene), 1913-2002
Inclusive Dates: 1957-1980
Language(s): English
Extent: 474 box(es) (233.25 linear feet)
Collection Number: RBRL102HET_C_VIII
Repository: Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
Abstract: Herman E. Talmadge Collection, Subgroup C, Series VIII: Legislation subject matter pertain to legislation being considered by Congress. The researcher will find overlap between the Legislative and Press Office series in related subject matter. For more detailed information on the Watergate affair, the researcher should review Series II (Press Office) and Series IV (Watergate).

Collection Description

Biographical Note

It was once said if you were not a Talmadge man you were a communist. The Talmadge dynasty began in 1926 when Eugene Talmadge, Herman's father, was first elected Commissioner of Agriculture. Gene would later be elected governor of Georgia to an unprecedented four terms. For over fifty years the Talmadges dominated Georgia politics until Herman was defeated in 1980.

Born on August 9, 1913, on a farm near McRae, Georgia, to Eugene and Mattie Talmadge, Herman attended public schools until his senior year when his family moved to Atlanta. In the fall of 1931, he entered the University of Georgia. By 1936, he had received his law degree and joined his father's law practice.

After serving in the United States Navy during World War II, Talmadge returned to his home in Lovejoy. While continuing to practice law and to farm, Talmadge took over publishing his father's weekly newspaper, The Statesman, and started a ham-curing business.

Talmadge's first involvement in politics was as his father's campaign manager in 1946. Running for an unprecedented fourth term as governor of Georgia, Eugene Talmadge was elected in November 1946, but was in failing health. As a precaution, a small group of Talmadge supporters started a write-in campaign for Herman Talmadge during the general election. When the elder Talmadge died in December 1946, before being sworn in as governor, the Georgia General Assembly elected his son governor by a vote of 161 to 87. But outgoing Governor Ellis Arnall refused to surrender his office unless it was to elected-Lieutenant Governor Melvin E. Thompson. After a period of uncertainty, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that the constitutional portion under which the General Assembly had elected Herman Talmadge did not apply. The court declared M. E. Thompson acting governor until a special election could be held. In September 1948, Talmadge was elected governor and re-elected in 1950, serving until January 1955.

As governor, Herman Talmadge concentrated on improving educational opportunities for children of all races by establishing youth centers, increasing construction of rural roads, and building additional hospitals and health care centers.

When Senator Walter George officially announced his decision not to run for United States Senate, Talmadge started campaigning to take his place. Once again he was opposed by M. E. Thompson, but defeated him in the Democratic primary. With no Republican opposition in the general election in November 1956, Talmadge was elected United States senator.

The civil rights movement of the 1950s ultimately effected equal rights legislation for African-Americans and eliminated segregated public facilities in the South. Although progress toward integrating public schools was achieved, a majority of whites in the South remained adamant in their resistance to desegregation.

As part of that majority, Talmadge had voiced his opposition as early as the 1948 Democratic Convention when President Harry Truman tried to add civil rights to the platform. And in response to the Supreme Court ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education, Talmadge authored a book in 1955 about the wisdom of segregated education entitled You and Segregation.

When Talmadge officially began his term as the junior senator from Georgia in January 1957, he immediately joined the other Southern Democrats in their fight against civil rights legislation. "I never read a civil rights bill that didn't destroy more constitutional rights that it purported to give any group."

In response to the crisis of integrating Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas, Talmadge proposed a constitutional amendment in 1959 that would have permitted the state and local governments to decide whether or not to keep their schools segregated. This proposal was the first acknowledgment from a southern senator that Brown vs. Board of Education was an established fact.

Having won a seat on the Agriculture Committee in 1957, Talmadge wielded his greatest influence on bills that affected American farmers and agriculture. By 1971, he had become chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. Some of his major accomplishments in this area included guiding passage of a series of acts, which established price support programs for peanuts, cotton, wheat, and other commodities.

Talmadge probably achieved his greatest national prominence through his role on the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, which investigated the Watergate scandal and ultimately led to the resignation of the president and vice president of the United States, as well as the conviction of three cabinet members on felony charges. Talmadge thought that the Watergate investigation was one of the most important events in the history of the United States and demonstrated that a republican form of government has a way of correcting the conduct of public officials and alerting others not to make the same mistake.

At the same time he was gaining national recognition, Talmadge was besieged by a series of personal and political tragedies. In 1975, his son Robert drowned in a swimming accident at Lake Lanier; by the fall of 1977, Betty and Herman Talmadge had finalized their divorce; then, in 1978, Talmadge came to grips with a serious drinking problem. Following an alcohol treatment program at the naval hospital in Long Beach, California, he returned to Washington, ready to work, but met with scandal instead. Shortly after returning to the Capitol, Talmadge was accused of misappropriating office funds and campaign donations for his own personal use. The Senate Ethics Committee investigated the allegations and recommended that Talmadge be "denounced" for his reprehensible behavior and sentenced to reimburse the Senate for these controversial funds with interest.

Despite these problems, Talmadge sought his fifth term as senator in 1980, but was rejected by Georgia voters who chose to elect Mack Mattingly to replace him, the first Republican to hold the office since Reconstruction.

Serving twenty-four years in the United States Senate, Talmadge ranked fifth in seniority among Senate Democrats and seventh overall by the time he left office. Herman Talmadge passed away on March 21, 2002.

Scope and Content

Herman E. Talmadge Collection, Subgroup C, Series VIII: Legislation subject matter pertain to legislation being considered by Congress. The researcher will find overlap between the Legislative and Press Office series in related subject matter. For more detailed information on the Watergate affair, the researcher should review Series II (Press Office) and Series IV (Watergate).

Organization and Arrangement

In the Washington office, the Legislative files were managed by the Congress. For example, 1973-1974 files were kept for current use; and when the 93rd Congress adjourned, these files were retired. The overall arrangement of this series was chronological, latest date first, followed by an alphabetical arrangement of Joint, Standing (subcommittees) or select committees. Within each committee, subjects related to that committee are arranged in alphabetical order.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Case mail restricted.

Preferred Citation

Herman E. Talmadge Collection, Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, The University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, Georgia.

Processing Notes

Clippings have been copied onto bond paper for protection of content. Artifacts, photographs, books, and audiovisual materials have been separated for preservation purposes and inventoried.

User Restrictions

Library acts as "fair use" reproduction agent.

Copyright Information

Before material from collections at the Richard B. Russell Library may be quoted in print, or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, in any publication, permission must be obtained from (1) the owner of the physical property, and (2) the holder of the copyright. It is the particular responsibility of the researcher to obtain both sets of permissions. Persons wishing to quote from materials in the Russell Library collection should consult the Director. Reproduction of any item must contain a complete citation to the original.

Finding Aid Publication

Finding aid prepared on: 2008.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Related Collections in this Repository

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Howard H. (Bo) Callaway Papers

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E. L. Forrester Papers

Georgia State Democratic Executive Committee Papers

Roy V. Harris Papers

Mack F. Mattingly Papers

Erwin Mitchell Papers

Maston O'Neal Papers

John L. Pilcher Papers

Prince H. Preston Papers

Richard B. Russell, Jr. Collection

Richard B. Russell Oral History interviews

T. Rogers Wade Collection of Herman E. Talmadge Materials

S. Ernest Vandiver Papers

Iris F. Blitch Papers

Hugh Peterson, Sr. Papers

Ed Friend Visual Materials

Related Collections in Other Repositories

Governor, Executive Department, Georgia Department of Archives and History

Richard H. Rich papers, Woodruff Special Collections, Emory University

William Berry Hartsfield papers, Woodruff Special Collections, Emory University

Georgia's Political Heritage Program oral history interviews, State University of West Georgia

Georgia Governors roundtable oral history interview, 1985 Oct. 31, Georgia Government Documentation Project, William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University

Herman E. Talmadge oral history interview, 1976 June 1, Georgia Government Documentation Project, William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


Subgroup C: United States Senatorial Papers

VIII. Legislation

( 473 box(es) ) ( (233.25 linear feet) )
In the Washington office, the Legislative files were managed by the Congress. For example, 1973-1974 files were kept for current use; and when the 93rd Congress adjourned, these files were retired. The overall arrangement of this series was chronological, latest date first, followed by an alphabetical arrangement of Joint, Standing (subcommittees) or select committees. Within each committee, subjects related to that committee are arranged in alphabetical order.
Legislative subject matter pertains to legislation being considered by Congress. The researcher will find overlap between the Legislative and Press Office series in related subject matter. For more detailed information on the Watergate affair, the researcher should review Series II (Press Office) and Series IV (Watergate).

