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3 occurrences of university of georgia ephemera collection
[Clear Hits]
1Descriptive Summary
3Collection Description
1Administrative Information
Related Materials and Subjects
Series Descriptions and Folder Listing
Presidential Miscellany 1800-2017
President's Office 1966-2011
Georgia Review 1945-2004
UGA Press 1945-1998
Academic Affairs 1801-2002
Development 1945-1996
Instructional Research and Development 1992-2000
Faculty Records Office 1838-2006
Agriculture, College of 1897-2002
School of Art 1937-2014
Georgia Museum of Art 1929-2017
Biological Science 1929-1968
Drama and Theatre 1893-1977
English 1899-1982
Engineering No date
Entomology 1954-1957
Geology 1997
German & Slavic Languages 1910-1981
History 1910-1981
Music 1901-2000
Philosophy & Religion 1954-1962
Physics & Astronomy
Political Science 1933-1976
Psychology 1949-1994
Romance Languages 1935-1994
Sociology and Anthropology 1960-1985
Speech/Debate 1881-1968
Zoology 1978
Studies Abroad 1965-1981
Archaeology 1936-1968
Museum of Natural History
Afro-American Studies 1971-1973
Arts & Sciences, College of 1883-1995
Business Administration, College of 1944-1989
Veterinary Medicine 1946-1981
Education 1906-2004
Environmental Design 1935-1997
School of Forest Resources 1905-2005
Graduate School 1944-1974
Family & Consumer Science 1944-2004
Journalism 1929-1990
Law 1859-2004
Military Science 1906-1996
Pharmacy 1908-1988
Social Work 1964-1982
Libraries 1799-2006
Special Studies 1982-2008
Bicentennial 1981-1985
Curriculum Development 1965-1981
Gerontology 1950-2002
SPIA - School of Public & International Affairs 2009
Business & Finance, VP 1883-2001
Research VP 1900-2003
UGA Administrative Manuals 1997
Institute of Community & Area Development 1957-1998
Public Relations 1939-1999
Institute of Higher Education 1960-1992
Institute of Government 1968-1997
Marine Extension
Georgia Center for Continuing Education 1941-2005
Cooperative Extension 1928-1990
State Botanical Garden 1972-2006
Center for International Trade & Security 2003
Alumni Relations 1834-2000s
Student Affairs, Associate Dean 1949-1975
Housing, University 1905-1973
Student Activities 1869-2005
International Services & Programs 1952-1997
Health Services 1911-2004
Counseling & Testing Center 1936-2003
Career Planning & Placement 1948-1974
Undergraduate Admissions 1927-2012
Registrar 1858-1981
Student Financial Aid 1873-1991
Legal Affairs 1977-1996
General University Information by Subject 1872-2021
Disability Resource Center 2012
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology circa 2013
Peabody Awards 2014
Student Protests 1970-1972
Public Service and Outreach 1999-2013
University of Georgia Ephemera Collection

University of Georgia Ephemera Collection

Descriptive Summary

Title: University of Georgia Ephemera Collection next hit
Creator: University of Georgia
Inclusive Dates: 1801-2019
Bulk Dates: 1875-2000
Language(s): English
Extent: 63.50 Linear Feet (117 boxes), one oversized folder
Collection Number: UA85-001
Repository: University of Georgia Archives

Collection Description

Historical Note

The previous hitUniversity of Georgia Ephemera Collection next hit is an aggregation of papers mostly culled in two sessions in 1985 and 1991 from the active University of Georgia Vertical Files housed in the Georgia Room of the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library. These materials, donated over the course of several decades by numerous donors, some anonymous, were removed from the vertical files because they were original materials housed in a collection which was not fully secure, and it was deemed more appropriate that these materials be housed in University of Georgia Archives. Ephemeral materials continue to be added to this collection.

Scope and Content

This collection contains a wide variety of materials documenting the various departments and colleges at UGA. The dates of the collection range from a photographic copy of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Josiah Meigs in 1801 to recent materials from early in the 21st century, the bulk of the dates represented in this material fall between 1875-2000.

Organization and Arrangement

The bulk of this collection is grouped by office but arranged in order by Record Group number which follows the hierarchial arrangement of the University. However, the UGA General Information files found at the end of the collection (Boxes 90-95) are arranged alphabetically by subject.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

previous hitUniversity of Georgia Ephemera Collection, UA85-001, University Archives, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Annual reports
Minutes (administrative records)
Programs (documents)
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Athens.
University of Georgia

Related Collections in this Repository

Related materials in this repository: Georgiana Vertical Files, University of Georgia, UA12-029.

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


Presidential Miscellany

11Aderhold O.C. - Inauguration and Charter Day, 1949-1951
12Presidents and Chancellor List
13Aderhold O.C., 1953-1968
14Aderhold O.C. - Annual Report, 1961-1967
15Aderhold O.C. - Appreciation Dinner, 1967 April-July
16Aderhold O.C. - Appreciation Dinner, 1967 June 29
17Aderhold O.C. - Appreciation Dinner
18Baldwin Abraham - Miscellaneous, 1961-1969
19Barrow, D.C., 1910-1962
110Boggs, William E. - Miscellaneous, 1894-1944
111Caldwell, Harmon W. - Wedding Gift & President's Dinner, 1945-1948
112Church, Alonzo
113Davison, Fred C. - Dialogue, 1970
114Davison, Fred C. - Dialogue, 1970-1971
115Davison, Fred C. - Inauguration, 1968
116Davison, Fred C. - Speeches, 1968-1981
117Davison, Fred C. - Miscellaneous, 1969-1986
1Davison, Fred C.-A proclamation, 1987
118Finley, Robert, 1925-1978
119Hill, W.B., 1904-1906
120Knapp, Charles, 1987-1997
121Knapp, Charles - Inauguration, 1987
122Knapp, Charles - Report of the President, 1987-1994
123Meigs, Josiah, 1800-1984
124Sanford, S.V., 1942
125Snelling, 1929
126Talmadge, Herman
127Tucker, 1875
128Waddel, 1962
129President's Office and Opening Convocation, 1937-2001
130Public Safety - Safety Guide, 1984-2008
131President's Home
132Office of Computer and Information Services (OCIS) - Manual - Using Contact, 1993
133Office of Computer and Information Services (OCIS) - Pamphlets, 1971-1986
134Adams, Michael F. - Inauguration, 1998
135Moore, Jere W.-Investiture, 2013
136Presidential Miscellany, No Date
21Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Acceptance Letters, 1875
22Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Beneficiary Appointment, 1875
23Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Collier, Henry L., 1875
24Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Eucalyptus Globulus, 1875
25Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Evans, John R., 1875
26Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Perkins, R.J.M., 1875
27Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Perry, T.J., 1875
28Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Recommendations for Admission to UGA, 1875
29Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Recommendations for State Scholarships, 1875-1895
210Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Requests for Catalogs, 1875
211Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Requests for Certificates, 1875
212Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Request for Information on the University, 1875
213Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Snigleton, W.A., 1875
214Brown, LeRoy - Correspondence - Wessolousky, C., 1875
215Charbonnier, L.H. - Correspondence - Charbonnier to Lee, 1875
216Charbonnier, L.H. - Correspondence - Charbonnier to Richle Brothers, 1878
217Charbonnier, L.H. - Correspondence - Nominations, 1875-1878
31Instructions for Preparing the Budget, 1993-1994
10010Campaign for Charities, 2017
10011University of Georgia Foundation, 1937
10023Signature Lectures, 2017 Fall
10030Remarks by John Spalding-honoring Michael F. Adams, 2013 June 21
1053News Clipping featuring a photograph of the University of Georgia Junior Class and Faculty (taken on 1866 November 18), 1966
1071"Is Jesus more than a man?" address by S.V. Sanford, undated
1102Reception (includes Charles Knapp-photographs), undated
11224A Resolution declaring a legal holiday as a special courtesy to Yale University to be known as "Abraham Baldwin Day", 1929 October 12
350th anniversary of Desegregation at UGA poster, 2011
1131Embracing diversity and inclusion at the University of Georgia, 2011-2016
113240th Anniversary of UGA's Desegregation, 2001 January 9
1133Mary Frances Early Lecture-program (lecture by Andrew Young), 2010 April 6
113550th Anniversary of Desegregation at UGA -flyers, 2011
1136Holmes-Hunter Academic Building (naming, dedication, and renovation), 2000-2001, 2024
1137Speech on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the desegregation of the University of Georgia by Charlayne Hunter-Gault, 2001
1138166th anniversary of Charter Day, 1951 January 27
1139UGA 225-anniversary of Charter (invitation), 2010 January 27
11310The Black Faculty and Staff Organization Reception (invitation), 1999 September 28
11311Armistice Day-program, 1920 November 11
11314Campaign for Charities, 2010-2015
11227University Correspondence (transcriptions), circa 19th century
11228Minutes of Prudential Commitee (transcription), circa 19th century
11231A.A. Lipscomb (biographical information), 1929-1979
11232Sylvanus Morris (biographical and other information), 1887-1893
11233Faculty salaries (photocopies), 1814-1816
11234Henry H. Tucker address-"Condition, interest and wants of the University of Georgia", 1875
11235Chancellor David C. Barrow (by John E. Drewry), 1925
11239Christmas card sent to students who are fighting World War I (David C. Barrow), circa 1918
11242Steps in the development of The University Summer School, 1923
11246The People's Will (Clement A. Evans), 1894
11358Gridiron Secret Society (cloth and name tag), undated

President's Office

41President's Office - Annual Report Summary, 1995-2002
10018Annual Reports to The Honorable Board of Trustees, 1916 June
Bulletins and Annual Reports of the Georgia Experiment Station, 1905-1910
10020Annual Report of the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station, 1945 July
48President's State of the University address (summary), 2015-2016
42President's Office - UGA Campaign for Charities, 2007
43Public Safety Division - Pamphlets, 1977-1997
44Public Safety Division - Riders Guide, 2005-2006
45Public Safety Division - Traffic Regulations, 1970-1996
46Campus Planning and Development - Building Program for UGA, Mid-1920s
47Memorandum - Status of Non-tenured Faculty Employed Seven Years or More, 1982
48President's State of the University Address (summary), 2015-2016
49Faculty file, 1910-1915
1072Reports from heads of colleges and schools and other officers of the University of Georgia, 1904-1905
1073The University of Georgia-general information, 1936
1074Announcement of the University of Georgia with a catalogue of the officers and students, 1901-1902
1075Personnel handbook, undated
1076University of Georgia Bulletin, 1932-1933
1077General catalogue, 1933-1934
1078The University of Georgia research reporter, 1981
1079Manual of the University of Georgia, 1890
10710Statutes of the University of Georgia, 1940, 1945
10737Statutes of the University of Georgia, 1954, 1959
10738Statutes of the University of Georgia, 1972, 1973
10739Statutes of the University of Georgia, 1988 - 1989, 2000
10735University of Georgia calendar, 1967-1968
10736University of Georgia calendar, 1968-1969
11329Circular of Information (no. 2) schedule of classes for degrees, 1899 June
11330Campus Transit System-Rider's Guide, 2011-2013
11331University of Georgia visitor's map, undated
11333Patent Policy, 1974 July
11340UGA campus map, 2009 July 2009
11341UGA Dance Marathon, 2006 January
11226University of Georgia organizational charts, 1997-2011
11229Board of Visitors reports, 1874-1915
11230Address to faculty, 1878
11348The University of Georgia (bulletin), 1940 January
11349Opening Convocation (program), 1999 August 22
11355Georgia College Personnel Association (GCPA) minutes, photographs and correspondence, 1993-1994
3University of Georgia Bus Schedule and Routes (poster), 1973-1974

