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Karen Holbrook papers

Karen Holbrook papers

Descriptive Summary

Title: Karen Holbrook papers
Creator: Holbrook, Karen A.
Inclusive Dates: 1996-2002
Language(s): English
Extent: 5 Linear Feet (5 boxes)
Collection Number: UA03-034
Repository: University of Georgia Archives

Collection Description

Historical Note

Karen Holbrook, Ph.D., served as provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of Georgia from 1998 to 2002. During her tenure as provost, Dr. Holbrook advocated for new programs in the biomedical and health sciences, which eventually led to the creation of the College of Public Health. Additionally, she helped create the New Media Institute, the Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute, and funded programs that provided research services to minority undergraduate students and created the position of associate provost for institutional diversity.

Dr. Holbrook began her career as a biomedical researcher and National Institutes of Health MERIT Award investigator. She earned bachelor's and master's degrees in zoology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and a doctorate in biological structure at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Dr. Holbrook served as the first female president of Ohio State University from 2002 to 2007.

At the University of South Florida, Dr. Holbrook has held the roles of senior vice president for research and innovation, senior vice president for global affairs and international research, vice president and senior advisor to the University of South Florida president, and regional chancellor. From 2015 to 2017 she served as interim president for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Scope and Content

This collection represents the scope of the duties for Karen Holbrook during her tenure at the University of Georgia. The majority of the collection consists of correspondence and memoranda, annual reports, and program reviews.

University of Georgia committees featured include the Faculty Admissions Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee, Radiation Safety Committee, and the University Curriculum Committee.

This collection also illustrates Dr. Holbrook's involvement with the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) and the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program.

The National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) is now referred to as the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU).

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Item, box, folder], Karen Holbrook papers, UA03-034, University Archives, University of Georgia

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Administrative records
Higher education.
Holbrook, Karen A.
University of Georgia
University of Georgia. Senior Vice President and Provost. Academic Affairs

