Request Material

  Table of Contents

2 occurrences of Alabama
[Clear Hits]
Descriptive Summary
2Collection Description
Administrative Information
Related Materials and Subjects
Series Descriptions and Folder Listing
I. Democratic Party 1964-1967
A. Democratic Party of DeKalb
B. Clarke County Democratic Committee 1976, 1985-1986
C. Democratic Party of Georgia
D. 46th Senatorial District Caucus and Convention
E. Georgia Federation of Democratic Women
F. Georgia Women's Democratic Conference 1965, 1967
G. Georgia Democratic Women's Club
H. 10th District Democratic Committee 1974-1975
I. Women's Democratic Conference, Washington, DC
II. General
A. Campaigns
B. Clippings 1962-1969
C. Commission on the Status of Women 1964-1971
D. Congressional Veto Bill-Elliot Levitas
E. Economic Development Advisory Committee
F. Equal Rights Amendment
G. Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs
H. Georgia General Assembly
I. Georgia Federation of Democratic Women
J. Georgia Municipal Association
K. Georgia Officials
L. Georgia Women's Political Caucus
M. Georgians for SALT II
N. League of Women Voters
O. Majority Vote Case
P. National Federation of Democratic Women
Q. Personal
S. Professional Development
T. Speeches
U. Marge Thurman
V. White House Conference on Small Business 1980
W. White House Fellowships 1977
X. Women's Issues
III. State Elections Board
A. Clippings and Correspondence
B. Challenges
C. Districts
D. Election Law
E. Election Procedures
F. Election Results 1962-1976
G. Elections, Municipal 1968-1974
H. General Assembly
I. Procedural
J. Voting Rights Act of 1965
IV. Election Publications
A. Georgia Election Codes 1964-1968
B. Georgia Municipal Election Codes
C. Election Handbooks 1968-1969
D. Miscellaneous Election Bulletins
V. Democratic National Committee
A. Business and Professional Caucus
B. Correspondence
C. Conventions
D. Democratic House and Senate Council 1979
E. Democratic Party Commission
F. Kennedy Calendar/Bork Nomination
G. Meetings
H. Melba Williams Committee Race
I. Publications 1978-1979
J. Rules
K. Small Business Council 1984
L.Convention Decision 1988
VI. Audiovisual undated
Melba R. Williams Papers

Melba R. Williams Papers

Descriptive Summary

Title: Melba R. Williams Papers
Creator: Williams, Melba R.
Inclusive Dates: 1954-1994
Language(s): English
Extent: 31 box(es) (17 linear feet) and 1 moving image
Collection Number: RBRL159MW
Repository: Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
Abstract: The Melba Williams Papers span the dates 1954-1994, with the bulk of the papers representing personal documents generated through Williams' work in the Democratic Party at the local, state and national level, and during her tenure as a member of the State Elections Board.

Collection Description

Biographical Note

Melba R. Williams was born in Cullman, Alabama next hit. She earned a B.S. at previous hitAlabama College in 1942 and completed graduate work in public administration at the University of North Carolina. Williams became the personnel officer and research associate for the Tennessee Valley Authority from 1944 to 1946. She was a teacher in DeKalb County, Georgia from 1949 to 1950, a researcher, Atlanta Area Metropolitan Planning Commission from 1961 to 1962; and a consultant to the Georgia Secretary of State from 1967 to 1968. From 1968 to 1969, Williams was a conference coordinator for the Institute of Government at the University of Georgia. For the Georgia Municipal Association from 1970 to 1976, she was a personnel consultant. She would become president of the Melba Williams Association, Inc. from 1977 until her retirement in 1991.

An active member of the Democratic Party since 1958, Williams held positions on both the local, state and national level including: precinct vice-chairman of the Montgomery County Democratic Committee, 1958-1959; vice-chairman and secretary of the DeKalb County Democratic Executive Committee, 1962-1968; member of the Georgia State Democratic Committee, 1962-79 and 1975 to the mid 1990s; delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1964, 1968, 1980, 1984, 1988 and 1992; member of the Georgia Commission on Status of Women 1964-1971; vice-chairman and member of the Georgia State Elections Board, 1964-1976; vice-chairman of the Clarke County Democratic Executive Committee, 1970-1974, and chairman from 1988 to the mid 1990s; finance chairman of the Tenth District Democratic Organization, 1971-76; committeewoman for the Democratic National Committee, 1976-1988; member of the Resolutions Committee, 1976-1980, the ERA Advisory Committee, 1983-1985 and the Rules Committee, 1986-88; and a member of the Governor's Advisory Committee on Small and Minority Business Development, 1983-1990.

