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William Prokasy papers

William Prokasy papers

Descriptive Summary

Title: William Prokasy papers
Creator: Prokasy, William F. (William Frederick), 1930-
Inclusive Dates: 1973-1998
Language(s): English
Extent: 79 Linear Feet (78 boxes and 1 oversized folder)
Collection Number: UA97-075
Repository: University of Georgia Archives

Collection Description

Historical Note

William Prokasy served as vice president for academic affairs at the University of Georgia from 1988-1998. In this role he oversaw instruction, research, public service, outreach, and student affairs at the university. He also served as interim university president before the appointment of Michael Adams in 1997.

William Prokasy was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on November 27, 1930. He earned a B.A. from Baldwin-Wallace College, an M.A. in clinical psychology from Kent State University, and a Ph.D. in experimental psychology and statistics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

He taught psychology at Pennsylvania State University from 1957-1966 and at the University of Utah from 1966-1980. He also served as dean of the Social and Behavioral Science Division (1968-1970), the College of Social and Behavioral Science (1970-1979), and the Graduate School of Social Work (1979-1980) at the University of Utah. He concurrently served as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor of psychology at the University of Illinois from 1980-1988.

William Prokasy died on November 4, 2019.

Scope and Content

This collection represents the scope of the duties for William Prokasy during his tenure at the University of Georgia. The majority of the collection consists of correspondence and memoranda, meeting agendas and minutes, annual reports, and reviews. Also included are committee files that precede Prokasy's appointment.

Prominently featured committees of the University of Georgia include the Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, Curriculum Committee, Educational Affairs Committee, Honors Day Steering Committee, Disability Services Committee, and the Distance Learning and Instructional Technology Committee.

Organizations outside of the University of Georgia with which Prokasy was heavily involved include the American Psychological Association (APA), National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

The National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) is now referred to as the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU).

Organization and Arrangement

This collection remains in its original alphabetical and chronological arrangement.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Item, box, folder], William Prokasy papers, UA97-075, University Archives, University of Georgia

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Administrative records
Higher education.
Prokasy, William F. (William Frederick), 1930-
University of Georgia
University of Georgia. Senior Vice President and Provost. Academic Affairs