Georgia Review

51Advertisements, 1950-2009
52Biography of Georgia Authors, 1952-1953
53Fifty Years of Fine Writing Anniversary Celebration, 1997
54Photos, Robert Frost
55Press Releases and Extracts, 1946-1992
56Roots in Georgia Literary Symposium, 1985
57Tables of Contents, 1952-1963
58Georgia Press Institute, 1951-2004
11327Roots in Georgia Literary Symposium, 2003 March

UGA Press

61Catalogs of Books, 1945-1998
62UGA Press, Friends of
63Pamphlets and Releases on Books, 1950-2004

Academic Affairs

71Vice President for Academic Affairs - Instructional Facilities Manual, 1987
72Policies and Procedures on Academic Honesty, 1994
73Summer School, 1918-1958
74Instructional Research and Development, 1985-1991
75Office of Instructional Development, OID - Academic Enhancement/Developmental Studies/Special Studies, 1976-2003
76Printing Department, 1955-2002
77Central Duplicating Services
78Report on the Task Force on General Education and Student Learning, 2005 August
79University Print File
710University Print File - Letter: Jefferson to Baldwin, 1801
711University Print File - University Maps, Early 20th Century
1008Signature Lectures, 2016-2018
10726Technology resources guide for faculty and staff, 2017-2019
10727The staff voice: newsletter of the University of Georgia Staff Council, 1994-1995
10728"The evolution of the University as interpreted by the memories of age"-bulletin, 1922
10729Founders' Day lecture-flyer, 2010
10730"UGA 225-still making history..."-pamphlet, 2010
10731UGAzine, 1991, 2009
11316Enterprise Information technology services (EITS)-faculty and staff technology guide, 2019-2020
11317Vice President for Services-Directory of services, 1978


81Alumni Relations - Georgia Alumni Fund, 1945-1949
82Alumni Relations - Georgia Alumni Fund, 1950-1953
83Alumni Relations-Alumni Association-Georgia Fund, circa 2013
84Foundation Annual Report, 1995-1999
85Fund Raising, 1974
86Joint Tech-GA Development Fund, 1970-1971
87Public Relations, 1952-1993
88Vice President for Development Annual Report to donors, 2012-2015
89Donor relations and stewardshiop, 2000s
810Alumni Association, 2000s
811Vice President for Development, 1969-2015
10022Georgia Fund Flyer, 2015
10520University of Georgia Faculty and Staff Campaign, 2018
11315UGA Alumni Association-Always a Dawg! (brochure), undated
11238The protection of Georgia's future: special bulletin to alumni and friends of Georgia, 1920 June
11243University of Georgia information, 1911, 1922
11244Selling Old Georgia, 1921

Instructional Research and Development

91Program Review Committee, 1992-1994
92Program Review - Committee Meeting Minutes, 1994
93Program Review - Correspondence, 1994
94Program Review Departments - Accounting, 1992-1993
95Program Review Departments - Animal and Dairy Science, 1992-1993
96Program Review Departments - Art, 1993-1994
97Program Review Departments - Banking and Finance, 1993-1994
98Program Review Departments - Child and Family Development, 1993-1994
99Program Review Departments - Comparative Literature, 1992-1993
910Program Review Departments - Drama, 1992-1993
911Program Review Departments - Economics, 1993-1994
912Program Review Departments - Entomology, 1993-1994
913Program Review Departments - Genetics, 1992-1993
914Program Review Departments - Geology, 1992-1993
915Program Review Departments - Handbook for Graduate Teaching & Laboratory Assistants, 2000
916Program Review Departments - History, 1992-1993
917Program Review Departments - Horticulture, 1993-1994
918Program Review Departments - Housing and Consumer Economics, 1993-1994
919Program Review Departments - Insurance, Legal Studies, Real Estate, and Management Science, 1993-1994
920Program Review Departments - Journalism and Mass Communications, 1993-1994
921Program Review Departments - Management, 1993-1994
922Program Review Departments - Marketing and Distribution, 1993-1994
923Program Review Departments - Physics and Astronomy, 1993-1994
924Program Review Departments - Political Science, 1992-1993
925Program Review Departments - Poultry Science, 1993-1994
926Program Review Departments - Religion, 1994
927Program Review Departments - Terry College of Business, 1993-1994
928Program Review - Departments to be Reviewed, 1992-2000
929Program Review - Information
930Program Review - Miscellaneous, 1993-1994
931Program Review - Teams, 1992-1994

Faculty Records Office

101Administrative Memoranda, 1914-2001
102American Association of University Professors, 1948-1984
103Banquets and Dinners, 1928-2007
104Biography - Brockman C.J., 1926-1927
105Biography - Chapman, Paul W., 1950
106Biography - Charbonnier, 1916
107Biography - Cobb A.J., 1869-1893
108Biography - Creswell M.E., 1951
109Biography - Dodd, Lamar, 1937-1981
1010Biography - Gerschefski, E, 1964
1011Biography - Henderson, H.B., 1950
1012Biographies - Hendren, L.L., 1950-1971
1013Biography - Herty, Charles Homes, 1936-1938
1014Biography - LeConte, Josiah, 1901-1975
1015Biography - Lustrat, J.
1016Biography - McHatton, T.H., 1944
1017Biography - Miscellaneous, 1949
1018Biography - McPherson, J.H.T., 1972
1019Biography - Morris, J.
1020Biography - Peabody, George Foster, 1911-1961
1021Biography - Rusk, Dean, 1931
1022Biography - Sanford, S.P.
1023Biography - Soule, A.M., 1940
1024Biography - Stewart, J.S., 1910
1025Biography - Strahan, C. Morton, 1980
1026Biography - Wright, D.M., 1969
1027Bylaws, 1940
1028Commencement Memoranda, 1941-1969
1029Committee - Curriculum
1030Committee - Miscellaneous, 1911-1972
1031Committee - Organization, 1926
1032Committee - Research Work, 1925-1951
1033Committee - Special Convocations, 1945-1961
1034Committee on Examinations and Classification, 1948
1035Committee on Nominations and Elections, 1948
1036Dean of Faculties, 1945-1961
1037Deaths and Funerals, 1950
1038Education Question, 1965-1993
1039Fund Raising, Charitable, 1949-2009
1040Georgia Association of University System Faculties, 1951-1953
1041Georgia Education Association, 1943-1951
1042Georgia Education Association, 1951-1954
1043Georgia Education Association, 1954-1960
1044Insurance, 1926-1940
1045Lists of Faculty, 1942-1959
1046Loyalty Questionnaires, 1954
1047Meetings - Minutes, 1948-1956
1048Meetings - Miscellaneous, 1924-1995
1049Miscellaneous, 1945-2003
1050Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1941-1967
1051New Faculty Tour/Information Guide, 1979-2002
1052Payroll, 1944-1949
1053Promotions, 1969-1981
1054Reception and Orientation, 1929-1965
1055Retirement and Health Insurance, 1953-2005
1056Retirement Dinners, 1962-1983
1057University Council, 1960-1967
1058Women's Luncheons, 1964-1965
1059Biography - Lund, Horace O., 1975
1060Faculty of UGA, 1976
1061Dinner, 1933
1062University Employees Federal Credit Union
1063Biography - Christ-Janer, Albert, 1973
1064Biography - Tate, William, 1971
1065Tate, Dean William - A Personal View, 1971
11361Training and development , 1991-1999, 2006
991Faculty Records-Sourcebooks, 1978-1987
111Average Instructional Salaries, 1964-1965
10021Faculty Handbook, 1952 September 15
112Minutes and Memoranda, 1948-1958
113Minutes - Committee on Special Convocations, 1953
114Minutes - Executive Committee, 1938
1091Summer School Minutes-Faculty/Administrative Council, 1923
1091Minutes-Faculty/Administrative Council, 1932-1933
115Minutes - Faculty/Administrative Council, 1950-1965
116Minutes - Faculty/Administrative Council, 1950-1965
117Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1944-1952
118Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1949-1968
119Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1952-1959
1110Minutes - Regular Faculty Meetings of Franklin College, 1959-1968
1093Stenographers' Notebook with Short and Long Hand Notes from Faculty Meetings, circa 1920s
1031Faculty for McGovern, 1968
1055Photographs of Virginia Trotter, 1978
10515Faculty photographs, 20th Century

Agriculture, College of

121Academics, 1897-1985
122Agricultural Economics, 1921-1968
123Agricultural Economics - PHD Proposal, 1966
124Agricultural Engineering, 1947-1952
125Agricultural Train, 1908-1973
126Agronomy, 1960
127Agronomy Club
128Alumni Banquets, 1928-1932
129Animal Husbandry, 1917-1972
1210Animal Husbandry - PHD Proposal, 1957
1211Conferences and Lectures, 1908-1961
1212Conner Hall, 2008
1213Dairy, 1944-1952
1214Dairy Conferences, 1953-1960
1215Dairy - Creamery, 1958-1968
1216Dairy - Short Courses, 1943-1962
1217Dedication Ceremonies, 1909-1941
1218District Agricultural School Contests, 1916-1926
1219Educational and Agricultural Conference, 1908
1220Experiment Stations, 1952-1975
1221Extension Service, 1933-1969
Includes "Carmichael named extension editor for University's College of Agriculture".
1222Farmer's Week, 1909-1940
1223Food Technology Department, 1960-1980
12244-H Club, 1926-1960
1225History, 1921-1940
1226Directories and Flyers, 1983-2011
12AAgronomy reports, 1955-1972
12B1Agronomy Department weather records, 1933-1939
12B2Agronomy report, 1968
131History of the College of Agriculture, 1975
132Horticultural Society, 1925-1975
133Horticulture, 1952-1972
134International Information Center for Plant and Animal Biotechnology (IICPAB)
135Livestock Management, 1927-1966
136Miscellaneous, 1931-1997
137Pageants, 1923-1951
138Poultry, 1926-1963
139Russell Day, Richard B., 1962-1968
1310Scholarships, 1875-1980
1311Short Courses, 1906-1962
1312Smith-Lever Funds, 1915-1916
1313Collegiate FFA Organization, 2002
1314Ag Hill pin, undated
141Horticulture 402 Class Papers, 1946
142Horticulture 407 Class Papers, 1953-1964
143Horticulture 408 Class Papers, 1964-1967
144Horticulture 707 Class Papers, 1964
145Horticulture 801 Class Papers, 1959-1965
146Horticulture 809 Class Papers, 1963-1966
147Horticulture (409-408 and Others) Class Papers, 1955-1963
1078Annual report-Georgia State College of Agriculture, 1929-1930
1094Georgia State College of Agriculture annual reports to Chancellor and United States Department of Interior, 1904-1907
1079College of Agriculture bulletin, 1938 March
1"Ag Dawg" banner, undated
11328State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts-Circular of Information (number 3), circa 1900
11350"Your opportunity for professional training in Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering", 1948-1949