A. Congress , 1957-1980
The Congress files consist of constituent correspondence, news clippings, reports, and published materials. This subseries is divided by each congress and within each congress by its session. Each session consists of constituent correspondence along with a copy of the Senator's response to each letter. The correspondence contains information on a variety of legislation of local and national concern. Arrangement within each session is alphabetical by subject. Along with each session, the 96th Congress contained files pertaining to the ethics controversy. This subsubseries contains financial statements, reports, transcripts used in Talmadge's ethics hearings before the Judiciary committee. Arrangement is by topic.Also, research files of Legislative Assistant Randy Nuckolls are a part of the 95th and 94th Congress subsubseries. His files consisted of reports, correspondence, published materials and copies of legislation. These files were used to prepare for upcoming legislation of interest to Senator Talmadge. Topics included education, the Chattahoochee River, health care, labor, transportation, and welfare. Arrangement is alphabetical by topic. These are just a few files from Talmadge's Legislative Assistants because most of their files were woven into the main body of the legislation series.The 93rd Congress subsubseries had both sessions together by subject. Also, there are several files pertaining to the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, more commonly referred to as the Watergate Committee. Other subsubseries contain information pertaining to energy and the armed forces.During the 89th Congress, there were two different filing systems in existence. One system had files arranged alphabetically by committees that Talmadge served on as senator, the other was arranged alphabetically by subject.The 85th Congress subseries had both sessions arranged by topic in chronological order. These files include speeches, news clippings and correspondence on civil rights, appropriations, and agriculture. There are also speeches and news clippings dated from 1957 to 1961.
1. 96th (1979-1980)
111st session, Aging
121st session, Agriculture - Miscellaneous
131st session, Agriculture - Energy
141st session, Agriculture - Food Stamp
151st session, Agriculture - Rural Development
161st session, Agriculture - Tobacco
17-81st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
191st session, Appropriations - Agriculture
1101st session, Appropriations - Bumper-Wallop
1111st session, Appropriations - Education
1121st session, Appropriations - Foreign Aid
113-141st session, Appropriations - HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
211st session, Appropriations - HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
221st session, Appropriations - HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
231st session, Appropriations - Interior
241st session, Appropriations - Justice
251st session, Appropriations - Labor
261st session, Appropriations - Military
271st session, Appropriations - Post Office
281st session, Appropriations - Public Works
291st session, Appropriations - State, Commerce and Justice
2101st session, Appropriations - Transportation
2111st session, Appropriations - Veterans
2121st session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
2131st session, Armed Services - Civil Defense
311st session, Armed Services - Defense
321st session, Armed Services - Military Procurement
331st session, Armed Services - Pay Raise
341st session, Armed Services - Retirement
351st session, Armed Services - Selective Service
361st session, Armed Services - Survivor Benefits
37-81st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Miscellaneous
391st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Bank Holding Company
3101st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Export-Import
3111st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Federal Reserve
3121st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Gold
411st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Housing
421st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Mass Transit
431st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs- Renegotiation Board
441st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Wage & Price Control
451st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Credit Unions
461st session, Budget - Miscellaneous
471st session, Budget - Deficit Spending
481st session, Budget - Inflation
49-101st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Miscellaneous
4111st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Airports
4121st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Auto Insurance
4131st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Auto Safety
511st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Broadcasting
521st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation – Deficit Spending
531st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation – Deregulation Airlines
541st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Endangered Species
551st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Highways
561st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Metric System
571st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Railroads
581st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Telecommunications
591st session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Trucking
510-121st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Miscellaneous
611st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Alaska lands
621st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Energy Crisis
631st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Chatahoochee River Recreation
641st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Natural Gas
651st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Nuclear Energy
661st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Rationing
671st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Wilderness Area
681st session, Environment & Public Works - Miscellaneous
691st session, Environment & Public Works - Economic Development
6101st session, Environment & Public Works - Endangered Species
6111st session, Environment & Public Works - Highways
6121st session, Environment & Public Works - Pollution
6131st session, Environment & Public Works - Russell Memorials
6141st session, Environment & Public Works - Timber Management
615-161st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
71-31st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
741st session, Finance - Debt Limit
75-61st session, Finance - Energy
771st session, Finance - Estate Taxes
781st session, Finance - Health Insurance
811st session, Finance - Health Insurance
82-31st session, Finance - International Trade
84-51st session, Finance - Medicare
861st session, Finance - Social Security
91-21st session, Finance - Social Security
931st session, Finance - Social Services
941st session, Finance - Sugar
951st session, Finance - Tax Dividends
961st session, Finance - Unemployment Compensation
971st session, Finance - Welfare Reform
981st session, Finance - Work Incentive Program
99-101st session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous
101-41st session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous
1051st session, Finance Taxes - Campaign Contributions
1061st session, Finance Taxes - Capitol Gains
1071st session, Finance Taxes - Charitable Contributions
1081st session, Finance Taxes - Child Care
1091st session, Finance Taxes - Church Plans
10101st session, Finance Taxes - Domestic International Sales Corporation
10111st session, Finance Taxes - Energy
10121st session, Finance Taxes - ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act]
10131st session, Finance Taxes - Education
111-31st session, Finance Taxes - Energy and Economy
1141st session, Finance Taxes - Estate Taxes
1151st session, Finance Taxes - Excise Taxes
1161st session, Finance Taxes - Interest
1171st session, Finance Taxes - Gasoline
1181st session, Finance Taxes - Head of Household
1191st session, Finance Taxes - Interstate Taxation
11101st session, Finance Taxes - Property Tax
11111st session, Finance Taxes - Retirement Income
11121st session, Finance Taxes - Revenue Sharing
11131st session, Finance Taxes - Surtax
1211st session, Finance Taxes - Small Business
1221st session, Finance Taxes - Tax Reduction
1231st session, Finance Taxes - Tuition Tax Credits
1241st session, Finance Taxes - Tax Reform
1251st session, Finance Taxes - Wine
1261st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
1271st session, Foreign Relations - Cuba
1281st session, Foreign Relations - Defense
1291st session, Foreign Relations - Foreign Aid
12101st session, Foreign Relations - Genocide Convention
12111st session, Foreign Relations - Human Rights
12121st session, Foreign Relations - Iran
1311st session, Foreign Relations - Iran
1321st session, Foreign Relations - Middle East
1331st session, Foreign Relations - Panama
1341st session, Foreign Relations - Rhodesia Ore
135-61st session, Foreign Relations - SALT [Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty]
1371st session, Foreign Relations - Taiwan
1381st session, Foreign Relations - United Nations
141-21st session, Government Affairs - Miscellaneous
1431st session, Government Affairs - Civil Service
1441st session, Government Affairs - Department of Education
1451st session, Government Affairs - Department of Energy
1461st session, Government Affairs - District of Columbia
1471st session, Government Affairs - Federal Regulation
1481st session, Government Affairs - FTC [Federal Trade Commission] Authorization Bill
1491st session, Government Affairs - Legislative Veto
14101st session, Government Affairs - Pay Postal Rates
14111st session, Government Affairs - Pay Raise
14121st session, Government Affairs - Postal Service
14131st session, Government Affairs - Public Financing
14141st session, Government Affairs - Regulatory Reform
1511st session, Government Affairs - Retirement
1521st session, Government Affairs - Sunset
1531st session, Government Affairs - Electoral College
154-51st session, Human Resources - Miscellaneous
1561st session, Human Resources - Abortions
1571st session, Human Resources - Child and Family Services
1581st session, Human Resources - Davis-Bacon
1591st session, Human Resources - Education
1611st session, Human Resources - Full Employment
1621st session, Human Resources - Health Care
1631st session, Human Resources - Indians
1641st session, Human Resources - Labor Reform
1651st session, Human Resources - Manpower Development and Training
1661st session, Human Resources - Minimum Wage
167-81st session, Human Resources - Nursing
1691st session, Human Resources - Occupational Safety and Health
16101st session, Human Resources - Railroad Retirement
16111st session, Human Resources - Right-to-Work
16121st session, Human Resources - Saccharin
16131st session, Human Resources - CETA [Comprehensive Employment and Training Act]
16141st session, Human Resources - Unions
16151st session, Human Resources - Workmen's Compensation
16161st session, Intelligence - Miscellaneous
1617-181st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
1711st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
1721st session, Judiciary - Anti-trust and Monopoly
1731st session, Judiciary - Bottlers and Franchise
1741st session, Judiciary - Busing
1751st session, Judiciary - Constitutional Convention
1761st session, Judiciary - Crime
1771st session, Judiciary - Civil Rights
1781st session, Judiciary - Criminal Code Reform
1791st session, Judiciary - Drug Abuse
17101st session, Judiciary - Equal Rights
17111st session, Judiciary - Fire Arms
17121st session, Judiciary - Gold Star Wives
17131st session, Judiciary - Holidays
17141st session, Judiciary - Immigration
17151st session, Judiciary - Internal Security
17161st session, Judiciary - Patents and Copyrights
17171st session, Judiciary - Prayer
17181st session, Judiciary - Private bills
17191st session, Judiciary - Supreme Court
17201st session, Rules & Administration - Miscellaneous
17211st session, Rules & Administration - Committee Reorganization
1811st session, Small Business - Miscellaneous
1821st session, Ethics Committee - Miscellaneous
1831st session, Veterans Affairs - Statutory Awards
1841st session, State Laws
185-61st session, Miscellaneous, December
1871st session, Miscellaneous, November
1911st session, Miscellaneous, November
1921st session, Miscellaneous, October
193-41st session, Miscellaneous, September
195-61st session, Miscellaneous, August
2011st session, Miscellaneous, August
202-31st session, Miscellaneous, July
2041st session, Miscellaneous, June
2051st session, Miscellaneous, May
2061st session, Miscellaneous, April
2071st session, Miscellaneous, March
2081st session, Miscellaneous, February
2091st session, Miscellaneous, January
2112nd session, Aging
2122nd session, Agriculture & Forestry - Miscellaneous
2132nd session, Agriculture & Forestry - FHA [Fed Home Admin]
2142nd session, Agriculture & Forestry - Food Stamps
2152nd session, Agriculture & Forestry - Energy
2162nd session, Agriculture & Forestry - School Lunch
2172nd session, Agriculture & Forestry - Tobacco
2182nd session, Agriculture & Forestry - Wild Areas
2192nd session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
21102nd session, Appropriations - Education
21112nd session, Appropriations - Foreign Aid
21122nd session, Appropriations - Economic Opportunity
2113-152nd session, Appropriations - HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
2212nd session, Appropriations - HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
2222nd session, Appropriations - HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
2232nd session, Appropriations - Interior
2242nd session, Appropriations - Labor
2252nd session, Appropriations - Military
2262nd session, Appropriations - NASA
2272nd session, Appropriations - Post Office
2282nd session, Appropriations - Public Works
2292nd session, Appropriations - State, Commerce, Justice
22102nd session, Appropriations - Transportation
22112nd session, Appropriations - Veterans
2212-132nd session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
22142nd session, Armed Services - Civil Defense
2215-162nd session, Armed Services - Defense
231-22nd session, Armed Services - Defense
2332nd session, Armed Services - Pay Raise
2342nd session, Armed Services - Retirement
235-82nd session, Armed Services - Selective Service
2412nd session, Armed Services - Selective Service
2422nd session, Armed Services - Survivor Benefits
2432nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Brick and Wood Blocks
2442nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Bank Holding Companies
2452nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Chrysler
2462nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Credit Unions
2472nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Export-Import
2482nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Federal Reserve
249-112nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Housing
24122nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Wage and Price Controls
251-22nd session, Budget - Miscellaneous
2532nd session, Budget - Deficit Spending
2542nd session, Budget - Inflation
2552nd session, Budget - Federal Retirees - COLA [Cost of Living Adjustment]
261-22nd session, Budget - Federal Retirees - COLA [Cost of Living Adjustment]
2632nd session, Budget - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration
2642nd session, Budget - Roth-Armstrong
2652nd session, Budget - Saturday Mail Service
266-72nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Miscellaneous
2682nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Auto Safety
2692nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Aviation
2712nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Broadcasting
272-42nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Federal Trade Commission
2752nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Endangered Species
2762nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Freight Rates
2772nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Railroads
2782nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Telecommunication
281-62nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Trucking
291-22nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Miscellaneous
2932nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Chatahoochee River Recreation
2942nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Energy Crisis
2952nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Energy
2962nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Martin Luther King Memorial
2972nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Natural Gas
2982nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Nuclear Energy
2992nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Rationing
29102nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Strip Mining
29112nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Wilderness Area
2912-132nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Alaska Lands
3012nd session, Environment & Public Works - Miscellaneous
3022nd session, Environment & Public Works - Coal Slurry
3032nd session, Environment & Public Works - Economic Development
3042nd session, Environment & Public Works - Land Management
3052nd session, Environment & Public Works - Nuclear Waste
3062nd session, Environment & Public Works - Pollution
3072nd session, Finance - Finance Committee Responses
308-102nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous
311-22nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous