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing

11Max H. Bass, Cameroon diary, 1985
12Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, minutes, 1980-1986
13-4Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, minutes and memoranda, 1973-1979
15Original Title IX report, 1976
16Special report 77-6, National Association of College and University Business Officers, 1977
17Instruction, Research, and Service Activities Reports from Deans, 1982
18-9University-wide Instructional Evaluation Committee, 1980
110-22Educational Affairs Committee, 1976-1986
21Learning Disability Steering Committee, 1986-1987
22Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 1987
23Grading policy, 1986-1987
24University Council Admissions Committee, 1987-1988
25Bulletin Committee, 1986-1987
26Credit programs, 1986-1987
27Task Force on Conflict Mediation, 1988
28-9Gerontology Center, 1987-1989
210Graduate School Council, minutes , 1989
211Independent Study, 1987-1988
212-13International Intercultural Studies Program, 1987-1989
214Mount Everest Steering Committee, 1986-1987
215-16Study Committee on University of Georgia Response to Non-Traditional Students, 1987-1988
217-18Non-Traditional Study Committee, 1987-1988
219Chemical dependence policy, 1986-1988
220Criteria for promotion, 1988
221University Council, 1987-1989
222University Scholarship Committee, 1988-1989
31Grievance mechanisms and procedures, 1988
32Correspondence, William Prokasy, 1989
33Task Force on International Programs, 1989
34Off campus student travel policies, 1987
35Statement of operating policy, 1989
36Board of Regents' policies, 1986-1988
37College of Curriculum Committee, 1988
38Facility policy, 1988
39Administrative calendar, 1990-1991
310Annual review, University Curriculum Committee, 1990
311Associate Vice Presidents' meetings, 1988
41Buckley Amendment policy, 1986-1988
312Cabinet and Deans Council, minutes , 1988
313Center for Asian Studies, 1989-1991
314Dissertation Competition Advisory, 1991
315Educational Affairs Committee , 1989
316Employer sanctions and anti-discriminatory provisions, 1987-1990
317-18Task Force on Evening Division, 1989-1990
319University Policy for Reporting and Responding to Health and Safety Concerns, 1990
320Health Professions Program, 1989-1990
321Ivery Clifton correspondence, Holmes-Hunter Lecture Series, 1990
322Holmes-Hunter Lecture Committee, 1989
323Council of Academic Deans and Vice Presidents, University Center, 1989-1991
324University committees , 1988
325Women's Studies Program, 1988-1989
326Council for International Programs, Tbilisi, 1990-1991
327University Council, minutes, 1989-1990
328Academic Advising, handbook and memoranda, 1986, 1988
329Administrative Committee for Academic Affairs, 1989
330Developmental Disabilities Program, 1975-1977, 1987
51Early Retirement Incentives Plan, 1988
52International Development, 1989
53University Curriculum Committee, 1989-1990
54Interdisciplinary Certificate Program, 1988-1989
55Academic Issues Workshop, 1989
56Developmental Studies, 1988-1989
57Advising and retention, 1988-1990
58President's Annual Report, 1989
59Calendar Committee, 1987-1989
510-16Educational Affairs Committee, 1988-1990
517Advising, 1986-1988
518African Studies Program, 1988-1990
519Curriculum Committee, 1984-1987
520Faculty Register, 1972
521Understanding Student Evaluations and Effectiveness, 1986
522Gerontology Center, 1988-1989
523Graduate program reviews, 1988
524-25College of Education, 1989-1990
61Handicapped Advisory Board, 1987
62Hunter-Holmes Lecture Series , 1988
63Institute of Higher Education, 1986-1988
64-5International Development, 1989
66Charles Knapp inauguration, 1988
67Legal seminar for presidents, 1988
68Pharmacy Student Rehabilitation Program, 1988
69Research Committee, guidelines for reasearch, 1987
610University Council, 1988-1989
611Women's Studies Steering Committee, 1987-1988
612Ellen Jordan, Women's Studies, 1987
613Workloads, course loads, and compensation for Graduate students, 1986
614Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, bylaws, 1986
615-17Educational Affairs Committee, 1990
618-24Equal Employment Opportunity, reports and data, 1980-1989
71-2Athletics, 1985-1987
73Student athlete handbook, 1986-1987
74Academic Affairs, new department head meeting, 1992-1993
75Environmental Literacy Requirement, 1991-1993
76University Affiliated Program for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, 1991
77Using Surveys in the Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness, A Report of the Task Force on Surveys of Graduates and Employers, 1991
78-9Task Force on Assessing Major Area Outcomes, 1989-1990
710-11University Council, 1992-1993
712-14Administrative calendars, 1991-1994
715Affirmative Action, 1985, 1988, 1991
716Office of Curriculum Management, annual report, 1991-1992
717Electronic Data Processing, procedures, 1990
718Faculty guidelines, 1987-1991
719Graduate School, 1988-1992
720Holmes-Hunter Lecture Series, 1991-1992
721Honors Program survey, 1989-1992
722Independent Study catalog, 1987-1988
723Eishin Gakuen School in Japan, 1989-1991
724Instructional Development, 1987-1992
725Lilly Day, 1990
726Minority faculty recruitment, 1987-1990
727National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), report of the Interassociation Task Force on Higher Education Act, 1988, 1991
728National Consortium for Educational Access, 1990
729Minor Fields of Undergraduate Study, 1989-1990
730Regents' Academic Advisory Committee, 1990-1992
731Self Study report review, 1991
732Self Study, correspondence, 1990-1991
81An Analysis of Faculty Salary Equity by Gender and Race, 1988-1989
82Department of Romance Languages, minutes, 1992
83Academic Administration Workshop, 1991-1992
84Task Force on Academic Honesty, 1990, 1992
85Admissions Committee, 1989-1992
86Advising and retention, 1989-1992
87Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, annual report, 1991-1992
88Developmental Studies, 1990-1992
89Disability Services Committee, 1991-1992
810-14Educational Affairs Committee, 1988-1992
815Gender Bias Study, 1990-1991
816Governor's Honors Program, 1991-1992
817Honor's Day, 1992
818Honors Day Steering Committee, 1991-1992
819Honors Day Speaker's Committee, 1991-1992
820Presidential Task Force, Minority Administrative Hiring, 1991-1992
821Program Review Committee, 1990-1992
822William Prokasy, memoranda, 1992
823Student Academic Assistance, 1987-1988, 1990-1992
824-26Promotion and tenure guidelines, 1988-1990
91Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, strategic plan, 1991-1992
92Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, strategic plan supplement, undated
93College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, strategic plan, 1992-1995
94Terry College of Business, strategic plan, 1992
95College of Education, strategic plan, 1993-1995
96School of Environmental Design, strategic plan, 1992-1995
97College of Family and Consumer Sciences, strategic plan, 1992
98Warnell School of Forest Resources, strategic plan, 1993-1995
99The Graduate School, strategic plan, 1992
910College of Journalism and Mass Communication, strategic plan, 1992
911School of Law, strategic plan, 1992
912College of Pharmacy, strategic plan, 1992
913School of Social Work, strategic plan, 1992
914College of Veterinary Medicine, strategic plan, 1992
915Computing and Network Services, strategic plan, 1992
916Office of Special Academic Programs, strategic plan, 1993-1995
917Division of Developmental Studies, strategic plan, 1992
918Georgia Museum of Art, strategic plan, 1992
919The Georgia Review, strategic plan, 1992
920Gerontology Center, strategic plan, 1992
921Honors Program, strategic plan, 1992
922Institute of Higher Education, strategic plan, 1992-1997
923University Libraries, strategic plan, 1993-1995
924Office of Instructional Development, strategic plan, 1992
925Department of Aerospace Studies, strategic plan, undated
926Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), strategic plan, 1992
927University of Georgia Press, strategic plan, 1992
928Office of the President for Academic Affairs, strategic plan, 1990-1995
929Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance, strategic plan, 1993-1995
930Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs, strategic plan, 1992
931Division of Development and University Relations, strategic plan, 1993-1997
932Division of Student Affairs, strategic plan, 1993-1995
933Center for Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology, strategic plan, 1992
934Humanities Center, strategic plan, 1993-1995
935Center for Simulation Physics, 1993-1995
936Office of the Vice President for Research, strategic plan, 1993-1995
937Center for Applied Isotope Studies, strategic plan, 1993-1995
938Institute of Natural Resources, strategic plan, 1992-1995
939School of Marine Programs, strategic plan, 1992
940Institute of Ecology, strategic plan, 1991-1995
941Institute for Behavioral Research, strategic plan, 1992
942Office of Research Services, strategic plan, 1993-1995
943Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, self study, 1992
944Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, strategic plan, 1992
945University Public Service, strategic plan, 1993-1995
946Workshop for new deans and department heads, 1992
947Academic Administration Workshop, 1993-1994
948-49Academic Honesty, 1993-1994
950Faculty Admissions Committee, 1993-1994
951African-American Studies Program, 1989, 1991
952Athlete Review Subcommittee, 1993
953Disability Services Committee, 1993
954-56Educational Affairs Committee, 1992-1994
957-58Faculty Symposium, 1993-1994
959Graduate School, 1990, 1992
960Graduate Interdisciplinary Certificate Programs, 1987-1988
961Honors Program, 1983, 1993-1994
962Honors Day, 1993
101Arts and Sciences, 1987-1992
102Associate Vice Presidents meeting, 1990
103Academic Affairs, 1992
104Major Area Task Force, 1992
105Colloquium, Árpád Göncz , 1991
106Assessment Workshop, 1992
107Black Faculty and Staff Organization, 1990-1991
108College of Business Administration, 1987-1990
109Center for East-West Trade Policy, 1989-1991
1010Developmental Studies, 1986-1987
1011Forest Resources Committee on Accreditation, 1991
1012Gerontology Center, 1989-1992
1013Institute for European Studies, 1989, 1991
1014Institute of Natural Resources, 1992
1015International Services and Programs, 1992
1016Libraries, 1987
1017Olympics, 1991, 1996
1018Personnel services, 1990
1019Phi Beta Delta, 1990
1020Phi Kappa Phi, 1987, 1990-1991
1021Office of Minority Business Development, 1992
1022Summer credit policies, 1987-1988
1023Task Force on the Surveys of Graduates, 1990
1024University System Assessment Conference, 1990
1025University Council, 1991-1993
1026Women's Studies Program, 1989-1993
1027Schedule of classes production calendar, 1993-1994
1028Academic Affairs, 1990-1993
1029Administrative calendar, 1994-1995
1030Admissions, 1987-1993
1031Arts and Sciences, 1994
1032General Education Assessment, 1992
1033Undergraduate Degree Assessment, 1992-1993
1034-36Major Assessment, 1989-1991, 1993
111Board of Regents, minutes, 1993
112Centers and institutes, 1989-1990, 1994
113Commencement, memoranda, 1989, 1993
114Ad Hoc Committee on Cultural Diversity, 1993-1994
115Policy on the Dissolution of Departments, 1993
116College of Education, 1991-1993
117-8Environmental Literacy Committee, 1991-1994
119Evening Division programs, 1990
1110Family and Consumer Sciences, 1991-1992
1111Forest Resources, 1993
1112Geographic Information Systems, 1989, 1994
1113Global Education Center, 1991
1114Honors Program, 1993
1115Institute of Higher Education, 1989-1994
1116International Centers, reports, 1992-1993
1117International Programs, 1992-1994
1118International Affairs reports, 1993-1994
1119President's Environmental Conference, 1993
1120Charles Knapp, 1988-1994
1121Law School, 1994
1122Legal Affairs, 1988-1993
1123Olympic Working Group, 1993-1994
1124Office assignments, 1991
1125-28Program review Committee, 1992-1995
1129William Prokasy, correspondence, 1990-1991, 1994
1130-31Program Planning Advisory Committee, 1994-1995
1132Parking Services, 1993
1133Public Safety Division, 1990-1994
1134Office of the Vice President for Research, 1988-1991
1135Studies Abroad, 1987-1988, 1994
1136Student policies, 1984-1989
1137Task Force on Major Area Assessment, 1990-1993
1138Transfer of Credit Committee, 1988-1993
121University Council, 1993-1994
122University Center in Georgia, 1988, 1992-1994
42University Affiliated Program (UAP), 1991-1994
123College of Veterinary Medicine, 1990-1991, 1994
124-5Admissions Committee, 1988-1991
126Administrative Task Force , 1988
127Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, annual report, 1991
128Arts and Sciences, 1989-1991
129The Status of Student-Athletes at the University of Georgia, 1992
