Presidential Miscellany box folder Request box 1 1 Aderhold O.C. - Inauguration and Charter Day, 1949-1951 1 2 Presidents and Chancellor List 1 3 Aderhold O.C., 1953-1968 1 4 Aderhold O.C. - Annual Report, 1961-1967 1 5 Aderhold O.C. - Appreciation Dinner, 1967 April-July 1 6 Aderhold O.C. - Appreciation Dinner, 1967 June 29 1 7 Aderhold O.C. - Appreciation Dinner 1 8 Baldwin Abraham - Miscellaneous, 1961-1969 1 9 Barrow, D.C., 1910-1962 1 10 Boggs, William E. - Miscellaneous, 1894-1944 1 11 Caldwell, Harmon W. - Wedding Gift & President's Dinner, 1945-1948 1 12 Church, Alonzo 1 13 Davison, Fred C. - Dialogue, 1970 1 14 Davison, Fred C. - Dialogue, 1970-1971 1 15 Davison, Fred C. - Inauguration, 1968 1 16 Davison, Fred C. - Speeches, 1968-1981 1 17 Davison, Fred C. - Miscellaneous, 1969-1986 1 Davison, Fred C.-A proclamation, 1987 1 18 Finley, Robert, 1925-1978 1 19 Hill, W.B., 1904-1906 1 20 Knapp, Charles, 1987-1997 1 21 Knapp, Charles - Inauguration, 1987 1 22 Knapp, Charles - Report of the President, 1987-1994 1 23 Meigs, Josiah, 1800-1984 1 24 Sanford, S.V., 1942 1 25 Snelling, 1929 1 26 Talmadge, Herman 1 27 Tucker, 1875 1 28 Waddel, 1962 1 29 President's Office and Opening Convocation, 1937-2001 1 30 Public Safety - Safety Guide, 1984-2008 1 31 President's Home 1 32 Office of Computer and Information Services (OCIS) - Manual - Using Contact, 1993 1 33 Office of Computer and Information Services (OCIS) - Pamphlets, 1971-1986 1 34 Adams, Michael F. - Inauguration, 1998 1 35 Moore, Jere W.-Investiture, 2013 1 36 Presidential Miscellany, No Date box folder Request box 2 1 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Acceptance Letters, 1875 2 2 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Beneficiary Appointment, 1875 2 3 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Collier, Henry L., 1875 2 4 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Eucalyptus Globulus, 1875 2 5 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Evans, John R., 1875 2 6 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Perkins, R.J.M., 1875 2 7 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Perry, T.J., 1875 2 8 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Recommendations for Admission to UGA, 1875 2 9 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Recommendations for State Scholarships, 1875-1895 2 10 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Requests for Catalogs, 1875 2 11 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Requests for Certificates, 1875 2 12 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Request for Information on the University, 1875 2 13 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Snigleton, W.A., 1875 2 14 Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Wessolousky, C., 1875 2 15 Charbonnier, L.H. - Correspondence - Charbonnier to Lee, 1875 2 16 Charbonnier, L.H. - Correspondence - Charbonnier to Richle Brothers, 1878 2 17 Charbonnier, L.H. - Correspondence - Nominations, 1875-1878 box folder Request box 3 1 Instructions for Preparing the Budget, 1993-1994 box folder Request box 100 10 Campaign for Charities, 2017 100 11 University of Georgia Foundation, 1937 100 23 Signature Lectures, 2017 Fall 100 30 Remarks by John Spalding-honoring Michael F. Adams, 2013 June 21 box folder Request box 105 3 News Clipping featuring a photograph of the University of Georgia Junior Class and Faculty (taken on 1866 November 18), 1966 box folder Request box 107 1 "Is Jesus more than a man?" address by S.V. Sanford, undated box folder Request box 110 2 Reception (includes Charles Knapp-photographs), undated box folder Request box 112 24 A Resolution declaring a legal holiday as a special courtesy to Yale University to be known as "Abraham Baldwin Day", 1929 October 12 oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 3 50th anniversary of Desegregation at UGA poster, 2011 box folder Request box 113 1 Embracing diversity and inclusion at the University of Georgia, 2011-2016 113 2 40th Anniversary of UGA's Desegregation, 2001 January 9 113 3 Mary Frances Early Lecture-program (lecture by Andrew Young), 2010 April 6 113 5 50th Anniversary of Desegregation at UGA -flyers, 2011 113 6 Holmes-Hunter Academic Building (naming, dedication, and renovation), 2000-2001, 2024 113 7 Speech on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the desegregation of the University of Georgia by Charlayne Hunter-Gault, 2001 113 8 166th anniversary of Charter Day, 1951 January 27 113 9 UGA 225-anniversary of Charter (invitation), 2010 January 27 113 10 The Black Faculty and Staff Organization Reception (invitation), 1999 September 28 113 11 Armistice Day-program, 1920 November 11 113 14 Campaign for Charities, 2010-2015 box folder Request box 112 27 University Correspondence (transcriptions), circa 19th century 112 28 Minutes of Prudential Commitee (transcription), circa 19th century 112 31 A.A. Lipscomb (biographical information), 1929-1979 112 32 Sylvanus Morris (biographical and other information), 1887-1893 112 33 Faculty salaries (photocopies), 1814-1816 112 34 Henry H. Tucker address-"Condition, interest and wants of the University of Georgia", 1875 112 35 Chancellor David C. Barrow (by John E. Drewry), 1925 112 39 Christmas card sent to students who are fighting World War I (David C. Barrow), circa 1918 112 42 Steps in the development of The University Summer School, 1923 112 46 The People's Will (Clement A. Evans), 1894 box folder Request box 113 58 Gridiron Secret Society (cloth and name tag), undated