Williams showed a continuing interest in women's issues, both state and national. She was a member of the Equal Rights Amendment Advisory Committee from 1983 to 1985, as well as a member of the Georgia Commission of the Status of Women from 1964 to 1971.

Melba Williams died on September 18, 2005. She was preceded in death in 2001 by her husband of 57 years, Harry B. Williams, Jr. They had two sons, Randolph and Bixler.

Scope and Content

The collection consists of the papers of Melba Williams from 1954-1994 and includes newspaper clippings, event programs, speeches, correspondence, reports, printed materials, transcripts, and photographs. Topics covered include Clarke and DeKalb County politics, local and national campaigns, the 1988 Democratic national convention, women's issues, and Bork's nomination for the Supreme Court.

Organization and Arrangement

The collection is divided into six series: I. Democratic Party (State and Local), II. General, III. State Elections Board, IV. Election Publications, V. Democratic National Committee, and VI. Audiovisual.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Melba R. Williams Personal Papers, Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, Georgia, 30602-1641.

Processing Notes

Clippings and thermofax papers have been copied onto bond paper for protection of content. Oversized materials and photographs have been separated for preservation purposes.

User Restrictions

Library acts as "fair use" reproduction agent.

Copyright Information

Before material from collections at the Richard B. Russell Library may be quoted in print, or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, in any publication, permission must be obtained from (1) the owner of the physical property, and (2) the holder of the copyright. It is the particular responsibility of the researcher to obtain both sets of permissions. Persons wishing to quote from materials in the Russell Library collection should consult the Director. Reproduction of any item must contain a complete citation to the original.

Finding Aid Publication

Finding aid prepared on: 2000.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Audiovisual materials
Bork, Robert H.
Clarke County (Ga.) -- Politics and government.
Congressional records.
DeKalb County (Ga.) -- Politics and government.
Election law -- Georgia.
Georgia -- Governor's Commission on the Status of Women
Georgia -- Politics and government -- 1951-
Judges -- Selection and appointment -- United States.
Political campaigns -- Georgia.
Political campaigns.
Political participation -- Georgia.
Political parties -- Georgia.
Smith, George T. (George Thornwell), 1916-2010.
United States. Supreme Court -- Officials and employees -- Selection and appointment.
Williams, Melba R.
Women -- Legal status, laws, etc.

Related Collections in this Repository

Maxine S. Goldstein Papers

Athens League of Women's Voters Records

Democratic Party of Georgia records

Brooks vs. State Board of Election Case Records

Joe Frank Harris Papers

George Busbee Papers

Related Collections in Other Repositories

Georgia League of Women Voters, Georgia Archives

Donna Novak Coles Georgia Women's Movement Archives, Womens Collections, Georgia State University

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


I. Democratic Party

6 box(es)
(3 linear feet)
Materials in this series were generated during Williams' activities with Democratic Party organizations on the state and local and national levels, with the exception of the Democratic National Committee (see series V). Files include news clippings, correspondence, materials on intra-party organization, elections, and meetings as well as documents relating to campaigns and activities undertaken by these organizations. Files also include personal records, such as expense notations, appointment calendars and correspondence documenting Williams' activities with these groups.

A. Democratic Party of DeKalb

These documents were generated during Williams' activities with the Democratic Party of DeKalb County. They include documents relating to intra-party workings, such as the DeKalb Democrats' constitution, party rules and by-laws as well as materials from Williams' service on the DeKalb Democratic Executive Committee (1962-1968).
I.11Bond Issue
I.12Constitution and By-Laws
I.13[Constitution and By-Laws for Democratic Women of DeKalb, 1976]
I.14DeKalb Democrats Constitution
I.15-6Convention-DeKalb, 1966
I.110Election Law Resolution
I.111Resolution on Election Reform [Executive Committee], 1963
I.112Williams Campaign [oversize map V-57 removed]
I.1135th District Executive Committee
I.114Democratic Executive Committee, 1966
I.115Elections Procedures Committee
I.116-17DeKalb Democratic Executive Committee
I.118Officers and Elected Officials
I.119Officers and Executive Committee
I.121Membership Lists [Minutes] [oversize map IV-100 removed]
I.122Party Rules
I.123DeKalb Democratic Committee (old minutes)
I.124DeKalb Democratic Committee (minutes, clippings)
I.127Precinct Files

B. Clarke County Democratic Committee

These documents reflect Williams' activities with the Clarke County Democratic Committee during 1976 and 1985-1986.