1210Developmental Studies, 1986-1988, 1990-1991
1211College of Education, reorganization, 1989-1991
1212Committee on Environmental Studies, 1990
1213-16Environmental Studies Task Force, 1989-1992
1217Report on Public Service Programs, 1989
1218Program Inventory, Environmental Studies, 1990
1219University Council Executive Committee, 1989, 1991
1220Executive Officers Workshop, 1991-1992
1221Faculty Center Planning Committee, 1989
1222-23Academic Affairs Symposium, 1990-1991
1224The Georgia Review, 1988-1991
1225Gwinnett Center, 1991
1226Task Force on Disabled Student Services, 1990-1991
1227Honors Day Speakers Committee, 1990-1991
1228Honors Day Steering Committee, 1991
131-3Honors Program, 1989-1992
134Independent Studies, 1989-1990
135Institutes and Centers, 1988-1990
136University Branch Campus in Japan, 1989
137Learning Disabilities Adult Clinic, 1988-1991
138Minority Faculty Hiring Initiative, 1988-1991
139Placement Committee, 1988-1991
1310William F. Prokasy, correspondence, 1988-1991
1311Registration Advisory Committee, 1988-1991
1312Renaissance Scholar Program, 1988
1313Student Academic Assistance Committee, 1988-1990
1314Measles, 199o
1315Department of Religion, 1988
1316Strategic planning, 1988-1991
1317Milledgeville, Georgia Institutional Workshop on Strategic Planning, 1989-1991
1318University General Education Committee, 1991-1992
1319Management Issues Workshop, 1990-1991
1320Josiah Meigs Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1981-1984, 9188-1989
1321Department of Anthropology, 1994-1995
1322Program Review of the School of Art, 1995
1323Department of Art, annual report, 1991-1994
1324Art Department, 1993-1996
141Department of Classics, 1994-1996
142Department of Education, 1994-1995
143Honors Program, 1994-1995
144Institute of Government, 1994-1995
145Institute of Higher Education, 1994-1995
146Department of Language Education, 1994-1995
147Department of Mathematics, 1994-1995
148Department of Mathematics Education, 1995
149Department of Music, 1994-1995
1410Department of Reading Education, 1994-1995
1411Department of Science Education, 1995-1996
1412Small Business Development Center, 1995
1413Small Business Development Center, On-Site Review, 1993
1414Department of Statistics, 1995-1996
1415Department of Social Science Education, 1994-1996
1416Annual Report, executive summary, 1995
1417Administrative calendar, 1993
1418Major entry requirements, 1994-1995
1419-20Student affairs and activities, 1964-1967
1421Associate Dean of Student Affairs, correspondence and memoranda, 1965-1971
1422Rising junior exams, 1973
1423Academic Advisory Committee, 1995
1424Academic Affairs Workshop, 1994-1995
1425Administrative calendar, 1995-1997
1426Admissions Task Force , 1995
1427College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 1995-1996
1428Curriculum Management, annual report, 1995-1996
1429Centers and insitutes, 1989-1992
1430Cultural diversity, 1993-1995
1431College of Education, 1994-1995
1432Enrollment Reports, 1994-1995
1433Environmental Literacy Requirement, 1990-1991, 1995
1434Geographic Information Systems Working Group, 1994
1435Department of History, 1995-1996
1436Honorary Degrees Committee, 1995
1437Human Resources, minimum wage, 1996
1438Higher Education and the Law, 1996
1439International Trade and Security, 1996
1440Charles Knapp, 1994-1997
1441Edith House Lecture, invitation, 1995
1442Learning Disabilities Center, 1994
1443Office of Legal Affairs, 1994-1996
1444Department of Mathematics, 1994
1445Military Reserve, policy and procedures, 1990
1446Olympics, 1995-1996
1447Olympic Planning Committee, 1996
1448Program Planning Advisory Committee, 1995-1996
1449Public Safety Division, annual reports, 1993-1997
1450University of Georgia Program Review, 1993-1994
1451Regents' Global Center, 1994-1995
151Office of the Vice President of Research, 1995-1996
152School of Social Work, 1995
153General Education, strategic planning, 1994, 1996
154Studies abroad, 1995-1996
155Student policies, 1988-1990
156Third Century Horizons Report to the President, 1992
157Transfer of Credit Committee, 1994
158Large Class Instruction Committee, correspondence, 1993
159University Center in Georgia, 1995-1996
1510-13University Council, agendas and minutes, 1994-1996
1514Women's Studies, review, 1996
1515Work Flow Committee, memorandum, 1995
1516Workgroup on Improving Undergraduate Education, 1993
1517Faculty Admissions Committee, 1995
1518Advising and retention, 1993-1995
1519University of Georgia Student Retention Report, 1993
1520College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 1990-1992
1521Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1996-1997
1522Annual Report on Learning Disorders, 1995
1523-24Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, annual reports, 1992-1995
1525College of Arts and Sciences, 1994
1526Black Faculty and Staff Organization (BFSO), 1992-1993
1527Buckley Amendment, 1989-1990
1528College of Business Administration, 1988-1993
1529College Preparatory Curriculum deficiency, 1990-1994
1530Curriculum Development Fund Committee, 1994-1996
1531-36Educational Affairs Committee, 1988-1994
1537Educational Opportunity Center, 1990, 1994
1538Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, 1994
1539Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium, 1991-1992, 1995
1540Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, 1995
1541School of Forest Resources, 1990-1991
1542Gender, 1992-1995
1543An Analysis of Faculty Salary Equity by Gender and Race, 1988-1989
161General Studies Degree Task Force, 1994-1995
162Georgia Magazine Advisory Board, 1995-1997
163Georgia Museum of Art, 1991, 1995-1996
164Honors Day Speakers Committee, 1994-1995
165Honors Day, 1994-1996
166Academic Scholarship Identity Program, 1991-1995
167Institutes and Centers, 1990
168Institute of Higher Education, 1993
169International programs, 1989, 1991
1610Learning disabilities, 1991-1996
1611Minority Hiring Initiative, 1993-1994
1612Office of Instructional Development, 1989-1993
1613Orientation and Advising Committee, 1994
1614Presidential scholars, 1993
1615William F. Prokasy, 1992-1994
1616Exhibits to accompany National Collegiate Athletics Association Self Study (NCAA), 1995
1617Distinguished Research Professorships, 1989
1618Academic assistance, 1990-1994
1619Student Advisory Council, correspondence, 1996
1620Student Affairs, 1991-1993, 1995
1621University of Georgia Student Association, 1990, 1993
1622Tuition Study, 1995-1996
1623University bookstore, 1990
1624University Center in Georgia Symposium, 1990-1993
1625Charles B. Knapp, 1990-1995
43University of Georgia Press, 1987-1989
1626Special Topics Workshop , 1992-1995
1627Deans and Department Heads Workshop, 1993-1994
1628Forum on Promotion and Tenure, 1993-1994
1629Report to Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, 1985
1630Admissions, 1985-1988
1631-32Admissions Committee, 1986-1988
1633Admissions Sub-Committee, 1987-1988
1634Advanced placement, 1981, 1984
1635Advising and retention, 1986-1988
1636Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1985-1987
1637-40Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs, annual reports, 1983-1988
1641Word Processing Review Board, annual report, 1981-1982
1642Archives and records, 1988
1643Department of Art, 1985, 1987
171Honors Program report, 1986
172Honors Program Committee, 1986
173Institute of Higher Education , 1984-1986
174Institutional Research and Planning Office, 1986-1988
175Advisory Committee on International Development, 1983-1984, 1987-1988
176Women in International Development, 1987-1988
177-8International Development, general, 1980-1988
179Managing Growth and Academic Quality, Thomas Dyer, 1986
1710Marine Science, undated
1711School of Law, 1987
1712President Davison, correspondence, 1984, 1986
1713College of Education, 1984-1988
1714Department of Adult Education, 1985-1986
1715Neighborhood Justice Center of Atlanta Training Workshop , 1984
1716Division of Developmental Studies, 1985-1987
1717Division of Developmental Studies, annual reports, 1981-1982, 1985-1987
1718Early Retirement Plan, 1987
1719Faculty Forum Committee, 1986
1720University of Georgia Institutes, Fact Sheets, 1986
1721Department of History, 1984-1987
1722College of Arts and Sciences, General Education Study, 1977
1723College of Arts and Sciences Reform Committee, 1986
1724Committee on Assessment in Higher Education, 1986
1725Associate Degrees, policies, 1987
1726Committee on Academic Advising and Course Sequencing for Athletes, 1980
1727Civil Liability in the University, Report to the Faculty, undated
1728Buckley Amendment, 1986
1729College of Business Administration, 1985
1730Centers and Institutes, 1986
1731Class Scheduling Project, 1986
1732-34Commencement, 1985-1987
1735Commencement Committee, 1986
1736Corley Report, Writing Across the Curriculum, 1980
1737Addendum to Desegregation Plan, 1979, 1983-1984
1738McBee Salute Committee, 1988
1739Josiah Meigs Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1982
1740Minority Advising Program, 1987-1988
1741Minority Hiring Project, 1987-1988
181National Consortium for Educational Access , 1985
182Normative Data for the 1985-1986 Freshman Class, 1987
183Office of Instructional Development, 1979, 1981-1985, 1988
184Orientation planning, 1988
185Points of Pride, 1987
186Policy, 1981-1983, 1986
187President Carter's visit, 1984
188Regents' Administrative Fellows, 1986-1987
189Dr. Louise McBee, correspondence, 1986-1987
1810Word Processing Review Board, 1984
1811Dr. Virginia Trotter, 1984, 1986, 1987-1988
1812Office of the Vice President for Research, 1987
1813Retention data, 1987
1814Oxford Program, Academic and and Financial Report, 1986
1815Oxford Program, photographs, 1986
1816Oxford Program, Academic Report and photographs, 1987
1817Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, memorandum, 1985
1818Regent's regulations, Academic Affairs, 1988
1819Special Professorships Committee, 1986
1820Special Studies Advisory Board, evaluation report, 1980
1821Students with Disabilities, A Guide for Faculty and Staff, 1988
1822Third Century Series, 1987
1823Trotter presentation for Academic Affairs Advisory Council (AAAC), 1986
1824University Center in Georgia, 1984-1985
1825Georgia Center for Continuing Education, 1985-1986
1826The Georgia Review, 1986-1988
1827Gerontology Center, 1987
1828Governors Honors Program, 1983
1829Graduate faculty bylaws, 1986
1830Graduate faculty, 1980, 1983
1831Institute of Higher Education, 1986-1988
1832-34Holmes-Hunter Lecture Series, 1985-1987
1835-37Honors Day, 1984-1986
1838Honors Program, 1986-1989
1839Programs for Superior Students, 1981-1987
1840Registration Advisory Committee, 1984-1988
1841Retention Study, 1985-1986
1842Semester system, 1983-1984, 1986-1987
1843Academic Issues Workshop, 1989
1844Student Retention Report, 1987-1988
1845Advising and retention, 1986-1989
1846College of Agriculture, 1988-1989
1847Associate Vice Presidents meetings, agendas, 1988-1989
1848Admissions, 1988-1989
1849Afro-American Studies Program (The Institute for African American Studies), 1988-1989
191Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), 1988
192The Coastal Plain Experiment Station, 1987-1989
193Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corp (ROTC), 1988-1989
194Office of Instructional Development, annual report, 1988-1989
195Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, 1988
196College of Arts and Sciences, 1988-1989
197Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1988-1989
198Department of Art, 1988-1989
199Assessment , 1989
1910Athletic Department, 1988-1989
1911Institute for Behavioral Research, 1988
1912Division of Biological Sciences, 1988-1989
1913Buckley Policy, 1988
1914College of Business Administration, 1988-1989
1915Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance, 1988-1989
1916-18Cabinet and Deans Council, minutes and agendas, 1988-1989
1919Calendar Committee, 1988-1990
1920Campus Networking Committee, 1988
1921Georgia Center for Continuing Education, 1988-1989
1922Department of Classics, 1988-1989
1923Commencement, planning papers, 1988-1989
1924Task Force on Copyright Policy, 1989
1925Computing Advisory Committee, 1988-1989
1926Computing and Networking Services, 1988-1989
1927Administrative Computing Assessment Committee, 1988-1989
1928Cortona Program, 1989
1929Curriculum Management Guidelines, 1986-1987
1930New degree audit system, 1988-1989
1931Department of Drama, 1988
1932Vice President for Development and University Relations, 1989
1933Center for East-West Trade Policy, 1988-1989
1934Division of Developmental Studies, 1987-1989
1935Del Dunn, correspondence, 1988-1989
1936Institute of Ecology, 1988-1989
201Department of Economics, progress report, 1988
202College of Education, 1986-1988
