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National Press Photographers Association records

National Press Photographers Association records

Descriptive Summary

Title: National Press Photographers Association records
Creator: Gordon, James R. "Jim", 1933-2015
Creator: National Press Photographers Association (U.S.)
Creator: Costa, Joseph, 1904-1988
Inclusive Dates: 1920-2019
Language(s): English
Extent: 71.5 Linear Feet 70 boxes and 3 oversize folders
Extent: 445 gigabyte(s) 42,610 files
Collection Number: ms3953
Repository: Hargrett Library

Collection Description

Historical Note

The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) was founded in 1946, and that same year published the first issue of National Press Photographer magazine. Early in the organization's history, its goals focused on fighting to allow cameras in courtrooms and to improve government and media relations. NPPA has changed over the years and today represents still image, video, and multimedia visual journalists. NPPA continues to be dedicated to advocating for journalists' rights as well as promoting education initiatives.

Scope and Content

The collection consists of records from the offices of the National Press Photographers Association, correspondence among members, printed material produced by the NPPA and affiliates, other material including "Living History" interviews with veteran photojournalists, photographs, and awards submissions. Many boxes of slides came from individual photographers as well as group presentations such as the Pictures of the Year. The collection contains photographs and some personal papers from Joseph Costa, founder and first president of NPPA as well as executive editor of the organization's official magazine, National Press Photographer (later retitled News Photographer), from 1946 to 1966. In January of 2017, 30 boxes of material were added to the collection from the late James R. "Jim" Gordon, editor of News Photographer magazine from 1978 to 2003. These files include a broad range of subject files, photographs used in the magazine, and a number of miscellaneous files containing documents, photos, and other material. The James Gordon material has been minimally processed and described at the box level.

The Hargrett Library also holds many issues of News Photographer magazine from 1947 to 1974.

Organization and Arrangement

The collection is divided into seven series: 1. Administrative Records, 2. Correspondence, 3. Printed Material, 4. Other Material, 5. Photographs, 6. James Gordon Subject Files, 7. Awards Submissions

Original order was preserved regarding the general office files (Series 1: Administrative Records) of the NPPA and James Gordon (Series 6), which are largely arranged alphabetically by subject.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

National Press Photographers Association records, ms3953, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Costa, Joseph, 1904-1988
Freedom of the press.
Gordon, James R. "Jim", 1933-2015
Negatives (photographs)
Slides (Photography).
Trade and professional associations -- United States.

Related Collections in this Repository

Joseph Costa Papers, Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries.

Related audiovisual materials from this collection are housed in the Walter J. Brown Media Archive:

