2. Professional Correspondence (Subject Files) box folder Request box 6 1-3 Correspondence re: book reviews [and history courses, research fellowships fellowships, grants, speeches, Le Conte family research] , 1966-1996 6 4 "Joseph Le Conte's theory of mountain formation" (presented before the UGA Geology Dept. Colloquium], 1982 September 30 6 5 "Southern scientific societies" 1982 Barnard-Millington Symposium , 1981-1982 6 6 Address to the history faculty, 1981 April 13 6 7 History Dept. photocopying policy , 1990 6 9 Lester D. Stephens-awards, promotion material, etc. , 1976-1980 6 10 LDS-misc. letters, references to [him], citations to publishers, etc. , 1966-1985 6 11 South Carolina Hall of Science and Technology [correspondence, Founding Day inductees-John and Joseph Le Conte brochure)], 1979-1981 6 12 "Joseph Le Conte's theory of mountain formation" by LDS (presented to the departments of Physics and Geology-University of South Carolina), 1981 October 16 6 13 Reviews of "Science and medicine in the Old South" , 1990-1993 6 14 The chain of creation book proposal (Charleston Naturalists) [correspondence], 19826 15 "Forget their color: J. Peter Lesley on slavery and the south" by LDS [correspondence] , 1978-1980 6 16 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. [correspondence], 19906 17 Correspondence-general [includes reports, brochures and newsclippings] , 1967-1968 6 18 Numbers, Ronald L. on Science in the Old South [correspondence] , 1979-1981 6 19 Numbers, Ronald-correspondence with Stephens, 1984-1988 6 20 Georgia Association of Historians (GAH-Symposium on Public School History) [correspondence, report], 1984-1985 6 21-22 Science in Antebellum Charleston: A Symposium at Charleston Museum [correspondence] , 1981-1986 6 23 Brumgardt, John-Charleston Museum [correspondence]
, 1986-1990 6 24 Lee, Harry G. [correspondence] , 1977-1991 6 25 Midgette, Nancy [correspondence] , 1980-1985 6 26 Crowe, Charles-misc. [correspondence], 1983-1990 6 27 Breeden, James O.-study of science in the south , 1984-1985 6 28 Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory-correspondence with Lester Stephens , 1984-1988 6 29 Vasile, Ron [correspondence] , 1988-1997 6 30 Park, Jean Jones-in reference to J.P. Barratt , 1990-1991 6 31 Maienschein, Jane [correspondence] , 1994 6 32 "Ancient animals...Francis S. Holmes" [correspondence, draft] , 1987 6 33 The history teacher [correspondence], 1975-1986 6 34 "Ancient animals and other wondrous things" [by LDS (study of Francis Simmons Holmes) correspondence] , 1988 6 35 Publications-letters re: (and reprint requests), 1975-1984 6 36 "The discovery of nest of Swainson's Warbler"-article by Simpson and Stephens [correspondence] , 1992-1993 6 37 Ms reviews by LDS , 1991-1996 6 38 Humanities Center proposals-ACLS proposal, 1991 September 6 39 Proposal for OAH paper on "The response of southern scientists to the Theory of Evolution" [proposals and correspondence] , 1992-1993 box folder Request box 7 1 Correspondence with UNC Press re: "Science, race and religion in the American South" , 1996-1999 7 2-4 Friends of the Georgia Museum of Natural History [activities, board minutes, correspondence], 1997-2007 7 5 Sanders, Albert E. [correspondence], 1981-1982 7 6-7 Correspondence re: papers presented, etc., 1979-2000 7 8 Mantaya, Carol and Bertha Chapman Cady [correspondence, manuscript "From the journal of Bertha L. Chapman (1901)" , 1977-1996 7 9 McCrady, Edward "Ned" [correspondence] , 1995 7 10 Anglo-North American Conference, Edinburgh [correspondence, application, proposal] , 1995-1996 7 11 Society for the History of Natural History-paper presented [correspondence, memos, book of abstracts], 1987 7 12 College of Education-UGA-1960s [correspondence, memos, student teachers/faculty lists] , 1967-1970 7 13-14 Review of The Georgia Review , 1997 7 15-16 Le Conte Memoral Research Award and the William Pendleton Lamar Award for Archival Research [correspondence, proposals, announcement, vitas] , 1998 7 17 Le Conte Memorial Research Award and the William Pendleton Lamar Award for Archival Research [correspondence, proposals, announcement, vitas] , 1997 7 18 Calder, Dale R. (correspondence re: John McCrady) , 1988-1995 7 19 University of Georgia Press, Editoral Board [correspondence, memos and Editoral Board members/activities], 1990-1996 7 20 Newsletter-"Faculty notes section" [correspondence, faculty members activities during the previous year], 1996 7 21 University of Georgia Press, Editoral Board [correspondence], 1996-1998 7 22 William H. Jordan, Jr. [correspondence, news clippings about William S. McFeely], 1990-1992 7 23-24 