Faculty Records Office box folder Request box 10 1 Administrative Memoranda, 1914-2001 10 2 American Association of University Professors, 1948-1984 10 3 Banquets and Dinners, 1928-2007 10 4 Biography - Brockman C.J., 1926-1927 10 5 Biography - Chapman, Paul W., 1950 10 6 Biography - Charbonnier, 1916 10 7 Biography - Cobb A.J., 1869-1893 10 8 Biography - Creswell M.E., 1951 10 9 Biography - Dodd, Lamar, 1937-1981 10 10 Biography - Gerschefski, E, 1964 10 11 Biography - Henderson, H.B., 1950 10 12 Biographies - Hendren, L.L., 1950-1971 10 13 Biography - Herty, Charles Homes, 1936-1938 10 14 Biography - LeConte, Josiah, 1901-1975 10 15 Biography - Lustrat, J. 10 16 Biography - McHatton, T.H., 1944 10 17 Biography - Miscellaneous, 1949 10 18 Biography - McPherson, J.H.T., 1972 10 19 Biography - Morris, J. 10 20 Biography - Peabody, George Foster, 1911-1961 10 21 Biography - Rusk, Dean, 1931 10 22 Biography - Sanford, S.P. 10 23 Biography - Soule, A.M., 1940 10 24 Biography - Stewart, J.S., 1910 10 25 Biography - Strahan, C. Morton, 1980 10 26 Biography - Wright, D.M., 1969 10 27 Bylaws, 1940 10 28 Commencement Memoranda, 1941-1969 10 29 Committee - Curriculum 10 30 Committee - Miscellaneous, 1911-1972 10 31 Committee - Organization, 1926 10 32 Committee - Research Work, 1925-1951 10 33 Committee - Special Convocations, 1945-1961 10 34 Committee on Examinations and Classification, 1948 10 35 Committee on Nominations and Elections, 1948 10 36 Dean of Faculties, 1945-1961 10 37 Deaths and Funerals, 1950 10 38 Education Question, 1965-1993 10 39 Fund Raising, Charitable, 1949-2009 10 40 Georgia Association of University System Faculties, 1951-1953 10 41 Georgia Education Association, 1943-1951 10 42 Georgia Education Association, 1951-1954 10 43 Georgia Education Association, 1954-1960 10 44 Insurance, 1926-1940 10 45 Lists of Faculty, 1942-1959 10 46 Loyalty Questionnaires, 1954 10 47 Meetings - Minutes, 1948-1956 10 48 Meetings - Miscellaneous, 1924-1995 10 49 Miscellaneous, 1945-2003 10 50 Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1941-1967 10 51 New Faculty Tour/Information Guide, 1979-2002 10 52 Payroll, 1944-1949 10 53 Promotions, 1969-1981 10 54 Reception and Orientation, 1929-1965 10 55 Retirement and Health Insurance, 1953-2005 10 56 Retirement Dinners, 1962-1983 10 57 University Council, 1960-1967 10 58 Women's Luncheons, 1964-1965 10 59 Biography - Lund, Horace O., 1975 10 60 Faculty of UGA, 1976 10 61 Dinner, 1933 10 62 University Employees Federal Credit Union 10 63 Biography - Christ-Janer, Albert, 1973 10 64 Biography - Tate, William, 1971 10 65 Tate, Dean William - A Personal View, 1971 box folder Request box 113 61 Training and development , 1991-1999, 2006 box folder Request box 99 1 Faculty Records-Sourcebooks, 1978-1987 box folder Request box 11 1 Average Instructional Salaries, 1964-1965 box folder Request box 100 21 Faculty Handbook, 1952 September 15 box folder Request box 11 2 Minutes and Memoranda, 1948-1958 11 3 Minutes - Committee on Special Convocations, 1953 11 4 Minutes - Executive Committee, 1938 box folder Request box 109 1 Summer School Minutes-Faculty/Administrative Council, 1923 109 1 Minutes-Faculty/Administrative Council, 1932-1933 box folder Request box 11 5 Minutes - Faculty/Administrative Council, 1950-1965 11 6 Minutes - Faculty/Administrative Council, 1950-1965 11 7 Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1944-1952 11 8 Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1949-1968 11 9 Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1952-1959 11 10 Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1959-1968 box folder Request box 109 3 Stenographers' Notebook with Short and Long Hand Notes from Faculty Meetings, circa 1920s box folder Request box 103 1 Faculty for McGovern, 1968 box folder Request box 105 5 Photographs of Virginia Trotter, 1978 105 15 Faculty photographs, 20th Century
Libraries box folder Request box 53 1 Accession of One Millionth Volume, 1970 53 2 Accession of Three Millionth Volume, 1993 53 3 Administration, 1946-1990 53 4 Annual Reports, 1943-1998 53 5 Archives Files Before 1980, 1980 53 6 Archives - Records Retention & Disposition Schedule, 1985 53 7 Asset Awards, 1992-2002 53 8 Barrow-Tate, Susan Frances - Biography, 1976-1990 53 9 Development, 2008 53 10 Exhibits, 1984-1989 53 11 Exposure Incident, 1971 53 12 Faculty Advisory Board, 1978-1981 53 13 Film, 1943-1968 53 14 Georgia Library Association, 1933-1955 53 15 Handbooks, 1955-1980 53 16 Little, Ilah Dunlap - Biography 53 17 History - Litle, Ilah Dunlap - Will, 1939-1969 53 18 Ilah Dunlap Little Memorial Library Dedication, 1953 53 19 InterLibrary Use, 1957 53 20 Kellam, W. Porter - Biography, 