School of Art

151Art Auction, 1941
152Art Auction, 1942
153Art Auction, 1943
154Art Auction, 1944
155Art Auction, 1945
156Art Auction, 1946
157Art Auction, 1947
158Art Auction, 1948
159Art Auction, 1950
1510Art Auction, 1951
1511Art Auction, 1952
1512Art Auction, 1953
1513Art Auction, 1954
1514Art Auction, 1955
1515Art Auction, 1956
1516Art Auction, 1957
1517Art Auction, 1958
1518Art Auction, 1959
1519Art Auction, 1961
1520Art Auction, 1962
1521Art Auction, 1963
1522Art Auction, 1964
1523Art Auction, 1965
1524Art Auction, 1966
1525Art Auction, 1967
1526Art Auction, 1968
1527Art Auction, 1969
1528Art Auction, 1945-1946
1529Art Events, 1939-1953
1530Art Events, 1958-1973
1531Art Forum, 1967-1968
1532Art in Buildings on Campus, 1939-1949
1533Art Lecture Series, 1962-1969
1534Art Lecture Series, 1952-1981
1535Association of Georgia Artists, 1937-1961
1536Athens Art Association, 1931-1965
1537Brody, Grace
1538Catalogue of Holbrook Collection
1539Christmas Auction, 1964-1972
1540Cultural Events, 1946-1958
1541Dodd, Lamar, 1947-2005
1542Safe Practices in the Arts & Craft, 1978
1543Franklin College of Art and Sciences, 2006-Present
1544Art Bulletin, 1935 March
1545BFA/MFA Drawing and Painting-poster, 1986
1546Thoughts on new Visual Arts Building by Art Rosenbaum, 1991
161Exhibitions - Contemporary American Painting, 1944-1948
162Exhibitions - Individual Students (A-D)
163Exhibitions - Individual Students (E-L)
164Exhibitions - Individual Students (M-S)
165Exhibitions - Individual Students (T-Z)
166Exhibitions, 1846-1947
167Exhibitions, 1948-1951
168Exhibitions, 1953-1954
169Exhibitions, 1955-1957
1610Exhibitions, 1958
1611Exhibitions, 1961-1962
1612Exhibitions, 1963
1613Exhibitions, 1964-1966
1614Exhibitions, 1967-1971
1615Exhibitions, 1972-Present
1617Faculty Auction, 1949-1950
1618Faculty Exhibitions, 1967-1971
1619Friends of the Museum, 1957-1972
1620Georgia Student Art Exhibition, 1952-1960
1621Graduate Art Exhibits, 1960-1963
1622Graduate Art Exhibits, 1963-1967
1623Graduate Exhibits, 1967-1978
1624Georgia Students Art Exhibition, 1946-1949
1625Herbert, James
1626Holbrook, Alfred, 1945-1973
1627Holty, Carl, 1949-1950
1628International Graphic Arts Society, 1958-1959
1629Miscellaneous, 1940-2005
1630Morris (Ann Orr) Memorial Lecture in Metalsmithing, 1990-present
1631National Bank of Athens Exhibits [A-Marantz]
1632National Bank of Athens Exhibits [McKinnell-Z]
1633Travel/Study Abroad, 1965-1994
1634Undergrad Exhibit, 1968-1969
1635Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1956-1957
1636The Quieter Madness, 1948
1637Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Art, 1969
1638MFA Degree Candidates Exhibition, 2018
992Reports, Handbook and Bulletins, 1935-1996
993Dedication of Lamar Dodd School of Art Program, Exhibtion and "Tailgate at the Dodd", 1996-2018
16b1Lamar Dodd School of Art-brochures, flyers, invitations, 2000s
16b2Lamar Dodd School of Art-Masters of Fine Arts Exhibition, 2007, 2014
16b3Lamar Dodd School of Art-exhibitions, 2009-2013
16b4Lamar Dodd School of Art building dedication-invitation, program, 2008 September 4

Georgia Museum of Art

171Brochures and Programs, 1929-Present
172Business, 1956-1990
173Calendars, 1950-1951
174Development, 1972-1973
175Kress Study Collection Catalogue, 1962
176"90 Carlton", 2000s
177 Georgia Museum of Art , 2008 Fall-2009 Winter
178Friends to the Georgia Museum of Art-annual meeting, 2008-2014
179MFA Thesis Candidates Exhibition, 2008, 2013-2014
1710Georgia Museum of Art, 1997-2015
1711Mother and Child (sculpture) excerpt from Art Inventories Catalog, 2013
9920Brochure, 2017 Autumn
10732Spirit yard: The sculptures of Harold Rittenberry, Jr.-brochure, 2002
1125"Facet", 2015 Fall
1129Georgia Museum of Art-newsclipping, 1996

Biological Science

181Biology Department - Brochures and Announcements, 1959-1968
182"A Brief of Difficulties in Biological Administration" by John Moore Reade, 1929
4Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society, Alpha Omega chapter charter and coat of arms illustration, 1951

Drama and Theatre

19a1Miscellaneous, 1925-1974
19a2Schedules, 1944-1968
19a3Schedules, 1970-1995
19a4Programs, 1893-1942
19a5Programs, 1942-1945
19a6Programs, 1949-1951
19a7Programs, 1952-1953
19a8Programs, 1953-1957
19a9Programs, 1958-1961
19a10Programs, 1962-1966
19a11Programs, 1967-1977
19a12Programs, 1980-Present
19a14Wizard of Oz program and photographs, 1970
19b1University Theatre presents, 1970s-2003
19b2University Theatre programs, 1977-1987
19b3Non-Theatre Department performances misc., 1978-2000
1006Macbeth (Town and Gown), No Date
19b4Music and Drama, 1980s
19b5UGA Department of Drama presents, 1985
19b6University Theatre, 1996-2012
19b7Misc. theatre, 1997-2011
19b8University Theatre, 2001-2005
19b9Thalian-Blackfriars presents, 2002-2010
19b10-11Department of Theatre and Film Studies presents, 2006-2011
19b12-14Performance UGA, 2009-2011
19b15-17Performance UGA, 2011-2012
19b18Performance UGA , 2012-2013
19b19Performance UGA, 2013-2014
19b20Performance UGA, 2017-2018
10734Spotlight on the arts-flyer, 2016
1121Performing Arts Center (inaugural season), 1996-1997
1122Performing and Visual Arts Complex (inaugural celebration), 1996 April 13-19
1123Performing Arts Center coupon, 1999
11210Performing and Visual Arts Complex-newsclipping and memo, 1995-1996
11351CORE Concert Dance Company (flyer), 2007 Spring


201English Department, 1929-1982
202Books - Campus Verse, 1907
203Books - Diary and Account Book, 1900
204Books - Teacher's Pocket Record, 1899


9924Engineering Education, undated


211Georgia Entomological Society, 1954-1957


221Geology Department, 1997
222Geological Notebook - Dr. Vernon Hurst
223Graduate student handbook, undated

German & Slavic Languages

231German and Slavic Languages, 1963


241History Department, 1910-Present
242Coulter, Ellis Merton, 1934-1981


251Mathematics Department, 1954


261Calendar of Music Events, 1964-1991
262Glee Clubs, 1972
263High School Music Festival, 1952-1967
264Library Holdings, 1951-1954
265Minneapolis Orchestra and Dimitri Mitropoulos, 1947
266Miscellaneous, 1932-1992
267Programs, 1901-1940
268Programs, 1940-1949
269Programs, 1950-1954
2610Programs, 1955-1959
2611Programs, 1960-1964
2612Programs, 1965-1969
2613Programs, 1970-1991
1151-4Program, 1994-1996
2614Programs, 1997-1999
2616Programs, 1999-2000
1155-8Programs, 2000-2002
1161-6Programs, 2002 August - 2005 June
2615Programs, 2008 - 2010
2618Redcoat Band, 1967-1969
2619University Community Concert Association, 1953-1968
2620Hodgson, Hugh, 1941-1960
2621"Cavalleria Rusticana"-Grand opera in one act, 1938 March 30
1003Concert-Athens Music Study Club, 1922 July 6
1005Whirling Dervishes of Rumi and Sufi Music, 2009 February 9
10710"A night at the Morton: celebrating Black traditions in Athens musical culture", 2014 March 26
1073320 years of song goes platinum-Georgia Children's Chorus, 2017-2018
1124Roger Lee Dancz "A memorial celebration", 1999 February 21
11245Music program (Lauritz Melchior), 1949

Philosophy & Religion

271Philosophy and Religion Department, 1954-1962

Physics & Astronomy

281Physics and Astronomy Department, 1947

Political Science

291Political Science Department, 1933-1976


301History, 1949-1985
302Miscellaneous, 1960-1994
303Psi Chi Honor Society, 1950-1956
304Staff Meeting Minutes, 1960-1963

Romance Languages

311Romance Languages Department, 1935-1994

Sociology and Anthropology

321Sociology and Anthropology Department, 1958-1985
1007Donald L. Hollowell Lecture, 2016 March 17
10024"Beloved Land" program, 2000s


331Speech Department - Debate, 1881-1968
1081Songs of nothing certain: UGA verse, 1920-1928


341Zoology Department, 1978

Studies Abroad

351Studies Abroad Program, 1965-1981
352Flyer, 2013


361Archaeology - Miscellaneous, 1936-1968

Museum of Natural History

371GA Museum of Natural History, 1986-Present

Afro-American Studies

381Afro-American Studies, 1971-1973
1082Celebrating courage: 50th anniversary of desegregation at UGA-brochure, 2011

Arts & Sciences, College of

391Arts and Sciences, College of, 1883-1995
392Faculty and Student Opinion Surveys, 1970-1977
10711The Franklin Chronicle, 2008 Fall
10712College of Arts and Sciences and general information bulletin, 1939 May

Business Administration, College of

401Accounting, 1944-1958
402Banking and Finance, 1957-1978
403Economics, 1948-1965
404Fashion Review, 1954-1956
405Golden Anniversary, 1963
406Graduate Program, 1952-1956
407International Association of Students in Economics and Business Management, 1981-1982
408Institute for Leadership Advancement, 2004-2006
409Management, 1952-1967
4010Marketing, 1950
4011Miscellaneous, 1917-1989
4012Pamphlets and Releases on Books, 1997-2004
4013Real Estate, 1959
4014Risk Management and Insurance
4015Clio Crosby Norris Gifts, 1971-1973
4016Correll Hall Groundbreaking Ceremony Program and Terry College Brochure, 2013

Veterinary Medicine

411Veterinary Medicine, College of, 1946-1981
412Construction, 1951
413Construction, 1951-1952
414Flood (at Vet School) - Photograph, 2003 July
415Class Photos, 1981-1994
416Veterinary Medical Experiment Station - Annual Report, 1994-1999
417Brochure, 1971-1972


