Series II: Legislative, 1964-1996
112 box(es)
(112 linear feet, 875 KB)
Series II: Legislative documents Darden's committee service, legislation considered during his terms, and his voting record. The committee files include correspondence, hearings transcripts, meeting minutes, draft legislation, and publications of the Appropriations Committee (FY94 and FY95), the Armed Services Committee, and the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, as well as a draft manual by the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. Significant issues considered by the Armed Services Committee during this time include the Persian Gulf War (Desert Storm), Dobbins Air Force Base, military spending, and research and development of new weapons. The main concerns addressed by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs includes national parks, water resources and wetlands, and to a lesser extent handling nuclear waste and Native Americans. Both Darden's files on bills and his subject files concern legislation and include correspondence with colleagues, advocacy groups and constituents, Democratic Party memos, clippings and publications, and copies of bills. Main subjects include the government budget, the environment , health care, taxes, and to a lesser extent agriculture and animal grazing, business and labor, combating crime, education, foreign affairs, gun control, and the military. The series also contains Darden's voting record and analysis of Congress's voting record by various groups. Access Note: This series contains electronic files. To access these files, please request the folders you would like through the finding aid using your research account . An archivist will be in contact with you to explain how to access the files. Please note that not all file formats are currently supported by the library for research use.
Subseries A. Committees
1. Appropriations Committee
box folder Request box II.1 1 Appropriations Requests Outline, undated II.1 2 Members: Barrett, Thomas, 1993 II.1 3 Members: Bishop, Sanford, 1993 II.1 4 Members: Coble, Howard, 1993 II.1 5 Members: Collins, Mac, 1993 II.1 6 Members: Deal, Nathan, 1993 II.1 7 Members: DeLauro, 1993 II.1 8 Members: Fish, Hamilton, 1993 II.1 9 Members: Gingrich, Newt, 1993 II.1 10 Members: Johnson, Don, 1993 II.1 11 Members: Kleczka, Gerald, 1993 II.1 12 Members: Lambert, Blanche, 1993 II.1 13 Members: Lewis, John, 1993 II.1 14 Members: Lloyd, Marilyn, 1993 II.1 15 Members: Long, Jill, 1993 II.1 16 Members: Markey, Ed, 1993 II.1 17 Members: Massachusetts Delegation, 1993 II.1 18 Members: Pickle, Jake, 1993 II.1 19 Members: Rowland, Roy, 1993 II.1 20 Members: Boren David Senate, 1993 II.1 21 Members: Kohl, Herb Senate, 1993 II.1 22 Defense: Conference White Papers, 1993 II.1 23 Defense: FY93 Reprogramming, 1993 II.1 24 Defense: FY93 Supplemental Defense, 1993 II.1 25 Defense: FY94 DoD [Department of Defense] Act, 1993 II.1 26 Defense: FY94 DoD [Department of Defense] Budget (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.1 27 Defense: FY94 DoD [Department of Defense] Budget (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.1 28 Defense: Aspin Statements, 1993 II.1 29 Defense: Admiral Nimitz Museum, undated II.1 30 Defense: FY94 Air Force, 1993 II.1 31 Defense: Air Force Procurement, 1993 II.1 32 Defense: Air Force R+D [Research and Development], 1993 II.1 33 Defense: FY94 Army, 1993 II.1 34 Defense: Army Procurement, 1992-1993 II.1 35 Defense: Army R+D [Research and Development], 1993 II.1 36 Defense: ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency], 1993 II.1 37 Defense: CH-47 Trainer (Murtha) (Cae-Link), undated II.1 38 Defense: Automatic Data Processing (ADP), 1993 II.1 39 Defense: FY93 Supplemental- Emergency, 1993 II.1 40 Defense: Ammunition- Army, 1993 II.1 41 Defense: Boeing 767s, 1993 II.1 42 Defense: Breast Cancer- Institute of Medicine Report, 1993 II.1 43 Defense: C-17, 1993 II.1 44 Defense: CentCom [Central Command] FY94, 1993 II.1 45 Defense: Chemical Demil [Demilitarization], 1993 II.1 46 Defense: Defense Conversion, 1993 II.1 47 Defense: Environment , 1993 II.1 48 Defense: European Command EurCom, 1993 II.1 49 Defense: Harris FY 94, circa 1993-1994 II.1 50 Defense: Health, 1993 II.1 51 Defense: Hospital- St. Petersburg, undated II.1 52 Defense: 94 Conference List, 1993 II.1 53 Defense: Conference Lists Priorities $50 Million, 1993 II.1 54 Defense: Conference Open, 1993 II.1 55 Defense: FY94 Act, 1993 II.1 56 Defense: FY94 Authorization, 1993 II.1 57 Defense: FY93 Reprogramming, 1993 II.1 58 Defense: AGM-130, 1986, 1993 II.1 59 Defense: C-20 Gulfstream, 1993 box folder Request box II.2 1 Defense: C-130 Simulator- Dobbins ROA [Reserve Officers Association], 1988-1994 II.2 2 Defense: C-130 Simulator, 1988-1994 II.2 3 Defense: CASA C-212 Dobbins, 1992-1993 II.2 4 Defense: Chrysler C-27, 1993 II.2 5 Defense: Cross Systems (AEL), 1993 II.2 6 Defense: Sherpa C-23 Dobbins, 1993 II.2 7 Defense: F-22 to ALC [Air Force Logistics Center] Robins, 1992-1993 II.2 8 Defense: FADEC [Full Authority Digital Electronic engine Control]- Ga. Guard, 1993 II.2 9 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] CALS [Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics System] Shared Resource Center, 1992-1993 II.2 10 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] Federal Test and Evaluation Center (DoD [Department of Defense]), 1993 II.2 11 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] Microelectronics Packaging (DoD [Department of Defense]), undated II.2 12 Defense: Rome ILS [Instrument Landing System], 1993-1994 II.2 13 Defense: Telemedicine Test Bed (GT), 1993 II.2 14 Defense: Highway Electrification- DoD [Department of Defense] Conversion, 1993 II.2 15 Defense: Intelligent Highway Systems Defense Conversion, undated II.2 16 Defense: JASORS [Joint Advanced Special Operations Radio System], 1993 II.2 17 Defense: Joint Advanced Strike Tech- JAST, 1993-1994 II.2 18 Defense: Landsat 7, 1993 II.2 19 Defense: M1A2 Tanks, 1993 II.2 20 Defense: Medium Truck SLEP [Service Life Extension Program] Extended Service Program, 1993 II.2 21 Defense: Mercer- Engineering Data Exchange, 1993 II.2 22 Defense: Natural Gas Equipment, 1993 II.2 23 Defense: OH 58 Kiowa AHIP [Army Helicopter Improvement Program], 1993 II.2 24 Defense: Procurement Technical Assistance Program GTRI [Georgia Tech Research Institute], undated II.2 25 Defense: ROM (Relaxacizer), 1992-1993 II.2 26 Defense: ROTC [Reserve Officers Training Corps] Tuition Info, 1993-1994 II.2 27 Defense: S-3 Recorder DRS, 1993 II.2 28 Defense: Ship Self Defense Radar, 1993 II.2 29 Defense: Solid Rocket Motor Upgrade (SRMU) Hercules, 1992-1993 II.2 30 Defense: TSSAM [Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile], 1993 II.2 31 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: BD Thank You, 1993 II.2 32 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Bob Cover FY94, 1993 II.2 33 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Sandy Gilbert FY94, 1993 II.2 34 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Dave Kilian, 1993 II.2 35 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Julie Pacquing, 1993 II.2 36 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Greg Walters, 1993 II.2 37 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Dave Wilson, 1993 II.2 38 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Member Thanks, 1993 II.2 39 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Member Requests, 1993 II.2 40 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Report of the Committee on Appropriations, 1993 II.2 41 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Report of the Committee on Armed Services, 1993 II.2 42 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Conference Reports, 1993 II.2 43 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Marine Corps R+D [Research and Development] Procurement, 1993 II.2 44 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: National Guard- Reserve, 1993 II.2 45 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: FY94 Navy, 1993 II.2 46 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Navy Procurement, 1993 II.2 47 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Navy R+D [Research and Development], 1993 II.2 48 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: O+M [Operations and Maintenance], 1993 II.2 49 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Defense Printing Service, 1993 II.2 50 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Public Witnesses, 1993 II.2 51 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Readiness, 1993 II.2 52 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: SASC Authorization FY94 [National Defense Authorization Act], 1993 II.2 53 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Space, 1993 II.2 54 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Spare Parts, 1993 II.2 55 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Special Operations, 1993 II.2 56 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative], 1993 II.2 57 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Navy TMD [Theater Ballistic Missile Defense], 1993 II.2 58 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Transcom FY94, 1993 II.2 59 Defense - HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: FATS [Firearms Training Systems], 1992 box folder Request box II.3 1 Defense - GA Bases: Southeast Regional Personnel Center, 1994 II.3 2 Defense - GA Bases: Ft. Gordon Army, 1994 II.3 3 Defense - GA Bases: Ft. Stewart Army, 1994 II.3 4 Defense - GA Bases: Eisenhower Medical Center Ft. Gordon, 1993 II.3 5 Defense - GA Bases: National Science Center, 1993 II.3 6 Defense - GA Bases: Moody AF [Air Force], 1993 II.3 7 Defense - GA Bases: Warner Robins AF [Air Force], 1993 II.3 8 Defense - GA Bases: Dobbins Air Force, 1994 II.3 9 Defense - GA Bases: BRAC 95 [Base Realignment and Closure Division], 1995 II.3 10 Defense - GA Bases: DoD [Department of Defense] Appropriations Hearings FY94 (folder 1 of 3), 1993 II.3 11 Defense - GA Bases: DoD [Department of Defense] Appropriations Hearings FY94 (folder 2 of 3), 1993 II.3 12 Defense - GA Bases: DoD [Department of Defense] Appropriations Hearings FY94 (folder 3 of 3), 1993 II.3 13 Defense - GA Bases: DoD [Department of Defense] Appropriations H.R. 3116 and Congressional Record, 1993 September II.3 14 Olympics-Atlanta, 1993 II.3 15 Agriculture: FY94 Conference, 1993 II.3 16 Agriculture: FY94 Act (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.3 17 Agriculture: FY94 Act (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.3 18 Agriculture: Dept of Agriculture Budget Summary FY94, circa 1993-1994 II.3 19 Agriculture: Disadvantaged Farmers, 1993 II.3 20 Agriculture: Food Safety Research Complex Griffin, undated II.3 21 Agriculture: GA Southern- Epidemiology, 1993 II.3 22 Agriculture: GT [Georgia Tech] Rural Telecommunications, 1993 II.3 23 Agriculture: BD Agriculture Approps [Appropriations], 1993 II.3 24 Agriculture: Vienna- Chicken Plant, 1993 II.3 25 Commerce/Justice: Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary FY94 Act, 1993 II.3 26 Commerce/Justice: EDA [Economic Development Administration] University Centers Commerce, 1993 II.3 27 Commerce/Justice: Department of Justice Budget Summary FY1994, 1993 II.3 28 Commerce/Justice: Ga Tech National Textile Center, 1993 II.3 29 Commerce/Justice: Olympics- Auburn Ave, 1993 II.3 30 Commerce/Justice: Trade Adjustment Assistance, 1993 box folder Request box II.4 1 DC: DC [District of Columbia] FY94 Act, 1993 II.4 2 Foreign Ops: Foreign Ops Act FY94, 1993 II.4 3 Labor/HHS: Labor, HHS [Health and Human Services], Ed [Education] FY94 Act, 1993 II.4 4 Legislative: Legislative Act FY94, 1993 II.4 5 MilCon [Military Construction]: Mil Con Act FY94, 1993 II.4 6 MilCon [Military Construction]: Mil Con FY94, 1993 II.4 7 MilCon [Military Construction]: Mil Con FY94 Conference, 1993 II.4 8 MilCon [Military Construction]: GA Mil Con, 1993 II.4 9 MilCon [Military Construction]: C-130 Simulator, 1993 II.4 10 MilCon [Military Construction]: Dobbins Firing Range, 1993 II.4 11 MilCon [Military Construction]: Moody AFB [Air Force Base], 1993 II.4 12 MilCon [Military Construction]: Robins, 1993 II.4 13 MilCon [Military Construction]: Tift College- GA Guard, 1993 II.4 14 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: FY94 Act, 1993 II.4 15 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Pulp and Paper- GT [Georgia Tech], 1993 II.4 16 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Southern Oxident Study GT [Georgia Tech], 1993 II.4 17 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Olympics- Stadium Sewer, 1993 II.4 18 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: GT [Georgia Tech]- Upper Atmospheric Research Center (NASA), 1993 II.4 19 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: HUD Programs, 1992-1993 II.4 20 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Nat. [National] Science Foundation, 1993 II.4 21 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Space Station (NASA), 1991-1993 II.4 22 Drug Control, 1993 II.4 23 Treasury, Postal Approps [Appropriations], 1991-1992 II.4 24 Trio Educational Approps [Appropriations], 1993 II.4 25 Environment 1992-1993II.4 26 Clinton Economic Stimulus Plan, 1993 II.4 27 NHPRC [National Historic Publications and Records Commission], 1993 box folder Request box II.5 1 IRS [Internal Revenue Service] (folder 1 of 2), 1993-1994 II.5 2 IRS [Internal Revenue Service] (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.5 3 USPS [United States Postal Service], 1993 II.5 4 Department of Transportation, 1993 II.5 5 Government Buildings: GSA [General Services Administration] and Other, 1990-1993 II.5 6 Schedules, 1994 II.5 7 Full Committee, 1992-1993 II.5 8 GA State and Local Govt [Government], undated II.5 9 General, 1993 II.5 10 Postal-Treas [Treasury]: Dear Colleague, 1993 II.5 11 Supplemental Markup, 1993 II.5 12 IRS: Hearings, 1993 February 3 II.5 13 Treasury Budget Hearing, 1993 II.5 14 TSM- Tax Systems Modernization, 1993 II.5 15 GA DoT [Department of Transportation] Approps [Appropriations] FY94, circa 1993-1994 II.5 16 GA DOT [Department of Transportation] Atl. [Atlanta] Traffic Management, 1993 II.5 17 Interior Mark Projects (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.5 18 Interior Mark Projects (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.5 19 Ga General, 1992 II.5 20 Department of Transportation Appropriations FY93, 1992 box folder Request box II.6 1 Department of Transportation Appropriations FY94, 1993 II.6 2 Multi-Modal Terminal AP-103, 1994 II.6 3 ACOG [Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games]: Olympic Legislative Support Group, 1992-1994 II.6 4 Energy and Water Appropriations (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.6 5 Energy and Water Appropriations (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.6 6 Labor-HHS [Health and Human Services]-Ed [Education] FY94, 1993 II.6 7 Law-Related Ed [Education] (AP 103), 1993 II.6 8 Impact Aid, 1993 II.6 9 Treasury and Postal Appropriations FY94: Rev. [Revenue] Forgone, 1993 II.6 10 Treasury and Postal Appropriations FY94, 1993 II.6 11 Treasury and Postal Appropriations FY94, 1993 II.6 12 Treasury and Postal Appropriations FY94: Single Member Issues, 1993 II.6 13 Treasury and Postal Appropriations FY94: FTS 2000 [Federal Telecommunications System 2000], 1993 II.6 14 Treasury and Postal Appropriations FY94, 1993 II.6 15 Augusta Federal Courthouse, 1993 II.6 16 Abortion- Fed Empl [Federal Employees], 1993 II.6 17 Administrative Conference of the United States, 1993 II.6 18 Savings Bonds, 1993 II.6 19 Intergov and Archives, 1993 II.6 20 Toner Cartridges, 1993 II.6 21 White House and Miscellaneous, 1993 II.6 22 Smoking, 1993 II.6 23 FY93 Supplemental Request from Office of the President, circa 1992-1993 II.6 24 White House- Park Service, 1993 II.6 25 Congressional Budget Submission from the Office of the President FY94, circa 1993-1994 box folder Request box II.7 1 NARA [National Archives and Records Administration]: Estimates of Appropriations for FY94, circa 1993-1994 II.7 2 Executive Office of the President: Office of Policy Development, undated II.7 3 Treasury, Postal Service, General Government, 1993 II.7 4 Defense: Navy Procurement R+D [Research and Development], 1994 II.7 5 Defense: Navy- Sec [Secretary], CNO [Chief of Naval Operations], Commandant, 1994 II.7 6 Defense: Nuclear Disarmament- Russia, 1994 II.7 7 Defense: Pacific Command- CINCPAC [Commander in Chief Pacific Command], 1994 II.7 8 Defense: Procurement, 1994 II.7 9 Defense: Readiness, 1994 II.7 10 Defense: R+D [Research and Development], 1994 II.7 11 Defense: Space, 1994 II.7 12 Defense: Special Operations, 1994 II.7 13 Defense: TAC-4 [Navy Tactical Upgrade], 1994 II.7 14 Defense: National Defense Authorization Act FY95 Conference Report Accompanying S.2182, 1994 II.7 15 Defense: National Defense Authorization Act FY95 Report, Senate Version, 1994 II.7 16 Defense: National Defense Authorization Act FY95 Report on H.R. 4301 with Cost Estimate, 1994 II.7 17 Defense: FY95 DoD [Department of Defense] Authorization, 1994 II.7 18 Defense: 95 Budget, 1994 II.7 19 Defense: FY95 Act DoD [Department of Defense], 1994 II.7 20 Defense: Reprogramming FY94, 1994 II.7 21 Defense: Perry/Shalikashvili Statement, 1994 II.7 22 Defense: ARPA [Advanced Research Projects Agency], 1994 II.7 23 Defense: Air Force Budget, 1994 II.7 24 Defense: AF [Air Force] Secretary- Chief, 1994 II.7 25 Defense: AF [Air Force] Procurement, 1994 II.7 26 Defense: Air Force R+D [Research and Development], 1994 II.7 27 Defense: Airlift, 1994 box folder Request box II.8 1 Defense: ALARM [Alert, Locate And Report Missiles], undated II.8 2 Defense: Ammunition, 1994 II.8 3 Defense: Army Sec [Secretary] and Chief, 1994 II.8 4 Defense: Army Procurement, 1994 II.8 5 Defense: Army R+D [Research and Development], 1994 II.8 6 Defense: Army Reserve, 1994 II.8 7 Defense: BMDO [Ballistic Missile Defense Office], 1994 II.8 8 Defense: Bombers, 1994 II.8 9 Defense: Central Command, 1994 II.8 10 Defense: Chemical Demil [Demilitarization], 1994 II.8 11 Defense: Civil Air Patrol, 1994 II.8 12 Defense: CVN-76, undated II.8 13 Defense: Defense Conversion, 1994 II.8 14 Defense: Drug Interdiction, 1994 II.8 15 Defense: EA-6 ECM Transmitter, undated II.8 16 Defense: Environment , 1994 II.8 17 Defense: ERINT [Extended Range Interceptor] Letter, 1994 II.8 18 Defense: European Command CINCEUR [Commander in Chief European Command], undated II.8 19 Defense: Guard and Reserve, 1994 II.8 20 Defense: Haiti and Rwanda, 1994 II.8 21 Defense: Healthcare, 1993-1994 II.8 22 Defense: Korea, 1994 II.8 23 Defense: Legacy Program, 1994 II.8 24 Defense: Advanced Lithography, 1994 II.8 25 Defense: Logistics and Spares, 1994 II.8 26 Defense: MAFET [Tri-Service Microwave Analog Front-End Technology], 1994 II.8 27 Defense: Marine Corps R+D [Research and Development] Procurement, 1994 II.8 28 Defense: Maritime "CRAF" Program [Cargo and Containerships], 1994 II.8 29 Defense: Martin Marietta, 1994 II.8 30 Defense: MILSTAR [Military Satellite Communications System], undated II.8 31 Defense: National Guard, 1994 II.8 32 Defense: Navy Budget, 1994 II.8 33 Defense: FY95 Request, circa 1994-1995 II.8 34 Defense: Conference, undated II.8 35 Defense: Omn. [Omnibus] Reprogramming FY94, 1994 II.8 36 Defense: ADAD [Air Defense Alerting Device], 1994 II.8 37 Defense: Advanced Avionics- Cambridge Navy, 1994 II.8 38 Defense: AGM-130, 1994 II.8 39 Defense: Airlift Loaders Carl Bayer, 1994 II.8 40 Defense: Ammo- Armor Penetrator, 1994 II.8 41 Defense: Apache, 1994 II.8 42 Defense: ATRJ [Advanced Threat Radar Jammer] Ted Hester, 1994 II.8 43 Defense: B-1, 1993 II.8 44 Defense: B-1 FY95, 1994 II.8 45 Defense: BMDO [Ballistic Missile Defense Office] SAIC, 1994 II.8 46 Defense: Bradley Upgrade, 1994 II.8 47 Defense: Bradley- TOW ISU [Integrated Site Unit] Hughes, 1993 II.8 48 Defense: Breast Cancer, 1994 II.8 49 Defense: C-20 G, 1994 II.8 50 Defense: C-130 FY94, 1994 II.8 51 Defense: C-130 FY95, 1994 II.8 52 Defense: C-130 Letter, 1994 II.8 53 Defense: C-130 Justification, 1993 II.8 54 Defense: C-130J, 1993 II.8 55 Defense: C-130J FY95, 1994 II.8 56 Defense: C-130J and England, 1994 box folder Request box II.9 1 Defense: 116th Fighter to Robins, 1993-1994 II.9 2 Defense: CASA C-212s, 1994 II.9 3 Defense: CASS [Consolidated Automated Support System]- Martin Marietta, 1994 II.9 4 Defense: Children's Hospitals, 1993-1994 II.9 5 Defense: Distance Learning, undated II.9 6 Defense: E-FOGM [Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Missile], 1994 II.9 7 Defense: Eisenhower Telemedicine, 1994 II.9 8 Defense: Engineered Fabrics, undated II.9 9 Defense: ERINT [Extended Range Interceptor] FY95, 1994 II.9 10 Defense: ERINT [Extended Range Interceptor], 1994 II.9 11 Defense: F-33 FY94, 1993 II.9 12 Defense: F-33 FY95, 1994 II.9 13 Defense: NATF F-22, 1993-1994 II.9 14 Defense: F-22 Air-to-Ground, 1993 II.9 15 Defense: FAASV [Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicles], undated II.9 16 Defense: FATS [Firearms Training Systems] FY95, 1994 II.9 17 Defense: Non-System Training Device FATS [Firearms Training Systems], 1993 II.9 18 Defense: Fiber Development (Amoco), 1994 II.9 19 Defense: Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensor Litton, 1994 II.9 20 Defense: Fast Patrol Boat, 1993 II.9 21 Defense: Flyash (SEEC), 1994 II.9 22 Defense: Fuel Cell Language, 1992-1994 II.9 23 Defense: British Fuel Cells, 1994 II.9 24 Defense: GPS Aided Munitions, undated II.9 25 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] Apparel Manufacturing (DoD) [Department of Defense] Southern Tech, 1993-1994 II.9 26 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] AEPI [Army Environmental Policy Institute]/ Mr. Darden, 1993-1994 II.9 27 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] EW Technologies, undated II.9 28 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] HDTV Camera, 1993-1994 II.9 29 Defense: GT [Georgia Tech] General, undated II.9 30 Defense: HAVE YAK [Defense Against Cruise Missiles], undated II.9 31 Defense: Int. [International] Defense Conversion, undated II.9 32 Defense: ICI Joe Austin, 1994 II.9 33 Defense: ICR Zell, 1994 II.9 34 Defense: Intermarine, 1994 II.9 35 Defense: JDAM [Joint Direct Attack Munition System], 1994 II.9 36 Defense: JPATS [Joint Primary Aircraft Training System], 1993 II.9 37 Defense: Lantirn (Martin), 1994 II.9 38 Defense: Longbow, 1994 II.9 39 Defense: Marine Maritime Prepositioning, 1994 II.9 40 Defense: Marine Corps Package, 1994 II.9 41 Defense: Medical Anchor Desk, 1996 II.9 42 Defense: VA [Veterans Administration]/DoD [Department of Defense] Medical Research Neural Networks, 1994 II.9 43 Defense: MICAD [Multi-Purpose Integrated Chemical Agent Alarm]- Loral, 1994 II.9 44 Defense: Natural Gas, 1994 II.9 45 Defense: NAS [New Attack Sub], 1994 II.9 46 Defense: Non-Developmental Aircraft, 1994 II.9 47 Defense: Olympics Security, 1993-1994 II.9 48 Defense: Para Olympics [Paralympic Games], 1994 II.9 49 Defense: P-3, 1993 II.9 50 Defense: P-3 FY95, 1994 II.9 51 Defense: P-3 CEC [Cooperative Engagement Capability], 1994 II.9 52 Defense: P-3 Counter Narcotics, 1994 II.9 53 Defense: P-3 Language Issues, undated II.9 54 Defense: Phoenix Air, 1994 II.9 55 Defense: Plasma Arc, 1994 II.9 56 Defense: Reconfigurable Simulator, 1994 II.9 57 Defense: AF [Air Force] Reserve HdQtrs [Headquarters], 1993-1994 II.9 58 Defense: SBIS [Sustaining Base Information System] (AT+T), 1993-1994 II.9 59 Defense: SLAM [Standoff Land Attack Missile] LaGrange, 1993 II.9 60 Defense: SLID [Small, Low-Cost Interceptor Device], 1994 II.9 61 Defense: Spelman College, 1994 II.9 62 Defense: Starstreak, 1994 II.9 63 Defense: Texas Instruments, 1994 II.9 64 Defense: Thermal Conductivity Amoco, 1994 II.9 65 Defense: Threat Warning Systems AN/ALR-67, 1994 II.9 66 Defense: AF [Air Force] Threat Simulator (GT) [Georgia Tech], 1993 II.9 67 