1. The Georgia Review 1.1 Correspondence box folder Request box 1 1 Abbot, Louise H., 1985, 1993 1 2 Abbott, Lee K. , 1986 1 3 Gail Galloway Adams, 1987 1 4 John Agata, 1997 1 5 John Algeo, 1985, 1993 1 6 Anderson, Lee, 1986 1 7 Anderson, Wyatt, 1987 1 8 Andrews, Ray, 1978-1996 1 9 Ansa, Tina McElroy, 1989-1996 1 10 Argo, Blue, 1981-1987 1 11 Arnholm, Ron, 1993-1995 1 12 Ashbery, John, 1998 1 13 Becksheider, Paula, 1978-1979 1 14 Baker, Larry, 1997 1 15 Baker, Will, 1989-1991 1 16 Ball, Milner, 1986-1993 1 17 Kellogg Task Force (Milner Ball committee), 1986 1 18 Samuel Banks, 1998 1 19 Barks, Coleman, 1983-1994 1 20 Barthelme, Donald, 1989 1 21 Bass, Rick, 1995 1 22 Bassoff, Bruce, 1978 1 23 Bell, Marvin, 1982-1983, 1995 1 24 Berry, Wendell, 1977 1 25 Bethune, Carol Quillian, 1983-1997 1 27 Bishop, Michael, 1995 1 28 Bishop, Joan, 1990-1991 1 29 Blackford, Staige, 1993 1 30 Booth, Philip, 1983-1997 1 31 Boruch, Mariane, 1989-1991 1 32 Bosworth, David, 1997-1998 1 33 Bottoms, David, 1981-1988 1 34 Bowers, Cathy Smith, 1996 1 35 Bowers, Neal, 1985-1997 1 36 Braham, Jeanne, 1982-1990 1 37 Brashers, Charles, 1989 1 38 Brodsky, Joseph, 1994-1996 1 39 Brooks, Cleanth, 1981 1 40 Brooks, Colette, 1990-1994 1 41 Brown, Larry, 1996 1 42 Brox, Jane, 1992-1998 1 43 Bryan, Sharon, 1990-1991 1 44 Budy, Andrea Hollander, 1990-1992 1 45 Bufkin, Ernest, 1996 1 46 Bugeja, Michael, 1986-1997 1 47 Burden, Jean, 1990-1994 1 48 Burnaby, Sara, 1998 1 49 Burroughs, Franklin, Jr., 1990-1991 1 50 Busch, Frederick, 1984-1998 1 51 Byer, Kay, 1994-1997 1 52 Caldwell, Erskine, 1987-1991 1 53 Caldwell, Virginia, 1989-1991 1 54 Call, Malcolm, 1989-1993 1 55 Campbell, Rick, 1996 1 56 Capes, Marylou, 1992 1 57 Carlson, Doug, 1992 1 58 Carter, Jimmy (President), 1993-1996 1 59 Carter, Jared, 1985 1 60 Carver, Raymond, 1988 1 61 Cedering, Siv, 1979-1997 1 62 Chappell, Fred (Ole), 1966-1997 1 63 Checkoway, Julie, 1990-1999 1 64 Cherry, Kelly, 1990-1995 1 65 Clark, Eleanor, 1975-1984 1 66 Clausen, Chris, 1978-1992 1 67 Clewell, David, 1996 1 68 Cloos, Carol, 1990-1999 1 69 Cobb, James C., 1994 1 70 Cofer, Judith Ortiz, 1987-1993 1 71 Cofer, Susan, 1983-1997 1 72 Coles, Robert, 1978-1990 1 73 Collins, Billy, 1992 1 74 Colvert, James, 1985 1 75 Conarroe, Joel, 1991-1996 1 76 Connolly, Geraldine, 1997 1 77 Conroy, Pat, 1984-1995 1 78 Cooper, Bernard, 1988 1 79 Core, George, 1986-1988 box folder Request box 2 1 Corey, Stephen, 1984-1994 2 2 Covington, Dennis, 1996 2 3 Crews, Harry, 1994-1998 2 4 Dacey, Philip, 1977 2 5 Dana, Robert, 1989-1994 2 6 Datnow, Claire, 1996 2 7 Daugharty, Janice, 1997-1998 2 8 Deagon, Anne, 1978-1981 2 9 Delbanco, Nicholas , 1993-1997 2 10 DeMott, Robert, 1980-1998 2 11 Depta, Vic, 1986-1994 2 12 DeVorsey, Louis, 1991-1993 2 13 DeWitt, Henry, 1998 2 14 DeZurko, Edward, 1997 2 15 Dickie, Margaret, 1988-1991 2 16 Dickey, James, 1995 2 17 Dittmar, Trudy, 