203Educational Affairs Committee, 1988-1989
204Department of English, 1988
205School of Environmental Design, 1989
206Equal Opportunity Office, 1988-1989
207Evening classes, 1988-1989
208Extra Compensation Policy, 1987-1988
209External degree programs, 1987
2010Faculty recruitment and development, 1989
2011Faculty Leaves of Absence and Allocation of Instructional Time, 1989
2012Faculty Recognition Banquet, 1989
2013Task Force on Fine Arts Complex, 1989
2014Report on the Location of the First Phase of the Fine Arts Complex, 1989
2015School of Forest Resources, 1988-1989
2016Foundation Fellows Program, 1988-1989
2017The Georgia Review, 1988
2018Gerontology Center, 1988-1989
2019Graduate School, 1988-1989
2020Graduate Program Review of the Doctoral Program in Higher Education, 1988-1989
2021Graduate teaching assistants, 1988-1989
2022Handicapped student services, 1988
2023Health Professions Education Programs, 1985-1986
2024Institute of Higher Education, 1986-1989
2025Department of History, 1988
2026Holiday schedule, 1988-1989
2027Holmes-Hunter Lecture, correspondence, 1989
2028Honors Day, 1988-1989
2029Honors Program, 1988-1989
2030Humanities Center, 1989
2031College of Home Economics, 1988-1989
2032Office of Instructional Development, 1986-1989
2033Interdisciplinary Certificate Programs, 1989
2034International Development, 1988-1989
2035University Identity Program Policies and Standards, 1988-1989
2036Institutional Research and Planning, 1988-1989
2037Presidential Task Force on Minority Administrative Hiring, 1989
2038College of Journalism and Mass Communication, 1988-1989
2039School of Law, 1989-1990
2040Center for Latin American Studies, 1988
2041Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1988-1989
211Learning Disabilities Adult Clinic, 1988-1989
212University Distinguished Lecture Series, 1988-1989
213Libraries, 1988-1989
214Josiah Meigs Teaching Awards, 1988-1989
215Department of Mathematics, 1988-1989
216Task Force on Mediation, preliminary report, 1988
217Department of Microbiology, 1988
218Sub-Committee for Minor Fields of Undergraduate Study, 1989
219School of Music, 1988-1989
2110Museum of Natural History, 1988-1989
2111University of Georgia at Oxford Review Committee, 1989
2112Guide to Patents for Faculty and Staff, 1988
2113Personnel, memoranda, 1988
2114Phi Kappa Phi, 1989
2115College of Pharmacy, 1988-1989
2116Department of Philosophy, 1988-1989
2117University of Georgia Press, 1988
2118Department of Psychology, 1988-1989
2119Quality Improvement Equipment Program, 1988
2120Registrar, 1988-1989
2121Residency Appeals Committee, 1988
2122Office of the Vice President for Research, 1988-1989
2123Early Retirement Incentive Policy, 1988
2124Report to the University System Planning Steering Committee, The Role of the University System in Economic and Community Development, 1989
2125Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1988-1989
2126Educational Affairs Committee, 1989
2127Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, flyers, 1988-1989
2128Office of the Vice President for Services, 1988-1989
2129School of Social Work, 1988-1989
2130Space Allocation Advisory Committee, 1988
2131Fall Quarter Directory of Student Organizations, 1988
2132Staff Development Committee, 1988-1989
2133Staff Representative Committee, 1988-1989
2134Vice President for Student Affairs, 1988-1989
2135Student Government Association Academic Affairs Committee, 1989
2136Third Century Campaign Committee, 1988
2137The University Center in Georgia, 1988-1989
2138-40University Council Executive Committee, 1988-1989
2141University Council, bylaws, 1987
2142University Council Report on Academic Policies, Marshall Report, 1986
2143University of Georgia Foundation, 1988-1989
2144Advisory Council, University System, 1988
2145Task Force on Student Academic Services, 1988
2146Study Committee on the Non-Traditional Student, 1988
2147University System Transfer of Credit Committee, 1988
2148University System, Program Review and Quality Standards Planning Committee, 1988-1989
2149Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, 1988
2150University System of Georgia Academic Advisory Committee, minutes, 1988-1989
221-2Academic Advisory Committee, 1989
223University System of Georgia, general, 1988-1989
224College of Veterinary Medicine, 1985, 1988-1989
225Faculty Admissions Committee, 1989-1990
226Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1989-1990
227Student Retention at the University of Georgia, 1988-1989
228Administrative retreat, 1990
229Afro-American Studies (The Institute for African American Studies), 1989
2210-11College of Agriculture, 1989-1990
2212Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, annual report, 1988-1989
2213Institute for Behavioral Research, annual report, 1988-1989
2214College of Pharmacy, annual report, 1988-1989
2215Institutional Research and Planning, 1988-1989
2216Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1989-1990
2217Department of Anthropology and Linguistics, 1990
2218College of Arts and Sciences, 1989-1990
2219Assessment, 1989-1990
2220Institute for Behavioral Research, 1989-1990
2221College of Business Administration, 1989-1990
2222Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance, 1989-1990
2223-24Cabinet meetings, 1990
2225Calendar planning, 1989-1990
2226Center for Asian Studies, 1989
2227Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, 1988-1990
2228University Council, 1973-1975
231-19University Council, 1976-1988
241Curriculum Management Guidelines, 1989-1990
242Council of Academic Deans, 1992
243Georgia Democratic Leadership Report, 1989
244Vice President for Development and University Relations , 1990
245Developmental Studies Guidelines, undated
246Department of Drama, 1989-1990
247Drug testing policy, 1990
248Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, pamphlet, undated
249Department of English, 1989-1990
2410School of Environmental Design, 1990
2411Task Force on Handicapped Services, 1989-1990
2412Honors Program, 1986, 1988
2413-16Honors Day, 1987-1990
2417Tutoring Handbook, Academic Counseling Unit, Athletic Department, undated
2418Military, Middle East crisis, 1990
2419Del Dunn, correspondence and memoranda, 1990
2420University Council Executive Committee, 1988-1991
2421-22University Council, agendas and minutes, 1988-1990
2423University of Georgia President, Charles Knapp, 1989-1990
2424Semester Feasibility Task Force, 1989-1990
2425Research Professor Appointment Guidelines, 1990
2426University of Georgia Self-Study Steering Commitee, 1990-1991
2427Semester Feasibility Study, 1990
2428-29The University System Task Force on the Assessment of General Education Outcomes, 1989-1991
2430Staff meetings, agendas, 1988-1991
2431University System, general, 1989-1990
2432University System, Transfer of Credit Committee, 1989-1990
251The Georgia Review, 1990
252Centers and institutes, 1988, 1990
253Charter Lecture Series, 1989-1990
254Columns, correspondence, 1989-1990
255Department of Comparative Literature, 1989-1990
256Commencement, 1990
257Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, brochure, 1989
258External Advisory Committee for Computing, 1990
259External Computer Committee, 1990
2510Computer Advisory Committee, 1989-1990
2511-12Computing and Networking Services, 1989-1990
2513Georgia Center for Continuing Education, 1989-1990
2514Academic Issues Workshop, 1990
2515Annual reports, 1990
2516Computer Review Team, 1990
2517Copyright Task Force, 1989-1990
2518-22Educational Affairs Committee, 1988-1989
2523Task Force on Environmental Issues, 1990
2524Environmental Studies responses, 1990
261Task Force on Environmental Issues, 1989-1990
262Environmental Ethic Certificate Program, Environmental Ethics Journal, 1990
263Environment next hit and the Blue Ribbon Committee1989-1990
264Equal Opportunity Office, 1989-1990
265Faculty Center Planning Committee, 1989
266Faculty recognition banquet, 1990
267Fine Arts Building Task Force, 1989
268School of Forest Resources, 1989-1990
269Resident Center at Fort Valley, 1988-1989
2610Foundation Fellows Program, 1989-1990
2611University of Georgia Foundation, 1990
2612Gerontology Center, 1989
2613Graduate School, 1989-1990
2614Institute of Higher Education, 1989-1990
2615Honors Day, 1990
2616Hunter-Holmes Lecture, 1989
2617Office of Instructional Development, nominations from deans, 1990
2618Personal and Professional Development Opportunities for Faculty, 1990
2619Institutional Research and Planning Program Review Committee, 1989-1990
2620Task Force on International Programs, 1989-1990
2621International Development, 1989-1990
2622Ralph McGill Lecture, XI, program, 1989
2623University branch campus in Japan, 1989-1990
2624Joint Tech - Georgia Development Fund Fall Conference, 1989
2625Learning Disabilities Adult Clinic, Noel Gregg, 1989-1990
2626Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1989-1990
2627Department of Mathematics, 1990
2628Josiah Meigs Teaching Awards, 1989-1990
2629Georgia Museum of Art, 1989-1990
2630Museum of Natural History, 1989-1990
2631Department of Music, 1989-1990
2632National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), annual meeting, Washington D.C., 1989
2633Council on Postsecondary Accreditation (COPA) and National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), accreditation meeting, St. Louis, 1989
2634National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Council on Academic Affairs Executive Committee and IBM Higher Education Conference, Los Angeles, 1990
2635Council on Postsecondary Accreditation (COPA) and National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Accreditation and Seattle Center for Research Libraries, Chicago, 1990
271National Association of Sate Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1988-1990
272National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) Council on Academic Affairs, summer meeting, Montebello, Quebec, 1989
273Personnel Services Division, 1989-1990
274School of Pharmacy, 1989-1990
275Phi Kappa Phi, 1989
276Department of Philosophy, 1989-1990
277Department of Physics and Astronomy, 1989-1990
278Physical Plant Division, 1990
279-10Office of the President, 1989-1990
2711-15Policies, 1975-1990
2716-17Policy statements, 1970-1976
2718Policy group, semester system, 1980-1983
2719Special Studies Exiting Policy, 1979-1980
2720Weather policies, 1982-1988
2721Curriculum policies, 1983, 1987, 1989
2722Admission policies, 1982-1990
2723Facility policies, 1985-1989
2724-25Faculty policies, 1974-1989
281Vice President for Services, 1989-1990
282Special Academic Programs, 1989-1990
283Staff Representative Group, 1989-1990
284University of Georgia, strategic plan, 1989
285Strategic Planning Committee, 1989-1991
286Vice President for Student Affairs, 1989-1990
287University Center in Georgia, 1989-1990
288-15University Council, 1988-1990
2816Tuition waiver for international students, 1990
2817Administrative Committee, Academic Affairs, 1989
2818-19Academic Affairs Administrative Committee, University System, 1989-1990
2820Staff Development Committee, University System, 1989
2821Planning Steering Committee, University System, 1989, undated
291University System, committees, 1989-1990
292Georgia Association of Colleges, Presidents' Workshop, Regents' Advisory Council, 1989
293Women's Studies Program, 1989-1990
294Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs , 1990-1991
295Ad-Hoc Committee on Departmental Administrative Issues, 1991
296School of Accounting, report, 1989-1990
297Admissions Committee, 1990-1991
298Advising and Retention, 1990-1991
299African-American Studies, 1990-1991
2910Department of Agriculture, 1990-1991
2911Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professors, 1990
2912Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1991
2913College of Arts and Sciences, 1990-1991
2914Assessment, 1990-1991
2915Student Athlete Handbook, undated
2916General Education Assessment Committee, 1991
2917Institute for Behavioral Research, 1990
2918Black Faculty and Staff Newsletter, 1990
2919Department of Botany, 1990-1991
2920Botanical Garden, 1990-1991
2921College of Business Administration, 1990-1991
2922Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance, 1990-1991
2923Administrative calendar, 1990-1991
2924Cabinet and Deans Meetings, 1990-1991
2925Center for Continuing Education, 1988, 1990
2926Charter Lecture Series, 1990-1991
2927-29University Computing and Networking Services (UCNS), 1989-1991
2930-31Computer Advisory Committee, 1990-1991
301Commencement, 1991
302Copyright policy, 1990
303Deans meetings, 1990-1991
304Drug testing legislation, 1990
305Educational Affairs Committee, 1990-1991
306College of Education, 1990, undated
307Department of English, 1990-1991
308School of Environmental Design, 1990
309Environmental Literacy Committee, 1991
