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Lester D. Stephens papers

Lester D. Stephens papers

Descriptive Summary

Title: Lester D. Stephens papers
Creator: Stephens, Lester D.
Inclusive Dates: circa 1923-2025
Language(s): English
Extent: 23.25 Linear Feet (26.5 boxes and 1 tube)
Collection Number: UA0001
Repository: University of Georgia Archives

Collection Description

Biographical/Historical note

Born on February 18, 1933, in Gatesville, Texas, Lester D. Stephens completed high school in Bay City, Texas, in 1950. He attended Wharton County Junior College, in Wharton, Texas, from1950 to 1952, and the University of Corpus Christi (later, Texas A & M University at Corpus Christi) from 1952 to 1954, receiving his B.S. degree in 1954. He taught in a secondary school in Corpus Christ until 1957, when he became the registrar and assistant professor of history at the University of Corpus Christi, a position he held until 1961. He received his master's degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1959, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Miami in 1963. He joined the faculty of the University of Georgia in September 1963, and soon developed an interest in the work of 19th century Natural Scientists in the American South especially Joseph Le Conte and his family.

A well respected teacher and researcher, Dr. Stephens was the recipient of nine awards for excellence in the teaching of history and served as the chairman of the University of Georgia Department of History from 1980 until 1990. Upon his retirement, in 1998, he was named Professor Emeritus of History.

Dr. Stephens is a dedicated researcher and prolific author who has presented papers at numerous historical conferences and scientific meetings and published more than one-hundred journal articles, scholarly encyclopedia entries, reviews of books, and other works. His books include Joseph Le Conte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution; Science, Race and Religion in the American South: John Bachman and the Charleston Circle of Naturalists, 1815-1895; and Seafaring Scientist: Alfred Goldborough Mayor, Pioneer in Marine Biology.

In 1994, Dr. Stephens was awarded a University of Georgia Fellowship for Study in a Second Discipline. Through this fellowship, he was able to spend a year studying sea creatures, such as coral and jellyfish, with specialists in the field of marine invertebrates. From 1999 to 2005, he was an Associate of the Georgia Museum of Natural History. He received the distinguished alumni award from Wharton County Junior College in 2002.

Scope and Content

This collection includes both the professional and personal correspondence of University of Georgia History professor, Dr. Lester D. Stephens. Also, found in the collection are original manuscripts, articles and notes related to Dr. Stephens' research into Joseph Le Conte's work and family.

The original documents in the collection date from about 1960 to 2014. There are also photocopies of articles, correspondence, etc. dating back to the mid 19th century.

Organization and Arrangement

Organized into three series: personal correspondence, professional correspondence, and Le Conte family research.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Lester D. Stephens papers, UA0001, University Archives, Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

General Notes

RG 2-10-14

Related Materials and Subjects

Subject Terms

Authors, American.
Biographers -- Georgia -- Correspondence.
Book editors -- United States -- Correspondence.
Charleston (S.C.)
College teachers -- California -- Berkeley.
College teachers -- Georgia.
Evolution (Biology)
Georgia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865.
LeConte family
Marine invertebrates.
Natural history -- Georgia.
Scientists -- California -- Berkeley.
Scientists -- Georgia.
Stephens, Lester D.
Students -- Georgia -- Athens.
Teachers -- Georgia -- Correspondence.
Universities and colleges -- Georgia -- Athens.
University of Georgia. College of Education
University of Georgia. Department of History

Series Descriptions and Folder Listing


1. Personal Correspondence

11Letters and memoranda , 1964-1965
12Letters and memoranda , 1965-1966
13-4Letters and memos , 1966-1967
15-6Letters and memos , 1967-1968
17-8Letters and memos , 1968-1969
19Letters and memos , 1969-1970
110-11Letters and memos , 1970-1971
112Letters and memos , 1971-1972
113Letters and memos , 1972-1973
114-15Correspondence [includes Information regarding Le Conte Family research], 1973-1974
116Correspondence, 1974-1975
117Correspondence [includes Information regarding Le Conte Family research], 1975-1976
118-19Correspondence , 1976-1977
120-21Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte Family research] , 1977-1978
21-2Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1978-1979
23-4Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1979-1980
25-7Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1980-1981
28-10Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1981-1982
211-13Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research] , 1982-1983
214-16Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1983-1984
217-18Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte famiy research], 1984-1985
31Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1984-1985
32-4Correspondence , 1985-1986
35-8Correspondence , 1986-1987
39-12Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1987-1988
313Correspondence , 1987-1997
314-16Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1988-1989
317-18Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1989-1990
41-3Correspondence , 1990-1991
44-7Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1991-1992
48-11Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1992-1993
412-15Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1993-1994
417-19Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1994-1995
51-3Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research], 1995-1996
54-6Correspondence [includes information regarding Le Conte family research] , 1996-1997
57-8Correspondence , 1997
59-11Correspondence , 1998
512Correspondence , 1999
513Correspondence , 2000-2001
514-15Correspondence , 2001-2002
516Correspondence , 2003-2008
517Correspondence, 2009-2022