1998 2 18-19 Dodd, Wayne, 1973-1997 2 20-21 Dorris, Michael/Louise Erdrich, 1991-1997 2 22 Dove, Rita/Fred Viebahn, 1982-1998 2 23 Douglas, Ellen, 1995 2 24 Drake, Robert, 1992-1998 2 25 Driskell, Leon (deceased), 1983-1995 2 26 Driskell, Leon (ADENA-consulting), 1979-1982 2 27 Dunn, Stephen, 1990-1997 2 28 Durban, Pam, 1982-1996 2 29 Dyer, Tom, 1992-1995 2 30 Eaton, Charles, 1982 2 31 East, Charles/Sarah, 1982-1997 2 32 Edgerton, Clyde, 1990-1999 2 33 Ehrlich, Paul, 1991 2 34 Edwards, John, 1992 2 35 Eidsvik, Charles (film), 1978 2 36 Emmanuel, Lynn, 1987 2 37 English, John, 1993 2 38 Facknitz, Mark A. R., 1997 2 39 Fargas, Laura, 1989-1997 2 40 Ferre, Frederick, 1983-1997 2 41 Fitzgerald, Sally, 1970-1979 2 42 Flint, Roland, 1999 2 43 Flynn, St. John (Peach State Radio), 1998 2 44 Fowles, John, 1982 2 45 Fort, Charles, 1996 2 46 Francione, Gary L., 1993-1994 2 47 Franklin, Rosemary, 1977 2 48 Frederick, Pauline, 1990-1999 2 49 Freer, Coburn, 1985, 1995-1997 2 50 Friman, Alice, 1989 2 51 Fromm, Harold, 1981 2 52 Gaines, Ernest J., 1995-1996 2 53 Gallant, James, 1987 2 54 Galvin, Brendan, 1990-1999 2 55 Gardner, John, 1978 2 56 Garrett, George, 1982-1991 2 57 Gates, Norman, 1969-1981 2 58 Gates, Skip, 1992-1996 2 59 Gildner, Gary, 1987-1996 2 60 Glassman, D.S. (Dorothy Sucher), 1980-1989 2 61 Glickfeld, Carol L., 1988-1989 2 62 Gluck, Louise, 1994 2 63 Goldbarth, Albert, 1992-1997 2 64 Golembiewski, Alison, 1983-1991 2 65 Goncz, Arpad, 1991 2 66 Gordimer, Nadine, 1994-1996 2 67 Gordan, Leslie, 1993-1996 2 68 Graham, Allison, 1994-1997 2 68 Gordon, Sarah, 1994-1997 2 69 Graham, Allison, 1995 2 70 Graham, Jorrie, 1987 2 71 Graham, T. R., 1993-1998 2 72 Green, Donald, 1978 2 73 Greenberg, Alvin, 1996 2 74 Greene, Melissa Fay, 1995-1996 box folder Request box 3 1 Gregor, Debora, 1989 3 2 Grooms, Tony, 1991-1994 3 3 Grumbach, Doris, 1994 3 4 Guimond, James, 1991 3 5 Hall, Donald, 1977-1998 3 6 Hall, James W., 1996 3 7 Barry, Hannah, 1989-1990 3 8 Hardison, O. B., 1986-1989 3 9 Hargrove, Gene, 1986-1990 3 10 Harper, Michael, 1982-1995 3 11 Harris, Mark, 1980-1983 3 12 Harris, Norman, 1988 3 13 Harvey, Steve, 1993 3 14 Haskins, Lola, 1998 3 15 Hass, Robert, 1995 3 16 Hassan, Ihab, 1993, 1998 3 17 Heaney, Seamus, 1988 3 18 Heilman, Robert, 1997 3 19 Herbert, James, 1990 3 20 Herstein, Beth, 1992-1997 3 21 Heyen, William, 1977-1990 3 22 Hiestand, Emily, 1992-1998 3 23 Hildt, Robert, 1994 3 24 Hillestad, Hilburn, 1994-1995 3 25 Hirsch, Kathleen, 1998 3 26 Hix, Tom, 1992 3 27 Hoffman, Daniel, 1978-1996 3 28 Hollow, Patton, 1991-1997 3 29 Holmes, Janet, 1994-1996 3 30 Holt, Margaret, 1983-1994 3 31 Horr, Cay, 1976-1989 3 32 Hudson, R. (Bob), 1998 3 33 Hughes, Mary Beth, 1993-1994 3 34 Hugo, Richard, 1980-1989 3 35 Hummer, Terry, 1987 3 36 Humphreys, Josephine, 1995 3 37 Jackson, Fleda, 1993 3 38 James, Evelyn, 1997-1998 3 39 Jarrell, Mary, 