Defense: Tier II Carl Bayer, 1994 II.9 68 Defense: VA-205 [Decommissioning Jets at Dobbins Air Reserve Base], 1994 II.9 69 Defense: Warner Robins, 1994 II.9 70 Defense: Yankee Oilship- Alexander, 1994 II.9 71 Defense: University Overhead, 1994 II.9 72 Defense: Misc. Conference, 1994 II.9 73 Defense: BD FY95 Defense, 1994 II.9 74 Defense: H.R. 4650 [Defense Appropriations for FY 1995], 1994 box folder Request box II.10 1 Defense: Member Conference, 1994 II.10 2 Defense: Department of Defense Appropriation Bill FY95, 1994 II.10 3 Defense: Defense Appropriations Bill FY95 Conference Notes, 1994 II.10 4 Defense: Budget- Operation and Maintenance, 1994 II.10 5 Defense: Budget- Procurement Program, 1994 II.10 6 Defense: Defense Appropriations Bill FY95 Markup Notes, 1994 II.10 7 Defense: H.R. 4301 National Defense Authorization Act Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee, 1994 II.10 8 Defense: Department of Defense Appeal to the Defense Appropriations Conference Committee FY95, 1994 II.10 9 HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Alicia Jones, undated II.10 10 HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Dave Kilian, undated II.10 11 HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Sara Magoulik, undated II.10 12 HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Julie Pacquing, undated II.10 13 HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Tim Petersen, undated II.10 14 HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Greg Walters, undated II.10 15 HAC [House Appropriations Committee] Staff: Dave Wilson, undated II.10 16 Agriculture: 95 Requests, 1995 II.10 17 Agriculture: FY95 (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.10 18 Agriculture: FY95 (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.10 19 Agriculture: Biocontainment Research Center UGA, 1993-1994 II.10 20 Agriculture: Biocontainment FY95, 1994 II.10 21 Agriculture: Boll Weevil Eradication, 1994 II.10 22 Agriculture: Canola, 1993-1994 II.10 23 Agriculture: Delta Teachers Academy, 1994 II.10 24 Agriculture: Equine Import Designation, 1994 II.10 25 Agriculture: FmHA Section 515 Program, undated II.10 26 Agriculture: GA Tech Literacy Project, 1993-1994 II.10 27 Agriculture: PACA [Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act], 1994 II.10 28 Agriculture: Perishable Commodities UGA Experimental Station, 1993-1994 II.10 29 Agriculture: Poultry Inspection, 1994 II.10 30 Agriculture: Ag Bill Problems, 1994 II.10 31 Agriculture: Urban Pest Research UGA Extension, 1993 II.10 32 Commerce/Justice: Commerce FY95 (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.10 33 Commerce/Justice: Commerce FY95 (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.10 34 Commerce/Justice: Africa Trade Center, 1994 II.10 35 Commerce/Justice: Byrne Grant, 1994 II.10 36 Commerce/Justice: GT [Georgia Tech] Commerce, undated II.10 37 Commerce/Justice: National Textile Center (GT) [Georgia Tech], 1994 II.10 38 Commerce/Justice: Olympics Telecommunications, 1994 II.10 39 Commerce/Justice: Paralympics- USIA, 1994 II.10 40 Commerce/Justice: Sea Grant Commerce, 1994 II.10 41 Commerce/Justice: Trade Adjustment Centers GT [Georgia Tech], 1994 II.10 42 Commerce/Justice: Vienna Chicken Plant, 1994 box folder Request box II.11 1 DC: DC FY95, 1994 II.11 2 Foreign Ops: FY95 (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.11 3 Foreign Ops: FY95 (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.11 4 Foreign Ops: Collaborative Research, 1994 II.11 5 Foreign Ops: Exchange Programs-Disabled, 1994 II.11 6 Labor-HHS: Labor, HHS [Health and Human Services], ED [Education] FY95 (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.11 7 Labor-HHS: Labor, HHS [Health and Human Services], ED [Education] FY95 (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.11 8 Labor-HHS [Health and Human Services]: Displaced Homemaker (Labor), undated II.11 9 Labor-HHS: Health Education Centers, 1994 II.11 10 Labor-HHS: Paralympics, 1994 II.11 11 Labor-HHS: Morehouse School of Medicine, 1994 II.11 12 Legislative: Legislative FY95, 1993-1994 II.11 13 MILCON: Mil Con [Military Construction] FY95, 1994 II.11 14 MILCON: Mil Con [Military Construction] Dobbins, 1994 II.11 15 MILCON: GA Mil Con [Military Construction], 1994 II.11 16 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: VA, HUD, Ind. Ag. [Independent Agencies] FY95 (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.11 17 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: VA, HUD, Ind. Ag. [Independent Agencies] FY95 (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.11 18 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Clean Lakes Program, 1994 II.11 19 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Olympics- Pedestrian Walkway, 1993 II.11 20 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Columbus- Sewer Overflow Research EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], 1993 II.11 21 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Macon Coliseum, 1994 II.11 22 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Paralympics- VA, 1994 II.11 23 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Rural Water Training, 1994 II.11 24 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Vienna Chicken Plant, 1994 II.11 25 Members: Bishop, Sanford, 1994 II.11 26 Members: Minetta DC-X, 1994 II.11 27 Organization: Appropriations, 1994 II.11 28 Organization: Earmarking, 1993 II.11 29 Organization: $ [Money] to 7th District, 1992-1994 II.11 30 Organization: History, 1965-1993 II.11 31 Organization: Jurisdiction, 1993-1994 II.11 32 Organization: Rescission Process, 1993 II.11 33 Organization: Roll Call Votes- Mandate, 1993 II.11 34 Supplemental: FY94 Supplemental Earthquake, Somalia, Bosnia, 1994 II.11 35 Supplemental: FY93 Spring Supplemental Conference, 1993 II.11 36 Supplemental: FY93 "Spring", 1993 II.11 37 Supplemental: FY93 Supplemental (Stimulus Plan), 1993 II.11 38 Supplemental: FY93 2nd Supplemental "Son of Stimulus", 1993 II.11 39 Supplemental: FY93 Flood Supplemental, 1993 II.11 40 Supplemental: GA Flood, 1994 II.11 41 Budget: FY93 Appropriations, 1993 II.11 42 Budget: FY94, 1993 II.11 43 Budget: Penney Kasich- Defense, 1993 box folder Request box II.12 1 Budget: FY95 Appropriation Facts #'s $'s [Numbers and Dollars], 1994 II.12 2 Budget: FY95 Budget Conference, 1994 II.12 3 Budget: FY95, 1994 II.12 4 Budget: Balanced Budget Amendment Defense, 1994 II.12 5 Budget: Spending Cuts, 1993 II.12 6 Budget: Entitlements, 1994 II.12 7 Budget: 602(b) FY95, 1994 II.12 8 Budget: FY94 602(b), 1993-1994 II.12 9 Budget: FY94 Rescission, 1993 II.12 10 Budget: CR [Continuing Resolution] FY94, 1993 II.12 11 Budget: 302(b) Allocations FY93, 1993 II.12 12 Budget: Discretionary Spending, 1993 II.12 13 Agriculture: Ag Budget FY95, 1994 II.12 14 Commerce/Justice: CSRA CDCs [Certified Development Company], 1994 II.12 15 Foreign Ops: Foreign Policy Budget Request FY95 and Peace Corps Budget, 1994 II.12 16 MILCON: Mil Con [Military Construction] 95, 1994 II.12 17 NASA: EOS [Earth Observing System] NASA, 1994 II.12 18 NASA: NASA FY95, 1994 II.12 19 NASA: National Science Foundation, undated II.12 20 VA [Veterans Affairs]-HUD [Housing and Urban Development]: Veteran's Budget, undated II.12 21 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: USPS, 1993 II.12 22 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Office of Drug Policy, 1993 II.12 23 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: IRS, 1993 II.12 24 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: IRS Consolidation Plan, 1993 II.12 25 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Waco (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.12 26 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Waco (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.12 27 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: NTEU [National Treasury Employees Union] Packet: "Transition to the Future of the Federal Service: Employee Perspective", undated II.12 28 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Government Finance Officers Association, 1993 II.12 29 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Atlanta District Guide to the IRS, 1993 II.12 30 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Dept. of the Treasury, 1993 II.12 31 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: White House Personnel, 1993 II.12 32 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Executive Office of the President, 1994 II.12 33 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Congressional Budget Justification FY95, 1994 II.12 34 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Reinventing Environmental Management, Vice President Al Gore, 1993 II.12 35 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Report on IRS Tax System Modernization Program, 1994 II.12 36 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Report on the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, Dept. of Treasury, 1994 II.12 37 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Report on the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program- Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1994 box folder Request box II.13 1 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: US Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations: Local Government Autonomy, 1993 II.13 2 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Report on the General Law Enforcement Standards and Procedures, 1993 II.13 3 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Report on US Postal Service Mail Delivery in the Washington D.C. Area, 1993 II.13 4 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: GAO [General Accounting Office]- Tax Gap Report, 1993 II.13 5 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Tax Systems Modernization, 1994 II.13 6 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Railroad Retirement Board, 1993 II.13 7 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Treasury Law Enforcement, Money Laundering Report (GAO) [General Accounting Office], 1994 II.13 8 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: IRS Tax Law Enforcement Program, 1994 II.13 9 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: Conference Notes, Appropriations FY95, 1994 II.13 10 Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee: H.R. 4539 Appropriations, undated II.13 11 Treasury: EFT [Electronic Funds Transfer], 1994 II.13 12 Treasury: Treasury FY95, 1994 II.13 13 Treasury: Revenue Forgone, 1994 II.13 14 Treasury: FDR [Commemorative Coin Act], 1994 II.13 15 Treasury: Paralympics, 1994 II.13 16 Treasury: White House, 1994 II.13 17 Treasury: Treasury FY95, 1994 II.13 18 Treasury: ACUS [Administrative Conference of the United States], ACIR [Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations], Archives, FEC [Federal Elections Commission], 1994 II.13 19 Treasury: Pay Raise, 1994 II.13 20 Treasury: NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement], 1994 II.13 21 Treasury: Misc, 1994 II.13 22 Treasury: Dept of the Treasury Justification for Appropriations (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.13 23 Treasury: Dept of the Treasury Justification for Appropriations (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.13 24 Treasury: Treasury Forfeiture Fund, 1994 II.13 25 Treasury: Budget Brief Dept of the Treasury, 1994 II.13 26 Treasury: General Services Administration Justification for Appropriations, 1994 II.13 27 Treasury: Conference Notes, 1994 box folder Request box II.14 1 NARA [National Archives and Records Administration]: Estimates of Current Services FY93, 1993 II.14 2 Legislative Files: Depts of Commerce, Justice, and State, Judiciary, and Related Agencies, 1993 II.14 3 Legislative Files: Energy and Water Department, 1993 II.14 4 Legislative Files: Dept of the Interior and Related Agencies, 1993 II.14 5 Legislative Files: Depts of Labor, HHS [Health and Human Services], and Education and Related Agencies, 1993 II.14 6 Legislative Files: Legislative Branch, 1991 II.14 7 Legislative Files: Dept of Transportation and Related Agencies, 1991 II.14 8 Legislative Files: Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government, 1993 II.14 9 Legislative Files: Energy and Water FY95, 1994 II.14 10 Legislative Files: FY93 Appropriations Info (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.14 11 Legislative Files: FY93 Appropriations Info (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.14 12 Legislative Files: Interior Dept FY95 (folder 1 of 3), 1994 II.14 13 Legislative Files: Interior Dept FY95 (folder 2 of 3), 1994 II.14 14 Legislative Files: Interior Dept FY95 (folder 3 of 3), 1994 II.14 15 Legislative Files: Interior- Pinhoti Trail and Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, 1994 II.14 16 Legislative Files: Interior- Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, 1993-1994 II.14 17 Legislative Files: Interior- Andersonville, National Prisoner of War Museum, 1994 II.14 18 Legislative Files: Interior- Fish and Wildlife Port at Atlanta Hartsfield-Intl Airport, 1994 II.14 19 Legislative Files: Transportation FY95, 1994 II.14 20 Legislative Files: Transportation H.R. 4556 [Appropriations Bill], 1994 II.14 21 Legislative Files: Transportation- Appropriations Bill, Committee Print, 1994 II.14 22 Legislative Files: Transportation- ICC [Interstate Commerce Commission] Annual Report, 1993 II.14 23 Legislative Files: Transportation Dept Budget Request for FY95, 1994
2. Armed Services Committee
box folder Request box II.15 1 Correspondence: Quantico MWR [Morale, Welfare, and Recreation], 1990-1991 II.15 2 Correspondence: Energy, 1989-1990 II.15 3 Correspondence: Snowplow, 1988-1990 II.15 4 Correspondence: Matthews/Curry Contract Lockheed Air Force Case, 1986 II.15 5 Correspondence: West Point Board of Visitors, 1990-1991 II.15 6 Correspondence: Minemet Germanium, 1990-1991 II.15 7 Correspondence: Southern Tech- ManTech [Manufacturing Technology], 1988-1989 II.15 8 Correspondence: Larry Walker-GBI [Georgia Bureau of Investigation], 1990 II.15 9 Correspondence: Darden, 1985-1987 II.15 10 Correspondence: Marietta DLA [Defense Logistics Agency] Finance Center, 1988 II.15 11 Correspondence: POW [Prisoner of War] Medal, 1988 II.15 12 Correspondence: "Three Building Blocks of a New Strategy" Les Aspin, Chair, 1992 II.15 13 Correspondence, 1991-1994 II.15 14 Hearings: Dobbins Air Force Base (folder 1 of 3), 1987 II.15 15 Hearings: Dobbins Air Force Base (folder 2 of 3), 1987 II.15 16 Hearings: Dobbins Air Force Base (folder 3 of 3), 1987 II.15 17 Hearings: Dobbins Air Force Base Joint Use, 1983-1987 II.15 18 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: Dobbins Mobilization (Iraq), 1990-1991 II.15 19 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: Persian Gulf Resolutions, 1990 II.15 20 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: Desert Storm Allied Pledges, 1991-1992 II.15 21 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: CRS [Congressional Research Service]- Persian Gulf War Information Pack, 1991-1992 box folder Request box II.16 1 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: Desert Storm Supplemental, 1991 II.16 2 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: CRS [Congressional Research Service]- Information Pack- Iraq Kuwait Crisis, Post War Concerns, 1991-1992 II.16 3 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm, 1990 II.16 4 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: Iraq Invasion, 1990 II.16 5 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: US-Iraq War Desert Storm, 1991-1992 II.16 6 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: DoD [Department of Defense] Report: Conduct of the Persian Gulf War Chapters 1-8, 1992 April II.16 7 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: DoD [Department of Defense] Report: Conduct of the Persian Gulf War Appendices A-S, 1992 April II.16 8 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: DoD [Department of Defense] Report: Conduct of the Persian Gulf War Appendix T, 1992 April II.16 9 Hearings-Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm: Defense Almanac Desert Storm, 1991 II.16 10 Atwood Statement on Reduction of Armed Forces + Revising Weapons Acquisition, 1992 April II.16 11 H.R. 1558- Panama Canal Act Amendments, 1992 II.16 12 Death Notification, 1992 II.16 13 FTS 2000 [Federal Telecommunications System 2000], 1991 II.16 14 Drugs: Reciprocal Defense Agreements, 1992 II.16 15 Testimony on Army Force Structure, 1992 II.16 16 International Deployment- NATO Reciprocal Defense Agreements, 1992 II.16 17 LTV Sale, 1992 II.16 18 Military Specs, 1992 II.16 19 A-7 Crash, 1990 II.16 20 Procurement Standard, 1988 II.16 21 OV1 Mohawk, 1987-1988 II.16 22 Mohawk Exec Sum [Executive Summary], 1987-1988 II.16 23 Vincennes, 1988 II.16 24 US Army Mohawk Aircraft, 1987-1988 II.16 25 Integrity of the Defense Acquisition System, 1989 II.16 26 Procurement, 1988-1989 box folder Request box II.17 1 Procurement Scandal, 1988-1989 II.17 2 Revolving Door Statute, 1989 II.17 3 Night Vision Goggles, 1989 II.17 4 Co-Production, 1989 II.17 5 CAS [Close Air Support], 1989 II.17 6 Acquisition (Packard Comm) IDA [Institute for Defense Analysis] Report, 1989 II.17 7 Goldwater-Nichols, 1989 II.17 8 FSX, 1989 II.17 9 War Powers, 1989 II.17 10 Sec of Defense Richard Cheney, 1989 II.17 11 Sergeant at Arms Distribution Office, 1991 II.17 12 Defense Language Institute, 1992 II.17 13 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY1986, 1985 II.17 14 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY1987 DoD [Department of Defense] Authorization Conference Agreement, 1986 II.17 15 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Congressional Record- DoD [Department of Defense] Authorization FY87 Conference, 1986 II.17 16 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY87 Defense Budget, 1986 II.17 17 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: DoD [Department of Defense] Budget FY88, 1987 II.17 18 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY88 DoD [Department of Defense] Authorization, 1987 II.17 19 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY88 Conference, 1987 II.17 20 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY89 DoD [Department of Defense] Authorization, 1988 II.17 21 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: DoD [Department of Defense] Conference FY89, 1988 II.17 22 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY1990 DoD [Department of Defense] Authorization, 1989 II.17 23 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Conference Final FY1991, 1990 box folder Request box II.18 1 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY92 Authorization Conference, 1991 II.18 2 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY92 Dept of Defense Appropriations, 1991 II.18 3 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY92 DoD Budget, 1991 II.18 4 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Rescission FY92, 1992 II.18 5 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Annual Report US Military Academy, 1992 II.18 6 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY93 Defense Appropriations, 1992 II.18 7 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY93 Conference, 1992 II.18 8 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Conference Wish List FY93, circa 1992-1993 II.18 9 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: DoD [Department of Defense] Authorizations FY93, 1992 II.18 10 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Dept of Defense Budget FY93 (folder 1 of 3), 1992 II.18 11 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Dept of Defense Budget FY93 (folder 2 of 3), 1992 II.18 12 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Dept of Defense Budget FY93 (folder 3 of 3), 1992 II.18 13 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Army Posture FY93, 1992 II.18 14 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: AF [Air Force] Posture FY93, 1992 II.18 15 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: General JP Hoar's Testimony before House Armed Services Committee, 1992 II.18 16 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Defense Reinvestment, 1992 II.18 17 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Navy Posture FY93, 1992 II.18 18 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: Hearings on National Defense Authorization Act FY93, 1992 II.18 19 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: FY93 Authorization Bill Markup, 1992 II.18 20 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: H.R. 2401 Defense Appropriations FY94, 1993 II.18 21 Legislation-DoD Appropriations: S.1298 Defense Appropriations FY94, 1993 II.18 22 Armed Services Committee, 1987-1989 box folder Request box II.19 1 Squad Engagement Training System (SETS), undated II.19 2 Conference Administrative Wish List, 1991 II.19 3 Conference- Handouts, 1991 II.19 4 Defense Spending, 1991 II.19 5 Floor Amendments, 1991 II.19 6 Markup FY92, 1991 II.19 7 Amendments, 1989-1990 II.19 8 R+D [Research and Development] Mark-up, 1991 II.19 9 Miscellaneous, 1991 II.19 10 Torpedo Fuel, 1991 II.19 11 Investigations, 1991 II.19 12 Budget, 1991-1992 II.19 13 Women in the Military, 1991 II.19 14 FY93 Mil Con [Military Construction], 1991 II.19 15 White Paper: Greater Reliance on the National Guard/Reserves, 1992 II.19 16 Second Session Goals, 1992 II.19 17 Death Notification, 1992 II.19 18 New Threat, 1992 II.19 19 US Defense Industrial Base Panel, 1992 II.19 20 Transportation Command, 1992 II.19 21 Southcom-LANTCOM [War on Drugs], 1992 II.19 22 US Presence in Europe, 1992 II.19 23 Special Operations Forces, 1992 II.19 24 Defense Policy Panel, 1992 II.19 25 Hearing on the Future of Nuclear Weapons, 1992 II.19 26 B-2 Bomber: Stealth Problems and Cost, 1992 II.19 27 Army National Guard Hearing, 1992 II.19 28 Reinvestment of Defense Resources for Economic Growth, 1992 II.19 29 Adjustment Assistance-Defense Spending Cuts, 1992 II.19 30 Small Business Innovation Development Amendment Act, 1992 II.19 31 A-12 Acquisition, 1991 II.19 32 Wartime Medical Readiness, 1985 II.19 33 Cheney, 1992 II.19 34 Mark-up: Denim Suit Conference, undated II.19 35 Mark-up: Conference- Misc, 1990 II.19 36 Mark-up: Conference- Admin, 1990 II.19 37 Mark-up: Bill Alvarez/Conference, 1990 II.19 38 Mark-up: FY91 DoD [Department of Defense] Appropriations, 1990 II.19 39 Mark-up: FY91 Defense Authorization Bill, 1990 II.19 40 Mark-up: ERINT [Extended Range Interceptor], undated II.19 41 Mark-up: Mark-up FY, 1990 II.19 42 Mark-up: C-130 Air Guard and Reserves Program, undated II.19 43 Mark-up: Amendments-Proposed, 1990 II.19 44 Mark-up: C-20, undated II.19 45 Mark-up: P-7 Amendment and Talking Points, undated II.19 46 Mark-up: Defense Authorization Bill, 1990 II.19 47 Soviet Nuclear Stability [Report by Les Aspin], 1991 box folder Request box II.20 1 Full Committee: H.R. 2461 Defense Appropriations FY90, 1989 II.20 2 Full Committee: Correspondence Defense Bill, 1989 II.20 3 Full Committee: Miscellaneous, 1989 II.20 4 Full Committee: BD General Debate H.R. 2461 [Defense Appropriations FY90], undated II.20 5 Full Committee: Darden Amendments, 1989 II.20 6 Full Committee: FY90 Markup, 1989 II.20 7 Full Committee: Hellfire Language, undated II.20 8 Full Committee: H.R. 2461 [Defense Appropriations FY90] Amendments, Procurement Mark-up, 1989 II.20 9 Full Committee: Leath Substitute to Procurement Mark-up, 1989 II.20 10 Full Committee: FY90 Procurement Revised, 1989 II.20 11 Full Committee: Cheney, 1989 II.20 12 Full Committee: Floor Statements, 1989 II.20 13 Full Committee: HASC [House Armed Services Committee] Amendments, 1989 II.20 14 Full Committee: Conference Handouts, 1989 II.20 15 Full Committee: R+D [Research and Development] Programs BD Support, 1989 II.20 16 Full Committee: EMSP [Enhanced Modular Signal Processor], 1989 II.20 17 Tax Study, undated II.20 18 Leg Mt [Legislative Meeting]/ Staff, 