1950-1973 53 21 Lectures, 1942-2001 53 22 Librarians, Prestigious Developers of Mind Culture 53 23 Library Club 53 24 Library Guides, 1949-1999 53 25 Little Grapevine - Schedule of Events and Announcements, 1954-1955 53 26 Little Grapevine, 1955-1958 53 27 Little Grapevine, 1959-1962 53 28 Little Grapevine, 1963-1966 53 29 Little Grapevine, 1967-1968 53 30 Little Grapevine, 1969 53 31 Little Grapevine, 1970-1972 53 32 Library Staff Association 53 33 Loyalty Fund, 1967-1971 53 34 J.L. Green Papers - Assistant Correspondence, 1945-1946 53 35 J.L. Green Papers - Assistant Correspondence - Library, 1941-1957 53 36 J.L. Green Papers - Assistant Correspondence - Library (Old) Renovation, 1955 53 37 Book plate, undated 53 38 Lachlan McIntosh papers in the University of Georgia Libraries, 1968 box folder Request box 54 1 Main Library Annex Plans, 1970-1975 54 2 Major Microform Holdings, 1978-1979 54 3 Meetings and Conferences, 1920-1994 54 4 Miscellaneous, 1904-Present 54 5 Organizational Charts, 1982-1994 54 6 Other Libraries, 1903-1994 54 7 Periodicals List, 1945-1982 54 8 Photographs of Old Library Building, 1934 54 9 Photographs of Old Library Building 54 10 Porter Kellam Lectures, 1985-1996 54 11 Publications - Adlib, 1973-1979 54 12 Publications [Beyond the Pages], 2006 54 13 Publications - Georgia Gazette, 1983-1986 54 14 Publications - Interface, 1974-1976 54 15 Publications - Interface, 1977-1980 54 16 Publications - Library Memo's, 1945-1964 54 17 Publications - Tri-Committee Newsletter, 1977-1978 54 18 Research, 1957-1990 54 19 Russell Library, 1977 54 20 Southern Books Competition, 1953-1955 54 21 Special Collections, 1934-2006 54 22 Special Occasions and Holidays, 1947-1993 54 23 Staff Association, 1966-2007 54 24 Staff Code, 1953-1970 54 25 Staff - Internal Problems, 1977-1978 54 26 Staff - List, 1948, 1962-1973 54 27 Staff - Miscellaneous, 1944-2009 54 28 Staff - Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1942-1978 54 29 Staff Notes, 1947-1953 54 30 Staff Personnel Advisory Committee, 1980 54 31 Student Learning Center, 2003 54 32 Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 1997 54 33 Archives, 1981-2007 54 34 Task Force on Closing the Card Catalogs, 1988 54 35 Library Workers Day, 2004 54 36 Blueprint 54 37 Photographic Services 54 38 Alumni Society 54 39 Minutes of the Senatus Academicus, 1799-1842 box folder Request box 105 6 Interface, 1977 105 19 Georgia Writers Hall of Fame Ceremony-invitation, 2017 November box folder Request box 108 18 "Set off for Georgia..." schedule, 2015 108 19 The Nightowl at 30, 1995 box folder Request box 112 6 "The firebrand and the First Lady" (program for lecture by Patricia Bell-Scott), 2016 February 4 box folder Request box 113 19 The Groundbreaking Ceremony for The Special Collections Libraries Building (program), 2010 January 28 113 20 "No other road: 1953 Red and Black editors stand up for equality and free speech" (flyer for The Richard B. Russell Library event), 2003 November 10 113 21 "Tales from the Assassination Tapes" (program for The Richard B. Russell Library event), 2004 September 29 113 22 "Collaborate to innovate!" (BIG conference schedule), 2006 July 28 113 23 "Vanishing Georgia" (flyer for Digital Library of Georgia project), undated 113 24 Library related flyers, circa 2000s 113 25 Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection (brochure and flyer), circa 2000s box folder Request box 112 25 The University Libraries-Archway to Excellence campaign, circa 2000s 112 "Library Staff is the SHH!" (wrist band), undated 112 Longevity pins (10 and 15 years), undated 112 Libraries (plastic bag), undated
Business & Finance, VP box folder Request box 60 1 Human Resources Division, 1930-2001 60 2 Human Resources Division - Training & Development Department, 2006 60 3 Physical Plant - Administration Building, 2000 60 4 Physical Plant - Arch, 1956-1978 60 5 Physical Plant - Buildings - Athens, 1902 60 6 Physical Plant - Buildings - Master Plans, 1905 60 7 Physical Plant - Building Projects, 1930-2011 60 8 Physical Plant - Chapel, 1911-1977 60 9 Physical Plant - Chapel - Chapel Painting, 1913-1958 60 10 Physical Plant - Coliseum 60 11 Physical Plant - Dedications and Openings, 1913-1972 60 12 Physical Plant - Fred C. Davidson Life Sciences Complex, 2004 60 13 Physical Plant - Furniture, 1924-1953 60 14 Physical Plant - Georgia Center, 1953-1970 60 15 Physical Plant - Georgia Museum of Natural History, 2009 60 16 Physical Plant - Greek Park, 2009 60 17 Physical Plant - Home Demonstration School, 1914-1953 60 18 Physical Plant - Information on Buildings, 1908-1969 60 19 Physical Plant - Inventory of Holdings, 1934-1939 60 20 Physical Plant - Law School, 1919-1930 60 21 Physical Plant - Dedication of the Institute of Law & Government Buildings, 1954 60 22 Physical Plant - Lumpkin House, 1920s-1968 60 23 Physical Plant - Maps and Plans, 1926-2008 60 24 Physical Plant - Memorial Hall (War Memorial Fund), 1922-1960 60 25 Physical Plant - Miller Learning Center(MLC)/Student Learning Center(SLC), 2004 60 26 Physical Plant - Miscellaneous, 1883-2009 60 27 Physical Plant - Museum