1996 3 40 Jarrett, Beverly, 1977-1978 3 41 Jenkins, Susan, 1991 3 42 Jensen, Julie, 1984 3 43 Jernigan, Mary, 1990 3 44 Jones, Madison, 1993 3 45 Johnson, Greg, 1990-1997 3 46 Johnston, Gordon, 1993-1996 3 47 Joseph, Sheri, 1997-1998 3 48 Junker, Howard, 1987 3 49 Justice, Donald, 1975 3 50 Welty, Eudora, 1978-1998 3 51 Karlen, Arno, 1979 3 52 Kay, Terry, 1985-1998 3 53 Keller, David, 1996 3 54 Kelley, Regan, 1987 3 55 Kenison, Katrina, 1993-1994 3 56 Kenner, Hugh, 1981-1990 3 57 Kenney, James (Dr.)/Sue, 1986-1996 3 58 Kilgo, Jim, 1986-1998 3 59 Killens, John Oliver, 1987 3 60 Kingston, Rodger, 1994 3 61 Kinnell, Galway, 1983-1990 3 62 Komunyakaa, Yusef, 1995 3 63 Korshin, Paul, 1981 3 64 Kostelanetz, Richard, 1986 3 65 Krickel, Edward Jr., 1988-1994 3 66 Krusoe, Nancy, 1994 3 67 Kumin, Maxine, 1998 3 68 Lane, John, 1996 3 69 Lazerson, Arlyne, 1977 3 70 Lea, Sydney, 1995-1996 3 71 Leigh, Jack, 1997-1998 3 72 Levine, Phil, 1975-1998 3 73 Lish, Gordon (Captain Fiction), 1989-1994 3 74 Logan, William, 1988 3 75 Long, Judy, 1997-1998 3 76 Ludvigson, Susan, 1977-1994 3 77 Mabe, Joni, 1994-1995 3 78 Mair, Tom, 1980-1981 3 79 Makowski, Liz, 1986-1987 3 80 Mangan, Kathy, 1982-1989 3 81 Mann, David, 1982-1995 3 82 Marder, Norma, 1990-1995 3 83 Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, 1994-1996 3 84 Martinez, Dionisio D., 1994-1997 3 85 Martone, Michael, 1986 3 86 Mason, George, 1988 3 87 Masters, Hilary, 1983-1994 3 88 Mathis, Cleopatra, 1996 3 89 Matthews, Jack, 1972-1993 3 90 Matthews, William, 1991 3 91 McBee M. Louise, 1986-1992 3 92 McCarthy, Cormac, 1993 3 93 McCarthy, Rebecca, 1997-1998 3 94 McCullough, David (Book of the Month Club), 1974 3 95 McFerren, Martha, 1985-1989 3 96 McGraw, Erin, 1987 3 97 McHaney, Thomas L., 1996-1997 3 98 McKee, Richard, 1997 3 99 McKenzie, Alan, 1997 3 100 McKinley, Hazel, 1990-1999 3 101 McWilliams, Dean, 1977-1979 3 102 Meinke, Peter, 1997 3 103 Mee, Susie, 1992-1993 3 104 Methvin, Eugene H. , 981-1994 3 105 Meyers, Kent, 1998 3 106 Miller, J. Hillis, 1978 3 107 Miller, R. Baxter, 1994-1995 3 108 Milosz, Czeslaw, 1994-1995 box folder Request box 4 1 Minton, Karen, 1991-1997 4 2 Mitcham, Judson, 1991-1998 4 3 Mitchell-Powell, Brenda, 1988-1991 4 4 Mock, Jeff, 1996 4 5 Montgomery, Marion, 1985 4 6 Moore, Janice Townley, 1985 4 7 Moore, Richard, 1985 4 8 Morgan, Frederick, 1988 4 9 Morris, Keith Lee, 1998 4 10 Morrison, Toni, 1989-1995 4 11 Mueller, Lisel, 1997 4 12 Murray, Albert, 1995 4 13 Myers, Kent, 1997-1998 4 14 Nagel, Jim, 1990-1993 4 15 Nelson, Marilyn (Waniek), 1981-1996 4 16 Nemerov, Howard, 1991 4 17 Ness, Frederic W., 1964-1971 4 18 Nims, John Frederick, 1993 4 19 Nye, Naomi, 1990-1994 4 20 Oates, Joyce Carol, 1969-1996 4 21 O'Brien, Tim, 1990 4 22 O'Kelley, Mattie Lou, 1997 4 23 Oe, Kenzaburo, 1994-1995 4 24 Oliver, Mary, 1989 4 25 Olmstead, Robert, 1991 4 26 Osaki, Mark, 1997 