1989 II.20 19 Legislative Meeting, 1989 II.20 20 Legislative Meeting, 1991 II.20 21 Legislative Meeting, 1991 II.20 22 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Mr. Darden, undated II.20 23 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: R+D [Research and Development] 2nd March, 1987-1988 II.20 24 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Misc., 1987 II.20 25 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Readiness Mark, 1987 II.20 26 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Research and Development, 1987 II.20 27 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: R+D [Research and Development] Amendments, 1987 II.20 28 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Hellfire, 1987 II.20 29 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Nichols Amendment, 1987 II.20 30 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: SRAM II [Short Range Attack Missile], 1987 II.20 31 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Richard, 1986-1987 II.20 32 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: URI [University Research Instrumentation], 1987 II.20 33 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: C-130s Add-ons, 1987 II.20 34 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: AGM-130, GBU-115, 1987 II.20 35 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: FY88, 1987 II.20 36 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Defense News Article by Darden, 1987 II.20 37 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Marine Corp R+D [Research and Development], 1987 II.20 38 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Hearing Agendas, 1992 II.20 39 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Hearings, 1992 II.20 40 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Reports, 1992 II.20 41 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Polygraph Reform Act, 1987 box folder Request box II.21 1 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Lasers, undated II.21 2 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: HASC [House Armed Services Committee] Hearing: Procurement and Military Nuclear Systems, 1989 II.21 3 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Department of Navy, 1989 II.21 4 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Air Force FY90 Budget Request, 1989 II.21 5 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Dept of the Army, 1989 II.21 6 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Army Weapons Systems, 1989 II.21 7 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Army FY90 Budget Request, 1989 II.21 8 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: HASC [House Armed Services Committee] Hearing: Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, 1989 II.21 9 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Anti-Satellite Weapon Systems, 1989 II.21 10 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Missiles, 1989 II.21 11 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: University Research Initiative and Operational Test and Evaluation, 1989 II.21 12 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Strategic Modernization, 1989 II.21 13 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Submarine and ASW [Anti Submarine Warfare] Technology, Non-DoD [Department of Defense] Strategic Defense Initiative Panel, 1989 II.21 14 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Bofors Bill, 1985-1987 II.21 15 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: B-2, 1989 II.21 16 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: HDTV [High Definition Television], 1989 II.21 17 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Russian Forces, 1989 II.21 18 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Russians, 1989 II.21 19 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Grumman Corporation, 1989 II.21 20 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: ? for Sec. Def. [Questions for the Secretary of Defense], 1989 II.21 21 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: HASC [House Armed Services Committee] Exhibit Book, 1989 II.21 22 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: National Aero-Space Plane Program, 1989 II.21 23 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Everett Little- Joint Session, 1987-1989 II.21 24 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Private Legislation- Joyce McFarland (folder 1 of 2), 1985-1989 II.21 25 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Private Legislation- Joyce McFarland (folder 2 of 2), 1975-1984 II.21 26 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: FY90 R+D [Research and Development] Revised, 1989 II.21 27 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Technology, 1989 II.21 28 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Reprogrammings, 1989 II.21 29 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: HDTV [High Definition Television], 1989 II.21 30 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: R+D [Research and Development] Chairman's Markup and Amendments, 1989 II.21 31 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: FY90 White Papers, 1989 II.21 32 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: FY90 General DoD [Department of Defense], 1989 II.21 33 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: FY90 MilCon [Military Construction], 1989 II.21 34 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: DoD [Department of Defense] FY90 Revised, 1989 II.21 35 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: R+D [Research and Defense] Markup, 1989 II.21 36 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: STEP [Science and Technology Enterprise Program], undated box folder Request box II.22 1 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: General Provisions, 1989 II.22 2 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: Conference FY90, 1989 II.22 3 R+D [Research and Development] Subcommittee: R+D [Research and Development], 1989 II.22 4 A-X, 1991-1992 II.22 5 A-7 Crash, 1989 II.22 6 A-12 Termination, 1991 II.22 7 A-12 Scandal, 1990-1991 II.22 8 Acquisition, 1992 II.22 9 Aeronautics, 1993 II.22 10 Aircraft Review, 1990 II.22 11 Air Force Bases, 1992-1993 II.22 12 Air Force Doctrine, 1992 II.22 13 AF [Air Force] POM FY94-98, 1993 II.22 14 American Security Council, 1988 II.22 15 AMRAAM [Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile], 1986 II.22 16 DoD [Department of Defense] Animal Research, 1991 II.22 17 Anti-Radiation Decoy GA ANG Units, 1992 II.22 18 Armed Services Committee, 1993 II.22 19 Army Doctrine, 1993 II.22 20 Airlift Comparisons, 1993 II.22 21 Outcome, 1987 II.22 22 Take to Floor, 1986 II.22 23 Floor Notebook, undated II.22 24 C-17 Floor Speech, undated II.22 25 C-5 Amendment, 1987 II.22 26 B-1 Contingency C-5 C-17 SAR, 1980-1986 II.22 27 C-5, 1987 II.22 28 C-17 Support, 1987 II.22 29 Airlift Reports, 1986-1989 II.22 30 C-5 Subcontract, undated II.22 31 ATT [Advanced Tactical Transport], 1987 II.22 32 Dissenting Views, undated II.22 33 DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency], 1993 II.22 34 Air Force, 1992-1994 II.22 35 Base Closing, 1988 II.22 36 Base Closing, 1993 II.22 37 Base Closure- GA, 1993 II.22 38 Foreign Base Closing, 1991-1993 II.22 39 Base Closure, 1991-1992 II.22 40 Base Force, 1993 II.22 41 Bombers, 1993 II.22 42 B-2, 1993 II.22 43 Bottom-up Review, 1993 box folder Request box II.23 1 Dem [Democrat] Colleagues, 1987 II.23 2 Bottom-up Review Tactical Aviation, 1993 II.23 3 C3I, 1994 II.23 4 C-5 vs. C-17, 1993 II.23 5 C-5 SLEP [Service Life Extension Program], 1993 II.23 6 C-5 Restart, 1994 II.23 7 C-130 Desert Storm, 1985-1987 II.23 8 C-130J, 1990-1991 II.23 9 C-130 FY91, 1990 II.23 10 C-130s FY92, 1991 II.23 11 C-130s FY93, 1992-1993 II.23 12 Bush/Quayle C-130s, 1992 II.23 13 C-130 Conference FY93, 1992 II.23 14 AC-130H, 1993 II.23 15 HTTB [High Technology Test Bed] Crash C-130, 1993 II.23 16 C-130 Japs Mexicans, 1994 II.23 17 C-141 SLEP [Service Life Extension Program] (Markup) FY93, 1992 II.23 18 C-141 SLEP [Service Life Extension Program] Conference FY93, 1992 II.23 19 C-141 SLEP [Service Life Extension Program] FY94, 1993 II.23 20 C-XX (Airlift), 1993 II.23 21 C-17 The Chart, 1994 II.23 22 C-17 Furse Amendment, 1994 II.23 23 C-17 FY95, 1994 II.23 24 C-17 DAB, 1993 II.23 25 C-17 "Dean Colleague", 1990 II.23 26 C-17 Goof Ups CY 1994, 1994 II.23 27 C-17 Goof Ups CY 1993, 1993 II.23 28 C-17 Goof Ups (folder 1 of 2), 1989-1990 II.23 29 C-17 Goof Ups (folder 2 of 2), 1989-1992 II.23 30 Carriers, undated II.23 31 CASS [Consolidated Automated Support System], 1993 II.23 32 Champus, 1993 II.23 33 Chiropractors, 1994 II.23 34 Civic Air Patrol, 1992 II.23 35 Civilian Technicians, 1993 II.23 36 Chemical Weapons, 1981-1993 II.23 37 Anti-Chemical FY92, 1991 II.23 38 Comanche-LHX, 1986-1993 II.23 39 Commissaries, 1993 II.23 40 Computer Aided Design (Intergraph) CAD- Navy, 1992 II.23 41 Comanche RAH-66, 1993 II.23 42 Defense Conversion (folder 1 of 3), 1990-1993 II.23 43 Defense Conversion (folder 2 of 3), 1991-1993 II.23 44 Defense Conversion (folder 3 of 3), 1993 II.23 45 Technology Reinvestment Program TRP, 1993-1994 II.23 46 Clinton Defense Conversion, 1993 II.23 47 CRAF [Civil Reserve Air Fleet], 1988 II.23 48 Crash Data, 1993 box folder Request box II.24 1 D-5, 1993 II.24 2 DDG-51 Arleigh Burke, undated II.24 3 Clinton Defense, 1992 II.24 4 Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), 1993 II.24 5 Democrats for Strong Defense, 1994 II.24 6 Depots, 1994 II.24 7 DMR [Defense Management Report] Report, 1990 II.24 8 Dobbins- Army Reserve Aviation, 1993 II.24 9 Dobbins- F-15s, 1993 II.24 10 Eastern Regional Training Center Dobbins C-130Hs [Empty], undated II.24 11 Dobbins Environment , 1991-1993 II.24 12 Hueys to Dobbins (OV-10-leaving), 1994 II.24 13 Dobbins- Joint Use, 1987-1993 II.24 14 Dobbins Grounding Army, 1992 II.24 15 OV-1, 1991 II.24 16 Dobbins Replacement Planes FY93, 1992 II.24 17 94th Tactical Airlift, 1990-1993 II.24 18 Drug Interdiction P-3 C-130, 1986-1988 II.24 19 Drug Interdiction, 1988-1989 II.24 20 Drug Interdiction, 1989-1990 II.24 21 Dual-Use Technologies, 1993 II.24 22 National Security Education Act, 1991-1993 II.24 23 Electronic Warfare, 1987-1994 II.24 24 Local Fuel Cells (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.24 25 Local Fuel Cells (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.24 26 Engineered Fabrics (OSD Meeting), 1992-1993 II.24 27 Aspin Letter, 1993 January II.24 28 GAO [General Accounting Office] Letter, 1993 January II.24 29 Engineered Fabrics Corporation (Fuel Cells (folder 1 of 2), 1993-1994 II.24 30 Engineered Fabrics Corporation (Fuel Cells (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.24 31 Enlisted Commissioning Program, 1994 II.24 32 DoD [Department of Defense] Pollution Environment , 1991-1993 II.24 33 Explosives-Hidden, 1993 II.24 34 Export Controls, 1993 II.24 35 F-14 Upgrades, 1993 II.24 36 F-15, 1993 II.24 37 F-16, 1988-1993 II.24 38 F/A-18 (E/F), 1991 II.24 39 ATF [Advanced Tactical Fighter] FY92, 1991 box folder Request box II.25 1 F-22 FY93, 1992 II.25 2 ATF [Advanced Tactical Fighter], 1991-1992 II.25 3 F-22 Team, undated II.25 4 F-22 Talking Points, 1992 II.25 5 F-22 Setbacks, 1993 II.25 6 YF-22 Crash, 1992 II.25 7 F-22, 1988-1992 II.25 8 GAO [General Accounting Office] Report, 1993 II.25 9 F-117 Upgrade, 1990 II.25 10 Fighters- Misc., 1987 II.25 11 DoD [Department of Defense] Finances and Accounting Center (DFAS), 1993-1994 II.25 12 Food Stamps, 1994 II.25 13 Force Structure, 1992-1993 II.25 14 Foreign Comparative Testing, 1994 II.25 15 Fort Benning, 1992 II.25 16 Friendly Fire, undated II.25 17 GA Aerospace, undated II.25 18 Gas Pipeline, 1992 II.25 19 Ga Tech- Chemical Laser, 1989 II.25 20 Electric Vehicle- GT [Georgia Tech], 1993 II.25 21 GA DoD [Department of Defense] Contracts, 1993 II.25 22 GA Defense Initiative, 1993-1994 II.25 23 GA Research Alliance, 1994 II.25 24 Georgia Institute of Technology, 1986 II.25 25 GA Tech, 1983-1990 II.25 26 GA Tech Contracts SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative], 1986-1987 II.25 27 GT [Georgia Tech] NASA Proposal, 1987 II.25 28 Georgia Tech Administrative A-21 Cost Cap FY93, 1992 II.25 29 GT [Georgia Tech] A-21 Administrative Costs FY94, 1993 II.25 30 GA Tech Research, 1992-1993 II.25 31 GA Tech T+E [Test and Evaluation] Center, 1991 II.25 32 GPS, 1994 II.25 33 Gulfstream- Japs, 1993 II.25 34 GWEN [Ground Wave Emergency Network], 1993 II.25 35 Haiti, 1994 II.25 36 Harm Missile, undated II.25 37 General Hawley Visit, 1994 II.25 38 Helicopters, 1987-1988 II.25 39 OH-58D Kiowa HUD, 1993 II.25 40 Hellfire, 1988-1993 II.25 41 Hellfire II vs. Retrofit, 1993 II.25 42 Homeporting, 1986 II.25 43 Homos [Homosexuals in the Military], 1993 II.25 44 Hospice, 1993 II.25 45 Military Housing, 1993 II.25 46 Hughes-LaGrange, 1993 II.25 47 Industrial Base, 1993 II.25 48 Information Infrastructure H.R. 1757, 1993 II.25 49 Intelligence, 1993 II.25 50 Intel Auth [Intelligence Authorization] FY95, 1994 II.25 51 Intermarine, 1994 II.25 52 Japan-US Relations Briefing Book CRS [Congressional Research Service], 1991 II.25 53 Javelin, 1993 II.25 54 J STARS [Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System], 1988-1993 box folder Request box II.26 1 Defense- Jobs 7th District, 1982-1994 II.26 2 Military Economic Impact- GA, 1992 II.26 3 Korea, 1994 II.26 4 AF [Air Force] Plant #6 Sale, 1992 II.26 5 Lockheed Health Cost (Johnny Wall), 1993 II.26 6 Deutch to Lockheed, 1994 II.26 7 Lockheed Layoffs, 1994 II.26 8 Lockheed Layoffs, 1992 November II.26 9 Lockheed-Martin Merger, 1994 II.26 10 Lockheed Move to GA, 1990 II.26 11 Lockheed Personnel, 1993 II.26 12 GD Sale-Lockheed, 1992-1993 II.26 13 Lockheed Takeover, 1990 II.26 14 Martin Marietta, 1993 II.26 15 MX Missile, 1987 II.26 16 Management of Inventory and Defense Capabilities, 1994 II.26 17 Milstar, 1993 II.26 18 President's Missile Reduction, 1991-1992 II.26 19 McDonnell-Douglas, undated II.26 20 Need to Answer, 1987-1988 II.26 21 Weapons- Army, 1985-1986 II.26 22 Helper Info, 1987 II.26 23 Military Education Panel, 1987-1988 II.26 24 Minesweeper, 1987 II.26 25 Missile Misc, 1987-1988 II.26 26 Cruise Missiles, 1987 II.26 27 ALCM [Air-Launched Cruise Missile], 1987 II.26 28 Small Missile, 1986-1987 II.26 29 NASA, 1988, 1993 II.26 30 NSF [National Science Foundation] Authorization FY94, 1994 II.26 31 NASP [National Aero-Space Plane], 1987 II.26 32 National Guard and Reserve, 1989-1994 II.26 33 Reserve and Guard Downsizing FY94, 1994 II.26 34 Guard-Reserve Restructure, 1993 II.26 35 GA Guard and Reserve, 1991-1994 II.26 36 Guard-Helicopters, 1993 II.26 37 Guard and Reserve Cuts FY92-93, 1992 II.26 38 Northrop, undated II.26 39 Nat.-Guard [National Guard] Personnel Transition, 1993 II.26 40 MX Missile, 1984-1988 box folder Request box II.27 1 National Guard, 1985-1987 II.27 2 NATO, 1987 II.27 3 NATO Troop Reduction (folder 1 of 2), 1988-1992 II.27 4 NATO Troop Reduction (folder 2 of 2), 1987-1992 II.27 5 NATO Post Cold War, 1994 II.27 6 European Defenses Status, 1993 II.27 7 Burden Sharing, 1988-1994 II.27 8 NATO Conventional Arms Control- CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1990-1992 II.27 9 Navy Doctrine, 1992-1994 II.27 10 Navy Ships, 1992 II.27 11 Nuclear Bombs, 1993-1994 II.27 12 Nuclear War, 1989-1985 II.27 13 Navy (folder 1 of 2), 1985-1988 II.27 14 Navy (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1987 II.27 15 HASC [House Armed Services Committee] Activity, 1988 II.27 16 Nuclear Energy, 1986 II.27 17 Nuke Production, 1988 II.27 18 Nuclear Proliferation, 1984 II.27 19 US-Soviet Relations, 1985-1987 II.27 20 Transportation Colleague, 1987 II.27 21 NGOs [Non-Governmental Organizations], 1994 II.27 22 Atlanta Olympics FY92, 1991 II.27 23 OV-10s, undated II.27 24 Odendahl, William, 1988-1989 II.27 25 Operation and Maintenance, 1986 II.27 26 Personnel, 1986-1988 II.27 27 Pilots Associate, 1988 II.27 28 Procurement, 1985-1988 II.27 29 POW [Prisoner of War], 1989 box folder Request box II.28 1 Policy: National Defense and Security, undated II.28 2 P-3 FY92-93 Orion II, 1991-1992 II.28 3 P-3, 1992-1993 II.28 4 P-7 LRAACA [Long Range Air ASW Capability Aircraft], 1990 II.28 5 Patriot III, 1993 II.28 6 Peace Keeping Missions (UN), 1993-1994 II.28 7 Persian Gulf, 1994 II.28 8 Personnel Reductions, 1993 II.28 9 Pearl Harbor, 1991 II.28 10 Philippine Bases, 1987-1992 II.28 11 Pre-Positioning, 1992 II.28 12 Propfan, 1984-1988 II.28 13 Rail Gun, undated II.28 14 R+D [Research and Development] Info Basics, 1990-1993 II.28 15 Readiness Review CY [Calendar Year] 93, 1993-1994 II.28 16 Research Centers, 1991-1993 II.28 17 Robbins AFB [Air Force Base], 1993-1994 II.28 18 BD [Buddy Darden] to Rockwell, 1993 II.28 19 Russia Houses Nunn-Luger, 1994 II.28 20 SKW Chemicals, undated II.28 21 SARs [Selected Acquisition Reports], 1990-1991 II.28 22 Arms Sales, 1986-1993 II.28 23 BD [Buddy Darden] Savannah Trips, 1994 II.28 24 USS Heron, 1994 II.28 25 School of the Americas, 1994 II.28 26 Science Projects, 1992-1994 II.28 27 Semiconductors (Sematech), 1991-1993 II.28 28 Shipbuilding, 1993 II.28 29 Advanced Solid Rocket Motor, 1992-1993 II.28 30 Somalia (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.28 31 Somalia (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1993 II.28 32 Space (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.28 33 Space (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1994 II.28 34 Space Station, 1993-1994 II.28 35 Defense Spending, 1992 II.28 36 Russian Coup, 1990-1992 II.28 37 Special Operations, 1994 box folder Request box II.29 1 Statistics-Military, 1992 II.29 2 Neutral Particle Beam, 1993 II.29 3 SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative] FY93, 1992-1993 II.29 4 Science Applications Int Corp Marietta (SAIC), 1992 II.29 5 SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative] (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.29 6 SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative] (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.29 7 START II, 1993 II.29 8 STEP [Science and Technology Enterprise Program] R+D [Research and Development], 1988-1989 II.29 9 Submarines, 1992-1993 II.29 10 Stealth Boat Dennis Suit, 1991 II.29 11 Super Conducting Super Collider, 1987 II.29 12 Strategic Forces, 1994 II.29 13 Survey and Investigations Reports, 1991 II.29 14 TRP [Technology Reinvestment Project], 1994 II.29 15 T-45, 1993 II.29 16 Tacamo, 1985 II.29 17 Tactical Aviation, 1993 II.29 18 Tech Base FY91, 1989-1990 II.29 19 Tanks, 1993 II.29 20 Tech Base Info (folder 1 of 2), 1989 II.29 21 Tech Base Info (folder 2 of 2), 1988-1989 II.29 22 Tech Base (Press), 1991 II.29 23 Clinton "Technology Plan", 1993 II.29 24 Critical Technologies, 1991-1993 II.29 25 Terrorism, 1993 II.29 26 Defense Testing, 1993 II.29 27 Texas Inst. (Advanced Tech), 1993 II.29 28 Desert Storm Supplemental, 1991-1992 II.29 29 DSESTS/IFTE Test Equipment, 1993 II.29 30 Troop Counts, 1988-1993 II.29 31 Armed Forces Realignment FY91, 1990-1992 II.29 32 UAVs, 1994 II.29 33 URI Competitive Section 220, 1988 II.29 34 US Defense Policies Since WWII, 1994 II.29 35 V-22, 1986-1993 II.29 36 Gassed Veterans, 1993 II.29 37 Voluntary Separation, 1993 II.29 38 War Powers, 1988-1991 box folder Request box II.30 1 West Point Visitors Board, 1979-1990 II.30 2 Whistleblower Protection, 1990 II.30 3 Women in Combat, 1993-1994 II.30 4 Wind Tunnels, 1994 II.30 5 Air Defense, 1986 II.30 6 ATARS, 1988 II.30 7 Tactical Air Training, 1986 II.30 8 Air Force: Trainer Aircraft, 1986 II.30 9 Air Force: Operations and Maintenance, 1986 II.30 10 Air Force: Vandenburg AFB [Air Force Base], 1985 II.30 11 Air Force: Obstacles to the Termination of Air Force Activities, 1986 II.30 12 Air Force: Improving Air Force Readiness and Sustainability, 1984 II.30 13 Air Force: Systems Info Briefs for Congress, 1988 II.30 14 Air Force: Air Force Fighters, 1988 II.30 15 Air Force, 1986-1988 II.30 16 H.R. 1748 Amendments FY88, 1986-1987 II.30 17 Antarctic Program, 1986 II.30 18 Military Bases, 1988-1989 II.30 19 Military Balance, 1988 II.30 20 DoD [Department of Defense] Commission on Beirut Inter'n [International] Airport, 1983-1984 II.30 21 Black Programs, 1986 II.30 22 B-1 Screw Ups, 1987-1988 II.30 23 Bombers, 1982-1988 II.30 24 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, 1987 II.30 25 Burden Sharing, 1987 II.30 26 North Atlantic Assembly, 1989 II.30 27 C3I, 1987 II.30 28 Central America, 1984-1987 II.30 29 Coast Guard, 1985-1986 II.30 30 Communications, 1985 II.30 31 Compensation- Defense, 1983-1985 II.30 32 Construction Program- Defense, 1985-1987 II.30 33 Contracting Out, 1987 II.30 34 Business Computer Applications [illegible], 1986-1987 II.30 35 Aircraft Carriers CV/CVN, 1987 II.30 36 Air Force One Replacement, 1985 box folder Request box II.31 1 Defense Stockpile, 1987 II.31 2 Deterrence, 1988 II.31 3 Dobbins AFB [Air Force Base], 1984-1988 II.31 4 Draft, 1984-1987 II.31 5 FAAD [Forward Area Air Defense System], 1986-1987 II.31 6 Lockheed Audit, 1986 II.31 7 Lockheed Dingel, 1986 II.31 8 Darden Action- Lockheed, 1986 II.31 9 Lockheed, 1986-1988 II.31 10 Lockheed Scandal- Press, 1986 II.31 11 Airlift- Letters, 1986 II.31 12 Radar, 1986 II.31 13 Readiness, 1987 II.31 14 RAND Annual Reports, 1985-1986 II.31 15 Refueling Aircraft, 1985 II.31 16 RPVs, undated II.31 17 FY86 Authorization Appropriations: H.R. 3622 Joint Chiefs of Staff Reorganization Act, 1985 II.31 18 FY86 Authorization Appropriations: H.R. 4234, 4235, 4236, 4237, 1986 II.31 19 FY86 Authorization Appropriations: H.R. 4370 Reorganization, 1986 II.31 20 FY86 Authorization Appropriations: Joint Chiefs of Staff Reform, 1985-1986 II.31 21 FY86 Authorization Appropriations: DoD [Department of Defense] Reorganization, 1986 II.31 22 R+D [Research and Development]: Research and Development Funding, 1983-1985 II.31 23 R+D [Research and Development]: RDT+E: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, 1986 II.31 24 R+D [Research and Development]: Reducing Defense Budget, 1985 II.31 25 R+D [Research and Development]: Weapons Testing, undated II.31 26 R+D [Research and Development]: DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency], undated II.31 27 R+D [Research and Development]: University Research Projects, 1987 II.31 28 R+D [Research and Development]: Naval Research- Programs Guide, 1985 II.31 29 R+D [Research and Development]: Army Research Office- Broad Agency Announcement, 1986 II.31 30 R+D [Research and Development]: Air Force Research, 1986 II.31 31 R+D [Research and Development]: Basic Research Program- DoD [Department of Defense], 1985 II.31 32 R+D [Research and Development]: High-Tech Weapons, 1987 II.31 33 R+D [Research and Development]: Research and Development Funding FY88, 1987 II.31 34 R+D [Research and Development]: Using Federal R+D [Research and Development] to Promote Commercial Innovation, 1988 II.31 35 R+D [Research and Development]: Nunn Project Summaries, undated II.31 36 R+D [Research and Development]: Implications for Civilian Science/Economy, 1986 II.31 37 R+D [Research and Development]: Managing Defense Dept Technology Base Programs, 1988 II.31 38 Reserves, 1985 II.31 39 Robins Air Force Base- Defense, 1986-1988 II.31 40 SALT [Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty], 1986 II.31 41 Dobbins (Jt. Use) [Joint Use of Dobbins Air Force Base], 1987 box folder Request box II.32 1 Sales and Transfers, 1985-1987 II.32 2 SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative]: ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile] Treaty, 1987 II.32 3 SDI: Sec Defense: SDI [Strategic Defense Imitative] Speech, 1988 II.32 4 SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative- Star Wars (folder 1 of 3), 1984-1987 II.32 5 SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative- Star Wars (folder 2 of 3), 1984-1987 II.32 6 SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative- Star Wars (folder 3 of 3), 1986-1988 II.32 7 Scandinavia Report RDF Transport, 1985-1986 II.32 8 Scandinavia Trip- Anti-Tank, 1986 II.32 9 Second Source, 1986 II.32 10 Should Cost, 1986 II.32 11 South Africa, 1979-1985 II.32 12 Dellums S. Africa, 1987-1988 II.32 13 Soviet Union, 1985-1987 II.32 14 Space Shuttle, 1985-1987 II.32 15 Space Parts, 1984-1985 II.32 16 Space, 1986-1988 II.32 17 SOF Panel [Special Operations], 1988 II.32 18 H.R. 5109 SOF Reorg [Reorganization] [Special Operations], 1986 II.32 19 Special Forces/ Terror, 1985-1986 II.32 20 Defense Spending, 1983-1987 box folder Request box II.33 1 Stark/ Persian Gulf (folder 1 of 2), 1987 II.33 2 Stark/ Persian Gulf (folder 2 of 2), 1987 II.33 3 Submarines, 1985-1987 II.33 4 Tank Retrievers, 1987 II.33 5 Targeting, undated II.33 6 Toshiba, 1987 II.33 7 Transportation, 1988 II.33 8 Terrorism, 1985 II.33 9 Trade-Security, 1983 II.33 10 UGA- Super Computer, 1987 II.33 11 University Research, 1985-1986 II.33 12 Mansfield Amendment, 1969 II.33 13 UN, 1983 II.33 14 US-Soviet Relations, 1984 II.33 15 Veterans, 1984 II.33 16 Vietnam Vets, 1984-1987 II.33 17 Weinberger, 1982-1985 II.33 18 Peace Through Strength, 1984 box folder Request box II.34 1 Army, 1986-1987 II.34 2 Army Management Staff College, 1987 II.34 3 Military Vehicles, 1986 II.34 4 Determining Future U.S. Tactical Airlift Requirements, 1987 II.34 5 After The Cold War: Redefining National Security Priorities in a Changing World, 1994 II.34 6 Air Force Facts and Information, 1993 II.34 7 ICBM [Intercontinental Ballistic Missile] Modernization Reference Manual, 1991 II.34 8 Long Range Power Projection, Special Operations Forces, Airlift, and Training Acquisition Programs, undated II.34 9 Ga. Tech Research Institute Annual Report, 1991 II.34 10 Roles for Universities in Meeting National Challenges- Ga. Tech, 1991 II.34 11 Defense Burden Sharing, 1988-1989 II.34 12 Bolstering Defense Industrial Competitiveness, 1988 II.34 13 Enhancing Defense Standardization, 1988 II.34 14 Navy Sealift Command, 1986 II.34 15 Technology Security Program- DoD [Department of Defense], 1986 II.34 16 Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1, Elk Hills, Ca, undated II.34 17 Military, 1991-1993 II.34 18 Joint Defense Attack Munitions JDAM, 1991-1992 II.34 19 Kinetic Energy Weapon, undated II.34 20 ATA [Advanced Tactical Aircraft], 1987 II.34 21 ATF [Advanced Tactical Fighter Aircraft], 1986-1987 II.34 22 Attack Aircraft, undated II.34 23 ASW [Anti-Submarine Warfare], 1987 II.34 24 Anti-Tank (folder 1 of 2), 1986 II.34 25 Anti-Tank (folder 2 of 2), 1987 II.34 26 Arrow Missile, 1989 II.34 27 Airlift C-5, 1985-1987 II.34 28 C-5 Letters, 1987 II.34 29 Reports C-17, 1986-1987 II.34 30 BD- Info for C-5 Amendment, undated II.34 31 Kill C-17 Ammo, 1987 II.34 32 Dissenting View C-17 FY87 H.R. 4428, circa 1986-1987 II.34 33 C-17 Info Packet, 1988-1989 II.34 34 Airlift C-17 (folder 1 of 2), 1986 II.34 35 Airlift C-17 (folder 2 of 2), 1986-1987 II.34 36 Anti-Satellite, 1986-1987 II.34 37 Penguin Anti-Ship Missile, undated II.34 38 Air Force Fighter Competition F16 vs F20, 1986 II.34 39 STAR [Strategic Technologies for the Army] 21, 1992 II.34 40 YF-23 Advanced Tactical Fighter Prototype, 1990 box folder Request box II.35 1 Contractors: Grumman Aerospace Corp.