421Alcohol Studies, 1963-1965
422Annual Reading Conferences, 1952-1961
423Centennial Celebration, 2008
424Children's Books, 1953-1974
425Conferences and Events, 1937-1976
426Conference on Teacher Education, 1938-1964
427Classroom Teachers Work Conference, 1961-1963
428Cocking Case, 1970
429Cooper Correspondence, 1976-1991
4210Driver EducationAlpha - Driver Education, 1956-1957
4211General Information, 1954-1966
4212Georgia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1957-1959
4213Georgia Congress of Parents and Teachers, 1952-1956
4214Georgia Education Association, 1959-1961
4215Georgia High School Association, 1916-1960
4216Georgia School Board Association, 1953-1962
4217Georgia School Food Service Association, 1960-1962
4218Index of Problems Completed, 1952
4219Principals Work Conference, 1906-1963
4220Publications (1), 1959-1974
4221Publications (2), 1971-1972
4222Publications (3), 1974-1979
4223Reorganization, 1940-1944
4224School Desegregation Educational Center, 1968
4225Semester Proposal, 1984
4226Short Courses, 1954-1957
4227Summer Conferences of Visiting Teachers, 1953-1961
4228Adult Education, 1937-1964
4229Adult Education - Family Finance, 1956-1958
4230Demonstration and Practice, 1941
4231Health and Physical Education - Children's Programs, 1915-2004
4232Health and Physical Education - Dance, 1928-2006
4233Health and Physical Education - Fitness Center, 2004
4234Health and Physical Education - For Women, 1949-1970
4235Health and Physical Education - Lectures and Conferences, 1938-1965
4236Health and Physical Education - Program Information, 1936-1961
4237Home Economics Teacher Training, 1958-1959
4238Torrance Center for Creative Studies
4239Vocational Education, 1917-1956
4240Diagnosis in Education, 1926
4241Alpha - Justice to the Negro in Education, 1918
4242Women's Studies Program, 2002-2018
4243Women's Studies - Brown Bag Lunch Talks, 1992
4244Center for Teaching and Learning, 2008-Present
4245New faculty announcement, 2011 - 2012
994Photographs, Newsletters and Brochures, 1980s
1057"A history of the City Schools of Athens" by Paine, No Date

Environmental Design

431Conferences and Lectures, 1936-1985
432Dedications, 1943-1957
433Flower Shows, 1946
434Fortieth Anniversary, 1968
435Landscape Architecture Newsletter, 1958-1960
436Owens, Hubert B., 1963-1978
437Program Information, 1959-1985
438Reports and Studies, 1935-1997
439Antaegsgartner, 1961
10713Headquarters House: Garden Clubs of Georgia, undated
1083Drawn from the Garden-celebrating 75 years of the Founders Memorial Garden, 2014

School of Forest Resources

4414-H Club Forestry Camp, 1953
442Advanced Studies in Biology, 1982-1984
443Alumni News Letter, 1951
444Brochures and Pamphlets, 1948-1971
445Conferences and Lectures, 1926-1996
446Dedication Announcement, 1939-1995
447Firewood Sales
448Forestry Club - Lapel Pin, 1913
449Faculty and staff, 1964
4410Georgia Forest Association
4411Graduate Program
4412Inauguration of Department of Forestry, 1906
4413Invitations to Events, 1991-1996
4414Marcus Wallenberg Prize Lecture, 1991
4415Newsletter Proposal, 1985
4416Paper Bag
4417Petition to Offer Ph.D. Degree, 1962
4418Photo - Buildings, 1935
4419Photo - Class Picture, 1930
4420Photo - Class Picture, 1932
4421Photo - Class Picture, 1934
4422Photo - Class Picture, 1935
4423Photo - Miscellaneous, 1931-1946
4424Photo - Nursery of Forestry School, 1931
4425Photo - Summer Camp, 1934
4426Photo - Summer Camp, 1936
4427Plaque - George Foster Peabody
4428Publications and Studies, 1931-1982
4429Reaccreditation Committee Report, 1980
4430GA Forestry Club 19th Annual Conclave, 1975
4431TV Program Production Workshop, 1958
4432Watson Springs, 1908-1984
4433White Hall, 1977
4434Outlines of Forestry 1: Forest Economics, 1905-1910
4435Willson Center for Humanities and Arts (EECP lecture Gus Speth), 2005
4436Plant List, Oconee Forest Park [Lake Herrick] by Dan Williams, 1986
4437Tree Harvesting Apparatus
4438Tree Harvesting photographs
4439William Andrew Campbell: Well Done - Your Georgia Friends in Forestry, 1961
4440Bicentennial report, 1985
4441Printed material - Pulpwood
4442Forestry Kaimin
4443Slides of equipment and vehicles - Walter Jarek
10714The Georgia public and its forests: attitudes and knowledge regarding forest resource use, 1993

Graduate School

451Boyd, George H. - Building Dedication and Honors, 1959-1972
452Fellowships, 1952-1953
453Handbook for Graduate Students, 1973-1974
454Graduate School, History of, 1970
455Miscellaneous, 1944-1968
456Schedule of Oral Prelims, 1971
457Postcards, 2007
10715Graduate student bulletins , 1987-1989
10716Graduate student bulletin, 1990-1991
10717Graduate School bulletin, 2008-2009

Family & Consumer Science

461Events and Dedication, 1946-1980
462History of Home Economics School, 1944
463National Council of Administrators of Home Economics, 1997
464Miscellaneous, 1945-2004
465Pamphlets, 1949-1959, 1978, 1985
466Personal Appearance Course, 1955-1956
467Photos - Pou, Emily
468Home Economics, 1936-1972
469Resolution of GA House of Representatives Honoring Dr. Mary Speirs, 1969
4610Department of Food and Nutrition
4611"Home Economics: Classroom, Corporate, and Cultural Interpretations" Conference, 2012 February 27-28
995Folder with Various Handouts, 2012
9923Georgia Conference on Family Life, 1948
10718"The efforts of preparation on the popularity of cabbage, carrots, peas, spinach and squash" (thesis), 1935
10719The School of Home Economics bulletin, 1941, 1999
10720Open doorways bulletin, 1939, 1944
11221School of Home Economics Silver Anniversary Bulletin, 1944


471Academics, 1952-1973
472American Film Institute Video Festival, 1988
473Annual Report, 1947-1963
474Awards, 1954-1984
475Atlanta Journal and Constitution - Articles on UGA Journalism, 1935-1955
476Drewry, John E. Room Dedication, 1976 October 29
477Education Industry Conference, 1954-1961
478Employee Publications, 1955-1956
479Faculty, 1976-1984
4710Golden Anniversary, 1964
4711Grady's Stamp of Approval, 1949-1960
4712Kappa Tau Alpha Yearbook, 1959-1960
4713Manuals, 1949-1955
4714McGill, Ralph Lectures, 2006 November 1
4715Miscellaneous, 1937-1961
4716National Broadcast Editorial Conference, 1963
4717Estray Journals
4718Presentations of Portraits & Sculptures, 1945-1964
4719Press Institute, 1929-1965
4720Press Releases, 1948-1956
4721Radio Courses, 1929-1932
4722Radio Institute, 1949-1969
4723Scholastic Press Association, 1933-1955
4724Southern Industrial Editors Institute, 1949-1961
4725Journalism Building, Dr. Worth McDougald and Peabody Awards Display
10512Grady School of Journalism-Academic Achievement certificate (blank), 1977 May 17
10721UGA Premed (Grady production), 2015
10722The inaugural Don E. Carter conversation-program, 2015
11222Journalism at the oldest chartered state university in prose and pictures, 1951 May
11223Addresses and lectures delivered at the Georgia Press Institute, 1929 February 20-23
11236Henry W. Grady (by T.W. Reed), 1935
11237Alumni Society addresses, 1871, 1903
11354Georgia Press Institute (ribbon), 1929 February


481Alumni, 1893-1992
482Dedication, 1903-2003
483Examinations, 1900-1906
484Graduation, 1909-1979
485Information and Pamphlets, 1859-2008
486Barrister's Ball Subpoena, 1937
487Law School Alumni (1907 November), Invitations and Flyers, 1907-2003
491Law Day, 1953-1975
492Law Day, 1976-1989
493Law Library, 1955-1958
494Lectures and Conferences, 1951-1981
495Miscellaneous, 1938-1997
496Placement Brochure, 1963-1976
497Dean Rusk Center Booklets, 1978-1979
498Dean Rusk Center Booklets, 1979-1981
1002Dean Rusk Center Monograph, 1978
499Dean Rusk Center Monograph, 1986
4910Upson Controversy, 1929
4811List of Georgia University Law Alumni (1907 November), Invitations and Flyers, 1907-2003
10723Lumpkin law revue, 1985 August
11212School of Law faculty (Holiday Season card), undated
11213Dedication of Harold Hirsch Hall and Alexander Campbell King Memorial Library, 1932 October 29

Military Science

501Air Force ROTC, 1954-1962
502Annual Exercises and Review, 1916-1967
503Armistice Day, 1920
504Army ROTC, 1920-1967
505Athens Service Center
506Events and Dinners, 1913-1958
507Georgia Trooper School, 1955
508Handbooks, 1940-1976
509Honor System, 1936
5010Horse Show, 1933
5011Key Information Center, 1941
5012Navy, 1942-1996
5013Reports and Program Information, 1909-1946
5014Student Army Training Corps (SATC), 1916
5015Songbook - Singing with Our Soldiers, 1918
5016Veterans, 1945-1950
5017War Bulletin, 1943
5018War Department Extracts, 1906-1909
10513U.S. Navy Pre-Flight School, 1945


511Annual Reports, 1908-1948
512Bulldog Pharmacist, 1973-1979
513Bulletin, 1950-1977
514Conferences, 1958-1969
515Co-op Plan, 1954
516Faculty Records, 1988
517History of College of Pharmacy, 1953-1984
518Laboratory Manual, 1963
519Lectures, 1961-1986
5110Miscellaneous, 1959-1973
5111Open House, 1959-1963
5112Program Pamphlets, 1964-1971
5113Rho Chi Honor Society, 1955-1968
5114Seminars, 1949-1969
5115Short Courses, 1959-1960
5116Soda Fountain Workshop, 1958-1959
5117Student Faculty - Alumni Day, 1938-1961
5118Tile and Till, 1953
5119Wellness Clinic
5120Wilson, Robert Cumming, 1959-1961
5121American Pharmaceutical Association, 1936

Social Work

521Miscellaneous, 1964-2007
522Reul, Myrtle R. - Status of Women at UGA, 1971-1972