3132nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous, June-September
3142nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous, May-July
3152nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous, March-May
3162nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous, January-February
321-32nd session, Finance - Energy
3242nd session, Finance - Family Protection Act S.1808
325-62nd session, Finance - Health
3312nd session, Finance - Health
3322nd session, Finance - Health Insurance
333-42nd session, Finance - International Trade
335-72nd session, Finance - Medicare
341-52nd session, Finance - Social Security
3462nd session, Finance - Social Services
3512nd session, Finance - Social Services
3522nd session, Finance - Superfund
3532nd session, Finance - Unemployment Compensation
3542nd session, Finance - Welfare Reform
3552nd session, Finance - Work Incentive
3562nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous, October-December
3572nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous, July-September
3582nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous, May-June
3612nd session, Finance Taxes - Automobile Industry - Tax Assistance
362-32nd session, Finance Taxes - Capital Cost Recovery
3642nd session, Finance Taxes - Capital Gains
3652nd session, Finance Taxes - Child Care
3662nd session, Finance Taxes - Charitable Contributions
3672nd session, Finance Taxes - Education
3682nd session, Finance Taxes - Electric & Telephone Cooperatives Tax Bill
3692nd session, Finance Taxes - ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act]
36102nd session, Finance Taxes - Excise Taxes
36112nd session, Finance Taxes - Gasoline
36122nd session, Finance Taxes - Head of Household
36132nd session, Finance Taxes - Independent Contractor
36142nd session, Finance Taxes - Industrial Revenue Bonds
36152nd session, Finance Taxes - Interest
371-22nd session, Finance Taxes - Interest
3732nd session, Finance Taxes - Internal Revenue Code
3742nd session, Finance Taxes - Investment Credit
3752nd session, Finance Taxes - Marriage Penalty
3762nd session, Finance Taxes - Mortgage Revenue Bonds
3772nd session, Finance Taxes - Private Schools
3782nd session, Finance Taxes - Real Estate
3792nd session, Finance Taxes - Retirement Income
3710-112nd session, Finance Taxes - Revenue Sharing
3812nd session, Finance Taxes - Tax Exempt Organizations
3822nd session, Finance Taxes - Tax Reduction
3832nd session, Finance Taxes - Small Business
384-52nd session, Finance Taxes - Tax Reform
3862nd session, Finance Taxes - Tuition Tax Credit
3872nd session, Finance Taxes - Wine
388-92nd session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
391-32nd session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
3942nd session, Foreign Relations - China
3952nd session, Foreign Relations - Cuba
3962nd session, Foreign Relations - Foreign Aid
3972nd session, Foreign Relations - Genocide Convention
3982nd session, Foreign Relations - Human Rights
3992nd session, Foreign Relations - Iran
401-22nd session, Foreign Relations - Iran
4032nd session, Foreign Relations - Middle East
4042nd session, Foreign Relations - Olympics
4052nd session, Foreign Relations - Panama
4062nd session, Foreign Relations - SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty]
4072nd session, Foreign Relations - Taiwan
4112nd session, Foreign Relations - United Nations
4122nd session, Georgia Laws - State Laws
413-52nd session, Government Affairs - Miscellaneous
4162nd session, Government Affairs - Census
4172nd session, Government Affairs - Civil Service
4182nd session, Government Affairs - Department of Education
4192nd session, Government Affairs - District of Columbia
41102nd session, Government Affairs - Pay Postal Rates
41112nd session, Government Affairs - Pay Raise
41122nd session, Government Affairs - Postal Service
41132nd session, Government Affairs - Regulatory Reform
41142nd session, Government Affairs - Sunset
41152nd session, Human Resources - Miscellaneous
421-22nd session, Human Resources - Miscellaneous
4232nd session, Human Resources - Abortion
4242nd session, Human Resources - Economic Opportunity
425-62nd session, Human Resources - Education
4272nd session, Human Resources - Full Employment
4282nd session, Human Resources - Health Care
4292nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform
42102nd session, Human Resources - Minimum Wage
42112nd session, Human Resources - NLRB [National Labor Relations Act]
4312nd session, Human Resources - Occupational Safety and Health
4322nd session, Human Resources - Retirement
4332nd session, Human Resources - Right-to-Work
4342nd session, Human Resources - Unions
4352nd session, Human Resources - Vocational Education
4362nd session, Human Resources - Workmen's Compensation
4372nd session, Intelligence - Select Committee on Intelligence
438-112nd session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
4412nd session, Judiciary - Anti-trust Monopoly
4422nd session, Judiciary - Busing
4432nd session, Judiciary - Abortions
4442nd session, Judiciary - Child and Family Services
4452nd session, Judiciary - Civil Rights
4462nd session, Judiciary - Crime
4472nd session, Judiciary - Criminal Code Reform
4482nd session, Judiciary - Domestic Violence
4492nd session, Judiciary - Drug Abuse
44102nd session, Judiciary - Equal Rights
44112nd session, Judiciary - Firearms
44122nd session, Judiciary - Gold Star Wives
44132nd session, Judiciary - Holidays
44142nd session, Judiciary - Immigration
44152nd session, Judiciary - Immigration - Patel, Manekial
44162nd session, Judiciary - Immigration
451-22nd session, Judiciary - Immigration
4532nd session, Judiciary - Obscenity and Pornography
4542nd session, Judiciary - Patents and Copyrights
4552nd session, Judiciary - Prayer
4562nd session, Judiciary - Private Bills
4572nd session, Judiciary - Voting Rights
4582nd session, Labor - Davis-Bacon
459-102nd session, Labor - Railroad Retirement
461-32nd session, Miscellaneous, January
464-62nd session, Miscellaneous, February
471-32nd session, Miscellaneous, March
474-62nd session, Miscellaneous, April
4772nd session, Miscellaneous, May
481-32nd session, Miscellaneous, June
484-62nd session, Miscellaneous, July
4872nd session, Miscellaneous, August
4912nd session, Miscellaneous, September
4922nd session, Miscellaneous, October
4932nd session, Miscellaneous, November
4942nd session, Miscellaneous, December
4952nd session, Rules & Administration – Miscellaneous
4962nd session, Rules & Administration - Public Financing
4972nd session, Small Business
498-92nd session, Veterans Administration - Miscellaneous
501-22nd session, Veterans Administration - Miscellaneous
5032nd session, Veterans Administration - Statutory Awards
511-23rd session, JH005-001 HET Drafts on Motion to Dismiss
5133rd session, Supplemental Schedule - Honoraria and Transfer to Regular Personal Account
5143rd session, Schedule - Transfer from Special Account to Personal Account, (1972-1978)
5153rd session, Schedule Prepared at end-of-month balance, (1975)
5163rd session, Index of Bulk Exhibits #1-13
5173rd session, Schedule of Payments Partnerships and Investments
5183rd session, Comparison of Sources of funds to Disbursements
5193rd session, FEC Reports - Betty Talmadge
5110-113rd session, Executive Session Transcripts
2. 95th (1977-1978)
521-71st session, Panama Canal Treaty
5311st session, Panama Canal Treaty: postcards
5411st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
5421st session, Appropriations - Agriculture
5431st session, Appropriations - Arts and Humanities
5441st session, Appropriations - Education
5451st session, Appropriations - Economic Opportunity
5461st session, Appropriations - Foreign Aid
5471st session, Appropriations - HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
5481st session, Appropriations - HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
5491st session, Appropriations - Interior
54101st session, Appropriations - Library Sciences
54111st session, Appropriations - Military
54121st session, Appropriations - NASA
54131st session, Appropriations - National Science Foundation
54141st session, Appropriations - Post Office
54151st session, Appropriations - Public Works
54161st session, Appropriations - State, Commerce and Justice
54171st session, Appropriations - Transportation
54181st session, Appropriations - Veterans
551-21st session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
5531st session, Armed Services - Civil Defense
5541st session, Armed Services - Military Procurement
5551st session, Armed Services - Pay Raise
5561st session, Armed Services - Reserves
5571st session, Armed Services - Retirement
5581st session, Armed Services - Selective Service
5591st session, Armed Services - Survivors Benefits
5510-111st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Miscellaneous
5611st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Credit Discrimination
5621st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Credit Unions
5631st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Export-Import
5641st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Federal Reserve
5651st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Flood Control
5661st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Gold
5671st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Housing
5681st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Interest Rates
5691st session, Budget - Miscellaneous
56101st session, Budget - Deficit Spending
56111st session, Budget - Inflation
5612-131st session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
56141st session, Commerce - Airports
56151st session, Commerce - Auto Safety
56161st session, Commerce - Auto Insurance
56171st session, Commerce - Broadcasting
56181st session, Commerce - Consumer Protection
5711st session, Commerce - Daylight Savings Time
5721st session, Commerce - Endangered Species
5731st session, Commerce - Highways
5741st session, Commerce - Metric System
5751st session, Commerce - Railroads
5761st session, Commerce - Telecommunications
5771st session, Commerce - Trucking
578-101st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Miscellaneous
57111st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Energy Crisis
581-21st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Energy Crisis
5831st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Natural Gas
5841st session, Energy & Natural Resources - Utilities
585-61st session, Environmental & Public Works - Miscellaneous
5911st session, Environmental & Public Works - Miscellaneous
5921st session, Environmental & Public Works - Chattahoochee River Recreation
5931st session, Environmental & Public Works - Economic Development
5941st session, Environmental & Public Works - Land Management
5951st session, Environmental & Public Works - Nonreturnable Containers
5961st session, Environmental & Public Works - Pollution
5971st session, Environmental & Public Works - Russell Memorials
5981st session, Environmental & Public Works - Strip Mining
5991st session, Environmental & Public Works - Wilderness Areas
601-31st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
604-51st session, Finance - Health Insurance
6061st session, Finance - International Trade
6111st session, Finance - Medicare, January
6121st session, Finance - Medicare, February
6131st session, Finance - Medicare, March
6141st session, Finance - Medicare, April
6151st session, Finance - Medicare, May
6161st session, Finance - Medicare, June
6171st session, Finance - Medicare, July
6181st session, Finance - Medicare, August
6211st session, Finance - Medicare, September
6221st session, Finance - Medicare, October
6231st session, Finance - Medicare, November
6241st session, Finance - Medicare, December
6251st session, Finance - Social Security, January
6261st session, Finance - Social Security, February
6271st session, Finance - Social Security, March
6281st session, Finance - Social Security, April
6291st session, Finance - Social Security, May
62101st session, Finance - Social Security, June
62111st session, Finance - Social Security, July
62121st session, Finance - Social Security, August
62131st session, Finance - Social Security, September
62141st session, Finance - Social Security, October
62151st session, Finance - Social Security, November
62161st session, Finance - Social Security, December
62171st session, Finance - Social Services
62181st session, Finance - Sugar
62191st session, Finance - Unemployment Compensation
62201st session, Finance - Welfare Reform
6311st session, Finance - Work Incentive Program
6321st session, Finance - Workmen's Compensation
633-51st session, Finance Tax - Miscellaneous
6361st session, Finance Tax - Campaign Contributions
6371st session, Finance Tax - Capital Gains
6381st session, Finance Tax - Charitable Contributions
6391st session, Finance Tax - Child Care
63101st session, Finance Tax - Education
63111st session, Finance Tax - Energy and Economy
63121st session, Finance Tax - Estate Taxes
63131st session, Finance Tax - Excise Taxes
63141st session, Finance Tax - Foundations
63151st session, Finance Tax - Gasoline
63161st session, Finance Tax - Head of Household
63171st session, Finance Tax - Investment Credit
63181st session, Finance Tax - Liberty Amendment
6411st session, Finance Tax - Property Tax
6421st session, Finance Tax - Retirement Income
6431st session, Finance Tax - Rebate
6441st session, Finance Tax - Small Business
6451st session, Finance Tax - Tariff
6461st session, Finance Tax - Tax Exempt Organizations
647-91st session, Finance Tax - Tax Reform
64101st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
6511st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
6521st session, Foreign Relations - Cuba
6531st session, Foreign Relations - Foreign Aid
6541st session, Foreign Relations - Genocide Convention
655-81st session, Foreign Relations - Panama Canal
6611st session, Foreign Relations - Panama Canal
6621st session, Foreign Relations - Rhodesian Ore
6631st session, Foreign Relations - United Nations
664-61st session, Governmental Operations - Miscellaneous
6671st session, Governmental Operations - Census
6681st session, Governmental Operations - Civil Service
6711st session, Governmental Operations - Consumer Protection Agency
6721st session, Governmental Operations - Dept. of Education
6731st session, Governmental Operations - District of Columbia
6741st session, Governmental Operations - Pay
6751st session, Governmental Operations - Postal Rates
6761st session, Governmental Operations - Postal Service
6771st session, Governmental Operations - Retirement
6781st session, Governmental Operations - Voter Registration
679-101st session, Human Resources - Miscellaneous
681-31st session, Human Resources - Miscellaneous
6841st session, Human Resources - Abortions
6851st session, Human Resources - Child and Family Services
6861st session, Human Resources - Economic Opportunity
6871st session, Human Resources - Education
6881st session, Human Resources - Health Care
6911st session, Human Resources - Indians
6921st session, Human Resources - Labor Reform
6931st session, Human Resources - Manpower Development and Training
6941st session, Human Resources - Minimum Wage
6951st session, Human Resources - Nursing
6961st session, Human Resources - Occupational Health and Safety
6971st session, Human Resources - Railroad Retirement
6981st session, Human Resources - Right to Work
6991st session, Human Resources - Saccharin
69101st session, Human Resources - Strikes
69111st session, Human Resources - Unions
69121st session, Intelligence - Miscellaneous
701-31st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
7041st session, Judiciary - Amnesty
7051st session, Judiciary - Antitrust and Monopoly
7061st session, Judiciary - Busing
7071st session, Judiciary - Civil Rights
7081st session, Judiciary - Crime
7091st session, Judiciary - Divestiture
70101st session, Judiciary - Drug Abuse
70111st session, Judiciary - Electoral College
70121st session, Judiciary - Equal Rights
70131st session, Judiciary - Fire Arms
70141st session, Judiciary - Holidays
70151st session, Judiciary - Immigration
7111st session, Judiciary - Internal Security
7121st session, Judiciary - Patents, Copyrights
7131st session, Judiciary - Puerto Rico
7141st session, Judiciary - Prayer
7151st session, Judiciary - Supreme Court
7161st session, Judiciary - Voting Rights
7171st session, Rules and Administration - Miscellaneous
7181st session, Rules and Administration - Committee Reorganization
7191st session, Rules and Administration - Public Financing
71101st session, Small Business - Miscellaneous
7111-131st session, Veterans Affairs - Miscellaneous
7211st session, Veterans Affairs - Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
7221st session, Veterans Affairs - Disability Compensation
7231st session, Veterans Affairs - G. I. Bill
7241st session, Veterans Affairs - Pensions
7251st session, Veterans Affairs - Hospitals
7261st session, Veterans Affairs - Statutory Awards
727-81st session, Miscellaneous, January
7291st session, Miscellaneous, February
731-21st session, Miscellaneous, March
733-41st session, Miscellaneous, April
7351st session, Miscellaneous, May
7411st session, Miscellaneous, May
742-31st session, Miscellaneous, June
7441st session, Miscellaneous, July
7511st session, Miscellaneous, August
752-31st session, Miscellaneous, September
754-51st session, Miscellaneous, October
7561st session, Miscellaneous, November
761-21st session, Miscellaneous, December
7712nd session, Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry - Miscellaneous
7722nd session, Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry - School Lunch Program
7732nd session, Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry - Wheat