4 27 Osbeg, Brenda Marie, 1996-1997 4 28 Kitajima, Fuji, 1987 4 29 Orchard, Karen (UGA Press), 1995-1996 4 30 Ozick, Cynthia, 1983 4 31 Parisi, Joseph, 1981 4 32 Pastan, Linda, 1995-1996 4 33 Patten, Bernard C., 1998 4 34 Patterson, Veronica, 1997 4 35 Patton, Carroll, 1990-1999 4 36 Paulson, A. B., 1986 4 37 Payne, W. J. (Jack), 1986-1994 4 38 Paz, Octavio, 1994-1995 4 39 Pelletier, S. William, 1990-1999 4 40 Peoples, Curt, 1973-1984 4 41 Percy, Walker, 1977-1978 4 42 Perlow, Katharina Rich, 1996 4 43 Peterson, Jim, 1998 4 44 Pickering, Samuel, 1977-1987 4 45 Pinsker, Sandy, 1982-1998 4 46 Pinsker, Sandy (Academic questions ), 1991-1997 4 47 Plimpton, George, 1996 4 48 Plumly, Stanley, 1978-1997 4 49 Pollack, Eileen, 1994 4 50 Pope, Robert, 1984-1997 4 51 Price, Joseph, 1997 4 52 Reynolds, Price, 1995-1996 4 53 Prokasy, William (Vice President for Academic Affairs), 1998 4 54 Prunty, Wyatt, 1979 4 55 Rabinowich, Willa, 1998 4 56 Ramke, Bin, 1977-1998 4 57 Ramsey, Jerry, 1983-1985 4 58 Reed, Diana, 1988-1990 4 59 Ravenel, Shannon, 1984-1990 4 60 Rice, Paul, 1988-1991 4 61 Ridl, Jack, 1998 4 62 Riley, Mike, 1983-1988 4 63 Robinson, Sally L., 1993-1996 4 64 Rogers, Pattiann, 1996 4 65 Rosser, Jill, 1988-1997 4 66 Rubin, Louis D. (Algonquin), 1988 4 67 Rubin, Stan, 1984, 1995 4 68 Rugo, Marieve, 1982-1985 4 69 Ruppersburg, Hugh, 1989-1995 4 70 Sachs, Rita, 1988 4 71 Sanders, Barry, 1990 4 72 Saner, Reg, 1989-1990 4 73 Sanders, Scott, 1984-1998 4 74 Sandor, Marjorie, 1986-1990 4 75 Sargent, Betty, 1978-1993 4 76 Schechter, Harold, 1987 4 77 Schrank, Barbara, 1975-1976 4 78 Schulman, Grace, 1981 4 79 Schwartz, Jim, 1970-1982 4 80 Scouten, Joe, 1970-1993 4 81 Seay, James, 1986 4 82 Sellers, Bettie, 1984-1993 4 83 Sessions, William, 1982, 1991 4 84 Shearer, Cynthia, 1994-1996 box folder Request box 5 1 Simon, Claude, 1994 5 2 Simic, Charles, 1994-1998 5 3 Simpson, Nancy, 1981-1998 5 4 Sisk, John P., 1997-1998 5 5 Skinner, Jeffrey, 1997 5 6 Skube, Michael, 1993-1995 5 7 Slavitt, David, 1997 5 8 Slesinger, Warren, 1985-1990 5 9 Editors on fiction, 1993-1995 5 10 Smith, Dave, 1995-1998 5 11 Smith, Lee, 1996 5 12 Smith, R. T., 1996 5 13 Soyinka, Wole, 1987-1996 5 14 Sokol, John, 1996 5 15 Sobel, Nat, 1987-1996 5 16 Stafford, William, 1993 5 17 Stern, Gerald, 1984-1996 5 18 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1989-1993 5 19 Stitt, Peter, 1979-1997 5 20 Stone, John, 1978-1998 5 21 Strand, Mark, 1977-1981 5 22 Strothman, Wendy (Beacon Press), 1991-1993 5 23 Styron, William, 1992-1995 5 24 Summer, Bob, 1985-1986 5 25 Susskind, Harriet (Rosenblum), 1982-1997 5 26 Swanger, David, 1990 5 27 Szporluk, Larissa, 1998 5 28 Tall, Deborah, 1987-1994 5 29 Taylor, Peter, 1994 5 30 Taylor, Robert, 1983-1991 5 31 Thayer, Calvin, 1990s 5 32 Throm, Lindsay, 1996 5 33 Tillinghast, David, 1997 5 34 Tompkins, Jane, 1992 5 35 Toth, Eva, 1992 5 36 