- Milledgeville, Ga, 1986-1987 II.35 2 Contractors: 100 Companies Receiving the Largest Dollar Volume of Prime Contract Awards FY88, circa 1987-1988 II.35 3 Contractors: ISA [International Science Associates] Dosimetry, 1988-1989 II.35 4 Contractors: Cubic, 1986-1988 II.35 5 Contractors: Hughes, 1987 II.35 6 Contractors: General Electric, 1987 II.35 7 Contractors: Millimeter Wave Technology, 1988-1989 II.35 8 Contractors: Aydin Corporation, 1987 II.35 9 Contractors: Raytheon, 1987 II.35 10 Contractors: F.A.T.S [Firearms Training Systems], 1988 II.35 11 Contractors: BD Visit to McDonnell Aircraft Company, 1984 August II.35 12 Contractors (folder 1 of 2), 1987-1989 II.35 13 Contractors (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1987 II.35 14 Navy Fact File, 1987 II.35 15 Proposal for the Center for Intl Defense Conversion at Georgia Tech, 1994 II.35 16 Army Modernization Plan, 1994 II.35 17 Marine Corps, undated II.35 18 Navy and Marine Corps Activities and Installations in the U.S. by Congressional District, 1993 II.35 19 C-141 Services Life Extension Program (SLEP), 1993 II.35 20 MDC Issues- McDonnell Douglas, 1993 II.35 21 U.S. Dept. of Defense Fact File (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.35 22 U.S. Dept. of Defense Fact File (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.35 23 Persian Gulf War, 1991-1993 box folder Request box II.36 1 Persian Gulf War: Aviation, 1991 II.36 2 Lessons from Persian Gulf War, 1992 II.36 3 The Navy in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, 1991 II.36 4 Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, 1990 II.36 5 Travel: HCAS [House Committee on Armed Services] Visit to Central America, 1984 December 7-11 II.36 6 Travel: US Pacific Command R+D [Research and Development] Trip, 1988 November 11-19 II.36 7 Travel: San Francisco, Hawaii, San Diego, 1988 November 12-19 II.36 8 Travel: Hawaii: NOSC [Naval Ocean Systems Center], 1987 II.36 9 Travel: Hawaii: Rome Air Development Center, 1988 II.36 10 Travel: DLI [Defense Language Institute] (Codel Darden), 1990 January 5-12 II.36 11 Travel: Visit of the Supreme Soviet Defense and State Security Cmte, 1990 February 7-19 II.36 12 Travel: Saudi Arabia and Israel (folder 1 of 2), 1990 December 11-15 II.36 13 Travel: Saudi Arabia and Israel (folder 2 of 2), 1990 December 11-15 II.36 14 Travel: Trip- Winter Olympics, etc., 1992 II.36 15 Travel: Port Visits: San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle (Codel Darden), 1992 December 10-15 II.36 16 Travel: Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Italy, 1993 February 4-14 II.36 17 Travel: Italy, 1993 II.36 18 Travel: Kenya (Codel Murtha), 1994 January 14-17 II.36 19 Travel: Rawhides VRC 40, 1994 February 19 II.36 20 Travel: U.S.S. Baltimore, 1994 February 19 II.36 21 Travel: Commander Naval Base, Submarine Group, 1994 July 1-2
3. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
box folder Request box II.37 1 Legislative Calendar: Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 1989 II.37 2 GA DNR [Department of Natural Resources] Archives, 1985 II.37 3 Cobb Park Asset Forf. [Forfeiture] (folder 1 of 2), 1986-1992 II.37 4 Cobb Park Asset Forf. [Forfeiture] (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.37 5 Little River Study, 1991 II.37 6 Little River Canyon, 1991-1992 II.37 7 Allatoona Land Exchange, 1992 II.37 8 Chickamauga-Chattanooga 100th Congress (folder 1 of 2), 1987-1988 II.37 9 Chickamauga-Chattanooga 100th Congress (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1987 II.37 10 Interior Com. [Committee], 1984 II.37 11 Brooke, John, 1988 II.37 12 Chickamauga- Highway 27, 1985 II.37 13 Chickamauga- Road Funding, 1986 II.37 14 Chickamauga- Mott Visit, 1985 II.37 15 Grazing Land Subleasing, 1989 II.37 16 Grazing Background, 1987 II.37 17 Grazing Hearing, 1988 August 2 II.37 18 Grazing- PR [Press]; Dear Co [Colleague], 1987 II.37 19 Grazing Bill- H.R. 1481, 1987 II.37 20 Grazing Bill- Cosponsor Support Info, 1986 II.37 21 Nevada Wilderness, 1987-1988 II.37 22 Nevada Wilderness- Background, 1985 II.37 23 Jenkins NRA [National Recreation Area], 1992 II.37 24 Ed Jenkins Forest Bill, 1991-1994 box folder Request box II.38 1 Ancient Forests Briefing Book, Ancient Forest Alliance, 1989 II.38 2 Ancient Forest Legislation, 1992 II.38 3 Amendments to Forest Bill, 1992 II.38 4 High Quality Foresting Alternative to Forest Bill, 1992 II.38 5 Forest Bill Correspondence (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.38 6 Forest Bill Correspondence (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.38 7 Sunbelt- Battlefield, 1992-1993 II.38 8 Re-Reg [Reregulation] Dam, 1988 II.38 9 Rongelap [Hearings on Radiation Contamination of Rongelap Atoll from U.S. Nuclear Testing], 1989 II.38 10 Lake Bill, 1988 II.38 11 Superfund Reform Act of 1994 (H.R. 3800), 1994 II.38 12 Ca Desert Protection Act of 1994 (H.R. 518), 1994 II.38 13 Radon Awareness and Disclosure Act of 1994 (H.R. 2448), 1994 II.38 14 EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Cabinet, 1994 II.38 15 Chattanooga Sale/Exchange and JRS, Inc./ Sherman Olsen, Jr. USFS [U.S. Forest Service], 1992 II.38 16 Committee Members, 1991-1992 II.38 17 Full Committee, 1992 II.38 18 Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment , 1992 II.38 19 Indian Health Amendments, 1991-1992 II.38 20 Minerals Royalty Management, 1992 II.38 21 Wetlands, 1992 II.38 22 Bureau of Land Management, 1992 II.38 23 Natural River System, 1992 II.38 24 Interior Committee, 1987-1989 II.38 25 Water - Sec. 308 [Water Resources Development Act, H.R. 5314], 1990 box folder Request box II.39 1 Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.39 2 Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.39 3 FY93 Budget Recommendations, 1992 II.39 4 Forest Service, 1992 II.39 5 Indian Gaming, 1991-1992 II.39 6 Naval Oil Reserves, 1992 II.39 7 Elk Hills Trip (folder 1 of 2), 1979-1987 II.39 8 Elk Hills Trip (folder 2 of 2), 1987
4. Committee on Standards of Official Conduct
box folder Request box II.39 9 Ethics Manual, 1991
Subseries B. Bills
box folder Request box II.39 10 Environmental and Energy Study Conference Weekly Bulletins (folder 1 of 2), 1984 II.39 11 Environmental and Energy Study Conference Weekly Bulletins (folder 2 of 2), 1983 II.39 12 GI Bill, 1984 II.39 13 Comparable Worth H.R. 3008, 1985 II.39 14 Productivity Week Project, 1983-1985 II.39 15 H.R. 1616 Labor, 1985 II.39 16 Animal Protection Acts, 1985 II.39 17 Product Liability Act, 1985 II.39 18 National Productivity Week, 1985 II.39 19 Health- H.R. 2653 Animal Welfare, 1985 II.39 20 Labor H.R. 983 Target Jobs Tax Credit, 1985 II.39 21 H.R. 10 ARC [Appalachian Regional Commission] Development, 1985 II.39 22 Tax- Unmarked Vehicles H.R. 3795, 1985 II.39 23 Parent Pass Bill, 1985 II.39 24 Attorneys Fees Exemption, 1985-1986 II.39 25 Gramm-Rudman- Def [Balanced Budget Legislation Effect on Defense], 1985-1986 II.39 26 H.R. 3838 Conferences [Tax Law], 1986 II.39 27 Polygraph Material 3916, 1986 II.39 28 Floor Statement Polygraph, 1986 II.39 29 Immigration, 1986 II.39 30 Contra Aid, 1986 box folder Request box II.40 1 Liability- Insurance Product, 1986-1987 II.40 2 United Nations, 1985-1987 II.40 3 Civil Service- SS Bens [Social Security Benefits], 1986-1988 II.40 4 Peruvian Brothels, 1986 II.40 5 Legislative Meetings 99, 1986 II.40 6 One Minutes and Remarks (Congressional Record Excerpts), 1986 II.40 7 Contra Aid, 1987 II.40 8 Small Business Procurement, 1987 II.40 9 H.R. 1327 Natl Hlth Svc Corps Auth [National Health Service Corps Authorization], 1987 II.40 10 H.R. 3188 Health, 1987 II.40 11 Polygraph Ban, 1987 II.40 12 Welfare 1720 Groups, 1987 II.40 13 Welfare 1720 Dear Colleagues, 1987 II.40 14 CR [Continuing Resolution] Long- Term [Clean Air Act], 1987 II.40 15 Central America (folder 1 of 2), 1985-1986 II.40 16 Central America (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1987 II.40 17 Reconciliation, 1987-1988 II.40 18 Treasury/ Postal Service Authorization, 1988 II.40 19 Boland Amendment, 1985-1987 II.40 20 HJRes [House Joint Resolution] 159 FA [Foreign Affairs] Baltic Freedom Day, 1987 II.40 21 Refuseniks, 1987 II.40 22 Arms/Summit, 1987 II.40 23 Intelligence, 1987 II.40 24 Thank Yous (folder 1 of 2), 1985-1988 II.40 25 Thank Yous (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1988 II.40 26 Legislative Meetings, 1987 II.40 27 Revoke Congress Salary Increase H.R. 966, 1987 II.40 28 Veterans Mailing, 1987 II.40 29 Bills Introduced 99th, 1986 II.40 30 HJR [House Joint Resolution] 44 Budget Procedures, 1987 box folder Request box II.41 1 Commerce/Justice/State, 1987 II.41 2 Supplemental Appropriations, 1987 II.41 3 Housing/Realtors, 1987 II.41 4 Real Estate, 1985-1987 II.41 5 Treasury/Postal Service Appropriations, 1987-1988 II.41 6 To Toshiba/Koningburg, 1987 II.41 7 Housing Bill H.R. 4 (folder 1 of 2), 1987 II.41 8 Housing Bill H.R. 4 (folder 2 of 2), 1987 II.41 9 HUD [Housing and Urban Development]/Indep [Independent] Agencies, 1987 II.41 10 H.R. 163 National Housing/ Home Remodeling, 1987 II.41 11 Introduced 100th, 1987-1988 II.41 12 Cohutta Fish Hatchery, 1987-1988 II.41 13 Rome- Commuter Air, 1988 II.41 14 Sierra Club, 1988 II.41 15 Disaster Assistance Act, 1988 II.41 16 Down Syndrome, 1988 II.41 17 Lanier Reallocation, 1988 II.41 18 Lawyer Letter, 1987-1988 II.41 19 Leg [Legislative] Meeting, 1988 II.41 20 Down Syndrome Month, 1987 II.41 21 Allatoona Ga./Ala System, 1987-1991 II.41 22 H.R. 5 Education Auth, 1988 II.41 23 Welfare 1720, 1987-1988 II.41 24 Economy, 1987-1988 II.41 25 H.R. 5142 AIDS Fed Pol Act [Federal Policy Act], 1988 II.41 26 Drug Bill, 1988 box folder Request box II.42 1 Drug Bill, 1988 II.42 2 DL [Defense of Life] Appropriations, 1988 II.42 3 HUD [Housing and Urban Development]/Independent Agencies Approp. [Appropriations], 1988 II.42 4 Labor/HHS [Health and Human Services]/Education Appropriations (folder 1 of 2), 1988 II.42 5 Labor/HHS [Health and Human Services]/Education Appropriations (folder 2 of 2), 1988 II.42 6 Commerce/Justice/State Appropriations, 1988 II.42 7 H.R. 4637 Foreign Aid Appr. [Appropriations], 1988 II.42 8 Continuing Resolution [Appropriations for Foreign Operations, Defense, and Agriculture], 1987 II.42 9 Legislative Meeting, 1987-1988 II.42 10 H.R. 3697 Rape Prevention, 1987 II.42 11 Pornography- President's Bill, 1988 II.42 12 Grove City- Civil Rights, 1988 II.42 13 H.R. 1214 Grove City, 1988 II.42 14 H.R. 1214/5557 Grove City CRRA [Civil Rights Restoration Act] Dr [Dear] Colleagues, 1988 II.42 15 H.R. 1214/5557 Grove City CRRA [Civil Rights Restoration Act] Orgs For, 1988 II.42 16 H.R. 1214/5557 Grove City CRRA [Civil Rights Restoration Act] Orgs Against, 1988 II.42 17 Educ [Education]- Georgia, 1988 II.42 18 Asbestos- Schools, 1987-1988 II.42 19 Grove City Documents, 1964-1988 II.42 20 CRRA [Civil Rights Restoration Act] Info Pack, 1988 II.42 21 English Language Amendment, 1988 II.42 22 H.R. 1158 Fair Housing, 1988 II.42 23 Education-Health, SP [Vocational Training, Education for Deaf or Disabled], 1988 II.42 24 Women, 1989 II.42 25 Childcare General, 1988 II.42 26 Women- Pay Equity, 1987-1988 II.42 27 Welfare Reform Conference, 1988 II.42 28 Catcare Summaries, 1988 II.42 29 Iran Reparations [For U.S. Downing of Iran Air Flight 655], 1988 box folder Request box II.43 1 Medicare- General (folder 1 of 2), 1988-1990 II.43 2 Medicare- General (folder 2 of 2), 1990 II.43 3 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 1 of 3), 1988 II.43 4 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 2 of 3), 1988 II.43 5 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 3 of 3), 1988 II.43 6 Education Performance, 1989 II.43 7 Education Wall Charts, 1989 II.43 8 H.R. 442 [Restitution for Americans of Japanese Ancestry Interned by the U.S. during WWII], 1988-1989 II.43 9 Dear Colleagues Domestic (folder 1 of 2), 1988 II.43 10 Dear Colleagues Domestic (folder 2 of 2), 1988 II.43 11 Catastrophic Health, 1987-1988 II.43 12 Dear Colleagues FA [Foreign Affairs], 1988 II.43 13 Grazing H.R. 775 (101st), 1988-1989 II.43 14 Thank You Letters (folder 1 of 2), 1987-1988 II.43 15 Thank You Letters (folder 2 of 2), 1986-1987 II.43 16 Cal Desert, 1989 box folder Request box II.44 1 Budget Reconciliation, 1989 II.44 2 Nevada, 1989 II.44 3 Grazing, 1989 II.44 4 Tongass, 1989 II.44 5 Budget Reconciliation H.R. 3299, 1989 II.44 6 Ethics Reform Act, 1989 II.44 7 Chiropractic Funding, 1989 II.44 8 Education Summit, 1989 II.44 9 Infant Mortality/ Teen Pregnancy, 1989 II.44 10 S.S. [Social Security] Restrictions on Aliens, 1989 II.44 11 Crime, 1989-1990 II.44 12 BD Accomplishments 101st, 1989 II.44 13 BD Intro 101st, 1989 II.44 14 Tax Payer Bill of Rights Mailing, 1989 January 5 II.44 15 Pay Raise Postponement, 1989 II.44 16 PL 100-211/ Appropriations H.R. 4867, 1987-1988 II.44 17 Miscellaneous Bills- 101st, 1989 II.44 18 National Science Foundation Authorization, 1988 II.44 19 BD Thank You, 1989-1990 II.44 20 Thank Yous, 1990 II.44 21 Immigration, 1990 II.44 22 Flag-Burning Amendment, 1990 II.44 23 AIDS Prevention Act, 1990 II.44 24 Long-Term Care, 1988-1990 II.44 25 Social Security- General (folder 1 of 2), 1990 II.44 26 Social Security- General (folder 2 of 2), 1990 II.44 27 Mental Health, 1989-1990 II.44 28 Battlefield, 1990 box folder Request box II.45 1 Aetna (Box 1 of 2), 1989-1990 II.45 2 Aetna (Box 2 of 2), 1989-1990 II.45 3 Harbin Clinic, 1989 II.45 4 Civil Service- General, 1990 II.45 5 General Health, 1990 II.45 6 General Health, 1990 II.45 7 Mr. Darden- S. 1096 Markup Seminole Indians, 1990 II.45 8 Seminoles, 1989-1990 II.45 9 Libraries, 1990 II.45 10 SC/ Aging [Special Committee on Aging] (folder 1 of 2), 1987-1990 II.45 11 SC/ Aging [Special Committee on Aging] (folder 2 of 2), 1987-1990 II.45 12 Rep. Darden, 1990 II.45 13 Lumbee Tribe, 1990 II.45 14 Hugo Info/ Earthquake, 1989-1990 II.45 15 State Education Performance, 1990 II.45 16 Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act (folder 1 of 2), 1988-1990 II.45 17 Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act (folder 2 of 2), 1990 box folder Request box II.46 1 Prohibiting the Replacement of Strikers, 1991 II.46 2 Campaign Finance Reform, 1990 II.46 3 Crime Control Letters and Info (folder 1 of 3), 1990 II.46 4 Crime Control Letters and Info (folder 2 of 3), 1990 II.46 5 Crime Control Letters and Info (folder 3 of 3), 1990 II.46 6 Education, 1988-1990 II.46 7 NEA [National Endowment for the Arts] Floor, 1990 II.46 8 NEA [National Endowment for the Arts] Funding, 1990 II.46 9 NEA [National Endowment for the Arts] Summaries (folder 1 of 2), 1990 II.46 10 NEA [National Endowment for the Arts] Summaries (folder 2 of 2), 1990 II.46 11 Thank Yous, 1990 II.46 12 Campaign Finance Reform, 1991 II.46 13 Energy and Environment , 1991 II.46 14 Group/ Delegation Letters, 1991-1993 II.46 15 Thank Yous (folder 1 of 2), 1991 II.46 16 Thank Yous (folder 2 of 2), 1991-1992 II.46 17 Co-Sponsored, 1991-1992 II.46 18 Shipbuilding Trade Reform Act of 1991 (H.R. 2056), 1991-1992 II.46 19 Introduced 102nd, 1991 II.46 20 S. 1696 Montana Wilderness, 1992 box folder Request box II.47 1 Dear Colleagues, 1991 II.47 2 Heal/ Chiro [Chiropractic], 1991-1992 II.47 3 BD Thank You, 1991-1992 II.47 4 Mill Tailings Uranium, 1991 II.47 5 Trails, 1991 II.47 6 JTPA [Job Training Partnership Act], 1991 II.47 7 Energy Policy, 1991 II.47 8 Water Allocation, 1990-1991 II.47 9 Parks- GA, 1989 II.47 10 Below Cost Timber Sales, 1990-1993 II.47 11 Recycling (folder 1 of 2), 1991 II.47 12 Recycling (folder 2 of 2), 1991 II.47 13 Ancient Forest Protection, 1991 II.47 14 Recycling- CRS [Congressional Research Service] Info Pack, 1991 II.47 15 H.R. 14 Flight Attendants, 1991 II.47 16 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 1 of 6), 1990-1991 II.47 17 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 2 of 6), 1991 II.47 18 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 3 of 6), 1991 box folder Request box II.48 1 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 4 of 6), 1991 II.48 2 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 5 of 6), 1991 II.48 3 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 6 of 6), 1991 II.48 4 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 1 of 11), 1992 II.48 5 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 2 of 11), 1992 II.48 6 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 3 of 11), 1992 II.48 7 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 4 of 11), 1992 II.48 8 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 5 of 11), 1992 II.48 9 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 6 of 11), 1992 II.48 10 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 7 of 11), 1992 II.48 11 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 8 of 11), 1992 II.48 12 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 9 of 11), 1992 II.48 13 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 10 of 11), 1992 II.48 14 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Reports (folder 11 of 11), 1992 II.48 15 ROTC Scholarship, 1991-1993 II.48 16 Congressional Reform, 1992 II.48 17 Water Resources (H.R. 6167), 1992 II.48 18 ERISA [Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974] Preemption (H.R. 2782), 1992 II.48 19 Native Americans, 1992 box folder Request box II.49 1 GA Dept of Corrections- Compost, 1992-1993 II.49 2 Rome- Division Street Park, 1992 II.49 3 Campaign Reform Task Force, 1991-1992 II.49 4 Catawba Nation: Restoration Bill, 1992 II.49 5 Global Warming (folder 1 of 3), 1992 II.49 6 Global Warming (folder 2 of 3), 1992-1993 II.49 7 Global Warming (folder 3 of 3), 1993 II.49 8 TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority], 1991-1993 II.49 9 NEA [National Endowment for the Arts], 1992 II.49 10 Dept of Agriculture: Forest Service FY94 President's Budget, 1993 II.49 11 H.R. 5100 TEA [Trade Expansion Act] (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.49 12 H.R. 5100 TEA [Trade Expansion Act] (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.49 13 Misc Tariff Act of 1992, 1992 II.49 14 Airline Competition Enhancement Act of 1992, 1992 II.49 15 Endangered Species Act Amendments of 1992: National Wildlife Federation Endangered Species Information Kit, 1992 II.49 16 Sierra Club, 1992-1993 II.49 17 Letters Signed 102nd, 1991-1992 II.49 18 LSC [Legal Services Corporation] 2039, 1992 II.49 19 Postal Reorganization, 1992 II.49 20 Navajo Depot Transfer, 1992 II.49 21 Federal Employees Pension/Retirement, 1991 II.49 22 Energy and Environment , 1992 II.49 23 Interior Committee, 1992 II.49 24 American Samoa, North Mariana Islands, 1992 box folder Request box II.50 1 Amend the Southern Arizona Water Rights Settlement Act (S.3125 and H.R. 5735), 1992 II.50 2 Approp [Appropriations] and H.R. Copies, 1991-1992 II.50 3 Indian Gaming, 1991-1992 II.50 4 Anti-Car Theft Act of 1992 (H.R. 4542), 1992 II.50 5 Environment 1992II.50 6 Higher Education, 1992 II.50 7 Georgia Economy, 1991-1992 II.50 8 Energy Policy (folder 1 of 4), 1992 II.50 9 Energy Policy (folder 2 of 4), 1992 II.50 10 Energy Policy (folder 3 of 4), 1992 II.50 11 Energy Policy (folder 4 of 4), 1992 II.50 12 Allatoona Parcel, 1992 II.50 13 Forest Service Administrative Appeals Proposed Rule Change, 1992 II.50 14 WIPP [Waste Isolation Pilot Plant], 1992 II.50 15 Coastal, Ocean, and Great Lakes Issues, 1992 II.50 16 Wetlands, 1993 II.50 17 Air/Ground Deregulation (H.R. 3221) UPS Support, 1991 II.50 18 H.R. 2966 Petroleum Marketing Competition Act, 1992 II.50 19 Shipping, 1991-1992 II.50 20 Amtrak- Chicago to Florida, 1991-1993 box folder Request box II.51 1 Education Bill (folder 1 of 4), 1991-1992 II.51 2 Education Bill (folder 2 of 4), 1991-1992 II.51 3 Education Bill (folder 3 of 4), 1991-1992 II.51 4 Education Bill (folder 4 of 4), 1991-1992 II.51 5 Freight Undercharge, 1993 II.51 6 Atlanta Flight Service Statistics (folder 1 of 2), 1989-1993 II.51 7 Atlanta Flight Service Statistics (folder 2 of 2), 1991 II.51 8 Rome/Russell Airport ILS [Instrument Landing System] (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.51 9 Rome/Russell Airport ILS [Instrument Landing System] (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.51 10 Memphis-Huntsville-Atlanta/Chattanooga Transportation Corridor, 1992-1994 II.51 11 (Rome) Memphis-ATL [Atlanta] High Speed Rail, 1993 II.51 12 RCRA [Resource Conservation and Recovery Act], 1992-1994 box folder Request box II.52 1 H.R. 918 Mining Reform (folder 1 of 3), 1993 II.52 2 H.R. 918 Mining Reform (folder 2 of 3), 1992 II.52 3 H.R. 918 Mining Reform (folder 3 of 3), 1991-1992 II.52 4 H.R. 3450 NAFTA [North American Free Trade Alliance], 1993 II.52 5 Age Discrimination in Employment, 1993 II.52 6 SDWA [Safe Drinking Water Act] H.R.3392, 1993 II.52 7 