C. Democratic Party of Georgia

Documents in this series largely originate from Williams' activities as a member of the State Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of Georgia. Other files include party rules and state convention proceedings.
I.23Old Lists and Williams' Campaigns
I.25Democratic Convention, Oct. 15, 1966
I.26State Dem. Convention - Williams Clippings and Speech, 1966
I.27Democratic State Convention, 1978
I.28Rules Committee, State Democratic Convention
I.29Delegate Selection, [1982]
I.210Democratic State Convention, Sept. 25, 1982
I.211Democratic State Convention, Sept. 27, 1986
I.212Caucus for Delegate Candidates, 1988 Georgia Presidential Convention Delegate Study, Jan. 1988
I.213Delegate Selection Plan, 1988
I.31Dem. Party of GA Rules and Executive Committee Members, 1964-1974
I.32Correspondence Williams-Appointments to State Executive Committee, Letters re: County Democratic Executive Committee, 1962-1963
I.33Membership-Dem. Exec. Committee
I.34Personal Williams Dem. Exec Committee, 1966
I.35Expenses 1962- Nov. 1964-Dem. Executive Committee Secretary, 1962, 1964
I.36Democratic Party, State of GA, Organization
I.37The Georgia Democrat, [1977]
I.38 The Georgia Democrat , [1975-1981]
I.39Rules of the Democratic Party in the State of Georgia, 3, Feb. 5, 1932, 1932
I.310State Party Rules, [1963-1968]
I.311State Rules-Proposals, [1965-1970]
I.312State Democratic Party Rules, [1970]
I.313[Georgia Democratic Party Rules], 1973, 1974
I.41State Charter and By-Laws (copies), [1976-1982]
I.42Democratic Party Charter and By-Laws, [1977]
I.43Charter and By-Laws Amendments, 1979-1986
I.44State Charter and By-Laws, 1979-1982
I.45Charter and By-Laws Committee, [1980-1982]
I.46Charter and By-Laws, State Democratic Party, 1980-1982
I.51-2Charter and By Laws, Dem. Party of GA, [1982-1984]
I.53Dem. Party of GA Reminiscences, 1983
I.54Dem. Party of GA, Revised Charter and By-Laws, May 1988
I.55Dem. Committee, Oct. 7, 1977
I.56[State Committee, 1978]
I.57State Dem. Committee, June 21, 1980
I.58Dem. State Committee, Membership Lists, Sen. Caucus Chairs and Rules Locations, 1986-1987
I.59State Committee Lists, [1988]

D. 46th Senatorial District Caucus and Convention

These materials are from the 46th Senatorial District's Caucus and Convention held on December 6, 1986.
I.61Dec. 6, 1986
mapcaseVote tally [removed from I.D.6.1]

E. Georgia Federation of Democratic Women

These materials were generated during Williams' activities with the Georgia Federation of Democratic Women.
I.62GA. Fed. of Democratic Women

F. Georgia Women's Democratic Conference

Files consist of notes from the October 14-15, 1965 and 1967 Georgia Democratic Women's Conferences.
I.63October 14-15, 1965
I.64Georgia Democratic Women's Conference, 1967

G. Georgia Democratic Women's Club

These are notes and organizational materials from the Georgia Women's Democratic Club.
I.65Georgia Democratic Women's Club

H. 10th District Democratic Committee , 1974-1975

These materials were generated from 1974-1975.

I. Women's Democratic Conference, Washington, DC

This folder contains materials from Williams' membership in the Georgia delegation to the 1966 Campaign Conference for Democratic Women. The Conference was held in Washington, DC.
I.67-8Women's Democratic Conference, Washington, DC

II. General

10 box(es)
(4.5 linear ft.)
This series reflects the wide range of Williams' political interests and activities. Files include materials from Williams' work with the campaigns of various candidates for public office, her work on behalf of state committees and advisory boards, her participation in various workshops and conferences, and advocacy relating to issues of particular relevance to women, including the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

A. Campaigns

This subseries consists of materials from Williams' work in supporting the campaigns of state and national Democratic candidates, including: Lyndon Johnson, George McGovern, Carl Sanders, and George T. Smith. Much of Williams' involvement specifically related to mobilizing women to support these candidates.