Trowbridge, William, 1995 5 37 Travasano, Thomas, 1996 5 38 Turnbull, Colin, 1985 5 39 Updike, John, 1998 5 40 Van Brunt, H. L., 1979 5 41 Vandersee, Charles, 1983 5 42 Van Wert, William, 1978, 1987 5 43 Vinson, James (Contempory Poets-St. James Press), 1979 5 44 Voigt, Ellen Bryant, 1992 5 45 Walcott, Derek, 1994-1995 5 46 Walker, Charlotte Zoe, 1990, 1997 5 47 Walker, Margaret, 1995 5 48 Walsh,William, 1993 5 49 Waniek, Marilyn, 1983 5 50 Ware, Wyatt, 1996 5 51 Warren, Robert Penn (RPW), 1977-1989 box folder Request box 26 34 Warren, Robert Penn, 1972-1990 box folder Request box 5 52 Warren, Rosanna, 1978-1998 5 53 Wasserstein, Wendy, 1993 5 54 Waters, Michael, 1978-1995 5 55 Watkins, Floyd, 1983 5 56 Watson, William (A.J.), 1992 5 57 Watson, Richard "Red", 1986-1996 5 58 Weales, Gerald, 1976-1998 5 59 Weil, Wendy, 1995 5 60 Weiss, Theodore, 1982 5 61 Weldon, Jane, 1994 5 62 Wideman, John Edgar, 1967-1998 5 63 Wieland, Liza, 1992 5 64 Williams, Lynna, 1992 5 65 Williams, Philip Lee, 1989-1997 5 66 Wilson, Edward O., 1990-1999 5 67 Wilson, Robley Jr., 1981-1995 5 68 Winner, Anthony, 1997 5 69 Whittemore, Reed, 1994 5 70 Wolf, Bryan, 1983 5 71 Wright, Ann 5 72-73 Zimmer, Paul, 1977-1998 5 74 Zolbrod, Paul, 1983-1985 box folder Request box 6 1 General correspondence, 1963 6 2 General correspondence, 1970-1979 6 3 General correspondence , 1980-1989 6 4 General correspondence, 1990-1997 6 5-7 General correspondence, 1998 6 8-11 General correspondence, 1999-2000 6 12-13 General correspondence 6 14 Condolence correspondernce, 2000 1.2 Mary Hoodbox folder Request box 7 1 Correspondence7 2 Lindberg's handwritten notes (in regards to Mary Hood), 1980-1999 7 3 Correspondence, 1982 7 4 "Lonesome road blues:" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1982 7 5-7 Correspondence, 1983 7 8 "Desire call of the wild hen" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1983 7 9-11 Correspondence, 1984 7 12 "Somewhat an entertainment" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1984 7 13 "How far she went" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1984 7 14-16 Correspondence , 1985 7 17 "The annotated eclectic" (handmade card), 1985 7 18 "The suffering optimist" (handmade card), 1985 7 19-20 "Something good for Ginnie" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1985 7 21 "After Moore" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1985 7 22-23 Correspondence, 1986 box folder Request box 8 1 Handmade card-"Fortieth Aniversary Retrospective" for Georgia Review , 1986 8 2 Reviews of Mary Hood's works, 1986-1995 8 3-5 Correspondence , 1987 8 6 Rosiebelle Lee Wildcat Tennessee (forward by Hood-manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1987-19888 7-10 Correspondence, 1988 8 11 Handmade card to Lindberg (by Mary Hood), 1988 8 12-13 Familiar heat (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1980-19898 