531Accession of One Millionth Volume, 1970
532Accession of Three Millionth Volume, 1993
533Administration, 1946-1990
534Annual Reports, 1943-1998
535Archives Files Before 1980, 1980
536Archives - Records Retention & Disposition Schedule, 1985
537Asset Awards, 1992-2002
538Barrow-Tate, Susan Frances - Biography, 1976-1990
539Development, 2008
5310Exhibits, 1984-1989
5311Exposure Incident, 1971
5312Faculty Advisory Board, 1978-1981
5313Film, 1943-1968
5314Georgia Library Association, 1933-1955
5315Handbooks, 1955-1980
5316Little, Ilah Dunlap - Biography
5317History - Litle, Ilah Dunlap - Will, 1939-1969
5318Ilah Dunlap Little Memorial Library Dedication, 1953
5319InterLibrary Use, 1957
5320Kellam, W. Porter - Biography, 1950-1973
5321Lectures, 1942-2001
5322Librarians, Prestigious Developers of Mind Culture
5323Library Club
5324Library Guides, 1949-1999
5325Little Grapevine - Schedule of Events and Announcements, 1954-1955
5326Little Grapevine, 1955-1958
5327Little Grapevine, 1959-1962
5328Little Grapevine, 1963-1966
5329Little Grapevine, 1967-1968
5330Little Grapevine, 1969
5331Little Grapevine, 1970-1972
5332Library Staff Association
5333Loyalty Fund, 1967-1971
5334J.L. Green Papers - Assistant Correspondence, 1945-1946
5335J.L. Green Papers - Assistant Correspondence - Library, 1941-1957
5336J.L. Green Papers - Assistant Correspondence - Library (Old) Renovation, 1955
5337Book plate, undated
5338Lachlan McIntosh papers in the University of Georgia Libraries, 1968
541Main Library Annex Plans, 1970-1975
542Major Microform Holdings, 1978-1979
543Meetings and Conferences, 1920-1994
544Miscellaneous, 1904-Present
545Organizational Charts, 1982-1994
546Other Libraries, 1903-1994
547Periodicals List, 1945-1982
548Photographs of Old Library Building, 1934
549Photographs of Old Library Building
5410Porter Kellam Lectures, 1985-1996
5411Publications - Adlib, 1973-1979
5412Publications [Beyond the Pages], 2006
5413Publications - Georgia Gazette, 1983-1986
5414Publications - Interface, 1974-1976
5415Publications - Interface, 1977-1980
5416Publications - Library Memo's, 1945-1964
5417Publications - Tri-Committee Newsletter, 1977-1978
5418Research, 1957-1990
5419Russell Library, 1977
5420Southern Books Competition, 1953-1955
5421Special Collections, 1934-2006
5422Special Occasions and Holidays, 1947-1993
5423Staff Association, 1966-2007
5424Staff Code, 1953-1970
5425Staff - Internal Problems, 1977-1978
5426Staff - List, 1948, 1962-1973
5427Staff - Miscellaneous, 1944-2009
5428Staff - Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1942-1978
5429Staff Notes, 1947-1953
5430Staff Personnel Advisory Committee, 1980
5431Student Learning Center, 2003
5432Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 1997
5433Archives, 1981-2007
5434Task Force on Closing the Card Catalogs, 1988
5435Library Workers Day, 2004
5437Photographic Services
5438Alumni Society
5439Minutes of the Senatus Academicus, 1799-1842
1056Interface, 1977
10519Georgia Writers Hall of Fame Ceremony-invitation, 2017 November
10818"Set off for Georgia..." schedule, 2015
10819The Nightowl at 30, 1995
1126"The firebrand and the First Lady" (program for lecture by Patricia Bell-Scott), 2016 February 4
11319The Groundbreaking Ceremony for The Special Collections Libraries Building (program), 2010 January 28
11320"No other road: 1953 Red and Black editors stand up for equality and free speech" (flyer for The Richard B. Russell Library event), 2003 November 10
11321"Tales from the Assassination Tapes" (program for The Richard B. Russell Library event), 2004 September 29
11322"Collaborate to innovate!" (BIG conference schedule), 2006 July 28
11323"Vanishing Georgia" (flyer for Digital Library of Georgia project), undated
11324Library related flyers, circa 2000s
11325Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection (brochure and flyer), circa 2000s
11225The University Libraries-Archway to Excellence campaign, circa 2000s
112"Library Staff is the SHH!" (wrist band), undated
112Longevity pins (10 and 15 years), undated
112Libraries (plastic bag), undated

Special Studies

551Athletic Review Committee, 1986-1987
552Dooley Response to Audit, 1986
553Ballad of Jan Kemp Audio Tape, 1989
554Confidentiality Statement, 1984
555Henderson, Keith, 1986
556Student Policy and Curriculum, 1982-1986
1058Jan Kemp-timeline of life , 1982-2008


561Bicentennial Fund, 1985
562Bicentennial Quilt, 1985
563Miscellaneous, 1985
564Logo Guidelines, 1985
565Miscellaneous, 1985
566Programs, 1985
567Report to President, 1981
568Flag, 1985

Curriculum Development

581Programs for Superior Students, 1966-1980
582Curriculum Management, 1965-1986
583Instructional Resources Center - Film Catalog, 1981
10724Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Workshop and Speaker Series, 2016-2017
10725Center for Teaching and Learning-workshop series, 2017 Fall


571Georgia Centenarian Study, 2001
572Miscellaneous, 1950-2002
573"Aging for Georgia" [DVD], 2009

SPIA - School of Public & International Affairs

591Getzen Lecture, 2009
9910Invitations, 2011-2012

Business & Finance, VP

601Human Resources Division, 1930-2001
602Human Resources Division - Training & Development Department, 2006
603Physical Plant - Administration Building, 2000
604Physical Plant - Arch, 1956-1978
605Physical Plant - Buildings - Athens, 1902
606Physical Plant - Buildings - Master Plans, 1905
607Physical Plant - Building Projects, 1930-2011
608Physical Plant - Chapel, 1911-1977
609Physical Plant - Chapel - Chapel Painting, 1913-1958
6010Physical Plant - Coliseum
6011Physical Plant - Dedications and Openings, 1913-1972
6012Physical Plant - Fred C. Davidson Life Sciences Complex, 2004
6013Physical Plant - Furniture, 1924-1953
6014Physical Plant - Georgia Center, 1953-1970
6015Physical Plant - Georgia Museum of Natural History, 2009
6016Physical Plant - Greek Park, 2009
6017Physical Plant - Home Demonstration School, 1914-1953
6018Physical Plant - Information on Buildings, 1908-1969
6019Physical Plant - Inventory of Holdings, 1934-1939
6020Physical Plant - Law School, 1919-1930
6021Physical Plant - Dedication of the Institute of Law & Government Buildings, 1954
6022Physical Plant - Lumpkin House, 1920s-1968
6023Physical Plant - Maps and Plans, 1926-2008
6024Physical Plant - Memorial Hall (War Memorial Fund), 1922-1960
6025Physical Plant - Miller Learning Center(MLC)/Student Learning Center(SLC), 2004
6026Physical Plant - Miscellaneous, 1883-2009
6027Physical Plant - Museum of Art, 1958-1966
6028Physical Plant - Old College & New College, 1801-2006
6029Physical Plant - President's Home, 1966-1980s
6030Physical Plant - Residence Hall, 1933-1972
6031Physical Plant - Science Buildings, 1897-1977
6032Physical Plant - Science Hall, 1897
6033Physical Plant - Sundials - Campus, 1955-1974
6034Physical Plant - University Housing
6035Physical Plant - Waddell Hall, 1953-1956
6036Treasurer - Bank Statements, 1928-1929
6037Treasurer - Bolton, John Dixon - Tribute, 1965
6038Treasurer - Checks, 1928
6039Treasurer - Checks, 1929 January
6040Treasurer - Checks, 1929 February
6041Treasurer - Checks, March 1929
6042Treasurer - Checks, 1929 April-May
6043Treasurer - Checks, 1929 June-August
6044Treasurer - University Audits, 1947-1948
6045Treasurer - Financial Report, 1996
6046Treasurer - Travel Regulations and Procedures, 1970-1994
6047Treasurer - Statements for Fiscal Year, 1910-1911, 1920-1921
6048Physical Plant - Recycling Task Force, 1994
6049Physical Plant - Campus Transit System, 1969-2005
6050Auxiliary & Administration Services, 2007
1041Physical Plant-Tate/Tate Center, 1971-2013
1042Physical Plant-President's House-floor plan, No Date
1043Inventory of buildings (original), 1934
1044South Campus-Cedar/Lumpkin Street-hand drawn map from T.W. Reed Papers, 1922
1045The South Campus of the University of Georgia-An Architectural History (1906-1941), 1991 Spring
10040Photographs of the Chapel renovation , 1993-1994
1051Postcards featuring the University of Georgia Campus, No Date
1052Photographs around Campus, No Date
10514Architect's rendering of future University of Georgia Coliseum, 1960s
10516Various Campus buildings and views, 20th Century
11345"Sustainable UGA" (Office of Sustainability-brochure), circa 2000s
11353Statement of the Treasurer of the University of Georgia, 1918-1919

Research VP

611Agricultural Research, 1929-1969
612College Experiment Stations - Creamery, 1956-1957
613Computer Center, 1957-1985
614Copyright and Patent Policy, 1976
615Georgia Experiment Station, 1949-1985
616Institute of Ecology, 1970-1978
617Intellectual Property Policy, 1996
618Marine Institute and Ecology Research, 1963-1966
619Reports and Pamphlets, 1960
6110Scientific Research, 1928-1986
6111Sponsored Programs, 1990-2005
6112Annual Report, 2003
6113Boyd Graduate Studies Research Center, 1994
6114Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities - CURO, 2007
621Day Book, 1909-1904
622Treasurer's Book, 1900
631Secretary & Treasurer, 1913
632Secretary & Treasurer, 1909

UGA Administrative Manuals

641University of Georgia Administrative Policies & Procedures Manual, 1997

Institute of Community & Area Development

651Miscellaneous, 1965
652Institute of Community and Area Development, 1957-1980
653Institute of Community and Area Development, 1981-1988
654Institute of Community and Area Development, 1989
655Institute of Community and Area Development, 1990-1998
656Institute for Community and Area Development

Public Relations

881Edes, Nik, 1987-1989
882Facts and Figures, 1975-1985
883Funds, 1952-1995
884Public Relations, Office of, 1940-1974
886The Economy
887University of Georgia Foundation, 1939-1999
888University of Georgia Foundation - Fund, 1960
889University of Georgia Foundation Audit and Response, 2002-2003
8810University of Georgia Foundation Program (Copy for William Tate, Recording Secretary), 1955-1956
8811Development - University of Georgia
8812Welcome to the University of Georgia, 1951-1972
9911Resolutions-University of Georgia Day, 2015
8813Newsletters and a zine, 2010

Institute of Higher Education

661Institute of Higher Education, 1960-1992
662Louise McBee Lecture, October 12, 2000
11347Thomas Dyer-funeral service program, 2013 October

Institute of Government

671Institute of Government, 1968-1997
1084Contemporary Georgia, 1987

Marine Extension

681Marine Extension
682Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 1995

Georgia Center for Continuing Education

691Agriculture, 1954-1960
692Agriculture, 1961-1963
693Agriculture, 1964-1999
694Annual School of Advanced Cosmetology, 1962-1965
695Appreciation Dinners, 1963-1998
696Business Administration, 1950-1958
697Business Administration, 1959-1961
698Business Administration, 1962
699Cemetery Management Institute, 1961-1964
6910Children and Youth, 1959-1965
6911Communication and Marketing Functions, 1984
6912Community Education Classes, 1952-1971
6913Community Education Classes, 1972-1990
6914Community Education Classes, 1995-2002
6915Conference on Liberal Arts, 1952-1954
6916Congress of Parents and Teachers, 1952-1961
6917Education, 1941-1958
6918Education, 1959-1961
6919Education, 1962-2005
6920Energy and Fuel Conferences, 1947-1977
701Forestry, 1954-1964
702Food and Nutrition, 1959-1964
703Franklin College for Arts and Sciences, 1951-2000
704Furniture Merchandising, 1964-1965
705Georgia Education Asoociation, 1959-1969
706Georgia Municipal Association, 1948-1964
707Georgia Museum of Art, 1954-1995
708Health Conferences Miscellaneous, 1957-1969
709Independent Insurance Agents, 1958-1965
7010Landscape Architecture, 1952-1963
7011Law, School of, 1951-1959
7012Law, School of, 1960-1962
7013Law, School of, 1963-1965
7014Management of Shooting Preserves, 1958-1972
7015Miscellaneous Conferences, 1948-1960
7016Miscellaneous Conferences, 1961-1998
7017Miscellaneous Conferences, 2003-2004
7018Music Performances, 1960-2002
7019Optometric Association, 1957-1964
7020Ordinaries Institute, 1960-1965
7021Pest Control Operators Short Course, 1957-1965
7022Pharmacy, 1958-1969
7023Programs, 1967
7024Religion, 1956-1983
7025Restaurant and Hotel Management, 1954-2009
7026Savannah Room, 1957-2010
7027Science Fair, 1957-1959
7028School of Social Work, 1950-1964
7029Southeastern Air Seminar, 1960-1961
7030Soil Conservation Society of America, 1968
7031Southern Writers Workshop, 1957-1962
7032Special Events, 1957-1965
7033Television and Radio (WGTV and WUGA), 1960-2001
1Storycorps Mobile Tour (includes WUGA) matted poster, 2018
1WGTV/8 banner, undated
7034Georgia Television Network - Program Guide, 1966-1967
7035Georgia Television Network - Program Guide, 1967-1971
7036Television Program Guide, 1969-1970
7037Television Program Guide, 1971
7038Television Program Guide, 1972-1974
7039Veterinary School, 1957-1965
7040Vocational Rehabilitation, 1959-1965
7041Counseling and Guidance Courses, 1959
7042Miscellaneous, 1950-2008
71Georgia Center for Continuing Education - Signs
996Visitor List, Conference Publications, Flyers and Newsletters, 1996-2011