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


1. Administrative Records

11-2Advertising, 1999-2003
13Annual Television News Photography Competition, undated
14Best of Photojournalism Book, 1977-1981
15-24Best of Photojournalism Book 7-26, 1981-2000
125Best of Photojournalism Book, 2001
126Best of Photojournalism Contest, 2002
21-9Best of Photojournalism Contest, 2002-2006
210Burt Williams Award, 1989-1999
211-12By-laws, 1990-1993
213Certificate of Incorporation (Copy), 1947
214Complimentary organizations, 2002-2003
215Constitution, undated
216Constituiton, promotional materials, and forms, 1946-1947
217-22Convention, 1953-1995
31-10Convention, 1989-2002
311Digital Photography Conference, undated
312Director's Guide (first edition), 1990
313Election, 2001
314Electronic Photojournalism Workshop, 1988-1997
315Executive Committee, 1963-1964, 2002-2004
316Finance Committee, 1998-2001
317Financial , 1987-1993
67Flying Shortcourse, 1978-1997
318-20Flying Shortcourse, 1984, 1989, 1990-1994
41-3Flying Shortcourse, 1995-1999, 2000-2002
44Forms (blank), undated
45-6Freedom of Information, 1983-1997
47Guidelines for police/ press relations, 1980
48Historian's reports by John Faber, undated
49Honors and plaques, 2005
410Hudson Wright Associates, Inc. v. National Press Photographers Association, Inc. , 1975-1980
411ISBN registration; Bowker, undated
412Joint Ethics Committee, undated
413Meeting minutes, 1971, 1974,1994
414Member listing , 1948, undated
415Member survey, 2001
416-17Membership, undated
418Membership applications, 1946-1988
419Merlin One, undated
420Meta-data for office documents, undated
421Military Liason, undated
422Minority Affairs Committee, undated
423Monthly News Clip Contest, 1977-1993
424-25Monthly Clip Contest, 2001-2002
426National sponsors, 2003
427National Television Editor's Contest, 1991-1992
428-29News Photographer Magazine, 1967-2003
430News Photographer Primary Readership Study, 2005
51Northern Short Course in Photojournalism: Contest, 2010
52NPPA/ Nikon Documentary Sabbatical Grant, 1986-2003
53Past Presidents' Input, undated
54Photo Plus Expo West, 1999
55Photographic Administrators Inc. , 1999
56Picture Editing Quarterly Contest, undated
57Policy handbooks, undated
58Portfolio critique, 1976-1989
59President, 1991-1995
510Region One, undated
511Region Two, undated
512Region Three, undated
513Region Four, undated
514Region Five, undated
515Region Six, undated
516Region Seven, undated
517Region Eight, undated
518Region Nine, undated
519Region Ten, undated
520Region Eleven, undated
521Regional Televison Quarterly Clip Contest , 2003
522Reports to the NPPA Council , 1959
523Research grant, 1981-1991
524Rochester Conference, 1974-1975
525Special 9/11 Issue of "American Photo", undated
526SSF World Sports Photo Contest, 2002
527Strategic Planning Initiative Committee, 2003, undated
528-29Strategic planning, 1987-1988
530Student Chapters , 2001
531Student Internships, 1985-1999
61-2Survey, 1986, 1993
63-4Sustaining membership, undated
65Telecommunications Committee, 1994
66Telephone Conference, 1945
67Television Board Representative's annual report, 1990, 1992, 1994, undated
68Television News Photography and Editing Contest, 1977-2001
69Television News Photography and Editing Contest Winners, 1969-1998
610Television Quarterly Editing Contest, 2002
611-19Television Quarterly Clip Contest, 1987, 1988, 1989-1994,1996, 1997
71-9Television Quarterly Clip Contest, 1997-2002
710Third Annual Meeting of the Council of the National Press Photographers, Inc. Summary of Minutes , 1948
711Transition notes and instructions, undated
712Treasurer's Report, 1946-1947
713-15TV News Video Workshop, 1987-1999, 2001-2003
716Vision Committee, 1969-1996
717Unaffiliated contests, undated
81Visual Edge, 1988-2001
82Women in Photojournalism, 1986, 1989, 2001-2003
691News Photographer Anniversary inserts - bound, 1994-1995
692Color separation guides (2)

2. Correspondence

83Charles Cooper , 1971-1993
84David B. Eisendrath, Jr. , 1948-1973
85-6Executive Committee, 1976-1978
87-8General , 1954-2012
89-11John Faber, 1956-1991, undated
812Joint Committee on News Coverage Problems: Joseph Costa, 1967-1978
813-17Joseph Costa, 1944-1945, 1958-1959,1960s, 1970s
91-4Joseph Costa, 1980s, undated
95Re: The NPPA Legion of Honor, 1971-1973