2. Professional Correspondence (Subject Files)

61-3Correspondence re: book reviews [and history courses, research fellowships fellowships, grants, speeches, Le Conte family research] , 1966-1996
64"Joseph Le Conte's theory of mountain formation" (presented before the UGA Geology Dept. Colloquium], 1982 September 30
65"Southern scientific societies" 1982 Barnard-Millington Symposium , 1981-1982
66Address to the history faculty, 1981 April 13
67History Dept. photocopying policy , 1990
69Lester D. Stephens-awards, promotion material, etc. , 1976-1980
610LDS-misc. letters, references to [him], citations to publishers, etc. , 1966-1985
611South Carolina Hall of Science and Technology [correspondence, Founding Day inductees-John and Joseph Le Conte brochure)], 1979-1981
612"Joseph Le Conte's theory of mountain formation" by LDS (presented to the departments of Physics and Geology-University of South Carolina), 1981 October 16
613Reviews of "Science and medicine in the Old South" , 1990-1993
614The chain of creation book proposal (Charleston Naturalists) [correspondence], 1982
615"Forget their color: J. Peter Lesley on slavery and the south" by LDS [correspondence] , 1978-1980
616Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. [correspondence], 1990
617Correspondence-general [includes reports, brochures and newsclippings] , 1967-1968
618Numbers, Ronald L. on Science in the Old South [correspondence] , 1979-1981
619Numbers, Ronald-correspondence with Stephens, 1984-1988
620Georgia Association of Historians (GAH-Symposium on Public School History) [correspondence, report], 1984-1985
621-22Science in Antebellum Charleston: A Symposium at Charleston Museum [correspondence] , 1981-1986
623Brumgardt, John-Charleston Museum [correspondence] , 1986-1990
624Lee, Harry G. [correspondence] , 1977-1991
625Midgette, Nancy [correspondence] , 1980-1985
626Crowe, Charles-misc. [correspondence], 1983-1990
627Breeden, James O.-study of science in the south , 1984-1985
628Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory-correspondence with Lester Stephens , 1984-1988
629Vasile, Ron [correspondence] , 1988-1997
630Park, Jean Jones-in reference to J.P. Barratt , 1990-1991
631Maienschein, Jane [correspondence] , 1994
632"Ancient animals...Francis S. Holmes" [correspondence, draft] , 1987
633The history teacher [correspondence], 1975-1986
634"Ancient animals and other wondrous things" [by LDS (study of Francis Simmons Holmes) correspondence] , 1988
635Publications-letters re: (and reprint requests), 1975-1984
636"The discovery of nest of Swainson's Warbler"-article by Simpson and Stephens [correspondence] , 1992-1993
637Ms reviews by LDS , 1991-1996
638Humanities Center proposals-ACLS proposal, 1991 September
639Proposal for OAH paper on "The response of southern scientists to the Theory of Evolution" [proposals and correspondence] , 1992-1993
71Correspondence with UNC Press re: "Science, race and religion in the American South" , 1996-1999
72-4Friends of the Georgia Museum of Natural History [activities, board minutes, correspondence], 1997-2007
75Sanders, Albert E. [correspondence], 1981-1982
76-7Correspondence re: papers presented, etc., 1979-2000
78Mantaya, Carol and Bertha Chapman Cady [correspondence, manuscript "From the journal of Bertha L. Chapman (1901)" , 1977-1996
79McCrady, Edward "Ned" [correspondence] , 1995
710Anglo-North American Conference, Edinburgh [correspondence, application, proposal] , 1995-1996
711Society for the History of Natural History-paper presented [correspondence, memos, book of abstracts], 1987
712College of Education-UGA-1960s [correspondence, memos, student teachers/faculty lists] , 1967-1970
713-14Review of The Georgia Review , 1997
715-16Le Conte Memoral Research Award and the William Pendleton Lamar Award for Archival Research [correspondence, proposals, announcement, vitas] , 1998
717Le Conte Memorial Research Award and the William Pendleton Lamar Award for Archival Research [correspondence, proposals, announcement, vitas] , 1997
718Calder, Dale R. (correspondence re: John McCrady) , 1988-1995
719University of Georgia Press, Editoral Board [correspondence, memos and Editoral Board members/activities], 1990-1996
720Newsletter-"Faculty notes section" [correspondence, faculty members activities during the previous year], 1996
721University of Georgia Press, Editoral Board [correspondence], 1996-1998
722William H. Jordan, Jr. [correspondence, news clippings about William S. McFeely], 1990-1992
723-24Personnel Committee , 1997-1998
725Dept. newsletter-alumni [information], 1996
726Dept. newsletter [information for], 1997
81Pyenson, Lewis [correspondence] , 1993-1994
82Georgia College Advisory Council , 1975-1978
83Report on Departments of History in the State University System of Florida [correspondence, report], 1987
84Iowa State University/review of Dept. of History [correspondence, review] , 1988
85University of Alabama, Birmingham-program review-"America in western tradition: war and morality" [correspondence-syllabus] , 1985
86Auburn University History Dept. evaluation [correspondence, report], 1987
87Correspondence-Misc., circa 1970-1990
88-10Payne, W.J. memos , 1977-1988
811Le Conte Memorial Research Award [correspondence, announcements, applications] , 1995-1996
812-13Le Conte Memorial Research Award Fund reports , 1991-1998
814Correspondence re: Fewkes Article [Jesse Walter Fewkes], 2008-2010
815Correspondence re: S.F. Clark(e) article , 1994-1996
816Centennial celebration of the Carnegie Laboratory-paper presented at [includes correspondence, computer printouts and program] , 2005
817Coelenterate Biology Conference, paper presented at , 2003
818-20Miscellaneous [includes correspondence-LDS's retirement, research on John Bachman, Le Contes, Addison E. Verrill, etc.], 1990-2010