7742nd session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
7752nd session, Appropriations - Arts and Humanities
7762nd session, Appropriations - Education
7772nd session, Appropriations - Farm Programs
7782nd session, Appropriations - Foreign Aid
7792nd session, Appropriations - HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
77102nd session, Appropriations - HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
77112nd session, Appropriations - Interior
77122nd session, Appropriations - Library Science
77132nd session, Appropriations - Military
77142nd session, Appropriations - NASA
77152nd session, Appropriations - Post Office
77162nd session, Appropriations - Public Works
77172nd session, Appropriations - State, Commerce & Justice
77182nd session, Appropriations - Transportation
77192nd session, Appropriations - Veterans
77202nd session, Appropriations - Wheat
7812nd session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
7822nd session, Armed Services - Defense
7832nd session, Armed Services - Civil Defense
7842nd session, Armed Services - Military Procurement
7852nd session, Armed Services - Reserves
7862nd session, Armed Services - Retirement
7872nd session, Armed Services - Selective Service
7882nd session, Armed Services - Survivor Benefits
789-102nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Miscellaneous
7912nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Miscellaneous
7922nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Bank Holding Companies
7932nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Credit Discrimination
7942nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Export-Import
7952nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Federal Reserves
7962nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Housing
7972nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - National Consumer Cooperation Bank Act
7982nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Renegotiation Board
7992nd session, Budget - Miscellaneous
7910-112nd session, Budget - Deficit Spending
79122nd session, Budget - Foreign Relations
79132nd session, Budget - Inflation
79142nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Miscellaneous
79152nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Airport
79162nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Auto Insurance
79172nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Auto Safety
79182nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Broadcasting
8012nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Cigarettes
8022nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Consumer Protection
8032nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Daylight Savings Time
8042nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation -Deregulation of Airlines
8052nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Endangered Species
8062nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Freight Rates
8072nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Highways
8082nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Metric System
8092nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Railroads
80102nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Telecommunications
80112nd session, Commerce, Science & Transportation - Trucking
8012-132nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Miscellaneous
80142nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Energy Crisis
80152nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Chattahoochee River Recreation
80162nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Natural Gas
811-22nd session, Energy & Natural Resources - Wilderness Area
8132nd session, Environment & Public Works - Miscellaneous
8142nd session, Environment & Public Works - Animal Protection
8152nd session, Environment & Public Works - Land Management
8162nd session, Environment & Public Works - Pollution
817-82nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous
8212nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous
8222nd session, Finance - Debt Limit
823-52nd session, Finance - Health Insurance
826-72nd session, Finance - International Trade
8312nd session, Finance - Medicare, January
8322nd session, Finance - Medicare, February
8332nd session, Finance - Medicare, March
8342nd session, Finance - Medicare, April
8352nd session, Finance - Medicare, May
8362nd session, Finance - Medicare, June
8372nd session, Finance - Medicare, July
8382nd session, Finance - Medicare, August
8392nd session, Finance - Medicare, September
83102nd session, Finance - Medicare, October
83112nd session, Finance - Medicare, November
83122nd session, Finance - Medicare, December
83132nd session, Finance - Social Security, January
83142nd session, Finance - Social Security, February
83152nd session, Finance - Social Security, March
83162nd session, Finance - Social Security, April
83172nd session, Finance - Social Security, May
83182nd session, Finance - Social Security, June
83192nd session, Finance - Social Security, July
8412nd session, Finance - Social Security, August
8422nd session, Finance - Social Security, September
8432nd session, Finance - Social Security, October
8442nd session, Finance - Social Security, November
8452nd session, Finance - Social Security, December
8462nd session, Finance - Social Services
8472nd session, Finance - Sugar
8482nd session, Finance - Unemployment Compensation
8492nd session, Finance - Welfare Reform
84102nd session, Finance - Work Incentive Program
8411-132nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous
8512nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous
852-32nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous, May
8542nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous, April
8552nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous, March
8562nd session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous, January-February
8612nd session, Finance Taxes - Capital Gains
8622nd session, Finance Taxes - Education
8632nd session, Finance Taxes - Charitable Contributions
8642nd session, Finance Taxes - Domestic International Sales Corp.
8652nd session, Finance Taxes - Energy and Taxes
8662nd session, Finance Taxes - Estate Taxes
8672nd session, Finance Taxes - Excise Taxes
8682nd session, Finance Taxes - Foundations
8692nd session, Finance Taxes - Gasoline
86102nd session, Finance Taxes - Head of Household
86112nd session, Finance Taxes - Industrial Development Bonds
86122nd session, Finance Taxes - Investment Credit
86132nd session, Finance Taxes - Liberty Amendments
86142nd session, Finance Taxes - President's Plan
86152nd session, Finance Taxes - Private Pension Plans
86162nd session, Finance Taxes - Real Estate
86172nd session, Finance Taxes - Retirement Income
8712nd session, Finance Taxes - Revenue Sharing
8722nd session, Finance Taxes - Small Business
8732nd session, Finance Taxes - Tax Reductions
8742nd session, Finance Taxes - Tax Reforms, (April)
8752nd session, Finance Taxes - Tax Reforms , (January-March)
8762nd session, Finance Taxes - Tuition Tax Credits
877-82nd session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
8812nd session, Foreign Relations - Armed Services Defense
8822nd session, Foreign Relations – Cuba
8832nd session, Foreign Relations - Genocide Convention
8842nd session, Foreign Relations - Foreign Aid
8852nd session, Foreign Relations - Human Rights
886-72nd session, Foreign Relations - Middle East
8882nd session, Foreign Relations - Panama, January
889-102nd session, Foreign Relations - Panama, February
8912nd session, Foreign Relations - Panama, March 1-22
8922nd session, Foreign Relations - Panama, March 22-31
893-42nd session, Foreign Relations - Panama, April
8952nd session, Foreign Relations - Taiwan
8962nd session, Foreign Relations - United Nations
897-82nd session, Governmental Affairs - Miscellaneous
9012nd session, Governmental Affairs - Civil Service
9022nd session, Governmental Affairs - Dept. of Education
9032nd session, Governmental Affairs - Consumer Protection Agency
9042nd session, Governmental Affairs - Dept. of Energy
9052nd session, Governmental Affairs - District of Columbia
9062nd session, Governmental Affairs - Federal Fire Fighters
9072nd session, Governmental Affairs - Lobbying Disclosure
9082nd session, Governmental Affairs - Postal Service
9092nd session, Governmental Affairs - Public Financing
90102nd session, Governmental Affairs - Retirement
90112nd session, Governmental Affairs - Sunset
90122nd session, Governmental Affairs - Voter Registration
90132nd session, Human Resources - Miscellaneous
9112nd session, Human Resources - Miscellaneous
9122nd session, Human Resources - Abortions
9132nd session, Human Resources - Child and Family Services
9142nd session, Human Resources - Economic Opportunity
9152nd session, Human Resources - Education
916-72nd session, Human Resources - Employment
9182nd session, Human Resources - Health Care
9192nd session, Human Resources - Indians
9212nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform, July
9222nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform, June
923-42nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform, May
925-62nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform, April
931-22nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform, April
9332nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform, March
934-52nd session, Human Resources - Labor Reform, January
9362nd session, Human Resources - Mandatory Retirement
9372nd session, Human Resources - Manpower Development & Training
9382nd session, Human Resources - Minimum Wage
9392nd session, Human Resources - National Labor Relations Board
93102nd session, Human Resources - Nursing
93112nd session, Human Resources - Occupational Health & Safety
9412nd session, Human Resources - Railroad Retirement
9422nd session, Human Resources - Right-to-Work
9432nd session, Human Resources - Saccharin
9442nd session, Human Resources - Strikes
9452nd session, Human Resources - Unions
9462nd session, Human Resources - Vocational Education
9472nd session, Human Resources - Vocational Rehabilitation
9482nd session, Intelligence - Miscellaneous
949-112nd session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
94122nd session, Judiciary - Anti-trust and Monopoly
94132nd session, Judiciary - Busing
94142nd session, Judiciary - Civil Rights
9512nd session, Judiciary - Crime
9522nd session, Judiciary - Criminal Code Reform
9532nd session, Judiciary - Divestitures
9542nd session, Judiciary - Drug Abuse
9552nd session, Judiciary - Electoral College
956-82nd session, Judiciary - Equal Rights
9592nd session, Judiciary - Fire Arms
95102nd session, Judiciary - Holidays
95112nd session, Judiciary - Illegal Aliens
95122nd session, Judiciary - Immigration
95132nd session, Judiciary - Internal Security
95142nd session, Judiciary - Patents and Copyrights
95152nd session, Judiciary - Prayer
95162nd session, Rules and Administration - Miscellaneous
961-22nd session, Veterans Affairs - Miscellaneous
9632nd session, Veterans Affairs - Disability Compensation
9642nd session, Veterans Affairs - Pensions
9652nd session, Veterans Affairs - G. I. Bill
9662nd session, Veterans Affairs - Hospitals
9672nd session, Veterans Affairs - Dependency & Indemnity Compensation
9682nd session, Veterans Affairs - Insurance
9692nd session, Miscellaneous, November
96102nd session, Miscellaneous, September
96112nd session, Miscellaneous, August
971-42nd session, Miscellaneous, July
975-62nd session, Miscellaneous, June
981-22nd session, Miscellaneous, May
983-52nd session, Miscellaneous, April
9862nd session, Miscellaneous, March
991-22nd session, Miscellaneous, March
993-52nd session, Miscellaneous, February
9962nd session, Miscellaneous, January
10012nd session, Miscellaneous, January
10113rd session, Agriculture Case - Sellers, Inc.
10123rd session, AHP [Gentian Violet (Animal Drug)]
10133rd session, Airline Regulatory Reform - Report
1014-53rd session, Airline Regulatory Reform
10163rd session, Chattahoochee River Bill
10173rd session, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
10213rd session, Civil Service Reform
10223rd session, 95th Congress Summary
10233rd session, Consumer Protection
10243rd session, Education
10253rd session, Education - Migrant Agriculture Workers
10263rd session, Electoral College Reform
1027-83rd session, Endangered Species Act S. 2889
10313rd session, Legislators Business Expenses with integrity of Social Security
10323rd session, Mandatory Air bags
10333rd session, Miscellaneous Legislative Information
10343rd session, Miscellaneous Legislation
10353rd session, Reclamation Act
10363rd session, Relief Bill S2269
10373rd session, Sex (Pregnancy) Discrimination
10383rd session, Voting Rights Act Amendments
10393rd session, Vocational Rehabilitation S2600
10413rd session, Co sponsorships - 95th Congress
10423rd session, Elementary and Secondary Education Act S1753
10433rd session, Environment and Public Works - 1978
10443rd session, Gallmans, Clarence and Mary Faye
1045-63rd session, Geneva
10513rd session, Governmental Affairs
10523rd session, Historic Chattahoochee Compact
10533rd session, Indian Affairs
10543rd session, Labor Bills
10553rd session, Labor - Humphrey-Hawkins
1056-73rd session, Labor - Reform Act S1883
10613rd session, Memos
10623rd session, Mercer University Medical School
10633rd session, Minimum Wage
10643rd session, Outer Continental Shelf Land Act S9
10653rd session, Russian Watches
10663rd session, Saccharin Study and Labeling Act S1750
10673rd session, Transportation Act S3073
10683rd session, Transportation Act S2441
3. 94th (1975-1976)
10711st session, Agriculture and Forestry - Miscellaneous
10721st session, Farm Credit
10731st session, Farm Programs
10741st session, Food Stamps
10751st session, Peanuts
10761st session, Rural Development
10771st session, School Lunch Program
10781st session, Tobacco
10791st session, Wheat
107101st session, Wild Areas
107111st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
107121st session, Agriculture
107131st session, Arts and Humanities
107141st session, Economic Opportunity
107151st session, Education
107161st session, HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
107171st session, HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
107181st session, Interior
107191st session, Library Science
107201st session, Military
107211st session, NASA
107221st session, National Science Foundation
107231st session, Public Works
107241st session, State, Commerce and Justice
107251st session, Transportation
107261st session, Veterans
10811st session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
10821st session, Commissaries
10831st session, Military Procurement
10841st session, Pay Raise
10851st session, Reserves
10861st session, Retirement
10871st session, Survivor Benefits
10881st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Miscellaneous
10891st session, Credit Discrimination
108101st session, Credit Union
108111st session, Export-Import Bank
108121st session, Fair Credit Billing
108131st session, Federal Reserve
108141st session, Flood Control
108151st session, Gold
108161st session, Housing
108171st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Development - Interest Rates
108181st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Development - Rapid Transit
10911st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Development - Wage and Price Control
1092-31st session, Budget Committee - Miscellaneous
1094-51st session, Deficit Spending
10961st session, Inflation
1101-21st session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
11031st session, Airports
11041st session, Alcohol
11051st session, Animal Protection
11061st session, Auto Insurance
11071st session, Broadcasting
11081st session, Consumer Protection
11091st session, Daylight Savings Time
110101st session, Endangered Species
110111st session, Freight Forwarders
110121st session, Metric System
110131st session, Natural Gas
11111st session, Commerce - Nonreturnable Containers
11121st session, Railroads
11131st session, Trucking
11141st session, District of Columbia - Miscellaneous
1115-61st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
11171st session, Debt Limit
1118-91st session, Energy and Economy
111101st session, Energy and Economy Proposals
11211st session, Finance - Health
1122-31st session, Health Insurance
11241st session, International Trade
1125-61st session, Medicare
11271st session, Social Security, October-November
11281st session, Social Security, September
11311st session, Finance - Social Security, July-August
11321st session, Social Security, June
11331st session, Social Security, May
11341st session, Social Security, April
11351st session, Finance - Social Security, March
11361st session, Social Security, February
11371st session, Social Security, January
11381st session, Social Services
11391st session, Sugar
113101st session, Tariffs
113111st session, Unemployment Compensation
113121st session, Welfare
113131st session, Work Incentive Program
11411st session, Finance - Workmen's Compensation
1142-31st session, Finance Tax - Miscellaneous
11441st session, Campaign Contributions
11451st session, Capital Gains
11461st session, Charitable Contributions
11471st session, Child Care
11481st session, Depletion Allowances
11491st session, Domestic International Sales Corp.
114101st session, Education
114111st session, Energy and Economy
114121st session, Estate Taxes
114131st session, Excise Taxes
114141st session, Foundations
114151st session, Gasoline
11511st session, Finance Tax - Head of Household
11521st session, Interest
11531st session, Interstate Taxation
11541st session, Investment Credit
11551st session, Liberty Amendment