3. Printed Material

9650 Years of News Photography in Los Angeles by the Los Angeles Press Photographers Association, undated
97American Photo Special Issue with NPPA, 2002
98Award Programs, 2003-2005
99The "Big Shot" at the Metropolitan Opera by Joseph Costa, undated
910-11Clippings Regarding Joseph Costa, 1946-1978, 1979-1988, undated
912-13Courtroom Photography Printed Material, undated
914-15Eastman Kodak Instructional Material, undated
916"Fifty Years and Counting..."- Special Report of News Photographer Magazine, n. 1-8, 10-11, undated
917Freedom of Information, 1967-1977
918Houston-Gulf Coast News Photographers Association 20th Anniversary Awards Dinner, 1970
919Instructional Guide: Assignment at Courthous Park by Douglas Dill, undated
920Member Clippings, undated
921-22Membership Directory, 1968-1971, 1976, 1979, 1983-1985
923Military Pictures of the Year List of Winners, 1969
924News Photographers Association of New York, undated
925The NIBROC Portfolio of Famous Photographers, No. 10: Joseph Costa, undated
926NPPA Special Report: The Ethics of Photojournalism, undated
927-28NPPA, undated
101NPPA Newsletter, 1974- c.1994
102NPPA White Paper on Police/ Media Relations and Victim's Rights, 1991
103Photography Short Courses, 1951-1974, 1991
104Photojournalism and the Law by Michael D. Sherer, 1996
105Pictures of the Year Slide/ Tape Presentation of the Winners Slide List , 1977
106Political Cartoon Clipping- JFK "Senator, When Are You Going to Stop This Kid Stuff?", undated
107Press Photographers Association of New York 11th Annual Exhibit Announcement, undated
108Press Photographers Association of Pittsburgh News Pix Salon , 1971
109Radio- Television News Directors Association, undated
1010-11Regarding News Photography, 1963-1979, 1980-1989, undated
1012Region 3 Annual, 1970
1013-14Related Organizations, undated
1015Rochester Photo Conference, 1962
1016Update Newsletter, 1990-1992
1017Virginia News Photographers Association , 1988-1989
1Joseph A. Sprague Award-Blank Form, undated
1City of Philadelphia Welcomes NPPA, 1979
1Burt Williams Award- Blank Form, undated
1Citation- Blank Form, undated
1Fellowship Award- Blank Form, undated
1Merit Award- Blank Form, undated

4. Other Material

1018Frank Hoy- NPPA Sabbatical Travel Grant Project, 1986
1019-20Joseph Costa Papers, undated
1021Living History- Berman, Morrie, undated
1022Living History- Faber, John, undated
1023Living History- Hatsian, Arman G., undated
1024Living History- Hoffman, Leon, undated
1025Living History- Jamieson, Joseph D., undated
1026Living History- Jarboe, Robert A., undated
1027Living History- Leatham, Nyle, undated
1028Living History- Liotta, Lou, undated
1029Living History- Miller, Hugh, undated
1030Living History- Treick, Tom, undated
1031Living History- Questionnaire and Material, undated
1032Newspaper Studies, undated
1033NPPA Logo Stickers and Ephemera, undated
1034Presentation at the Camera in the Courtroom Workshop by Joseph Costa, 1979
1035Presentation- "Joseph Jamieson's Portable Wire Transmission" by Frank Hoy, undated
1036Stamp Photograph Crediting Material, John Faber, undated
1037Writings- "Anatomy of a National Association", undated
111-2Writings- "Biographical Report on the Professional Career of John Faber 1933-1993", undated
113Writings- "Birth of the Los Angeles Press Photographers Association" by George R. Watson, undated
114Writings- Bob Garland Memorial, undated
115Writings by Joseph Costa, undated
116Writings by Members, undated
117Writings- "Fastest Thing On Wheels 1893" by Carl T. Smith, 1893
118Writings- History of Flash, undated
119Writings- "Joseph Costa: The Daily News Years" by Susan M. Smith, undated
1110Writings- "The Mob Media", undated
1111Writings- "My Adventures as a Newsreel Cameraman" by Lee Orr, undated
1112Writings- "The News Photographer 1884-1959" by John Faber, undated
1113Writings- "Pictures in the Paper" Manuscript by Edward F. Mason, undated
1114Writings- "Press Photography: From the Lunacy of the Twenties to the Lunar Landings", undated
1115Writings Regarding Jimmy Bedford, undated
1116Writings- Report on the Photograph Short Course at Kent State University by Vincent S. Jones, 1950
1117Writings- "Traumatic Stress in Photojournalism" by Eric M. Reed, 2008
1118Writings- "What's New in Darkrooms" by John Faber, undated