821Study in a Second Discipline Program [correspondence, application, curriculum vitae, proposal] , 1992-1994
822Review of ms. "Partners in Geology" for Virginia Magazine [correspondence, evaluation, corrected manuscript], circa 1990
823Kyriacopoulos, Naomi-M.A. [correspondence] , 1997
824Correspondence re: published reviews by LDS , 1973-1977
91The Red and Black[articles about History Department controversy] , 1970
92[Correspondence to or about LDS], 1975-1979
93Misc. Correspondence , 1979-1980
94Laerm, Joshua [memorial] , 1997
95LDS faculty course load, 1977
96PhD degrees-History Department , 1939-1981
97-8Graduate students in education , 1967-1976
99European History Exams [HIS 111] , 1966
910Examination and syllabi [HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 420], 1966-1970
911Western Civilization examinations [HIS 111, 112, 113] , 1967-1973
912HIS 111-Western Civilization to 1660, 1979
913HIS 217H-Western Civilization since 1815 , 1973-1979
914HIS 252-U.S. since 1865 , 1976-1979
915HIS 252-examinations , 1977-1979
916HIS 31-H-Honors Jr. Seminar in History , 1972-1979
917HIS 400S-Senior Seminar, 1990
918HIS 893A-Teaching History in Colleges and Universities , 1971-1974
919HIS 893G-Historical Methodology , 1971-1992
920Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1988
921Student evaluations-HIS 4975/4985/4995 (Senior Seminar) , 1987-1988, 1987-1988
922Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1991
923Student evaluations-HIS449A, 1997
924Student evaluations-HIS 300M, 1997
925Student evaluations-HIS 497S, 1984
926Student evaluations-HIS 300M/693G, 1995
927Student Evaluation-HIS 693G, 1996
928Student Evaluations-HIS 402A, 1996
929Student evaluations-HIS 300M, 1997
930Student Evaluations-HIS 300M, 1997
931Student evaluations-HIS 400S (Senior Seminar) , 1991
932Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1975
933Student evaluations-HIS 252 (2 classes), 1978
934Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1974
935Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1992
936Student evaluations-HIS 300M, 1993
937Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1976
938Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1993
939Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1979
940Student evaluations-HIS 217H, 1973
941Student evaluations-HIS 893G/HIS 4975, 1981
942Student evaluations-HIS 4985, 1982
943Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1975
944Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1973
945Student Evaluations-HIS 4974/4985, 1982
946Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1985
947Student evaluations-HIS 252, 1979
948Student evaluations-HIS 111, 1979
949Student evaluations-HIS 310H, 1976
950Student evaluation-HIS 252, 1978
951Student evaluations-HIS 252, class size=100, 1994
952Student evaluations (comparison) HIS 217H, 1978-1979
953Student evaluations-HIS 217H, 1979
954Student evaluations-HIS 893G, 1980
955Student evaluations-HIS 217H, 1973
956[History 498S, 498S, 499S-Syllabi], 1981-1988
101Astore, William J., Capt. USAF [correspondence, article], 1996
102Forum for the History of Science in America [correspondence, meeting information, officers, petition, etc.], 1988-1989
103Photographs [and negatives] History Dept's annual awards dinner , 1980-1994
104Review of ms. for Isis [correspondence, evaluation, corrected ms. "Prejudice, discrimination and delay..."], February 11, 1998
105By-laws for Dept. of History , 1990
106McKinley, Daniel [correspondence], 1991-1996
107Dillard, Philip-letters of recommendation , 1994
108Proposal-NEH summer stipend , 1994
109Review of proposal for biography of C.V. Riley by Edward H. Smith [correspondence, comments, proposal] , 1995
1010Payne, W.J. correspondence , 1977-1980
1011"Enough of the marvelous: Mesmerism and Prenology in Antebellum Charleston" review of-for The journal of southern history [correspondence, evaluation] , 1990
1012Society of American Archivists annual meeting [correspondence, memos, forms], 1981 September 1-4
1013Tribute to Bennett H. Wall by Lester Stephens [retirement dinner tribute], 1985
1014Presented paper at the Joint Meeting of the Anglo/North American Conference, Toronto [correspondence, proposal, paper, "The prevalence of the Naturalist Tradition..."], 1992 July
1015J. Hatton Howard, III, Honor Teaching Award Fund [perpetual fund agreement, correspondence, memos, "Thank You" cards] , 1992-1995
1016Livingstone, David N. [correspondence] , 1986-1987
1017University correspondence [includes "A report to the faculty of the University of Georgia on the Library"] , 1978-1984
1018"In tribute to Alf A. Heggoy" for memorial service by LDS, 1988 February 10
10195th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology -Southhampton, England [program and abstracts, memo], 1989 July
1020-21Correspondence re: articles published by LDS #2 [includes information regarding Le Conte Famiy research] , 1976-1991
1022-23Correspondence re: articles published by LDS #1 [includes information regarding Le Conte Family research] , 1974-1980
1024[History Dept.-correspondence], 1983-1988
1026Search Committee-Chairperson, Dept. of History [correspondence] , 1993-1994
1026Miscellaneous correspondence, etc., pulled from chronological files [correspondence, comments on Thomas Dyer's The University of Georgia: a Bicentiennial history and information regarding Le Conte Family research] , 1978-1988
1027Simpson, Marcus B., M.D. [correspondence-some related to Le Contes] , 1976-1996
1028Ernest E. Just Commemorative Program [correspondence, program] , 1983
1029Alumni Society speech-April 22, 1982 [includes earlier correspondence] , 1981-1982
1030Kozak and Stephens [correspondence] , 1990
1031Georgia Academy of Science [correspondence, officers, council meeting agendas and minutes] , 1995-1997
1032Correspondence with William D. Anderson, Jr. re: article on Holbrook , 2000-2002