Cooperative Extension

721Agricultural Extension Services, 1928-1955, 1969
722Athens Program, the, 1958-1959
723Conference - University and Private Sector, 1984
724Clippings for 75th Anniversary, 1989
725Directory of Services, 1974-1978
726Correspondence Study Course, 1930-1956
727Extension Classes, 1930-1990
728Home Study, 1954-1959
729Kellogg National Fellowship Program, 1983-1985
7210Leadership Training Institute, 1947-1990
7211Miscellaneous, 1940-1999
7212Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1928-1957
7213Pamphlets 1
7214Pamphlets 2
7215Assessing the Feasibility of a Negotiation Project in Athens/Clarke County, 1991 December
7216Georgia Plan for Administering the State Technical Services Act of 1965, 1965
7217Report on Affirmative Action Recruitment, 1975
7218Public Service and Extension Annual Report Summary, 1986
7219University Center, 1949-1970
7220Institute of Democracy vs. Communism, 1951
7221Institute on Procedure, 1953
7222Department of Extension Teaching, 1930-1931
7223Statistical Methods for Quality Control, 1948
7224Parents Institute, 1952
7225Thrust for the Eighties, 1981
7226Directory State & County Staff, 2002
7227-28Extension history

State Botanical Garden

731State Botanical Garden, 1971
732State Botanical Garden
733Brochures, Invitations, 1991-2011
11211Flyers, circa 1990s

Center for International Trade & Security

741Center for International Trade and Security, 2009
742Center for International Trade and Security - Russell Symposium, 2003

Alumni Relations

115Alumni Day poster, circa 1940
871Alumni Day, 1897-1940
872Alumni Day, 1941-1970
873Alumni Society Records List, 1834-1979
874Annual Meeting, 1889-1981
875Atlanta Alumni Association, 1896-1932
876Black Alumni Association, 1984
877Catalogue Queries/Speeches, 1878-1975
878Class of 1897 Reunion, 1897
879Founder's Day, 2008
8710Founder's Day Dinner, 1968-1992
8711Funds, 1921-1974
8712Georgia Alumni Society - Brochures, 1933-1985
8713Georgia Alumni Society - Committees, 1979-1981
8714Georgia Alumni Society - Proposed Amendments to By-Laws, 1961
8715Gift of Mary Gray, 1946-1954
8716Honor Roll, 1944-1985
8717Invitations and Letters to Members and Faculties, 1940-1997
8718New York Association, 1785-1910
8719Membership Forms, 1957
8720Membership Roster (Alumni Society), 1953-1954
8721Miscellaneous, 1851
8722Parent's Day, 1925-1979
8723Programs, Miscellaneous, 1906-1995
8724Progress Report, 1957
8725Reunion, Class of - 1st Class, 1904
8726Reunion, Class of 1893, 1923
8727Reunion, Class of 1897, 1907,1912,1927,1937
8728Reunion, Class of 1900, 1900
8729Reunion, Class of 1902, 1955
8730Reunion, Class of 1907, 1917
8731Reunion, Class of 1908, 1911, 1908, 1971
8732Reunion, Class of 1924, 1974
8733Reunion, Class of 1930, 1930
8734Reunion, Class of 1958, 1963
8735Reunion - Proposed Schedule, 1966
8736Reunion - State Normal School, 1955
8737Reunion - Veterinarians and Alumni Reunion, 1964
8738Retired Faculty Staff Dinner, 1982-1991
8739Seminars, 1965-1972
8740Seminars, 1973-1982
8741UGA National Alumni Association, 1997
8742Weekends/G-Day, 1950-1990
8743Confederate Veterans, 1914
8745UGA Alumni Association
8746Georgia Alumni Record, 1929
998Brochures and Printout, 2011-2012
999Alumni Miscellany, 1900-2000s
9921Minutes of the Board of Managers of the Alumni Society, 1951, 1974-1976
9922"UGA and "the Rising Hope of our Land" in a New World Order" by Bertsch, No Date
10037Bill Anderson photographs, 1980s

Student Affairs, Associate Dean

751Dean of Men - Tate, William, 1949-1970
752Dean of Men - Tate, William, 1971-1980
753Dean of Men, 1920's-1970's
754Dean of Women, 1930-1967
755Student Handbook, 1982-1983

Housing, University

761University Housing, 1905-1973
762University Housing - Reed Hall, 1954-1955
763Housing Viewbook, 2004-Present

Student Activities

7714-H Club, 1926-1951
772American Legion, 1945
773Athens Bird Club, 1956
774Audit, 1935
775Audubon Society, 1954-1956
776Ballet, 1924-2005
777Banquets, General, 1903-1969
778Banquets, Women's, 1924
779Black Student Union
7710Boy Scouts of America, 1924-1957
7711Bridal Fair, 1969-1973
7712Campus Conservative Club, 1970-1971
7713Co-education, 1901-1922
7714College Republicans, 1980
7715Committee on Gay Education, 1974
7716Community Music Association, 1956-1971
7717Communiversity, 1997
7719Cosmopolitan Club, 1961-1962
7720Cultural Affairs, 1970-1990
7721Debates, Intersocietal, 1883-1963
7722Demosthenian Society, 1870-1970
7723Dogma House, 1980
7724Engineering Society, 1902
7725Film Club, 1954-1972
7726Forest History Society
7727Fraternities - Alpha Gamma Rho, 1927-1952
7728Fraternities - Alpha Epsilon Pi, 1966
7729Fraternities - Alpha Tau Omega, 1971-1972
7730Fraternities - Alpha Zeta, 1999
7731Fraternities - Alpha Kappa Psi
7732Fraternities - Alpha Phi Omega, 1938-1958
7733Fraternities - Alpha Chi Sigma, 1916-1917
7734Fraternities - Delta Tau Delta, 1961
7735Fraternities - Zeta Phi, 1878
7736Fraternities - Zeta Phi Eta, 1944
7737Fraternities - Kappa Alpha, 1963
7738Fraternities - Kappa Sigma, 1952-1960
7739Fraternities - Lambda Chi Alpha, 1919
7740Fraternities - Omicron Delta Kappa, 1964
7741Fraternities - Pi Kappa Delta, 1954
7742Fraternities - Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1897
7743Fraternities - Sigma Phi Epsilon, 1962
7744Fraternities - Sigma Chi, 1928-1971
7745Fraternities - Phi Beta Kappa, 1914-1952
7746Fraternities - Phi Delta Theta, 1888
7747Fraternities - Phi Eta Sigma, 1956
7748Fraternities - Phi Kappa Phi, 1953-1992
7749Fraternities - Phi Mu Alpha, 1964-1966
7750Fraternities - Chi Phi, 1884-1953
7751Fraternities - Chi Omega, 1935
7752Fraternities - Adviserto Fraternities, 1966
7753Fraternity Banquest, 1962-1970
7754Fraternities - General, 1927-1948
7755Fraternities - Greek Week, 1957-1968
7756Fraternities - Intrafraternity Council, 1944-1991
7757Fraternities - Intrafraternity Council Annual Report, 1959-1968
7758Fraternities - Panhellenic, 1922-1974
7759Fraternities - Publications, 1938-1976
7760Fraternity Rush, 1928-1993
7761Fraternities - Scholastic Standing, 1930-1987
781Future Farmers of America, 1978
782Garden Club, 1941-1978
783Georgia 800-08 Club, 1907-1908
784Georgia Academy of Science, 1948
785Georgia Forensic Society, 1955-1964
786General Regulations, 1905-1907
787German Club, 1906-1917
788Glee Club - General, 1923-1934
789Glee Club - Annual Student Night, 1935-1955
7810Glee Club, Men's, 1941-1982
7811Glee Club - Music Appreciation Hour, 1930-1937
7812Glee Club, Women's (aka Girl's), 1935-1951
7813GORP, 1988-1996
7814Graduate and Professional Scholars, 2010
7815Homecoming, 1941-2003
7816Home Economics Club, 1929-1984
7817Honor Board, 1963-1980
7818Honor Societies - Bluckey, 1964-1984
7819Conferences, 2007
7820Honor Societies - Cabaliers, 1920
7821Honor Societies - Journalism - Sigma Delta Chi
7822Honor Societies - Medicine - Phi Beta Pi, 1940
7823Honor Societies - Pharmacy, 1952-1970
7824Honor Societies - Physics - Chi Phi Chi, 1941
7825Honor Societies - Psychology - Psi Chi, 1935-1936
7826Faculty/Staff 911 Guide, 2008
7827Horticulture Club, 1968-1972
7828Iron Horse, 1953-1982
7829Jayhole Club, 1976
7830Junior Cabinet, 1913-1916
7831Lake Herrick
7832Luna Club, 1933
7833Matilda Gorilla for SGA, 1973
7834Mortar Board, 1941-1950
7835Miscellaneous, 1904-2004
7836Music Clubs, 1946
7837Newcomers' Club, 1977
7838Opera (and Thalians), 1894-1962
7839Pandora, 1924-2010
7840Phi Kappa Literary Society, 1869-2005
7841Religious Groups - Baptist Student Union, 1957-1974
7842Religious Activities - B'Nai B'Rith Hillel Foundation, 1944
7843Religious Groups - Campus Christian Life Coucil
7844Religious Groups - Campus Crusade for Christ, 1971
7845Religious Groups - Campus Ministry Association, 1969-1979
7846Religious Groups - Canterbury Club, 1957-1973
7847Religious Groups - Disciple Student Fellowship, 1968
7848Religious Groups - Interfaith Fellowship, 1959
7849Religious Groups - Newman Catholic Community, 1957-1967
7850Religious Groups - Presbyterian Student Center, 1919-1959
7851Religious Groups - Religious Activities, 1956-1960
7852Religious Groups - UGA Religious Association, 1948-1957
7853Religious Groups - Voluntary Religious Association, 1936-1947
7854Religious Groups - Wesley Foundation, 1956-1970
7855Religious Groups - YMCA, 1909-1961
7856Religious Groups - YWCA, 1945-1958
7857Science Club, 1937-1948
7858aSororities-Kappa Delta Pi-Beta Kappa chapter-initiation banquet, 1932 December 6
7858bSororities - Phi Mu, 1967-1983
7859Sphinx, 1963-1977
7860Student Calendar of Campus Events, 1887-1973
7861Student Government Association (SGA), 1920-1996
7862Student Historical Preservation Organization, 1985-1987
7863Student Center Calendars, 1954-1975
7864Student Publications Board, 1920-1955
7865Student Union, 1953-2003
7866Summer School, 1920-1940
7867Sigma Xi, 1945
7868Rotary Club, 1926-1927
7869Fashion Review
7870UGA Dialogue, 1968
791Triquetra, 1962-1963
792Union of the American People, 1974-1975
793University Clubs, 1896-1968
794University of Georgia Club, 1969-1988
795University Union, 1962-2003
796Voting and Politics, 1928-1992
797Women's Clubs, 1922-1969
798Women's Clubs, 1970-1988
799Women's Student Government Association, 1940-1950
7910X Club - Minutes, 1956-1965
7911Homecon Club, 1936-1977
997Brochures and Newsletters, 1967-1971
10025Correspondence and photograph, 1950s
10026Fairmount High School Commencement Program (Literary Address by Dean Tate) , 1937
10027Georgia High School Association, 1935-1940
10029Achievements of the Class of 1893 by Moon, 1928
10031Constitution and By-Laws of the Demosthenian Society, 1903
10032Miscellaneous invitations and programs, 1933, 1942
10035Student/Campus photographs, 1960s-1970s
10036Georgia Cracker, 1946
10039Cosmopolitan Club, 1922-1923
10510Women at the University of Georgia, 1950s-1960s
1061Woman's Pan-Hellenic Manual, 1939-1940
1062Handbook for Rushees, 1948
1063Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) handbook, 1915-1916
1064Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) handbook, 1921-1926
2Senior class-University of Georgia (photograph), 1904
1101Student/Campus photographs, circa 1990s
11220Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), undated
11247David Janes-Bill of Tuition, 1835
11358University of Georgia orations by R.H. Goetchius, 1870
11326The Baptist Bulldog (newsletter), 1962-1963
11350Class Tree Exercises (program), 1894 April 18
11357Bulldog families, 2010 Summer
11360Information bulletin, 1956