5. Photographs

1119Ackerman, Mike, undated
1120Bob Jarboe, 1964, 1985
1121-22By Joseph Costa, c. 1952, undated
1123By Joseph Costa- Contact Prints of Negatives, undated
1124By Joseph Costa- Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, Negatives, undated
1125-27By Joseph Costa, Negatives, undated
694-6By Joseph Costa, Negatives
1128By Joseph Costa- Pope Paul VI, Negatives, undated
1129By Joseph Costa- Televison Show, undated
1130By Joseph Costa- Times Square, Negatives, undated
1131By Joseph Costa- Venice Italy, undated
37By Joseph Costa, 1940, 1955, 1966
2By Joseph Costa, undated
131-3Of Joseph Costa, 1939-1981, undated
14Joe Costa Labelled Negatives, undated

James Gordon Photo Files

59Original photos, June 1978-April 1984
60Original photos, May 1984-Dec. 1992
61Original photos, Jan. 1993-Nov. 2000
61Original photos, Alphabetical
1132By John Reidy, undated
1133By John Reidy, Negatives, undated
1134-35Contact Prints- Best of Photography, Still Winners, 2005
1136Contact Prints for Contest, undated
121Contact Prints for Contest, undated
122Flying Faculty, undated
123Flying Shortcourse, undated
124John Faber, undated
125Metropolitan Opera House in the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, undated
126-8Miscellaneous, undated
129Miss NPPA Color Transparencies, 1956
1210NASA- Apollo 7, 8, 12, and 13, 1968-1970
1211NASA- Astronauts, undated
1212NASA- "Medical Benefits from Space Research", undated
1213Negatives- European Short Course: US Air Force, 1961
1214Negatives- Greater Los Angeles Press Club, undated
1215Negatives- Miscellaneous, undated
1216-18Negatives- NPPA Members and Events, undated
1219Negatives- NPPA Office at 235 E. 45th St. and NPPA Meeting, undated
1220Negatives- Salvador Dali and Unidentified Man , undated
1221NPPA Convention in Wichita, KS, c. 1961
1222-28NPPA Members and Events, undated
134Photo Judging , c. 1998
135Salomon, undated
136TV News Video Workshop, 1999
137United Press International, 1951-1972
37By Danielle Gardner, undated
37By Angela Shoemaker, 2009
37"Celebrating Pride" by Susan Goldman, 1995
37By Natalie Caudill, undated
37"Home Visit" by Genevieve Ross, undated
37"Logan's Dad Got Married" by Jaime Oppenheimer, 1997
37By Cheryl Seuter, undated
37"End of the Race" by Amy E. Powers, 1998
37"I Want to Stay" by Rikki Van Camp, 1997
37"Dog Loving Park" by Tamara Voninski, 1997
37"Mom and Dad: Signs of Life" by Stephani Diani, undated
37By Alan Hawkins, undated
37By Bernice Clark, undated
37By Fredric Cheuvront, 1956
37By Alex Burrows, undated
37Of Joseph Costa and Pat Warner, undated
37By John Traver, undated
37Of Jesse Jones, Joseph Costa, and S. Barclay, undated
37"Manhattan Backdrop", undated
37By Joyce Marshall, undated
37Photographs, undated
1News Photographer Magazine Posters, 1945-1991
2Photographs, undated
3Photographs, undated
68Photograph with layout for cover of News Photographer, 1985 July
68Group photograph - NPPA Presidents, Lake of the Ozarks convention, 1989
68Group photograph - 29th Annual Television News Video Workshop, 1989
68Group photograph - NPPA 50th Anniversary Convention, 1995
68Photograph - Picture of the Year contest photographs stored at University of Missouri/Columbia School of Journalism
68Photograph of front page of Hindenberg disaster - Philadelphia Inquirer - for John Faber, NPPA historian
68Photographs - File marked "Most from Pix of the Month", 1985-1989
693Photographs - Picture of the Year 1 - Reproductions