1. Jimmy Carter
II.11-2Presidential Campaign, 1976
II.13Carter Campaign, 1980
II.14Carter-Mondale Reelection Committee

2. Lyndon Johnson
II.15Election Returns Pres. and Congressional, 1964
II.16Campaign Literature Pres., 1964

3. George McGovern
II.17McGovern Volunteer Info.
II.18MB's Lists
II.19MRW Correspondence

4. Carl Sanders
II.111County Visits
II.112Envelope Addressing and Coffee Workers, 1962
II.113Sanders Campaign Literature
II.114Mrs. Sanders Luncheon
II.115Forms and Materials [oversize map IV-97 removed]
II.21-3Sanders Campaign Material
II.24Campaign Offices and Carter-Sanders Runoff
II.25Sanders Platform
II.26Precinct Kit-Melba Williams
II.27Report to General Assembly on Sanders Admin., 1963-1967
II.28Sanders Campaign Thank-you Letters
II.29[Women Volunteers for Sanders Campaign]

5. George T. Smith
II.210DeKalb Luncheon - Geo. T. Smith
II.211Geo. T. Smith Campaign - DeKalb Workers
II.212Geo. T. Smith Campaign - Tea Instruction and Materials
II.213Geo. T. Smith Campaign - Women's Division

6. Robert H. Walling
II.214Walling Campaign Model Letters, 1982

B. Clippings , 1962-1969

These are newspaper clippings relating to various campaigns, party activities, and organizations in which Williams participated, dating from 1962-1969.
II.31Buchwald Medic. Column
II.32Campaigning Perils
II.33Clippings MRW, April-Oct. 1962
II.34Clippings (MRW), 1963-1969
II.35Clippings - MRW, Aug. 1967
II.36Clippings and Momentos, [1968-1969]
II.37Clippings MRW, [1980]
II.38Clippings MRW and HBW, [1983]
II.39Clippings, Momentos, [1965-1994]

C. Commission on the Status of Women , 1964-1971

These documents originate from Williams's work with the Georgia Commission on the Status of Women (1964-1971). They include Annual Reports to the Georgia General Assembly, bills passed by the General Assembly, national and state reports, and newspaper clippings.
II.310Committee on the Status of Women
mapcaseGeorgia map of congressional and senatorial districts, state judicial circuits, federal judicial districts, and census by counties [removed from II.C.3.10]
II.311Commission on the Status of Women Annual Rep. State of GA, Dec. 1968
II.312Bills Passed by Georgia Legislature, 1966
II.313Clippings and Pen
II.314Employment Commission
II.315National Reports
II.316State Reports
II.317Maternity Leave

D. Congressional Veto Bill-Elliot Levitas

Materials relating to the 1978 Congressional Veto Bill.
II.41Congressional Veto Bill-Elliot Levitas, [1978]

E. Economic Development Advisory Committee

Materials from Williams' involvment with the Economic Development Advisory Committee.
II.42Economic Development Advisory Committee

F. Equal Rights Amendment

Files include material from Williams' participation in efforts to have ERA ratified.
II.43-5Equal Rights Amendment

G. Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs

These documents largely consist of the legislative efforts of the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs.
II.46Legislative Commission
II.47Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs - Legislation
II.48GA Federation of Women's Clubs

H. Georgia General Assembly

These are proposed bills and clippings relating to the actions of the Georgia General Assembly.
II.49[HB 560, 561, 567, 689, 381, 917, 559]
II.410Proposed Bills (not passed)
II.411Clippings, General Assembly, 1964
II.412General Assembly, 1981

I. Georgia Federation of Democratic Women

Files relate to Williams' activities with the Georgia Federation of Democratic Women.
II.413GA Federation of Democratic Women

J. Georgia Municipal Association

This subseries includes legislative efforts of the Georgia Municipal Association, publications, and legislation affecting municipal government.
II.414Community Development District Act - Georgia Municipal Association
II.415Congressional Summary
II.416Gen. Assembly and Legislation Affecting Municipal Government, 1968

K. Georgia Officials

These are telephone directories listing Georgia State officials.
II.51[GA Officials-Directories]

L. Georgia Women's Political Caucus

This consists of information relating to women's changing social position, including the Department of Labor statistics and materials on women's position in the workforce.
II.52GA Women's Political Caucus
II.53Woman Power - A National Resource

M. Georgians for SALT II

Materials relate to Williams' involvement with Georgians for SALT II, an organization advocating for the ratification of the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.
II.54Georgians for SALT II

N. League of Women Voters

These are materials prepared by the League of Women Voters, including directories and brochures, information on GA political parties, and The National Voter, a magazine published by the League of Women Voters.
II.55[Directories and Brochures]
II.56Political Parties in Georgia-League Booklets [Empty]
II.57-8The National Voter