Personnel Committee , 1997-1998 7 25 Dept. newsletter-alumni [information], 1996 7 26 Dept. newsletter [information for], 1997 box folder Request box 8 1 Pyenson, Lewis [correspondence] , 1993-1994 8 2 Georgia College Advisory Council , 1975-1978 8 3 Report on Departments of History in the State University System of Florida [correspondence, report], 1987 8 4 Iowa State University/review of Dept. of History [correspondence, review] , 1988 8 5 University of Alabama, Birmingham-program review-"America in western tradition: war and morality" [correspondence-syllabus] , 1985 8 6 Auburn University History Dept. evaluation [correspondence, report], 1987 8 7 Correspondence-Misc., circa 1970-1990 8 8-10 Payne, W.J. memos , 1977-1988 8 11 Le Conte Memorial Research Award [correspondence, announcements, applications] , 1995-1996 8 12-13 Le Conte Memorial Research Award Fund reports , 1991-1998 8 14 Correspondence re: Fewkes Article [Jesse Walter Fewkes], 2008-2010 8 15 Correspondence re: S.F. Clark(e) article , 1994-1996 8 16 Centennial celebration of the Carnegie Laboratory-paper presented at [includes correspondence, computer printouts and program] , 2005 8 17 Coelenterate Biology Conference, paper presented at , 2003 8 18-20 Miscellaneous [includes correspondence-LDS's retirement, research on John Bachman, Le Contes, Addison E. Verrill, etc.], 1990-2010 8 21 Study in a Second Discipline Program [correspondence, application, curriculum vitae, proposal] , 1992-1994 8 22 Review of ms. "Partners in Geology" for Virginia Magazine [correspondence, evaluation, corrected manuscript], circa 1990 8 23 Kyriacopoulos, Naomi-M.A. [correspondence] , 1997 8 24 Correspondence re: published reviews by LDS , 1973-1977 box folder Request box 9 1 The Red and Black [articles about History Department controversy] , 19709 2 [Correspondence to or about LDS], 1975-1979 9 3 Misc. Correspondence , 1979-1980 9 4 Laerm, Joshua [memorial] , 1997 9 5 LDS faculty course load, 1977 9 6 PhD degrees-History Department , 1939-1981 9 7-8 Graduate students in education , 1967-1976 9 9 European History Exams [HIS 111] , 1966 9 10 Examination and syllabi [HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 420], 1966-1970 9 11 Western Civilization examinations [HIS 111, 112, 113] , 1967-1973 9 12 HIS 111-Western Civilization to 1660, 1979 9 13 HIS 217H-Western Civilization since 1815 , 1973-1979 9 14 HIS 252-U.S. since 1865 , 1976-1979 9 15 HIS 252-examinations , 1977-1979 9 16 HIS 31-H-Honors Jr. Seminar in History , 1972-1979 9 17 HIS 400S-Senior Seminar, 1990 9 18 HIS 893A-Teaching History in Colleges and Universities , 1971-1974 9 19 HIS 893G-Historical Methodology , 1971-1992 9 20 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1988 9 21 Student evaluations-HIS 4975/4985/4995 (Senior Seminar) , 1987-1988, 1987-1988 9 22 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1991 9 23 Student evaluations-HIS449A, 1997 9 24 Student evaluations-HIS 300M, 1997 9 25 Student evaluations-HIS 497S, 1984 9 26 Student evaluations-HIS 300M/693G, 1995 9 27 Student Evaluation-HIS 693G, 1996 9 28 Student Evaluations-HIS 402A, 1996 9 29 Student evaluations-HIS 300M, 1997 9 30 Student Evaluations-HIS 300M, 1997 9 31 Student evaluations-HIS 400S (Senior Seminar) , 1991 9 32 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1975 9 33 Student evaluations-HIS 252 (2 classes), 1978 9 34 Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1974 9 35 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1992 9 36 Student evaluations-HIS 300M, 1993 9 37 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1976 9 38 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1993 9 39 Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1979 9 40 Student evaluations-HIS 217H, 1973 9 41 Student evaluations-HIS 893G/HIS 4975, 1981 9 42 Student evaluations-HIS 4985, 1982 9 43 Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1975 9 44 Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1973 9 45 Student Evaluations-HIS 4974/4985, 1982 9 46 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1985 9 47 Student evaluations-HIS 252, 1979 9 48 Student evaluations-HIS 111, 1979 9 49 Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1976 9 50 Student evaluation-HIS 252, 1978 9 51 Student evaluations-HIS 252, class size=100, 1994 9 52 Student evaluations (comparison) HIS 217H, 1978-1979 9 53 Student evaluations-HIS 217H, 1979 9 54 Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1980 9 55 Student evaluations-HIS 217H, 1973 9 56 [History 498S, 498S, 499S-Syllabi], 1981-1988 box folder Request box 10 1 Astore, William J., Capt. USAF [correspondence, article], 1996 10 2 Forum for the History of Science in America [correspondence, meeting information, officers, petition, etc.], 1988-1989 10 3 Photographs [and negatives] History Dept's annual awards dinner , 1980-1994 10 4 Review of ms. for Isis [correspondence, evaluation, corrected ms. "Prejudice, discrimination and delay..."], February 11, 1998 10 5 By-laws for Dept. of History , 1990 10 6 McKinley, Daniel [correspondence], 1991-1996 10 7 Dillard, Philip-letters of recommendation , 1994 10 8 Proposal-NEH summer stipend , 1994 10 9 Review of proposal for biography of C.V. Riley by Edward H. Smith [correspondence, comments, proposal] , 1995 10 10 Payne, W.J. correspondence , 1977-1980 10 11 "Enough of the marvelous: Mesmerism and Prenology in Antebellum Charleston" review of-for The journal of southern history [correspondence, evaluation] , 1990 10 12 Society of American Archivists annual meeting [correspondence, memos, forms], 1981 September 1-4 10 13 Tribute to Bennett H. Wall by Lester Stephens [retirement dinner tribute], 1985 10 14 Presented paper at the Joint Meeting of the Anglo/North American Conference, Toronto [correspondence, proposal, paper, "The prevalence of the Naturalist Tradition..."], 1992 July 10 15 J. Hatton Howard, III, Honor Teaching Award Fund [perpetual fund agreement, correspondence, memos, "Thank You" cards] , 1992-1995 10 16 Livingstone, David N. [correspondence] , 1986-1987 10 17 University correspondence [includes "A report to the faculty of the University of Georgia on the Library"] , 1978-1984 10 18 "In tribute to Alf A. Heggoy" for memorial service by LDS, 1988 February 10 10 19 5th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology -Southhampton, England [program and abstracts, memo], 1989 July 10 20-21 Correspondence re: articles published by LDS #2 [includes information regarding Le Conte Famiy research] , 1976-1991 10 22-23 Correspondence re: articles published by LDS #1 [includes information regarding Le Conte Family research] , 1974-1980 10 24 [History Dept.-correspondence], 1983-1988 10 26 Search Committee-Chairperson, Dept. of History [correspondence] , 1993-1994 10 26 Miscellaneous correspondence, etc., pulled from chronological files [correspondence, comments on Thomas Dyer's The University of Georgia: a Bicentiennial history and information regarding Le Conte Family research] , 1978-1988 10 27 Simpson, Marcus B., M.D. [correspondence-some related to Le Contes] , 1976-1996 10 28 Ernest E. Just Commemorative Program [correspondence, program] , 1983 10 29 Alumni Society speech-April 22, 1982 [includes earlier correspondence] , 1981-1982 10 30 Kozak and Stephens [correspondence] , 1990 10 31 Georgia Academy of Science [correspondence, officers, council meeting agendas and minutes] , 1995-1997 10 32 Correspondence with William D. Anderson, Jr. re: article on Holbrook , 2000-2002 10 33 Lists of history faculty , 1983-2000 box folder Request box 11 1 University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1983 11 2 University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1984 11 3 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1984-1985 11 4 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1985 11 5-6 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1985-1986 11 7-8 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1986-1987 11 9-10 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1987-1988 11 11-12 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1988-1991 11 13 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1990-1991 11 14-15 University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1992-1993 11 16 University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1993-1994 11 17 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1994 11 18 University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1994-1996 11 19 University of Alabama Press series-History of American Science and Technology Series-LDS, editor [brochures, article, University of Alabama Press-new book catalogs], 1990-1996 11 20 University of Alabama Press series-comments , circa 1980-1996 11 21 [Misc. materials], 1972-2011 box folder Request box 25 1
Probing the past
, 1967-1982 25 2 [Correspondence], 1970s-2009 25 3 McCrady, John-correspondence related to research on McCrady, 1982-1992, 2013 25 4 Correspondence regarding dates on McCrady's writings/Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature , 1991-1992 25 5 Annual evaluation of faculty [Stephens], 1993-1997 25 6 Correspondence regarding Milton B. "Sam" Gray, 1995-1997 25 7-8
Seafaring scientist: Alfred Goldborough Mayor, pioneer in Marine Biology