Endangered Species (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.52 8 Endangered Species (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1993 II.52 9 Pesticides, 1993-1994 II.52 10 Lockheed Layoffs, 1993 January II.52 11 Porno Res [Pornography], 1993-1994 II.52 12 Rural Electric Association (REA), 1993 II.52 13 Chip-Mill: TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority], 1992-1993 II.52 14 Labor: Workplace Fairness Act, Replacement of Striking Workers (folder 1 of 4), 1993 II.52 15 Labor: Workplace Fairness Act, Replacement of Striking Workers (folder 2 of 4), 1993 II.52 16 Labor: Workplace Fairness Act, Replacement of Striking Workers (folder 3 of 4), 1991-1993 II.52 17 Labor: Workplace Fairness Act, Replacement of Striking Workers (folder 4 of 4), 1993 II.52 18 Student Loans Resolution, 1993 II.52 19 Fed Employee Health Benefits, 1993 II.52 20 Kiewit/Global DOJ [Department of Justice], 1993 II.52 21 Sportsmen's Caucus, 1993 box folder Request box II.53 1 Civil Service Hatch Act, 1990-1991 II.53 2 Civil Service- Leg. Issues, 1993 II.53 3 Ala-Fl-Ga Water Agreement, 1992-1993 II.53 4 Atlanta Camp- Ice Tea Grant, 1993 II.53 5 Doug Co. [Douglasville-Douglas County] Water Auth [Authority] Award, 1993 II.53 6 National Biological Survey Act of 1993, 1993 II.53 7 H.C.O.P. [Health Careers Opportunities] Program, 1993 II.53 8 Letters Signed 103rd, 1993 II.53 9 Important Letters, 1993-1994 II.53 10 Cosponsor, 103rd (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.53 11 Cosponsor, 103rd (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.53 12 Supreme Court, 1993 II.53 13 Crime Bill, 1993 II.53 14 Crime Stats, 1993 II.53 15 Gun Control, 1993 II.53 16 Brady 103rd Gun Control, 1993 II.53 17 Gun Control Brady Bill- Pro, 1991 II.53 18 H.R. 7/467 Brady Handgun, undated II.53 19 Perimeter Mall- Gun Control Case, 1990 II.53 20 Gun Control Brady Bill- Con, 1991 II.53 21 Gun Control- General, 1990-1991 II.53 22 Brady Bill- Info, 1988-1991 II.53 23 Gun Control, 1993 II.53 24 Crime Control (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 box folder Request box II.54 1 Crime Control (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1993 II.54 2 Crime, 1993 II.54 3 Crime: H.R. 3131 Crime Bill, 1993 II.54 4 Prison Witness Fee Bill, 102nd, 1991 II.54 5 Wetlands, 1993-1994 II.54 6 Environment (Including Endangered Species Act)1993II.54 7 Clean Drinking Water, 1993-1994 II.54 8 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Daily Report, 1993 November II.54 9 House and Senate Crime: Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, 1994 II.54 10 House and Senate Crime: Crime Control (folder 1 of 3), 1994 II.54 11 House and Senate Crime: Crime Control (folder 2 of 3), 1994 II.54 12 House and Senate Crime: Crime Control (folder 3 of 3), 1994 II.54 13 House and Senate Crime: Congressional Record, 1994 II.54 14 Conference Report- Crime, 1994 II.54 15 Conference Report-Crime: Com [Commerce]-Justice-State, 1994 II.54 16 Conference Report-Crime: Info and Text of Programs, 1994 II.54 17 Conference Report-Crime: Crime-Thank Yous, 1994 II.54 18 Conference Report-Crime: Single Issues, 1994 II.54 19 Conference Report-Crime: Summary of Crime Bill, US Mayor Newspaper, 1994 II.54 20 Conference Report-Crime: News Articles, 1994 II.54 21 Conference Report-Crime: Positions, 1994 II.54 22 Conference Report-Crime: Anti-Bill Issues, 1994 II.54 23 Conference Report-Crime: Talking Points- Pro, 1994 II.54 24 Assault Weapons (folder 1 of 2), 1994 box folder Request box II.55 1 Assault Weapons (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.55 2 H.R. 2851 Discrimination in Death Sentencing, 1994 II.55 3 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, 1991 II.55 4 Crime Bill (folder 1 of 3), 1991 II.55 5 Crime Bill (folder 2 of 3), 1991 II.55 6 Crime Bill (folder 3 of 3), 1991 II.55 7 Crime Bill, 1994 II.55 8 Gun Control, 1994 II.55 9 President Clinton's Anti-Crime Legislation, 1994 II.55 10 Crime, Drug, and Gun Control: Comparison of Major Omnibus Bills of the 103rd Congress (CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report), 1994 II.55 11 H.R. 4092 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, 1994 II.55 12 Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1991- Report, 1991 II.55 13 Habeas Corpus Bill (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.55 14 Habeas Corpus Bill (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.55 15 Radiation Experiments, 1994 II.55 16 Corps of Engin [Engineers] Reorgiz [Reorganization], 1993-1994 II.55 17 2 Rivers RC+D [Resource Conservation and Development] Area, 1992-1994 II.55 18 Life College: Grant, 1994 II.55 19 Commemoratives, 1994-1995 box folder Request box II.56 1 The National Education Goals Report, 1994 II.56 2 The National Education Goals Report Volume 1: National Data, 1994 II.56 3 The National Education Goals Report Volume 2: State Data, 1994 II.56 4 Budget, 1994 II.56 5 Budget, 1994 II.56 6 Budget, 1994 II.56 7 Superfund Program, 1994 II.56 8 103rd Congress, 1993-1994 II.56 9 ESEA [Elementary and Secondary Education Act], 1994 II.56 10 Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), 1994 II.56 11 Environment 1994II.56 12 Private Property Rights, 1994 II.56 13 Interstate Carrier Regulation - UPS Material, 1994
Subseries C. Subject Files
box folder Request box II.56 14 Abortion - Defense, 1991-1992 II.56 15 Abortion - Gag Rule, 1991-1992 II.56 16 Abortion - General Information, 1993 II.56 17 Abortion - International Family Planning, 1989-1991 II.56 18 Abortion - Pennsylvania Case, 1992 II.56 19 Abortion - Title X, 1991-1993 II.56 20 Abortion - Clinic Access, 1991-1993 II.56 21 Abortion - Fetal Tissue, 1990-1993 II.56 22 Abortion - (FOCA) Freedom of Choice Act, 1991-1993 II.56 23 Abortion - Adoption Factbook, 1989 II.56 24 Abortion - The Future of Children, 1993 II.56 25 Abortion - Planned Parenthood, 1991-1992 II.56 26 Abortion - Parental Notification, 1991-1992 box folder Request box II.57 1 Agriculture - National 4-H Council, 1994 II.57 2 Agriculture - Biotechnology, 1994 II.57 3 Agriculture - Bovine Growth Hormone, 1993 II.57 4 Agriculture - Cattlemen, 1993 II.57 5 Agriculture - Cotton, 1991-1993 II.57 6 Agriculture - Crop Insurance, 1992-1994 II.57 7 Agriculture - Dairy, 1993-1994 II.57 8 Agriculture - Programs; Definitions - Backgrounds, 1993 II.57 9 Agriculture - Drought, 1993 II.57 10 Agriculture - Empowerment Zones, 1994 II.57 11 Agriculture - Extension Services, 1993 II.57 12 Agriculture - Agxport Export Services of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1994 II.57 13 Agriculture - Food Labeling, 1993 II.57 14 Agriculture - Farm Credit System, 1994 II.57 15 Agriculture - Food Stamps, 1992-1993 II.57 16 Agriculture - FIFRA [Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act], 1993 II.57 17 Agriculture - GA Farms, 1992 II.57 18 Agriculture - Heard County ASCS [Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Act], 1994 II.57 19 Agriculture - Market Promotion Program, 1993 II.57 20 Agriculture - Meat Inspection, 1993 II.57 21 Agriculture - Office Closings, 1993-1994 II.57 22 Agriculture - Peaches, 1992-1993 II.57 23 Agriculture - Peanuts, 1993-1994 II.57 24 Agriculture - Pork Issues, 1993 II.57 25 Agriculture - Poultry Facts, 1994 II.57 26 Agriculture - Regulatory Watch, 1994 II.57 27 Agriculture - Department of Agriculture Reorganization, 1993-1994 II.57 28 Agriculture - Research, 1993 II.57 29 Agriculture - Soil Conservation Offices, 1990-1993 II.57 30 Agriculture - Soil Conservation District Supervisors, 1993 II.57 31 Agriculture - Soy Beans, 1992 II.57 32 Agriculture - Sugar, 1993 II.57 33 Agriculture - UGA Agriculture, 1993 II.57 34 Agriculture - Wheat Section 22, 1993 II.57 35 Agriculture - Wool and Mohair, 1993 II.57 36 Agriculture - Georgia Agriculture, 1993 II.57 37 Agriculture - National Farmers Union on NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement], 1993 II.57 38 Agriculture - Effects of the Uruguay Round Agreement on U.S. Agricultural Commodities, 1994 II.57 39 Animals, 1991-1992 II.57 40 Animals - Exotic Birds, 1992-1993 II.57 41 Animals - Downed Animal, 1992-1993 II.57 42 Animals - Endangered Species, 1993 II.57 43 Animals - Marine Mammals, 1993-1994 II.57 44 Animals - NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Effects on Animals, 1993 II.57 45 Animals - Animal Protection Act, 1993 II.57 46 Animals - American Veterinary Medical Association, 1993 II.57 47 Animals - Treatment Standards Court Ruling, 1993 II.57 48 Animals - Wolves, 1993 II.57 49 Arts and Humanities - Arts, Humanities, and Museums Amendments of 1993, 1993 II.57 50 Arts and Humanities - National Historic Preservation Act (H.R. 1601), 1991-1992 II.57 51 Arts and Humanities - GA Humanities Council, 1993-1994 II.57 52 Arts and Humanities - Historic Preservation, 1991-1994 II.57 53 Arts and Humanities - Arts and Humanities Funding, 1992 II.57 54 Museums (1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.57 55 Museums (2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.57 56 Congressional Arts Caucus, 1990-1993 box folder Request box II.58 1 NEH [National Endowment for the Humanities], 1992-1994 II.58 2 NEA - National Endowment for the Arts (1 of 6), 1992-1993 II.58 3 NEA - National Endowment for the Arts (2 of 6), 1992 II.58 4 NEA - National Endowment for the Arts (3 of 6), 1990-1994 II.58 5 NEA - National Endowment for the Arts (4 of 6), 1991-1993 II.58 6 NEA - National Endowment for the Arts (5 of 6), 1990-1991 II.58 7 NEA - National Endowment for the Arts (6 of 6), 1989-1990 II.58 8 Banking: H.R. 3474 - Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act and H.R. 3841 - Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency, 1994 II.58 9 Banking: Discharge Petition - H.R. 134, 1993 II.58 10 Banking: Mortgage, 1993-1994 II.58 11 Banking: Manufacturing Industry, 1993-1994 II.58 12 Banking: Federal Banking Consolidation, 1993-1994 II.58 13 Banking: Foreign Deposits Bill, 1993 II.58 14 Banking: Moter Voter, 1993 II.58 15 Banking: H.R. 417 - Securities Reform, 1992-1994 II.58 16 Banking: H.R. 2443 - Equitable Escheatment Act, 1993-1994 II.58 17 Banking: Security Reform/Advisers, 1992-1993 II.58 18 Banking: The Security Industry Briefing Book: The Role of the U.S. Capital Markets in the Global Economy, 1993 II.58 19 Banking: Roll-ups, 1993 II.58 20 Banking: Credit Unions, 1986-1993 II.58 21 Banking: S & L [Savings and Loans] Information, 1988-1992 II.58 22 Banking: Loaner Liability, 1991-1992 box folder Request box II.59 1 Banking: Resolving the Thrift Crisis (CBO Study), 1993 II.59 2 Banking: Credit Reporting Reform, 1992 II.59 3 Banking and Currency: Banking - GA, 1988-1989 II.59 4 Banking and Currency: Credit Unions, 1988 II.59 5 Banking and Currency: Moratorium (Glass-Steagall), 1987-1988 II.59 6 Banking and Currency: S & L [Savings and Loans] Bill H.R. 1278, 1989 II.59 7 Banking and Currency: Peoples Bank, 1989 II.59 8 Banking and Currency: Banking - General, 1988 II.59 9 Business and Industry: Small Business, 1988-1989 II.59 10 Business and Industry: LBOs [Leveraged Buyouts], 1989-1990 II.59 11 Budget: Sequestration FY90, 1989 II.59 12 Budget: FY91 (folder 1 of 3), 1990 II.59 13 Budget: FY91 (folder 2 of 3), 1990 II.59 14 Budget: FY91 (folder 3 of 3), 1990 II.59 15 Budget: FY90 Supplemental Appropriations H.R. 4404, 1990 II.59 16 Budget: Budget Reconciliation FY91, 1990 II.59 17 Budget: Grace Caucus and Budget, 1988 II.59 18 Budget: FY90, 1989 II.59 19 Budget: FY89 Supplemental, 1989 II.59 20 Budget: Amendments - Chart C5, 1987 II.59 21 Budget: FY 1987 Defense Appropriations, 1986 II.59 22 Budget: FY 1987, 1986 box folder Request box II.60 1 Budget: FY1986, 1985 II.60 2 Budget: Authorization, 1985 II.60 3 Budget: Appropriations, 1985 II.60 4 Budget: Supplemental Appropriations H.R. 4515, 1986 II.60 5 Budget: FY87 Budget Reconciliation, 1986 II.60 6 Budget: FY88 Appropriations, 1987 II.60 7 Budget: C.R. FY88, 1987 II.60 8 Budget: Policy Panel, 1987 II.60 9 Budget: Recon H.R. 3545 FY88, 1987 II.60 10 Budget: FY89, 1987-1988 II.60 11 Budget: FY90, 1989 II.60 12 Budget: FY90 Reagan Budget, 1989 II.60 13 Budget: FY90 Budget Agree, 1989 II.60 14 Budget: FY90 Bush Budget, 1989 II.60 15 Budget: Small Business, 1993 II.60 16 Budget: Compared to 1990, 1993 II.60 17 Budget: Ads, 1993-1994 II.60 18 Budget: Spending Cuts, 1993-1994 II.60 19 Budget: Miscellaneous, 1993-1994 II.60 20 Budget: Taxes, 1993-1994 II.60 21 Budget: Editorials, 1993 II.60 22 Budget: One Year Later, 1994 II.60 23 Budget: Summaries; Q & A (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.60 24 Budget: Summaries; Q & A (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.60 25 Budget: Reconciliation FY94, 1993 II.60 26 Budget: Gramm-Rudman FY88, 1987 II.60 27 Budget: Pie Graphs, 1989 II.60 28 Budget: Balanced Budget Amendment, 1993 II.60 29 Budget: Budget Agreement FY91, "Read My Lips" Agreement, 1990 II.60 30 Budget: BD Spending Cuts, 1989 box folder Request box II.61 1 Budget: Budget Reconciliation, 1993 II.61 2 Budget: President Clinton Economic Plan, 1993-1994 II.61 3 Budget: Taxes, 1993 II.61 4 Budget: Economic Growth, 1994 II.61 5 Budget: President Clinton's Economic Plan: Deficit Reduction, Economic Growth, and Jobs, 1993 II.61 6 Budget: President Clinton's Economic Growth Plan: Job Creation and Investment, 1993 II.61 7 Budget, 1992 II.61 8 Budget: United States Government Annual Report, 1991 II.61 9 Budget: Balanced Budget Amendment, 1990 II.61 10 Budget: Deficit - Debt, 1992 II.61 11 Budget: FY 1992 C-130s, 1992 II.61 12 Budget: FY 1992 Budget (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.61 13 Budget: FY 1992 Budget (folder 2 of 2), 1991-1992 II.61 14 Budget: FY 1993 Budget (folder 1 of 3), 1992-1993 II.61 15 Budget: FY 1993 Budget (folder 2 of 3), 1992-1993 II.61 16 Budget: FY 1993 Budget (folder 3 of 3), 1992-1993 II.61 17 Budget: FY 1994 Budget, 1991 II.61 18 Budget: Rescission Enhancement (Line Item Veto), 1992 II.61 19 Budget: House Bank, 1992 II.61 20 Budget: Rescissions FY 1992, 1992 II.61 21 Budget: Balanced Budget Amendment (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.61 22 Budget: Balanced Budget Amendment (folder 2 of 2), 1992 box folder Request box II.62 1 Budget: Committee on Budget, 1993-1994 II.62 2 Budget: Cobb Taxes, 1993 II.62 3 Budget: A-Z and Substitutes, 1994 II.62 4 Budget: 103rd Rules and Caucus (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.62 5 Budget: 103rd Rules and Caucus (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.62 6 Budget: BBA - Balanced Budget Amendment (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.62 7 Budget: BBA - Balanced Budget Amendment (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.62 8 Budget: Bills Introduced 102nd, 1992 II.62 9 Budget: New House 103rd (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.62 10 Budget: New House 103rd (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.62 11 Budget: 102nd Congress, 1992 II.62 12 Budget: Stimulus Package, 1993 II.62 13 Budget: Budget Reform, 1989-1994 II.62 14 Budget: OBRA [Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993], 1994 II.62 15 Budget: Nunn Proposal, 1993 II.62 16 Budget: Line Item Veto, 1993 II.62 17 Budget: BU General, 1993-1994 II.62 18 Budget: BU FY 1995 (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.62 19 Budget: BU FY 1995 (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.62 20 Budget: BU Entitlement Spending and Caps, 1993-1994 II.62 21 Budget: Debt (folder 1 of 2), 1993-1994 II.62 22 Budget: Debt (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.62 23 Budget: Cost Engineering, 1993 box folder Request box II.63 1 Civil Rights: Religious Freedom Restoration, 1992-1993 II.63 2 Civil Rights: Equal Remedies Act, 1992 II.63 3 Civil Rights: Bilingual Ballots, 1992 II.63 4 Civil Rights: Civil Rights Act (folder 1 of 2), 1991 II.63 5 Civil Rights: Civil Rights Act (folder 2 of 2), 1991 II.63 6 Civil Rights: Asia, 1991-1993 II.63 7 Civil Rights: The Stanley Foundation, 1991-1993 II.63 8 Civil Rights: EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] Affirmation Action, 1991-1992 II.63 9 Civil Rights: Civil Rights-General, 1987-1993 II.63 10 Communications: Bell-Information Services (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.63 11 Communications: Bell-Information Services (folder 2 of 2), 1991-1992 II.63 12 Communications: Cable (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.63 13 Communications: Cable (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.63 14 Communications: Cable Act of 1992, 1992 II.63 15 Communications: Cable-Baseball, 1992 II.63 16 Communications: Clipper Chip, 1994 II.63 17 Communications: General, 1991-1993 box folder Request box II.64 1 Communications: International Broadcasting, 1991 II.64 2 Communications: Infrastructure, 1993 II.64 3 Communications: Fairness Doctrine, 1993 II.64 4 Communications: Consumer, 1993 II.64 5 Communications: Cellular, circa 1990-1999 II.64 6 Communications: Cable-Retransmission Consent, 1991 II.64 7 Communications: Satellite, 1991 II.64 8 Communications: Rural Electrification Administration [REA], 1992-1993 II.64 9 Communications: Religion Broadcasting, 1994 II.64 10 Communications: Public Broadcasting, 1992 II.64 11 Communications: Telecommunications Legislature, 1994 II.64 12 Communications: Spectrum, 1992-1993 II.64 13 Communications: Solid State Systems, 1991 II.64 14 Communications: Cable - Conference Report [Consumer Protection Act], 1992 II.64 15 Communications: Telephone, 1991-1993 II.64 16 Communications: Television, 1992-1993 II.64 17 Communications: Telecommunications and Rural Development, 1990 II.64 18 Crime: Polygraph Conference, 1988 II.64 19 Crime: State Laws, 1986-1987 II.64 20 Crime: Bills-Rules-Penalties, 1987 II.64 21 Crime: Polygraph-Mail H.R. 1536, 1985-1987 II.64 22 Crime: Polygraph and Employment, 1985-1987 II.64 23 Crime: H.R. 1524 Limiting Polygraph Tests, 1986 II.64 24 Crime: H.R. 3916 Bill [Polygraph Regulations], 1985 II.64 25 Crime: H.R. 3916 Sub Amendment [Polygraph Regulations], 1985-1986 II.64 26 Crime: Polygraph, 1985 II.64 27 Crime: Polygraph Cosponsors H.R. 1536, 1987 II.64 28 Crime: Drug Trafficking, 1985-1987 II.64 29 Crime: Polygraph News Clips, 1986-1987 II.64 30 Crime: Day Care, 1987 II.64 31 Crime: H.R. 1212 Polygraph, 1987 II.64 32 Crime: Polygraph Reform Act of 1987, 1987 II.64 33 Crime: Subcommittee Statement H.R. 1536, 1987 II.64 34 Crime: Polygraph II, 1987-1988 II.64 35 Crime: Polygraph Letters H.R. 1212, 1987 II.64 36 Crime: Support Letters H.R. 1212, 1987 II.64 37 Crime: H.R. 3916 Votes Co-Sponsors, 1987 II.64 38 Crime: H.R. 1536 Lists [Polygraph], 1987 II.64 39 Crime: Labor Luncheon Working Group, 1987 II.64 40 Crime: Polygraph and Employment, 1985-1987 II.64 41 Crime: Police Officers, 1991 box folder Request box II.65 1 Economy: General Support, 1993 II.65 2 Economy: General Support Continued, 1993 II.65 3 Economy: Groups in Support, 1993 II.65 4 Economy: BD Statements/Letters, 1993 II.65 5 Economy: Effect on Business, 1993 II.65 6 Economy: Deficit Reduction, 1993 II.65 7 Economy: Con Energy Tax, 1993 II.65 8 Economy: Enclosures, 1993 II.65 9 Economy: Pro Energy Tax, 1993 II.65 10 Economy: Caps on Entitlement Spending- Con, 1993 II.65 11 Economy: Caps on Entitlement Spending- Pro, 1993 II.65 12 Economy: Farmers, 1993 II.65 13 Economy: President Clinton's Budget Plan FEI [Federal Executive Institute], 1993 II.65 14 Economy: General Opposition, 1993 II.65 15 Education: Ga Sex Ed, 1993 II.65 16 Education: Resolutions, 1992 II.65 17 Education: Carrollton City Schools Prototype School System (Tom Upchurch), undated II.65 18 Education: Schools of Excellence/ Blue Ribbon Schools, 1992 II.65 19 Education: Gender Equality in Education Act (H.R. 1793), 1993 II.65 20 Education: H.R. 1804 Goals 2000, 1993-1994 II.65 21 Education: Ga Public Schools, 1993-1994 II.65 22 Education: Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965, 1993 II.65 23 Education: Community Service, 1992-1993 II.65 24 Education: National Service Info, 1994 II.65 25 Education: National Service Act (folder 1 of 2), 1990-1993 II.65 26 Education: National Service Act (folder 2 of 2), 1993 box folder Request box II.66 1 Education: National Service Act, 1993 II.66 2 Education: Pell Grants- USC, 1994 II.66 3 Education: Civics Ed H.R. 1705, 1993-1994 II.66 4 Education: Education, 1992-1993 II.66 5 Education: Floor, 1991 II.66 6 Education: Education Systems (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.66 7 Education: Education Systems (folder 2 of 2), 1991-1992 II.66 8 Environment : Insular Areas Legislation1991II.66 9 Environment : Guam1989-1990II.66 10 Environment : Brooke, John [Empty]undatedII.66 11 Environment : Ogle Power Pumped Storage1987-1989II.66 12 Environment : Marshall, Brandy1989II.66 13 Environment : O. Wayne Rollings/ Catoosa1989II.66 14 Environment : CPC [Chemical Products Corporation]- Mining Claims1988-1989II.66 15 Environment : ACS [Advanced Control Systems] BuRec [Bureau of Reclamations]1989II.66 16 Environment : Congressional Record1989II.66 17 Environment : Lookout Mnt [Mountain] Sewer1990II.66 18 Environment : Taylor City Landfill1990II.66 19 Environment : Kennesaw/ Allatoona1991II.66 20 Environment : Fish and Wildlife Port1991II.66 21 Environment : Correspondence1988-1991II.66 22 Environment : Wetlands Thomas Bill1990-1991II.66 23 Environment : Oil Crisis1990II.66 24 Environment : Ca Desert1991II.66 25 Environment : California Desert Protection Act1989II.66 26 Environment : H.R. 1155 Recr [Recreational] Trails1991II.66 27 Environment : Forests1989-1991II.66 28 Environment : Puerto Rico1991II.66 29 Environment : Flood Insurance1988-1991box folder Request box II.67 1 Environment : Forests1991II.67 2 Environment : Public Lands1989-1991II.67 3 Environment : Parks Concessions1991II.67 4 Environment : Task Force E&E [Environment and Energy]1989-1990II.67 5 Environment : BRC [Below Regulatory Concern]1990-1991II.67 6 Environment : American Mining CongressundatedII.67 7 Environment : National Parks (incl. Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park)1991II.67 8 Environment : National Forests1991II.67 9 Environment : "Georgia's Living Places: Historical Houses in their Landscaped Settings" GA DNR [Department of Natural Resources]1991II.67 10 Environment : Chattahoochee River Rec Area General Management and Development Plans, Env. Assessment1989 JulyII.67 11 Environment : Summary Statistics- Water, Land, and Related Data1989II.67 12 Environment : Water Resources: A-C-T and A-C-F River Basins1991II.67 13 Environment : Water Supply Planning1988-1991II.67 14 Environment : Friends of the C+C [Chickamauga-Chattanooga] National Military Park1989II.67 15 Environment : Pacific Island Nations and the U.S.1990II.67 16 Environment : Reducing Greenhouse Gasses1991II.67 17 Environment : Mobile District Corps of Engineers Projects in Georgia1991II.67 18 Environment : Activities in the Seventh Congressional District, Ga.undatedII.67 19 Environment : TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Congressional Fact Sheets1987II.67 20 Environment : Puerto Rico: Information for Status Deliberations1989-1990II.67 21 Environment : "Complex Cleanup" Nuclear Weapons Production1991box folder Request box II.68 1 Environment : Superfund Region IV- EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]1993II.68 2 Environment : Environmental Plan for the U.S.