O. Majority Vote Case

This subseries consists of materials relating to a 1990 lawsuit brought in US District Court, Tyrone Brooks et al. v. Joe Frank Harris et al, defendants, alleging that Georgia's majority vote requirement was intentionally designed to dilute minority vote strength. Materials include briefs, judge's orders, clippings, correspondence, and transcripts of the testimony of former Governor Carl Sanders and Milton A. Carlton, Sr.
II.59Defendant's Brief
II.510Plaintiff's Brief
II.511Judge's Order
II.513Clippings and Correspondence
II.515Melba Williams Subpoena
II.516Milton A. Carlton Sr. Transcript
II.517Carl Sanders Transcript
II.518George T. Smith Transcript

P. National Federation of Democratic Women

These files consist of publications of the National Federation of Democratic Women, Charter and By-Laws of the National Federation of Democratic Women, and materials from the April 11-12, 1979 National Federation of Democratic Women convention held in Seattle.
II.61Seattle Convention, Apr. 11-12, 1979
II.62Correspondence and Newsletters
II.63Charter and By-Laws Committee

Q. Personal

These are records of expenses Williams' incurred through her professional activities, appointment calendars, personal correspondence, and documents relating to her work as a researcher at Emory and other facilities.
II.71Bix Accident
II.72Appointment Calendar, 1963
II.73Calendar, Aug. 1970
II.74Citation from GA Judicial Study Comm.
II.75[Clippings] The Summit in Washington, 1990
II.76Correspondence, Melba Williams, Personal, [1966]
II.77Correspondence - General, [1971-1978]
II.78Melba's Political Correspondence, [1978-1981]
II.79MRW Correspondence, [1980-1988]
II.710[Correspondence, 1983-1987] 1985
II.711Rape Law Legislation [Correspondence]
II.712HBW Correspondence [Expenses]
II.713[Travel Expense Statement Forms]
II.715MRW 1966 Expenses-Democratic Commission and Election Board
II.716MRW Expenses for Work, 1967
II.717HBW Expenses (Income Tax)
II.718Emory Research Specialist
mapcaseFlow chart [removed from II.Q.7.18]
II.719Sibley Study Research

S. Professional Development

This subseries consists of materials generated during Williams' participation in various workshops for public personnel, state and municipal officials, and election officials. Williams' took part as an organizer, speaker, or panelist in many of these conferences and workshops, some of which she organized while acting as conference coordinator at the University of Georgia Institute of Government (1968-1969). Records are arranged chronologically.
II.81Citizen's Conference on GA Judicial System
II.82Correspondence MRW (University of Georgia)
II.83Election Workshop Participants and 8: (Municipal and County) Reports
II.84Registrar's Institute, 1967
II.856th Institute for GA Legislators, Dec.15-17, 1968
II.8613th Institute for Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers, Feb. 16-19, 1969
II.8713th Institute for GA Ordinaries, April 23-25, 1969
II.88-92nd Institute for Voter Registrars of GA, Aug. 3-5, 1969
II.810GA Chapter Public Personnel Association Conference, April 7, 1971
II.811GA Planning Assoc. 3rd Annual Conference, April 12, 1971
II.812-13Registrar's Institute, 1971
II.814Ethics in Government, [Nov. 14-17, 1971]
II.815GA Municipal Assoc. 39th Annual Convention, June 25-28, 1972
II.816Workshops for Election Officials Correspondence, Sept.13, 197?
II.817Taft Institute, [1976]
II.818"Women Can Make A Difference" - AAUW Ft. Gordon Women's Week, Jan. 11, 1979
II.91Women in Business Conference, [May 11-12, 1979]
mapcaseWomen in Business registration form and schedule [removed from II.S.9.1]
II.92Title IX Center - UGA

T. Speeches

These files consist of speeches and notes from presentations given by Williams at a variety of meetings and conventions.
II.93Floyd Women's Democratic League, [Nov. 3, 1975]
II.94Ft. Gordon Federal Women's Conference, [1978]
II.95International Women's Year, May 6-7, 1977
II.96LIL's Club
II.97Melba's List
II.99State Election Board
II.910Speech-Taft Institute of Government, 1976
II.911Democratic Party-Taft Institute
II.913Voting Rights Speech Materials

U. Marge Thurman

Profile of Marge Thurman, State Chairwoman of the Democratic Party from 1974- 1982.
II.101Marge Thurman