, 1995-2006 25 9 Wharton County Junior College [WCJC] Hall of Fame Award, 2002 25 10 Correspondence regarding Coelenterate Biology, 2003 25 11 Curriculum vitae [Stephens], 2014 May 17 25 12 Alfred Goldsborough Mayer, Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, 2007-2011 box folder Request box 26 1-2 History Department , 1968-1969 26 3 Department of History Self Study, 1970 26 4 History Department, 1970-1972 26 5 Teaching Assistantship, 1972-1973 26 6 Department of History, 1972-1973 26 7-8 History Department communications, 1973-1975 26 9
The University of Georgia Department of History newsletter
, 1975 Fall 26 10-12 History Department communications, 1975-1978 26 13 Statement of rationale for general education courses in the History of Western Civilization, 1978-1979 26 14 History Department correspondence, 1978-1979 26 15 Statement of rationale for the survey courses in Western Civilization, 1979 26 16 History Department correspondence, 1979-1980 26 17 Mell, Carlton, 1979-1981 26 18 History Department communications, 1980s 26 19-20 History Department correspondence, 1980-1982 26 21 Miscellaneous/faculty meetings/Advisory Committee, 1981-1983 26 22 Travel, 1982-1983 26 23 History Department correspondence, 1982-1983 26 24
Georgia Historical Quarterly
, 1982-1983 26 25 History Department correspondence , 1980-1983 26 26 Graduate Program evaluation, 1983 26 27 Department travel budget, 1983-1984 26 28 History Department correspondence, 1983-1984 26 29 Lillian Smith Research Fund, 1983-1989 26 30 History Colloquium, 1984-1985 26 31 History Department correspondence, 1984-1985 26 32 Assistant to the Head, 1985-1986 26 33 History Department correspondence, 1985-1986 26 34 Salary recommendations, 1985-1991 26 35 Brinkley, Alan, 1986-1987 26 36-37 History Department correspondence, 1986-1988 26 38 Search Committee for Vice President for Academic Affairs
, 1987-1988 box folder Request box 27 1-2 Departmental Colloquium, 1987-1989 27 3 History Department, 1988-1989 27 4 Travel budget, 1988-1989 27 5 Department reception at SHA, 1989 27 6 History Department correspondence, 1989-1990 27 7 Departmental Colloquia, 1989-1990 27 9 Strategic Plan, Department of History, 1989-1993 27 8 Visiting Professor, 1990 27 10 History Department correspondence, 1990-1991 27 11 History Department Head Search Committee, 1993-1994 27 12 A proposal for The Institute of Southern History in the University of Georgia box folder Request box 6a 1 Adler, Kraig correspondence , 1988-1992 November-January 6a 2 Anderson, Jr., Willian D. correspondence , 1991 6a 3 Appel, Toby A. correspondence , 1982 August-November 6a 4-6 Calder, Dale correspondence regarding Seafaring Scientist , 2003-2011 March 6a 7 Holmes III, A. Baron corerspondence , 1978-1988 October-May 6a 8 Leopold, Jennifer Porcher correspondence , 1983-1986 6a 9 Pease, William H. correspondence , 1980 October 6a 10 Pietsch, Theodore W. correspondence , 1987-1996 December 6a 11 Rothenberg, Marc correspondence , 1982-1983 6a 12 Archives of Natural History correspondence , 2004-2009 November-March 6a 13 Correspondence regarding Francis S. Holmes , 1982-1988 June-November 6a 14-16 Charleston Naturalists/correspondence with Archives , 1982-2015 March-February 6a 17 Correspondence regarding Holbrook and Gibbes papers , 1976-1995 August-April 6a 18 Correspondence about Seafaring Scientist and Alfred G. Mayer , 1996-2005 February-September 6a 19 Teaching History book correspondence , 1972 February=November 6a 20 American National Biography , undated 6a 21 Campbell, John Pendleton, undated 6a 22 Cotting article papers , undated 6a 23 Cotting information for article , undated 6a 24 New Georgia Encyclopedia , undated 6a 25-26 Research materials for article on Matthew F. Stephenson, undated 6a 27 University of North Carolina Press - book on Charleston Naturalists , undated 6a 28 White, Henry Clay , undated box folder Request box 38 1 Miscellaneous correspondence, 2022-2025 38 2-23 Conference papers, 1976-2015 38 25 Academy of Science, photocopies of meeting papers, 1922-1942 38 26-29 Henry Fox and Mercer papers, 1923-1925, 2022-2023 38 30 Reviews of manuscripts for presses and journals, 2005, 2010-2011 38 31 Publications and Scarecrow Press correspondence, 1973-1974, 2008, 2011 38 32 Contract with University of North Carolina Press, 1999-2001