15126th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1969
152-432nd Annual Pictures of the Year, 1975
15533rd Annual Pictures of the Year, 1976
15634th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1977
157-835th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1978
159-1136th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1979
1512-1337th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1980
1514-1538th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1981
1516-1839th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1982
1519-2140th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1983
161-541st Annual Pictures of the Year, 1984
166-1142nd Annual Pictures of the Year, 1985
1612-1346th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1989
1614-1547th Annual Pictures of the Year, 1990
161648th Pictures of the Year- Magazine, Newspaper, Kodak Crystal Eagel Winner, Canon Photo Essay Winner, Special Recognition , 1991
161748th Annual Pictures of the Year- Mike Venso, 1991
171-348th Pictures of the Year- Slides and Captions for Categories 1-21 , 1991
174Allard: The Photographic Essay, undated
175ALP, undated
176-10Anatomy of a Geographic Story, undated
1711Angus McDouggall, undated
1712APME Photo Letter, undated
1713-14Assignment at Courthouse Park, undated
1715Award of Excellence- One Week's Work, undated
1716-18Before Life, The Camera Was a Man, undated
1719Bert Fox, undated
1720Book Selects, undated
181Bradley Clift, undated
182-3Bring Good Photography to Your Paper, undated
184Cameras in the Courtroom, undated
185-6The Coup in Russia, undated
187Communicative Technique, undated
188Doug Menuez, undated
189Edward Fishcher "Principles of Design Applied to Photography", undated
1810An Editor's Perspective, undated
1811Eli Reed, undated
1812-13Elinor Brecher, undated
1814-16The Electronic Darkroom, undated
1817-18Enterprise in Photography, undated
1819-20Establishing Credibility in Your Newsroom, undated
1821Ethics and News Pictures, undated
1822EVCL, undated
1823Evening Classes, undated
1824The Everday Assignment, undated
191-2The Everday Assignment, undated
193Evolution: From the Beginning, Pictures by the Photojournalism, undated
194Evolution: Photojournalism, undated
195-6Evolution: Tools of Photojournalism, undated
197Faces of Fortune, undated
198FAS Picture Education Class, undated
199"Favorites: Lunacy and Landings", undated
1910Feature Story, undated
1911Floyd McCall and Robert Rhode, Photography and the Human Condition , undated
1912-13Going Back, undated
1914-15The Greatest Documentary Project of All Time, undated
1916Greece and Denver to Colorado Springs, undated
1917Guzy, undated
1918-20Humor in Photojournalism, undated
1921The Image Speaks, undated
1922-23Jay Dickman, undated
1924Jay Mather, undated
201-4Jay Mather, undated
205Joel Sartore: Developing a Point of View, undated
206John Metzger: Community Photojournalism, undated
207-12Joseph Costa, undated
211-8Joseph Costa, undated
219Joseph Costa- Hawaii, undated
2110Joseph Costa-Negatives, undated
2111Joseph Costa- Niagara, undated