International Services & Programs

801Office of International Services and Programs, 1952-2007
802Department of Intercultural Affairs, 2007
1085Annual Darl Snyder Lectures-programs, 2009-2015
1086The Africanist, 2011-2012
1087KIKO: A mult-media course, undated
1088Study abroad in Tanzania-brochures, 2013
1089South Africa study abroad-brochure, 2012

Health Services

811Food Services, 1971-1996
812Health Center, 1944-2004
813Infirmary, 1911-1943
814Insurance Plans, 1960-1970
815X-Ray at the University of Georgia, History of, 1972
10810College of Public Health, 2007 Winter
11337Medical Partnership Student Research Symposium (synopsis and program), 2011 October 25
11338UGA Public Health Association-Annual AIDS Walk (flyer), undated
11339University Health Center (flyer), circa 2000s

Counseling & Testing Center

821Examination Schedule, 1940-1969
822Conference on Testing, 1965-1966
823Placement Tests, 1936-1941
824Tips for Faculty, 2003

Career Planning & Placement

831Office of Career Planning and Placement, 1948-1974
832Office of Career Planning & Placement (Career Center), 2002

Undergraduate Admissions

841Advanced Placement, 1972-1985
842Bicentennial Flyer, 1984-1985
843Bus Schedule, 1984-1989
844Consultation Directory, 1983-1984
845Cooperative Education Programs, 1984
846Ecology Programs
847Facts & Figures, 1983-1984
848Freshman Orientation - Freshman Camp, 1959-1969
849Freshman Orientation - Miscellaneous, 1962-1972
8410Freshman Orientation - Programs, 1927-1984
8411General Information, 1965-2009
8412Health Form
8413Housing, 1982-1984
8414Honors Seminar, 1982
8415International Student Fact Sheet
8416Letter to M. Overton Phelps, 1930
8417Post Cards
8418Staff Manual, 1984-1985
8419Student Affairs, 1982
8420First-year odyssey: University of Georgia [seminar program], 2012
10811Honors-newsletter of the University of Georgia Honors Program, 2008 June
11214UGA 101-How to win Freshman year, 2017 Summer
11215Memorial Hall-Student Union, 1948
11216Revised schedule of requirements for degrees, 1904-1905
11217Personal journal, 1926 April 26
11218Catalog of the officers and students-Franklin College, 1838-1839
11219Bus schedule, 2003-2004, 2008-2010


851Analysis of Student Body, 1951-1963
852Aetiology of Student Failures, 1936
853Courses Offered , 1894-1980
854Dean's List, 1934-1964
855Freshman Register, 1981
856Grade Analysis, 1927-1961
857Graduation, 1957-1965
858Probation List, 1937-1955
859Requirements for Degrees, 1904-1905
8510Schedule of Recitations, 1904-1932
8511Summer School, 1858-2001
8512Summer School, 1929-1961
8513Summer School (9th District A.&M.), 1931
1092Summer School Schedules, 1929-1930
8514Undergraduate Calendar, 1935-1936
8515Regulations, 1877
997Conference Schedule and Schedules of Classes , 1968, 2004-2005
11349Introduction to book about Alexander Stephens (by T.W. Reed, Registrar), undated

Student Financial Aid

861Brochures, Scholarship, 1960-1986
862Bulletin, 1982-1983
863Charles McDonald Brown Fund, 1881-1929
864Frances Clementine Tucker Fund
865Foundation Merit Scholarships
866Freshman Scholarships, 1952-1991
867Handbook, 1981
868Milledge Scholarships, 1873-1955
869National Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Program
8610Phelps-Stokes Fund, 1957
8611Pickett and Hatcher Educational Fund
8612Sarah H. Moss Fellowship
8613Student Loans
8614Scholarships, Miscellaneous, 1937-1958
8615Scholarships, 1955-1981

Legal Affairs

891Affirmative Action, 1977-1996
892Affirmative Action, 2002-Present
893Dispute Resolution Program
894Legal Affairs Notes, 1989
895Sexual Harassment Policy, 1988
896State-wide Outreach Committee