14-16 Correspondence, 1989 box folder Request box 9 1 Mary Hood and copyright flap, 1990-1999 9 2-3 Correspondence, 1990 9 4 "Pertinences and im/a catalog of clutter...", 1990 9 5 Ink and evidence (manuscript-reviewed by Mary Hood-notes by Lindberg), 19909 6 "Farewell to 'Strange Fruit'-an inner history of South Carolina's last lynching" by Will Gravely (friend of M. Who), 1990 9 7-11 Correspondence, 1991-1994 9 12 Handmade card by Mary Hood, 1994 9 13 New Georgia Guide essay: "Northwest region" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 19949 14-15 Correspondence, 1994-1995 9 16 Afterward to The sacrilege of Alan Kent by Mary Hood (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 1996 9 17-18 Correspondence, 1997-1998 9 19 An abandoned woman (manuscript-notes by Lindberg), 19989 20-22 Correspondence, 1998-1999 9 23 "Making your mark" (handmade card by Mary Hood) 9 24 And Venus is blue by Mary Hood (manuscript-notes by Lindberg)9 25 "The goodwife Hawkins" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg) 9 26 "Moths" (revised manuscript) 9 27 "Desire call of the wild hen" (manuscript-notes by Lindberg) 9 28 Book III-part 2-chapters 35-49 (manuscript-notes by Lindberg) 9 29 Cartoons box folder Request box 10 1-2 Assorted items (most sent from Mary Hood to Stan Lindberg) 1.3 Judith Kitchenbox folder Request box 10 3-21 Correspondence, 1980-1999 10 22 The Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award nomination, 1999 10 23-24 Correspondence, 1999 1.4 Cultural Olympiad/Nobel Laureatebox folder Request box 11 1 Cultural Olympiad/Nobel gathering material, 1991-1996 11 2 Cultural Olympiad programs and projects, 1992 11 3 Cultural Olympiad Advisory Council, 1992 11 4 The "Poetics of Politics" program, 1992 11 5 Planning Committee, 1992 11 6 Ernest Bufkin (Nobel Laureate) Project Planning Committee, 1992 11 7 Cultural Olympiad/Nobel Laureate materials, 1992-1996 11 8 News clippings , 1992-1996 11 9 Report on Atlanta Olympic Games-presented to the 98th session of the International Olympic Committee, 1992 11 10 Southern Arts Federation-Olympiad panel, 1992-1993 11 11 "Encounters with Norwegian cultures: Olympic Winterland" (Cultural Olympiad), 1993 11 12 Articles about Norway writers/culture, 1993 11 13 Cultural Olympiad Master Plan (draft), 1993 11 14 Ronald Lynn Bogue (Nobel Laureates project, 1993-1995 11 15-16 Cultural Olympiad financial information, 1993-1995 11 17 "Nobel Laureates of Literature: An Olympic gathering" (Cultural Olympiad), 1993-1995 11 18 Cultural Olympiad/Olympic Games information, 1994-1996 11 19 Nobel Laureates/Cultural Olympiad planning information, 1994-1995 11 20 UGA Charter Lecture Series/Cultural Olympiad introduction and correspondence, 1994-1996 11 21 Literature: Nobel Laureate Symposium (draft), 1995 11 22 Woodruff Arts Center Cultural Olympiad, 1995 11 23 "The Nobel