1033Lists of history faculty , 1983-2000
111University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1983
112University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1984
113University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1984-1985
114University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1985
115-6University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1985-1986
117-8University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1986-1987
119-10University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1987-1988
1111-12University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1988-1991
1113University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1990-1991
1114-15University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1992-1993
1116University of Alabama Press [correspondence] , 1993-1994
1117University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1994
1118University of Alabama Press [correspondence], 1994-1996
1119University of Alabama Press series-History of American Science and Technology Series-LDS, editor [brochures, article, University of Alabama Press-new book catalogs], 1990-1996
1120University of Alabama Press series-comments , circa 1980-1996
1121[Misc. materials], 1972-2011
251 Probing the past , 1967-1982
252[Correspondence], 1970s-2009
253McCrady, John-correspondence related to research on McCrady, 1982-1992, 2013
254Correspondence regarding dates on McCrady's writings/Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 1991-1992
255Annual evaluation of faculty [Stephens], 1993-1997
256Correspondence regarding Milton B. "Sam" Gray, 1995-1997
257-8 Seafaring scientist: Alfred Goldborough Mayor, pioneer in Marine Biology , 1995-2006
259Wharton County Junior College [WCJC] Hall of Fame Award, 2002
2510Correspondence regarding Coelenterate Biology, 2003
2511Curriculum vitae [Stephens], 2014 May 17
2512Alfred Goldsborough Mayer, Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, 2007-2011
261-2History Department , 1968-1969
263Department of History Self Study, 1970
264History Department, 1970-1972
265Teaching Assistantship, 1972-1973
266Department of History, 1972-1973
267-8History Department communications, 1973-1975
269 The University of Georgia Department of History newsletter , 1975 Fall
2610-12History Department communications, 1975-1978
2613Statement of rationale for general education courses in the History of Western Civilization, 1978-1979
2614History Department correspondence, 1978-1979
2615Statement of rationale for the survey courses in Western Civilization, 1979
2616History Department correspondence, 1979-1980
2617Mell, Carlton, 1979-1981
2618History Department communications, 1980s
2619-20History Department correspondence, 1980-1982
2621Miscellaneous/faculty meetings/Advisory Committee, 1981-1983
2622Travel, 1982-1983
2623History Department correspondence, 1982-1983
2624 Georgia Historical Quarterly , 1982-1983
2625History Department correspondence , 1980-1983
2626Graduate Program evaluation, 1983
2627Department travel budget, 1983-1984
2628History Department correspondence, 1983-1984
2629Lillian Smith Research Fund, 1983-1989
2630History Colloquium, 1984-1985
2631History Department correspondence, 1984-1985
2632Assistant to the Head, 1985-1986
2633History Department correspondence, 1985-1986
2634Salary recommendations, 1985-1991
2635Brinkley, Alan, 1986-1987
2636-37History Department correspondence, 1986-1988
2638Search Committee for Vice President for Academic Affairs , 1987-1988
271-2Departmental Colloquium, 1987-1989
273History Department, 1988-1989
274Travel budget, 1988-1989
275Department reception at SHA, 1989
276History Department correspondence, 1989-1990
277Departmental Colloquia, 1989-1990
279Strategic Plan, Department of History, 1989-1993
278Visiting Professor, 1990
2710History Department correspondence, 1990-1991
2711History Department Head Search Committee, 1993-1994
2712A proposal for The Institute of Southern History in the University of Georgia
6a1Adler, Kraig correspondence , 1988-1992 November-January
6a2Anderson, Jr., Willian D. correspondence , 1991
6a3Appel, Toby A. correspondence , 1982 August-November
6a4-6Calder, Dale correspondence regarding Seafaring Scientist , 2003-2011 March
6a7Holmes III, A. Baron corerspondence , 1978-1988 October-May
6a8Leopold, Jennifer Porcher correspondence , 1983-1986
6a9Pease, William H. correspondence , 1980 October
6a10Pietsch, Theodore W. correspondence , 1987-1996 December
6a11Rothenberg, Marc correspondence , 1982-1983
6a12Archives of Natural History correspondence , 2004-2009 November-March
6a13Correspondence regarding Francis S. Holmes , 1982-1988 June-November
6a14-16Charleston Naturalists/correspondence with Archives , 1982-2015 March-February
6a17Correspondence regarding Holbrook and Gibbes papers , 1976-1995 August-April
6a18Correspondence about Seafaring Scientist and Alfred G. Mayer , 1996-2005 February-September
6a19Teaching History book correspondence , 1972 February=November
6a20American National Biography , undated
6a21Campbell, John Pendleton, undated
6a22Cotting article papers , undated
6a23Cotting information for article , undated
6a24New Georgia Encyclopedia , undated
6a25-26Research materials for article on Matthew F. Stephenson, undated
6a27University of North Carolina Press - book on Charleston Naturalists , undated
6a28White, Henry Clay , undated
381Miscellaneous correspondence, 2022-2025
382-23Conference papers, 1976-2015
3825Academy of Science, photocopies of meeting papers, 1922-1942
3826-29Henry Fox and Mercer papers, 1923-1925, 2022-2023
3830Reviews of manuscripts for presses and journals, 2005, 2010-2011
3831Publications and Scarecrow Press correspondence, 1973-1974, 2008, 2011
3832Contract with University of North Carolina Press, 1999-2001