11561st session, Professional Associations
11571st session, Property Tax
11581st session, Rebates
11591st session, Retirement Income
115101st session, Revenue Sharing
115111st session, Small Business
115121st session, Surtax
115131st session, Tariff
115141st session, Tax Exempt Organizations
11515-161st session, Tax Reform
11611st session, Finance Tax - Wine
11621st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
11631st session, Cyprus
11641st session, Foreign Relations - Foreign Aid
11651st session, Middle East
11661st session, Panama Canal
11671st session, Rhodesian Ore
11681st session, Troop Withdrawal
11691st session, United Nations
1171-21st session, Foreign Relations - Vietnam
11731st session, Government Operations - Miscellaneous
11741st session, Consumer Protection Agency
11751st session, Interior & Insular Affairs - Miscellaneous
11811st session, Interior & Insular Affairs - Animal Protection
11821st session, Bartram Trail
11831st session, Chattahoochee River Recreation Area
11841st session, Cumberland Island
1185-61st session, Energy Crisis
11871st session, Gas Rationing
11881st session, Indians
11891st session, Land Management
118101st session, Okefenokee
118111st session, Strip Mining
118121st session, Judiciary Private Bills - Miscellaneous
1191-31st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
11941st session, Abortions
11951st session, Amnesty
11961st session, Antitrust-Monopoly
11971st session, Bottlers Franchise
11981st session, Busing
11991st session, Civil Rights
119101st session, Crime
12011st session, Judiciary - Crime
12021st session, Drug Abuse
12031st session, Electoral College
12041st session, Equal Rights
12051st session, Firearms
12061st session, Health Care
12071st session, Holidays
12081st session, Immigration
12091st session, Internal Security
120101st session, Law Enforcement Officers
12111st session, Judiciary - Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights
12121st session, Prayer
12131st session, Supreme Court
12141st session, Voting Rights
1215-61st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Miscellaneous
12171st session, Birth Control
12181st session, Economic Opportunity
12191st session, Education
121101st session, Food Supplements
121111st session, Laboratory Animals
121121st session, Minimum Wage
12211st session, Labor & Public Welfare - National Labor Relations Board
12221st session, Nursing
12231st session, Occupational Safety & Health
12241st session, Private Pension Plan
12251st session, Railroad Retirement
12261st session, Right to Work
12271st session, Strikes
12281st session, Unions
12291st session, Vocational Education
122101st session, Vocational Rehabilitation
122111st session, Post Office & Civil Service - Miscellaneous
122121st session, Insurance
122131st session, National Guard Technicians
122141st session, Pay
122151st session, Postal Rates
122161st session, Postal Service
12311st session, Post Office & Civil Service - Retirement
12321st session, Voter Registration
12331st session, Public Works - Miscellaneous
12341st session, Economic Development
12351st session, Highways
12361st session, Pollution
12371st session, Russell Memorials
12381st session, Trotter Shoals - Russell Dam & Lake
12391st session, Rules and Administration - Miscellaneous
123101st session, Public Financing
123111st session, Vice-President Nominations
12411st session, Veterans Affairs - Miscellaneous
12421st session, Dependency & Indemnity Comp.
12431st session, Disability Compensation
12441st session, G. I. Bills
12451st session, Home Loans
12461st session, Hospitals
12471st session, Insurance
12481st session, Pensions
12491st session, Statutory Awards
124101st session, Unemployment
12411-121st session, Miscellaneous, January, 1976
1251-21st session, Miscellaneous, January, 1976
1253-41st session, Miscellaneous, December, 1975
12551st session, Miscellaneous, December-November
1261-21st session, Miscellaneous, October
1263-41st session, Miscellaneous, September
12651st session, Miscellaneous, August
1271-21st session, Miscellaneous, July
1273-41st session, Miscellaneous, June
12751st session, Miscellaneous, May
12811st session, Miscellaneous, May
1282-41st session, Miscellaneous, April
12851st session, Miscellaneous, March
12911st session, Miscellaneous, February
1292-31st session, Miscellaneous, January
12941st session, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
12951st session, Joint Economic Committee
12961st session, Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation
12971st session, Select Committee on Small Business
12981st session, Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations
13012nd session, Agriculture and Forestry - Miscellaneous
13022nd session, Farm Programs
13032nd session, Food Prices
13042nd session, Food Stamps
13052nd session, Rural Development
13062nd session, School Lunch Program
13072nd session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
13082nd session, Arts and Humanities
13092nd session, Economic Opportunity
130102nd session, Education
130112nd session, Foreign Aid
130122nd session, HEW [Health, Education, and Welfare]
130132nd session, HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
130142nd session, Interior
130152nd session, Library Science
130162nd session, Military
130172nd session, National Science Foundation
130182nd session, Public Works
13112nd session, Appropriations - State, Commerce and Justice
13122nd session, Transportation
13132nd session, Veterans
1314-52nd session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
13162nd session, Civil Defense
13172nd session, Commissaries
13182nd session, Military Procurement
13192nd session, National Stockpile
131102nd session, Pay Raise
131112nd session, Reserves
131122nd session, Retirement
131132nd session, Survivor Benefits
13114-152nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Miscellaneous
131162nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Credit Discrimination
131172nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Credit Unions
131182nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Export-Import Banks
131192nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Fair Credit Billing
13212nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Federal Reserve
13222nd session, Flood Control
13232nd session, Gold
13242nd session, Banking, Housing & Urban Development - Housing
13252nd session, Interest Rates
13262nd session, New York Crisis
13272nd session, Wage and Price Control
13282nd session, Budget Committee - Miscellaneous
1329-102nd session, Deficit Spending
132112nd session, Inflation
132122nd session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
13312nd session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
13322nd session, Airlines
13332nd session, Auto Insurance
13342nd session, Auto Safety
13352nd session, Broadcasting
13362nd session, Cigarettes
13372nd session, Consumer Protection
13382nd session, Daylight Savings Time
13392nd session, Endangered Species
133102nd session, Metric System
133112nd session, Natural Gas
133122nd session, Non-Returnable Containers
133132nd session, Railroads
133142nd session, Trucking
133152nd session, District of Columbia – Miscellaneous
1341-22nd session, Finance - Miscellaneous
13432nd session, Anti-Dumping
13442nd session, Energy and Economy Proposals
13452nd session, Energy and Economy
13462nd session, Health Insurance
13472nd session, International Trade
13482nd session, Medicare
1351-52nd session, Medicare
1361-22nd session, Medicare
13632nd session, Social Security, January
13642nd session, Social Security, February
13652nd session, Social Security, March
13662nd session, Social Security, April
13672nd session, Social Security, May
13682nd session, Social Security, June
13692nd session, Social Security, July
136102nd session, Social Security, August
136112nd session, Finance - Social Security, September
136122nd session, Social Security, October
136132nd session, Social Security, November
136142nd session, Social Security, December
136152nd session, Social Services
136162nd session, Sugar
136172nd session, Tariffs
136182nd session, Unemployment Compensation
13712nd session, Finance - Welfare
13722nd session, Work Incentive Program
13732nd session, Workman's Compensation
1374-62nd session, Finance Tax - Miscellaneous
13772nd session, Campaign Contributions
13782nd session, Capital Gains
13792nd session, Charitable Contributions
137102nd session, Child Care
13812nd session, Finance Tax - Domestic International Sales Corporation
13822nd session, Education
13832nd session, Energy and Economy
13842nd session, Excise Taxes
13852nd session, Estate Taxes
13862nd session, Foundations
13872nd session, Head of Household
13882nd session, Interest
13892nd session, Investment
138102nd session, Liberty Amendment
138112nd session, Property Tax
138122nd session, Retirement Income
138132nd session, Revenue Sharing
138142nd session, Small Business
138152nd session, Surtax
138162nd session, Tariffs
13912nd session, Finance Tax - Tax Exempt Organizations
13922nd session, Tax Exempt State and Political Subdivisions
1393-52nd session, Tax Reform
1401-32nd session, Finance Tax - Tax Reform
14042nd session, Wine
14052nd session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
14062nd session, Foreign Relations - Foreign Aid
14072nd session, Genocide Convention
14082nd session, Middle East
14112nd session, Foreign Relations - Panama Canal
14122nd session, Rhodesian Ore
14132nd session, United Nations
14142nd session, Vietnam
1415-62nd session, Government Operations - Miscellaneous
14172nd session, Consumer Protection Agency
14182nd session, Interior & Insular Affairs - Miscellaneous
14192nd session, Chattahoochee River
141102nd session, Energy Crisis
141112nd session, Indians
14212nd session, Interior & Insular Affairs - Land Management
14222nd session, Strip Mining
1423-42nd session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
14252nd session, Animal Protection
14262nd session, Judiciary Private Bills - Miscellaneous
14272nd session, Judiciary - Amnesty
14282nd session, Anti-Trust and Monopoly
14312nd session, Judiciary - Bottlers Franchise
14322nd session, Busing
14332nd session, Civil Rights
14342nd session, Crime
14352nd session, Divestiture
14362nd session, Drug Abuse
14372nd session, Electoral College
14382nd session, Equal Rights
1439-102nd session, Firearms
143112nd session, Internal Security
143122nd session, Holidays
14412nd session, Judiciary - Immigration
14422nd session, Legal Services
14432nd session, Obscenity and Pornography
14442nd session, Pardon
14452nd session, Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights
14462nd session, Prayer
14472nd session, Supreme Court
14482nd session, Voting Rights
1449-102nd session, Labor & Public Welfare - Miscellaneous
144112nd session, Labor & Public Welfare - Abortions
144122nd session, Child & Family Services
14512nd session, Labor & Public Welfare - Child & Family Services
14522nd session, Economic Opportunity
14532nd session, Education
14542nd session, Miscellaneous, December
14552nd session, Miscellaneous, November
14562nd session, Miscellaneous, October
14572nd session, Miscellaneous, September
14582nd session, Miscellaneous, August
14612nd session, Miscellaneous, July
14622nd session, Miscellaneous, June
14632nd session, Miscellaneous, May
14642nd session, Miscellaneous, April
1465-62nd session, Miscellaneous, March
1471-22nd session, Miscellaneous, February
14732nd session, Committee on Aging
14742nd session, Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs
14752nd session, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
14762nd session, Joint Economic Committee
14772nd session, Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation
14782nd session, Select Committee on Small Business
14792nd session, Select Committee on Standards and Conduct
147102nd session, Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations
14813rd session, Anderson, Joy
14823rd session, Banking Legislation
14833rd session, Chestnut Street - Harrison Clarke
14843rd session, Clinch County System
14853rd session, Common Situs
14863rd session, Death Penalty
14873rd session, Department of Transportation - Highway Advertising
14883rd session, Education Problems on Military Installations
14893rd session, Family Assistant Act
148103rd session, Federal Reports Act
148113rd session, Georgia Association Petroleum Retailers
14913rd session, FDA Cyclamates
14923rd session, Hunter-Stewart
14933rd session, Information - Privacy - Students
14943rd session, Insurance Compensation Tax S.2704 Co-Sponsor
1495-63rd session, International Trade - (Cattle, Cloves, China), 1978
14973rd session, Humphrey-Hawkins S.50
14983rd session, Laws, 1975-1976
14993rd session, LEAA - Kennedy Bill
149103rd session, Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1976 S. 2477, 1976
15013rd session, Metro Atlanta Water Resources Study
15023rd session, MLT - Sugar/Cheese
15033rd session, News clippings
15043rd session, Population Distribution of Federal Funds S.1009 Co-Sponsored with Senator Stone
15053rd session, Private Bills
15063rd session, Regulatory Reform S.2812
15073rd session, Revenue Act - HET WIN Amendment
15083rd session, Revenue Sharing
1509-103rd session, Russell Dam
1511-23rd session, South
15133rd session, Tax
15143rd session, Tennessee Valley Authority - Chattooga Clearcutting
15153rd session, Trade Bill
15163rd session, Ward, Jacob vs. U. S. Congress
15173rd session, Watergate Reorganization Reform Act of 1976 S.495
1521-23rd session, Welfare Reform
1523-43rd session, Work Incentive Program Amendment
15253rd session, Work Incentive Program materials
15263rd session, YKK Zipper-Macon
4. 93rd (1973-1974)
1531-21st session, Aeronautical and Space Science
1533-41st session, Agriculture - Miscellaneous
15351st session, Cotton
15361st session, Dairy Products
15371st session, Farm Credit
15381st session, Farm Programs
15391st session, Farmers Home Administration
153101st session, Food Prices
153111st session, Food Stamps
153121st session, Peanuts
153131st session, Pesticides
153141st session, Poultry
153151st session, Rural Development
153161st session, Rural Electrification Administration
153171st session, School Lunch Program
153181st session, Tobacco
153191st session, Wheat
153201st session, Wild Areas
1541-21st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
15431st session, Agriculture
15441st session, Arts and Humanities
15451st session, Economic Opportunity
1546-71st session, Education
15511st session, Appropriations - Education
15521st session, Foreign Aid
1553-61st session, Health, Education & Welfare (HEW)
15611st session, Appropriations - Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
15621st session, Interior
15631st session, Library Sciences
1564-51st session, Military
15661st session, NASA
15671st session, National Science Foundation
15681st session, Post Office
15691st session, Public Works
156101st session, State, Commerce and Justice
156111st session, Transportation
156121st session, Veterans
1571-21st session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
15731st session, Antiballistic System
15741st session, Civil Service
15751st session, Armed Services - Military Procurement
15761st session, National Stockpile
15771st session, Pay Raise
15781st session, Reserves
15791st session, Retirement
1581-21st session, Armed Services - Retirement
15831st session, Selective Service
15841st session, Survivor Benefits
1585-71st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Miscellaneous
15911st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Coins
15921st session, Credit Cards
15931st session, Credit Discrimination
15941st session, Credit Unions
15951st session, Dollar Devaluation
15961st session, Export-Import Bank
15971st session, Fair Credit Billing
15981st session, Federal Reserve Bank
15991st session, Flood Control
159101st session, Gold
15911-131st session, Housing
16011st session, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs - Interest Rates
16021st session, Rapid Transit
16031st session, Urban Development
1604-71st session, Wage and Price Control
1611-51st session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
16211st session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
16221st session, Airports
16231st session, Alcohol
1624-51st session, Auto Insurance
16261st session, Auto Safety
1627-81st session, Broadcasting
16291st session, Cigarettes
16311st session, Commerce - Consumer Protection
1632-31st session, Daylight Savings Time
16341st session, Endangered Species
16351st session, Freight Forwarders
16361st session, Inclusive Tour Charter
16371st session, Interstate Commerce Commission
16381st session, Commerce - Lumber
16391st session, Metric System
163101st session, Natural Gas
16411st session, Commerce - Nonreturnable Containers
16421st session, Political Broadcasting
16431st session, Railroads
16441st session, Trucking
16451st session, District of Columbia - Miscellaneous
1646-71st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
16481st session, Antidumping
1649-101st session, Budget
1651-51st session, Finance - Budget
16611st session, Finance - Budget
16621st session, Debt Limit
1663-61st session, Health Insurance
1671-21st session, Finance - Health Insurance
16731st session, Imports and Exports
1674-51st session, International Trade
1681-31st session, Finance - International Trade
1684-51st session, Medicare
1691-61st session, Finance - Medicare
16971st session, Social Security (Pending)
17011st session, Finance - Social Security, November-December
17021st session, Social Security, September-October
17031st session, Social Security, July-August
17041st session, Social Security, May-June
17051st session, Social Security, March-April