3. Le Conte Family Research 3.1 Sourcesbox folder Request box 12 1 Le Conte Botanical Garden/Woodmanston Plantation, 1880-1974 12 2 David Starr Jordan: Letters from Joseph Le Conte, Stanford University Archives [Photocopied Correspondence and Book Pages ], 1880-1975 12 3 Gulick, John Thomas and Joseph Le Conte-Notes [Photocopied Book Pages] , 1932 12 4 Selected Reviews of Books Published by Joseph LeConte [List], 1970-1979 12 5 Josiah Royce-Joseph Le Conte-Notes Photocopied Book Pages] , 1901-1970 12 6 University of South Carolina-Le Conte Memorial Plaques [Information], 1963 12 7 State Department of Archives and History-Raleigh, North Carolina [Correspondence] , 1974 12 8 Lewis Le Conte, Death of [Article and Notes-Sources] , 1848-1898 12 9 Chronology of Events in Life of Joseph Le Conte , 1823-1901 12 10 Bibliographies and Sources , 1810-1974 12 11 John Muir (Published Letters re: Joseph Le Conte) [Photocopied Book Pages] ], 1864-1900 12 12 Ward, Lester F./Letters from Joseph Le Conte-Brown University Library-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1886-1896 12 13 Yosemite-TR's Visit/Isabel Davis' Letter [Photocopied Articles and Correspondence] , 1903, 1955-1956 12 14 Walter Le Conte Stevens to J. McKeen Cattell (Library of Congress) [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1898-1898 12 15 Yale University Archives-Ms. Letters: Le Conte to Beecher; Le Conte to Whitney-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1867-1883 12 16 Simon Newcomb Papers, Library of Congress-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence], 1897-1898 12 17 "Recollections of Emma Florence Le Conte's Youth" [Transcript] , 1992 February 12 12 18 John Hopkins University Archives-Ms. Letters: Joseph Le Conte to Daniel Gilman-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1875-1899 12 19 Hyatt, Alpheus: Letters from Joseph Le Conte-Maryland Historical Society [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1887 12 20 Scottsboro Property, 1883 [Photocopied-Emma Le Conte Furman's Estate], 1883 12 21 Letter: Emma Le Conte to Faris C. Furman-Comments on Politics [Photocopied Correspondence], 1860-1890 12 22 Lancaster Le Count-Ex Slave-Carpenter (Joseph Le Conte) [Photocopied Correspondence, Notecards, Articles] , 1850-1974 12 23 John Le Conte [Slave Census and Household Census] , circa 1850 12 24 Letter of Joseph Le Conte to C. J. Cowles-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1963-1963 12 25 Letter to Emma from John Le Conte on Death of Farish C. Furman [Photocopied Correspondence], 1883 12 26 John Le Conte to Major General Whitney-Duff Green Papers, Southern History Collection, University of N.C. [Photocopied Correspondence], 1864 12 27 J. M. Cattell Papers-Joseph Le Conte Letters-Library of Congress [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1898-1901 12 28 Reflections of William L. LeConte , circa 1900 12 29 Joseph Le Conte on Public Education-Letter to Z. Montgomery [Transcribed Correspondence and Notecards] , 1850-1890, 1970-1979 12 30 Romanes-Letters to Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Book Excerpt], 1898 12 31 Travel in the Northwest-Joseph Le Conte's Reminisence in 1899 of "An Early Geological Excursion" Minnesota Historical Society , 1944 12 32 Geological Society of America-Minutes [Correspondence and Excerpts of Minutes] , 1888-1901, 1978 12 33 Evolution [Photocopies of Articles and Book Pages], 1874-1964 12 34 Sierra Club Publications re: Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Articles and Book Pages] , 1894-1965 12 35 Joseph Le Conte's Publications [annotated List] , 1850-1937 12 36 Articles on Le Conte [Photocopied Articles], 1909-1977 12 37 "Joseph Le Conte: Evolutionary Science and the Sociology of Miscegenation" by Bozeman , circa 1970-1979 12 38 Reviews of Joseph Le Conte's Books [Photocopied Articles and Notecards], 1881-1903, 1970-1979 12 39 Physiology and Morphology [Photocopied Articles], 1900-1901 12 40 Le Conte, Caroline E., Yo-Semite, 1879: Adventures of N. and C. Intro., Susanna B. Dakin, San Francisco-The Book Club of California [Photocopied Excerpt], 1964 12 41 Race [Photocopied Articles], 1971-1973 12 42 Keith, Old Master. [Photocopies of Book Pages] , 1938-1942 12 43 John M.B. Harden's Journal [Photocopy (He was Jane Le Conte's Husband)], 1841 12 44 Le Conte [Misc.