of Art, 1958-1966 60 28 Physical Plant - Old College & New College, 1801-2006 60 29 Physical Plant - President's Home, 1966-1980s 60 30 Physical Plant - Residence Hall, 1933-1972 60 31 Physical Plant - Science Buildings, 1897-1977 60 32 Physical Plant - Science Hall, 1897 60 33 Physical Plant - Sundials - Campus, 1955-1974 60 34 Physical Plant - University Housing 60 35 Physical Plant - Waddell Hall, 1953-1956 60 36 Treasurer - Bank Statements, 1928-1929 60 37 Treasurer - Bolton, John Dixon - Tribute, 1965 60 38 Treasurer - Checks, 1928 60 39 Treasurer - Checks, 1929 January 60 40 Treasurer - Checks, 1929 February 60 41 Treasurer - Checks, March 1929 60 42 Treasurer - Checks, 1929 April-May 60 43 Treasurer - Checks, 1929 June-August 60 44 Treasurer - University Audits, 1947-1948 60 45 Treasurer - Financial Report, 1996 60 46 Treasurer - Travel Regulations and Procedures, 1970-1994 60 47 Treasurer - Statements for Fiscal Year, 1910-1911, 1920-1921 60 48 Physical Plant - Recycling Task Force, 1994 60 49 Physical Plant - Campus Transit System, 1969-2005 60 50 Auxiliary & Administration Services, 2007 box folder Request box 104 1 Physical Plant-Tate/Tate Center, 1971-2013 104 2 Physical Plant-President's House-floor plan, No Date 104 3 Inventory of buildings (original), 1934 104 4 South Campus-Cedar/Lumpkin Street-hand drawn map from T.W. Reed Papers, 1922 104 5 The South Campus of the University of Georgia-An Architectural History (1906-1941), 1991 Spring box folder Request box 100 40 Photographs of the Chapel renovation , 1993-1994 box folder Request box 105 1 Postcards featuring the University of Georgia Campus, No Date 105 2 Photographs around Campus, No Date 105 14 Architect's rendering of future University of Georgia Coliseum, 1960s 105 16 Various Campus buildings and views, 20th Century box folder Request box 113 45 "Sustainable UGA" (Office of Sustainability-brochure), circa 2000s 113 53 Statement of the Treasurer of the University of Georgia, 1918-1919
Student Activities box folder Request box 77 1 4-H Club, 1926-1951 77 2 American Legion, 1945 77 3 Athens Bird Club, 1956 77 4 Audit, 1935 77 5 Audubon Society, 1954-1956 77 6 Ballet, 1924-2005 77 7 Banquets, General, 1903-1969 77 8 Banquets, Women's, 1924 77 9 Black Student Union 77 10 Boy Scouts of America, 1924-1957 77 11 Bridal Fair, 1969-1973 77 12 Campus Conservative Club, 1970-1971 77 13 Co-education, 1901-1922 77 14 College Republicans, 1980 77 15 Committee on Gay Education, 1974 77 16 Community Music Association, 1956-1971 77 17 Communiversity, 1997 77 19 Cosmopolitan Club, 1961-1962 77 20 Cultural Affairs, 1970-1990 77 21 Debates, Intersocietal, 1883-1963 77 22 Demosthenian Society, 1870-1970 77 23 Dogma House, 1980 77 24 Engineering Society, 1902 77 25 Film Club, 1954-1972 77 26 Forest History Society 77 27 Fraternities - Alpha Gamma Rho, 1927-1952 77 28 Fraternities - Alpha Epsilon Pi, 1966 77 29 Fraternities - Alpha Tau Omega, 1971-1972 77 30 Fraternities - Alpha Zeta, 1999 77 31 Fraternities - Alpha Kappa Psi 77 32 Fraternities - Alpha Phi Omega, 1938-1958 77 33 Fraternities - Alpha Chi Sigma, 1916-1917 77 34 Fraternities - Delta Tau Delta, 1961 77 35 Fraternities - Zeta Phi, 1878 77 36 Fraternities - Zeta Phi Eta, 1944 77 37 Fraternities - Kappa Alpha, 1963 77 38 Fraternities - Kappa Sigma, 1952-1960 77 39 Fraternities - Lambda Chi Alpha, 1919 77 40 Fraternities - Omicron Delta Kappa, 1964 77 41 Fraternities - Pi Kappa Delta, 1954 77 42 Fraternities - Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1897 77 43 Fraternities - Sigma Phi Epsilon, 1962 77 44 Fraternities - Sigma Chi, 1928-1971 77 45 Fraternities - Phi Beta Kappa, 1914-1952 77 46 Fraternities - Phi Delta Theta, 1888 77 47 Fraternities - Phi Eta Sigma, 1956 77 48 Fraternities - Phi Kappa Phi, 1953-1992 77 49 Fraternities - Phi Mu Alpha, 1964-1966 77 50 Fraternities - Chi Phi, 1884-1953 77 51 Fraternities - Chi Omega, 1935 77 52 Fraternities - Adviserto Fraternities, 1966 77 53 Fraternity Banquest, 1962-1970 77 54 Fraternities - General, 1927-1948 77 55 Fraternities - Greek Week, 1957-1968 77 56 Fraternities - Intrafraternity Council, 1944-1991 77 57 Fraternities - Intrafraternity Council Annual Report, 1959-1968 77 58 Fraternities - Panhellenic, 1922-1974 77 59 Fraternities - Publications, 1938-1976 77 60 Fraternity Rush, 1928-1993 77 61 Fraternities - Scholastic Standing, 1930-1987 box folder Request box 78 1 Future Farmers of America, 1978 78 2 Garden Club, 1941-1978 78 3 Georgia 800-08 Club, 1907-1908 78 4 Georgia Academy of Science, 1948 78 5 Georgia Forensic Society, 1955-1964 78 6 General Regulations, 1905-1907 78 7 German Club, 1906-1917 78 8 Glee Club - General, 1923-1934 78 9 Glee Club - Annual Student Night, 1935-1955 78 10 Glee Club, Men's, 1941-1982 78 11 Glee Club - Music Appreciation Hour, 1930-1937 78 12 Glee Club, Women's (aka Girl's), 1935-1951 78 13 GORP, 1988-1996 78 14 Graduate and Professional Scholars, 2010 78 15 Homecoming, 1941-2003 78 16 Home Economics Club, 1929-1984 78 17 Honor Board, 1963-1980 78 18 Honor Societies - Bluckey, 1964-1984 78 19 Conferences, 2007 78 20 Honor Societies - Cabaliers, 