3. Le Conte Family Research

3.1 Sources

121Le Conte Botanical Garden/Woodmanston Plantation, 1880-1974
122David Starr Jordan: Letters from Joseph Le Conte, Stanford University Archives [Photocopied Correspondence and Book Pages ], 1880-1975
123Gulick, John Thomas and Joseph Le Conte-Notes [Photocopied Book Pages] , 1932
124Selected Reviews of Books Published by Joseph LeConte [List], 1970-1979
125Josiah Royce-Joseph Le Conte-Notes Photocopied Book Pages] , 1901-1970
126University of South Carolina-Le Conte Memorial Plaques [Information], 1963
127State Department of Archives and History-Raleigh, North Carolina [Correspondence] , 1974
128Lewis Le Conte, Death of [Article and Notes-Sources] , 1848-1898
129Chronology of Events in Life of Joseph Le Conte , 1823-1901
1210Bibliographies and Sources , 1810-1974
1211John Muir (Published Letters re: Joseph Le Conte) [Photocopied Book Pages] ], 1864-1900
1212Ward, Lester F./Letters from Joseph Le Conte-Brown University Library-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1886-1896
1213Yosemite-TR's Visit/Isabel Davis' Letter [Photocopied Articles and Correspondence] , 1903, 1955-1956
1214Walter Le Conte Stevens to J. McKeen Cattell (Library of Congress) [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1898-1898
1215Yale University Archives-Ms. Letters: Le Conte to Beecher; Le Conte to Whitney-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1867-1883
1216Simon Newcomb Papers, Library of Congress-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence], 1897-1898
1217"Recollections of Emma Florence Le Conte's Youth" [Transcript] , 1992 February 12
1218John Hopkins University Archives-Ms. Letters: Joseph Le Conte to Daniel Gilman-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1875-1899
1219Hyatt, Alpheus: Letters from Joseph Le Conte-Maryland Historical Society [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1887
1220Scottsboro Property, 1883 [Photocopied-Emma Le Conte Furman's Estate], 1883
1221Letter: Emma Le Conte to Faris C. Furman-Comments on Politics [Photocopied Correspondence], 1860-1890
1222Lancaster Le Count-Ex Slave-Carpenter (Joseph Le Conte) [Photocopied Correspondence, Notecards, Articles] , 1850-1974
1223John Le Conte [Slave Census and Household Census] , circa 1850
1224Letter of Joseph Le Conte to C. J. Cowles-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1963-1963
1225Letter to Emma from John Le Conte on Death of Farish C. Furman [Photocopied Correspondence], 1883
1226John Le Conte to Major General Whitney-Duff Green Papers, Southern History Collection, University of N.C. [Photocopied Correspondence], 1864
1227J. M. Cattell Papers-Joseph Le Conte Letters-Library of Congress [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1898-1901
1228Reflections of William L. LeConte , circa 1900
1229Joseph Le Conte on Public Education-Letter to Z. Montgomery [Transcribed Correspondence and Notecards] , 1850-1890, 1970-1979
1230Romanes-Letters to Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Book Excerpt], 1898
1231Travel in the Northwest-Joseph Le Conte's Reminisence in 1899 of "An Early Geological Excursion" Minnesota Historical Society, 1944
1232Geological Society of America-Minutes [Correspondence and Excerpts of Minutes] , 1888-1901, 1978
1233Evolution [Photocopies of Articles and Book Pages], 1874-1964
1234Sierra Club Publications re: Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Articles and Book Pages] , 1894-1965
1235Joseph Le Conte's Publications [annotated List] , 1850-1937
1236Articles on Le Conte [Photocopied Articles], 1909-1977
1237"Joseph Le Conte: Evolutionary Science and the Sociology of Miscegenation" by Bozeman , circa 1970-1979
1238Reviews of Joseph Le Conte's Books [Photocopied Articles and Notecards], 1881-1903, 1970-1979
1239Physiology and Morphology [Photocopied Articles], 1900-1901
1240Le Conte, Caroline E., Yo-Semite, 1879: Adventures of N. and C.Intro., Susanna B. Dakin, San Francisco-The Book Club of California [Photocopied Excerpt], 1964
1241Race [Photocopied Articles], 1971-1973
1242Keith, Old Master. [Photocopies of Book Pages] , 1938-1942
1243John M.B. Harden's Journal [Photocopy (He was Jane Le Conte's Husband)], 1841
1244Le Conte [Misc.- Photocopies of Articles and Notecards] , 1852-1951, 1970-1979, 1852-1979
1245Joseph Le Conte - On Geology [Photocopied Articles] , 1883-1901, 1883-1901
1246Le Conte-Evolution [Photocopied Articles] , 1859-1967, 1859-1967
1247Lesley, Peter-Published Letters re: Joseph Le Conte-Notes [Photocopied Book Pages and Notecards] , 1909, 1970-1979
1248Brooklyn Ethical Association [Photocopied Articles] , 1892-1893
1249Howison-Reference to Le Conte [Photocopied Articles (By Howison and Others] , 1904-1966
1250John Le Conte-Letter of Acceptance of LLD-UGA [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1879
1251-52"Joseph Le Conte's Contributions to American Ornithology" by LDS [Drafts, Manuscript, Correspondence, Sources], 1975-1976
1253Le Conte-Reviews of Royce (Etc.) [Photocopied Articles, Typed Transcriptions], 1880-1979
1254Latin Thesis on Arsenic by Dr. John M.B. Harden, College of Medicine of the State of South Carolina [Photocopy of Thesis], 1836
131"Joseph Le Conte and the Discovery of the Nest of Swainson's Warbler" [Drafts, Correspondence, Article and Photocopied Article with Handwritten Notes] , 1864, 1977, 1995
132Society of American Archivists Meeting-"Joseph Le Conte: The Image and the Man"-Berkeley, California, 1981 September 3
133"John Le Conte: A Physicist in the Old South"-Paper-Southeastern Section of American Physical Society , 1985 December 2
134Walter Le Conte Stevens [Biographical Sketch Science and Correspondence About], 1928, 1988
135Joseph Le Conte on Physiological Optics-Presented Before the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society [Includes Ms., Program Guide and Correspondence], 1983 November 3
136Draft of Stephens and Laerm Ms.-Article on John E. Le Conte [Includes Source Materials] , 1824, 1926,1998
137Le Conte, John Lawrence [Source Materials] , 1875-1889
138"The Appointment of the Commissioner of Agriculture in 1877..." by LDS [and Notecards] , 1970-1977
139Le Contes and Relatives-Reprints of Articles by LDS (Incomplete Files) and Curriculum Vitae , 1970-2012