2112Joseph Costa- Patio and Deer, undated
2113Joseph Costa- "Shooting for the Wires", undated
2114Joseph Costa- Skydiving, undated
2115Joseph Costa "State of the Nation Photographically", undated
221Judy Garland, etc, undated
222Lest We Forget, undated
223-5Long Term Projects, undated
226Lowe, undated
227Magazine Journalism, undated
228Mary Jo Moss, undated
229The Meaning in Your Pictures- Jack Alexander, undated
2210-11The Minority Photographer, undated
2212-15Misc. Slides, undated
2216-17Moments Within Us, undated
2218-19Moments Within Us: Exploring the Photographic Essay, undated
2220Morris, undated
2221-22Myth and Reality, undated
231Myth and Reality, undated
232-3Natalie Fobes, undated
234Negatives, undated
235News, undated
236Paula Ellis NPPA Flying Short Course, uncourse
237Passion in Photojournalism, undated
238Personal Adult Learning, undated
239Personal Career Photos, undated
2310-11Photo Access to the News, undated
2312Photo Competition , 1961-1962
2313Photojournalism: My Community, undated
2314-15Photojournalistic Responsibility, undated
2316-17Photojournalists' Access Problems, undated
2318PIEA 2000 International Student- Teacher Contest, undated
2319Planka, undated
2320Pictures and the Printed Word, undated
241-2Picture Editing, undated
243Pictures of the Year Misc. Slides, undated
244Pipeline- Steve Raymer, undated
245Pittsburgh Construction Steel Mill, undated
246Pope Spellman Slides, undated
247-8Portfolio by Jerry Gay, undated
249-10Press Photography- From the Lunacy of the 20s to the Lunar Landings, undated
2411-12Prize Winning Daily Assignments, undated
2413-15Put It All Together, undated
2416Reflections From Cuba, Kansas, undated
2417-19Rich Clarkson, undated
2420-22Rich Clarkson- Anatomy of a Photo Director, undated
251RX for Sick Pix- J. Winston Lemon, undated
252-4Secrets of a Street Photographer, undated
255Shooting From the Heart, undated
256-8Shooting the Picture Show, undated
259S.S. Lillian, undated
2510Stan Grossfield, undated
2511-12State of the Art, undated
2513-14Stern and Geo, undated
2515Suall 3rd M. Pictures of the Year, undated
2516-17Success Story of the One Man Staff, undated
2518-19Successful Freelance Photography, undated
2520-21South Africa, undated
2522South Carolina, 1955
2523Sports Portfolio "Sport in Their Soul", undated
2524Tehan, undated
2525The Technical Aesthetic Mix, undated
261The Technical Aesthetic Mix, undated
262"Through Our Eyes", undated
263"Through Our Eyes" NPPA, undated
264Unaccounted For: An Assignment by Joseph Costa, undated
265-13Untitled, undated
2614Untitled- Birds and Deer, undated
2615Untitled- Construction, undated
2616-17Untitled- Europe, undated
2618Untitled- London, undated
2619Untitled- Moon Landing, undated
2620-21Untitled Slide Book, undated
2622Untitled Skydiving and Deer, undated
2623West Coast Porfolio, undated
2624-25Yoichi Okamoto and LBJ, undated
27Slides, undated
28Slides, undated
29Slides, undated
30Slides, undated
31Slides, undated
32Slides, undated
33Slides, undated
34Slides, undated
35Slides, undated
36Slides, undated