1920 78 21 Honor Societies - Journalism - Sigma Delta Chi 78 22 Honor Societies - Medicine - Phi Beta Pi, 1940 78 23 Honor Societies - Pharmacy, 1952-1970 78 24 Honor Societies - Physics - Chi Phi Chi, 1941 78 25 Honor Societies - Psychology - Psi Chi, 1935-1936 78 26 Faculty/Staff 911 Guide, 2008 78 27 Horticulture Club, 1968-1972 78 28 Iron Horse, 1953-1982 78 29 Jayhole Club, 1976 78 30 Junior Cabinet, 1913-1916 78 31 Lake Herrick 78 32 Luna Club, 1933 78 33 Matilda Gorilla for SGA, 1973 78 34 Mortar Board, 1941-1950 78 35 Miscellaneous, 1904-2004 78 36 Music Clubs, 1946 78 37 Newcomers' Club, 1977 78 38 Opera (and Thalians), 1894-1962 78 39 Pandora, 1924-2010 78 40 Phi Kappa Literary Society, 1869-2005 78 41 Religious Groups - Baptist Student Union, 1957-1974 78 42 Religious Activities - B'Nai B'Rith Hillel Foundation, 1944 78 43 Religious Groups - Campus Christian Life Coucil 78 44 Religious Groups - Campus Crusade for Christ, 1971 78 45 Religious Groups - Campus Ministry Association, 1969-1979 78 46 Religious Groups - Canterbury Club, 1957-1973 78 47 Religious Groups - Disciple Student Fellowship, 1968 78 48 Religious Groups - Interfaith Fellowship, 1959 78 49 Religious Groups - Newman Catholic Community, 1957-1967 78 50 Religious Groups - Presbyterian Student Center, 1919-1959 78 51 Religious Groups - Religious Activities, 1956-1960 78 52 Religious Groups - UGA Religious Association, 1948-1957 78 53 Religious Groups - Voluntary Religious Association, 1936-1947 78 54 Religious Groups - Wesley Foundation, 1956-1970 78 55 Religious Groups - YMCA, 1909-1961 78 56 Religious Groups - YWCA, 1945-1958 78 57 Science Club, 1937-1948 78 58a Sororities-Kappa Delta Pi-Beta Kappa chapter-initiation banquet, 1932 December 6 78 58b Sororities - Phi Mu, 1967-1983 78 59 Sphinx, 1963-1977 78 60 Student Calendar of Campus Events, 1887-1973 78 61 Student Government Association (SGA), 1920-1996 78 62 Student Historical Preservation Organization, 1985-1987 78 63 Student Center Calendars, 1954-1975 78 64 Student Publications Board, 1920-1955 78 65 Student Union, 1953-2003 78 66 Summer School, 1920-1940 78 67 Sigma Xi, 1945 78 68 Rotary Club, 1926-1927 78 69 Fashion Review 78 70 UGA Dialogue, 1968 box folder Request box 79 1 Triquetra, 1962-1963 79 2 Union of the American People, 1974-1975 79 3 University Clubs, 1896-1968 79 4 University of Georgia Club, 1969-1988 79 5 University Union, 1962-2003 79 6 Voting and Politics, 1928-1992 79 7 Women's Clubs, 1922-1969 79 8 Women's Clubs, 1970-1988 79 9 Women's Student Government Association, 1940-1950 79 10 X Club - Minutes, 1956-1965 79 11 Homecon Club, 1936-1977 box folder Request box 99 7 Brochures and Newsletters, 1967-1971 box folder Request box 100 25 Correspondence and photograph, 1950s 100 26 Fairmount High School Commencement Program (Literary Address by Dean Tate)
, 1937 100 27 Georgia High School Association, 1935-1940 100 29 Achievements of the Class of 1893 by Moon, 1928 100 31 Constitution and By-Laws of the Demosthenian Society, 1903 100 32 Miscellaneous invitations and programs, 1933, 1942 100 35 Student/Campus photographs, 1960s-1970s 100 36 Georgia Cracker, 1946 100 39 Cosmopolitan Club, 1922-1923 box folder Request box 105 10 Women at the University of Georgia, 1950s-1960s box folder Request box 106 1 Woman's Pan-Hellenic Manual, 1939-1940 106 2 Handbook for Rushees, 1948 106 3 Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) handbook, 1915-1916 106 4 Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) handbook, 1921-1926 oversized_folder Request oversized_folder 2 Senior class-University of Georgia (photograph), 1904 box folder Request box 110 1 Student/Campus photographs, circa 1990s box folder Request box 112 20 Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), undated 112 47 David Janes-Bill of Tuition, 1835 box folder Request box 113 58 University of Georgia orations by R.H. Goetchius, 1870 113 26 The Baptist Bulldog (newsletter), 1962-1963 113 50 Class Tree Exercises (program), 1894 April 18 113 57 Bulldog families, 2010 Summer 113 60 Information bulletin, 1956
General University Information by Subject box folder Request box 90 1 Advocating Safe Alternatives for Peers, 2002 90 2 African Studies Institutes (Services Learning Tanzania), 2010 90 3 AIDS Quilt, 2002 90 4 American Association of University Professors, 1921-1974 90 5 American Association of University Women, 1953 90 6 Athens - Miscellaneous, 1968 90 7 Athletics - Athletic Association, 1892-1997 90 8 Athletics - Athletic Association - Audit Report, 1935-1958 90 9 Athletics - Athletic Association - Contracts and Resolutions, 1924-1928 90 10 Athletics - Athletic Association - Road Tour, 1998-2002 90 11 Athletics - Baseball, 1895 90 12 Athletics - Basketball, 1910-2009 90 13 Athletics - Basketball Programs, 1964-1975 90 14 Athletics - Basketball - Ticket Information, 1995-2000 90 15 Equestrian Team, 2001 box folder Request box 100 12 Athletics-Miscellaneous Flyers, 2000s box folder Request box 90 16 Athletics - Football, 1905-1963 90 17 Athletics - Football, 1964-1970 90 18 Athletics - Football, 1970-2009 90 19 Athletics - Eligibility Controversy, 1907 90 20 Athletics - Football Programs, 1903-1967 90 21 Athletics - Football Programs, 1967-1986 90 22 Athletics - Football Tickets, 1992-2004 90 23 Athletics - Football - Von Gammon 1897, 1961 box folder Request box 111 1 Athletics-Football-"Coach Stegeman-The legend and the man" by John Stegeman, 1999 box folder Request box 90 24 Athletics - Golf, 1949-2003 90 25 Athletics - Gymnastics [Schedules/Programs/Tickets], 2005 90 26 Athletics - Gymnastics - Ticket Information, 1994-2004 box folder Request box 101 1 Athletics-Gymnastics calendar, 2009-2010 box folder Request box 90 27 Athletics - Olympics at UGA, 1996 90 28 Athletics - Department of Intramural/Recreational Sports, 1947 90 29 Athletics - Bulldog logo decal, circa 1920s box folder Request box 91 1 Athletics - Soccer, 2003 91 2 Athletics - Swimming, 1950 91 3 Athletics - Tennis, 1963-1995 91 4 Athletics - Tennis Programs, 1982-1991 91 5 Athletics - Tennis - Ticket Information, 1994 box folder Request box 108 12 Athletics-Tennis-Bulldog Illustrated: Tribute to Dan Magill (Georgia-Troy issue), 2014 September box folder Request box 91 6 Athletics - Ticket Information - General, 1966 91 7 Athletics - Title IX, 1972-1982 91 8 Athletics - Title IX, 1983-1985 91 9 Athletics - Title IX Report, 1975-1976 91 10 Athletics - Track, 1899-1969 91 11 Athletics - Volleyball, 1988-2003 91 12 Aviation, Department of, 1945-1967 91 13 Beaver, Sandy Teaching Award, 1969-1985 91 14 Board of Regents, 1955-1982 91 15 Bookstore, 1948-2008 91 16 Boy Scouts - Explorer Educational Conclave, 1954-1956 91 17 Bulldog "Stuff", 1931 91 18 Bulldog/UGA Mascot, 1998 box folder Request box 108 13 Terry: magazine for alumni and friends of the Terry College of Business, 2014 Fall box folder Request box 91 19 Carl Vinson Institute of Government 91 20 Center for Humanities and Arts, 1997-2004 91 21 Christian College of Georgia 91 22 Civil Engineering School, 1868-1912 91 23 Cleaning Support Staff, 1971 91 24 Clippings 91 25 Clippings, 1967 91 26 Clippings, 1969-1970 91 27 Clippings, 1971 91 28 Clippings, 1972 91 29 Clippings, 1973 91 30 Clippings, 1974 91 31 Clippings, 1975 91 32 Clippings, 1976 91 33 Clippings, 1977 91 34 Clippings, 1978 91 35 Clippings, 1979 91 36 Clippings, 1984 91 37 Clippings, 1985 91 38 Clippings, 1986 91 39 Colonial Dames of America, Georgia Society of, 1932 91 40 Commencement, 1946-1960 91 41 Conference on Education and the Institute of Public Affairs, 1934-1935 91 42 Conferences, Miscellaneous, 1924-1996 box folder Request box 99 19 Cook's Holiday Flyers, 2000s box folder Request box 92 1 Coordinate College, 1938-1951 92 2 Counseling and Testing Center 92 3 Dance, 1939-2005 92 4 Dinners and Celebrations, 1936-1988 92 5 Electrical Engineering, Department of, 1926 92 6 Enterprise Information Technology Services, 1999 92 7 Exhibits, 1897-1937 92 8 Food Services, 2001 box folder Request box 112 7 Food Services-Cook's Holiday flyers, 2011-2019 112 8 Food Services-groundbreaking ceremony for Bolton Dining Hall, 2013 April 3 box folder Request box 92 9 Food Wrappers, Promotional 92 10 Forest, N.B. Biography 92 11 Fund Raising, 1882-1927 92 12 Garden Club of Georgia, 1943-1958 92 13 Garden Club of Georgia - McHatton, T.H. 92 14 Georgia Center Programs, 1969-1996 92 15 Georgia Cooperative Association 92 16 Georgia Day, 1932-1953 92 17 Georgia Day, 1954-1973 92 18 Georgia High School Association, 1916-1941 92 19 Georgia School Improvement Clubs - Improvement of School Grounds [Speech: Mrs. Walter B. Hill], 1910 92 20 Globes, 2002-2004 92 21 Governors - Sanders, Carl E., 1966 92 22 Graphic Arts Engineering, School of, 1929 92 23 Governors - Griffin, Marvin, 1956-1959 92 24 Historical Markers and Memorials, 1955, 2018 92 25 History, Georgia University, 1802-1979 box folder Request box 100 15-17 History of Georgia, Assorted Monographs and Bulletins, 1893-1951 box folder Request box 92 26 Hodgson, Harry, 1943 92 27 Honors Program, 1988-2006 92 28 Honors Program - Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO), 2000 box folder Request box 100 4 National Academic Honor Society for Ornamental Horticulture-Ph Alpha Xi Poinsettia Sale, No Date box folder Request box 92 29 Institute of Public Affairs, 1928-1936 92 30 Kemp, Jane Trial, 1986 92 31 Land Grant Colleges, 1962-1995 92 32 Lectures 92 33 Lectures, 1908-2004 92 34 Lectures - Art, Department of, 1950-1967 92 35 Lectures - Carter, Governor Jimmy, 1973 92 36 Lectures - Classics Department, 1953-1967 92 37 Lectures - Committee on Special Convocations and Lectures, 1945-1952 92 38 Lectures - Charter Lecture, 1990-2007 92 39 Lectures - Division of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design, 1965-1967 92 40 Lectures - Great Thinkers Lectures, 1949-1968 92 41 Lectures - Hill, Walter Barnard, 1995-1998 box folder Request box 93 1 Lectures - Phinizy, Ferdinand Lectures, 1956-1992 93 2 Lectures - Holmes-Hunter Lecture, 1985-2018 93 3 Lectures - McBee, Louise Lecture, 1990-1992 93 4 Lectures - Public Lectures Committee, 1942-1943 93 5 Lectures - Radio Lectures, 1932 box folder Request box 108 14 Ferdinand Phinizy Lecture: "How to prosper