1310Le Conte Letters Borrowed and Returned by Alex Olsen [Includes Correspondence, Articles] , 1868-1898
1311"Journal of a Trip to Yosemite-Emma Le Conte Furman"-Original Typescript, 1882
1312"Camping in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882" Edited by Lester D. Stephens, circa 1980s
1313Nancy Smith Collection-Note Complete [Photocopied Correspondence and Report] , 1869-1890
1314James Hall Papers-New York State Library [Photocopied Correspondence], 1854-1887, 1974-1979
1315Alex Agassiz/Letters From Joseph Le Conte-Museum of Comparative Zoology-Harvard [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1875-1893
1316[Joseph Le Conte Photocopied Correspondence (The Bancroft Library)] , 1865-1899
1317University of Calif. Press-Le Conte Correspondence-Notes-Compliments of Mr. Albert Muto [Photocopies], 1933-1937
1318Yale University Library-Notes [Includes Photocopied Correspondence] , 1856-1882
1319Joseph Le Conte -Addendum to Ware Sherman Journal-Notes [Photocopied Pages] , 1878
1320"Ware Sherman: A Journal of Three Month's [Photocopied Article] , 1937
1321"Index Rerum" Joseph Le Conte [Photocopy] , 1900
1322Le Conte Correspondence-South Carolina Libary [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1871-1901
1323American Philosophical Society-Joseph Le Conte Papers [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1859-1897
1324Helen Malcolm Le Conte Collection-Joseph Le Conte's Notebook [Photocopied Pages] , 1850-1900
1325Agassiz, Louis ["How Agassiz Taught Professor Scudder"], 1945
1326Library of Congress-Lewis R. Gibbs Papers-Ms. Letters-John and Joseph Le Conte to LRG [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1861-1869
1327William LeRoy Broun Papers-Auburn University Archives-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence], 1856-1878
1328Huntington Library Papers-Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1878-1895
1329Fogazzaro, Antonio [Photocopied Articles and Translated Correspondence] , 1889-1934, 1889-1934
1330Letters to Joseph and Lewis Le Conte From William Le Conte [Transcriptions], 1838
1331W.A. Spalding to Joseph Le Conte-Spalding College/Huntington Library [Copied From Microfilm] , 1893
1332Joseph Le Conte to John L. Le Conte-Notes [Photocopies], 1882
1333Arnold Arboretum Library-Harvard University-Joseph Le Conte Letters-Courtesy of Ms. Rogers-Notes , 1888-1896, 1888-1896
1334University of Michigan Collection-Joseph Le Conte Letters-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1882-1888, 1882-1888
1335Whitney, Josiah D. Life and Letters...[Photocopied Bibliography] , 1909
1336Gray Herbarium-Notes [Correspondence and Photocopied Correspondence] , 1888-1896, 1978
1337New York Botanical Garden-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1857-1866
1338Memorialization of Le Conte Name-Notes [Notecards and Photocopied Articles] , 1893-1896, 1957, 1970-1979
1339William James Letter From Joseph Le Conte-Houghton Library, Harvard University-Notes [Photocopied Correspondence] , 1887
141Notes on Dr. John M.B. Harden [Le Conte Family Research-Correspondence, Photocopied and Transcribed Articles, and Genealogy] , 1817-1849, 1938, 1974
142Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia-Joseph Le Conte Ms. [Photocopied Correspondence], 1880-1883
143Camping in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882-Edited by Lester D. Stephens [Correspondence, Ms. and Notes] , 1974
144"A Georgian in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882"-Edited by Lester D. Stephens [Correspondence, Ms.] , circa 1975-1983
145"Camping in Yosemite: Emma Le Conte Furman's Journal, 1882" (Carbon Copy) [Ms.] , 1974
146Smithsonian Institution-Le Conte Letters [Transcriptions and Photocopies] , 1858-1896
147Farish C. Furman Article-3rd Revision [Photocopied Articles and Notecards] , 1882-1884, 1970-1979
148"Diary of Emma Le Conte Furman, 1918" [Photocopy], 1970-1979
149Emma Le Conte Furman-"Personal Reminiscences of Childhood and Youth, 1921" [Photocopy], 1921
1410"Reminiscence of Emma Le Conte Furman" [Photocopy], 1931
1411"Recollections of the Personal Characteristics of Joseph Le Conte by his daughter, Mrs. Emma La Conte Furman" [Photocopy], 1910-1920
1412Le Conte Genealogy by Emma Le Conte Furman [Copies and Written Comments on Fax Cover Sheet], 1900-1940, 1996
1413Miscellaneous: Publications, Notes, Etc. [Photocopied Articles and LDS Notes], 1852-1966, 1970-1979
1414Le Conte on Birdflight [Articles (Photocopied Articles, Draft of Manuscript "Birdflight and Aviation: An Unheralded View" and Note Cards], 1889-1979
1415Sayre, Lewis A./Physician and a Friend of Joseph Le Conte [Biographical Entry] , 1894
1416Ornithology-Joseph Le Conte [Photocopied Articles, Transcribed and Photocopied Inventories] , 1840-1940
1417Joseph Le Conte/Biographical Sketch From Physicians and Surgeons of America , 1894
1418Louis Le Conte-Inventory-Slave List [Photocopy From Liberty County], 1824-1850
1419State of Alaska-The Legislature re: M.V. Le Conte [Correspondence, Photographs and Brochures] , 1974-1976
1420"Halls, Honors and History: A Sketch of Joseph Le Conte and His Legacy"-For School of Optometry-University of California , circa 1982-1989
1421-24[Photocopied Source Materials], circa 1840-1980
151-7[Photocopied Source Material] , circa 1840-1940
2713Correspondence re: research on archives and individuals, 1973-1979
2714Anderson, Richard LeConte, 1974-1982
2715Research-correspondence with archives and individuals, 1974-1978
2716Correspondence with descendants re: Helen M. LeConte, Emma LeConte Talley Shaw, Margaret Smith, Nancy Smith and Katherine Adams, 1974-1984
2717Black, Col. Claude A., 1974-1986
2718McMillan, Mrs. Carolyn, 1974-1995
2719Ornithology-correspondence, 1975-1978
2720The legacy of the LeConte Family-address given at Hinesville, Georgia, 1978 May 1-2
2721Popular articles on LeConte, many with errors, 1980-1991
2722Correspondence with LSU Press, 1980-1995
2723Permissions for use of materials, 1981
2724LSU Press correspondence re: LeConte (Margaret F. Dalrymple, editor)
2725Comments on Joseph LeConte, 1982-1987
2726The LeContes of Liberty County/LeConte-Woodmanston Seminar, 1985 September 11
2727-28A. Mason Gibbes-correspondence, 1977-1989
281-4A. Mason Gibbes-correspondence, 1990-1995