17061st session, Social Security, January-February
17071st session, Social Security
1711-41st session, Finance - Social Security
17151st session, Social Services
17161st session, Sugar
17171st session, Tariffs
17211st session, Finance - Unemployment Compensation
1722-41st session, Welfare Reform
17251st session, Finance - Work Incentive Program
17261st session, Workmen's Compensation
1727-81st session, Finance Tax - Miscellaneous
1731-21st session, Finance Tax - Miscellaneous
17331st session, Airports
17341st session, Campaign Contributions
17351st session, Capital Gains
17361st session, Charitable Contributions
17411st session, Finance Tax - Charitable Contributions
17421st session, Child Care
17431st session, Depletion Allowances
17441st session, Domestic International Sales Corp.
17451st session, Education
17461st session, Estate Taxes
17471st session, Excise Taxes
17481st session, Farm Losses
17491st session, Foundations
174101st session, Gasoline
174111st session, Head of Household
174121st session, Interest
174131st session, Interstate Taxation
174141st session, Investment Credit
174151st session, Liberty Amendment
174161st session, Private Schools
174171st session, Professional Associations
174181at session, Municipal Bonds
17511st session, Finance Tax - Professional Associations
17521st session, Property Tax
17531st session, Retirement Income
17541st session, REA Revenue Bond
1755-61st session, Revenue Sharing
17571st session, Small Business
17581st session, Surtax
17591st session, Tax Exempt Organizations
17611st session, Finance Tax - Tax Increase
1762-51st session, Tax Reform
17661st session, Wine
17671st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
1771-31st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
17741st session, Cyprus
17751st session, Foreign Relations - European Troop Reduction
1776-71st session, Foreign Aid
1781-21st session, Foreign Relations - Genocide Convention
1783-41st session, Panama Canal
17851st session, Prisoners of War
17861st session, Red China
17871st session, Rhodesian Ore
17881st session, United Nations
17891st session, Vietnam
1791-21st session, Foreign Relations - Vietnam
17931st session, War Powers
17941st session, Murphy, Rupert
1795-71st session, Governmental Operations - Miscellaneous
18011st session, Governmental Operations - Consumer Protection Agency
18021st session, Federal Paperwork
1803-41st session, Interior & Insular Affairs - Miscellaneous
18051st session, Animal Protection
18061st session, Bartram Trail
18071st session, Chattahoochee River
18111st session, Interior & Insular Affairs - Chattooga River
18121st session, Cohutta Mountains
1813-71st session, Energy Crisis
1821-31st session, Interior & Insular Affairs - Energy Crisis
18241st session, Indians
1825-61st session, Land Management
18271st session, Okefenokee
18281st session, Strip Mining
1831-61st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
1841-21st session, Judiciary - Amnesty
18431st session, Antitrust and Monopoly
18441st session, Bottlers Franchise
1845-61st session, Busing
1847-81st session, Crime
18511st session, Judiciary - Civil Rights
18521st session, Drug Abuse
18531st session, Judiciary - Electoral College
18541st session, Equal Rights
1855-61st session, Fire Arms
18571st session, Gold Star Wives
18581st session, Holidays
18591st session, Immigration
185101st session, Internal Security
1861-21st session, Judiciary - Legal Services
18631st session, News Service
18641st session, Obscenity and Pornography
18651st session, Pardon
1866-71st session, Patents, Trademarks & Copyright
1868-91st session, Prayer
18610-111st session, Supreme Court
18711st session, Judiciary - Voting Rights
18721st session, Judiciary Private Bills
18731st session, Lepofsky, Toizai S.4089
18741st session, Merced, Dr. Pablo
1875-71st session, Morrison, Donald Wayne
18781st session, Mucha, Marilyn Ann S.369
18791st session, Salindong, Anecita M.
187101st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Miscellaneous
1881-41st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Miscellaneous
18851st session, Abortions
18911st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Abortions
18921st session, Birth Control
18931st session, Economic Opportunity
1894-61st session, Education
18971st session, Equal Employment Opport.
1901-21st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Food Supplements
1903-71st session, Health Care
19111st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Labatory Animals
19121st session, Manpower Development and Training
1913-51st session, Minimum Wage
19161st session, NLRB [National Labor Relations Board]
19171st session, Nursing
1921-21st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Occupational Safety & Health
1923-51st session, Private Pension Plans
19261st session, Railroad Retirement
19311st session, Labor & Public Welfare - Railroad Retirement
19321st session, Right to Work
19331st session, Strikes
19341st session, Unions
19351st session, Vocational Education
19361st session, Vocational Rehabilitation
1937-81st session, Post Office & Civil Service - Miscellaneous
19391st session, Census
19411st session, Post Office & Civil Service - Insurance
19421st session, National Guard Technicians
1943-51st session, Pay
19461st session, Postal Rates
19471st session, Postal Service
1948-91st session, Retirement
194101st session, Voter Registration
19511st session, Veterans Affairs - Miscellaneous
19521st session, Dependency & Indemnity
1953-41st session, Disability Compensation
1955-61st session, G. I. Bill
1961-21st session, Veterans Affairs - G. I. Bill
19631st session, Home Loans
19641st session, Hospitals
19651st session, Insurance
1966-71st session, Pensions
1971-41st session, Veterans Affairs - Pensions
19751st session, Statutory Awards
19761st session, Unemployment
19771st session, Miscellaneous
1981-41st session, Miscellaneous
19851st session, Miscellaneous, May-March
1991-21st session, Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous, May-March
1993-61st session, Miscellaneous, April-January
2001-51st session, Select Committee Presidential Campaign Activities (also referred to as the Watergate Committee)
2011-51st session, Select Committee Presidential Campaign Activities
2021-51st session, Select Committee Presidential Campaign Activities
2031-21st session, Select Committee Presidential Campaign Activities
20331st session, Select Committee on Standards and Conduct
20341st session, Special Committee on Aging
20351st session, Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs
20361st session, House Committee on Internal Security
20371st session, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
20381st session, Joint Committee on Budgetary Reform
20391st session, Joint Economic Committee
203101st session, Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation
20412nd session, Appalachian Regional Commission
20422nd session, Agriculture
20432nd session, Survey of Current Business, vol.53, no. 11
2044-62nd session, Energy Development
2051-22nd session, Energy Development
20532nd session, Energy Development - Coal
20542nd session, Energy Development - Nuclear
20552nd session, Energy Development - Oil
20562nd session, Energy Development - Solar
20572nd session, Energy Development - Thermal
2061-22nd session, Energy Solutions
20632nd session, Exports
20642nd session, Finance
20652nd session, Foreign Energy Problems
2066-82nd session, Georgia State Government
20712nd session, Industry Impact
20722nd session, Industry Impact - Auto Leasing
20732nd session, Industry Impact - Aviation
20742nd session, Industry Impact - Sales
20752nd session, Industry Impact - Trucking
2076-72nd session, Industry Impact - Miscellaneous
2078-92nd session, Legislation
207102nd session, Miscellaneous
2081-62nd session, Miscellaneous
20912nd session, Miscellaneous
20922nd session, Press Releases
20932nd session, Press Releases - Cost of Living Council
20942nd session, Press Releases - Congressional
20952nd session, Press Releases - Defense Department
20962nd session, Press Releases - Environmental Protection Agency
2097-82nd session, Press Releases - Federal Energy Office
2101-32nd session, Press Releases - Federal Energy Office
21042nd session, Press Releases - Interior Department
21052nd session, Press Releases - Interstate Commerce Commission
21062nd session, Press Releases - National Science Foundation
21072nd session, Press Releases - Private Organizations
21082nd session, Press Releases - Talmadge Press Releases
21092nd session, Rationing
210102nd session, Regulations
210112nd session, Talmadge Remarks re: Energy
210122nd session, Taxes
2111-22nd session, Georgia Energy
21132nd session, Mailing lists
21142nd session, Georgia: Industry and Trade
21152nd session, NASA/Launch Reservations
21162nd session, Unusual Cases
21172nd session, Material Shortages
21182nd session, Materials - Kaolin/Alumina
21212nd session, Materials - Kaolin/Alumina
21222nd session, Kaolin
2123-52nd session, Miscellaneous
2131-52nd session, Miscellaneous
2141-23rd session, United States International Trade Commission
21433rd session, FAA - Second Atlanta Airport
2144-53rd session, POW's/MIA's
21463rd session, American Red Cross
21473rd session, Clemency Board Information
21483rd session, Selective Service
21513rd session, National Cemeteries
21523rd session, Correction - Discharge Records
21533rd session, MAST (DOD) [Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic]
21543rd session, Georgia/Savannah Ports Authority (USCG)
21553rd session, Department of Army Columbus Transportation
21563rd session, Navy Organization
21573rd session, Defense Department (Closed)
21583rd session, Army Reorganization
21593rd session, Augusta College (Army)
215103rd session, Department of Army's Position on Dependent Dental Care
215113rd session, R & R Contractors (AF/GAO)
215123rd session, Military Construction/Expansion Albany, GA
215133rd session, Medical Benefits - Retired Military
215143rd session, World Contractors (AF)
21613rd session, Miscellaneous - Academy, 1973
2162-33rd session, Selective Service
21643rd session, Total Force Policy
21653rd session, National Guard
21663rd session, National Military Personnel Records Center
21673rd session, Defense - Miscellaneous
21683rd session, Army - Miscellaneous
21693rd session, Air Force - Miscellaneous
216103rd session, Impact of Defense Cutbacks on American Communities
216113rd session, Case files
5. 92nd (1971-1972)
21711st session, Aeronautics and Space Administration - Misc.
2172-31st session, Agriculture - Miscellaneous
2174-51st session, Agriculture Chairmanship
21761st session, Agriculture Workers
21771st session, Cotton
21781st session, Dairy Products
21791st session, Eggs
21811st session, Farm Credit
21821st session, Farm Programs
21831st session, Food Stamps
21841st session, Honey
21851st session, Meat Inspection
21861st session, Peanuts
21871st session, Pesticides
21881st session, Poultry
2189-111st session, Rural Development
2191-21st session, Rural Development
21931st session, Rural Electrification Administration
2194-51st session, School Lunch Program
21961st session, Tobacco
21971st session, Watershed Projects
2201-21st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
2203-41st session, Agriculture
22051st session, Arts and Humanities
22061st session, Economic Opportunity
2207-81st session, Education
22091st session, Foreign Aid
2211-31st session, Health, Education and Welfare
22141st session, Housing and Urban Development
22151st session, Interior
22161st session, Library Services
22171st session, Military
22181st session, NASA
22191st session, National Science Foundation
221101st session, Public Works
221111st session, State, Commerce and Justice
221121st session, Transportation
221131st session, Veterans
2221-21st session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
22231st session, Antiballistic Missile System
22241st session, Civil Defense
22251st session, Military Procurement
22261st session, Pay Raise
22271st session, Reserves
2228-91st session, Retirement
2231-21st session, Retirement
2233-71st session, Selective Service
22411st session, Survivor Benefits
2242-31st session, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs - Misc.
22441st session, Coins
22451st session, Credit Cards
22461st session, Credit Unions
22471st session, Dollar Devaluation
22481st session, Fair Credit Billing
22491st session, Housing
22410-111st session, Lockheed
2251-21st session, Lockheed Loan
22531st session, Rapid Transit
2254-51st session, Wage and Price Control
2256-71st session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
22611st session, Commerce
22621st session, Airports
22631st session, Alcohol
2264-61st session, Automobile Insurance
22671st session, Automobile Safety
22711st session, Broadcasting
22721st session, Cigarettes
22731st session, Consumer Protection
22741st session, Daylight Savings Time
22751st session, Freight Forwarders
22761st session, Interstate Commerce Commission
22771st session, Metric System
22781st session, Political Broadcasting
2279-121st session, Railroad
22811st session, Telephone Collection
22821st session, Trucking
22831st session, District of Columbia - Miscellaneous
2284-51st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
22861st session, Antidumping
22871st session, Budget
22881st session, Debt Limit
2289-101st session, Health Insurance
2291-31st session, Health Insurance
2294-61st session, Imports and Exports
22971st session, International Trade
2301-31st session, International Trade
2304-61st session, Medicare
2311-71st session, Medicare
2321-31st session, Medicare
2324-61st session, Social Security
2331-61st session, Social Security
2341-71st session, Social Security
23511st session, Steel Imports
2352-41st session, Sugar
23551st session, Tariffs
2356-81st session, Textile Imports
23591st session, Unemployment Compensation
235101st session, Welfare
2361-21st session, Welfare
2363-61st session, Welfare Reform
2371-71st session, Welfare Reform
23781st session, Workmen's Compensation
2381-51st session, Finance Tax - Miscellaneous
23861st session, Airports
23871st session, Campaign Contributions
23911st session, Capital Gains
23921st session, Child Care
23931st session, Depletion Allowances
23941st session, Domestic International Sales Corporation
23951st session, Education
23961st session, Finance Tax - Estate Taxes
23971st session, Excise Taxes
23981st session, Foundations
23991st session, Head of Household
23910-111st session, Interstate Taxation
23912-131st session, Investment Credit
2401-21st session, Investment Credit
24031st session, Job Training
24041st session, Municipal Bonds
2405-61st session, Professional Associations
24071st session, Property Tax
24081st session, Retirement Tax
2409-111st session, Revenue Act of 1971
2411-51st session, Revenue Sharing
24161st session, REA Revenue Bonds
24171st session, Small Business
24181st session, Tax Exempt
24191st session, Tax Increase
2421-31st session, Tax Reform
2424-51st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
24311st session, ABM Treaty
24321st session, Connally Resolution
24331st session, European Troop Reduction
2434-51st session, Foreign Aid
2436-71st session, Genocide Convention
24381st session, Okinawa Treaty
24411st session, Panama Canal
24421st session, Prisoners of War
24431st session, Troop Withdrawal
24441st session, United Nations
2445-61st session, Vietnam
24471st session, War Powers
2448-91st session, Government Operations - Miscellaneous
2451-21st session, Consumer Protection Agency
24531st session, Department of Education
24541st session, Uniform Relocation Assistance Act
2455-71st session, Interior and Insular Affairs - Miscellaneous
24611st session, Interior & Insular Affairs- Alaska Native Claims
2462-41st session, Animal Protection
24651st session, Cohutta Mountains
24661st session, Cumberland Island
24671st session, Indians
24681st session, Land and Water Management
24691st session, Okefenokee
24711st session, Timber Management
2472-51st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
24761st session, Amnesty
24771st session, Antitrust and Monopoly
24811st session, Basketball Merger
24821st session, Bottler's Franchise
2483-51st session, Civil Rights
24861st session, Crime
24871st session, Drug Abuse
24881st session, Electoral College
2491-31st session, Equal Rights
2494-61st session, Firearms
25011st session, Gold Star Wives
25021st session, Holidays
25031st session, Internal Security
25041st session, Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
25051st session, Obscenity and Pornography
2506-71st session, Prayer
2508-91st session, Supreme Court
250101st session, Voting Rights
250111st session, Private Bills - Miscellaneous
250121st session, Cozzoli, Franco S.3761
250131st session, Morris, John Persad and Zorina Ail
250141st session, Okinaka, Shizuko S.1324
250151st session, Povea, Ana Matilde S.3740
25111st session, Valdecana, Erlinda HR6008
25121st session, Watson, Joseph L. S2266
2513-51st session, Labor and Public Welfare - Miscellaneous
25161st session, Abortions
25171st session, Birth Control
2518-91st session, Conquest of Cancer
2521-21st session, Labor and Public Welfare - Conquest of Cancer
25231st session, Cyclamates
2524-51st session, Economic Opportunity
2526-81st session, Education
2531-21st session, Equal Employment Opportunity
25331st session, Food Supplements
25341st session, Health Maintenance Organization
25351st session, Hill-Burton
25361st session, Lab Animals
25371st session, Manpower Development and Training
2538-101st session, Minimum Wage
2541-31st session, Minimum Wage
25441st session, Multiple Sclerosis
25451st session, National Labor Relations Board
25461st session, Nursing
25471st session, Occupational Health and Safety
2548-91st session, Private Pension Plans
2551-21st session, Railroad Retirement