-Mexico Border Area1992II.68 3 Environmental Issues: Acid Rain, 1985-1987 II.68 4 Environmental Issues: Air Quality National Parks, 1987 II.68 5 Environmental Issues: Acid Rain Legislation, 1985-1986 II.68 6 Environmental Issues: Acid Rain Reports, 1983-1986 II.68 7 Environmental Issues: Acid Rain- Tall Stacks, 1985 II.68 8 Environmental Issues: Agency Responses: Constituent Letters, 1986 II.68 9 Environmental Issues: American Public Power, 1986-1987 II.68 10 Environmental Issues: Angry Constituent, 1986 II.68 11 Environmental Issues: Animals, 1985 II.68 12 Environmental Issues: Animals- Wild Horses and Burros, 1985 II.68 13 Environmental Issues: Arts, 1985 II.68 14 Environmental Issues: Bill Formats, undated II.68 15 Environmental Issues: FY: 88 Budget Interior, 1987 II.68 16 Environmental Issues: Budget Reconciliation, undated II.68 17 Environmental Issues: Bureau of Land Management, undated II.68 18 Environmental Issues: Campaign Position Papers, 1986 II.68 19 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee Atlanta Chamber, 1985 II.68 20 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee- Commissioners, 1985 II.68 21 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee- Ken Cheney, 1985-1986 II.68 22 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee- Land Protection Plan, 1984 II.68 23 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee- Legislation, 1984 II.68 24 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee- National Recreation, 1984 II.68 25 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee National Forest, 1984-1986 II.68 26 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee Re-Reg Dam, 1984-1985 II.68 27 Environmental Issues: Chattahoochee- Sope Creek, 1984 II.68 28 Environmental Issues: Chickamauga- Charles H. Owens, 1984-1986 II.68 29 Environmental Issues: Chickamauga Commemorative Stamp, 1984-1986 II.68 30 Environmental Issues: Clean Water, 1987 II.68 31 Environmental Issues: Coal Mining, 1986 II.68 32 Environmental Issues: Cobb-Cherokee Water Resources, 1984 II.68 33 Environmental Issues: Cohutta Fish Hatchery, 1985 II.68 34 Environmental Issues: Combustion Engineering, 1985 II.68 35 Environmental Issues: Continental Lasalle-Helton-Kuehl, 1985 II.68 36 Environmental Issues: Co-Sponsored Bills, 1985-1986 II.68 37 Environmental Issues: Dams in National Parks, 1986 II.68 38 Environmental Issues: Delta Airlines- Corps of Engineers, 1985 II.68 39 Environmental Issues: Emission Controls, 1985 II.68 40 Environmental Issues: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1984 II.68 41 Environmental Issues: Paul Fulford, 1985 box folder Request box II.69 1 Environmental Issues: Garrison Diversion, 1986 II.69 2 Environmental Issues: Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 1985 II.69 3 Environmental Issues: Georgia Forest Management Plan, 1985 II.69 4 Environmental Issues: Georgia Power Company, 1984-1986 II.69 5 Environmental Issues: Georgia Recreation and Parks, 1985-1986 II.69 6 Environmental Issues: Georgia State Parks, 1985 II.69 7 Environmental Issues: Ga Wilderness, 1986 II.69 8 Environmental Issues: Grace Caucus, 1985 II.69 9 Environmental Issues: Grazing Bill Legislation, 1985 II.69 10 Environmental Issues: Grazing Bill- Literature, 1984-1986 II.69 11 Environmental Issues: Grazing Bill- Reports, 1986 II.69 12 Environmental Issues: Grace Caucus, 1985 II.69 13 Environmental Issues: Forests, 1985-1986 II.69 14 Environmental Issues: Historic Preservation, 1984-1986 II.69 15 Environmental Issues: Historic Preservation- Marietta, 1985 II.69 16 Environmental Issues: H.R. 44 Electric Consumers Protection, 1985-1986 II.69 17 Environmental Issues: Indians, 1986 II.69 18 Environmental Issues: Interior Committee- General, 1985 II.69 19 Environmental Issues: Jimmy Carter Historic Site, 1985 box folder Request box II.70 1 Environmental Issues: Kennesaw National Battlefield Park, 1984-1985 II.70 2 Environmental Issues: Kennesaw National Battlefield Land Plan, 1985 II.70 3 Environmental Issues: Legislation Overviews, 1986 II.70 4 Environmental Issues: Low Level Radioactive Waste, 1985 II.70 5 Environmental Issues: Low Level Radioactive Waste- Legislation, 1985 II.70 6 Environmental Issues: Mathis Brother's Landfill (EPA Cleanup), 1987 II.70 7 Environmental Issues: Ban on Metal Detectors, 1987 II.70 8 Environmental Issues: Mining, 1985 II.70 9 Environmental Issues: Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS), 1985-1986 II.70 10 Environmental Issues: National Parks- Bob Baker, 1985 II.70 11 Environmental Issues: National Parks Subcommittee, 1985-1986 II.70 12 Environmental Issues: Nevada Wilderness, 1985-1986 II.70 13 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Power- Accidents, 1986 II.70 14 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Emerging Planning Rule, 1987 II.70 15 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Emergency Planning Rule, 1987 II.70 16 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Power- General, 1984-1986 II.70 17 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Power- Price Anderson Full Committee, 1986 II.70 18 Environmental Issues: Insurance Concerns on Price-Anderson, 1985-1987 II.70 19 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Power- Price Anderson Subcommittee, 1985-1987 II.70 20 Environmental Issues: Price Anderson (Conference Report), 1986 II.70 21 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Power Standardization (folder 1 of 2), 1985-1986 II.70 22 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Power Standardization (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1986 II.70 23 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Waste, 1986 II.70 24 Environmental Issues: Nuclear Insurance, undated II.70 25 Environmental Issues: OCS [Outer Continental Shelf] Issues, 1985-1986 II.70 26 Environmental Issues: OPC [Oglethorpe Power Corporation], 1986 II.70 27 Environmental Issues: OCS [Outer Continental Shelf] (8g), 1985 box folder Request box II.71 1 Environmental Issues: Oil and Gas Leasing- Miller/Seiberling, 1986 II.71 2 Environmental Issues: Park Guide Address Forms, undated II.71 3 Environmental Issues: Park Guide Information, 1985 II.71 4 Environmental Issues: Perpetual Motion- Joe Newman, 1986 II.71 5 Environmental Issues: Petroleum Council of Georgia, 1986 II.71 6 Environmental Issues: Pullen- Office of Surface Mining, 1986 II.71 7 Environmental Issues: Pyramid Lake, 1985 II.71 8 Environmental Issues: Renewable Resources, 1985 II.71 9 Environmental Issues: Resource Conservation and Recovery (RCRA), 1985 II.71 10 Environmental Issues: Richard Russell Dam, 1985 II.71 11 Environmental Issues: Rivers, 1984-1985 II.71 12 Environmental Issues: Rossville Post Office, 1985-1986 II.71 13 Environmental Issues: Rowland National Tree Seed, 1985 II.71 14 Environmental Issues: Rural Electric Administration, 1984-1985 II.71 15 Environmental Issues: Savannah River Project, 1987 II.71 16 Environmental Issues: St. Mary's, 1985 II.71 17 Environmental Issues: Sequoia National Park, 1985 II.71 18 Environmental Issues: Skylink, 1985 II.71 19 Environmental Issues: Smyrna, City of: Max Bacon, 1986 II.71 20 Environmental Issues: Solvent Recyclers- Insurance- Superfund, 1985 II.71 21 Environmental Issues: Southern Natural Gas (SONAT), 1985 II.71 22 Environmental Issues: Sierra Club, 1985-1986 II.71 23 Environmental Issues: Stage II Super, 1985 II.71 24 Environmental Issues: Starnes, Carol- Lake Lanier, 1985-1986 II.71 25 Environmental Issues: Statue of Liberty, 1986 II.71 26 Environmental Issues: Steel Jaw Leghold Traps, 1984-1985 II.71 27 Environmental Issues: Superfund, 1986 II.71 28 Environmental Issues: Superfund- Naomi Dump Site, 1986 II.71 29 Environmental Issues: Superfund/ Conference Rept, 1986 II.71 30 Environmental Issues: Synfuels, 1985 II.71 31 Environmental Issues: Tennessee Valley Authority, 1985 II.71 32 Environmental Issues: Member's Correspondence Thank You's, 1987 II.71 33 Environmental Issues: Thank You's- Others, 1987 II.71 34 Environmental Issues: Tongass Forest- Alaska, 1986-1987 II.71 35 Environmental Issues: Tropical Deforestation, 1985 II.71 36 Environmental Issues: Timber, 1985 II.71 37 Environmental Issues: Uranium H.R. 699, 1986 II.71 38 Environmental Issues: Water H.R. 6, 1985 II.71 39 Environmental Issues: Wiess Lake Alabama, 1985 II.71 40 Environmental Issues: Water- Clean, 1985-1986 II.71 41 Environmental Issues: Woodland Gneiss Complex, 1986 II.71 42 Environmental Issues: Yellowstone Ecosystem, 1985 II.71 43 Foreign Affairs: US/Mexico Free Trade, 1991 II.71 44 Foreign Affairs: NAFTA US/Mexico Trade, 1991-1993 box folder Request box II.72 1 Foreign Affairs: Trip to Spain (Codel Fascell) Briefing Book, 1991 II.72 2 Foreign Affairs: Trip to Portugal, 1991 II.72 3 Foreign Affairs: China Trip, 1990-1991 II.72 4 Foreign Affairs: Trip to Hong Kong, 1990 II.72 5 Foreign Affairs: Codel Leath Hong Kong, Thailand, Turkey, Spain Fact Book, 1988 II.72 6 Foreign Affairs: Terrorism, 1991-1992 II.72 7 Foreign Affairs: Competitiveness, 1993 II.72 8 Foreign Affairs: Enterprise for the Americans CBI [Business and Industry in Latin America and the Caribbean], 1993 II.72 9 Foreign Affairs: IMF [International Monetary Fund]- World Bank, 1992 II.72 10 Foreign Affairs: Foreign Investment, 1992-1994 II.72 11 Foreign Affairs: United Nations, 1993-1994 II.72 12 Foreign Affairs: International Development, undated II.72 13 Foreign Affairs: Middle East Peace Process, 1993-1994 II.72 14 Foreign Affairs: National Security, 1993 II.72 15 Foreign Affairs: USIA [United States Information Agency], 1993 II.72 16 Foreign Affairs: Passport Office, 1993 II.72 17 Foreign Affairs: ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] -Asia, 1993-1994 II.72 18 Foreign Affairs: European Community, 1992 II.72 19 Foreign Affairs: Peacekeeping, 1994 II.72 20 Foreign Affairs: NATO, 1994 II.72 21 Foreign Affairs: Africa, 1994 II.72 22 Foreign Affairs: Iraq-Iran, 1993-1994 II.72 23 Foreign Affairs: Japan, 1994 II.72 24 Foreign Affairs: Foreign Aid, 1990-1994 II.72 25 Foreign Affairs: Somalia, 1993 II.72 26 Foreign Affairs: Human Rights, 1994 II.72 27 Foreign Affairs: UN Intl [International] Corp of Volunteers, 1993 II.72 28 Foreign Affairs: UN Convention on the Rights of Children, 1993-1994 II.72 29 Foreign Affairs: Guam (H.R. 1521), 1993 II.72 30 Foreign Affairs: H.R. 4426 For. Ops. Approps [Foreign Operations Appropriations], 1994 II.72 31 Foreign Affairs: Intl [International] Relations Act of 1993 H.R. 2333, 1994 II.72 32 Foreign Affairs: Former Yugoslavia, 1993 II.72 33 Foreign Affairs: Haiti, 1994 II.72 34 Foreign Affairs: China, 1994 II.72 35 Foreign Affairs: Israel, 1994 II.72 36 Foreign Affairs: Rwanda, 1994 II.72 37 Foreign Affairs: Small Business, 1994 box folder Request box II.73 1 Government Reform: Campaign Finance Reform, 1993 II.73 2 Government Reform: Term Limits, 1993 II.73 3 Government Reform: Gov. Reform, 1993 II.73 4 Government Reform: Congressional Reform, 1993 II.73 5 Government Reform: D.C. Statehood, 1993 II.73 6 Government Reform: H.R. 830- Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1993, 1993-1994 II.73 7 Government Reform: NPR- Government Reform, 1993 II.73 8 Government Reform: Lobby Disclosure Act, 1994 II.73 9 Government Reform: Rostenkowski, 1994 II.73 10 Government Reform: H.R. 811- Independent Counsel, 1993 II.73 11 Government Reform: Congressional Accountability- H.R. 3801/349, 1994 II.73 12 Government Reform: Freedom of Information Act, 1991 II.73 13 Government Reform: Unfunded Federal Mandate Caucus, 1993 II.73 14 Government Reform: H.R. 2995 Paperwork Reduction Act, 1993 II.73 15 Government Reform: Federal Costs Affecting State and Local Governments, 1994 II.73 16 Government Reform: Federal Regulation of State and Local Governments, 1993 II.73 17 Government Reform: Renewing Congress: A Progress Report, 1994 II.73 18 Grazing Rights: Grazing Committee, 1991 II.73 19 Grazing Rights: Grazing Subcommittee, 1991 II.73 20 Grazing Rights: Grazing TX, 1991 II.73 21 Grazing Rights: Grazing Reports, 1990-1991 II.73 22 Grazing Rights: Grazing- Floor, 1990 II.73 23 Grazing Rights: Debate and Vote, 1991 June II.73 24 Grazing Rights: Debate and Vote, 1991 July II.73 25 Grazing Rights: Debate and Vote, 1990 II.73 26 Grazing Rights: BD Statements, Columns, 1991 II.73 27 Grazing Rights: Dear Colleagues, 1991 II.73 28 Grazing Rights: Related Articles, 1991 II.73 29 Grazing Rights: GAO [General Accounting Office] Report, 1991 II.73 30 Grazing Rights: Summaries/Fact Sheets, 1991 II.73 31 Grazing Rights: Groups, 1991 II.73 32 Grazing Rights: Bills, Amendment, 1991 II.73 33 Grazing Rights: Grazing- 1602/ 103, 1991-1994 II.73 34 Grazing Rights: Grazing Dear Colleagues, 1991 II.73 35 Grazing Rights: Grazing Gen Corresp, 1991 box folder Request box II.74 1 Grazing Rights: Grazing Info- General, 1991 II.74 2 Grazing Rights: Grazing- Gen Articles, 1991 II.74 3 Grazing Rights: Grazing 102nd (folder 1 of 3), 1992-1993 II.74 4 Grazing Rights: Grazing 102nd (folder 2 of 3), 1992 II.74 5 Grazing Rights: Grazing 102nd (folder 3 of 3), 1992 II.74 6 Grazing Rights: Grazing Previews, 1991-1994 II.74 7 Grazing Rights: Grazing, 1993 September II.74 8 Health: Alcohol/ Drunk Driving, 1991-1993 II.74 9 Health: AIDS- Health Care Workers, 1991 II.74 10 Health: AIDS (folder 1 of 3), 1991-1993 II.74 11 Health: AIDS (folder 2 of 3), 1992 II.74 12 Health: AIDS (folder 3 of 3), 1992-1994 II.74 13 Health: Business Responds to AIDS, 1992 II.74 14 Health: Administrative Costs, 1992-1994 II.74 15 Health: Aetna, 1990-1991 II.74 16 Health: Access, 1991-1993 box folder Request box II.75 1 Health: Health Insurance- Legislative Initiatives (folder 1 of 4), 1991-1992 II.75 2 Health: Health Insurance- Legislative Initiatives (folder 2 of 4), 1992 II.75 3 Health: Health Insurance- Legislative Initiatives (folder 3 of 4), 1991-1992 II.75 4 Health: Health Insurance- Legislative Initiatives (folder 4 of 4), 1992 II.75 5 Health: Cost, 1991-1993 II.75 6 Health: CLIA [Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments] Regulations, 1991-1993 II.75 7 Health: Chiropractic, 1991-1994 II.75 8 Health: Health of Children WIC [Food and Nutrition Program], 1991-1993 II.75 9 Health: Children- Infant Mortality, 1991-1992 II.75 10 Health: Children Immunization, 1992-1994 II.75 11 Health: Children- Adolescent Health, 1992-1993 II.75 12 Health: Children's Health Issues (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.75 13 Health: Children's Health Issues (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1993 II.75 14 Health: Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1993 II.75 15 Health: Catastrophic, 1989 II.75 16 Health: Caregivers, 1991 box folder Request box II.76 1 Health: Cancer, 1991 II.76 2 Health: Health Care A List- Bush Proposal, 1992 II.76 3 Health: Blood Supply, 1991-1994 II.76 4 Health: Anesthesiologists and Nurse Anesthetists, 1991-1992 II.76 5 Health: Alzheimer's (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.76 6 Health: Alzheimer's (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.76 7 Health: Drugs- Medicaid Coverage, 1990-1991 II.76 8 Health: Drug Abuse, 1991-1992 II.76 9 Health: Drugs (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1993 II.76 10 Health: Drugs (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.76 11 Health: Drug Costs (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.76 12 Health: Drug Costs (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1993 II.76 13 Health: Disease/ Birth Defects, 1992-1993 II.76 14 Health: Disabilities, 1990-1994 II.76 15 Health: ADA Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990-1991 II.76 16 Health: DHHS [Department of Health and Human Services] Appropriations, 1993 II.76 17 Health: DHHS [Department of Health and Human Services], 1991 box folder Request box II.77 1 Health: Dentists, 1988-1992 II.77 2 Health: DC Appropriations, 1992 II.77 3 Health: Cryolife, 1991-1992 II.77 4 Health: Cost/Effect on Trade, 1992 II.77 5 Health: Health care Costs, 1988-1992 II.77 6 Health: Equipment, 1991-1993 II.77 7 Health: Emory University, 1993 II.77 8 Health: Health Education, 1991 II.77 9 Health: Family Planning, 1991-1992 II.77 10 Health: Food Labeling, 1992-1993 II.77 11 Health: Dietary Supplements, 1993-1994 II.77 12 Health: FDA [Food and Drug Administration] (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.77 13 Health: FDA [Food and Drug Administration] (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.77 14 Health: Food, 1989-1993 II.77 15 Health: Fraud, 1991-1993 II.77 16 Health: Funeral Home Directions, 1991 II.77 17 Health: General Stats, 1991-1992 II.77 18 Health: Health Care General, 1991 II.77 19 Health: GHA [Georgia Hospital Association], 1991-1992 box folder Request box II.78 1 Health: Hill-Burton Free Health Care, 1992-1993 II.78 2 Health: Heart Disease, 1993-1994 II.78 3 Health: HCFA [Health Care Financing Administration], 1991-1993 II.78 4 Health: Grants, 1991-1992 II.78 5 Health: History/ In General, 1985-1990 II.78 6 Health: Hospice, 1991-1994 II.78 7 Health: Home Health, 1992-1994 II.78 8 Health: Hospitals General, 1992-1993 II.78 9 Health: Hospitals- Voluntary Contributions (Medicaid Match; Funds), 1990-1992 II.78 10 Health: Huntington's, 1989-1991 II.78 11 Health: Insurance, 1991-1992 II.78 12 Health: Health Insurance- COBRA, 1990-1992 II.78 13 Health: INS [Insurance] - ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act], 1992 II.78 14 Health: Health Insurance- MEWA [Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement] Regulations/ Self-Insured, 1991 II.78 15 Health: Pay or Play Plan/ Employers Insurance, 1991-1992 II.78 16 Health: INS [Insurance] - Small Group, 1992 II.78 17 Health: Labor-Ed-HHS Approps [Labor, Education, Health and Human Services Appropriations] FY 95, 1994 II.78 18 Health: Lead Paint, 1993-1994 II.78 19 Health: Living Wills, 1991 II.78 20 Health: Long Term Care (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.78 21 Health: Long Term Care (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1993 box folder Request box II.79 1 Health: Insurance Industry Statements (folder 1 of 3), 1993 II.79 2 Health: Insurance Industry Statements (folder 2 of 3), 1993-1994 II.79 3 Health: Insurance Industry Statements (folder 3 of 3), 1994 II.79 4 Health: Health Care Reform- Interest Group Plans (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.79 5 Health: Health Care Reform- Interest Group Plans (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.79 6 Health: Kasich Plan, 1994 II.79 7 Health: Rowland's Bill (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.79 8 Health: Rowland's Bill (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.79 9 Health: Letters on Healthcare Reform, 1994 II.79 10 Health: Malpractice Reform, 1991-1994 II.79 11 Health: Health Care Reform- Managed Competition, 1993-1994 II.79 12 Health: Mandates, 1994 II.79 13 Health: Market Forces, 1994 II.79 14 Health: Mitchel Health Plan, 1994 II.79 15 Health: Clinton Plan- Negative, Non-Georgia Criticism, 1993 II.79 16 Health: Non-Physician Providers, 1993-1994 II.79 17 Health: Health Care Reform- Other Options, 1992-1993 II.79 18 Health: Health Care Reform- Outcomes Research/ Quality Issues, 1993 II.79 19 Health: Patient Protection Act, 1994 II.79 20 Health: Politics, 1994 II.79 21 Health: Physicians, 1993-1994 II.79 22 Health: National Health- Canadian Health Care, 1990-1992 II.79 23 Health: National- No, 1991 box folder Request box II.80 1 Health: National- Yes, 1991 II.80 2 Health: Morehouse, 1991 II.80 3 Health: Mental Health (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.80 4 Health: Mental Health (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.80 5 Health: Medigap, 1991-1992 II.80 6 Health: Medicare as Secondary Payer, 1991 II.80 7 Health: Medicare- Outpatient Plan, 1991 II.80 8 Health: Medicare- Means Testing, 1991 II.80 9 Health: Medicare- MDs, 1991-1992 II.80 10 Health: Medicare- Global Budgeting, 1992 II.80 11 Health: Medicare- Filing of Claims, 1991 II.80 12 Health: Medicare- Disability, undated II.80 13 Health: Medicaid Overview- CRS [Congressional Research Service], 1993 II.80 14 Health: Medicare and Medicaid- CRS [Congressional Research Service], 1991-1992 II.80 15 Health: Medicare- Quimby, 1993 II.80 16 Health: Medicare (folder 1 of 2), 1990-1992 II.80 17 Health: Medicare (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1994 II.80 18 Health: Nicholas May, 1989-1991 II.80 19 Health: Medicaid, 1992-1994 II.80 20 Health: Managed Care Facts, 1994 II.80 21 Health: Managed Care, 1992 II.80 22 Health: Random Health Issues, 1990-1993 II.80 23 Health: Public Health, 1994 II.80 24 Health: Primary Care- Georgia, 1991-1992 II.80 25 Health: Primary Care, 1992-1993 box folder Request box II.81 1 Health: Prevention, 1992-1993 II.81 2 Health: Primary Podiatric Medicine, 1993 II.81 3 Health: Physician Assistants, 1993 II.81 4 Health: Physicians- RBRVS [Resource-Based Relative Value Scale], 1991-1992 II.81 5 Health: Physicians- Malpractice, 1991-1992 II.81 6 Health: Physicians- Antitrust, 1989-1993 II.81 7 Health: Physicians- Anti-Hassle, 1992-1994 II.81 8 Health: Physicians, 1992-1993 II.81 9 Health: Physical Therapy, 1993 II.81 10 Health: Pepper Comm'n [Commission], 1990-1991 II.81 11 Health: Organ Donors, 1990-1991 II.81 12 Health: Nutrition, 1989-1992 II.81 13 Health: Nurses, 1991-1992 II.81 14 Health: National Institutes of Health Reauthorization, 1992-1993 II.81 15 Health: Health Care Reform, 1991-1992 II.81 16 Health: Universal Health Care in Maryland, 1991-1992 II.81 17 Health: Women's Access to Health Insurance, 1994 II.81 18 Health: Senior Citizens Health, 1992 II.81 19 Health: Women- Implants, 1991-1992 II.81 20 Health: Women's Issues (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1993 II.81 21 Health: Women's Issues (folder 2 of 2), 1994 box folder Request box II.82 1 Health: Wesley Woods, 1991-1994 II.82 2 Health: Veterans Health Care, 1992 II.82 3 Health: Trauma Care, 1989-1992 II.82 4 Health: Telemedicine, 1991-1993 II.82 5 Health: Health Care- States' View, 1991-1992 II.82 6 Health: Smoking/ Clean Air, 1991-1993 II.82 7 Health: Speeches, 1992 II.82 8 Health: Savings Accounts, 1992-1993 II.82 9 Health: Rural Health, 1992-1993 II.82 10 Health: Research, 1993 II.82 11 Health: Rehabilitation, 1992 II.82 12 Health: Health Care Rationing- Oregon, 1991 II.82 13 Health: Antitrust, 1994 II.82 14 Health: Health Care Advisory Committee (folder 1 of 2), 1993-1994 II.82 15 Health: Health Care Advisory Committee (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.82 16 Health: Improving Access to Health Care, 1993 II.82 17 Health: Technology and the Confidentiality of Personal Health Care Info, 1993 II.82 18 Health: Health Care Reform- BD Statements, 1991-1993 II.82 19 Health: Health Care Reform/ BD Statements/ Backup, 1991-1992 II.82 20 Health: Bipartisan Bill, 1994 II.82 21 Health: Health Care Reform National Health Budget Universal Medicare Rates, 1992-1993 II.82 22 Health: Title I- Assuring Availability and Continuity of Health Coverage (H.R. 3600), 1994 box folder Request box II.83 1 Health: CBO [Congressional Budget Office] Analysis, 1994 II.83 2 Health: Children, 1993-1994 II.83 3 Health: Clinton Plan- Summary (folder 1 of 3), 1993 II.83 4 Health: Clinton Plan- Summary (folder 2 of 3), 1993 II.83 5 Health: Clinton Plan- Summary (folder 3 of 3), 1993-1994 II.83 6 Health: Clinton Plan- Endorsements, 1993-1994 II.83 7 Health: Comparisons- Health Care Proposals, 1994 II.83 8 Health: Comparisons with Opponents' Plan, 1993 II.83 9 Health: Cooper Plan, 1993-1994 II.83 10 Health: CRS [Congressional Research Service] Info and C.Q. (folder 1 of 2), 1993-1994 II.83 11 Health: CRS [Congressional Research Service] Info and C.Q. (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.83 12 Health: Education and Labor Bill, 1994 II.83 13 Health: Health Care Reform- Recent Figures (folder 1 of 3), 1992-1994 II.83 14 Health: Health Care Reform- Recent Figures (folder 2 of 3), 1993 II.83 15 Health: Health Care Reform- Recent Figures (folder 3 of 3), 1993-1994 box folder Request box II.84 1 Health: Health Care Reform Financing Methods, 1993-1994 II.84 2 Health: Georgia Children, 1992 II.84 3 Health: Health Care Reform - Ga Constituent Suggestions, 1992 II.84 4 Health: Georgia Health Info, 1993-1994 II.84 5 Health: Georgia Medical Institutions (folder 1 of 3), 1991-1993 II.84 6 Health: Georgia Medical Institutions (folder 2 of 3), 1991-1993 II.84 7 Health: Georgia Medical Institutions (folder 3 of 3), 1994 II.84 8 Health: Ga Physicians, 1994 II.84 9 Health: Georgia Press, 1993-1994 II.84 10 Health: Georgia Ref, 1990-1993 II.84 11 Health: Hospitals, 