6. James Gordon Subject Files

39B-Brown, Allison
40Brown, Cindy-Cook
43F-Gibson, Greg
44Gibson, Joe-Hayes, Charles
45Hayes, Randy-Jones, Don
46Jones, Ken-Kuroda, Paul
47KUSA TV- Makely, John
49Milwaukee Journal-NY Daily News
62Miscellaneous Files
63Miscellaneous Files
64Miscellaneous Files
65Miscellaneous Files
66Miscellaneous Files
50Newton-Orange Convention 1990
52Pickel-Pullitzer Prizes 1989
53Pullitzer Prizes 1990-Rosenthal, Joe
54Rosenthal, Mike-Shipley, Jim
56Sturholm-TV Workshop 1974
57TV Judging 1978-Williams, Luci
58Williams, Roger-Zwick

7. Awards Submissions

Best of Photojournalism 2019 Award Submissions

ER 1Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Excellence in Social Media, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Excellence in Social Media." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 2Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Innovation, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Innovation." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 3Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Docuseries, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Docuseries." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 4Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – 24 Hour – Individual, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – 24 Hour – Individual." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 5Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – 24 Hour – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – 24 Hour – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 6Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Documentary – Individual, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Documentary – Individual." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 7Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Documentary – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Documentary – Large Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 8Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Documentary – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Documentary – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 9Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Feature – Individual, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Feature – Individual." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 10Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Feature – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Feature – Large Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 11Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Feature – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Feature – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 12Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – News and Issue – Individual, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – News and Issue – Individual." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 13Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – News and Issue – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – News and Issue – Large Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 14Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – News and Issue – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – News and Issue – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 15 Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Portfolio – Individual, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category " Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Portfolio – Individual." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 16Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Portfolio – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Portfolio – Large Team." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 17Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Portfolio – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Portfolio – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 18Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Sports – Individual, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Sports – Individual." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 19Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Sports – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Sports – Large Team." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 20Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Sports – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Sports – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 21Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Video Editing, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Video Storytelling – Video Editing." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 22Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Feature – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Feature – Large Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 23Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Feature – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Feature – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 24Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – News and Issues – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – News and Issues – Large Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 25Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – News and Issues – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – News and Issues – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 26Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Portfolio – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Portfolio – Large Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 27Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Sports – Large Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Sports – Large Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 28Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Sports – Small Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Online Video, Presentation and Innovation – Online Visual Presentation – Sports – Small Team." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 29Picture Editing – Digital Category – Online Photography Presentation, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Digital Category – Online Photography Presentation." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 30Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Cover, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Cover." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 31Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Feature Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Feature Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 32Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine News Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine News Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 33Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Picture Editor of the Year, Individual, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Picture Editor of the Year, Individual." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 34Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Picture Editor of the Year, Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Picture Editor of the Year, Team." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 35Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Sports Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Magazines – Magazine Sports Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 36Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Feature Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Feature Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 37Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Front Page, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Front Page." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 38Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper News Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper News Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 39Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Individual (Less than 65,000 circulation), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Individual (Less than 65,000 circulation)." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 40Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Individual (More than 65,000 circulation), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Individual (More than 65,000 circulation)." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 41Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Team (Less than 65,000 circulation), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Team (Less than 65,000 circulation)." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 42Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Team (More than 65,000 circulation), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year, Team (More than 65,000 circulation)." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 43Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Section Front, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Section Front." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 44Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Sports Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Picture Editing – Newspaper Categories – Newspaper Sports Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 45Still Photojournalism – Breaking News, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Breaking News." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 46Still Photojournalism – Breaking News Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Breaking News Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 47Still Photojournalism – Cliff Edom New America Award, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Cliff Edom New America Award." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 48Still Photojournalism – Emerging Vision, Portfolio, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Emerging Vision, Portfolio." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 49Still Photojournalism – Environment next hit, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – previous hitEnvironment next hit." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 50Still Photojournalism – previous hitEnvironment next hit Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – previous hitEnvironment Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 51Still Photojournalism – Feature, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Feature." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 52Still Photojournalism – Feature Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Feature Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 53Still Photojournalism – News and Issues, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – News and Issues." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 54Still Photojournalism – News and Issues Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – News and Issues Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 55Still Photojournalism – Photographer of the Year, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Photographer of the Year." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 56Still Photojournalism – Photographer of the Year (Small Market Newspaper), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Photographer of the Year (Small Market Newspaper)." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 57Still Photojournalism – Pictorial, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Pictorial." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 58Still Photojournalism – Politics, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Politics." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 59Still Photojournalism – Politics Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Politics Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 60Still Photojournalism – Portrait Series, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Portrait Series." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 61Still Photojournalism – Portrait/Personality, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Portrait/Personality." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 62Still Photojournalism – Sports Action, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Sports Action." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 63Still Photojournalism – Sports Feature, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Sports Feature." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 64Still Photojournalism – Sports Feature Story, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Sports Feature Story." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 65Still Photojournalism – Sports Photographer of the Year, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Still Photojournalism – Sports Photographer of the Year." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 66Video – Video Editing – Bumps/Teases/Pre-Show Edit, Editors and Photographers, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Bumps/Teases/Pre-Show Edit, Editors and Photographers." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 67Video – Video Editing – Deadline Edit, Editors Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Deadline Edit, Editors Only." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 68Video – Video Editing – Documentary Edit, Editors and Photographers, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Documentary Edit, Editors and Photographers." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 69Video – Video Editing – Editor of the Year, Editors and Photographers, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Editor of the Year, Editors and Photographers." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 70Video – Video Editing – Effects Edit, Editors and Photographers, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Effects Edit, Editors and Photographers." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 71Video – Video Editing – Feature Edit, Editors Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Feature Edit, Editors Only." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 72Video – Video Editing – General Hard News Edit, Photographers Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – General Hard News Edit, Photographers Only." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 73Video – Video Editing – General News Edit, Editors Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – General News Edit, Editors Only." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 74Video – Video Editing – General Soft News Edit, Photographers Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – General Soft News Edit, Photographers Only." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 75Video – Video Editing – Hard Feature Edit, Photographers Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Hard Feature Edit, Photographers Only." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 76Video – Video Editing – Hard Photo Essay Edit, Photographers Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Hard Photo Essay Edit, Photographers Only." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 77Video – Video Editing – Magazine Segment Edit, Editors Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Magazine Segment Edit, Editors Only." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 78Video – Video Editing – Photo Essay Edit, Editors Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Photo Essay Edit, Editors Only." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 79Video – Video Editing – Social Edit, Editors and Photographers, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Social Edit, Editors and Photographers." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 80Video – Video Editing – Soft Feature Edit, Photographers Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Soft Feature Edit, Photographers Only." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 81Video – Video Editing – Soft Photo Essay Edit, Photographers Only, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Soft Photo Essay Edit, Photographers Only." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 82Video – Video Editing – Solo Journalist Hard Edit, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Solo Journalist Hard Edit." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 83Video – Video Editing – Solo Journalist Soft Edit, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Solo Journalist Soft Edit." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 84Video – Video Editing – Sports Edit, Editors and Photographers, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Sports Edit, Editors and Photographers." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 85Video – Video Editing – Team Edit, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Editing – Team Edit." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 86Video – Video Photojournalism – 48 Hour Feature, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – 48 Hour Feature." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 87Video – Video Photojournalism – Deadline, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Deadline." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 88Video – Video Photojournalism – Documentary, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Documentary." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 89Video – Video Photojournalism – Ernie Crisp Photographer of the Year, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Ernie Crisp Photographer of the Year." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 90Video – Video Photojournalism – General Hard News, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – General Hard News." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 91Video – Video Photojournalism – Hard News Feature, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Hard News Feature." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 92Video – Video Photojournalism – Investigative, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Investigative." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 93Video – Video Photojournalism – Live, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Live." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 94Video – Video Photojournalism – NPPA Photojournalism Award for Reporting, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – NPPA Photojournalism Award for Reporting." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 95Video – Video Photojournalism – Soft News Feature, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Soft News Feature." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 96Video – Video Photojournalism – Solo Video Journalist Feature, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Solo Video Journalist Feature." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 97Video – Video Photojournalism – Solo Video Journalist General News, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Solo Video Journalist General News." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 98Video – Video Photojournalism – Solo Video Journalist In-Depth, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Solo Video Journalist In-Depth." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 99Video – Video Photojournalism – Sports Feature, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Sports Feature." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 100Video – Video Photojournalism – Spot News, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Spot News." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 101Video – Video Photojournalism – Station of the Year – Large Market (1-34), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Station of the Year – Large Market (1-34)." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 102Video – Video Photojournalism – Station of the Year – Medium Market (35-69), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Station of the Year – Medium Market (35-69)." Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 103Video – Video Photojournalism – Station of the Year – Small Market (70-212), 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Station of the Year – Small Market (70-212)." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 104Video – Video Photojournalism – Team, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submissions for the category "Video – Video Photojournalism – Team." View an inventory of this folder online.
ER 105Submission Data, 2019
Best of Photojournalism 2019 submission data. Some files contain redactions, as indicated in the file name. View an inventory of this folder online.