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing

11School of Environmental Design, 1999
12Environmental Ethics, 1999
13Environmental Health Sciences, 1998-1999
14Environmental Literacy, 1998
15Vice President for External Affairs, 1998-1999
16Faculty Admissions Committee, 1998-1999
17Faculty Advisory Committee, 1998
18Faculty records, 1998-1999
19Enrollment targets, 1998
110Enrollment reports, 1997-1999
111Vice President for Finance, 1999
112Center for Fungal Genomics, 1999-2000
113Northeast Georgia P-16 Initiative, 1999
114Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM), 1999-2001
115Foundation Fellows, 1998-1999
116Forest Resources outreach, 1999
117School of Forest Resources, 1998-1999
118Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, 2001
119Genome Center, 1997-1998, 2001
120Center for Structural Genomics, 1999
121Georgia Farm Bureau Federation, 1998
122The Georgia Review, 1998-1999
123Gerontology Center, 1998-1999
124Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Employees and Supporters (GLOBES), 1999
125Vice President for Government Relations, 1998-1999
126Institute of Government, 1998-1999
127Georgia Research Alliance (GRA), 1999
128Graduate School, 1999-2000
129Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable (GUIRR), 1999
130Health Service, 1999
131Institute of Higher Education, 1999
132Higher Education Research Institute, faculty survey, 1998-1999
133Hispanic Population Task Force, 1998
134Honors Day, 1998-1999
135Honors Program, 1999
136Honorary Degrees, 1995, 1999
137Housing, 1999-2000
138IBM Corporation, correspondence, 1998-1999
139Institute for Behavioral Research (IBR), 1999
140Intellectual Capital Partnership Program (ICAAP), 1999
141Institute for Community and Area Development, 1998
142Institute on Human Development and Disability, 1999
143Institutional Research and Planning, 1998-1999
144Information Technology, 1999
145InGEAR, correspondence, 1998
21Office of Instructional Support and Development (ISD), 1998-1999
22Office of the Vice President for Instruction , 1998
23International programs, 1999
24International Development, Veracruz Working Group, 1998
25Interdisciplinary Program in Toxicology, 1999-2001
26International Agricultural, 1999
27International Academic Program Development, 1998-1999
28International Education, 1996-1999
29International Education, program review, 1998
210International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), 1999
211College of Journalism and Mass Communications, 1998-1999
212Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 1998-2000
213School of Law, 1999
214Learning Disabilities Center, 1998-1999
215R/com Distance Learning Courseware, 1999
216Legal Affairs Office, 1998-1999
217Libraries, 1998-1999
218Lilly Fellows Program, 1998
219-21Marine Programs, 1998-1999
222Medical College of Georgia, 1999
223Meigs Award, 1999
224Minority Advising Program, 1999
225Minority Student Alliance, 1998-1999
226Karen Holbrook, correspondence, 1998-1999, 2002
227Georgia Museum of Art, Code of Ethics, 1998
228Georgia Museum of Art, 1998-1999
229Museum of Natural History, 1999-2000
230Georgia Children's Chorus, 1999
231National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 1998-1999
232Navy, impact of the Navy on the University of Georgia, 2000
233National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skins Diseases (NIAMS), Board of Scientific Counselors, 1999-2000
234Okefenokee Swamp Project, 1999-2000
235Oak Ridge Associated University, 1999-2002
31Ombudperson appointment, 1998
32Pew Fellowships, 1998-1999
33College of Pharmacy, 1998-1999
34Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, 1998-1999
35Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Articulation Agreement, 1999
36Physical Plant, 1998-1999
37Policy, 1998, 2002
38Plant Center, 1998
39Master of Science in Toxicology, distance education, 1998
310President Michael F. Adams, 1998-1999
311School of Music, 1999
312Dowden Center for New Media, 1999
313National Environmentally Sound Producton Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL), 2001
314Peabody Awards, 1999
315Office of Performing Arts, 1999
316Georgia Public Broadcasting meeting, 1999
317Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, 1998-1999
318Radiation Safety Committee, 1998
319Research Space Task Force, 1999-2000
320The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), 1999
321Animal Care and Use Program, 2000
322The Red and Black, 1998
323Vice President for Research, 1998-1999
324Rural Economic Development Coordinating Council, 1999
325Russell Foundation, 1999
326Small Business Development Center (SBDC), 1999-2001
327Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL), 1998-1999
328School of Social Work, 1999-2000
329Special Academic Programs, 1998-1999
330Special Collections building, 1999
331Space, 1998-1999
332State of the Art Conference, 1998-1999
333Student Activities Advisory Board, 1999
334Vice President for Strategic Planning and Public Affairs, 1998-1999
335Board of Regents strategic planning, 2002
336Structural Genomics, 1999
337Vice President for Student Affairs, 1998-1999
338Student Government Association, 1999
339Study in a Second Discipline, 1998-2000
340Teaching Fellows, 1998
341Technology Commercialization Office, 1999
342Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program, 1999
343University Communications, Public Information, 1998-1999
344University Curriculum Committee, 1998-2000
345University Press, 1998-1999
346Upward Bound, 1998
347-48University System of Georgia, Academic Affairs, 1998-1999
41University System of Georgia, general, 1998-2000
42University System of Georgia, staff developments, 1999
43Board of Regents, annual report, 1999
44University System of Georgia, technology, 1999
45Regents' Teaching Excellence Awards, 1998-2000
46University System of Georgia, Georgia Reading Consortium, 1999
47Athens Diagnostics Lab, 1999
48Tifton Diagnostic Lab, 1999
49Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital, 1998-1999
410University System of Georgia, Academic Advisory Committee, 1998-1999
411University System of Georgia, Administrative Committee on Academic Affairs, 1998-1999
412College of Veterinary Medicine, 1998-1999
413Anatomy and Radiology, 1999
414Avian Medicine, 1999-2000
415Large Animal Medicine, 1998-1999
416Pathology, 1999
417Physiology and Pharmacology, 1999
418Small Animal Medicine, 1999
419Wildlife Disease Study, 1999-2000
420Animal Health Research Center (AHRC), 1999
421Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), Delaware, 1999-2000
422Women's Studies, 1998-1999
423Project Yamacraw, 1999
424Year 2000 Compliance, 1998-2000
425Wayne State, Career Issues for Women in Higher Education, correspondence, 1998-1999
426Foundation for Interior Design Education Research (FIDER) accreditation, Interior Design, 2000
427Talk file, Gene Younts, 1998-2002
428-37Reading file, 1998-1999
51-27Reading files, 1999-2001