- Photocopies of Articles and Notecards] , 1852-1951, 1970-1979, 1852-1979 12 45 Joseph Le Conte - On Geology [Photocopied Articles] , 1883-1901, 1883-1901 12 46 Le Conte-Evolution [Photocopied Articles] , 1859-1967, 1859-1967 12 47 Lesley, Peter-Published Letters re: Joseph Le Conte-Notes [Photocopied Book Pages and Notecards] , 1909, 1970-1979 12 48 Brooklyn Ethical Association [Photocopied Articles] , 1892-1893 12 49 Howison-Reference to Le Conte [Photocopied Articles (By Howison and Others] , 1904-1966 12 50 John Le Conte-Letter of Acceptance of LLD-UGA [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1879 12 51-52 "Joseph Le Conte's Contributions to American Ornithology" by LDS [Drafts, Manuscript, Correspondence, Sources], 1975-1976 12 53 Le Conte-Reviews of Royce (Etc.) [Photocopied Articles, Typed Transcriptions], 1880-1979 12 54 Latin Thesis on Arsenic by Dr. John M.B. Harden, College of Medicine of the State of South Carolina [Photocopy of Thesis], 1836 box folder Request box 13 1 "Joseph Le Conte and the Discovery of the Nest of Swainson's Warbler" [Drafts, Correspondence, Article and Photocopied Article with Handwritten Notes] , 1864, 1977, 1995 13 2 Society of American Archivists Meeting-"Joseph Le Conte: The Image and the Man"-Berkeley, California, 1981 September 3 13 3 "John Le Conte: A Physicist in the Old South"-Paper-Southeastern Section of American Physical Society , 1985 December 2 13 4 Walter Le Conte Stevens [Biographical Sketch Science and Correspondence About], 1928, 1988 13 5 Joseph Le Conte on Physiological Optics-Presented Before the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society [Includes Ms., Program Guide and Correspondence], 1983 November 3 13 6 Draft of Stephens and Laerm Ms.-Article on John E. Le Conte [Includes Source Materials] , 1824, 1926,1998 13 7 Le Conte, John Lawrence [Source Materials]
, 1875-1889 13 8 "The Appointment of the Commissioner of Agriculture in 1877..." by LDS [and Notecards] , 1970-1977 13 9 Le Contes and Relatives-Reprints of Articles by LDS (Incomplete Files) and Curriculum Vitae , 1970-2012 13 10 Le Conte Letters Borrowed and Returned by Alex Olsen [Includes Correspondence, Articles] , 1868-1898 13 11 "Journal of a Trip to Yosemite-Emma Le Conte Furman"-Original Typescript, 1882 13 12 "Camping in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882" Edited by Lester D. Stephens, circa 1980s 13 13 Nancy Smith Collection-Note Complete [Photocopied Correspondence and Report] , 1869-1890 13 14 James Hall Papers-New York State Library [Photocopied Correspondence], 1854-1887, 1974-1979 13 15 Alex Agassiz/Letters From Joseph Le Conte-Museum of Comparative Zoology-Harvard [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1875-1893 13 16 [Joseph Le Conte Photocopied Correspondence (The Bancroft Library)] , 1865-1899 13 17 University of Calif. Press-Le Conte Correspondence-Notes-Compliments of Mr. Albert Muto [Photocopies], 1933-1937 13 18 Yale University Library-Notes [Includes Photocopied Correspondence] , 1856-1882 13 19 Joseph Le Conte -Addendum to Ware Sherman Journal-Notes [Photocopied Pages] , 1878 13 20 "Ware Sherman: A Journal of Three Month's [Photocopied Article] , 1937 13 21 "Index Rerum" Joseph Le Conte [Photocopy] , 1900 13 22 Le Conte Correspondence-South Carolina Libary [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1871-1901 13 23 American Philosophical Society-Joseph Le Conte Papers [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1859-1897 13 24 Helen Malcolm Le Conte Collection-Joseph Le Conte's Notebook [Photocopied Pages] , 1850-1900 13 25 Agassiz, Louis ["How Agassiz Taught Professor Scudder"], 1945 13 26 Library of Congress-Lewis R. Gibbs Papers-Ms. Letters-John and Joseph Le Conte to LRG [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1861-1869 13 27 William LeRoy Broun Papers-Auburn University Archives-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence], 1856-1878 13 28 Huntington Library Papers-Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1878-1895 13 29 Fogazzaro, Antonio [Photocopied Articles and Translated Correspondence] , 1889-1934, 1889-1934 13 30 Letters to Joseph and Lewis Le Conte From William Le Conte [Transcriptions], 1838 13 31 W.A. Spalding to Joseph Le Conte-Spalding College/Huntington Library [Copied From Microfilm] , 1893 13 32 Joseph Le Conte to John L. Le Conte-Notes [Photocopies], 1882 13 33 Arnold Arboretum Library-Harvard University-Joseph Le Conte Letters-Courtesy of Ms. Rogers-Notes , 1888-1896, 1888-1896 13 34 University of Michigan Collection-Joseph Le Conte Letters-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1882-1888, 1882-1888 13 35 Whitney, Josiah D. Life and Letters...