3010Task Force on Environmental Studies, 1991
3011Evening classes, policy and procedures, 1990-1991
3012Faculty Affairs Committee, 1990
3013Faculty Symposium, Unicoi, 1991
3014Faculty Conference, 1991
3015Faculty Awards Banquet, 1991
3016College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 1990
3017University of Georgia Foundation, 1989-1991
3018Gender bias, 1990
3019Institute for Higher Education, 1990-1991
3020Honors, 1991
3021Honors Day, 1991
3022Institutional Research and Planning, 1990
3023-24Office of Instructional Development, 1990
3025International Programs, 1990-1991
3026College of Journalism, 1990-1991
3027School of Law, 1990-1991
3028Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1990-1991
3029Libraries, 1991
3030Marine Sciences Program, 1988, 1990-1991
3031Mathematics, Management Issues Workshop, 1991
3032Josiah Meigs Awards, 1990-1991
3033Military policies, 1990-1991
3034Georgia Museum of Art, 1990-1991
3035Minority faculty, brochure, undated
3036-37National Association of Southern Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1990-1991
3038National Association of Southern Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), annual meeting, Kansas City, 1990
3039National Association of Southern Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Council on Academic Affairs summer meeting, Hotel Queen Mary, 1990
3040Olympics, 1990-1991
3041College of Pharmacy, 1990-1991
311Peachtree Executive Conference Center, 1991
312Personnel Services, 1990-1991
313Department of Philosophy, 1990-1991
314Physical Plant Division, 1990
315Department of Political Science, 1991
316Policy, 1990-1991
317President Charles Knapp, 1990-1991
318Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1990-1991
319University Press, 1990
3110Public information, 1990
3111Policy, 1987-1990
3112The Georgia Review, correspondence, 1990-1991
3113Statement of Purpose, 1990
3114Department of Romance Languages, 1991
3115Office of Public Information, 1989-1990
3116Report of the Reaffirmation Committee, 1991
3117Southeastern Association of Chief Academic Officers meeting, 1991
3118Vice President for Services, 1990-1991
3119Special Academic Programs, 1990-1991
3120Strategic Planning Committee, 1990-1991
3121-22Strategic plan update, 1990-1991
3123Strategic plan update, part one, 1990-1991
3124Strategic plan update, part two, 1990-1991
3125Strategic plan update, reports, 1990-1991
3126Program of Study in a Second Discipline, 1990
3127Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1991
3128Student Affairs, 1990-1991
3129Teaching Associate title, 1990
3130University Council Committee, responses, 1991
3131-33University Council, 1990-1991
321-4University Council, 1990-1991
325University Center in Georgia, 1990-1991
326University System of Georgia, Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, Kennesaw College, 1990
327University System Academic Affairs , summer conference, Jekyll Island, 1990
328University System of Georgia, Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, 1990-1991
329University System of Georgia, Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, minutes, 1990
3210University System of Georgia, committees, 1990-1991
3211Washington Center, 1990
3212Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1990-1991
3213Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium, Evergreen Conference Center, 1992
3214Calendar management of Vice President for Academif Affairs Committee, staff, 1991
3215Academic Administration Workshop, 1992
3216Ad Hoc Academic Affairs Office Review Committee, 1991-1992
3217Ad Hoc Committee of Department Heads, 1991
3218Admissions, 1991-1992
3219College of Agriculture, 1991-1992
3220University Computing and Networking Services, annual report, 1991-1992
3221Performing and Visual Arts Center, 1992
3222College of Arts and Sciences, 1991
3223Army and Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 1991-1992
3224Assessment, 1991-1992
3225Assessment of General Education Committee Report, 1992
3226Biological Sciences, 1991-1992
3227College of Business, 1991-1992
3228Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance, 1991-1992
3229-31Cabinet, 1991-1992
331Classification and Pay Plan Focus Groups, 1990, 1992
332National Salary Survey Report, 1990
333Administrative calendar, 1992-1993
334Executive Council for Information Technology, computing, 1991-1992
335Computing and Networking Services, 1991-1992
336Consulting, 1992
337Charter Lecture, 1991-1992
338Campus Information Technology Forum, 1991-1992
339Center for East-West Trade Policy, 1991-1992
3310Comparative Literature Department, 1992
3311Information Technology Policy Board, 1991
3312Chemical and Laboratory Safety Committee, 1991-1992
3313Commencement, 1992
3314Deans' retreat, 1991
3315Meetings with the deans, 1992
3316Division of Developmental Studies, 1991-1992
3317Ad Hoc Committee for Institutional Data Base, 1991-1992
3318Report of the Vice President of Development and University Relations to the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia Foundation, 1992
3319Americans with Disabilities Act, 1992
3320Distant Learning Work Group, final report, 1992
3321Ecology, 1991-1992
3322Education, 1991-1992
3323Educational Affairs Committee, 1991-1992
3324Environmental Literacy Committee, 1991-1992
3325Faculty Administrative Workshop, 1991-1992
3326Faculty Handbook, 1991-1992
3327Faculty records, 1991-1992
3328Faculty Academic Affairs Symposium, 1991-1992
3329School of Forest Resources, 1991-1992
3330University of Georgia Foundation, 1991-1992
3331University of Georgia Foundation Trustees, winter meeting, Atlanta, 1992
3332Furloughs, 1991
3333Gender Equity Report from deans, 1990-1992
3334Gerontology Center, 1992
3335Graduate School, 1991-1992
3336Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 1990-1992
3337Higher education, 1991-1992
3338Honors Program, 1991-1992
3339Governor's Honors Program, 1992
3340Holmes-Hunter Lecture, 1991
3341International programs, 1991-1992
3342Instructional development, 1991-1992
3343Instructional Development Center, 1991-1992
3344College of Journalism, 1991-1992
3345School of Law, 1992
3346Learning Disabilities Adult Clinic, 1991-1992
341Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1992
342Library, 1991
343Josiah Meigs Award, 1992
344Georgia Museum of Art, 1991-1992
345-6National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1991-1992
347National Association of State Universitites and Land-Grant Colleges, Council on Academic Affairs, 1991-1992
348National Association of State Universitites and Land-Grant Colleges, Council on Academic Affairs, summer meeting, Williamsburg, 1991
349National Association of State Universitites and Land-Grant Colleges, Washington, D.C., 1991
3410National Consortium for Educational Access, 1991
3411Olympics, planning papers, 1992
3412Personnel, 1991-1992
3413Department of Political Science, 1992
3414Policy, 1991-1992
3415College of Pharmacy, 1991-1992
3416The University of Georgia Press, 1991-1992
3417Office of the President, 1991-1992
3418William F. Prokasy, personal, 1991-1992
3419Public information, 1991-1992
3420Department of Psychology, 1991-1992
3421Office of the Vice President for Research, 1991-1992
3422Registrar, 1991-1992
3423Russell Awards Selection Committee, 1991-1992
3424Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1991-1992, 1995
3425Semester conversion, 1990
3426Office of the Vice President for Services, 1991-1992
3427Study in a Second Discipline, 1990-1991
3428Southeastern Association Chief Academic Officers, 1992
3429Special academic programs, 1991-1992
3430Special professorships, 1991-1992
3431Speech, International Studies Internal Administration Issues, 1989
3432Staff Council, 1991-1992
3433-34Strategic Planning Committee, 1992
351Strategic planning process, 1991
352Strategic plans, 1991-1992
353Office of Student Affairs, 1991-19912
354Students, 1989, 1991
355Travel policy, 1991-1992
356-8University Council, meetings, 1991-1992
359University Center in Georgia responses for October meeting, 1990-1991
3510University Center in Georgia, 1991-1992
3511-12University System of Georgia, Academic Affairs Committee, 1991-1992
3513University System of Georgia, Teacher Preparation Report, 1992
3514University System of Georgia general, 1991
3515Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, 1991-1992
3516University System of Georgia, committee minutes, 1991-1992
3517University System of Georgia, Calendar Conversion Committee, 1992
3518University System of Georgia, Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, 1992
3519College of Veterinary Medicine, Report of Evaluation, 1991
3520International policy statements, 1989-1990
3521Interdisciplinary Program, 1989
3522International Intercultural Studies Program (IISP), 1989-1990
3523International development, 1990
361Council for International Programs (CIP), 1989-1990
362-5Curriculum, 1986-1992
366Calendar Committee, 1988
367-39International programs, 1990-1991
3640-42Departmental strategic plans, 1991-1997
3643University Council Program Review Committee, program evaluations, 1992-1993
3644Animal and Dairy Department, Commodity and Discipline Perspective, 1992
3645Policy, 1988-1989
3646Southeastern Chief Academic Officers, Clemson University, 1989
3647Carol Winthrop, correspondence, 1989
3648Women's Studies Program, 1989
3649Memoranda to deans, 1988-1989
3650Charles B. Knapp, memoranda and correspondence, 1989
371William Prokasy, letters of welcome, 1988
372Speeches, 1988, undated
373-4William Prokasy, personal papers, 1988-1990
375Institutes and Centers, 1988-1989
376Task Foirce Report on Student Academic Assistance, 1989-1990
377Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium, 1993
378Academic assistance, 1993
379Academic Affairs, 1992-1993
3710Ad Hoc Committee on Recommending Procedures for Adjucating Cases of Academic Dishonesty, 1992-1993
3711Admissions, 1993
3712Advising and retention, 1992-1993
3713Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 1992-1993
3714American Psychological Association, Board of Educational Affairs, 1992-1993
3715Annual Report of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1991-1992
3716Department of Art, faculty meeting minutes, 1992
3717College of Arts and Sciences, 1993
3718Assessment, 1992
3719Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance, 1992-1993
3720-21Cabinet meetings, 1992-1993
3722Administrative calendar, 1992-1993
3723Center for Continuing Education, smoking policy, 1992
3724Center for Research Libraries, 1992-1993
3725Centers and Institutes, 1992-1993
3726Charter Lectures, 1992-1993
3727Department of Chemistry, 1991-1992
3728Classification and pay plan review, 1992-1993
3729Staff Representatives Group, meeting minutes, 1992-1993
3730Class hour schedules, 1992-1993
3731Comparative Literature Department, 1992-1993
3732University Computing and Networking Services, 1992-1993
3733Executive Council on Information Technology, 1992-1993
3734Campus Information Technology Forum, 1992-1993
3735Curriculum Policies and Procedures, 1992-1993
3736Ad Hoc Committee for Institutional Database, 1992
3737Deans, meeting agendas and correspondence, 1992-1993
3738New Deans and Department Heads Orientation, 1992
3739Department Heads Council, 1992
3740Developmental Studies, 1992-1993
3741Distance Learning Planning Conference, 1992
3742Distance Learning, 1992-1993
3743Department of Drama, 1992-1993
381Eastern States Chief Academic Officers, The Georgia Center , 1992-1993
382Educational Affairs Committee, 1993
383Environmental Literacy, 1992-1993
384Evening classes, 1992-1993
385Faculty records, 1992-1993
386College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 1993
387Student user fees, 1992-1993
388University of Georgia Foundation, 1993
389Gender equity, 1992
3810The Georgia Review, 1992
3811Institute of Higher Education, 1992-1993
3812Honors Program, 1992-1993
3813Human Resources, 1992-1993
3814Student Retention at the University of Georgia, progress report, 1993
3815College of Journalism, 1992
3816Program Review Committee, 1992-1993
3817Learning Disabilities Center, 1992-1993
3818Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs, annual report, 1991-1992
3819Libraries, 1992-1993
3820School of Marine Sciences, 1992-1993
3821Josiah Meigs Teaching Award, 1993
3822Minority faculty, 1992-1993
3823Georgia Museum of Art, 1992-1993
3824School of Music, 1992-1993
3825Olympic Games, Atlanta, 1993, 1996
3826Performing and Visual Arts Center, 1993
3827Policy, 1992-1993
3828College of Pharmacy, 1992-1993
3829President Charles Knapp, correpondence and memoranda, 1992-1993
3830Fiscal year 1994 Program Priority Planning , 1992
3831Program planning reports from directors, 1992
3832Program review, 1993
3833Vice President for Research, 1993
3834Russell Foundation Symposium, 1993