V. White House Conference on Small Business

Materials from the White House Conference on Small Business, held in August, 1980.
II.102White House Conference on Small Business, Aug. 1980

W. White House Fellowships , 1977

Information and Application packet for the White House Fellowships program. White House Fellows served as special assistants to cabinet officers and other White House Officials.
II.103White House Fellowships, 1977

X. Women's Issues

These materials include information on abortion, ERA, women in the Carter administration, the Democratic Party, and a host of other issues relating to women in politics, the workplace, and at home. Documents include newsletters, pamphlets and other publications, and clippings.
II.104Women's Issues
mapcasePoster of women appointed by the Carter Administration [removed from II.X.10.4]

III. State Elections Board

6 box(es)
(3 linear feet)
Documents in this series were generated during Williams' service as a member of the Georgia State Elections Board. Williams was first appointed to the Georgia State Elections Board in 1964, where she served in a variety of capacities, including as vice-president, until 1976.

A. Clippings and Correspondence

These are newspaper clippings and correspondence relating to the State Elections Board dating from 1966-1974.
III.13Jan. 24, 1968- July 26, 1972
III.15State Election Board-Correspondence

B. Challenges

These are files relating to court challenges made to Georgia election laws and any subsequent changes mandated by judicial decisions.
III.16Election Law Reform (Papers for Brooks Court Case), 1964
III.17Supreme Court, Reply Brief for Appellants, Oct. 1972
III.18Qualifying Fees, Forms, Court Opinions, 1972
III.19Election Laws-Court Decisions, Changes, 1972
III.110SEB Petitions and Lawsuits, [1972]
III.111Opinions of Attorney General Re: GA Election Code

C. Districts

This subseries includes maps of Georgia congressional and General Assembly districts, as well as materials related to reapportionment and redistricting.
III.112GA Election Districts, 1970
III.113GA Districts-Congressional and Gen. Assembly [oversize map IV-98 removed], 1971-1972
III.1145th and 6th Congressional Districts of GA [oversize map IV-99 removed], 1972
III.115Census, 1960
III.116Reapportionment, 1962-1964
mapcaseGeorgia map of congressional and senatorial districts, state judicial circuits, federal judicial districts, and census by counties [removed from III.C.2.16]
III.117Republican DeKalb Districting Proposals, 1967
III.118GA Congressional Districts, Sen. Districts, Judicial Circuits, etc., [1974]
III.119State Legislative and Congressional District Maps, Lobby Groups Registered with Sec. Of State, 1983

D. Election Law

These files include clippings, transcripts of seminars on Georgia Election Code, and materials relating to the Election Laws Study Committee.

1. Clippings
III.21Election Code Clippings and Speeches 1964 Code, 1964
III.22Election Law Clippings, 1966
III.23Election Laws Clippings, [1976]

2. [Seminars]
III.24Transcript of Seminar on GA Elec. Code, Aug. 6-7, 1964
III.25Transcript of Seminar on GA Elec. Code Election Laws Study Committee, Aug. 6-7, 1964
III.26Irregularities, 1966
III.27Research and Statistical Material, 1960
III.28Members, Minutes, 1964
III.210-11Primary Law, 1969

E. Election Procedures

This subseries includes materials relating to balloting procedures. Files include absentee ballot applications, sample election forms, materials and statistics on voter registration, and reports on the use of Votomatics.
III.31Early and Final Drafts, Handbook for GA Election Officials, 1968
III.32Drafts of Handbook for Georgia Registrars, 1968
III.33Poll Manager's Manual-Atlanta, [1969]
mapcaseCard of Instructions primaries and elections [removed from III.E.3.3]
III.34Absentee Ballot Application Voter Registration Info.
III.35Sample Election Forms, 1968-1970
mapcaseAbsentee ballot general election [removed from III.E.3.5], 1968 November
III.36Election Day Info., 1970
III.37[Elections-Paper Ballots, 1970]
III.38Registered Voters, GA, 1954-1968
III.39Fulton Co. Registration Forms
III.310Volunteer Registration Program-Fulton Co.
III.311State Election Board - Registration and Voting Conference, Sept. 1973
III.312State Election Board - Voter Registration and Participation
III.42Votomatics Report - Fulton Co., Dec. 23, 1964
III.43Votomatics, 1966