[Photocopied Bibliography] , 1909 13 36 Gray Herbarium-Notes [Correspondence and Photocopied Correspondence] , 1888-1896, 1978 13 37 New York Botanical Garden-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1857-1866 13 38 Memorialization of Le Conte Name-Notes [Notecards and Photocopied Articles] , 1893-1896, 1957, 1970-1979 13 39 William James Letter From Joseph Le Conte-Houghton Library, Harvard University-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1887 box folder Request box 14 1 Notes on Dr. John M.B. Harden [Le Conte Family Research-Correspondence, Photocopied and Transcribed Articles, and Genealogy] , 1817-1849, 1938, 1974 14 2 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia-Joseph Le Conte Ms. [Photocopied Correspondence], 1880-1883 14 3 Camping in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882-Edited by Lester D. Stephens [Correspondence, Ms. and Notes] , 1974 14 4 "A Georgian in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882"-Edited by Lester D. Stephens [Correspondence, Ms.] , circa 1975-1983 14 5 "Camping in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882" (Carbon Copy) [Ms.] , 1974 14 6 Smithsonian Institution-Le Conte Letters [Transcriptions and Photocopies] , 1858-1896 14 7 Farish C. Furman Article-3rd Revision [Photocopied Articles and Notecards] , 1882-1884, 1970-1979 14 8 "Diary of Emma Le Conte Furman, 1918" [Photocopy], 1970-1979 14 9 Emma Le Conte Furman-"Personal Reminiscences of Childhood and Youth, 1921" [Photocopy], 1921 14 10 "Reminiscence of Emma Le Conte Furman" [Photocopy], 1931 14 11 "Recollections of the Personal Characteristics of Joseph Le Conte by his daughter, Mrs. Emma La Conte Furman" [Photocopy], 1910-1920 14 12 Le Conte Genealogy by Emma Le Conte Furman [Copies and Written Comments on Fax Cover Sheet], 1900-1940, 1996 14 13 Miscellaneous: Publications, Notes, Etc. [Photocopied Articles and LDS Notes], 1852-1966, 1970-1979 14 14 Le Conte on Birdflight [Articles (Photocopied Articles, Draft of Manuscript "Birdflight and Aviation: An Unheralded View" and Note Cards], 1889-1979 14 15 Sayre, Lewis A./Physician and a Friend of Joseph Le Conte [Biographical Entry] , 1894 14 16 Ornithology-Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Articles, Transcribed and Photocopied Inventories] , 1840-1940 14 17 Joseph Le Conte/Biographical Sketch From Physicians and Surgeons of America , 1894 14 18 Louis Le Conte-Inventory-Slave List [Photocopy From Liberty County], 1824-1850 14 19 State of Alaska-The Legislature re: M.V. Le Conte [Correspondence, Photographs and Brochures] , 1974-1976 14 20 "Halls, Honors and History: A Sketch of Joseph Le Conte and His Legacy"-For School of Optometry-University of California , circa 1982-1989 14 21-24 [Photocopied Source Materials], circa 1840-1980 box folder Request box 15 1-7 [Photocopied Source Material] , circa 1840-1940 box folder Request box 27 13 Correspondence re: research on archives and individuals, 1973-1979 27 14 Anderson, Richard LeConte, 1974-1982 27 15 Research-correspondence with archives and individuals, 1974-1978 27 16 Correspondence with descendants re: Helen M. LeConte, Emma LeConte Talley Shaw, Margaret Smith, Nancy Smith and Katherine Adams, 1974-1984 27 17 Black, Col. Claude A., 1974-1986 27 18 McMillan, Mrs. Carolyn, 1974-1995 27 19 Ornithology-correspondence, 1975-1978 27 20 The legacy of the LeConte Family-address given at Hinesville, Georgia, 1978 May 1-2 27 21 Popular articles on LeConte, many with errors, 1980-1991 27 22 Correspondence with LSU Press, 1980-1995 27 23 Permissions for use of materials, 1981 27 24 LSU Press correspondence re: LeConte (Margaret F. Dalrymple, editor) 27 25 Comments on Joseph LeConte, 1982-1987 27 26 The LeContes of Liberty County/LeConte-Woodmanston Seminar, 1985 September 11 27 27-28 A. Mason Gibbes-correspondence, 1977-1989 box folder Request box 28 1-4 A. Mason Gibbes-correspondence, 1990-1995 3.2 Le Conte family photographs [modern prints] box folder Request box 15 8 John Le Conte and Joseph Le Conte [modern prints] , circa 1867 15 9 Le Conte family-Yosemite party [modern print], 1881 15 10 Le Conte family [modern prints] , circa 1897 3.3 Notecardsbox Request box 16 Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research], circa 1970-1980 box Request box 17 Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research] , circa 1970-1980 box Request box 18 Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research] , circa 1970-1980 box Request box 19 Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research], circa 1970-1980 3.4 Manuscripts box Request box 20 Joseph Le Conte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution by LDS [first draft of manuscript], circa 1980box Request box 21 Joseph Le Conte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution by LDS [includes copy editor's comment on Joseph Le Conte manuscript] , 1982box Request box 22 Joseph Le Conte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution by LDS (manuscript] , 1982 3.5 Le Conte family genealogy charts box item Request box 23 1-2 Le Conte-Adams/Wade Hampton Gibbes and Jane Alan Mason genealogy charts , 1960-1961