3.2 Le Conte family photographs [modern prints]

158John Le Conte and Joseph Le Conte [modern prints] , circa 1867
159Le Conte family-Yosemite party [modern print], 1881
1510Le Conte family [modern prints] , circa 1897

3.3 Notecards

16Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research], circa 1970-1980
17Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research] , circa 1970-1980
18Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research] , circa 1970-1980
19Notecards [box of index size notecards-Le Conte family research], circa 1970-1980

3.4 Manuscripts

20Joseph Le Conte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution by LDS [first draft of manuscript], circa 1980
21Joseph Le Conte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution by LDS [includes copy editor's comment on Joseph Le Conte manuscript] , 1982
22Joseph Le Conte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution by LDS (manuscript] , 1982

3.5 Le Conte family genealogy charts

231-2Le Conte-Adams/Wade Hampton Gibbes and Jane Alan Mason genealogy charts , 1960-1961

4. A.G. Mayer - Seafaring Scientist Papers

291Papers on corals and coral reefs , undated
292Genealogy and Anna Hyatt Huntington, undated
293Correspondence with archivists , undated
294Bibliography of works by Tortugas Laboratory - Publication list , undated
295Notes on butterflies and moths , undated
296Notes on Atlantic Palolo , undated
297Published biography sketches , undated
298A.G. Mayer Taxa and Mayer & Agassiz Taxa , undated
299Notes on chronology of voyages to South Pacific , undated
2910Notes on Cassiopea , undated
2911"Their Primitive Charm": Reflections on South Seath Islanders for Syracuse University Library Associates , undated
2912Death of per W.H. Longley - Tortugas Laboratory papers , undated
2913Tortugas Keys - notes on physical features, undated
2914Obituary in nature notes , undated
2915Notes on Zoology Society Bulletin , undated
2916Taxa , undated
2917Medusae of Bahamas notes , undated
2918"Report upon the Scyphomedusae in the Philippine Islands" notes , 1917
2919Notes on medusae of Australia , 1896
2920Medusae of the Hawaiiain Islands , 1903-1904
2921Notes on Dactylometra, 1898
2922Notes on medusae of Fiji , 1899
2923Notes on medusae of the Philippines , 1915
2924Notes on medusae from the Tropical Pacific Expedition , 1899-1900
2925Notes on types of a new medusa , 1901
2926"Some Species of Partula [Snails] from Tahiti" notes , 1899-1900
2927Navigation notes , undated
2928Tortugas Laboratory - Views on the location (from Science), undated
2929Case for laboratory at Tortugas notes , 1903
2930Sea water and currents notes , undated
2931Notes on shell-shock in marine animals , undated
2932"The Tracking Instinct of a Tortuga Ant", undated
2933Notes on box tortoises , undated
2934Medusae Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and Tortugas colored plates articles , circa 1900
2935Notes on garter snake , undated
2936Biographic sketch of A. Agassiz article, 1910
2937Agassiz, Alexander and Mayer, A.G. notes , undated
2938Plan for Tortugas Laboratory and Tortugas Laboratory papers , 1904
2939Notes on scientists and helping others , undated
2940Notes on museums , undated
2941Notes on improving universities , undated
2942At Princeton notes , 1919
2943Notes on importance of marine labs , undated
2944"Our Neglected Souther Coast" , undated
2945"The Research Work of the Tortugas Laboratory" article , 1910
2946Alexander Agassiz's notes to A.G. Mayer, undated
2947From Sea-Shore Life notes , undated
2948Review of Mayer's Sea-Shore Life notes , undated
2949Chapters 3-7 from Pacific Island Reveries , undated
2950Articles on South Pacific Islands , undated
2951Medusae of the World , 1910
2952Tortugas Marine Lab - founding of and brief history notes , undated
2953Biographic sketch of Hyatt notes , 1911
2954Ritter, Wm.E. - sketch and correspondence with Mayer , undated
2955Seafaring Scientist miscellaneous items , undated
2956Sketchesa: Davenport, Daly, Woodward, Hooper, and Merriam , undated