General University Information by Subject

901Advocating Safe Alternatives for Peers, 2002
902African Studies Institutes (Services Learning Tanzania), 2010
903AIDS Quilt, 2002
904American Association of University Professors, 1921-1974
905American Association of University Women, 1953
906Athens - Miscellaneous, 1968
907Athletics - Athletic Association, 1892-1997
908Athletics - Athletic Association - Audit Report, 1935-1958
909Athletics - Athletic Association - Contracts and Resolutions, 1924-1928
9010Athletics - Athletic Association - Road Tour, 1998-2002
9011Athletics - Baseball, 1895
9012Athletics - Basketball, 1910-2009
9013Athletics - Basketball Programs, 1964-1975
9014Athletics - Basketball - Ticket Information, 1995-2000
9015Equestrian Team, 2001
10012Athletics-Miscellaneous Flyers, 2000s
9016Athletics - Football, 1905-1963
9017Athletics - Football, 1964-1970
9018Athletics - Football, 1970-2009
9019Athletics - Eligibility Controversy, 1907
9020Athletics - Football Programs, 1903-1967
9021Athletics - Football Programs, 1967-1986
9022Athletics - Football Tickets, 1992-2004
9023Athletics - Football - Von Gammon 1897, 1961
1111Athletics-Football-"Coach Stegeman-The legend and the man" by John Stegeman, 1999
9024Athletics - Golf, 1949-2003
9025Athletics - Gymnastics [Schedules/Programs/Tickets], 2005
9026Athletics - Gymnastics - Ticket Information, 1994-2004
1011Athletics-Gymnastics calendar, 2009-2010
9027Athletics - Olympics at UGA, 1996
9028Athletics - Department of Intramural/Recreational Sports, 1947
9029Athletics - Bulldog logo decal, circa 1920s
911Athletics - Soccer, 2003
912Athletics - Swimming, 1950
913Athletics - Tennis, 1963-1995
914Athletics - Tennis Programs, 1982-1991
915Athletics - Tennis - Ticket Information, 1994
10812Athletics-Tennis-Bulldog Illustrated: Tribute to Dan Magill (Georgia-Troy issue), 2014 September
916Athletics - Ticket Information - General, 1966
917Athletics - Title IX, 1972-1982
918Athletics - Title IX, 1983-1985
919Athletics - Title IX Report, 1975-1976
9110Athletics - Track, 1899-1969
9111Athletics - Volleyball, 1988-2003
9112Aviation, Department of, 1945-1967
9113Beaver, Sandy Teaching Award, 1969-1985
9114Board of Regents, 1955-1982
9115Bookstore, 1948-2008
9116Boy Scouts - Explorer Educational Conclave, 1954-1956
9117Bulldog "Stuff", 1931
9118Bulldog/UGA Mascot, 1998
10813Terry: magazine for alumni and friends of the Terry College of Business, 2014 Fall
9119Carl Vinson Institute of Government
9120Center for Humanities and Arts, 1997-2004
9121Christian College of Georgia
9122Civil Engineering School, 1868-1912
9123Cleaning Support Staff, 1971
9125Clippings, 1967
9126Clippings, 1969-1970
9127Clippings, 1971
9128Clippings, 1972
9129Clippings, 1973
9130Clippings, 1974
9131Clippings, 1975
9132Clippings, 1976
9133Clippings, 1977
9134Clippings, 1978
9135Clippings, 1979
9136Clippings, 1984
9137Clippings, 1985
9138Clippings, 1986
9139Colonial Dames of America, Georgia Society of, 1932
9140Commencement, 1946-1960
9141Conference on Education and the Institute of Public Affairs, 1934-1935
9142Conferences, Miscellaneous, 1924-1996
9919Cook's Holiday Flyers, 2000s
921Coordinate College, 1938-1951
922Counseling and Testing Center
923Dance, 1939-2005
924Dinners and Celebrations, 1936-1988
925Electrical Engineering, Department of, 1926
926Enterprise Information Technology Services, 1999
927Exhibits, 1897-1937
928Food Services, 2001
1127Food Services-Cook's Holiday flyers, 2011-2019
1128Food Services-groundbreaking ceremony for Bolton Dining Hall, 2013 April 3
929Food Wrappers, Promotional
9210Forest, N.B. Biography
9211Fund Raising, 1882-1927
9212Garden Club of Georgia, 1943-1958
9213Garden Club of Georgia - McHatton, T.H.
9214Georgia Center Programs, 1969-1996
9215Georgia Cooperative Association
9216Georgia Day, 1932-1953
9217Georgia Day, 1954-1973
9218Georgia High School Association, 1916-1941
9219Georgia School Improvement Clubs - Improvement of School Grounds [Speech: Mrs. Walter B. Hill], 1910
9220Globes, 2002-2004
9221Governors - Sanders, Carl E., 1966
9222Graphic Arts Engineering, School of, 1929
9223Governors - Griffin, Marvin, 1956-1959
9224Historical Markers and Memorials, 1955, 2018
9225History, Georgia University, 1802-1979
10015-17History of Georgia, Assorted Monographs and Bulletins, 1893-1951
9226Hodgson, Harry, 1943
9227Honors Program, 1988-2006
9228Honors Program - Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO), 2000
1004National Academic Honor Society for Ornamental Horticulture-Ph Alpha Xi Poinsettia Sale, No Date
9229Institute of Public Affairs, 1928-1936
9230Kemp, Jane Trial, 1986
9231Land Grant Colleges, 1962-1995
9233Lectures, 1908-2004
9234Lectures - Art, Department of, 1950-1967
9235Lectures - Carter, Governor Jimmy, 1973
9236Lectures - Classics Department, 1953-1967
9237Lectures - Committee on Special Convocations and Lectures, 1945-1952
9238Lectures - Charter Lecture, 1990-2007
9239Lectures - Division of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design, 1965-1967
9240Lectures - Great Thinkers Lectures, 1949-1968
9241Lectures - Hill, Walter Barnard, 1995-1998
931Lectures - Phinizy, Ferdinand Lectures, 1956-1992
932Lectures - Holmes-Hunter Lecture, 1985-2018
933Lectures - McBee, Louise Lecture, 1990-1992
934Lectures - Public Lectures Committee, 1942-1943
935Lectures - Radio Lectures, 1932
10814Ferdinand Phinizy Lecture: "How to prosper in a world of limited resources" by Eugene Odum, 1990
936Lucy Cobb Institute, 1982
937Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 2004
938Miscellaneous Banquets, 1880-1970
939Miscellany, 1833-1990
9310Murder/Suicide, 1918
9311N.E.A. War and Peace Fund
9312Novelty Items, 1951-1952
9313Nursing, 1909-1964
9314Occasional Events
9315Occasional Events, 1857-2009
9316Occasional Events - Charter Day, 1944-1951
9317Occasional Events - Honors Day, 1929-2006
9318Occasional Events - Long, C.W. Day, 1935-1955
9319Occasional Events - Lyndon, Mary Day, 1964
9320Occasional Events - Parents' Day, 1951-1970
9321Occasional Events - Sesquicentennial, 1934-1961
9322Occasional Events - University Day, 1976
1001UGA's OneSource Project, 2018
9323Pageants, 1925-1962
9324Parking Services, 1966
9325Performing Arts Center, 1996-1999
9326Performing Arts Center, 1999-2001
9327Performing Arts Center, 2001
9912Performing Arts Center-Flyers and brochure , 2012-2015
9913-15Performing Arts Center-Programs, 2008-2017
9916Performing Arts Center-Calendars, 2012-2017
9328Performing and Visual Arts Complex, 1996
9329Physical Education and Sport Studies, Department of, 1999-2002
9330Poem, Freshman, 1924
9331Plates, Commemorative
9333Protests, 1937-1997
9334Protests - Gay, 1973
9335Protests - Goolsby
9336Protests - Hoffer, Peter C., 1986
9337Protests - Racism, 1955-1975
9338Protests - Student Coalition for Peace and Equality (SCOPE), 1981
9339Protests - Student Demonstrations
9340Protests - Student Demonstrations, 1968-1974
9341Protests - Student Demonstrations Society, 1967
9342Protests - Vietnam War, 1968-1972
9343Protests - Voting, 1945-1951
9344Protests - Young Americans for Freedom, 1967-1969
117Staff protest of Zell Miller, papers and materials, 1991
9345Public Services and Outreach, 1976-1984
9346Public Services and Outreach, 1984-1987
9347Public Services and Outreach, 1998-1999
9348Public Services and Outreach, 2000-2008
9349Publication - Flambo, 1948
9350Red Cross, 1952-1957
9356"Mrs. John Marsh: the world knew her as Margaret Mitchell" program, 2011 May 7
9352Religion, 1906-1963
9353Religion - Christian Mission Week, 1938-1939
9354Religion - Conferences, 1943-1957
9355Religion - Convocations, 1949-1960
941Religion - Devotionals, 1945
942Religion - Episcopal, 1971-1995
943Religion - Faculty Christian Fellowship, 1957-1969
944Religion - Georgia Synodical Training School, 1959-1961
945Religion - Hymn Book
946Religion - Masses and Services, 1917-1971
947Religion - Masses and Services - Thanksgiving Service, 1924-1946
948Religion - Methodist, 1938-1972
949Religion - Office of Chaplain, 1950-1957
9410Religion - Program Features, 1936
9411Religion - Religion-In-Life Week , 1939-1960
9412Religion - Religious Emphasis Series, 1938
9413Religion - Religious Welfare Conference, 1925-1938
9414Religion - Student Union Service, 1927-1942
9415Religion - Trinity Lutheran Church, 1955-1956
9416Religion - United Nations Day, 1950-1955
9417Religion - Vespers, 1939-1942
9418Report of the President, 1951-1966
9419Report of the President, 1970-1994
9420Report of the President, 1995-2002
9421Rhodes Scholarship, 2001-2004
9422Science Center, 1954
9423Seal, University, 1958-1983
9424Songs and Yells, 1890-1954
9425Sons of Old Georgia, 1921
9426Southern Institute of Politics, 1927
9427Speeches Miscellaneous, 1942
1009Staff/Faculty Flyers, 2000s
9428Staff Action Committee, 1991
9429State Normal School, 1896-2002
9430State Normal School Bulletin, 1909-1910
9431State Science Fair, 1958-1969
9432Sustainability, Working Group on, 2009
9433Toombs, Robert - Biography, 1810-1885
9434University Health Center
9435University of Georgia, 1783-1985
9436UGA Arts Festival, 2008 September 4-7
94A37UGA Brochures, General, 1870-1949
94A38UGA Brochures, General, 1950-1959
94A39UGA Brochures, General, 1960-1969
94A40UGA - Brochures, General, 1970-2004
94A41UGA - Brochures, General, 2008
951UGA - Campus Arboretum Walking Tour of Trees
952UGA - History of, 1806-2002
10013Chalk Talk: Teaching Tips from the UGA Teaching Academy, 2010
953UGA, History of - Richmond County Superior Court Minutes, 1782-1802
954UGA - Strategic Plan, 1992-2000
955UGA - A Status Report, 1984
956UGA - Views of Campus, 1850-1926
957UGA - War Memorial Fund, 1921-1929
958UGA - Workers Association, 1971
959UGA - World War I, 1912-1925
9510UGA - World War II, 1943-1944
9511University System
9512University System, 1906-1998
9513University System - Agnes Scott College, 1939-1954
9514University System - Annual Report, 1982-2001
9515University System - Atlanta's Downtown College Center, 1951-1953
9516University System - Board of Regents - Excerpts from a Role and Scope Study, 1966
9517University System - Board of Regents - Freshman Norms, 1964-1965
9518University System - Board of Regents - Index to Board of Regents Minutes, 1970-1980
9519University System - Board of Regents - Miscellaneous, 1942-2001
9520University System - Board of Regents - Office of Testing and Guidance, 1963-1964
9521University System - White student recruitment, 1952
9522University System - Columbus
9523University System - Council Meeting, 1934-1938
9524University System - Emory, 1940
9525University System - Gainesville
9526University System - Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education
9527University System - Georgia School of Technology, 1919-1964
9528University System - Georgia Southwestern College, 1957
9529University System - Gwinnett Center, 1984-1995
9530University System - Independent Study [Also Independent and Distance Learning], 1976-1978, 2005
9531University System - Medical College of Georgia, 1932
9532University System - Black student recruitment, 1952, circa 1985
9533University System - North Georgia College
9534Board of Regents - University System of Georgia Statewide Assessment of Nursing Education Project Report, 1981 June
9535University System - Savannah Division, 1947-1948
9536University System - The System, Premiere Issue, 1991 Winter
114University System - COVID-19 masks with institutional logos, 2020-2021
9917University Theatre-Flyer, 2012-2013
9918Willson Center for Humanities and Arts Annual Report, 2016-2017
9537Valedictory Speeches - Bradley, Hubert Jr., 1962
9538Valedictory Speeches - Brewer, Marcia, 1955
9539Valedictory Speeches - Caylor, Christine, 1970
9540Valedictory Speeches - Covington, Michael Aaron, 1977
9541Valedictory Speeches - Davies, Yvonne F., 1969
9542Valedictory Speeches - Davis, Sandra K., 1963
9543Valedictory Speeches - Durden, Virgil E., 1912
9544Valedictory Speeches - Edge, Robert, 1960
9545Valedictory Speeches - Greene, Sarah, 1964
9546Valedictory Speeches - Hicks, Randall C., 1961
9547Valedictory Speeches - Jackson, George T., 1897
9548Valedictory Speeches - Keith, Nancy, 1963
9549Valedictory Speeches - King, Billie Margaret, 1962
9550Valedictory Speeches - Lawhorne, Thomas Walter Jr., 1968
9551Valedictory Speeches - Mandeville, S.D. Jr., 1939
9552Valedictory Speeches - Neel, Eugenia Louise, 1944
9553Valedictory Speeches - Siegel, Alan, 1973
9554Veterans, Office of, 1947-1948
9555Vital Records - Catalogues/Programs, 1825-1877
9556Vital Records - Commencement, 1873-1965
9557Ward, Benjamin F., 1968
100141.000,000 and Honors, 1970
10028Technology Resources Guide for Faculty and Staff, 2000s
10033"Danczing through Dixie: the 'Dixie' controversy at the University of Georgia", 2004 November 23
10034Photograph of Arch, 2002
11342Willson Center for Humanities and Arts (brochure), 2010-2011
11343"The World at large" (Art Rosenbuam mural at The University of Georgia Willson Center for Humanities and Arts-booklet), 2001, 2006
10038Photograph of Board of Regents , 1930s
10041Paralympics, 1996
10042Photographs of Campus plants, 1996
1054Athletics-Basketball (photographs), 1995-1996
1059"The Eponymous Mr. Prince" (Prince Avenue), 2000
10511Pressed flower, No Date
10517Photographs of various people, 20th Century
10518Indenture document, 1792
1065Compilation of the Laws, Rules of Order, and Resolutions, Now of Force, for the Government of the Trustees, 1876
21Souvenir calendar of the University of Georgia, 1906
10815The Georgia Guarddawg, 2008 September
10816The Arch Conservative, 2015 Fall
10817Athens: We let the Dawgs out-brochure, 2003
11318Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) alumni book, 1929-1995
11332Photographs of campus (booklet), undated
11334Spotlight on the Arts at UGA (newspaper and flyer), 2013-2014
11335The Ferdinand Phinizy Lectures-"Tales of two continents", 1961 April
11336Inventory of unknown disk, 1985-1987
11344Athens Heritage walks (flyer), 2012
11248Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1907 September
11249Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1908 September
11250Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1909 July
11251Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1910 July
11252Views of buildings, campus, college life, 1926 July
11240Miscellaneous bulletins, 1909-1917
11241Medical Department of the University of Georgia: address to graduating class, 1916
112Advantage UGA (button), undated
11352Global Georgia Initiative (Willson Center for Humanities and Arts-brochure) , 2016
11356Bulletins of Georgia State Teachers College/State Normal College, 1927, 1931-1932

Disability Resource Center

961"Discussing disability and access" , 2012
962Handicapped Students in the Classroom, An Introduction, undated

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

971Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology brochure, circa 2013

Peabody Awards

981Peabody Awards flyer, 2014
982Booklet/Annual, 1990

Student Protests

1021Athens Eight/United Free Press, 1970-1972

Public Service and Outreach

11312Impact, 1999-2000
11313UGA beyond the Arch: the year in review, 2012-2013
11346Lecture: Ambassador James A. Joseph (J.W. Fanning Institute-flyer), 2013 May 16
11348Annual J.W. Fanning Humanitarian of the Year (Pillar Society reception-flyer), 2014 February 27