in a world of limited resources" by Eugene Odum, 1990 box folder Request box 93 6 Lucy Cobb Institute, 1982 93 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 2004 93 8 Miscellaneous Banquets, 1880-1970 93 9 Miscellany, 1833-1990 93 10 Murder/Suicide, 1918 93 11 N.E.A. War and Peace Fund 93 12 Novelty Items, 1951-1952 93 13 Nursing, 1909-1964 93 14 Occasional Events 93 15 Occasional Events, 1857-2009 93 16 Occasional Events - Charter Day, 1944-1951 93 17 Occasional Events - Honors Day, 1929-2006 93 18 Occasional Events - Long, C.W. Day, 1935-1955 93 19 Occasional Events - Lyndon, Mary Day, 1964 93 20 Occasional Events - Parents' Day, 1951-1970 93 21 Occasional Events - Sesquicentennial, 1934-1961 93 22 Occasional Events - University Day, 1976 box folder Request box 100 1 UGA's OneSource Project, 2018 box folder Request box 93 23 Pageants, 1925-1962 93 24 Parking Services, 1966 93 25 Performing Arts Center, 1996-1999 93 26 Performing Arts Center, 1999-2001 93 27 Performing Arts Center, 2001 box folder Request box 99 12 Performing Arts Center-Flyers and brochure
, 2012-2015 99 13-15 Performing Arts Center-Programs, 2008-2017 99 16 Performing Arts Center-Calendars, 2012-2017 box folder Request box 93 28 Performing and Visual Arts Complex, 1996 93 29 Physical Education and Sport Studies, Department of, 1999-2002 93 30 Poem, Freshman, 1924 93 31 Plates, Commemorative 93 32 Protests 93 33 Protests, 1937-1997 93 34 Protests - Gay, 1973 93 35 Protests - Goolsby 93 36 Protests - Hoffer, Peter C., 1986 93 37 Protests - Racism, 1955-1975 93 38 Protests - Student Coalition for Peace and Equality (SCOPE), 1981 93 39 Protests - Student Demonstrations 93 40 Protests - Student Demonstrations, 1968-1974 93 41 Protests - Student Demonstrations Society, 1967 93 42 Protests - Vietnam War, 1968-1972 93 43 Protests - Voting, 1945-1951 93 44 Protests - Young Americans for Freedom, 1967-1969 box Request box 117 Staff protest of Zell Miller, papers and materials, 1991 box folder Request box 93 45 Public Services and Outreach, 1976-1984 93 46 Public Services and Outreach, 1984-1987 93 47 Public Services and Outreach, 1998-1999 93 48 Public Services and Outreach, 2000-2008 93 49 Publication - Flambo, 1948 93 50 Red Cross, 1952-1957 93 56 "Mrs. John Marsh: the world knew her as Margaret Mitchell" program, 2011 May 7 93 51 Religion 93 52 Religion, 1906-1963 93 53 Religion - Christian Mission Week, 1938-1939 93 54 Religion - Conferences, 1943-1957 93 55 Religion - Convocations, 1949-1960 box folder Request box 94 1 Religion - Devotionals, 1945 94 2 Religion - Episcopal, 1971-1995 94 3 Religion - Faculty Christian Fellowship, 1957-1969 94 4 Religion - Georgia Synodical Training School, 1959-1961 94 5 Religion - Hymn Book 94 6 Religion - Masses and Services, 1917-1971 94 7 Religion - Masses and Services - Thanksgiving Service, 1924-1946 94 8 Religion - Methodist, 1938-1972 94 9 Religion - Office of Chaplain, 1950-1957 94 10 Religion - Program Features, 1936 94 11 Religion - Religion-In-Life Week , 1939-1960 94 12 Religion - Religious Emphasis Series, 1938 94 13 Religion - Religious Welfare Conference, 1925-1938 94 14 Religion - Student Union Service, 1927-1942 94 15 Religion - Trinity Lutheran Church, 1955-1956 94 16 Religion - United Nations Day, 1950-1955 94 17 Religion - Vespers, 1939-1942 94 18 Report of the President, 1951-1966 94 19 Report of the President, 1970-1994 94 20 Report of the President, 1995-2002 94 21 Rhodes Scholarship, 2001-2004 94 22 Science Center, 1954 94 23 Seal, University, 1958-1983 94 24 Songs and Yells, 1890-1954 94 25 Sons of Old Georgia, 1921 94 26 Southern Institute of Politics, 1927 94 27 Speeches Miscellaneous, 1942 box folder Request box 100 9 Staff/Faculty Flyers, 2000s box folder Request box 94 28 Staff Action Committee, 1991 94 29 State Normal School, 1896-2002 94 30 State Normal School Bulletin, 1909-1910 94 31 State Science Fair, 1958-1969 94 32 Sustainability, Working Group on, 2009 94 33 Toombs, Robert - Biography, 1810-1885 94 34 University Health Center 94 35 University of Georgia, 1783-1985 94 36 UGA Arts Festival, 2008 September 4-7 box folder Request box 94A 37 UGA Brochures, General, 1870-1949 94A 38 UGA Brochures, General, 1950-1959 94A 39 UGA Brochures, General, 1960-1969 94A 40 UGA - Brochures, General, 1970-2004 94A 41 UGA - Brochures, General, 2008 box folder Request box 95 1 UGA - Campus Arboretum Walking Tour of Trees 95 2 UGA - History of, 1806-2002 box folder Request box 100 13 Chalk Talk: Teaching Tips from the UGA Teaching Academy, 2010 box folder Request box 95 3 UGA, History of - Richmond County Superior Court Minutes, 1782-1802 95 4 UGA - Strategic Plan, 1992-2000 95 5 UGA - A Status Report, 1984 95 6 UGA - Views of Campus, 1850-1926 95 7 UGA - War Memorial Fund, 1921-1929 95 8 UGA - Workers Association, 1971 95 9 UGA - World War I, 1912-1925 95 10 UGA - World War II, 1943-1944 95 11 University System 95 12 University System, 1906-1998 95 13 University System - Agnes Scott College, 1939-1954 95 14 University System - Annual Report, 1982-2001 95 15 University System - Atlanta's Downtown College Center, 1951-1953 