2957Brooklyn Museum publications notes , undated
2958Marine Biological Laboratory - F.R. Lillies account notes , undated
2959Booklyn Museum correspondence , undated
2960Miscellaneous items: photos of corals, etc./CIN minutes , undated
2961Correspondence ANSP and biographical sketch, undated
2962Md Historical Society letters , undated
2963Correspondence with Smithsonian, undated
2964Biographical sketches and articles , undated
2965Shiras, George - Physalia Voyage , 1907
301-2Carnegie Institution of Washington papers , undated
303-4Syracuse papers , 1905-1922
305Princeton University archives - letter to Hyatt and Mayer , undated
306Correspondence with Smithsonian, undated
307Princeton University letters , undated
308Vaughan, T. Wayland - corals , undated
309Seafaring Scientist revised version - final version for USC Press, 2005 August 12
3010Mayer manuscript: inserts , undated
3011The University of South Carolina Press magazine and Seafaring Scientist letters , 2008
3012First drafts notepads , undated
3013-15Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbooks: volumes 1-23, 1902-1924
3016Journals/Brantz and Ana Mayer collection , 1899-1900
3017Materials from Brantz and Ana Mayer collection , undated
3018American Society of Naturalists records part 1-12, 1883-1894
3019-20Seafaring Scientist galley proof pages , undated
3021Seafaring Scientist page proofs , undated
31Notecards from Seafaring Scientist , undated

5. A. E. Verrill papers

321Bush, Kathryn (assistant to Verrill), unknown
322Cephalopods of the World - for Verrill article , unknown
323Verrill, Addison Emery [correspondence and notes], 1961-2002
324Verrill, A.E. - Biographical sketches , unknown
325Verrill, A.E. - correspondence from Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP), 1868-1926; 1996
326MBL - letters to Verrill , circa 1973-1977
327Verrill correspondence - Smithsonian, circa 1867-1928
328Verrill, A.E. - "List of the polyps and corals sent by the MCZ...", 1863-1869
329Verrill, A.E. - MCZ archives , circa 1863-1924
3210Verrill, A.E. - Yale University archives , 1864-1890
3211Verrill, A.E. - publications in Boston Society of Natural History (BSNH) Proceedings , 1862-1863
3212Verrill, A.E. publications , 1928
3213Verrill, A.E. - on Rocky Mountain spotted ferer vector, 1905
3214Verrill, A.E. - The Bermuda Islands..., 1902
3215Verrill, A.E. - True Nature Stories , 1929
33Notes for article on A.E. Verrill in American National Biography, unknown

6. Jesse Walter Fewkes papers

341Fewkes to M. Hemenway correspondence, 1890-1891
342Fewkes correspondence , 1895-1924
343MCZ Archives - Fewkes correspondence, 1888-1892
344Fewkes, Jesse Walter - correspondence/Smithsonian Institution Archives , circa 1885-1895
345Fewkes miscellaneous correspondence and papers , 1879-1920
346Fewkes - California notebook Papers of Jesse Walter Fewkes, unknown
347Fewkes - Roscoff notebook, unknown
348Fewkes' "Fore and Hind Limbs" , unknown
349Fewkes and Clark - Riverside National History , unknown
3410Fewkes' writings , unknown
351The Natural History Research of Jesse Walter Fewkes, unknown
352Fewkes, Jesse Walter - General, circa 1930s and 1990-1994
353Fewkes project papers , circa 1850-1930
354Notecards , unknown
3824Drafts of article on Fewkes, undated

7. James Coffee Harris Research

361Advocating Evolution and Unorthodox Religion in Georgia (1914-1940), 2022
362Research Files (photocopies)
363Research Files Family Papers (photocopies)
364Research Files Family Papers (photocopies)
365Research Files Family Papers (photocopies)
366James C. Harris (photocopies)
367Lists of Publications
368Advocating Evolution and Unorthodox Religion in Georgia (1914-1940) (photocopies), 2022
371James C. Harris Original Publications
372James C. Harris on Religion (photocopies)
373James C. Harris on Science (photocopies)
374Research Files Family Papers (photocopies)
375Research Files Family Papers (photocopies)
376Research Files Family Papers (photocopies)
377Research Files Family Papers (photocopies)