1994 II.84 12 Health: House Bill, 1994 II.84 13 Health: Dear Colleague, 1989-1990 II.84 14 Health: P.O. Private H.R. 4150, 1988-1990 II.84 15 Health: Physician Referral, 1989 II.84 16 Health: Reproductive Health, 1988 II.84 17 Health: Notches H.R. 1721, 1987-1990 II.84 18 Health: Public Forums, 1994 II.84 19 Health: Questionnaire, 1993 II.84 20 Health: Republican Senate Plan, 1993-1994 II.84 21 Health: Republican House Plan, 1993-1994 box folder Request box II.85 1 Health: Health Care Reform, 1992-1994 II.85 2 Health: Senior Citizens, 1993 II.85 3 Health: Single Payer Plans, 1993 II.85 4 Health: Small B12 (folder 1 of 2), 1993-1994 II.85 5 Health: Small B12 (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.85 6 Health: Speech Materials, 1993-1994 II.85 7 Health: Standard Bens [Benefits] Package, 1993 II.85 8 Health: Stark Plan, 1994 II.85 9 Health: Ways and Means Bill, 1994 II.85 10 Health: Abortion, 1993-1994 II.85 11 Health: Health Care, 1993-1994 II.85 12 Interior: Shoreham, 1989 II.85 13 Interior: House Clean Air Bill (H.R. 3030), 1990 II.85 14 Interior: ANWR [Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve] Oil Drilling, 1988-1991 II.85 15 Interior: ANWR [Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve] Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Oil and Gas Development, 1991 II.85 16 Interior: ANWR [Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge] 102nd, 1991 II.85 17 Interior: E&E [Energy and Environment ] Task Force, 1991 II.85 18 Interior: Tatshenshini, 1992 II.85 19 Interior: Johns Creek and Mountain, Ga, 1990 II.85 20 Interior: Ft. Freder, Ca, 1989 II.85 21 Interior: Coal Slurry 101st, 1989 II.85 22 Interior: Oil Spill Legislation, 1989 II.85 23 Interior: Alyeska [Investigation of The Wackenhut Corporation for Surveillance of Charles Hamel for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company], 1991 box folder Request box II.86 1 Interior: Dioxin- Ga, 1990 II.86 2 Interior: Solid Waste Disposal Act, 1991 II.86 3 Interior: RCRA [Resource Conservation and Recovery Act] Reauthorization Interstate Transport of Solid Waste, 1991-1992 II.86 4 Interior: Clean Air, 1990-1991 II.86 5 Interior: Clean Air Floor, 1989-1990 II.86 6 Interior: Lakes 101st, 1988-1989 II.86 7 Interior: National Zoo, 1989 II.86 8 Interior: NPS [National Park Service]- Yellowstone National Park, 1988 II.86 9 Interior: Briefing Book on H.R. 4127 (American Heritage Trust), 1988 II.86 10 Interior: 1990 Clean Air Act, 1990-1991 II.86 11 Labor and Rail: Job Training (folder 1 of 2), 1993-1994 II.86 12 Labor and Rail: Job Training (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.86 13 Labor and Rail: Ga DoL [Department of Labor]- FUTA [Federal Unemployment Tax Act], 1993 II.86 14 Labor and Rail: "Labor Controversies: Suspension...", 1993 II.86 15 Labor and Rail: Clinton Administration Workforce Strategy, 1993 II.86 16 Labor and Rail: ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act], 1993 II.86 17 Labor and Rail: Rail Strike (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1993 II.86 18 Labor and Rail: Rail Strike (folder 2 of 2), 1991 II.86 19 Labor and Rail: Unemployment 103, 1991-1993 II.86 20 Labor and Rail: Unemployment (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.86 21 Labor and Rail: Unemployment (folder 2 of 2), 1991-1993 II.86 22 Labor and Rail: Briefing Book: Legislation to Prohibit Permanent Replacement of Strikers, 1990 II.86 23 Labor and Rail: H.R. 1790 Design Projection, 1991-1992 II.86 24 Labor and Rail: Davis/Bacon Fed. [Federal] Construction, 1991-1993 box folder Request box II.87 1 Labor and Rail: OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] H.R. 1063- H.R. 3160, 1991-1994 II.87 2 Labor and Rail: H.R. 3185 S.O.L. on Securities Fraud Under SEA 34, 1991 II.87 3 Labor and Rail: Railroad Retirement, 1988-1992 II.87 4 Labor and Rail: Health- OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration], 1991-1994 II.87 5 Social Issues: Real Estate, 1994 II.87 6 Social Issues: H.R. 1188 Insurance Redlining, 1994 II.87 7 Social Issues: H.R. FASB [Financial Accounting Standards Board]- Accounting, 1994 II.87 8 Social Issues: Small Business Administration Reauthorization, 1994 II.87 9 Social Issues: Family and Medical Leave, 1993 II.87 10 Social Issues: Georgia Business, 1993 II.87 11 Social Issues: Accountants, 1993-1994 II.87 12 Social Issues: NALU [National Association of Life Underwriters] Insurance, 1993-1994 II.87 13 Social Issues: RTC [Resolution Trust Corporation] Funding (H.R. 1340), 1993 II.87 14 Social Issues: Child Support, 1993-1994 II.87 15 Social Issues: Welfare Waiver Georgia, 1993 II.87 16 Social Issues: Welfare- Aliens, 1994 II.87 17 Social Issues: Welfare- Financing, 1994 II.87 18 Social Issues: Overheads- Welfare Reform, 1994 II.87 19 Social Issues: Rent Reform, 1993-1994 II.87 20 Social Issues: Equal Employment Affirmative Action, 1990-1993 II.87 21 Social Issues: EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] Religious Harassment Guidelines, 1994 II.87 22 Social Issues: School Prayer, 1994 II.87 23 Social Issues: Civil Rights, 1991-1993 II.87 24 Social Issues: Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 1993 II.87 25 Social Issues: Gay Rights/Homosexual Issues, 1994 II.87 26 Social Issues: Child Care, 1990-1993 II.87 27 Social Issues: Abortion- D.C. Approps. [Appropriations], 1993 II.87 28 Social Issues: FOCA [Freedom of Choice Act] H.R. 25, 1993 II.87 29 Social Issues: Abortion, 1991-1994 II.87 30 Social Issues: Abortion- Health Care, 1994 II.87 31 Social Issues: Hyde Amendment- 103rd, 1993 II.87 32 Social Issues: FACE [Freedom to Clinic Entrances]- H.R. 796, 1993 box folder Request box II.88 1 Social Issues: Americans with Disabilities Act, 1992-1993 II.88 2 Social Issues: Housing, 1991-1994 II.88 3 Social Issues: Immigration, 1993-1994 II.88 4 Social Issues: Immigration, 1993 II.88 5 Social Issues: Campaign Reform, 1993 II.88 6 Social Issues: H.R. 3400 Government Reform/ Recissions, 1993 II.88 7 Social Security: Survivors Benefits, 1990 II.88 8 Social Security: SSI [Supplemental Security Income] Fraud, 1993-1994 II.88 9 Social Security: SSI [Supplemental Security Income]/ Disability, 1992-1994 II.88 10 Social Security: SSA [Social Security Administration] Services Available, 1990-1991 II.88 11 Social Security: Trust Funds, 1993-1994 II.88 12 Social Security: Tax, 1991-1993 II.88 13 Social Security: Rep Payee, 1991 II.88 14 Social Security: Offset, 1991-1992 II.88 15 Social Security: Social Security- Notch, 1991-1992 II.88 16 Social Security: Means Testing, 1992 II.88 17 Social Security: Social Security- Independent Agency, 1992-1994 II.88 18 Social Security: Financing, 1992-1993 II.88 19 Social Security: Figures, 1991-1993 II.88 20 Social Security: H.R. 1368 SS Earnings Test 102nd Congress, 1991 box folder Request box II.89 1 Social Security: Disability, 1991-1994 II.89 2 Social Security: COLAS [Cost of Living Adjustments], 1993 II.89 3 Social Security: Social Security, 1991-1994 II.89 4 Social Security: Bonuses, 1994 II.89 5 Social Security: Retirement Plans, 1991-1993 II.89 6 Social Security: Simplification of Retirement Pension Issues (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.89 7 Social Security: Simplification of Retirement Pension Issues (folder 2 of 2), 1990-1991 II.89 8 Social Security: Senior Citizens- Older Workers (in general), 1991-1992 II.89 9 Social Security: Senior Citizens- Older Americans Act, 1991-1993 II.89 10 Social Security: Seniors- General (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.89 11 Social Security: Seniors- General (folder 2 of 2), 1992-1994 II.89 12 Special: Random Stuff, 1990-1992 II.89 13 Special: Legislative Meeting Notes, 1991 II.89 14 Special: Women, 1992 II.89 15 Special: Welfare, 1993 II.89 16 Special: Grants, 1990-1993 II.89 17 Special: Kennesaw State College Commencement Speech, 1991 II.89 18 Special: Employee Benefits, 1991 II.89 19 Special: Issue Briefs Position Statements, 1992 II.89 20 Special: Letters- Multiple Copies, 1992 II.89 21 Special: Speech Writing, 1987-1989 II.89 22 Special: Technical Info, 1992 II.89 23 Special: Food Stamps, 1992 II.89 24 Special: Federal Mandates, 1993 II.89 25 Special: Disaster, 1992 II.89 26 Special: Child Support, 1991-1993 II.89 27 Special: Children in General, 1991 II.89 28 Special: Charities, 1991 II.89 29 Special: Caucuses, 1990-1993 box folder Request box II.90 1 Special: Approps [Appropriations] Projects, 1993 II.90 2 Special: Geriatric and Education Consort, 1993 II.90 3 Special: Labor-Ed-DHHS [Education-Department of Health and Human Services], 1993 II.90 4 Taxes: EIC [Earned Income Credit] (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.90 5 Taxes: EIC [Earned Income Credit] (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.90 6 Taxes: Econ- President's Proposal, 1992-1993 II.90 7 Taxes: Expiring Tax Provisions, 1992 II.90 8 Taxes: Education Related, 1989-1992 II.90 9 Taxes: Critical Waste Issues and Solutions, 1994 II.90 10 Taxes: Provisions Relating to Families, Children, 1991-1992 II.90 11 Taxes: Estate Tax Exemption, 1992-1993 II.90 12 Taxes: Foreign Companies, 1992 II.90 13 Taxes: Flat Tax, 1992 II.90 14 Taxes: Tax Proposals: Major Issues, 1991-1992 II.90 15 Taxes: Tax Issues, 1991-1992 II.90 16 Taxes: Housing Credit/ Historic Preservation, 1991-1992 II.90 17 Taxes: Historical Info, 1989-1990 II.90 18 Taxes: Health Issues, 1991-1993 II.90 19 Taxes: FUPA [Family Utility Promotion Act], 1994 II.90 20 Taxes: Fuel, 1991 II.90 21 Taxes: American Dream Assistance Act of 1992, 1991-1992 II.90 22 Taxes: International Issues, 1992-1993 II.90 23 Taxes: H.R. 1228 IRS Tax Code- Insurance Companies, 1993-1994 II.90 24 Taxes: IRAs, 1991-1993 II.90 25 Taxes: Amortization of Intangibles, 1992-1993 II.90 26 Taxes: McFadden Act (Banking), 1991 II.90 27 Taxes: Luxury Taxes, 1991-1992 II.90 28 Taxes: Local Govt's [Governments], 1993 II.90 29 Taxes: Legal, 1993 II.90 30 Taxes: IRAs- Super IRA (Bentsen/Roth , Pickle) H.R. 1406, 1990-1992 II.90 31 Taxes: IRS, 1993 II.90 32 Taxes: Investment Tax Credit, 1991-1992 box folder Request box II.91 1 Taxes: Misc Tax Act, 1988 II.91 2 Taxes: Mortgage Revenue Bonds, 1991-1992 II.91 3 Taxes: Rates, 1991 II.91 4 Taxes: Passive Loss, 1991-1992 II.91 5 Taxes: NTU [National Taxpayers Union] List, 1993-1994 II.91 6 Taxes: "One Class of Stock" Regs, 1991 II.91 7 Taxes: Municipal Issues, 1991-1994 II.91 8 Taxes: State Legislators, 1989-1991 II.91 9 Taxes: H.R. 5790, 1992 II.91 10 Taxes: Sales Tax (National Sales Tax), 1993 II.91 11 Taxes: Tax Policy- Effect on Saving, 1992-1994 II.91 12 Taxes: The S. Corporation Reform Act of 1993 (H.R. 4056), 1994 II.91 13 Taxes: Tax Research, 1991-1992 II.91 14 Taxes: Tax Administration: IRS Forms, Publications..., 1993 II.91 15 Taxes: Sales Tax to Replace Income Tax, 1991-1992 II.91 16 Taxes: Citizens for an Alternative Tax System, 1992 II.91 17 Taxes: Source Tax, 1991 II.91 18 Taxes: Simplification, 1991-1992 II.91 19 Taxes: Sin Tax, 1993-1994 II.91 20 Taxes: H.R. 2046 Co-Sponsors, 1991 II.91 21 Taxes: User Fees, 1989-1993 II.91 22 Taxes: Trade, 1991 II.91 23 Taxes: Transportation Related, 1991 II.91 24 Taxes: Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, 1992 II.91 25 Taxes: Targeted Jobs Tax Credit, 1993 II.91 26 Taxes: Value Added Tax (VAT), 1992-1993 II.91 27 Taxes: Tax Bill Conference Agent, 1992 II.91 28 Taxes: Tax Proposals- Economy (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.91 29 Taxes: Tax Proposals- Economy (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.91 30 Taxes: The Revenue Act of 1992, 1992 II.91 31 Taxes: Charitable Deduction, 1991 II.91 32 Taxes: Clinton, 1992 II.91 33 Taxes: Delay-Tallon Corp. Gains/S.S./IRA, 1991 II.91 34 Taxes: Corporate, 1991 II.91 35 Taxes: Criminal Tax Law, 1991 box folder Request box II.92 1 Taxes: General (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.92 2 Taxes: General (folder 2 of 2), 1990-1993 II.92 3 Taxes: Penny-Kasich Amendment- Letters, Info, Articles (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.92 4 Taxes: Penny-Kasich Amendment- Letters, Info, Articles (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.92 5 Taxes: Alternative Minimum Tax, 1992 II.92 6 Taxes: Capital Gains, 1989-1994 II.92 7 Taxes: The Economy, 1991-1992 II.92 8 Taxes: Earned Income Tax Credit, 1993-1994 II.92 9 Taxes: Waiters, 1994 II.92 10 Trade: NAFTA- Thanks, 1993 II.92 11 Trade: NAFTA- Georgia, 1993 II.92 12 Trade: NAFTA- General (After), 1994 II.92 13 Trade: Textiles, 1994 II.92 14 Trade: GATT- Textile and Apparel, 1994 II.92 15 Trade: GATT- General, 1993-1994 II.92 16 Trade: NAFTA- No, 1993 box folder Request box II.93 1 Trade: NAFTA- Yes, 1993 II.93 2 Trade: General- 103rd, 1993-1994 II.93 3 Trade: GATT- No, 1993-1994 II.93 4 Trade: GATT- Yes (folder 1 of 2), 1994 II.93 5 Trade: GATT- Yes (folder 2 of 2), 1994 II.93 6 Trade: NAFTA- User Fees, 1993-1994 II.93 7 Trade: NAFTA- Textile and Apparel, 1992-1993 II.93 8 Trade: Export Administration Act H.R. 3937, 1994 II.93 9 Trade: NAFTA- Info for Const [Constituents], 1994 II.93 10 Trade: Trade Promotion Coordination Committee- Export Assistance Centers, 1994 II.93 11 Trade: Trade Adjustment Assistance, 1993-1994 II.93 12 Trade: Correspondence (Admin), 1994 II.93 13 Trade: MFN [Most Favored Nation], 1993 II.93 14 Trade: Russia and Aluminum, 1993-1994 II.93 15 Transportation: Ga Commuter Rail, 1992-1994 II.93 16 Transportation: Eastern, 1991-1992 II.93 17 Transportation: NHS [National Highway System] H.R. 4385, 1994 II.93 18 Transportation: National Highway System, 1993 II.93 19 Transportation: Cobb/ McCollum Airport, 1990-1992 II.93 20 Transportation: McCollum Tower, 1987-1988 II.93 21 Transportation: Delta USDOT [Department of Transportation] Application, 1993 II.93 22 Transportation: Clinton Aviation Initiative, 1993-1994 II.93 23 Transportation: USPS Contract for Air Transportation of Mail, 1993-1994 II.93 24 Transportation: The National Commission to Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry Report to the President and Congress, 1993 II.93 25 Transportation: US Air/ British Acquisition, 1992-1993 II.93 26 Transportation: Maritime Security and Competitiveness Act of 1993 (Maritime Security Fleet Program), 1993 box folder Request box II.94 1 Transportation: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, 1991 II.94 2 Transportation: Surface Transportation Reauthorization (Highways), 1991 II.94 3 Transportation: Surface Transportation Infrastructure Act (H.R. 2950) Highway Improvement (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.94 4 Transportation: Surface Transportation Infrastructure Act (H.R. 2950) Highway Improvement (folder 2 of 2), 1991-1992 II.94 5 Transportation: ISTEA- MPO [Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act- Metropolitan Planning Organization], 1992 II.94 6 Transportation: Aviation Infrastructure Investment Act of 1993, 1993 II.94 7 Transportation: Comm Drivers Lic [Commercial Drivers License], 1989-1992 II.94 8 Veterans: American Legion, 1986-1994 II.94 9 Veterans: COLAs [Cost of Living Adjustments], 1991 II.94 10 Veterans: Facilities, 1993 II.94 11 Veterans: GI Bill, 1994 II.94 12 Veterans: Health, 1994 II.94 13 Veterans: Persian Gulf Health, 1994 II.94 14 Veterans: POW [Prisoner of War], 1994 II.94 15 Veterans: Retirees # and $ [Number and Money], 1994 II.94 16 Veterans: Veteran's Affairs- Bills (Text), 1991-1993 II.94 17 Veterans: Department of VA Benefits, 1991 II.94 18 Veterans: Reemployment, 1993 II.94 19 Veterans: General, 1992-1993 II.94 20 Veterans: POW/ MIA [Prisoners of War/ Missing in Action], 1991-1993 II.94 21 Veterans: VA- HUD Approps [Appropriations] FY 93, 1992 II.94 22 Veterans: Pledge, 1992 II.94 23 Veterans: Research and Education, 1991 II.94 24 Veterans: Health Care, 1991-1992 II.94 25 Veterans: Spousal Benefits, 1992 II.94 26 Veterans: Agent Orange, 1989-1991 II.94 27 Veterans: Employment, Education, 1991-1992 II.94 28 Veterans: Housing, Homeless, 1991-1992 box folder Request box II.95 1 Business: Small Business- Abolish SBA [Small Business Administration], 1986 II.95 2 Business: Small Business- Association Information, 1986 II.95 3 Business: Small Business- Liability Insurance, 1986 II.95 4 Business: Small Business- White House Conference, 1986 II.95 5 Children: Child Abuse, 1985-1986 II.95 6 Children: General Information, 1985-1986 II.95 7 Children: CDA [Child Development Association] Program- Georgia, 1984-1985 II.95 8 Children: AFDIC [Aid to Families with Dependent Children]- Georgia, Federal, 1984-1985 II.95 9 Children: Child Support, 1984-1985 II.95 10 Civil Service: Champus Reform, 1986-1987 II.95 11 Civil Service: Reports, 1986 II.95 12 Civil Service: Railroad Retirement, 1986 II.95 13 Civil Service: Weekly Federal Employees Digest, 1985-1987 II.95 14 Civil Service: H.R. 691- Martin, 1985 II.95 15 Civil Service: P.L. [Public Law] 98-615, 1984 II.95 16 Civil Service: Contracting Out, undated II.95 17 Civil Service: Retirement General, 1986 II.95 18 Congress: 99th Congress H.R. 3424 Appropriations for Labor-HHS-Education, 1985 II.95 19 Congress: Economic Development Administration H.R. 10, 1985 II.95 20 Congress: Chadwick Letter to Editor, 1985 II.95 21 Congress: H.R. 3128 [Budget Reconciliation Phase 1], 1985 II.95 22 Congress: H.R. 4515 [Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1986], 1986 II.95 23 Congress: Gramm-Rudman, 1986 II.95 24 Congress: Congressional Women's Caucus, 1986 II.95 25 Congress: Budget General Information, 1985 II.95 26 Congress: Tax Bill, 1985 II.95 27 Congress: Legislative Checklists, 1985 II.95 28 Congress: Leadership Information, 1985-1986 II.95 29 Education: H.R. 7- School Lunch Program, 1985 II.95 30 Education: 99th Congress The Reagan Education Budget FY 1987, 1986 II.95 31 Education: 99th Congress Equity Choice Act of 1985 (TEACH), 1985 II.95 32 Education: 99th Congress Budget for FY 1986, 1985 II.95 33 Education: 99th Congress H.R. 3700- Higher Education, 1985 II.95 34 Education: Higher Education, 1986 II.95 35 Education: Casework for Various Files, 1986 II.95 36 Education: National PTA Newsletters and Info, 1985-1986 II.95 37 Education: AIDS in the Schools, 1986 II.95 38 Education: Bilingual Education Information, 1986 II.95 39 Education: Georgia/ District Info, 1985 II.95 40 Education: General Information Student Aid and Impact Aid for Schools, 1986-1987 II.95 41 Education: General Information on Handicapped, 1986 II.95 42 Education: CRS [Congressional Research Service] Briefs, 1985 II.95 43 Education: General Information, 1985-1986 II.95 44 Education: Gifted-Special Ed., 1987 II.95 45 Health: HHS [Health and Human Services] Budget, 1988 II.95 46 Health: 99th Congress H.R. 524- Alzheimer Disease Centers, 1985 II.95 47 Health: 99th Congress H.R. 3260- Physician Assistants, 1985 II.95 48 Health: Kemp-Hatch Amendment, 1985 II.95 49 Health: Teenage Pregnancy, 1985-1986 II.95 50 Health: Drug Abuse, 1985-1986 II.95 51 Health: End Stage Renal Dialysis, 1986 II.95 52 Health: Infant Mortality in the South, 1985-1986 II.95 53 Health: H.R. 5484 Omnibus Drug Bill, 1986 II.95 54 Health: Abortion Facts and Figures, 1985-1986 II.95 55 Health: Georgia Hospital Association, 1986 box folder Request box II.96 1 Health: Chiroscreen- Constituents Concern, undated II.96 2 Health: NIH [National Institute of Health] Monkeys- Silver Springs, 1986 II.96 3 Health: Title X- Family Planning Program, 1985-1986 II.96 4 Health: General Information File, 1985-1986 II.96 5 Health: CRS [Congressional Research Service] Briefs, 1985 II.96 6 Housing: 99th Congress H.R. 1, 1986 II.96 7 Housing: 99th Congress FHA-GMNA Credit Limits, 1986 II.96 8 Housing: FY 87 Budget, 1985-1986 II.96 9 Housing: Elderly Housing Issues, 1985 II.96 10 Housing: Georgia Residential Finance Authority, 1985-1986 II.96 11 Housing: CRS [Congressional Research Service] Briefs and Other Info, 1984-1986 II.96 12 Labor: 99th Congress H.R. 281- Double Breasting, 1985-1986 II.96 13 Labor: 99th Congress H.R. 4838- LLP's, undated II.96 14 Labor: 99th Congress H.R. 3465- Manufacturing Clause, 1986 II.96 15 Labor: 99th Congress Fair Labor Standards Act, 1985-1986 II.96 16 Labor: 99th Congress H.R. 472- Davis Bacon, 1986 II.96 17 Labor: H.R. 4300- 99th Congress- Died in Committee, 1986 II.96 18 Labor: H.R. 1309- 99th Congress- Died in Committee, 1986 II.96 19 Labor: Georgia Reports from the GDOL [Georgia Department of Labor], 1985-1986 II.96 20 Medicare/Medicaid: Medicare, 1985-1986 II.96 21 Medicare/Medicaid: General, 1985 II.96 22 Medicare/Medicaid: Delegation Letters, 1985-1986 II.96 23 Medicare/Medicaid: Methods for Setting Nursing Home Rates..., 1986 May II.96 24 Medicare/Medicaid: Public Hospitals: Sales Lead to Better Facilities but Increased Patient Costs, 1986 June II.96 25 Medicare/Medicaid: H.R. 4876 Ga Bill, 1986 II.96 26 Medicare/Medicaid: Home Health Agencies HHAS, 1984-1985 II.96 27 Medicare/Medicaid: Georgia Medicaid Waiver, 1984 II.96 28 Medicare/Medicaid: Optometry, 1985 II.96 29 Medicare/Medicaid: Medicaid, 1985 II.96 30 Medicare/Medicaid: Oxygen Payments, 1985 II.96 31 Medicare/Medicaid: Medicaid Cap, 1985-1986 II.96 32 Medicare/Medicaid: Nurse Midwife- Insurance, 1985 II.96 33 Medicare/Medicaid: Pharmacy, 1985 II.96 34 Medicare/Medicaid: Medicaid Services- Mentally Retarded S. 873, 1985 II.96 35 Medicare/Medicaid: DME [Durable Medical Equipment], 1985 II.96 36 Medicare/Medicaid: Medicaid- Pharmacy Payments, 1983-1985 II.96 37 Post Office: Toorchen Stamp, 1985 II.96 38 Post Office, 1985-1986 II.96 39 Post Office: Stamps, 1985 II.96 40 Post Office: Postal Service Workers, 1986 II.96 41 Senior Citizens, 1984-1986 II.96 42 Senior Citizens: Older Women's League, 1985-1986 II.96 43 Senior Citizens: Trade Bill, 1986 II.96 44 Senior Citizens: Social Security- James Roosevelt, 1985-1986 box folder Request box II.97 1 Social Security, 1985-1986 II.97 2 Social Security: BD PIC w/ Claude Pepper [Photograph], undated II.97 3 Social Security: Notch H.R. 732, 1985-1986 II.97 4 Social Security: Social Security Reform Gingrich Proposal, 1986 II.97 5 Social Security: Stats, 1984-1986 II.97 6 Social Security: Report, undated II.97 7 Social Security: Medicaid Issue Brief, 1985 II.97 8 Social Security: Request for Office Change, 1984-1986 II.97 9 Social Security: Medicare Issue Brief, 1985 II.97 10 Textiles: Veto, 1986 II.97 11 Textiles: H.R. 1562, 1986 II.97 12 Textiles: Testimony, 1985 II.97 13 Textiles: H.R. 1562, 1985 II.97 14 Textiles: EEC and the Third Multifiber Arrangement, 1986 II.97 15 Textiles: Textile Petition, 1985 II.97 16 Textiles: Ashco Company, 1985 II.97 17 Textiles: Caucus Notices, 1985-1986 II.97 18 Textiles: Bill Letter Floor Statement Fact Sheet, 1985 II.97 19 Textiles: Stats/ Georgia, undated II.97 20 Textiles: Press, undated II.97 21 Textiles: Support Letters, 1985-1986 II.97 22 Textiles: Textile Worker Statistics, 1985 II.97 23 Textiles: General, 1984-1986 II.97 24 Trade: H.R. 4800 (99th) H.R. 3 (100th), 1986 II.97 25 Trade: Kangaroo Products, 1986 II.97 26 Trade: Democratic Trade Task Force, 1986 II.97 27 Trade: Auto Imports, 1985 II.97 28 Trade: Customs, 1985 II.97 29 Trade: General, 1984-1986 II.97 30 Trade: Footwear, 1985 II.97 31 Trade: Export Task Force, 1985 II.97 32 Trade: Furniture Imports, 1985 II.97 33 Trade: Pipe and Tube Agreement, 1985 II.97 34 Trade: Global Competition, 1985 II.97 35 Trade: Trade Act of 1984, 1984-1985 II.97 36 Trade: Mayor Koch Letter, 1985 II.97 37 Travel Caucus: National Tourism Week, 1986 II.97 38 Travel Caucus: Travel and Tourism, 1986 II.97 39 Travel Caucus: Issues for 2nd Session, 1986 II.97 40 Veterans: GI Bill, 1986-1987 II.97 41 Veterans: Military Retirement, 1983-1986 II.97 42 Veterans: Military, 1985-1986 II.97 43 Veterans: General, 1985-1986 II.97 44 Veterans, 1985-1986 box folder Request box II.98 1 Veterans: Labor: Davis Bacon, 1985-1986 II.98 2 Veterans: Military Ex-Spouse, 1985 II.98 3 Veterans: MIA/ POW Information [Prisoners of War], 1985 II.98 4 Veterans: MIA/ POW Newsletter [Prisoners of War], 1985 II.98 5 Veterans: POW- MIA [Prisoners of War], 1984-1986 