Laureates of Literature: An Olympic gathering" discussion guide, 1995 11 24 "The Nobel Laureates of Literature: An Olympic gathering" planning manual, 1995 11 25 "The Nobel Laureates of Literature: An Olympic gathering" study guide, 1995 11 26 An internatinal celebration of Southern Literature, 1996 11 27 Cultural Olympiad Olympic Arts Festival, 1996 11 28 Toni Morrison-Nobel Laureate (articles), 1998 1.5 Adminstrativebox folder Request box 12 1 Name plates, 1980-1999 12 2 The Georgia Review editor's position (correspondence, etc.), 1986-197712 3 Promotion and tenure, 1976-1981 12 4 Sociology fiction-Wadsworth Publishing-Lindberg proofreading, 1977-1980 12 5 The Georgia Review job application, 197712 6 UGA personnel (appointments, contracts, letters, etc.), 1977-1998 12 7 Lindberg, Stanley file 3, 1979 12 8 New Faculty Tour, 1979 12 9 The Georgia Review annual report, 1979-198012 10 Inland Boat Poetry chapbooks, 1979-1980 12 11 Handwritten notes (by Lindberg), 1980-1999 12 12 Photographs-Lindberg/The Georgia Review staff, 1980-1999 12 13 Personal vita (update), 1980-1999 12 14 Vita update information, 1980-1999 12 15 Assorted The Georgia Review materials, 1980-1999 12 16 The Gettysburg Review visit, 198312 17 Upstate New York trip (Alfred, Colgate, Monroe Community College, Rochester), 1984 12 18 Research leave, 1985 12 19 Phi Beta Kappa materials, 1985-1991 12 20 Cover letter collection, 1985-1996 12 21 Newsclippings on The Georgia Review and Stan Lindberg, 1970-1999 12 22 Then National Magazine Award...to Stanley W. Lindberg, Editor-The Georgia Review , 1986 12 23 The University of Georgia Recognition Banquet, 1990-1999 12 24 Roy Vance Ramsey material, 1990 12 25 "Communication and personality styles" (Training and Development), 1990-1999 12 26 Personal gift subscription The Georgia Review , 1990-1996 12 27 Sigma Tau Delta/Alpha Alpha Omega societies, 1992 12 28 Dickinson College Career Contact Program, 1994 12 29 Lindberg-yearly review, 1994-1996 12 30-31 Handwritten notes, 1960-1999 12 32 Two year planner, 1995-1996 12 33 The Jenkins Club, 1995-1997 12 34 Calendar and schedule, 1996-1998 12 35 Unit Self-Study Report for the Program Review of The Georgia Review , 1997-1999 box folder Request box 13 1 Desk Calendar pages, 1998 13 2 Nomination of Lindberg for UGA Professorship, 1998 13 3 The Georgia Review materials, 1998-199913 4 Stan's resume to be copied, 1999 13 5 Georgia Writers Hall of Fame, 1999 13 6 Datebook, 1999 13 7 The Stanley W. Lindberg Award (Pat Conroy-1st winner), 1999 13 8 Stanley W. Lindberg Award (people to send invitations to), 1999 13 9 Pan American Center Literary Awards, 1999 13 10 Georgia Illustrated project, 1999 13 11 National Magazine Awards, 1999 13 12 Newsclippings regarding Lindberg and The Georgia Review , 1999 13 13 Manuscripts on Stan's desk , 2000 January 13 14 The University of Georgia pop quiz, 1999