3835Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, Clayton State, 1993
3836Southeastern Association of Chief Academic Officers meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, 1993
3837School of Social Work, strategic plan, 1992
3838Special Professorships Committee, 1992-1993
3839Special Academic Programs, 1993
3840Speeches, 1994
3841Staff Council, 1992-1993
3842Statistical Advisory Panel, report, 1993
3843Vice President for Student Affairs, 1992-1993
3844Directory of Student Organizations, 1992
3845Studies Abroad, 1993
3846Strategic Plan, June, 1992
3847University Review Committee, 1993
3848Strategic planning, 1992-1993
3849University System of Georgia Transfer of Credit Committee, 1992
391-4University Council, 1992-1993
395Impacts on Undergraduate Education, responses, 1992
396University Center in Georgia, 1992-1993
397University System of Georgia, general, 1992-1993
398Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, annual summer conference, 1992
399Strategic Planning Committee, 1992
3910University System of Georgia, minutes of committees, 1992-1993
3911University System of Georgia Strategic Planning Committee, 1992-1993
3912Annual Conference, Deans and Vice Presidents of ACademic and Student Affairs, 1993
3913Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, 1992
3914Telecommunications Technical Advisory Committee, 1992
3915University System of Georgia Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, 1992-1993
3916College of Veterinary Medicine, 1992-1993
3917Carol Winthrop, memoranda, 1992-1993
3918-21Council of Scientific Society Presidents, 1989-1992
401-12Council of Scientific Society Presidents, 1978-1979, 1987-1990
4013Guidelines and Procedures for Program Evaluation, 1993
4014Faculty Recognition Banquet, 1993-1994
4015Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1993-1994
4016Academic honesty, 1993-1994
4017Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium, 1993-1994
4018Accreditation, 1992, 1994
4019Academic Affairs Policy Manual, 1991
4020Administrative calendar, 1993
411National Policy Board on Higher Education Insitutional Accreditation, agenda, 1994
412Advising and retention, 1993-1994
413African-American Studies, 1993-1994
414-7Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 1993-1994
418Satellite Technical Education Center, 1994
419Air Force and Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1993-1994
4110American Association for Higher Education, 1993
4111Administrative Workshop, 1994
4112American Language Program, 1994
4113American Psychological Association, spring consolidated meetings, Washington D.C. , 1994
4114American Psychological Association, Board of Educational Affairs, 1994
4115-16American Psychological Association, Board of Scientific Affairs, 1994
4117-18American Psychological Association, 1993-1994
4119Performing and Visual Arts Center, 1993-1994
4120Annual Reports to the President, 1994
4121Art Department, 1993-1994
4122-24College of Arts and Sciences, 1993-1995
4125Assessment, 1993-1994
4126Atlanta contacts, 1989-1990
4127Athletics, 1993-1994
4128Athens Clarke County, University of Georgia work co-op partnership, 1993
421Vice President for Business and Finance, 1993-1994
422Terry College of Business, 1993-1994
423-4Cabinet, 1993-1994
425Career Planning and Placement Center, Class Report Information Synopsis, 1992-1993
426Campus planning, 1994
427Centers and Institutes, Academic Affairs Policy Statement, 1993
428Center for Biological Resource Recovery, 1994
429Center for Continuing Education, 1994
4210Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, 1992-1994
4211Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, 1994
4212Center for East-West Trade Policy, 1994
4213Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 1994
4214National Reading Research Center, 1994
4215Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science, 1994
4216-17Center for Research Libraries, Board of Directors meetings, 1993-1994
4218Charter Lectures, 1993-1994
4219Chemistry, 1993-1994
4220Classes, 1993
4221Commencement, 1994
4222Computing and Networking Services, 1993-1994
4223Information Technology Executive Council, 1993-1994
4224Campus Information Technology Forum, 1993-1994
4225Telecommunications Policy Study Program, 1994
4226Consortium of Social Sciences Association, 1993
4227Cortona, Italy, 1993-1994
4228National Consortium for Educational Access, Incorporated, 1993
4229Council on Social Work Education, 1993
4230Council of Scientific Society Presidents, 1994
4231-32University Curriculum Committee, 1993
4233-34Curriculum, 1993-1994
431-2Curriculum, 1993-1994
433Curriculum Development Fund, comments from deans, 1993-1994
434Memoranda to deans, 1993-1994
435Developmental Studies, 1993-1994
436Vice President for Dveelopment, 1993-1994
437Distance learning, 1993-1994
438Department of Drama, 1993
439-10Eastern States Chief Academic Officers, 1993-1994
4311Ecology, 1993-1994
4312-13College of Education, 1993-1994
4314Educational Affairs Committee, 1993-1994
4315Enrollment, 1993-1994
4316School of Environmental Design, 1993-1994
4317Environmental Ethics, 1994
4318Environmental Literacy Requirement, 1993-1994
4319Environmental Studies Center, 1994
4320Environmental Protection Act (EPA), memoranda, 1994
4321Equal Opportunity Office, 1993-1994
4322Extra Compensation Policy, 1993-1994
4323Faculty Affairs Committee, 1993-1994
4324Faculty-authored texts, 1992-1993
4325Family and Consumer Sciences, 1993-1994
4326Fee Policy, 1993-1994
4327Fellowships, 1994
4328Charles S. Sanford Jr. Center for Financial Research, Terry College of Business, 1986, 1993-1994
4329School of Forest Resources, 1993-1994
441Gender and racial bias, 1993-1994
442Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 1994
443The Georgia Review, 1994
444Gerontology Center, 1993-1994
445Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990, memorandum, 1993
446Graduate School, 1993-1994
447Institute of Higher Education, 1993-1994
448Holiday schedule, 1994
449Honors Program, 1993-1994
4410Office of Human Resources, 1993-1994
4411Institutional Research and Planning, 1993
4412International programs, 1993-1994
4413Institute for Behavioral Research, 1994
4414Instructional Resources Center, 1993-1994
4415-16Office of Instructional Dveelopment, 1993-1994
4417Join enrollment, 1994
4418College of Journalism and Mass Communication, 1993-1994
4419School of Law, 1993-1994
4420Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1993-1994
4421Libraries, 1993-1994
4422Department of Mathematics, 1993-1994
4423Josiah Meigs Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1994
4424Minorities, recruitment of faculty, general file, 1994
4425Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program, 1993-1994
4426School of Music, 1993-1994
4427Georgia Museum of Art, 1993-1994
4428Art Inventory Committee, 1994
4429Museum of Natural History, 1993
451-2National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), program reviews, 1993-1994
453National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), general, 1993-1994
454National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Chief Academic Officers, 1993-1994
455National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Council on Academic Affairs, summer meeting, Cape Cod, 1993
456Olympics, 1994
457American Association for Higher Education, New Orleans, 1994
458Phi Kappa Phi, spring initiation invitation, 1994
459Pew Collaborative, St. Louis, 1993
4510Plus-Minus Grading System Committee, 1994
4511College of Pharmacy, 1993-1994
4512Policy, 1993-1994
4513-14President Charles Knapp, correspondence and memoranda, 1993-1994
4515President's quarterly meeting with the deans, 1994
4516Strongest programs, schools, and colleges, memoranda from deans, 1993
4517Program Review Committee, 1993
4518Principal priorities for Fiscal Year 1995, deans, 1994
4519William Prokasy, personal papers, 1993-1994
4520Public information, 1993-1994
4521Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) briefing session on accreditation, Atlanta, 1994
4522Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), 1993-1994
4523Vice President for Research, 1993-1994
4524The Annual University of GEorgia Retirees Dinner, 1994
4525Russell Foundation, 1993-1994
4526Richard B. Russell Symposium, 1993
4527Salary Equity Ad Hoc Committee, memorandum, 1993
4528Semester system, 1993-1994
461Vice President for Services, 1993-1994
462School of Social Work, 1993-1994
463Department of Sociology, 1993
464State Postsecondary Review Entity (SPRE), 1994
465Special Academic Programs, 1994
466Staff representatives, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1994
467Storm-Water Study Committee, 1994
468State of the Art Conferences, 1993-1994
469Vice President for Student Affairs, 1993-1994
4610Student Information Systems, monthly report, 1994
4611Directory of Student Organizations, 1993
4612Study in a Second DIscipline, 1994
4613Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium, William Prokasy's speech, 1994
4614Total Quality Management Committee for Large Class Instruction, 1993-1994
4615University System in Georgia, 1993-1994
4616-18University Council, 1993-1994
4619University of Georgia Press, 1993
4620Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, general, 1993-1994
4621University System of Georgia, minutes of committees, 1993-1994
Includes minutes of the following committees; Academic Advisory Committee on Biological Sciences, Academic Advisory Committee on Health Professions, Chencellor's Advisory Council, Academic Advisory Committee on Psychology, Academic Advisory Committee on Developmental Studies, Academic Advisory Committee on Computer Science and Systems Analysis, Academic Advisory Committee on Home Economics, Academic Advisory Committee on Fine and Applied Arts, Academic Advisory Committee on Political Science, Academic Advisory Committee on History, Academic Advisory Committee on Libraries, University Curriculum Committee, and the Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs.
4622University System of Georgia, Academic Affairs, 1993-1994
4623University System of Georgia Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, Macon College, 1993
4624-25University System of Georgia, Strategic Planning Committee, 1993-1994
4626University System of Georgia, Transfer of Credit Committee, 1993-1994
4627University System of Georgia, Institutional Assessment Program, 1994
4628Verona, Italy, 1993-1994
471School of Veterinary Medicine, 1993-1994
472Universities Council on Water Resources, 1994
473Accreditation, 1995
474Academic Affairs, 1994-1995
475Proceedings of the Academic Affairs Faculty Symposium, 1994
476Academic Assistance, 1995
477Academic Honesty, 1994-1995
478American College Testing (ACT), 1995
479Administrative calendar, 1994-1995
4710Adjunct titles, 1966-1970, 1994-1995
4711Advising and retention, 1994-1995
4712African American Studies, 1994-1995
4713-14Agreements, 1994-1995
4715The University of Georgia's Cooperative Extension Service and Fort Valley State College, report, 1994
4716-17College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 1994-1995
4718Air Force and Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1995
4719Policy on drugs and alcohol, 1995
4720Annual reports to the president, 1994-1995
4721-25American Psychological Association, 1994-1995
481-3American Psychological Association, 1994-1995
484Council of University Directors of Psychology, annual meeting, 1995
485-7College of Arts and Sciences, 1994-1995
488Performing and Visual Arts Center, 1994-1996
489School of Art, 1994-1995
4810Art Inventory Committee, Georgia Museum of Art, 1994-1995
4811Athens Area Chamber of COmmerce, 1995
4812Athens Internet Project, 1994
4813Athens Area Technical Institute, 1995
4814Athletics, 1994
4815Auditing, 1995
4816State Botanical Garden of Georgia, 1995
4817Vice President for Business and Finance, 1994-1995
4818Terry College of Business, 1994-1995
4819College of Business, Coca Cola Center for International Business, 1994
4820-23Cabinet, 1993-1995
4824Callaway Professorship, 1995
4825Campaign for Charities, 1995
4826Career Planning and Placement, 1994-1995
4827-28Campus Master Development Plan, Planning Policy Manual, 1994-1995
491Campus planning, 1994-1995
492Centers and Institutes, 1994-1995
493Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, 1994
494Center for Continuing Education, 1994-1995
495Center for East-West Trade Policy, 1994-1995
496Chemistry Learning Center, 1994-1995
497Environmental Center, 1994
498Fanning Leadership Center, 1994-1995
499Gerontology Center, 1994-1995
4910Humanities Center, 1994-1995
4911Learning Disabilities Center, 1994-1995
4912Center for Metalloenzyme Studies Research Training Group, 1994
4913Center for Research Libraries, Capital Campaign Taskforce meeting, 1995