25531st session, Right-to-Work
2554-61st session, Strikes
25611st session, Strikes
2562-31st session, Unions
25641st session, Vocational Education
2565-61st session, Post Office and Civil Service - Miscellaneous
25671st session, Insurance
25681st session, National Guard Technicians
25691st session, Market Bulletins
256101st session, Pay Raises
25611-121st session, Retirement
25711st session, Retirement Federal-State
2572-31st session, Wage Board Employees
25741st session, Wage Freeze
2575-61st session, Public Works - Miscellaneous
25771st session, Chattahoochee River
25781st session, Highways
2579-101st session, Pollution
2581-31st session, Pollution
2584-51st session, Richard B. Russell Memorials
25861st session, Rules and Administration - Miscellaneous
25871st session, Veterans Affairs - Miscellaneous
2591-21st session, Veterans Affairs - Miscellaneous
25931st session, Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
2594-51st session, Disability Compensation
2596-71st session, G. I. Bill
26011st session, Home Loans
26021st session, Hospitals
26031st session, Insurance
26041st session, National Cemeteries
2605-71st session, Pensions
2611-51st session, Pensions
26161st session, Statutory Awards
26171st session, Unemployment
26181st session, Veterans Committee Applicants
26191st session, Standing Committee on Veteran Affairs
261101st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, Dec.-Sept.
26211st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, Dec.-Sept
2622-51st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous
26261st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, September
26311st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, July
26321st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, June
26331st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, May
26341st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, April
26351st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, March
26361st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, February
26371st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous, January
26411st session, Democratic Party Committee
26421st session, Atomic Energy
26431st session, Joint Economic Committee
26441st session, Internal Revenue Service
26451st session, Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures
26461st session, Nutrition and Human Needs
26471st session, Small Business
26481st session, Standards and Conduct
2649-101st session, Special Committee on Aging
264111st session, House Select Committee on Crime
6. 91st (1969-1970)
26511st session, Aeronautical and Space Science
2652-41st session, Agriculture - Miscellaneous
26551st session, Agriculture Workers
26561st session, Agriculture Marketing and Bargaining Act
26571st session, Dairy Products
2658-91st session, Cotton
265101st session, Animal Protection
2661-41st session, Farm Program
26651st session, FHA
26661st session, Food Protection
26671st session, Food Stamps
2671-21st session, Food Stamp Program
26731st session, Honey
26741st session, Joint Rural Development Title
2675-61st session, Meat Inspection
26771st session, National Forest Timber
26781st session, Naval Stores
26791st session, Peanuts
267101st session, Pesticides
267111st session, Perishable Commodities
267121st session, Potatoes
267131st session, Poultry
2681-21st session, Rural Electrification Administration
26831st session, Reorganization
2684-81st session, School Lunch Program
26891st session, Soybeans
268101st session, Special Milk Program
26911st session, Tobacco
26921st session, Wildfire Disaster Control Fund
2693-41st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
26951st session, Agriculture
26961st session, Budget
26971st session, Capitol Improvement
26981st session, Civil Service Board
26991st session, Coast Guard Reserve
269101st session, Economic Opportunity
26911-141st session, Education
27011st session, Education
27021st session, Fire Research
27031st session, Foreign Aid
2704-61st session, Appropriations - Health, Education & Welfare
27071st session, Highways
27081st session, Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
27091st session, Impacted Areas
270101st session, Interior
270111st session, Kennedy Grave
270121st session, Labor
270131st session, Libraries
270141st session, Military
27111st session, National Defense Education Act
27121st session, National Science Foundation
27131st session, Post Office
27141st session, Public Works
27151st session, State, Commerce and Justice
27161st session, Transportation, Department of
27171st session, Veterans
27181st session, Vocational Education
27191st session, Waste Treatment Facilities
27110-111st session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
271121st session, ABM [Anti-ballistic Missile System]
2721-21st session, ABM [Anti-ballistic Missile System]
27231st session, Civil Defense
27241st session, Coast Guard
27251st session, Military Procurement
27261st session, National Stockpile
27271st session, Pay Raise
27281st session, Reserves
2729-101st session, Retirement
2731-31st session, Selective Service
27341st session, Volunteer Army
2735-61st session, Banking and Currency - Miscellaneous
27371st session, Coins
27381st session, Bank Travel Agencies
27391st session, Credit Cards
273101st session, Credit Information
273111st session, Credit Unions
2741-31st session, Holding Companies
2744-61st session, Housing
27471st session, Interest Rates
27481st session, Investment Company Amend
27511st session, Banking and Currency - Mutual Funds
27521st session, Rapid Transit
27531st session, Small Business Investments
27541st session, Stone Mountain
27551st session, Truth in Lending
27561st session, Urban Development
27571st session, Wage and Price Control
2758-91st session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
275101st session, Alcohol
275111st session, Auto Insurance
275121st session, Broadcast Licenses
275131st session, Cigarettes
275141st session, CATV (broadcasting)
2761-21st session, Consumer Protection
27631st session, Daylight Savings Time
27641st session, Drug Trade
27651st session, Fisheries Inspection
27661st session, Endangered Species
27671st session, Hijacking
27681st session, Insurance Guaranty Corporation
27691st session, Lumber
276101st session, Metric System
276111st session, Pay Television
276121st session, Political Broadcasting
27613-141st session, Railroads
276151st session, Television Programs
276161st session, Tennessee Walking Horses
276171st session, Trucking
27711st session, Trucking
27721st session, User Charges
27731st session, District of Columbia - Miscellaneous
2774-51st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
27761st session, Antidumping
27771st session, Aid for Dependent Children
27781st session, Cellulostic Materials Imports
27791st session, Debt Limit
277101st session, Footwear Imports
27811st session, Guaranteed Annual Income
2782-71st session, Imports and Exports
2791-21st session, Imports and Exports
2793-71st session, Finance - Medicare
2801-71st session, Medicare
2811-21st session, Medicare
28131st session, Oil Import Program
28141st session, Savings Bond
2815-71st session, Social Security
2821-21st session, Welfare Reform
28231st session, Wool
28241st session, Wilton and Velvet Imports
28251st session, Workmen's Compensation
28261st session, Finance Tax - Miscellaneous
2831-21st session, Miscellaneous
28331st session, Accumulation Trusts
2834-61st session, Airports
28371st session, Bad Debts
28381st session, Campaign Contributions
28391st session, Capitol Gains
2841-41st session, Charitable Contributions
28451st session, Child Care
28461st session, China Clay Depletion
28471st session, Conglomerates
28481st session, Cooperatives
28511st session, Corporations
2852-31st session, Depletion Allowance
28541st session, Distilled Spirits
28551st session, Education
28561st session, Excess Accumulations
28571st session, Estate Taxes
28581st session, Excise Tax
28591st session, Fairs
28510-121st session, Farm Losses
28611st session, Financial Institutions
28621st session, Five Percent Minimum Tax
2863-61st session, Foundations
28671st session, Fraternal Organizations
28711st session, Finance Tax - Gasoline Tax
2872-31st session, Head of Household
2874-51st session, Incentive Job Training
28761st session, Industrial Revenue Bonds
28771st session, Inflation
2878-101st session, Interstate Taxation
28711-121st session, Investment Credit
28811st session, Investment Credit
28821st session, Job Development
28831st session, Job Training
2884-51st session, Labor Organizations
28861st session, Estate Tax - Martha W. Brice
28871st session, Moving Expenses
2888-91st session, Municipal Bonds
288101st session, Overseas Exemption
28811-121st session, Personal Exemptions
288131st session, Private Schools
28911st session, Professional Associations
28921st session, Profit Sharing
28931st session, Real Estate
28941st session, Retirement Income
28951st session, Small Business
28961st session, Stock Options
2897-81st session, Surtax
29011st session, Tax Increase
2902-51st session, Tax Reform
2911-41st session, Tax Reform
2921-21st session, Tax Reform
29231st session, Small Business
2924-61st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
29311st session, Connally Reservation
29321st session, Department of Peace
29331st session, Foreign Aid
29341st session, Foreign Commitments
29351st session, Genocide Convention
29361st session, Hijacking
29371st session, Human Rights Conventions
29381st session, Foreign Relations - POW's
29391st session, Foreign Relations - Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
293101st session, Troop Withdrawal
293111st session, United Nations
293121st session, Government Operations - Miscellaneous
29411st session, Consumer Agencies
2942-31st session, Interior and Insular Affairs - Miscellaneous
29441st session, American Indian
29451st session, Chattanooga National Park
2946-71st session, Cumberland Island
29481st session, Golden Eagle Program
29491st session, Okefenokee
29511st session, Tenneco - Foreign Trade Zone
29521st session, Whitfield County Property
29531st session, Private Bills - Miscellaneous
29541st session, Babaliaros, Konstantinos S.330
29551st session, Berryman, Nicholas S.3550
29561st session, Clayton County Journal and Wilbur Harris S.2206
29571st session, Construction Components, Inc. S2229
29581st session, Fernandez, Dr. A. B.
29591st session, Dr. Gumersindo Vincente Garay S.3661
295101st session, Leguizamon, Sergio I.
295111st session, Nguyen Van Hue S.586
295121st session, Parra, Juan G.
295131st session, Clarence A. Pope
295141st session, Serbes, Yilmaz
295151st session, Tzaras, Dimitrius S2923
295161st session, Vakil, Dr. Hassan Chaharsough S3420
295171st session, Wheeler, James L. S1235
295181st session, Williamson, Homer T., Sr. S.1236
295191st session, Dr. Paolo Genoese Zerbi S329
2961-41st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
29651st session, Antitrust and Monopoly
29661st session, Auto Repairs
29671st session, Circle K Week
29681st session, Civil Rights
2969-101st session, College Benefit System
2971-31st session, Crime
2974-61st session, Drug Abuse
2977-81st session, Electoral Vote
29811st session, Judiciary -Electoral Vote
29821st session, Equal Rights for Women
2983-51st session, Firearms
29911st session, Firearms
29921st session, Government Employees Rights
29931st session, Holidays
29941st session, Internal Security Act
29951st session, National Memorial Week
29961st session, Newspaper Preservation Act
2997-91st session, Obscene Literature
30011st session, Patents, Trademarks and Copyright
30021st session, Pop Warner Football League
30031st session, School Lunch Program
30041st session, School Situation
30051st session, Supreme Court
30061st session, Voting Age
30071st session, Voting Rights
3008-91st session, Labor and Public Welfare - Miscellaneous
30111st session, Abortions
30121st session, Alcohol
30131st session, Arts and Humanities
3014-51st session, Birth Control
30161st session, Coal Mine Safety
3017-91st session, Education
30211st session, Equal Employment Opportunity
30221st session, Food Supplements
30231st session, Hill-Burton
30241st session, Industry Promotion Funds
30251st session, Lab Animals
30261st session, Manpower Development and Training
30271st session, Medical Evaluations Board
30281st session, Migrant Workers
30291st session, Minimum Wage
302101st session, National Labor Relations Board
302111st session, National Lung Institute
302121st session, Nursing
3031-21st session, Occupational Health and Safety
30331st session, Poverty
3034-61st session, Railroad Retirement
30371st session, Labor and Public Welfare - Right to Work
30381st session, Secondary Boycotts
30391st session, Strikes
3041-21st session, Strikes
30431st session, Unions
30441st session, Vocational Education
3045-61st session, Post Office and Civil Service - Miscellaneous
30471st session, Air Traffic Controllers
30481st session, Census
3051-21st session, Federal Employees
30531st session, Insurance
30541st session, Market Bulletins
30551st session, National Guard Technician Service
3056-71st session, Pay Raise
30581st session, Postage Rates
3059-101st session, Postage Reform
30611st session, Postal Corporation
3062-51st session, Retirement
30661st session, Stone Mountain
30671st session, Wage Board
30711st session, Public Works - Miscellaneous
3072-51st session, Air and Water Pollution
30811st session, Air and Water Pollution
30821st session, Highways
30831st session, Interstate Highway Connector
30841st session, Regional Development
30851st session, Satilla River Basin
30861st session, Tallow Hill Dam
30871st session, Rules and Administration - Miscellaneous
3088-111st session, Veterans - Miscellaneous
308121st session, Dependency and Indemnity Corporation
30911st session, Miscellaneous, January, 1969
30921st session, Miscellaneous, February, 1969
30931st session, Miscellaneous, March, 1969
30941st session, Miscellaneous, April, 1969
31011st session, Miscellaneous, May, 1969
31021st session, Miscellaneous, June-July, 1969
31031st session, Miscellaneous, August, 1969
31111st session, Miscellaneous, September, 1969
31121st session, Miscellaneous, October-November, 1969
31131st session, Miscellaneous, December, 1969
31141st session, Miscellaneous, January, 1970
31211st session, Miscellaneous, February-March, 1970
31221st session, Miscellaneous, May, 1970
31231st session, Miscellaneous, June, 1970
31241st session, Miscellaneous, July, 1970
31251st session, Miscellaneous, August, 1970
31311st session, Miscellaneous, September, 1970
31321st session, Rules Committee
31331st session, Un-American Activities
31341st session, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
31351st session, Joint Economic Committee
31361st session, Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation
31371st session, Joint Committee on Printing
31381st session, Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures
31391st session, Select Committee on Nutrition on Human Needs
313101st session, Select Committee on Small Business
313111st session, Select Committee on Standards and Conduct
313121st session, Special Committee on Aging
313131st session, One-Time Flexy
31411st session, Rural Development Scrapbook, 1971
31421st session, Clippings , December, 1970-January, 1971
31431st session, Clippings, January-February, 1971
3144-51st session, Clippings , April-June, 1971
31461st session, Clippings, June, 1971
31471st session, Clippings , July-August, 1971
31481st session, Clippings , 1970
31491st session, Clippings , February 2-9, 1969
314101st session, Clippings , February 2-March 3, 1969
314111st session, Clippings , March 6, 1969
314121st session, Clippings, March 14, 1969
314131st session, Clippings , March 16-21, 1969
314141st session, Clippings , March 30-April 6, 1969
314151st session, Clippings - Eugene and Herman Talmadge
314161st session, Telegrams
314171st session, Senatorial Election , 1970
7. 90th (1967-1968)
31511st session, Aeronautics and Space - Miscellaneous
3152-41st session, Agriculture and Forestry Committee - Miscellaneous
31551st session, Agriculture Bargaining Act
31561st session, Coop Financing
3157-81st session, Cotton
31611st session, Dairy Products
31621st session, Farmers Home Administration
31631st session, Farm Program
31641st session, Food for Peace
31651st session, Food Stamp Act
31661st session, Honey
31671st session, Marketing Orders
31681st session, Meat Inspection
31691st session, Naval Stores Act
31711st session, Peanuts
3172-31st session, Poultry
31741st session, Producers Marketing Act
31751st session, Rural Electrification Administration
31761st session, School Lunch Program
31771st session, Tobacco
31811st session, Watersheds
31821st session, Wheat
3183-51st session, Appropriations Committee - Miscellaneous
31861st session, Agriculture
31871st session, Civil Defense
31881st session, Demonstration Cities
31891st session, Federal Building
318101st session, Fire Ants
31911st session, Forest Service
31921st session, Handicapped Children
31931st session, Health, Education and Welfare
31941st session, Housing and Urban Development
31951st session, Library Services
31961st session, National Defense Education Act
31971st session, Poverty Program
31981st session, Public Works
31991st session, Rent Subsidy
319101st session, Rat Control
319111st session, Trotter Shoals Dam
319121st session, Appropriations - Vocational Education
319131st session, Armed Services Committee - Miscellaneous
319141st session, Anti-Missile System
319151st session, Base Closures
32011st session, National Guard Technicians
32021st session, Pay Raise
32031st session, Reserves
32041st session, Retirement Benefits
32051st session, Selective Service
32061st session, Banking and Currency Committee - Miscellaneous