F. Election Results

Official and unofficial tabulations of various national, state, and local elections, including: 1962 general election, 1968 Long County special election, 1972 General Primary, 1972 General Election results, Georgia General Assembly 1973-1974, and the 1972 Taliaferro Primary. Records are arranged chronologically.
III.45Election Results, 1962
III.46Long Co. Special Election, Oct. 1968
III.47General Primary Candidates, Aug. 8, 1972
III.48Taliaferro Primary, 1972
III.49Official State of GA Gen. Election Tabulation, Nov 7, 1972
III.410Election Returns-GA General Assembly, 1973-1974
III.411Calendar of Election Events, 1974
III.412Primary Results, 1975-1976

G. Elections, Municipal

Files relate to Georgia Municipal Election Code for 1968, 1969, and 1971-1974.
III.413GA Municipal Election Code, 1968
III.414Municipal Elections, [1969]
mapcaseNon-partisan municipal Election Instructions for marking ballots [removed from III.G.4.14]
III.415GA Municipal Election Code and Amendments, 1971-1974

H. General Assembly

This subseries consists of reports of the State Elections Board to the General Assembly and legislative changes to the Georgia election code. Legislation is arranged chronologically.
III.416Reports to General Assembly
III.417Qualifications and Disqualifications for Holding Elec.Office in GA, 1969
III.418Elec. Law Changes, 1970
III.51[Synopsis of Absentee Ballot Changes]
III.52Absentee Ballot Sub-Committee Report, 1973
III.53Election Bills, 1973
III.54State Election Laws, 1974
III.55Campaign Disclosure Act [SB 454], 1974
III.56Uniform Election Board Act, [1975]
III.57GA Election Boards, [1975]
III.58Election Bills, 1975
III.59Proposed Bills, 1975
III.510Proposed Legislation, 1975-1976
III.511Election Bills, 1976
III.61Senate House Members, Committees, [1978-1979]

I. Procedural

These files consist of Williams' Senate appointments (1967 and 1973-1974) to State Elections Board, her letter of resignation when she left to work on Carl Sanders' campaign for governor (1970), and meetings and agenda items from 1973.
III.63State Election Board, 1974
III.64State Election Board - Minutes, [1974-1975]
III.65Senate Appointment, [1967]
III.66MRW Resignation, [1970]
III.67Appointment, 1973-1974
III.68Meetings, agenda items, 1973

J. Voting Rights Act of 1965

These files concern the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965.
III.69Voting Rights Act of 1965

IV. Election Publications

4 box(es)
(2 linear feet)
This series consists of books of municipal and state Georgia Election Codes, handbooks on the conduct of elections, and guides and informational pamphlets instructing voters and candidates on election law and voting procedure.

A. Georgia Election Codes , 1964-1968

These files consist of copies of the Georgia Election Codes, with amendments and corrections, from 1964-1986.
IV.11Georgia Election Code, 1964
IV.12Proposed Amendments to the State Constitution and the Georgia Election Code, 1965
IV.13Georgia Election Code (folder 1 of 3), 1966
IV.14Georgia Election Code with corrections (folder 2 of 3), 1966
IV.15Georgia Election Code with corrections (folder 3 of 3), 1966
IV.16Georgia Election Code, 1968
IV.21Georgia Election Code, 1969
IV.22Amendments to the Georgia Election Code, 1969
IV.23Georgia Election Code, 1970
IV.24Georgia Election Code, 1971
IV.25Georgia Election Code, 1972
IV.26Georgia Election Code, 1976
IV.27Georgia Election Code, 1986

B. Georgia Municipal Election Codes

These files consist of copies of the Georgia Municipal Election Code, with amendments, from 1968-1971. Also includes 1969 Directory of Georgia Municipal Officials.
IV.31Georgia Municipal Election Code, 1968
IV.32Georgia Municipal Election Code, 1969
IV.33Amendments to Georgia Municipal Election Code, 1969
IV.34Directory of Georgia Municipal Officials, 1969
IV.35Georgia Municipal Election Code, 1970
IV.36Georgia Municipal Election Code, 1971

C. Election Handbooks

Documents include Handbooks for use in Paper Ballot Districts (1968-1972), and 1969 Handbook for Georgia Voter Registrars.
IV.37Handbook for Georgia Election Officials for use in Paper Ballet Districts, 1968
IV.38Handbook for Georgia Municipal Election Officials for use in Paper Ballet Districts, 1968
IV.39Handbook for Georgia Voter Registrars, 1969
IV.43Revised Handbook for Georgia Election Officials for Use in Paper Ballot Districts, 1970
IV.43Handbook for Georgia Municipal Election Officials for Use in Paper Ballet Districts, 1971
IV.43Handbook for Georgia Election Officials for use in Paper Ballet Districts, 1972