95 16 University System - Board of Regents - Excerpts from a Role and Scope Study, 1966 95 17 University System - Board of Regents - Freshman Norms, 1964-1965 95 18 University System - Board of Regents - Index to Board of Regents Minutes, 1970-1980 95 19 University System - Board of Regents - Miscellaneous, 1942-2001 95 20 University System - Board of Regents - Office of Testing and Guidance, 1963-1964 95 21 University System - White student recruitment, 1952 95 22 University System - Columbus 95 23 University System - Council Meeting, 1934-1938 95 24 University System - Emory, 1940 95 25 University System - Gainesville 95 26 University System - Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education 95 27 University System - Georgia School of Technology, 1919-1964 95 28 University System - Georgia Southwestern College, 1957 95 29 University System - Gwinnett Center, 1984-1995 95 30 University System - Independent Study [Also Independent and Distance Learning], 1976-1978, 2005 95 31 University System - Medical College of Georgia, 1932 95 32 University System - Black student recruitment, 1952, circa 1985 95 33 University System - North Georgia College 95 34 Board of Regents - University System of Georgia Statewide Assessment of Nursing Education Project Report, 1981 June 95 35 University System - Savannah Division, 1947-1948 95 36 University System - The System, Premiere Issue, 1991 Winter box Request box 114 University System - COVID-19 masks with institutional logos, 2020-2021 box folder Request box 99 17 University Theatre-Flyer, 2012-2013 99 18 Willson Center for Humanities and Arts Annual Report, 2016-2017 box folder Request box 95 37 Valedictory Speeches - Bradley, Hubert Jr., 1962 95 38 Valedictory Speeches - Brewer, Marcia, 1955 95 39 Valedictory Speeches - Caylor, Christine, 1970 95 40 Valedictory Speeches - Covington, Michael Aaron, 1977 95 41 Valedictory Speeches - Davies, Yvonne F., 1969 95 42 Valedictory Speeches - Davis, Sandra K., 1963 95 43 Valedictory Speeches - Durden, Virgil E., 1912 95 44 Valedictory Speeches - Edge, Robert, 1960 95 45 Valedictory Speeches - Greene, Sarah, 1964 95 46 Valedictory Speeches - Hicks, Randall C., 1961 95 47 Valedictory Speeches - Jackson, George T., 1897 95 48 Valedictory Speeches - Keith, Nancy, 1963 95 49 Valedictory Speeches - King, Billie Margaret, 1962 95 50 Valedictory Speeches - Lawhorne, Thomas Walter Jr., 1968 95 51 Valedictory Speeches - Mandeville, S.D. Jr., 1939 95 52 Valedictory Speeches - Neel, Eugenia Louise, 1944 95 53 Valedictory Speeches - Siegel, Alan, 1973 95 54 Veterans, Office of, 1947-1948 95 55 Vital Records - Catalogues/Programs, 1825-1877 95 56 Vital Records - Commencement, 1873-1965 95 57 Ward, Benjamin F., 1968 box folder Request box 100 14 1.000,000 and Honors, 1970 100 28 Technology Resources Guide for Faculty and Staff, 2000s 100 33 "Danczing through Dixie: the 'Dixie' controversy at the University of Georgia", 2004 November 23 100 34 Photograph of Arch, 2002 box folder Request box 113 42 Willson Center for Humanities and Arts (brochure), 2010-2011 113 43 "The World at large" (Art Rosenbuam mural at The University of Georgia Willson Center for Humanities and Arts-booklet), 2001, 2006 box folder Request box 100 38 Photograph of Board of Regents , 1930s 100 41 Paralympics, 1996 100 42 Photographs of Campus plants, 1996 box folder Request box 105 4 Athletics-Basketball (photographs), 1995-1996 105 9 "The Eponymous Mr. Prince" (Prince Avenue), 2000 105 11 Pressed flower, No Date 105 17 Photographs of various people, 20th Century 105 18 Indenture document, 1792 box folder Request box 106 5 Compilation of the Laws, Rules of Order, and Resolutions, Now of Force, for the Government of the Trustees, 1876 oversized_box folder Request oversized_box 2 1 Souvenir calendar of the University of Georgia, 1906 box folder Request box 108 15 The Georgia Guarddawg, 2008 September 108 16 The Arch Conservative, 2015 Fall 108 17 Athens: We let the Dawgs out-brochure, 2003 box folder Request box 113 18 Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) alumni book, 1929-1995 113 32 Photographs of campus (booklet), undated 113 34 Spotlight on the Arts at UGA (newspaper and flyer), 2013-2014 113 35 The Ferdinand Phinizy Lectures-"Tales of two continents", 1961 April 113 36 Inventory of unknown disk, 1985-1987 113 44 Athens Heritage walks (flyer), 2012 box folder Request box 112 48 Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1907 September 112 49 Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1908 September 112 50 Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1909 July 112 51 Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1910 July 112 52 Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1926 July 112 40 Miscellaneous bulletins, 1909-1917 112 41 Medical Department of the University of Georgia: address to graduating class, 1916 112 Advantage UGA (button), undated box folder Request box 113 52 Global Georgia Initiative (Willson Center for Humanities and Arts-brochure) , 2016 113 56 Bulletins of Georgia State Teachers College/State Normal College, 1927, 1931-1932