4. A.G. Mayer - Seafaring Scientist Papers box folder Request box 29 1 Papers on corals and coral reefs , undated 29 2 Genealogy and Anna Hyatt Huntington, undated 29 3 Correspondence with archivists , undated 29 4 Bibliography of works by Tortugas Laboratory - Publication list , undated 29 5 Notes on butterflies and moths , undated 29 6 Notes on Atlantic Palolo , undated 29 7 Published biography sketches , undated 29 8 A.G. Mayer Taxa and Mayer & Agassiz Taxa , undated 29 9 Notes on chronology of voyages to South Pacific , undated 29 10 Notes on Cassiopea , undated 29 11 "Their Primitive Charm": Reflections on South Seath Islanders for Syracuse University Library Associates , undated 29 12 Death of per W.H. Longley - Tortugas Laboratory papers , undated 29 13 Tortugas Keys - notes on physical features, undated 29 14 Obituary in nature notes , undated 29 15 Notes on Zoology Society Bulletin , undated 29 16 Taxa , undated 29 17 Medusae of Bahamas notes , undated 29 18 "Report upon the Scyphomedusae in the Philippine Islands" notes , 1917 29 19 Notes on medusae of Australia , 1896 29 20 Medusae of the Hawaiiain Islands , 1903-1904 29 21 Notes on Dactylometra, 1898 29 22 Notes on medusae of Fiji , 1899 29 23 Notes on medusae of the Philippines , 1915 29 24 Notes on medusae from the Tropical Pacific Expedition , 1899-1900 29 25 Notes on types of a new medusa , 1901 29 26 "Some Species of Partula [Snails] from Tahiti" notes , 1899-1900 29 27 Navigation notes , undated 29 28 Tortugas Laboratory - Views on the location (from Science), undated 29 29 Case for laboratory at Tortugas notes , 1903 29 30 Sea water and currents notes , undated 29 31 Notes on shell-shock in marine animals , undated 29 32 "The Tracking Instinct of a Tortuga Ant", undated 29 33 Notes on box tortoises , undated 29 34 Medusae Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and Tortugas colored plates articles , circa 1900 29 35 Notes on garter snake , undated 29 36 Biographic sketch of A. Agassiz article, 1910 29 37 Agassiz, Alexander and Mayer, A.G. notes , undated 29 38 Plan for Tortugas Laboratory and Tortugas Laboratory papers , 1904 29 39 Notes on scientists and helping others , undated 29 40 Notes on museums , undated 29 41 Notes on improving universities , undated 29 42 At Princeton notes , 1919 29 43 Notes on importance of marine labs , undated 29 44 "Our Neglected Souther Coast" , undated 29 45 "The Research Work of the Tortugas Laboratory" article , 1910 29 46 Alexander Agassiz's notes to A.G. Mayer, undated 29 47 From Sea-Shore Life notes , undated 29 48 Review of Mayer's Sea-Shore Life notes , undated 29 49 Chapters 3-7 from Pacific Island Reveries , undated 29 50 Articles on South Pacific Islands , undated 29 51 Medusae of the World , 1910 29 52 Tortugas Marine Lab - founding of and brief history notes , undated 29 53 Biographic sketch of Hyatt notes , 1911 29 54 Ritter, Wm.E. - sketch and correspondence with Mayer , undated 29 55 Seafaring Scientist miscellaneous items , undated 29 56 Sketchesa: Davenport, Daly, Woodward, Hooper, and Merriam , undated 29 57 Brooklyn Museum publications notes , undated 29 58 Marine Biological Laboratory - F.R. Lillies account notes , undated 29 59 Booklyn Museum correspondence , undated 29 60 Miscellaneous items: photos of corals, etc./CIN minutes , undated 29 61 Correspondence ANSP and biographical sketch, undated 29 62 Md Historical Society letters , undated 29 63 Correspondence with Smithsonian, undated 29 64 Biographical sketches and articles , undated 29 65 Shiras, George - Physalia Voyage , 1907 box folder Request box 30 1-2 Carnegie Institution of Washington papers , undated 30 3-4 Syracuse papers , 1905-1922 30 5 Princeton University archives - letter to Hyatt and Mayer , undated 30 6 Correspondence with Smithsonian, undated 30 7 Princeton University letters , undated 30 8 Vaughan, T. Wayland - corals , undated 30 9 Seafaring Scientist revised version - final version for USC Press, 2005 August 12 30 10 Mayer manuscript: inserts , undated 30 11 The University of South Carolina Press magazine and Seafaring Scientist letters , 2008 30 12 First drafts notepads , undated 30 13-15 Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbooks: volumes 1-23, 1902-1924 30 16 Journals/Brantz and Ana Mayer collection , 1899-1900 30 17 Materials from Brantz and Ana Mayer collection , undated 30 18 American Society of Naturalists records part 1-12, 1883-1894 30 19-20 Seafaring Scientist galley proof pages
, undated 30 21 Seafaring Scientist page proofs , undated box Request box 31 Notecards from Seafaring Scientist , undated