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Institute for Women's Studies records

Institute for Women's Studies records

Descriptive Summary

Title: Institute for Women's Studies records
Creator: University of Georgia. Women's Studies Program
Inclusive Dates: 1988-2013
Language(s): English
Extent: 3.5 Linear Feet 4 boxes
Collection Number: UA25-001
Repository: University of Georgia Archives

Collection Description

Historical Note

As the Assistant Vice President of Instruction at the University of Georgia in 1976, the Honorable Louise McBee assembled an advisory committee to develop an undergraduate certificate in Women's Studies. In 1977 the Women's Studies Program at UGA was created with Dr. Maija Blaubergs as the coordinator.

The program operated successfully from 1977 until 1983. During those years the Women's and Gender Studies Program had an administrative structure, including the coordinator, a secretary, and a steering committee. The program operated on a budget allocated by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. It offered fourteen courses, a certificate program, and a lecture and colloquia series. Many, including Jean Friedman, Judith Preissle and Linda Grant, held the program together for years until it was turned over to Arts and Sciences as an interdisciplinary studies certificate. The certificate program stayed on the books at this time, but was considered on hold until someone could direct the program on a full-time basis.

By 1987, a faculty committee met regularly to develop the groundwork for a revitilization of the program. As a result, Heather Kleiner was made acting coordinator of the program for ten hours a week, in addition to her job as an advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences. In 1988, five women submitted a proposal to then president Charles Knapp to revitalize the Women's Studies Program. It was approved, and Dr. Patricia Del Rey was named director and Heather Kleiner became her associate director. This new program reported to Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bill Prokasy, and found a home for many years on the second floor of the library. By May 1988 the Program had seven candidates for the certificate.

In March 1989 the WS prefix for courses in the Program was sought and obtained from the University Curriculum Committee. Only one full year after the Program was reinstated, fifteen undergraduate students were enrolled in the certificate program.

Scope and Content

This collection spans Dr. Patricia Del Rey's tenure as director of the Institute for Women's Studies at the University of Georgia. The collection consists primarily of annual reports, correspondence, planning papers, and flyers regarding lectures and events sponsored by the Institute for Women's Studies.

Prominently featured are Women and Girls in Georgia (WAGG), Southeastern Women's Studies Association (SEWSA), and the Coley Lecture Series.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Item, box, folder],Institute for Women's Studies records, UA25-001, University Archives, University of Georgia

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

University of Georgia. Women's Studies Program

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing

11Correspondence, 1989
12-19Annual reports, 1988-2002
122-29Courses, 2007-2009
130Major proposal, 1998
131Major decisions website, 2000
132-33Major handbooks, 2000, 2006-2007
134Triota, 2007
135-37Bulletins, 2000-2001, 2006
138-40Program statements, 1990-2002
141Policy and Procedure Manual, Department of Romance Languages, 1998-1999
142Bylaws, Women's Studies Program, 1997, 2001, 2006
143Women's Studies faculty awards, 1998-2001, 2005-2006
144Kellogg Award, 2008-2009
145Faculty retreat, 2001
21Faculty retreat, 2007
22-3State of the Art Conference, 1989-1990, 1997
24Women and Leisure Conference, 1995
25National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, 1995
26Graduate Women's Consortium (GWC), 2000-2002
27Women's Studies Program twenty-fifth anniversary, 2001-2002
28Affiliate's meeting, 2004
29-10New Women Faculty (NWF), 2007-2008
211End of year party, 2008
212Affiliate breakfast, 2008
213Transnational feminism workshop, 2006-2008
214LGBT Center Board, 2008-2009
215-23Brown Bag Lunch Talks, 1988-2000
224-25Women, Rock, and Politics, 2007-2008
226-34Women and Girls in Georgia (WAGG), 2007-2011
235-48Student Symposium, 1994-2009
249-50Brochures, 1998, 2001, 2006-2007
251-53Co-sponsored events, undated, 1994-1998, 1990, 1999
254Women's History Month flyers, 1999
255Women's Studies Student Organization (WSSO) flyers, 1998-1999
256Events, 1989-1998
257Special events, 1999
31Quiet Desperation, 2006
32Persepolis, 2008
33-4Speakers, 1989-1992
35Jane Spahr, 1993, 1997-1998
36Laura Brown, 1994
37Sally Fox, 1995-1996
38Cynthia Freeland, 1999-2000
39Rosemary Daniell, 2000
310Suzanna Walters, 2001
311Barbara Sonneborn visit, 2001-2002
312bell hooks, 2002
313Joy Harden, 2005
314Jackie Saylor lecture, 2005
315Maria Lugones lecture, 2006
316Del Rey talks, 2006
317Laura Flanders, 2007
318Lisa Duggan, 2007
319Liz Kennedy, 2007
320Mary Mason visit, 2007
321-41Coley Lectures, 1994-2013
342-44Newsletters, 1988-2013
345Women's History Month, 1995
346-52Southeastern Women's Studies Association (SEWSA), 1990-1998
353Georgia Commission on Women, 1996
354Development letter, 2000
355Fundraising and fund agreements, 2000-2002
356-57Costa Rica, 2001-2002
41Printing Services, customer information, undated
42Research Institute information, 1994, undated
43Photos, 1997
44Women's fact file, 1997
45Information, other, 1995-1998
46Special Issues information, 1997-1999
47Media kit information, 1997-1998
48Public relations, 1998, undated
49Publicity, 2001
410Letters of support, 1999
411Retirement, Patricia Del Rey, 2001