II.98 6 Veterans: Home Loans, 1986 II.98 7 Veterans: Champus Information, 1986 II.98 8 Veterans: Insurance Fraud, 1983 II.98 9 Veterans: Mailing, 1985 November II.98 10 Veterans: Veterans Issue Brief, 1985 II.98 11 Veterans: Military- Commissionaires- Post Exchange, 1982-1985 II.98 12 Misc: Poverty in America, 1985 II.98 13 Misc: Legislative Funds- Playboy in Braille, 1985 II.98 14 Misc: Appalachian Regional Commission, 1985 II.98 15 Misc: Bouton Case, 1985 II.98 16 Misc: English- National Language, 1985-1986 II.98 17 Misc: Food Stamps, 1985 II.98 18 Misc: Grants- CSBG [Community Service Block Grant] Budget, 1985 II.98 19 Misc: Lake Allatoona Sewage, 1984 II.98 20 Misc: Legislative Correspondence (from Downstairs), 1985 II.98 21 Misc: Small Business, 1985 II.98 22 Misc: Press Releases, 1985 II.98 23 Misc: Small Business, 1985 II.98 24 Misc: Urban Issues, 1985 II.98 25 Misc: Various Programs, 1985 II.98 26 Georgia Issues: Adairsville Grant, 1985 II.98 27 Georgia Issues: Revenue Sharing, 1985-1986 II.98 28 Georgia Issues: Revenue Sharing, 1979-1986 II.98 29 Georgia Issues: Human Resources- Ga. Impact of Budget Cuts, 1985-1986 II.98 30 Georgia Issues: McCollum Airport, 1984 II.98 31 Georgia Issues: Budget- State Impact, 1986 II.98 32 Georgia Issues: Georgia Benefits, 1984 II.98 33 Georgia Issues: Grants, 1986 II.98 34 Georgia Issues: Georgia Government Finance, 1984 II.98 35 Georgia Issues: Georgia Facts and Figures, 1985-1986 II.98 36 Georgia Issues: Ga Job Training Partnership, 1984-1986 II.98 37 Georgia Issues: Georgia Legislation, 1986 II.98 38 Georgia Issues: Block Grants, 1986 II.98 39 Georgia Issues: Six Flags, 1984 II.98 40 Georgia Issues: Georgia Dept of Medical Assistance Annual Report, 1985 II.98 41 Georgia Issues: LaFayette Economic Development, 1985 II.98 42 Georgia Issues: Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, 1984 II.98 43 Georgia Issues, 1984-1986 II.98 44 Georgia Issues: MARTA, 1985 II.98 45 Georgia Issues: Georgia Tech Library, 1985 II.98 46 Creating Jobs, Prosperity, and Security, undated II.98 47 Budgets, 1990-1992 II.98 48 Budget, 1991 II.98 49 H.R. 2869, 101st Congress [Repeal of the Social Security Earnings Test], 1988-1989 II.98 50 Budget, 1993 II.98 51 Congress- Ethics, Code of Conduct, 1989 II.98 52 Disaster Info, 1991 II.98 53 Hurricane Campaign (National Flood Insurance), 1991 box folder Request box II.99 1 FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency], 1992 II.99 2 District, 1990 II.99 3 Retirement, 1989-1990 II.99 4 Pension/ Retirement, 1987-1990 II.99 5 Children- Health Coverage, Infant Mortality, 1990-1991 II.99 6 Spending Cuts in Plan, 1993 II.99 7 Summary, 1996 II.99 8 Tax Fairness, 1993 II.99 9 Tax- Marriage Penalty, 1993 II.99 10 Budget, 1993 II.99 11 House Agmt [Budget Reconciliation], 1993 II.99 12 Miscellaneous [Budget Reconciliation, Clinton Economic Growth Plan, Taxes], 1993 II.99 13 Job Creation, 1993 II.99 14 Press- Negative, 1993 II.99 15 Press- Positive, 1993 II.99 16 Punishing Subcom. Chairs, 1993 II.99 17 Real Estate, 1993 II.99 18 Social Security Tax, 1993 II.99 19 Financial Management Service, undated II.99 20 Savings Bond Div. Dept. of Treasury, undated II.99 21 O.P.M. and I.G. [Office of Personnel Management and Inspector General], 1992-1993 II.99 22 Public Debt Burden, 1993 II.99 23 U.S. Mint, undated II.99 24 Drug Control, 1993 II.99 25 Advisory Commission on Intergovt [Intergovernmental] Affairs, 1994 II.99 26 Council of Econ. [Economic] Advisers White House, 1993 II.99 27 F.L.E.T.C. [Federal Law Enforcement Training Center], 1993-1994 II.99 28 Dept of Treasury- US Secret Service, 1993 II.99 29 Nat. [National] Security Council White House, 1994 II.99 30 Office of Fed. [Federal] Procurement Policy White House, 1993 II.99 31 Bureau of Printing and Engraving, 1991 II.99 32 Committee for Purchase from Blind and Disabled, 1994 II.99 33 Treasury: I.G. [Inspector General] and Dept. Offices, undated box folder Request box II.100 1 ATF [Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms], 1993 II.100 2 Office of Special Counsel, 1994 II.100 3 Customs, 1992-1994 II.100 4 U.S. Tax Court, 1994 II.100 5 Fed. Labor Relations Auth. [Federal Labor Relations Authority], 1993 II.100 6 Merit Systems Protection BD, 1993 II.100 7 F.E.C. [Federal Elections Commission] (Elections), 1993-1994 II.100 8 Administrative Conference of U.S., 1993-1994 II.100 9 Office of Government Ethics, 1992-1994 II.100 10 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, 1994 II.100 11 Drug Control Policies, 1994 II.100 12 Legislation, 1993 II.100 13 Communications Bell Manf.- Opposition, 1991 II.100 14 Communications Bell Deregulation/ H.R. 1527, 1991-1992 II.100 15 Broadcasters, 1993-1994 II.100 16 H.R. 1470 Retail/ Vertical P-Fixing [Price-Fixing], 1990-1992 II.100 17 ATT's Provision of Services to Government H.R. 3161, 1992 II.100 18 Health Care Reform/ CDF [Childrens Defense Fund] Proposal, 1992 II.100 19 DSG [Democratic Study Group] Legislative Report, 1994 II.100 20 Coca Cola- Home State Product, 1993 II.100 21 Crime (Juv. [Juvenile] Drugs), 1993 II.100 22 SSA [Social Security Administration], 1993 II.100 23 Subchapter S Corporations, 1993 II.100 24 IRS, 1991-1993 II.100 25 America's Children- Education and Cable, 1993 II.100 26 Jordan Arms, 1985-1986 II.100 27 Foreign Affairs- General, 1985-1988 II.100 28 Gander Crash, 1985 II.100 29 Georgia Nat. Guard [National Guard], 1984-1985 box folder Request box II.101 1 Thermal Distribution System, Naval Sub Base, Kings Bay, Ga, 1984 II.101 2 Libya, 1986 II.101 3 U.S.- Japan Trade Policy, 1989-1991 II.101 4 Budget, Federal Deficit, 1990 II.101 5 Visit to Agile Sword (Navy), 1986 II.101 6 Lockheed- Marine Reserve Tanker Program, 1986 II.101 7 D.C. Statehood, Death Penalty, 1990 II.101 8 Department of Justice, 1990 II.101 9 Impact of the Hospital Industry on Ga's Economy, undated II.101 10 Rangeland, Grazing, Rural America, 1988-1991 II.101 11 EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Toxic Release Inventory, 1989-1991 II.101 12 United States Energy Policy, 1988-1992 II.101 13 Arms Control/ Testing, 1986-1987 II.101 14 Check Scandal, 1992 II.101 15 Pay Raise, 1989 II.101 16 Armed Services, 1991-1992 II.101 17 War Reserves, 1991 II.101 18 ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], 1991 II.101 19 Medicare Catastrophic Care Act, 1989 II.101 20 Drug Strategy, 1989 II.101 21 Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988, 1988 II.101 22 Small Business- Procurement Conference, 1986 July 14-17 II.101 23 Civil Rights- Abortion Literature, 1985-1986 II.101 24 Forced Abortion in China; CRRA [Civil Rights Restoration Act], 1986 II.101 25 Civil Rights- Equal Rights, 1981-1984 II.101 26 Civil Rights- Abortion Petition, 1986 II.101 27 Civil Rights- Grove City, 1985-1986 II.101 28 Civil Rights- H.R. 700, 1985 II.101 29 Amtrak, 1992 II.101 30 Atlanta Multi-Modal Passenger Terminal Feasibility Study (folder 1 of 2), 1992 II.101 31 Atlanta Multi-Modal Passenger Terminal Feasibility Study (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.101 32 Critical Review of the AVN [FAA Office of Aviation Systems Standards] Consolidation Plan [How the Plan Effects the Atlanta Flight Inspection Area Office (FIAO)], 1993-1994 II.101 33 High Road Rapid Transit System, 1992 box folder Request box II.102 1 FAA [Federal Aviation Administration]/ Age Limits on Pilot/Aviation Jobs, 1990 II.102 2 1990 Toxic Release Inventory, 1992 II.102 3 Japan's Economic Challenge, 1990 II.102 4 Co-Sponsor 101st, 1989 II.102 5 Joint Letters, 1989 II.102 6 Jud. Habeas Corpus, 1985-1986 II.102 7 INF [Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces] (folder 1 of 2), 1987-1988 II.102 8 INF [Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces] (folder 2 of 2), 1987-1988 II.102 9 Lasers, 1987-1988 II.102 10 Lockheed Sale, 1988 II.102 11 Lockheed- Georgia, 1986-1987 II.102 12 Lockheed- Reorganization, 1987 II.102 13 Logistics, 1987 II.102 14 USMC [U.S. Marine Corps]- Moscow, 1986-1987 II.102 15 Insurance, 1985-1987 II.102 16 Defense- LAs, 1987 II.102 17 Foreign Affairs (Gen. Info), 1985 II.102 18 Human Rights, 1986-1987 II.102 19 Food Stamps, 1992-1993 II.102 20 Urban Policies (folder 1 of 2), 1992-1993 II.102 21 Urban Policies (folder 2 of 2), 1992 II.102 22 Voting and Registration in Nov. '92 Election, 1993 II.102 23 Lockheed Layoffs, 1988 II.102 24 OV-1 Report, 1987 II.102 25 Defense Authorization Bill: Conference Report, 1987 box folder Request box II.103 1 Defense Authorization Bill: Conference Items, 1987 II.103 2 Secretary of Defense Reports to Congress, 1988 II.103 3 Defense Authorization Bill: Conference FY 88, 1987 II.103 4 O&M Conference [Air Force Operations and Maintenance], 1987 II.103 5 R&D [Research and Development] Conference, 1978 II.103 6 R&D [Research and Development], 1987 II.103 7 Readiness, 1987 II.103 8 C-17 Debate, 1987 II.103 9 National Security Strategy of the United States, 1987 II.103 10 Final Report to the President by Commission on Defense Management, 1986 II.103 11 Floor Amendments, 1987-1988 II.103 12 Rep. Darden H.R. 4264 [Department of Defense University Research Initiatives Program], 1985-1988 II.103 13 KYL- Darden [Growth of Defense Budget], 1988 II.103 14 Navy Budget Numbers, 1988 II.103 15 HASC [House Armed Services Committee]- Amendments (folder 1 of 2), 1988 II.103 16 HASC [House Armed Services Committee]- Amendments (folder 2 of 2), 1988 II.103 17 Children (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.103 18 Children (folder 2 of 2), 1988-1992 II.103 19 HASC [House Armed Services Committee] Amendments, 1988 II.103 20 R&D [Research and Development], 1988 II.103 21 R&D [Research and Development] Amendments, 1987-1988 II.103 22 R&D [Research and Development] Misc, 1988 II.103 23 LRAACA [Long-Range Air ASW Capable Aircraft], 1987-1988 II.103 24 Space, 1988 II.103 25 Dept. of Defense Appropriations Bill (folder 1 of 2), 1989 II.103 26 Dept. of Defense Appropriations Bill (folder 2 of 2), 1989 II.103 27 Guide to Military Installations in the U.S., 1990 box folder Request box II.104 1 Dept. of Defense Appropriations Bill, 1989 II.104 2 Foreign Sales Costs, 1988 II.104 3 Conference FY 89, 1988 II.104 4 RDT&E [Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation] Programs FY 1989, 1988 II.104 5 C-130 FY 89 Mc-Talon ATT, 1988 II.104 6 Libya C-130's, 1988 II.104 7 AGM-130, 1988 II.104 8 ATTT [Advanced Technology Tactical Transport ], 1988 II.104 9 SV-22, 1986-1988 II.104 10 Mark XV IFF [Identification Friend or Foe], 1988 II.104 11 Drug Interdiction, 1988 II.104 12 CRA [Community Reinvestment Act] Reform, 1993-1994 II.104 13 Credit Reporting, 1991-1992 II.104 14 Indians, 1990-1991 II.104 15 Drug Interdiction, 1992 II.104 16 Animal Experimentation, 1992 II.104 17 Columns, 1987-1989 II.104 18 Constitution, 1986 II.104 19 Crime, 1986 II.104 20 Democrats, 1988 II.104 21 DC Appropriations, 1988 II.104 22 Gramm-Rudman, 1985-1986 II.104 23 Gramm-Rudman [Debt Ceiling] FY 87, 1986 II.104 24 Executive Branch, 1984-1986 II.104 25 Gun Control, 1985-1986 II.104 26 House Procedure, 1981-1985 II.104 27 Supreme Court, 1986 II.104 28 Judiciary, 1986 II.104 29 Austell Post Office, 1990 II.104 30 PAC [Campaign Financing], 1986-1987 II.104 31 Salaries, 1986 II.104 32 Tax Avoidance, 1984-1985 II.104 33 Tax Reform, 1984-1985 II.104 34 Tax Reform Reports, 1985 II.104 35 Campaign Finance Reform, 1991 box folder Request box II.105 1 Tax Reform Act of 1985, 1985 II.105 2 Immigration Bill H.R. 3810, 1986 II.105 3 Immigration, 1985-1986 II.105 4 Senate Tax Bill, 1986 II.105 5 Tax Reform Act of 1986, 1986 II.105 6 Alcohol, 1985-1986 II.105 7 VAT [Value-Added Tax]- BTT [Business Transfer Tax], 1986 II.105 8 Tax- Present, History, 1985 II.105 9 Town Meeting, 1986 II.105 10 Transportation Appropriation Bill, 1987-1988 II.105 11 Surface Transportation H.R. 2, 1987 II.105 12 Truck Caucus, 1985-1987 II.105 13 Transportation- General (folder 1 of 2), 1985 II.105 14 Transportation- General (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1986 II.105 15 Transportation- Airline, 1985-1987 II.105 16 Transportation- Local, 1985-1986 II.105 17 Letters Signed, 1987 II.105 18 Letters to Big Shots, 1986 II.105 19 FDR Memorial, 1994 II.105 20 Clinton Economic and Budget Plan ("A Vision of Change"), 1992-1993 II.105 21 Drug Control (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1993 II.105 22 Drug Control (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1990 box folder Request box II.106 1 Drug Control, 1992-1993 II.106 2 Drugs and Violence in America, 1993 II.106 3 Employee Drug Testing, 1990-1992 II.106 4 Crime Issues Briefing, 1993 II.106 5 Juvenile Justice System, 1991-1992 II.106 6 Habeas Corpus, 1991-1993 II.106 7 Supreme Court, 1990-1992 II.106 8 Gun Control, 1991-1992 II.106 9 Hate Crime Statistics, 1990-1992 II.106 10 Bureau of Justice Stats, 1991-1992 II.106 11 State Justice Sourcebook of Statistics and Research, 1992 II.106 12 Mandatory Minimum Penalties in the Justice System, 1991 II.106 13 Prison Reform, National High School Debate Topic, 1989-1990 II.106 14 U.S. Parole Commission, 1991-1992 II.106 15 Post Release Employment Project, 1991 II.106 16 Death Row (NAACP LDF [Legal Defense Fund]), 1991 II.106 17 U.S. Prison System, 1991-1992 II.106 18 FBI, Violent Crime, 1991-1993 II.106 19 AG [Attorney General] Annual Reports, 1992-1993 II.106 20 Annual Report of the DOJ [Dept. of Justice] Asset Forfeiture Program, 1993-1994 II.106 21 DOJ [Dept. of Justice] "Operation Weed and Seed: Reclaiming America's Neighborhoods", 1992-1993 II.106 22 NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association] and Due Process, 1991 II.106 23 Annual Sheriffs' Directory, 1994 II.106 24 Explosives Incidents Report, 1993 II.106 25 McCollum-Staggers-Stenholm Legal Services Reform Amendment to H.R. 5021, 1990 II.106 26 "Crime, Cops, and Civil Peace: The Case for Police Corps" by John Carlisle, Free Congress Foundation, 1991 II.106 27 "Antitrust Law and Joint Activity by Hospitals" (CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report), 1992 II.106 28 "Tort Reform: The Constitutionality of Requiring Alternative Dispute Resolution" (CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report), 1992 II.106 29 Crime Control: Federal Initiatives, 1991-1993 II.106 30 State Justice Institute, 1992 II.106 31 Judiciary, 1992-1994 II.106 32 Product Liability Fairness Act, 1991 II.106 33 Crime, 1991 box folder Request box II.107 1 U.S. Demographics, 1992 II.107 2 NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement], 1991-1992 II.107 3 International Trade, 1989-1992 II.107 4 Trade with Japan (folder 1 of 2), 1991-1992 II.107 5 Trade with Japan (folder 2 of 2), 1989-1992 II.107 6 Trade with China, 1991 II.107 7 Trade with Mexico, 1990-1992 II.107 8 Trade with Europe, 1990-1991 II.107 9 GATT [General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs], 1991 II.107 10 U.S. Oil Import Vulnerability, 1991 II.107 11 Textiles (International Competition, Trade), 1991-1992 II.107 12 Auto Industry (International Competition, Trade), 1991-1992 II.107 13 Foreign Investments in the United States, 1990-1991 II.107 14 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act: Assessment of Border Crossings and Transportation Corridors, 1994 II.107 15 Competing Economies: America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim, 1991 II.107 16 U.S. Trade Policies, 1991 II.107 17 U.S. Exports and Economic Growth, 1991-1992 II.107 18 Women in the Workforce, 1993-1994 II.107 19 Construction Industry Labor Laws, 1991-1993 II.107 20 Labor: Ga, 1991-1993 II.107 21 Ga Job Training Programs, 1992-1993 II.107 22 Pensions, 1990-1992 II.107 23 Employee Benefits, 1991 II.107 24 U.S. Dept. of Labor, 1991-1993 II.107 25 Davis-Bacon Act, 1991 II.107 26 Minimum Wage, 1987-1989 II.107 27 Unions, 1991 box folder Request box II.108 1 OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Act], 1991 II.108 2 JTPA [Job Training Partnership Act], 1993 II.108 3 Coosa Valley RDC [Regional Development Center], 1990-1993 II.108 4 Job Creation, 1991-1994 II.108 5 Jobs/Wages/Unemployment, 1992 II.108 6 "Labor Market Effects of the Baby Boom Generation" (CRS [Congressional Research Service]), 1992 II.108 7 Plant Closing Legislation (WARN [Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification]), 1989 II.108 8 Executive Pay, 1992 II.108 9 Fair Labor Standards Act, 1994 II.108 10 Labor Surplus Areas, 1991 II.108 11 "The State of the American Workforce 1994" Sec. of Labor Robert B. Reich, 1994 II.108 12 Ability+Diversity=Economic Strength, 1994 October II.108 13 Federal Employment and Training Programs: FY 1992 Budget Issues, 1989-1992 II.108 14 Dept. of Labor- Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, 1992 II.108 15 Employment Policy- US Dept. of Labor, 1992-1993 II.108 16 "Golden Patents, Empty Pockets": Mineral Policy Center, 1994 II.108 17 Historic Preservation, 1992-1993 II.108 18 Environmental Protection, 1992-1994 II.108 19 Energy Policy and Alternative Energy Sources, 1992 II.108 20 Environmental and Energy Issues (folder 1 of 3), 1990-1992 II.108 21 Environmental and Energy Issues (folder 2 of 3), 1990-1992 II.108 22 Environmental and Energy Issues (folder 3 of 3), 1987-1992 II.108 23 Emerging Issues for the Consideration by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 1989 II.108 24 Environmental Restoration and Waste Management 5-Year Plan FY 94-98 U.S. Dept. of Energy (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.108 25 Environmental Restoration and Waste Management 5-Year Plan FY 94-98 U.S. Dept. of Energy (folder 2 of 2), 1993 II.108 26 Environmental and Energy Study Conf [Conference], 1989-1990 II.108 27 Nuclear Power and Waste, 1992 II.108 28 Mining, 1992 II.108 29 Outdoor Recreation, 1993 II.108 30 Water Quality and Resources, 1991-1992 II.108 31 Corporations and the Sentencing Guidelines for Environmental Crimes, 1993 II.108 32 Defense Environmental Restoration Program, 1992 II.108 33 Alternative Fuel for Autos, 1992 II.108 34 PCB's [Polychlorinated Biphenyls], 1992 II.108 35 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, 1992 II.108 36 Oil: Production, Recycling, 1992 II.108 37 Immigration, 1991 II.108 38 "The Voting Rights Act of 1965: A Legal Overview" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1991 II.108 39 "Attorneys' Fees and Expert Witness Fees: Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1991 box folder Request box II.109 1 School Nutrition Program, 1991 II.109 2 CDF [Conservative Democratic Forum] Education Task Force, 1993 II.109 3 Education- Ga, 1991-1994 II.109 4 The National Education Goals Report- V.1 National Report, 1993 II.109 5 The National Education Goals Report- V.2 State Reports, 1993 II.109 6 Reducing School Violence, 1993 II.109 7 Urban School Dropouts, 1987 II.109 8 Elementary and Secondary Education, 1992 II.109 9 "Minority Scholarships and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Legal Analysis" CRS [Congressional Research Services] Report, 1992 II.109 10 US Dept. of Education, 1991 II.109 11 Higher Education, 1991-1992 II.109 12 Education: Libraries, 1991-1992 II.109 13 College Student Loans, 1989-1992 II.109 14 Teachers, 1991 II.109 15 Public School Choice Programs, 1989 II.109 16 Projections of Education Statistics to 2000, 1989 II.109 17 Education Reform, 1991-1992 II.109 18 NATO, 1989 II.109 19 Defense and National Security Strategy, 1988-1992 II.109 20 U.S. Special Operations Forces, 1994 II.109 21 Ballistic Missile Proliferation, 1992 II.109 22 U.S. Air Force, 1994 II.109 23 Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program, 1993 II.109 24 Congress and Defense, 1990 II.109 25 Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy: Options and Assessment, 1993 II.109 26 Soviet Military Power, 1988 box folder Request box II.110 1 The Army Modernization Plan (folder 1 of 4), 1993 II.110 2 The Army Modernization Plan (folder 2 of 4), 1993 II.110 3 The Army Modernization Plan (folder 3 of 4), 1993 II.110 4 The Army Modernization Plan (folder 4 of 4), 1993 II.110 5 U.S. Army (folder 1 of 2), 1993 II.110 6 U.S. Army (folder 2 of 2), 1993-1994 II.110 7 U.S. Army- National Guard and Reserves, 1995 II.110 8 U.S. Armed Forces, 1993 II.110 9 Harris Government Systems (Communication, Info Processing), 1988 II.110 10 Visit to Morton Thiokol Inc., Utah Tactical Div. [Division], 1988 II.110 11 "Tech Against Terrorism: The Federal Effort" OTA [Office of Technology Assessment], 1991 II.110 12 Mass Transportation, 1991-1992 II.110 13 US DOT [Department of Transportation] Budget, 1991-1992 II.110 14 Funding Transportation (Including Trusts), 1990 II.110 15 East-West Connector, Cobb County, Ga, 1991-1992 II.110 16 Transportation Infrastructure, 1991-1992 II.110 17 US DOT [Department of Transportation] Alcohol and Drug Testing Rules, 1994 II.110 18 The Jones Act (Shipping), undated II.110 19 "Transportation: Status and Outlook, Part 1" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1992 II.110 20 Ga Transportation, 1992 II.110 21 Aviation, 1991-1992 II.110 22 "Major Issues in the 102nd Congress" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Review, 1991 II.110 23 "The 1992 Elections: Change or Continuity?" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Review, 1992 II.110 24 "HUD Housing Assistance Programs: Their Current Status" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1994 II.110 25 "Federal Spending for Social Welfare Programs in FY 1991" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1991 II.110 26 "The 103rd Congress: Key Issues and Early Agenda" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1992 II.110 27 Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA], 1990 II.110 28 Ga Budget and Economy, 1991-1993 II.110 29 U.S. Government Budget and Economy, 1993 II.110 30 U.S. Government Ethics, 1991-1993 II.110 31 "Developments in the Law of Church and State Since 1980" CRS [Congressional Research Service] Report, 1991 II.110 32 Citizen Involvement in Politics, 1991 II.110 33 Reports and Testimony: Highway Safety, Pesticides, Student Loans GAO/OPA [General Accounting Office/Office of Public Affairs], 1991 box folder Request box II.111 1 Report of the Commission on National and Community Service, 1993 II.111 2 Georgia Trend Magazine Legislative Guide, 1994 II.111 3 "The Evolving National Information Network: Background and Challenges" TAAC [Technology Assessment Advisory Committee] Report to the CPA [Commission on Preservation and Access], 1993 II.111 4 Flags (World Book Encyclopedia), 1986 II.111 5 "Go*USA" Travel Coalition Campaign to the UK, 1992 electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 4 RBRL-079-FD5-3 [electronic files], 1990 Chart of the number of elderly needing long-term care in 1990 and 2030. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 5 RBRL-079-FD5-7 Highway.tif, Cong Rec 102nd [electronic files], 1991 Map of proposed highway from Memphis to Atlanta. electronic_records Request electronic_records ER 6 RBRL-079-FD5-20 Fedout.TIF, Distribut.TIF [electronic files], 1990 Charts of distribution of nonelderly uninsured by age in 1987 and federal outlays benefiting the elderly in 1986.
Subseries D. Voting Record
box folder Request box II.111 6 1983-1984 (folder 1 of 2), 1983-1984 II.111 7 1983-1984 (folder 2 of 2), 1983-1984 II.111 8 BD Ratings, 1984-1986 II.111 9 1985-1986 July II.111 10 1985-1986 (folder 1 of 2), 1985-1986 II.111 11 1985-1986 (folder 2 of 2), 1985-1986 II.111 12 1986 II.111 13 1986 II.111 14 1987 II.111 15 1987-1989 II.111 16 1988 II.111 17 Ratings 100%, 1988 II.111 18 1989 January-June, 1989 box folder Request box II.112 1 1989 (folder 1 of 2), 1989 II.112 2 1989 (folder 2 of 2), 1989 II.112 3 Voting Ratings, 1990 II.112 4 1989-1990 II.112 5 1990 (folder 1 of 2), 1990 II.112 6 1990 (folder 2 of 2), 1990 II.112 7 1991 II.112 8 1991-1992 II.112 9 Voting Records 102, 1991-1992 II.112 10 1993-1994 II.112 11 1994 January-June II.112 12 100th Congress (folder 1 of 2), 1987-1989 II.112 13 100th Congress (folder 2 of 2), 1987-1989