D. Miscellaneous Election Bulletins

Files include instructions to voters, 1964 State Election Board Seminar transcript, compilations of the Georgia State Constitution, publications of the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs, Materials relating to the Georgia General Assembly, and information on qualifications and disqualifications for holding elected office in Georgia.
IV.44How to Vote . . . a Vote Recorder, a Voting Machine, and a Paper Ballot
IV.45State Election Board Seminar Transcript, 1964
IV.46Compilations of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, 1965, 1967, 1969
IV.47GA Federation of Women's Clubs Greenbook, 1966-1968
IV.48Members of the General Assembly of Georgia, 1969-1974
IV.49Qualifications and Disqualifications for Holding Office in Georgia, 1969

V. Democratic National Committee

5 box(es)
(2.5 linear feet)
This series consists of documents generated during Williams' activities with the Democratic National Committee, including her attendance at conventions and meetings and her campaign to become a Democratic National Committeewoman.

A. Business and Professional Caucus

Correspondence relating to the DNC Business and Professional Caucus from 1981 and 1985.
V.11[Correspondence, 1981]

B. Correspondence

Documents consist of Williams' correspondence relating to the affairs of the DNC.
V.13MRW Correspondence

C. Conventions

Files contain materials from 1976, 1982, and 1988 Democratic National Conventions. Includes reports of Rules and Fairness committees as well as information on delegate selection and materials from meetings of the Georgia 1988 Convention delegation.
V.14Dem. National Convention Rules Committee, [1976]
V.15Report of the Commission on Presidential Nomination, March 26, 1982
V.16DNC Convention-Delegate Selection, 1988
V.17Democratic National Convention, 1988
See also Williams Series V., subseries L (Box 5), Convention Decision '88-The Atlanta Journal Constitution
V.18Atlanta, 1988
V.19Dem. National Conv. Charter and By-Laws, 1988
V.110Final Call for '88 Convention, 1988
V.111Final Report of Fairness Committee
V.112'88 Convention GA Del. Meeting, 1988
V.113'88 Dem. National Convention Reports, 1988

D. Democratic House and Senate Council

Materials from the 1979 Democratic House and Senate Council.

E. Democratic Party Commission

Materials from the 1986 Democratic Party Commission.

F. Kennedy Calendar/Bork Nomination

Documents include 1986 calendar published by the DNC and material relating to opposition to the 1987 nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court.
V.23Kennedy Calendar/Bork Nomination

G. Meetings

Documents include minutes, agenda items, and correspondence relating to various Democratic National Committee meetings from 1976-1987.
V.26San Antonio, Nov. 8-9, 1979
V.27May 23-24, 1979
V.31Jan.-Feb. 1985
V.32June 1986
V.33-4March 1986
V.35-6Nov. 1986
V.37Agenda, Oct. 7, 1987
V.38Meeting-Charter, By-Laws, Actions of Meetings, Committee List, 1987
V.39-10Meeting, 1987

H. Melba Williams Committee Race

Files consist of documents generated during Williams' campaign for election as a National Committeewoman.
V.311Press release
V.312MRW Nat'l Committee Race, June 21, 1980
V.313MRW Roast, 1984

I. Publications

Files consist of publications of the DNC, Democratic Viewpoint and Democratic Letter, from 1978 and 1979.
V.314Democratic Viewpoint, [Feb. 1978]
V.315Democratic Letter, [1979]

J. Rules

Rules governing the DNC, including 1981, 1986, and 1987 Charter and By-Laws and proceedings of the 1987 Rules Committee.
V.41DNC Membership Charter and By-Laws, [1981]
V.42Charter and By-Laws, 1986
mapcaseCharter and By-laws [oversize], 1986
V.43Rules Committee, 1987
V.44DNC Membership List, Charter and By-Laws, 1987

K. Small Business Council , 1984

Documents pertaining to the DNC Small Business Council from 1984.
V.45Small Business Council

L.Convention Decision

V.51July 18, 1988
V.52July 20, 1988
V.53July 21, 1988

VI. Audiovisual

1 moving_image(s)
Reference copies of the audiovisual recordings are available upon request. Research requests will be filled as soon as possible and will be dependent upon the condition of the recordings.
UC RBRL159MW-16mm_0001D.L. Johnson - IBM, Charlotte, N.C., State Dept. of Ed. Atlanta, Films, undated ( 1 moving_image(s) )