4914-15Center for Research Libraries, Board of Directors meetings, 1995
4916Center for Research Libraries, Board of Directors, 1994-1995
4917Charter Lectures, 1994-1995
4918Computing and Network Services, 1994-1995
4919Campus Information Technology Forum, 1994-1995
4920Information Technology Executive Council, 1994-1995
4921Conciliation Agreement, 1994
4922Cortona, Italy, 1994-1995
1Cortona, Italy, Studies Abroad Program, poster, undated
4923Copyright information, 1994
4924Council on Academic Affairs Committee on Faculty, 1994
4925Consortium of Social Sciences Education, 1994-1995
4926Criminal Justice Program, 1994
4927Council of Scientific Society Presidents, 1995
4928Cultural diversity, 1995
4929Collaborative proposals, 1995
4930-31Curriculum, 1994-1995
501Curriculum Committee, University Council, 1994
502Deans meetings, 1995
503-4Deans, memoranda, 1994-1995
505Vice President for Development and University Relations, 1994-1995
506University System Ad Hoc Administrative Committee on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology, 1994-1995
507Distance Learning Advisory Board, 1994-1995
508-9Distance Learning, 1993-1995
5010Distance Learning Planning Conference, 1992
5011Faculty Development Work Group, final report, 1995
5012Interactive Video Evaluation Workshop, 1992
5013Department of Drama, handbook, 1994
5014Eastern States Chief Academic Officers, conference attendees, 1994
5015Institute of Ecology, 1994-1995
5016-17College of Education, 1991, 1994-1995
1American College Dance Festival, poster, 1995
511Emeritus title, 1994-1995
512Enrollment management, 1995
513Entry to majors, guidelines, 1994
514Environmental Ethics Certificate Program, 1994-1995
515National Institute for the previous hitEnvironment, 1995
516Environmental literacy, 1994
517School of Environmental Design, 1994-1995
518Equal Opportunity Office, 1994-1995
519Quarterly Report on Hiring, 1994
5110Evening classes, 1995
5111Faculty records, 1994-1995
5112Faculty Admissions Committee, interim report, 1994
5113Faculty Development Workshop, 1995
5114Faculty recruitment, 1994-1995
5115College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 1994-1995
5116School of Forest Resources, 1994-1995
5117Foundation Fellows, 1994-1995
5118Fulbright Scholar Program, 1994-1995
5119The Georgia Review, 1994-1995
5120General Studies Program comments, 1994-1995
5121Global Policy Center and Global Business Network, 1995
5122Graduate School, 1994-1995
5123Grant-in-Aid Advisory Committee, memorandum, 1994
5124Georgia Research Alliance, 1994
5125Georgia Statewide Academic and Medical Systems, 1994-1995
5126Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance, 1994-1995
5127Institute of Higher Education, 1994-1995
5128Honors Program, 1994-1995
5129Human Resources, 1994-1995
5130Lothar Tresp retirement party, 1994
5131Intellectual Property Committee, 1994
5132Institutional Research and Planning, 1994
521-2Office of Instructional Development, 1994-1995
523-4Office of International Development, 1994-1995
525Instructional Resources Center, 1994-1995
526Institute for University Scholars, undated
527College of Journalism and Mass Communication, 1993-1995
528Large Classroom Instruction Committee, 1994-1995
529School of Law, 1994-1995
5210Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1994-1995
5211Legislature, 1994-1995
5212Libraries, 1994-1995
5213Parking maps, 1996
5214Meigs Awards, 1995
5215School of Marine Programs, 1994-1995
5216Minority Student Alliance, 1994
5217Mission Statement Review Committee, 1995
5218Museum of Natural History, 1994
5219National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1994-1995
531Georgia Museum of Art, 1994-1995
532School of Music, 1994-1996
533Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990, 1995
534National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), program review, 1994
535National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Council on Academic Affairs, 1994-1995
536Nepotism policy, 1994
537National Reading Research Center, 1994-1995
538National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, 1994
539Objectives for 1995, 1995
5310Olympics, planning papers, 1995-1996
5311Outcomes Assessment Process, 1994
5312Parking, 1994-1995
5313American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), Forum on Faculty Roles and Rewards, 1994-1995
5314American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), meeting in Washington D.C., 1995
5315Peer review of teaching, 1994-1995
5316Pew Higher Education Roundtables, responses from deans, 1994
5317College of Pharmacy, 1994-1995
5318Phi Beta Delta, nomination guidelines, 1995
5319Phi Kappa Phi, 1995
5320Physical Plant, 1994-1995
5321-26Office of the President, correspondence, 1995
541-5Office of the President, correspondence, 1994-1995
546William Prokasy, personal papers, 1994-1995
547-11Program reviews, 1994-1995
5412Program Review Committee, 1993-1995
5413Program review of departments, responses by deans, 1994
5414Public information, 1994-1995
551Public safety, 1994-1995
552Office of the Vice President for Research, 1994-1995
553Recycle Program, 1994
554Research professors reception, 1995
555Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), 1994-1995
556Semester system, 1994-1995
557Office of the Vice President for Services, 1994-1995
558Signatory policy, 1995
559School of Social Work, 1994-1995
5510Office of Special Academic Programs, 1995
5511Southeastern Academic Officers, annual meeting, 1995
5512Staff Council, 1995
5513Vice President for Academic Affairs Staff Representative Group, minutes, 1994
5514State of the Art Conference, 1994-1995
5515State of the Art proposals, 1994-1995
5516Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), 1995
5517State Post Secondary Review Entity, 1994-1995
5518-19Strategic plan themes, 1994-1995, 2001
5520Strategic plan, Program Planning Advisory Committee, 1994-1995
5521Strategic plans from schools and colleges, 1994-1995
5522-23Vice President for Student Affairs, 1994-1995
5524-25Study in a Second Discipline, reports, 1994-1995
561Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition, 1995
562Teaching assistant policy, 1995
563Total Quality Management Committee (TQM), 1994
564Transfer admissions, 1994-1995
565Tuition policy proposals, 1995
566University Center in Georgia, 1994-1995
567-8University Council, agendas, 1994-1995
569University Council, correspondence, 1994-1995
5610University Council, minutes, 1994-1995
5611-12University Curriculum Committee, 1994-1995
5613University of Georgia Press, 1994-1995
5614-18Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, 1994-1995
571University System of Georgia, guiding principals, 1995
572-4University System of Georgia, Academic Affairs, 1994-1995
575University System of Georgia committees, general, 1994
576University System of Georgia, Board of Regents policy directives and initiatives, 1995
577University System of Georgia, Strategic Planning Committee, 1994-1995
578University System of Georgia committee, workflow, 1994
579University System of Georgia Advisory Committee, 1994
5710University System of Georgia, Academic and Student Affairs deans and vice presidents, annual summer conference, Lake Lanier Islands, 1994
5711University Council, minutes, 1995
5712Upward Bound Program, 1994-1995
5713Verona, Italy, 1994
5714-15College of Veterinary Medicine, 1994-1995
5716Graduate Study in Water Quality and Environmental Systems, 1995
5717Women's Studies, 1994-1995
5718Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1995-1996
5719Academic Affairs, faculty symposiums, 1995-1996
5720Division of Academic Assistance, 1995-1996
5721Access to Academic Excellence, 1995
5722Academic Renewal, 1995-1996
5723Accreditation, 1995-1996
5724Admission requirements, 1995-1996
5725Administrative calendar, 1995-1996
5726Advising and retention, 1994-1996
5727African-American Studies, 1995-1996
5728-30Agreements, 1995-1996
581-4College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 1995-1996
585Air Force and Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1995-1996
586Alcohol and drug policy, 1995-1996
587-8American Association of Higher Education (AAHE), 1995-1996
589Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), 1995-1996
5810Association of American Universities (AAU), 1995
5811American Council on Education, 1995-1996
5812Annual reports, 1995
5813American Psychological Association (APA), 1995-1996
5814Task Force on the Education and Training of Professional Psychologists, 1995
5815College of Arts and Sciences, 1995
5816-18College of Arts and Sciences, correspondence and memoranda, 1995-1996
5819School of Art, 1995-1996
5820Art Inventory Committee, 1995-1996
591Performing and Visual Arts Center (PAVAC), 1995-1996
592Performing and Visual Arts Center (PAVAC), opening, 1996
593Performing and Visual Arts Center (PAVAC), Interim Advisory Board, 1996
594School of Music, Steinway pianos, 1995-1996
595Assessment, 1995-1996
596Athens Chamber of Commerce, 1996
597Athens Area Technical Institute, 1996
598Athletics, 1996
599State Botanical Garden of Georgia, 1995-1996
5910Brooks Hall Committee, 1995-1996
5911Vice President for Business and Finance, 1995-1996
5912-13College of Business, 1995-1996
5914-15Cabinet, 1995-1996
5916-19Cabinet meetings, minutes, 1995-1996
601Cable Television Advisory Council, 1995
602Career Planning and Placement, 1996
603Centers and Institutes, 1996
604Center for Artificial Intelligence, newsletter, 1995
605Computational Center for Molecular Structure and Design, Molecular Graphics Laboratory, 1996
606Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, 1995
607Center for Continuing Education, 1995-1996
608Center for East-West Trade, 1995
609Center for Gerontology, 1995-1996
6010Center for Humanities, 1995-1996
6011Learning Disabilities Center, 1995-1996
6012-15Research Libraries, Board of Directors, 1995-1996
6016Charter Lectures, 1995-1996
6017Collaborative proposals, 1991, 1996
6018Commencement, 1996
6019Computing and Network Services, 1995-1996
6020Campus Information Technology Forum, 1995-1996
6021Information Technology Executive Council, 1995-1996
6022Conflicts of Interest Policy, 1995-1996
6023Conflict Resolution Policy, 1995
6024Copyright information, 1996
6025Cortona, Italy, 1996
6026Consortium of Social Sciences Association (COSSA), 1995-1996
6027Cultural diversity, 1995-1996
611-4Curriculum, 1995-1996
615-8Memoranda to deans, 1995-1996
619Deans' meetings, 1995-1996
6110Deans' responses to accessibility, 1995
6111Deans' responses, instructors, 1996
6112Deans' responses to privatization, 1995
6113Deans' responses, recruitment, 1996
6114-15Vice President for Developmentand University Relations, 1995-1996
621General Procedures for Dissolution of Academic Units, undated
622Distance Learning, 1995-1996
623-4Distance Learning and Instructional Technology Committee, 1995-1996
625Department of Technical and Adult Education, 1996
626Eastern States Chief Academic Officers, 1996
627Institute of Ecology, 1995-1996
628-11College of Education, 1995-1996
6212Education, University System of Georgia P-16 information, 1995-1996
6213Eminent Scholars, 1995-1996
6214Enrollment management, 1995-1996
6215Entry into majors, guidelines, 1995-1996
6216Entomology Department reorganization, 1995-1996
6217Environmental Design, 1995-1996
631Environmental Ethics, 1995-1996
632Environmental Literacy, 1995-1996
633Environmental Protection Agency, 1996
634Equal Opportunity Office, 1995-1996
635Evening classes, 1995-1996
636Faculty Recognition Banquet, 1995-1996
637Faculty records, 1995-1996
638Family and Consumer Sciences, 1995-1996
639Flagship university, 1995-1996
6310Forest Resources, 1995-1996
6311Foundation Fellows, 1995-1996
6312University of Georgia Foundation, 1995-1996
6313Fulbright Scholar Program, 1995-1996
6314Georgia Postsecondary Review Entity, progress report, 1995
6315General Studies Program, 1996
6316The Georgia Review, 1996
6317Georgia Information Systems (GIS), 1995-1996
6318Global Policy Center and Global Business Network, 1995-1996
6319Governor's Teaching Fellows Program, 1995-1996
6320Georgia Research Alliance (GRA), 1995-1996
6321Graduate School, 1995-1996
6322Georgia Statewide Academic and Medical System (GSAMS), 1995-1996
6323-24Gwinnett Policy Advisory Committee, 1996
6325Gwinnett campus, 1995-1996
6326Accessibility, 1995-1996
6327Health Services, 1995
6328Higher Education, 1995-1996
641Holidays, 1995
642Honorary Degrees, 1995
643Honorary Degree Committee, 1995
644-5Honors Program , 1995-1996
646Housing, 1995-1996
647Human Resources, 1995-1996
648Institutional Research and Planning , 1995-1996
649College of Journalism and Mass Communication, 1995-1996
6410Institution for Behavioral Research, 1995-1996
6411-12Office of Instructional Development, 1992-1996