32071st session, Charges for Checks
32081st session, Coin and Medal Specimens
32091st session, Coins - Martin Luther King
320101st session, Credit Information
320111st session, Credit Unions
320121st session, Export-Import Bank
320131st session, Federal Savings Institutions
320141st session, Gold
32111st session, Housing
32121st session, Municipal Revenue Bonds
32131st session, Mutual Funds
32141st session, Savings and Loan Companies
32151st session, Truth in Lending
32161st session, Urban Renewal
32171st session, Wage and Price Control
3218-101st session, Commerce Committee - Miscellaneous
32211st session, Aviation User Charges
32221st session, Alcohol Advertising
32231st session, Auto Insurance
32241st session, Citizens Radio Service
32251st session, Crime Protection Insurance
32261st session, Daylight Savings Time
32271st session, Door-to-Door Sales Act
32281st session, Educational TV
32291st session, Endangered Species
322101st session, Federal Power Commission
322111st session, Film Classification
322121st session, Lumber
322131st session, Natural Gas Pipeline
322141st session, Radio
322151st session, Railroads
322161st session, Commerce - Trucking Industry
322171st session, Water Carriers
32311st session, District of Columbia - Miscellaneous
32321st session, Finance - Miscellaneous
32331st session, Antidumping
32341st session, Beef Imports
32351st session, Presidential Campaign Funds
32361st session, Budget
32371st session, Debt Ceiling
32381st session, Footwear Imports
32391st session, Import Quotas
32411st session, Import Quotas
32421st session, Medicare
32431st session, Petrochemical Industry
32441st session, Renegotiation Act
3251-41st session, Social Security
3261-31st session, Social Security
3271-21st session, Social Security
32731st session, Steel Imports
32741st session, Sugar
32811st session, Tariffs
32821st session, Textile Imports
32831st session, Trade Expansion
32841st session, Trade Negotiation
3291-21st session, Trade Negotiation
32931st session, Unemployment Compensation
32941st session, Wilton and Velvet Carpet Imports
32951st session, Wool
32961st session, Columbia County
32971st session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous
3301-21st session, Finance Taxes - Miscellaneous
33031st session, Advertising Profit
33041st session, Bank Holding Company Act
33051st session, Corporate Tax Payments
33061st session, Child Care
33071st session, Depletion Allowances
33081st session, Finance Taxes - Diesel Fuel and Highway User Tax
33091st session, Education Exemption
330101st session, Estate Taxes
330111st session, Excise Taxes
330121st session, Farm Loses
330131st session, Foreign Travel
33111st session, Foreign Travel
33121st session, Head of Household
33131st session, Industrial Revenue Bond
33141st session, Investment Tax Credit
33151st session, Interstate Taxation
33161st session, Job Training
33171st session, Law Enforcement Officers Exemption
33181st session, Medical Deductions
33191st session, Minerals
331101st session, Moving Expenses
331111st session, Personal Exemption
33211st session, Professional Associations
33221st session, Retirement Income
33231st session, Small Business Investment Companies
3324-71st session, Tax Increase
3331-21st session, Tax Increase
33331st session, Tax Sharing for Education
33341st session, Treble Damage Payments
33351st session, Joint Economic Committee
33361st session, Foreign Relations - Miscellaneous
33371st session, Connally Reservation
3341-21st session, Consular Treaty
33431st session, Foreign Aid
33441st session, Genocide
33451st session, Non-proliferation Treaty
33461st session, Outer Space Treaty
33471st session, Racial Discrimination
33481st session, United Nations
33511st session, Government Operations - Miscellaneous
33521st session, Surplus Property
33531st session, Interior and Insular Affairs - Miscellaneous
33541st session, Blue Ridge Parkway
33551st session, Interior and Insular Affairs - Cumberland Island
33561st session, Forest Fire Protection
33571st session, Grand Canyon
33581st session, Land and Water Conservation Funds
33591st session, Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge
335101st session, Redwood National Park
335111st session, Reservoir Fees
335121st session, Scenic Rivers
335131st session, Medicare
3361-21st session, Medicare
3363-41st session, Judiciary - Miscellaneous
33651st session, Antitrust and Monopoly
33661st session, Civil Rights
3371-21st session, Civil Rights
33731st session, Confessions
33741st session, Copyrights and Patents
33751st session, Crime
33811st session, Drugs
33821st session, Electoral College
33831st session, Equal Rights
33841st session, Federal Employees Bill of Rights
3385-71st session, Firearms
3391-51st session, Firearms
3401-21st session, Firearms
34031st session, Flag
34041st session, Franchise
34051st session, Holidays
34061st session, Immigration
34071st session, Internal Security Act of 1968
34081st session, Jury Discrimination Act
34111st session, Labor Court
34121st session, Medical Restraint of Trade
34131st session, Obscene Literature
34141st session, Paralyzed Veterans of America
34151st session, Pop Warner Football League
34161st session, Referees in Bankruptcy
34171st session, Riots
34181st session, Judiciary - Supreme Court
34191st session, Voting Age
341101st session, Wire tapping
341111st session, Miscellaneous Private Bills
341121st session, Bertha Arteche
341131st session, Arias, Dr. Ramon A. S2834
341141st session, Virgilio A. Arango S2023
341151st session, Dr. Rogelio J. Barata S2835
341161st session, Richard L. Bass
341171st session, Blue, Charles E. S1769
34211st session, Burtz-Durham Construction Company S3325
34221st session, Basile Christoforou, wife and child S3712
34231st session, Coleman, Warren F., Jr S985
34241st session, Alton R. Conner
34251st session, Del Rio, Dr. Gabriel Gomez S1918
34261st session, Diaz, Dr. Evelio Francisco S2311
34271st session, Dunn, Hiran S1689
34281st session, Edward, Eugene M. S881
34291st session, English, Samuel D. HR12375 Pike County
342101st session, Employees of Robins Air Force Base S820
342111st session, Ferro, Dr. Angel M. S1309
342121st session, Gilmer County, Georgia
342131st session, Dr. and Mrs. Heldo Gomez S2756
342141st session, Hernandez, Juio Domingo S821
342151st session, Jesse C. Johnson S324
342161st session, Jones, Richard K. S454
342171st session, McGrath, John J. HR2477
342181st session, Lopez, Dr. Orlando O. S1556/HR6449
342191st session, Mallard, Leonidas B. S1474
342201st session, Muscogee County, William T. Heard S2908
342211st session, Pickren, Edward L. S986
342221st session, Isa Abid Yagub Quassis
342231st session, Mohamed Hussien Teymour S3849
342241st session, Thurston, Charles H. S819
342251st session, Dr. Augusto G. Usategui S3489
342261st session, Vidal, Dr. Rogelio C.
3431-21st session, Labor and Public Welfare - Miscellaneous
34331st session, Birth Control
34341st session, Child Welfare Program
34351st session, Discrimination for Age
34361st session, Drugs
34371st session, Equal Employment Opportunities
34381st session, Labor and Public Welfare - Federal Aid to Education
34391st session, Guaranteed Income
343101st session, Hill-Burton Act
34411st session, Juvenile Delinquency
34421st session, Manpower Development and Training
34431st session, Mental Health
34441st session, Minimum Wage
34451st session, National Labor Relations Board
34461st session, Nursing
34471st session, Occupation Health and Safety
34481st session, Partnership for Health Amendments
34491st session, Lab Animals
344101st session, Poverty Program
344111st session, Private Pension Plans
344121st session, Railroad Retirement
34511st session, Secondary Boycotts
34521st session, Right to Work
34531st session, Strikes
34541st session, Unions
34551st session, Vitamins
34561st session, Vocational Education
34571st session, Post Office and Civil Service - Miscellaneous
34581st session, Life Insurance
34611st session, Pay Increase
34621st session, Postal Employees
3463-51st session, Postal Rates
34661st session, Retirement Benefits
34711st session, Sick Leave
34721st session, Star Route Carriers
34731st session, Wage Board Employees
34741st session, Public Works - Miscellaneous
34751st session, Air and Water Pollution
34761st session, Alapaha River Project
34771st session, Altamaha River Basin
34781st session, Highways
34791st session, Savannah Harbor Project
347101st session, Truck Size Limitations
347111st session, Walter F. George Lake
347121st session, Rules and Administration - Miscellaneous
347131st session, Veterans - Miscellaneous
347141st session, Veterans Committee
34811st session, Day Audit
34821st session, Federal Expenses
34831st session, G. I. Bill
34841st session, Pensions
34851st session, Veterans Pensions
34861st session, Joint Committees - Atomic Energy
34871st session, Organization of Congress
34881st session, Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures
34891st session, Select and Special Committees - Aging
348101st session, Small Business
348111st session, Select Committee on Standards and Conduct
34911st session, House Committee on Standards and Conduct
34921st session, House Committee on Un-American Activities
3493-61st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous
3501-51st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous
3511-61st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous
3521-21st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous
35312nd session, SR110 Senate Staffing
35322nd session, Election Returns 1968
8. 89th (1965-1966)
35411st session, Hold Until January
3542-31st session, Agriculture - Miscellaneous
35441st session, Agriculture Credit Subcommittee
35451st session, Child Nutrition Act
35461st session, Community Development District Act
35471st session, Cooperative Associations Bill S109
3548-91st session, Cotton
3551-31st session, Cotton
35541st session, Dairy Products
35551st session, Diverted Acreage
35561st session, Farm Bill
35571st session, Meat Inspection Services
35611st session, Food for Freedom
35621st session, Meat Prices
35631st session, Parity
35641st session, Peanuts
35651st session, Pecans
35661st session, Potatoes
35671st session, Poultry
35681st session, Rural Electrification Administration
35711st session, Rice
35721st session, School Lunch Act
35731st session, Soil Conservation Service
35741st session, Soybeans
35751st session, Talmadge Farm Program
35761st session, Tobacco
35771st session, Wheat
35781st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
35811st session, Appropriations - Miscellaneous
35821st session, Agriculture
35831st session, Children's Special Milk Act
35841st session, Civil Defense
35851st session, Day Care Service
35861st session, Defense
35871st session, Right to Work Laws
35881st session, Veterans Committee
35891st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous
35911st session, Extension Service Funds
35921st session, Fire Ants
35931st session, Forest Service
35941st session, Impacted Areas
35951st session, National Defense Education Act
35961st session, School Lunch Program
35971st session, Thiokol Company
35981st session, Vocational Education
3599-101st session, Armed Services - Miscellaneous
359111st session, Career Incentives
359121st session, Draft
359131st session, Medical Benefits
36011st session, Military Pay Raise
36021st session, National Guard Technicians
36031st session, Officer Promotions
36041st session, Retirement Benefits
36051st session, Reserves - National Guards
36061st session, Wage Board Employees
3607-81st session, Banking and Currency - Miscellaneous
36111st session, Bank Mergers
36121st session, Consumer Credit Controls
36131st session, Coinage
36141st session, Demonstrations Cities Act
36151st session, Gold Reserves
36161st session, Housing
36171st session, Housing and Urban Development
36181st session, Mortgage Money
36191st session, Rent Subsidy
361101st session, State Banks
36211st session, Truth in Lending
36221st session, Urban Renewal
3623-41st session, Commerce - Miscellaneous
36251st session, Auto Safety
36261st session, CATV [Community Antenna TV]
36271st session, Federal Power Commission
36281st session, Quality Stabilization
36291st session, Minimum Freight Rates
362101st session, Lumber
362111st session, Packaging
36311st session, Railroads
36321st session, Trucking
3633-41st session, District of Columbia - Miscellaneous
36411st session, Legislation - Miscellaneous
3642-31st session, Post Office and Civil Service - Miscellaneous
36441st session, Federal Pay Raise
36451st session, Hazardous Occupations
36461st session, Overseas Teachers Pay
36471st session, Unions
36481st session, U. S. Employment Service
36491st session, Vitamins
36511st session, Vocational Education
36521st session, Vocational Rehabilitation
36531st session, Wage and Hour
36541st session, Secondary Boycotts
36551st session, Right to Work
3661-42nd session, Department of Agriculture
36652nd session, ASCS [Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service]
36712nd session, Cotton
36722nd session, Tobacco
36732nd session, Agriculture Yearbook Requests
36742nd session, Area Development
36752nd session, Atomic Energy
36762nd session, Autograph Requests
36772nd session, Budget Bureau
36782nd session, Census Bureau
36792nd session, Chamber of Commerce Dinner
367102nd session, Cherry Blossom Festival
367112nd session, Christmas 1966
367122nd session, Civil Aeronautics Board
367132nd session, Civil Defense
367142nd session, Civil Rights
3681-22nd session, Civil Rights
3683-52nd session, Commerce Department
36862nd session, Economic Development
36912nd session, Economic Development
36922nd session, Communism
36932nd session, Congratulatory
36942nd session, Congressional Directory
36952nd session, Congressional Record
3696-82nd session, Corps of Engineers
36992nd session, Corps of Engineers - Trotters Shoals
37012nd session, Defense Department
3702-42nd session, Economic Opportunity
37052nd session, Education
37062nd session, Eighteen Year Old Voting
37072nd session, Office of Emergency Planning
37082nd session, Employment, January
37092nd session, Employment, February
370102nd session, Employment, March
370112nd session, Employment, April
370122nd session, Employment , May
37112nd session, Employment, June
37122nd session, Employment, July
37132nd session, Employment, August
37142nd session, Employment, September
37152nd session, Employment, October
37162nd session, Employment, November
37172nd session, Employment , December
37182nd session, Employment - Page
37192nd session, Equal Employment Opportunity
371102nd session, Farmers Bulletin
371112nd session, Farmers Home Administration
371122nd session, Federal Aviation Agency
371132nd session, Federal Communication Commission
371142nd session, FDIC [Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.]
371152nd session, Federal Home Loan Bank Board
37212nd session, Federal Housing Administration
37222nd session, Federal Power Commission
37232nd session, Flags
37242nd session, Food and Drug Administration
37252nd session, Foreign Aid
37262nd session, Foreign Policy Administration
37272nd session, Forest Service
37282nd session, Federal Maritime Commission
37292nd session, Federal Trade Commission
372102nd session, General Accounting Office
372112nd session, General Services Administration
372122nd session, Graduates
372132nd session, Housing, Education and Welfare
3731-42nd session, Housing, Education and Welfare
37352nd session, Highways
37412nd session, Highways
37422nd session, Housing and Home Finance Agency
37432nd session, Henry County Water Project
37442nd session, Housing
37452nd session, Housing and Urban Development
37462nd session, Inflation
3747-82nd session, Interior Department
3751-42nd session, Internal Revenue Service
37552nd session, Immigrants
37562nd session, Indians
37572nd session, IRS - "Victory Tax"
37582nd session, Interstate Commerce Commission
3761-22nd session, Interstate Commerce Commission
37632nd session, Justice Department
37642nd session, Krebiozen
37652nd session, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation , 1966
37662nd session, Labor Department
37672nd session, Miscellaneous Requests, December
37712nd session, Miscellaneous Requests, November
37722nd session, Miscellaneous Requests , October
37732nd session, Miscellaneous Requests, September
37742nd session, Miscellaneous Requests , August
37752nd session, Miscellaneous Requests , July
37812nd session, Miscellaneous Requests , June
37822nd session, Miscellaneous Requests , May
37832nd session, Miscellaneous Requests , April
37842nd session, Miscellaneous Requests , March
3791-32nd session, No Name or Address
37942nd session, NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Admin.]
37952nd session, National Council of Churches
37962nd session, National Defense Education Act
37972nd session, National Labor Relations Board
37982nd session, Navy Contracts - Ship Construction
37992nd session, Official
379102nd session, Panama
379112nd session, Patents - Copyrights
379122nd session, Peace Corps
38012nd session, Photograph Requests
3802-32nd session, Prayer
38042nd session, Public Service Commission - Georgia
38052nd session, Radio and Television
38062nd session, Railroad Retirement
38072nd session, Rhodesia
38082nd session, Rural Electrification Administration
38112nd session, School Desegregation
38122nd session, School Lunch Program
38132nd session, Securities and Exchange Commission
38142nd session, Senate Calendars
38152nd session, Small Business Administration
38162nd session, Soil Survey Reports
38172nd session, Soil Conservation
38182nd session, State Department
38192nd session, State Patrol
38212nd session, Supreme Court
38222nd session, Talmadge for Governor
38232nd session, Talmadge for President
38242nd session, Talmadge Memorial Hospi