6413Intellectual Property Policy, University Council, 1995
6414-16International Programs, 1995-1996
6417-18International Academic Program Development, 1995-1996
6419International Academic Development Task Force, 1995
6420Large classroom instruction, 1995-1996
6421Law School, 1995-1996
6422Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1995-1996
6423Legislative, 1995-1996
6424Mission development and review, 1995
6425Mission Statement, 1995-1996
651Mission Statement, 1996
652Libraries, 1995-1996
653Libraries Review, 1995-1996
654School of Marine Programs, 1995-1996
655Megatrends, 1995
656Meigs Award, 1995-1996
657Metropolitan Planning Council University System of Georgia Committee, 1995
658Minority Student Alliance, 1994
659-10Georgia Museum of Art, 1995-1996
6511School of Music, 1995-1996
6512-14National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1995-1996
6515National Academy of Sciences, 1996
6516Nomenclature and identity, 1996
6517Objectives for 1995-1996 , 1995
6518Olympics, 1995-1996
6519Peer review of teaching, 1995-1996
6520College of Pharmacy, 1995-1996
6521Phi Kappa Phi, 1995-1996
6522Phinizy Lecture Series Committee, 1995
6523Physical Plant, 1995-1996
6524Pre-College Programs, 1995
6525-27Charles Knapp, correspondence and memoranda, 1996
661-7Charles Knapp, correspondence and memoranda, 1995-1996
668-9Principal priorities, 1996
6610Professorships, 1995-1996
6611Privatization, 1995
6612William Prokasy, personal papers, 1995-1996
6613Post-tenure review, 1995-1996
6614Program Review Committee, 1995-1996
671-2Program Review Committee, 1994, 1996
673Program Review, 1995
674Guidelines and Procedures for Program Evaluation, 1993
675Project Venus, virtual electronic network, 1995
676Property Control, 1995
677Public Information, 1995-1996
678Public safety, 1995-1996
679-10Redirection, 1995-1996
6711Deans' responses to redirection report, 1995
6712Requests for information, correspondence, 1995-1996
6713-14Vice President for Research, 1995-1996
6715Office of the Vice President for Research, annual report, 1995
6716Retirees, 1995-1996
6717Russell Foundation, 1995-1996
6718Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1995-1996
6719-21Semester Conversion Committee, 1995-1996
681Semester System, 1995-1996
682Semester System Task Force Report, responses from vice presidents and deans, 1995
683Vice President for Services, 1995-1996
684Public Service and Extension Outreach, annual report summary, 1994-1995
685Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 1995
686School of Social Work, 1995-1996
687Southeast Association Chief Academic Officers, 1995-1996
688South Campus, principles and planning, 1995
689Space, 1995
6810Special Academic Programs, 1995-1996
6811Southern Regional Council on Statistics, 1995-1996
6812Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, 1996
6813Staff Council, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1995-1996
6814State of the Art Conference, 1995-1996
6815Strategic plan, general, 1995
6816-17Vice President for Student Affairs, 1995-1996
6818Students, 1995-1996
6819Study Abroad , 1995-1996
6820Study in a Second Discipline, 1995-1996
6821Transfer admissions, 1995-1996
6822-23Tuition, 1995-1996
6824Undeclared majors, memorandum, 1995
6825University bookstore, 1995-1996
6826University Center in Georgia, 1995-1996
691University Council, agendas, 1995-1996
692University Council, minutes, 1995-1996
693University Council, correspondence and memoranda, 1995-1996
694-5University Curriculum Committee , 1995-1996
696University Press, 1995-1996
697-11University System of Georgia, 1995-1996
6912-14University System of Georgia, Academic Affairs, 1995-1996
701University System of Georgia, Committee on Academic Affairs, Macon meeting, 1995
702-3University System of Georgia, initiatives, 1995-1996
704University System of Georgia, committee minutes, 1996
705University System of Georgia, Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, 1995-1996
706University System of Georgia, Council of Academic Deans and Vice Presidents, 1995-1996
707University System of Georgia, International Task Force, 1995
708University System of Georgia, committees, semester conversion, 1995-1996
709University System of Georgia, Transfer Credit Committee, 1995
7010University System of Georgia, Tuition Policy Directive, 1996
7011-12University System of Georgia, Undergraduate Education Committee, 1995-1996
7013College of Veterinary Medicine, 1995-1996
7014Visitor Information System, 1995
7015World Wide Web, 1995-1996
7016Forms and Workflow Management Project Team, 1995
7017Women's Studies, 1995-1996
7018Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1997-1998
7019Academic Affairs, faculty symposiums, 1997-1998
7020Academic Affairs, orientation and faculty workshops, 1997-1998
7021Division of Academic Assistance, 1997-1998
7022Accreditation, 1997-1998
7023Administrative calendar, 1997-1998
7024Advising and retention, 1997-1998
7025Admission requirements, 1997-1998
7026African-American Studies, 1997-1998
7027Agreements, 1997-1998
711-2College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 1997-1998
713Air Force and Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 1997-1998
714Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), 1998
715Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), 1997-1998
716American Association of Higher Education (AAHE), 1997-1998
717American Council on Education (ACE), 1997-1998
718American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), 1997
719American Psychological Association, 1997-1998
7110Annual Report of Institutional Progress, 1996-1997
7111-12Annual reports, 1996-1997
7113Atlanta Regional Consortium for Higher Education (ARCHE), 1998
7114School of Art, 1997-1998
7115Artificial Intelligence, academic proposals, 1997-1998
7116-18College of Arts and Sciences, 1997-1998
7119Performing Arts Center (PAC), 1997-1998
7120Assessment, 1997-1998
7121Athletics, 1997-1998
7122Auditing, correspondence, 1997-1998
7123Terry College of Business, 1997-1998
7124Terry College of Business, funding agreements, 1985, 1998
721Vice President for Business and Finance, 1997-1998
722Cabinet, 1997-1998
723Cabinet, minutes, 1997
724Campaign for Charities, memorandum, 1997
725Campus Planning, 1997-1998
726Course Approval Process Automation (CAPA), memoranda, 1998
727Career Planning and Placement, 1996-1998
728Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CAUSE), 1997-1998
729Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, proposal approval, 1997
7210Center for Biological Resource Recovery, 1997-1998
7211Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, 1997
7212Center for Continuing Education, 1997-1998
7213Center for East-West Trade Policy, Export Controls in the People's Republic of China, status report, 1997
7214Center for Extremopholic Biology, 1998
7215Center for Forest Business, 1997
7216Center for Humanities and Arts, 1997-1998
7217Center for Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology, 1997
7218Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science, 1998
7219Center for Research Libraries, 1998
7220Charter Lectures, 1997-1998
7221Commencement, correspondence, 1998
7222University System of GEorgia, list of committees, 1997
7223Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, 1997-1998
7224Computing and Networking Services, 1997-1998
7225Copyright information, 1997-1998
7226Cortona, Italy, 1998
7227Cultural Diversity Requirement, 1997-1998
7228-29Curriculum, 1997-1998
7230Core Curriculum, 1997-1998
7231Deans, memoranda, 1997-1998
7232Deans' Forum, Sapelo Island, 1998
7233Deans' meeting materials, 1997-1998
7234Vice President for Development and University Relations, 1997-1998
7235Distance Learning, 1997-1998
731East Central European Studies Program, 1997
732Ecology, 1997-1998
733-4Education, 1997-1998
735Education, P-16, 1997-1998
736Entry to majors, 1998
737School of Environmental Design, 1997-1998
738Environmental Ethics Certificate Program, 1997-1998
739Environmental Literacy Requirement, 1997
7310Environmental Protection Agency, 1997-1998
7311Equal Opportunity Office, 1997-1998
7312Facility and Administrative Cost Policy, 1997-1998
7313Faculty Recognition Banquet, 1998
7314-15Family and Consumer Sciences, 1997-1998
7316Forest Resources, 1997-1998
7317University of Georgia Foundation, 1997-1998
7318Foundation Fellows, 1997-1998
7319Fulbright Scholar Program, 1998
7320Genome Center, 1997-1998
7321Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 1998
7322The Georgia Review, 1997-1998
7323Gerontology Center, 1997-1998
7324Global Policy Center, 1997
7325Office of Government Relations, 1998
7326Graduate School, 1997-1998
7327Gwinnett campus, 1997-1998
7328Health Service, 1997
7329Higher Edcuation, 1997-1998
7330Georgia History Examination, 1997
7331Holiday schedule, 1998
7332Honorary Degrees, 1997-1998
7333Honors Day, 1998
7334Honors Program, 1997-1998
7335Human Resources, 1998
741Institute for Behavioral Research (IBR), 1997-1998
742Institute for Community and Area Development (ICAD), 1997-1998
743Information Technology Executive Committee, 1997-1998
744Campus Information Technology Forum, 1997-1998
745Institute of Government, 1997-1998
746Instructional Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC), 1997-1998
747Institutional Research and Planning (IRP), 1997-1998
748Office of Instructional Development, 1997-1998
749International Academic Program Development, 1998
7410International Education, 1997-1998
7411International programs, 1997-1998
7412International Trade and Security, 1997-1998
7413Journalism and Mass Communications, 1997-1998
7414Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 1997-1998
7415Large classroom instruction, 1998
7416School of Law, 1997-1998
7417Vice President for Legal Affairs, 1997-1998
7418Legislature, 1997
7419Letters of thanks, 1997
7420Libraries, 1997-1998
7421Marine programs, 1997
7422Math Placement Test Committee, 1997
7423Meigs Award, 1998
7424Mellon Programs, 1998
7425Minority Advising Program, 1997-1998
7426-27Georgia Museum of Art, 1997-1998
7428School of Music, 1997-1998
7429National Association pf State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), general, 1997-1998
7430National Association pf State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Council on Academic Affairs, 1997-1998
7431National Association pf State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), meeting, Washington D.C., 1997
751Orientation, 1997
752Online bulletin, 1997
753Parking, 1997-1998
754Peer Review of Teaching, 1997-1998
755College of Pharmacy, 1997-1998
756Physical Master Plan, 1997-1998
757Physical Plant, 1997-1998
758Planning priorities, 1998
759Plus and minus grading, 1997
7510Policy, 1997-1998
7511Post-Tenure Review, 1997-1998
7512-13Office of the President, 1997-1998
7514-16Program reviews, 1997-1998
7517William Prokasy, resume and photo, undated, undated
7518Promotion and tenure, 1997-1998
7519Public safety, 1997-1998
7520Office of the Vice President for Research, annual report, 1997
7521Vice President for Research, 1997-1998
7522Salary equity, 1997-1998
7523Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 1997
7524Semester system, 1997
7525Vice President for Services, 1997-1998
7526School of Social Work, 1997-1998
7527Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), 1997
7528Space, 1997-1998
761Special Academic Programs, 1997-1998
762Staff Council, 1997
763State of the Art proposals, 1997-1998
764College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, strategic plan, 1997
765Structural Biology, 1997-1998
766Vice President for Student Affairs, 1997-1998
767Student Learning Center, 1997
768Study Abroad, 1997-1998
769Study in a Second Discipline, 1997-1998
7610Technology Fees Advisory Committee, 1998
7611Transfer admissions, 1997-1998
7612Tuition, 1997-1998
7613University Center in Georgia, 1997
7614University Council, agendas, 1997-1998
7615University Council, correspondence, 1997-1998
7616University Council, minutes, 1997-1998
7617University Curriculum Committee, 1997-1998
7618University Press, 1997-1998
7619-23University System of Georgia, general, 1997-1998
7624-27University System of Georgia, Academic Affairs, 1997-1998
7628University System of Georgia, Academic Advisory Committee, 1997
771-2University System of Georgia, Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, 1998
773University System of Georgia, Engineering Transfer Program, 1998
774University System of Georgia, technology, 1997-1998
775University System of Georgia Conference of Vice Presidents and Deans, 1997
776University System of Georgia, Skidaway Management Committee, 1997
777College of Veterinary Medicine, 1997-1998
778Women's Studies, 1997-1998
779World Wide Web, 1997-1998
7710-24Reading files, 1995-1995
781-29Reading files, 1996-1998